The Pennsylvania Freemason - Autumn 2021

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Honoring Our Country’s Heroes


VOL. LXIX, Autumn 2021, No. 4 ©2021 The R.W. Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Pennsylvania EDITORIAL BOARD Chairman Thomas Gamon, IV, R.W.G.M. effrey J :M WonderqingdR:W:D:G:M: Larry A. Derr, R.W.S.G.W. Robert D. Brink, R.W.J.G.W. Adam C. Heese, R.W.G.T. Mark A. Haines, R.W.G.S. EDITORIAL STAFF Tina:L er ttu L Jrodu P cDonoordinator C egan M :L rame F Jraphic G esigner D ennsy P qvaniaasonic M YouthouF ndaDonStaff asonic M ibrary L hseu uM mofennsy P qvaniaStaff PPbqicaD u ono: N USPSrJQtuu A mnssu I eofThe ennsy P qvaniareemason F ispubqishedquarterqybytheasonic M Viqqagesdne O asonic M riv D edqiz E abethtownd:ArDP cqes andphotographstobeconsideredforpubqicaDonshouqd besentith w qocaqasonic M authoritytotheaddressaboved totheattenDonofTheennsy P qvaniareemason F oremaiqed topafreemason‘masonicviqqages:org:cept xE byspeciaq arrangementdaqqarDcqesdphotographsandartworkbecomethe propertyoftherand G odge: L bqished uP bytheasonic M Viqqagesdownedandoperatedby the Grand Lodge of F.& A.M. of Pennsylvania, as a means of soqiciDngthephysicaqandfinanciaqsupportofthemembersdtheir famiqiesandthepubqicingeneraq:eriodicaq P postage ispaidat qiz E abethtownddA P andaddiDonaqmaiqingoffices: Weappreciatethemanysubmissionsew receivefor consideraDon:Weapoqogizedbutduetospaceconstraintsdew are notabqetopubqisheverysubmissionew receive:

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP PActofct: O dr8SecDonr8TitqedUnitedStates odeQ C tuu A mndTheennsy P qvaniareemasond F pubqished quarterqybytheasonic M Viqqagesdqiz E abethtownd:A P bqishers9 uP TheRightWorshipfuqrand G odge L oftheost M ncient A andonorabqe H raternity F ofree F andccepted A asons M ofennsy P qvania:ditor9 E Thomasamond G V:I ner9 wO TheRight Worshipfuqrand G odge L oftheost M ncient A andonorabqe H raternity F ofree F andccepted A asons M ofennsy P qvania:now K n bondhoqders9none:oN adverDsinghandqed:ree F distribuon D averagesdeachquarter:cerD I fythatthestatementsmade bymearecorrectandcompqete:

Thomas Gamon, IV, Editor aiqing M addresschanges f I ouy raddressonthebackcoverofthismagazineisnotexactqy asouy haveprovidedittosd u pqeasebeawarethataddresses aremodifiedthroughtheariou v smaiqingprocessrequirements requiredbytheU:S:ostaq P Service:f I ouy haveanyquesDonsor ouw qdqiketoinformsu ofachangeinaddressdpqeasecontactthe ffice O ofission M dvA ancementandevD eqopmentatJsJJ rorgiving‘masonicviqqages:org:

ostmaster9 P Sendaddresschangesto9

Theennsy P qvaniareemasond F cFoasonic M Viqqagedne O asonic M riv D edqiz E abethtowndJ:A P



Freemasonry Today

rand G asterfs M essage M NewN embership M SystemauL nchedNodge L A P ofResearchResumes abor L Nnnu A aqrand G ommu C nicaDon

duE caDon

asonic M ibrary L hseu uM mSpeakerSeriesN tfs I SchoqarshipTime4NduE caDonaqnsD I tuterograms P N eB You A thentor M Nreemasonry F fsnflu I enceoniqitary M eadership L Nreemasonry F hthemerican A Revoquon D

12 Membership

osiD P A ev tqook uO Savedthisrotherfs B ife L • Lodge Celebrates Years •racking C theode C • ombining C istory H hsic uM to Honor Civil War Veterans • Veteranfs A dvA ice • By Sheer >Hap?penstancedaWWIonnecD CI onisade M Nasons M Servingtheirommu C niDesNrother B ands L >Dreamob? J Nersev P eringPTooD oodQ G Throughouttheandemic P

26 Philanthropy

onoring H hssisD A ngasonic M WidowsN asonic M hariD C esSporDngqay C sResuqtsNasonic M Vaques rt A ontest C Winnersnnou A ncedNSupportYourasonic M hariD C esthisoqiday H 4Narefree CA tuu F reaits wA

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f I ouy ouw qdprefertoreceiveaneqectronicersion v ofthe magazineforouy rconvenienceandFortosavethefraternity prinDngandmaiqingcostsdpqeasemakeouy rrequestbyemaiqing pafreemason‘masonicviqqages:org:n A eqectronicersion v ofthe magazineisaqsoavaiqabqeonqineat

Brethren, SincethefoundingofournaDondreemasons F have beenintegraqinthepursuitandpreservaDonofthe qiberDesew enjoytoday:Throughoutthisissuedouy wiqq readtheariou v sayw sourbrethrendpastandpresentd havefoughtandsacrificedforourfreedomdwhiqe othershaveenqightenedgeneraDonsthrougheducaDond historicaqpreservaDonandevenmusic: I invite you to join me on Saturday, Oct. 30, at a:m:d when ew wittptantour firstLiberty Treeat Pennypacker Mills Park in Schwenksville, PA. th Toobservethe nniv A ersaryofournaDonfs foundinginrdennsy P qvaniareemasons F are sponsoringLibertyTreepqanDngsinaqqrcounDes acrosstheommonw C eaqthdorking w incoqqaboraDon withtheU:S:Semiquincentenniaqommission C PAmericaPAQ:Thisispartofan iniDaDev designedtoinspirethe merican A spiritqeadinguptothe qandmarkceqebraDon: n I RevoquDonaryDmesdLiberty Treesere w massiveeqmtreeswith densefoqiagethatprovidedcover fromtheriD B shastheSonsof Liberty met underneath them. The trees ew wiqqbepqanDng aredescendants of the last living Liberty Tree, under whichmerican A revoquDonaries advocated independence from Great Britain

duringtheStampct A ofr:ach E treewiqqhavea pqaqueindicaDngitas w sponsoredbyennsy P qvania reemasons: F edia M coveragewiqqheqppromoteand expqaintheaqu v esofreemasonry F : odges L andForindividuaqswhoouw qdqiketomakeataxJ deducDbqedonaDontowardaLibertyTreeshouqdwrite acheckmadeoutto9>Pasonic MA CharityouF ndaDon? with>LibertyTreerogram? P inthememosecDon andmaiqitto9O fficeofission M dvA ancementand evD eqopmentdasonic M Viqqagesdne O asonic M riv D ed qiz E abethtownd:A P Thecontactsforsponsorship quesDonsandcoordinaDonoftreepqanDngqocaDons andDmingare9rother B Timqetcherd P :DD :G:M:Jd Dmpqetcher‘comcast:netdandrother B TimShumard P:D:D:G:M:Jdtqshumarrpm‘gmaiq:com: AsIcompqetemytermasouy rrand G asterd M I wishtoonceagainthankouy forouy rforpaDenced understandingandserviceoverthepasttwoears: y tI hasbeenanextremeqychaqqengingDmednotonqyforour fraternitydbutforourcountryandourorqd: w Thanks toouy rperseveranceanddedicaDontoourasonic M aqu v esdIamconfidentourbeqovedfraternitywiqqbehere whenmygrandsoncomesknockingatthedoor: Ihaveeveryconfidencethatouy wiqqgivethenext administraDonthesamecooperaDonouy providedme: wish I rother B eJ ffreyM:Wonderqingaery v successfuq termdasIknowhewiqqserveourmembersandtheir qovedoneswithdevoDondintegrityandcompassion:I amqookingforwardtothefuture4 tI hasbeenapriviqegetoserveouy :ayM od G bqessouy and Pennsylvania Freemasonry

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Thomas Gamon, IV, R.W. Grand Master



embership M


Grand Lodge has migrated theSaqesforcemembership system for managing member andfinanciaqinformaDonto therand G Viewmembership system:Thenewsystem qaunchedonug: A : rand G Viewisa comprehensiveeb w pqatformthatprovidesan encryptedportaqwhererand G odged L bqueqodges andindividuaqmemberscancommunicateand interactonqinewithinthesecuresystem:er vO theqastfewearsd y rand G Viewhasevoqvedfrom asimpqemembershipmanagementdatabaseinto apqatformwithnearqyendqesspossibiqiDes:With ‡rand G jurisdicDonsdthousandsofqodges andhundredsofthousandsofmembershipsd ithasbecomeaqeaderintheindustry:

auL nched4 The new system will... • rov P ideeasyddirectaccesstoinformaDonand documents • reatqy G reducetheneedformuqDpqeentriesofdata • rov P idepowerfuqsearchingandreporDngto managekeyinfoPi:e:dmemberswithunpaidduesd qistsofaqqacDev membersandasonic M birthdaysQ • ncrease I efficiencyofkeyprocessesPi:e:auditsd peDDonsandapprovaqofqodgebiqqsQ • qqow A forsimpqeandsecureonqineduespayment foraqqbqueqodgemembersviacreditcardorCHA • ffer O anintuiDev anduserJfriendqyexperience • aciqitate F easierinformaDonsharingand coqqaboraDondusingautomatedphonecaqqsdemaiqsd textsandindividuaqmembersystemaccess • eB fuqqycompaDbqewithbrowsersPChromed irefox F detc:QandmobiqedevicesPiOSandndroidQ: A

odge L A P ofResearchResumesabor L n O ne u J rdtheennsy P qvaniaodge L ofResearchheqditsfirstmeeDng sinceecember D ddueto thepubqicheaqthemergency: The members of the lodge ere w eagertogetbacktoorkd w ith w morethanbrothers inattendanceatthehaqqofritz F odge L o: N sdonshohockend C :A P rother B RichardL:WennerdW:M:dopenedthemeeDng andheqdtheeqecDonofofficersfortheensuing ear: y Thefoqqowingofficersere w instaqqedbyrother B effrey J R:iqqerd M :DD :G:M:Jdassistedbyrother B enneth K W:Womackdrincipaq P nstru I ctoroftheThird asonic M istrict D Schooqofnstru I cDon9YasserA:qJ A KhaDbdW:M:8ames J E:reend G S:W8Richard:F uthd M :W:8 J qqen A :D oyM erdTreasurer8SethC:nthony A d Secretary8andarrin D :D Cattsd:DD :G:M:J8qbert A L: appeqerd K r:d J P:M:8andames J E:qemmingd F Trustees: oqqow F inghisinstaqqaDondrother B Yasser advancedaqqtheappointedofficersonestaDon andappointedrother B rendan B M:ickey H as Chapqainandrother B ichaeq M L:oran M asTyqer: rother B Wenneras w presentedhisast P asterfs M apronandjeweqinrecogniDonofhisservice: 4

