_.bout K•lt 'ornph:h: \Jnc.l 111.1ll the u "\l.kUl\l' form IH,:Itm. or <.Jit Uro \l\·ln 1L Blitl nr fhn J o hn R \lcladdcn ar 171 71 11>7- 11 2 1, C\t 331 I t , or I II!(JO) I II<\ er Jfl)
Complete and raturn to The Offlco of Gift Planning SOnd mo lnformoUon about :
U Send n> e your b<ochu re on giving l hrough g i ft onnu ltloo.
0 Send mo; u s: u samP'• Illustration of n Gift An nuity based on th e ollow ng lnformotlon : Age( s ) ___ Amoun : $ __ O cash U Stock
..J Contact mo to discuss e posslb gftt annuity with the Masonk Homea.
..J Send me a btoc.hur• on me-mb6nhlp 5n tho Frankl&n Legoc;y Society ..J I have remembefed tbl Muonk Homes In my ostnto plan.
The Franklin Legacy Society
To'-'tllouwhoM til II ltD 1 lUI
Tht )•ea r 2.002. 1> here :md it is my hope thai we can propel l'e nnsylvanla to an eve u higher lewl of quality >0 that we can maintain ou r place of excellence th a t the Grand IDdge of Penn. >y lva nla ha s held for so ma n y d ecades.
ll uw .;a n we a(COill · pllsh that? It is my vision that by working t ogether. no matter wlldl our respective positionc; arc, or what our lnttrests are pcnainlng to the Crnft, w e \md excel ·nl:Jt is the b.1sis of the thrrne I h av<" adopte d for 2002: " H.O.P.F . - IICII>i ng Others Pur>u e F.xeelle n ce.• Whether we are busy in our lllue IJKige, lllw, York Rite. the !>hr lne, ;md the ot h er Masunic bodies, there Is work in the C roft t o .sa tls£y everyone. In o rder t o nchieve higher st\lnd\1rds in Freema<o n ry, we must com mit o urselves t o task b<'£ore us. 1 lx'lieve that all of our Masonic Brothers arc good men and aw to better family members. in their belh.•f In God, in tln)i r l>lace and in their rornmunity. So, IIIU)t n ot forget of our m embers wh o MC not ahle to be at lodge meeting$. 1 have h eo rd It questioned from time t o t l rn c, "If 1 c;111 1 t be active, why belong o r continue to lx! a m e mber? " My it takes every o n e of us to conti nue 1:rcemaso nry un<l tu maintain the high standards that we need and, yes, dewrvcl Therefore, I am as king each of )'OO • no, l rn challcng· mt; yno to renew your tommitmenl 'liO that \"C t"olrl 5('(' a tx-ne-r t omotrU\\1 m Pennsylvama
In thh lmre, )'011 wrll find ll"ed all of tl>< for 2002, the chaplains and the ritualists who are vital for supportIng lhl' elected officers, dbtrll·l deputy gr• nd m;r>tNs, appointed officer,, appointed leadershlf> pcr.;onnei of both the Grand Lodge uml M:lSonl c Homes, and key sta ff members wh o werr In Uu.· ')l)('(ia1 in augural h\Ul" of ·nw P('llli, y lwmiu Fu'twmv:m. ' I here arc two areas where I feel this administration pay close attention.
In uur Ulue l_.odge.): A"l of thl• t'nd of 2001, a numbtr or our lcxlttt) have had 10 II nut lx"<.ttU)I;.' th ey did· u't hiwe t h e o r membership, but simply thl·rt· wNe n 1 enoug h membe rs who were willing to se rve In th e <t;ltlnn< and p laces to b ecome Worshipfu l Masters llr e thre n we mus t turn that arou nd and c h ange the dire<:· tlou w1• are going 1 know thcrt.' are m en who v.ould make \'Xlellt>nt \\'ODhipful I kn ow we an do 11!
Molntoining o ur mcmber1hlp: A compl etely n ew com · mhtee ho$ lx'en sele<:ted a n d appointed. More about the HJ rlHlliU<'e and duties '"il1 l')(l announced vNy ,n<.m , if it not hccn do n e by th!.! lim e you rcc<'ivc this Also, will pur<ue the stro n gest effmt po«iiJie to to nta\.i our membl'J) who h;:tve not paid thl'lr 2002 Sending certified letters ll not enough. We mu>t aim at our goal In 2002 or having 1.cro <tL<pensions. llmow we can do il provid<'d all togNher. cariving hand-in-hand wi1h llllJnirnit y.
11\f Anrlual Cornmunl<.atlon was " nnderful. The ban· 4u e t with mort t hin\ 2,200 ath ndl11g lts arra nge· mcnt and wn s a grea t examp le o f eve ryo ne working t ogeth er. The attendance and frat('rnal fellowshi p among the brethren. guests, a n cl tll CII' ladlt•\ was an mrt;tar1dlng example of everyo rr c co ming toget h er •; a fraternity.
Tlw month of Scpttmbrr w11l be •vouth Month"' in o ur Blue Very soon, the Ol>trict Deputy Grand Master nl you r dl•trict will inform you about all of the details. Also, plans are being fornmlated to hold a "Masonic Veterans Nigh t " in our lllue Lodges. The mon th It will be held and d e tail s of arrange· m e nt s will be fo rthcoming soon.
Mnsonk Education will l">t pursu('d We plan l O llhl i lltain th(' \Varden) Sc..' lllhHi rS-. T h e only will tx:.· that we plan to send tht' Pducation Co mmitt ee lrfon the road." 6y that, I mean the seminars will be held conveniently In the Regions acr= the state.
!'Ions arc being made to h»·e c hari ty golf t oo moments In the and west<>rn p:.rts of the jurisdic ti on if enough exis t, , o n .: aho (':\ n bt planrled fo r the ce ntral <trea. AKnin tlw tou nmm<'IIIS will he fo r the benefit or t hl" Mnsonlc I lom e at mlt•l l x: thtowl,, \<VIth eve ryone'!. >up port ht 2002 anti lx:yon\1 1Wl' will achieve and molntaln the hig h leve l of excellence thh jurlsd i<'lio n so ju<tly de<erves. May you have smooth 5aiUng In everyt hing you do. AJld, God Bless America!
• nd fratPrnally, ,
Ma rvin A. Cu nnh ghtun, Sr R.W. Grand Master
ide This Issu e
Treasures of the Temple
Com mittees of the Grand Lodge
Masons of Note
Ten M ergers, One Nam e C hange Approved
Masonic Village at Sewi c
The Franklin Legacy S o ciety is Created
m ong hh \'dtllt"\t <b the 11-lth R \V. (, ,lrl€1 Ma i.h •r or
Mawm In M,rrvin
A. Cu nn i11glmm, ;umoumx"<.l th l' cre<l tion o f th e l ranklln Legncy t o h ono r lh O!)C who)C con tri buUon') to th r mbsions o l our Masonic Char iti es (• 1uhle 1he Grand of l'('nn,ylva liM to on 11\ udl uf h(>IJ)ing tlu;w inm't"<l l'ralernit)' \l nd In o u r <'O nHnunltl (•s "Thi s Sudety w111 ' \: rvc t o drmon · Mr.ltC our llP I>rcc:lntlo n fo r the bre thren and Fri en d:. w h n h:-1\'f' lncludrd a p •o vhiun i n th\:ir l..,t,lh' pl ,, n ;; fur Uti\." ur more of \. harilitos nf tlw Gr.md locJJ;\.', " Gr,rud M,l\1\.'r C..nHIIn):• h :un explaml"tt . I hose charities Include the Masonic llomes, the l'enn \ylvania Youth 1:uu ndoHion, The l >e m'l · l•o unllntion fur Chll ·
t.l rc u , T h l' M;J\OIIk LUnar y a u <l Mu\l' · UIH or Pt."llfl\ylv.llli.t, jlltcl lh t;' Mi1\UI1 1" {' haritie> 1\uu.l
• tt Is because of tht• foresight, geneubit)', anll ol those "ho came befon· us that the <;rand IA1dgr ami tlw M.•\Onlc Charities arc .•hh· t o "''"' th <' hat<'n'lit y and nwuki ml ' " W\' do," Gr.:uu.J M,l\ h : l l'.-aid Tho\t.' mt • tlw I Hi ll\ nf Hcnjmnln wh o prob;tbl y wa s th e practltal, prudent. ,md dynamic of his times. I k lclt the notion with legacies that teln l lnue to manlim..l .uld .lu• dt"\tin('tl to S("C'\'(' rm I MK"h.•rit ) · 1lMt\ why the : rdn"lln Sndl"l)'' tht• ti!{hl n.tlll e' hxln y o r thO)e \\ hU\t' \.\II III); WiJil Wfl lq;H · clcs t or Ht.' ll l'Hll1ons to co nu!.' expla in ed t h e Gr.1 n d t-.•laste r. The lir st s t ep l o r qualifyi n g lor ln thL' l'rdnlo.lin l..egaq to 1.1"'r th<' to provic..ie fo r th\• M,I\(UHl ch,mty or charities, of your l h oice I hat nmy loX! done as a bcquC\t t o the ch arity, or c h arities, or in you r wHI. A could e lect to l11ducl (' s u ch a provlslo11 in a Jlvjng tru\t Or, yo u co ul d dl\(.'ldt! to (ullcJ ;.r gi ft such as a Jtlh annuity nr J rtmalnder tmst wllh the <harl t y bencfitlnx for the ultimate pro .-.-.ils. O ther op tio n s mll(ht Include dr,igna1ing a charity 10 h<' a IX! ni.;'Odttr)' vi • plan , u 1 t)l ,, nrc IHIIIl'y.
