NOV/DEC 2020
Queen Nadia Harihiri
NOV-DEC 2020 And many more articles inside this edition
P U B L I SH ER'S NOT E Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator
"Dreams are one of the fuels of the Human Spirit." - Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw We are delighted to introduce our newest publication (Powerhouse Global Stars) to the world. This publication is one of the dreams we nurtured during the ‘lockdown’ period. We wanted something that would match the needs in the market for global recognition of those who are in the position of ‘service’. Our core object is to showcase the brilliance of leaders and aspiring leaders through profiling and written articles of such leaders.
We call this publication: The sharp edge leaders’ magazine. Powerhouse Global Star (Pgs) is on the mission to deliver quality publication and to create opportunity for others. Of course, this will not be possible without your encouragement and kind thoughts. In this edition, we have carefully selected some of the finest men and women who are true leaders in their fields of purpose. We hope you would send businesses our way. Thank you for your support. Enjoy!
Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
Powerhouse Global Stars
LAVAR ARRINGTON (LA) LaVar is a legend in NCAA college football, being selected #2 in the 2000 draft by the Washington Redskins, going on to be one of the most celebrated and hardest hitting linebackers in the history of the National Football League (NFL). He is a sportswriter and broadcaster. LaVar is the Co-Founder of Warrior Woke. PGS: LaVar, great to have you on today’s
PGS: You are both an athlete and a
businessman. And your passion is to help the youth to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.
LA: Thank you for allowing me to share my
This obviously led to the setting up of ‘Warrior
vision for the future of youth with your readers.
Woke’. Please tell us about your program and
It’s our responsibility to prepare them to navigate
how it benefits your service users.
the challenges and opportunities of the future.
NOV-DEC 2020
LA: As an athlete, I realized that
only one person, so my ability
there were a lot of incompletes
to impact many lives will only
and blanks that were left when I
be realized if there is a broad-
played football, and these voids
reaching program to support
ultimately led to me becoming a
my philosophies. By creating a
businessman – a businessman
program based on my beliefs,
who prioritizes impact. My
experiences and successes, I
development as a businessman
can use a “train the trainer”
was based off the improvement
approach to work with coaches,
in myself that I gained while
athletic directors – and parents,
endeavoring to fill those gaps.
to administer the program on
I started Warrior Woke, a
a scalable basis. I am proud to
company that is committed
have created a vehicle which
to building the “complete
will allow me to contribute to
athlete”, physically, mentally,
the development of athletes
emotionally and financially, to
around the world, allowing us
build on the attributes that
to impact lives, shaping the
make an outstanding athlete –
character of athletes, building
strength, resiliency, leadership,
them physically, mentally and
teambuilding, patience,
emotionally, while also helping
courage and empathy – all of
to develop the perspective
which are the same attributes
and understanding of coaches,
which make someone an
parents and families, who are
outstanding businessperson
integral to the success of the
– an outstanding individual.
athlete. Warrior woke is a
Further, a key philosophy with
platform that is dedicated to
Warrior Woke is based on
the development of our sports
the importance of bridging
community, but the take-aways
the communication gap
transcend sports. We focus
between coaches and athletes,
on habit building and identity
parents and their kids. When
building to maximize sports,
Warrior Woke was launched
academics and life experiences.
last month, it was the result
This is so important to me
of my realization that, after
and the people with whom
many year of mentorship,
I’ve worked closely and
experience, perspective and
diligently with for the last 13
commitment to athletes, I am
years, to drive home quality
there were a lot of incompletes and blanks that were left when I played football, and these voids ultimately led to me becoming a businessman – a businessman who prioritizes impact. My development as a businessman was based off the improvement in myself that I gained while endeavoring to fill those gaps. content which will aid in the development of “the person”. If you can build wining habits as a person, and have winning thoughts and have a winning mindset and apply those attitudes to your life, then for me, we will have succeeded in putting one more positive person into our society who can make a difference and will give back to others, believing in helping to restoring humanity the way we do. PGS: Before you hung your ‘Cleats’, you earned three Pro Bowl and All-pro selections.
NOV-DEC 2020
How easy was it for you to decide on what to do next after such a successful career? LA: It was easy for me to transition to the next stage of my career beyond football because I love helping people, and being a person of service, my awards and achievements in sports don’t amount to anything if I don’t use those experiences to help others achieve at a high level – high enough to potentially be an allpro, pro-bowler or professional athlete. For me, the ability to communicate this message to younger athletes is something I’ve been good at. I’ve been a better teacher and a better mentor than I’ve ever been an active player. I take a great deal of pride in my ability to communicate clearly the different ways to approach sports AND life to be as successful as you can possibly be. Helping to develop youth into the “complete individual” is something that has been a tremendous passion of mine, and I’ve been blessed to have enough success where I can make that my daily focus in what I do in both life and business. 6
NOV-DEC 2020
PGS: I love the phrase
statement because we all have
(conquer you). These are two
to decide that we are going
powerful combination of
to face the realities of life no
words that ignite light in the
matter how harsh, no matter
mind. Could you please explain
how real, we have to look
further what it means to
into the mirror and commit to
‘conquer you’ and how we can
empowering, supporting and
apply this in our daily living.
bettering that person looking back at you. You must decide
LA: It’s a great question. I love
that, whatever challenges you
“conquer you” as a phrase and
are facing, you will commit
to developing the personal
for a life of mediocrity, and
skills necessary to conquer
neither should you.
those challenges. If we don’t embrace these opportunities
PGS: The youth are the future
to improve ourselves, then we
- no doubt about that. What
go backwards…we regress.
can be done by industry
There is no middle ground.
leaders to help support
To be a better ‘you’, you have
those involved with youth
to challenge yourself to get
to a place where that daily battle – your daily approach
LA: Invest your money! Give
is controlled by a strong and
youth access to programs
developed mindset, allowing
like Warrior Woke which will
your outcomes to be controlled
help them to develop the life
by conscious decision-making.
skills they need to compete
When you wake up each day,
in athletics and to be able
you decide if you are going
to compete in life. We have
to be the best you can be
a responsibility to prepare
– or not. If you continue to
the youth for the future.
address yourself and address
When corporations commit
your issues and weaknesses,
their social responsibility
you will ultimately create a
budgets to programs that
winning mindset and a winning
support the development of
approach to life. Challenge
youth, they are making an
yourself to conquer yourself. In
immeasurable commitment
many cases, elevating yourself
to the sustainability of our
is scary and at times, seems
future. Contributing to the
unattainable. Too often, people
development of youth will
are just not willing to do what
make a quantifiable impact
it takes to be what they are
to the future of business,
destined to be, and if you’re
preparing future employees,
not willing to conquer yourself
innovators, leaders to take the
to tackle those challenge, then
reins of our transformational
you’ll just live as a normal
business future. Business
person, settling for mediocrity.
leaders can play an important
The greatest people – athletes,
role in the future success of
leaders, inventors did not settle
youth through the power of
It was easy for me to transition to the next stage of my career beyond football because I love helping people, and being a person of service, my awards and achievements in sports don’t amount to anything if I don’t use those experiences to help others achieve at a high level - high enough to potentially be an all-pro, pro-bowler or professional athlete. mentorship. I was so fortunate as a kid to have Dwight White, who was a legendary football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers, as a neighbor in my community. Jerome Bettis and I had the same barber, so I had an opportunity to learn so many significant career and life skills from Jerome. I had an opportunity to put a normal view on successful people. For the longest time, until I got to an age where I was actually able to comprehend what success looked like and have that physical interaction,
NOV-DEC 2020
I saw success as a fairy tale.
