POWHATAN – New superintendent Beth Teigen addressed the state of Powhatan County Public Schools’ financial health and systems last week amid concerns raised by the division’s former director of finance.
Of course there was the amazement in their faces as they came down the stairs and caught their first glimpses at the changes to the brighter, updated gym, which students got to see Thursday, Sept. 15 for the first time.
visors, outlined issues he said he observed with deficit spending, poor procedures and an outdated financial system.
September 21, 2022Vol. XXXVI No. 12o. 12 Powhatan, Virginia TO:DELIVER PatronPostal Powhatan, 23139VA StandardPrsrt. PAIDPOSTAGEU.S. VAPowhatan, No.19Permit A3 InsideJROTCBattalionhonors9/11B1IndiansvolleyballbeatsChiefs
POWHATAN – The Powhatan Chamber of Commerce isn’t looking to drastically grow the 19th annual Powhatan Festival of the Grape, just make sure it runs better than ever to create the best experience possible.

However, during the meeting, Teigen did give an important update on the FY2022 operating budget, which the school board and staff have been closely monitoring for months as rising fuel, legal services and substitutes costs threatened to see the division ending the school year over budget.
the attacks, said Capt. James Sullivan, a Company 2 volunteer firefighter. And at the center of the memorial will be a steel beam that was part of one of the towers, which the department has had since Aug. 24, Beginning2011. in 2010, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey gave away artifacts as part of the 9/11 World Trade Center artifacts giveaway program. According to the port authority’s website, when the program ended in 2016, it had given away more than 2,600 items to communities in all 50 states and 10 nations to “help preserve the memory, heroism and sacrifice of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.”


The planned memorial will be full of symbolism, with different parts offering a remembrance of the 2,997 people who lost their lives in
Reading is Grand uses books to bridge the gap
and adults read to each other
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
BSH, pg. 6

During that time, Teigen mentioned Banks but didn’t go into an in-depth discussion of the issues his letter raised. She touched instead on how the fiscal year may end on June 30, but the division doesn’t close the books on the year until Aug. 31 as invoices for expenditures and federal grant reimbursements
Teigen addresses concerns about school district finances
POWHATAN – After a busy summer of major changes at Blessed Sacrament Huguenot School, seeing her students in the newly renovated Parker Gym for the first all-school mass of the year was a thrilling moment for head of school Paula Ledbetter on many levels.
Blessed tocelebratesSacramentchangesentirecampus
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
FILE PHOTO Powhatan Festival of the Grape will be held from 11 a.m. 6 p.m. in the Village area.
During the Sept. 21 Powhatan County School Board meeting, Teigen briefly spoke about a resignation letter that Lloyd Banks sent on Aug. 20 after being the school division’s director of finance for less than two months. Lloyd’s letter, which he copied to members of both the school board and board of super-
Bricks sold for 9/11 memorial
$8.25-million Knight’s Charge Campaign continues to unfold, the all-school mass with all but the preschool students and staff in attendance was a powerful moment for the“Itadministrator.waswonderful being all together, K-12. We have not had mass all together, K through 12, since before COVID. So being able to sit together, sit closely together, to sing, that truly is the feel of BSH and being a Catholic school, being able to have mass together,” she said after theWithmass.the bleachers scheduled to be installed Monday in Parker Gym and the finishing touches in the works, the private school is looking forward to another step in the
Staff at both worked together on Tuesday, Sept 13 to hold the first Reading is Grand program, which saw members of the 55+ community and children meeting to read to each other and talk.
that have to be assigned to that fiscal year are still coming in and beingTeigenbalanced.didspeak more about the issues Banks raised in a separate interview with the Powhatan Today on Sept. 14.
Festival of the Grape returns to the Village Oct. 1
The brief discussion Teigen led during the school board meeting came during an update on the division’s final financial report for fiscal year (FY) 2022, which ended on June 30, 2022.
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor
The program is part of an ongoing goal to continue expanding intergenerational experiences for the 55+ community, said Jayne Lloyd, program coordinator for Reach for Active“TheServices.Powhatan Library has been an amazing support to new programming I’ve developed for 55+ and the library’s service especially to the younger generation was a logical partnership,” Lloyd
POWHATAN – Building a memorial to honor the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has been a long-held dream of the Huguenot Volunteer Fire Department.While it took longer than anticipated, the members of Company 2 are excited that they are now moving forward and joining with local Girl Scout Troop 3029 for the last piece that will help make it possible, a brick campaign that launched this month.
Blessed Sacrament Huguenot School’s staff and kindergarten through 12th grade students hold their first all-school mass of the new school year in the newly renovated Parker Gym, one of several projects done over the summer to update the school.

The festival, which will be held Saturday, Oct. 1 in the Courthouse Village area, is looking for a strong, steady year ahead of the official 20th anniversary in 2023, organizers say. This year, they are focused on working out any is-
Olivia Wyatt, a member of Girl Scout Troop 3029, holds a sample brick like the ones that will be placed at a 9/11 memorial at Company 2. The bricks are now on sale.

see READING, pg. 8see BRICKS, pg. 3 see FINANCES, pg. 5
POWHATAN –Reach for Active Services and the Powhatan County Public Library combined forces last week to further bridge intergenerational gaps.

By Laura McFarland Managing Editor

see GRAPE, pg. 4
Oct. 1
A spending freeze implemented by former superinten-

But even more than the changes the school has seen in every corner of the campus in recent months as its
Children as part of the new Reading is Grand program held Sept. 13 at the Powhatan Library.
Tuesday, Sept. 27
Wednesday, Sept. 21
see CALENDAR, pg. 3
The Woman's Club of Powhatan meets at 10 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month, at May Memorial Baptist Church, 3922 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, from September to May. To attend a meeting, call membership chairman Kay Watson at 804-240-4896 to let her know you will be coming or just simply drop in; the welcome mat is always out. Visit the Facebook page for Woman’s Club of Powhatan.
Justcom.Kids, an affordable clothing shop selling gently used children’s clothes, sizes newborn to 8 plus, had its official opening June 7. Moving
The Powhatan Village Farmers Market is open from 4 to 6:30 p.m. every Thursdays through September on the grounds of Bienvenue, 3841 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. The market offers families a great way to unwind with live music and food truck fare while catching up with neighbors. The Powhatan market meets all your local farm produce and pastured meat needs, as well as those specialty goods you’re looking for like honey, soap, baked treats, unique artisan crafts and more. Lots of SNAP and Double SNAP options! We’re excited to welcome you to the Powhatan Village farmers market! For more information, contact 302-893-0068 or visit Gracelandhttps://rvagriculture.org/.BaptistChurch, 975 Dorset Road, holds a community meal called At the Table at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. Come enjoy a homecooked meal, a brief Jesus story, fellowship, and music. All are welcome.
Friday, Sept. 23
$15 for adults, $10 for ages 6 to 14 and free for ages 5 and younger. Contact Scott Morton at 434-292-3113 or 434-294-1393 or go to www. longbranchrodeo.com.
Saturday, Sept. 24
The Powhatan Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursdays, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 2500 Batterson Road. Contact the pantry at 804-372-9526 or powhatanvafoodpantry@gmail.
No excuse early voting for the 2022 General Election begins on Sept. 23. No excuse early voting is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday as well as two Saturdays, Oct. 29 and Nov. 5 at a drive-thru behind the Village Building. It will be closed Oct. 10 for Columbus Day. For more information about voting, contact the Powhatan Office of Elections at 804-5985604 or visit teamaeventsopen269323PowhatanEvangelistoldourwillServiceschurch,annualGospelVoterInformation.https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/LightBaptistChurchwillholditssixthTentRevivalthroughSept.23atthe2109AndersonHighway,Powhatan.startat6:45p.m.nightly.Afreedinnerbeservednightlyfrom5:45to6:30p.m.Behonoredguestandcomeexperienceanfashioned,spirt-filledtimeofpreachingbyAdamBordenandworship.BullnanzawillbeheldonFridaySept.andSaturday,Sept.24atRockyOakFarm,RockyOakRoadinPowhatan.Gatesat5p.m.andshowtimeis7:30p.m.Theincludebullriding,cowgirlbarrelracing,mechanicalbull,kidsmuttonbustin’,androping.Concessionsavailable.Ticketsare
Second Antioch Baptist Women’s Ministry will host an afternoon of Gospel Singing featuring The Chosen Singers and Worship 423 at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept 25. Lunch will be served directly after the service. For more information contact committee members Cheryl Fields, Queen Robinson, Rosa Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Margaret Middleton or Lucy Chappell. Cheryl Brown-Fields can be reached at 804-837-9258.
The school that collects the most weight in tabs at the end of the first nine weeks will receive the Ronald McDonald House Tab Trophy.
Powhatan County Public Library will hold a weekly Story Time on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Participants will read stories, sing songs, learn finger plays and more! Story Time generally meets in front of the fireplace, and occasionally in our outdoor space.
a.m. and funeral service at 11 a.m. Interment was in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please consider making contributions to The New Day Fund at Red Lane Baptist Church, 2095 Red Lane Rd., Powhatan, Va. 23139 or The Coalition of Powhatan
Thursday, Sept. 22
forward, the store will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The shop is located in the Memorial Baptist Church Youth House, 3926 Old Buckingham Road.
WHITLOCK, Richard “Dick” Brackett, 67, of Powhatan, went to be with the Lord on September 11, 2022. Dick shared his love for life and hospitable spirit with all - having never met a stranger. He loved greatly and was greatly loved by many. His life was full and it always resonated in his smile. Adventures with any of his sidekicks always included ice cream, food and exploring - the car never sat idle too long. Ministry to others was the heart of who Dick was and what he aspired to share. Whether with members of Muddy Creek Baptist Church or sitting with a friend in his yard, Dick’s love of the Lord shown through his words and

Just Kids is a ministry of May Memorial Baptist Church. Clothes cost $2 per bag.
The Free Clinic of Powhatan serves residents from Powhatan, Amelia and Cumberland Counties as well as select Chesterfield areas. Services include medical, dental, counseling and women’s healthcare by appointment. Eligibility requirements on website www. freeclinicofpowhatan.org/patients. Registration for new patients by appointment Mondays 5-8 p.m. or walk-in Tuesdays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information or to make an appointment, call (804) 598-5637.
actions. Dick enjoyed the companionship and shared commitment to the Powhatan Community and serving others through his involvement with the Powhatan Emergency Services (at age of 15), Powhatan Historical Society, and anywhere where he could serve and bless others. Dick loved and had a childlike heart for adventure and trying new things that inspired many of his friends in the Fox & Hound Group (Founding Member), “The Gang” Saturday dinner group, Man Church, Men’s Fellowship Meeting held at Love Covenant Fellowship Church, and his Muddy Creek Family. Dick had many special friends throughout his life. There were a few he knew and cherished for most of his life including Craig Hawkins (Reenie), Buddy Johnson, Becky Christian (Joe), Cindy Lambert (Kenny), Ronnie Lambert, John Hoover (Sheila) and Winfree Palmore (Ann). Dick greatly appreciated the support and comradery with his co-workers at CACI. He was preceded in death by his parents, Julian Melvin Whitlock and Evelyn Maxey Whitlock; and his brother, Madison Whitlock. He is survived by his wife, Teresa J. Whitlock; twin brother, Melvin Maxey Whitlock (Judy) of Nottoway; mother-in-law, Nancy McKenney; sisters-in-law, Diane Whitlock, Patricia Parker (Bob), Amanda Mueller (Geoff); brothers-in-law, David McKenney (Patti), Alan McKenney; nephews, Julian Madison Whitlock (Justin), Edward Ray Moore Jr. (Hannah), Ryan Parker (Hillary), Adam Parker (Gabby), Colby McKenney; and nieces, LaTisha Wimmer (Ben), Morgan Black (Will), Camden McKenney, Madison Mueller, Emma McKenney, Kelsey Mueller and Reagan McKenney. The family received friends Friday, September 16, from 2 to 4 and 5 to 7 p.m. in the Bennett & Barden Funeral Home located at 3215 Anderson Highway (Rt. 60), Powhatan, Va. 23139. Funeral services were held Saturday, September 17 at 2 p.m. in the Powhatan United Methodist Church located at 2253 Rosson Road, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Interment Powhatan Community Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Muddy Creek Baptist Church - Missions Team (Powhatan, Va.), Gideons International, God’s Pit Crew (Danville, Va.) or Powhatan Historical Society (Powhatan, Va.). Online condolences may be made at bennettbardenfh.com.
Community Matters is a resource for all 55 and forward interested in learning, staying active and engaging with peers. Challenge and socialization are powerful combined and crucial at any age! Program is free; requires independent participation. Weekly sessions with a wide range of topics and activities are held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Rescue Squad Building, 3920 Marion Harland Lane. Information on various offerings, activities and topics presented can be found on Facebook: Powhatan County Reach for Active Services. Call program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 for more
GOODWYN, Archie, (85), passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by his family on September 14, 2022. He was preceded in death by his parents, Richard C. Goodwyn and Mary W. Goodwyn; three brothers, “Kaiser” and his wife, Jean Worsham, N.B. “Tootie”and his wife, Jean Goodwyn and Royce Goodwyn; brother-in-law, JA Ransone Jr. He is survived by his devoted wife, Mary Ann Goodwyn of 63 years; his son, Archie Howard Goodwyn Jr. (Wendy); his daughter, Mary Elizabeth Whitney (Joe); siblings, R.C. Goodwyn Jr. “Pal” (Patsy) and Mary Jane Ransone; four grandchildren, Brittany Goodwyn Fridley(Cory), Landis Clayton Goodwyn, Joseph Paul Whitney Jr. and Anne Elizabeth Whitney (Libby); two great-grandchildren, Easton and Caroline Fridley; and numerous nieces and nephews. He graduated from Powhatan High School in 1957. Always the athlete, he attended University of Richmond where he played baseball and football. He spent his entire life working in the family business with his brothers at RC Goodwyn and Sons Lumber Company in Powhatan, Va. After his retirement in 2002, he continued his work on the Branchway Subdivisions. He took great pride in the development of the Branchway Subdivisions on the Goodwyn family farm. Archie was a life long member and deacon of Red Lane Baptist Church and a loyal member of the Brotherhood Small Group. He was on the board of directors of Huguenot Academy, now Blessed Sacrament, as well as on the board of directors for The Virginia Building Material Dealers Association. He enjoyed membership in The Lions Club and the Ruritan Club for many years. Guided by his strong faith Archie lived his life well; full of joy, kindness and memories to fill several lifetimes. He was respected and admired by many. He enjoyed his time on the golf course, watching the Richmond Spiders basketball and football games, and of course being with his loving family. Funeral services were held Monday, September 19 at Red Lane Baptist Church with visitation at 10

