It was ins pira ti on a l to read t h ese wo rds fro m Adlai E. Steve n son:
" I have b ee n a memb er o f th e Masonic Fraternity from my ear y
m a nh oo d, a n d th e m ore I hav e known of its prin c iples, th e m o r e I have ming ed with m ember s of this Order, a nd the d ark er th e shadows
ga th er a round m e, th e dearer th e O r de r beco m es "
Th a t message is not fro m th e Adl ai E.
Ste ve n so n w ho m mos t o f u s t od ay reme mb e r a s a two- tim e ca n dida t e for th e
P resid e n cy; r a th e r, it w as by his grandfa ther with th e sa me n a m e, th e twentythird Vice Preside nt o f th e Unite d St a tes ( 1893 t o 1897 ). Th e fac t th a t th ere h ave b ee n tw o Ad lai E. Ste ve ns on s and th a t th e nin e t ee nth-ce ntury Vice Presid e nt was a Freemason ca me t o li ght in tr ac kin g d own a no the r St eve nso n qu ot a tio n: "B uild up on reso lve a nd not reg ret Th e stnr ctu re of th e f uture."
T ha t c h arge is me a nin gful for Pe nn sy lva nia Maso n s to day as w e view th e reso lve wi th whi c h o ur leade rs hip programs ar e Building for t he Future
Today !
Import an t ac tivities are a lready und e r-
way fo r re building the Frat e rnity in th e Nine ti es Co lle c t ive ly, th ey wi ll invo lve
a nd b e n e fi t a ll of Free maso n ry th ro u ghout Pe nn sylvan ia, fro m Gran d Lo d ge to th e local Lod ges
H iram I, our p rogra m " to ide nt ify and trai n Ma so ni c lead e rs hi p " was ina u gura t ed as p lan ne d a nd is o n sc h e d ul e The firs t gia nt s te p s h ave b ee n tak e n t o p ut in
place proven Lod ge lead e rs hip a n d m a n age m en t t ec hniqu es a nd t oo ls thro ugho ut the Frate rni ty. The firs t " cl ass" w a s a p ilo t program com pri s ing Gr and Lo d ge O ffi ce r s , a c ross-secti o n o f District Dep u ty Grand Mas t e rs and the three Ele ct e d Offi ce rs o f repres e nta t ive Blu e Lod ges Mo dificatio ns in th e trainin g program were made as a res ult of input fr om th e pilot. The n the sys te ma tic sc he dulin g began that ultimate ly wi ll re a c h th e Masonic leade rs in Dis tric t s a nd Blue Lo dges throughout th e Jurisdi cti on By th e tim e yo u rea d this is sue of Th e Pennsyl v ania Freem ason, sever a l mo re gro up s, eac h m a d e up o f th e three e lecte d Blue Lo d ge O ffi ce rs, Dis tri c t Depu ty Gran d Maste rs and le ad ers o f v ari o u s face ts of Gra nd Lod ge, will h ave completed the co urse.
Hiram I is a grass r oo ts lead e rs hip progra m geared t oward Blu e Lod ges T hrou gh th e Maso nic Edu ca tio n a nd Distri c t De puti es' n e t wo rk s , th o se Maso ns wh o have exp erie nce, o r inte res t , in bec omin g facilitat ors for Blue Lod ge tra in in g wi ll b e id e ntifie d . "Train th e Facilita t or" pro grams will put sixty-six traine rs in p lac e.
Five-Year Planni ng h as bee n introdu ced in Grand Lodge t o improve th e or gani zati o n a l and o p e rating e ffici e ncies
The v arious organizati o n s and departme nts of Grand Lo d ge, s u c h as Masonic Education, Ritu a l, Library and Muse um, th e Pennsylvania Yo uth Fo unda tion an d th e Fo un dation fo r th e Preve nti o n o f Dru g and Al co ho l Abuse Am o ng Childre n , and othe rs , h ave s ubmitted th e ir plan s de fining th e ir direc tio n in building fo r th e twe nty-firs t Century - in Bu ilding fo r t h e Fut ure Today!
Include d in th e Five-Ye ar P lan n i n g is res tru c turin g o f s u ppo rt fun c tio n s o f Grand Lod ge d e s igne d to make Gr a nd Lod ge o p e rati o n s more e ffi c ie nt a nd eco no mi ca l ( i. e. , t he Acco untin g an d
Co m put e r Departme nt s).
P u blic Awareness is some thin g we need to co ntinu e e mph as izing. Ca p a bl e Maso nic leade rs hip is t arge te d a t havi ng ev ery Blu e Lodge in th e Com mo nwe a lth
b e t he bes t-le d, b es t-m a n ag e d , mo s t inte res tin g a nd hi gh ly res p ec te d organi-
zati o n in th e ir co mmunities Tha t a lso invo lves b e in g th e lead e rs in th e co mmunity , joinin g in lo ca l ac tivitie s a nd d emo n s tr atin g co n cern for othe rs
Durin g t he pas t severa l years , th e Fr a t e rnity h as b ee n inc re a s in gly vis ible, t e llin g it s mess a ge thr o u gh va ri o u s m edi a. At the grass r oo ts , Free maso nry n eed s to - a nd will - c o ntinue to fos t er public aware ness.
Buildi n g for t h e Future Today!
" th e m or e I have kn own of its p r in ciples, th e m or e I have m i ngl ed w ith m embers of this O rder th e dea r er the Order becom es "
We have a Frate rni ty wit h a Vision and with unanimity we are se t o n a c lear co urse and d irec ti o n to ac hieve it.
