Grand Lodge to Lay Cornerstone at Restored Grist Mill on Farm Once Owned
by Washington
Society set out to r es to re the b uil dings as a his to ri cal s ite. Inmates at the Greensb urg Correctiona ll ns ti t u te volu nt ee red the ir la bor t o restore th e grist mill. T he Grand Maste r wi ll lead th e Grand Lodge Officers, Blue Lodge Officers and Freemasons, along with representatives of t he Famil y of Freemasonry, in the Pioneer Day parade. At the farm , Grand Lodge Officers will lay t he Cornerstone o f the restored grist mill , with the original Bib le and Gavel along with a reproduction of the Trowel us ed by Bro and President George Washington. A plaque recognizing Bro. Washington and commemorating the Cornerstone Laying will be presented to the Heritage Socie ty for permanent posting on the mill.
Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr., Grand Lodge Officers and area Freemasons wi ll partic ipate in the Pioneer Day parade and Ce lebration October 3 in Perryopo lis, highlighted by a Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for a restored grist mill on property once owned by Bro. George Was hington.
The first Preside nt of t he Un ited States did not res id e at th e farm that he had owned near Perryopolis, b u t he h ad it operated by a tenant. Th e com muni ty o f Perryopo li s recent ly acqu ired the land and the Heri t age
Police Chief
t wh en the three Degre e s were Co nferred in Oak la nd Masonic Te m pl e on J u ne 3 , fo ll owing the Ju n e Quarter ly Com mu nication of Grand Lodge.
Bro and Ch ie f DeRoy is a vete ran of 35 years in th e Pittsburgh Po li ce Departmen t. Starting in the Tr affic Division, he rose th r ough th e ranks to become Ass is tant Chie f in 1977 an d was n ame d Ch ie f in 1990. He has rece ived nu mero us po lice and civili an co mm e ndat ions for his e xe mp lary service.
After being Raised to the Su bli me Degree o f a Master Mason, Bro. DeRoy th anked R. W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. a nd Gra nd Lodge for t h e honor, saying, "Th is h as bee n o ne of the most im pre ssive and me morable e ve nts o f my li fe ."
T he Degrees were Conferred in an exe m p lary man n er by three De gree Teams organized for the occasion und e r the directio n of the Ins tru c tor of Ritua listic Work, Bro. James K. Thompson; Nort h wes tern Region Instruc tor, Bro. H. Alvan Sa ll a c k; Western Region Instructor, Bro Wes ley E. Smi th , Sr; and Central Reg ion Instru c tor, Bro. R. Dean Jobe. Two Degrees were Co nferr ed in th e afternoo n and one in the e ve ni ng.
The Maste r Mason ' s Degree was u ni que in that it was Con ferre d by a Degree T e am of po licemen in u n ifor m , a ll Me mb e rs of th e Pitts burgh P in Club. (The Pin Club c o m prises continued on p ag e 3
Entered Apprentice Mason's Degree Team
Fellowcraft Mason's Degree Team
Mason's Degree Team
Independent Living Community Enjoying
Leisure Activities
The Independent Living Community (I.L.C.) at the Masonic Homes offers a variety of on-site and area facilities for residents to enjoy their leisure time. The active adult lifestyle abounds at the I.L.C. with numerous activities in wh ich to participate. These activities range from outside hobbies such as fishing in our pond to planting a garden. There are other recreational pursuits such as golfing, bicycling, and wa lking on one of the trails which run throughout our beautifully landscape d grounds. Par Line, an 18-hole public golf course, is on ly five minutes away from our Community, in addition to many others in the area. Also, there are indoor and outdoor swimming pools on the grounds, and a local bowling a ll ey is within close proximity.
Masonic Homes' Census Goes Over 1,000
The Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown has a long time history of its caring mission t o provide needed services to Pennsylvania Masons and their relatives as well as children sponsored by Masonic Lodges.
During the first months of 1992, the Masonic Homes census went over 1,000, and we wanted to introduce yo u to the residents from each area of service that were admitted during this time period to commemorate this historical event.
