Praise and Coffee Magazine

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Praise and Coffee the magazine


Autumn 2010

Connecting the women of Praise and Coffee Nights Women meeting for coffee. Sharing life, laughter and the love of Jesus. Coffee and church building not required.


Autumn 2010


What’s In Every Issue… From the Editors

Co-Founder Melissa Mashburn

Beautiful You Casie Dussia

For Caffeinated Moms Like You Denise Dykstra

Testimonies… South Florida’s Touching Hearts

What Happens in Vegas


inside... Features… Make the Lies Stop Tera Secord

Helping Our Girls Stand Strong! Jenny Begeman

Brewed From a Different Cup Joanna Moore

A Woman’s Heart After God Jaime Rogers

Lessons From Lauren Sue Cramer


Sue Cramer Sue Cramer

Magazine Editor and Founder of Praise and Coffee Magazine Editor & Founder of Praise and Coffee Ministry ow!! It’s here!

I can hardly believe this is actually up for the world to see! When I first started blogging, BEFORE there were Praise and Coffee Nights… I had a magazine in my heart! Don’t we all?? I thought it would be in a print and maybe someday it will, but I am just thrilled with this new venue. I’ve had a crazy-blast putting this together. Literally hours spent with my nose in my ginormous computer screen , thanks to my son Josh...I get his leftovers and it just so happens he’s a gamer, so I got a gamer size screen :) The purpose of “Praise and Coffee the magazine” is to connect and encourage women and especially those who attend Praise and Coffee Nights. It is written by the women who host or attend these evenings. Praise and Coffee Nights meet around the nation and world. Women meeting for coffee. Sharing life, laughter and the love of Jesus. Coffee and church building not required. If you’d like to learn more about these evenings or how to start one in your community, check out our main website: Praise and Coffee Also, find Praise and Coffee Nights on Facebook: Praise and Coffee Nights And check out the new Facebook page for the magazine also! Praise and Coffee the Magazine If you attend or host Praise and Coffee Nights and would like to write an article or testimony for the magazine, email myself or Denise, we would LOVE to hear from you! Email us. Denise and I have just way too much fun! She shares all my tendencies towards blogging, social media and writing...not to mention drinking WAY too much coffee!


Denise Dykstra Magazine Co-Editor

elcome to the very first ever Praise and Coffee super sized magazine. Magazine. Not just a newsletter any longer. This magazine has been on our hearts since Sue got out that one subject notebook one day at her kitchen table, poured us some more coffee and said “what would we do if we had a magazine?” Wow. Once upon a time, Sue and I did church newsletters together and had a blast together with it. Years later she asked me to write once in awhile for her blog…and then she asked me to start my own blog if I was going to write for hers…and then she asked me about a newsletter…and then the magazine. Thank you, Sue, for seeing in me what I didn’t see for myself. This has been more fun than ever I would have ever imagined. That’s the beauty of friendship, the sister hood we have in Christ is special and deep. I hope you experience that in this and upcoming issues. Grab a cup of coffee and read away! We are so excited to know what you think!

PS: This is added by Sue. I am so blessed to have Denise as a sidekick in this venture, we have a blast together! Thank you Denise!! Check out her wonderful blog about her very fun life on the farm with four boys, it’s sure to bring you smiles! Life With Four please!



What are Praise and Coffee Nights

? 8


You could call Praise and Coffee the “accidental ministry” because it started out as a blog with no intention of being anything more. Sue Cramer decided to gather a few girlfriends for coffee one evening and she (teasingly) called it a “Praise and Coffee Night”. The next day she blogged about it and suddenly women all over the country wanted to start Praise and Coffee Nights in their community. The vision of this ministry is to connect women with the God who passionately loves them and link them up with other women on similar journeys. Many amazing women with the same heart and desire are now part of this growing team. Praise and Coffee Nights are meeting in several different states and even other countries. The ministry of Praise and Coffee includes the website, blog, Praise and Coffee Nights, and the Magazine.


Start a Praise and Coffee Night

in your community!!

Learn more here! Praise and Coffee Nights 10

For where 2 or 3 gather together because they are mine, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20

Plainwell, MI (the original!)

