PGMAG Feb 2023 Issue 43

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Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator

"Tough Roads Create Tough People."

This year is a special year for the Powerhouse Global family as we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Powerhouse Global Magazine. We have travelled the world with our services showcasing the brilliance of leaders from around the world.

What began as an idea is now being read in over 100 countries of the world. This edition features some of the world leading leaders, and their contribution is more of a guide to doing, having and becoming more in the marketplace. The fascinating aspect of this edition is the "three way" interview with 3 Powerhouse Global Influencers - they shared their views on same questions - very powerful process.

Also, we have the contributions of other top leaders in this edition. Master Mynoo shared great insight around leadership development.

Celebrating another year around the sun is a great privilege accorded to me by Almighty God.I want to encourage us to share this edition with associates, friends and family.

Thank you to our lead designer for his brilliance in making our work standout from the rest of the crowd.

Thank you to our global community for their continued support and encouragement.

Thank you for being part of our global work since 2018.

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw




PGMAG: 2023 heralds a new era for women. What does gender balance and leadership look like for women in 2023? How do we create more gender equity in business and society as we move into this era of inclusiveness?

LAD-B: From my point of view as a global voice, women have more to offer if given the opportunity to do so. Gone are the days when majority of the people thinks that the place of a woman is only in the ‘bedroom and the kitchen’ – we have gone past that era. Women should be given more opportunity to serve across board (sports, government, financial sectors, schools and in all arenas of life). What constitutes growth are the dynamic approach to learning, teaching, and leading.

Women are born leaders and I think it’s time for the longanticipated change to emerge. It’s time for legislators to make room for more women in the boardrooms…

NB: We need to re-humanize our relationships with ourselves and each other. As we integrate and develop our roles and skills both at home and in the workplace, an organic evolution will emerge. Skillfully learning to embrace our multi-dimensionality is key. Remembering the needs, we have as both men and women to uplift each other, and be uplifted by each other, is crucial to our shared future. The archetypal energies of the masculine and feminine exist within each of us. As embodied individuals we carry shared biological templates,


as well as our own specific qualities and histories which are unique to each person and each expression of gender identity. Collectively pushing through and beyond restrictive mindsets, learning to instead occupy the space of opportunity and possibility already seeded within our own minds, is the most important change we need to make. This is how we can begin to cocreate a reality of inclusion and balance.

LM: In 2023, with massive challenges and stressors society, the environment, and our global economies, why we still struggle with gender equity is confounding to me. The problems we must solve, the successes we have yet to

achieve, and the innovations that will lead us into a vibrant future of technological advancement, sustainability, and globalization, require all of us to come together, to be the solution. A vibrant and resilient future depends on all of us collectively embracing our talents, valuing our diverse perspectives and empowering one another, regardless of gender, race, religion, identity, education level or socioeconomic standing. We limit our progress when we limit societal inclusiveness.

PGMAG: More times than not, the challenges that limit the forward momentum of women are internal hurdles. What advice would you give to women who struggle with doubt and think they “can’t”?

LAD-B: Hmmmmm! Most of us have been in the valley of ‘self-doubt’ due to the wind of change. These winds could be natural disaster, loss of loved one, divorce, illness, bankruptcy, homelessness just name a few. All these life challenges affect us in different ways, and due to each one’s coping mechanism, the

outcome is never constant. When I decided to get trained as a life coach in 2009, others doubted me, but I thought of the future possibilities of becoming a ‘solution provider’ and this kept my momentum going. Here are my few tips for those who are in doubt of their brilliance:

• You are more than enough.

• The wind of change is constant, and you must decide to hold on until the storm passes by

• Your best years are right ahead of you.

• You matter and your dreams are valid.

• Accept your reality, set goals to change the narrative and act towards achieving your goals.

NB: The expression “feel the fear and do it anyway” is a very much the basis of living a life of fearlessness. What I have experienced in my own journey is that feeling fear and doing it anyway is not just about overcoming fear. Fearlessness has very little to do with fear, in fact. Fearlessness has more to do with courage, purpose and the deeper need to share

In 2023, with massive challenges and stressors society, the environment, and our global economies, why we still struggle with gender equity is confounding to me.
- Larisa B. Miller

our gifts with the world. Allowing ourselves to fully and completely connect to our personal desires is the rocksolid foundation that gives us the fortitude to transform our doubts into strengths and our challenges into success. Focusing on our abilities and accomplishments emboldens us and increases our capacity to mean it when we say, Yes, I can.

LM: As Henry Ford once said, “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right!” Commit to your dreams, set your goals, and make the decision to move forward, in spite of the little voice inside your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, talented enough…whatever. You are not a product of your circumstances, you are a product of your decisions, and if you decide to take action toward your goals, that action will guide you towards exciting new adventures, new opportunities, new destinations and ultimately, unimagined success.

PGMAG: What does “lead by example” mean to you?

Most of us have been in the valley of ‘self-doubt’ due to the wind of change. These winds could be natural disaster, loss of loved one, divorce, illness, bankruptcy, homelessness just name a few.

LAD-B: Years ago, one of my mentors introduced the language of ‘servant leader’ to me. I decided to explore the meaning and how it affects our lives, and this knowledge led to my current evolution. One of his quotes reads: “Change is for everyone, but evolution is for the motivated.”AG

“Lead by example” means that I allow myself to be human when serving others.

NB: Leading by example means transforming an ideal into something real. When we lead by example, we embody and personify the way forward. We demonstrate that positive change is not

just possible, but actual. One crucial way we learn as humans is by means of imitation, or ‘mimesis’. Throughout the ancient world, this concept shaped the process of artistic creation. Artists have often referenced the natural world as a model for truth, beauty and goodness. In that same vein, we are always both consciously and unconsciously referencing each other as examples of what to do and what not to do. Most importantly we can give each other permission to be truly stellar, to be whole and phenomenally beautiful human beings. By manifesting those qualities ourselves, we not only inspire others to become their most divine selves; we show them how.

LM: If we want to break the biases the bind us, reshape the bad habits that limit us, and be the architects of an inclusive global community, then we have to stand shoulder to shoulder learning from one another, mentoring one another, and empowering one another by example. Be the woman who you would want your daughter to be…

- Lady Anita DuckworthBradshaw

trustworthy, empathetic, bold, brave, tenacious, strong… and most importantly, kind. Each day, you have the ability to reshape someone’s thought process, positively or negatively. You can inspire or discourage an individual’s pursuit of their goals. You can make them feel inspired, motivated and worthy or you can make them feel inadequate and dejected. We all must make a difference, but it’s up to us to decide what that difference will be. I want my difference to be a legacy of empowerment.

PGMAG: What are the qualities of an empowered woman? How can women be strong and successful in the business world while maintaining their femininity?

LAD-B: An empowered woman is a woman who knows her ‘worth’. She is a woman who creates her own economy. She is a lover, a teacher, a learner, she understands her assignments at every given time, and she is a creator of possibilities. Women can do more by forming alliances with one another. When we embrace our uniqueness as

change makers, the world will listen and salute us. Being a woman is a beautiful thing and being strong is an advantage – you can’t beat that combination.