relevancy to the things that are
are not randomly chosen to
It’s not different for youth
behind success, showing kids
be successful, rather, success
with business leader mentors…
that they can actually achieve
comes to people who are
by encouraging industry
success if they work hard and
willing to put in the time and
leaders to open up their daily
go through the process. The
energy, and what the beliefs
routines, methodologies,
methods of building success
are that make success a reality.
decision-making strategies
are truly a learned and applied
and to humanize success,
process, and it’s not something
PGS: As a global influencer,
we are giving a reality and a
that drops out of the sky. You
what is your message for those who are struggling to with low self-esteem? LA: Don’t base your worth and values off of other people’s opinions. It is much easier said than done. In my life, as someone who has struggled with tremendous self-esteem issues growing up, I never thought I was the best-looking guy, I was never the coolest guy, I dealt with a lot of insecurities and they were based on what I thought were the societal definitions of success. The way my face was shaped, or my eyes, my teeth, the way my voice sounded when I spoke, whatever it was, I based my self-esteem off of what I thought the mainstream definitions of “acceptable” were. As I got older, I learned that my cool is my cool, my sexy is my sexy, my amazing is my amazing, and the more I learned about myself, the
NOV-DEC 2020
more comfortable I become
recognize this, you can dial
what you really need to think
with knowing that I am enough.
in and focus on who you are,
about is why those dreams
You don’t have to base your
who you want to be, and what
continue to persist in your
value off of what the world
your feelings are, recognizing
mind. For me, however, if I
says you are supposed to be.
that nothing else really matters.
can see a dream vividly in my
Self-esteem is one of those
Instead of listening to other’s
mind, then I know that dream
things that if you put it in
opinions of yourself, think
was put there for a reason.
somebody else’s hands – if you
about how other people can
Ultimately, a dream is a guide.
aren’t being proactive in your
contribute to the value that you
It is an ultimate destination.
own self-development, all you
already have for yourself.
For me, I kept going because
are doing is allowing external
I couldn’t get the visions of
forces to dictate and influence
PGS: Were there times when
what I was aspiring to out of
how you feel about yourself. If
you felt like giving up on your
my mind, and I committed to
you think about it, more times
dreams? If yes, what was the
seeing those visions through to
than not, those external forces
one thing that kept you going?
the end. Whether that dream
don’t even know you. They
or vision was as small as a play
don’t understand your value
LA: I thought about giving up
that I made on the football
your talents or your excellence.
plenty of times! You think about
field, or something as big as
They aren’t aware! If you
giving up on your dreams, but
the person I would marry and NOV-DEC 2020
when I see something vivid in my mind, and I lock on to that goal or purpose, I do not stop. I believe that, divinely speaking, it was put there as a guide and as a goal to check off, which means that it is not a choice at that point. You realize it is your duty to fulfill that vision and dream, and to give up would mean living with regret.
10 NOV-DEC 2020
what my family would look
that it is not a choice at that
like - no matter what the vision
point. You realize it is your
was, if I kept it vividly in my
duty to fulfill that vision and
mind, I knew it was put there
dream, and to give up would
for a reason and I kept pushing
mean living with regret.
forward until I achieved it. In the moments where I was
PGS: If you knew what you
thinking about giving up on
know now, what would you do
something that was so vivid
in my mind, I was more afraid of what ‘giving up’ meant –
LA: A lot. I would have spent
afraid of the consequences of
more time getting to know
‘giving up’. For me, when I see
myself in my younger years.
something vivid in my mind,
If I had known to spend more
and I lock on to that goal or
time on truly challenging and
purpose, I do not stop. I believe
learning who I am, I would
that, divinely speaking, it was
have been more appreciative
put there as a guide and as a
of some of the most influential
goal to check off, which means
figures that have been in my
life. I would have been more
PGS: And finally, what would
– whatever, younger LaVar was
appreciative of the challenges
you say to your younger self?
going to figure it out no matter
that I went through in my life,
what the challenge was from a
and I would have been more
LA: I’d say, “thank you”. To
very early age. This mindset of
aware of my direction and
give context to that, I’d say
always wanting to get after it,
purpose. The reason I created
thank you to my younger self
to have the ability to actually
Warrior Woke was to give
because he was a bad, bad
become smart enough to shape
youth access to these critical
dude, and even though I didn’t
and mold determination, well,
self-development experiences.
have the benefit of my current
I’m just thankful for ‘him’ being
I think if you make youth
wisdom and knowledge, my
that type of dude.
aware of how important it
younger self was one of the
is to learn who you are and
most fearless people that I’ve
PGS: It has been an absolute
develop who you are, they
ever known in my entire life.
pleasure to have interviewed
will be on a course for a more
It’s because of this fearlessness
enhanced life. Had I done this,
and willingness to do what
my life could have potentially
others wouldn’t do and go
LA: It is truly an honor to be
been more enhanced, which
where others wouldn’t go,
featured in Powerhouse Global.
may have even made me a
pushing myself beyond the
Thank you.
more phenomenal athlete. In
parameters where others give
the end, I look at things from
up and quit, that I just want
PGS: Please share your links
the very simplistic standpoint
to pat my younger self on the
with our readers.
that, undoubtedly, I am more
back and say thank you. The
than enough, and also valuable
younger LaVar was going to
enough to continue building
figure it out. Any problems,
and growing who I am, and that
with bumps and bruises,
Instagram: warrior.woke
is my “magnificent obsession”,
broken bones and wounds, torn
as C.T. Fletcher would say.
ligaments and tons of surgeries
NOV-DEC 2020 11
any of the best coaches I know are not always from the world of sports. They are parents, business leaders, and others that coach their children and colleagues to achieve to their potential. The game may change for all of us, but one truth is eternal; we are forever coaches and students. Although we may coach others, as lifelong leaders we are students as well. Successful coaches have the capacity to elevate the performance of a student to another level. All a coach can hope to achieve is to elevate the student to reach the maximum level of their ability. Trust me, this is not an easy thing to do! A coach must understand their student’s needs, moods, and fears. A priority is to gain the respect of their student. Indeed, this may be the defining characteristic of a coach. A coach goes beyond the boundary often set for an instructor or teacher. A coach develops an understanding of the true personality and other hidden nuances of their student. The history books are filled with talented players that failed because they took to the road of challenge without a coach. A true coach establishes a bond of trust that is similar to a parent. It is the same with a professional sales manager or other business coaching teams. Parents must seek to understand their children’s needs and personality. If we coach from our needs and not our student, we eventually jeopardize the success of both the coach and student.
12 NOV-DEC 2020
The best coaches have the ability to push a student to reach limits. Limits in many cases, the students didn’t know they were capable of achieving. These coaches must recognize the moment when they have extracted all that is available from their student or colleague. Some coaches push beyond this level. Trouble for student and coach is not far behind. The interaction of coach and Student is like a mirror. A mirror that reflects the strengths and weakness of both. As a parent, motivator, or coach make a firm commitment to go the distance. Never overlook anything for your protégé. Develop your personal coaching style. A coaching style that represents your beliefs and values. Your coaching style is your brand. A brand that will label your legacy as forever a coach who cared. A coach who cared about their student and their mission.