After tltc de)in.·d c..h:ll"mlhhr · lion, the m.•xt ) t cp Is tu contac t Office of Gilt !'Ianning. ei ther by tcle · phone at I (8()(}J 599-6454, or h) n •tmn ing the ll"dr·t•rt purthm dtt.nhl'\1 t(.l 17 n( lhh h\U\' n( 11u• /,t'""'J'f· , , ,;., 1-H'W:lllct )UII Wlu.•n the of
titft Pl,ulning l)l"X'tl notifiL--d, you w111 lw invit ed to fui n th l' J=ranlo.lin
Society To the exte nt dt 'ir<', m t" mhc " o f the l'ranklln So<:iety will oc W<'lcome to portltll>.1te In Its specia l but 31101l)'IUOUS 10 til!' 1mhlic if th•') '" d1oose. They will tx.• nlvil t."( l t O tl C\T("Ilt ( Ot l\l{h )'t-.tr, In 2002, it w l11 be :.1 l unc:h co n wH ir (...hrhtil'> Al•C· tlo n ll o u sc t o tw he ld In the li r\'1.:111<1 · 'o n s Cu ll ura l Center on 1\prll 25 ll ll'rc will lA: ut lt\. f ('\ \'IllS on a regular h."h, ,uch 3\ forums and program5> hy t ht.• Maso1li C c harities. wil l Ill' ,, 'JlCCiol • l)(mu"' \Vall,. in the AtriUIII u f th e l o rt."Cog ni z.c me mbt•rs. Me mbe r$ who give th ei r will be rc-co ,.;· 11 itcd in 'rlw Fret•milsUII 411HI n the diiUlt.ll repo rt for \.ha ritit•\ \
II of the I amll)•of I r<.'<'mason· f)' give-) th;mk.s that we are J to (nt • man ,uull'rla n ki u d • th.ll we can help uthen llllr'u'• thdr of e:n.--<'1· lerR'\." in he..rlth , \''<lutattou , fn.'t.·dom, and happiness We are JIJle to do all that we do of the 1<-g.>ei<'S that are our> from the days uf Colonial Anwrl<,l Into this 2ht \(·ntul)'. ll IK'f\Onlfl<'"' our theme: H O I'. li. - Otl1 er,, l ' llrs fle £.xcC!Il• " Cc•.
Legac ies Live Through t he Years
A random of gifh .md bequests demomlratM how thoughtful p1ann1ng and canng CjeflefOSity has done so much for so many through the yeor>:
• Th e will o l Thomas Ranken Patton established the Thomas Ranken Masonic Institution for lloys in 1925 and the T h omas Ra nke n Patto n Me mO<ial C h ,rrity fund providC!d lor the needs of worthy widow>.
+ A cen tu ry tattr, the •ncome frocn • generous gill 1n the witl of Maxwell Sommerville, a Un iversity of Penn>yl· vania profenor who admi red ih:fns o f b eauty, oil palntlnqs an d fine sculp · tures, still is being used to purchase, conserve and preserve many ol th e works of ••t in tire Masonic Temple.
• In ht:s W111 .md testament in Jolu) Hetlly 0Jillilll beque athed the rPsidue of his to the Grt1nd lodge for lntildlllCJ a n d rnainlah,ing a cottage or cottttgcs at the Home s in h is name
• The in<ome from • 1989 bequest o f the late I larry (. Graul perpetually p<O· vides lor the recrea t ional, and entertainnlet>t w<>ll being of the of th e Masonic. Homes at f.li<abethtown
• Income from t h e I t arry T. Porter Memorial Fund for boy> •nd grrls re>KI•ng ut the M•sonic Homes, Elizabethtown, and for youth p<O· grams conducted at the M asonic Ho m es at Flvabe tht own
Paul D. Fisher, P.M., Reading Lodge No. 549, was elect ed and installed
Worshipfu l Mas ter of the Pennsy1va · nia lodge of Research on Sa t urday, De<:. 1, In the Greensburg Masonic Center. The l odge of Research was honored wi th th e attendance o f Ro n ald A Aungs t, Sr., then. R.W.J.G.W., and a charter member of t h e Lodge, w h o a lso served as the Installi ng Marshal. The Installing Officer was joh n l McCain, R.W.P.G.M. and c h arter member of the lodge o f Resea rch.
Elected and inst.1ll ed were: D. Fis h er, W.M.; james L Sieber S.W ; Rober! LEngel, J.W ; Da nn y R McKnight, Treas.; C h a rl es S. Ca nni ng, Sec ; and john L. Winkelman, w. jack Yates, and William E. Yeager, Jr , all Trust ees TI\e
ATreat Raising His Grandson
' rhere were generations partie· lpatlng on Oct. 5 In Liberty Lodge No. 505, l'ort Allegany, when Leonara F. Treot, Sr., I'.D.D G.M. ( left), ra ised his grandson, Nicholas Treat At r igh t is Nicholas' (ather, l.C?onard F. T reat, Jr. , P.M
TII/I f'R/IE.I!JtSQ,\ , VOl XI IX, Pf:IUUJAHY 2002, NO. t Publication 426-140 f'ebmiU)·21102 1,rnr
l:s qll.\nt:rty tl.ltht:01\f nh'r, t'JIX.dlitthttMn, 111122.. t'w•nimtlttm £r, It II' !/m"d .1/NJ(r \\11U.ull U,H M /Jrpti(V llnrord iltulcr Kllllllltl .-\. ,\U11Jroi.St., k It Sfwkw Gtn.ud ltlr"'tlll Gxrdlll!'f, R If ./tiJUW (/'t'(Jil(l lltlrd.r. \IJ.TI111 \1. S(.lfldwr, H.fl Qrwul "'""""" l)omld L. ,\Jbefi,Jl 1t' f.imnd :im'ftt1171 TIIJ! f'stl:t!" WIC)"i CO\OinTt!J: Bb.IM t: till!lan, Otairmo• (J.AUI&/IIof' I), H!lbHU.I)J) .O,U.; 1'\!Jw-r;MIUWII.!I
n ewly install ed master appointed the floor officers and severa l committees for the year
Two papers were presented during th e meeting: "The Robber Baron o f Freel'n asonry1 by Bro. a n d "Masonry and the Te n Comma n d· ments" by Bro. W. Edward Sell, reti red Dean Emeritus of th e Law School, Uni · versity of Pittsbu rgh.
The next meetings of the Pennsylvan ia Lodge of Research w ill be Satu rday, June 8, ir) Alloor-.a and Saturday, De<. 7, in Reading Pictu red afler the installa tion a re (1-r): Fro nt - Charles S Canni ng, Sec ; ROI'lald A. Aungst, Sr., then -R.W.J.G.W.; Paul D. Fisher, W.M.; John L. McCain, R.W.P.C.M.; )ames L. Sieber, S.W.; a nd Rev. William D. Hartman, Tyler.
Philadelphia Area
Lodges Unite To Benefit Scout Council Program
In late Novem ber, Thomas ). Miller, Jr., O O G M.. Maso n ic District A in Philadelphia, presented a check fo r $30,000 t o the C rad le of Liberty Cou ncil of the Boy Scouts of America to cover the cost of constructing the new C.O.P.E course activity center at th e Musser Scout Reservation n ea r Q u a ke rlawn. The co ntrib uli o n was accep Led by Jerry Reed, the Hig h Ad ve n ture Director. and Ray 8rat•n, the Ca m p i1'9 and J>roperties Di rector Th e support of t h is "Freemasons and Scou t in g" prog ram that was developed t hree years ago by Robert A. Ciampittl, W.M ., of Equity Lodge No 591 in 2 0 0 1, and ;,, volv es mally of the lodges, is approachin g $50,000 to ben· efit more than 100,000 Scouts in the Counci l's summer camp program as well as th ousands of visiting Scou ts A ceremonia l laying of a bronze plaque w ilh t he square and com p.1sses w ill be condu cted during t he firs t Freemason and Scoutin g Day at th e Coun cil's Treasure lsfand campsite ne)(lJuly After t h e p resentation of the check, a tour of the Council's three ma in camp reservations was cons t ru cted to inspect other activity centers con d u c t ed with fu nds do n ated by the partic ipa ti ng lodges. It was del e rm in ed t h at a pavil · ion to support archery and cra ft instruc· tion is n eeded. Bro. Mill er invited other lodges t o join in helping to meet the needs o f the large Boy Scout Council.
Rear - Danny R. M cKnigh t, Treas.; Thomas W. Schick, Jr , J D ; W jack Yates, Trustee; john L Winkelman, Trustee; Robert L. Engel, J.W ; Kenneth ] Fa u b, Chaplain; Jo hn w. Postlewa it, S.D ; a n d Will iam L Ki n gsbury, Pursuivant. Not present tor the picture were William E. Yeager, Jr. Trust ee; Terry D. Ben tzel. S.D ; a n d joseph F. Acton, J.M C.
Popped Corn From the Masons
The Ha ll oween parade is o n e of the biggest events of the year in the sma ll com munity of New Oxford and for the Masons o f Hebron Lodge No. 465 who helped make it a really festive occasion . They popped a lot of corn - in fact, more t ha n 500 bags fulland gave it away about as fast as they cou ld make it. Th e lodge stewards who popped t he com and served it were ( l r) : Wi lliam Shafer, P.M ; jack Lora h, P.M.; and James Blankens hi p; a n d not pictured, Mark Shafer, P.M.; and John Griffies
What It the meaning associated w ith the " Point within a Circle?"
The point within the circle was the opc r· atlve Mason's great secret of how to try his square. would take his compasses and draw a circ le and then draw a sara ight line t hrough its center and beyond the circum-
He would the n place a dot somewhere on the clrcumf4!rence and draw straight lines from tl1e dot to where the line through the center intc r=teU the circum· terence. In that way he produced a triangle with a p<:rfcet right angle of 90 degrees. In a sy n,boJic sense. you, the- Mason. arc the point within the t'ircle You <hould he ever mindful of keeping your daily con· duct and desires within due bounds. Your earthly life as a Mason should move and have ils hclng within a circle of life, )(h\t and that sustains il. (Source: The fi.xemplm, A Guitlr 10 Cl Action-., Ommll tNigi 1'. & A.M. o(I>A, J98S)
What Is the proper Mnonk dress for lodge officers?
