2023 Visitor Guide

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EnjoyThoroughbred Country South Carolina
Aiken Allendale
& Barnwell Counties

oto ra in t is i ation o rtes of

Cit of i en arr ri e oto ra BFG arr eason i er on Center o t Caro ina tate ar s C risto er a C ason arne e

oro re Co ntr as ta en e er re a tion to ens re t e a ra of information ontaine it in t is i ation. oro re Co ntr annot a e t res onsi i it for an es t at o r a er i ation an i not e res onsi e for omissions or errors. e ant o r o rne to e a easant one an r e o to a a ea efore tra e in .

oto ra s an art in t is i ation are o ri te an annot e re ro e it o t t e ri en ermission of t e oto ra er or artist an or oro re Co ntr .

1 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide FEATURES CONTENTS TABLE OF About the Region ......... 2-5 Points of Interest ......... 6-11 Annual Events .......... 12-14 Dining ................. 15-21 Shopping ............... 22-26 Accommodations ........ 27-30 Recreation ............. 31-39 Historical Places ........ 40-46 Meeting acilities ....... 47-49 Guided Tours ............. .50 General Living ............ .51 ocal nformation ......... .52 ransportation ............ .53 What’s Close By ........... .54 Maps .................. 55-63 Discover South Carolina .... .64



xperience four beautiful counties in western South arolina where yesterday is preserved for today. History from every American era is evident throughout this region nown as horoughbred ountry South arolina. earn about olonial imes through demonstrations in po ery frontier trading and blac smithing. ome explore ivil ar ba le sites and historic plantation homes. isit our small quaint towns where you will nd museums rich with history and festivals that display local culture. iscover churches of the past and stories of the harleston to amburg rail line.


hile history is abundant horoughbred ountry is also a place of natural beauty. Notice the Spanish moss gracing enormous live oa trees. a e in the local ora and fauna throughout the region. onder over the unusual elliptical phenomenon nown as a arolina ay. i e through an urban forest or let the elegance of a local garden carry you to another time. f you desire more active recreation paddle the disto River the longest free owing blac water river in the world. ool off with a drin from od’s Acre ealing Springs in lac ville whose waters are believed to have curative powers.


Shopper’s aradise would be an accurate description of this diverse region. ere you can shop for antiques and local cra s such as locally thrown po ery or Mennonite quilts. ind unique gi s and art galleries including that of the late Jim arrison a nationally nown artist.


Take a break from your adventures and enjoy our cuisine. Encounter roadside stands co y caf s freshly ba ed Mennonite goods full scale dining and everything in between. Of course we still have your southern favorites such as grits barbeque collards and fried chic en.


A er a full day of experiencing our history our nature our shopping and our food rest your head at a quaint bed and brea fast or historic hotel. Awa en the next day refreshed and ready for the next adventure.

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Ai en ounty nown throughout the world for its equestrian training facilities is home to the Ai en raining rac . Since this facility has produced National hampions six entuc y erby winners three rea ness Sta es winners and nine elmont Sta es winners. alace Malice

3 elmont Sta es winner emonstrative clipse Award hampion Steeplechase orse leasant olony clipse Award hampion 3 ear Old Male and oncrete Rose Ai en rained orse of the ear are ust a few of the famous horses that have called Ai en ounty home. Among the esteemed horses and live oa s Ai en ounty thrives on its rich history. he historic towns such as Ai en eech sland North Augusta and agener represent every time in history. rom plantation homes and historic churches to iconic drive ins and trendy diners Ai en ounty remembers it all.

n oy nature through unique experiences and activities li e hi ing one of the largest urban forests in the nited States. itchcoc oods and the Silver luff Audubon enter are two places to visit for anyone who appreciates the beauty of preserved land. Other activities include hunting shing and gol ng along with a variety of family friendly adventures. iscover Ai en ounty your visit is sure to be a memorable one.


ormed from parts of arnwell and ampton counties in Allendale is the youngest county in South arolina. istoric churches and cemeteries are plentiful in this corner of the region. a e in the beauty as you ride miles of equestrian trails with your horse or experience a variety of unique hunting and motor sports options.

ravelers to this part of the region in July have the special opportunity to see a Swallow tailed ite. eing one of the most elegant birds of the Americas you won’t want to miss the chance to see them. Allendale has a strong tradition in agriculture and produces co on watermelons peaches peanuts corn o ra and other crops. Ma e a stop at a roadside stand to en oy some of the fresh local produce. on’t forget to sample southern and good old fashioned home coo ing while you’re in town.

isit S Sal ehatchie and view the Searching for our eginnings opper Site archaeological exhibit the only permanent collection of lovis and pre lovis artifacts. n oy your trip through Allendale ounty as you discover the southernmost part of our region.

3 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide


he cool blac waters of the disto River provide the bac drop for amberg ounty’s history and charm. Join local residents for hunting shing or canoeing excursions.

enture off the beaten path to enmar the city of antiques and uniques. isitors to the Jim arrison allery will nd that place ma ers whether that is the sun drenched coast or a lonely barn in a rural landscape. roo er’s rue alue and i s is the local stop to ma e if you are loo ing for ne china and hardware. Or wander through three oors of eclectic antiques at he aroline ollection. atch the Amtra at the enmar train station.

his county has been visited by notables including eneral Sherman. On his march to olumbia Sherman’s Army was met at Rivers ridge by a small band of onfederate Soldiers who tried to stall his progress. a le of Rivers ridge State istoric Site shows the scars from that ba le with a preserved ba le eld including the original breastwor s.

ith river trips ba le eld tours and original artwor there are many ways to experience the unique atmosphere of amberg ounty.


Southerners have long been nown to cherish tradition and local history as well as times of having fun. ol s in arnwell ounty are no exception.

egends surround several a ractions here. he od’s Acre ealing Springs story dates bac to the 7 ’s when ndigenous Americans brought wounded Revolutionary ar soldiers here to rest. Many natives of the area still claim the waters are a cure all. ontinue to arnwell where legend has it that the unique vertical sundial in front of the arnwell ounty ourthouse is the only free standing vertical sundial in the nited States.

he wonderful climate and natural beauty of the area brought Mennonite se lers from western states. hey now share with visitors their cra s and great coo ing abilities along with insight into their religious practices.

iverse cultures legendary sites and history weave the fabric of this county.

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i e tra e in t ro oro re Co ntr o ma n a o e for t e arts a sense of a ent re ea e it nat re an a ne a re iation for a t in s e ine. r re ion as so m to o er it s im ossi e to o on one tri . ere is a taste of t e n is o ere o t Caro ina.

Day A great place to start would be at the Arts Heritage Center of North Augusta. Located not far from I-20 and a jump across the Savannah River, the Arts Heritage Center offers an overview of the region’s history along with wor from local artists. Stop by the gi shop for tax free shopping on local wares. f you’d rather stretch your legs not far from the Arts Heritage Center is an entrance to the Greeneway Trail. Once an abandoned railroad right of way this paved trail entices wal ers and bi ers ali e to travel along the river by a bu er y garden or under a canopy of trees. hether you’re loo ing for ne or casual dining complete your day with dinner at one of the many delicious restaurants in North Augusta. hen it comes to a place to rest your head for the night horoughbred ountry offers a variety of accommodations. hoose from historic hotels comfortable bed and brea fasts your favorite hotel brand cabins campgrounds and hunting lodges.

Day A er brea fast drive to arnwell to learn about South arolina ace Jugs and purchase a unique souvenir at the i e e arn o er rt a er . on’t forget to stop on the way to chec the time at the erti a n ia on the ircle it is said to be the only free standing vertical sundial in the nited States. n oy a plate or hearty sandwich for lunch before observing 5 year old American artifacts from the o er ite exhibit at the library of C a e at ie in Allendale. Next head to hrhardt to wal alongside history on he a le eld nterpretive rail at a e of i ers ri e tate istori ite. ere you can watch a variety of birds visit memorial grounds of soldiers from several wars and see breastwor s that are more than 5 years old. Stop by amberg’s istoric ost O ce to view one of murals in South arolina commissioned by the reasury Section of ine Arts Co on t e or er . ainted in 3 this world wide map depicts regions of co on production along with ancient and modern trade routes. hen visit enmar our city of uniques for a glimpse of America through the eyes of the late artist Jim arrison or explore captivating antiques and more. Spend the rest of your day discovering horoughbred ountry’s nightlife in downtown Ai en. atch a performing arts show traverse the galaxy at the ont anetari m or brave a haunted tour. here is always something going on so chec our calendar for events.

Day rab brea fast to go and start i en s Cit i e r oret m beginning at olleton Avenue. Or hop on a charming Saturday morning trolley tour at the i en isitors Center an rain Museum to learn about and view historic homes and churches, beautiful live oa s and have a guided tour of o e an s ar ens weather permi ng . hen visit the a anna i er ite se m to understand the importance of SRS and why it was built. A replica of a old ar fallout shelter and an exhibit on how SRS helped the .S. race to the moon are some of the permanent displays featured at the museum.

efore heading home memoriali e your trip by sharing a photo with us #ThoroughbredCountrySC.

5 horoughbred ountry isitor uide

For more on the following points of interest, visit: TBredCountry.org



Aiken Center for the Arts

122 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.641.9094

The Center features regular gallery exhibits by local state regional and national artists. A variety of artists’ wor s are available for sale year-round. The Center also hosts programs and events offers art education classes for all ages in a variety of mediums and has a 180seat performance pavilion.


Aiken County Farmers Market

115 Williamsburg St NE, Aiken. 803.293.2214

he oldest county farmers’ mar et in continuous service in the same location in S. . resh produce honey and handmade cra s. Open year-round Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. visitaikensc.com

Aiken County Historical Museum

33 Newberry St S Ai en. 3. . 5

he museum is housed in one of tow Ai en’s Historic Winter Colony mansions open to the public. hree oors of exhibits tell the history of Aiken County from past to present. Admission is free donations are accepted. losed Mondays and national holidays. st oor A A accessible.


Aiken County Veterans Memorial Park

1435 Richland Ave E, Aiken. 803.642.7559

The park features a large, black granite monument which is engraved with the names of Ai en ounty veterans who perished in the line of duty. he monument is an ed by seven ag poles. aikencountyprt.com

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Aiken Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame and Museum

35 upree l Ai en. 3. .7 3

Located in Hopelands Gardens. Aiken trained horses who have gone on to become national champions are enshrined in the Hall of Fame. rophies and photographs from America’s best nown equestrian riders polo players and steeplechase riders on display. Admission is free. ai enra in a o ame. om

Aiken Visitors Center and Train Museum

ar Ave S Ai en. 3. 3.7

he isitors enter and rive A rain exhibit are located on the rst oor of the rebuilt Ai en Railroad epot. he rain Museum located on the second oor depicts nine of the towns along the original South arolina anal and Railroad ompany right of way and includes several interactive exhibits. Admission is free. visitaikensc.com

Amentum Center for the Performing Arts

Newberry St S Ai en. 3. . 3

This state-of-the-art theater is home to the Aiken Community Theatre (ACT) and the Ai en erforming Arts roup A A . he theater seats approximately 3 . A offers a full season of comedy, drama and musical plays. A A presents national and international professional shows throughout the year. aikencommunitytheatre.org apagonline.org

Arts and Heritage Center of North Augusta 100 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.441.4380

he enter is dedicated to the exhibition of regional arts and history with a 3 sq permanent interactive history exhibit and two rotating galleries of exhibits. he enter’s i Shop showcases local cra s ranging from po ery and paintings to coffee and chocolate. artsandheritagecenter.com

Beech Island Historical Society Center

Old Jac son wy eech sland. 803.867.3600

he visitors center tells the story of eech sland one of the oldest se lements in South arolina dating bac to 5 as Savannah own. he history room includes ndigenous American, Colonial, agricultural and river transportation displays. he eech sland Agricultural Museum is housed in a restored barn behind the visitor center. Open by appointment.


Center for African American History, Art Culture

120 York St NE, Aiken. 803.502.4858

ocated in the former mmanuel School built in 1889. The center hosts lecture series, art shows traveling exhibits and special events to celebrate, educate and preserve African American history, art culture. Listed on the National Register of istoric roperties. Open to the public. Tours available; appointment needed for groups. A A accessible. caahac.org

DuPont Planetarium

427 Scholar Loop, Aiken. 803.641.3313

Located on the University of South Carolina Ai en campus. quipped with state of the art special effects systems. arious shows are available throughout the year. Reservations recommended. usca.edu/rpsec

Eudora Wildlife Safari Park 219 Salem Ln, Salley. 803.564.5358

rive or wal through the home of around exotic animals. he 3 mile drive thru safari par is an experience that builds memories to last a lifetime. he wal thru safari allows guests to engage with parrots lemurs angaroos and more. eudorafarms.net

Graniteville and Vaucluse Historic District heses textile mills and villages are some of the earliest in the state. oth mills were under the direction of illiam regg who is considered a father of textile industry in the South. Many buildings were constructed of blue granite which gave the town of raniteville its name. Several examples of the lue Row omes can still be seen. oth districts are listed on the National Register of istoric laces.

Greg Humphries Rare Book Library ar St N agener. 3.5 .5 ocated at hrist entral nstitute. he library contains 3 rare boo s and artifacts from the Reformation period mostly religious in nature. Open by appointment only. Must be able to climb stairs. godshistory.com

Historic North Augusta

5 roo side Ave North Augusta. rochure available at the North Augusta Chamber of Commerce (803.279.2323).

Chartered in 1906, North Augusta includes the sites of two early towns ampbelltown a pre revolutionary trading post and amburg a terminus of the early S.C. Railroad. Several properties are listed on the National Register of istoric laces.

7 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
Points of Interest

Hitchcock Woods

Surrounded by greater Aiken. 803.642.0528

Hitchcock Woods is 2,100 acres of natural forest. housands of equestrians hi ers and nature enthusiasts visit the Woods to enjoy 70 miles of trails. Open 365 days a year from dawn to dus . Motori ed vehicles and bicycles are not permi ed. here are seven entrances on the perimeter of the oods. ateway ar is located at the South oundary entrance. Admission is free. Scheduled annual events include Ai en orse Show arth ay estival of the oods and lessing of the ounds. hitchcockwoods.org

Hopelands Gardens

35 upree l Ai en. 3. .7 5

This 14-acre park is the former estate of Mr. and Mrs. . Oliver selin. eatures a wetlands area an arboretum trail with call in phone tour a labyrinth and a performing arts stage. Events include Story Time in the Gardens, concert series and Christmas in Hopelands. Open year round from 10am to sunset. Admission is free. visitaikensc.com

Horse Creek/Midland Valley Veterans Park

S ath

Veterans from throughout the Midland Valley area are honored at this park. The Circle of Honor, located in the middle of the park, contains the names of approximately 900 veterans from orld ar to the present.

Langley Pond Park

3 angley am Rd angley. 3. .755

Visitors can enjoy the loop trail on horseback or foot and a championship level disc golf course. Amenities include picnic shelter grilling station inclusive playground hammoc par and more. angley ond ar is home to several events and water activities throughout the year. langleypondpark.com

Living History Park

299 W Spring Grove Ave, North Augusta. 803.279.7560

his 7.5 acre par was created to represent and interpret everyday life in Colonial America. Features include natural springs, gardens, various structures and Sensory arden which is one of few accessible gardens for the sight impaired in S . he ar hosts historical demonstrations and community events. Grounds open daily. o onia times. s

one a ri e n

5 olumbia wy N Mone a. 803.685.7949

One of only three operating drive in movie theaters in South Carolina. Originally opened in 5 and later closed the theater was revived in . hree screens all with double features. New movies as well as old favorites. Seasonal. Open wee ends. Cash only. thebigmo.com

e i e antation tate istori ite

Redcliffe Rd eech sland. 3. 7. 73

he extant slave quarters ree Revival mansion and 369-acre landscape highlight Redcliffe’s rich and varied history. S overnor J ammond and four generations of his family as well as numerous enslaved families and their descendants lived at Redcliffe. oday the par provides a se ng for exploring the plantation system and the experiences and impact of the people who lived and wor ed there. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. rounds open daily. ours available. all the par for times prices and program information. southcarolinaparks.com

Salley Historic District

ounded by ine erguson oplar Aldrich Streets, Salley

he town of Salley went through three ma or growth periods. A period of increased railroad development led to an increase in residential and commercial buildings from until 5. isted on the National Register of istoric laces.