-Village Green -
The Village Green area provides congregate living and personal care services to 283 residents. Chester D. and Ethyl M. Minick were adm itted to the Masonic Homes on May 4, 1992.
Bro. Minick is a Member of Lodge of the Craft No. 433, New Castle, Pennsy lvania, and they also resided in New Castle, Pennsylvania, prior to coming to live at the Masonic Homes. Bro. and Mrs. Minick indicate the reason they chose to come to live at the Masonic Homes was for the security of a retirement home. They visited the Masonic Homes numerous times and were always impressed with the facility and h ad hoped to be a ble to res ide here some day.
- Masonic Health Care Center -
The Masonic Health Care Center provides nursin g care services to 482 residents. Mrs. Anna A Krentz was admitted to the Masonic Homes on April 23, 1992. Mrs Krentz is the widow of Russell W. Krentz, a late Me mber of Howe ll Lodge No. 405,
- Independent Living Community -
The Independent Living Community provides independent living in 236 apartments and cottages. Norman and Gertrude Schorle came to the Masonic Homes' Independent Living Commun ity on May 4, 199 2, from Spri ng Hill, Florida, after permanently living there since 1981. The Schorles were originally from the Philadelphia area and later moved to the Hazelton area. Bro. Schorle was originally a Member of Unity Lodge No. 7 19 which has s ince m e rged and is now Comm unity Lodge No. 744.
Honey Brook, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kre ntz resided in Co lumbia, Pennsylvania, and states the reason she chose to come to li ve at the Masonic Homes was because she had developed physical problems causing her to need nursing care, and it was a lways her desire to com e to live a t th e Maso nic Homes if the need arose.
Bro. and Mrs. Schorle discovered the Independent Living Community from reading articles in The Pennsylvania Freemason. After rea li zin g th e convenience of being only two hours from their children, they decided to pursue living at the Masonic Homes. They liked the idea of having their own apartment, being ab le to keep their car, and knowing they can come and go as they p lease, and not havin g to change their lifestyle. Bro. Schorle enjoys the extensive woodworking shop where he can continue to pursue his hobby, and Mrs. Schorle has been busy d ecorating their very attractive two -bedroo m apartment.
- Children's Home -
The Children's Home can provide service to thirty-two residents. Crystal and Tracee Evans are sisters and are our most rec e nt residents of the Children's Home. Crystal is fift ee n years old and Tracee is eleven years old. They were sponsored by West Shore Lodge No 681. Tracee came to u s in January 1992 and Crystal came in February 1992.
Jack Taylor Retires After 12 Years On Homes Committee
Aft er servin g twe ve y ears o n the Co m mittee o n M aso ni c Ho m es, Bro. Jo hn T. ( Jac k) Tay lor r etired Jun e 30 R. W. Grand Mast er Edward H. Fowl er , Jr. , announced th e r etirement at th e Jun e m eetin g of the Committ ee and in specia r ecognitio n fo r Bro. T ayl or 's l o n g and d edicat ed service presented hi m with an insc rib ed Hamilto n Hi st o ri c Maso nic Wat c h .
Board and o n the Board o f Direc t o r s o f First Fed er al Savings and L oan in Erie. In 198 1, h e w as prese nted th e Di stingui sh ed Servi ce Award by the North wes t JayCees
Bro Taylor and his wif e, M argaret Lo uise ( Giest ) ce l ebrated th eir fifti eth weddin g anniver sary in 199 1 Th ey h av e o n e dau ghter and three so n s. Bro Taylor is a Fifty-Year M e mber of Lake Erie Lodge No. 487, G rard. He served as Worshipful Master in 1947 and h as b ee n a Lodge Instru c tor since then . He has been a Trustee o f his Lodge since 1950 . In 1985, h e r ece ived th e Grand M aster Award for Outstanding Servi ce, presented by the late Past Grand M aster William A Carpenter .
He al so is d edicat ed to service in his community as m ember of the T ownship Planning Commission , School Authority , County Agricultural Service and Conservation Committee, Ce m et ery
At th e sam e m ee ting , R. W. Grand Master Fowl er appo inted Bro N o rman
A. Fo x, a m e mb e r of William B. HackenbergMt. Moriah Lodge No. 155, Philadelphia, and a Past Di s tri c t D e put y of Masonic District " E," to succeed Bro. T aylor on th e Committee. Bro . Fox al so serves on th e Grand Lodg e C o mmitt ee on Finance and is a St eward of th e Stephen Girard
Charity Fund. He is President of the Ma s oni c Blood Donor Club.