Clio, MI

Lititz, PA

Reno, NV Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Henderson, NV Summerville, SC Prescott, AZ


Storm’s co me Seas on’s ch ang e God r emai n s Eve r f aithful Neve r s hake n Stand firm Trus t Him He lov e s you... 12


Praise and Coffee Nights is joine

Partnering with these incredible women’s ministries ‌.c

Online conferences and training for women ministries online

Daily encouragement and online devotions

A site dedicated to bridging the gap between the child and the parent, a relationship designed by God


ed with Inspired Hearts Media!

check them out!

The Homeschool Lounge is the premier online community for the homeschooling mother searching for fellowship, encouragement and support

Monthly Online & Magazine Encouraging women to live lives that glorify Christ

Meeting God together on the other side of the screen


The South Florida

Praise and Coffee Nights

Journey From Tall

To Grande

To Venti! 16

I’ve been blessed to be hosting Praise and Coffee Nights in South Florida for almost three years now. Wow, can it already be almost three years already. It seems like yesterday when Sue and I connected, started talking about the ministry and finally decided to jump feet first into getting them started in South Florida. At first we met in a Panera Bread restaurant with about six ladies, bring our Bibles, and enjoy yummy coffee and almost alMelissa Mashburn ways a goody or two from Panera. We would meet for about an hour and a half just talking, sharing, praying and encouraging each other. It was actually a great time for me because there wasn’t any pressure to do anything but simply love those who God brought to the event. I guess I never really thought that God would take this little gathering and really start to rock my world, but in the course of the next few years God showed up BIG TIME. We would continue to meet in Panera Bread Company or even Starbucks, but then we noticed that some of the women weren’t opening up as much since they were so “out in the open”.

We prayed and asked God to show us a place where we could meet in a more private setting and we were blessed to find a chocolate and art café that was owned by a Christian family. What an incredible gift it was to partner with them and our little group started to expand to about fifteen women. It was during the course of our time at this café that we started to notice that we wanted “more” from our event. We loved getting together and having coffee, praying and sharing our journey with each other, but we had a desire to take it one step further. I met with one of my girlfriends and we decided to make a plan for our Praise and Coffee Nights instead of just letting them “happen” we wanted to set up a little itinerary and have someone share their testimony at each one. This really made our nights special…there were lots of tears, laughter and hugging, which seemed to be exactly what everyone needed at that time.

Unfortunately our sweet little café had to close down due to the economy which put us back on the hunt for a location where we could meet, chat, enjoy coffee, have a yummy treat, listen to some worship music and have a time of sharing with each other. We prayed and prayed that God would show our little band of sisters what to do next and in the “in between” time we met at my church and wherever they would allow now twenty of us to meet.


Thankfully after a few shorts months we were blessed to find another little coffee shop, again owned by a Christian family that thankfully wanted to partner with us. They caught hold of the vision for Praise and Coffee Nights and started to promote our event at their coffee shop all year round. This place was perfect because it was bigger than what we had before and had a sweet little outdoor seating area that we could use in the cooler months.

While at this new location our group continued to expand and we were now reaching about thirty five women each time we met. Again we decided to raise the bar a little more by adding a time for worship, either with a Hillsong DVD or with live worship. This really brought the women into a place where they could really start to let go of the stuff they brought in with them and lay it down for a few hours so they could be encouraged, have fun and make new friends.

We enjoyed almost a full year at this location and while we were there we continued to bloom and grow. The ministry, almost two years strong in South Florida, started to gain momentum. People were talking about it; they were inviting their friends, family and neighbors as well. It really was an amazing thing to see God at work like this. By now I needed a team to make the events happen, so I asked (more like begged) a few of my friends to link arms with me in this ministry and help take it to the next step yet again.


Just in the last few months our favorite little coffee shop had to close down their doors, again due to the economy and we were left with our hands in the air begging God “what’s next?’ We now had almost fifty women, live worship, a time of teaching and pretty much no options of places where we could meet…until…you guessed it, God showed us a great little place, a little out of town, where the owners were excited to partner with us. This new place offers us an opportunity to bloom and grow again. Just a few weeks ago when we had our South Florida Praise and Coffee Night we had almost sixty women attend. Let’s just say that God blew our socks off yet again. I have no idea what He has in store next for Praise and Coffee, South Florida style, but I know that He ultimately has a plan for it.

