PGS Star of the Week Aug 2021 Week 4

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STAR O F TH E WE E K PROF. OLGA MROZ (POM) PGS: Prof. Olga, you are

PGS: Please introduce yourself

Pushkin Museum. I used to be a

welcome to today’s interview

to our readers.

representative of many Russian

with Lady Anita.

artists in Europe for many years POM: My name is Olga Mroz.

and now I dedicated myself to

POM: I am really happy to have

I was born in Russia and

the management of various art

the dialogue with the incredible

have been living in Germany

projects and the organization of

Lady Anita. When I got the

since 1992. In regards to may

art exhibitions in cooperation

invitation to interview at the

educational background, I

with international artists in

end of the year, I thought,

graduated from the Institute

Europe. I build my cooperation

“Wow, what a lovely end of

of Performing Art in St.

with the artists on the basis

the year!” When I found out

Petersburg with a degree in

of trust. I am convinced, that

that the interview would be

Architecture, Art and also

above all, the focus should be

published in January, I thought,

Theatre and Music. I also have a

on the artist and his works. I

“Wow, what a great start of

degree in Artist Psychology by

wrote many articles on art as

the year!” I would like to thank

the Art Academy of Moscow.

the expression of freedom,

Lady Anika for this “WOW”. It

During more than 15 years I

experiment and surprise with

is a privilege for me, an honor,

have been a director of the

a psychological components of

also an acknowledgement. It is

Operetta Theater in Saratov,

happiness. I am Professor and

a sign that in times of upheaval

Russia. After Perestroika, I

Director of the Open World

and awakening my path is right.

had my own art gallery in the

Program at Al-Khalifa Business



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