F rom left to r ig ht: Bros Tho m as W H ill er, Wo rs h p ful Mas ter o f Sy l va n ia Lo d ge Bro. Ol ve r 's s on, How ard E O li ver Br o O li ver an d Jo hn W Hai n es, Jr. , D.D.G.M
Bro. E u ge n e B. Ol i ve r , 98, of K in s to n ,
Pe nn sy lva ni a rece nLl y m arke d se ve lll yfi ve years of se r v ice to Sy l va ni a L odge
No. 354 in S hi ck shinn y. Bro s. J o hn W. H a in es, J r., D D.G .M. o f th e 35th D is tr ic t
a nd T h oma s W. H ill e r , W o rs hi pf ul
Mas ter of S y l va ni a Lodge, prese n ted Bro.
Ol ive r w ith a sp eci a l se r v ice a w a r d fro m
Masonic T e mpl e
One No rth Broad S tree t
Ph il a del p hi a , PA 19 107-259 8
t h e P e nn sy lva ni a G ra n d Lo d ge a n d a p l aq u e fro m Sy
Grand Master's Dinner-Dance
Enclosed is my check for for reservations at 20.00 per lit kt t for the Grand Masttr s DmmrDance to be held at 7.00 p m. December 27, 1989 m the Chocolate Ballroom, Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, Hershev, Pennsyl"ania.
M.tke check pa).tble to Grand Sc.'CJ't'tary.
(II) Slah Z1p
(Please include a stamped, selfaddresst'tl envelope.) .Mall to. The Office of the Grand Master The Masonic Temple One North Broad Stret•t Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598
ANN UAL GRAND Communication
L uncheon !
Decem ber 2 7, 1989
Por rai t of Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz
R. J1!. Grand Ma.sler by Bro. Henry Coope r
My Brethren,
The ever forwa rd-flowing passage of time, now brings you r Gra nd Master to the eleve nth month of hi s second year.
T hi s is, i ndeed , a time for deep refle c ti o n as I prepare thi s co lumn for th e November ed i tion of The P en nsylv ania Freemason. In fact, in just a few more sho rt days, S t. John's Da y, December 27th, to be exac t, a new corps of Gra n d Lodge officers will take on th e mant le of
leaders hip in you r Grand Lodge. This event w ill also mark the closing of th e 99th Grand Master's term.
When that day arrives, I would hop e to be jud ged by m y brethren , as a wo rth y Past Grand Master, who, in his administra ti on , made a reasonabl e and s incere contribution to his be loved fraternity. It h as been an unique and inspiring experie n ce. Thus far, in retrospect, it has been twen ty-thre e months of enth u siasm, cooperation and mutual fulfi llm en t from all brethren and appendant bodies in Pen n sy l vania's Fami l y of Freemasonry. As T ev ya , th e v illage diaryman in "F idd ler on the Roof" said: "Tradition! Tradition! I'll tell you about tradition. T r adition tell s you w ho you are a nd what is expected of you " Thus, it is wi th the Fa mil y of Freemasonry. We ar e, indeed, brothers all, and we stand firm on th e principles and obligations at t h e a l tar of Freemasonry
Some of m y goa ls, a lso, hav e been met, or, a t leas t, are i n the process of being co m p l eted . The Indepe nde nt Living Comm unity at the Masonic Homes is coming along extr emely we ll and over one-third of th e 236 units have been sol d.
Ove r th e summer mon t h s, two new e lectroni c eleva tors, r epla cing th e fi ftyyea r o ld ones at G r and Lodge in Ph il adelphia, h ave been ins ta ll ed. T h ey hav e been opera tin g adm irably s ince the end of Sep tember.
Vo l ume III, the biographies of all Pennsy l vania's Grand Mas ters, and a n
co nt inued on page 6
Grand Master's Itinerary
I Lodge No. 347, !25th Annivers ary, Girard
3-5 Eastern Regional Assembly of th e Grand Imperi a l Council, Knights of th e Red Cross of Constantine, Hershe y Pocono R esort
9 Lodge No. 802, 25th Anniversary, Hershey
16-18 Reunion, Valley of Scranton, A.A.S.R., Scranton
27 Annual Grand Communication, Hanisburg, Zemba Temple, Harrisburg, 10:00 a.m.
Volume m of The Master Builders,
Whereas th e two previ o u s volumes o ffer a comprehensive narrative his tory of the Gra nd Lodge from its fo undin g to 1986, Vo lume III presents for the firs t ti m e t he biographies of a ll107 men w h o h ave served as Gra nd Master of Pennsy lvania, from Bro. Daniel Coxe ( 17301732) to Bro. Ar thur J. K urtz ( 1988-1989). Vo lum e III, the result of two years of exte n s i ve research into Mason i c a nd non-Masonic so urce s, disc u sses information o n t h e p ubli c and pri va te li ves of the Gra nd Maste r s, includi n g their fa mil y backgro und s, education, occupati ons, religion, financial s tatus, n onMasonic member ships a nd , o f course, their Masonic caree rs and t h ei r contributions to Penns y l vania Freemasonry. Eac h biography is acco mp anied by a p h o tograph o f that individual 's offici a l portrai t if ex ta nt; a n d a sou r ce list and two com p ara ti ve ch arts for easy reference make up t he appen d ices.
W h o h ave bee n th e Grand Maste rs of P e nnsylvani a? T hey have come from a var i ety of backgrounds, profess i ons and relig iou s denominations. Some attended coll ege but mo st d id not; some ha ve been wea lth y but a few died in n ear-poverty; some have been we ll k nown outside Maso ni c c ircl es but most are not; some h ave bee n inn ova tors in Masonic practice but most h ave been traditionalists.
Vo lu me III re vea ls many fasc ina tin g detail s a bout th ese 107 men. For examp l e, o n e Grand Master danced w ith
Q u ee n V i cto ri a; o n e cla im ed to h ave
s h a k en h ands wit h t h e first fourteen presidents of th e U nited Sta tes; one h a d a city in Texas named after him; o n e had his writ i ngs tr ans l a ted into seven fore i gn l anguages; a nd one spoke in th e first nation a l rad io broadcast.
