"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step."
– Martin Luther king Jr.Five years ago I had a conversation with one of my cheerleaders after seeing a poorly published magazine by another company. I was encouraged to go on the journey of publishing our global magazine.
Looking back on 5 years of learning and becoming, all I can say is that Almighty God has been at the centre of my success.
In this 5 years we have interviewed and featured top leaders from around the world including Presidents of Nations, Royals and industrial change makers.
We have made great progress with our work because of your support and encouragement. Thank you to our design team who have been a solid support.
Powerhouse Global Magazine has come a long way and we are set for the new beginning starting from June 2023.
Thank you for being part of our global work since 2018.
PGMAG: Your Excellency, it’s an honour to have another opportunity to interview you for the Powerhouse Global Magazine.
HPA: It is always a great pleasure to be speaking to Powerhouse Global Magazine!
PGMAG: As the First female President of the Republic of Mauritius, a scientist, and a global champion for capacity building, what are some of the strategies one can apply to break free from the hold limiting beliefs?
HPA: I am a strong believer in the transformational role of education in the life of an individual. I am such a product. I grew up in a small village and could never have aspired to be anything but a good gave me that springboard of substance. So why capacity building matters for the African continent? Africa will be home to the youngest population on the planet and become the main source of human resource by 2050. Having a young population is a double edge sword.. a bounty and a bane.. Bounty ? if managed these talents can serve the country/ region.. A bane? If not carefully nurtured, we can witness more events like those that have triggered the Tunisian revolution. Yet Africa
needs to leverage all of her talents in order to improve the livelihoods of her populations. These young people need quality education from a tender age and all the way up to university level. This investment in the young people’s education must come from their respective governments. The latter has also the responsibility to create the ecosystem these young need to nurture their ideas in start ups/ incubators and become job creators. Of course, it goes without saying that women have a key role to play in this equation.
What we are going to do with the ‘Africa Women Leadership Network’ (AWLN) is to match the talents of our young women, initially to some of the best Universities within the continent and address some key thematic issues such as Agriculture, Food & Energy security, Water, Big data, etc.. This will also be a good way of attracting the 6th African region – the Diaspora and encourage brain circulation.
PGMAG: What were some of the lessons you learned while in office as the ‘President’ of Republic of Mauritius?
HPA: In fact I had started such a programme
for the country when I was in Office. As for any new initiative, it was looked upon with suspicion. People always query your agenda!.. I did not have any but the will to leave behind a legacy. I persisted, as always.. I was informed that several of those students have now graduated with their PhDs! Interestingly, I was reading in the newspaper today that the European Union is encouraging and enabling mobility of students across the continent through scholarships!
PGMAG: In your capacity as a global leader, what would you say were the top three keys that have enabled you to achieve success in life?
HPA: To achieve success as a
woman implies many things. It starts from childhood. It starts with the family when I had a father who invested in me, in my education, in building my self-confidence. This matters so much later in life when one is confronted with risks.. How does one have this selfconfidence to take risks? Also a woman needs to believe in herself, never turn bitter when you have been denied something that you feel you rightly deserved.. use that energy to build a new pathway and NEVER ever give up.. Just know that at the end of a very
dark tunnel, there is light!
PGMAG: Congratulations on your recent appointment as the ‘African Women Leader Network’ champion.
HPA: I only feel that I contributing to a cause that I firmly believe in. The belief in that cause has cost me dearly but I am not going to be deterred and it is also my own way of giving back!
PGMAG: Please tell us more about this new role, the task involved and how you intend
I only feel that I contributing to a cause that I firmly believe in. The belief in that cause has cost me dearly but I am not going to be deterred and it is also my own way of giving back!
HPA: Let us take each other by the hand, create a community of strong, confident women.. Let us rise together and not disparage each other.. Because if we donot show solidarity, we will all sink together…
PGMAG: Finally, what is your message for African Leaders?
to tackle them.
HPA: Over the past few years since AWLN has been launched in New York, it has started creating awareness of women empowerment and other issues like education, gender-based violence etc. It has also encouraged the setting up of AWLN chapters in each country. These chapters reinforce the causes mentioned above. There are other champions but I have been tasked with the Education/STI part for obvious reasons. We
are working with the private sector to engage them in this initiative as their contribution and collaboration are critical in this venture. It is about addressing the priorities and the funding as well. We are now in a position where we can kick start this initiative by launching a scholarship programme for women in STI across the continent.