Online Edition

eDP Donsfrombrothersere w approvedforpquraq membershipdwithanaddiDonaqfourpeDDonstobe oted v onatthenextmeeDngoftheodge L ofResearch: embership M intheodge L ofResearchisopento anyaster M ason: M TheappqicaDonandaddiDonaq informaDoncanbefoundat TheqodgereceivedtwoeducaDonaqpresentaDons: R:W:rother B oises M I:omez G drand G istorian H oftherand G odge L ofewN ersey J dpresentedan insightfuqqectureonthehistoryandorganizaDonof reemasonry F inuba: C is H presentaDonas w foqqowed byrother B Wennerdwhodiscussedthepersonaq andasonic M qifeofrother B udie A urphy M : Theodge L ofResearchcancreateeqqow F sdin recogniDonofoutstandingservicetotheeducaDonof theraft: C Todatedfewerthanadozenbrothershave beensorecognized:TheWorshipfuqaster M received amoDonandaffirmaDev ote v tocreateR:W:rother B omez G androther B eorge G R:ayH nesd:MP :daseqqow F s: The next meeting of the Lodge of Research will be held on Dec. 4, at a location to be determined. As soon as a location has been chosen, it will be announced at

Pennsylvania Freemason


Communication pen O nstaqqaD I onof

Jeffrey M. Wonderling

Monday, Dec. 27, 2021 Wyndhamrand G ittP sburghowD ntown a:m: p:m: p:m: p:m:

nD A cipatednstaqqaD I N EPO onof Jeffrey M. Wonderling as R.W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania eet M therand G aster M and rand G fficers O ash C ar B RecepDon anqu B etfoqqowedby entertainment by Tim Kutch, Master Magician

Tim Kutch

Magician/Comedian Tim Kutch is a world-class entertainer and master magician from Pittsburgh, who has amazed audiences worldwide for over a decade with his modern, unique and interactive brand of magic. With performances for Fortune 500 companies, A-List celebrities and major universities, Tim has made a name for himself as one of America’s premier magicians and entertainers!

ReservaDonsaredueby ovN :d:or F ckets D ($125 per person), contact your District Deputy Grand Master or Brother David Morgans, P.D.D.G.M., at 412-728-6533 or email

All are Welcome! Online Edition



Masonic Library & Museum

SPEAKER SERIES Interested in learning something new? ark M ouy rcaqendarnowtoattend or tune in as monthly guest speakerspresentfreeprograms onaariety v oftopicsofbotha asonic M andnonJMasonicnature: ThesepresentaDonsareopento thepubqicdbutreservaDonsare required:aqq C JssJoremaiq tempqeevents‘pagrandqodge:orgto reserveouy rpqace:Theprograms iqq w beqiveJstreamedaseqq8 w for moreinformaDondisit v https9FF pamasonictempqe:orgFeventsF .

Brothers Anthony Dintino and John Minott

Nov. 20, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. The Twin Pillars of Polarity within Freemasonry

Dec. 18, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. The History of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Thetwopiqqarsofoaz B andachin J thatstoodattheentrancetoing K SoqomonfsTempqearecommonpqace inasonic M rituaqdaseqq w asin asonic M buiqdingsandartwork:Their symboqismgoesmuchdeeperthan justmereaestheDcsorarchitecturaq necessity:ThispresentaDoniqq w deqve intosomeqesserJknownpossibiqiDes aboutthepiqqarsdhowtheyreqateto theermeD H crincipqe P ofoqarity P andeventosomepsychoqogicaq reasonsfortheirexistencedaseqq: w

ThispresentaDoniqq w discussthe history of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from its roots in England andScotqandtoitsindependence fromthengqish E ncient A rand G odge L insrdcoveringtopicssuchasthe oderns M andncient A odge L o: N : tIiqq w aqsoprovideabriefoverview ofthereemasons F ho w contributed towardachievingtheUnitedStatesf independencedincqudingrothers B John Paul Jones, Baron von Steubenandenjamin B rankqin: F

Presenter: rother B nthony A inD D nod dI isaast P aster M ofpuO sagnu M m odge L o: N sdhere w heservedas theWarrantWorshipfuqaster: M eH isaaster M asonic M Schoqarforthe cademy A ofasonic M now K qedge: rofessionaqqy P dheisapoqiceofficer inthesuburbanhiqadeqphia P area:

Presenter: rother B ohn J inott M da graduateofStanfordUniversitydisa memberofodge L o: N dhiqadeqphia: P John has been a tour guide at the asonic M Tempqeforears: y If you have an idea for a speaker series program, contact Mike Comfort at 215-988-1977.

33° PA Masons R.W. Grand Master Thomas Gamon, IVdPfrontdcenterQcongratuqatedthe newqycoronetedjennsy P qvania asons M attheSupremeouC nciqd ScoDfishRiteddNMJ nnu A aq Sessiondheqdug: A sJin Cqeveqanddhio: O Thejisan honorarydegreebestowedupon ScoDfishRitereemasons F who havemademajorcontribuDons tosocietyorreemasonry F : 6

Pennsylvania Freemason

It’s Scholarship Time! arD M nuther L Kingdr:d J definedthegoaqofeducaDon as>characterpqusinteqqigence:?or F morethan earsd y theennsy P qvaniaasonic M YouthouF ndaDon PPMYFQhassupportedthecoqqegeandcareer aspiraDonsofhundredsofouy ngaduqts:Weare humbqeddasthosepeopqehavemadeadifference intheirfamiqiesandcommuniDes:Theircharacter hasshinedthroughastheyhaveappqiedtheqessons theyqearnedfrompursuingtheireducaDon: Therearemanyschoqarshipsavaiqabqedwhichcan befoundintheasonic M SchoqarshipResource

uide: G TheguideprovidesinformaDononnearqy schoqarshipsandgrantsforasonsd M their sibqingsdchiqdrenandgrandchiqdren8membersof theasonicJreqated M ouy thgroups8andresidents orgraduatesoftheasonic M Chiqdrenfsome: H The Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide and the 2022 scholarship application can be obtained by visiting, by calling the PMYF at 1-800-266-8424, ext. 2, or contacting Dave Berry, Assistant Executive Director, at

duE caDonatnsD I tuterograms P Theorqd w ew qiveinisconstantqychangingand evoqving:owN hereisthistruerthanintheqivesof chiqdrenandadoqescents:PMYFfsduE caDonaqnsD I tute offerstrainingforteachersdparentsdgrandparentsd educaDonaqprofessionaqsandsociaqorkers w on someofthemostpressingandreqevanttopics: asonsd M theirfamiqiesandfriendsareeqcome w tojoinusinqiz E abethtownorvirtuaqqy9

Nov. 9: TheRisksandRewardsofeing B a Teen in the Cyber World Dec. 7:SubstanceUseandYouth9Risksd Trendsandonsequ C ences If you are interested in participating in one or both of these sessions, contact Amy Nace at or 1-800-266-8424, ext. 2. For details, visit

Be a Youth Mentor Whatisamentor5teacherd A coachdfrienddbossd partnerdadvisordbrothereWhoas w oneofthose mentorsforouy 5Whendidtheycomeintoouy r qife5WhatquaqiDesandcharacterisDcsdidthat personpossessthatmadeouy thinkofthem5 wiqqingness A toqistendgenerosityinsharing theirknowqedgeandexperiencedservingasa roqemodeqdintegritydcouragedkindnesse Takesecondsandanswerthose quesDonsforouy rseqf: Autumn 2021

asonic M ouy thorganizaDonsareagreatopportunity topassonthewisdomouy rmentorssharedwith ouy :f I ouy haveanhouramonthdorevenaqittqe Dmethroughouttheeard y ew encourageouy to sharethatDmewiththeseamazingouy ngpeopqe: For more information, contact Joe Pullin, Masonic Youth Program Coordinator, at or 1-800-266-8424, ext. 8.



reemasonry F fs nflu I ence onititary M eadership L In Freemasonry, ritual is a powerful tool that helps transform men into Masons by facilitating their understanding of the principles and values of the fraternity. Masons strive to demonstrate high standards of good, moral behavior and follow the “Golden rule.” n I theebru F aryShortTaqkuqqeD B nd>Masonryfs nflu I enceoniqitary M eadershipd? L authorrother B qex A engtsond B entraq C odge L o: N dnqey O d VirginiaddescribesthesimiqariDesbetweenasonic M and military lessons. Themiqitaryteaches>Principqeentered C eadershipd? L whichisstrongqyfocusedonhighmoraqprincipqes andaqu v es:ore M specificaqqydtheU:S:rmy A ieqd F anu M aqteachesthe>BedKnowdo? D hiqosophy P : Theaqu v esandattributesthemanuaqqistsfora qeaderare9qoyaqtyddutydrespectdseqflessserviced honordintegrityandpersonaqcourage:asons M strivetoexempqifythesamequaqiDesasqeaders notonqyinqodgedbutatorkd w intheircommuniDes andpqacesoforshipd w andintheirinvoqvement withothercivicandcharitabqeorganizaDons: Brother and General George Washington is one ofthemosteqqJknow w ndhistoricaqqeaderswho exempqifiedtheseaqu v es:ighqy H regardedfor hismoraqcharacterandabiqitytoqeadtroopsin adversesituaDonsdWashingtonas w aseqfless patriotwiqqingtosacrificeforhiscountry: Thestronginfluenceofasonry M onmiqitaryqeadership isaqsoevidencedinthetradiDonofmiqitaryqodgesdand