How many Grand Mas ters were bachel o r s? W hich one h ad ei g hteen chil dren? W h ic h one h a d to fl ee his native co untry
First New School of Instruction in Philadelphia Area in Four Decades is Chartered
By Bro. John]. Hunt, D.D.G.M.
On January 23, 1989, Mason i c history was agai n made i n P h i lade l ph i a It was on thi s date that a four th Mason i c Distr i c t Schoo l o f Instruction wa s opened. The School to be known a s District "D " Schoo l of Ins truct ion , h ad a ribbon c utting ceremo n y, and the n ew Schoo l o ff icer s received th eir CL1a rte r.
After the exempli fication of the O!=Jening a nd Closing o f the Lodge , s upervise d b y Bros . Howard E. Vaughan, Re g ional Ins tructor and Willi a m M. Norris, P.M , Princ ipa l , a ll those in attendance retired to the banquet h a ll for refr es hm e nts and th e cmti n g o f th e cake.
beca us e of a po li ce record? Whic h Gran d Master was wo und ed four tim es during th e C i v il War? Who was the youngest Gra nd Master? Who was th e o ldes t? W hi ch o n e held the s h ortest term o f o ffi ce and which one the lon ges t? How many G r and Masters h ave had Blue Lodges named a fter th em? W h o is th e onl y Grand Master buried i n the Masonic Homes cemetery in Elizabethtown? Volume III o f The Master Builders answers these and m a n y o th er interes tin g que s tion s a bo ut Pe nn sy lvania's Masonic l eade r s. A lthoug h intended as a fittin g sup plement to th e first t wo vo lum es, it can be apprecia ted on its own.
Orde r yo ur copy today by u s ing th e order form included in th is issue; o nl y a limited supp ly h as been printed.
On behaH of the R. W. Grand Master, Bro. John J. Hunt, D D.G.M. o f District "D" i s shown presenting the Charter to Bro. Guy T. Ma tthews, W.M of T acony Lodge No. 600, an d President o f the Sc h ool of Instruction.
Bro t h er Arthur J. Ku rtz, R.W. G rand Master , has mad e t h e following appointmenLs effec ti ve immediatel y:
Bro. Thomas F. Tosca ni, P.M. Admin istrator of th e Grand Lodge Pension Plan Me li La L odge No. 295 , Ph il adelphia
Bro. Gary P. Wendt, P.M. A M em ber of th e Grand L odge Committee o n H ig her Education G ift s and Loans Robert Bu rns L o dge No. 164 Harr isbu rg
Bro. Harold A. Dunkelberger, Grand Chaplain, P.M. A M embe r of the Grand Lodge Committee on Hi g her Education Gifts and Loan s Eureka Lodge No. 302, Mec h a ni cs b urg
Bro. Robert Luther Haar, P.M. A Member of th e Gran d Lodge Commi tt ee on Finance, Subcommi tt ee on Audits Low ther Manor Lod ge No
Some New Additions to Our Circulating Library
There ha ve bee n some interesting additions to our Circu lating Library s in ce the n ew Circu lating Library Catalogue of Books w as publis h ed in 1988, mos tl y i n th e areas of biogra ph y and Masonic h is tory. M a ny ar e tape recordings (indica ted by "AT" be for e the number) and vid eo tapes (VHS form a t onl y, whose numbers are prefixed by " AVT" ):
Judge David Sentelle . . . . . . . . AVT 1 (Bro. Sen te ll e's a dmirable acquittal of himself and Free masonry, gi ven during discu ssio n s o f hi s final confirm a ti on as a Federal Judge.)
Welcome to the Craft AVT 2 (An inu·oduction to Freemasonry)
The Freemasons . . . .
. . . AVT 3
(A gen eral explan atio n of the Craf t with e mph asis o n its ro le in societyby th e Gra nd L odge of E ngland. )
Cathedral AVT 4 (A narra tion by David Macaulay of the building o f th e great ca thedral s of Europe. )
Masons Care . AVT 5 (An explanation of Freemasonry for th e gen era l publi c - by Proj ect So lomon II. )
A Series of Quatuor Coronati Correspo ndence Circle Recorded Talks:
100 Years of Qu a tuor Coro n ati L odge AT 2:1
A Masonic Family in Mifflinburg
By Bro. Gary W. Walter, P.M.
Mifflinburg Lodge No. 370 has within its members hip a true fa mil y of Masons. The Wehr brothers , all six of them as pictured, are Freemaso ns. Two of their brothers-in-law are also members of Mi(flinburg Lodge, but are not pic tured : Bro. Glenn F Zimmerman, P.M a nd Warren
Bro. Karl Wehr's so n, Mark, is a lso a m ember.
Historica l Notes on Grand Lodge Cert ifi cates AT 2:1
R oya l Freem aso n s AT 2:2
T he n a nd Now AT 2:2
Getting to Know
Your Lodge R oo m . AT 2:3
English Craft Aprons . . . . . AT 2:3
The Loya l Toa st AT 2:4
Maso ni c Fire AT 2:4
The Birth o f Organized Freemasonry . . . . . . . . . . AT 2:5
Free masonryMe n Only! AT 2:5
After Proceedings AT 2:6
Mus ic in Our Lodges . . . . . AT 2:6
Brother Moza rt AT 2:7
Kipling AT 2:7
Freemason s' H a ll , L o nd on AT 2:8
The Board of Gene ra l Purposes AT 2:8
There ar e Seve ra l Deg rees AT 2:9
Trac ing Boa rds AT 2:9
Und erstanding
Freem aso nry AT 2:10
Haydn: A Crea tive Life in Music .