6. Under Construction Welding Your Passion toYour Performance PRESENTATION
About Anthony C. Gruppo Anthony C. Gruppo is a CEO, a visionary leader, an insurance and risk professional, an international podcast host, an engaging presenter, and author. He is a talented motivator who challenges people to think in new and powerful ways to fully maximize their potential. His Six Degrees of Impact program is instrumental in the success of the companies he has led. Anthony C. Gruppo has written six books, where he shares his stories, experiences, and insights to inspire others to reach their full potential. BOOK TITLES 1. Creating Reality A Guide to Personal Accomplishment 2. Creating Six Degrees The Journal 3. Pushers of the Possible 4. Roots of Leadership A Journal 5. Six Degrees of Impact Breaking Corporate Glass
Anthony C. Gruppo’s presentations are focused on leadership, management, and achieving the life you desire. Throughout his career, he has been invited to speak at seminars, corporate functions, dinners, workshops, and conferences. His dynamic and entertaining style makes him a highly sought after keynote speaker in both the national and international arenas. PAST ENGAGEMENTS • Powerhouse Global Leaders -Texas • Marsh United Kingdom Growth Summit - London • Professional Medical Insurance Association Miami • CIGNA Insurance Company - Conneticut • New Jersey Association of HR Professionals - New Jersey • Streetwise Partners - New York City • AIG Insurance Company Philadelphia • Developmental Leaders Conference - Chicago • Insurance Brokers Association of New York New York City
SPEAKING TOPICS • Pushers of the Possible Through motivational storytelling, Anthony C. Gruppo shares his philosophy about what it takes to be successful by always reaching for the possible. • Servant Leadership A leadership style based on serving the people you lead and helping others to achieve their potential. • Six Degrees of Impact An organizational system designed by Anthony C. Gruppo and Monique ter Haar to help organizations replace the glass ceiling with a glass floor, which results in positive growth both personally and professionally. You could connect with Anthony C. Gruppo through the following links: https://anthonygruppo.com/ https://www.marshcommercial. co.uk www.instagram.com/acgruppo www.linkedin.co/in/ AnthonyCGruppo www.amazon.com/Anthony-CGruppo/e/B00JG9PY41
NOV-DEC 2020 13
THE POWER OF SELF-LOVE In the last twelve years of running my business, I have always given my time, energy and money to those who have come my way. As an abstract thinker, work and work some more gives me an emensed pleasure and I can sometimes overlook my own needs.
was used to thinking it is ‘selfish’ to ask for what one need and deserve. It was as if my life plans have been out of place without me knowing. The realisation of ‘self-sabotage’ became clearer through the support of my amazing friends/coaches (Lady Joanne Stewart and MEejie Chaparro-Traverso). These women helped to guide me on the journey of ‘selflove’. It suddenly became clearer through their support that it’s okay to love myself. It’s okay to shutdown and take care of ‘me’. Just like a student, I began learning how to place priority on my needs instead of pushing off the point of focus. Now I can check what I allow into my space and how I invest my time and energy. I went further to engage in constant ‘reflective’ exercise. One of the things that came to light was my late mother. Yes, she was an addicted ‘servant’ during her lifetime. Could I be turning into my mother? As the last of her seven surviving children, I share alot of her characters (Teacher, mentor, cook, lover, mother, giver, Spiritualist etc...) My late beautiful, super intelligent, loving and powerful mother (Ezinne Rose Ofoduru) was a ‘selfless’ servant during her time. She was one woman who took care of so many ‘less privileged’ individuals and families in my community - Widows especially. Amongst my mother’s achievements during her lifetime was the honour (Ezinne) which was bestowed upon her by the Catholic Church for her service to humanity. Ezinne, which means: 14 NOV-DEC 2020
Beautiful and good mother was something she was proud of because it represents her totality as a community leader and a mother indeed. One thing my mother didn’t do well was to ‘love’ herself. Everyone came first on her list except ‘her’. She allowed an emensed pressure on herself which lead to some health issues, and saddly led to her transition at a young age of fifty nine. I can hear her voice as I write this article + tears... She use to call me ‘Nne’ meaning: Mother... Looking back, I was unkownly gravitating towards that sort of lifestyle (not considering my own needs), until my coaches showed up. Now, I have learned to shutdown and enjoy ‘me’. Since I began practicing this act, I can see the difference it has made in my overall wellness. If you are reading this article and you feel that things needs to change by you, please do so. Don’t leave it for too long. I was lucky enough to have people who told me the truth. What if no one showed up to wake you up from ‘selfsabotage’? What if no one shows up? When are you going to make those changes? When are you going to start loving yourself? I am offering 40% discount for my Powerhouse VIP Coaching/Mentoring program. Send me an email quoting (#pgs article) to be considered for the program. powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com I look forward to serving you. Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
reach of 73 countries from
Women Foundation (PGWF)
around the world Lady Anita
in 2016 in Nigeria and
helps feed minds and touch
subsequently, her most radiant
Powerhouse Global Magazine publications .
Providing basic education About Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw
Lady Anita Chioma Duckworth-Bradshaw is an Award winning Global Impact Leader, Best Selling Author, Change Agent, Life Coach, and the Creator of the Powerhouse Global Brand (Powerhouse Global Magazine, Powerhouse Global Awards and Powerhouse Global Conferences). Her eye for beauty, her talent for design, and her imaginative and creative skills have led her to build a global social media platform that helps further her social work. Culminating in an elegant and most sophisticated publication that serves humanity and shares their stories, she’s managed to create a world where to feature women and men alike. Her brilliant use of social media allows her to vastly influences the masses. With a distribution
for children, designing skills
It is both Lady Anita’s personal
acquisition programs for
and professional mission
women, and fostering social
to assist and serve others.
skills for youngsters, feeding
Lady Anita travels the world
over 1000 children and
speaking at conferences and
supporting more than 1000
organizing Powerhouse Global
women through her work
within her foundation since the inception in 2016.
She lives by her motto of: Transforming Lives - one
Lady Anita is a true
person at a time. Utilizing her
embodiment of a servant
voice, she addresses pressing
leader. She has created a
issues and topics related to
platform for men and women
her work. Topics such as:
alike from all spheres of life
Global Visibility; Your Voice.
to showcase their brilliance.
Your Power; Reposition for
A place leaders have come to
change;The Leading Leader;
love. Through online presence
Risk to Reward; Healing From
she gives hope to many people
Within; The Road To Discovery
– especially women.
and others.
Her own personal struggles
gave birth to her purpose.