Every second and fourth Monday throughout the fall at 11 a.m., the library will hold Retro Movie Mondays. Come in and enjoy some popcorn, watch a classic movie and reminisce. Check out our flyers, call the library, or visit the library’s Facebook page for movie title information. The Sept. 26 movie is “Steel Magnolias.”
Monday, Sept. 26
Sunday, Sept. 25
The Powhatan County Democratic Committee meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Powhatan County Library.
Powhatan AA meets at 8 p.m. every Saturday at Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Business Network International (BNI) Powhatan chapter meets virtually from 8 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday. Visit Www.BNIVA.com for information. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/ BNIOnFire or contact executive director Dawne Gulla at dawne@bniva.com or 804-690-9220 or more information.
The new Bridge of Reason AA meeting is held at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Powhatan Mennonite Church, 3549 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan. It is an open, decision and literature meeting for Powhatan, Goochland, and Cumberland
Public Library is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Meeting rooms are available by reservation; study rooms are available first come, first served. The library offers e-books through Overdrive and materials to borrow in person or by using Books to Go. With Books to Go, patrons may reserve print materials, DVDs, and audiobooks 24/7 online at www.powhatanlibrary or by phone during open hours at 804-598-5670; once the patron is notified that their order is ready, they have three days to pick it up at the to-go shelf. The outdoor library book drop is open 24/7 for returning library items; however, patrons must return mobile hotspots to the circulation desk inside the library. The library accepts donations and the Friends of the Library bookstore is open during library business hours. Visit www. powhatanlibrary.net or call the library at 804598-5670 for more details, and like the library’s Facebook page for all the latest, up-to-date library news, information and program schedules.
Farmers Market at Tavern 19 is open from 9 a.m. to noon every Saturdays through October on the grounds of Independence Golf Course, 600 Founders Bridge Blvd, Midlothian, VA 23113. The new Farmers Market at Tavern 19 is a grower’s market, featuring farm fresh seasonal produce, grass fed meats, fruits and berries, honey, baked goods, value added products and select artisan crafts. Independence Golf Course is the ideal setting for a farmers market – it’s a park-like setting with plenty of parking and grass covered by large shade trees. The market has free Wi-Fi, a stage, electricity, food provided by Tavern 19, picnic tables, live music, kid’s activities and more! Come grab some dinner and stock up for the week on fresh local products! For more information, visit https://rvagriculture.org/.
AAcounties.meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail.
Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, which is located at 6137 Old Buckingham Road, provides year-round therapeutic horseback riding exclusively for veterans with special needs and disabilities. Focusing on veterans in Central Virginia, the goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the participants through activities that are positive to their cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being. As of Jan. 1, 2021, the program is also welcoming first responders to come ride with the program. From April through October, volunteers are asked to arrive at 9 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 10 a.m. Upcoming dates are: Sept. 28; Oct. 4, 18 and 26. In November, volunteers are asked to arrive at 10 a.m. and the riding sessions begin at 11 a.m. Upcoming dates are Nov. 1, 15 and 30. There are no sessions in December. LDEC is able to provide a variety of services to the veterans because of dedicated volunteers. Those who would like to help and have fun at the same time are asked to consider becoming a member of one of these teams. For more information about Lonesome Dove, visit http://ldequestrian.com/ or contact Powhatan804-318-6485.Chamberof Commerce hosts the 19th annual Powhatan Festival of the Grape on Saturday, October 1. Join us at 3860 Old Buckingham Road in the Powhatan Courthouse Historic District from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to enjoy 30+ Virginia wineries, distilleries, craft beer, cider, mead, artisans, and live music by EN'NOVATION. Purchase tickets before Oct. 1 at the Powhatan Chamber office and participating C&F Bank branches to avoid the convenience fee. Tickets are available at PowhatanWineFestival.com with the following fee schedule: Tickets before Oct. 1, youth ticket 13-20 is $20 plus convenience fee and adult ticket 21+ is $25 plus convenience fee; tickets at the gate on Oct. 1, youth tickets 13-20 is $30 and adult ticket 21+ is $35. The 21+ tickets include tastings from our participating
PERKINS, Naomi Beatrice Jackson, 76, of Powhatan, Va., departed this life on September 11, 2022. She is survived by one daughter, Angela Booker; one son, Frank Virgil Perkins Jr.; two grandchildren, Harrison Virgil Perkins, Alexis Zhane Booker; two great-grandchildren, Dallas Leigh Kelly, Durrell Jeremiah Hill Jr.; two brothers and four sisters, numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and devoted friends. A public viewing was held on Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Marian Gray Thomas Funeral Home in Cumberland, Va. Services took place on Sunday, September 18, 2022 with visitation at 1 p.m and services at 2 p.m. Reverend Otis Lockhart Eulogist. Interment in church www.mariangraythomasfuneralhome.comcemetery.

Registration is open for the Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class. Classes will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The first class starts on Jan. 17, 2023, and they will continue through midApril. Training is followed by a 50-hour service internship. The application process opened Sept. 1 with a deadline of Nov. 1. The application is available online at MyImpact.com, which can be reached through a link on the gpmga.org website. The fee this year is $145 plus an additional $35 if the trainee selects the printed version of the MG training manual. Cash or check must be submitted by Nov. 1 to either the Powhatan Extension Office (3910 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. Contact 804-598-5640) or Goochland Extension Office (2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA 23063. Contact 804-5565841). Contact Rebecca Crow at 804-598-7015 or Visitgpmastergardener@gmail.com.theKnightsofColumbus’14th annual Pumpkin Patch at Country Living Homes site, 2504 Anderson Hwy. in Flatrock. The patch is open from Sept. 22 to Oct. 31, with hours on Sunday to Friday from noon to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional activities planned for some Saturdays! Bring your camera to take family photos! Stand next to our ‘‘Great Pumpkin’’ and see how you measure up. All proceeds benefit charitable causes. In past years, proceeds have benefited Habitat for Humanity, Free Clinic of Powhatan, Scouting, Lonesome Dove Equestrian Center, and others. Closing at 3 p.m. on Halloween.
Active event is a free event open to anyone 55 and forward and focuses on movement and staying active. The event will be held at Fighting Creek Park from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 4 (rain date Oct. 6, which would be announced on Powhatan County Reach for Active Services' Facebook page). Wear a white T-shirt as participants visit any of
Page 2A Powhatan Today, September 21, 2022
A Powhatan Hope Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Monday at PCC Church, 4480 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, Room 102. It is an open discussion meeting. Wheelchair accessible.
Awaken to Hope Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. every Tuesday at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.
Powhatan County Public Schools presents Let’s Pull Together Tab collection. Join the school division in collecting aluminum pull tabs to benefit the nearby Ronald McDonald House. The collection is ongoing through Oct. 21. Sent them to your student’s school. At the elementary schools, turn them in to student’s homeroom or front office. At the middle and high schools, turn them in to student’s first block or front office.
Extension specialists and industry experts share timely topics for farmers in the Virginia Cooperative Extension Ag Today, held virtually at 9 a.m. every Thursday. These updates are relevant and brief and are recorded for folks who can't join on that day and time. Podcasts (audio only) are posted on Westmoreland VCE webpage and YouTube video recordings can be found at https://www.youtube.com/
“It is a personal thing for me. I wanted to help them out because it is a nice gesture,” she said.
working with county employees and Powhatan Fire and Rescue on plans since the station is county-owned, Sullivan said.
so first responders have a special place in her heart.
Powhatan Today at Myrtle Beach
Colt Sowers, 6, and his siblings Greyson, 4, and Penny, 1, had a great time hunting for shark teeth at Myrtle Beach and took along a copy of the Powhatan Today to mark the occasion.

A donation of $23 will cover the cost of one inscribed brick in honor of a first responder. To purchase a brick, visit
Each part of the memorial will have a special meaning. Two brick pathways will represent those who died at the Twin Towers. A grassy space between them will honor the people on United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed into a Pennsylvania field. They will both lead to a pentagon-shaped structure to remember those killed at the Penta-
The majority of the steel pieces and other items were distributed to museums, town governments, schools, nonprofit organizations, and community groups including police, fire, law enforcement and emergency response departments, according to the website.
Most of the memorial is expected to be funded through either donations from Company 2 members or the community, both through cash and in kind services. Where the members are seeking help is with the brick campaign.
POWHATAN,VIRGINIA23139•PHONE804-598-1525 *Registrationmustbenolaterthan OCTOBER2nd

For more information, contact Baltz at 804-4674313 or Ljbal65@aol. com.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide interested students and their parents with information regarding the curriculum, graduation requirements, extra-
On Oct. 10, Powhatan Middle School will host an evening of “Non-traditional High School Options” with representatives from the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School for Government and International Studies, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology, Code RVA High School and the Powhatan High School/Reynolds Community College for Advanced College Academy Program.
Laura McFarland may be reached at land@powhatantoday.com.Lmcfar-
Each walkway will have a little over 200 bricks, and 411 of them will be inscribed with the name, rank and company of a firefighter, law enforcement officer or paramedic killed during the attacks, said Laura Baltz, troop leader for Girl Scout Troop 3029.
curricular activities, as well as answer questions regarding the application process for each high school option. Although the application process is open to current eighth grade students, fifth, sixth and seventh grade students and their parents are also invited to attend in order to assist in course planning before they reach the eighth grade.
see SCHOOLS, pg. 6
see CALENDAR, pg. 8
the nine activity stations they'll be sprayed with color powder while on the move! Participants will engage in activities at their own pace - such as walking, cornhole, bicycling, bocce ball, etc. and see how colorful they can get! A photo booth will be on site to capture colorful memories. Join family, friends and neighbors while enjoying the benefits of staying active. Participants in activities will be provided refreshments, and an event T-shirt (while supplies last). Chick-fil-A will be on site with sandwiches, chips and drinks for purchase. This goal of the event is to not only celebrate staying active, but to recognize an international initiative: Active
PMS to highlight non-traditional schools
“I had my girls there. Some of them walked the track. I had one girl who walked the track the entire day- rain, shine, everything she walked it. Her name is Madelyn Chaffins. Others walked part of the time,” Baltz said.
Company 2 members are hoping all of the bricks will be purchased by midNovember so they can break ground this fall. The station has been
portant. Her father was a part of Company 2 years ago at its first location (current home of Habitat for Humanity-Powhatan),
The recipients were required to commit that the artifacts they received would be used in a public display.The steel piece Company 2 acquired has been stored inside the station with a temporary display until a permanent memorial could be built, Sullivan said. He added the piece has been displayed at different events over the“Thereyears. is a lot of pride and excitement that is built into this. We want to be able to share such an important piece of history both with the United States as well as with the rescue community,” he said. “It is a privilege to be able to do something like this. It is incredible that we have this piece of steel. It is important for us to share the history of what it came from, the events that took place around it and the symbolism that is built into this.”
JIMBLANDFORD (804-513-3878)
Aging Week. This will be a first time event for Powhatan with hopes to continue in future years! Sponsors include PDSS, AARP and Senior Connections. Call or email program coordinator for more information at 804698-0438
Company 2 has planned a memorial in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Members and Girl Scout Troop 3029 are selling bricks that will be used in part of the memorial.
Page 3APowhatan Today, September 21, 2022 JROTC Battalion honors 9/11 Continued from pg. 1 BRICKS 598-0799 “AllWorkPersonallySupervisedbyOwner,RichardStanley” LocallyOwned&Operated ProudlyservingPowhatanandthesurroundingcountiessince1985 FullyLicensed&Insured• ClassAContractor• FreeEstimates ALL-STAR PAVING www.allstarpavingva.com A WEDNESDAY,October5,2022 MillQuarterGolfCourse 1525MillQuarterRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-4221 PowhatanLionsClubFoundation CharityGolfTournament TIME: Registrationbeginsat10:30, Shotgunstartat12:00NOON FORMAT: Captain’sChoice-4Men/Ladies/MixedTeams;WhiteteesforMen; GoldteesforSeniors(55+);RedteesforWomen&menover75 COST: $95.00perplayerincludes: GreensFee,GolfCart,PracticeBalls,Beverages, HotDogs,Chips,TournamentAwards(1st,2nd&3rdplaceteamprizes, closesttothepin,longestdrive,longestputt) Mulliganswillbeavailableforpurchase. ServingBBQdinnerbyWildwoodBBQatthepicnictablesattheconclusionofplay. Pleasecalloremail JimBlandfordatjimblandford@finecreekrealty.comtoregistertoplay.
Hills Road, Powhatan, VA 23139.The fire station had the plans for the memorial for several years but didn’t move forward on it for various reasons. Baltz proposed this summer that her Girl Scouts could help sell the bricks for the walkway as a community service project. The girls are earning community service hours that may also help toward projects such as Bronze and Silver awards or the community service seal at Powhatan HighTheSchool.troop set up a booth to begin selling the bricks at the annual 9/11 remembrance event held Sept. 11 at Powhatan High School.
On Sept. 9, the Powhatan High School JROTC Indian Battalion remembered the events that occurred on Sept. 11th, 2001, with a special flag ceremony. The PHS Indian Battalion recognizes the sacrifices of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens and service members who perished on that day.