Fratern a lly ,
Bro Edward H Fow ler, Jr R. W Grand M aster
Yugoslavian Freemasons
co nt nued fro m fro nt page
It has b ee n o nly in rece nt month s that Free maso nry in Yu go s lavia has be en a ble to be reorgani zed a nd reac tivated a ft e r a h a lf-ce ntury of s uppre s s ion o f th e Wo rld
War II era and s ub seq u e nt rul e o f Co mmuni s m. Since las t June , Maso ni c Gr and Lodges have recogni zed and s upport e d th e r e bir t h o f th e Gr and Lo dg e of Yu go s lavia
Bro . Dr. Jovan Vasiv lj evi c, t h e R. W. De puty o f the Gr a nd Maste r of Yu gos lavi a, led th is firs t visit by the Gra n d Lo dge t o th e United St a t es. He re prese nt ed Br o . Zo r a n D. Ne n e z ic h, th e R. W. Gra nd Mas te r o f Free maso n s in Yu gos lavi a , wh o was t o h ave b e e n p rese nt , but s uffe re d a mild h e art a tt ac k o n the eve o f th e p la n ned tri p a n d h a d to re ma in in his h o me co untry. The De pu ty was escorted by Bro . Davi d Vui c h , th e U.S. Re pre-
sen t a ti ve o f th e Gr a nd Lo d ge o f Yugo-
s lavi a, wh o is a thirty-five -year Me mb e r of Rapid City (South Dakota) Lo d ge No. 25 and a n a ti ve o f Mid land , Pe nn sylvania. Earlie r in th e wee k, Bro . Vas ivljevi c h a d
a dd r esse d th e Co nfe r e n c e of Gr a n d
Mas te rs o f Nort h Ame ri ca in Crys ta l City, co ntinued o n page ."1
MAY 1992
3-4-5 2 llth Annual Communication Grand Lodge of New Yor k
5 Informal Vi sitat ion Avalon L odge No. 657, Be llevue
8 Spring Re uni o n , Valley o f B oomsburg
9 Lo d ge No. 397 I 25th An niver sary, Willi am spo rt
12 Special Meetin g. L odge No. 283, Be thl ehem
14 50-Year Mason ic Em blem Prese ntation, L odge No. 695, Erie
15 Val l ey o Harrisburg, Sprin g Reuni o n
16 Spec al Communi cat ion o f the Grand Lodge fo r t he p u rpose of Ded icatin g Lodge Roo m, Big Spri ng Lodge No. 36 1, Newvi lle
17-20 Grand Command ery 139th Annu al Conclave, Wi llow Valley
22 Committee on Mason ic Homes El izabetht own
2 2 Grand Mas ter's St aff Meeting, Elizabeth town
2 2 Chi l dren's Day, El izabeth own
23 Lodge No. 152 I 75 th Anniversary, Easton
28-29 90th Annual Conven tion, Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America, Wildwood, NJ
30 Lodge No. 389, I 25th Anniversary, West Middlesex
J UNE 1992
2 Gr and Lodge Committee o n Finance, Pittsburgh
2 D strict Deputy Grand Masters Meeting, Pittsburgh
3 Quarter ly Communication of Grand L odge, Pi tt sburgh
3 Special Communication o f Grand Lodge, PittsburghMason at Sight
5- 12 Grand Lodge of England
2 0 Council of Deliberation , Mt. Airy Lodge
2 1 98th Session Order of Eastern Star, Philadelphia
22-24 High Twelve International Convention, Pocono Manor
25 Grand Guardian Council. Camp Hill
26 Committee on Masonic Homes Elizabethtown
Yugoslavian Freemasons, co ntin ued fro m page 2
JUNE, con tinued
26 Gr an d Mast er's St aff Meetin g, Elizabethtown
27 Specia Co mmuni ca tio n of th e Grand L odge for t he purpose o f Dedicatin g L od ge Roo m an d Dates t o n e-Layi n g, Char eroi L odge No. 6 15 Charler oi
28-30 I m p erial Shrin e, Orl an d o, Florida
JULY 1992
1-4 I m p erial Shrin e, Orl an d o, Fl o rid a 10-11 Rainbow Golden Ann ver sary, Al oon a
11 L odge No. 153, ! 75th Ann versary, Waynesburg
12 Rainbow Golden Ann versary, Altoon a 17-18 DeMolay Conclave, Seven Sp rings Mountain Resort, Champ on 24 Commi ttee o n Masonic Ho m es, E izabeth town
24 Grand Master's Staff Meeting, Elizabethtown
24 Masoni c Libr ary and Museu m of Pen nsy vania Board Meeting, Elizabe th town
25 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Board Meetin g, E izabethtown
25-27 Northeast Conference o f Grand Masters, Elizabethtown
15 Special Communication of the Grand L odge for he purpose of Dedicati n g Lodge Room and Cornerstone-Laying, Bedford Lodge No. 320 Bedford
22 Lodge No. 593, 100th Anniversary, West Newton
28 Committee on Masonic Homes, El izabethtown
28 Grand Master's Staff Meeting, El izabet htown
29 Masonic Congress, Elizabethtown
2 9 Red Cross of Constantine, Pittsburgh
Virgi nia T he r e, h e conve ye d th e s in c e re than ks o f th e Gr a nd Lod ge o f Yugos lavi a for the s u p p o rt a nd re c og nitio n rec e ived fro m the many Gra nd Lodges in th e Uni te d States . T h e Gra nd Lodge o f Pe nnsylvani a wa s th e firs t t o re cognize th e Gran d Lodge o f Yu g o s lav ia in Decem b e r, 199 1. regi me ." He e xp lctine d that Meetin gs are s till in h omes, apartmen t s and o ffice s and th a t a ll of the Rega li a an d fl!,rnitu re are p ort a bl e. T h e y ar e wo r kin g t oward reb uil d ing th e Me mb e rs hip and the Lodges. One diffic ul ty, h e e xp lained, is corr ec tin g " . . . th e wro n g info rm a ti o n o f d ecade s of propaganda, esp e cia lly the wi de ly spread rum o r t h a t th e forme r P reside nt, T ito, was a Fre e maso n ."