(by Ka rl G e iringe r )
. . . . . 159B
Mozart 159A
( by Marc ia Dave nport- a repr int of the fir s t Amer ica n biograph y o f Mozart - a s ta nd ard work )
Seekers of Truth: The Story of the Philalethes Society ...... 200G
(by All e n E. Ro bert s)
At Refreshm e nt 195A
(by Stewart M. L. Poll ard - Masonic humor )
The Clergy and the Craft 130A (by Forrest D. Haggard )
A Family in Recovery . AVT 6 ( b y The P e nn sy l va ni a Masoni c Foundation for th e Preve ntion of Drug a nd Alcohol Abuse Among C hildren )
Musique Rligieuse: Maosnic Ritual Music . . ....... AT 5 (by J ea n Sibe lius- a lso includes his Finlandia )
The Craft and Its Symbols : Opening the Door to Masonic Symbolism . ......... . . ....... 61A
(by All en E. R ober ts - a classic inu odu ction to Freemasonry )
Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects 176A (by th e Editors of Time-L ife B ooks. From th e "Mys t e ri es of th e Unkno w n " se ri es, this book desc ribes Freemasonry, Ro s icruciani s m and other bro th er hood s a nd m ystical gro up s.)
New Rainbow Brochure in Production
A new full- co lor brochure promoting the Orde r o f th e R a inbow for Gir ls is be in g produced by th e P e nn sy l vani a Youth Found a ti on. The brochure w ill highli g ht th e ac tiviti es of a typ ica l Rainbow Asse mb ly, and is des igned to inte res t a ll g irl s in beco ming a member of the Order. Cop ies o f th e broc hure w ill be ava i lab le fo r disu-ibution by the end o f this year.
Shrine Sponsors Youth Publication
T h e Youth Co mmitt ee o f Lu - Lu Templ e, A.A.O.N.M.S., sponsors th e L u -Lu T em ple J\1/asonic Youth Newslett e r, a qu a n erly publi ca ti o n w hi c h hi g h lig hts th e ac tiviti es of th e Rainbow, DeMo lay a nd Job 's Daughters groups in so uth eas tern P e nn sy lva ni a. The n e wsle tt e r, whi c h is a good exa mple o f com puter- ge nera ted des ktop publishing, includes information abo ut eac h of th e
The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children
In 1988 Brighton Woods Trea tm e nt Ce m er, Pittsburgh , P enn sy lvania, with a g ra nt from the P e nnsy lvani a Maso n s, tra in ed 24 All eg h en y County Schoo l Distric ts in " Here's Looking At You 2000. " This se lf- co ntain ed c urri cu lum includes drug a nd alcohol informa ti o n a nd s kill developme nt activities. Eac h c urri c ulum se t is age appropriate for a ll grade leve ls, kindergarten throu gh grade 12. All levels e mphas ize th e information n ecessa ry to make decisions The s kills to make th ese decision, including refu sa l sk ill s, are e mpha sized. As th ey acquire d ecis ion making s kills and integr a te information , you th are less like l y to m a ke high ri s k choices.
Brighton Woods bel ieves that primary preve ntiv e ac tiviti es s u c h a s " 1-ILAY 2000" are effec ti ve in precludin g or redu c ing th e i nc ide nce of dru g and alco h o l u se a mong o ur children a nd youth.
Bro. W. Harold Worth, P.M. is Awarded Sixty-Five Year Certificate
By Clarence Heffendrager, Jr., D.D. G.M.
gro ups, th e ir aCL ivities, and a sc hedule o f eve nts whic h th ey ca n a ll a ttend. This is a n inva lu a bl e too l in coo rdinating th e activ iti es o f so m a n y groups, a nd e nco UI ag in g mutu a l support o f th eir programs. The publi ca ti o n ed ito r is Bro. David Mos h e r a nd th e Lu-Lu Temple Youth Co mmittee C h airman is Bro. Jam es T. C la n cy
m e Lodge. Bro. W H aro ld Worth r ece ived hi s Masonic Deg rees in 1924. H e served as Mas ter of Lodge No. 4 10 ten years later in 1934.
Bro Worth h as been a great cr edit to his Lodge and still continues to be a n asse t to Freemasonry in general, a nd to W. K.
Dietrich (deceased).
From left to right: Chuck Goetz, Jackie Hoga n, Marilyn Morris a nd Beverly Banyay, Director of Outpatient and Prevention Services.
From lef t to right: Bros. William R Worth; W. Harold Worth, P.M.; Clarence Heffendrager, Jr. , D.D G.M.; Wayne Birster, Master of Lodge No. 410
Bro. John H. Pl a tt , Jr., L ibra ria n and C ura tor
T h ere does not seem to be a day that goes by in w hi ch I do no t receive a piece o f a nti -Masonic literature of some so rt , or ha ve som eone tell me about his ha ving received the same sort of m a teria l. T h e question w hi ch comes up th e mo st co n-
cerns Freemasonry and Re ligion W hil e there is nothing in print th at w ill abso lutel y appease our criti cs, I think that the fo ll ow in g publica tion does presen t a very stra igh tforward approach to the question:
The G rand Lodge Libra r y a nd M u seum does h ave a few cop ies avai lab le for use throu gh th e kind generosity of th e publ ishe r.
One of our Brethren r ecent l y ra ised the q u estion co n cern i ng the absence of acti vi ty on th e Nor th Side of our Lodge Roo m s, and the s ignificance o f thi s side o f the Lodge Room in our Fraterni ty. T h e fo ll owing is taken from Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia a nd is Coil 's interpretation of "North." For a fuller d esc ription one s h ould a l so consu lt Mackey, C laudy, etc.:
"North in the Lodge is said Masonically to be a place of darkness, and this is explained by saying that the ra ys of the Sun at meridian height will not enter a north window b ut , this is not true, south of the Trop ic Cancer where the opposite holds true and the Sun never enters the south window."
Youth Foundation Scholarship Awarded
The Pennsy l van ia Youth Fo und ation Schola r ship Award is presented to Li sa H. Buhl er a t the C urwensvi lle Area Hig h Scho o l Auditorium Lisa is a member of C l ea rfi e ld Assemb l y No. 80, International Rainbow for Girls. Bro. Jay W. Bu hler, Lisa's fa th er, is Junior Warden of No ble Lodge No 480, Curwensv ille, Penns ylvania.