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Points of Interest

Savannah River Site Museum

224 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.648.1437

uring the old ar the Savannah River Site formally the Savannah River lant operated as a nuclear materials production facility producing tritium and plutonium for the hydrogen bomb. xplore the fascinating origins and ongoing missions of the site at the SRS Museum where science meets history in a blend of interactive exhibits. Admission is free. For a public tour of SRS, contact 803.952.8994. srsheritagemuseum.org

i er on Center an t ar

5 Silver luff Rd Jac son. 3. 7 .

Silver luff is a 3 acre wildlife sanctuary owned by the National Audubon Society. abitat and wildlife diversity ma e Silver luff a favorite destination for birding wild ower viewing photography or a simple quiet wal . isitors en oy the miles of wal ing trails winding through the property. Open during daylight hours. No fee donations accepted. ets prohibited. sc.audubon.org

SRP Park

187 Railroad Ave, North Augusta. 803.349.9467

Entertainment venue. Home of the Augusta reenJac ets a Minor eague Single A A liate of the Atlanta raves. ids one concerts and other events throughout the year. Rental space available. thesrppark.com

The Etherredge Center

340 Scholar Loop, Aiken. 803.641.3305

Located on the University of South Carolina Ai en campus. resents international and national performances on their main stage

7 seat proscenium theatre with a regularly updated art gallery and seat O’ onnell experimental theatre available.

s a.e et erre e enter

Wade Hampton Veterans Park

226 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.441.4300

n memory of ivil ar eneral ade Hampton, the park has monuments dedicated to the veterans of every war our country has participated in since the Revolution. he layout of the park is in honor of the stars and stripes of the American ag. northaugustasc.gov


Allendale County Courthouse

ourthouse Sq Allendale

One of the most a ractive courthouses in South arolina. he building was gu ed by re in . Renovation in preserved the original shell of the building while providing the county with a modern facility.

Allendale Farmers Market

57 Allendale airfax wy Allendale.


resh produce plants dairy and more. icnic tables and a playground are available on the grounds.. Special events are scheduled throughout the year. Open seasonally.

Farmer Drug Store

urtons erry wy Allendale.


ee in the storefront window to see a re creation of an old ice cream parlor and barber shop. The drug store occupied this spot from 1915 to 1995. Tours by appointment only.

Savannah River

Western border of Allendale County

Originally named the Westobou River for the esto ndians a warli e tribe who lived in a village on the river the river was later renamed for the Savannah Native Americans.

The Carolina Theatre

425 Main St N, Allendale. 803.584.3446

his renovated ’s Art eco theatre is a hidden gem. Step back into the past as you wal through custom etched glass doors and ta e in all the a ention to detail. rom Art eco sconces and xtures to the arolina carpet made special for the theatre and themed artwor by S students. Open for special events.

9 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide Points of Interest

Points of Interest

Topper Site Exhibit at USC Salkehatchie

5 James randt lvd Allendale.


S Sal ehatchie’s library houses Searching for our eginnings the only permanent collection of lovis and pre lovis artifacts from the Topper archaeological site. The exhibit also includes photographs from the dig sites and informational panels.

i s o

3 ufords ridge wy lmer.


osts multiple family friendly mud racing events throughout the year. Admission is charged. No glass containers or pets allowed. t i sm o . om

Virginia Durant Young House

5 3 Allendale airfax wy airfax. Home of notable author and journalist. The home served as the o ce of Mrs. oung’s newspaper the airfax nterprise. isted on the National Register of istoric laces and is now home to the airfax own ibrary. A small collection of family artifacts are available to view. allendalecounty.com


Co on t e or er Mural 55 eritage wy amberg. ocated in the amberg ost O ce. One of in South arolina as a part of the New eal Art rogram. he ost O ce is listed on the National Register of istoric laces.

Bamberg Historic District

Railroad Ave and side streets amberg. ying along both sides of what was once the Southern Railway this residential neighborhood was home to several locally important citi ens. uilt between 75 3 . A wal ing tour brochure is available for purchase from amberg ounty hamber of ommerce. Contact for hours. (803.245.4427)

a e of i ers ri e tate istori ite 3 5 State ar Rd hrhardt. 3. 3. 3

The historic site includes the Civil War ba le eld an award winning interpretive trail memorial grounds and community building. he still intact earthen forti cations are the centerpiece of this important ba le eld landscape. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. rounds open daily southcarolinaparks.com

ro ton ri e antation

5 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt.


Offering trail riding hunting shing and sporting clays. Onsite ivil ar ba leground with breastwor s intact. ours by appointment with fee. broxtonbridge.com

Denmark rain tation

aruch St enmar . 3.7 3.373

his old train station building is now an Amtra stop allowing travelers to arrive and depart. ontact ity all for more information. amtrak.com

Downtown Denmark


enmar has several stops for your shopping pleasure. ou can choose from an old time ve and dime store an antique store in a building with a history of its own an art gallery a Mennonite ba ery or a hardware store that sells everything from lumber to ne china.

Edisto River Trips


loat down the South or of the blac water Edisto River from any of three launches found in amberg ounty. rips held throughout the year. all for dates and locations.

Veterans Memorial Trail Park Runs parallel to S 7 amberg

A bloc long trail signifying amberg ounty’s strong ties to all branches of the nited States Armed orces. eterans Memorial ar is located at the intersection of S 7 and 3 .

Voorhees College Historical Museum

orter r enmar . 3.7 . 3

he museum chronicles oorhees niversity’s history and student life. The museum is located on the nd oor of the right o s ibrary. Open to the public during Library hours.


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Barnwell County Courthouse Sundial

Main St arnwell.

he original courthouse built in oiling Springs in 7 was succeeded by several buildings on the present site. he unique vertical sundial in front of the courthouse was given to the town in 5 by Joseph . Allen a S State Senator.

Legend has it that this is the only free-standing vertical sundial in the S and that it eeps within two minutes of standard time despite being erected prior to the establishment of standard time in 3.

The courthouse and sundial are located on he ircle arnwell’s downtown district. n oy a town par surrounded by a variety of boutiques restaurants and cafes all within wal ing distance of this iconic landmar .

Barnwell County Museum

7 agood Ave arnwell. 3. 5 . iscover arnwell and the South’s heritage through exhibits and guided tours. Features a focus gallery that changes every quarter. Admission is free. bcvm.org

Barnwell Farmers Market

7 unbarton lvd arnwell. 3. . 3 ocated at uller ar . Open seasonally. ruits vegetables ba ed goods artisans cra ers family fun and scheduled events. barnwellfarmersmarket.org

Blackville Heritage Museum

55 Main St lac ville. 3. . 5 5 xhibits include artifacts and information about the early days of the town and general area. Open by appointment. bcvm.org

Circle Theatre

3 5 Academy St arnwell. 3. 5 .7 ompleted in the building was originally home to the arnwell resbyterian hurch. he building was used as a courthouse a er ederal troops set re to the county courthouse in 1865. The building is currently home to the Circle Theatre. The 65-seat theatre presents several performances during the year. barnwellct.weebly.com

o s re ea in rin s Springs t lac ville. 3. .

Off of S 3 N loo for signs three miles north of lac ville. ndigenous Americans believed in the springs’ natural healing powers and brought wounded Revolutionary ar soldiers here to rest. ocals still believe in the springs’ powers and drin its waters. n the acre of land it is on was legally deeded to O by . . ute olyston. Open during daylight hours. to no a i e. om

i s er ar en

3 Jones ridge Rd lac ville. 3. . Join ill for a guided stroll through her beautiful garden. ome see herbs owers birds bu er ies. icnic lunches and tea parties available upon request. Open by appointment for groups only. Admission charged.

Mennonite Community


A group of Mennonite families se led here from other parts of the country. Their religion, similar to the Amish, makes them a close community. Their school, church and many of their farms are located close to od’s Acre ealing Springs. ontact lac ville istorical Society for more information.

The Depot Library

Solomon la Ave lac ville. 803.284.2295

The train depot, constructed in the early 1900s, is located in the former courthouse square. he epot is now home to the lac ville Library. a e i .or

Veterans Memorial Park State Rd S 3 arnwell.

ric memorial pavers in honor of veterans line the perimeter of the par and the wal way from the Huey UH-1H helicopter to the monument and agpole area. he wal ing and running track on the perimeter of the park is used by locals and visitors.

Williston Museum

5 Spring eld Rd illiston. 3. .7 5 Housed in a 1900s former schoolhouse, the museum contains memorabilia and photographs of Williston lifestyles and businesses. he area was home to several notable celebrities showcased at the museum. Open by appointment. bcvm.org

11 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide Points of Interest

For more on the following annual events, visit: TBredCountry.org



i en nti e o the rst wee end in ebruary at Ai en enter for the Arts.

3. . . his show offers a unique opportunity to view and purchase ne antique furnishings represented by more than 20 speciali ed dealers from across the nation.

ai en enterfort earts.or

a e of i en the wee end in ebruary a er resident’s ay at onfederate ar near Ai en. istory comes alive with cannons 100 cavalry horses and 1,000 living history experts. his reenactment brings to life the a le of Ai en which occurred ebruary and 5 and was the last victory for the onfederacy. Also featured are concessions and se lers selling goods comparable to the s. a eofai en.com

emoria mination held at a le of Rivers ridge State istoric Site. 3. 3. 3 o honor the sacri ces of those who fought in the a le of Rivers ridge a commemorative program is held along with a luminary display in ebruary the anniversary of the ba le. so t aro ina ar s. om


Joye in Aiken a special wee long festival held in Ai en with numerous free or low cost performances around town that are open to the public. or 5 years this festival has brought world class actors dancers and musicians into our neighborhoods to bring the excitement of learning and the pleasure of artistic discovery to our students. joyeinaiken.com

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 12

ran ri entin Ai en’s rst venting Showcase. he showcase format allows the general public to be right next to the galloping lanes and experience the thrilling sport of venting. ai en orse ar .or

rin er est at i e e arn held the third Saturday in March. 3.5 .7 . Sponsored by the i le Red arn and the arnwell ounty erb lub.

i en ri e Cro n three successive wee ends in March April. he rst event is the rials where horoughbreds compete in at racing. aikentrainingtrack.com

The second is the Steeplechase with horses umping barriers. ai enstee e ase. om he third event is acers olo. roceeds aid local charities. s a.e e ents a ers an o o


i en orse o held in itchcoc oods. 3. . 5 . stablished in this prestigious show ta es place where it has for more than years. ai en orses o .or istori ee s an o r Beech Island istorical Society. 3. 7.3 . isit historic homes, barns and cemeteries around Beech sland. ee is an istori a so iet . om Co onia imes n er t e Cro n an ra es air held at iving istory ar in North Augusta. 3. 7 .75 . ee end long festival. Reenactors give the public a glimpse of life in the 75 s with a focus on arts and cra s. o onia times. s


a i e si rts esti a held on Main St in lac ville. his festival serves as a way to raise funds for the music and art programs in public schools and scholarships to send aspiring artists to college. mafesti a . om

i en C arit orse o held at the Ai en orse ar . 3. 3 .7 77. wo wee s full of equestrian competition. hese unter Jumper shows a ract competitors from across the country and feature everything from thrilling rand rixs to adorable ony erbys. Admission is free. ai en orse ar .or

e a me o mate r 3. . 5 . orldwide collegiate players compete at the historic alme o olf lub in Ai en annually since 7 . a me oamate r.net

a o ai e ite tin held in Allendale. irders non birders photographers and naturalists will have the opportunity to witness this ama ing aerial display. o ens of Swallow tailed Kites, one of the most elegant birds of the Americas forage on insects in a long standing hot spot in rural Allendale ounty.

i e ea am held at the Riverview ar Activities enter North Augusta. 3. . 3 his hampionship event is the culmination of national tournaments with the top quali ers vying for the each Jam title. he very best and 7 year old bas etball players participate. Admission fees apply open to the public. isitnort a stas . om st

tor s Cor s held at the Silver luff Audubon enter. 3. . 5 . n oy a sampling of wine and hors d’oeuvres following the viewing of the endangered ood Stor s in the center’s athwood onds. s .a on.or

i en s a in in the par ways of downtown Ai en during the second full wee end in September. 3. . . An annual display of uried art from the southeastern states. he festival includes arts and cra s food vendors and entertainment. ai ensma in.net

esti a of t e oo s in itchcoc oods. 3. . 5 . o celebrate the wide range of pedestrian uses and stewardship of the itchcoc oods. eatures a tic eted dinner with a guest spea er. it o oo s.or

o o e s at o on ar held in September or early October. his course and event tailors to the amateur level players. ome out and a end a scenic course for every level of player guaranteed to bring out the id in all. a rena ine ea ens orts. om

13 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
nn a ents
e tem er

to er

estern Caro ina tate air held at the Ai en airgrounds 5 olumbia wy N Ai en.

3. . 55. Rides entertainment and special shows daily. estern aro inastatefair. om

Co onia imes a to emem er the 3rd wee end in October at the iving istory ar . 3. 7 .75 . xplore daily olonial life through demonstrations and exhibits. o onia times. s

a antern i ee the last wee end in October. 3. . 3 . National music acts cra vendors and a wide variety of foods are available at this festival on eorgia Ave in downtown North Augusta. a o antern i ee. om

es oos esti a fundraising event built to provide a unique experience promote the vibrant culture of the region and support non pro t economic development. he estival is lled with great food live music and fun for the whole family. es oos.or

o em er

essin of t e o n s on han sgiving ay at the Memorial ate in itchcoc oods.

3. 3.37 . he public is welcome to a end. Note please do not bring your own dogs to the lessing. Allow a good 3 minutes wal from aurens Street entrance to Memorial ate. t eai en o n s. om

a e C it in tr t held the Saturday a er han sgiving at the Salley ivic enter and airgrounds. 3. 5 .3 5. isitors are drawn to this small community to celebrate this unusual food item that has been a southern tradition for over years. Activities also include a parade hog calling contests vendors beauty pageant carnival rides and a car show. it instr t. om

e em er

i t of i ts come downtown to experience luminaries lining the streets of downtown Ai en as shops stay open late and offer holiday treats drin s and music for a festive evening out. his is a free event. ai en a. s

C ristmas in o e an s ity of Ai en ar s Recreation ourism. 3. .7 3 . al along lighted pathways with holiday displays through opelands ardens. hristmas concerts performed by local choirs provide entertainment from the garden’s stage. istoric buildings in the gardens are decorated and open for touring each night. ot chocolate apple cider and holiday coo ies are served nightly. Admission is free. isitai ens . om

ear ro n easona ents

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horoughbred ountry isitor uide
nn a ents

For more on the following dining options visit re Co ntr .or

CAcropolis Pizza Restaurant

1647 Richland Ave W, Aiken. 803.649.7601

Acropolis is dedicated to honoring the Greek and Italian food culture of freshness, quality and customer experience. Dinner. Catering available.

Aiken Fish House Oyster Bar

1376 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.226.0260

Family-owned seafood restaurant and oyster bar speciali ing in fresh domestic seafood. Lunch and dinner. Catering available. ai en s o se. om

Anshu Asian Café

122 Coach Light Way, Aiken. 803.226.0556

Authentic Asian uisine from fresh hand trimmed ingredients. Vegetarian and gluten-free available. Lunch and dinner. Catering available. ans asian afe. om

Antonio’s Italian Eatery

336 Georgia Ave Ste 103, North Augusta. 803.341.9720

Serves authentic talian entrees pi a and sandwiches in a casual family atmosphere. Lunch and dinner. antoniosita ianeater . or ress. om

i a i a o i

7 Silver luff Rd Ai en. 3. . 7

he rst A N Neapolitan i eria certi ed through Naples Italy in SC. Lunch and dinner. a i a ina o i. om

Back Porch

808 Belvedere Clearwater Rd, North Augusta. 803.380.1578

Locally owned restaurant serving freshly prepared burgers and Louisiana style dishes. Live music on weekends. Lunch and dinner.

15 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

BBQ Barn

10298 Atomic Rd, North Augusta. 803.278.7202

Family-owned and operated restaurant specializing in southern BBQ. Lunch and dinner. Catering available. arnna. om

Co ntr et Martintown Rd North Augusta. 803.279.6999

All you can eat country buffet. unch and inner.

e Co ar Caterin

113 Waterloo St, Aiken. 803.679.0115

Take-out market with a variety of freshly prepared meals to t most dietary restrictions and tastes. Catering available. e o ar . om

e o ri

212 Aiken Rd, Graniteville. 803.663.3971

Short order restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

o s ar et

7 Jefferson avis wy arrenville. 803.593.5900

ic ory smo ed Southern style buffet. Lunch and dinner. Catering available.

o s . om

Brinkley's Chop House

1031 Center St, North Augusta. 803.599.5097

Re ned chop house located at SR ar featuring premium steaks, chops seafood. Dinner. rin e s o o se. om

Bush’s Fish Chips

409 Main St, Graniteville. 803.663.1073

Country cooking and seafood. Lunch and dinner.