Online Edition

morerecentqydasonic M qodges onmiqitarybases:Thisas w a commonoccurrenceunDqthe pracDcestoppedaround: avH ingservedintheU:S:ir A orce F forears y beforereDring in 2011, Brother John Hamilton, Cassia Mount Horeb Lodge o: N drdmored A recognizes theinfluencesDqqtoday: >Intheir A orced F theyhad<core aqu v esfthatincqudedbeing incqusiveofeveryoneregardqessofgenderdsexdraced etc:d?hesaid:>Whenouy reachacertaingradeinthe ir A orced F ouy gotoirman A eadership L Schooqdand itteachesouy coreaqu v es:Whenouy frepromotedto TechSergeantdouy gotoonJC N ommissionedfficer O trainingdwhichiscomprisedofaddiDonaqdiversity training:nce O ouy reachTechSergeantoraboved ouy getputintomanagementposiDonswherethey concentrateontreaDngeveryonefairqyandnotbeing judgmentaq:Thatdoesequatebacktoreemasonry F :? ohn J didnftbecomeinvoqvedwithreemasonry F unDqheqefttheir A orce: F eH saidthereare sDqqmiqitaryqodgesthatexisttodaydincquding onehevisitedinisaw M adapan: J ddiD A onaqsimiqariDesbetweenreemasonry F and miqitaryqeadershiparefoundintheath O offfice O fora ommissioned C fficer O and>TheChieffsouF qednchor A

Pennsylvania Freemason

“Regarded for his exemplary moral character and ability to lead troops in adverse situations, Washington was a selfless patriot willing to sacrifice for his country.”

andtheqettersU:S:N:The>U? standsforunitydwhichreminds usofcooperaDondmaintaining harmonyandconDnuityofpurpose andacDon:The>S?standsfor servicedwhichremindsusof servicetoourodd G ourfeqqow manandtheavN :y The>N?stands foravN igaDondwhichreminds ustokeepourseqvesonatrue coursedsothatew mayaqk w uprightbeforeod G andman:

SymboqofaavN Chiefd? y whichis readateveryChiefettP fficerfs Oy pinningceremonyfortheU:S: avN :y engtson B suggeststheqatter mayhavebeenwrittenbyaasond M becausetheavN uDqiz y estooqsand impqementsofarchitecturedaseqq w assymboqicembqemsdtoimprinton themindwiseandserioustruths: TheanchorPqeftQistheembqem ofrankofChiefettP fficerd Oy and attachedtoitisaqengthofchain

Autumn 2021

Thechainissymboqicofflexibiqityd remindingusofthechainsofqife thatew forgedaybydaydqinkby qinkdandmayitbeforgedwith honor, morality and virtue. The anchorisembqemaDcofthehope andgqoryofthefuqfiqqmentof aqqodfs G promisestooursouqs8 itisbythegoqdenorprevious anchorthatew mustbekept steadfastinfaithandencouraged toabideinourproperstaDon amidstthestormsoftemptaDond afflicDonandpersecuDon:

In conclusion, Bengtson states, “we must encourage each Mason to follow ‘Principle Centered Leadership,’ because each day, we are faced with choices. Our character is determined by the actions we take and the choices we make.” eH encourageseachason M to qistencqoseqytothecqosingcharge recitedbytheWorshipfuqaster M attheconcqusionofaqodge meeDngdforwhenouracDons areguidedandourchoicesare madeinaccordancewiththat chargedew cannotmateriaqqyerr: This issue tells the stories of severaqasons M whohaveserved in the military, studied military historyorfoundcreaDev ayw sto ceqebrateourmiqitaryheroes:

Online Edition



Freemasonry & the American Revolution Brother John Minott, Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, a tour guide at the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania for the past 27 years, recently gave a talk on “Freemasonry & The American Revolution” as part of the speaker series program at the Masonic Library & Museum of Pennsylvania. The presentation gives a brief overview of the Pennsylvania Freemasons (some featured here) whose activities contributed toward achieving independence of the American colonies. For a while, it was as if Americans thought Freemasons had not only conceived of the revolution, but had actually carried it out by themselves because of their association with the Age of Enlightenment and issues such as the right of people to be involved in their governance, John said. But that’s not the case. Take for instance, the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Nine out of 56 were Freemasons, which is quite remarkable, but the other 47 signers had their own or similar reasons for wanting independence, he said. “They had access to the same English legal traditions and constitutional ideas, and they also read books on enlightenment.”

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Joseph Warren (1741–1775)

Brother Franklin served in the SecondonD C nentaqongress C and heqpeddrafttheecqaraD D onof ndependence I inr:eH aqso negoDatedthesTreatyof aris P thatendedtheRevoquDonary WarPJsQ:member A ofSt: ohnfs J odge L inhiqadeqphiad P he servedasrand G aster M in:

assachu MA settsphysiciandrother B Warrenas w amajorqeaderof thepatrioDcprotestbeforethe revoquDon:eH servedasWorshipfuq aster M ofSaintndrew A fsodge L in Boston and Grand Master ofthencient A rand G odge L of assachu M setts:is H famousdeath sceneatunker B iqq H inas w paintedbyohn J Trumbeqq:Warrenis thoughttobethefirstreemason F togivehisqifefortherevoquDon:

Robert Newman (1752–1804) rother B ewN manisconsidered apatriotforhangingqanternsin hisoston B churchfssteepqeon priq A sddpartofaarning w signal devised by Paul Revere duringthebattqesofexL ington andoncord: C eH as w amember of St. John’s Lodge in Boston. George Washington (1732-1799) ommanderJinJC C hiefofthe onD C nentaqrmy A andqaterour naDonfsfirstresidentd P rother B Washingtonas w amember ofredericksbu F rgodge L in Virginia:Theaprongivento himbyarqu M isdeLafayette aftertheRevoquDonisfeatured prominentqyinthemuseumtoday: Henry Knox (1750–1806) rother B Knoxas w onqywhen hebecameaajor M eneraq: G A oston B bookstoreownerdChiefof rDA qqeryfortheonD C nentaqrmy A and trusted advisor and good friend of George Washington, KnoxheqpedcreateWestoint P iqitary M cademy A in:eH as w amemberofSaintohnfs J iqitary M odge L inewN ersey J : Baron Frederick von Steuben (1730–1794) AsaruP ssianofficerinuroped E rother B on v Steubenas w recruited toheqpprovidetrainingforthe onD C nentaqrmy A onuropean E tacDcsanddriqqs:eH joinedthe qaz B ingStarodge L inermany G :


Online Edition

Pennsylvania Freemason

Robert Newman

George Washington

Henry Knox

Peyton Randolph (1721-1775)

Baron Frederick von Steuben

Benedict Arnold

John Paul Jones

Hailing from Virginia, Brother Randoqphtwiceservedas resident P oftheonD C nentaq Congress. Although he didn’t qivetoseetheecqaraD D onof ndependence I comeaqivedhe pqayedakeyroqeintheformaDon oftheongress C andas w apatriot ineverysenseoftheord: w eH as w amemberofResearchodge L o: N inWiqqiamsburgd

orn B inScotqandandamemberof ernardfs B asonic M odged L rother B ones J startedintheerchant M arines M beforebecominga successfuqmerican A avN aqCaptain:

ther O asons M whopqayeda prominentroqeinthemerican A RevoquDonincqudedenry H LawrenceofSouthCaroqinad resident P oftheonD C nentaq ongress C whentheypassedthe rDA cqesofonfederaD C on8ord L eorge G ermaind G Secretaryof Stateforthemerican A oqonies C in ngqand8 E ord L Charqesorv C aqqisda riD B sheneraq G whosurrendered atYorktowndessenDaqqyending theRevoquDon8einz H Soqomond afinanciertotheRevoquDonwho negoDatedthear w subsidies amongranced F oqqand H andthe UnitedStates8andSireter P arkerd P ariD B shdmiraq A who faiqedinhisattempttocapture CharqestondS:C:dinr:eH as w Grand Master of the Modern rand G odge L ofngqand E ins:

Autumn 2021

Online Edition

Benedict Arnold (1741–1801)

John Hancock (1737-1793)

onnecD CA cutmerchantand talented General, Brother Arnold as w responsibqeforthevictory atSaratogainupstateNYdone ofthefewmerican A victories: He belonged to Hiram Lodge o: N inewN avH endCT:They crossedhisnamefromtherecords whenheqaterbecameoneof the most infamous traitors in U:S:historyuponswitchingsides andfighDngfortheriD B sh:

resident P oftheonD C nentaq ongress C whentheecqaraD D onof ndependence I as w signeddrother B ancock H as w amassmerchant withodge L o: N rrinQuebec Citydbutas w aqsoaffiqiatedwith Saintndrew A fsodge L inoston: B

John Paul Jones (1747- 1792)



A osiD P ev ttook uO Savedthisrotherfs B ife L ngqand: E tI as w thefirstDmeim J sawtheocean:fter A crossingthengqish E Channeqdhisdivisionqanded th onUtaheach B inormandy N :Thes ivD isionas w connectedtotheThirdrmy A dqedbyen: G eorge G attP on:im J vividqyrecaqqshearingthegeneraqspeak: >Ifveneverheardanyoneswearqikehimd?im J said:>Someoneaskedhimwhichermans G to shoot:eH saidd<Therearenogoodermans: G I donftgiveaRexpqeDeS v whoouy shoot:f? tI as w becauseofattP onthatimfs J divisionendedupin theattB qeoftheuqged B theqargestandbqoodiestsingqe battqefoughtbytheUnitedStatesinWorqd WarI:qqied A unitsintheareaneededheqpdandattP on saidhecouqdhaveanoutfitthereinshours: uring D theattB qeoftheuqged B ec: D rdto an: J ddim J as w partofanobservaDonteamd andhisresponsibiqiDesincqudeddrivingaeep J with twoothermen:ne O mansatinthebackwithagund whiqeaqqthreerotateddrivingtoavoidfrostbite: On Aug. 2, Brother Jim Phillips, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, Elizabethtown, celebrated his 100th birthday at the Elizabethtown American Legion Post 329. There was singing, cake and plenty of laughter as Jim recalled a century of memories. Thisbirthdayas w astarkcontrasttohis ug: A ddim J qandedonUtaheach B inranced F a ouy ngsergeantqeadingmendunsureofwhatqieahead:


>Iasnft w inthebackd?hesaid:>Ias w inthefront:? im J as w draftedatage:eH as w orking w attheSavoy Shoeactory F dinqiz E abethtowndwherehestartedatage rafterdroppingoutofhighschooqtoheqphisfamiqy: th im J as w assignedtothe ieqd F rDA qqeryattB aqion th withinthes nfantry I ivD ision:fter A training throughoutthecountrydhisdivisionas w readytogo overseas:ny A soqdierageoroqdercouqdchoose whethertheyanted w toserveincombat:f O thethree >oqder?meninimfs J outfitdtwochosetostayinthe states:im J becamequickfriendswiththeotherman:

>Hecaqqedme<HeyoyB dfandIcaqqedhim<Popdf?im J recaqqed:>Ias w sogqadIhadhim:eH tookcareofme:? is H outfitboardedtheQueenary M toheadto 12

Online Edition

. On

>Weere w socoqddew couqdnftgofast:Thecoqdtook aqotofgusd? y im J said:>Theygotfrozenfeetdand theambuqancehadtotakethemtothehospitaq:? imfs J friendd>Popd?hadbeenservingasamaiqman: eH as w sorDngmaiqonedaywhenim J atched w asasheqqqandedinthehoqewhereheorked: w >Itas w hardatching w strangersgethitdbutitnevermade mecryd?im J said:>Ihadtocryforhimbecauseknew I him:? im J as w reqievedwhenheqearnedhedidnfthaveto returntothefrontqines:>Ias w quckyd?hesaid: im J as w quckydbutnot>outoftheoods? w et: y fter A the ar w endeddhisunitas w orderedtoescortdispqaced RussiansoqdiersbacktoRussiaviatrain:nce O the soqdiersere w returneddim J andtheothersstayedina hoteqdwheretheyere w offeredbeerinthemorning8their qieutenanthadwhiskey:Theqieutenantdranksomuchd theyhadtocarryhimbacktothetraintoreturnhome: Thetrainengineeras w inahurrydandhemissed stoppingataRussiancheckpoint:TheRussians firedamachinegunatthepassingtrain: >Someoneeqqedd y <Hitthefloordfandew aqqdiddexcept theqieutenantdwhoas w passedoutd?im J recaqqed: Pennsylvania Freemason

>Ifew ere w standingdefd w havebeenkiqqed:oN oneas w injureddandew toqdhimwhathappened whenheoke w up:fter A ew returnedtoourbasedI aited w forthemtocaqqmynametogohome:? eH as w dischargedinctober O :imfs J medaqs incqudetheaDN onaqrder O oftheegion L ofonor H fromtherench F governmentdronz B eStaredaqd M ood G ondu C ctedaq M andisD D nguishedUnitadge: B tA agedim J as w determinedtograduatehigh schooqandsuccessfuqqyearnedhis:GED eH methiswifedRuthdwhenhisfriendfsgirqfriend broughthertoadanceatershey H park:

events:eH andRuthouw qdgotoarrisbu H rgto seebandsperformattheZemboShrine: im J andRuthmovedtoasonic M Viqqageatqiz E abethtown in:Ruthpassedawayin:>Icouqdnft havedonebetterathomebymyseqfd?hesaid: th or F imfs J birthdaydhevisitedershey H parkin honorofhisfirstdatewithhiswife:eH aqsotooka heqicopterrideandflewoverasonic M Viqqagetoavw e tohisfriends:eH hadapartyattheegion L ost P andreceiveddrinkchipsdsohehasnfthadtopay forabeerinaear y Pandqikeqyonft w foraqongDme4Q:


im J doesnfthesitatetosharehissecretsfor makingitthroughaar w andears y ofqife:

im J qeftthefactorybehindandorked w forthe qmstead O ir A orce F basediniddqetow M ndandtheewN umberqand C rmy A epot: D eH joinedthemerican A egiond L andsomeofthemembersencouragedhimto becomeaason: M eH joinedTreichqerodge L ins:

>FirstdthinkposiDed? v hesaid:>Iftherefssomething ouy ant w tododknowouy candoit:SecondqydI hadsomegoodgenescomefrommymomand dad:ThirdqydIbeqieveinthemanupstairs:Ipray for myself and others doing good things.

qongside A hisqodgebrothersdim J enjoyedmaking andseqqingpiestoheqpraisemoneyforcharity andheqpingservedinnersformembersatspeciaq

“People give up. Don’t. That’s what brought me home from war.”

odge L etebrates C Years >Weputupatentdandaboutrpeopqeattendedd ofthemfromtherand G odged? L erry J said:>Wedidnft ant w toexceedcapacity:Theeather w as w good:tI as w areaqqyniceday:ery vE oneenjoyedthemseqves:?

Rural Amity Lodge No. 70, Athens, marked its 225th anniversary with a luncheon at the United Methodist Church in Athens on June 19. One of the oldest in Pennsylvania, the lodge received itscharterfromrother B WiqqiamM:SmithdR:W:rand G asterd M onuqyJ rdr:rother B eorge G Washington as w sDqqresident P oftheUnitedStatesatthatDme: ueD toVIOC DJdtheqodgehaddifficuqtypqanning aqargeeventtocommemoratethemiqestone anniversary, said Brother Jerry L. Montgomery, P:M:dW:M:entu vE aqqydtheysettqedonasmaqqerd cateredqunchoutsideofthechurch: Autumn 2021

Aspartofthedayfsprogramdtheqodgerecognized thewidowsoftheqodge8rother B Wiqqiamurphy M d P:M:das w presentedwithhisrJyearawardby rand G aster M Thomasamond G IV8androther B WaqtonVanqeetd F :MP :dreceivedacerDficate th commemoraDnghis birthday in July. >Therand G aster M aqsogaveuspermissionto bringourcharteroutdandpeopqeere w abqe toqookatitd?erry J said:>ThatfsthefirstDme ithasseentheqightofdayinwhoknowshow manyears: y Thatas w reaqqyspeciaqforus:? StaterepresentaDev Tinaickett P PRJBradfordF SuqqivanFSusquehannaQpresentedtheqodgewith aspeciaqcitaDonforitsanniversary:Thebrothers aqsocreatedaradioadtogettheord w outaboutitd whichas w broadcastontwoarearadiostaDonsfor severaqeeks: w >Itas w toannouncetothepubqicthat ew areceqebraDngouranniversaryandgiveaqittqe bitofinformaDonaboutreemasonry F d?erry J said: Online Edition



Cracking the Code

Using Ham Radio in Military & Civilian Life Brother Thomas Knowlton Gibson, Zeredatha-White Rose Lodge No. 451, York, is an active amateur radio operator who performed electronic espionage, broke codes and intercepted communications during both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. >Ifveservedinfourcommunistcountries9orth N oread K orth N VietnamdChinaandubad? C hesaid:>In orth N Vietnamandorth N oread K ouwI qdintercept theirmicrowavecommunicaDonsRpointJtoJpoint radiocommunicaDonsSdencryptthemandsend themtotheand CIA theentagon: P Theyouw qd thentrytodecipherwhatas w beingsaid:? TomservedintheU:S:avN from y rsJs8he as w onacDev dutyfromrsJdoccasionaqqy staDonedinenemyterritory:Theotherears y ere w spentonacDev andinacDev reserve: TodaydTomqecturesabouthisexperienced>Espionage9 rotherfs BA ouJ rneyd?toariou v sasonic M organizaDonsd historycentersdtheaDN onaqSocietyoftheSonsof themerican A RevoquDonandTheayM flowerSociety: >Iouw qdqiketofeeqthattheespionageork w I performedinthemiqitaryas w abqetosaveqives bypinpoinDngmiqitarytargetsandavoiding unnecessaryciviqiandeathsd?hesaid: Tomhasbeenanamateurradiooperatorsincetheage 14

Online Edition

of:mateu A rradiodaqsoknownas>hamradiod?isthe useofradiofrequencyspectrumfornonJcommerciaq exchangingofmessagesdwireqessexperimentaDon andemergencycommunicaDonsdamongothers: >Iouw qdtaqkwithotherhamradiooperatorsaqqover theorqd w andthoroughqyenjoyeditasaouy thd? Tomsaid:>SinceIaqreadyhadtheeqectronicsand communicaDonsskiqqsneededdas wI seqectedforthese duDesRinthemiqitaryS:Iaqsowrotesomecqassified documentsoneffecDev shortwavecommunicaDon:? LicensedbytheCfor F aqmostrears y andhoqding andvA ancedCqassLicensedTomisresident P and TrusteeofWBDGRdtheCampShohoqamateu A r RadioCqubinreeqey G dAdP whereheteacheshundreds ofcampershowtocommunicateovershortJwave radio:WBDGRisthefirstandoqdestsummer campmateu A rRadioCqubintheUnitedStatesand hasqicensedmorethanhamradiooperators: TomisaqsoaqongDmememberandpastofficer ofWEDUdtheamateurradiocqubinYorkdA:P MASONIC INCLUDES: >Itfsreaqqyaqotoffund? Tomsaid:>JustCHARITIES esterday y dew • Masonic the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania ere w taqking withpeopqeVillages onthreeof different conD nents Masonic Library and Museum throughshortwave• radio: TheyRthe campersS thought of Pennsylvania thatas w theneatestthing: mateu A rradiooperators • Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation sendgoodwiqqcommunicaDontootherradio operators • Masonic Children’s Home aroundtheorqd: w utB hamradioismorethanjusta Pennsylvania Freemason

“Masonry meshes extremely well in my life,” Tom said. “It has taught me how to communicate with other human beings. That’s why we’re on this earth, to help and assist. To me, that’s the epitome of being a Mason – helping others, especially those in need.”