He was Worshipful Master of his L o dge in 19 70 and Chairman of i ts In struct on Committ ee 1971-80. He has b een v ery act ive in Scottish Ri t e in th e Valley o f Abingto n , n o w part of the Valley of Reading, and i s an H o norary M emb er, 33°, of Suprem e Coun c il. In York Rit e, he is a M ember and h as h eld O ffi ce s in Mark Lodge , Royal Arch Chapter and Joppa Counc il.
Masonic Senior Essay Awards Ceremony
John T (Jack) Taylor with an inscribed Hamilton Historic Masonic Watch in recognition of his twelve years of dedicated service to the Committee on Masonic Homes.
R. W. Grand Master Edward H Fowler, Jr. (left) presents Bro. By r ecent amendme nt to th e Ahiman Rhezon m embership on th e Masonic Homes Co mmittee now i s limited to eight y ears and succ eeding appointme nts are being made to establish staggering t erms.
Grand Master Installed as Tall Cedar at Sight
of North Am eri c a in Wildwood, New Jersey on Friday, May 29, 1992
R. W. Grand Master, Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., presents plaque and the $2,500 scholars hip to Kimberlee Cinko, State winner. R. W Senior Grand Warden , Bro. Edward 0 We isse r , aid e d the Grand Master in presenting the award.
R. W. Grand Master, Committee on Masonic Education, and the six Senior Essay Contest winners are (left to right): Front row: Cheryl Melchiorre, Unda Henry, Leslie Sgroi, Kimberlee Cinko, Emil Johnson , III and Andrew Bartkus; Second row : Bro. Terry Bentzel, Bro. Thomas Eynon, Bro. Glenn Olsen, R. W Grand Master, Bro Edward H. Fowler, Jr., Bro. William Care y, Bro. Elvin G. Warfel, and R. W. Senior Grand Warden Bro. Edward 0 Weisser.
The winn er s of the Masonic Senior Essay Contest were honored at the June Quarterly Communi cation of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on June 3, 1992. Six seniors and th eir parents were invited to c ome to Pittsburgh as gu ests o f Grand Lodge to receive th eir scholarships.
The Senior Essay Contest r equired each entrant t o prepare a 1,500-word essay on th e contributi o ns of Christopher Columbus. Five $1,000 sc holarships were award ed t o th e fin alists and on e $2, 500 scho arship was given t o th e stat e winn er , Kimberl ee Cinko, Area B-2 o f Co lver , Penn sylvania. The five fin ali st s w er e: Andr ew Bartkus, Area A-1 , Germansvill e; Ch eryl M e lchiorre, Area A-2, Berwyn ; Emil Johnso n , Ill, Are a B-1, Houtzdale; Lind a Henry, Area C-1 , Stump Creek and L eslie Sgroi , Area C-2, M c Keesport Maso n s o f Pennsy lvania are pro ud o f th e youth o f our Stat e and support the m in th eir educati o nal endeavors and c aree r goals. These young peopl e have sh o wn u s again th at yo uth tod ay are serious, hard-wo rkin g and dedicated t o supporting our Country_
The 1993 Lodge Program Competition
Senior Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar Frank Jobe investing the Grand Master with his Pyramid
Bro Edward H Fowl er , Jr. , the Right Worshipfu Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania, was Install ed as a Tall Cedar at Sight at th e 90th Annual Session of th e T all Cedars of Lebanon 14
The Installing Offic er s wer e Supreme Tall Cedar Ronald C. Mines; Se nior Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar Frank Jobe; and Junior Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar George Lyter , Jr. The Prologue and Royal Court was presented by Distri c ts No. 1 and No 2, which co mprise men from the states of Pennsy lvania , New Jer sey and Delaware. The Secret Work w as p erformed by District Deputy Suprem e T all Cedar Jack Lad ee. A class of el ev e n witn essed th e full form Ceremonia and the Install ati o n of our Right W orshipful Grand Master as a Tall Cedar at Si ght.