What started off as six women in a Panera Bread Company has grown to almost sixty women in a Bistro across town. We were a tall Praise and Coffee Night that grew into a Grande then grew again into a Venti sized event. It doesn’t matter what size your event, whether it’s a tall, grande, or venti, what matters is stepping out in faith to what He’s leading you to do. I have no idea what He has in store for us next, but I know this…I can’t imagine my life without Praise and Coffee Nights and the women He’s blessed me with in this ministry.

What are you waiting for? Get a Praise and Coffee Night started in your area?

Tall, Grande, Venti…size doesn’t matter. Just step out and watch Him show up! I can’t wait to cheer you on each step of the way…

Melissa Mashburn has partnered with Sue Cramer and serves as the CoCo-Founder of the ministry of Praise and Coffee Nights

Visit her website: Melissa Mashburn in Mel’s World 19

South Florida...

ou’re touching hearts!!! Last spring I attended a Praise and Coffee in Ft. Lauderdale led by Melissa Mashburn. I had already attended several other of Melissa’s Praise and Coffee’s and truly enjoyed being able to share that time with other women. I always looked forward to them, and tonight was no different. I was running a bit later than usual, so I found a seat near the outskirts of the outdoor patio where we were meeting that night. I sat down and began to worship with the group gathered that evening. 20

orshipping outside where everyone can see you sometimes leaves you feeling very exposed. Although I am certainly not ashamed of worshipping my God, some of the people stopping by and staring made me feel a bit uncomfortable. So, when a woman stopped in the street near the patio, I really wondered what was up; until I noticed the look on her face. I invited her to join us. During our time of worship and subsequent message from Melissa I noticed she was moved to tears. When Praise and Coffee was over, I set about getting to know her. found my new acquaintance had really just stopped by to pick up food from a local restaurant a couple of doors down from the coffee shop and was intrigued by what she saw and heard. She was really struggling in her walk with God and dealing with much hurt in her life following the recent death of her mother. I had lost my father only a couple of years prior and really had felt God’s calling in my life to minister to grieving people. My new friend and I really connected as she shared her life with me. She and I both felt God had her there in that time so that we could connect. As we finished up, I asked if she would like to meet Melissa. She did, and I headed for home thinking how privileged I was that God used me to minister to someone else who was hurting. Although I had come to Praise and Coffee to be ministered to as a woman, I was able to minister to another woman. s I reflect on my experience at Praise and Coffee that day, I realize just how intricately our Savior has woven and intertwined our lives for His glory! God could have had me sit somewhere else, he could have allowed me to be absent altogether, but he had a different plan. He wanted to show me how he can use me! How awesome is that! Testimony by Michelle Griffin Michelle attends the Fort Lauderdale, FL Praise and Coffee Nights. 21

Psalms 72:18-19

Praise be to the LORD God, the God of Israel, who alone d

Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole e Amen and Amen.


does marvelous deeds.

earth be filled with His glory.

A view of my backyard. Sue Cramer 23

Casie Dussia is a small business owner and a personal trainer that ministers to women‘s soul, mind and body. She lives in Southwest Michigan and enjoys life with her husband John and son. Casie is a team partner to the Praise and Coffee Night ministry in Plainwell, MI.


Let me point out two interesting facts about the task that God gave Moses. Exodus 2 reveals something very imhad someone tell me the other day that I come portant about Moses and who he really is. Two different across as being “unapproachable”. times, Moses didn’t hesitate in helping others. God had equipped Moses with exactly what he needed for his purMe, unapproachable?! pose, but Moses didn’t recognize it in himself. All too ofMe - the one who needs to muster up confidence nearly ten, we allow our own insecurities to limit our capabilities. every time I call a potential client with a quote, fearing Secondly, after Moses pleaded with God, He finally sent their rejection? Aaron to accompany Moses to Egypt. Basically, God alMe - the one who prays for strength when I have to dislowed Moses to call on his brother for help. I love this! cuss a difficult subject with certain family members? Not only can we count on God, but we can count on our fellow brothers and sisters, and God will even help us with Me - the one who bribes my son’s teacher with Kleenexes and hand sanitizer for the classroom if he needs to miss a that! day of school? There’s just one thing we need to remember: God is with us! With His strength, we are capable of anything, yes anything, He needs us to do! A saying that helps me remember this is, “You can’t have faith and fear at the same time”. This bears repeating: We cannot have faith and fear at the same time! And this is so true! If you are facing your day fearfully, there is absolutely no way you can be completely trusting God!