Carolina Bar-B-Que

109 S Main St, New Ellenton. 803.652.2919

Est.1960 serving pit-cooked BBQ. Lunch and dinner.

Casa Bella Italian Restaurant hester eld St S Ai en. 3. .3 7

Old world Northern talian cuisine offered in a Victorian mansion with a homey interior. Dinner.

Casa i i a of ort sta

103 Edgewood Dr, North Augusta. 803.279.4418

Casual atmosphere pizza parlor. Lunch and dinner.

Ca a ier s Co ee o se

336 Georgia Ave, Ste 107, North Augusta. 803.613.6240

rowse delicious coffee options with house made syrups or the rotating selection of wines and regional beers. a s o ee. om

Cit i iar s

208 Richland Ave W, Aiken. 803.649.7362

Enjoy a game of pool and freshly made burgers, sandwiches and dinner specials. Lunch and dinner. it i iar sofai en. om

Crossroa s Caf

1738 Sand Bar Ferry Rd, Beech Island. 803.827.1429

ome coo ing. rea fast and lunch.

Dukes Bar-B-Que

4248 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.649.7675

Locally owned and operated BBQ chain. eatures an all you can eat buffet. All is smoked with hickory wood. Lunch and dinner. es ai en. om

erran o s ta ian i eria

152 S Aiken Ln, Aiken. 803.644.8881

555 Richland Ave, Aiken. 803.642.8484

Freshly made pizza. Lunch and dinner.

ani an s e Cream

221 Barnwell Ave, Aiken. 803.262.5500

A family friendly ice cream parlor. aily avors. Open year round a ernoon to evening.

reeman s

1060 Sand Bar Ferry Rd, Beech Island 803.827.1623

Original family recipes of pit-cooked BBQ. Lunch and dinner.

ar s

410 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.278.1314

The original in a locally owned old fashioned burger chain. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

t s oo ar et Caterin

337 ayne Ave S Ai en. 3. .

Take-out market and sandwich shop. Lunch. Catering available.

C s eafoo

3189 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.648.6303

reshest and affordable seafood possible. Their unique create-your-own low country boil is a local favorite. Lunch and dinner. Catering available.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 16


771 Main St N, New Ellenton. 803.998.5060

Locally owned and operated restaurant known for their wings and specialty pizzas. Lunch and dinner.

Just Julie’s

5 ine og Rd Ai en. 3. . 7

Locally owned and operated sub shop. Lunch and dinner. st iesresta rant. om

La Parisienne

33 hester eld St S Ai en. 3. .

Nestled behind the historic Willcox hotel, you'll nd a charming li le rench caf covered in vines serving pastries coffee macaroons and rench classics. Open morning to a ernoon. a arisienne afe. om

i e o ie s

103 Williamsburg St SE, Aiken. 803.648.0402

Family owned and operated restaurant chain serving burgers and chicken. Lunch and dinner.

a a so s esta rant

135 York St SE, Aiken. 803.262.5334

omemade talian American food from Staten Island, New York with recipes that have been in the family for more than 100 years. Dinner.

a s

159 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.226.0841

Jersey style cheesestea s and handcra ed sandwiches with specialty sides and desserts. Lunch. ma sinai en. om

a ia s

120 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.643.3086

Gourmet blackboard menu made with the nest freshest and most ethically produced ingredients. Lunch and dinner. ma iasresta rant. om

an e s rea Caf

505 Railroad Ave Ste #100, North Augusta. 803.380.1323

Serves a twist on time honored rench dishes made with organic produce. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch. man e s rea afe. om

i a ri

2060 Augusta Rd, Gloverville. 803.593.4744

Local short order restaurant. Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

eon i

S ar Ave Ai en. 3. .

Neon ig creates fun imaginative and handcra ed dishes. ome to nd a new twist on your favorite. neon . om

e oon Caf

116 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.643.7088

Serves creative comfort food made with fresh honest ingredients from around the southeast. Breakfast and lunch. ne moon o nto n. om

Co ee

555 Jefferson avis wy arrenville. 803.392.7052

offee shop conveniently located by angley ond selling specialty coffee tea and seasonal favorites. Treat yourself to their house-made beignets for an extra special treat. Morninga ernoon. rin no a o ee. om

Papa’s Kitchen

447 Steed St, Jackson. 803.393.1211

Down home southern cooking and all the diner food you can think of. Breakfast and lunch.

ar en e ster ar ri

ar Ave S Ai en. 3. .7

This trendy seafood restaurant focuses on serving the highest quality seafood with a casual bistro vibe. Enjoy live music every Friday and Saturday night. Outdoor seating available for pets. Lunch and dinner. ar a eo ster ar. om

Pat’s Sub Shop

7 ine og Rd Ai en. 3. . 5 3

Locally-owned and operated sub shop. Lunch and dinner.

Pink Dipper

501 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.279.4100

Old-fashioned ice cream parlor serving premium hand-dipped ice cream for more than forty years. Open year-round, midday to evening. in i er. om

17 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Pizza Joint

125 Richland Ave W, Aiken. 803.648.9074

Local restaurant bar chain serving brickoven pizzas, calzones sandwiches in a casual space. Lunch and dinner. t e i a oint.net

o o ro n s Caf

225 Barnwell Ave NW, Aiken.

Serving a variety of sweet and savory crepes, bagels, smoothies, salads and daily specials. Breakfast and lunch. o o ro n s afe. om

rime tea o se

316 Richland Ave NW, Aiken. 803.642.4488

Authentic big city stea house offering the nest in aged stea s whole lobsters and fresh seafood. Reservations recommended. inner.

io Cantina

1049 Center St, North Augusta. 803.349.8376

Taqueria located in Riverside Village next to SR ar . Several tables have great views of the baseball eld. unch and dinner.

oma s ta ian esta rant

116 Coach Light Way SW, Aiken. 803.643.7828

Authentic Neopolitan cuisine made fresh in a family-friendly, casual environment. Dinner.

Russell’s Pizza

136 Lee St N, Wagener. 803.564.5012

ocal pi a parlor chain offering subs and talian favorites. Lunch and dinner. r sse s i as . om

a sa s e e ri

109 Tamil Dr, Aiken. 803.643.2722

Local Mexican restaurant chain. Lunch and dinner. sa sas aran ri . om

a t arro it en

1060 Center St, North Augusta. 803.349.8401

raditional southern fare made with locally sourced ingredients with a modern twist. ocated in the rowne la a hotel. rea fast lunch and dinner.

ei a s a in Co.

434 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.646.0668

A pastry shop serving handcra ed doughnuts

signature cinnamon rolls and specialty coffee. Open morning to noon. ei as a in o. om

moot ie roo e

448 Fabian Dr, Aiken. 803.226.9024

Serving a unique spin on all natural smoothies, juices and fruit bowls.

Sno-Cap Drive-In

618 West Ave, North Augusta. 803.279.4004

Locally owned and operated since 1964. Retro drive in serving burgers oats and wee ly specials. Lunch and dinner. Catering available. sno a ri ein. om

Stone Roastery

502 Belvedere Clearwater Rd, North Augusta. 803.510.4129

Local roastery that only roasts in small batches, ensuring that the avor and aroma is perfect in every sip. n oy a variety of coffee avors in store or purchase freshly roasted beans to enjoy at home. stoneroaster . om

o t o n mo e o se

1009 Center St, North Augusta. 803.349.9306

Where classic southern BBQ meets friendly neighborhood cantina with a blend of musical in uence. unch and dinner. atering available. so t o n smo e o se. om

e s ri

estival rail Rd agener. 3.5 . 5

A quaint diner and grill serving freshly made to order burgers, sandwiches, wings and more. Lunch and dinner.

nrise ri

Martintown Rd North Augusta. 803.202.9898

Serves generous-sized omelets and malted elgian wa es to handmade burgers and loaded Reubens. Breakfast and lunch.

ai ate avern

231 The Alley, Aiken. 803.226.0909

ocal hangout for sports fanatics serving a rotating bar and grill menu. hey host a variety of weekly music events. Lunch and dinner.

ai asmine i e

1552 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.226.0601

Authentic hai a la carte restaurant that serves delicious and fresh dishes. Lunch and dinner. t aina ins . i site. om

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 18

e e o nto n a room

214 The Alley, Aiken. 803.226.0344

orty eight taps with a variety of cra beer. Open food policy allows you to bring your own food, or have it delivered. Open noon to evening. t ea e o nto nta room. om

e ee a

1593 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.226.0459

dge eld Rd North Augusta. 3.3 . 37

Serving tavern style food with exclusive wine and cocktail menu. Live music, two bars and lounge area. Lunch and dinner. Catering available. t efee sa resta rants. om

e ammon s err ar er

89 Crystal Lake Dr, North Augusta. 803.599.5149

hef owned restaurant offering small plates made with locally sourced ingredients, a full bar with custom cocktails and daily specials. Dinner and Sunday brunch. ar er. om

e i e a e o e

135 Main St N, Wagener. 803.564.3849

Family owned and operated bakery/deli serving freshly baked goods, sandwiches, soups and coffee. rea fast and lunch.

e r e

10298 Atomic Rd, North Augusta. 803.474.5970

ocal fresh and appeti ing American classics. Also sells kitchen staples such as local honey, maple syrup and dill pickles. Lunch. t e r e sra. om

e esta rant at e i o

100 Colleton Ave SW, Aiken. 803.679.5050

Located within The Willcox hotel, this cozy gastro pub serves American food with international in uences. rea fast lunch and dinner. t e i o . om

e i a e Caf

110 Coach Light Way SW, Aiken. 803.640.0247

An upscale counter service café serving specialty coffee ba ed goods sandwiches salad beer wine and in house made authentic gelato. Breakfast and lunch. t e i a e afeai en. om

e i emo nt

ar Ave S Ai en. 3. .5

Fine dining establishment with a passion and drive to evolve and achieve a great taste that all will en oy. Reservations encouraged. inner. t e i emo nt. om

Variety Restaurant

921 York St, Aiken. 803.648.6987

Serves fresh seafood, steak and more. Lunch and dinner.

e t Caf

1619 Whiskey Rd, Aiken. 803.649.5500

Vegetarian and vegan restaurant serving creative vegetarian food smoothies organic juices and bulk herbs.

at s Coo in o nto n

123 B Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.649.1068

n oy a variety of offerings including made from scratch biscuits, gourmet burgers, sandwiches and daily specials. Breakfast and lunch. Catering available. ats oo in o nto n. om

Whiskey Alley

227 The Alley SW, Aiken. 803.226.0579

With a specials menu prepared daily, there is always something new to try. Each day the Chefs try to include vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. unch and dinner. is e a e . om

in a e

73 ine og Rd Ai en. 3. .7777

Locally owned and operated sports bar serving wings sandwiches wraps burgers cra beers and more. Lunch and dinner. in a e. om


AJ’s Deli

3 ampton Ave airfax.

eli at AJ’s Services Station. rea fast and lunch.

C ina et

399 S Main St, Allendale. 803.584.5718

Chinese restaurant. Dine-in or take out. Lunch and dinner.

C oi e C t eats an eafoo

5 Augusta wy Allendale. 3.5 .77

Country cooking. Lunch.

ar in e i an esta rant

2024 N Main St, Allendale. 803.584.3203

Locally owned and operated Mexican restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

19 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

o en o n

5 ampton Ave airfax. 3. 3 .3 3

Chinese restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

o an s orts es o oo

158 7th St, Fairfax. 803.632.6006

Lunch and dinner. Live music on weekends.

Pizza Inn

337 Main St N, Allendale. 803.584.1616

Serving pizza and wings. Lunch and dinner.

e ro s inin

414 Main St S, Allendale. 803.812.0010

This locally owned take-out restaurant’s menu varies from real creole gumbo, burgers, seafood and talian subs with inspiration from their Indigenous American cultural roots. Take-out lunch and dinner. Catering available. re ro s inin . om

mart o ater

1720 Main St N, Allendale. 803.571.6069 unch. Offering daily menu.

eats an is ami it en

3 Main wy amberg. 3. 5. ocally owned and operated meat and sh market family kitchen. Market sells specialty cuts and fresh sh. amily itchen serves country cooking. Breakfast and lunch.

am er o se of i a

5 eritage wy amberg. 3. 5. resh to order authentic ree cuisine and pizza. Lunch and dinner. Take out only.

C C s Ca eine C aos

75 Bell St, Bamberg. 803.682.1744

ocal coffee shop offering a variety of coffee frappes, milkshakes and energy teas.

C i s eafoo ri

7 3 eritage wy amberg. 3. 5. 7

Seafood restaurant specializing in scallops, frog legs, oysters and crab. Lunch and dinner.

Co ntr ara ise iner

13295 Broxton Bridge Rd, Ehrhardt. 803.676.0034

Small quaint country diner. Breakfast and lunch.

e s of am er

7 Main wy amberg. 3. 5.

Locally owned and operated BBQ chain. Lunch and dinner.

i e o ie s

3 Main wy amberg. 3. 5. 573

Family owned and operated restaurant chain serving burgers and chicken. Lunch and dinner.

a a s ami esta rant

33 Main wy amberg. 3. 5.335 ountry buffet. rea fast and lunch.

Southern Soul

agood St enmar . 3.7 . 7

Soul food, BBQ, seafood and more. Lunch and dinner. Catering available.

Wee Bake Bakery

7 7 arolina wy enmar . 3.3 3. Mennonite bakery featuring donuts, pies, cakes and other baked goods. Open morning to lunch.

Willy Strick's arm o se it en

3 ow ountry wy hrhardt. 3. . 5 3 ountry coo ing buffet style and daily specials. Lunch.

e erator Co ee astr

218 Main St, Barnwell. 803.395.9244

Serves handcra ed beverages and pastries. ocated inside the alme o nnovation enter. Morning to early a ernoon. a e erator. o ee


476 Reynolds Rd, Barnwell. 803.259.9139

American restaurant established in 1963. Lunch and dinner.

arn e Cari ean

7 wy 7 arnwell. 3.3 .

Caribbean cuisine. Lunch and dinner.

C ina ress

10690 Dunbarton Blvd. Barnwell. 803.259.9428

Chinese restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

Co ntr C oar

9724 Marlboro Ave, Barnwell. 803.541.7000

Authentic ennsylvania style deli bul food and bakery. Meat and cheese from Ohio’s Amish Country. Deli opens for lunch. C C

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 20

Country afé

245 Main St, Barnwell. 803.961.9936

Cozy cafe located in the heart of Barnwell serving specialty coffee brea fast and lunch.

anse rete s

66 Main St, Barnwell. 803.450.5074

Bakery, deli and dessert shop. Open morning to a ernoon. ash only.

ea in rin s Co ntr tore

5 3 ealing Springs Rd lac ville. 803.284.3377

Sandwiches hot dogs seasonal soups and so serve ice cream. Lunch.

i a r e a s

7 3 arnwell Rd ilda. 3.5 .35

Locally owned take-out restaurant serving burgers, BBQ, ice cream and more. Lunch.

o ea en

1070 Barwick Rd, Barnwell. 803.259.2494

BBQ restaurant. Lunch and dinner. in a ere

3 S wy 7 arnwell. 3. 5 . 37

Seafood market and grill.

i e o ie s

8988 Marlboro Ave, Barnwell. 803.259.1833

Family owned and operated restaurant chain serving burgers and chicken. Lunch and dinner.

Lucy Lu’s Café

212 Main St, Barnwell. 803.671.0008

Café serving daily specials and desserts. Lunch.

eetin on ain

12906 W Main St, Williston. 803.266.4900

A gathering place for locals and travelers alike. Offers a full buffet lunch and a variety of entr e options. unch and dinner. atering available. meetin onmain. om

i er s rea as et

483 Main St, Blackville. 803.284.3117

Amish/Mennonite home cooked food in a family friendly atmosphere. omemade breads are made fresh daily. Lunch and dinner.

omma iane s

368 Elko St, Williston. 803.300.8770

Soul food take-out restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

or an s r s

12935 Main St, Williston. 803.266.3356

Local pharmacy and ice cream parlor. Featuring hand dipped ice cream sha es and oats.

r. s oo irits

10132 Ellenton St, Barnwell. 803.259.5071

Lakeside family friendly American and seafood restaurant with separate bar and lounge. Dinner.