Tile Masonic dress for lodge officers, with the exception of the Worshipfu l Master (or Acting Worshipful Master), cal\ be tuxedo, black vest, black tic, b lack shoes. and white gloves. Shirts that are \--\•Orrt with Masonlc dress must be white in color and may have a pleated bosom, but it Is not to be rufOed either at the bosom or cuffs. The Worshipful Master (or Acting Worshipful Master) will wear t h e same as the lOdge office,., hul with the exception of wearing tails and a h igh b lack hat. (So urc.: Digest of Vecisions , Art. 60, Gmml Lodge of PA )
Whose head is depleted fn the center of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania seal?
The head dep icted in the Grand l.odgc seal is that of Apollo in Greek mythology. l ie was not only a sun goo, l>ut a lso a gOd of pure s t reaming light, particularly of the light of heaven. T his pllase O( hiS charac· tN wa.' made more cons1>icu ous by the fact o( his tnother's name bring l.eto, 11dark· ness: strictly "goddess or the dark night.• Therefore, ilpollo symbolizes lig h t from d.ukness f he Grand LOdge seal Is the head of the sun god Apollo at the center from which emanates rays of light or g lory eneirclcd b>' th\' words '"'Gra n d l.odge of l'ennsylvania," and "VIrtut(', Silentio, Amore,·• latin (or "virtue1 silence, love."' (Sourct: A Gllflfe to 11 Mason's Ac/lous, Grand F. & A.M. o(I'A, 1985)
Academy of Masoni
c Knowledge To
Meet March 9 in Elizabethtown
The Academy o f Masonic Knowledge w ill be held Saturday, March 9, in t h e De ike Auditoriu m of the Freemasons Cultural Center in the Masoni c Homes at Eliza. bethtown The Academy sessions will be open only to Mas t er Masons who are to p re-register using the coupon a t tach ed.
One of t h e feahorcd spo,akers scheduled is Nat Grtu,dste in, fo r many years the Assistoc11 Grand Master of the Grande Lodge Nationa lc Francaise (Fre n c h National Grand Lodge). He will spea k on his long involvement w ilh Free:m a. sonry in West ern Europe and the complexities of the fraternity there. A second prominent speaker, not confirmed in time for list ing in The PMnsylvonio Freemason, w ill address a topic relative to th e Craft, its and developm ent It a lso was announced l h al t he Academy will meet again Oct. 19 at th e same location.
Registration for the Pennsylvnnia Academy of Masonic Knowledge Activities
Advance rt.'9i)tr ;ni<m is nccessacy to f.lCilhille plannin!J and arrangements fot' the March 9 Academy of Masonic Knowledge ot the Penn· sylvania Academy oC Freemasonry <1t Eli711 · be-thtown. PINsc complete- the coupon and send it to the Office of Mii.SOnic fdU(.)ti(m$ M&soni< Temple, One North Broad SL. , Phil3delph;•, PA 19107-2598 by 28.
0 I 1>l.1n to attend t he 1\cl)demy of Masomc KnO\vledge on M.ll t h 9 at Elizabethtown,
t J I illll a MdSle-r M3 SOI\, My Lodge iS: ________ No Nam•: Addce>>:
Pho,c : ( ___ ) '
John TT. Brown Lodge Adopts Namesake School
Sincc joseph II. Urown lodge Nu. 75 I adop l e<l i l s n amesake schoo l. it has been '' hands up' in favor of violence and d rug an d alcohol ilbusc for a grO\I IJ of fourth at the joseph H. Rrovm f.lc· mc nt ary School in the Tacony area of Philadelphia.
Last Septembe-r, the Lodge asked the l'ennsylvania Masonic: Fo u ndHtion fo r Childrt·n for help i n establishing a prog ram for t h e adopted sc h ool. As t h e resu lt n f contacts lx:twccn Raymo n d G. Urown, Executive Director of the Found:ttlon, a n d the Burea u c>f In vest igation, the ' 'Junior Eli I. " p rogram W\IS initiated al C i te school. rm l. Agen t Tanya j ct1c r is teac hi ng the students who were selt"C't t"(l based on cor n pos i tions tht ) wrote The have been meeting once every two weeks IC'arning nut on I)' ••bou l l hc E IU., bu t also how to handle thems.elvcs In everyd<l)' co n tart s wil h drugs, al co hol. and v iol<'nCl'. l n clud e cl in the prog ram are t o th e Ph iladelphia field office, and the FU.I. headquar t ers in Was hingto n , and Christmas and gr:tth.tfl l ic) n parlieli.
Ur(). Brow n said t h at a ny Mason interested in lea rn ing about or viewing t h e progr.1m '\hou l d ronla<:t him a t lhl' r=c)tll'lda ti on's office, 1 (800) 462-0430, ext. 1978.
Mo«.• tlt.111 1"-'''011' were served the Communlly l'ancake at lhe Gr('('nsburg M.l'l<lnlc <: emcr on Satur· day, f)(oc. I . lhr annual h('ld joimly 110inu-. 1991 b) Jlhlldlllhropy I NH <And \\\•,lmort•land Nn IK , the Cirec.'nsburg M"'l'>ntc < ente r llulldtng hand.
I he hu> y kltdaen crew that hustled up th e butiNmll k iUl ll huckwhC'n t panr:-t k<'\ link\ u h_l patth.'"'\, nnd li l(•d h.un , u uupr hl•d (front t o " ''" " ta•ru: Ja< k l'nHI'I h rrch t. N<> 225 ; J,nle tlundl: l<uby l'rojc cl ltlr h ard Enterline, Lodge No. 225: Hennis <:om11, Lodge No S I R; C'hlo( C'onk Cui Schwcin<· burg, t.('Kigl\ No SIX; n HI ·nm \Vtn. l.<xlg< • No. 225. At right i< Charles \loiter r \1 ., I <><lg•· Nv SUI uwJang a hungry hne for breakfast are (lclt ) linda and Ja c k Maguire, r.M. , O( \YIIIIam<On l.o<ig<' No. HI , 5.111<-
burg. Serving Jrll (right. front to rear) Ocavi<l An.•tl', .mel ( harlr' Jnhn· \lOll, all o( Wc<amorcland IAxlge No sIll
t ht• \ .H i y tuornmo di u l'rs a group of M\I')On' wtw Wl'rc in (in.o.en.s i)Urg fur tlu.: 111\'t'IHIR of thl' l'l' nn)y l vani;l Lodge of l:ttcr thtll day In the Masonic <..:enter.
34 More D.A.R.E. Officers
Graduated; Total Surpasses 800 Serving Statewide
I hnt) ·fnur ll I R I (Drug Ahu\(• Nt·\t\tJm t• r ductltum) omcm \\t'rt' lrom tht' \l awnic Cc,nfcrcnn· ('cntrr-l'atton Campus on <l<t. 21>, r.al\lng Ill<' 101.11 numher ot pol •rc nfllc .,.,, lr.lirlt'(l t htough the SUJl!)4lrl nf 1tl\' Pt' llll \)'lv.mi. l Mrt\Onk l'ouml.ule>n rnr c hll dren to more lh.tn
Ntunrrou\ cl,t\\C\ arc plann<'d at l'att on <'a mpu< for 2002 IncludIng mlddlt• \fhOOI uwnt O• trJining, D. J\ Itl' .111d n.ltional I). A.R . E. l lh' \upporl of P<"Oil'yh·.uu ,, M,I\(Hh nwl.. ..., It hh.• (or m <m.- (Onunurulie\, ont'\. .xro.ss the Cornmon· wealth 10 hale thil program 1aught In their \Chools. Tlw lOnlcr· cncc- ct•nter PC'tlO\)'h.lnia enforr('nwnt tlh • m()'o.l llto(krn trJul· ing f.a<allHe\ fur IJ . \ .IU.. and G R I .A.l (C •• Ro<lstance tducation lllld ""the Coa.sl.