Di stingu shed gu ests attending this 90th Annual Session included Grand Masters from the states of Conn ecti cut, D elaware, Maryland , New Jersey, Ohio and The Distric t o f Co lumbia along wi th th e Execut ive Secretary of th e George Washington Masonic Nationa M em orial. Various dignitaries also attended from the International Order of Rainbow for Girls, the International Ord er o f Jo b's Daughters, and th e Internationa Supreme Counci of the Order o f DeMolay.
Plans are being made to laun ch our annual Lo dge Program Competition for 1993. Instructions will b e sent t o all the L odges in August so th e Brethren will have suffici ent tim e t o gather info rmation and d evel op their programs.
The R. W. Grand Master, Bro. Edward H. Fowl er , Jr., h as se ected " Th e Laying o f th e Cornerstone of th e Capital " or " Our M asonic Presidents" as th e two topic s to be used in the 1993 pro gram. These t o pics will give Maso ns a broad and inter es tin g ran ge of pro grams t o present in th e Lodges in April , 1993.
Sharing The Good News About Masonry
Supreme Tall Cedar Ronald C. Mines presenting plaque to R. W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr.
The Committee on Masonic Educa tion has dec ided t o enlarge th e pro gram options to include th e c reation o f a wide variety of c raft items in addition to written pro grams The craft programs can include: cr eatio n s of models in wood , eather , m et a s, oil paintings, w at er colors or photographs which will give M asons different ch o ices to show th eir interest in Masonry and th e t o pics selected fo r the 1993 program The craft proj ect s c an be displ ayed in the L o dges, in traveling exhibits, at th e M asonic T emple or at th e M ason c Homes. With the good programs th at have been presented in th e past , we expect Masons to continue their interest in presenting good Lodge pro grams throu gh written as w ell as craft media
On Fri day, May 8 , the Grand L odge Commi ttee on Masonic Education and the Mason c Library and Museum of Pennsylvania se t up a displ ay o f Masonic Educational Materials at the Burger King res t aurant on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, adj acent t o Exit 28. Masons were invited, along with other groups, to distribute information that would be helpful to visit ors corning to Philadelphia
Dr. Glenys A Waldman, Ass stant Librarian and Curator, represented the Library and Museum and Bro J. Walter Price, P D.D.G M., r epr esented the Committee on Masonic Education in this joint e ffo rt to give travel ers nformation about Masonry and th e M asoni c Temp e in Phi l adelphia. During the d ay, our st aff m et people fro m Gr eat Brit ain, Mal t a, Germany and Isr ae as we ll as peop l e f r om six different stat es. Opportunities such as thi s are i deal ways t o t ake th e m essage of Masonry to the pu bli c.
loutl} Foul)datiol)
Scholarships Awarded
The Educational Endowment Fund Committee of the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation reviewed 235 applications for 1992 under the leadership of Bro. John D. Sink , Chairman Statisticall y, there were 144 appli c ations from females and 91 from males. Applications came from 22 DeMolays, 8 Job' s Daughters and 52 Rainbow Girls. Scholars hips are award e d on the basis of a review of academic achievement, fin ancial need, frate rnal involvement and other ac tivitie s. Scholarship awards have bee n made to the following:
$2,500 Grand Master's Scholarships
• Stacy Wolcott, of Greensburg, daughte r of Bro. Robert W. Wolcott , a Member of Forbes Trail Lodge No. 783, Export , Pennsylvania. She will attend Pennsylvania State University to study scien ce and business.
• Brian J. Farina, of Easton , so n of Bro. Richard H Snyder, a Me mber of Prospe rity Lodge No. 567 , Riegelsville, Pe nnsylvania. He will attend Aub urn University in Alabama to study zo ology.
$1,000 PYF Scholarships
• Hea ther Sowers , of Lebanon, d a ughter of Bro. Christopher H. So we r s, a Me mb er of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226, Le banon , Pennsylvania. Sh e will attend Le high University to st udy accounting, inte rnational r e lations, Fre n c h a nd J apanese.