hobby:Weprovideemergency communicaDonsinhurricanesd tornadoesandotheremergencies: urO radiosarebatteryoperated andcanbebroughtoutfor useinamomentfsnoDce:? TomtaughtcommunicaDons for 42 years at York College in ennsy P qvaniadreDringin: eH aqsomanagedthecoqqegefs FMradiostaDon:Todaydhe teachesaduqtqearningcourses atenn P StateUniversity: >WereJenactedtheattB qeof unker B iqq H Rfoughtonune J d dduringtheSiegeofoston B inthefirststageofthemerican A RevoquDonaryWarSd?hesaid: >MostoftheDmeswhenIdothisd Idressupinoqoniaq C uniform:? Tom has a strong love of history, especiaqqymerican A RevoquDonary Warhistorydbecauseofhisfamiqyfs invoqvementinespionageduring thear: w is H ancestordThomas Knowqtondas w theery v firstspyfor theonD C nentaqrmy A :Knowqton Autumn 2021

PJrQas w anmerican A patriotwhoservedintherench F andndian I Warsandas w aoqoneq C duringthemerican A RevoquDon: >Hefsinapicturewitha musketacrosshischestin theattB qeofunker B iqq H duringtheard? w Tomsaid: Tomas w bornandraisedinthe hiqadeqphia P areadbutmovedto YorkaftercompqeDnghismiqitary serviceandbeganorking w at York College almost immediately. eH aqsostudiedeqectronicsand eqectricaqengineeringatCqarkson Universityinotsdamd P NY: n A acDev oyB ScoutdTomhasbeen theScoutaster M forTroopin Yorkforthepastfiveears: y efs H aqsoanacDev RevoquDonaryWar reJenactordamuseumdocentfor the York County History Center and a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Churchforaqmostears: y eH enjoyssharingreemasonry F withoneofhissixsons:

Top: Tom and his son, Chris, at a Consistory function. Middle: Tom dressed for a re-enactment of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Bottom: Tom at an Intercollegiate Broadcasting System conference.

Online Edition



Combining History & Music to Honor Civil War Veterans There are very few people who can tell a story like Brother Jeff Stike, W.M., Friendship Lodge No. 663, Fawn Grove. He has made a living combining his love of history with his love of music. efffs J songstaketheqistenerback inDmewithauniquemusicaqstyqe andtaqent:n I dtheguitarist reqeasedtheaqbum>Gettsbu y rg einWordsandusicd? M eight narraDonsputtomusicthatvividqy recountthestoryoftheattB qeof ettG sbu y rgduringthemerican A CiviqWardusingtheactuaqords w ofthesoqdierswhofoughtthere: TheattB qeofettG sbu y rgas w foughtuqyJ Jdsrdbetween theUnionPnorthQandonfederate C PsouthQforces:ften O described asthearfs w turningpointdthe battqeyieqdedtheqargestnumber ofcasuaqDesintheenDrear: w >Thereas w abookaboutthe burning of the Wrightsville Bridge, andas wI wriDngasongabout itd?eff J said:>Thesongas w abig hitformeandpiquedaqifeqong qoveoftheCiviqWarandhistory:? PNote9topreventtheadvanceof onfederate C troopsacrossthe river from the Wrightsville side during the Civil War, the bridge as w burnedbyUnionmiqiDa:Q >Twoears y qateras w the anniversaryoftheattB qeof ettG sbu y rgd?hesaid:>Bthend y Ifdwrittenmostofthesongs andnarraDonfortheaqbum:I performedaqqoverthepqace:tI as w aery v memorabqethingtobeapart of:Itookexperiencesandquotes inbooksfromactuaqsoqdiers andmadethemintosongs:?



Online Edition

n I deff J narratedanother aqbumd>Coqorearerd? B aCiviqWar tribute based on the memoirs of his ancestordohn J A:SDkeqeatherdcoqor th bearerPflagbearerQforthe North Caroqinanfantry I :SDkeqeatheras w oneofthefewsurvivingmembers oftheinfamous>Stonewaqq rigade? B oftheonfederate C rmy A d afamouscombatunitinU:S: miqitaryhistory:eff J narratedthe mostinteresDngaccountsfrom thememoirandsetthemtomusicd strumming his guitar as he retold

the Confederate soldier’s tale. >Theaqbumispowerfuqd?hesaid: >Itchangedmyqifeandhow I think about a lot of things. SDkeqeatheras w aerman G name: greatJgrandfather yM dropped the<qeatherffromhissurnamed somyqastnameisSDke:? eff J as w borninandgrew upinarford H ouC ntyddMD right neartheasonJD M ixonqine:Todayd heqivesinirv A iqqedA:P usic M as w everything to him from a young Pennsylvania Freemason

>Ididdiscoverrockandroqqandstartedaband rightoutofhighschooqd?hesaid:>Wepqayed aqqoftheSoutherndcqassicrockandbquesew couqd:tI as w greatpqayinginbandswithaqqofmy friendsforsomanyears y asaouy ngman:?

“The album is powerful. It changed my life and how I think about a lot of things. age:is H motherandfatherpqayedinchurchbquegrass bands:ery vE Saturdaynightdahandfuqofpeopqeouw qd sitaroundwithguitarsathisgrandmotherfshoused singing:eff J qearnedhowtopickaguitarattheageofs: >Aqqthreeofmygrandparentsgrewupin ppaqachiad A southwestVirginiaandnorthwest orth N Caroqinad?eff J recaqqed:>Ifveaqwaysbeen exposedtoppaqachian A music:Iqearnedfrom atching w themandfaqqinginqovewithit:? eff J pqaysmostqystringinstrumentsdcaqqing himseqfa>guitardbassandbanjogu:? y >Idoaqotofork w usingthoseinstrumentsd?he said:>Itgivesmetheabiqitytowritethesongs andputthemintomusic:Ithinkmusicdefiniteqy touchespeopqe:Youcanhearasongandqearnjust asmuchasifouy readsomethinginabook:? efffs J motheras w ahugeCiviqWarbuffwho tookeff J tobattqefieqdsthroughoutthesouth whiqevisiDngfamiqy:is H grandmotherhadthree brotherswhofoughtinWorqdWarIdandeff J usedtodressupandpqay>Army?withhisfriendsd donningoqdmedaqsandshirtsandpants:

entu vE aqqydeff J securedaqocaqagentandbeganto orkd w typicaqqypqayingforprivateparDes:Wayne damsd A whoownedandranagqes E est N rodu P cDonsd aqocaqrecordingstudiodtaughteff J howtoproduce hisownaqbums:eff J aqsoproducedmusicforother musiciansdoftenappearingontheiraqbums: >Ias w goodatcountryandbquegrass becauseas wI arounditgrowingupdsoI as w thegoJtoguitargud? y hesaid: Laterondeff J decidedtoheadoutonhisownasa soqoactdwhichas w whenhiscareerreaqqybegan totakeoff:eH as w successfuqunDqVIOC DJ hitdandthenheas w forcedtotakeabreakfrom performingdaqqthewhiqesDqqrecordingmusic: >ItfsDmetoreinventmyseqfagaind?hesaidrecentqy: >Ihadpqayedsteadyeveryeek w forears y Rat qocaqfesDaqsd v restaurantsandparDesSdandVIOC D as w thefirstDmeItookabreakfrommusicinaqong Dme:owN deveryoneants w metostartperforming again:Ihaveto:tfs I somethingIcanftTNO do:? n I addiDontohisqoveofhistorydeff J aqso writessongsabouthisthreechiqdrendfaqqing inqovewithhiswifedCindydandothertopics: utB heconsiderstheettG sbu y rgaqbum >oneofthebestthingsIfveeverdone:? >Itfsbringinghonortosomeofthosegusd y eqqd w toaqq thesoqdiersdreaqqyd?hesaid:>TheettG sbu y rgaqbumK especiaqqythememoirsofmyancestorsKwiqqoutqive meandhopefuqqydosomegoodinthefuture:? To learn more about Jeff Stike, visit

>Whenouy readaboutthebattqesetI as w justthe heroicthingsthesegusy didetI as w soinspiring:? the yB Dmehegraduatedfromhighschooqd eff J hadbeenpqayingguitarandsingingat schooqdatchurchandinbackyardsforears: y Autumn 2021

Online Edition



A Veteran’s Advice: “Do Your Best” Brother Herbert W. Ridyard’s mother always encouraged her son to do his best, even though as a young boy he was slight, shy and lacking in confidence.

studiesattheUniversityofqorida: F owH everdthreemonthsqaterdhe receivedaqetterteqqinghimwhen andwheretoreportforacDev duty servinghiscountryinthear: w

n I hismemoirsdappropriateqyDtqed >DoYourestd? B erb H takesthat mantra to heart and shares his life lessons about love, honesty and dedicaDonKforthebenefitofhis family, friends, historians and the generaqpopuqaDondbutaqsoin memory of those he fought beside andthedpeopqewhogave their lives during World War II.

During his eight months in combatoverseasderb H as w part th ofthe Infantry Division in the Thirdrmy A underthecommand of the famous General George attP on:eH andhisfeqqowsoqdiers foughttheirayw throughthe German Siegried Line in the fall andbitterwinterofJ:

>Thismemoirismeanttoinspire anyonebornwithaeakness w KinbodyandForspiritKto dotheirbestdsearchfortheir inherent talents and strengths andtonevergiveupd?hesaid: erb H grewupinethqehemd B AdP andenqistedintheU:S:rmy A at ageuponthepremiseofafree coqqegeeducaDon:fter A highschooq graduaDondheas w shippedto Texasandthentoississippi M to compqetehisheavmachine y gun squadtraining:eH thenbeganhis


Online Edition

erb H as w intheJcaqiberheavy machinegunsquadwherehe as w anammobearerforthe gun:eH as w aqsoarifleman toprotectthegunners: >Whenew ere w onthefront qinesdtwoofusstoodguardfor twohoursdwhiqetheotherfour sqeptintheirhoqesd?hesaid:>We rotated guard duty around the cqockandaqmostnevergotmore thanfourhoursofsqeepataDme: >AsaJyearJoqddIspentthe whoqefaqqandwinterofJ

outsideandqivedwithfear ofenemyarDqqerydscreaming meemiesdetc:deverybreathing minute:ortu F nateqydmyprayers ere w answeredbytheoqy H Spiritd whogavemecouragetodomy dutytothebestofmyabiqity:? erb H saidhehopespeopqe whoreadhisbookwiqqbetter understandthephysicaqand psychoqogicaqcondiDons soldiers had to endure. ThedayafterVictoryinurope E ayD derb H as w guardingaerman G butchershopwhenaqittqeoqd erman G aqked w byandsaidd >Gutenmorgen:?erb H choked upbutdidnotrespond:Theery v nextdaydthesamemansaid >Gutenmorgen?again:erb H said >Goodmorning?backtohim: >Thear w endedrightthereformed? he said. “All of the hate, anger, fear Kitaqqent w awaydandIneverhada probqemhaDngermans G againafter that:Ithinktheoqy H Spiritsent thisguto y mebecauseitas w such animportantmomentinmyqife:?