\c'A 0 U t. U. f.it'....._a. 1..- for MIS. "'YI llo!IUf
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I R:lfKJIM1 '-l'ldnrr\JII)Ik• Atitt N••· lll
Gr a nd Master Greets
II Family of Freemasons II
Wlwn Mallun IAJ<lgc No. 256 eel('· hr.lh.'t II\ 15-0ih Anuin•r.wry on 29, thl•n·ft\\' Grand Ma,. tor ltobert 1.. Dluge, Jr greeted a <l<'<h · C3 t<'<l "lamlly o f l·reem:uonry,• nJ('Ct· lng With thrt.'t' l;l'I1Ct31iOIIS o£ PCt11lS)11• v.1 nl.1 M.IWII), two of whom wcr(' then n' Wors h ipful Masters or th eir n,'\1)\'\liVl' lt.Rif)l \ HIO (' n. Rl'incr (left ), u of I krndon I.<J<lgc No 702, l1 as tl1 rc.•c sm1 s and numerous gr\l n<l son" who are Pen n sy l vania Miaso n:.. Ill s :,o n, J;nncs U. lt..-iner (r ig ht ) "''" the Wors hi p ful M;osl<r of ll('lflthm l.o d!:;t' in 200 1, l hc \.iltnC tiltH, ' I I hi I tho Jlrn\ \0 11 , Dr. 1.. Rrln<·r (\l'\'UI HI rmm hdt) was S<'rving '" Wor>hltlful M.t>ln of Malton Lo<lge. Bro l.c.-e Rc:lnl•r's ol her h\'0 sons arc also l•.m Masters: Charles Rl'i rwr of Charity tndg<' No. l.ewi.\burg. .and tJwood 1- of Milton
Hy l,twr.t IJiv,•. ( .,.,._, I ltrt LbMry ""•' A,.,.,.• .J Pnllh.)'ll"&t•-"'
While recently cleaning and rcorganiz· ln g til e dl $play ca$e$ at The Mason· ic Library a nd Mu seum ol Penn syl· d llniquc and inco mparable piece was "rediscovered "' lObe o f h en(h origin, the piece is a Morie l Temple, 9" in helghl. formed mainly o f sil k and metallic U11Nds, situated on a 14 Vi' x 17 'II' wood · en base and protected by a g la$S encasement. nu' M:uonk: symbolism is immedi· ately app;uent in the e x te<io< of this linely· wrought The 1wo column' at the front of Tl!fnple, pouibly representing (a<:hin and Booz; the black and white mo""· k "'tiles" ot the ffoof; the square and comp.lSSCS over the doorway; and word • tchov•h: in Hebrew, in the pediment•. Upon funher eKdlllindtion, it was discov.. crt'd thut the roof o i the Temple could be removed compl t!t ely, ti iiOWing a thofo ug h lm p (!<ll on ot the interior
Th e trla c skill o f the craftsman is now apparcn\, •• no d etail has been overlooked
Th o un derMe ol lh e rool Is domed and decorated wi th blue em broidery and many golden Sl,.c..k ,)nd white mosaic Iii es also adom lhe anterior lloor of the Temple
Mallhrw Renwick lobby of l'unx· ,, lllt.'llllx.·t t)( Ki tl a nningllrudy l odgt· No. 244, dil'd Nov. :tt lhl.' :t);l' of 106 a n d was buril'd with (ult llllt it.ary llro .' l\bby wus l 1rl'Sich: nt a mi C lw Jnmm or th e Bo:ml uf U:a nk of Ford Ci t y, 1-'XC'ru tl vc- Vin:.· Prt:'"Sidcnt. Itt 11)9 { lu- w." natm"t l f'cu n::.ylva· nl;1 Conun:mll\'r u( World w a r I V(' t · or tlil' (llld irl 200 1 ll<IIUC'tl tlu: Natio1m l Com mander In 1997, Rro. 111lby was featured iu I iff' M.\K.llll1t• J)IOiiiC"S (){U.S. \'('1· ('fiiU\ uf \\'mid I. He wJs 1h,• flf\1 2$,000 Amc-ri(af\'\ h• lanll In I r>.llll'l! In \Vorld I. In 194-JM, he was aw;Jrded the Frem:h l .eglnn of l lonor as one or t he s urviving V(.\terans who served in t: r.llllC duri ng \\'ur lll \Va r I. lie wo.:.. 01 llll'lll :h.•r of llw Srut thh Uih: 111 lh c Vu ll l'y of Co m lt'rS J.X.H t
Three steps lead to a Masonic alta r, decol'llted waUl the :.quare and compo>>e> In this tiny $p.xe, the craftsman found a way to INvc his mark on the piece. On bod w,lll tll<'fe tS a smaU oil It det>kls the eruption ol Mount Vesuvius over the ruin) of Pompeiil . The pain ti ng is o nly 2 y_. x 3", )'(!t it nl<1tlc'"tSJt'S to convey the maJestk power o f the erupt ing volc,mo In vlbm nt colors . The signa ture of F. de Pauw J da te ol t 887 is visib le in the lower le lt hdnd corner ol lh e paintin g.
Up until thi s poin t, there was no cer tui n \y reg tuding the fnttkel' and age o f thi $ piece There b a sm all brass plaque on the wooden base that reads •f de Pa uw 37; but the-re no way of determining what rclotlonsh lp, II ony, thot F. de Pouw had to the Now, after finding the same on the p.1intiog inside lhc 11 can be ,..KI wrlh some certainty !hilt F. de Pauw was the craftsman of the piece. To celebrate its redtscovery •nd 125"' birthday, lhc piece will be displayed morr promincnlly in the so all b4? db e to exMnin e fol' th emselves the wond e rful details o f the Moriel Temple
/Lauro Uberr. Curator of TIT<! Mo$0flic Library orad Mustum of Penn>ytwmia, is a 200 I gwc/IJ(Jte of Ursir1111 Cofkge, with a <kgrre on Eo>l A>iOtr Studies ond Nl llrllory WOtktd OS a $/lldtnl a.s>il· rant atilT<! Pfatlrp and Munellknnon M-· um of Art, Colh.'geville, for two yroo. For latr Summtr fel/ow$hip (2000), Lauro was j II>P wrotor for the e>lribit •Pure Like Wat<r: }opontse ond C1u11ele Sttolls frotn the lknnan Collection. •1
Nine gold olbums and srorcs of rop singl«, some may "'Y can'r lop rhe honor of being made a Ma>On ·•I·SigiH Anrh<lny (tony) Kur.of• of famed group, I he teller· men , wa\ honort'\1 by rl,.n·R.W Grand Masrer Robtrr I. Dlugc, Jr. by 1><mg " Moson·at !>ight during an E.\lro Comnnonicallon of the <.>r•nd t.odgc on Oct. 20 ar Clldwelf Consistory, llloomsburg.
In addlrlon IO rhc making of a Mason.ar.Sighl, 2.S brcrhrNI from 19 lodges parriciparcd in a one-day cia« In rcu•ivc or fi n hh receivi n g dll thn.•c degrePs i n J!reema.sonry :tt the rnrtting. Eac h C':lll<lid\1h : (or FR'('nta so nry or brot her w h o h ud rcc..'l'ivcd ou l y (irs t •md/or second d egree w ere assig n ed :a m entor f rom h i s lodge wh o assis t ed him I n .. ln g h is d egree< ;ond educa tin g t ll m on h is cx ;>N iencc. Prior t o t he llrst d egree a n d I h en aft er each of rhc r h rc-c licg rcC'>, ril e ca n dida t es received 30 nl nu t tl or ins t ru ct ion hy the M('lllor Progmm who explained I he nnd hhto ry of l: n;.'\'flhiWnry, ami the duties and prlvl· leges as:wctatKI with degr('('.
After Ihe lll/1/r prl'Senlntlon, Uro. Bulafa aadressed the lodge \\11h much emollon expressing his grorltude of rhc honor he was granred by rhen·Grond Masrer Dlugc and rhr privilege nf being m;ade 3 Mason. •t gr(l'w up in a large family not too f.lr away from hN(', hut now dfh:r rny many distant travc..•ls with Tioc tcueronen, I have moved back hnme... many or my art uow dt"lt>d')\>d l c:l•n't (•x.pn.oss to you how much It rncans to tn (! to call you my brot h ers1 " said Uro. Uu 1a ln wit h rears In h is eyes.
The conferri ng M;os rers of rh e degrees were: Enrcrcd A p ;>re nt i ce
Degree, ltOIJcr t P Avvlsa t o, J r., Sl. John'' l,od gc No. 2JJ. Jc n kim J\,•p.; l·clfowcmlt
Degree, t>avld j. Jlohenshll t , Slarington l.odge No. HO ; and Maslrr Mason
neg ...... Gregory L. Sr WhltOeld t.odge Nn. 622, ' 13 ramy.
There Will Be Wardens Seminars in 2002
Senior and Junior Warden will be conrinued, how. ever. in 2002 they Will be held in each Region rather lhan in one loc•tion for the >tare. TIJC schedule and locations woll be announ<ed whM are confirmed
Apologies to M. E. Ronald L. P e nn e ll
Th e editor's apologies go to Most Excellenr Grand High Priest Ronald L. Pennell l or having wrongly iden tified him as "Rober t " in the specia l Inaugural edit io n of T11e PtmlllylvconiQ Frl!t'moson.
At 21, Past Master Councilor Becomes Fifth Generation Mason in His Lodge
As soon as M bKa- 21 years ol William Andrew Wlchrerman was rna<lc a Mason In ConcO<dia Lodge No. 67, lenklnrown, ex tending 1M lineage ol his family in Freemasonry rhar dates back ro 1901. Dale H Fera, rhcn-O.O.G.M., District E, and a degre. team that oncluded the new Mason's lather, Fred 0. Wic ht e rma n, P. M ., In the sta t ion o f t h e s.w.. conferred th e Entered Apprentice Mason's d egret on Oct. 18 in Co rin thian Ha lf o f the M asonic Templ e, Philad e lphia, th e orig inal m eeting p lace of Concordia Lodge.
The mi nures of Conc ordia Lodge verily thal li was 100 yea rs and one d ay before this event that hi s grea t..grea t-grandfather, the la t e William W Sr ehr, received his En tered Appren tice Mason's degree. Since 1901, hi> great-grandfather, grbndfa lher, •nd fa!M r hove all been made of ConcO<'dia Lodge. The newly Mason is a Pan Master Coun<ifor o l Friend· ship.Bray Choprer, ol and Past Srate Junior Counct!or ol Pennsylvania He IS a rcctporol o1 the Chevalier, 1M highesl honor an active OeMolay can h a ve bestowed upon him, and hAs earned tM Representa tive OeMol<ly honor from Pennsylvania
Poctu red is the deg ree team woth tM new Mason (l·r): Front - TM fatMr, Fred Wlchterman, P. M .; the new Mason, William; O.O C.M Fcra; and Rk k S. Freedman, P. M.; Re ar - Mark s. ShuWcworlh, P. M.; Wesley Wa inwright, P. M .; Thomas Ane llo; Bruce R. Smilh, P. M.; l e Roy McClellan, P. M.; and Ala n Sp ina, P. M Tea m m e m bers n o r p icru red w e re Wi ll iam J P M., Phi llip S. Leopold, and Ro b e rt A Schalfrlck
Edward 0. Weisser, R.W.P.C. M., Cnaorman of the M•sonic Edu· calion Commiuee, named seven Regional COO<dmators •nd said that lbey arc looking lor men ro on Masonic Edu· ution Committees in the lodges and the districts across the state Brtthren who would like to ta ke on this interesting M;UOOic endeavor >ioould contact one o f the Regional Coordinators or his O.O.C.M., or ca lf t h e Mason ic Education office loca lly at (2 IS) 988 19t9 or out o f lhe Philadelphia area to I (800) 4 62·0430, Exr 19t9
Th e Regiona l Coordl naro rs are: Region 1 Guy 1. Mott11ews, P.D.D.C. M; Reg ion 2, Jay Warre n Sm ith, P.O. D.C. M.; Region 3, Cro 11 t E Stuflt, P M.; Reg ion 4,J osep h F A<:ton, P.O.O.G.M.; Region 5, Ke ith A P.O.O.C.M .; Region 6, Caol F. O.O.C.M ., 33rd Masonic Distri ct; a nd Region 7, William A. Wetter· au, P. M. Or. Elvin C. w ariel is a consultant to the Comm ittee . Reminder: Anyone requiring Masonic Education ma t croa ls onay
C0<1lact rhe Masonic Education office ar rhe Masonic Temple in Pholadclphi• by mail or call locally to (215) 988- 1919 or out o1 1M Pholadelphoa ore• to 1 (800) 462-0430, Ext 1919, and lbey will be supplied.
