FALGUNI KATIRA (FK) PGS: Falguni, you are welcome
of their own true self, realize
Your limiting beliefs, such as
to today’s interview with Lady
the strength and potential they
fear, anger, shame, guilt, etc.
carry and the precious value
will surface in your reasoning
they bring to this world.
when you compare your
FK: Thank you, Lady Anita. It
Please click the link here for my
answers for #2 and #3.
is a pleasure being here, talking
detailed bio
to you and your wonderful audience.
4. Next, list every action that Falguni Katira Bio
you MUST take to be where you want to be, per your best
PGS: Please introduce yourself
PGS: As a Life Coach, what
understanding. Thereafter, list
to our readers.
would you suggest to someone
all the actions that you are
who is afraid to step out of
WILLING to take to get there.
their comfort zone?
5. Start bridging the gap
FK: Hello! I’m Falguni Katira, the one who introduces you
between where you are and
to your own awesomeness.
FK: My approach to tackle
where you want to be by taking
I help female executives and
fear is head on. I like to work
at least 3 action steps every
business owners tap into their
through fear with my clients in
single day to transmute that
inner intelligence to interrupt
a way that makes logical sense
negative emotional energy into
old habits, access their creative
while fuelling them emotionally
a positive action item.
mind, and lead a balanced life
to take action.
6. Work with a coach to
and career with radical self-
So, the process looks like this
uproot these limiting beliefs
1. Determine where you want
by Timeline Therapy and
to be / who you want to be in
emotional healing modalities.
I’m a Mindfulness
Implementation Strategist,
2. Chart out the gap / reasons
PGS: What are the top three
certified Transformation coach,
that come between where you
books that changed your life?
NLP master practitioner and
are and where you want to be.
Hypnotherapist. I have founded
3. List all the reasons why you
FK: Bhagavad Geeta As It
the V.I.S.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y signature
want to stick to your comfort
Is by Swami Prabhupada
framework with the intent of
Autobiography of a Yogi by
helping women gain visibility
32 JAN-MAR 2021
Parmahansa Yogananda