Th e De pu ty Gran d Mast er fro m Yu gos lavi a s ai d th a t it was quit e an emotio na l exp e rie n ce wh e n h e e n te re d th e Lodge Room in Pitts burgh. Br o Ke n ne th R. Be hre nd , Dis tric t Depu ty Gran·d Mas t e r o f th e 55th Maso ni c Di s tri ct , sai d th a t Bro.
Vas iv lj evic co mme nte d th a t it was a thrill to see so ma ny Free maso n s t oge the r in one place.
Th e Se rbi a n d ig ni ta ri es w or e th e
Rega lia o f th e ir O ffice s: large w h it e Apron s , p o wder blue Co llars a nd white
Glo ves Addressing th e gro up, De pu ty
Vas iv lj evi c t o ld of Freemaso n ry in Yu gos la vi a to d ay He s aid th a t , " s o mu c h
th a t is t ake n for gra nte d in Fre e maso nry in the Unite d States is c on sid e re d critical t oward s u ccess today in Yugosla vi afro m the n eed for w hite g loves a nd apro n s to ove r c o min g fif ty ye a rs o f d arkn ess d ic t a t e d by th e Co mmunist
Recogn itio n and app re ciatio n we re e xp ressed for t h e large family o f Ame ri c anSerb ian -Eas t e rn Rite Broth e rs (AS ERBs) in th e Unite d St a t e s, incl u din g t he co ntin ge nt in th e Pitt sbur gh area, who h ave gi ve n d e di cated s u p p or t to , th e reest a blis hme nt of th e Fraternity in Yu gos lavia. Tri bute a lso was p ai d by the Serbian Masonic le ad e r to the Germ an and It a lian Bre thre n whom h e s aid have h e lped so mu c h in res torin g th e Frat e rnity Yu gos lavian Freemaso n s we ar th e b lu e fo r ge t-m e -not la p e l pin s t o recog ni ze th e h e lp of th e Ger m a n Masons.
R. W. Gra nd Mas t e r Fo wle r prese nt ed De puty Vas iv lje vi c wi th th e 199 2 Gr a nd Mas te r's Me d a llio n , a co mme mora tive p e wter plate with a n e n gravin g o f the Maso ni c Te mp le of th e Gra nd Lod ge o f Pe nn sy lvan ia , a nd t h e thre e-vo lume se t
o f The M ast er Builder s Th e Dep u ty fro m Yugos lavia p rese nte d Br o. Fowle r with a beautiful p aintin g o f o n e o f th e grea t leade rs in Ser bia n his t ory, Czar Dusan with Czarita Militza. Czar Du san ru led t h e Ki n gdom o f Serb ia d uring its mo s t prosperou s p e ri od th a t includ e d th e a d o ptio n o f t h e "Code o f Ethic s ," w hic h has bee n compared to t he Magn a Carta or the U.S Co ns titu t io n
After th e Lo d ge Mee tin g, a buffe t was s erved in the ba nq ue t h a ll an d Worshipful Mast e r Mic h ae l Lando n o f Da ll as Lo d ge No. 508 pre s e nt e d th e Yu gos lavian Dep uty with a b eautiful Maso ni c Bible w hi c h includ e d th e s ign a tu res o f all Bre thre n p re se nt As Bro. Vas iv ljevic b ega n to s p e ak, th e AS ERB -Maso n s in th e a udien c e r ose s p o ntan e ou s ly from th e ir c ha irs a nd b ega n s inging an o ld Serbian gre e tin g e ntitle d , "Mn oga Ja Lj e t a, " o r "Lo ng Life "
Arran ge me nts fo r th e Vis ita tion we re c o ordin a t e d by D.D .G .M Be hre nd and Bro Mil a n Tomich of Pitts burgh , a Pas t Preside nt of th e AS ERB s On twe lve d ays ' n o ti ce, Wo rs hipful Ma ste r Landon a nd the Dallas Lod ge Office rs pre pare d t o receive th e R. W De puty of th e Gra nd Mas te r a nd o th e r Yu go s la vian di gn itarie s in a n outs tandin g manne r
Bro. Stenberg Stands Tall Again!