Russell’s Pizza

571 Main St, Blackville (803.284.3001), 12677 Main St, Williston (803.266.7722).

ocal pi a parlor chain offering subs and talian favorites. Lunch and dinner. r sse s i as . om

om rero s e i an esta rant

320 Reynolds Rd, Barnwell. 803.541.1264

Mexican Restaurant. Lunch and dinner.

e an i o

13035 Main St, Williston. 803.989.9480

Locally owned restaurant serving fresh, made to order sandwiches and salads. Lunch and dinner.

e oo o se

444 Main St, Blackville. 803.300.6787

Serving milkshakes, banana splits, sundaes, hot dogs, cake slices more. Seasonal.

on a s i it a

S wy 7 arnwell. 3. 5. 3

Locally owned take-out restaurant serving a variety of hot dogs, funnel cakes, pretzels and more.

annis i a

10456 Ellenton St, Barnwell. 803.621.2220

Local pizza parlor that serves subs, pasta, salads, burgers and more with Greek and talian in uences. annis i a.net

21 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

For more on the following shopping opportunities visit re Co ntr .or




141 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.648.7592

A full service gi store offering a wide range of gi s for every occasion. n addition they offer custom printing on stationery and invitations. or a es are

3 hester eld St S Ai en. 3.335.37 outique fashion for any budget including unique collections with an eye on style that suits women of all ages. a or a esa are . om

i en nti es ni es

7 Silver luff Rd Ai en. 3. .73 5 et swept away into yesteryear into a time when life was simple and true cra smanship too our breath away. rowse antiques home furnishings, furniture and holiday decor.

i en nti e a

112 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.648.6700

ind ne antiques and vintage collectibles from more than 50 dealers.

i en Center for t e rts a er o

122 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.641.9094

The gallery shop is the place for locally handcra edartistic po ery bas ets clothing and paintings. ocal and international artists provide a vast array of pieces for a variety of tastes in price ranges to t every budget. ai en enterfort earts.or

i en Co nt istori a se m tore

33 Newberry St S Ai en. 3. . ocated within the historic inter olony co age an sia. Sells a variety of Ai en gi s boo s and fashion ewelry.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 22

i en Co nt isitors Center

133 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.642.7557

Staff at the visitor center can assist you in planning your trip in beautiful historic Ai en ounty. hey have a selection of souvenirs locally made goods, postcards and t-shirts or sale and a monthly art exhibit on display. is o erai en o nt . om

i en r oo s

124 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.226.0100

estern boutique store selling equestrian gi s tac and clothing. ocal artwor available for sale. ai en r oo s. om

i en a er

ine og Rd Ai en. 3. . 5 3

A locally owned and operated destination store serving horsemen and their equine and canine partners with quality feed farm supplies and assorted sundries. ai ensa er . om

nti es ore

ine og Rd Ai en. 3. . hey offer a variety of choice antique vintage retro and classicfurniture as well as a vast selection of unique home decor at competitive prices. anti esan morema .net

rts an erita e Center i o

100 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.441.4380

Sells artwor from local and South arolina artists. ind a variety of items from po ery and ewelry to photography and paintings. artsan erita e enter. om

e on i o ron ate Can es

121 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.522.5884

ocally owned affordable boutique offering a unique selection of stylish ewelry and trendy clothes for the everyday fashionista. ron ate specializes in 100% soy, all-natural candles made in Ai en wax melts handmade soaps lotions. e on i o ai en.s o ron ate an es. om

Caro ine s i er a er o ti e

131 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.644.5606

Women’s clothing store and a great place to nd today’s styles. i er a er sells children’s clothing toys and gi s. Monogramming service available.

Caro iniana are oo s

127 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 914.434.1435

arefully curating for clever collectors. rowse a vast collection of antiquarian and collectible boo s as well as primitives and antiques. aro inianarare oo s. om

Co Cree rseries 3 itchcoc wy Ai en. 3. .35

Find gardening supplies, home decor, plenty of wonderful gi s for any occasion South arolina grown produce dry goods and fro en treats. o ree .net

Comm ni ra i s

1400 Georgia Ave, North Augusta. 803.278.7217

Family run screen print, embroidery, engraving and gi shop where locally S and SA made merchandise are available for purchase. omm ni ra i s. om

Cor an Ca

146 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.761.0768

hether you are loo ing for an everyday bo le want to try something a bit different or are celebrating a special occasion or and ap has the nowledge and selection to get you ust what you need. s o or an a . om

Cote esi ns

128 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.270.0034

A oral and event styling studio speciali ing in ne art orals. ush owers and branches are paired with unique textiles and ribbons to create elegant designs. ote esi nse ents. om

o nto n o

150-A Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.226.0347

A store for dogs and the people who love them selling natural foods, fresh baked treats, accessories and gi s. rooming services available. ai en o nto n o . om


137 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.262.5102

quine inspired boutique with collections from wearable art to decorations for the home. e onaon a rens. om

ine i ine

126 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.642.9772

An equine inspired gallery and boutique speciali ing in sporting art unique equestrian ewelry apparel home decor and gi s. e ine i ineon ine. om


116 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.226.0550

olly has a unique blend of home furnishings and accessories. fo ai en. om

o an a

101 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.508.4377

uaint boutique store speciali ing in righton Spartina Simply Southern era radley inger Snaps and Tyler Candle.

23 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
o in

in an ina ome esi n


in er ee o ti e

110 Laurens St SW, Aiken.

Offering timeless apparel shoes and accessories for woman of all ages. in er ee o ti e. om

i Co on o nto n

336 Georgia Ave Ste 101, North Augusta. 803.599.7236

clectic boutique selling local goods unusual gi s women’s clothing and home goods.

i Co ntr i e i

125 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.649.9907

A purveyor of ultra-premium extra virgin olive oils aged talian balsamic ne specialty foods body care products and gi s. ree tasting bar.

i o ntr o i eoi . om

it Ca oo es

5 dge eld Rd North Augusta. 3. 7 .7 57 nique gi shop that features a diverse array of products including an ee andle o. ags lawn and garden ornaments South arolina and Georgia souvenirs and collegiate gear.

a on onni re

7 hester eld St S Ai en. 3. .

Locally made chocolates using Callebaut chocolate fresh ingredients and traditional Belgian recipes. a on onnierea sta. om

ione mit

132 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.648.2100

A rst class experience in service and quality in custom clothing, made-to-measure shirts and formalsuits. ione smit t . om

i e e o o

109 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.640.2624

More than 5 local artists combining their talents in home decor gi s and more.

i ere fo s o . om

ateria in s

agener Rd Ai en. 3. 3.37

ocally owned decorative arts design studio specializing in direct from the mill fabrics by the bolt, custom drapery, bedding, furniture and more. materia t in sofai en. om

158 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.649.0616

nterior design rm focused on re ecting their clients’ style and lives throughout their homes. ome d cor and gi s available in store. nan ina ome. om

ee e oint Co a e

224 Park Ave SE, Aiken. 803.226.0040

ull service needlepoint and ni ng shop that brings modern designs beautiful bers yarns and friendly faces to Aiken. nee e oint o a e. om

a anor a er

77 agener Rd Ai en. 3. .7 7

ocally owned and operated store that carries everything you need for a foxhunt or horse show including equipment and even home gi s. ran e er o s

336 Georgia Ave, Ste 105, North Augusta, SC. 803.257.6774

A resource for families to cherish the wonder of childhood together the way toy shopping should be. he O er is here to help you imagine create, explore and play like never before. oran eo erto store. om

m in

101 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 888.940.7586

rowse a wide selection of gourmet itchenware dinnerware ne china and unique kitchen accessories. m in it en. om

et rn n a ement

151 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.642.3337

pscale consignment boutique speciali ing in new and gently used apparel designer ewelry and accessories. ret rnen a ementai en. om

i ersi e nti es

646 Buena Vista Ave, North Augusta. 803.426.1942

ome to more than local antique and cra vendors who desire to provide quality and unique antiques cra s collectibles and other treasures. ri ersi eanti es.net

amaria arm air

7 rights Mill Rd Ai en. 3. 5.5

Small family run farm selling milk, produce, meat and eggs. Cash only.

in in i s nti es

415 West Ave, North Augusta. 803.441.8805

Selling period antiques from the 75 s to the 1920s, Victorian furniture, candles, baskets, live ivy topiaries woven rugs and boo s. sin in i santi es. om

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 24

o t si e a er of i en

5 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. . 55

ocally owned and operated gallery that offers over 150,000 art images that can be printed ondemand, including those of local scenes. Large format printing and design. ustom framing and shadow boxes. so t si e a er . om

eet i ar et an i s o e

510 West Ave, North Augusta. 803.508.4816

Offering fresh cut owers unique gi s home goods and more. Shoppe 3130 sells comfortable and stylish womens clothing.

en enn s

727 Buena Vista Ave, North Augusta. 803.599.5066

A deligh ul home furnishings store featuring a variety of vintage treasures antiques refurbished furniture gi s home decor.

e e an tore

575 Atomic Rd eech sland. 3.5 . n a nutshell he uc y ecan is your one stop shop for gourmet pecans and candies, antiques ams and sauces. R space available. t e e anstores . om

e reen rint a tor

157 Laurens St NW, Aiken. 803.649.7552

Shop for Ai en souvenirs or customi e your own t shirts hats lapel pins and glassware.

r e i en

311 Hayne SW, Aiken. 803.262.5194

Share your love of one of the best small towns in the South. From original Aiken apparel, to Ai en inspired gi s and home goods such a wide range offers something for everyone.

tr eai en. om

ni e ressions

5 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. .7

ind one of a ind ne gi s for any occasion as well as a wide variety of home d cor ewelry collegiate and palme o products and more.

i i s ni e o ti e

5 his ey Rd and 3 ine og Rd Ai en. 803.226.0240

A fashion forward clothing store for women of all body si es and shapes with styles that are trendy comfortable and affordable. s o i is. om

ite ose e ti s

142 Laurens St SW, Aiken. 803.724.7285

A unique shop that offers ladies boutique apparel and accessories as well as some antiques. iterosee e ti s. om

or Co a e nti es

409 Hayne Ave SW, Aiken. 803.642.9524

A purveyor of ne china crystal silver and antiques.

Cen ri an ma e ni es


All knives made by stock removal method. All guards made of stainless steel. en ri ni es. om

e ire tion C ristian oo store

Main St N Allendale. 3.5 . Sells clothing, religious books, church supplies and gi s.

n time as ion

7 Augusta wy Allendale. 3.5 . 775 Speciali es in men’s and boy’s formal wear. ind everything from head to toe including shoes, suits ties hand erchiefs cuff lin s and more. a en a e.ontimefas ion. s


a a o ron or i o e

5 Main wy amberg. 3.3 .7

Original created ornamental iron wor made of high quality material and wor manship that is long lasting and recogni ed by many throughout the South. Open by appointment.

roo er r e a e an i s

3 arolina wy enmar . 3.7 3.33

his family owned and operated business is not ust a hardware store they sell everything from clothes ewelry boots to old fashioned rice steamers and rock candy. stores.tr e a e. om

25 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide o in

in r ar t arma i o


3 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt. 803.267.2121

ocal pharmacy and gi shop selling cosmetics accessories unique toys and gi s.

r ar t

3 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt. 803.837.1581

et transported bac in time at hrhardt 5 . Owned by he iers family for over 5 years. ind new treasures from decades past. reat for nostalgic gi s classy decor and unique nds. ran ma s o se reas re arn

3 5 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt. 803.267.2277

Shabby chic re purposed eclectic antiques home decor collectibles.

im arrison a er

7 arolina wy enmar . 3.7 3.57

The gallery features bronzes, etchings and a variety of limited and unlimited edition reproductions from arrison’s more than year career. he late Jim arrison was awarded the Order of the alme o by the State of South Carolina in 2008. im arrison. om

ain treet ar en i s

33 Main wy amberg. 3. 5. 5

Find one-of-a-kind items for your garden and home including handcra ed po ery mosaics and paintings by local artist Angie Sandifer.

ans C a ton erita e rt a er

7 hrhardt Rd hrhardt. 3. 7.

Original oil and acrylics of old southern scenes. Southern artifacts on display. all for appointment.

oo e s

arolina wy enmar . 3.7 3.3 7

Old fashioned ve and dime store.

e Caro ine Co e tion

5 arolina wy enmar . 3.7 3. 73

ocated in the historic A uilding the aroline ollection is one of the largest privately owned antique stores in the Southeast. ith three oors of eclectic ever changing inventory in an ar ully arranged vigne e se ng. t e aro ine o e tion.net

am s ar en Center i o

llenton St arnwell. 3. 5 .5 3

he gi shop is full of locally made ewelry hand made birdhouses signature coffees and other miscellaneous gi s. a amsn rser .net

Caro s orist i s

Main St arnwell. 3. 5 .

amily owned business that has served arnwell community for nearly 3 years. reates unique uropean bas ets wreaths and bouquets as well as sells a variety of gi s.

ea in rin s Co ntr tore

5 3 ealing Springs Rd lac ville.


amily owned li le country store close to od’s Acre ealing Springs. Selling unique gi s sandwiches local goods and more.

i e e arn o er rt a er wy 7 arnwell. 3.5 .7

Formerly the Leigh Banana Case Company Commissary, this historic building serves as an art gallery where Master o er i Ringus and local artists sell hand turned po ery S face ugs hand cra ed furniture and other artwor .

i of t e i er o e

Mc onough St arnwell. 3.5 .73 7

Sells gently used clothing, household items, antiques and collectibles. ncome helps support The Animal Advocates Friends for Life Center which rescues animals from the county shelter.

i t o

Reynolds St lac ville. 3. . Sells Mennonite hand made quilts wall hangings unique gi items and quilting supplies. Open by appointment.

o t ern e es o ti e 77 wy 7 arnwell. 3.57 .337

outique store selling women’s clothing shoes ewelry accessories and home goods.

e ossom o

3 Main St illiston. 3. .7 33 lorist and gi shop.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 26

For more on the following accommodation options visit TBredCountry.org




ayne Ave S Ai en. 3.7 . uxury suites in downtown Ai en featuring unique art co y furnishings and top of the line d cor. elcoming to all equine enthusiasts corporate travelers and tourists. Offering four individual suites. Available for short term rentals or extended stays. 419hayne.com

Clarion Inn Suites

55 olony wy Ai en. 3. .

ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator exterior corridors. et friendly. clarionhotel.com

Country Inn Suites

3 7 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. .

ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center interior corridors. countryinns.com

Crowne Plaza

enter St North Augusta. 3.3 . itness center outdoor pool business center and meeting rooms. A specialty restaurant co y parlor lounge and roo op bar. et friendly. crownenorthaugusta.com

Days Inn

5 olumbia wy Ai en. 3. .5

Richland Ave Ai en. 3. .55

ontinental brea fast pool laundry exterior corridors. et friendly. wyndhamhotels.com

Econo Lodge

35 Richland Ave Ai en. 3. .3

ontinental brea fast. Microwave refrigerator exterior corridors. et friendly. econolodge.com

air e nn ites arrio

5 olony wy Ai en. 3. .7

ontinental brea fast tness center and indoor pool. Microwave refrigerator laundry interior corridors. marrio . om

27 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Hampton Inn

amil r Ai en. 3. . 5 5

ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center interior corridors. et friendly.


Hilton Garden Inn Aiken

35 astgate r Ai en. 3. .

On site restaurant tness center and outdoor pool. usiness center and meeting rooms. et friendly. aiken.hgi.com

Holiday Inn Express

3 Stephens arm n North Augusta. 3.3 . 5 5

ull brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. usiness center and meeting rooms. Microwave refrigerator laundry interior corridors. ihg.com

Holiday Inn Express Suites

7 his ey Rd Ai en. 3.5 .77

ull brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center laundry interior corridors. hiexpress.com

o ar o nson n am

3 his ey Rd S Ai en. 3.7 . 5

ontinental brea fast and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center laundry exterior corridors. et friendly. wyndhamhotels.com

Quality Inn

rontage Rd Ai en. 3.5 . ontinental brea fast and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center exterior corridors. et friendly. choicehotels.com

Quality Inn Suites

3 Richland Ave Ai en. 3.335. 3

ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator lounge laundry exterior corridors. et friendly. choicehotels.com

Sleep Inn

Monterey r Ai en. 3. .

ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator business center interior corridors. et friendly. choicehotels.com

Sleep Inn Suites

dge eld Rd North Augusta. 3. .

ontinental brea fast tness center and meeting room. Microwave refrigerator laundry interior corridors. choicehotels.com

The Inn at Houndslake

7 oundsla e r Ai en. 3. . 535

A 3 room lodge located on the grounds of a private country club. he d cor is traditional with the simplicity and feeling of a home away from home. ou will never experience that corporate feeling. ontinental brea fast. otel guests may use any of the lub’s facilities. et friendly. theinnathoundslake.com

o ne a e ites arrio

Monterey r Ai en. 3. .7373 ontinental brea fast tness center and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator laundry interior corridors. et friendly. marrio . om

e i o

olleton Ave S Ai en. 3. . isted on the National Register of istoric laces. oted one of the best hotels in the world. Old fashioned southern hotel offering suites and rooms elegantly appointed with period antiques cloud so beds and deep soa ing tubs. A small intimate spa as well as a landscaped pool area also accompany the property. 5 guest rooms seven suites. ac ages available. ine at he Restaurant at the illcox. et friendly. thewillcox.com

r i ton

Austin raybill Rd North Augusta.

3. .

hour tness center continental brea fast business center. et friendly. hilton.com


Carolina Inn

7 eritage wy enmar . 3.7 3. 3 able phones data ports fridges microwaves in all rooms. ig truc par ing student hunter discounts.

horoughbred ountry isitor uide ommo ations

Carolina Lodge

5 unbarton lvd arnwell. 3. 5 . ontinental brea fast. Microwave refrigerator satellite exterior corridors. aro ina o e arn e . om a s nn n am

7 7 unbarton lvd arnwell. 3.5 .5

ontinental brea fast and outdoor pool. Microwave refrigerator laundry exterior corridors. et friendly. wyndhamhotels.com

inton nn ites

73 Marlboro Ave arnwell. 3. . 7

ontinental brea fast on site restaurant bar and lounge. usiness center and meeting room. Microwave refrigerator exterior corridors on courtyard. et friendly. wintoninnsuites.com

Bed Breakfasts


Annie’s Inn

3 3 harleston wy Montmorenci.

3. . 3

re ivil ar ree Revival home with several guest co ages available. ach are beautifully designed to blend in with the old architecture while having all the amenities. anniesinnaiken.com

Carriage House Inn c.1872

3 aurens St N Ai en. 3. .5

legant inn on the main street in historic Ai en amidst the charm and abundance of ne dining cultural and shopping opportunities. nowlegable and friendly staff will help you plan an outing at the concierge des . hirty seven rooms and suites with a full complimentary brea fast. et friendly with fee. aikencarriagehouse.com

Lookaway Inn

3 orest Ave North Augusta. 3. . 3 isted on the National Register of istoric laces. uilt in . ome of alter Jac son brother of the founder of North Augusta James Jac son. his restored home has ve bedrooms in the main house and courtyard rooms all with large private baths. vent space dining and meeting rooms available. lookawayinn.com

Magnolia Shadows

5 5 ngineer Rd Ridge Spring. 3.5 . here uropean hospitality meets Southern charm. Offering horse boarding and bed brea fast services. Rooms in this historic plantation home are surrounded by manicured pastures magnolia trees and gardens. et friendly. magnoliashadows.com

ta e ie

7 Stable iew r Ai en. .35 .3 73 xperience the rustic charm in an array of co ages barn residences lo li e hunt boxes and co y apartments available for short or long term stays. R hoo ups with 3 or 5 amp service water and sewage. A A Accessible. et riendly. ree i i. sta e ie farm. om

The Birdnest Inn

5 Si emore ir Ai en. 7 .53 .3

An upscale bed brea fast located in an urban farm environment. ull of original art and an impressive collection of hand made po ery. ree i i available and device charging stations are in all rooms. t e ir nestinn. om


Lazy Dog Acres

3 hrhardt Rd hrhardt. 3. . 3 3

n oy the simple life at this co y property located ust outside of the heart of hrhardt. ach of the three rooms are designed to accommodate a different wee end getaway style. on’t forget to ma e an appointment at avender abin a y og Acres’ on site spa. n oy Rei i and Re exology spa style treatments with products made from lavender grown on the property. avender products available for purchase. Appointment required. Spa open to the public. lazydogacre.com

29 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
C ommo ations

Miss Alda’s Inn

5 Moore r Snelling. 3.3 .737

ome relax and en oy the charm of this wonderful family home passed down through 5 generations. hoose from bedrooms 3 with queen beds and private baths one room with a full bed or reserve the entire house. ull brea fast served daily in the dining room. eel the love and charm still present in the walls of this old house . he nn is a perfect place to relax and cherish the peace and quiet of the country. et friendly with a refundable deposit.

isteria Co a e e rea fast

3 Jones ridge Rd lac ville. 3. .

A rustic two bedroom and one bath ’s co age ideal for a quiet get away in the country. Also on the property is ill’s erb arden see listing under points of interest. Mennonite proprietor is happy to provide fresh Mennonite brea fast upon request.

a i e isteria o a e. om

Cam in ar s AIKEN COUNTY

i en Cam ro n C

olumbia wy N Ai en. 3. . 5 ull service R ar . aily wee ly and monthly rates. Amenities include full 3 5 amp hoo ups pull through level concrete runners i i shower and laundry facilities. et riendly. Open year round. ai enr ar . om

Aiken State Park

5 State ar Rd indsor. 3. . 57

5 available campsites. ach site consists of pac ed sand water 3 5 amp hoo ups re ring and picnic table. Some sites can accommodate R s up to 35 . et friendly. Other amenities include nature and canoe trails seasonal swimming birding shing and picnic shelters. southcarolinaparks.com

Pine Acres Campground

5 u e r Ai en. 3. .57 5 ull hoo ups with 3 5 amp service. Open year round. aily wee ly monthly rates. an accommodate R s up to . oin laundry showers dump station i i and propane on site. amper rentals also available. et friendly. pineacrescampground.net

an a ar

5 Smo ey ypress oop Ai en. 3.3 . 3 amily owned and operated campground. uiet yet convenient to . Sites include full hoo up with 5 amp service and pull through with water and power only. Amenities include bath shower house laundry house swim area playground and pet friendly. san oa r ar . om


King Creek Campground

757 edar noll Rd airfax. 3. . 3

All campsites are by and can comfortably accommodate two large tents or one R and one tent. ull hoo up sites dump station 3 amp and 5 amp service options available. et friendly. kingcreekcampground.com


ro ton ri e antation

5 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt.

3. 7.3

Southern nostalgia and a genuine bit of ivil ar history. he plantation home built in the 5 ’s has ve rooms with private baths. Step through the front door and go bac more than 5 years to a simpler time and en oy wal ing trails around a acre la e hunting shing sporting clays and nearby golf. 5 R campsites most with water electricity and sewage hoo ups. ro ton ri e. om


Barnwell State Park

3 State ar Rd lac ville. 3. . uilt in the 3 ’s by the ivilian onservation orps this par is equipped with 5 cabins and 5 campsites. ach cabin includes bath and bed linens coo ing and eating utensils satellite i i coffee ma er central heating air outside grill re ring and picnic table. Only one cabin is pet friendly. et fees apply.

ach campsite has pac ed gravel individual water and electrical hoo ups 3 amp and picnic table. Some sites can accommodate R s up to 3 others up to . ight full hoo up sites available with 5 amp service. Other amenities include nature trails shing boating picnic shelters seasonal swimming area playground and meeting facilities. southcarolinaparks.com

horoughbred ountry isitor uide 3 ommo ations C


South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

is in ntin i enses


dnr.sc.gov/purchase.html or r es an re ations ertainin to ntin an s in in o t Caro ina contact SCDNR.

SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR)

O ox 7 olumbia eneral nformation 3.73 .3

o Report iolations . .5 3

For more on the following recreational activities visit TBredCountry.org

Fishing Rivers

isto i er a nat ra at e ra of s am hardwoods and cypress follows this blackwater ri er. in s a is ar emo t ass ee s an ream s in . oo s a i ators an ir s are a n ant. e fo o in areas o er a ess to the Edisto River:

Aiken State Park

5 State ar Rd indsor. 3. . 57. n oy shing in three la es or the disto River for bream bass and ca ish. oat rentals include aya s canoes stand up paddle boards and a jon boat. Hard surface boat ramp. Amenities include nature trail canoe trail seasonal swimming orienteering picnic shelters and campsites. southcarolinaparks.com

31 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

o at an in obcat Rd off of amberg Rd north of amberg. ard surface ramp par ing.

ra am s an in annon ridge Rd off of S 7 north of amberg. ard surface ramp paved par ing.

C a es an in laudes anding Rd off S 7 in enmar . ard surface ramp par ing.

a is ri e an in ocated off of S on eterans Rd between Salley and hite ond. Small cra access par ing and shing areas.

i a oat an in S . Ai en ounty. Ramp gravel par ing. ea e s ri e an in ocated off S and indsor Rd. ard surface ramp limited par ing.

isto oat an in Off of New olland Rd between ouchton and New olland. Ai en ounty. acilities include boat ramp for small cra small par ing area and area for ban shing.

i a an in 5 miles east of amberg on S . oat ramp paved par ing.

Salkehatchie River bream in the spring and fa . ar emo t ass an ain i ere . e following areas have access to the Salkehatchie River:

Bufords Bridge S 3 3 northeast of lmer. Ramp gravel par ing.

a s Crossin an in Ray’s rossing Rd off S 3 . arnwell ounty. ard surface ramp dirt par ing.

a anna i er er tree o ere oo ain and hillside provide pleasant scenery. ar emo t ass ri ass stri e ass ra ie a is re reast ream an er are found in the river. Its abundant oxbows of ‘dead a es ro i e e e ent s in . e fo o in areas a e a ess to t e er a anna i er

nn . i an a son oat an in e reation rea

a e Jac son Rd to isher Rd then to anding Rd. Ai en ounty. ard surface ramp handicapped accessible doc shing area gravel par ing.

Riverview Park Boat Ramp

ammonds erry Rd North Augusta. ar s Recreation ourism. 3. . 3 . ard surface ramp doc paved par ing. rimitive campsites nearby.

a anna i er o er t e nat ra impoundments of the Savannah River provide a nat ra se n for an s re reast ream a is armo t an e o er are fo n in a n an e as e as ar emo t ass hybrid bass and crappie. Some striped bass run up the river in spring. The following areas have a ess to t e o er a anna i er

Co en s an in ohen’s luff Rd off S 3. Allendale ounty. ard surface ramp doc paved par ing.

o nsons an in Johnson anding Rd off S 3. Allendale ounty. ard surface ramp doc paved par ing.

i e e an in S 3 to S 5 turn le at urse Mill Rd and travel 5.5 miles. i le ell Rd one mile from Mille . ard surface ramp gravel par ing.

tee Cree an in Off S 5 near Martin. Ramp gravel par ing.

Fishing Ponds More

Public Boat Ramps

. .AS . S .

Barnwell State Park

3 State ar Rd lac ville. 3. . . hoices include a one acre pond as well as acre and acre la es. ind largemouth bass crappie bluegill and ca ish. oat rentals and seasonal swimming available. wo nature trails picnic shelters meeting facility cabins and campsites. southcarolinaparks.com

horoughbred ountry isitor uide 3 e reation

Cra erne

Jac son. ontact S epartment of Natural Resources for more information including complete rules and regulations and dates open to the public. 3.7 5.3 3.

acres. ishing and hunting for deer tur ey waterfowl and small game. All individuals utili ing rac ernec are required to sign in prior to entering the area and sign out upon leaving. Anyone not following this procedure will be considered trespassing.

a e ar ro n

S 7 arnwell.

A acre la e providing largemouth bass bluegill shell crac er and ca ish. Also used for boating and water s iing. oat ramp shing pier and tac le shop.

Canoe Kayak Rentals

Aiken State Park

5 State ar Rd indsor. 3. . 57 uilt in 3 this par located along the free owing disto River is a combination of a river swamp and dry sandhills. anoe aya and paddle boats rentals available seasonally. southcarolinaparks.com

ntin ortin C s

Aiken Driving Club

O ox 7 Ai en.

orse drawn carriages and carts meet each month. aikendrivingclub. org

a ater ntin er i es

75 5 wy 3 lmer. 3.5 . iberal game limits and lengthy hunting season. No overboo ing bedroom 5 bath lodge. eer tur ey and shing. a ater ntin . om

ro ton ri e antation

5 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt. 3. 7.3

A hunting preserve offering hunting shing sporting clays pistol ri e range and continental tower shoots. The southern part of the plantation is a ivil ar ba leground with breastwor s intact. uided tours available with prior notice. broxtonbridge.com

Carolina Star Gun Hunt Club

37 edar ranch Rd indsor. 3. . 7 . Situated on 3 acres this facility hosts a variety of shooting sport activities and can accommodate a variety of functions. carolinastar.com

Co en antation

3 3 rown Rd Jac son. 3. 7 .3 . Over acres of deer hog tur ey duc dove quail bass bluegill and farm ca ish. Appointment required. Accommodations and museum available.

e o e

3 oone rl Allendale. 3.5 .73 3.

A full service lodge providing year round opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. unting available for whitetail deer feral hogs alligator and wild tur ey. ishing and quail hunting trips are available a la carte. ull service gunsmith shop and shooting range on site. Other outdoor activities available are aya ing mountain bi ing camping and naturalist tours. re o e. om

Fox Hunts

Aiken Hounds

A historic drag hunt that has hunted in itchcoc oods from the time of the itchcoc ’s. rom October through March the Ai en ounds hunt every uesday from 3 p.m. to 3 p.m. and every Saturday from 3 a.m. to 3 a.m. isitors may not bring dogs into the oods during these times. theaikenhounds.com

is e oa o nts

5 itchcoc Rd Ai en. 3. . 3

ox hunting mounted in Ai en lac ville and Allendale October March . unts on hursday and Sunday mornings. whiskeyroadfoxhounds.com


Aiken Polo Club

nformation hot line 3. 3.3

olo seasons are March through mid June and September through November. Matches are at hitney ield off his ey Rd. all for match times. aikenpolo.org

New Bridge Polo Country Club

New ridge Rd Ai en. 3. .3

Offers competitive fast paced action in medium goal polo. ive state of the art polo elds.


a o r o ne o o C

5 oleman ridge Rd agener.

3. . 753

Offers a slightly different polo experience by hosting wee end leagues. ree to spectators. labourgognepolo.com

33 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
e reation

a ener o o C

nformation hot line 3.335.

Organi ed practices spectator friendly polo and a fun fair and friendly environment. lub olo is played September through June at various elds in Ai en. wagenerpolo.com

ine a i ities

Aiken Horse Park

3 owderhouse Rd Ai en. 3. 3 .7 77 ome to ruce’s ield. questrian event facility. osts a variety of dressage eventing and hunter umper shows throughout the year. aikenhorsepark.org

Aiken Training Track

53 wo Notch Rd S Ai en. 3. . 3

Historic Thoroughbred training facility. Home to annual and seasonal events.


Equine Rescue of Aiken

53 lenwood r Ai en. 3. 3. 5

Non pro t organi ation that offers retired racehorses a safe transition for a second career. Open to public for tours non riding children’s programs boarding and events. or groups contact in advance. aikenequinerescue.org

i e s Event Center

aston Rd Ai en

ome of the SJ rogressive Jumps and rogressive Stabling and Ai en Music est. Open year round. psjshows.com

King Creek Campground

757 edar noll Rd airfax. 3. . 3

Miles of quiet sandy trails for riding. rails are available to the public with purchase of a day pass. ay passes must be purchased in advance. orses are not provided for riding. orse camping available. kingcreekcampground.com

McGhees’ Mile

an s Mill Rd S Ai en. 3. 7. 5

amily owned and operated Standardbred training facility. 77 acre facility home to three racetrac s more than 5 stalls plenty of paddoc s and ample barn space. iving quarters are available on site for extended guests.