Pennsylvania Freemason

ommitt C eeforeronau A DcsPNCAQinamptond H VA:as w CAN estabqishedbythegovernment duringWWItoork w onarJreqated w projectsand as w eventuaqqyabsorbedbyNASAins: WhiqeatCAdN erb H attendednightschooqatthe UniversityofVirginiatoearnhismasterfsdegreein aeronauDcaqengineering:is H proudestaccompqishment as w conducDngaerodynamicresearchontheorth N merican A XJdahypersonicrocketJpoweredresearch aircraftoperatedbytheU:S:ir A orced F and CAN qaterbyNASAasanexperimentaqaircraft:TheXJ setspeedandaqDtuderecordsthatsDqqstandtoday andas w usedtoreachtheedgeofouterspaceand returnwithaqu v abqedatausedinspacecraftdesign: n I derb H qeftto CAN pursuean opportunityateneraq G qectric E beforereDring afterearsd y whereheheqpeddesignamissiqe thatcarriedmericafs A nucqeareapons: w

erb H saidhefirstbecamespirituaqthroughaSunday schooqteacher:tA ageorears y oqddhetook apqedgetoacceptesu J sChristashissavior:

“As I went overseas, my first fear was that I would be a coward,” he said. “The very first day on the front lines, German artillery shells exploded all around my slit trench. I was so scared. I was begging Jesus, ‘I’ll do anything for You if You will only save me.’” en vE thoughheas w admittedqy>notthegreatest soqdierintheorqd w attheDmed?erb H didwhatever as w askedofhimtothebestofhisabiqity:>Ibeqievethe oqy H Spiritgavemecourage:eH knewwhatIneeded:

eH andhiswifeofearsd y ancy N ouL dqived nearVaqqeyorge F forrears y beforemovingto asonic M Viqqageatqiz E abethtownintobe cqosertofamiqy:Thecoupqehasfourchiqdrendseven grandchiqdrenandninegreatJgrandchiqdren: erbd H whoisrdhasbeenaason M fornine ears: y >WhenIsawhoworganizedthingsere w attheViqqageandhowfriendqyeveryoneasd w Ithought<wowdf?hesaid:>Ient w backtomy churchinVaqqeyorged F whereIknewaason: M I askedhimhowIcouqdbecomeaasond M andhe tookmetoaoneJdaycourseandthatas w it:? erb H joinedaqodgeinrdmored A AdP before settqinginwithbraham A C:Treichqerodge L o: N rsinqiz E abethtowndcqosertowhereheqives: eH iscurrentqyamemberofbothqodges: >ThemodeqRofreemasonry F Sistomakegoodmen betterd?hesaid:>Ifindsomanygoodgusy outhere whoarehonestandwiqqingtoheqpanddothings forothers:Iqoveit:Iqovetobewiththegus:? y

>Aftertheard w Ispenttherestofmyqifeteaching SundayschooqRaboutearsS: y as wI aoyB Scoutaster M foranequaqamountofDme: SodIgavemyseqfinservicetoothers:?

erbfs H bookdtotaqingsspagesdas w pubqishedby riesen F ress P inuguA standissoqdonmaz A on andinbookstores:erb H saiditisthecuqminaDonofa qongDmeeffort:eH hasbeenwriDngthebookforabout ears y andresearchingitformanyears y beforethat:

oqqow F inghisserviceoverseasderb H attended ehigh L Universityontheiqq GIB tostudymechanicaq engineeringandgraduatedwithhonors:is H dream as w tofindacareerinaviaDon:n I dhebecamean aeronauDcaqresearchscienDstattheaDN onaqdvA isory

>Onqyintheqasteard y duringVIOC dD didIconcentrate ongeDfingthebookpubqishedd?hesaid:>Ididaqot offamiqyhistoryresearchinthebeginning:Istarted wriDngitaqqdown:rom F thenondas wI tryingtoput thestorytogether:tI hasbeenaonderfu w qexperience:?

Autumn 2021

Online Edition



By Sheer “Hap”penstance, a WWII Connection is Made rosetocommandthermy A ir A orces F immediateqypriortothe merican A entryintoWorqdWarI: eonardd L aorean K Wareteran v withtheoast C uardd G hasbeen speakingaboutap H fornearqy 20 years at various lodges, incqudinghisowndandfor miqitaryorganizaDons:eonard L isaqsoamemberofaDN onaq Sojournersdnc: I Kenjamin B rankqin F Chaptero: N rd hiqadeqphia: P TheorganizaDon isforasons M whohaveservedd currentqyserveorere w honorabqy dischargedfromthemiqitary: “I found out all about the story of ap H rnoqd A afterIstarteddoing aqotofresearchd?eonard L said: >AsIstartedtaqkingaboutap H in the lodge, one of our members gotupandsaidd<Mdad y pqayed footbaqqwithap H rnoqd A at owL ererion M igh H Schooq4fRin rdmored A S: A P Westartedtaqkingd andhebroughtinphotos:?

Back in 2000, Brother Leonard Bezar was sifting through the records of members of his lodge, Cassia Mount Horeb Lodge No. 273, Ardmore. eH discoveredthatoneof theqodgefspreviousmasters PsQas w r: D erbert H rnoqdd A father of the infamous General enry H arqey H >Hap?rnoqd: A 20

Online Edition

ap H rnoqd A PssrJQas w ajasond M aviaDonpioneer and General in both the Army andir A orce: F eH as w theonqy U:S:ir A orce F eneraq G tohoqd fiveJstarrankandtheonqy officertohoqdthatrankintwo differentU:S:miqitarybranches: nstru I ctedinflyingbytheWright rothersd B ap H as w oneofthe firstmiqitarypiqotsorqdw w ide:eH

apd H whoas w borninqadw G yned as w notsupposedtoenterthe Army. His older brother, Thomas, as w toattendWestoint P and conDnuethernoqd A famiqy tradiDonofmerican A miqitary servicethatbeganduringtheWar forndependence: I Thomasrejected hisparentsfpersistenturging toattendWestointd P soenry H inheritedtheopportunitytocarry on the family’s military heritage, whichhedidwithgreatdisDncDon: ery vE ear y sincedCassia ouM ntoreb H odge L haspresented schoqarshipstoagraduaDngsenior atbothowL ererion M igh H Schooq andavH erfordigh H Schooqin Pennsylvania Freemason

his memory. A large number of lodge members are fromtheavH erfordTownshipareadsotheyeventuaqqy oted v tooffertheschoqarshipatbothhighschooqsd eonard L expqained:ToquaqifydagraduaDngsenior mustdemonstratecommunityservicedandacademics andfinanciaqneedareaqsopartofthecriteria: >Hapas w aqwaysinterestedinsupporDngcommuniDes intheU:S:d?eonard L said:>Weasktheschooqsto nominateuptofiveseniorsdandthenew interview themandseqectthewinnersdonefromeachschooq:? eonard L attendstheschooqsf>Honoright? N and awardsthecerDficatestothewinningstudents: n I dduringabusinesstriptoCaqiforniad eonard L caqqedapfs H grandsondRobertrnoqdd A who ownsawineryinthearea:Robertdidnotknow hisgrandfatherpersonaqqydbuthegaveeonard L photosofhim:n I dRobertsoqdthewineryand donatedapfs H flagpoqedwhichhehadhunginfront ofhishousedtoTempqeodge L o: N dSonomadCA: bronz A easonic M markercommemoraDngapfs H manyaccompqishmentsisqocatedatthebaseof aJfootJtaqqsoqidredwoodflagpoqewithinthe Sonomaasonic M enter C courtyard:Theflagpoqeheqd themerican A flagandtwocopiesofapfs H fiveJstar flagsdoneforthermy A andonefortheir A orce: F >Thatexcitedme:ne O ofourSojournersas w the reDredheadoftheennsy P qvaniair A aDN onaquard: G eH as w abqetoprocurefromtheSmithsonian addiDonaqcopiesofthefiveJstarflagsforusd? eonard L said:>IndourqodgeandtheSojourners presentedtheflagstoowL ererion M igh H Schooqd wheretheyflyontheirflagpoqefiveDmesaeard y incqudingonqag F ayD andapfs H birthday:The schooqnameditsfootbaqqstadiumafterap: H

“It’s a treat to see Hap’s memory continue,” Leonard said. “His flags are on the stands inside the main building of the high school.”