Bro. Carl W. St enberg, Jr., Right Worshipfu l Past Grand Master ( 1986-1987), was recogn i zed by th e National Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcoho l Abuse Among Children on February 16, 1992 Bro. C. David Haacke presented Bro. Stenberg th e 1992 Medallio n of Exce ll ence, saying as he did so, that if only one person could have been chosen for credi t for II th d f I h h F Left to right: Bro. C. David Haacke, P.G.M., Maryland, a e won er u t mgs t at ree- B c 1 s ro. ar tenberg, Jr ., R.W.P.G.M. and Bro. William R
by your Grand Lodge. Th e "Masonic Mode l " training is becoming increasingly recogni zed as the most success ful and most all -e n com pa ss in g prevent on program in the United Stat es. Bro. Stenberg has served on th e Execut i ve Com mitt ee of the Nationa l Fou ndation since its inception. Bro. Stenberg's grac o u s acceptance remarks included an express ion of d eep gratitud e to everyone, including his Broth ers, the succeeding Grand Masters, who " ... have served very quietly masonry s now doing to help Miller, P.G.M., Washington, and National Foundation our threatened children, it President. would have to be Bro. Stenberg. He, during his t erm as Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania, founded the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for th e Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children, which became the pi lot for the National Foundation's fl agship program, "Masonic Model" Student Assistance Training, developed in Pennsylvania and supported
R.W.G.M. Fowler
Announces Special Communication To Make Mason At Sight
R.W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr announced that a Special Communication will be held the afternoon and evening of June 3. following the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge in the Oakland Masonic Temple in Pittsburgh for the purpose of Making a Mason at Sight. R.W.G.M. Fowler invites all Freemasons who are in western Pennsylvania for the Quarterly Communication to be present for the Conferral of the Degrees on a "prominent Pittsburgh citizen."
The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge will be at 10:00 a.m followed by complimentary lunch. The Special Communication will open at 2 p.m. followed by the Conferral of the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Mason's Degrees The Master Mason's Degree will be Conferred after dinner. Dinner will be served at 5:00p.m. in the dining hall at the Oakland Masonic Temple for a charge of $10. For dinner. please complete and return the coupon on page 16 or contact your District Deputy Grand Master for tickets.
, I IT1J Fro II) Gral)d Secretary) De5k ...
with great co ntributions which h elp make our program work.... It is really a thrill to see some p eop le we know are finally making th e fina step t o defeating this terrible plague " A t the end of h s remarks, Bro Stenberg introduced his successor on the Executive Committee, Right Worshipful Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr.
Grand Lodge Officers
by Bro. Thomas W Jackson, R. W Grand Secretary
My Brethren:
I am using my col umn in this issue to t ell two stories which need t o be told.
For over twe lve years I have been li ste ning to the difficulties in presenting Fifty-Year Masonic Service Embl ems t o Brothers who did not wish to make the effort to travel a few miles or even a few blocks to r eceive the award.
Several years ago I rec eived a requ est from a good friend and Brother to present him with his Fifty-Year Masonic Selvice Emb em when he was eligible for one.
With permission of the District Deputy Grand Master for his District, I re adily accept ed w h at I regarded as a rare privi ege and an honor.
Last year I h ad the opportunity to make that prese ntation. My friend and Broth er boarded a bu s in Seda li a, Missouri (where h e now lives) and travell ed to Lebanon, Pennsylvania (the location of his Lodge) for a Meeting in which h e was recognized for h i s fifty years o f service to our Masonic Fraternity
The next day h e boarded a bus and returned to Misso uri
This in itself s an extreme l y re m arkab le ac t , far b eyond w hat I h ave experien ced before, by a Broth er to receive thi s award. What is even more remarkabl e about the effort, however, s that this Brother travelled the distance with his seeing-eye dog as his on y companion, for thi s Brother is legal y blind.
It must h ave been through efforts and interests of men like these that we have the privilege of being Freemasons today.
Bro. Edwin Schickley is a remarkable man. He is al so a remarkable Freemason. I cannot h elp but wonder h ow muc h greater we might be if we h ad more Brothers as ded cated to the Craft as s this Broth er He cert ai nly h as my admiration and respect and deserves the same from all Freemasons.
On January 13 th of this year, I received a report from Bro. Walter C. Heck of the Visitation Commi tt ee of one· o f our Lodges. Along with the report was a letter in which this Brother wrote: " Enclosed is the report of visi tations for the year 1991
3rd Grader Names Anti-Drug Caricature
"Kid Pyramid" is th e winning name that Matthew T. Eschlema n o f the 13th and Green el ementary schoo l in Reading gave the Masonic caricature pictured on District 7's antidrug book covers distributed to third-graders again thi s year. The name he submitted was se lected from more than 600 entries in the con t est that th e District's Board of Managers annou nced whe n 8,000 book cover s were distributed th e b egi nning of this school term.
Th s is the 13th and final year of my visitations t o the ill and sh ut-i ns." H e went on th en to discuss th e locations in three s tate s, and in five count es in the Commonwea lth of Pennsy vania, to which he had journeyed in order to visit our Brethren w h o were in the hospital. He closed his communcation with " I enjoyed doing visitationsWhy? - When I was ill wi t h double pneumonia in January 1947 in the Norfo lk Naval Hospital, the first person to visit me was a Mason of the Cape Charles, Virginia, Masonic Lodge. I have never forgotten that. "
I h ave been receiving th ese an nu a reports from Bro. Heck for a number o f years. His are the o nly ones w hic h I have r ece ved.
We , as Members o f th e Craft, can si t and lament the loss o f the feeling of Brotherhood or we can, like Bro. Heck , li ve Masonic Brot h erho od. There i s noth ng I cou ld add that would improve upon wha t he h as done to maintain the image of our Cra ft.
gested "Kid Pyramid" because, "You can't get to the top if you use drugs or alcoho l. You must use your brain. Drugs hurt your brain and your body."