New Holland Acres

5 Old ndian rail atesburg. Offers rodeos roping barrel racing equine education and seasonal events.

Stable View

7 Stable r Ai en. .35 .3 73 acre recreational venue with premiere training facilities for equestrians 5 miles of trails for bird watchers nature lovers meeting facilities and professionally designed accommodations for overnight guests. stableviewfarm.com

t er e reation

Bisquecuts Glazy

ine og Rd Ai en. 3. .777

A contemporary paint your own po ery studio. Offers po ery canvas and glass fusing. irthday parties and ladies night out. bglazy.com

Carolina Dragway

3 ragstrip Rd Jac son. 3. 7 . 5

mile drag racing trac . Regular schedule of races and events. carolinadragway.com

ra a ent re is o er Center

amp rava Rd Ai en. 3. . 7

hallenge course designed to develop leadership s ills and increase self esteem and con dence. am ra a .or

in eor e a en er arm an er anti e aisy n arnwell. 3.3 .5 37

avender farm producing l products which are sold at the farm mercantile. he lavender farm is open seasonally June October to the public for pic lavender oil distillation demonstrations events and weddings. Reservations required for ic . kinggeorgelavender.com

an e on is o f ar

3 angley am Rd angely. 3. .7557

Ai en ounty’s only championship level disc golf course can be found at Langley ond ar . Spectacular water holes varying terrain challenging pin location and towering hardwoods are on this unique course. langleypondpark.com

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 34

ort si e anes

7 5 eorgia Ave North Augusta. 3. 7 . A 3 lane bowling center. Arcade and snac bar inside. northsidelanes.com

Paradise Motocross

33 arton Rd airfax. . .55 5

7 acre motocross facility that is open to the public. Also offers daily wee ly monthly and yearly training programs that are taught by a SM A op erti ed motocross coach. paradisemotoclub.com

a an of i en

5 ougherty Rd Ai en. 3. . ndoor playground facility. 3 sq. . of play area safe family friendly environment and birthday party pac ages. playlandofaiken.com

a ioa ti e in a r a e

3 aurens St S Ai en. 3.373. 7 7

Retro gaming experience for people of all ages. ourly or day pass options.

ra ioa ti e in a ar a e. om

Rack and Grill III

5 or St N Ai en. 3. . 5 aid bac place to en oy some great food cold beer and a game of pool with friends. rackngrill.com

i ar son s a e ater ar t oor e reation rea

Richardsons a e Rd arrenville.

3. 3.3

Natural swimming area. Open May September.

SRP Park

7 Railroad Ave North Augusta. 3.3 . ntertainment venue. ome of the Augusta reenJac ets Minor eague Single A A liate of the Atlanta raves. ids one concerts and other events throughout the year. Rental space available. thesrppark.com

i s o

3 ufords ridge wy lmer. 3. 5 . 5 osts multiple family friendly mud racing events throughout the year. Admission is charged. No glass containers or pets allowed.

t i sm o . om

oo ers e ro in

he Alley Ai en. 3.5 . 37 ave some fun and ax citement at this lane ax throwing facility. anes available for 3 minutes two hours. amily Axe hrowing option available for children 5 with an adult. Reservations encouraged. woodchuckersaxethrowing.com

Nature Trails

Aiken Citywide Arboretum Trail

eginning at the Ai en ounty ublic ibrary.

3. 5.5

he trail includes exploration through the use of your mobile device. Simply dial the number listed on the label identifying the plant to learn about that specimen.

Carolina Bay Nature Reserve

rice Ave Ai en. 3. .7 3

al the trail watch the wildlife or ust enjoy the pleasure of woods and water. An observation dec overloo s the bay which can be reserved for rental.

it o oo s

Ai en. 3. . 5

itchcoc oods is among the largest urban forests in the nation with about acres of forestland resources. questrian hi ers and dog wal ers en oy the 7 miles of sandy trails. ios s with maps are available at all seven entrances. hitchcockwoods.org

a e ar ro n

S 7 arnwell.

.7 mile paved wal ing trail winding alongside a e dgar rown. reat for birding.

North Augusta Greeneway

North Augusta. 3. . 3 .

A redeveloped railroad right of way this paved wal ing and bicycling path is currently miles. he reeneway runs along the Savannah River. esignated a National Recreation rail. art of the ranscontinental luebird rail. visitnorthaugustasc.com

i er on Center an t ar

5 Silver luff Rd Jac son. 3. 7 .

A 3 5 acre wildlife sanctuary owned by the National Audubon Society. al ing trails available. Open during daylight hours. sc.audubon.org

35 horoughbred ountry isitor uide e reation

Regional Golf


Cedar Creek Golf Club

555 lub r Ai en. 3. . holes. ar 7 . esigned by Arthur ills. ermuda greens. al cart. edar ree has been garnering awards almost since its opening in . he course features long par holes and sloping fairways that can send shots into the rough and elevated undulating greens. cedarcreekgolfclub.net

Houndslake Country Club

oundsla e r Ai en. 3. . 5

hree hole courses. ar 3 ermuda greens. esigned by Joe ee. al cart. No wal in tra c. lay on course limited to members guests of members and lodge guests. See listing under lodging. houndslakecc.com

Midland Valley Golf Club

5 Midland r raniteville. 3. 3.733 holes. ar 7 . esigned by llis Maples. ermuda greens. al cart. arge undulated greens are the main feature of this design. Reservations may be made one day in advance. playmidlandvalley.com

Mount Vintage Golf Club

375 Mount intage lantation r North Augusta. 3. 7 .5

7 holes. ar 7 . esigned by om Jac son. Semi private club noted for its lush tree cover stac ed stone bridges and green fairways with breathta ing views. Amenities include a state of the art practice facility well stoc ed golf shop and tavern style restaurant. mountvintagegolf.com

The Aiken Golf Club

555 ighland ar r Ai en. 3. . holes. ar 7 . esigned by onald Ross. al cart. Reservations required. Originally built in and extensively restored in recent years the course ma es udicious use of pines sand and waste areas to evo e a inehurst feeling. aikengolfclub.net


River Birch Golf Course aw aw Rd amberg. 3. 5. 3 ormerly the aw aw ountry lub designed by one of South arolina’s best nown architects Russel reeden. his hole course has abundant la es woods and large undulating greens. Restaurant and rental equipment available. Open for tournaments and events. riverbirchgc.com


Sweetwater Country Club

57 lubhouse n arnwell. 3. 5 .5

holes. ar 7 . esigned by Russell reeden. ermuda greens. his design is relatively benign in terms of elevation and length but more than ma es up for that with its water sand and elevated greens. al cart. sweetwatercc.org

Other Golf

Aiken Family Golf Range

5 olumbia wy N Ai en. 3.5 .5 35 uesday Sunday am dar . essons available upon request.

o t n is e

3 7 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. 3. 7 5

18 holes of miniature golf. Great for families and for team building exercises. all for hours and to boo special events. Open to the public year round. southonwhiskey.com

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 36 e reation

Heritage Preserves

isitation an se of erita e reser es are o erne re ations set fort t e o t Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) to promote public enjoyment of the land while preserving the features of the land.

or f information an re ations on erita e reser es t ro o t o t Caro ina isit SCDNR website at dnr.sc.gov or contact SCDNR directly at 803.734.3886.

Aiken Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve

S 7 indsor. urn le on Spring ranch Rd. rive ve miles turn right on Oa Ridge lub Rd. he preserve is one mile down located on both sides of the road.

i ing and limited horsebac riding. No motori ed vehicles. his acre preserve is home to the rare and state listed endangered gopher tortoise. he preserve is the northern most nown location of the large terrestrial tortoises. he preserve also boasts a longleaf pine wiregrass community that is one of the most endangered in the Southeast.

Cathedral Bay Heritage Preserve

S . miles south of Olar. Also nown as hi y ay or hi y ond. he 5 acre Cathedral Bay is an excellent example of the Carolina Bay phenomenon found throughout the Atlantic oastal lain. he long axes of all arolina ays parallel to one another acting as basins that collect rainwater runoff holding it above the normal water table. arolina ays are wetlands that vary in si e ranging from less than an acre to several hundred acres and o en support abundant wildlife. athedral ay is a stri ing example of a cypress pond. Access to athedral ay is by wading or canoes. No motorboats allowed.

Ditch Pond Heritage Preserve

rom illiston drive west on S 7 for three miles par ing is on the right.

oot tra c only. No camping. Approximately 5 acres. One of very few arolina ays that have retained its natural state. hroughout the preserve you may see one or more of the rare plant species grown here. A boardwal leads to the viewing area which provides visitors with an up close view of the arolina ay.

enderson Heritage Preserve

rom Ai en travel north on S for two miles. urn le beside Ai en Memorial emetery May eld Rd. ocated on both sides of the road. his 7 acre preserve was acquired and dedicated to protect a longleaf pine scrub oa sandhill ecosystem.

anet arrison i on erita e Preserve

ounded by S 3 arolina ay rl and ro an Rd near Mone a.

his 3 acre preserve was established to protect a arolina ay the high pond vegetative community occurring within the bay and populations of several rare plant species. A windmill located near the tract is a local landmar and has led to the preserve being colloquially nown as indmill igh ond . he preserve is named to honor Janet arrison a prominent ecologist who wor ed at the Savannah River cology aboratory.

37 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide e reation

State Parks

e state of o t Caro ina set asi e some of t e est e am es of its nat ra t ra an re reationa reso r es as state ar s. ese ro erties rote t an reser e t e ri erita e of t e a me o tate. eser ations ma e ma e on ine at southcarolinaparks.com or by calling toll free 1.866.345.7275.

Aiken State Park

5 State ar Rd indsor. 3. . 57 uilt in 3 by the ivilian onservation orps this par is ideal for a variety of activities. ish in one of the four ponds or paddle along the disto River. Other amenities include nature trails birding a playground orienteering seasonal swimming area and picnic shelters. ampsites available. et friendly. ontact the par directly for information on shing boat and canoe rentals.

Barnwell State Park

3 State ar Rd lac ville. 3. . uilt in the 3 ’s by the ivilian onservation orps this par is best nown for its great shing. he par has three small la es lled with a variety of crappie bream bass and ca ish. isitors can ta e advantage of the S NR ac le oner rogram if they forget their gear. oat rentals are available. Other amenities include seasonal swimming birding picnic shelters and nature trails. abins campsites and a community building are available to rent.

a e of i ers ri e tate istori ite

3 5 State ar Rd hrhardt. 3. 3. 3

At this site nion troops clashed with onfederate soldiers defending the Sal ehatchie River. he par features an award winning interpretive ba le eld trail memorial grounds a community building and picnic shelter. Activities include self guided tours and picnic ing. ours seminars and programs held throughout the year.

e i e antation tate istori ite

Redcliffe Rd eech sland. 3. 7. 73

his 3 acre site was once one of four plantations owned by S overnor J ammond. oday the par provides a se ng for exploring the plantation system the experiences and impact of the people who lived and wor ed at the site as well as various cultural and natural resources on the grounds. Activities include historic tours hi ing birdwatching and picnic ing. rounds open daily. all the par for tour times prices and program information.

City County Parks

i en Co nt e reation Center

7 Jefferson avis wy raniteville. 3. 3.

Seasonal pool party meeting space picnic area bas etball court playground bluebird trail and wal ing trac .

Boyd Pond Park

3 oyd ond Rd Ai en. 3. . 3 all elds observatory wal ing trac pond with boat doc shing hole disc golf course hi ing trails picnic shelters bluebird trail geocaching and beautiful natural habitat. C

Brick Pond Park

eorgia Ave North Augusta. orty acre restored wetland. ar amenities include bi ing and wal ing trails wildlife viewing pavilion plant identi cation trail and birding.

Citi ens ar

5 Old Airport Rd Ai en. 3. .77

i een multi purpose elds ba ng cages picnic shelters wal ing trac soccer elds spray ground and playgrounds.

Harrison-Caver Park

S learwater. 3.5 3. ennis courts playground wal ing trac so ball elds picnic area rent able community center and multipurpose eld.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 38

a e en e ar

uena ista Ave North Augusta.

3. . 3

as etball and tennis courts grill pavilion picnic tables rental space and water station. osts Music in the ar series through the late spring and summer months.

i er ie ar ti ities Center Riverview ar r North Augusta.

3. . 3

all elds tennis and racquetball courts disc golf picnic shelters playground horseshoe pits four gyms weight room indoor wal ing ogging trac and access to the reeneway rail.

o arner emoria ar

Roy arner ar n agener.

3.5 .

all elds bas etball court playground area wal ing trac and concession stand. ommunity enter available for rent.

Smith-Hazel Center

ershaw St Ai en. 3. .7 3

as etball court tennis courts picnic tables wal ing trac seasonal pool gym playground and rental facilities.

Virginia Acres Park

7 his ey Rd Ai en.

ocated on acres this picture perfect A A Accessible city par has amenities for ust about everyone. icnic shelters inclusive playground ip lines wal ing trail soccer eld tennis and pic leball courts and disc golf course.


Allendale Green

S 7 Allendale. ountain ga ebo and benches.

Pink Garden Of Hope Memorial Ave Allendale. edicated to breast cancer victims and survivors. a ebo benches and wal ing area.


Bamberg Veterans Park

3 Main wy amberg. eautiful amphitheater with lighting electricity. ring your own chair. Special events held at the par .

Hartzog Park

3 5 3 N ana St Olar. epression era par with picnic tables.

im arrison are

alme o Ave S 3 enmar . Award winning downtown par includes ga ebo and fountain.

Ness Sports Complex

3 Rhoad ar St amberg. ball soccer baseball slow pitch. ull summer sports program for all ages.

Robert Foster Park

Main St and 3rd St amberg. ennis and volleyball courts picnic tables and playground.


Collins Park

Main St and Marlboro Ave arnwell.

3. 5 .33

Open play area garden historical mar ers lighted ga ebo with electricity four par swings and partially covered picnic areas.

Darnell Park

agood Ave arnwell. a ebo open play area and picnic tables.

Fuller Park

7 unbarton lvd arnwell. 3. 5 .3

wo outdoor bas etball courts nine hole disc golf course picnic tables grills wal ing multi use trail wetlands and large open play area.

a i i s ar

7 alilee Rd arnwell. Picnic tables and benches.

Kilkenny Park

orner of Jac son St ellington Rd arnwell.

3. 5 .3

ishing access non motori ed boat access picnic area with grills and wal ing path.

emon ar orts Com e

3 ar St arnwell. 3. 5 .33 7

laygrounds multi purpose eld baseball eld with press box ball eld and wal ing path.

Main Street Park

Railroad ed lac ville. al ing trail benches and ga ebo.

i iston o n ar

5 Main St illiston.

layground picnic tables bas etball tennis court and hole disc golf course.

3 horoughbred ountry isitor uide e reation

For more on the following historical places in our region, visit: TBredCountry.org



Many people nd exploring an old burial ground is li e wal ing through a three dimensional history boo . hile some churchyards are the nal resting home of famous heroes many tell the past of ordinary townsfol who were important to the area’s rich history.

e information in t is se tion ma not in e a of t e istori r es emeteries an mar ers in t e re ion. or more information isit t e o t Caro ina e artment of r i es an istor at s a .s . o

HM n i ates o t Caro ina istori a ar er.


at es r n na o e

5 reenville St N Ai en.

Ai en’s permanent Jewish community dates to 1890, when immigrants from Eastern Europe began se ling here. his lassical Revival synagogue was built in 1925 and has been in continuous use since as both a place of worship and a Jewish community center.

Aiken HM orner of aurens St and he Alley Ai en. he county seat Ai en was chartered in 35. i en Co ore Cemeter ine a n emoria ar ens

lorence St and ampton Ave Ai en. isted on the National Register of istoric laces in 7. his cemetery established in 5 as a city cemetery became ine awn Memorial ardens in . his was the only burial ground for African Americans in Ai en until the mid th century.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 40

Aiken County HM

Ai en ounty ourthouse corner of ar Ave and hester eld St Ai en.

The county was created in 1871 and was named for illiam Ai en the rst president of the S anal Railroad ompany.

i en irst a tist C r

or St N near its intersection with Richland Ave Ai en.

The church, founded in 1805, predates the city of Ai en and was rst called evels aptist hurch. he cemetery dating from 3 includes the graves of both nion and onfederate soldiers.

i en nstit te HM

3 hester eld St S Ai en.

he Ai en nstitute was chartered in . he main building was designed in 1891, includes a wing added in 3. t was the second oldest school in use in the state when it closed in . he 3 wing became the Ai en ounty ublic ibrary in .

a e of i en

Richland Ave and hester eld St Ai en. his mar er commemorates the 5 a le of Ai en.

a e of o n o n emoria

ntersection of oyager Rd and Salley Rd. his mar er commemorates the a le of John own fought May 7 by atriots defending the two bullpens where captured ritish and ories were imprisoned during the Revolutionary ar.

Carrs i e HM

arton Rd and oylan St North Augusta. his African American community was established in 3 a er two oods on the Savannah River washed away most of the town of amburg. his building long called the Society uilding was built in 3 for the oung Men’s nion Society which later bought the lot from illiam arpenter. he building hosted many events for organi ations such as Simmons odge No. 57 which acquired it in .