PGMAG: What is your message for the women of the world?
HPA: Invest in the youth of respective countries; create the necessary environment that will attract talents and encourage the 6th region of Africa (the diaspora) to come back and mentor the younger folks and who knows they may even think of staying behind.. thus reversing brain drain.
PGMAG: Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us through this interview. We are truly grateful for your support and encouragement.
HPA: It is always a great joy to share with you!
PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us
HPA: :www.aguribfakim. org; tweet; LinkedIn, FB, Instagram @aguribfakim
Powerhouse Global Magazine (Pgmag) Interview with Sue Booth (SB)
PGMAG: Sue, welcome to today’s interview with Lady Anita
SB: I am honoured to be a part of your interview Lady Anita, I have followed you for a number of years and love what you have done with PowerHouse Gobal Magazine. I feel very privileged to be included in this. I feel that there should be more publications that build up males and females that endeavour to make a difference in the world.
PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers
SB: I am 68, have been married to my childhood sweetheart for almost 42 years, have 1 daughter Lauren and 2 amazing grandchildren of 10 and 6 years old and a step grandson of 20.. Have been self employed for 40 years and have been successful in the Network Marketing industry for over 34 of those years. It's something that I have loved doing and it allows me to bring value to others and empower them to make a great residual income without having to sell their soul.
PGMAG: You are an inspiration to many individuals around the world due to your
commitment to sharing your knowledge in health and wellness. As a leader with over 34 years of involvement in the wellness industry, what are some of the keys to living a healthy life?
SB: That's a great question Lady Anita!
I start my day with hot lemon water and ginger which is very cleansing to the system. I then spend around 30 minutes writing my gratitude journal which gives me time to reflect on what I have achieved the previous day. Meditation
When I started out in the 80's we were going through an economic crisis much like now, I had a thriving Interior Design business that was decimated almost overnight, we had been renovating an old house which was a money pit, so Networking threw me a lifeline for a very small investment but offered an opportunity to create a superb income.
and visualisation have been a part of my daily habit for many years. I have always been an advocate of following a holistic lifestyle and always looking for natural solutions and remedies to manage my health.
I don't smoke or drink as they don't provide any value to my body.. Having studied nutrition, I know that we really don't get everything our bodies need for optimum health from our food any longer. I try not to have any processed foods in my diet and cook everything from fresh wherever possible. Even following an organic diet I was always aware that it was a neccessity to supplement that to help fill in the gaps in our
day to day diet. I have a great immune system which has been a blessing in these trying times. I don't catch colds or bugs that go round and I know that is down to my nutrition. I am not a fan of the gym but I do love to walk whenever possible. I am quite partial to skipping at the moment which can be done anywhere at anytime, it's great cardiovascular workout too.
PGMAG: You know some people give up on their dreams due to life challenges. In your capacity as a leader, what are some of the tips for overcoming adversity in life?
SB: You are so right, people often have those dreams and
aspirations smashed by the naysayers and sadly that can even be from close family members and friends. The people that you hope will be your supporters. When I started out in the 80's we were going through an economic crisis much like now, I had a thriving Interior Design business that was decimated almost overnight, we had been renovating an old house which was a money pit, so Networking threw me a lifeline for a very small investment but offered an opportunity to create a superb income. I grabbed it with both hands and promised to excel in whatever I did. These are the rules that I follow even now.
1. Fall in love with the Products and the Company
2. Make sure you have a system to work to - without one you will have no roadmap
3. Make sure you have a Mentor to keep you accountable
4. Have your goals written down, with a date on them
5. Review your activity daily - Needs to be trackableYour Daily Disciplines done Daily
6. Celebrate your victoriesCelebrate others victories also.
7. Always work on the success of others as they will reward you with your success too.
8. Personal Development is key to your successNourish your mind.
PGMAG: Please tell us more on how you can help reduce ‘inflammation’ in the body.