Scholarships Listed
Grand Master, co nti11ued
outs tand i ng additio n to The Master Builders, is comple ted a nd is ava ilab le for sale a t G rand Lodge.
A utumn Days a t th e Masoni c Homes las t month was a superb da y. Our attendance record l as t yea r of 9 , 000 brethren a n d th ei r fam ili es, was exceeded by a goodly numb er. My thanks to a ll who parti c ipate d and co ntribut ed to m ake su ch a g loriou s eve n t.
Brethren, I look forward to g r ee tin g each o f you at o ur December Q u arterl y in Ph iladelph ia on the da te of December 6t h
S incere ly and fraternall y,
Arthur J Ku rt z R. W Grand Ma ster
T h e seco n d editi o n of th e Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide has bee n produced by th e Pennsylvania Yo uth Foundation. It includes a su mm ary o f more than forty sc holars hip or gra n t program s provided by various Maso ni c bodies for Masons, th ei r fami lies, and
members of the Mason ic-re lated you th gro up s Over four thou sa nd copies of th e gu ideboo k have been di s tri buted, fre e of ch arge, to a ll o f th e Masonic-rela ted yo uth group leade r s, Lod ge Secretaries, Lodge Re presenta ti ves to the Penn sy lvan ia Youth Foundat ion, York ilnd
DeMolay Class to Honor Grand Master
T h e Order o f DeMo lay in Penns ylva nia wi ll be conduct ing an initiation class in h o nor of Bro. Arthur J. Kur tz, R. W. Gra n d Master, on Saturday, Decem ber 2, 1989 at th e Masonic Confer ence Center, Patton Campus. T h e conferral is ope n to a ll Master Masons and DeMolay m embers.
T h e Initi a tory Degree wi ll be co nfe rr ed at I 0: 30a .m. , fo ll owed by a presenta ti on o f th e F lower Ta lk. After lunch, th e DeMolay Degree wi ll be con(erred. The DeMo lay State Officer Corps h e ld try-outs to determine which off ice r s wou ld con fer the deg rees. They h ave been rehearsing s ince August, a nd the
National DeMo lay Meeting in Philadelphia
T h e Internationa l Supreme Counci l of the Order of DeMolay wi ll m ee t in Phil ade lphi a for i ts a nnual sessio n on Apr il 25-29, 1990. The on l y oth er time th e DeMo lay Gra nd Cou ncil (as i t was known a t th e tim e) me t in Pennsy l va nia was in Pi t ts burgh in 19 29. T h e Gra nd M as t er of DeMol ay, Bro. J oe R.
Manning, Jr. c hose Phi ladelphia specifica ll y to make u se of the Maso ni c Temp le for the meet ings The Supreme Co un c il h as m e t in hot el faci lities for many years, and it was time to return to a Masonic facility, a s a reminder of th e ri ch Masonic h eritage whic h the Order of DeMo lay e nj oys. The Philadel phia Hers hey Ho te l
from left to right are
Bro Lesl ie S. Mays, W.M. of Nob Lodge No. 480; Bro. Clifford E. Reed, Sr., D.D.G.M. of the 21st Masonic District; Lisa; Sandra, Lisa's mother and Bro. Jay W. Buhler, Lisa's fa the r Sco tti s h Rite bodies , a nd over fi ve hundred gu idance co un selors in every hi g h sch ool in Pennsy l vania. Addition a l copies are avai lab le upon request from the PYF oHices, a t 1244 Bainbridge E lizabe thtown , Pennsylvania 17022. 717367 -1 536. work promises to be some of the bes t ever performed. By naming the class in hon o r of the Gra n d Master, the DeMo lays are expressing their ap pre ciat ion t o all Pennsylva ni a Freemasons for th e i r support and sponso rs hip. will be used as the convent ion headquarters. The Supreme Council m ee ti ngs are open to th e public, and Masons are especi a ll y e n co ur age d to atte nd. Fu rth er detai ls w ill be includ ed in the next issue o f the Pennsylvania Freemason
On June 10, 1989 Kiskim inetas Lodge No 617
ce leb r ated a noteworthy event. A fat her and hi s two sons were all Raised.
(Front row 1-r): Bros. Frederick T. Hemphill , D.D G.M , 39th Masonic District; Raymond L. Pete rm an (father); R. Eric Peterman a nd Douglas P. Peterma n (brothers); and Harvey F. Fishel, W M.
(Back row 1-r): Bros. Jerome A. Sciu ll o, S.W.; Brooks L. Breakey, J.W. and John D. Ladik, P M., one of th e co nferring Officers
Social Events Spark a Community Spirit for the Independent Living Community
ming faci lities at th e Pa tton Campus and meeting with future n eighbors, t h is day provided an oppo rtunity for the Brethre n and ladi es to view sl ides of the cons truction site and ke ep ap prised of our progress.
T h e Indepe nd ent Li vin g Go mmunit y being er ec ted a t th e Maso ni c H o m es a t Eliza be tht ow n , Pe nnsy l va ni a , is we ll under way . Seve ra l sp ecia l ge t- toge thers
h eld a t the M aso ni c Homes for m e mb er s o f the n ew community h ave trul y exem p lified the fell ows hip a nd co mradery wh i c h ca n always be found w h e n Bret hr e n a nd th e ir f a mili es co m e to ge th er.