Mason-at-Sight Raised by Newly Created Degree Team
In l ht' o f l lr l n·R.W. G mnd Ma\ICr Ro i>Crl 1.. Ulugc, J r., (\'e n t e r), n av ld L S m i t h ( righl ) w a m a d r a Mn'ion.;u. Sig h t o n d I ho m ns A M<lcDom ol d (left ) o f Mu n ey J.odgc No. 299 rccciv<•d court esy d e grees d uri n g th e G r:n u.J o f •cnn.;ylvan l a's Qu ar t erly Com mu n l c:n Io n tit hct h l ow n The new y rormed Pennsy lvania Maw nlc l!ml'r· Jlf n cy Service< Degree Team crea red by r h o o u rho r lly or t h e n · ll.W. Grand Master Roll<'r1 L. Dluge, Jr., conforred all three on thl' t wo b reth ren.
It 's reasonable t o C"On,ldcr [.dward Budman, P.M., and O.airm:an <)f tlw Rlood Oonor Oub Commiuee of l'ennsyh'ilrna \ltndMn 'ilm todg<' 'lo. 2. to he an expen on gh1ng hlood lie lla\ conrrihuted more than 2SO limes, dooaUng more rnan 12 gallons of rhe llll'-53,1ng Ouod Through a te<:hnlque l.no"n dS "Vhere>i>." Bro. Budman has been dnn>ling blood -specifica lly pla<elcrs - much more fr<'quentl) than I< allow<'<! by co n11iburing by rhe weJI.lnown wh ole blood"" t.Oih,'\ li Oil. In addition. one contribution by rhe rrchnhinc wil l yie ld"' many platelets as would five who le bl()()(l Phercsls (pronou n ced fu r CC·)b) c:omc:. from a Vrcc k word co tak<' ;,wa y or to In t h e case of b lood, io i< \('pao.llhlj: oed <ell< , p la re iN<, and p lasma. Bro. Rudm an explain' tlo.ot 111 tlw l'hcrcsls process blood is dra,vn from one "rm, routed throush a 'IOphl\ticatN, com. puterW."<< mathiru.• th,tt pl, )ma, platelets, and while cells. I he red cells, w h kh are not colll'Cted , reruroed 10 rhe donor's o r her arm.
Since rh e l'here<l< procr<< does nor l merfere 1vi1h one's abillry ro conllil>ure "hole blood regular ly, Bro Budma n a lro con<in u e< hi< -.hcdule of do n a rl ng b lood rhar " ·ay. \Vith \\'hole b l ood c.'()l h.'( tlo n , ·• J K' C'\() 11 may donate every 56 days, o r a bou l sl.< tl m ts a With a don or, If recruhed, ma y ro nrrlbur e as frequently as every thn.oe days, up to a m aximum o r 2.4 times a year After donallng whole blood, only a one week walt Is required before do n a t ing by rherc<i<.
Donating blood hy rhe l'hert>l< rakes one.a n d a · half to t wo--am i·II W'\'·\JUMl('ri\ dutln g which t i me the donor relnx, Wd t fh ll m ovie u r Ihle n 10 m us i c. Start by I (600) •1 ·18 .l S4 J or ) Ou r local blood ter lor In formation and dlr<•ctlons
Lodges Help Shr i ne Promote Burns Awareness
The Blue Lodges in lhe Harrisburg are• alld The Pennsylvan ia Masonic Foundarion for Children helped 7embo Shrine promote Burns Awareness Day la>t lune to ..cqua ont everyone With the wonderful wor k ol the Shrone11 Hospirals. Hugh E. Williams, Jr., D.O C M ., t 2rh Masonic Oostricl (left), and H. Brondr. Sr., J.W. (righl), King David lodge No. 763, Kingston, a long ..;th Raymond G. Brown, Di rec t o r of th• fo u nda· lion. h e lpe d t o staff th e booth In Columbia Mall, Buckh o rn, visi t ed b y severa l t hou sand p eople
l>avld a n d n1ornas MacDonald, who both art employed In the field of fmergency ""' rlw flr>l brerhrcn to have had rheir degr""" conferr<'<l by the Pcm»yl· vanla Ma50nlc Ernergc11cy Services De!\ree Team. Oro is rhe l>ii!'Cior for rhe Pennsylvania Emergency Ag4..•ruy, tmd Bro. Macnon3ld ;m t-.mc rgcncy M.-<llra l Teehu idan, Wa rsonrowu. Tile PA Maronlc £me r· RCncy Oexrl-e is rn acle u p of brothcf' who a rc In volved''' p ruvi d i• •& 'iuch pollr4.\, ri r(\ flgh t e r.s1 nn d eme rge n cy m e dica l tech n icia n s u n d T he co n ferring M as t er s o f th e dC')::ree t enru Wt! r e : Eou crcrl Al> prc ml ce Degree, Oro. Robert Aw isa ro , Jr., St. Jnh u'; lmlgc No 2.13, Jenk i n< 'l'wl>.; J'ell nw· craft Oegrec, Bro. Wlfll•m Wet zel, Ely>· hurg l.odge No. 414; and Master Mason Degree, Bro. Ra l ph Slider, Greenleaf t.odge No. S61, All<ll· town Guodlng for all three degrees and Blbl•· prcse n rarlon was nro. john Richards uf S l . l,odgc who oho Ul e Rrt'C H:'tlll lt'Q<m lirmtor
Sp<'aklng on beho l f of rhe Grand t.odge Masonic Ulood Donor Club and <he C'ommlnce of his lodge, Bro. Uudman >ilid, ·u our job to t'<lutatc t11c brethren aboutrhis lill'saving pr<X'l>dure and urg<' thtm to cJonatc as mud'l as they can." You <:an find nlformcltion .Jbout PhtrtS.is under tht Blood-Organ Oonors on the Grand Lodg<> web <ole, <J)3glllndlodge.org>.
Bro. Ed Budmao , c ontributor o l than 3 2 gal · Ions of blood, much of It tbrougb tbe Pbuesls t ec hniqu e, 1•i c turcd at the biMd don or session on Au tumn nny u t the Hum es a t EUt..abcthtown w ith ll nhcrt l .. l)lu gc, jr. (left), LbCn R.W. Gran d Master, and No rmnn A. Fox , Co-Chairnutn uf tbe Masonic Ulood Bltnk - Orgun Uunur Com mitte e.
Army Reservists Filled The Elected Chairs
During 2001, it was the Mason ic attire and th e sta · lions t h ey occupied that let the elected officers of John F. lacdlcin lodge No. 707, Williamsport, in the 18Lh Masonic District1 know th at they were conductin g a lodge m eeling and not an At•ny Reserve dtill.
Four o f the five had togeth er fo r 10 years in the 327th Supply and Services Battalion of t h e U.S. Anny
In the lodge, the First Sergeant. Steven J. Bamcr (front, center), was the Worshipful Master; the Master Sergeant, Edward f Dammer (front, left), was the Senio r Ward en; the Company Command er, Major n,omas W. Boyle (fron t, right), was the Junior Warden; the Command Sergeant Majo r, William E Fri u, Sr. (rear, left), was the Secre lary; and sometimes the Ba ttalion Comma nder, Col. George J Casella (rear, right), was the acting Treasurer. The live, whose combined acliv<l and service tota ls 125 years, fo u nd it rev.tarding to serve together agai•' and are t rying to organize a m ili tary degree team.
Corry Lodge Pn-'S ents Thn•c ,\.t:.U. s
Corry l.odge No. 365 in t h e 56th Masonic District presented three automated extemal defibrillators one each to the Corry Area Middle lllgh School, tl>e Corry lllgher F.ducation Center, and the Elgin -Beaverdam l'ire of t h e three recipients and the Arne-rica'' Heart A1..'i0Ciation met at the lodc;e in Nov(\m. ber when Ronald F. Rltiric, Sr., then-Wmshlpful Master, mad e the prePictured Me (1-r): Front - Ronald L Reiff, Sec.; l larold C. Eberha rt, Pursuivant; W.M. Rairie; Dr. J;;Jward Chiu, i\.£.0 Program Director; jane Edkln, Regiona l Dlre<:tor, American !lean Associat ion; and Peggy Kolstee, R.N., A.E.D. l'rogram Coord inntor Rear- Donald L. Allen, ·1y1er: Steve llisllOp, Executive Director. Corry H igher Educatio n Center; Yulonda ·rhcurc l, Adminis-trative Corry Midd le High Sch ool; Denise Otteni, Principal, Corry liighN Education Ce nter; Kelly Cragg, Dean of Students, Corry Middle High School; and Wittmer, Fi re C hief, a nd Richard Warner, Assistant fire Chief, l!lginlleaverdam Fire Deparnnent.
