11 minute read

Ellen A. Hughes

President, Clinical Process Consultant Hughes Consulting

fense attorneys at several local colleges. She earned her R.N. at Providence College and her B.S.N. at Bowling Green State University in 1978. Ellen is a member of ASHRM and APIC. Previously, Ellen worked for the Ohio Hospital Association for 12 years. She served as the first risk manager of Texas Medical Liability Trust and collaborated with the Texas Legislature on informed consent provisions in the state of Texas. Ellen worked for the Kaiser Permanente Ohio Region, Southern California and Southern California Permanente Medical Group. She served as a nurse paralegal and medical expert database developer, was a trial consultant, and was responsible for witness preparation with the Reminger & Reminger Law firm of Cleveland, Ohio. She then worked with The Doctors Company of Napa, California and worked on rural hospital accreditation as a governor’s consultant with the State of New Mexico. Ellen is a co-author of “Medical Malpractice Prevention,” and a speaker at ASHRM national and state conferences specializing in investigation and documentation in significant events and litigious incidents. She is also a speaker at the Texas Family Medicine Conference regarding communicating negative outcomes. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, travel, baking, photography, and RV’ing.

What do you do to escape and recharge, even for a few hours?

My escape and recharge activities are baking since I grew up visiting my grandmother’s bakery near my school. For 16 years she made my birthday cakes, including a doll in a poufy dress, ballerinas, and a bride, among my frosted favorites. I enjoy photography, especially nature, wildlife, and adobe mission churches in the southwest. I also travel with my husband of 44 years. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Worry less, feel it all, and be present in everything that you do.

How did you get started in your field/industry?

Upon the successful completion of my critical care rotation in nursing school, I joined the clinical staff of my hometown hospital, working in ER, transport, and ICU for three years. Thereafter, our careers took my husband and I to New Mexico, Texas, and Southern California.

Each move presented broadened opportunities in leadership and administration in quality and risk management. What are some of the biggest challenges/obstacles you faced in your career?

Regulation, litigation and the onset of technology presented great challenges, as well as great opportunities. Having a seat at the executive table was empowering and imposed high expectations. I loved it!

What do you feel are some of the biggest challenges that women face today?

The biggest challenges women face today are keeping up with the pace of change, remaining relevant, and in healthcare clinical leadership that means remembering it is still excellence in patient outcomes we serve.

What does the word empowerment mean to you?

Empowerment is acting on the authority and scope of our chosen fields, transferring competency, and leading by visible example.

Professional Organization Of Women Of Excellence Recognized


P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) is both a women’s organization and a magazine.



P.O.W.E.R. is an organization and networking website designed to empower hardworking women from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. The women of P.O.W.E.R. work in various industries and professions and represent those who have achieved success as well as those looking to advance their careers. Through networking on our website, webinars, special events, and other unique opportunities, P.O.W.E.R. connects like-minded professional women, facilitates networking opportunities, and helps women gain the recognition they deserve. P.O.W.E.R. believes that by collaborating with like-minded professionals and building positive relationships, there is nothing women can’t achieve together!


P.O.W.E.R. publishes a print and digital quarterly magazine featuring our amazing P.O.W.E.R. members as well as celebrities and “icons.” The pages are full of inspirational biographies and empowering information. The publication also features lifestyle articles keeping you up-to-date on the latest trends in fashion, health, and beauty, and includes book suggestions, delicious recipes and so much more!


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Join P.O.W.E.R. members for a red carpet evening celebrating women. This exciting night is filled with live entertainment, great food and drinks, and fun raffle prizes. Mingle with other P.O.W.E.R. members and some of the celebrities and icons that have graced P.O.W.E.R. Magazine’s pages. A portion of the proceeds of the event go to a breast cancer charity.

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If you are interested in being interviewed to get your story on social media, consider an in-person interview, podcast, press release, video, or possibly a Times Square billboard display through P.O.W.E.R. We can help get you the additional exposure you deserve to take your career to the next level.