• Vincent B. Ke ns inger, o f Roaring Sprin g, a Member of a i-Aksa Ch ap ter, Order of DeMolay, Altoona, and so n of Bro. George Kensinger, a Member of Woodbury Lodge No 539, of Roaring Spring, Pennsylv ania. He will a tt e nd Lycoming Co ll ege to s tudy nurs ing.
• Je nnife r Lynn Ocelus, of Norristown , grand -daughter of Bro He nry H. Carn eavale, a Mem be r of Norris town Lo d ge No 620, Norrist o wn , Pennsylvania She wi ll a ttend Lehigh Un ivers ity to s tudy engineering.
• Brian J. Romeo, of Orwigsburg, a Me mber of Schuylkill Ch apt er, Order of DeMolay, Orwigsburg, Pennsylvani a. He will atte nd Susq u e hann a Unive rs ity t o s tudy acco untin g and mathematics.
• Lydia Lander, dau ght er of Bro. Carl F Lander, Jr., a Member of McKeesport Lodge No 64 1, McKeesport, Pen nsylvania. Sh e wi ll atte nd the Univers ity of Cinc inn a ti to s tudy Engineering and Law.
$500 Edward Undler Scholarship
• Geor ge E. Dick erso n , Jr. , Philadelphia , a Me mb er of Geo rge W.
16 King Co un ci l No. 17, Order of th e Kni ghts of Pyt hagoras. He wi
Rainbow Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary; Honors Grand Master
The Internati onal Order o f Rainbow for Girl s ce lebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary in Altoona July 9 t o 15 when R. W. Grand Maste r Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , participated in the parad e a nd was the opening s peake r and prese nt ed awards.
Grand Master Fowler was specia lly honore d in th e closing c e remonies on Sunday, when he was awarded th e Grand Cross of Color, the highest honor to be bestowed by th e Order of Rainbow for Girls. Special words of appreciation are extended to Mrs. Beryl Hogue, Supreme Inspector for Pennsyl vania, an office wh ich s h e has held since 1972.
The Family of Freemasonry join e d in the magnificent ce lebration with units from many Masonic Organizations and those of Ap pendant Bodi es participating in th e parade
Bro. Moyer Going to Law School
Bro. All e n D. Moye r h as resi g ne d as the Ass is tant Executive Director of The Pennsylvania Yout h Foundation in ord er to atte nd Widener University Sch oo l of Law in Harri s burg
Homes-Made Gavel For Grand Master
Updated D&A Foundation Brochure Is About Ready For Disbibution
A revised edition of the broc hure fo r the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention o f Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children (D&A Founda tion ) is about to be d istributed with updated information o n grants and progra ms.
The bro chure notes , "To h e lp parents and other adu lts with their proble m s of drug and alco hol a buse among c hildren , the D&A Fo undation was establis h e d in 1985. Since its founding, the Fo undati on has provided m o re than seventy-five grants tot a lin g m o r e than a million-a nd-a-half dollars to combat ch e mi cal a buse amo n g our yo uth in Pe nn sylvania"
Two of the grant targe t s among those it not es are:
• Some $ 11 8,000 in grant s a year ago towards providing the Pennsylvania Department of Education wit h train ing s upport for th e Stud e nt Assistance Program (SAP). More than 6,000 t eachers have been trained already a t th e Maso nic Conference Ce nter and more are be in g train ed eac h year. Today, there are SAP teams in eve ry seco nd ary sc hool building in th e State. By 1995, they will be in a ll sc hoo l buildings - kind ergarten throu gh twelfth grade.
• Sizeable grants go to strategicall y plac ed h ospitals in major population centers that are working to break th e c ha in o f addictio n from one ge n eration t o the next. The mains t ay of that effort is the establ ishin g a nd operating of prenatal and post-na tal sat e llite ce nte rs - p laces whe re addicted a nd recove ring pregnant women and n ew m o th ers with their babies c an rece ive "walk-in" care and co un seling o n a regu lar b as is
Thom as J efferson Hos pital in Phil ade lphi a a nd St. Fra nc is Hospita l in Pi ttsb u rgh were the original recip ients of these grants and recent ly Ho ly Spirit and Polyc lini c Hospital s in Harrisburg received gra nts .