NB: The qualities of an empowered woman come together in the delicate dance between unshakable confidence and radical vulnerability. Women can be strong and successful in the business world by embracing and sharing their femininity directly within the business world. This looks different for each of us. Myself, I find great meaning and guidance in the yin principle of Chinese medicine. Yin is the receptive, the intuitive, the inner space of potentiality. So, embodying what we call femininity in the

business world is predominantly about normalizing and utilizing emotional awareness, intuitive competencies, and compassion. Women have to remember that, just like men bring their uniquely masculine qualities and strengths to the business world, we as women must be generous and fearless enough to share our uniquely feminine qualities as well. Showing up authentically is one of the greatest gifts we can bring to the world, as women and human beings.

LM: An empowered woman is comfortable in her own skin, not relying on the opinions of others to feel confident and validated. An empowered woman is not afraid to bring her femininity, her emotion and her perspective to the office or boardroom, recognizing that we have a right to take a seat at the proverbial table. A strong, empowered woman doesn’t need to think like a man, dress like a man, or agree with men in order to be a founder, influencer or leader.

Research shows that businesses founded by women ultimately deliver higher revenue -more than twice as much per dollar

Leading by example means transforming an ideal into something real. When we lead by example, we embody and personify the way forward.
- Nicole Buffett

invested than those founded by men. In fact, VC-backed companies with a female founder performed 63 percent better than companies with all male founders, in terms of return of investment (Arabian Business). So, when it comes to taking bold new leaps as an entrepreneur, or as you climb the corporate ladder, put on your lipstick, clutch your pearls and jump right in! We are the changemakers, glass ceiling breakers and rule breakers, and we are setting the stage and serving as the example for generations of young women who will follow in our footsteps.

PGMAG: What are two key moments in your life that had the greatest impact on where you are today?

LAD-B: I have had a few moments on my journey, but the ones that stood out for me was in 2009 when I got fed-up of working through unexplainable stress, and someone introduced me to life coaching and the rest is history. The second moment was when I began my publication (Powerhouse Global Magazine)

in 2018 with the help of a great mentor and sponsor -those two moments are the top catalyst of my becoming a global voice today.

NB: First, the moment I realized that I was and would always be an artist, when I was 5 years old in a painting class at The Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. I had a singular realization at that very young age: I knew who I wanted to be, and I saw that I already was who I wanted to be. Second, my experience working as a textile designer in India for a company called ANOKHI shaped the way I saw the world and continues to inform the way I make art today. As an undergraduate at the San Francisco Art Institute I had been given the task - and the gift - of formulating my own year-long independent study. My heart and my curiosity led me to a rural farm and textile design studio in Jaipur, where I first directly experienced the interweaving of the spiritual and physical through art and craft practiced in direct connection with land and culture. I realized that the power of Art is that

I have had a few moments on my journey, but the ones that stood out for me was in 2009 when I got fed-up of working through unexplainable stress, and someone introduced me to life coaching and the rest is history.

it is the abundant union of self-fulfillment and service to others. India awakened in me the experience of making Art as a spiritual practice that weaves the world of spirit and matter into one.

LM: Spending time in a refugee camp in Mosul, Iraq, where the women happily welcomed me into their tents, offering me the only food they had for their families to eat that day as an act of hospitality, reminded me that being kind to one another has nothing to do with socioeconomics, ethnicity, gender, or religion…it is simply a reflection of the best of humanity. We are fortunate


Being publicly recognized and appreciated by someone I admire so much helped me realize that sometimes the universe opens doorways into parts of ourselves that we must awaken from a deep slumber.

to live lives of opportunity, entitlement, where we have plenty…and yet, we would struggle to offer our foot to a stranger. These refugees have very little but were willing to share what they had with me as a gesture of friendship. I am forever reminded that empathy, friendship, and kindness are a currency greater than all the money in the world. This experience inspires me to endeavor to put a smile on the face of someone who has no reason to smile, each and every day.

The second key moment was the day that I decided to start my own company. Entrepreneurship requires

courage, and while it’s a scary step to take, I’ve learned through life that fear is a reaction, but courage is a decision, and the best things in life are on the other side of fear. I’d rather try and fail to look back with regret, and while entrepreneurship is not an easy undertaking, I’d rather try and fail than to live my life with regret. As it is, my company, Phoenix Global is now based in the USA (Miami) and the UAE (Dubai), we have a phenomenal team, and we are working on projects across four continents. Had I not made the decision to start, I would have missed the most important, purposeful, and significant journey of my life.

PGMAG: When did you start to recognize and embrace your true value and power?

LAD-B: 2018 was a defining year for me. After going through so many life challenges including depression and homelessness, someone showed up and made me to believe again. I suddenly gained extra wing to fly towards my desired destination.

NB: Appearing on the Oprah Show as a guest in 2006 acted as a catalyst that helped me fully embrace my own limitless worth and potential. Being publicly recognized and appreciated by someone I admire so much helped me realize that sometimes the universe opens doorways into parts of ourselves that we must awaken from a deep slumber. I saw that these parts of ourselves - these opportunities to awaken and to share awakening with others, sometimes come at the cost of disrupting rigid structures, upending outdated patterns, and dismantling paradigms that no longer serve. In that moment, my desire to share and tell my story with the world began to feel fully natural; I know now that if I had withheld my voice, I would have stopped myself from becoming the leader and the artist that I am today. Artists are storytellers and so my artistic nature requires me to do the work of a leader - demonstrating positive change - through fearless storytelling.

LM: This is an on-going process, as finding your value


and power is a lifelong journey. The value I can add to my company, my family, and my community today, will be different than the value that I will have the opportunity to add in ten years. If you challenge yourself to add value each day – to a person in need, to a company/entrepreneur who may be struggling, as a solution to a problem –whatever the challenge is, you will build a legacy of value that will transcend your lifetime. As for power, that’s a harder one, as feelings of power ebb and flow. Power is the ability to keep going in the face of adversity. Power is the ability to keep going when you really want to quit. Power is the courage to swim against the current, following your own dreams, even when others tell you that you shouldn’t or that you can’t. There are always days when I don’t feel so powerful – many days, in fact, but I recognize that power implies forward momentum, and I have no intention to move any other direction than forward.

PGMAG: As professionals sitting at the pinnacle of your

careers, looking back, what advice would you have for your younger 20-year-old self?

LAD-B: I know you love the unlovable, and you are always making sure everyone else is okay, but you must stop and take care of yourself. Allow people to find their own solutions. Just love yourself and know that everything will work out in the end. Never underestimate your brilliance –you are more than enough.

NB: Be kinder and more compassionate with yourself. Celebrate myself more. Be brave enough to use your voice, to ask for more help and support from the people who you admire and respect.