Continued from pg. 2
For Baltz, helping with this project is hugely im-
The evening will kick off with a review of Powhatan County Public Schools’ participation in these schools as well as answer some of the basic questions students and parents have about student participation
Contributed Report
gon. The steel beam will be prominently displayed inside the pentagon. The entire memorial will stand near the flag poles in front of the fire station.

Submitted by Sgt. Jessica Shehan, public information officer for Division 1 of the Virginia State Police.

single-file lines “where it used to be akin to a mosh pit,” Cabell joked.

“Safety is paramount. We want everyone to have a great time and make it home safely with plans to return next year. Anything beyond that is just extra nice,” said outgoing Powhatan Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Angie Cabell, who is helping plan the “happy chaos” that will be her last festival in theTherole.event will last from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 3860 Old Buckingham Road in the Powhatan Courthouse Historic District. Purchase tickets before Oct. 1 at the Powhatan Chamber office and participating C&F Bank branches to avoid the convenience fee. Tickets are available at PowhatanWineFestival.com with the following fee schedule: Tickets before Oct. 1, youth ticket 13-20 is $20 plus convenience fee and adult ticket 21+ is $25 plus convenience fee; tickets at the gate on Oct. 1, youth tickets 13-20 is $30 and adult ticket 21+ is $35. The 21+ tickets include tastings from our participatingFestivalgoerswineries.canexpect much of the returning aspects of the festival that make it such a draw and a few new additions to enhance the experience of the thousands of people who attend every year, she added. In 2021, the festival estimates it had just over 8,100 in attendance.
Contributed Report
responded to a single-vehicle crash on Flint Hill Road east of Oak Leaf Dr.
The crash remains under investigation.
The driver, Ronald J. Webb, 71, of Powhatan, died at the scene. He was wearing his seatbelt.
celebration of Virginia dairies through Dairy Days, Sept. 23-25. The dairythemed weekend will help promote the Federation of Virginia Food Banks’ Milk for Good initiative.
Page 4A Powhatan Today, September 21, 2022 Forsubscriptioninformation ordeliveryquestionscontact: MichelleWall 804-775-2711 email:mwall@timesdispatch.com 8460TimesDispatchBlvd., Mechanicsville,VA23116 Genito Presbyterian Church 2910GenitoRd.Powhatan,VA 372-9074 WorshipwithusthisSunday Churchservice@9:30AM Sundayschool@10:30AM St.Luke’sEpiscopalChurch SUNDAYS 8:00AMinpersonserviceinthechurch 10:30AMinpersonserviceinthechurch(livestreamed) www.stlukespowhatan.org AllareWelcome Formoreinformationvisitwww.stlukespowhatan.org Route711atThreeBridgeRoad794-6953 EachmonthSt.Luke’sEpiscopalChurchhostsForestChurch.Itslocationvaries anditisanopportunityforprayerandfellowshipoutinGod’sCreation. OnSeptember25at5:00pm,ForestChurchwillmeetintheparish’syardlocated at2245HuguenotTrailforatimeofworshipfollowedbys’mores.Thisisacasual gathering,andyouareaskedtobringalawnchair. CHURCH DIRECTORY

The fair’s Dairy Days will coincide with additional dairy program-

er, there will also be a smaller entertainment area in front of the former Four Seasons Restaurant to offer more alternatives. People can bring their chairs and set up for hours of music and relaxing entertainment or get up and dance the afternoon
State Fair opens Sept. see STATE FAIR, pg. 5
“The wineries are absolutely the big draw; it is what brings the people in. But we have such high quality craft vendors. They come back every year and tell us this is their best, this is their favorite festival. We are really blessed to have it in the courthouse. I think that adds to the charm of it,” she said.
into the tree line. The cargo van was unable to avoid striking a tree.
“It was notable to us last year that people were self-selecting to taste in a single-file line so lines did seem longer though there wasn’t much of a difference in attendees or availability,” she said.

“I think the great think about the festival is that it is such a great collaboration of people who have done this so long it just works. I know next year for the 20th we are going to try to shake it up a little bit with more music and maybe a theme. We haven’t quite gotten there yet,” she said.At each entrance to the festival, visitors will see directions to the festival parking lots. Golf cart shuttles transport people to and from these lots. There is also parking at Powhatan Elementary School (4111 Old Buckingham Road) with shuttles running Advancedcontinuously.ticketscan be purchased in person at C&F Bank or online at www.powhatanwinefestival.com. For more information, contact the chamber office at 804598-2636.
In partnership with FVFB, The Dairy Alliance, the Virginia State Dairymen’s Association and the Dairy Club at Virginia Tech, the State Fair will offer dairy-related attractions in the Meadow Pavilion. It also will sell frosty milkshakes, with proceeds benefiting Milk for Good.
A 2014 Ram Promaster 1500 cargo van was traveling east on Flint Hill Road. The vehicle ran off the road, overcorrected and ran off the road again
As the name implies, wine is a huge draw for festival guests, and the entry fee will give ticketgoers access to plenty of selection. In addition to 19 wineries scheduled to set up as vendors, the festival will include six distilleries, three hard cider vendors, two meaderies and two beer sellers, said Susan Ash, festival vendor coordinator.

All told, Ash said the festival is expected to have upward of 150 vendors between the wineries and other alcohol-themed booths, the food vendors in the food court area and the wide selection of craft vendors.While they are wandering, festivalgoers can peruse booths selling handmade wood objects such as tables and cutting boards; hand-sewn items of all kinds; fun wine-themed gifts; jewelry; pottery; paintings and photographs; clothing; dog treats; specialty gifts; tasty snacks; and much Entertainmentmore. will be provided on the main stage on the courthouse lawn by live music from En’Novation, Cabell said. Howev-
PowhatanChristian Fellowship SundayMorningWorship 11:00a.m. SundaySchool10:00a.m. WednesdayNight7:30p.m. readytogogirl.Iamhappyandenergetic,and Ijustlovemypeople.Idogetalongwithother dogs,butIaskthatimeetthemfirst,Justto makesurewearetheperfectfit.Ihavebeenat thisfacilitysinceJune,andnoonehasshowed anyinterestinme.Ialongwithafewothers weresavedafterourtimewasupatanother facility.Wearegratefulthatourlivesmean somethinghere.Thestafftreatsuswonderful. Meincludingtheothersarepatientlywaitingfor ourforeverhomes,andwouldreallylovetohave afamilyofourown.Pleaseifyouareinterested inoneofuspleasecall804-598-5672andthe staffwillbehappytoassistyouinscheduling ameetandgreet,andansweringanyquestions Snowyyoumayhave.Lookforwardtoseeingyou.

Contributed Report

sues that popped up as a result of changes during the COVID-19 pandemic and just making sure everyone has a wonderful time.
Beyond the bright lights of the midway and the enticing aroma of fair foods, the spirit of the State Fair of Virginia is rooted in agriculture.
The flow felt different at last year’s festival, which caused a few hiccups they are hoping to quiet down. For instance, people social distanced by waiting for tastings in
3308PleasantsRoad, 1/4mileoffofRoute711 RussCress,Pastor 598-0733 MeetingSundays inFarmville, ForkUnion,Midlothian, PowhatanandOnline. Visitpccwired.netfor servicestimes&locations. 598-1174pccwired.net Providence Presbyterian Church “WorshipingandWitnessing inWesternPowhatan since1825” WorshipService11:00am AllAreWelcome! 598-4970 Located1950RidgeRoad (Rt.627) St.JohnNeumann CatholicChurch Rev.WalterG.Lewis,Pastor Saturday-5p.m. Sunday-8:30a.m.&11a.m. 598-3754 www.sjnpowhatan.org LocatedbehindFlatRock VillageShoppingCenter E VERGREEN C OMMUNITY C HURCH (PCA) Proclaiming&PracticingtheGospelofJesusChrist WorshipServiceat10:00AM Meetingat2210BattersonRoad,Powhatan. PastorNickKrauss ECCPCA.ORG 598-8844 Worship: 8:30&10:30am www.powhatanumc.us WeekdayPreschool(ages2-5) 598-6090 2253RossonRd. JustoffRt.13intheVillage 598-4438 LivingAsChrist’sDisciplesWithinOur HeartsandBeyondOurDoors MountCalvary BaptistChurch 2020RedLaneRoad Powhatan,VA23139 Pastor,LarryB.Collins SundaySchool9:45a.m. SundayWorship11:00a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy 7:30p.m. Office804-598-2398 Church Directory. Call 804-746-1235 ext.2 fordetails. Advertisein SundaySchool10AM WorshipService11AM PastorJohnEngle 603-933-0141 3540OldBuckinghamRd. www.pmchurch.net 1801 Huguenot Trail httwww.ESundayWorship10amBryanM.Holt,Pastor804-378-3607mmausChristianChurch.orgps://www.facebook.com/2emmaus/ P.S.Wehavesomeexcitingnewstosharetoyou! Wehavebeengivenanawesomeopportunity toupdateoutshelterkennels!Wearestartinga$$CashforKennels$$Fundraiser!Ourgoalistoraise $100.000fornewkennelsforthedogsandcats!Everydollarisgreatlyappreciated.Donationscanbe droppedoffattheshelterlocatedat4000OldPlantationRdormailtoP.O.Box133ATTN:AnimalControl. Inthememowrite$$CashforKennels$$.Ifyouhaveanyquestionspleasecall804-598-5672. PowhatanSheriff’sOffice|DivisionOfAnimalControl Phone:804-598-5672|Fax:804-598-5109 Ifyouwouldliketohelptheanimals inourcare,youcandosobydonatingtoour medicalfundatClawsandPaws, 4313AndersonHwy.,Powhatan,VA23139 HelloEveryone,MynameisSnowy,Iama Terriermix,around3yearsold.Iamcurrenton rabies,andamspayed,microchipped.Iama
away.There will be several photo ops sprinkled around the festival, which is great for festivalgoers wanting to snap a fun shot with friends and family and also good promotion for the festival, said Nicole Riley, the chamber’s newly hired executive director.Sheis enjoying her first behindthe-scenes experience planning the festival, especially watching all of the people work who make the event a reality.
Laura McFarland may be reached at antoday.com.Lmcfarland@powhat-

During the fair’s 10-day run, from Sept. 23 through Oct. 2, fairgoers can immerse themselves in Virginia agriculture and forestry through numerous attractions. From live animal competitions and exhibits to creative art and culinary contests that highlight Virginia-grown foods, the State Fair has agriculture connections for all Theages.fair will commence with a
A Powhatan man has been identified by the Virginia State Police as the victim of a single-vehicle crash last week in Powhatan.At 9:48 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11, state police

Powhatan man dies in single-vehicle crash

Continued from pg. 1

Page 5APowhatan Today, September 21, 2022 see CONCERNS, pg. 6
MOUNTZION BAPTISTCHURCH 2591RidgeRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 804-598-2051 Rev.BryanStevens,Pastor

3619HuguenotTrail Powhatan,Virginia23139 www.finecreekbaptist.org SundaySchool:9:45a.m. WorshipService:11:00a.m. Traditional VernGilmer,Pastor 10a.m.–WorshipService 8:30a.m.–ChurchSchool
ming, which includes competitions, calf births and milking demonstrations at the SouthLand Dairy Farmer Center and The Meadow’s livestock barns.
A wide range of agricultural programming will be offered in the familyfocused Harvest Landing area, including Young MacDonald’s Farm with the ever-popular sliding ducks, hatching chicks and other farm animals. Guests in this area also can participate in an agricultural trivia game during the giant
Transport 1
In a three-page resignation letter, Banks raised several issues, offering a list of red flags: substantial deficit spending; poorly managed grant reimbursements; antiquated procurement processes; long standing use of payroll accounting codes outside of state law; back of the envelope payroll procedures passed from person to person without formal written guidelines or procedures; staff objections to basic guidelines followed by peers in other divisions; and concerted resistance to board oversight or unified county accounting and reportingInsystems.thetwo pages, Banks more thoroughly outlined his concerns and also
Library reintroduces Read 2 Rover program
OLDPOWHATAN BAPTISTCHURCH 598-4241 8:30a.m.and10:15a.m. Worshiponlineat10:15a.m. 2202OldChurchRoad www.powhatanbaptist.org
During each one-hour period, children read aloud to a therapy dog. According to research, many children’s readings level increase at least one grade as a result of participating in this program—and we don’t need any research studies to know that children will gain confidence in their abilities and have fun, too!
2390EmmanuelChurchRoad 804-372-9254 www.newwalkbible.org SundayWorship10:00AM SundaySchool9:00AM BibleStudyWed.7:00PM MuddyCreek BaptistChurch SundaySchool-9:45a.m. Worship-11a.m. WednesdayBibleStudy& PrayerService-7:00p.m. PastorJeffBeard,MA,MBA 3470TrenholmRoad www.muddycreekbaptist.org Advertisein Powhatan Today’sChurch Directory. Call804-746-1235 ext.2fordetails. Sunday10am,11am&6pm Wednesday7pm TravisL.Keith-Pastor ChurchOffice:794.7054 JustAcrossfromSouth CreekShoppingCenter!www.glbcpva.org Family WorshipCenter “YourCommunity Church” 2901JudesFerryRoad Powhatan,Va23139 804-379-8223 Sundays10:00a.m. Wednesday6:30p.m. Experiencingthepresence, powerandpersonofJesusChrist Loving,Investing,Fulfilling,Empowering SeniorPastorJustinWilson SundayService10:30am 2410NewDorsetCircle www.Communitylifechurchpowhatan.org 1530CookRoad(Rt.636)