Having grown up in Africa,
she understands first hand,
the importance of supporting
others and helping provide
ways to have life’s basic needs
met. She found a solution and therefore, created her foundation Powerful Global NOV-DEC 2020 15
Emotional Intelligence ……. ……. unleash the Best You Have to Offer …. knowing what feels good, what feels bad, and how to get from bad to good is all about emotional intelligence says Inderjit Singh a UN Consultant and a keen student of behavioral sciences…...
igh Intelligence alone is no guarantee
— BY INDERJIT SINGH Not anymore!
of success and happiness. Then why is it so, that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is
generally regarded as such a prime virtue? It was
Emotional Intelligence is the “difference” that “makes the difference”.
only until the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) emerged, that we could guess, what that
This write-up is by no means, a treatise or a
ever-elusive “why” was.
chronological development of the concept. My attempt is to rationalize the approach to the subject in the given ever-changing circumstances and one’s ability to make the best-balanced combination of the “intellective” (IQ) and “nonintellective” (EQ) elements to effectively meet our, and more importantly for the Leaders amongst us, to suitably discharge their social obligations and responsibilities towards the society and world at large. Suffice here to mention and pay tribute to the proponent of the concept of EI, the psychologist Edward Thorndike who almost a century back coined this phrase and the developers of the concept John Mayer and Peter Salovey in late 1990’s who elaborated it through their definition: • “The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas: identifying emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and regulating emotions”
16 NOV-DEC 2020
followed by an all-
limited to certain make-shift
encompassing narration
precautionary measures of
by Daniel Goleman, the
wearing face masks, social
contemporary modern-day
distancing, sanitization in the
expert on the subject:
current global coronavirus
• “What really matters
pandemic; there are prime
for success, character,
qualities that make and keep
happiness and lifelong
us employable with a mental
achievements is a definite
equilibrium and sanity for a
set of emotional skills –
proper balance in our personal
your EQ — not just purely
and business life alike – and
cognitive abilities that are
that is emotional intelligence –
measured by conventional
in its larger sense of the word.
IQ tests.” There has been no time like
this in the recent past. Life for the humanity has reached an
The current dynamics of the
inflexion point. Emotional and
global environment, is charged
Social Intelligence (ESI), perhaps
with a sense of immobility,
a more appropriate terminology,
helplessness, anxiety,
has over the course of last few
depression et al; as we are
months since inception of the
constantly “chasing a moving
pandemic, has become a key
target”. A judicious blend
talking point.
of IQ and EQ i.e. Logic and Emotions is the requirement of
In a time with no guarantees of
this moment; as never before.
job security & health safety and
Hence, the need to re-evaluate,
consistently performing under
re-examine and re-define the
pressure, conflicts, tensions,
concept within the established
when the very concept of
and well accepted broad-
a “job” is being replaced by
outline parameters.
“mobility skills” like work-from-
I believe that EI, as several
home or work-from-anywhere
other theories is organic
has become a norm; and when
in nature; always growing,
health concern - in the absence
reinventing and redefining with
of an appropriate vaccine, is
changing circumstances. Lady
There has been no time like this in the recent past. Life for the humanity has reached an inflexion point. Emotional and Social Intelligence (ESI), perhaps a more appropriate terminology, has over the course of last few months since inception of the pandemic, has become a key talking point. Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in one of her recent video clips made a mention of one being a “work-in-progress”. True, as we are evolving, so should our thinking processes until we reach a state of perfection – that is, if there is at all, anything called perfect? Simply put, in a lay person language, emotional intelligence is a type of social intelligence that involves “the ability to identify, assess, control manage, evaluate and monitor emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups, and to use the
NOV-DEC 2020 17
information to guide one’s thinking and actions” or even further simplified version “knowing what feels good, what feels bad, and how to get from bad to good is all about emotional intelligence”. However, this definition too is not the end-all in itself. Adaptability to one’s environment is the name of the game! In context of environment being the operative word, the definition can be reworded as “the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively within the given environment”.
EI AND LEADERSHIP There are Leaders and there are “Leaders of Substance”. A holistic leader of substance is skilled in two key areas he presents in his competence framework. These are “personal competence” - how he manages himself, and “social competence” - how he manages relationships. America’s old and ingrained belief that a good CEO or 18 NOV-DEC 2020
Executive level leader is
who will be successful. The
ruthless has been replaced with
realization has dawned that
the rise of humanity conscious
over 80% of competencies that
leaders. New leaders in various
differentiate top performers
industries have embraced a
from others are in the domain
human-centered approach to
of EI. What is clear is that EI
leading their companies. When
is no longer a nice to have for
employees are more deeply
organizations aspiring to be
connected to a vision for their
high performing; it is a need to
company, and they are cared
have. EI is no longer an option
for in a broad sense rather than
but a prime necessity.
just their production value, better working environments
A leader with high-level
are created. A Harvard Business
emotional intelligence can
School research has determined
navigate not just motivating
that EQ counts for twice as
and empowering employees,
much as IQ and technical
but also navigating complex
skills combined in determining
and challenging decision making
with the mastery of emotional
between high and low
dynamics to put into action at
response. In other words, a
performing leaders and EI is
that given moment; a balanced,
leader must have the ability to
at the heart of this difference.
practical, and a best-suited
process emotion to make sound
In a recent worldwide survey,
feasible solution to a problem
decisions. It means that when a
it emerged that 43% of
encountered and further to
complicated issue erupts, that
employees agreed or strongly
own the responsibility for its
leader may have an adverse
agreed that “if their manger had
success or failure, as the case
reaction that can aid them in
more emotional intelligence,
may be. Our emotions need to
making a good decision despite
they would put extra effort.”
be as educated as our intellect.
that negative reaction.
Research has shown that over
It is important to know how
A leader could be the most
80% of the competencies that
to feel, how to think, how to
intelligent person with a high IQ
differentiate top performers
respond, and how to let life in,
rating in the room, but without
from others are in the domain
so it can touch you.
a high EI score, this leader may
of EI, yet the notion of
“It is very important to
fail to motivate employees. The
emotions in the workplace is
understand that emotional
presence of positive mood in
often greatly misunderstood.
intelligence is not the opposite
leaders at work creates more
In hard times, the soft stuff
of intelligence, it is not the
effective and broader thought
often goes away. But emotional
triumph of heart over head – it
processes in certain types
intelligence, it turns out, isn’t
is the unique intersection of
of decision-making abilities.
soft. If emotional obliviousness
Emotional Intelligence can
jeopardizes your ability to
be a game-changer to high
perform, fend off aggressors,
At the end of this write-up we
performance and personal
or be compassionate in a crisis,
are perhaps left with as many
no amount of attention to the
questions as there are answers
bottom line will protect your
or more questions still to be
career. Emotional intelligence
answered. It is my conviction
isn’t a luxury you can dispense
that it is better to debate a
One size does not fit all; every
with in tough times. It’s a basic
question without instantly
leader will have different style
tool that, deployed with finesse,
settling it than to settle a
and that style will interact
is the key to professional
question without debating it.
with different environments in
Readers are welcome to
different ways. However, one research at the Institute for
respond via inderjit.singh@
Health and Human Potential (IHHP) of over 10,000 global
To me, EI in a leadership
leaders revealed that there
position, is a reorientation, a
are some clear distinctions
realization of one’s internal NOV-DEC 2020 19
20 NOV-DEC 2020
er Royal Highness Queen Nadia Harihiri, Crowned Her Royal Majesty Queen Aya of the Continent of Africa
on 26th October 2019 in a glorious ceremony that took place in Cote D’voire. Her Royal Highness holds the position of Ambassador at Large for UN Affairs at the International Human Rights Commission , IHRC www.ihrchq. org . Arbitration Judge for the Federal Court of Human Rights. She is President of the general planning and European Union of Aider Donner Nourrir (ADN International French NGO) which is a strategic partner of IHRC, Pro-Chancellor of Rockfield College of Sciences and Technology in Switzerland RCST www.rcsedu.ch/prochancellor . An institution known for its innovative academic curriculum , She is President of CID Africa, Honorary President of United Leaders , Board member of GITAC Foundation www. gitac.net/gif.php ….Founder and Executive Chairwoman of the NGO Successworld1
NOV-DEC 2020 21
“Let’s look at the success of others as the best expression of ourselves. It cannot be otherwise, let us stop undergoing the tortures of the inferiority complex & cultivating ignorance” (HRH Nadia Harihiri) www.successworld1.org.