SB: Well this has been my mission for almost 4 years, why? Since I found out that my own inflammation levels were out of whack by doing a simple dry blood spot test, it opened up my eyes to cellular
health, We have trillions of cells that all play a crucial role in our health, every single cell needs to be pliable but if we consume too many Omega 6's in our diet...... if it's processed then it's an Omega 6 and that's a Pro inflammatory. We need to balance that out with additional Omega 3's which are Anti inflammatory. Omega 3 by itself isn't effective by itself. It needs a chaperone to ensure the fragile Omega 3 molecule arrives in perfect condition at a cellular level. That's why BalanceOil has been so effective within 120 days. The fact that it's test based it's proven to work. So many health conditions are helped by reducing inflammatory markers. For me it's been life-changing
as I had been on 7 medications since my heart attack and 3 stent (they said I would need them for life) Within 4 months of testing myself and following the Health Protocol I was able reduce and then stop my medication. I am back at the optimum Omega 6-3 ratios and it's my mission to help as many as possible gain benefits too.
PGMAG: At the age of 38, you went on the mission to find solutions to alleviate your psoriasis. Some people would have just done nothing, but you took it upon yourself to find a way out. What inspired you to go on such a journey?
SB: I had suffered from psoriasis from the age of 11 so had been subjected to many topical "solutions" I cut out certain foods that had muted to affect it, including chocolate! When I was offered Methotrexate as a solution at the age of 22 (hideous side effect in women) I knew there had to be another solution. I cut out all harmful ingredients from my personal care products, stopped using anything with SLS, SLES Propylene Glycol and a whole
It's about educating yourself about the natural alternatives. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life taking medicines and ointments to rectify a condition that just needed a natural solution.
range of other ingredients. Within 3 months my 85-90% coverage had cleared and has been clear to date. If I had known about the revelation of BalanceOil back then it would have been a quicker process. I now recommend the exculsion of harmful ingredients and the addition of BalanceOil. It's about educating yourself about the natural alternatives. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life taking medicines and ointments to rectify a condition that just needed a natural solution.
PGMAG: What is your message for women?
SB: Hmmm I guess the overwhelming thing for most women is about finding their identity again, maybe after having children or losing their independence after marriage. For me I wanted to be recognised as Sue, not just Nigel's wife or Lauren's Mum and Taxi driver. I needed to find ME. I managed to do that and now love to empower other women to step into their greatness. To allow them to be independent again and to help
them become the person that has always existed inside them but has been hidden.
PGMAG: If you knew what you know now, what would you do differently?
SB: I would have done it sooner, had bigger, scarier goals, not listened to others opinions. Worked harder and played harder!
PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self?
SB: I spent years listening to people telling me that won't work and you must be crazy which just slowed my progress.
Find something that you are passionate about, Learn how to do what needs to be done and grab it with both hands. Be unstoppable in what you want to achieve - what does that mean? Do whatever it takes until it's done. Failure is not an option.
PGMAG: Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us through this interview. We wish you continues success as you travel in life.
SB: It's been an absolute pleasure Lady Anita, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.
PGMAG: Please share your website/links with us
SB: https://bit.ly/ PartnerwithSueB
I needed to find ME. I managed to do that and now love to empower other women to step into their greatness. To allow them to be independent again and to help them become the person that has always existed inside them but has been hidden.
I am a mother, grandmother, “The Love Ambassador”, a creative, multi-award winner, a holistic practitioner and well-being specialist. I hold a PGDip in Education, Training and Development of Adults.
My focus is personal development, selfactualisation, authenticity and embracing change as a pathway to a healthy work life balance and sustained personal success. My passion is supporting people to achieve their goals and to live their best life. My employment at Disney and similar corporations taught me valuable lessons. For example, we have the power to achieve what we want, once we commit to learning what and how to change the things that are holding us back.
My core values are Love, compassion, balance and authenticity. Encouraging others to be open-minded, to embrace new experiences and opportunities. Although my emphasis is working with women, I also work with children, young people, seniors and vulnerable people who have experienced trauma. Losing my father and paternal grandmother at age 11, creative writing and art were a means to deal with my grief and muted voice.
Our choices, decisions and how we react to any given situation can inform our lives for better or worse!