pumpkin and watermelon weigh-off on Sept.
Hollywood BaptistChurch “AChurchWhereLove NeverFails!” PastorOtisB.Lockhart,Jr 598-2763 SundaySchool at9:30a.m. MorningService at11:00a.m. BibleStudy EveryWednesdayNight at6:30p.m. 3964OldBuckinghamRoad HollyHills BaptistChurch www.HollyHillsBaptist.org (IndependentBibleBelieving) RandyBlackwell,Pastor SundaySchool-10:00a.m. SundayMorningWorship-11:00a.m. WednesdayPrayerMeeting7:30 p.m. 379-8930 1659AndersonHighway 3½mileseastofFlatRock 5680CartersvilleRoad Powhatan,Virginia23139 PastorGregoryL.BeechaumSr. “ThechurchwhereJesusisAlive” 9:00a.m.----SundaySchool 9:45a.m.-----Prayer&Praise 10:00a.m.---SundayMorningWorship 5thSundayat11a.m. HourofPower 7:30p.m.----TuesdayNightWorship& BibleStudy 804-375-9404 SECONDANTIOCH BAPTISTCHURCH 1059DorsetRoad Powhatan,VA23139 ReverendMarkA.Divens,Sr. Pastor PraiseandWorshipService SundaySchool9:45-10:45 SundayMorningWorship willbeginat11:00a.m.
In the Meadow Pavilion, Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, which owns the State Fair, will host an educational display. Fairgoers can explore farms virtually in the Farm Tour Tractor Cab and learn about Virginia commodities at the Farm Product Kiosk.
work for PCPS on Aug. 23, starting by reviewing the division’s
Another point Banks made a few times in the letter was that the finance department is overstaffed with two directors in it and so would be adequately staffed even with his departure.
One female was charged on Sept. 7 with driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated (Misdemeanor).
Child welfare
dent Eric Jones appears to have had the appropriate effect, Teigen said in the separate interview. Total revenues for FY2022 were $52,269,146.24 versus total expenditures of $52,192,274.80. This means the FY2022 fund balance is $76,871.44.Duringthe meeting, Teigen also spent several minutes introducing Bob Aylor, interim director of finance. All of the school board members were aware of the concerns Banks raised and supported bringing in an interim director to investigate them and to lead the finance department until a suitable replacement could be found, Teigen said.
One female was charged on Sept. 12 with petty larceny (M).
Trespass 2 Underage possession 2 Unknown emergency 13
Sign-ups for the program are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Fraud 6 Gunshot calls 4 Hit and run 2 alarm 2 6 Larceny 5 Lockout 5 Missing person 2 MVAs 19 Noise 1 Open door 1 Panic alarm 2 Pd alarm 8 Phone threat 1 Project lifesaver 1 Prowler 1
Visitors24. can explore the horticulture tent, where the products of farms and home gardens are displayed, including crops like corn, tobacco and wheat. This also is where fairgoers can view the winning giant pumpkin, which in some years weighs over 1,000 pounds.
Traffic stop 92
The State Fair of Virginia is held each fall at its permanent home at The Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. The event celebrates the best of Virginia’s past, present and future through scholarship initiatives, creative programming and a focus on the commonwealth’s agriculture and natural resources industries. Virginia Farm Bureau Holding Corp. operates the fair and is a subsidiary of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation.
Animal calls
Raising concerns
FY2022 and FY2023 finances, Teigen said. His review of FY2022 “showed no areas of concern from his perspective.”
How does it work? Parents may sign up a child ahead of time for a reading slot, either by visiting the library website or by calling the library at 804-5985670 and registering over the phone. Each child will be given a 15-minute time slot—10 minutes to read to the therapy dog, and five minutes to get
She pointed out Aylor brought with him 15 years of experience as director of accounting and finance for the Virginia Department of Education; 24 years as director of finance with Chesterfield County Public Schools; and several more years after retirement working part time as acting director of finance in HalifaxAylorCounty.began
“The key to excellent management is added efficiency, sound formal policies and procedures, effective use of technological tools and applications, and greater cooperation. Proper team coordination involves cross training and occasionally lending a helping hand; not redundant and needless personnel costs. A 3.5 program staff / to 1 director (manager) ratio in Finance is more than adequate under any standard,” Banks wrote.
Psychiatric 2 Pursuit 1 Reckless driver 7 Road rage 2 Shoplifting 2 Stolen vehicle 1 Suspicious 24 Traffic hazard 15
Damaged property
Attempt to locate
Found property
3920MAIDENSRD.,POWHATAN 804-598-2301
CRIME 35 24 1 13 8 2 2 1 4 1 1 14 3 5 1 2
One male was charged on Sept. 8 with contempt of court (M). One female was charged on Sept. 10
with petty larceny (M).
Banks asserted an immediate need for greater cooperation between PCPS financial operations and the county, suggesting increasing the number of joint personnel and moving to a single financial system “to build and promote greater efficiencies and accountability.”
Deliver message
Disabled vehicle
made recommendations on how to fix them. He raised issue with payroll procedures, which he said used “obsolete codes outside of DOE state mandates for accounting. There is currently grave risk of fraud and errors involving the largest County expense.” He recommended “development and implementation of standard written policies, procedures, and guidelines in accordance with the DOE established chart of accounts.”
Given his experience, skillset and ethics, Teigen said she considers Aylor “beyond reproach” and is grateful he stepped in to help until a new director of finance can be hired. The division is actively searching to fill the position, she said.
One male was charged on Sept. 12 with assault and battery of a family member (M).
Vandalism 3 Warrant service 2 Welfare check 3
2095RedLaneRoad 1/2mileoffRt.60onRedLaneRoad 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org SmallGroupClasses9:00a.m. WorshipService10:30a.m. Dr.JamesTaylor,Pastor

Powhatan County Public Library is delighted to re-introduce the popular Read 2 Rover program starting Oct. 5.
settled and then to say good-bye. A parent will join a library staff member and the dog handler in listening to the child read aloud. Reading sessions are held at the library fireplace. Children can bring a book from home to read, or pick out a library book to share with the dog.
Continued from pg. 4
Continued from pg. 1
SundaySchool10:00a.m. SundayMorningService 11:00a.m. WednesdayMidDay BibleStudy11:30a.m. EveningBibleStudy7:00p.m.
GracelandBaptistChurch Dr.RonaldWyatt,Jr.,Pastor Contemporary–9:00a.m. SundaySchool–9:45a.m. Worship–11a.m. Children’sWorship–11a.m. Praise&Worship–6p.m. LighthouseYouth–Wed.5:30p.m. BibleStudy–Wed.6:30p.m. Children’sWorship(allages)–Wed.6:30p.m. MiraclesofGodSp.NeedsService: 2p.m.the2ndSat.ofeachmonth 598-3481•975DorsetRoad www.gracelandbc.org

Contributed Report
Addressing concerns
Incident report for Sept. 5 to 11 - Incident type & total calls
For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@powhatanlibrary.net.
Powhatan County Public Library is delighted to reintroduce the popular Read 2 Rover program, offered by CaringCaringCanines.Canines is a local organization whose goal is to provide emotional support and encouragement, and to share the joy and health benefits that dogs bring to our lives. This dedicated volunteer group will visit the library on the first Wednesday of every month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The first session will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Almost the entire school was emptied out over the summer, with all of the equipment stored in 18 pods housed on the campus as well as in any spare space that could be found, Hickey said.

To say it was a busy summer is an understatement, Ledbetter agreed. The work on the classrooms had the tightest timeline but was finished on Aug. 12, the Friday before the teachers were due back
additional codes internally. Regarding payroll procedures, she said the division has software and procedures in place that are updated as changes are needed.
toward making all of this work and staff development possible, Ledbetter said. The old Sullivan Gym and cafeteria were demolished this summer, and work on the new student center should start in December with an expected opening in fallAll2023.of this is possible because of the $8.25 million Knight’s Charge Campaign, which is going well, Ledbetter said. The school has raised about $6.5 million toward its goal and is meeting with potential donors, doing tours, and enjoying its highest enrollment in recent history.The adjustments the school has made around the construction projects to keep life as normal as possible are not as dif-
Teigen said she does not feel the division is overstaffed in the finance department.“We are lean but we have a really strong department and they are very supportive of one another. I would never say we are overstaffed,” she said.
Updates were made to the thistionsextensiveLibraryHuguenotSacramentBlessedSchoolaspartofrenova-completedsummer.

After that, most of the attention will be on the construction of the new Brower Student Center, named after retired army Col. Keith Brower and his wife Kathleen, who have donated several million
in these high school program options.
“Watching teachers organize and set up and their faces and how excited they were, that is when it hit me,” she said.

With Parker Gym wrapping up, the next big milestone is expected to be a ribbon cutting for the new 2,664-squarefoot visual arts center, which should be ready to go on Nov. 11, Hickey said.
few months after the fiscal year ends for a school division, whether that is reimbursement for grants (especially if the division wants to submit changes for approval after determining ways funds can be used more effectively), bills for services and goods used by PCPS, or even the final sales tax numbers for the county that can sometimes be a nice boon.“That is why you don’t know the end of the year on the June 30 date. You are waiting for all of these additional funds – both bills that are coming in as well as revenues to cover those bills over the next two months. So Aug. 31 was when we officially closed out the FY 2022 and were able to bring forward data and the reserve that we still have,” Teigen said.
Moose Lodge presents check to Powhatan Food Pantry

The updates to the gym are just the latest in a long line of changes the school will experience this year. Over the summer, every classroom was renovated and received new LED lighting, new paint, new floors and new doors, Hickey said. The library received the same treatment, as well as new custom shelving.
“We used every space not under renovation, which was not many,” she said with a smile, pointing out the summer “was chaotic but necessary and rewarding in the end.”
Continued from pg. 5 CONCERNS
Regarding the procurement processes, Teigen said Johns started discussions about the need for a change before he retired but did not want to commit to a system, instead allowing the new director of finance to implement a new system he or she would carry on. One example would be transitioning from paper copies of purchasing orders to a more automated system, which the school division already planned to move toward.
“We have these external auditors come in every year looking at both us and the county. If there had been a problem you would have expected that it would have materialized prior to now,” Teigen said, but added they would wait for the audit results and feedback.
County administrator Ned Smither confirmed the county is actively recruiting for the procurement manager position with the job posted for a few weeks, and that it will serve both the county and schools.While there are localities and school divisions that share the same accounting and reporting systems, Teigen pointed out that the system PCPS uses is “very
Continued from pg. 3 SCHOOLS
Regarding deficit spending, Teigen pointed out Jones and Larry Johns, who retired in June as assistant superintendent for finance and business operations, were forthcoming at their last school board meetings that there was a possibility of the division ending the fiscal year in the red because of rising costs in some areas, which is why they took the proactive measures of a spending freeze. The freeze was communicated divisionwide May 25 and lasted until June 30, she added.Asshe had at the school board meeting, Teigen also pointed to the amount of information that still comes in for a
on Monday to start their school year preparations.Itwaswhen the teachers came back that everything that is happening really began to sink in for Ledbetter.
Applications will be available beginning on Oct. 14 from Patty Haskins in the Gifted Services office (B210) and Carley Toney in the school counseling office. Applications will be available to students currently enrolled in Algebra I. Private and homeschool families seeking applications will need to schedule an appointment with Haskins to come
“It is getting there. We ran into supply chain issues construction takes a little longer than planned but we are just a little behind on Parker Gym,” she said.
Auditors are expected to come on site in October for their review of the FY2022 financials and will likely issue their report in November, she said.
Teachers had caught glimpses of the work over the summer, she added. They came in for curriculum work, which is part of the Knight’s Charge Campaign. Different departments and grade levels came in one group at a time each week throughout t summer. They were reviewing current curriculum but also developing a BSH-specific curriculum in regard to student outcomes.
“Mychildlovesschool!” AcertifiedVirginiaQUALITY3Site Pilon©WORKSHOPWAY© ..aVirginiaPartnershipInitiative (VPI)School APPPLYONLIINENOW! ! For r VPPIPREESCHOOL atPowhatanCoouuntyPuubbliicScchhools s httttpp:://www.ppoowhaataann..kk112..vva..uuss/ WoorkshhoopWaay y PrrescchhoolatLiitttle e Zion “iis s aVPPI I Paarrtnershhiip p Prescchhool” TO O VIISSIIT T Woorrkshho o pWaay y Prrescchhool 5662CartterssvvilleRd Powhhaataann,VA23139 CAALLL L Sistter r Beeuulah h at t 800483377-9960

Stuart Saunders, public relations chairman for the Powhatan Family Moose Center, presents a check in the amount of $2,225 to Theresa Fields, manager of the Powhatan Food Pantry, from their recent golf fundraiser.
Continued from pg. 1 BSH
In the Sept. 14 interview, Teigen addressed the concerns raised about how the school division’s finances have been handled. While she is still new to the position of superintendent, having only started in July, Teigen pointed out that the school division has been collaborating with the county on preparing for the annual audit, which is reviewed by an independent auditor, Brown Edwards. There have been no significant findings and the county – and by extension the school division – has received excellent audit reports for years, she said.
Knight’s Charge Campaign coming to a close. Changes to Parker Gym included new LED lighting, new paint, floors completely refinished, the court restriped, modernized colors and waterproofing the exterior of the building, said Sue Hickey, director of development.
She added that while the freeze was lifted, staff will continue to closely monitor spending to ensure the division is staying within the budget.
ficult as expectedand are even yielding some nice surprises, Ledbetter said. For instance, without a cafeteria, students, who are bringing their lunches, have been allowed to eat outside more, which they seem to enjoy as the weather is nice. The school brought in extra picnic tables and they also enjoy sitting together on towels and blankets.
“Each department developed their own mission statement aligned with the school mission statement,” Ledbetter said. “So they developed goals that pertained to instruction, pertained to field trips, experiential learning – specific goals they would be able to measure throughout this year.”
All four schools will hold three sessions families may attend. A PCPS Program Participation Overview will be given at 5 p.m. The three sessions are from 5:15-5:45 p.m.; 5:50-6:20 p.m.; and 6:25-6:55 p.m. PCPS and Program Staff will be available in the Commons for additional questions.