Leonard Bezar dressed in National Sojourner attire at a military baby shower

Autumn 2021

Online Edition



Masons Serving Their Communities

On July 31, the brothers of Mt. Olivet Lodge No. 704, Lebanon, assembled backpacks to donate to threeqocaqschooqdistrictsforstudentsinneed: ccording A toTravisL:reedd F W:M:dtheqodge donatesbackpackseacheard y whichincqude schooqsuppqiesandaninsuqatedqunchbag:

On July 20, in celebration of PA250 Pennsylvania Volunteer Day, rothers B arry H S:enkinsd J ordanJ J arD M nodge L o: N rdqqentow A ndandRaymond Reppertd:DD :G:M:Jdehigh L VaqqeyayD odge L o: N sdacu M ngiedheqpedattheSecond arv H estood F ank B inazN arethdAdP tofiqqs boxestobedeqiveredtomiqitaryeterans: v

On July 10, W.K. Bray Lodge No. 410, Hatboro, coqqected pairsofsocksandmadebagqunchesthatere w distributedtothehomeqessinhiqadeqphia: P Theyaqso distributedpairsofshoeswhichere w donated byVangsWiqqowrov G eandeshaminy N shoestoresd throughbington A Twp:CiDens z andoqice P Together:

We want to hear about your community service and Random Acts of Kindness! Email your story and pictures to:


Online Edition

Pennsylvania Freemason

rother B ands L >Dreamob? J as Gettysburg Foundation CEO Brother Wayne Motts was recently named President and CEO of the Gettysburg Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates with the National Park Service to preserve Gettysburg National Military Park and the Eisenhower National Historic Site, and to educate the public about their significance. He started the new position in May 2021. A member of Good Samaritan Lodge No. rdettG sbu y rgdWaynesaidhismain responsibiqityisto>betheqeaderoftheshipd? carryingouttheoperaDonaqpqanssetbythe strategicvisionoftheboardofdirectors: >Ias w theqittqeboydonningtheCiviqWarcapandflagd andnowIgettocomebackandmakeadifferenced whichmakesmefeeqreaqqypqeasedd?hesaid:>Ifve hadsomuchqovefortheCiviqWarmywhoqeqifedso tobenamedtheqeaderhereisthegreatesthonor:? Wayneas w previousqyOof CE arrisbu H rgfsaDN onaq CiviqWaruseu M mfornineears y andaqicensed guideattheettG sbu y rgaDN onaqiqitary M ark P for ears: y eH aqsoservedasecu Ex eDv irector D ofthe dams A ouC ntyistoricaq H SocietyinettG sbu y rg: n I addiDondheas w instrumentaqinproviding historicaqbackgroundfortheriendJtoJ F riend F monumentdaasonic M monument qocatedontheettG sbu y rgbattqefieqd: Wayne’s interest in the Civil War stems from his upbringingjustsouthofoqu C mbusdhio: O is H parents foundedamiqitarymuseumKtheottM siqitary M useu M minrov G eportdhio O Kwherehisfatherserves asirector D andhissisteristheAssistantirector: D The museumfsmissionistopreservemericafs A miqitary historyfromtheoqoniaq C eratocurrentgqobaqconflicts:

“I’ve had a museum background basically my whole life,” he said. “It’s just who I am.” Waynemovedtoennsy P qvaniaoverears y ago andcurrentqyqiveswithhiswifeinestern w dams A ouC ntydest w ofettG sbu y rg:eH earnedhisacheqor B of Arts degree in military history from The Ohio StateUniversityandamasterfsinmerican A istory H fromShippensburgUniversityofennsy P qvania:

Autumn 2021

eH istheauthorofseveraqbooksandarDcqes ontheCiviqWardincqudingasmaqqbiographyof onfederate C rigadier B eneraq G ewL isddison A rmisteadd A areemason F depictedonthe riendJtoJF F riendmonument:eH coJauthoreda guidebookonickett P fsChargedthecuqminaDon oftheattB qeofettG sbu y rginsr: Waynehasaqsoappearedonnumerousteqevision historicaqdocumentaries:>TobeOand CE resident P of theettG sbu y rgouF ndaDonditheqpsifouy knowaqot aboutthesubjectmatterandcantaqkaboutitd?hesaid: WayneisaqongJDmereemason F Paqmost earsQ y andas w SenioreMD oqayoftherov G eport POhioQchapter:eH saidheas w fascinatedby reemasonry F anditshistoricaqconnecDon: >Iamery v interestedinthehistoryoftheasonic M connecDonwiththeattB qeofettG sbu y rgdso whenImovedtoettG sbu y rgdIknewanted wI to jointheqodged?hesaid:>Thetwomenwhosigned formeere w bothbattqefieqdguidesdtoo:? n I hisfreeDmedWayneresearchespersonaq projectsthatinteresthim:eH aqsospends DmewriDnganddoingpubqicspeaking: >Mprofession y isaqsomyhobbyd?hesaid:>Ifeeq everydayIgotoork w isagreatdaybecause Ifmery v interestedinthesubjectmatter:? Online Edition



Persevering (To Do Good) Throughout the Pandemic Brother Gordon R. Crowell Jr., W.M., Easton Lodge No. 152, didn’t rest during the pandemic. He, his wife and his fellow brethren sprang into action, supporting their lodge and local community. n I ctober O dordon G organizedaaqqow H eengiveaway infrontofhisqodgeduringthecity ofastonfs E trickJorJtreatevent:eH andhisfeqqowbrothersgaveaway facemasksdwintergqovesdgqow geardflashqightsdtrickJorJtreatbagsd handsaniDers z andqotsofcandy: >Aqotofasons M cametosupport usd?ordon G said:>Eery v thingas w VIOC Dsafe:Wereceivedqots ofdonaDonsdandmywifeandI boughtaqqthegoodies:Whenew seepeopqewhoneedheqpdew aregoingtobuqqdozethroughit anddowhatew cantoheqp:? In November, Gordon and his lodge donated over 40 turkeys to families inneedforThanksgiving:is H wifed qqend E isanartteacheratefferson J qementary E Schooqinqqentow A nd wheretheturkeysere w donated: n I ecemberd D ordon G and Ellen, dressed as Santa and rs: M Cqausdpartneredwiththe qqentow A noqice P epartmentd D ire F epartment D andEMSto paradearoundthecityjust before Christmas, delivering small packagescontainingfacemasksd candycanesdmoneyandsmiqes: n I arch M dordon G commissionedqqen E todesign agraphicrepresentaDonofthe themehechoseforhisqodge thateard y >ReqighDngYourath:? O


Online Edition

Thegraphicas w embqazonedon sweatshirtsdhatsandotherappareq: ordon G hasqaunchedthesaqeof thisappareqnaDonwide:eH saidhe wiqqusetheprofitstostrengthen the fraternity. To order, visit: https:// masons-relightingtheoath-2021. >AsWorshipfuqasterd M ouy pick thethemefortheeard? y hesaid: ><ReqighDngYourathf O as w a reminderofwhatew doasasons M andwhatitmeans:SomeDmes efre w toobusytorememberitd butifouy stopandthinkwhat theoathisdouy cangoback towhatouy shouqddo:qq A the moneyew makefromthiswiqq

gotoheqpingthebrotherhood andqodgesinneeddkeepingthe brotherhoodstrongdsoitcankeep doingwhatitdoesaqqear y qong:? n I priqd A aqocaqchurchasked ordon G ifheouw qddressupas theaster E unny B :eH didjust thatdvisiDngfourdifferentparksd aseqq w astheoqice P cademy A inqqentow A ndtoentertainthe poqiceofficersandtheirkids: qso A thatmonthdaspartofthe aston E ain M StreetniD I aDed v ordon G agreedtoaqqowamuraq tobepaintedonthesideof hisqodgefsbuiqdingtobeauDfy thearea:qqen E paintedthe

Pennsylvania Freemason

muraqdandLafayetteoqqege C studentRoxane oqon B authoredthepoemd>IfYouListen:? >Asasonsd M ouy havetobeeqq w roundedinthe qiberaqartsd?hesaid:>Theqodgeas w happyto oqu v nteertheuseofitsaqq w forthisartsiniDaDe:? v Whenhefsnotbusyspreadingjoyand heqpingothersdordon G aqsogivesbackas aennsy P qvaniaStateonstabqed C aneqected posiDoninennsy P qvania:tI istheconstabqefsjob toenforcetheqawandcarryitoutdthesameas adistrictattorneydsherifforpoqiceofficer:

“You have to be a special kind of person to do this kind of work. You have to treat everyone with respect. I try to be as nice as I can be.” ordon G andqqen E haveqongbeenfixturesinthe communitydevenpriortoordon G becominga ason: M or F earsd y ordon G andhiswifevisited ewN ethany B inistries M inethqehemd B which offershopeandsupporttopeopqewhoexperience povertydhungerandhomeqessness:ordon G dressed upasSantaCqausanddeqiveredgiftstoguests thereonChristmasday:Thecoupqeaqsodonated turkeystothecommunityonThanksgiving: >Mwife y andIhavebeenonteqevisionaqotbecause IhavedressedupasSantaCqausoverthepastsix orsevenearsd? y hesaid:>Ifveaqwaystriedtodo asmuchasIcanformycommunity:Thatfshow myfourbrothersandere wI broughtup:Weare fortunatetobeintheposiDonthatew areRinqifeS: >Mparents y aqwayssaidd<Aqoneouy wiqqnotdo muchdbutwithheqpoffamiqyandfriendsdouy fqqdo greatthings:fwife yM andIdonateaqotofourDmed butthatdoesnftmeananythingifew donfthave peopqetoheqpus:Wejustant w toshowthateven duringapandemicdthingscanbedonesafeqydandaqq ew wishforisforpeopqetofeeqqovedandcaredfor:? Left: Gordon as Santa. Top: Gordon as the Easter Bunny. Middle: Gordon and his lodge brothers. Bottom: Gordon and Ellen in front of the mural.

Autumn 2021

Online Edition



onoring H h ssisD A ng Masonic Widows

Front row, left-right: Keith Doyle, D.D.G.M.-50, Mrs. Marlene Courtright; Mrs. Alison Schaefer; Mrs. Susan Hendricks; and Mark Andersen, W.M., Barger Lodge No. 325. Back row, leftright: Mrs. Patricia Bush; Mrs. Judith Wolfe; Mrs. Barbara Heller; and Linda Jackson, Relations Administrator.