LM: What you expect to be… the life plan that you’ve drawn for yourself…will be as everchanging as a Dubai street map. Be open to adjusting your route, relishing the unexpected detours that life bestows. These detours will lead you to unimagined experiences, destinations, and people, often missed by those who are too inflexible, fearful or distracted to see these diversions as opportunities. Put down your phone. Look up. SEE the world. Destiny will walk right by those who are too busy taking selfies.

Do not be afraid to swim against the current. Make decisions, believe in those decisions, and see them through to the end – regardless of the outcome. Do not quit and do not doubt yourself.

YOU are the one person with whom you can have complete trust. Make mistakes. Mistakes are as much a part of life as successes, and they often teach you the largest, most important lessons. Do not be afraid to fail. Failure is one of the necessary stepping-stones of life. Follow your endeavors through to the end – sometimes the end is bitter, and sometimes sweet,

What you expect to be… the life plan that you’ve drawn for yourself…will be as ever-changing as a Dubai street map. Be open to adjusting your route, relishing the unexpected detours that life bestows.
- Larisa B. Miller

but each conclusion you reach will leave you stronger than you were at inception.

Lastly, you will survive 100% of your bad days.

PGMAG: The definition of a “leader” has changed over the decades, in your opinion, what are the attributes that define a leader in today’s workplace?

LAD-B: A leader must be sensitive to the changes happening in real time. A leader must communicate the vision to those in their arena of service and delegate responsibilities to the key players to create a robust environment of change makers...

NB: Positivity, clarity, enthusiasm, self-regulation and skillful communication are all crucial attributes for today’s leaders. All of these qualities stand in contrast to traits that have been historically plentiful in business - being overly critical of others, speaking in jargon, lacking emotion or overflowing with hostility. Today we need leaders to be balanced, compassionate and filled with purpose.

LM: Compassion, honesty, empathy, and humor are necessary qualities found in all great leaders. The way we treat people, the respect we extend to people, and the culture we build in our workplace will impact the satisfaction and productivity of our teams, the trust and loyalty our customers will have for our brand, and the legacy of our leadership.

PGMAG: What advice would give women – regardless of where they are in their career pathways, to help them overcome challenges and stay committed to their goals?

LAD-B: Wake up and create your own table of opportunities. You don’t have to wait for others to decide your future – you are the miracle others are waiting to experience. You woman, the world is your playground and until you dust off those cobwebs preventing you from moving forward, you will continue to live on other people’s idea. Life happens to each one of us, but you are responsible for the outcome of your decisions – now is the time to step out, rise up again

and become…

NB: Create a realistic routine of small but significant actions you can complete and build upon every day, to bring you closer to your sense of wellbeing and self-love. For me, this looks like meditation practice, eating foods that delight and nourish me, monitoring selftalk, journaling, and setting aside time to enjoy life. Cooking for friends, gathering food from the garden and listening to music from my vinyl collection to name a few.

LM: You can’t trip on what is behind you, so why do you dwell on the past? Forget what happened yesterday – today is a new day. Wise words to remember…there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror…there is only so much you can do with what’s behind you, but the whole world lies in front of you. Keep moving forward.

PGMAG: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

LAD-B: I see myself as a key player in reformation and redesigning of strategic


development for women through global collaboration. Just like Jim Rohn said: “Each of us need all of us and all of us, need each of us.”

NB: I see myself continuing to collaborate and co-create spaces and environments that support innovative healing and awakening spiritually, economically, and environmentally. I am honored to continue to create visual systems for the future. These new visual systems of art serve to speak to and on behalf of humanity in a functional way. It is thrilling to be a part of this

renaissance of art being utilized and recognized in this new age of technology and developing economies.

LM: Who knows!! My life has been an unconventional journey – unpredictable, exciting, scary (at times), and full of unexpected opportunities. Every time I’ve tried to predict where I would be in a year, two years, five years…I was wrong! Part of the extraordinary mystery of life is that we don’t know where each decision, pathway and adventure will lead us, but the journey is the gift!

Get to know Lady Anita, Larisa, and Nicole (rapid fire): (NOTE: This is fun…readers love this, as they feel like they are getting to know you as a person and are more apt to engage and become followers.)

PGMAG: Two favorite cities in the world:

LAD-B: Lagos, Nigeria and Singapore

NB: Singapore and NYC

LM: Budapest, Hungary 2) Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


PGMAG: Do you have a pet?

LAD-B: No, I don’t

NB: Yes, I have a twelve-year old 6-pound Pomeranian named Bodhi and a poodle rescue of almost two years named Yogi. I work hard so my dogs can have a better life! They are my teachers of all things true and loving.

LM: Yes. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog named Patton. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are lion hunters in Africa, but my big baby is afraid of cats, a big fan

of naps (and snacks) and has an uncanny ability to cheer me up, no matter how bad my day is.

PGMAG: Birthday/Zodiac sign:

LAD-B: 11th February/ Aquarian

NB: May 22nd, cusp of Gemini and Taurus (I am a bull with wings)

LM: May 21 / Gemini

PGMAG: Favorite cuisine:

LAD-B: West African/Asian

NB: I love West African Ground nut stew, one of my favorite things to make and eat with friends!

LM: Middle Eastern/Arabic

PGMAG: Favorite author(s):

LAD-B: The Bible & Jim Rohn

NB: Chogyam Trungpa

LM: Ken Follett and Jeffery


PGMAG: Favorite flavor of ice



LAD-B: Vanilla & Sticky toffee

NB: Mint Chip

LM: Mint chocolate chip

PGMAG: Color of your eyes:

LAD-B: Brown

NB: Hazel

LM: Green

PGMAG: Pet peeve:

LAD-B: People who pretend to be who they are not –especially when they make promises which they are unable to keep.

NB: Being rushed in the grocery store.

LM: People who drive slowly, cruising out in the fast lane on the highway, refusing to move over for faster cars (which is usually me).

PGMAG: What sound do you love?

LAD-B: soft music

NB: Laughter

LM: Thunderstorms and rain.

PGMAG: What would you name the autobiography of your life?

LAD-B: The Warrior Princess

NB: Wakeful Life, The Art of Daydreaming with Invisible Ink

LM: Unstoppable

PGMAG: What celebrity do you get mistaken for?

LAD-B: Michelle Obama

NB: Elizabeth Shue

LM: Princess Diana or Angela Merkel

PGMAG: One word that describes you:

LAD-B: Fearless! “learn to take risk on yourself and others” –Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

NB: Open

LM: Kind

PGMAG: Your motto in life:

LAD-B: I am enough.

NB: I love you.

LM: It doesn’t matter if the glass is half-full or halfempty. Be grateful that you have a glass and that there is something in it. (Unknown author)

"Listen to the music in your heart and dance to the tune of the rythem."



Lady Anita Chioma Duckworth-Bradshaw is an Award winning Global Impact Leader, Best Selling Author, Change Agent, Life Coach, and the Creator of the Powerhouse Global Brand (Powerhouse Global Magazine, Powerhouse Global Awards and Powerhouse Global Conferences).