Teigen noted that the county had suggested hiring a procurement manager position that would serve both the county and school division to help facilitate larger purchases, which she sees as a positive change that will hopefully represent cost savings for everyone.
customized to the needs of K-12 school divisions” and is “very responsive to our needs.”Teigen said PCPS is in compliance with its payroll accounting codes according to state law on the annual report submitted to the state. However, for more detailed tracking, the division uses
Laura McFarland may be reached at Lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com.

Page 6A Powhatan Today, September 21, 2022
to Powhatan Middle School, provide proof of residency and pick up an application. Applications cannot be mailed. The deadline for eighth graders to submit an application is Dec. 1, 2022.
“It has been really good. It seems like since COVID the start of every year has brought new challenges and new things to figure out such as eating lunch outside and with the gym not ready having to do PE outside,” Ledbetter said. “It is great how those challenges can bring about positive changes and new ways of doing things.”
With much appreciation, Connie FreeExecutiveMoslowDirectorClinicofPowhatan
Another bureaucracy or meaningful legislation?
answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or share them on
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September 21, 2022 Page 7A 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116 Phone: 804-746-1235 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-344-8746

1. Substantial deficit spending.
Recently, I was told I’m complaining because I’m “on the losing team.” Well ... I’m on the TAXPAYERS’ Team. And we are losing. We’re losing our tax dollars to fraud, waste, abuse, and incompetence! If you’re also concerned, give your BOS and PCPS Board this message — we want a full audit of finances and policies. Any explanation or shifting blame is unacceptable. Powhatan County needs an independent audit before more money is lost. The fox won’t tell you how many chickens are in the hen house. In November, let’s vote the foxes out.
Harry PowhatanMarklandCounty
Initially, playing with the paints to look at different color combinations and the creations of a variety of colors felt a little like akin to what young artists exploring the world of color combinations for the first time must feel. Asking Shelley, her helper or other experienced participants questions was unerringly helpful, but some of it was just about experimenting and playing to see what you can discover and create.
Of all the things attempted on that little canvas, flowers proved both the biggest challenge and the greatest sense of accomplishment. Brush hovering
over the canvas, every image of shapes and colors of flowers seem to evaporate from my memory.
Dear Editor,
Resignation letter points to issues in school finances
A landfill has very serious implications for the surrounding rural community. To ignore facts about those implications early-on because of “timing or procedural” issues only “kicks the can down the road” and delays the inevitable.Lastyear an attempt was made (HB1200) to add code to the siting requirements of a landfill that would require a double liner and a distance requirement between a landfill and private wells. The bill was defeated primarily due to the “waste industry” lobby but will be revised and re-submitted in this legislative session. In some small way this will help but certainly not prevent leakage or contamination over time.

4. Long-standing use of payroll accounting codes outside of state law.
3. Antiquated procurement processes.
I will be up front and say right off the bat that I have no immediate plans to take up painting as a new hobby. The class was a blast and so enlightening but I took it more for the experience and maybe to get away from claiming I can’t paint when the truth is I’ve just never learned or practiced painting to know if any skill is there and could be developed.
Dear Editor, The following email was sent to Mr. Jerome Brooks - Regional Director - Piedmont Regional Office of Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) as part of a dialogue referencing the proposed Green Ridge landfill in Cumberland County. Permitting for the Green Ridge landfill has been in the hands of the VA DEQ since early 2020 for evaluation. As referenced in the email, the VA legislature passed the Environmental Justice Act in 2020 that set up an Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) to oversee all VA state departmental projects for their impact on the environment. A portion of the Environmental Justice Act is to ensure that a project does not negatively impact a specific portion of the surrounding community compared to the community as a whole. A demographic study is provided as part of that process. The question is “does the OEJ have any power to approve, deny, question, control the actions of the DEQ for issuing a permit to operate a landfill considering the demographics of the landfill’s location”?
Being completely candid, the end result on my canvas at the end of an hour long class would fall far short in comparison to even some of the youngest artists featured in Powhatan County Public Schools annual Youth Art Month exhibit, which takes place every March. It’s not something I am likely to display or keepButforever.when I looked at the painting after I was done, while trying to view it with a bit of a critical eye, one aspect of it stood out – one of those problematic flowers. During one of the several instances of mixing colors and playing with brushstrokes, a red, orange and yellow flower of my own imaginings but reminiscent of a pinwheel somehow took shape and was pleasing to my eye. It was a small victory for this beginner’s skills but a welcome one beyond the simple pleasure of taking a class, learning something new and socializing with fellow community members.
I’ll take this opportunity to give a special shout out to the Powhatan Library and its Friends group for revitalizing the adult programming this fall, whether it is monthly Monday movie showings, gentle yoga, an introduction to painting or other events. With the library seeking to build back stronger than ever after the COVID-19 pandemic as far as programming and offerings it is also an excellent time to reach out to share your ideas for programming and even possibly offer your own skills to make someone else’s day.
On behalf of myself, the Board of Directors, staff and especially the patients I would like to thank all the members of the Powhatan Moose Family Center #1840 for your wonderful gift to the Free Clinic of Powhatan. Thank you for selecting the Clinic to be the recipient of your annual fundraising golf tournament. We also thank all the participants and sponsors that made this a great success! What an impact your Club and gift has on the community and the Clinic. You have helped to make it possible for the Clinic to continue to serve our muchneeded low-income, uninsured population. You have helped us to initiate, improve and expand our services. The Free Clinic is so needed in the community. It has grown. It is the only safety net where so many of our residents can receive health services free of any fees or charges.Sometimes thank you does not seem enough to tell you how much impact you have on a community. You have helped to make Powhatan a healthier more vibrant part of the Richmond community. Again, thank to all at the Powhatan Moose Family Center.
I would again re-state my question; “if DEQ is a state agency and its charter is to authorize or reject a request for a permit for one of, if not the most, potentially toxic impactful projects upon the environment, but due to timing or a procedural issue the information is not accepted then I question why the OEJ even exists?”
The piece of advice was one of several Shelley, who is the owner of Sunshine Art and Lessons, gave over the next hour during a free painting session held Sept. 14 at Powhatan County Public Library. The program was one of several being sponsored this fall by the Friends of the Library group.
Publisher Joy Monopoli jmonopoli@rsnva.com Production Manager Denine D’Angelo ddangelo@mechlocal.com Managing Editor Laura McFarland lmcfarland@powhatantoday.com Sports Editor Robby Fletcher rfletcher@powhatantoday.com Sales Representative Tom Haynie thaynie@mechlocal.com Classifieds Cindy Adams cadams@mechlocal.com

While the class didn’t lead to a mad dash to the craft store to start buying supplies for another hobby to drain my bank account, it did serve exactly the purpose for which I originally started out. It offered the opportunity to explore a medium mostly unfamiliar to me, even if only for a little while.
As I tried to state in my email, if a project under review by DEQ has significant negative impact on a portion of the community as defined by an in-depth demographic report why wouldn’t that information be used to fulfill the charter of the Environmental Justice Act (EJA)? As I believe Danielle stated the reason is that the report was not submitted as part of the Application Part A. Why does that matter?
7. Concerted resistance to Board oversight or unified County accounting/reporting systems.
After four years observing the “gives and takes” of the Green Ridge permitting process it appears to me, as an average citizen, that DEQ’s role is to help the applicant (Green Ridge) receive the permit by simply making sure the rules are followed. If I may be so bold as to comparing the process to a math test where the student gets a do-over if they give a wrong answer. If however DEQ were to view this particular project based solely on the choice of location, it should have been rejected earlyon for reasons too numerous to mention here.
Since October 2021, I’ve had meetings one-on-one and addressed both the BOS and PCPS boards about lack of adherence to policies and procedures, inadequate policies and procedures, and little to no financial oversight. Many local, state, and federal governments have a dedicated unit to audit policies and procedures. Those audits save money. Unfortunately, my repeated recommendations for an audit continue falling on deaf ears.
Splashes of color make morning program pop
Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 8460 Times Dispatch Blvd., Mechanicsville, Va 23116. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 © 2022 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. CAC Audited Circulation: 11,026.
By Laura McFarland Managing Editor

entire pumpkin was a vibrant but monotone orange and the night sky shaping up to be a flat black before I learned my first tip. With an artist paint brush in my hand – a rare occurrence in my adult life – and a canvas in front of me, art teacher Shelley Crawford walked over and asked if she could demonstrate a technique to help add richness and depth to the canvas. She took the brush with black paint on it and dipped it lightly in the small puddles of yellow, red and teal spaced out on the paper plate.She began mixing the colors into the flat black already layered on the canvas, taking it from an inky darkness without depth to the first signs it could be a nighttime nature scene like the sample image left at the stations before everyone arrived.
Dear Editor, FRAUD! WASTE! ABUSE! Here in lovely Powhatan County? YES! First, we learned that our County Administrator handed out huge raises of $20,000 and more to employees in violation of County policies and procedures. Now, we’ve learned more troubling news. On July 1, 2022, PCPS hired a new Finance Director with impeccable credentials. On August 20, 2022 – less than two months later – that new Finance Director resigned. Why would a respected professional give up a good paying job so quickly? Good question! He laid out these seven accounting “red flags” in his resignation letter:
I debated signing up for the free class at first because taking an hour for myself in the middle of a busy work week goes against the grain. At the same time, for a job without a set schedule because it flows with the happenings of Powhatan, a little flexibility to my advantage is a nice perk every once in a while.
Don PowhatanSilberbauerCounty

Today’s Facebook page.
Free Clinic grateful for Moose Family Center’s support
2. Poorly managed grant reimbursements.
5. Back-of-envelope payroll procedures passed from person to person without formal written guidelines or procedures.6.Staff objections to basic guidelines followed by peers in other divisions.
According to the Finance Director, he discussed these issues with Dr. Teigen on a number of occasions, to no avail. As someone who spent 40+ years investigating fi nancial crimes, this resignation letter concerns me. Organizations like The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners report that counties our size lose at least 3% to FRAUD, WASTE, ABUSE, INCOMPETENCE – in Powhatan’s case that’s nearly $5 million dollars.
In closing, it happens all too often that a law is passed but because of inaccurate wording or interpretation is never acted upon. Environmental Justice is too important to the health and welfare of citizens to allow that to happen.I would humbly ask for you to do whatever possible to incorporate the EJA into the permitting process of all VirginiaSincerely,landfills.
During the painting program, people of varying degrees of painting knowledge and skill came together to recreate a simple – for them maybe, super complicated for this novice – night scene of a pumpkin sitting in a field of grass and wildflowers with their own spin on it.
Mr. ThankBrooks,youfor your well wishes and response to my email concerning the Green Ridge landfill request currently being processed by DEQ.
E-mail the Powhatan
Never-the-less, my point in contacting Danielle (OEJ coordinator) is to question the role of Environmental Justice in the permitting process, not to question her ability or desire to perform the duties of her position.
has the start of the new school year been going for local K-12 families?
“We don’t want to limit it to just one group of chil-

said.Last week’s event saw 10 adults and six 5- to-10year-olds meeting for the first time, reading to each other and sharing a little bit about themselves.
dren. We want all children to be involved. So hopefully we will get some feedback and I will be to determine at that point when a good time of day would be for everyone,” she said.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS who participated in the first Reading is Grand program held Sept. 13 at Powhatan Library. Shown right, Jackie Hatcher reads with the youth she was paired with at the program, 9-year-old Charleigh Gutkaiss.
The goal of this forum with community leaders and partners is to hear experiences from those in Powhatan and discover gaps in service or programming that Alzheimer's Association may be able help to improve Powhatan with. The event will be held at the Rescue Squad Building. Contact program coordinator Jayne Lloyd at 804-698-0438 or RAServices.PVA@ gmail.com for more information.
mom, Jennifer, said all three of her girls – Ellie, 8, and Lennon, 6, also attended – loved the program. Of the three, Charleigh is the most voracious reader, but the other two are up and coming, their mom said.As a homeschool family, Gutkaiss of Cartersville said it was a good opportunity for her daughters to be around other adults and the event was something fun to try out during the week.
Page 8A Powhatan Today, September 21, 2022

“I hope they will do more of these programs. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the few other seniors I talked with also thought it was really worth their time being there,” sheCharleigh’ssaid.