As ca n be see n in th e pi ctures s h ow n
h ere, tho se Bre th re n a nd lad ies w h o ar e
sec urin g the i r fut u r e at th e Indepe n dent
L i vin g Co mmuni ty ar e ac ti ve, independen t people w h o w ish to enjoy th e sec urity and fe llows hip which can b e fo und in a Masonic Co m mu nity. T h e setti n g for th ese photographs was a t th e pic ni c h eld fo r m e mb ers of th e Co mmunity a t th e Patton Ca mpus o n Jul y 28, 1989
Besides e nj oy in g th e u se o f th e sw im -
T h e day's ac ti vi ti es incl uded a presenta ti on by representatives of Hami l ton Bank o n the se rvices w hi ch w ill be ava ilab le through th e insta ll a ti on o f a fu ll serv ice bank in the Indep e nde nt Livi n g Co mmu n it y. A l so, we were pl ease d to s h a r e th e Comm ittee o n Mason ic Homes ' dec isio n to approve Phase III a nd modify the fee for op tion a l covered parking l oca ted ben ea th th e Phase I apartm e nts fo r a o n e time fee, or a mont hl y rental fee o f $75 per month. Our most recent ga th er i ng for the co mmunity members took p lace o n Sep tember 22, 1989, a t w hi ch ti me Bro. Arthu r J. Kurtz , R. W. G r a nd Master, he ld a Dates to n e Ce r emony a t the s ite of th e I ndependent Living Com munit y
T h e ce r e m o n y w a s followed b y a r ecep tion hos ted by th e G ra n d Master. Co n s tru ct ion for t h e Inde pe n de nt L ivin g Co mmuni ty remain s o n sc hedul e w ith p lans for occ up a ncy of Ph ase I continued on page II
The Masonic Homes a t E li zabe thtow n , Pennsy lvania, is ow n ed a n d operated b y the Gra nd Lodge o f Free and Accepted Maso n s o f Pe nn sy l va nia w ho se ex isten ce a nteda tes both th e Com monwea lth o f Pen n sy lva ni a a nd th e U nited States o f Ameri ca.
Th e a dmi ss io n to th e Maso ni c Homes o f Lodge m e mb ers, the ir w ives, w idows, mothers, grandmo th e r s, a nd n ever married daughters of li ving, as we ll as deceased m e mb ers is gove rn ed by th e Com mittee on Ma so ni c Homes, members of w hi ch are elec ted by t he G r a nd
Lodge T h e Commi ttee a ppro ves or d isapproves app lica tion s for adm iss ion sole ly o n the ba sis of n eed a nd does not d i scrimina te by reaso n of th e ra ce, co lo r , n at io n a l origi n , a n cesu·y, re li g io u s creed, sex, age, or h a ndi cap of th e a pplica nt. App li ca ti o n s fo r a dmi ss ion t o th e Masonic H o m es b y m em b ers o f th e Lodges o f the Mos t Worshipfu l Prin ce H a ll G ra nd L odge F &A.M. o f P e nn sy lva nia , th e ir w ives, widows, m o th er s, gra ndm o th e r s, and n eve r married dau g ht ers o f living as we ll as, de ceased members are a lso received by th e Co m -
Is It Your Will or That of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by
Bro. Charles V. Watt
The Co mm o n wea lth o f Pennsy l va ni a h as prepared a w ill for yo u wh ic h w ill a utom at ica ll y a nd immediate l y go into e ffect if you h ave not wr itte n you r ow n r ega rdl ess o f yo ur known p ersona l desi r es. Yo u are de ter min ed to h ave di ed " intestate" and th e laws a nd sta tu tes of "Descent a n d D is tributi on" wi ll govern w h o wi ll be g i ve n yo ur personal estate a nd in what proportion.
Let's co ns ider fo r a m ome nt th at yo u did d ie prior to the preparation of a w ill o r any other in su·ument whi ch wo uld pass o utside your es ta te:
Bro. C h ar les V. Watt
Director of Development and P ublic R elations MASON IC HOMES E li zabet.htow n , P e nnsy va nia
You h a ve th e ri g ht to in d icate yo u r w is h es an d desires as to th e dis tri bution of your es ta te afte r your death .. . a nd no o n e ca n ch a n ge that. However , if yo u do n o t exe rc ise that right p rior to your d eat h do no t assume di st ribution wi ll be co mp le ted accor din g to your desires , "because the fam il y kn ows your w is h es."
Admissions Policy
m ittee on Maso n ic Homes a nd approved or disapproved o n th e same basis. T h e a dmis s io n to th e Masonic Homes of the app r ove d ap plicant s o f th e Mo s t
Worshipful Prince Ha ll G rand L odge
F.&A.M. of Penn sy l va ni a is governed by th e Com mittee o n Maso ni c Ho m es in th e sa m e manner as is t he adm iss io n o f th e a ppro ved app li ca nts of th e Grand Lodge F.&A.M. o f Pennsylvan ia. No pe r so n sh a ll on th e gro und s o f race, color, nation a l origin, ances tr y, re li gious creed, sex, age, o r h a ndi cap be excl u ded fro m p a rti c ipation in , be de nied
th e benefits of or othe r w ise be subj ec ted to dis crimin at ion in th e provisio n o f any ca re o r service at the Mason ic Homes a t E li za beth tow n
Specificall y th e a bo ve includes, but is n o t limited to, th e fo llow ing characteris tics:
I Inpatie nt and ou tpa ti ent care w ill be pro vided o n a n o n- discrim in atory bas is; a ll p a ti e nts w ill be a dmitted a nd receive ca re wit hout regard to race, color, n atio n a l o ri g in , a n ces tr y, re lig io us creed , sex, age, or h a ndi cap.
The intesta te share to your s pouse is as follows:
• F irs t if th ere are n o c hildre n or parent yo ur spo'use wo uld r ecei ve e ntire esta te;
• Seco nd, if t here are n o childre n a nd, you are surv i ved by a pare nt o r parents, yo ur s pou se wou ld recei ve th e firs t $3 0,000 plus one-half of t he balance of your esta te. The other h a lf wou ld go to th e pare nt or parents.
• Third, if th ere a r e children , a ll o f w h o m are iss u e of the s ur viv i ng
2. A ll pa ti ents w ill be assign ed to rooms, floors, a nd sec ti o n s wit h out regard to race, colo r , n a tio n a l orig in , a ncestry, re lig iou s cr eed, sex, age, or h an di cap.