Masonic District "B" Youth of the Year Award
Miss Aubrey L. Smith, a Mem ber o f Prospec t Park No. 89
International Order o f th e Rainb ow Girl s, was c h ose n as the 1991 Yo u th of the Year.
The award was pre se nt ed to Miss Smith d urin g a Maso nic Dis tri c t Vis itatio n Bro G Fre deric k Schl ege l, a Me mbe r o f William Pe nn Lodge No 732, recom m e nd ed Aubrey for this recognition. Sh e was p r esented with a p laque and a $ 100 Savin gs Bond to h e lp with h er future e ducation
Miss Smith was c h osen as a result o f he r m any a ccomplis hm ents which include :
1. Who's Who Among Am e ri can Hig h Sch oo l Stud e nts
2. Tw o awa rds in th e 7t h Co n gress iona l Dist ri c t Art Competition
3. A se mi -finali s t in the 1991 Penn sylvan ia Governor's Scho o l for the Arts
4. Recip ie nt o f the Outs tandin g Latin Stud e nt Award Aubrey h a s a lso se rve d as the Gra nd Lec tur e r for th e 39th Distric t and is a Pas t Worthy Advisor in h er Rai nb ow Ass e mb ly.
D&A Foundation Sponsors Tabloid in Blair County
T a bloid n ewspape rs fill e d with information on drug and alcohol abuse and sources for h e lp were di s tributed throughout Masonic District 20, which co mpri ses Bl a ir County in Central Pennsylvania. This is th e second tabloid of this type in which the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children participated. The firs t tabl o id was issued last year in Lancaster, Lebanon a nd Berk s Counties.
The D&A joined with Radio Station WPRR, Altoo na, in sponsoring the tabloid. Included in the tabloid wer e four h aJ fpage and one quarter-page advertisem e nt s w ith infor m a ti on about th e Masonic Fraternity and its programs . Participation in th e projec t a lso included six weeks of r a dio m essages.
Bro. Stanley J. Kaylor (left) of Abraham C. Treichl er Lodge No. 682 , along with Bro. Abraham C Buche r (right) of WilliamS. Snyder Lodge No. 756, presented R W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr., with a hand-hewn gave l. The gavel was made by Bro. Kaylor from the wood of a wi l d cherry tre e once located on th e grounds of th e Masonic Homes. Bro. Bucher is a resident of the Masonic Homes.
(Left to right) : Bro. G. Kent Hackney, D.D.G.M.; Bro. G. Frederick Schlege l , P.M.; Bro. John Smith ; Miss Aubrey L. Smith, Award Recipient ; Bro. John W. Woodcock, P.M ; Bro. Anthony C. Marquette, P.M., Dist rict Chairman of The Pennsylvania Youth Foundation ; Bro. C. James Andrews, P.M; and Bro
Walter Price,
Grand Master, Officers Lead Masonic Family In
Celebrating Rajah
Shrine's IOOth Year
The Masoni c Family in Eas te rn Pennsylvania turn e d out in s plendid array to join Re ading's Rajah Te mple, Nob les of the Mystic Shrine (MON MS ) in celebratin g it s 100th Anniversary on Saturday, April25 . R. W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. and Grand Lodge Officers led a large contingent o f Freema so n s in an o ut stan ding p arad e through th e c ity's downtown. El ec ted Officers from Masonic Distric t 7 and Brethren from several Districts parad ed as a body. Unit s of Scottish Rite and York Rite Bodies we r e include d as we re Tall Cedars and the Grotto. All of th e un it s of Rajah Temp le were in the parade , joined by s p ecial units from Zemba Temple in Harri sb urg and Lulu Temple in Philadelphia and Ladies o f th e White Shrin e. Also included in th e parade was a unit from Read in g's Co un c il of Kni g hts o f Columbus. The parade had a very special Honorary Grand Marsha l, Bro. William Unger, a guest o f the Maso nic Homes a t Elizabethtown. At 101 years of age, Bro. Un ger is Rajah Temple's o ldest Member. Linda O'Boyle, Miss Pe nnsy lvan ia 1991-92 was a s pecial gue s t for the Anniversary parade and celebration.