Her eye for beauty, her talent for design, and her imaginative and creative skills have led her to build a global social media platform that helps further her social work. Culminating in an elegant and most sophisticated publication that serves humanity and shares their stories, she’s managed to create a world where to feature women and men alike. Her brilliant use of social media allows her to vastly influences the masses. With a distribution reach of 73 countries from around the world Lady Anita helps feed minds and touch souls.

Providing basic education for children, designing skills acquisition programs for women, and fostering social skills for youngsters, feeding over 1000 children and supporting more than 1000 women through her work within her foundation since the inception in 2016.

Lady Anita is a true embodiment of a servant leader. She has created a platform for men and women alike from all spheres of life to showcase

their brilliance. A place leaders have come to love. Through online presence she gives hope to many people – especially women.

Her own personal struggles gave birth to her purpose. Having grown up in Africa, she understands first hand, the importance of supporting others and helping provide ways to have life’s basic needs met. She found a solution and therefore, created her foundation Powerful Global Women Foundation (PGWF) in 2016 in Nigeria and subsequently, her most radiant Powerhouse Global Magazine publications .

It is both Lady Anita’s personal and professional mission to assist and serve others. Lady Anita travels the world speaking at conferences and organizing Powerhouse Global events.

She lives by her motto of: Transforming Lives – one person at a time. Utilizing her voice, she addresses pressing issues and topics related to her work. Topics such as: Global Visibility; Your Voice. Your Power; Reposition for change;The Leading Leader; Risk to Reward; Healing From Within; The Road To Discovery and others.





Larisa Miller studied Political Science with a minor in Hungarian at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Organizational Leadership at Penn State University. She worked for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, and later for the Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Ridge, with a focus on public policy. Larisa spent several years working as a personal advisor and head of business development for members of the Royal Family in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, with focus on investment in sustainable development, technology, energy and agriculture. Additionally, Larisa served as head of the Royal Family’s large non-profit foundation, which focused on women, youth, literacy and education. Through her work with this UAE-based foundation, Larisa spent considerable time working with women and children in refugee camps in the Middle East and Africa, providing tools, knowledge and resources necessary to allow them to become entrepreneurs.

Larisa is CEO of Phoenix Global LLC, a global investment and consulting firm headquartered in the USA, specializing in international municipal and governmental consulting; sustainability and innovation strategies; business development, recovery and acceleration; as well as assisting clients in global market expansion and evelopment. As an investment firm, Phoenix Global is the vehicle to meaningful investment projects both domestically and internationally, matching large-scale investment opportunities with strategic capital partners.


CEO, Phoenix Global, LLC



Fearlessness has more to do with courage, purpose and the deeper need to share our gifts with the world.



Nicole Buffett is a fine artist who believes in the power of art and kindness to heal the world., Nicole has exhibited, published and shared her work as a visual artist and speaker both nationally and internationally. With an MFA from The San Francisco Art Institute Buffett has appeared on a multitude of media platforms including: Oprah, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, MSNBC, NPR, and Marie Claire. Fortune Magazine listed Nicole as one of the top 50 Influencers in the NFT space.

Nicole’s work ranges from painting and textile design to digital animation and sculpture. She creates visual systems of cosmic thought that integrate mandalas, sacred geometry, and mixed media elemental abstraction. The driving force

behind Nicole’s work is the intersectionality of spirituality, nature-based living and community and its capacity to heal through art.

Nicole is a female pioneer passionate about utilizing her work to support ecological and social causes around the world and participate in the healing of the human family.


High Impact builders are long range players who not only harness short term opportunities, but keep their eyes on the big game.



PGMAG: Udo, welcome to today's interview with Lady Anita.

UMO: Thank you Lady Anita. It's an absolute pleasure to do this.

PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.

UMO: At a more personal level, I am a Powerhouse Leader (can I say that? Lol). I am simply a leader powered by an unshakable sense of purpose and commitment to serving and impacting a generation of high potential leaders through my most dominant gifts of teaching, writing, speaking, and coaching especially those who are committed to becoming high impact leaders. Everything else I do including more than 3 decades as an international corporate and commercial attorney and as a real estate entrepreneur serving the top 1% clientele in my market supports this simple mission, to positively impact my generation and transform lives. I simply want to me known as Chief Igniter of Limitless Possibilities. If I help someone expand their zone of possibilities, I am your woman separate from my big formal well earned descriptors on LinkedIn.

PGMAG: You are one of those women in the world of business whose presence speaks

change and emits high vibration. You have shattered the 'glass ceiling' through consistency and strategic positioning of your work in the global market. With the experiences you have gathered over the years as a leader, what do you think should be done to see more women in the corridors of power?

UMO: Ah thank you so much for the compliment. It's always a blessing to have one's work acknowledged especially by other powerhouse leaders like you; Lady Anita.

I am convinced that we can have many more women in the corridors of power by having a more strategic and structured approach to developing female leaders, especially through experiential learning which exposes aspiring and emerging women in the same space as other advanced female leaders who offer guidance, mentorship and act as advocates for them.

Initiatives and platforms such as the IWOW Leadership Academy which offers a 6 Module Power Women Leadership Programme to fast track growth for female leaders, equipping then with the clarity, confidence and peer community with access to the collective wisdom of global leaders (men and women) who share and showcase what it takes to break new boundaries, are invaluable in moving more women up the corridors of power and ladders of influence. As FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 23

founder of the Network which was launched in Johannesburg South Africa in 2010, I curated and designed the curriculum of the academy in 2020 with a singular objective to equip more impactful and influential female leaders who transform society for good. Our faculty and team have since graduated 200 impactful women who are each and collectively doing a world of good. This is only a drop in the sea of 10,000 women that we are committed to reaching by 2030. And we will accomplish this bold vision leveraging technology and online learning, because we truly do need more women to stand up and be counted.

I am also a big advocate of strategic executive coaching and high level masterminds for women who are really committed to maximising their potential especially C Suite and Board level women. Too many women just aren't bold enough to show up fully at the tables they operate at, generally playing it too safe and ending up as casualties of male power play.

Our faculty and team have since graduated 200 impactful women who are each and collectively doing a world of good. This is only a drop in the sea of 10,000 women that we are committed to reaching by 2030.

of and advocate more women building tables and deciding who gets to sit on the tables. More female owned big businesses beyond bread and butter type operations that many tend to be involved in need to be created and sustained at the highest levels, including big exits, listings and getting strategic investors to truly build business at scale. Economic power and prowess is a huge contributor to the corridors of power.

(because we are constantly journeying), we can with the benefit of hindsight assess our journeys and distil wisdom which we convert to wealth for those emerging.

I would definitely say that with the benefit of hindsight, 3 key factors that have helped my leadership journey and my current level of success are;

1. Purpose. Knowing I am not just a woman, a mother, wife or business leader, but a purpose driven being here to cause big shifts in people's consciousness and help demystify success has been a game changer. It is my highest measure of personal success.