Masons of No t e
!A On Oct. 13 in Caracus, Venezuela, )VI VICtor Higuera Castelk, nos, M.W Grand Master of the Gran logia de Ia Republic de venezuela presented Eug e n e C. W a lworth, P M., Fernwood Lodge No S-43, Ph ilade lphi a with the highest award he can bestow upon a Freemason, the "Orden Diego Bautista Urbaneja, Primera Clas"'- • Bro. Walwonh also received a "Diploma de Honor" In recognition of his visit to the lodge and lor his Masonic worl< in Philadelph ia.
/A 8ccause of his outstanding fundraising efforts and his Inspiration for ca n cer patients, David Grlm est a m e m be r o f l o wt.h e r Ma n o r lodg e No. 781 , Camp Hill, was n o m inated and selected to participate in the 2002 Olympic Torch Relay that was h e ld o n Dec. 20 . The honor of participating In the relay was all th e more special in that Bro. Grimes ha s multiple myeloma, or cancer of the blood cell s. He has been active in th e Central Pennsylvan ia C hapter of th e leukemia and Lymphomla Society as a rider and mentor in the Society's Team In Training bicycling program and has helped to raise more than S20,000 through his participation in I 00-mi le rides.
Charity lodge No. 144 Helps Hospice
Ten Mergers, One Name Change
Approved During Dec. Quarterly
During th e De<. 8 Quarterly Communication, Gra nd lodge app roved ten mergers of lodges and the change of the name of Lodge of the Craft No. 4 33, New Castl e, to lodge of t h e C raft}Westminster Lodge No. 433.
The m e rgers, all effective Dec. 27, are:
Hum boldt lodge No 359 with Hermann Lod ge No. 1 25, to become Herma n n- Humboldt lodge No. 125 in Masonic District A
Eucl id Lodge No. 698 into Robert Burns Lodge No. 464 t o be Robert Burns Lodge No 464 in th e 2nd Masonic District.
Fritz lodge No. 420 w ith Fort W<•shington lodge No. 308 to become Fritz Lodge No. 308 in the 6th Mason ic District.
Puritan lodge No. 740 into Reading Lodge No. 549 to be Reading Lodge No . 549 in the 7th Masonic Distric t
Levinown -Brlttlngham lodge No 788 wit h fai rless Hills lodge No. 776 t o become fairle ss Hill s-levittown lodge No. 776 in the 8 th Masonic District.
Ba rger l odge No. 333 into Greenleaf lodge No 561 to b e Greenleaf Lodge No. 561 in the 1Oth Ma sonic District.
Page lod ge No. 270 Into Schuylkill lod ge No. 138 t o be Schuylkill lodge No. 138 in the 1 1th Maso ni c Dist rict.
Waterford Lodge No 4 25 into Eureka lodge No. 366 to be Eureka Lodge No 366 in the 24th Masoni c District.
Sharon l odge No. 250 Into Kedron lodge No. 389 to be Kedron lodge No. 389 in the 53rd Masonic Di stric t.
Shena n go lodge No 668 w ith Hermitage lodge No. 810 to become Shenango Valley lodge No. 810 in th e 53rd Masonic District
Acc:o mpanil'<l by :.orn e breth ren of Edwi n C. Martin Lodge No. 689, Allento vn, David R. AIJeman, Jr , P.M , \>V.M., and Go:1etan T. Gian nini , Jr., J.W. (bot h at right), presented an automated external defibrillator (A E D.) to the Allen Towns h ip Fire Co. on Nov. 17. Officers of th e Fi re Co. accepting the A.E.D. are (i-r): Gary Krill, Al$1. C hief; RichMd Gable, l'rcs.; Dale Hassler, Ch ief; and Jeff Moucr, 2nd Asst. Chie f
Masons of C hari t y Lodge No 144, Lcwisb u l.'g, S('rvcd a pnn cakc breakfast during the Memori al M oto rcycle 10ur condut t l'(l by th e evangelica Co m mun ity l-lo:;:pit:11 or Lew isbu rg and donated the proceeds of $2, 300 t o the Hosp ice Progra m Art hu r L. Sh a ffer, W.M . (fron t, right ) <•nd jack 1.. De rsiHun (front, cente r) prE."sented the con tribution to Brooks, t-l os pi <:e Coo rc.linator Ure t hren accompanying th e Wors h ipful Master for the p resen tation a re (1 -r): fred Wh itman, P.M. ; William Moyer; n obert Yost, P.M.; Donald Glas.•; Frank Si le-r, P.M.; C:lll d Ric ha rd Dona ld son.
A t e .,m comprising District Grand Masters and Past Distril ' t Deputy Grand Masters participated in th e conferral of the Master Mason's DegrE-e o n Gregory K. McKnight, th e son o f Keith A McKnigllt, 1\D.D.G.M S3 rd Masonic District, on Nov 10 in Sh arr>svi ll e Lodge No. 5 17. The degree was conferred by Joseph 1'. llrashen P.M , Sha ron Lodge No. 250, •vit h the new Master Mason's father and his brother, Jared J ., servi n g togcther as G u ides. Pictured arc (1-r): l'ront -Jared McKnight; Gregory McKnight; Keith McKnight, f'.D.D G.M.; a n d 1Ud1ard E. Lawhead, D.D.G.M., 25t h Masonic District. Middle - W Thomas Marlowe, P.n.D.G.M., 26th Mason ic District; J. Robert Taylor, I'.D.U.G.M., 24t h Masonic D i•trict; Harvey F. Fis h el, D.O.G.M., 39t h Masonic District; John Crilley, I'. O. U.C.M., 53rd Mason ic Distritt; Mark E. Viertel, D.O.G.M., S2nd Masonic District; and Danny R. McKnight, P.O.D.G.M., 27th Masonic Dis t r ict. Rear - Rro. Brashen, P M.; J effrey M Wonderllng. D.D G M , 30t h Ma:.onic William H. Weichsel, D.D.G.M., 37111 Masonic District; Kun R. Tesche, D .D.G . M., 54th Masonic District; nmothy P. Templeto n , D.D.G.M., 53rd Maso nic Distrlt'l; John W l l hiro, D O.GJ,4.: 49th Ma•onic District; a nd S. Robert Marzlano, Jr., D D.G.M., 2-6th Masonoc Dostnct.
At a special meeting with the Wyoming Valley Schoo l District, brethren of King David LOdge No. 763, Kingston, presented an automated external defibrillator (A E. D.) t o the Su1>er intcndN1t of th e District. Pictured are (l·r): Front- AI Norcross, I' M ; John Maticlc, P.M., Secre tary ; Hugh William>, Jr D.O.C M., 12th Masonic lJistrlct; Augustine l'iazza, Superinte nd ent, Dr. Catherine Kosenak, Elementary Principal; and Michelle Merkle, American I Jeart Msociation Representative. Rear - Mr. Charles Supon, Middle School Principa l and William Brandt, J.W
Bro. and Mrs olul Kraybill are happy to be back in Eli zabethtown Although they grew up in Elizabethtown and had deep roots at the Masonic Ho m es an d in the loca comm unity, th ey h ad planne<i to spe nd their re t irement years i n f l orida.
john spent much o f his time as a youth at th e Masonic Homes. In fac t, h e and his th ree sister'S, who were all musically tal· ented, often p ayed at Sell Ch apel during their youth.
Hi s sist ers pl ayed the plano, flute, and violin, and john was a trump<l ter.
During the 1960s, j ohn served the Elizabethtown Borough as a Cou ncil -
Pictured I n front of the Freemaso n s Cultura Center, Bro . John and Jean Krayblll a r e " b ac k h ome" In retire m ent li ving
man for four years. He willingly and proudly displays newspap<l r articles writ· ten about him during his time of dedicated s:ervice.
tn 1975, ohn j oined the Ab rah am C Treichl er Lodge No. 682, Eli zabe thtown, that m eet s in the Masonic Temple on the Masonic Homes• campus. Jean is a member o f the Order of The Eastern Star Chap t er N o. 84 in Leesburg, fl. but is
Sen d me more I nformat i on i about Retire m ent livin g at t he · M asonic Homes1
planning to transfer her membership to a Pennsyl vania Eastern Star ch apter
A graduat e o f Eli zabethtown College, Jean was empl oyed as secretary to t h e Dean ol the school. Sh e always enjoyed vi siting the Mason ic campus while growing up in the COiniYU n1ily. Bro. and Mrs Kraybill h ad not entertained the thought of moving back t o Eflz abethtown . However, whi e attending on e of the reunions conducted by the Gra nd l odge o f Pennsylvania in Fl ori da, t hey looked at one ano th er and Sil id, uwe wa 11t to go hom e!"
Foll o w ng up on their deci sion, th ey com p eted a prior ty lis t application and, working with the Retirement Living Marketing Office, were ab e to move int o the unit of their - a one-bed room apartment. Th e r move t o ret irem ent living resul t ed in the Kraybills agreein g that it was the bes t d ecis on t h ey ever made They simply love retirement living at the bethtown ca mpu s As is th e case for many other residents, they have only on e regre t : "We shou d ha ve done it soon er!"
If you are considering a re ti rement mu ni ty, pl an 110w fo r your f utu •·e Consi der retirement iving i:lt the Masonic Hom es at Eli zabeth to wn, whe re you' ll enjoy peace ot mind and security In knowi n g that quality serv ces, incl udin g h ea lth care on a fee-forservice basis, are availabl e shou d you need them
For mor e i nformation on curre nt wailing lists or t o arrange a personal appointm ent wi t h a marketi ng counselor, call 1 (800) 676-64S2. You m ay also request a brochure and/or ret rement l iving video by retuming the coupOI''I on the l ert.