The third-grade winn er rece ved a $200 Savings Bond presented by Bro. Frank E. Daniels, D.D.G.M. (second from ri ght ), and (at le ft ) Bros. Brian K. Doerrman, P.M., W.M., St. John's Lodge No. 435, and Curtis W. Hoyt, P.M. , Read ing Lodge No. 549, both Members of the Board of Managers . " Kid Pyramid" s th e fo cal point of the m odern art of the book cove r . He has th e shape of a Masonic embl em, but is a yo un gster w earing a baseba ll cap and sneakers. Matth ew said he sug-
Left to right: Bro Thomas W. Jackson, R. W Grand Secretary; Bro. Geo rg e H Hohenshildt, R. W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Edward H. Fowl er, Jr., R. W. Grand Master; Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R. W. Senior Grand Warden; Bro James L. Ernette, R. W. Junior Grand Warden; Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, R. W. Grand Treasurer.
Fron t row: (left to right): Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, R. W. Grand Secretary; Bro. George H. Hohenshildt, R. W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R. W. Grand Master; Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R W. Senior Grand Warden; Bro. James L. Ernette, R. W. Junior Grand Warden; Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, R. W. Grand Treasurer. Second row: Bro. William Slat er, II, Grand Swo r d Bearer; Bro. George H Hott, Jr., Aide to Grand Master; Bro. Thomas C. Librandi, Aide to Grand Master; Bro. George N. Holmes, Gra n d Marshall; Bro. Ralph B. Rogers, Jr., Grand Tyle r
Third row: Bro. William H. Blangger, Grand Steward ; Bro. Donald W. Roberts, Junior Grand Deacon; Bro. E. David Haddad, Grand Steward; Bro. George J. Kosowan, Senior Grand Deacon; Bro. Robert R. Havers, Sr., Grand Pursuivant.
Matthew's sch oo l principal , Garrett E. Hyneman (right ), a Member o f Reading Lodge No 549, was present for the award.
The Masonic
Library and Museum and YOU!
Never a day passes without someone or some organization asking for YOUR help in one form or another. Our own Masonic Charities are seeking further funds in order to maintain th e outstand ng faci lit es they have provided for many, many years. We too, here at The Mason c Library and Museum of Pennsylvania are turn ng to YOU fo r much needed he lp. Not in the form of a monetary donation, this time, but we litera lly need YOU! We need YOU to donate one of YOUR most valuable possessions, YOUR time While we have had several very dedicated Volunteers th ese last two years, unfortunately, illness and fami y problems have stopped several of our Vol unteers from m ee ting their commitment to u s. We are aware that YOUR tim e is a most v aluab e commodity and becomes more precious to eac h of us the longer we live, but wou l d YOU consider contributing a
p ortion of this valuable asset to this m o st important part of Masonic life, YOUR Masonic Library and Museum ? If we are ''To Build Bridges of Awareness from the Hi storic Past to the Future, fo r The Freemason and The Non-Freemason ," YOU are the too by wh ch construction can and wi ll b egin.
Please con tact t he Executive Director by writing to us here at The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsyl vania The Masonic T emple One North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-2520
or tel ephone us at area code (215) 988- 1934 Please, please consider our request with serious thought! The future of this portion of Freemasonry could very w ell b e in YOUR hands.
Continental Chapter Order of DeMolay, York, Pennsylvania, To The Rescue
One of th e most prized possessions of The Grand Lodge of Pennsy van a, which is on deposit with The Masonic Library and of Pennsylvania at the Masoni c Temple in Philade phia, is The Brother George Washington Apron. Hand embroidered by Madame Lafayette, it was presented to Bro. Washington by Bro. The Marquis de Lafayette in August of 1783. Thi s unique tem w as recently found to b e n some need of conservat on and preservat ion by a textile conservator brought to the Library and Museum for this purpose. Thanks to Bro. Terry D. Be ntze l , Di stric t Deputy of the 42nd Masonic District, this need was brought to th e attent i on of Continental Chapter, Order of DeM o lay in York, Pennsylvania. The M embers of Continenta Chapter d ecided that this was just the project th ey were looking for and thus began the search for a fund-rai sing project. It was d ecid ed to se ll plastic trash bags to raise th e need ed money. Thanks to efforts of the many fin e M embers of Conti nenta l Chapter, after se ll ing th ese trash bags at m ee t i n gs of every type of Mason i c Organization, their contribut on was presented to th e Grand Master.
At the December Quarterl y h eld in Philad elphia on Dece mber 4, 1991 , the Right Worshipful Grand Master, W. Scott Stoner, called th e Grand Lodge off from L abor for a short time and directed that Matthew Campbell , Senior Councilor of Co ntin ental Ch apter, Order of DeMolay, be u shered into the Grand Lodge. Accompanied by Bro. Claren ce Lauer, Advisor, Mr Campbell prese nted th e Grand Master with a check n the amount of $2,500 for u se in th e preservation and
conservation of the Apron. The Grand Master rec eived the c hec k and expressed his sincere appreciation on beha f of the Grand Lodge for this considerab l e contribution. The Staff of the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania also expresses th eir deep appreciation for the support given to this project by the Contin e nt a Chapter, Order of DeMo ay. Th anks for a job w e ll done to all of th e dedica t ed Members of Continental Ch apter!