Finally, I believe in the power

PGMAG: In your capacity as a leader, what would you say were the three top keys that have enabled you to achieve success in life?

UMO: I love how when leaders get to the top of some ladders

2. Power. Knowing what my true strengths are and choosing to operate 80% of my energy in that zone has helped me create magic consistently. I never try to prove a point or be all things to all people whether it's in business at the corporate board level, or in real estate investing and advisory or in coaching high impact leaders. I'm clear where my highest value and highest impact lie. It's why I'm extremely selective about what I do and who I do it with. Too many people disperse energy without counting the

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cost and measuring the true results. 3. Profit. I'm constantly shocked at how many leaders (entrepreneurs in particular but also professionals) who don't understand their financial bottom line, what I call the profit zone. Many leaders operate on high purpose and low profit because of a limiting money mindset. They don't pay attention to what matters, and don't ask enough. I am convinced that every human is and should operate as a profit centre, ensuring they are profitable financially in the short and long term. There are 2 other success pillars I operate but since you asked for 3, they are Purpose, Power and Profit. These are the foundational part of the signature framework, I use as I mentor and coach high potential leaders to become high impact leaders.

PGMAG: I read one of your LinkedIn posts where you mentioned 'high value opportunities' – please touch some light on this. Please also tell us why those three words are important in making 2023 and beyond a successful journey?

UMO: 'High Value opportunities' is a phrase I use especially in business coaching to help entrepreneurs go beyond bread and butter and instead seek out projects, clients, and business activities that deliver returns on multiple levels. Many small business owners tend to focus more on quantity without counting the true cost of delivering quality at the levels consistent with their resources. The best approach to getting high value opportunities is by setting parameters around your top most priorities eg, opportunities from a defined level of clientele and that deliver specific profit margins so that you can preserve your service standards. For example, in our real estate business,

we tend to proactively seek out visionary promoters who build iconic projects that are delivered by top notch contractors with solid profitability for all stakeholders. Focusing on the quality of the opportunity and how it aligns with your strategic goals can also lead to not only generating great revenue, but building deeper relationships with visionary partners whose brands align and enhance ours, while setting standards for the industry. High Impact builders are long range players who not only harness short term opportunities, but keep their eyes on the big game. They never allow the temptation of quick wins or obstacles distract them from taking correct and consistent action towards their mega vision.

There's a tendency for most leaders to take the short cut of activity for its sake or keep working only on low hanging fruit opportunities instead of seeking or creating opportunities that deliver superior returns over a long time. They require more creativity and discipline but worthwhile if you want to enjoy FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 25
I love how when leaders get to the top of some ladders (because we are constantly journeying), we can with the benefit of hindsight assess our journeys and distil wisdom which we convert to wealth for those emerging.

enhanced wellbeing especially in a world where stress is increasingly a major threat.

PGMAG: As a coach, mentor and entrepreneur, what is your message for the younger generation?

UMO: Since February 2013, I have consistently shared success principles with the emerging generation. It is anchored really on Mastering Your Mindset and Maximising Your Life. Life is a gift, a responsibility and a trust you've been given and the most important priority any young person or even old has, is to ensure they embrace the gift fully without excuses. Irrespective of how tough life may be, there is a point of decision that each person must take to become truly unstoppable. The top 3 success principles I shared earlier in the first question, starting with Understanding your Purpose and defining what success will mean for you as a young person will change your game like nothing else.

PGMAG: Have you ever experienced workplace

I can't say I have experienced workplace discrimination directly. What I have occasionally experienced in business and at work are implicit biases based on cultural nuances and projections being a woman in business.

discrimination? If yes, how were you able to navigate through the challenge?

UMO: I can't say I have experienced workplace discrimination directly. What I have occasionally experienced in business and at work are implicit biases based on cultural nuances and projections being a woman in business. Very early on in my career, I learnt that people's values are a reflection of them not me, and so my real response to any kind of bias implicitly or overtly, is in Michelle Obama's words, "when they go low, we go high". I honestly believe that there's a level of mindset and leadership mastery that enables us as women and leaders in any

sphere to engage enemies of progress from a place of both empathy in dealing with their ignorance and yet resoluteness not to dignify or descend to their levels. It is acceptable to set clear boundaries and to walk away from situations where you are no longer able to add value or that has become too toxic. In addition, it's also important to master the art of calling out inappropriate behaviour in a way that paves the way for other female leaders not to deal with the same problem. But we aren't called to be messiahs, just courageous change makers. Do context is critical.

PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business.

UMO: I am what you might call a multi dimensional leader, with my main business roles currently as Chief Executive Officer/Vice Chairman of Fine and Country West Africa and Independent Non Executive Director, and Chair of the Governance and Remuneration Committee on the board of CAP PLC, a subsidiary of UACN Plc, one of Nigeria's oldest and largest publicly listed

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In addition to being a trusted real estate advisor, and wealth strategist to the top 1% of African Business Leaders and Corporate Investors at Fine and Country West Africa, and an investor, I am currently in what I refer to as my 'Third Wave', where I'm using my strongest passion in serving High Impact Leaders through the ACE Business Club which offers Experiential Business Leadership Coaching, and Masterminding.

I am sold out to serving Entrepreneurial Leaders and C Suite Level Executives to becoming Purposeful, Profitable and Positive Forces Globally.

PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?

UMO: Dear Udo, 'Your best gift to the world is that of being your true self, brilliant, bold, courageous, excellent in spirit, attitude, and action, awesome, incredible, kind, beautiful, phenomenal, a game changer, problem solver, and a trailblazer.'

Don't allow the noise of the world to blur your true values. You are more than your Profession. You have Purpose and Powerful Expressions within you. Unleash them all.

Your best gift to the world is the gift of Living Fully and On Purpose.

Never ever be afraid of showing up at the table or creating your own tables. Never fear failing. Fear not having unleashed your fullest self.

Never ever ever regret your journey. You can and must convert your wounds to wisdom and wealth for the future generation coming after you. Trust your journey. You my friend are divine medicine. Serve it freely to those who need it.

Don't allow the noise of the world to blur your true values. You are more than your Profession. You have Purpose and Powerful Expressions

within you. Unleash them all.

Success has many sides to it and includes expressing your highest personality. If you like teaching or coaching or writing or even dancing in addition to negotiating big transactions, add that dimension. Enjoy your journey. You my dear girl are more than enough. You are a phenomenal powerhouse. Embrace it all.

PGMAG: Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us through this interview. We wish you continued success as you travel in life.

UMO: Thank you. Your questions were amazing.

PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us.

UMO: https://acebusinessclub. com/ FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 27
Every word has an innate vibration. The vibration of the word TRY is one of exhaustion. So even when we use it and say “I will try” the undercurrent of exhaustion sets in.



PGMAG: Master Mynoo, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita.