It's Family Life at Masonic Eastern
Star Home • East
R c m c oa b c r t h e M n so n i c Ea s t -
e r n Stttr .. J3.ns t f o r N u r ,s.. ing a n d i\ss st ctl U v illg Se rv i ces! ' l'lw Masonh.· Ea): tern St\l r
Ho m e - gast at Warmin ster o ffers M edicare and Medtcald -ccrt i £i ed nur1 i n g acco mmoda t ion s and ass i st<'<! livi n g scrvi C(: ,, l'art of th e Mi ss ion of th e l'..nstc rn Star Ho nw-East i:. to 't n (' in t'hlladel phia County who are dayo n e Me<iicaid recipients
For info rmation on servi ces, av ail abilit y, and rat es, call (215) 672-25{)()
(h ws t ! ng at .ffilizaoetHtow
Two guest lodging rooms are ava il able to family members or fl'i ends of a resident when vis.ili ng a t the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. Reservations may be m ade by calli n g (717) 367- 1 121, ext 333 14, 24 a day. Leave your n ame, telephone number, and dat e(s) req u este<i to reserve the guest rooms. A resident vol unteer will call t o confim1 availabili ty M onday t hrough Fr day, be tween 8 a m and 4 p rn
If you have an i mmediate n eed during th e eveni ngs, weekend s, or h olidays, an opera tor Is ava il ab e to assi.st you at the above nu m ber
The rooms are located on the fi(Sl floor of the All eg h eny Bui ding i n th e Village Green Area. Each offers two si n gl e beds, television, bathroom w i th shower, linens and towels, and a telep h on e tor on-campus an d local calls.
The cos t per nigh t i s S33.92. Th e ch ctk-in locat ion is the Grand Lodge Hall recep t ionist desk M eals may be purch ase<! at the M asonic Hea lth Care Cent er cafeteria or Th e Three Loaves Cafe In the Freemasons Cul tural Cent er
The M ;oso nic Village at & wlck cy I s w ell o n It s Wil Y to hcCOin i n g o n e o f 1he m ost beJ u t iru l rc tif('ll1 C111 CO ill llH Hli · tic.''\ in W ('.S.t (' tn Pc nn,y lv(l ni ;t Tht.· w;'u t u WColll1l'r allmV<'i l C0 11 Sirll <"li n n1 o prO· H.·(·d at ' t a p k l p ;:tt t.• ;:, l hl· St a r Hui1din g wo1s cmnpleted , a n d th e re tirem e nt an d n rst bega n to t .1 k<': shape
St ar !'o int> Bu ildi ng livi n g rcsi denC( ' was t<nnp iPtct.l and f ull y cwrupie<t a of th e ftnd o f D('Ct)m lwr fhe !',tou l'<>inb Huild in g o ffers 60 ttpartmc nt s, a dinin g roo m . ro om1 a\:w mb y roo m , t err.1ces, m ed ca l • .1n c1 a day care ce nter f or 40 c hildren. On Oct 26, th e Comm i ttee on Ho m (' \ h e ld
a ela t e> :-; t o n e r Cft: m o nv for th4? St ar Po ints l'hnld ing , a wt• ll as n « rern on y for th e conun u nlt y's fi rst phase o f retirem ent li vin g construct i on.
Durin g th e d ate ston e cerem o n y, Rob ert 1. D l ugo Jr. , th cn- R. W "'·' " •• "llf'(' i.11 o £ l1i s
Gr.Ulri Ma:-.t c r ., to fJ .J. I ranks. Fxerutive Oireclor o f I he M fl so m c VIllage M S('wick l('y fi e :al ':o prt'"t: nt f:<.l l he fin al pa ym en t o n a $25,000 con tr bu tion t o W i lliam D avis Jr., Ch ie f o f th e A eppo
To wn ship l=i rc Departm ent , to supp<ut til e dcl>al'lmc nl's trc mc rld Ou \ '"rv " '' of prOI<'<'tion for th e rc,ilk<nl\ nf i\ r fll>o Tm \'"n'lhip .
A.., a lire coue co nununit y, th e Maso ni c Villag e at Sew ic kley o ffers resi dent s an agree m e nt und er \\1hi ch th ey w ill co ntil' · uc t o pa y th e sam e m onthl y f ee for assisted l i v ng and <i ho uld tlw y n t..•t.:>rl th crn ,., th ey do fu r nu: nt li vmg ll \ li k(• gl!tt i ng <.:are in suran ce In to co mmunity's lifes ty e A l o ng with it s view t o ward the Ohi o River Va !I cy, th e M aso ni c Vill age a t wi ll fea ture a clubwith two d ining fa c;il itic s, a b •mk, li hrJry. nudltorlum, c;o mputcr clct S'Iroo m. and m an) m o re am (' nilies. including walking o ffer tng sce ni c path s thro u ghout the piccampu s.
83\Cd O fl VUSI iiii C' r • est, ai(Jng with a ge nero u'l d onulion from th (' est a te o f Oro William S. uarley, \ Vh o a m ember or D ori c Lodge N o. 6 :10 in the Commilh: c: on Ma so ni c !loon<'' .orr>roved th e stMt r.>f constru cti o n fo r a cc m c: 1o ra
th e t' otlltpu s T he wt'llm·$s ce nte r will (111 ind ocu· pool nn d Oan e-s.' 1.'C nt er, with an o pt: n ing a n ti ci pate d l n Spri n g 200:1 As con stru ction plan s arc On all zed, addi tio n a do natio n s wi ll IX! soug tu t o full) fund th is wonder fu l f acili ty.
A t th e <>f Nov ember 2 001 , thr fi rs t
o f pl1.1 ses fo r rt: li(C'Ill t:' llt li vh\g h n l ( fl' \ f.'r \11."(1, ti S w c r l t ht' two v i ll fl
hn n• c'\.. continu e to Incr ease
as m o re ( iloose to be t h e first t o
live I n t h e d yn amic n ew com m u n it y. In
t o t a , 1hc rc will be 228 rcri rc m cn t l v ing apat'tan (' nh a n d 3S v ill a f o r pro .!<>pCCt iv(' r(':,id c nt :,. T h e fir:,t u f th C>St• w ill b(• ava il ab l e i n Spri n g 2003 For m o rt> info rmati on or t o vis it t h(' room model apa rtme nt , call I (1166) 872066 4 If yo u wo u d li ke add l
ill the \lasonic llmtH'I\
After IS exciting year<, llro llarol<l l . n.,ruh:ul .md 1\m Gt-r.•ld W. Wc,l , •ncmbc-" ol the ltnrne<' Museum Cornmluee, are looLJng to '"l).lSS the torch• tn a nf'W gt.'rh'rJtfon of mu-.t•· mn lo,·e.-, Bros. Barnhart and Wtsl arolool.lng lor a !)('NOn 10 lake on lhe re<pon<ll>lllty o( lht!' \\1lh of a lc"· indi\·idu.:ab who " oukt bt o n r ;all " 'htn net"dl'd.
k.ollng f<K '"'h )(>tlw lsl)oltel 13Slt, .:and O«.l· sional use of a Strong bKI,.• nro \\'<"! 111e n<'W Masonlr tlomn· muwum \'OI· untt't'l would be rcsponsibf(' rnr assessulg the it('ms don:ued to the museum. This task ('a13logulng t>;-trh ttrm with infonnation, \UCh who dnnatC'd th<' item, when it '''3.S don;:nl.'d and how old the pi('('t 1<. 1 tun JX'IV)Il a iWl wou1c1 h<' In charge of a>t>ping In \toHII;t! until thry ar c diSI)Iarect and the n , eventua ll y crea t i n g a di(l)ltt)' ror the new Hems, liS permit s. Accord ing t o Bro \ VC) t, t he ideI\ I c•u'l dl· da t e will h3VC a n l m c rc.; t In; 01nd kn owl & edge of, nntlqtu' 5 ;n u ltw ;th111 t y t u wrl lt i n cal lig rnph y, a :, t ylc o f thut h u sed o n m a n y of t h e In th e di SJl ln y ca ses In the mmtot •m. Headi ng th e Mil.'t'mle lto iUC;,\' Mu \4:ulll Conu n htec is Ideal volunteer positi on for somoonc w h o IH•s 10\•r to flvt• dl.l)') ;1 month tn to l h c lll U)CUIIl, Uro. Wl"\ :,, 1id. The mu.:.cum contain\ varlou\ on display, In cluding Gru n d Lodgto ttrtl ft•ti\, fo rn u.·r M:t\tulk ll util\.''' (,mlllng t'<(uipmcnt, photograptn. trC.I'Htrl'<l po-..· srsslons domued by Hem; do rm ted by l'cml\ylv.ll1 101 I and other aterns of in t Crt'St. The Maso n ic Opt:Ot."\1 in 1986 in ih (orm<·r on tlw IOW{'r h·vl'l or GrJnd I odge H.lll. Originall)'. the museum W\l) going to conSist o( 3 (l"W di'\play C.:d\ol"' nnd ph<ih,.. gro.ph' .,unuundt"<l by \(•\t'rdl loungt.' chairs. Howe,>tr. the oriJ:in31 rour men o f tht- Museum t:ormnilh."t (lho; O'lnd \\'(."\.1, Km lf.uoltl R Kern) omd Rru Kenneth '''· ro.:Cbin,gtt) h3d 3 different ''lslon - they Wilntt.>d II to OC tt tnu: nHr.,..•. urn lndl'\"t1 llw C".omnHttl'f' .1chtl'H-d thdt, rn.tlnlg the muSC"unl wh:u it 1< loday.