Crown Point International
Her Royal Highness is in
Global Ambassador at
College of Health Sciences
the process of launching
UNNATII - The Upliftment
and Technology www.
Succesworld1 at the
International level which is her
International Chairperson at
latest brainchild. Her Majesty
African Festival Foundation.
“ADN is YOU, its Us, United in
advocates for peace, unity and
International Executive
Universal Consciousness and
equality for all irrespective
& Advisory Member of
Divine Love”
of our socio - economic
the Governing Council at
(HRH Nadia Harihiri)
differences, gender, creed,
22 NOV-DEC 2020
making education, technology and various other opportunity available to all. Creating a global network. One of the main focuses of Successworld1 is to build villages for the homeless globally, by hosting musical concerts in different countries and locations, to raise funds and create a platform for talented artists to gain recognition, advance in their art colour, race, religion or
(HRH Nadia Harihiri)
geographical location.
and share a positive message with the World. Music is a
Her Royal Highness is
vehicle that brings unity. By
“Let’s look at the success of
passionate about providing
uniting artists across the globe
others as the best expression
High quality Free education
to share a message of hope and
of ourselves. It cannot be
to all, through Successworld1
peace through their craft we
otherwise, let us stop undergoing
and her global partners who
will begin to speak the same
the tortures of the inferiority
have joined hands with her in
language of love.
complex & cultivating ignorance”
this time she will be working on
“The equality of men is confirmed by the red colour of their blood flowing through their veins. Believing in our difference or our superiority is an illusion. Let us respect life as a divine right and inheritance. “(HRH Nadia Harihiri) NOV-DEC 2020 23
“The equality of men is
Protecting the vulnerable,
confirmed by the red colour of
giving a voice to those who
their blood flowing through their
are not heard and creating
veins. Believing in our difference
a platform where woman
or our superiority is an illusion.
have the same opportunities
Let us respect life as a divine
that have only been made
right and inheritance. “(HRH
available to men due to cultural
Nadia Harihiri)
influences are very close to her heart.
The Queen intends on unifying
“We can win all wars with love. To understand what true love is, let us look at the sun which spreads its heat and its light on all, without making any difference or making any judgement” (HRH Nadia Harihiri)
all the NGO’s who have a
“The body cannot walk with one
mandate to assist humanity so
leg, so why condemn the equality
that they can work together
between men and women. This
to achieve their goals and
World must restore its balance.”
teams. She believes that sports
make a lasting global impact
(HRH Nadia Harihiri)
is a vehicle that can bring peace
to bring positive change and understanding.
and understanding between Her Royal Highness supports
people even when they have
and sponsors several sports
differences. She is working on creating Olympic Games for Orphans globally, which will be the first of its kind. Due to the phenomenal impact it will have for these children. She has partnered with some of the biggest names in football and basketball that are more than happy to assist her and the Succesworld1 team to make this a reality. “We can win all wars with love. To understand what true love is, let us look at the sun which spreads its heat and its
24 NOV-DEC 2020
light on all, without making any difference or making any judgement” (HRH Nadia Harihiri) Her Royal Highness has graced the cover of the FBI Magazine as of the most influential friends of Africa www.paledec/ archives/1490. At the Pan African Summit 2019 Her Royal Highness received an award for the impact she is creating on the continent to provide opportunities within the area of education, human rights, gender equality, various empowerment projects, sport, hydroponics, agricultural projects and food security to name a few. The fight against human trafficking is, rural and infrastructural development. “This World is only a reflection of our thoughts supported by our emotions. There can be no cause without effect or effect without cause. Every cause begins in us and reflects its effect outside of us. If together we create the idea of peace within us and support it with our faith, we will see peace in this material world. When we realize that this World is only an electromagnetic impulse, we will no longer doubt our ability to create a better World. No one
will dare to violate human rights
Chairwoman Successworld1
and peace will prevail.” (HRH
Nadia Harihiri)
• Pro Chancellor of Rockfield College of Sciences and
“When the power of love
Technology President of CID
overcomes the love of power,
peace will take root in hearts
• Honorary President of United
and become an absolute law
Leaders Board Member of
respected by all.” (HRH Nadia
GITAC Foundation
• International Chairlady African Festival Foundation
“Success of the World is Unity”
• International Executive and
“Let us be One Voice in One
Advisory Member of the
Governing Council of Crown Point International College
• Royal Majesty Queen Nadia Harihiri Ambassador at
Global Ambassador at UNNATII - The Upliftment
Large UN Affairs IHRC • Arbitration Judge at the Federal Court for International Human Rights • President & General Planning & European Union of ADN French Diplomatic NGO Founder & Executive
NOV-DEC 2020 25
LADY JOANNE STEWART Lady Joanne Stewart is a professional coach, mentor and professional organiser. Also known professionally as The Life Organiser, Joanne is focused on supporting leaders, entrepreneurs and small businesses. The world around us is stressful, fast paced and confusing and Joanne is passionate in supporting people to make sense of their lives. To find the calm out of the chaos.
ady Joanne Stewart is a professional coach, mentor and professional organiser. Also known professionally as The Life Organiser,
Joanne is focused on supporting leaders, entrepreneurs and small businesses. The world around us is stressful, fast paced and confusing and Joanne is passionate in supporting people to make sense of their lives. To find the calm out of the chaos. This has never been truer; as we go to publication with this magazine, we are in the midst of a global pandemic and the world is a very unsettling place. More and more top leaders around the world are reaching out to coaches like Joanne to support them through these difficult times. We all need someone trusted to turn to. And this is precisely what she offers – a safe and trusted pair of hands to guide and support her clients. It can be particularly lonely at the top for professional, successful people. They often have numerous demands on their time, and they are looked to for guidance and strong leadership, and yet who supports them? That is where The 26 NOV-DEC 2020
Life Organiser comes in. Through her work, Joanne helps her clients to find solutions to problems, to organise and structure all aspects of the professional and personal life and to find that much sought-after balance. Perhaps most importantly of all, Joanne supports her clients to organise their minds, to have a healthy and calm mindset, to tackle stress and, of course, to reach their all-important goals. This enables her clients to focus on what they
do best - allowing them to lead
This photograph shows Joanne about to give a speech in front of 250 people in September 2019. The previous morning, she had a fall which left her with very obvious injuries to her face and generally feeling pretty battered and bruised. Rather than back away from the challenge, she faced it head on, not allowing her injuries to become a barrier. There will always be something ahead of us that is trying to test us, but it is how we deal with it is what is important.