''Grand Master's Day" AT 1HE MASONIC HOMES
Saturday, September 19, 1992
Mark your calendar now to attend "Grand Master's Day" at the Masonic Homes , which is scheduled for September 19, 1992. This is your day to spend touring the grounds and taking in all th e numerous activities offered The featured event this year wi ll be the laying of the Cornerstone for the construction of the newest wing of the Masonic Health Care Center.
The fun and festivities begin at 10:00 a m. and continue throughout the day until4:00 p .m. A coupon will be in the next issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason for you to complete and return to the Masonic Homes to advise us of your intention to be present. Also the next ssue will contain the program of events.
Shrine bands, fac e painters for the children, t ours of the Village Green, Masonic Health Care Center, and the Independent Living Community, plus the always present food, food. and more food will be available for your enjoyment.
This is the time for each of you (and most especially those who have never before visited the Masonic Homes) to com e and see how we are preparing for the next century and where your contribution dollars are being used. It is also a time to visit with our resid ents, get to know them, and determine for yourself why so many say they wish they h ad made the decision to come to the Masonic Homes years before they did.
The time of year should promise to afford great weather, so mark the date now while it is on your mind, and plan to attend this year.
Grand Master Prepares For Cornerstone-Laying
Right Worshipful Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. is making sure that all is ready and on sc h edule for th e Corn erstone-Laying as part of Grand M as t er' s D ay, September 19, 1992, at th e Masonic Health Care Ce nter . Construc ti on s several weeks ahead o f schedu l e due to th e favorabl e weath er since Phase II b egan. The r oo f is compl et e and wall studs are in place on each of th e four fl oors; therefore, w eath er will no t b e a factor for the co ntinuation o f construction T h e anticipation is that this phase will b e co mpl et ed by the end of 1992 or earl y in 1993
The Layi ng of the Cornerstone will be th e hi ghlight of thi s year's Grand Master's Day, with the cer emony takin g place at 11 :00 a.m. at the Masonic Health Care Center. All Pennsylvania Masons are cordia lly invited and urged t o attend thi s y ear's Grand M as ter's Day. There is no larger gatherin g of M embers of the Cr aft throughout the Commonwealth than at Elizabethtown fo r this function. If you have n o t visited your Masonic Homes in th e past, this year is a p erfe ct tim e to pl an to do so Bring your
R. W. Master Edward H Fowler, Jr. reviews the plans for Phase 2 of the Ma so nic Health Care Center project with Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, R.W.P G. M., Chairman of the Building and Grounds Subcommittee, and Bro Joseph E Murphy, Executive Director of the Masonic Homes
fam i ly and enjoy th e day by being presen t for this m em oria Cornerstone-Layin g, touring th e grounds and resid ent faciliti es, spendin g tim e with oth er Masonic Brothers , and, of course, enjoying the abundance of food.
As the sun rises in th e East , so the Masonic Health Care Center is rising from the ground (photo to left) to meet the continuum of care n eeded by our residents in the new century. This is your Masonic Homes, one o f the greatest in the nation, and one which we can all be proud of calling th e Masonic Homes of th e R. W Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Pennsylvania. You are a part of thi s facil ty through your annual contributions; therefore, w e encourage you t o be a part of this cel ebration.
Left to right: Bro. "Dad" Clarence E. Lauer; Matthew Campbell, Senior Councilor of Continental Chapter, presenting a $2,500 check for restoration of George Washington's Apron toW Scott Stoner, R. W Past Grand Master, December 4,
Masonic Health Care Center
- Furnishings Needed -
Phase II of the Mason ic Health Care Ce nt er project continu es, with the construction o f th e new four-story Eas t Wing, now ahead of schedul e due t o favorable weather conditions. In March 199 1, the East Wing was demolish ed and n ew site excavation began. The foot ings and foundation were poured, co ncrete column s and concrete Boors were poured up t o the third Boor prior t o th e end of the year. Progress h as continued at a steady pace.
Phase II i s schedu ed for comp l etion by ear y 1993. The winds of change are blowing strong as the Masonic Health Care Center prepares t o enter th e twenty-first century. Upon completion of this massive renovation and co nstruction project, your Masonic Health Care Center will afford nursing ho m e care for approximately 450 residents and personal care for another 100 reside nts This t o t a project will provide a st ate-of-th e-art health care center in Elizabe tht own. You may desire to be a part o f this n ew construction through a purchase of one or more of th e item s shown below. These are representative of the it ems needed. All items will be bid in order to o btain th e best purchase price and utilize your contribution t o the fullest extent. In the event your con tribution dollars are more than the actual cost of th e item when purchased, or we have rece ved more than enough contributions for a given tem, your contrib utio n will be used for other furnishings or constru ction costs.
Little Andrea and Pilgrim Lodge No. 712
Most of the wo rld' s children fee l special w h e n their favorite holidays arrive; but millions of others h ave stom ach s too empty t o all ow them t o l earn or enj oy anything; and still others are so ill th at they have n o idea w hat day or night is.