LAND BuffaloCreek Estates 7.50ACRES$44,950 PrinceEdward County,VA NearHampden-SydneyCollege SylviaMiles [804]310-7476 Lot4HampdenLN LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION!!! 10ACRESINEASTERNPOWHATAN NEAR THECOUNTYLINE!! These woodedLotsarejust2.5milesfrom WestchesterCommons&Rt288! MikeWilliford [804]350-8278 Lots6,8,&10 ManakintownFerryRD $250,000each COLUMBIA (CountyofFluvanna) 10AcresneartheJamesRiver BoatLandingjustoffRT6. Wonderfulplacetobuildora weekendgetaway! $77,000 SylviaMiles [804]310-7476 LAND TakealookatthisBeautifulOne AcreparceloffofRT711, servedbyaneasement. Propertyhastwoabandoned houses. Electric&Wateronsite. FloydPalmore [804]338-9352 1725HuguenotTRL-$75,000 UNDER CONTRACT F A L L ALLOWUSTOHELPYOUTO INLOVE WITHA NewHouse! SharynHumphrey[804]512-9559 LummieJones[804]314-5668 SamanthaJones[Assistant] "YourOutstandingHomeTeam!" Land&HomeExperts•804-598-7700•NapierERA.com KimWooten [804]517-1355 Fabuloushomereadyforyouto moverightin! OneLevelLiving offersSpaciousFamilyRoom,EatinKitchen,3Beds,&2Updated Baths!SomeMajorImprovements include:NEWRoof,NEWVinyl Siding,VinylWindows,&More...!!! 6500LeisureCT-$300,000 Chesterfield,VA This1890sqft.brickrancher comesw/twoadd'lparcels (8711Redbridge&8725 Redbridge)makingatotalof 11.95Acres.3BR,2Bath, IngroundPool,WholeHome Generator,&More!! FloydPalmore [804]338-9352 8719RedbridgeRD-$399,000 NorthChesterfield,VA UNDER CONTRACT COMPLETELYRENOVATED!! Move-inREADY! 2.3Acres... PLUSanadditional2.7Acres offeredfor$79,950makingthis a 5Acrepotential ! MikeWilliford [804]350-8278 6459AndersonHWY-$329,950 WATERFRONT LOTS!! ONE HOME AVAILABLE!! $450,000-$550,000 HIGHSPEEDINTERNET! TerryAdcock|LindseyEck [804]314-5696|244-1748 WALNUTCREEK NEW HOMES 22HostenLN-$250,000 Cumberland,VA Searchingforonelevelliving? Whetheryouareafirsttimehome buyerorjusttryingtodownsize,then youhavefoundit!Thisbeautiful,2acre,propertyissurroundedby maturehardwoods&openland,so justsitoutonthefrontorbackporch, enjoyyourmorningcoffee,&admire theserenelandscape! MikeLonski [804]241-9427 #LISTWITHLONSKI SOLD!! NewConstruction builtbyMikkon Construction,intheMapleGrove Subdivision,offers3000+Sqft.,4 Beds,3FullBaths,2Levels.2.1 acrelotsitsonacul-de-sac shared w/only 2 other homes. Great opportunitythatwon'tlastlong! TimKonvicka [804]514-7237 2801MapleLakeTER-$719,500 KimWooten [804]517-1355 WonderfulWaterfrontNeighborhood borderingtheSwiftCreekReservoir! Plentyofversatilelivingspaceinthis3 bed,2.5bathhome!FeaturingaFront LivingArea,FormalDiningArea,Eat-in Kitchen,FamilyRoomw/fireplace,direct accesstothebackdeck,&ahugeloft! 14304CoveRidgeTER-$375,000 Chesterfied,VA EstablishedConvenienceStoreincludesthebusiness&thereal estate.Fourundergroundstoragetanks&Threegaspumpstoconvey attimeofsettlement.Thepropertyis2ACRESw/frontageonRt60 AndersonHwyandLockinRd. Awonderfulbusinessopportunity!! SylviaMiles [804]310-7476 4601AndersonHWY$175,000|Powhatan,VA ADORABLECustomCraftsman w/LakeViews&WaterAccessto theneighborhoodLake,alsojust minutestotheJamesRIVER!! ThisHomeisBetterthannewand alreadyLandscaped,readyforyou to..."JustEnjoy". MikeWilliford [804]350-8278 3475MillMountTRL-$650,000 UNDER CONTRACT 200+GORGEOUSAcreage availableinGoochlandw/A 1920'sRENOVATEDFarmhouse nestledontop!! 6000sqft,5BR's, 5.5Bathsthatmeet&exceedall theneeds.Alsoontheland...Pool, AirplaneHanger,Runway,Barn w/Office&Shop/Garage. MikeWilliford [804]350-8278 5370MartinRD-$2,750,000 Goochland,VA NewConstruction! FullBasement,CraftsmanCape Cod,on3.7 PRIVATE Wooded Acres.Firstfloormasterwithall thebells&whistles! TerryAdcock|LindseyEck [804]314-5696|244-1748 6000TrenholmVillageDR$443,320 MikeLonski [804]241-9427 #LISTWITHLONSKI CALLMETODAY! NEWCONSTRUCTION WATERFRONT FIRSTFLOORMASTER CraftsmanreadytocloseOct2022. Over2200sqftwith2cargarage! TerryAdcock|LindseyEck [804]314-5696|244-1748 2225SuttonCliffLN-$540,000 N ER N F

Continued from pg. 3
Lloyd shared a little about research that has been done on intergenerational programming that suggests it improves academic performance, improves health and bolsters a strong sense of community and compassion. These kinds of interaction may also serve to offer benefits such as “reduced ageism and age discrimination among young and old alike; improved mental, physical and cognitive health unique to each life stage; greater sense of belonging and connectedness with others of different ages; and more acceptance of people who are different from themselves,” according to materials from the group Generations United.
“We’d love to expand to 20 adults, 20 children so one-on-one experience is possible, but it can remain flexible and will greatly depend on response to the survey to parents on a convenient time to schedule the next one,” Lloyd said.

Hatcher said she already reads with her own grandchildren, which she enjoys, but she also loved the great interaction with the adults and the children in the library meeting room.

think she was engaged as well,” Hatcher said.

per quart. Ready by noon. Drive thru pick up.

“She read first. She was very animated in her reading and very articulate and on task. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting with her while she did her reading. … Most 10-year-olds that I know are not really interested in sitting down and reading with a stranger but she was. I
For more information about the program, contact Jayne Lloyd at raservices.pva@gmail.com or Cindy Norkunas at cnorkunas@powhatanlibrary.net or 804598-5670.

Norkunas said she and Lloyd really want to continue Reading is Grand as a monthly program. The biggest challenge is finding a good time for the program to accommodate many types of schedules since school is in session and sports and other extracurricular activities demand so much time. She is putting together a survey to see what kind of timing works for local families.
towel, and if able a firm pillow, block or towel for support. Bottled water will be provided. For details, contact Powhatan County Public Library at 804-598-5670 or library@ powhatanlibrary.net.TherewillbeanAlzheimer's Association Community Forum from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Oct. 20. If you or a loved one has been affected by dementia or Alzheimer's, you'll want to attend.

“It was like it was not the first time they had met. The kids picked right up, started reading their book. Once they were done reading, they started having conversations – talking about their pets or what they like to do for fun, telling stories about their family. It was pretty awesome,” she said.
Continued from pg. 1 READING

Shown left are the children and members of the 55+ community

The Powhatan County Public Library is spicing up the fall with its programming for adults. On Saturday, Oct. 15 and Nov. 19 at 10:30 a.m., the library will hold Gentle Beginner’s Yoga with Joanna Bartles. Participants will learn breathing techniques, postures and movements to relieve tension and tightness in muscles and joints. Bring a yoga mat or beach

The children seemed hesitant at first, Hatcher said, but within a few minutes of them being paired up and starting the reading, everybody seemed to relax, said Jackie Hatcher of Powhatan. She enjoyed her time sitting and reading with Charleigh Gutkaiss, who is almost 10 years old.

“I do know it is important for different generations to be together and enjoy doing something together, so I hope they learned it is cool to be friends with people of all ages. I do know my kids are looking forward to the next one,” she said.
Cindy Norkunas, special programs coordinator at the library, helped Lloyd plan the program and said the interaction was amazing.
Combining the powerful reach reading aloud can achieve, the benefit to children having practice with reading skills and the benefits to interact with an older generation made for a wonderful pilot to this program, Lloyd said. The joy the adults expressed as they encountered the children was priceless, she added.
on Saturday, Oct. 15 at the station, located at 3971 Old Buckingham Road. Pre-order in person, by calling 804-657-8331, on the company’s Facebook page or by emailing fundraising@pvfd1.org. Brunswick stew is $10
“I think the children were proud of their reading and I think the adults were delighted. Our culture needs to be intentional about reciprocation between the book end generations because it’s not as much a part of our everyday world as it was a few generations ago,” she said.

September 21, 2022 Page 1BPowhatan, Virginia FOOTBALLALL-STAR 800.296.6246 l cffc.com CitizensandFarmersBank C&FBank’sAthleteoftheWeekC&FBankAthleteoftheWeek WHO: MATTHEWHENDERSON WHATHEDID: Powhatanfootballimpressedin itslong-awaitedseason-opener,with sophomorewidereceiverMatthew Hendersonbeingastandoutonoffense. Inthe36-12victoryoverHuguenot onSept.9,Hendersonbroughtdown twotouchdownsfromquarterbackDylan Trevillian,includingthefirsttouchdown ofthegameinthesecondquarter. Thesecond,comingwith3:37 remaininginthefirsthalf,sawthe sophomoreleapdownwithan impressivecatchthatputtheIndians ahead16-6.Hendersonusedhis excellentballskillstopulldownthepass. Intotal,Hendersonhauledinfour catchesfor64yards,helpingTrevillian andtheoffenseoperateatahighlevel tokickofftheseason. TheIndians,whohad19players gettheirfirststartsoftheirhighschool footballcareers,wereabletorestthose startersandbringoutthebackupslate inthefourthquarter. ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Name: Casey Grell Graduating Class: 2024 Sport(s): Field hockey and lacrosse Stat/Accolade of the Week: 1 goal and 5 assists as a defensive center midfielder Favorite Athlete: Older sister Chloe Grell, who plays college lacrosse and rugby Favorite Hype-up song: “Hotel Room Service” by Pitbull Name: Kendrick Sheffield Graduating Class: 2023 Sport(s): Football and baseball Stat/Accolade of the Week: Tackle for loss and helped team win 24-22 over Greenbrier Favorite Athlete Hall of Fame MLB pitcher Nolan Ryan Favorite Hype-up song: “Praise the Lord” by A$AP Rocky FILE PHOTO Steve Washburn, who had been in the Powhatan boys basketball program as a coach for 20 years, is joining the girls basketball team to be its new head coach next season.
ence came more in how she prepared her own team, focusing less on how to strike on Monacan’s weaknesses and more on what Powhatan could control on its own side of the court to have success.Itworked as well as it could, with the Indians winning three sets to zero over their region counterpart for a victory with set wins of 25-17, 25-14 and 25-16. The Indians are
ed the Monacan Chiefs on Sept. 13, coach Cindy Bryant tried a different approach in her preparation for taking on the regionHergiant.approach to scouting the opponent stayed the same, but the differ-

Leaving the field after a stunning ending to a nailbiting playoff loss to the eventual state champion Varina Blue Devils last year, quarterback Dylan Trevillian watched as multiple teammates said goodbye to Powhatan football.
and credits him with shaping his development as a quarterback. Trevillian says he and Bell worked through his throwing mechanics as well as the mental aspects of the quarterback position as he prepared to build on a junior season that saw him toss 23 touchdowns and over 1,700 “(Bell’s)yards.thebest in the

see TREVILLIAN, pg. 5B see WASHBURN, pg. 4B
Bryant says she’s had the team run drills specifi cally to turn that weakness into a strength, even having them hit 25 serves in a row with each player rotating in to focus on getting the ball into play.
“It’smentality.anhonor to hold this position and be able to lead this group of athletes,” he said. “For some people the position I’m in
Trevillian embraces leadership role

It was a tough pill to swallow, sure, especially considering eight of those seniors were starters on offense while many others were key to the team’s onfield success and overall leadership, but Trevillian knew that the time to get back to work was now rather than later.
can be a lot of pressure, but I’ve worked my whole life to be in the position I’m in, and I’m fully confident in myself and my teammates.”Enteringthe offseason, Trevillian quickly got back on the field, training with Malcolm Bell, the founder of Undefeated Quarterback Training in Richmond, Virginia. Trevillian has worked with Bell since the eighth grade
Powhatan freshman Mazie Harmon pops the ball up to set up a teammate in the volleyball team’s 3-0 victory against Monacan at home on Sept. 13.

The Indians were led by a nine-kill performance
step down from her position after an excellent 2021-22 season, the program will be seeing a familiar face take command in the role.
After Powhatan girls team head coach Kristy Henderson


now 2-2 to start the season.The team dedicated extra focus on serving in the court as a point of emphasis, and Bryant said that helped them smartly recycle the ball and terminate when the situation was“Theperfect.bottom line is what this team’s been struggling with is serving in the court and terminating, and we did those two things tonight,” Bryant
Indians volleyball beats Chiefs

said. “We’ve been trying to focus on the processes that are going to get us to the end game, and tonight we executed on that.”
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
see VOLLEYBALL, pg. 3B
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor

it was going to take time to get to the level we needed to so we can be great.”Now one of three returning starters from last year’s team that finished with a 7-4 record, Trevillian is looked at as a guiding light to his team of youngsters. The pressures of being the man under center with the ball in his hands is tough enough as is, but Trevillian is now the captain leading the ship to safety as the team fights to prove it can bounce back despite a lack of on-field experience.In past seasons, Trevillian acted as a sponge around past Indians leaders, watching, listening and learning what makes a good leader and what gets people to buy into the team
“It’s hard to replace losing that much experience on the field,” Trevillian said. “Rebuilding the trust, timing and chemistry takes a lot of time and work. I knew we had some really talented young kids coming up but
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor

Steve girlsbasketballreturnsWashburntoIndiansasnewheadcoach
Powhatan quarterback Dylan Trevillian (4) throws on the move in a scrimmage against Collegiate on Aug. 25.
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Andhere’sthebestpart. Thepricedropsfrom $649 to $590 perbagforeveryonewho claimsmultipleBankBagsplus freeshippingandfreehandling aslongastheycallbeforethe deadlineends.Butdonotforget this.Everyonewhomissesthe 2-daydeadlinemustpay $849 for eachBankBag.
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That’swhyeveryoneshouldbe takingthemaxlimitof3Bank Bagsbeforethedeadlineends.
There’sonethingreadersneed toknow.OnlyU.S.residentswho calltheToll-FreeHotlinesbefore the2-daydeadlineendsare gettingthemultipleBankBag price.
Thatmeansallthosewhocall theToll-FreeHotlinesprintedin today’spublicationaregetting BankBagsfullofoldU.S.silver coinsandcurrencysomedating clearbacktotheearly1900’s andcouldbeworthupto100 timestheirfacevalueincluding therarelyseenMorganSilver Dollar,theiconicPeaceSilver Dollar,BarberSilverHalfDollar, stunningSilverWalkingLiberty HalfDollars,thescarceFranklin SilverHalfDollar,theBarber SilverQuarterDollar,beautiful StandingLibertySilverQuarter Dollar,magnificent$1Dollar SilverCertificateNote,$2and $5DollarRedSealNotesand collectible$2Notesjusttoname afew.Infact,thebagsweigh nearlyfourpoundsandcontain

Operatorsarescheduledtobe ondutybeginningwiththefirst callsbeingacceptedatprecisely 7:30amthismorning.
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andcurrencyareupforgrabs.Ever sincethedecisionbyFederatedMint toturnovertheseheavyBankBags fullofoldmoneytothegeneral public—Everyonewantsto knowhowmuchtheBank Bagsareworth?The answeris,there’sno waytotell.Coinvaluesalwaysfluctuate andtherearenever anyguarantees,but wedoknowthis.Each BankBagweighsnearly fourpoundsandcontains ararelyseenMorganSilverDollarandjustthis onecoinalonecould beworthupto100 timesitsfacevalue,” confirmedLynne.
Thereasonisthe2-daydeadline appliesonlytoreadersofthis publication.Thatmeansheavy BankBagsbearingthename ofoneofseveralnowdefunct banks,eachfullofoldU.S.Gov’t issuedcoinsandcurrencyare actuallybeinghandedoverto thegeneralpublicbyFederated Mintbeginningat7:30amthis morning.