3. Patients w ill not b e asked if they are w illin g or desire to s h are a roo m w ith a person o f a nother race.
4 Emp loyees w ill be ass ig n ed to patient se rvi ces w itho ut regard to the race, co lor, na tional or ig i n , a n cestry, relig io u s creed, sex, age, or ha ndi cap of either the patient or empl oyee.
spo u se a lso, th e firs t $3 0,000 plus oneha lf of the balance of yo ur estate wo uld go to yo ur spo use and, th e o ther half wo uld go directly to th e child or chil dren
• Fo urth, if t h ere are surv i v in g chi ldren , o n e or m o r e of w h o m a re not issue of th e s ur vi ving spouse, your spo use wo uld only r ecei ve one-half of your estate.
The laws o f " D esce nt and Dist ribution" go on to a lso d escribe w hat wo uld happe n to the distribution of you r es ta te if yo ur spouse h as d i ed prior to your death. Just to consider for a moment th e uncom plicated po rti o n:
• If your sp ouse has died prio r to yo u r d ea th a nd th er e are su rv in g c hildren - th e c hil d or chi ldren wo uld s h are equa ll y in th e entire esta te.
• If th ere are n o c hildre n , a nd the r e,are s u rv i ving parent or parents on yo ur s ide o f th e fa mil y, the p are nt or parents wo uld r ece ive the e ntir e es tate. It wou ld n ot be s h a r ed w ith parents o n yo ur spo u se's s ide of the fam il y. continued on page 13
6. A ll facilities o f this ins tituti o n w ill b e utilized w ith o ut regard to race, color, na tio na l origi n , a n ces try, r eligio u s creed, sex, age, or handi ca p.
7. T ran s fer o f p a ti e nts from th e rooms ass igne d a nd/ or se lec ted wi ll n ot b e m a de fo r rac ia l reason s; h owever, a n y patie nt m ay request to upgrade t h e room as s igned a nd / or se lected a t a n y time fo r a n y reason prov ided th a t th e room reque s ted is r ead il y ava ila b le.
5. S ta ff privi leges w ill not be denied pro fess io n a ll y qua lified p erso nn e l on th e basis o f r ace, co lo r , n a ti o nal origin, a n cestry, r e lig io u s c reed, sex, age, or handi cap
My Brethren:
One of the m os t frequentl y aske d questions I receive i s "W h a t i s Freemasonry?" Yo u wo uld thin k that for som eon e in m y position this question wo uld ha ve an easy answer, but after a ll these years, I still find it diffi c ult to co m e up w ith a n explanation w hich everyone ca n understand
We h ave man y beautiful so undin g words and phrases w hi ch we u se to define th e Fraternity, b ut tend to leave the que s tion er unfulfill ed, s uch as "a bea utiful system o f morality ve il ed in
a llegory and illustrated by sym bo ls."
Th e s i mp l est a nd perhaps most m ea nin g ful defini tion, ho wever, i s: " Free ma sonry is a Brotherhood of Man under th e Fatherhood of God. "
A seco nd freq u entl y asked question is how we are a n y different from o th er frat ernal organizations. Other than obviou s differ en ces s uch as the soc ia l at m osphere a nd th e beneficent c h arac ter of th ese organiz a tions, our promotion of the Brotherh ood of Man w itl1 the belief in God as a foundation s ta nds fo rth wit h uniqueness
I s u spec t that a major cause of the l ack of interes t toda y by many members of society in o ur grea t Fra ternity i s th a t the feeling o f Broth erh ood is n ot nearly as stro n g as it was in the past. Freemasonry evo l ve d from th e o p erati ve to the speculati ve a nd, he n ce, from a Fraternity of th e practitioner to a Fraternity of the Idea list. It was th e streng th o f th ese ideals w hi c h ca u sed Freemasonry t o be co m e th e g reates t Fraternity in th e wor ld Our m odern way of life ha s regre tfull y depri ved Freemasonry of the opportun it y
LaFayette Lodge's Fifty-Year Members
Sixty-Five Year Certificate Awarded
By Clarence Heffendrager, Jr., D.D.G.M.
LaFayette Lodge No 199 in Lock Haven , Pennsy l van ia, r ece ntl y recog niz ed th ose w ho h ave b een m e mb ers for a t least fif ty years . The Lodge h as twenty-t wo su ch
r m e mber s who we re a ble to a ttend th e m ee tin g.
of doing m any of t hose perso n a l and Bro th erl y ac ts wh ich ceme n ted us toge th er in the p as t.
Maso n s today, a nd especiall y our younger Brothers, h ave n o t h ad the opport unit y to experi en ce thi s quality o f Brotherhood nor th e fee lin g of satisfaction w hi ch accompanies it.
We must s tr ive to regain our s tature of for mer years, to move Freemasonry o utside the Lod ge Room a n d aga in make it th e constructive influence in th e li ves of the co mmun ity. We must re-emphasize this basic tenent o f Freem aso nry. T h en , indeed, we w ill be a Brotherhood of Man un der the Fa th er ho od of God.
VOL XXXVI NOV. 1989 N0.4
Publica ti on 1 o. US P S 426-1 40 iss u ed Quarterly
February, May, August and November a t the Masonic Temple, Phil ade l phia, P e nn sy l vania, by The Ri ght Worshipful Gra n d Lodge of tlle Most Ancien t and H o n orable Fratern i ty of Free and Accepted Masons of P e nn syl vania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.
Arthur J. Kurtz, R. II'. Grand Master
W. Scott Stoner
R. II' Deputy Grand Master
Edward H. fow ler, Jr.
R. 111 Semor Grand II'arden
George H. Hohenshi ldt R. IV. jumor Grand ll'arden
Marvin G. Speicher
R. IV. Grand Treasurer
Thomas W. Jackson
R. II' Grand Secretary
Robert A. Pote, Ed1tor
John H. Platt, Librarian and Curator
Jonathan Schau, Assistant Librarian
• Distribution Office - Mailing Address
One North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-2598
Send address changes to abm e.