Those I meet and work with, experience, sense and witness all of me, enabling potent professional and personal relationships including with self - facilitating change to build powerful and inspired individuals. Enabling the overwhelmed to overcome, to stand in their truth and to operate from a place of authenticity and strength.
Quite the entrepreneur, earning my own pocket money as a teenager, I helped mum make cushions, embroidered napkins and plaited hair in extensions before they became popular. While in 6th form, I worked in publication sales. After leaving education I worked with a job agency gaining experience within various business sectors. I undertook various Office Management & Executive Assistant roles until I joined The Walt Disney Company in 1991 working for the late John Elia, Executive Vice President of Global Operations. After being made redundant I started my own Events and Project Management company at Disney HQ, they hoped I would change my mind about leaving. Following 9-11 the corporate industry changed its focus, no elaborate celebrations, retreats or corporate entertainmentso Komplete Project Solutions folded.
I enrolled at City University doing Cultural Studies with the aim of restarting my events company but with a greater edge. I really enjoyed this
time, especially working in the film and TV industry working alongside some of the more famous TV hosts you see today. While studying, I was offered a temporary contract within adult education and ESOL, which involved the launch of Adult ESOL initiatives across educational institutions. During this time, I was afforded the opportunity to undertake a MSc in the Training, Education and Development of Adults. Unfortunately, I became extremely unwell with a virus which caused sight loss for
several months and other symptoms which required major rehabilitation. Recovery took its toll on me while doing my dissertation but I acquired a PGDip. During my recovery I became involved in the voluntary sector utilising my corporate experience and creative skills to aid organisations and institutions to deliver impacting work on the front line. At that time, Mental Health was not recognised and accepted as it is today. I got involved in governance, collaborating with others, started writing groups and set up a voluntary organisation for victims of trauma and abuse, providing a safe space in which to heal, engage change and find a sense of self, discovering new possibilities and potential. I also dealt with the fallout of other social issues, poor housing, family breakdown, educational needs, crime and suicide prevention. I continued to develop my skills within the private industries, travelling to learn from and work with master practitioners and game changers. My varied experience as a holistic practitioner/
My core values are Love, compassion, balance and authenticity. Encouraging others to be open-minded, to embrace new experiences and opportunities. Although my emphasis is working with women, I also work with children, young people, seniors and vulnerable people who have experienced trauma.
facilitator and coach has taken me far and wide across the UK, Ireland, Europe, the USA and Bali. Public Speaking and performing my poetry in Antigua, the USA, Ireland and of course - home from home Barbados.
As the Love Ambassador, I designed and delivered Self-Love and Self-Care programmes specifically working with women’s organisations and institutions. I collaborated with Miss Barbados UK and Miss Caribbean UK, as the Love coach guiding contestants while on their pageantry journey.
During my time at Disney, I suffered a back injury which is still causing complications. I was diagnosed with Stenosis of the spine and suffered debilitating symptoms. This was when I decided to travel to as many countries in a year as I could, even if I did part of the trips with special assistance. I almost reached my target of 5 countries when the pandemic hit. I had become used to pushing through and dealing with acute and chronic pain, using a combination of
As the Love Ambassador, I designed and delivered Self-Love and SelfCare programmes specifically working with women’s organisations and institutions. I collaborated with Miss Barbados UK and Miss Caribbean UK, as the Love coach guiding contestants while on their pageantry journey.
my holistic practice of breath work, meditation and essential oils (which helped to reduce inflammation) alongside conventional medication.
At first, the lockdown had an adverse effect physically, mentally and emotionally. I utilised the online platforms and social media to encourage myself and others. I engaged with online coaching summits and specialised courses to further enhance my skills and holistic practice. I delivered 1-2-1 and group sessions to help others suffering with Mental Unwellness. During
May 2020, I committed to delivering Mindful Meditations via Zoom, delivering the Mellow May Meditation series (over 30 sessions) which included participants from across the globe and different time zones. Following the lockdowns I formed alliances and forged new relationships with likeminded people to achieve a collective consciousness of Love, Unity and Respect, through self-development and expanded awareness.