•\Ve l>tljo)' (ht·mg m1 lht• Muwum C.ommilh, )," llm.lbmh3 r1 <.1td. "11\.\l's why iL \'e tJ.kt ptic.Je'ln our nlusa•nl ." Hro West adc.k'd, • 1h (' '1-.;1)'" 1\ RC"H'NIwit h Ih e \dlhf.u l inn .uht t•niO)IIl h •ll t nf wotl.. ing \"hh o ld th i n gs." w o u lcl you lit\e- to li nd vol · CH'I t he Md , OI'I h II Hit W'' Mustum C:onun h t C!-C? If M), Office of me Chie f Execu ll ve offtcer, " ' (7 t 7) :1 67· 1IZ I,
Benjamin Franklin 17 06 - 17 90
Frrmltlm, ngr 84, ,,,. rity of PMI"IInrlli"i f.W"'Nt ()/(Ill timt: J"inlrr. wli11r. IITiiSI. pitb/Ji}}IT, phi/Mn.plxr: 1tinwu. im'f'tllllr, ft'ld/rr, tliplmnlll. aiHJ/mrmm. found(r of 11 1111/fdoun Phil.tultlpl1itJ ilmimtiom. mjlurn«r th,. of tiJr
lAmmtutum, "'"' m""·
R<-npmm w:u Ullt' or tht mon pr.J(ti(,ll. prudent. dynamic. and intluemi:al mtn o( h1\ I left more ttun :a kgxy. f (t left II lit.ll\y or chac more than tWO l.ucr continue: co henefh fNnkind ;aru.J .uc U) K,.,..e for Ac<nrdon[lly. '--' -i<fy"" lh< 1PJ)copn;uc: rumc to<hy for those- pmcms ¥tho\(' wLII u;a.ft kg,xto fCK to come Ac 1". tkn kft .l '" ncl\CUR .tf'k.l \Urtt\1 hi'$ in Ph1hd(lphi1, J'ubl,,bnt 1/.t PtnltJ)fl.•nlll GJuttl', 1.J'Mi pined f{'tOj;RIUOR V.lth hiJ i'Nr R,../wrJi AI--*· fhmuth t21rfy,crs of his carttt heorpn· 11.N 1 lucnr)' duh 1h.1t ('\"C.\1\-cd into rhtAnl<tK•n 1'luln«>ph1G1l Soci<t); l.ud founcb· liOR\ fuc y, h.11 h«.tm(' chc- rh11Jfidphia d'lot fim fomul firt company; \Oo'3\ '"(tn.unc:mal in impfO\-ing the lishUns of "''Y \:ttC'<'t": in\>tnted chc- Franklin scO\-w:: and lltw hlllamom k1tc. In 1748. h'C' sokl his bwi .. 10 public lire. In JlUbll<:. aiT-Au" .11 Jnd :lhro.\d. ht rda,ionjhips. inlluc:n(td doti· auttl to "t."'l't' tht" rucul'e'. He w;U ddtg1 1e to che Albany Coug.rns
Rcnj.unin Fr.ml<lin
The r 1l>hn I "' I) rccogniteJ .md lumon pc:nom ur v"iun .md \\ tm h.we lotken 1he ini1i;ni\'C' ICl '11'\:ngchtn enhJn« th< o( Ont' Or more ol the Ma50nk CluriliM of the- c;un..J luJge of h ,lfli.& thJUUf.h thflf f'\UC(' pl.lnt, lrK.Iu<l· inK dK M.a.wnk Hontn. 1-\:nm.ytv;ani.l ' 'om h Foumluion. The Penm) l\41li.& M.u.ontt. Foun.d.uwm filr C'..hiklwn. The M:ncm1c I 1hr.1t)' 'nd of l'tnn(ylvJnu, ;1nd I ht: M.uonl( Fund Muonic. t:h;tfltth .11(' rhC' the G.-..nJ c.[l'c-nll')h.lntol ut• rlo OUI iu 1KJ1 u,Jilion Ol UliU(t tor tfM)W' in nttd wuhm 1iw- Fnlt'rnit)' .md lhc¥.'0rld. l'hmugh then though1fulneu, nlC'mbrN of lhC' .UC' (() .KUift thlt thot \'it.tl lllll>\IOR) u( the ( li.IUUC'\ hr foe the bcndit or futuft
1n then""'"'\ 111 Fngf.:md (or fh·r rrar:\ co rhe enfMcc:mtnt of t.\l((4. in In 17(.(, , 1h(' llou\('t of Connnon\ )U11Hntmed him tO 'o apbin culoni.JI opposition to the Sca m., I:U. When war incvit. hlc in 177S. ht w.a' in Jl1, 11addph •a whc:rr, m elm· he n mcmbtr of the teeond w1s on the Ul dr.\rc thr Occl.uallon or l nc.ltpttl4.IC: IW: r.wd wa' one oi h\ lie helped to .a tr<'ilty with f•rllllte and ......u co nc:guciout.: pc.u.c v. ith Grc-.at Briom.
About 1 month .afttr hlJ bmhd:t)·· Fnnklin btdmc joirung Sr. John't Lod&e mctcinG "' lun ra\(rn"' 81 th< "''" r<''• he luJ Juft«l the b)14Yo:( ;uld v..;.;.s. Meed Juniur Gr..tnd 'X'.anlen u( the Gnnd o( '""""'Y'" .;mu thtn Krvtd his fim cc.rm ;u chc Gnnd in P.l-4. 1he N.mc }"·" 1h..11 h< publit-hcd 1N •ftk frw.M• .-,,, the fine hoo!< pnnttd tn An'l(rta lit-.-. l'nl'\in..-1..1 Cir.u..l \t.lVC'f 1n 1/49; t.hm Ul Olpi'III-':I.O.....t I )QI »,('f, he•..,lf'I'Ointcd l)<pufJ·Gm-.1 M"""· tk"" on a c:ommiu" ro build W fiN bualdinc 0)1'11trucud tn Anlt'nCL thel.odg<" on l'hobdd('lw, .,-.1 tnnl. > I'""'"""'' p.1n •n 11\ '" 17'\S. In 1'"(10 ht rwocd Grand M.J:\Ctf lu he ua'dcd fccquc-mly un dip·lor\uti<. Brother franklin villt«< lodgn in England. Scmbtld .tnd Hc h«an\C"
JCia\·t wath lodc.a '" I r.tnet: ((r'\'1111 cwo )'COI!l .lS M::t\.fCI <!( lh( I..C'Nittr n( the Nul«' .u honorouy Malter o( the Rot-'«table dr Saint Jean de Jcrul.llcm; .111 honor.uy or the l..oso Son Anlil> u( Bm)lltnm F-nmHm tlu.J quml] "' J J /' m
\Vbt) ;s ,.Jigib/, fin· mtmfH,-sbip! Mfm l\<'nhi l in rhr I cg:tey Sbck•y OJlt:n en .lll)'•lne \\ho indudcxl .l JHo,·ision in \Ill) ,1mnunt tiw one c.n IH(Irc r1f rlu: ;\bo;onic <.:h.1ritics in their will, cru:n. life u• tetirC'Ulc:tH pl.u,, AJ-.o digi· hie ;,re pc'JWni whn ha,'t' c-mt'rnl imo a pbnnnl lih uf'.angc:ment wi1h ;a Masonic Ch.trity n1ch .u. .1 li(c ch.uiu.bk gift .lllnUII)', 1)(M)IOO tn(Onlr' f'nnd. rcmJind« uuu Of chariuhk l(';lld um:c
n, \'tou/tl I ;J, "'lh.nnlt You' Mnnlk'n of 1ht: tnnlJin Sociny an: in the f0llowi11J
Notr: wlm wU.h. H ill) reHUtin auonynum\ while ,,anit: iJ:Uting in che 2c.'li,•i•ic:s or clw fnnklin Society.
1/uw llJr-coll, 11 1\frmbt·r!
If 'Ji' '' h 1Vt alr, pro\•icl<-(1 for IIIC ot mnrt of che Ma,onlc <.;hari t ics in )'0\lr lln;mci.tl \1) mu lim:d. you \I U-:l li (y r;,,, ll iCtHbcl).hip in the h.mklin lt'g;u.y Scx:iecy. nud n:tUi n the :maeht.-..1c..ouJJ01110 the ORkc ofGifi Pl-an· ning m tdc:phonc Ul ;u 1·800·S99-6454. \'<'c will 1hrn OrwaN I you :a xhorr mcm berd! ip 1\lrm fc:or (f\ntplo.:c •nn, Upon n:cc-ip1 nf oon\• t)lttC(I nwmhtN-hip fOrm we will forw.1rd y()ur h;,ankl m Iq;;;Ky tu4.'"mbcl').hip
II )'OU a.K providing fw unc or morr nf clw M<b4lltlc Q,.ati•io in your a1=t1e or chMt.1g.h '" pbnnai ttih :and 1f )•HJ ur inctMrnl in nlttnhc«h1p 1ft rh(" Srl<ic1). 1hoe u;afT of lhe Ofl'KC' ol Gift l'bnning sunds K'...dy co ;w;iu )VU Y'-""r .ad\-iwn in cvmpktc cynfj. (krtt'C' :md of (.'OUN'. at no oblig:uiou to )'OU.
You :1rc invite<! ro share in rhc vision for rhe future< of Mason ic Cha rit ies by lx:coming a mcmhcr of 1hc Fmnkl in Legacy Sociery.
11\V/c have included a prov1soon for one o r more of t he Ma>onk Chariric.. of 1hc Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in my/our l'>ldrc or through a planned gifr. )>lease send mclu> a membership form.
0 1/\V/c :ore con>idcring :1 provbion for a Masonic C hari ty and mcmlJer>hip in 1hc Fr:11t kl in L<:gacy Societ y. Pl ease contacl me/ us 10 d iscu <s h.
1\JJrru City
I.OOgr or Ch.l(>l<r Number
One Muonic Dril"-e
"lio "'"il: tc.u .oloug J><rfomoon: fo ld ot morks: "'"'with '"I'< (00 NOT STA I' LE): afllx po:, l .ll;t' :wd mail.