Co er rin

his ey Rd and o er Springs Rd S Ai en. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. he freshwater spring was used by prehistoric ndigenous Americans. t was deeded to the town of Ai en in by illiam erroneau inley and furnished Ai en’s drin ing water throughout the th century.

o ner nstit te oo HM

ntersection of ammond Rd and S 7 eech sland.

owner nstitute was founded in 3 and operated until 5. owner lementary School the nstitute’s successor stood here 5 and 5 . he school was burned in 5 and replaced in 5 .

ranite i e Cemeter regg wy raniteville. The cemetery, established about 1850, is closely associated with the raniteville Mill. illiam regg founder of the mill laid out the mill village and also helped plan this cemetery. Notable persons buried here include 3 Confederate soldiers and veterans, as well as many employees of the raniteville Mill.

ranite i e a em anal St and regg wy raniteville. This Carpenter Gothic school was built in 1848 by the raniteville Mill. he academy with ve classrooms and a bell tower, opened with local ministers as teachers. he original academy was a residence from .

ranite i e i HM

orner of anal St and Marshall St raniteville. his mill the largest textile mill in Antebellum S was chartered in 5 and opened in 7. This company provided housing, a school, a store and land for churches creating a model mill village.

am ton erra e ote HM bloc of arolina Ave North Augusta.

An exclusive winter resort the hotel stood atop this hill from 3 to . he hotel burned down on New ear’s ve .

istori C r HM

S 7 at the entrance to Redcliffe lantation State istoric Site eech sland.

uilt in 3 by eech sland resbyterian hurch and organi ed in 7. oodrow ilson’s wife was bapti ed here. n 5 the building was consecrated as All Saints piscopal hurch.

41 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
a a

a son i e oo a son i e o e HM 35 uber lay Rd angley.

Jac sonville School uilt by the Jac sonville odge in 5 taught the African American children of this community until 3 .

Jac sonville odge his building was constructed in 5 by Jac sonville odge rand nited Order of Odd ellows an African American fraternal organi ation. he Odd ellows met here on the second oor.

ames . a son emoria ri e HM

S 5 usiness near the Savannah River North Augusta.

he rst North Augusta bridge was built in . he present bridge was built in 3 and named a er James . Jac son who earned the title ounder of North Augusta . art a o e oo HM

ershaw St N Ai en.

Scho eld Middle School. 3. . 77 . his school was founded by the reemen’s ureau shortly a er the ivil ar to educate free men and women. n Martha Scho eld began her long career as superintendent. he school soon expanded to a two bloc site and combined academics with industrial, farming and homema ing instruction. n alumnus Sanford . radby became its rst African American superintendent. Conta t t e s oo efore isitin .

ort sta HM

John . alhoun ar intersection of arolina Ave and eorgia Ave North Augusta. Chartered in 1906, includes the site of two early towns. ampbell own was a trading post on the Savannah River before the American Revolution. amburg founded in as a port on the river, was an early western terminus of the S. . Railroad.

i ens a e o se HM

niversity of South arolina Ai en campus

Ai en.

his antebellum house is an excellent example of ederal era architecture.

am e ammon HM

Riverview ar r North Augusta. Samuel ammond served in the American Revolution represented eorgia in the .S. ouse and se led in South arolina in serving as a member of the South Carolina ouse and Secretary of State. ammond died in and was buried nearby.

i er a tist C r HM

3 Old Jac son wy eech sland.

One of the rst African American aptist churches in America. rew out of regular worship services held as early as the 1750s at Silver luff a plantation of eorge alphin notable trader with ndigenous Americans. At rst a non denominational congregation with both aucasian and African American members it was formally organi ed as Silver luff aptist hurch in 773. A large frame sanctuary built in 73 was covered in bric veneer in it was demolished and the present bric church was built in .

torm ran a tist C r HM

53 Storm ranch Rd learwater vicinity.

he church began as a plantation chapel in 77 and became a wholly African American church in . he rst permanent sanctuary was built around the same time.

t. a e s C r HM

5 endleton St S Ai en. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. his piscopal church is the city’s oldest church structure having retained its ree Revival style through subsequent remodeling.

e am r assa re HM

S 7 5 under the 5th St ridge on the North Augusta side North Augusta. Occurred nearby on July 7 was one of the most notable incidents of racial and political violence in S during Reconstruction.

e artinto n HM

S 3 two bloc s south of its intersection with eorgia Ave North Augusta.

he road was originally used by ndigenous American traders going to the hero ee Nation in the 73 ’s.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 42
istori a a es

e i e oa n ian ea HM

5 John Nunn wy Salley.

he Middle Road Originally an ndigenous American trading path that ran from the Savannah River to harleston. n 77 it was established as a public road. ndian ead A series of springs that served as a landmar and watering place for travelers along the Middle Road. n 7 oyalists under the command of t. ol. John . ruger passed near here a er their withdrawal from Ninety Six. hey were pursued by higs including militia commanded by ol. Andrew ic ens.

e C ai roa HM

ntersection of aurens St and ar Ave Ai en. he trac s of the S Railroad operated by the S anal and Railroad ompany ran here from 33 to the 5 s. he original trac s ran ar Ave through Ai en one of the rst railroad towns in the nited States.


unter St and ar St agener. stablished a er the lac ville Alston Newberry Railroad built its line from lac ville to Seivern in 7 . he area was originally nown as untersville or unter’s rossroads. hen incorporated in it was renamed for eorge A. agener a strong supporter of the railroad.

estern ermin s HM

S and S 5 at the Savannah River. The western terminus of the SC Canal and Railroad ompany railway stood near here.


Old Jac son wy eech sland. Jac ie artley 7 . 33.3 5 . isted on the National Register of istoric laces. his cemetery which is over years old is the resting place of th century Swiss se lers and their descendants. ri ate ro ert . en a ointment.


ntio C ristian C r HM

S 3 two miles south of S 3 . isted on the National Register of istoric laces. Organi ed by r. and Mrs. . R. rwin and Mrs. .M. Robert this was the second isciples of hrist hristian hurch founded in South arolina.

ar er s i irmis at ar er s i HM

S 3 Sycamore vicinity.

Mar s the site of ar er’s Mill and a nearby s irmish during the last months of the ivil ar.

ee ran a tist C r HM

S 3 Allendale onstituted in 75 as oosawhatchie hurch this church became eech ranch aptist hurch in .

et e a tist C r HM onfederate wy airfax. The church has been a place of worship on this site since it was organi ed in 5 .

et e em C r HM oundary St at the entrance to airfax own emetery.

he church was organi ed by 5 . n the name was changed to irst aptist hurch.

airfa HM

a ebo ar 7th St and Sumter Ave airfax. hartered in 3 the town grew out of an early community centered around Owens’ rossroads.

i e e et o ist C r HM ntersection of Alleluia Rd and State Rd Martin. ille e Methodist hurch dates to the early th century. arly meetings were held under a brush arbor. he meeting house was erected by the ille es and later remodeled in .

a ome a tist C r HM

33 S 3 Allendale. ounded a er the ivil ar in a brush arbor. he rst permanent church was built in the ion ranch community near Old Allendale. he church bought this site in 75. n the church received a state charter and built the present church a bric othic Revival building.

3 horoughbred ountry isitor uide
a a es

es armon a tist C r HM armony hurch Rd Sycamore vicinity.

This church had its origin in a brush arbor as early as 3 but was formally organi ed in 7 . he sanctuary dates to .

en a e HM

ntersection of Ashe Rd and Revolutionary rl. his was the original site of Allendale. Sherman’s troops under en. ilpatric camped here. he town was moved to its present site in 73.

t i o as Cemeter HM

South side of S mile east of lmer Rd. The original cemetery associated with St Nicholas utheran hurch.

m rna a tist C r HM

S southwest of Allendale. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. Organi ed in 7 as ir land hurch the name was changed in 3 to Smyrna aptist hurch. itle to the site was conveyed in by illiam . Mixon.

ee e et o ist C r HM

Speedwell hurch Rd Mille .

Founded in 1885, this church was named Speedwell for a stagecoach stop and the rst post o ce in the vicinity now Mille . Regular services ended by 1970, but homecomings are still occasionally held here.

t i o as C r HM

ntersection of S and S 3 . This Lutheran church was organized by 1804 and has occupied several sites. Rebuilt in . a o a anna Cemeter ast side of luff Rd ust south of the oosawhatchie River Allendale

The Swallow Savannah Methodist Church had its beginnings here in a log house in 5. he church was moved into town in 75. he church members use the grounds as a burying ground today.

o n of en a e HM

S Main St Allendale.

A acre land grant was conveyed to en amin and . ashington Allen in . he acreage included the present town of Allendale which is presumed to have derived its name from the Allen family.

i in HM

5 arolina wy enmar . isted on the National Register of istoric laces. his eorgian Revival building was described as “the most modern telephone plant in the south when it opened.

a e of i ers ri e emoria s at i ers ri e HM

ntrance of a le of Rivers ridge State istoric Site hrhardt vicinity.

isted on the National Register of istoric laces. a le On ebruary 3 5 onfederate soldiers defended the Sal ehatchie River for almost two days here. Memorials n 7 local men reburied the Confederate dead in a mass grave and formed the Rivers ridge onfederate Memorial Association. hey preserved the ba le eld deeding it in 5 as Rivers ridge State ar .

for s ri e HM

S 3 3 at the Sal ehatchie River lmer. he earliest se lement in what is now amberg ounty.

Car is e i itar oo HM

S Carlisle St between Elm St and Green St, amberg.

he institution educated young men from the S and other countries until it closed in 77.

enmar i oo

5 arolina wy enmar .

isted on the National Register of istoric laces. he building was used as a school until 7.

o man s ri e

olman’s ridge Rd enmar vicinity. n John olman constructed a bridge spanning the South or of the disto River. Rebuilt a er the ivil ar the crossing remained in use into the th century.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 44
a a

i a C r HM

S 3 one mile north of the Sal ehatchie River. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. he present building was erected in 5 and was the only building le when Sherman completed his march through the area.

o ntain ome antation HM

hrhardt Rd ovan vicinity.

stablished before the ivil ar and named for the hill on which it is located. uilt by Samuel J. art og in 5 . o on was grown and processed here and hauled by wagon to the railroad at raham’s urn Out now enmar . irth place of enry Simms art og third resident of lemson ollege. ri ate ro ert .

t. easant C r HM

Mt. leasant Rd one mile west of hrhardt. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. n 35 St. artholomew utheran Church moved here and changed its name to Mt. leasant. John eorge amberg preached there shortly a er 7 .

ine oo antation HM 3 apernaum Rd amberg. his plantation was the home of Ma . illiam Seaborn amberg 5 planter merchant and the founder of amberg. amberg died before the present house at inewood was completed in 5 . ri ate ro ert .

a em et o ist C r

Old Salem Rd about three miles N of ovan. oyhood church of olland Nimmons Mc yeire Methodist bishop and founder of Vanderbilt niversity.

o t Caro ina Cana ai oa Com an ntersection of S 3 and S 7 . Original trac location of harleston to amburg railroad. he trac s were removed in .

t o n s a tist C r HM

State Rd S 5 3 hrhardt. stablished in 3 rst named hree Mile ree hurch. ivil ar ederal troops stabled their horses in the church.

oor ees Co e e HM oorhees Rd enmar . 3.7 . 3 isted on the National Register of istoric laces. he school was founded in 7 in an effort to emphasi e vocational curriculum for rural African American students. oday oorhees is a senior liberal arts university. oor ees.e


s e i is o se HM

3 33 State Rd S illiston.

isted on the National Register of istoric laces. A ree Revival house built between 33 and 5 features a wide gable front form unusual for the period. en. ilpatric used this house as his headquarters before burning most of the town and proceeding to Ai en and olumbia. ri ate ro ert .

an of arn e ar . ro n a e HM

orner of Main St and Jefferson St arnwell.

his building constructed in 7 as the an of arnwell was home to a succession of ban s for years. he ban occupied the rst oor and the law o ces occupied the second oor with additions in 5 and . he ity renovated this building in .

arn e HM

ollins ar arnwell. Originally called Red ill and later the illage. arnwell was founded in .

arn e Co nt Co rt o se HM

ast side of S 3 between ascallas St and Reynolds St lac ville.

he arnwell ounty courthouse was located on this site from 7 to 7 a er which it was moved permanently to arnwell.

et e em a tist C r HM

77 all St arnwell.

isted on the National Register of istoric laces. A pre ivil ar church organi ed by and for African Americans. he present building was constructed in 1898 using some of the original materials.

45 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
a a

es a i e o n of t e oeni a e of a i e HM

S 3 and Main St lac ville.

lac ville ounded in 33 was the rst overnight stop on the new railroad operated by the S anal Railroad ompany. a le of lac ville arly on ebruary 7 5 en. ilpatric destroyed the railroad at lac ville.

oi in rin s a em HM

oiling Springs Rd oiling Springs. The academy building, along with its records, was burned by ederal troops in 5. n a one room school building was constructed which now serves as a community center.

oi in rin s res terian C r HM

oiling Springs Rd oiling Springs. his church was organi ed in . he present sanctuary was built in 7 the Sunday School building was built in 55.

C r of t e o ost es

357 a erson St arnwell. 3. 5 .3 77 edicated in 57 and listed on the National Register of istoric laces. uilt of native heart pine and cypress and featuring a beautiful east stained glass window. he ivil ar le the church in disrepair. nion horses were stabled here and watered from the ont when en. ilpatric ’s avalry marched through arnwell.

er ar HM

unbarton lvd arnwell.

his par built and opened in 33 was named for ornell . uller mayor of arnwell and chair of this and other New eal era public pro ects in arnwell.

i a HM

Main St ilda.

Chartered in 1910 and grew around a depot built in 3.

o er ree ns a tist C r HM a erson Mill Rd Snelling vicinity.

Mother church to at least ve congregations organi ed in present day arnwell or Allendale counties between and .

a e onia a tist C r HM

357 exter St lac ville. his church the rst African American aptist church in arnwell ounty was founded in when Rev. James . olbert preached in lac ville under a brush arbor. he rst sanctuary was built in . he present sanctuary was built in 7 .

orris or art or s HM

Old Allendale wy. North of the Sal ehatchie River lac ville vicinity.

Nearby earthwor s at Morris ord on the Sal ehatchie River were built in the spring of 7 by oyalists. Soon a er harleston fell to the ritish apt. John Mumford of the S militia was illed in action. e is buried at this site.

e i at r e Cree HM

ntersection of unbarton lvd and Jac son St arnwell.

his high bluff was called Red ill in the olonial era. t overloo s ur ey ree which ows into the reat Sal ehatchie River. he waters were incentives for the early se lement and development of what would later become arnwell.

ar ton ro n HM

oiling Springs Rd oiling Springs.

he grave of arlton rown militia o cer state representative and state senator is located here. e enlisted as a private in the S militia in 1776, was commissioned a Lieutenant in 1778 and promoted to aptain in 7 .

o n of enton

enton ri t ra C HM

S arnwell.

own of llenton y 73 a post o ce named llenton was located on the ort Royal Railroad. n the town of llenton was incorporated. The town was abandoned in the early 1950s to ma e way for the Savannah River lant. Agricultural lub he club was organi ed to promote the welfare and interest of the Ellenton farmers and to improve general conditions.

inton Co nt Co rt o se ite HM

S 3 about 5 miles south of arnwell.

inton ounty originally created in 7 5 became arnwell istrict in 7 and arnwell ounty in .

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 46 istori a a

For more on the following meeting facilities visit: TBredCountry.org



Aiken Chamber of Commerce

Richland Ave Ai en. 3. .

Single meeting room that can accommodate up to . aikenchamber.net

i en Co nt ar s e reation o rism

3. .755

Several county run par s and facilities available with a variety of amenities.



Regional Library System

3 hester eld St S Ai en. 3. .

he A Regional ibrary System provides meeting rooms at Ai en amberg and arnwell ounty ublic ibraries.

Amentum Center for the Performing Arts

Newberry St S Ai en. 3. . 3

State of the art theater that seats approximately 3 in addition to the 3 seats in the ospitality Suite alcony.

BEC Plex

5 55 Jefferson avis wy North Augusta. 3.5 .7

hoose from banquet seating with a capacity of or theater seating for over 5 . A ached suites are available for a variety of needs upon request. or a more intimate event request the alme o allery named a er the famed 3 ’s a club alme o ar and ond.


Camp Long

amp ong Rd Ai en. 3.3 . 5

a e front year round destination for outdoor retreats and events. odging available. A variety of multipurpose rooms are available for classrooms and meeting spaces.