They must have me mixed up with someone else! Why are certain people more difficult for us to approach than others? Why do we view some as being more “powerful” or more “intimidating” than others? This makes me think of Moses.

God called on him to go to Pharaoh, to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Now, this wasn’t just a feeling in his heart, or Ladies, we have a thoughtful and beautiful purpose - each a thought in his mind. No, this was a direct command and every one of us! God has instilled in us exactly what from God! Yet, Moses didn’t believe he was capable of He needs us to have to boldly move forward with confisuch a task, asking God, “Who am I to do this?” dence, without hesitation. You are equipped to approach Even when God assured him that He would be there, every any person, any situation that God needs you to! step of the way, Moses still continued to protest! I must He is ALWAYS with you! admit, I can understand Moses’ hesitation. I mean, this is Pharaoh we’re talking about! I can identify. So many times, God has called on me to stand up and step out of my comfort zone and be the woman He needs me to be. So many times, my response has been, “Who am I?”


Don‘t let what happens in Vegas

STAY in Vegas! Cindy Bolt


y name is Cindy Bolt; I am the wife of Greg Bolt and a homeschooling mom of seven beautiful blessings from above.

Being a mom of seven you can only imagine I treasure my gal pal time and was already having Girl’s Night Outs myself so when I heard about Praise and Coffee Night’s I knew this was a ministry I was interested in getting into. My passion has always been for the Women of God and the Women’s Ministry. 26


t is my desire to come together as sisters in Christ all around the valley breaking that four wall church barrier that we women tend to stick to and coming together as a whole body of Christ, for it is not the buildings that make up the body of Christ but the people in those buildings. My goal is to build that gap between churches in the Las Vegas Valley and come together to encourage one another, build one another up in Christ Jesus, to truly be that Iron that sharpens Iron and to share our journeys in this life together.

I believe we as women are strengthened by each other as we come together and share the tears and laughter of this life as well as the importance and the power of coming together in Prayer for one another . God’s Word says; “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man [woman] avails much.” James 5:16 What more can we ask for than getting together with like-minded sisters to share life over a cup of coffee/tea to warm our souls? We can also warm the soul of a sister in the Lord with words that warm the soul, words that fill an empty heart, and words that lift her up when she is lying face down in defeat. I know I have needed that encouragement a time or two myself and will need it again and again. Our first Praise and Coffee Night was small and intimate yet a blessing. Tears were shed laughter was heard and new friends were made. Ladies from all around the Valley were at the Coffee House . We plan for the upcoming Coffee Nights to continue to grow and become an amazing work in the Las Vegas/ Henderson NV. Area. Check out the site for Praise and Coffee Nights in your area and be blessed.

Cindy 27


Make the lies stop! “I am just not good enough.” “I always mess up.” “Can’t I ever do anything right?” “I should have tried harder.”

o you ever find yourself playing a negative soundtrack of self talk in your mind? Like it is the automatic default in your brain that kicks on in an instant? If you are like me, you definitely have a negative default mode that has much room for improvement. Don't worry, there is hope. I found it in an incredible study, called Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild. It is a book that has helped me to begin the journey to make an “extreme thought makeover.”


I need an extreme It is so common for women to look at ourselves in a negative contrast to others and to base our thoughts on worldly standards instead of God’s word. We think of ourselves as always being “below” the mark and feel like we need to “improve” in order to reach our full potential. The book does a great job in walking you through the steps that it takes to begin switching your thoughts from world based to scripture based.

The study is set up with 6 weekly video segments that have 30 minute talks given by Jennifer herself. There are 5 daily devotionals each week that teach you to focus on making the personal changes that need to be made. The study is set up so that you can meet with a small group of ladies to go over the weekly information and help to hold one another accountable in making the necessary changes.


thought makeover! The first week focuses on what thoughts are continually playing in both your subconscious and conscious mind. It took some introspection and wasn’t necessarily easy to swallow, but is so crucial to figuring out what really clutters your mind. Worrying and meditating have one thing in common, they both can guide our thoughts. God wants us to meditate on his precepts. It is easy to focus on “what if’s” versus “what is”.