Our podcasts are pre-recorded audio interviews which give our members the opportunity to convey a message or story. This is a great way to increase your exposure and market reach.


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Press Release

A press release is a written public announcement covering your business and personal accomplishments designed to enhance your exposure and market reach. This newsworthy communication is distributed to print, radio, broadcast and social media sites. A press release can include your photo or company logo as well as a hyperlink to your company website so readers can instantly learn who you are and what your company offers.

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Krista Fogelsong

Vice President of Communications and Community Relations

| McQuaid & Company

Krista Fogelsong is a storyteller and content creator with 25 years of journalism experience. Krista is a former reporter/news anchor for ABC7 who is known as an accomplished writer and presenter, having delivered live newscasts several times a day. She has covered news topics that range from presidential elections and catastrophic events to celebrity news and everything in-between. She has been involved in a variety of charity organizations in the Southwest Florida area and has truly made an impact on the community. One of her most prized projects was the development of the ABC7 segment, “Positively Southwest Florida,” which highlights positive stories happening daily and inadvertently serves as a shining example of her positive outlook on life. Krista has a strong passion for helping animals find their forever homes and can often be seen promoting #AdoptDontShop on her social media. This love for community has organically positioned her as an advocate and friend to her local neighbors and pets alike.

Ready for a change, Krista recently found a creative space where she can continue to use her voice to help the community as vice president of communications and community relations for McQuaid & Company in Naples, Florida. Her new role allows her to use her talents in the media to assist McQuaid & Company in furthering their mission to innovate and elevate the real estate industry, both in Southwest Florida and across the country. As vice president of communications, she is responsible for the continued creation and development of content specific to the internal and external growth of the company. But her favorite part of this new position and venture is the community relations aspect. She is able to continue using her media savviness and well-respected voice to bridge the gap between the real estate industry and the community it serves.

What made you want to become a TV news anchor?

I’m the baby of four kids very close in age. Needless to say, I enjoy attention. I grew up in Montana and then was a nanny in New York right out of high school. I loved the fastpaced lifestyle of New Yorkers. When I decided to finally go to college in North Dakota, I was all over the place with my majors- psychology, Spanish, business, X-ray tech, etc. I was about to be a senior and I still didn’t know what to do. One of my friends who was a server with me at The Ground Round restaurant said, “Why don’t you go into broadcasting?” It was like a lightbulb went off. TV news had the fast-paced atmosphere that energized me and allowed me to be in the spotlight. Plus I loved writing and reporting. I changed my major, got an internship, then a job in the field, and worked my way up the TV news ladder from reporter, to weekend anchor, and finally main evening anchor. When you are doing the news live, anything can happen. Has anything ever gone wrong on air? If so, what was it and how did you handle it?

I think anything that could go wrong in the 25 years I was doing live TV did. My co-anchor and I got a terrible case of the giggles so bad that we were crying. We had to toss to weather. My producer brought me up on camera live on the set about an officer involved shooting without telling me what was going on, so I first stumbled around and finally asked her by name on live TV to clarify who was shot. Another time a producer said, “We’re coming to you live about breaking news,” but didn’t say what it was. Early in my career I would panic and look frazzled during any kind of hiccup. I learned later on to be real, just tell people what is going on, or laugh when all of a sudden my camera decided to swing off me over to the weather anchor. It’s really about going with the flow. It’s not a question of if something goes wrong, but when. Are there any people you have not interviewed that you wished you could have?

There is the obvious- Oprah. I’d also like to interview Joel Osteen. He manages to stay positive and “on message” despite people trying to attack him. I should interview my mom. I randomly asked my dad some questions about being a veteran on Veteran’s Day a few years ago during a phone call. He told me a story that made him burst into laughter. Now he is gone so I’m glad I brought it up and have that wonderful memory of him and know more about his time in the military. Tell us about the work you do for animal charities.