Su c h is th e case of Little Andrea Cuest a of Quito , Ecuador. Sh e i s ten years old, part i ally paralyze d with cardio-pulmonary and brain damage , and sh e i s co matose. Thi s t iny child, for more than a year, h as been in a state that on y The G.A.O T.U. co uld cure. Her parents had taken her to Ca liforni a for treat ment in one of th e b est m ed ica centers for the se types of illn esses There, it was recommend ed th at she be brought to Phi l adelphia to see if the In stitu t e for t h e Achieve m ent of Human Potent i al cou ld do anythin g for h er. Th e paren t s were taught so m e rehabi litation t echniques to carry on at h ome, and slow y , slowl y Littl e Andrea is r esponding, givi ng them so m e h ope th at th ey may h ave their little daugh ter back again. Andrea had to be brought bac k to Philadelphia for more treatment, but her parent s could no t afford the trip, so th ey appea led to th eir
countrym en for help. One w ho heard was Dr. Eudora Hinojosa C. of Unidad Ecu at o riana, a Mason, w ho wrote to our R.W. Grand Secretary, Bro. Thomas W. Jacks on.
Bro. Jackson co ntac ted Bro . J. Walter Price, P.D.D G.M., who s Admissi ons Cou n se lor for th e Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown and familiar wi th Lodges in the area, as well as with sources o f aid o f th e type t h at the Cuesta family needs. Bro Wi lli am Wright, w ho speaks Spani sh fluent l y , assi sted with co mmunication s, and Bro. Jackson arranged for ho u sing. Bro Price, continuing the st ory, notes that Masons, over the years, have com e to th e assi stance o f m any peopl e, usually very quiet l y, perhaps to o quietly, because most o f the non-M asonic pub lic does n ot know that respo nsible Masons are dedicated to th e service of humanity. Pi l grim Lodge No 712 has co m e to th e aid of Andrea Cuesta and h er famil y , adop ting them , one could almos t say Littl e Andrea wi ll al so rece ive he lp in the future from thi s gracio us L odge and some s ster Lodges Let u s c ontinue to sp r ead th e good word that , as Mason s, we c are.
Pennsylvania Mason is New Most Eminent Grand Master of Knights Templar
Pennsylvanian To Be
New President Of High Twelve
Bro. and Sir Kn i ght William Hen ry Thorn ey , Jr. , a co n sultin g materia l s e ngin eer , was e ect ed Most Eminent Grand Master of T he Grand Encampment of Kni ghts Templ ar of th e Unit ed St at es of Ame rica in August of 199 1
Born in M eyer sda le, Pennsyl vania, in 1924, Sir K night Thorn ley was Raised t o th e Su b lime Degree o f Mast er Mason on June 25, 1946 in Kin g So lo m o n' s L odge
10 No . 346, Conne ll svill e, Penn sy v ani a, w here he m ai ntain s h i s Membership. Whil e servi n g in th e 90th Infantry Divisi on in Europe during Wo rl d War II , he w as wound ed and decorated fo r gall antry in acti on four t i m es, an d to ok part i n the invas on o f Normandy in 1944 Sir Kn ght Thornl ey attended Carnegie In stitute of Techn o l ogy, and a fter th e War, he went to Color ado to a tt end the Co l o r ado Scho o l o f Mines Adop tin g Denv er as his n ew h ome, h e h as attained all th e Degre es in t h e York and Scotti sh R tes in Co orado, including being Coron ett ed a 33 ° , In s pec t or G e n eral Honorary , Southern Jurisdic tio n He s al so an acti v e Member of th e Internati ona l Suprem e Co un c il , Ord er o f DeMo l ay and holds the H onorary Leg o n of Hon or. A l on g th e w ay, Sir Knight Thoml ey h as fo und t i me to b e a M ember of many oth er App endant M aso nic Bodies.
Bro. Ralph A C em m er, a Member o f Sticht er L odge No. 254 in Pottstown , wi ll be Inst alled as the n ew President o f Hi gh Twelve Internatio na l on Jun e 24, 1992 by Past Internati on a President Bro. Ross V. N. Bayer o f Princeton, New Jersey, at th e Annual M ee tin g at Pocono Manor Resort, Pocono Ma n or, Pennsy l van a. Bro. Clemm er s t h e third Pe nn sy lvan i an to become President (after Bro. J. Wall ace For b es, 1950-195 1, and Bro. Jame s Robert son , 1962-1963) o f th s organizat on of Freemason s w h o m eet fo r Frat ernal fello w ship , and wh ich boast s a Members hip in th e United State s of 22 ,000 . Bro C emmer i s a Member, and o ft en an Officer, eith er present or past , of probably every possible Masonic organizat on from Roy ers fo rd t o Readin g, Po tt stown t o E izabethtown and b eyo nd , inc lu d in g Th e Masonic Library and Museum of Penn sy vania. Born at t he end of 1940, th s b usy in suranc e ex ecutive and avid racquetba ll play er i s th e husband of Lin d a and father of Jodi, and s ac ti ve in many pro fess o na and o th er organizat ions
Ma5ol)ic Educatiol)
Membership Building Program
The Committee on Masonic Edu ca tion l aunch ed a new M embership Building Program in Marc h , 1992. Info rmation about the program was sent to the Wo r shipfu l Mast er o f each Lodge invitin g his participatio n Each Lodge wi ll d ecide i f it wi shes t o t ake part in th e Membershi p Bui ld ing Program
Through the generous support of the Right Worshipful Grand Master, Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , important publi cation s o f Gra nd L o dg e wi ll be provid ed for sp ecified Lo dge Members. Any Master Mason w h o s Raised duri ng th e t wo -year t erm of R. W. Grand Master Fowler will receive Volume I o f The Master Builders by Dr. Wayne A Hu ss.