MM: It is my pleasure and privilege to be here with you Lady Anita. I am a great admirer of your stand for women and the work you do, being a beaming light leading the way for us all.

PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers.

MM: To many, I am a life coach, spiritual confidante, business mentor, mystic, visionary, and thought leader. I support people to remove their blocks, connect to their unique mastery, and live a full spectrum life with extraordinary results in every area of their life including relationships and work.

PGMAG: As a global influencer, what would you say to today’s woman?

MM: I have three messages for the woman of today:

1. BE and you HAVE. BEHAVE is the meaning of this word.

Be the truth of who you are, and take a stand for yourself. Connect to the vision you hold for your life and by BEING you, you HAVE this vision realized.

2. There is only ONE purpose of Life, it is to come ALIVE.

Life itself is simply a state in which an organism is breathing. This state can change in a moment when the organism stops breathing. The only purpose of life is to come alive. You do this by choosing to live your life in such a way that you experience a frictionless flow of yumminess. Your body is the perfect indicator and it will show you when you are making choices that are yummy or when you are compromising or choosing because you feel you have to or need to, your body holds a yucky feeling. So make the choice that is the best for you and come alive.

3. Trying is sooooooo trying. Stop trying, examine your choices, make a decision, and simply get on with it. Every word has an innate vibration. The vibration of the word TRY is one of exhaustion. So even when we use it and say “I will try” the undercurrent of exhaustion sets in. Instead, you can understand what is being asked of you, consider it, and apply your discernment to make a decision that serves you. Simply get on with communicating and implementing this decision. Stop TRYING. I would go as far as saying, don’t bother using this word in your vocabulary anymore. Make a decision and simply get on with it. The very act of making the decision is an empowering choice and propels you forward. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 29

PGMAG: I have heard great feedback from some leaders who have experienced your guidance as a teacher and mentor. In your capacity as one who is passionate for positive change in the world, what are the top three keys to becoming an achiever in the boardroom?

MM: As a mentor and coach to the top echelons of several Fortune 500 corporations and major government organizations, more often than not, the majority of people around the Board room table have been men. Having spent several decades around Board rooms in the UK, US, Singapore, Australia, and India, I uncovered the following top three keys to feeling like and being recognised as, an achiever in the boardroom:

1. Clarity

Be clear about your intention in being on the Board. Get clarity about what you hold yourself to be accountable to the Board. Whilst also getting clear about what you would like to count on the Board to deliver to you. Keep your finger on the pulse of your

the Board.

the context always so that you can resolve issues that arise in such a way that the overarching intention is fulfilled and your success is guaranteed.

3. Collaboration

accountability and clarify what decisions you require to be taken at the Board. This enables you to be clear in communicating your taskstating your point of view in such a way that it is understood by all concerned. The clarity in all of these aspects dramatically enhances both the efficiency and effectiveness of your Boardroom successes.

2. Context

As a leader, your primary modus operandi is to create and manage context and not be sucked into the details of the content. Your intention and its relevance to the success of the business of your organization is the context from which you operate. Remain connected to

Always be on the lookout for who your collaborators are to fast forward your ability to deliver on your accountabilities to the Board. Who are the collaborators on the Board that will support you to enable specific progress to be achieved? Establish the parameters and boundaries that will facilitate effectiveness in your collaborations. How will you know that the collaborators are delivering what you require, and what will you do if things go off track? What are the Go and No Go rules of conduct? This approach enables you to deliver faster progress, at a fraction of the resources rather than doing it alone. A very important strategy of Boardroom high achievers is their ability to orchestrate masterful collaborations.

PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business (JEGO) and other services that you provide.

Be clear about your intention in being on the Board. Get clarity about what you hold yourself to be accountable to
Whilst also getting clear about what you would like to count on the Board to deliver to you.

MM: I am co-founder of 2 businesses and a soul mission that I am pursuing with POEM Foundation, whilst being an author and artist.

Federation 100 is a business collective focusing on specific coaching and mentoring of business owners and leaders enabling them to cause extraordinary results. Extraordinary results include unprecedented performance, operational excellence, and transforming the quality of life for themselves as the leader, frothier stakeholders, and the planet.

JEGO is an online and mobile platform for full-spectrum living. You are thriving on all cylinders, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental, and you do so with joy, ease, and grace omnipresent.

My soul mission is for humans and humanity to expect and accept miracles as their norm. It's all about enriching lives and restoring dignity. With POEM Foundation, as a part of my soul mission, I seeded the World Dignity Forum as a conscious parallel to

JEGO is an online and mobile platform for full-spectrum living. You are thriving on all cylinders, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental, and you do so with joy, ease, and grace omnipresent.

the World Economic Forum and mentoring people to be Inspired Leaders with a specific focus on young adults and women leaders.

PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders?

MM: We live in extraordinary times. Change is the only constant and integration is the key to success. Collaboration shows the way. Agility produces a competitive advantage. Spirituality is the leading edge and the cutting edge is indigenous wisdom.

consistent and sustainability is unsustainable. Continuous evolution is the new performance metric. The Emperor knows now that he has no clothes. Transparency is in demand, and we are moving away from an age in which the survival of the fittest is the norm. The days of a “win or lose” environment, when “greed is good” and competition and winning at all costs was the only pursuit, are over.

We have entered a realm in which collaboration, cocreation, and interdependence are a new reality, an era in which trust is the new brand, good really is good, openness is the new focus, and adaptability is the key to consistency.

Uncertainty is certain and unpredictability is the norm. Perfection lies in embracing imperfection. Chaos is

This provides an opportunity to live an extraordinary life where all aspects of life coexist, opening the gateway to cause extraordinary results, unprecedented performance, and operational excellence, and transforming the quality of life, for you as a leader, and your stakeholders, which includes your family and the planet. It’s SHOWTime, step forward with FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 31 PGMAG INTERVIEW

Dignity, and play the GAME.

PGMAG: Women tend to carry a heavy burden in every society, and as a result, they neglect their own needs. This obviously has hindered personal and professional growth in most cases. In your opinion as a champion of change, what can be done to help more women to discover their power?

MM: I would like to get very practical here and invite women to examine their experiences and acknowledge each moment in their life- they felt powerful, each moment they exercised their power, each moment they were acknowledged for being powerful. I suggest each woman to look at her life by going back in time. Look at the last five years and find your answers to these questions. Then look at the last ten years, and so on.

Once you have identified a few such moments, anchor these in your conscious reality by asking what I looked like when I felt powerful, when I was acknowledged for the powerful work I had done, and

in time.

at the last five years and find your answers to these questions. Then look at the last ten years, and

where I exercised my power. What words do I use in these circumstances and how do I feel?

This brings forth a remembrance of your power as a woman and you can choose to operate from this space in any situation you find yourself in. It shifts your dialogue about yourself, as you recognise the power you hold within you, to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

PGMAG: The decision to move away from things and people that no longer serve one’s purpose can be very challenging. What would you say to a person who is in such a situation and does not know how to walk away?