My passion is animals, so I use my celebrity status to highlight dogs and cats that are up for adoption. I emcee almost any event that benefits shelter pets and I was very vocal about any kind of animal abuse on the news. I also created a news segment called “Positively SWFL,” where we showcased good stories around the area. Many were about animals rescued, saved, adopted, or about organizations that help animals. My first dogs were from breeders when I was young. Now, after working with so many shelters and rescues, there’s no way I would adopt anything else but rescues. My dog Cabo is from the Gulf Coast Humane Society and my dog Tuco is from Florida Pointer Rescue (although he is a Rat Terrier). They both have fear and abandonment issues which gave more reasons to help other dogs like them. You can find almost any breed you want through a rescue.

Why did you decide to leave the news to become the VP of Communications and Community Relations at McQuaid and Company Real Estate Services?

I’m 51, and I was tired of working until almost midnight every weeknight. I loved being a news anchor, but I knew I could use my skills in a more creative and fun atmosphere with better hours. Tiffany McQuaid and I have been friends for eight years, so I contacted her to see if she knew of any companies that would be interested in what I had to offer.

She said she thought I should work at McQuaid and Company. That’s what I hoped she would say! She has always been an innovator. Within a few days I gave my notice and started working with the team a few weeks later. I also saw the shift in how viewers watch programs. Few people sit at home and watch the news live. They want everything via their phones, tablets, and computers at their convenience. That is why McQuaid and Company’s idea of launching our new show, “Open House Naples,” on YouTube is brilliant. You can watch when you want to watch for free and share it with a couple clicks.

What does the word power mean to you?

Power is an inner strength that elevates you from your lowest lows to your highest highs without crushing people below. Instead, you use that strength to lift people up. That’s power.

Tiffany McQuaid

Tiffany McQuaid is the sole owner and president of McQuaid & Company. She has a vast marketing and promotions background, which she is known for in the industry, and which explains her unique approach when it comes to running her business. An Ohio native, Tiffany has an expert’s eye and is experienced in capitalization and commercialism, so when the opportunity to start a brokerage in Bayfront was presented, she saw the vision she wanted to accomplish. After ten years, she has continued to grow the company and is being recognized globally as a rising top producer and innovator in the real estate world. Tiffany has a true gift for maintaining her boutique-style real estate firm, which focuses solely on the client’s needs, adding value to the experience. She has hand-picked every Realtor on her team.

What separates you and your company from other real estate businesses?

I can’t speak for others, but I can tell you, our brokerage thrives on heart, grit, and loads of creativity. We’ve managed to build a culture and team that holds community, authenticity, and fun at the core of everything we do. As a brokerage, we’ve managed to provide an atmosphere full of opportunity, education, and collaboration for our Realtors. Our in-house marketing team offers custom designs, quick turnaround times, and allows our Realtors to truly own their branding and take pride in the collateral they provide their customers.

How did Hurricane Ian affect the real estate market in Naples?

Despite these random storms that have affected our area, post-storm market activity typically always remains strong. Very rarely have we seen pricing drop as a result of a storm. This one was a tad different as there were areas that experienced flooding, so there are dynamics at play in terms of ability to renovate and/or tear down those residences to rebuild. However, it has been clear in these first few months following the storm, that the demand for Southwest Florida still remains incredibly high and this storm has had little to no effect on pricing thus far.

Your firm is Snowbird Certified. Can you explain to our readers what that means?

That is a designation, exclusive to our firm, that allows us the opportunity to further develop and educate our team on everything that they would need on the nuances of relocation to Florida. Essentially, our Realtors are trained to specialize in relocating our snowbirds from the north to the south.

How do you find the perfect home for your client?

Listening is key. Sometimes being the expert means you don’t need to share everything that you know to validate your position with them to ensure you are the right person for the job. Instead, you just have to show how much you care. You can do that by truly listening to their desires and needs.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Truly, it is the accomplishment of a job well done. There is something very rewarding about finding the perfect fit.

What does the word power mean to you?

Power is the uncanny ability to plug into your higher self to serve at the highest level you are currently capable of. Although the levels of power and evolution will change over your career, being able to tap into your best self from where you stand right now, in this very moment, is owning your power.


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