Officers of the Grand Lodge join those of Rajah Shrine in Reading in celebrating the Temple s tOOth Anniversary They are (left to right): Bro. Harry E. Lorah , High Priest and Prophet; Bro James Bernecker, Assistant Rabban; Bro Walter A. Wagner, Chief Rabban; Bro. George H. Hohenschildt, R. W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R. W. Grand Master; Bro. LeRoy D. Cressy, Potentate; Bro. James L. Ernette , R. W. Junior Grand Warden, and Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, R. W. Grand Treasurer.
Phillies Masonic Baseball Outing at ''Vet" August 17
It wi ll be Free maso n s' Night a t Ve t eran s Stadium in Phi lade lphi a on Monday, August 17 , whe n the Phi llies p lay th e Cinci nnati Reds.
In pre-game ceremon ies betwee n 7:00 and 7:30p. m. , R. W. Gra nd Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr., wi ll present former baseba ll great and popular Phi !lies broadcaster Bro. Richie Ashburn wit h a Grand Master's Medallion. Bro. Ashburn is a Member of Diamond Lodge No. 79 1, Nebr aska.
T h e Grand Master will be jo ined by Grand Lodge Officers , Bro. Gary L. Waters, D.D .G.M. of Masonic Distric t C, and se lec ted represe nt at ives of P hil ade lphia area Lo dges and representat ives of DeMo lay, Rainbow for Girl s and Job 's Dau ght ers for the pre-game program. Ten d o ll ar tickets ar e avai lab le by co nt ac tin g the Phi llies Group Sa les Office at Veterans Stadium
Miss Pennsylvania for 1991-92 , Linda O'Boyle, joined the Grand Lodge Officers and many others of the Masonic Family in celebrating the 1OOth Anniversary of Rajah Shrine Temple in Reading . She is pictured here with Grand Lodge Officers (left to right): Bro. Marvin G. Speicher , R. W. Grand Treasurer; Bro. George H. Hohenschildt, R. W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr ., R. W. Grand Master; Bro. LeRoy D. Cressy, Potentate of Rajah Temple, and Bro. James L. Ernette, R. W. Junior Grand Warden.
Three New Exhibits,
continued rrom page 6
So u sa Band and th e Sixti e th An niversary o f Bro. Sousa's d e mise.
This disp lay was g uest cu rated by Bro Her bert N. Jo hns t o n of Richard Vaux-lvan hoe Lodge No. 384. The o ther exhibit is e ntitl e d A Kaleidoscope of Masonic Aprons and co ns ists of a sample of the many interes tin g and co lorful Mason ic Aprons whi ch are part of the Coll ec tions o f The Grand Lod ge of Pe nnsylvania on deposit wi th the Masonic Library and Mu seum o f Penn sylvan ia.
The third exhib it is o ne of t h e m ost popular we have h ad in recent t im es and is e ntitl ed Freemasons Known and Unknown Through Two Centuries. In this exh ibit, The Maso ni c Library and Muse um Staff a nd Vo lunt eer Guest Cura tor Eilee n Nino re in troduce yo u to so me of t h e m en of wh om yo u have h eard b ut will a lso wage r th at yo u did n ot know were Members o f the Craft. Per h aps you will m e et some peop le for the first tim e and see others in a new li ght. On ly a few are represented, but th eir interests a nd occ u pations range from Academic, Astronaut and Athl ete to Stat es man and Surgeo n.
Everyone is invited t o vis it the Te mp le and expe rienc e th ese exhibi t s Monday through Friday, fro m 9:00a.m. until 5:00p.m. , a nd Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until noo n (excep t d ur ing July, August, and Labor Day weekend).