Catherine’s first passion was the Women’s Royal Air Force. She always wanted to join from a young age. If she had failed the entrance exams she would not have known what to do, she had no back up plan. Thankfully she passed and spent 12 full and very active years serving her country. She served in units around the UK, Germany and The Falkland Islands. Catherine always liked to try new things, was very adventurous and during her time in the Air Force she became a climbing instructor, fought for the right to be the only female member of a team to go to Greenland undertaking studies for The Royal Botanical Society and Cornell University in New York. Took teams of women only rock climbing, abseiling and canoeing. Being in the Air Force taught Catherine a lot about herself and fed her sense of fun and adventure.
While in the Air Force she was sent on many courses and had to implement a computerised system to the station typing pool and also set up they computerised system in administration at the Falkland Islands. IT continued to dominate her life after leaving the Air Force and she eventually ran her own successful software consultancy business for many years. Unfortunately IT changed so quickly and it was becoming too costly and stressful that she lost
her passion for it but felt at a loss as to where her future lay. She wasn’t yet ready to retire.
After leaving the Air Force she became more open to alternative and holistic therapies. Her grandparents lived on a farm and when they were ill her grandmother would make up concoctions and remedies rather than visit the Doctor. Her time in the Air Force had closed off this area of her life slightly so it was refreshing to learn more.
Every career path taken has taken her towards her holistic passions, reinforcing that nature and our ancestors’ experience and knowledge had
been lost over the years and had much to offer.
Catherine has always had an interest in dying, death and the afterlife. She recalls that on a visit to Highgate Cemetery with her close friend Jo-ann that she suddenly had the idea to become a Celebrant. She had heard of it but wasn’t completely certain what the role entailed so dived into investigating what was involved and 5 weeks later was
a fully qualified Independent Celebrant. Her passion lies more towards officiating at funerals, serving the family to give their loved one the best farewell she can. She enjoys giving talks to groups of people, educating them about choices when it comes to arranging funerals etc, and gives talks about the role of a Soul Midwife and giving helpful guidance to people who have someone coming to the end of their life.
Every career path taken has taken her towards her holistic passions, reinforcing that nature and our ancestors’ experience and knowledge had been lost over the years and had much to offer.
That same year she heard about Soul Midwives, they offer support to a person coming to the end of their life and their loved ones. Later that year she completed the course with wonderful, compassionate and experienced trainers.
This led on to becoming more involved with essential oils, sound therapy, crystals and other ‘alternative’ modalities that can help offer comfort to the dying and people coming to terms with their loss and grief.
This knowledge and passion continued to grow and she educates people suffering emotional or physical pain about how essential oils can help. That there is an alternative to pharmaceutical products.
Catherine has always believed in ‘giving back’ to society if you can. She has helped at various charities over her life, either donating money, fundraising or simply giving her time. Each year she would pick a different charity to fundraise for but the biggest 3 were the British
Catherine has always believed in ‘giving back’ to society if you can. She has helped at various charities over her life, either donating money, fundraising or simply giving her time.
Heart Foundation, Duchene Muscular Dystrophy and more recently Wycombe Youth Action.
Catherine has run 1000s of miles, countless 10ks and half marathons and even managed to get into the London Marathon. She has completed duathlons and is challenging herself to a 10k open water swim in the Serpentine next year. Most of her weekends at the moment are taken up with cycling having 3 big challenges within the space of 6 weeks one of which is a 100mile bike race.
Catherine loves to travel and has visited many countries one of her favourite cities is Prague – she believes in another lifetime she must have been Czech!
To educate people that they have choices about their health and wellbeing, that they have choices when it comes to dying and funerals. She really wants to help people to help themselves and their family holistically and to know that there are alternative therapies available. Along with her good friend and colleague Karen Small, to deliver and provide healing modalities and support through workshops and safe places.
We create our own reality. We either do it consciously or unconsciously.
Conscious leadership starts with understanding that it is our responsibility to understand how we function and take responsibility for our responses to situations. Are we being proactive and not reactive? We have to react to challenges, but we should do so in a proactive way. Reacting proactively helps us to take more control of the situation at hand. It helps you turn something that you can drive.
It’s about self-leadership. It is you driving your own car and not just being a passenger all the time. As a passenger of life, you go where the driver wants you to go. Driving your own life means you go where you want to go.