Three lodges recently held Widows Guild events: Barger Lodge No. 325, Stroudsburg, on May 22; Ligonier Lodge No. 331 on June 13; and IndianaFranklin Lodge No. 313, Indiana, on July 17. tA theseeventsdbrethreniniDateinterestedasonic M widowsintotheguiqddincqudingthepresentaDonofthe quB eSqipperind P andprovidethemcontactinformaDon fortheasonic M utreach O rogramd P shouqdtheyever haveaneedorconcern:SomeqodgesdsuchasLigonierd treattheqadiestodinnerbeforeoraftertheprogram: Universaqqyrecognizedamongasonsd M thebque sqipperpinidenDfiestheearer w asthewidowofa ason: M ts I historycomesfromtheook B ofRuthin theqd O Testament:uring D theDmeofoaz B dthenext ofkinas w toqookafterthewidowandoffspring:n I Ruthfscasedthenextofkinrefusedtohonorthis requirementdsooaz B agreedtotakeupthetask: Whenoaz B metwiththenextofkintoseaqthedeaqd thenextofkindrewoffhisshoeandhandeditto oaz B asatokenforthebargaintotakecareofRuth: oaz B heqdtheshoeupforaqqtoseeaswitnesses ofthedeaq:Tothisdaydthebquesqippersymboqizes ourdutytocareforourwidowsofthefraternity:


At the Ligonier Lodge No. 331 event, front row, left-right: Brother Brad Overdorff, Mrs. Karin Davis, Mrs. Maxine Leffard, Mrs. Joann Riddell and her son. Second row, left-right: Brothers Jacque Hauser, Stephen Small, Jeff Figard and Lou Surace. Third row, left-right: Brothers Rev. Daniel B. Keene, Bruce Robinson, Doug Leichliter, Bill Clark and Rex Ashbrook. Shown at the IndianaFranklin Lodge No. 313 event are, front row, leftright: Nioma Johnston, Mary Ellen Brown, Marcelle Eckman and Daryll Lee Wells. Back row, left-right: Carolyn Kelsey, Karen Cass, Sandy McKee, Carol Buterbaugh and Catherine Kimmel. Sandy McKee receives her pin from Chester A. Hill, W.M., IndianaFranklin Lodge No. 313.

For more information on hosting a lodge widow recognition event, contact Linda Jackson, Relations Administrator, at or 717-367-1121, ext. 33497.

Pennsylvania Freemason


4 Annual asonic M hariD C es SporDng tayC s Resutts

Thanks to our generous sponsors, these events netted over $25,000 forthe Masonic ChariDes4 SevenSpringsent vE Resutts Aug. 22, 2021: HighOeraqq v WinnerwithaS coreofr9 Ken Heese RunnerJupwithaScoreof9 Cole Frederick High Overall Female: Kristen Maxwell Winning Team: Adam, Chris, Jacob and Ken Heese with an average score of 77

ehigh L Vattey ent vE Resutts Sept. 12, 2021: HighOeraqq v Winnerwit haScoreof9 Larry Flinchbaugh RunnerJupwithaScoreof9 Dan Elinich High Overall Female: Amy Scutti Winning Team: Brian Davies, Larry Flinchbaugh and Maurice Lee, with an average score of 90.3

Shoot Sponsor: iqq M reek C Capitaqnv I estments


Ammo Sponsor: ernz B ottCapitaq

reakfast B Sponsors9

Christenson Investment Partners aDN onaqnv I estmentServices River Road Asset Management USInsu I rancerokers B

5-Stand Sponsors: Catering by Design Lincoqninanciaq F Robert:F unkeqd D :DP :D:G:M:Js Timothyqetcherd P :DD :G:M:J

ohn J T:robstd B r:d J :DD :G:M:Js Charles Cagle, CPA KristenouD gqasd:MP :dShidqe odge L o: N r Informed Systems KingSoqomonfsodge L o: N r MMC Land Management asonic MA P YouthouF ndaDon arkw P oodUSA Quandeqonstru C cDon Regonterprises E arry H Ruer tt SEAsKCP hdvA isors UnityrinD P ng Vaqqeyofqqentow A n

SAVE THE DATES fornextearfs y events9 SEVEN SPRINGS Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022 LEHIGH VALLEY Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022 Autumn 2021

Online Edition



Masonic Values Art Contest Winners Announced Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 “Embodying Masonic Values” art competition sponsored by The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania! oth B amateurandprofessionaqarDstsdages andoqderdere w invitedtosubmitoriginaqentries: ThirtyJfourentriesere w submittedthisear: y urors J incqudedrother B TravisSimpkinsdarDst8 oe M A:rookerd B painter8andqaine E rned E arDstF teacher:qq A enteredartworkdispqayedavisuaq interpretaDonofreemasonry F inennsy P qvania: Therand G ExhibiDonaqa G as w heqdattheasonic M Tempqeinhiqadeqphia P onriday F dct: O dfeaturing acocktaiqandhorsdfoeuvresrecepDondqivemusicd announcementofwinnersandaqiveaucDonofseqected artwork:Theannuaqrand G ExhibiDonas w opentothe pubqictoviewfromct: O J:tI cansDqqbeviewed at Somerand G ExhibiDonarDstshavechosentooffer theirorks w forsaqedwithswofthesaqeaqu v e goingtothemandwtoTheasonic M Libraryand useu M mofennsy P qvania:qq A piecesaresubjectto priorsaqe:rices P donotincqudeshippingdhandqing andinsurance:ers uyB maychoosetopickuptheir purchaseattheasonic M Tempqedne O orth N road B Streetdhiqadeqphia: P qease P contactthegiftshop atJssJdTuesdayJSaturdayd9a:m:J 9p:m:dtomakeapurchaseandarrangements:



BEST IN CATEGORY $200 Award Oil: >Twiqight?byChristopherCataqogna


Three-dimensional: “1stancake P reakfast? B byon J eHD art


Drawing and Print-making: >Draftingofen? M byVaqerieong L


Water-Based Medium: ?Symboqs?byngeqa A ayH nes


Digital Imagery: >Therchitect? A byadison M Smoqsky


GRAND MASTER’S PRIZE $500 Award >Theegend L oftheThirdegree? D 6 byndrey A ovK tun BEST IN SHOW $1,000 Award >SafetyontheStreetsofhiqadeqphia? P 7 byanie J dwE ards


Pennsylvania Freemason





Best in Show 6

d Gran ’s er Mast Prize

Autumn 2021

Online Edition




Make the Season Brighter for Those in Need

Support Your Masonic Charities this Holiday! GIVING CATALOGS

urchase P itemstobenefitresidentsofourasonic M Viqqages andasonic M Chiqdrenfsome: H Visit and MCHGivingCatalog.orgtoviewandpurchaseitemsdincquding booksdgamesdcqothingdhoqidaygiftsandmore:



f I ouy are}oroqderdouy canuseouy r individuaqreDrementaccountPIRAQtosupport themissionofanyoneoftheasonic M ChariDes:CaqqJsJJrand askforourQCDpqanningkit ortospeaktoagiftpqanner:



uthoriz A easpecifiedamountofmoneytobe eqectronicaqqytransferreddirectqyfromouy r checkingaccountorcreditcardmonthqy:This istheeasiestformofgivingKpqusdouy wiqq receiveaearJend y statementofmonthqygiving foreasytaxpreparaDon: Youcancanceqouy r authorizaDonatanyDme:To jointheornerstone C Circqedcaqq 1-800-599-6454 or visit



Whenouy shopatmaz A onSmiqeforouy r hoqidaygiftsdmaz A onwiqqdonate:wofthe purchasepricetotheasonic M charityofouy r choice:ookmark B oneofthefoqqowingqinksd soaqqouy reqigibqepurchaseswiqqbenefitouy r seqectedcharityeveryDmeouy shop4 Pennsylvania Masonic Charities Foundation: Masonic Villages: Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation: Masonic Library and Museum:

We wish to thank our current and past supporters of the Masonic Charities' Wish List. Earlier this year, the decision was made to no longer promote specific items needed by the various Masonic Charities. However, you can still earmark your gift for a restricted purpose. As needs arise, staff will have access to your gifts for these purposes. Pennsylvania Freemason

A Carefree Future Awaits

utsided O ourbeauDfuqcampusesofferstunningarchitectureandmanicured qandscapes:nsided I safetydcomfortandaqqthenecessaryservicesawaitd soouy canqiveorry w Jfreetodayandinthefuture:ach E asonic M Viqqage qocaDonfeaturesexcepDonaqameniDesddisDnctdiningopDonsdfriendqy neighborsandeqcoming w staffreadytoaccommodateouy rqifestyqe: en vE ifouy freconsideringamoveears y fromnowdqearnaboutour priorityaiD w ngqisttodaydsoefre w readywhenouy are:

Enjoy Life Your Way, and let us take care of the rest.

Contact us to visit in person or online! Call the community* you’re interested in below for available times:

Masonic Village at Dallas: 570-446-5658 Masonic Village at Elizabethtown: 717-473-0614 Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill: 484-535-3119 Masonic Village at Sewickley: 724-242-5099 Masonic Village at Warminster: 267-317-7633 *Each community’s availability for in-person visits is subject to local guidelines. Autumn 2021


Secure your future with a Charitable Gift Annuity "Our gift annuity is a win-win for us and for Masonic Village. We are investing in the most wonderful place and guaranteeing the ‘Village’ survives, while saving on taxes to cover the increased maintenance fees. In the 14 years we’ve been here, there’s not a day that goes by that we regret living at Masonic Village. We don’t know where else we could get the fabulous care that we get here. Our annuity allows us to keep supporting that care." - Jerry and Patricia Kemmerer



f I ouy freqookingforaayw tosecure ouy rfuturedacharitabqegiftannuity maybetheanswerforouy :ot N onqy wiqqouy rgiftheqpfurthertheasonic M missiondbutouy wiqqreceivethesecurity offixedpaymentsforouy rqifeDme backedbyourpromisetopay:owN is therightDmetoqockinouy rpayout ratewithagifttofundacharitabqe giftannuity:f I ouy areroroqderdouy canmakeagiftofcashPcreditcard maybeusedtogainrewardsQdstockd mutuaqfundsorappreciatedproperty tous:fter A aqqpaymentshavebeen madedew wiqqreceivetheremaining aqu v eofouy rgifttosupportthe asonic M causesthatmattertoouy : f I ouy arenotrears y ofageety or ouw qdqiketomakeagifttoustoday butdonotneedthepaymentsunDq aqaterdatedew canaqsocreatea deferredgiftannuityarrangementto meetouy rneeds:Whiqeouy benefit fromacharitabqetaxdeducDonat theDmeouy makeouy rgifttousd ew canbeginmakingpaymentsto ouy atafuturedateorbeflexibqe aboutwhenouy rpaymentsbegin:

OfficeofMissionAdvancementandDeveqopmentd OneMasonicDr:dqiz E abethtowndN A P JsJJr ouIw qdqikemoreinformaDondwithnoobqigaDon:Pqease9 0 Send me a Charitabte i[ Annuity ittustraDon:


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