and be successful. “An organised mind is a smart mind” - Lady Joanne Stewart The measures we use to define success are different for everyone. But one thing remains constant – there will be numerous challenges and obstacles to overcome in order to reach one’s own version of successful. Joanne has faced a lot of adversity in her life, and as a result is an expert in navigating challenges and finding solutions. Through her personal trials and tribulations, to over 30 years of professional experience, there is no challenge that Joanne has backed away from, and she uses her knowledge and expertise to navigate the way for her clients to face all
can be, but to enable her to fully support others. She firmly believes that the importance of investing in oneself should never be overlooked. Joanne already had professional qualifications and skills to her name such as in underwriting, personal and virtual assistant,
challenges head on too.
primary education, behaviour
So, who is Joanne and what is
professional organising and
she all about? Well, beyond being a wife and mother to two adult children, Joanne has invested a great deal in her own journey, in both a private and professional capacity. She has invested in her own growth with academic studies in order to not only be the best she
and anger management, of course coaching and mentoring. But that wasn’t enough for her. In the last few years alone, Joanne has successfully taken qualifications in Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy
Well, beyond being a wife and mother to two adult children, Joanne has invested a great deal in her own journey, in both a private and professional capacity. She has invested in her own growth with academic studies in order to not only be the best she can be, but to enable her to fully support others. She firmly believes that the importance of investing in oneself should never be overlooked.
(REBT), Teaching English as a
NOV-DEC 2020 27
Foreign Language and Teaching
Criminology and Law – because
English to Speakers of Other
she thought it might be ‘fun’!
Languages (TEFL/TESOL) and
Thankfully with all that going
Proofreading and Copyediting.
on, she is one of the most
She also keeps up to date with
organised people you will ever
her certificates in First Aid and
come across and her multi-
Mental Health First Aid. All of
tasking and organisational skills
this time and effort invested in
are on a different level. She
studying ensures that Joanne
is also a published author and
is able to deliver outstanding
public speaker.
service to her clients, using these transferable skills, and
Joanne volunteers in the
working at the highest level to
third sector at a non-profit
support them.
organisation within her local community which tragically
And if that still wasn’t enough,
has been hit hard by the
currently she is studying part-
pandemic, with many of the
time towards a degree in
more vulnerable people in the
28 NOV-DEC 2020
Joanne already had professional qualifications and skills to her name such as in underwriting, personal and virtual assistant, primary education, behaviour and anger management, professional organising and of course coaching and mentoring. But that wasn’t enough for her
Joanne is an empathetic person with a big heart and strives to always be there for others. In the world we live in, our mental health is under constant strain, and Joanne aims to improve people’s lives in whatever way she can. She remains the ultimate professional, whilst delivering her services in a friendly and efficient matter community unable to receive
heart and strives to always
Lady Joanne Stewart
the help that is vital to them.
be there for others. In the
The Life Organiser - ‘Creating
In addition, an area that she is
world we live in, our mental
calm out of chaos’
committed to, is in supporting
health is under constant strain,
victims and survivors of
and Joanne aims to improve
Website - www.thelifeorganiser.
domestic violence, rape and
people’s lives in whatever
sexual abuse. Daily she freely
way she can. She remains the
LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.
utilises her skills to help and
ultimate professional, whilst
empower women through
delivering her services in a
Email – thelifeorganiser@
some of their darkest times,
friendly and efficient matter,
in escaping their abusers, and
and she loves creating good
Phone – 07365 431611
dealing with the aftermath.
relationships with her clients based on mutual respect, trust
Above all, Joanne is an
and importantly fun wherever
empathetic person with a big
NOV-DEC 2020 29
GABRIELE SOMMER To be exact, I was born in Germany, near Frankfurt and from an early age I was enthusiastic about sport and winning goals and the success I aspired to, which made my heart beat faster.
y striving for success
to use my knowledge and my
166 employees and to lead it
and the desire
natural spirituality to live it in
with success, because my credo
to achieve this in
the material world.
is: Lead with enthusiasm by
harmony with my life made
Thus I was able to build
me go many ways of personal
up myself a financial sales
development, until I decided
department with more than
To bring body, mind and soul into balance is one of my missions. As an entrepreneur and shareholder of a large media publishing house, I have experienced all the ups and downs of life. These experiences have shaped
Gabriele Sommer possesses the gift of feeling and inspiring people. In this way, she playfully creates the ability to perceive other people’s shares, to read them and to feel and release blockades. 30 NOV-DEC 2020
me and motivated me to go abroad for a few years and learn there. I was in a Tibetan monastery for 5 years to find my inner peace and balance and to recognize and promote my high spirituality. I was then trained as a coach by Antony Robbins, Richard Brandler, Harve Erker, Robert Grey and other leading experts. Through these profound trainings and qualifications and my medial talent to touch people with the heart, I became a much valued advisor and coach of executives and public personalities from film, politics and sports. Of course, I do not mention the names of my clients publicly here, because discretion and trust are important assets for my business model. A true VIP mentor, internationally active and recognized, respected and eloquent, who is not satisfied until her clients arrive at their destination. Gabriele Sommer possesses
the gift of feeling and inspiring
This is exactly what fills
people. In this way, she
Gabriele with joy and gratitude
playfully creates the ability to
and is her inner drive for top
perceive other people’s shares,
to read them and to feel and release blockades.
I love people and I am proud when I can help to realize their
Nothing remains hidden to her
that she cannot dissolve and give support.
Gabriele Sommer helps you to recognize your “thought
Customers describe her as
creations� and leads you
unique, spiritual and solution-
personally to the point where
oriented, emphatic, as a friend
you are the best coach for
and true mentor.
NOV-DEC 2020 31
She shows you a coaching process that gives you a
Through these profound trainings and qualifications and my medial talent to touch people with the heart, I became a much valued advisor and coach of executives and public personalities from film, politics and sports. Of course, I do not mention the names of my clients publicly here, because discretion and trust are important assets for my business model.
32 NOV-DEC 2020
personal development and
gives YOU the freedom to be who you want to be, that
Gabriele Sommer shows you
activates and inspires all your
how you can quickly and easily
energies on all levels of your
learn to trust yourself and
body and awakens your inner
follow your inner voice – your
so-called intuition. And to be really successful in
In order to be able to be
the long run – your so-called
capable in today’s hectic times,
top success!
especially as a manager or public personality, you must also master the high art of “resilience” in order to have
long-term success – Operate THINK HYGIENE
Gabriele Sommer shows you:
• How you can strengthen your weaknesses • How you can benefit from
injuries • Overcome your fears and insecurities • How you are respected and loved • How you recognize who you are • How to gain security and
You want more: • Independence • Freedom • live your own destinies and gifts • personal outstanding success
self-confidence All you need to get the most You learn how you can
out of my lectures is the
playfully rely on your inner
openness for new things.
voice again without getting into a dependency on leaders,
In this lecture Gabriele Sommer
success people and so-called
will show you ways and
role models.
possibilities that will help you find your way to top success
You learn how you can playfully rely on your inner voice again without getting into a dependency on leaders, success people and socalled role models. So you learn to trust yourself completely again, on your own power. Gabriele Sommer will help you to develop your own strength together with you and bring it closer to you! • Afterwards you will have
So you learn to trust yourself
and make it easier to reach the
a clear picture of yourself
completely again, on your own
finish line.
and your desires and possibilities.
power. • You will recognize which
• You can feel if the following
Gabriele Sommer will help you
hurdles stand in your way
workshop will bring you
to develop your own strength
and how you can remove
forward and if I am the right
together with you and bring it
mentor for you.
closer to you!