Self-leadership also becomes the foundation for you to be able to lead others effectively. When you accept and take up a position in leadership, you have a moral obligation to try to get the best out of your people which means you owe it to your team to be tapped in, turned on and tuned up. That is, we show up properly. It’s not just going through the motion.
You need to knowingly see things and be awake or conscious to read the signs around you. It’s being in the moment. It’s being aware
of how you behave and how you view what surrounds us. It’s not blaming others; it is taking responsibility for how you function as a person.
It’s understanding the difference between the context that we came from and the content that we work with. That is, what is my place of ‘being’, where I’m proud to be approaching things from?
For example, as you approach a team meeting. Ask yourself, am I approaching this with anger, or a place of victimhood, or aggressiveness.
So, ask yourself what behaviours do I need to display to be the person I want to be in situations such as: - being an executive, a loving partner, a friend, a parent and the list goes on. Being a conscious leader is not just limited to one aspect of your life, its every aspect of your life. That’s selfleadership.
Understanding this helps you modify your behaviour in order for the meeting to be effective. It’s not showing up with whatever energy you have at that moment, it’s being conscious of wanting to show up being confident and positive, with understanding and compassion.
It’s being intentional about what we’re want to create. Understanding your core when you need to show up creates your results. Its taking time out to be conscious of where you are and adjust accordingly and not just turn up and ‘wing it’.
It is asking yourself, not only what you want to achieve, but what behaviours do I need to display to achieve it. This activity of asking yourself what behaviours you need to display should take place many times addressing all sorts of situations in your life. Remember your conscious behaviour creates your results.
So, ask yourself what behaviours do I need to display to be the person I want to be in situations such as: - being an executive, a loving partner, a friend, a parent and the list goes on. Being a conscious leader is not just limited to one aspect of your life, its every aspect of your life. That’s selfleadership.
This is not just an exercise of just listing down the behaviours you think you need to display, and it will just happen. You need to consciously contemplate each behaviour and ask yourself these questions… what emotions do I quite often display that might sabotage one or more of these behaviours? Will my passion for succeeding as a loving partner etc help me overcome these
emotional challenges. What are my strengths that will help me be successful?
Knowing your strengths is important, as they give you a high level of energy and inspiration that will help support you. This energy fuels your engagement in the desired behaviour or behaviours and helps you make a more positive impact.
Another question to ask your self when you compile a behaviour list. Do I enjoy doing these behaviours? There may be few that you would prefer not to do. Dr. Dan Harrison a well published Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology said that to be successful at something you have to enjoy at least 75% of what you are doing. So, if your list has enjoyable behaviours below this is percentage then I suggest you review your list, otherwise, the undesirable behaviours you need to display will suck your energy and destroy your resolve. Review these energy draining aspects and examine their source (non-alignment in values, blocking beliefs, fears, worries, to mention a few)
and take a proactive step to resolve them. This is when you need be honest with yourself. If you aren’t motivated enough to overcome these energy draining aspects to take you above the 75% then ask yourself whether it is for you.
If the desired behaviours are over 75% then you will generate the required energy to see you through. As I said, this exercise can be completed in any aspect of your life. It’s not just unconsciously and letting
life happen, it is taking the driver’s seat and consciously leading yourself through life that you can be proud of.
CEO Soul Inspired Leadership
Pte Ltd
Ross is a perceptive and responsive leadership consultant, coach, and trainer, with broad experience in varied industries worldwide continually helping leaders to reduce their stress in managing people.
Ross is also a dynamic speaker and podcaster with outstanding skills in communication, presentation, training, teambuilding, and interpersonal relations. He works internationally with his projects encompassing many diverse cultural backgrounds.
Throughout the years, Ross has developed a growing desire to put an ongoing emphasis in bringing more soul into business and he believes that the most effective leaders stay true to their authenticity by being soul inspired and it starts by being able to lead yourself.
You can catch Ross at:
www.soul-inspired-leadership. com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ rossswan1/
It’s about selfleadership. It is you driving your own car and not just being a passenger all the time. As a passenger of life, you go where the driver wants you to go. Driving your own life means you go where you want to go.