Second Class Postage Paid at Lancaster, Pennsy lvania
of Fairless Hills Lodge N o. 776.
Social Events, continued
sc h edul ed for Fall of 1990. Phase II is sc hedu led for occupanc y by earl y Sprin g of 1991 with Phase III following by earl y S u mmer of 199 1 App licatio n s are being accep ted fo r both P h ase I a nd II of the Co mmunity wi th a variety of a ttrac ti ve options r emai n ing.
Once aga i n, we invite a ll members of th e F r atern it y and their families to vis it th e Mason ic Homes and receive a persona ll y g uided tour th rou g h the mode l units by o n e of our sta ff. The model units are avail a ble for in spec tion Monday th r u Friday between the hours of 8:00 a m
Bro. War ren F. Bietsch, P.M. o f Fairless Hi lls Lodge No. 776 r ece iving a S i x t y- five Year Cert ifi ca te from Bro. C larence He ffendrager, Jr. , D.D.G.M. of the 8 th Mason ic Dis tr ict and John H. Thoma s, Worsh ipfu l Mas ter of Fa irl ess Hi ll s Lodge. Bro. Bietsch is both a Warran t Member and Past Master of Fairless Hi ll s Lodge. He 'is Secreta r y Em eritu s o f th e Scott ish Ri te Bod ies of th e Valley of T r enton. He has served as presid in g officer of three o f t hose Bodies Among his man y o th er accompl is hm e nts, Bro. Bietsch in 19 79 wrot e th e Si lve r An n iversary H istory of Fa irl ess Hill s Lodge, a nd is s till very ac ti ve in th e Va ll ey of Tren ton. and 4:00p.m. and Satu rdays and Sundays betwee n the hours of I :00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. To urs of th e model units w'ill a lso be avai la bl e from 10:00 a .m. to 4:00p.m. on Saturday, Oc tober 2 1, 1989, w hi ch is Autu mn Day a t the Masonic Homes.
Three Generations of Freemasonry By Bro. WilliamS. Arnold,
Sr., D.D.G.M. , Monday evenin g, Jun e 19, 1989 was a de lig htful occas ion for Mo unt O li ve t L odge No 704 in Lebanon , P e nn sy lva ni a, a nd for th e T rautman Fami l y as we ll. On th a t eve nin g, two g r andson s of Bro. Hardi e Trautman we r e Ra ised in th e Masonic Te m p le a t 127 Nor th 8th Str ee t, L e banon. T he Degree s we r e conferr ed b y Bro . Rob e rt E. Hirne i sen, '"'o r s hi pf ul Mas ter and Bro Ra y A. Trone, Senior Deacon. In atten d a nce were m e mbers o f th e Trautman Fami l y repre se n tin g a total of 107 years of Maso nic Serv ice. Fron l row, left to right: Bros. Gary L. Trau lma n and Larry A T rautman, newly Rais ed Master Masons. Second row: Bros. James H Trautman (th eir uncle, 21 years a Freemason), Ralph W. Tra ut man (their father , 41 years a Freemason) and Hardie E. Tra utm an ( their grandfat h er, 45 yea rs a Freemason)
Bro. Thomas W J ackson, R. W. Grand Secretary
Fro m left to right: Bros Ernest J Cross, a m ember since 1936; Charles H Held and Morris F. Karste tter, who both joined in 1935; A Nowland Elmer, who joined in 1938; Roy H. Herlocher, a member since 1930; and Dr. David C. Ulmer a member since 1931.
Bro. Warren F. Bietsch, P.M. receives his Cer tificate fro m Bro. C larence Heffendrager, Jr., D.D.G.M. and Bro John H. T homas, W.M.
" 17.16. A Committee shall be appointed and an nounced at a Stated Mee t· ing of the L odge preceding St. J ohn th e Evangelis t 's Day in every year to aud it th e accounts of th e Lodge as o f th e cl ose o f th e cu rrent calendar yea r. The Trus tees of t he Lod ge sha ll prese nt a cop y o f their R e p ort to the Audi t Committee by F ebru a ry 15 and reJ{ort o th e L o d ge at th e Stated Meeting n ex t following s uch date. T he Audit Committee sh all submit t heir Report to the L odge no la ter th a n t he March Stated Meeting for app roval, a copy of which sh a ll immediately be se nt to the Disu·ict Deputy Grand Master. After rev iew by the Di su ict Deput y Grand Mas ter , the R eport sh a ll be at on ce forwarded to he Grand Secretar y, to aJTive no later than Apr i 15 "
The Members o f th e Gra n d Lodge a re a so reque s ted to allend the Annual Gr a nd Communication at th e Zembo Shrine
T empl e, 2801 North Third Street Hanisb urg, Wedn esda y, D ecember 27, 1989 a t 10:00 o'clock, A.M. at w hi c h the Grand Office rs wi ll be installed
Thomas W. Jackson Grand Secret ary
Tree of Life
Annual Grand Communication to be Held at Zembo Temple, Harrisburg
Annual Communication Dinner-Dance at Hershey, December 27, 1989
The Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of P e nnsylvania will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, December 27, 1989 in the Zembo Temple Mosque, 2801 North Third Street, Harrisburg.
The commu nication will mark th e end of th e administration of Bro. Arthur]. Kurtz as R. W. Grand Master, and the beginning of th e expected teJm of Bro. W . Scott Stoner as R W. Grand M aster. The commun ica tion of the Grand Lodge will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. to allow for the installation of the Grand Master at noon. All Master Masons are welcome to attend.
Tickets for the Grand Mas ter's dinner dance in the Chocolate Ballroom of the H ershey Lodge and Convention Center are availa ble to the Brethren and tl1eir ladies at a cost of $20.00 per person and will be so ld o n a first request basis.
Tab les wi ll accommodate ten people, sho uld you wish to attend as a group. Please u se the coupon included and enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your reservation and your tick ets will be mailed to you.
Dinner will be served promptly at 7:00p.m. a nd wi ll be followed by entertainment and dancing scheduled to e nd at midnight.
