Masonic Youth Organizations Stay Connected Virtually Two Masonic youth organizations are managing to stay socially connected during the COVID-19 pandemic, but in a safe way.
Tournament and a Kahoot Contest after the business meeting to replace what they usually do on site.
Pennsylvania DeMolay, comprised of 17 local chapters, was
PA DeMolay has been conducting its local chapter meetings
scheduled to host its annual convention the weekend of July 18, but
through Zoom over the past three months with much success,
instead of in person, the event took place virtually, was streamed
interaction and engagement, David said.
online at and simulcast live through Facebook. “It was important to the kids to present a sense of normalcy to everything that DeMolay does,” said David Labagh, Director of
“They [the kids] are getting creative about how they host meetings,” he said. “They are taking what we have traditionally done and putting a creative twist on it.”
Convention for PA DeMolay. They conducted the main business of
The Order of the Rainbow for Girls in Pennsylvania held
DeMolay, including the installation of their new officers for the next
a “Virtual Day” on Zoom in June to replace their typical in-person
calendar year, which is typically the biggest part of the convention.
social weekend at Patton campus.
Rather than the typical three-day event, the convention was condensed into less than two hours on July 18, David said.
“It included what we normally do at our weekend event: yoga, games, singing, grand officer interviews,” said Helen Snedden,
“We wanted to be cognizant of the kids not wanting to have a
Supreme Inspector for PA Rainbow for Girls. The Grand Assembly,
three-hour business meeting online. Portions of the convention were
which was held virtually from the Altoona Masonic Center on July 10
prerecorded to keep things within a time limit.”
and 11, was comprised of a combination of videos, slide shows and
David said the live portions of the convention remained meaningful, including the presentation of the Advisor of the Year Award and the installation of two new State Master Councilors. “DeMolay is doing everything it can to provide a sense of
broadcasts via Facebook and YouTube. Three hundred and forty people registered for the event. Typically, about 500 people attend the annual convention, which is usually held Wednesday through Sunday.
stability and continuity for its membership during these uncertain
“We eliminated the parts [of the assembly] that we can’t do in
times,” said newly installed State Master Councilor Joseph Bell. “The
public, like ritual and Initiation.” Helen said. “The girls held tryouts
convention reminded our membership that even though we’re going
and picked who would be in the virtual talent show. We’ve made
through this pandemic, we’re still here, we’re still doing things, we’re
lemonade out of lemons this summer, rather than canceling the
still engaging. It’s just a different medium.”
The convention typically attracts 80-100 DeMolay and upwards
Calista Cavanaugh, Grand Worthy Advisor for PA Rainbow, said
of 350 people for the banquet, where youth, Masonic dignitaries,
everyone was very excited to experience their first-ever virtual Grand
advisors, friends and family attend. There was no banquet this year,
Assembly. “Since there’s no ritual, the entire session was open to
but also no cost or required travel. Still, over 140 attended virtually.
everybody, which is exciting for prospects. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime
The youth leaders planned a Super Mario Smash Brothers
opportunity, and it was great.” Many of the 24 assemblies that make up PA Rainbow have
A special “Thank You” to donors, whose support has provided access to the virtual platforms needed to keep youth, as well as adult mentors, engaged and inspired during the COVID-19 pandemic. 26
been meeting on Zoom every other week since the pandemic started. “They are hoping to do something in person by the fall, depending on the guidelines, like a small gathering at a local park,” Helen said. “Nothing is coming to a standstill.”
Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation
Pennsylvania Freemason