Week two emphasizes filling our thought closet with truth. It is so easy to let worry take over and block our hope. It is actually like poison to our soul! Anytime we have negative thoughts, we need to cut them off, just as we would pull up the roots of a bad weed that is taking over our flower garden. Those sinful thoughts do not nourish us, but instead leave us letting worry and fears squelch out God’s truth. If you are finding that you are thinking destructive thoughts, make sure you weed them out and replant them with God’s truth. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5. What truths are you seeking?

Week three takes a look at having a wise thought closet. Until we fully embrace truth, we are not letting wisdom from the Holy Spirit guide us. Many times we forget how powerful the Holy Spirit is. We must remember that He is Advocate, Defender, Helper, Comforter, and Counselor, a representative of Christ, a Teacher, and the One who reminds us of truth. It is so easy in our fast paced society to listen to worldly thoughts instead of tuning in to the Holy Spirit. Tuning in is imperative to having the wisdom that God, through the Holy Spirit gives us. Have you been tapping into His Holy Spirit lately, or just going through the motions?


The fourth week deals with guarding the door of our thought closet. This chapter does an excellent job of reminding us to fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons. There are 3 main strategies in which Jennifer proposes that we do this.

One, is using prayer. This is our most important way to tap into God’s truth, but also easy to skip due to our busy lifestyles.

The second strategy is having accountability. We all need sisters in Christ to help guide us along and keep us on the path of righteousness. Surround yourself with at least one woman that you know lives a Godly life and let her help to keep you in the truth.

The final strategy is faith. Trusting God more than trusting your feelings and abilities is a key part of guarding our thoughts against the lies of the Enemy.

Week five places God in the center of your thought closet. We can get so wrapped up on our “to do” lists, that we forget “for who” that we need to live and breathe. Are the thoughts that you dwell on ones that revolve around God, or are they thoughts that only include God when it is convenient? Keeping God central isn’t an option; it is a necessity for having Godly thoughts. God wants us to praise Him in all circumstances as Psalm 146:1 reveals.


Finally, week six is all about having a hope filled closet. This is my personal favorite, because it helps me to know that with God, all things are possible. Regardless of any past pain that you have had, there is hope in His unfailing love, His word and in Him. (Psalm 33:18, 22, Psalm 119:81, 14 and Psalm 39:7). We have to trust God more than our feelings and smile because our hope is in Him, not our current situations. If we keep this in check, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! “Me, Myself and Lies” is a study on truth that Jennifer Rothschild covers with wisdom and grace. If you find yourself hungry for a more thorough look at these ideas, then I highly would recommend you get a few girlfriends together and jump into this life-changing study. After all, who couldn’t use an extreme mind makeover? To order Jennifer’s study, “Me Myself and Lies” click HERE. Jennifer’s website: Jennifer Rothschild

Tera Secord is a middle school health teacher that enjoys teaching people of all ages how to work on being their personal best in all dimensions of life. She lives in Southwest Michigan and enjoys life with her husband Tim and two children, Madison and Gabriel. Tera is a team partner to the Praise and Coffee Nights ministry in Plainwell, MI. Email:


Lauren at 5 years old. 34

In every woman there is a little girl longing to come out and play. Let her.


Some of the beautiful faces o

1 Pete

You should clothe yourselves instead w the unfading beauty of a gentle and qu 36

of Praise and Coffee Nights

er 3:4

with the beauty that comes from within, uiet spirit, which is so precious to God. 37