Project SOLOMON II: Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant!
By Bro. Jonathan D. Schau
As many of the Brethren a l ready know , Project SO LOMON II wi ll come to an end a s of Dece mb er 27 , 1989. This very s ucc ess ful program h ad, fr om i t s beginnin gs, been planned to have a defini te date o f termination. Thi s h ad been don e to insure its s uccess as a relative l y s hort-term proj ec t. Proj ect SOLOMON II has achieved man y thin gs It ha d endeavored to build the Fratern it y from th e standpo int of memb er ship as well as publ ic r e la ti ons on a w ider scale, and did achi eve thi s in a very s h ort period of ti me. An ambitio u s brainchild the likes of w hich th e Frat e rnit y h as not ye t see n , Projec t SOLOMO N II a pproach ed the probl ems within the Fra ternity with op timi sm, a nd with an attitude th a t these problem s wou ld be solved.
One of the many services that Proj ect SOLO M 0 N II rendered was theM asons Care program. This is a ten minute video tap e pre se nt a tion w hi c h di sc u sses, throu g h members and their fami lies, a ll
of the many face ts of our F r aternit y Includ ed in it are su c h as pects as the programs for youth a nd our care for the aged , n ot to m enti o n th e good Freem asonry does for the individu a l m ember s Th i s pr og ram , lik e o th er SOLOMON II prog rams, will be avai la bl e for clis u i bution to and for u se by the Brethr en w h e n ever the y wa nt it.
Due to the o n go in g n ature of th e work in vo l ved, rather than being entirel y di sm a ntl ed, Proj ec t SOLOMON II w ill be abs o rb ed b y th e n ew l y r est ru c tur ed G r and L o d ge Committee on M asoni c Edu ca ti on. T his developmen t is part of th e sepa ra ti o n o f th e Co mmittee on L ib rary a nd Museum from th e Co mmittee on Masonic Edu catio n clu e to take p lace a t th e end of this year.
Foll ow in g i ts restr u c tu r ing in 1987 , by th e o rder of Bro. Car l W. S te nb erg, Jr. , R.W.P.G M., Project SO L OMON II
ca m e und er th e able leaders hip o f suc h m en as Bros. Drew W. Wa sh a ba u , Dire cto r; Terry D. Be ntze l , D.D.G.M. ,
Ass is tant Direc tor ; and th e R egio n a l Dire c t o r s, Bros. Pau l F. Kunke l ,
P.D.D.G . M.; Edward 0. We i sse r, P.D.D.G.M. ; D a vid R. S m e ltz, Sr. ; David L. K e mpf e r , Sr. ; Robert B a tto ,
P.D .D. G.M and Wa lt er Sykes , P.D.D . G.M. T hi s ca dr e of seas oned F r ee m as on s led SOLOMON II to s u ch laudable achievements as bringing s u spensio n for th e Non-payment of Du es under co nu ol a nd th e publi cat ion of "Fr iend To Friend ," b o th of w hi c h ha s h el ped to s tabiliz e th e m em ber ship i n ter m s of numb er s This, in turn, h as led to th e hop e of inc reasing our m e mb ership, in bo th quantit y a nd quality
Furthermore, throu g h th e ir tire le ss effor ts bot h indi vidua ll y a nd as a grou p , th ese Brethren h ave sec ur ed h ope for o u r
Fraternity throu g h s h ow ing th a t th e future o f F ree m aso nr y depe nds not o n a Project, or a Com mittee, but on eac h a nd ever y o n e of us.
T h e Tree of Life or ig ina l sc ulpture, currentl y bein g carved by scu l ptor Sa nfo rd Werfe l, w ill be prese nted to th e Mason ic H omes Inde p end e nt Li vin g Co mmunity to be pl aced o n the lobby wall of the Co mmunity Ce nt er by Robert Burn s L odge No . 464 in hon or o f Bro. Ar thur]. K ur tz, R. W G rand Ma ster. Each o n e of Mr. Werfe l' s works is s i g n e d a nd copyr ig h ted The d es ig n fea tures of th e unique Tree of Life ha ve bee n created in co njuncti o n w ith s u ggesti o n s m ade by both Robert Burns Lodge a nd Bro. Kurtz. No two sc ulptures ar e a li ke. As Mr. Wer fel s tates, " I tell th e s tory of th e particul ar in s tituti o n. I lea rn about it by reading whatever infor mation is ava ilable, to urin g th e buildings a nd gro und s (w h e re poss ible, a s in th e case o f th e Masonic Homes) , a nd talkin g to p eop le. Then I s ketch a few des ig n s which I feel tell the uniqu e s to r y " T hi s pa rt icu la r Tree o f Life will be carved in o n e o f th e fines t dark woo ds ava il a bl e, a nd wi ll be a las tin g remembrance to th e o uts ta ndin g acco mpli shm e nts of Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz. T h e leaves o n the Tr ee o f Life, as we ll as th e sto n es at th e base, m ay be purc h ase d and in sc rib e d in h o n o r or
memory of th e individua l, o r purch ased by a particu lar Lodge. T hey may a lso be purchased as an expression of grat i t ude, a nd so in sc r ibed. Particu la r d eta il s co ncern ing th e exac t prices may be ob ta ined throu g h th e Developme nt Department of the Maso ni c Homes. Funds prov.idecl from thi s end eavor will be u sed i n th e d eve lop m ent a nd ope r a ti on o f th e Indep e ndent Li ving Co mmunity.
"The groves w er e God's first temples Ere man learned to hew the shaft, and lay th e archi tuwe, and spread the ro of abo ve them,ere h e framed th e lofty vau lt, to gat h er and ro ll back the sound of an th ems; in the darkling wood, amidst t he coo l and si len ce, h e knelt down and o ffere d t o th e Might iest solemn th an ks and supplication."
For infor mati o n contact:
Bro. C h arles V. "Chuck " Watt D irector o f De velo pment & P u b lic Rela
The Tree of Life - original sculpture being carved by Sanford Werfel.