• You will receive 5 clear recommendations for
Her work with you, shows
action, which you can easily
you your invisible levels of
and joyfully implement.
SUCCESS and the process of TRANSFORMATION of your SELF, which takes place on all levels.
Web: www.vip-mentor.com
• You will laugh and feel your feelings. • You will lose your fears and feel joy.
NOV-DEC 2020 33
THE NEED TO CONNECT The search for more… “Hopefully thought provoking for your soul”MEejie — BY MEEJIE™ CHAPARRO-TRAVERSO, CPC
It seems everyone in our world is obsessed with
communication, and in our relationships
technology and social media. If you simply scan
your surroundings, you see humanity constantly attached to cell phones, computers, iPads,
There is a lot of criticism today regarding the
tablets, etc. Phone calls, texting, social media,
excessive use of social media and technology
and overall integration of technology in our lives
and its alluring and addictive components.
is not limited to only when we find ourselves in
Nevertheless, we somehow manage to justify its
the privacy of our homes. We’re plugged in while
excessive use as an “urgent need.” We make up
we’re in restaurants, parks, schools, work, and
excuses and offer justifications to give ourselves
sadly, even while driving.
permission to connect. We offer numerous
And now, due to these unprecedented times
reasons why it is acceptable to be “hooked-up”
of the lashes forced upon us by COVID, the
to our phones or other technology devices -
trend appears to be the new norm in business,
we attach it to work, children, family members,
34 NOV-DEC 2020
connected. Social media sites make it so easy and extremely appealing for us to continue. This sharing and engaging in virtual and technological connections is a fast growing trend of our society. This trend speaks volumes about our “innate” need to interact and to carry on relationships with others. Perhaps, the issue at hand, a “ghost-like” issue, is not our addiction to social media and technology but one of more, and one that goes beyond acknowledgement. One that is not seen as an essential need for our emotional and social development as individuals. One that is a basic need, which manifests in every aspect significant others, school, coaches, anyone, or anything
There is a lot of criticism today regarding the excessive use of social media and technology and its alluring and addictive components. Nevertheless, we somehow manage to justify its excessive use as an “urgent need.”
of our lives. The need for healthy, fulfilling and loving
else. Our hook-up is constant.
We succumb and give way
There are some efforts and
to a “false sense of urgency” that takes over our lives and attribute it to tasks and responsibilities we have by convincing ourselves it can’t wait. We do so in order to justify and condone the need we have to be constantly
movements, which seek to raise awareness regarding the excessive use of social media, smartphones, technology, and the detrimental effects they have on our relationships as they oftentimes can debilitate and discourage face-to-face social interaction. This effort to NOV-DEC 2020 35
stop peoples’ addiction to social
realities of their current lives
A need to have meaningful
media and technology although
is a need for something more
and healthy relationships in
often warranted might overlook
or something greater. Maybe
interactions with others. A
the root cause for some.
it is a result of their need to
need for acceptance, validation
have fulfilling and healthy
and maybe even love.
People become immersed in
connections with others.
this virtual and technological
Perhaps, an indication that at
I submit this so called
world and fail to properly
the very core isn’t satisfied.
addiction to social media and
engage with each other. There
technology is an overwhelming
is, perhaps, much validity to this
Our quick and general
consequence to, and a product
assumption. However, has it
assumptions of the willful
of people’s need to connect.
occurred to us that there might
engagement with technology
In essence it might be a cry for
be another possible trigger
by the masses is seen as giving
to this social and technology
into a “hook-up” life style. Yet,
addiction we have? Could
it may possibly fail to see that
Maybe it stems from living
there be a greater need we
this addiction to social media
lives where we aren’t
have that is being overlooked?
and technology for some
having not enough fulfilling
Perhaps, peoples’ desperate
people is nothing other than a
relationships and interactions
need to escape and avoid the
desperate attempt to connect.
with others. Could it possibly
36 NOV-DEC 2020
be that we are experiencing
“Let’s lend a hand, fill a void, nurture relationship, or just say hello!”
such a devastating lack of
intense connections? Healthy relationships founded on real and deep communication? Do we find ourselves in such a desperate need for connections that we are resorting to finding and even creating them via technology and the internet? Could it be that we, as individuals, so desperately need to satisfy our emotional needs and connect with others at a much deeper level than we realize? Is it that we rather connect with anything or anyone in order to avoid void a healthy and loving relationship with ourself? Although much criticism exists around our current social media and technology addiction phenomena, and perhaps, there’s much truth to the fact that we seem to have abandoned “being present” “in the moment,” enjoying our current lives and those around us. I also see something more; something worth pondering upon, and perhaps, something worth sharing; I see people’s subtle, (or maybe not so subtle) cry for
a connection. I see people’s
engagement. It offers us a
urgent need and desire to
tangible way to escape into
connect with others. I see a
“another world.” To avid a
desire for acknowledgment,
deeper look at ourselves.
validation, acceptance and love. A need for a recognition is so
This world of imagination
vastly that they are willing to
where we fantasize and
indiscriminately share details of
dream. A way to experience
their personal and private lives
emotions, engage in actions, or
with anyone. I see individuals
simply pretend we are part of
willing to forgo their present
something more, in this case
experiences, moments and
our own story plot. Private
relationships in order to find
details of our lives exposed.
stimuli for their minds. A need
Boundaries unknown. Safety
to satisfy emotional voids. A
at risk. Sharing unlimited.
cry for help, a need to connect.
Limitless audiences.
What better way of ensuring that there’s someone available
Beneath it all, it is possibly
at the other end?
a cry for help, a need to connect, a search for more. A
We are masters at creating
NEED for a deep and loving
stories, imagining things and
relationship with ourselves and
at dreaming. This amazing
a the unveiling of a spiritual
ability we have possibly sparks
CONNECTION with our soul!
creativity and encourage our
NOV-DEC 2020 37
LEADERSHIP AUTHENTICITY… WHAT IT REALLY MEANS There is a lot of talk now about leaders needing to be authentic. But what does that really mean? I have heard people misconstrue the meaning. They take the word authentic, to mean, I can just be myself. But just being yourself is not that simple.
— BY ROSS SWAN There can be a difference between being truly
Seeing yourself through others means you
authentic and just being yourself. The question
become a person who is not staying true to
here is, what is driving ‘being yourself’? Are you
themself, but a person staying true to other’s
being a reflection of your inner self or are you a
expectations. How often do we see executives
reflection of the people around you?
continually rate themselves against others for the wrong reasons? Playing office politics,
Authenticity is a continuous connectivity
winning at the expense of others, and the list
between the head, the heart, and the soul.
goes on.
Understanding, and then living that, makes one truly authentic. If you continually see yourself
Don’t get me wrong, you can be influenced
through the eyes of others, then that will change
by others, having mentors and role models
the equation.
are healthy learning opportunities. But that’s
38 NOV-DEC 2020
just it, it is for your personal
that is, recognising their deep
development, not for you to
feelings about themselves,
be a replica of someone else.
have they wanted to treat
Competition is healthy also, but
people badly. Where thoughts
not at the expense of others.
to compete, seek revenge, I
A behaviour which also leads
am better than him/her etc.,
to misalignment of strategic
come when they are in their
head space, not when they are connected with their inner
So the being an authentic
leader is something that comes from within you.