Mas t er Masons who ar e fir s t-lin e signers on t wo Pet itions of men see king Membership in Freemasonry, d u ring the t erm o f Grand Master Fowl er , will r eceive Vo lume I of T he Master B uilders. If a Master M ason b ecom es a first - line sign er o n four Pe titi ons for Member ship , h e wi ll receive Volume II of The Master Builde rs. When a Master Mason is th e fir st-lin e sign er o n s ix Petitions for Membership, h e wi ll rece ve Vo lum e III o f The Master
Membership Retention
Builders and the slip case to hold th e three-volume set.
Sh ou ld a Master Mason be a first-lin e signer on t we lve Petitions for M embership, he wi ll r ecei ve a leather-bo und copy o f the Grand L o dge o f Penn sy l vani a's publica tion The Exe mplar. R. W. Grand Master Fowler will personall y sign each copy of Th e Exemplar that s awarded. Pl ans are b eing made t o present the award s o f The Exemplar at Gra nd Lodge Quarterly Co m m unication s.
Forms h ave been sent to each Lodge
T hey must b e co mpl et ed and returned to the Office of Masonic Education. The in fo rmation must be certifi ed by th e Educa tion Ch airm an and Secr e t ary. T h e raised sea l of th e L odge must be placed on each form.
The Com mittee on Mason ic Educat i on believes the Membership Buil ding Program will enh ance Maso nic Education by p l ac in g val u ab le p ublica ti o n s in th e hand s of the Brethren. There are n o cost s to t h e L o d ge for t h e b ooks Each Lodge i s e ncouraged to part cipat e. Benefits wi ll acc ru e t o the Br ethren , th e L odges an d Free masonry.
Masonic Speakers Bureau
A wid ow er , Sir Knight Thornl ey has thr ee children, o f w h o m both sons are Members of th e Cra ft. He is a so a m ember o f Christ Ch urc h , Ep scopa l, Denver, and is active in c ivi c affair s and profess o nal societies a on g th e lin es o f his en gi neerin g interests. We congratul at e o ur Pe nnsy van a Broth er and wish him w e ll in the c hall en ge of his n ew Office !
Information regarding th e est ablishme nt o f a M asonic Speaker s Bureau was di stributed in Apri l by th e Commi tt ee o n Masonic Educati on Appli cat on forms fo r Masonic speake rs are being given ou t in each o f th e six M aso nic Educa tion Areas acr oss Pe nn syl vania. Ther e i s a de finit e need to ide ntify dynamic speaker s so th e L odges wi ll h ave anoth er reso urce for their mon thly pr ograms.
A published list o f Masonic speaker s s p lanned fo r p r ese ntati on at the Oc t ober Masonic Educatio n Confere n ce. The first edi ti on wi ll inclu d e twenty- five approved speaker s from each o f the six Educati on Areas. They wi ll be asked t o descri be th e
t opics on which they wi ll speak. Info rmatio n on t he cost , f any, of securing each sp eaker , the d st ance th at h e or sh e s willing t o travel , and experi en ce as a speaker, wi ll aid th e L o d ges in d eciding w h om th ey would like t o i nvi t e. The publi cation will incl ude Masoni c, nonMasonic, ma e and female speakers. In ord er for th e Speakers Bureau t o be an effective servi ce fo r th e L od ges, every effort m ust be m ade to sec ure c h a llengng and in form ative p ersons. Good Lo dge programs are esse ntial t o sec ure stro ng Lodge attend ance. Good speaker s are avai l ab le! We are askin g M asons o f Penn syl van a to h elp us fin d th em!
All M aso ns o f Pennsyl v ania h av e a r esp o nsibility t o h e lp in securing th e r e t u rn t o full Mason ic Standin g a ll M asons suspended fo r n on-payment o f d u es. The Committee on M asonic Educatio n has provided suggestions t o Lodge O ffic ers so th ey may take steps to keep th e su sp ended M embe r s within th e Fraternity.
Every M ember wh o h as bee n suspended should be contac ted directly by a M em ber o f his L od ge. A vi sit or a tel epho ne c all are th e bes t w ays, for th ey show th e M aso n hi s Bro th er s c are. If direc t contact i s no t possibl e, th e Lodge sh o uld send a certified letter to each suspended M ember
The L odge sho uld make ev ery e ffort t o det ermin e w hy each M ason w as suspended. If he is un able t o pay his dues , th e Lodge Charity Committee sho uld be info rm ed If th e M ason h as b ecom e estranged from his Lodge, fri endly contact wi ll reass ure him that his Brothers d o care F"md som e way t o get the ab sent Broth er i nter est ed . Inform him o f a good L odge p r ogram Invite him t o th e Annu a Banquet. Your L odge O fficers have r eceiv ed in fo rm ati o n fro m th e M asoni c Edu cation Commi tt ee on h o w t o sec ure th e r eturn o f suspe nded M em ber s. The Right Wo r sh pful Gran d M aste r , Bro. Edward H Fowler , Jr. , will award a plaqu e to each L odge w hic h achieves "Zero" su spens on s. Ask your Wor ship ful M aster how you can hel p t o keep yo ur Fra t ernity strong.
Office Manager for Masonic Education
Mrs Joanne Ford has accepted the position o f Offi ce Man ager for the Grand Lodge Co mmittee o n Masonic Educatio n. Prior to accep tin g the role as Offi ce Manager, Mrs. Ford worked for two years in th e Gran d Master's O ffi ce n th e Maso nic Tem p l e. W e w e lc ome Mrs. Ford , and know y o u wi ll find h er most h e lp ful.