Ethan A. Poetic is a native of Coatesville, Pa, and moved to Lancaster, Pa in the middle of his eighth-grade year. On Saturday March 19th, 2011, He was involved in a serious near-fatal car accident with a tractor-trailer 18-wheeler. The near-death experience location was Lincoln Highway East (Route 30) in Paradise Township, Pa. Ethan's injuries included a fractured collarbone, sprain wrist, a concussion, & a ruptured aorta artery.
He was facing a mathematical equation of 99% of death vs 1% of life with a high-risk surgery at Lancaster General Hospital. Several days later Ethan woke up and was declared a walking living miracle. His long road to recovery was at Lancaster Rehabilitation Hospital for speech, physical, occupational therapy, & being on a feeding tube.
Ethan does lead by true example for exemplifying in his life the outstanding progress of diversity & inclusion. For pursuing higher education, starting a business, & being a self-published author.
Ethan graduated from J.P. McCaskey High School, Harrisburg Area Community College with an associate degree, & Millersville University with a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communications minor broadcasting & media. He received two Pennsylvania Commonwealth Citations, a Proclamation declaration Citation from Lancaster City Mayor Danene Sorace & Lancaster City Council Members. Ethan was Featured on the Front page of the Lancaster Newspaper (LNP), Inspirational story on WGAL TV, Millersville University the Snapper Newspaper, & The Southeast Times Newspaper
of Lancaster, Pa, WiTF radio of Harrisburg, Pa.
starting a business, & being a self-published author.
Ethan is the CEO & Founder of Ethan A. Poetic,LLC to empower people towards overcoming their adversities & hardships. Ethan's story involves overcoming a nearfatal car accident facing 99% of death vs 1% of life. He's currently a keynote speaker, life coach, walking-living miracle, Two-time college graduate, & a Self-Published Author.
He’s also a member of the International Lions Club. Ethan has helped bridge the gaps to inspire the youth inside the classrooms, cafe, playgrounds, sports, music, after school programs, & community engagement. He sees himself inside the youth relating to their struggles, poverty, singleparent household, & needing leadership towards the right direction in life.
Ethan does lead by true example for exemplifying in his life the outstanding progress of diversity & inclusion. For pursuing higher education,
To purchase the Autobiography titled "The Inspirational Story of Ethan A. Poetic: Chronicles of Adversities, Education, Sports, Relationships, & Resiliency." Available print on demand through Amazon, Target, Walmart, Kobo, Barnes & Noble.
For serious inquires for speaking engagements you may visit Website https://ethanspeaks. com/
"Listen to the music in your heart and dance to the tune of the rythem."POWERHOUSE
As we take responsibility for our own lives, we move away from being a victim. That basic, but important step, is a core to our mental health and emotional intelligence.
Once you have the vision, be tenacious and never give up. I have to emphasise, you have to work hard - very hard.
My greatest motivation has been finding the depths of my soul. I see myself as a pomegranate. The more I open up to possibilities the more juicy seeds I find to nourish myself.
My message for the youths is to be the best they can be. You don’t need to be perfect but give your best at whatever you do. As a youth, you should look for ways to be innovative because you are our future.
I was raised to be a competitor. No one taught me that the world was a team sport. You work hard and do your best to care for your family and friends.
No wonder that makes Karma the most universally acceptable way-oflife” devoid of any notions of faiths, religions, beliefs, casts or creed and is high above and beyond the concepts of life and/or afterlife.
What you expect to be the life plan that you’ve drawn for yourself will be as ever-changing as a Dubai street map. Be open to adjusting your route, relishing the unexpected detours that life bestows.
My message for the youths is to be the best they can be. You don’t need to be perfect but give your best at whatever you do. As a youth, you should look for ways to be innovative because you are our future.
I have more respect for her than for a guy who is bragging about his newest sailing yacht. It is not bad if you fail with something, the important thing is that you had the courage to try. So fix the crown and move on.
If we have the right motivation in life, it will help us achieve more and more success on the world stage. A real Leader does not need external incentives, his energy is enough to motivate others.
Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.
We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission.
This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).
As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes.
Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.
VICE PRESIDENT MRS JOSPHINE PHILIP ITSUOKORPowerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group.
In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event.
She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8.
We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity.
To support us, please visit: www.powerhouseglobalwomen.com or email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com or powerhouseglobalmag@gmail.com
CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email womanthepowerhouse@gmail.com