An exercise I have done may times as a coach is to help
When your heart, soul and
people get in touch with their
inner self are connected you
inner self. Its amazing how
will have good thoughts. Over
much people get out of that
the years coaching numerous
exercise. It quite often liberates
executives, I have never met
them. They like the energy
anyone, that once they are
that it provides, and they work
connected their to inner self,
hard to be more in this mode
An exercise I have done may times as a coach is to help people get in touch with their inner self. Its amazing how much people get out of that exercise. It quite often liberates them. They like the energy that it provides, and they work hard to be more in this mode of behaviour. That is taking regular time out to meditate and reflect.
NOV-DEC 2020 39
In their mind, an Olympic athlete does not compete against others, they compete against themselves and strive for their personal best. Yes, physically they compete, but mentally they are not. They do not outwardly think they are the best, but they definitely do inwardly. It’s that inner strength that gives them the drive to compete day after day. of behaviour. That is taking regular time out to meditate and reflect. So, with continual encouragement and selfdiscipline they start to change. It may be a long journey for some but at least they have started. But I will admit, some bounce back to their old behaviour of headspace living and stay there for a variety of reasons. Luckily, they are the minority I have worked with.
40 NOV-DEC 2020
A very important outcome of
of your thoughts, such as: “yes
being one’s true self, is that
I am better than they are, yes
you are more conscious of your
aren’t I good”!!!
impact on others. It’s not, “I need to be myself so I can say
In their mind, an Olympic
what I want.” Yes, you need
athlete does not compete
to say what needs to be said,
against others, they compete
but in a more diplomatic way.
against themselves and strive
Its just takes a little patience
for their personal best. Yes,
and discipline, something you
physically they compete, but
have more of when that desire
mentally they are not. They do
comes from within.
not outwardly think they are the best, but they definitely do
Keeping in touch with your own
inwardly. It’s that inner strength
feelings enables you to better
that gives them the drive to
understand other people’s
compete day after day.
feelings. That’s what tends to motivate you to be conscious
The same is for authentic
of others. A heightener for your
leaders. To be authentic
emotional intelligence.
you need to have that inner strength not to bow to other
The last point regarding
people’s opinions as to how
authenticity I want to make, is
you should be leading. Yes,
about ego. To me, we have two
your need to be open minded
aspects of ego. Your inner and
to other ideas but not a direct
outer ego.
reflection of them.
Your outer ego is fueled by
Your inner ego comes from
your thought’s, not your
being confident and feeling that
feelings. It gets back to what I
you are okay and that you can
mentioned before, the desire
stand tall in any crowd. But that
to compete and feel superior
should come from your inner
to others. That’s head space
self, not an outer expression
thinking only. You may think
where you feel the need tell
you are feeling it, but no, you
everyone. Your inner self does
are thinking it. The feeling you
not compete with others it
are getting is only a reflection
competes only with yourself.
Keeping in touch with your own feelings enables you to better understand other people’s feelings. That’s what tends to motivate you to be conscious of others. A heightener for your emotional intelligence. That is the foundation of being authentic. So how do I work on my authenticity? Firstly, you need to desire which comes from within, not a desire driven by the outside environment. That is, “authentic leadership is what I am reading about so I must become one.” The problem here is that as soon as you meet a roadblock
About ROSS SWAN Ross is a perceptive and responsive leadership consultant, coach and trainer, with broad experience in varied industries worldwide, including financial services, construction, energy, beauty products, logistics, distribution, retail, engineering, hospitality, airlines, and manufacturing. Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and interpersonal relations. He works internationally, spanning a variety of industries around the globe with his projects encompassing many diverse cultural backgrounds. Throughout the years, Ross has developed a growing desireto put an ongoing emphasis on bringing more soul into business and he believes that the most effective leaders are soul inspired. You can catch Ross at www.soul-inspiredleadership.com
you will move to another fad because it may be easier to do. Your desire needs to come from within. You can do this through meditation or mindfulness. The key here is to just take the time out to reflect on how you want to behave as a person and are you doing that, not how you think you should behave, but
how you really feel. When you
the time, then question where
compete with yourself you win,
your desire is coming from.
only when you compete with
Your inner being or your outer
others do you loose.
thoughts. Get that right and you can be truly authentic
Taking that regular time out
So, to summarize, true
is fueled by the desire from
authenticity is about feeling it
within. If it’s difficult to find
not thinking it.
NOV-DEC 2020 41
DR. BINDU BABU Dr. Bindu Babu is a successful Integrative Physician & Celebrity Transformational Coach. She’s been awarded New York’s Most Powerful Women in Business 2019 and is the Global Goodwill Ambassador, USA and Global Peace Chain Ambassador, USA. She is a successful entrepreneur where she is
“My Soulmate, My Love, My Narcissist” based on
trained in the Quantum methodologies of healing
her protocol on the healing and recovery form
helping her clients all over the world.
Narcissistic abuse.
Dr. Babu has taken on the roles of Organizing
Dr. Babu has been nominated for the Wintrade
Committee Member & Chair at various
Global 2020 Entrepreneur in Health & Wellness
psychiatry based World Congresses and Global
Award, UK, the 2020 iWomen Global Award,
Summits. She is a renowned international
India and the Women of Inspiration Award 2020,
keynote speaker on narcissism and abusive toxic
Canada. She was featured in the Formidable
relationships where she has authored her book
Women Magazine 2020 Spring issue, The
42 NOV-DEC 2020
Hollywood Times and chosen
Platform to support country
Master and a Past Life
as a “Phenomenal Woman”
preparedness and response.
Regression Therapist trained
2020 by Phenomenalwoman. org, not for profit organization.
& certified by internationally Dr. Babu is a Medical Physician
renowned Dr. Brian L. Weiss
and has a Doctorate in
M.D. author of “Many Lives,
Dr. Babu has spoken at
Natural Medicine and a PHD
Many Masters” with the Weiss
prestigious universities such
in Integrative Medicine. She
as Harvard and NYU and has
is the curriculum founder
been invited on many radio
and professor of Health
She works at her office in the
shows, podcasts, and live
Business Entrepreneurship, at
Financial District of Manhattan,
global television talk shows
the Masters & PHD level at
New York & also see her clients
throughout her career. She is
Quantum University, Hawaii
virtually worldwide
honored as the Circle of Wise
Women for the International Organization; Female Wave
Website: www.BinduBabu.com Dr. Babu is a Certified Reiki
of Change & has dedicated her time for a Non-Profit Organization, New American Voters Association (NAVA) in New York as the Director of Leadership Academy. She is an advocate of Gender Based Violence prevention & Women Empowerment. Dr. Babu is “Honorary Life Member” of the globally known ALL Ladies League (ALL), Women Economic Forum and member of WICCI: Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - India’s First National Business Chamber for Women. She is WHO (World Health Organization) certified for the Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners NOV-DEC 2020 43
44 NOV-DEC 2020
EmaIL: womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
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46 NOV-DEC 2020
POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
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Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
48 NOV-DEC 2020
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com
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