MM: When you find yourself in a situation where it is clear to you that you want to walk away and don't know how to do it or when to take this action, it's important to follow these stepping stones:

Step 1: Its time to complete the experiences associated with this situation. You do this by acknowledging fully all that occurred in the situation. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. You can do this to yourself, you don't have to have anyone else present for this step. Keep going until there is nothing more left to acknowledge.

Step 2: Now it is time to declare that you are willing and ready to unconditionally accept all that is. This declaration itself unleashes you and you can now move forward.

Step 3: Now ask yourself, what is mine to do in this regard. Make a full list of all that emerges as you explore your response to this question

Step 4: Ask yourself, what is my logical next step?

Step 5: Take that step and ask,

I suggest each woman to look at her life by going back
so on.

what is the logical next step now?

Take the next step and keep following through by taking the logical next step within 10 minutes of completing Step 4. This gets the bandwagon rolling and you keep moving forward until you have accomplished your goal.

PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?

MM: Whenever you die, some things you will be satisfied with and some things, you will not be satisfied with. This will be the case now, in ten years, 20 years, and 50 years. So what are you waiting for, LIVE your passion NOW!

PGMAG: It has been an absolute joy to share this space with you – thank you for your contribution.

MM: It has been delightful to share my perspective with you. Your questions were stimulating and inspired me to share deeply.

PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us.

MM: https://www. UCbwW67BGty20MD

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Take the next step and keep following through by taking the logical next step within 10 minutes of completing Step 4. This gets the bandwagon rolling and you keep moving forward until you have accomplished your goal. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 33 PGMAG INTERVIEW

Business & Leadership Column



The Tradition started in the olden days and the people of Ibani in Grand Bonny Kingdom in Rivers State still uphold it till date...

In the olden days little children run around naked in their neighbourhood, whether boy or girl. But when the Girl child has reached puberty, her parents will give her clothes to cover her nakedness and it signals that she has maturedshe's no longer a child.

And for this Ijaw speaking tribe - Ibani Kingdom, it's Iria Egerebite and Bighibite they call this rite of passage into full womanhood.

The people of Kalabari, Okrika, Opobo, Nkoro and Andoni that are also Ijaw tribes in Rivers State, still practice this ancient cultural heritage popularly called Iria Ceremony.

With this Iria Ceremony I have done, I'm allowed to tie two waist George wrapper and all the other Big wrappers that full fledged women tie in Ibani Kingdom.

The Iria womanhood ceremony has three stages according to age: the first stage is between the ages of 12yrs to 15yrs, the second stage is

In the olden days little children run around naked in their neighbourhood, whether boy or girl. But when the Girl child has reached puberty, her parents will give her clothes to cover her nakedness and it signals that she has matured - she's no longer a child. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 35

If you didn't do any of the stages while growing up, when you want to do the Iria ceremony, you must do all the stages from Kala Egerebite to the Bighibite.

between the ages of 18yrs to 21yrs, and the third stage is for older people that have reached age 40yrs and above.

The first stage, Kala - Egerebite, I will tie a native wrapper called Suu. I'll tie it short with coral beads.

In The second stage, OpuEgerebite I will tie one waist of Ikaki wrapper (Akwete), Poppy and Damask (soft one) with a matching blouse. Soft Damask is called Lo bite in Ibani language.

Then the last stage is the Bighibite, I'll tie the Awomie bite - that's the dyed George wrapper. And it's the most important piece of clothing and after that, I'll tie lili-inji - that's the Intorica George wrapper.

If you didn't do any of the stages while growing up, when you want to do the Iria ceremony, you must do all the stages from Kala Egerebite to the Bighibite.

The Iria Ceremony starts when the Iriabo (the maiden turning into full woman) will inform her family that she wants to 'tie wrapper.' Her parents or family will inform the church.

Fattening Room Process for Iria - Egerebite and Bighibite Ceremony.

She will tie a short wrapper with a matching blouse and headtie to church.

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They'll also draw beautiful patterns on her body to decorate her and give her good food, feed her well so she'll go fat, so that on the main day that she will come out and dance, people will admire her.

The second stage is the 'Wari So', that's entering the fattening Room.

There, they will rub the Iriabo white chalk, rub her palm oil, tumeric to make her body fine/ smooth for her skin to glow. They'll also draw beautiful patterns on her body to decorate her and give her good food, feed her well so she'll go

fat, so that on the main day that she will come out and dance, people will admire her.

And it also attracts potential husband to come ask for her hand in marriage.

Staying in the fattening Room depends on the individual, some stay one month, one FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 37

Anytime she's attending any function in Ibani Kingdom she's expected to dress completely with two wrapper or traditional wrappers and they will recognize her.

week or three days etc.

The third and final stage is when they will dress you the wrapper one after the other starting with Ikaki (Akwete), the Popo, the Damask (the soft one they call Lo bite) and the wrapper that is called 'Awu' (cooked dyed wrapper).

When she has tied the Awu wrapper she can tie George wrapper and all the different types of wrapper in two waists.

The following Sunday, the Iriabo with her parents and

family members will go to church for thanksgiving for a successful Iria Ceremony.

After that the Iriabo is expected to tie complete two pairs of wrapper with headtie, dress properly as a full Ibani woman anytime she's coming out for at least one year, but some people do for six months too.

Anytime she's attending any function in Ibani Kingdom she's expected to dress completely with two wrapper or traditional wrappers and they will recognize her.

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Any Ibani daughter that is getting married and has not done the Iria ceremony, the family of the woman will demand the Iria ceremony as dowry.

By doing the Iria ceremony you now have a say in the community when women are talking.

Originally it's your parents' responsibility to tie their daughter's wrapper (Iria Ceremony) before marriage.

Any Ibani daughter that is getting married and has not done the Iria ceremony, the family of the woman will demand the Iria ceremony as


Iria Ceremony is so important that if an Ibani woman has not done it, her family must do it for her before they will bury her in Ibani Land.

Dimabo Finapiri Brown, CIIWN, CISCM, CSCM, CCSS, HRMA, CIWMM is a certified and Associate member of chartered Institute of Warehousing and Materials management, chartered Institute of supply chain management, inventory and warehouse manager, Document control, project portfolio management (Primavera P6), customer service and satisfaction specialist, Human Resources management. She has a first

degree in Computer Science from the University of Port Harcourt, a Post Graduate degree in chartered Institute of supply chain management and Android development beginner Bundle with Andela, Goggle and Udacity. She commenced her career at (OTS) Overseas Technical Services as material handler in (NLNG) Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas shutdown team, NLNG site Bonny Island, she joined Pivot GIS Nig Ltd where she spent 5+ years in material Inventory management overseeing the activities of scaffold Materials, collaborates with warehouse employees and other staff to ensure business goals are met, Analy. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 39

KARMA: What Goes Around Comes Around

I firmly believe in the ‘Law of Karma’, says Inderjit; an author, an international bureaucrat, golfer, an aviator, who trusts in the principle that ‘what goes around comes around’, and thus reiterates to keep the circle continuously and consistently moving in a positive, peaceful and loving manner.