47 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Center for fri an meri an istor rt Culture

or St N Ai en. 3.5 . 5

he second oor meeting space of this historic building can accommodate up to auditorium seating banquet and for reception. Amenities include tables chairs catering itchen and presentation screen. A A accessible caahac.org

Citi ens ar e an Conferen e Center

Old Airport Rd Ai en. 3. . 5 wo rooms available seating or . Air conditioned outdoor tent with seating available. iti ens ar o . om

Cro ne a a enter St North Augusta. 3.3 . sq. . of technologically advanced interior meeting space has high tech sensory technology state of the art lighting and enhanced audio visual capabilities. Available for conferences conventions board meetings corporate meetings seminars and learning sessions. crownenorthaugusta.com

ra a Cam an Conferen e Center amp rava Rd Ai en. 3. . 7 acilities can accommodate from to or more. ndoor and outdoor space available. Meals included. odging available. am ra a .or

H. Odell Weeks Center

7 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. .7 3 ncludes gymnasiums racquetball court aerobics room and four rooms to rent for 5 person and 5 person seating capacity. itchen available.

Holiday Inn Express

3 Stephens arm n North Augusta. 3.3 . 5 5 wo meeting rooms available. Accommodates 7 person theater seating and person classroom seating.

essie . ri e i en enior o t Center dge eld Ave N Ai en. 3. 3.

Meeting facility with dividable banquet hall and catering itchen. Access to microphone pro ector and A connections as requested.

Living History Park

Spring rove Ave North Augusta.

3. 7 .75

esigned as a colonial village the par is available to rent for events. ncluded is the colonial barn which can accommodate people and is complete with air conditioning i i and a full itchen. o onia times. s

Lookaway Inn

3 orest Ave North Augusta. 3. . 3 istoric inn with a variety of beautiful rooms. an accommodate groups up to inside the inn 5 in the amellia event center. referred catering contacts available. isted on the National Register of istoric laces. lookawayinn.com

Newberry Hall

7 Newberry St S Ai en. 3. .7 7

Spacious foyer banquet rooms and landscaped courtyard for all types of catered affairs. an accommodate up to for reception. On site and off site catering available. newberryhall.com

North Augusta Community Center

5 roo side Ave North Augusta. 3. . 35 ocated in a par se ng. he large ballroom capacity is 5 . Amenities includea stage parquet dance oor large patio for outdoor entertaining and a full service commercial itchen. Rental linens equipment available. northaugusta.net

a me o erra e

eorgia Ave North Augusta. 3. . 35 ocated on the top oor of the North Augusta Municipal uilding. eautifully appointed ballroom with breathta ing views of the surrounding area. an accommodate 5 for reception. Amenities include tables chairs commercial itchen and A equipment. northaugusta.net

e at e e tion Center

errie Rd Ai en. 3. .7 5

his historic house is one of Ai en’s most popular event facilities. Available for indoor outdoor. Accommodates 5 for reception indoor.

South on Whiskey

3 7 his ey Rd Ai en. 3. 3. 7 5

A unique event space that provides a comfortable and sophisticated environment for up to 5 people. Amenities include tables chairs and itchene e. atering available. southonwhiskey.com

horoughbred ountry isitor uide eetin a i ities

Stable View

7 Stable iew r Ai en. .35 .3 73 ariety of spaces for up to 5 people. Accommodations available. stableviewfarm.com

The Inn at Houndslake

7 oundsla e r Ai en. 3. . 535

A unique 3 room inn with golf course views. Meeting space is available for for reception. atering available. theinnathoundslake.com

The Willcox

olleton Ave S Ai en. 3. . istoric hotel with a variety of indoor outdoor space which accommodates up to 3 . vents will be customi ed to your exact needs. odging and on site or off site catering available. thewillcox.com

University of South Carolina Aiken

7 niversity wy Ai en. 3. .35 7

Several rooms and facilities available with a variety of seating capacities. Accommodates

5 5 theater 5 classroom banquet. usca.edu

C i en Con o ation Center hampion ay raniteville.

3. .3

A state of the art facility with a capacity of up to . eatures include multiple electronic scoreboards with bac lighting advertising opportunities and two additional practice courts. s a.e on o ation enter


Brandt Building

3 arnwell wy Allendale. 3.5 .3 3

Auditorium style seating can accommodate up to 75. Amenities include tables and chairs. er e

urtons erry wy Allendale.

3.3 .7 3

Rent u er eld for a wee or more and entertain up to people. All meals activities and amenities included. A A accessible.

er e . om

o er a anna i er ian e ation Center

urton’s erry wy Allendale. 7 . .

arge conference area

indoor outdoor restrooms and picnic area. Accommodates 5 . lowersavannahriveralliance.org

University of South Carolina Salkehatchie

5 James randt lvd Allendale.

3.5 .3

A variety of meeting rooms available. uscsalkehatchie.sc.edu



Regional Library System

3 5 Railroad Ave amberg. 3. 5.3

he A Regional ibrary System provides meeting rooms at Ai en amberg and arnwell ounty ublic ibraries.

a e of i ers ri e tate istori ite

3 5 State ar Rd hrhardt. 3. 3. 3

he community building can accommodate up to people. Amenities include tables chairs and itchene e. wo open air facilities are also available. southcarolinaparks.com

ro ton ri e antation

5 roxton ridge Rd hrhardt.

3. 7.3

anquet all can accommodate up to . Amenities include small stage community itchen tables and chairs. Outdoor event space available. broxtonbridge.com

a o res

3 hrhardt Rd hrhardt. 3. . 3 3

edding and event center for up to 5 people. On site bridal suite and spa. a o a re. om

Voorhees University Leadership Conference Center

orter Rd enmar . 3.7 . 3

Accommodates 5. Other rooms and facilities also available. voorhees.edu



Regional Library System

urr St arnwell. 3. 5 .3

he A Regional ibrary System provides meeting rooms at Ai en amberg and arnwell ounty ublic ibraries.

Barnwell County Museum

Marlboro Ave arnwell. 3. 5 . Room available to rent for a variety of use. an accommodate 5.

Barnwell State Park

3 State ar Rd lac ville. 3. .

he community building is a 3 sq climate controlled facility that can accommodate up to 5 people banquet style. Amenities include tables chairs and itchen. Several open air facilities are also available.


Blackville Community Center

Solomon la Ave lac ville.

3. .

he facility has an unseated capacity of 75 plus 5 in the bleachers totaling a capacity of . to no a i e. om

horoughbred ountry isitor uide
eetin a i ities


ease note otor oa restri tions ma a in t e Cit of i en. motor oa es must contact the City of Aiken prior to bringing a motor coach. (803.644.1907)

Historic Aiken Trolley Tours

406 Park Ave S, Aiken. 803.293.7846

City of Aiken Tourism.

Public tours on Saturday mornings, reservations and prepayment required. roup tours available by appointment. visitaikensc.com

Rebel Ranch Horse Tours, LLC.


Guided trail rides. Reserve and schedule your tour. urther details will be provided upon reservation con rmation. anne ehbeeler rebelranchhorsetours.com rebelranchhorsetours.com

Tailored Tours of Aiken


rivate driving tour experiences of historic Aiken. Custom tours tailored to suit your available time and interests. host tours available year-round. tailoredtoursofaiken.com

Pedego Aiken

4019 Pavilion Pass Ste 100, Aiken. 803.226.9007

Electric bike rentals and tours available. Tours every Wednesday and Saturday. Ages for rentals tours exceptions for young experienced riders may be made. co er pedegoai en.com


The Trail Riding Company


Enjoy guided trail rides on horseback anywhere in the region. The horses are seasoned and ma e you feel comfortable and con dent in the ride. orses available for parties. smallthunder 3 5 gmail.com

Beech Island Historical Society

144 Old Jackson Hwy, Beech Island. 803.867.3600 or 706.833.3651

Tours of historic Beech Island and Zubly emetery available by appointment. bihs comcast.net

Blackville Historical Tours

105 Pascallas St, Blackville Joan McDonald, 803.284.3267 ours available by appointment. oanemcd bellsouth.net

Patriot Tour Boat

On the Savannah River. 803.730.9739

One-hour narrated tour March-November. Two-hour sunset tour Mar-Nov. Private Charters Year Round. cvbradshaw icloud.com atrio o r oat.net

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 50



Aiken Technical College

7 Jefferson avis wy

raniteville S



Denmark Technical College

Solomon la lvd enmar S



University of South Carolina Aiken

7 niversity wy

Aiken, SC 29801



University of South Carolina Salkehatchie

5 James randt lvd

Allendale, SC 29810



Voorhees University

1897 Voorhees Rd enmar S




Aiken Regional Medical Center

3 niversity wy

Aiken, SC 29801



Allendale County Hospital

7 7 Allendale airfax wy

Fairfax, SC 29827

803.632.3311 achospital.org

Regional Medical Center BambergBarnwell Emergency Medical Center

5 arnwell wy enmar S


Local Newspapers

The Post Courier: Aiken, North Augusta

PO Box 456

Aiken, SC 29802


aikenstandard.com, northaugustastar.com

e eo e entine

PO Box 1255

Barnwell, SC


t e eo esentine . om

a nformation

South arolina has simpli ed income tax structure which follows the federal income tax laws. South arolina accepts the ad ustments exemptions and deductions allowed on your federal tax return with few modi cations. our federal taxable income is the starting point in determining your state income tax liability. dor.sc.gov

51 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Thoroughbred Country

Lower Savannah Council of Governments

PO Box 850

Aiken, SC 29802

(Toll Free) 1.888.834.1654



Aiken County

Aiken Chamber of Commerce

121 Richland Ave

Aiken, SC 29802



Aiken County Visitors Center

133 Laurens St NW

Aiken, SC 29801



Aiken Visitors Center and Train Museum

406 Park Ave SE

Aiken, SC 29801



Midland Valley Area Chamber of Commerce

103 Canal St

Graniteville, SC 29829



North Augusta Chamber of Commerce

495 Brookside Ave

North Augusta, SC 29841



Bamberg County

Bamberg County Chamber of Commerce

604 Airport Rd

Bamberg, SC 29003



Allendale Barnwell Co nties

o t ern a me o e iona C am er

218 Main St

Barnwell, SC 29812


so t ern a me ore iona am er.or

City of Barnwell Tourism and Community Development

130 Main St

Barnwell, SC 29812


it o arn e . om

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 52
assistance, please call Thoroughbred Country at 888.834.1654 (toll free), visit us online at TBredCountry.org or e it t e o a information rea s iste e o .



Aiken Regional Airport

Aviation lvd Ai en. 3. .7 3 ocated 7 miles north of Ai en on S xit off . 7 acre modern facility with old fashioned southern hospitality. Resurfaced 5 5 ’ by ’ paved and lighted runway with 5 lb capacity. N OR and S approach. uel available. Rental cars catering rooms limousines available.


Allendale County Airport

7 Airport oop airfax. 3.5 .3 or 3.5 .3 3

ocated one mile off S 7 . 5 5’ by 75’ paved and lighted runway. OR and S approach. angars and fuel available. Open 7 days a wee . am 5 pm during aylight Savings time. am 5 pm during S .

Augusta Regional Airport

5 Aviation ay Augusta A. 7 .7 .3 3 elta and American Airlines. ar rentals available. a s. om

Bamberg County Airport

7 Airport Rd amberg. 3. 5.5 ocated off S 7 . 3 ’ paved and lighted runway. No instrument approach. Open 7 days a wee . bambergair.com

Barnwell Regional Airport

55 Airport Rd arnwell. 3. 5 . ocated one mile from the city of arnwell on S 7 . wo runways 5 ’ by 7 ’ and 5 ’ by ’. oth lighted and paved. N approach. angars and fuel available. Open 7 days a wee . barnwellregionalairport.com

Columbia Metropolitan Airport

3 5 Airport lvd est olumbia. 3. .5 or .5 .5

Most ma or airlines served. ar rentals available. ae.com

Car Rentals

Ford Inc

7 unbarton lvd arnwell.

3. 5 .55 bbfordsales.com

Enterprise Rent Car

3 5 Richland Ave Ai en. 3. . 35 enterprise.com


Aviation lvd Ai en. 3. .3 3 hertz.com

C ress C a e re rans ortation olumbia wy N Ste Ai en.

3. . 77


i rans ortation

Aiken Taxi Transport 3 eaufort St N Ai en. 3. . or 3.5 7. A

Serves ma or airports and all of Ai en ounty. Meter rates charged within city limits. lat rate charged outside the city.

Best Friend Express o schedule a ride 3. .5 7

A A accessible public transportation serving Ai en North Augusta and offers a connection to the Augusta ublic ransportation system.

Bus Terminal of Augusta

5 road St Augusta A. 7 .7 . Served by Southeastern Stages and reyhound.

s tation of i en

7 niversity wy Ai en. 3. . aily routes to most ma or S cities.

Aiken Transport Express rail Ridge Rd Ai en. 3. . 3 uality on time service to the Ai en Augusta area. aikentransportexpress.com

53 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Csta Just 30 minutes from Aiken along the Savannah River, Augusta is known as the home of the Masters® Tournament and James Brown. Hike, bike, paddle, or ta e a guided etersburg oat our at the Augusta anal National eritage Area. Stop in Augusta o. for information locally made goods and a rotating art gallery.

Co m ia C

About 1.5 hours from most points in Thoroughbred Country. Visit Riverbanks Zoo, the South Carolina State House and the South Carolina State Museum. Shopping and city tours are also popular options.

a es rra rmon

About 1.5 hours from any part of the region to a major lake. Lake Murray sits west of Columbia. Lake Thurmond is just north of the region.

e Coast .5 hours or less from most parts of the region. harleston Myrtle each and ilton ead are notable destinations along the coast. ith historic sites museums and a ractions li e the South arolina Aquarium the arolina Opry and Alabama heatre along with an abundance of golf courses restaurants and upscale shopping the South arolina coast offers a vast array of experiences.

e o ntains 2.5 hours or slightly more to the mountainous regions of South arolina and North arolina. a e a hi e on waterfall spec led trails a boat tour on a e Jocassee or sightsee during the fall foliage season. rom the M entrum museum to neon glowing roc s at the ob ampbell eology Museum there is much to see and do.

C ar o e C

About 2.5 hours from the region. Known as the Queen City and home to the Carolina Panthers. Spend the day at Carowinds, an amusement park on the border of the arolinas. Or discover the history and heritage of NAS AR at the all of ame.

t anta 3 hours from most parts of the region. xperience the NN enter Six lags Over eorgia and the orld of oca ola. n oy sports isit ruist ar home to the Atlanta raves or Mercedes en Stadium home to the Atlanta alcons.

or more information on to rism o ort nities in o t Caro ina isit is o er o t Caro ina. om

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 54

City of Aiken

55 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

City of North Augusta

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 56

Town of Allendale

57 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

City of Bamberg

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 58

City of Denmark

59 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide

Town of Blackville

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 60

City of Barnwell

61 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide
Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 62
63 | Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide


Other SC Tourism Regions

Capital City Lake Murray Country

2184 North Lake Dr

Columbia, SC 29212



Explore Charleston

375 Meeting St

Charleston, SC 29403



Lake Hartwell Country

120 History Ln

Pendleton, SC 29670



Lowcountry and Resort Islands

1 Lowcountry Ln

Yemassee, SC 29945



Visit Myrtle Beach

1200 N Oak St

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



Old 96 District

PO Box 448

Laurens, SC 29360



Olde English District

PO Box 368

Fort Lawn, SC 29714



Pee Dee Tourism Commission

2513 W Lucas St

Florence, SC 29501



Santee Cooper Country

9302 Old Number Six Hwy

Santee, SC 29142




PO Box 3116

Greenville, SC 29602



or more information about the South Caro ina sso iation of o rism e ions visit SCATR.com

Climate Seasonal Highlights

Thoroughbred Country’s climate is generally mild and humid. Azaleas, dogwoods, wisteria and more show their beautiful colors in spring which starts in March. Summer begins in June with pleasant balmy days that become quite hot before the season’s end. Autumn brings a relief from extreme temperatures with lots of sunshine followed by beautiful fall foliage between late October and November. Mild winter temperatures bring out the best in colorful pansies and hardy camellias. Winter temperatures can reach 20-30 degrees, and on rare occasions we are treated with a light dusting of snow. South Carolina’s annual hurricane season runs from June through November. Roadside stands offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in season.

Thoroughbred Country Visitor Guide | 64

Stop by our State Welcome Centers for more information.


Thoroughbred Country PO Box 850 Aiken, SC 29802

The Thoroughbred Country visitor guide does not ne essari ontain a f istin of a os ita it sinesses or oints of interest in t e re ion. Conta t oro re Co ntr for more information.

oro re Co ntr is a ro ram of t e Lower Savannah Council of Governments.

Let’s get social. Connect with us.

Toll Free 1.888.834.1654 TBredCountry.org


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