R.W.G.M. Fowler Represents Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania at Grand Lodge of England's Historic 275th Anniversary
R. W. Grand Mas te r Edward H. Fowl er, Jr., represented th e Grand Lodge of Pennsy lvan ia at the 275 th An ni versary Communication and Ce leb r at io n of the Un ited Grand Lodge o f England - the first Grand Lodge o f Freemasonry. With an a tt endance estimated at near ly 15 ,000 at the Com muni catio n in Earl's Court Conve nt ion Cen t er in London, it was th e largest gathering of th e Craft ever.
"This was a breat h-taking, once-in-a- lifetime experience," is how Grand Master Fowler explained th e historic event. He pointed out that the attendance for the 275th Anniversary even t virtually doubled the 7,000 who were at the 250t h Anniversary Represented were eighty-four Grand Lodges - from the Far Eas t , all of Europe in cluding form e r Iron Curtain co untri es and North and South America. R. W. Grand Secretary Thomas W. Jacks o n acco mp an ied the Gra nd Master for th e Anniversary events.
The Anniversary Communication was presided over by the Most Worshipful The Grand Mas t er His Roya l Hi g hn ess The Duke of Kent , K.G., G.C.M.G , G.C.V.O ., A.D C. The events also marke d th e 25th Anniversary o f his insta ll at ion as Grand Master.
GM's Toast Response Applauded Another outstanding experience was an evenin g banq u et in Earl's Co u rt Exh ibit ion Center that was attended by some 5,000 Freemasons and t heir Ladies.
After toasts to th e Queen and to the Most Worshipfu l The Grand Master His Roya l Highness the Duke of Kent , the Most Worshipful The Grand Master then proposed a toast to th e Guests to which there were two respons es. One of those was by Grand Master Fowler, whose response was interrupted by app lause when he co mmented:
"I n the Un ited States and North America we are accustomed to hearing that the s un never sets on the British Empire .' How appl icable an analogy of that phrase is to Freemaso nry as we are gathered here from all over the wor ld. 'The sun never set s on Freemasonry today. ' What a trad ition we Free masons have from the past- and wh at opportunities we have for the future ." Free m asons in Eng la nd and those wor ldwide are att e nt ive to the vitality of the Craft and its future. "Freemasonry: Today - Tomorrow - 2000" was the theme for a 275t h Anniversary Conference on June 11. Papers were prese n te d and workshops held on "The Freemason in Society ," "Re la tions Between Gran d Lodges and Pub lic Pe rceptions of Free m asonry" and "Freem asons and Charity. "
A letter was read from Queen Elizabeth, congratulating the Duke of Kent and the Craft on this memorable anniversary. When t h e visiting Deputat ions were rec eived, responses to the greetings were made by M. W. Grand Master Edgar W. Darlin g of th e Grand Lodge of Massachusetts; Most Wors hipful Grand Master J oseph Fe rencz o f the Sym bo lic Grand Lodge o f Hungary; the Most Honorable th e Marquess of Donegal , Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ire land, Brigadier Sir Gregor MacGregor of MacGregor, Most Worsh ipfu l Grand Maste r Mason o f th e Grand Lodge o f Scotl and, and Most Worshipful Norman E Byrne, Grand Master of th e Grand Lodge of Canada in th e Province of On tario.
Crystal Bowl Presented to Grand Lodge of England
On behalf of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, R. W. Grand Master Edward H Fowler, Jr. presented a beautiful, specially-made crystal bowl to the United Grand Lodge of England in recogniti on of the 275th Anniversary of its founding as the first Grand Lodge of Freemasonry. The bowl contains a picture in gold of the Masonic Temple, Ph iladelphia , imbedded in the c rystal and it rests on a ten pound base of solid crystal with the inscription. " UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, 275TH ANNIVERSARY OF FREEMASONRY, 1717 -1992- PRESENTED JUNE 10, 199 2 BY GRAND LODGE F&AM OF PENNSYLVANIA, EDWARD H. FOWLER, JR., R.W. GRAND MASTER."
It was prese nted in ceremonies at Freemasons' Hall in London on June 10, and was accepted on be half ofthe United Grand Lodge of England by Bro. John Hamill, the Librarian and Curator. Made exclusively for this presentation, the crystal bowl was produced by Lenox Crystal Co., Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. An exact duplicate is being produced for display in The Masonic Library and Museum of P e nnsylvania in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.