Dawn of a New Year!

A new beginning!

Time for New Resolutions? The resolutions, as always, with finite longevity; those more often than not, do not last for very long?

No, not anymore! Not for me at least!

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The universe does not carry debts. It always returns back to you what you give it, sooner or later.

I have made my firm resolution to make no more resolutions, the repetitive finite resolutions year-after-year; of losing weight, quitting smoking, regulating intake of alcoholic drinks, or visiting a few places on my bucket list. For this reason and only for this reason; I am instead going to chase a more permanent, an infinite, life-long mission of self-actualization, improved mental health growth, better inter-personal relationships, enhanced quest for learning, a right work-life balance vis-à-vis the mundane. I dare to take this challenge, basically to come out of my comfort zone and do not go where the well-trodden path may lead me to, but go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

I see all this and more possible in embracing and embarking on the path of the universal law of

Karma. I invite you to join me in my pursuit of self-development and let us together reinvent ourselves in finding the purpose of our lives and in the process contribute our bit in making this world a better place to live. I however, emphasize here on the need to live and not merely exist.

Karma Decoded:

To me, Karma is like a boomerang; whatever you give out, will come back to you. A boomerang returns back to

You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That’s why I am here.” – Karma

the person that throws it. The universe does not carry debts. It always returns back to you what you give it, sooner or later. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 41 BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP

Simply put, Karma is the universal law of “cause and effect” implying “what goes around comes around”. It’s also consistent with the Newton’s third law of motion: “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Before you act, you have the freedom; but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you whether you want it to or not. “You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That’s why I am here.” –Karma

The all-encompassing law of Karma, thousands of years old is a concept that essentially no world religion misses. The ‘Golden Rule’ maxim “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” resonates with expressions those can be prominently found in the tenets of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, and the rest of the world's religions and creeds through the ages. As part of the 1993 "Declaration Toward a Global Ethic", 143 leaders of the world's major faiths endorsed the Golden Rule. In essence, “You will never

understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That’s why I am here”. – Karma

The “New Age” Karma

The phenomenon has resounded in many formats; in the songs ‘Karma’ by Alicia Keys and Culture Club-Karma Chameleon by Boy George, lyrics of the title of a Justin Timberlake hit, the book by Eddie Stone, or simply words said sagely by a friend.

The origin and the idea of these phrases have been around for centuries. In the Book of Genesis in the Bible, there is the phrase “as you sow, you shall reap” which is a similar idea to ‘what goes around comes around’. These notions may have

different connotations and interpretations in different religions and sects of the world but surely, there has been no doubt on the essence of the phenomenon and their commonality with the law of Karma. No wonder that makes Karma the most universally acceptable way-of-life devoid of any notions of faiths, religions, beliefs, casts or creed and is high above and beyond the concepts of life and/or after-life.

The "New Age" movement has rightly adopted this belief of Karma and Hollywood has produced movies and television shows embracing this belief. With this belief, it is the actions of the individual, whether good or bad that determines one’s eternal destiny.

Wayne Dyer an internationally renowned American author and motivational speaker in the field of self-development authentically sums up the concept of Karma in his quote “How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours”. He has written more than 40 books on related topics, twenty-one of them NYT

No wonder that makes Karma the most universally acceptable way-of-life” devoid of any notions of faiths, religions, beliefs, casts or creed and is high above and beyond the concepts of life and/or after-life.


In a fast-paced environment, such as a place of work, considering someone else’s thoughts and feelings before we ‘act’, can easily get overlooked for prioritizing results and getting the job done. And why should this matter if we are constantly producing cracking results? It matters! When it comes to karma in the workplace, even the smallest of things matter. From our body language to our tone of voice, our expressions; both written and verbal. The way we conduct ourselves can have a huge impact on work relationships and getting the job done.

Do we sometimes wonder how and why we get connected, and more importantly remain connected, though far away from one-another? The socalled chance meetings in life are actually the result of Karma. Even in the smallest events there’s no such thing as coincidence. My favorite author Richard Bach in his book titled “Nothing by Chance” has amply established this fact.

The most common misconception among some people have is that Karma and fate are the same things. However, that is simply not true. Karma is just a way to bring balance by rewarding or punishing an individual, it is not fate decided by anotherworldly being. Just because we have done something bad does not mean something bad will happen to us to maintain FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 43 BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP
Remember, when someone hurts you, they aren’t hurting you because you are you. They are hurting you because they are them.

a balance. Karma can instead be defined as the driving force that governs the spiritual realm. It affects our lives by making us accountable for any action, in addition to our intention while taking that action. It is said to be guiding energy which is the end product of deliberate action and intention. Our lives will be affected by the energy we give off right now and in the future. Karma scarcely has anything to do with punishing or rewarding people, and we cannot have complete control over it.


Karma is real and the leaders in their work environment in particular, need to pay special attention to theirs. Karma is about being given the opportunity to change your vibration and energy and attract something different. The universe will decide and give us what we need and when we need it - nothing more or less. I believe that we get what we deserve and not necessarily what we desire. Karma is not punishment, it’s not revenges, it’s not justice. Karma is the universe giving

you opportunities to transform your vibration and simply show up and lead.

There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the four things we crave most in life –kindness, happiness, freedom, and peace of mind are always attained by giving them to someone else. Your believing or not believing in this philosophy has no effect on its existence or acceptance, nor on its consequences to you. Just as a refusal to believe in the ocean would not prevent one from drowning.


Whether we look at our actions through the law of karma, the Newton’s law, or the Golden Rule, the conclusion becomes very clear. All of these immutable laws tell us that we should be very considerate and mindful of our actions because they always have consequences. In a sense, we create our own happiness, misery, or our hell and heaven. Kindness is the ultimate Karma. Whether you approach this principle in a religious frame of mind, or simply as a rule

to remind yourself to be kind and considerate in all of your deeds, there is no denying that it is an idea that helps us to be kinder, more peaceful and more environmentally friendly at every moment in our lives. This in short is the law of Karma. Remember, when someone hurts you, they aren’t hurting you because you are you. They are hurting you because they are them.


Inderjit Singh is an Aviation Consultant with the ICAO, Montreal, Canada, a specialized agency in the United Nations system of organizations. He has served in senior level diplomatic positions in several countries of Asia, South-East Asia, MiddleEast, Africa and South America. He was the CEO of IGI Airport – the 18th busiest in the world. He is an MBA, followed by advanced management courses at “Henley-the Management College”, Oxford shire, UK, and the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Inderjit has earned Doctorate of Philosophy in International Diplomacy from a renowned Brazilian institution of higher learning.




Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.

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We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission.

This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor). FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 47
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As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes.

Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners. FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 49

Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group.

In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event.

She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8.

We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity.

To support us, please visit: or email or

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CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email FEB 2023 # ISSUE 43 51
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