Theonlything readersoftodayspublicationneedtodoto getthemultiplebagprice iscalltheToll-FreeHotlines printedintoday’snewspaperbefore the2-daydeadlineends.

Thisisveryimportant.Donotmiss thedeadline.That’sbecausetheBank Bagfeehasbeensetfor $849 forresidentswhomissthe2-daydeadline. Soit’simportantforU.S.residentsto calltheToll-FreeHotlinesbeforethe deadlineends.
That’sbecauseyoujust don’tfindBankBags liketheseorpickthem upatadefunctbank. Recordsconfirmthe originofeachDefunctBankBagcanbe tracedbacktovaults attheFederatedMint wheretheywereloaded withacombinationof over200U.S.coinsand currencynotessome datingclearbackto theearly1900’sand thensecurelysealed forgood.Thatmeans there’snotellingwhat you’llfinduntilyou searchthrougheachBank Bag.Butyoubetterbelieveat just $649 theseBankBagsareasteal. Anditgetsevenbetter.Theprice dropscleardownto $590 forallthose whotakemultiplebags.
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Somanypeopleareexpected tocalltogettheseBankBags, callerswhocannotgetthrough arebeingurgedtocallthespecial OverflowHotlinesprintedin today’spublication. requestsforthebagsaresuretobeoverwhelmingsincetheycontainnearlyfourpoundsofU.S.Gov’t

final tallies of 25-21 and 25-16, but they stormed back to win the next set 25-20 and then won a thrilling fourth set that had them edge by the Rapids in a 27-25 stunner to force a fifth tiebreaker set.In the tiebreaker set to 15, the Indians and Rapids battled back and forth to gain an advantage, but the Rapids took the win in a close 15-13 final.

Russell, who played the Chiefs in regionals her sophomore year, says the win meant a lot to her and acted as an example of what this team is capable
Continued from pg. 1 B
Powhatan senior Samantha Flippo hits the ball with one hand over the net in the second set of the team’s home matchup against the Monacan Chiefs.

Contributed Report

Front row: assistant coach Megan Langston (kneeling) and Wyatt Cottrell. Second row: head coach coach April Wise, Lane Cottrell, Layne Haas, Chase Wise, Dalton Owens, and assistant coach Brandon Owens. Back row: Nick Foster, Jeremiah Gee, Baylee Haas, Cameron Langston, and Rylan Smith. Not pictured: Jorden Myers.
Wade led the team with 38 assists, nine digs, two blocks, two aces and two kills, while Harmon finished with 16 kills.
The Cumberland Minor’s baseball team is led by head coach April Wise and assistant coaches Brandon Owens and Megan Langston.
For the first time in the history of the program, the team battled hard and ultimately won the Dixie Youth AAA State Title.
Powhatan Today
The first set was the

of when it all comes together.“We have a good understanding of what we need to do to go forward,” she said. “This game was probably the best we’ve played as a team together.”After the game, Bryant also honored senior Colby Wright with the golden ball, a new award given out each game for the player that demonstrates effort, teamness and attitude that reinforces a positive attitude on the bench. Wright is the second player to earn the honor after senior Sophia Payne earned the first one.
Bryant says the recipient will write their name and number on the ball as it gets passed down from team to team over the course of the program’s future. No player can win it in consecutive games, but can win it more than

once.“Our goal is through the years of Powhatan volleyball, that this ball will be passed and filled up, but your legacy will be on this ball,” Bryant said.
timeout that aimed to stop the bleeding, the Indians just kept on with their gameplan. One particular point drew a huge applause from the home crowd when Russell smashed down a kill with authority to put her team up After14-6. taking care of business in the second set, things started to even out a little bit in the final set, with both teams deadlocked at 4-4 early on, but a 10-1 Indians run again put them in the driver’s seat and had the Chiefs on theAfterropes.a Moss ace made it 22-13, the point that ended the game came from Russell to push the Indians past their rival.
Cumberland School Board recognizes Cumberland Minors
Advertise in Powhatan Today! Call 804-746-1235 for details.

on 18 attacks by senior Olivia Moss, who along with senior Carly Rehme led the team with three aces apiece. Chesed Russell, another senior leader who had seven kills, and a 0.545 hitting efficiency, says the team’s passing has especially progressed well through its first stretch of “We’vegames.definitely gotten more into a rhythm after these first few games,” she said. “I feel like our passing, once we’ve gotten our servicing down, has gotten a lot better because we’ve been able to get Powhatanset.”had 22 assists as a team during the game, but the playmaking that led to kills can mostly be credited to a fantastic 20-assist performance from senior Sydney Wade.


The team finished the regular season with a perfect record of 24 wins and zero losses.
Moss then added 12 kills and four of her own aces, and Russell recorded nine kills and three blocks.After two impressive performances, Powhatan aims to carry this momentum and positive energy into the rest of the season.
Page 3BPowhatan Today, September 21, 2022 LeliaPalmoreWinget-Hernandez CertifiedElderLawAttorney(CELA) CountonCommonwealthLife&LegacyCounsel forhelpwith: •Estateplanning •Wills,Trusts,DurablePowersofAttorney •AdvancedMedicalDirectives,LivingWills •SpecialNeedsPlanning •FiduciaryandProbateLitigation •ElderLaw,Guardianships,andLongTermCarePlanning PROTECTINGYOURFAMILY, ASSETS,ANDRETIREMENT ServingPowhatan: FromPowhatan,InPowhatanForPowhatan 3829OldBuckinghamRoad,SuiteC Powhatan,VA23139 804-598-1348 www.winget-hernandez.cominfo@winget-hernandez.com VA’sLargestShow foroutdoorenthusiasts! seeyouthere! •225+Vendors •ProductDemos &Seminars •FunKids’Activities •LiveMusic •DeliciousFood •ShowSpecials •PrizeDrawings&more! rainor shine! just some of our 2022 “don’t miss” events... Experience Trailer admission& parkingfree forthe wholefamily! fun f 8am-6pm8am-5pm formore details scanthiscode orvisit: www.GreenTopHuntFish.com/outdoor-expo

Members of the Cumberland School Board recognized the Cumberland Minors Youth League Baseball Team on Sept. 1 after a special season that made history and allowed them a shot at the World Series.

In their next game on Sept. 15, the Indians looked like a motivated side after their Monacan win against the undefeated James River Rapids at home, who had to scratch and claw their way to a win over the Indians in five
Wright says she wasn’t expecting the award, considering herself a consistently loud presence on the bench, but never expecting it to lead to this kind of praise.
closest of the three, with both teams trading points back and forth to tie things up 14-14. Powhatan started to take over at the end of the set though due to the scoring ability of players like freshman Mazie Harmon and seniors Sam Flippo and Moss. Moss and Flippo both were credited with points that forced a Chiefs timeout with the Indians up 23-15, and Moss put the set away with a great kill to make it 24-15 as well as the winning point set up by Russell.In the second set, the Indians looked like the team with momentum on theirTheyside.had fans going crazy in the stands, solid serves that allowed them to set up and tremendous execution getting the ball up to their top scoring threats. After an 8-2 start that forced another Chiefs
This entitled the Cumberland Minors to have the opportunity to compete for the World Series title in SouthTheCarolina.Cumberland County Minor’s team is made up the following players: Lane Cottrell, Wyatt Cottrell, Nick Foster, Jeremiah Gee, Baylee Haas, Layne Haas, Cameron Langston, Jorden Myers, Dalton Owens, Rylan Smith and Chase Wise.

Thesets.Indians went down in the first two sets with

“It makes you show energy toward your teammates and being happy for everything they do,” Wright said.

2022 season, while also noting a strong junior varsity pipeline and promising group coming up from Powhatan Middle School as evidence of the team’s potential.“They have some great talent still established in the program,” he said. “I really look forward to working with all of them and seeing where we take this program.”
the scoring with an unassisted goal early on.
He was the boys varsity
Above, sophomore Caroline Camp pressures a Monacan player in Powhatan’s 4-0 win at home on Sept. 15. Below, sophomore Chloe Holt uses her backhand to get past a Chiefs defender.
Reimondo positioned herself well in front of the net after a Campbell shot was pushed wide by theThegoalie.defense was on point all evening, with one particular first quarter highlight coming from junior Mariah Keuther, who shut down a counter attack rush with just under a minute to play.
Robby Fletcher can be reached at powhatantoday.com.rfletcher@
coach for 13 years starting in 2006, while also coaching the junior varsity team for seven years before that and working under longtime girls coach Paulette Bowman as an assistant as well.In his first year as head coach for the boys team, he led the Indians to the 2006-07 Southside District regular season title, the first in program history in 50 years, and led that group to the district tournament finals.
O-2022-35Case#22-09-AZ:TheCountyofPowhatan requeststheamendment oftheprovisionssetforthinChapter83(ZoningOrdinance)ArticleIV(Village GrowthAreaDistricts)Division2VillageGrowthAreaPlannedDevelopment Districts,Sec.83-314tocreateanewPlannedDevelopmentDistricttobeutilized byareasdenotedinthe2021ComprehensivePlanasEconomicOpportunity.This amendmentwillcreateanewzoningdistrictthatwillallowEconomicOpportunity parcelstofeaturedensitiesandcommercialdevelopmentconsistentwiththevision ofthe2021ComprehensivePlan.
Aside from a close season-opening loss to James River, the Powhatan Indians field hockey team has been in complete control of every matchup this season.
FullcopiesoftheseproposalsmaybereviewedintheCountyAdministration OfficesinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding(3834OldBuckingham Road)between8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.
Continued from pg. 1 B
That 1-0 loss on Aug. 29 was the only time Powhatan’s in-sync defense has been scored all on year, with the team outscoring opponents 23-0 during its four game winning streak. The latest victims to Powhatan’s streak were Clover Hill and Monacan in 6-0 and 4-0 finals, both of which were on Powhatan’s home
Publiccommentsmayalsobesubmittedtoadministration@powhatanva.govorby leavingavoicemailat(804)598-5612.Anycommentsreceivedpriorto5:00PMof thedateofthepublichearingwillberecordedinthemeetingminutes.
Though he hasn’t been a full-time head coach for three years, Washburn was still a constant presence around the school.
Allinterestedpersonsareinvitedtoparticipateinthepublichearingsandto presenttheirviewsand/ortosubmitwrittencomments.Personsrequiringspecial assistancetovieworparticipateinthosehearingsshouldcontactthePowhatan CountyAdministrator’sOfficeat(804)598-5612atleastthreedayspriortothe meeting.Fulltextanddocumentsrelatedtotheseproposalscanbereviewedby contactingtheCountyAdministrator’sOfficeatadministration@powhatanva.govor (804)598-5612.
AllPlanningCommissionmeetingsareopentothepublicandinterestedpersons areencouragedtoattendonthedayandtimespecifiedabove.Copiesofthe proposedplans,ordinances,andamendmentsmaybereviewedintheDepartment ofCommunityDevelopmentinthePowhatanCountyAdministrationBuilding(3834 OldBuckinghamRoad)between8:30AMand5:00PMofeachbusinessday.Copies ofstaffreportsareavailablepriortothePublicHearinguponrequestandwillbe availableonlineatleastfive(5)dayspriortothemeetingathttp://powhatanva.gov/ agendacenter.Pleasecall(804)598-5621withanyquestions.
Two days later, the Indians didn’t miss a beat in their matchup against the Chiefs.
Page 4B Powhatan Today, September 21, 2022
Powhatan field hockey on four-game win streak

Athletic director Chip Boone said this week that Steve Washburn will be the new girls basketball head coach, with the Powhatan coaching legend returning after stepping down from the same position with the boys team after the 2018-19 season.
heights in her final year, guiding the program alongside a stacked roster featuring her daughter, Faith Henderson, and Lynchburg student-athlete Kayla Terry to the state quarterfinals and a second place finish in the regional identitycreateLampmanEmmaFlippo,erinepectsWashburntournament.saysheex-holdoverslikeKath-Cerullo,SamanthaShaunaCallahan,TerryandCorynntostepupandtheirownimageandafterasuccessful
With little over nine minutes to play in the second, Campbell picked up the second goal on another rebound after Grell threw a shot at the net near the edge of the circle.
By Robby Fletcher Sports Editor
The scoring started out with a rebound putback from junior Emily Reimondo just seven minutes into the match.
O-2022-33TheCountyofPowhatan requeststheamendmentoftheprovisions setforthinCountyOrdinanceSec.80-67(Watermetersforoutsideuse).Two Ordinance revisions will be presented thatoffer financial relief for residential wastewatercustomerscurrentlyincurringsewerchargesforwaterbeingutilized forresidentialirrigationsystems.
O-2022-34TheCountyofPowhatan isconsideringtheadoptionofanordinance toexemptequipmentandmachineryusedforforestharvestingandsilvicultural activitiesfrompersonalpropertytaxes.
NoticeisherebygiventhatthePowhatanCountyBoardofSupervisorswillconduct publichearingson Monday,September26,2022at6:30PM inthe Powhatan CountyVillageBuildingAuditorium(3910OldBuckinghamRoad) regarding thefollowingmatters.
After sophomore Caroline Camp powered one home with an assist from junior Casey Grell, Krauss was right back on the scoresheet with her second of the night, this time getting an assist sent in from sophomore Chloe Holt. Krauss later returned the favor for the team’s last goal to go up 6-0, assisting her teammate Holt for a goal of her own to close out an exciting offensive display for the LexiIndians.Campbell also added in the team’s fourth goal of the night with an unassisted strike into the net, followed by Krauss’ third and final goal that was assisted by Grell for her second set-up pass.
Case21-09-REZC:StroudVenturesLLC(District1:Manakin/FlatRock/ Subletts) requeststherezoningofTaxMapParcels#43-39BfromAgricultural-10 (A-10)DistricttoCommerceCenter(CC)Districtwithprofferedconditionsand amendmentofthezoningdistrictmapofapproximately5.93acresoflandlocated onthewestsideofPageRdapproximately0.2milesnorthwestoftheintersection withAndersonHighway.Profferedconditionsaddressadditionalsitebuffers, roadwayaccesscontrols,right-of-waydedication,andrestrictionofpermitted uses.Thisrequestisbeingmadetoallowfortheconstructionofacontractor’s officewhichshallincludethestorageofalimitedquantityofmaterials,supplies, andequipmentinsidethebuilding.The2021Long-RangeComprehensivePlan designatesthesubjectpropertyasRuralAreasandProtectedLands(Route60 CorridorEastSpecialAreaPlan)ontheCountywideFutureLandUsePlan.
Hostingfield. the Cavaliers on Tuesday, Sept. 13, a hat trick courtesy of sophomore Erica Krauss was the biggest highlight for the Indians attack, with Krauss opening up

after the refs determined she was outside the shootingIncircle.thesecond half, defenders like Chloe James, Emilee Taylor and Mariah Keuther had little to do, with the offense controlling possession for most of the third quarter.
Membersofthepublicmayalsoparticipateremotelybyjoiningawebinarat https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83998792911orbydialinginbyphoneat1-929-2056099OR1-312-626-6799,thentypinginthewebinarID83998792911.During thepubliccommentperiod,participantsmayraisetheirhandusingthezoom controlsonthecomputerscreen,or(ifdialingin)bypressing*9onaphone.
Noticeisherebygiven,pursuantto§15.2-2204ofthe CodeofVirginia, that thePlanningCommissionofPowhatanCountywillconductapublichearingon Tuesday,October4,2022,at6:00PMinthePowhatanCountyVillageBuilding Auditorium,3910OldBuckinghamRoad, toconsiderthefollowingrequest: 22-04-REZP:Oberlander(District#4:PowhatanVillage/Macon) requestsan amendmentoftheprofferstatementforoneparceldesignatedtaxmapnumber 038-F-1-68(3870MillStationDrive)whichcontainsapproximately4.3acresandis locatedneartheintersectionofLowerMillRdHwyandMillStationDr.Theapplicant isseekingtoreducethecashprofferamountfrom$7,236(adjustedupwardby increasesintheConsumerPriceIndex)to$1,880(Case#05-19-REZC).Thesubject propertyiszonedRuralResidential–5(RR-5).The2021ComprehensivePlan designatesthesubjectpropertiesasRuralAreasontheCountywideLandUseMap. 22-06-REZP:PowhatanPlaza(District#1:Manakin/FlatRock/Subletts) requestsanamendmentoftheprofferstatementforoneparceldesignatedtax mapnumber042-25Aandtheeasternpartofparcel042-26Fwhichcombinefor approximately5.2acresandarelocatedneartheintersectionofAndersonHwy (U.S.Rt.60)andLuckStoneRd.Theapplicantisseekingtoaltertherequirement mandatingtheconstructionofaturnlaneonLuckStoneRdpriortoanynew buildingbeingconstructedandinsteadletVDOTregulationsgovernwhentheturn lanewillbeconstructed(Case#18-05-REZC).Thesubjectpropertiesarezoned CommerceCenterPlannedDevelopment(CC-PD).The2021ComprehensivePlan designatesthesubjectpropertiesasGatewayBusinessontheCountywideLand UseMap.
The name Washburn has been synonymous with Powhatan basketball for over two decades.
Holt nearly added another one before half, striking a rocket of a slapshot three minutes after Campbell’s goal, but the goal was waved off
He taught at the high school, worked as an assistant athletic director under Tim Llewellyn and was briefly seen last season as an interim head coach for the boys team as it finished out its Afterseason. Henderson stepped down, Washburn says he discussed the decision with her and ultimate-
ly left the conversation encouraged to throw his name in the race for the position.“Ijust thought the program was in a really good position, and I thought it was a good time for me to get in with a well-established program that she built up and work with them and hopefully continue to have the success that she’s already developed,” he Hendersonsaid. led the program to exciting new
With nine minutes left, Camp added the team’s third goal and her second of the week to make it a 3-0 lead that put Powhatan in complete control of theTheoutcome.finalgoal came in the waning seconds of the fourth quarter, as Grell went from playmaker to goal scorer with an unassisted shot that started at the top of the circle after a ChiefsNowpenalty.sitting at 4-1, the Indians are continuing to prove they have the experience and balanced squad capable of being a threat for the regional crown.

starters, earned a TD on its first possession when Dylan Trevillian threw a 14-yard pass to Matthew Henderson. The Indians (1-1) had a hard time sustaining anything thereafter.
Two games into his final high school season, Trevillian and the Indians offense have already shown positive signs of
Continued from pg. 1
and that’s his area of coaching at Manchester. The line with which he’s workings this season has plenty of size for high school.There’s Gavin Nicks (6-foot-4, 265), William Harris (6-4, 271), Aiden Spencer (6-0, 202), Divine McCoy (5-5, 227) and Kenny Walz (6-5, 275), a junior whom Hall calls one of the best linemen in the state. There’s also Evan Brown (6-3, 243), and sometimes at tight end stands Makai Byerson, a 6-4, 243-pound junior who has Power Five offers as a defensive end.
Workingtime. with an almost entirely brand new group of receivers, Trevillian knew he would be working with some “dudes” that could explode on the scene, but he says the primary focus was building rapport through repetition.
All that work prepared him for the start of the season, where he says the work he’d done in the offseason smoothly transitioned into his work with his Powhatan coaches and the teammates he’d be sharing the field with for the first
So far this season, that repetition in their practice reps has already led to some promising quarterback-to-wide receiver connections.
Trevillian, another strong-armed QB, was often under pressure and had some balls dropped. He was 10 of 29 or 150 yards. He connected with Ben Whitver on a 69-yard TD pass with 2:49 left in the game.“I think my big boys came to play,” Hall said. “They’ve gotten better every week. They’re the workhorses. …
good as you think you are.”Still, Manchester figures to be pretty good with heaps of seasoning. While the Lancers have nine freshmen — including strong-armed quarterback Landen Abernethy — and only 13 seniors, there’s college talent in places.
Line helps No. 9 Manchester power past Powhatan
”Growing up and coming to the football games and looking at the football players waiting to finally be out there, it’s a dream come true to be in the position I’m in,” he said.
area, and I recommend any young kids reach out to him to elevate your game,” Trevillian said.
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progress.Trevillian is building off an impressive junior campaign highlighted by an All-Metro honor that’s led to offers from colleges like Hampden-Sydney and Averett, but his focus is all on savoring every moment representing his hometown community that’s watched him grow from a kid in the stands that
“We’re talking about a guy that threw for 1,700 yards and 23 touchdowns, not just someone who started a couple games and knows what’s going on. We’re talking about one of the top quarterbacks in the metro area.”
After beating George Wythe 60-0 last week, No. 9 Manchester used its size up front to beat another young team, Powhatan, 35-14 at Manchester on Friday.“We’ve got a long way to go to be a really good football team,” Hall said. “But I’m old school. I think it starts up front on both sides of the ball.”
By Tim Pearrell Richmond Times-Dispatch
“They’reago.the best football team we’ve played in a long time,” Hall said. “We hadn’t been beat that bad since 2011 [49-7 by Meadowbrook]. We have not tasted that within the last decade. That was something that we’re not used to. … It’s a constant reminder you’re never as
“It just took a lot of repetition to get all of us on the same page,” he said. “I could go on and on about how great each and every one of my teammates are.”
dreamt of wearing Powhatan orange to a team captain.

Robby Fletcher can be reached at antoday.com.rfletcher@powhat-

That front powered scoring drives on Manchester’s first three possessions, grinding out 11-, 12and 12-play drives that

“We’re petty strong,” Harris said. “ … We work for it, that’s for sure. It wasn’t God-given. It was earned.”Powhatan, with 19 new
For a program that has gone 78-16 the past eight years and won a state championship in 2018, Manchester football coach Tom Hall called the Lancers’ season-opening loss “humbling.”TheLancers were thumped by top-ranked Highland Springs 48-7 two weeks
“There were two really young football teams playing, but I was real pleased with our effort. I thought we ran the ball very well.”
Trevillian mentions sophomore Matthew Henderson’s 6-foot-5 size and big play ability and freshman Ben Whitver’s reliable hands and ability to gain separation as early signs of developing go-to targets, with Henderson already snagging three touchdowns from his veteran quarterback in just two games and Whitver just catching a 69-yard score againstPowhatanManchester.head coach Mike Henderson said during the team’s training before the season that there was an adjustment period for everyone, including veterans like Trevillian, but to have someone of Trevillian’s pedigree leading the charge was vital to easing the transition for everyone on the offensive side of the field.
TRUSTEESALEOF 6388OldBuckinghamRoad, Powhatan,VA23139 InexecutionoftheDeedofTrustdatedMay 20,2016,intheoriginalprincipalamountof $182,631.00,recordedinDeedBook889,page 267,assignedasInst.170000530,intheClerk’s OfficeoftheCircuitCourtfortheCountyof Powhatan,Virginia,defaulthavingoccurredin thepaymentoftheindebtednesstherebysecuredandattherequestoftheholderofthe note,theundersigned,asSubstituteTrustee, willsellatpublicauctionatthefrontentrance oftheCircuitCourtfortheCountyofPowhatanon October3,2022,at10:15a.m. ,thepropertylocatedattheaboveaddressanddescribedasParcelBcontaining4.315acreas shownonplatrecordedinDeedBook766, page581,CountyofPowhatan.TERMS:CASH. PROPERTYSOLDASISWITHSPECIALWARRANTYOFTITLE.Adepositof$16,000.00or 10%ofthesuccessfulbidamount(whichever islower)willberequiredimmediatelyofthe successfulbidder,incashier’scheckorcertifiedfundsonlypayabletoorsignedoverto "DOLANREIDPLLC,TRUSTEE",balancedue within15daysfromdateofsale.Nopersonal checksaccepted.Saleissubjecttopostsale confirmationandauditofthestatusofthe loanincluding,butnotlimitedto,determinationofwhethertheborrowerfiledforandobtainedbankruptcyprotection,enteredintoany repaymentagreement,reinstatedorpaidoff theloanpriortothesale.Inanysuchevent,or iftrusteeisunabletocompletethesale,orifit issetasideornotfullycompletedforanyreasonexceptpurchaser’sdefault,thesaleshall benullandvoid,andthepurchaser’ssoleremedy,inlaworequity,shallbethereturnofthe depositwithoutinterest.Uponpurchaser’sdefault,thedepositshallbeforfeitedandthe propertyresoldattheriskandcostsofthe defaultingpurchaser.Saleissubjecttoallpriorliens,easements,restrictions,covenants, reservationsandconditions,ifany,ofrecord, aswellasinchoateliensandanyothermatterswhichwouldbedisclosedbyanaccurate surveyorinspectionofthepremises.Realestatetaxeswillbeadjustedtothedateofsale. Allcostsofconveyance,deed,examinationof title,recordingcharges,grantor’staxandpossessionwillbeattheexpenseofthepurchaser.Allrisksofcasualtyimmediatelypassto thesuccessfulbidder.Timeisoftheessence. Winningbiddermustsignamemorandumof saleimmediatelyuponcompletionofsale.Additionaltermsmaybeannouncedatthetime ofsale.Trustee’saffidavitandacopyofthe noticeofsaleavailableattheforeclosuresale. Theopeningbidisnotannounceduntilthe sale.Currentsalestatusavailableat dolanreid.com/foreclosure-sales.THISISA COMMUNICATIONFROMADEBTCOLLECTOR. ANYINFORMATIONOBTAINEDWILLBEUSED FORTHATPURPOSE. ForInformationContact: DolanReidPLLC,SubstituteTrustee(s) 12610PatrickHenryDr.,Ste.C, NewportNews,VA23602;(757)320-0255 PublishOn:September21&28,2022 Legals TRUSTEESALES

“It’s nice to have a quarterback come back that’s played before, but it is even better when you’ve got one that’s really, really good.” Henderson said.
Hall was an offensive lineman at Virginia Tech,
weeks that if the defense allows us to throw the ball … Against Highland Springs, we threw the ball 28 Thetimes.” Lancers often worked the right side behind Nicks and Harris in the first half against Powhatan.Harris was a catcher in baseball who didn’t play football until the ninth grade.A returning starter along with Nicks and Walz, Harris has gone from bench-pressing 165 pounds as a freshman to the low-300s as a senior.
featured workhorse running back Devin Bryant (32 carries, 141 yards, three touchdowns) along with Abernethy working short passes to Ty’ee Stephens and Kyree Richardson.Abernethy was 14 of 20 for 151 yards, with a TD and an interception. Stephens who also has Power Five offers, had seven catches for 64 yards and an 11-yard TD. Richardson had four catches for 56 yards.Manchester had 266 yards“Thatrushing.was the MO tonight,” said Hall, whose team had scoring opportunities derailed by three turnovers. “… Weekly it’s going to be different. There’s going to be some

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