For Caffeinated Moms Like You! Written by: Denise Dykstra



a wife and stay at home mom to four boys, ages eleven to four. We live on a little hobby farm and to say life is a blast would be a bit of an understatement…it is never ever dull around here. But my days out on my own with the girls are, well, they were nonexistent until Praise and Coffee came around. One night, every two months apart, I get to get out of the farmhouse and wear some fun cute outfit and catch up with all my old friends I haven’t seen since last time (unless we happened to pass each other in the grocery store) and chat with new friends. And since we are in a coffee house, I use my Praise and Coffee night to try a new coffee…so anyone who wants to send me good variations of strong coffee drinks, email me cuz I love trying something that is not my normal special coffee. Last P&C night, my friend An drove down to go with me. She is student of gourmet desserts (and girls, she makes yummy wonderful sweet concoctions…everyone needs a friend who is in gourmet desserts school!). She also is a mom to three boys, ages seven to three. This was our first time out together minus any of our boys and while we love them dearly, I don’t think we have to tell you how giddy we were to go out together! My husband rolled his eyes as he watched us leave, we were squealing over our shoes being the same and how nice we could look when our hair isn’t just pulled in a ponytail and our cute clothes we were wearing, not just our old jeans and hooded sweatshirts.

It’s a girl thing. 39

...For Caffeinated Moms Like You! Kristine McGuire was talking about her journey out of the occult as written in her book “Escaping the Cauldron.”

I came in to chat away about our fun night with my hubby and suddenly gasped… “We never got a photo together!”

Now, she is a gifted speaker but you have to admit that talking about the occult sort of gives you the eeby jeebies. It doesn’t help when the timer on the lights went out…twice..and the place went dark. Twice.

But we would soon…. As An pulled out of the driveway, she called her husband to say she was headed home when she looked in her rear mirror and seen little black ears pricked up, staring back at her. Then she heard the low meow….

It was a memorable night. About to become more memorable. We had to stop at the gas station to fill gas tanks up because An had somehow forgotten to fill her tank (did I mention, three boys? Student? Wife? I don’t know HOW she could have forgotten!) and she was so low on gas she wasn’t sure she would make it to the next gas station in our farming community.

Keep in mind, we just left a night where the speaker told us all about the occult. I don’t know how she didn’t scream as she spun around to see…

I am pretty sure the gas station attendants got a chuckle out of us trying to open the caps in our heels. We couldn’t get them open at all…for nothing…and just when we were about to ask for help, they unscrewed.

…Our stray outdoor cat that was super friendly staring back at her. She called me. “Um, your cat? I don’t need it so I’m bringing it home to you.” And because it was late, and because we had had a night out, and because of the situation, we burst out laughing. Hysterically. When she returned we got a few pictures to remember our night.

When we arrived home, my husband poured the gas in as we chatted away about the good time we had had and we hugged and she was on her hour trip back home.

As if we could ever forget it.

Denise Dykstra, co-editor of Praise and Coffee the Magazine. Denise is heavily caffeinated and joyfully married to her truck driving, farming husband. They reside in Michigan raising their four boys (ages 11 to 4) on a hobby farm that keeps them hopping busy. She updates friends on her sons‘ latest escapades and caught snakes on her blog ―Life With Four Boys...Coffee Please!‖



Helping our girls


Strong! Born and raised in Kalamazoo Michigan. She shares her life with her best friend and husband of 3 years, Matt. They have the most rambunctious black lab you will ever meet, “Hunter”, and 2 very loving kitties. Jenny is expecting their first child due early February 2011. She can't wait to be a mom and a homemaker. Jenny serves as Administrative Assistant to Sue Cramer for the local Praise and Coffee Nights in Plainwell, MI. She also writes the blog “Just Another Extraordinary Girl” Contact:

n Jen Begema


You know their names: Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Swift, Hayden Panettiere, Vanessa Hudgens… ok maybe you might not know them all but I bet your resident teen or tween daughter sure does! She has seen their movies, downloaded their songs on her iPod, and maybe even their posters are hanging up in her room!

These are the girls in the spotlight

guess is that she was the same age as the quarterback (who’s such a hottie!). that sweet young girl living under your She was faced with disaster and death roof! Talk about being in the spotlight! and she still sought her God and SavYou may know the story of Esther (if ior and knew that He would go with you don’t, or your girls don’t, I highly her and protect her. If our girls know recommend watching the movie – that kind of love and protection they “One Night with the King”) but I can’t can stand up to the crap they’re faced help but put her on my list as someone with. When a boy tells her that he loves her so much and if she loved him I want to be like! just as much, they would have sex… As a teen she faced fear and death in she can say (in her own language) “Yeah right… you have no idea what love is and I know true love and believe me.. it’s not fooling around with you! We are so over!”

She was faced with disaster and death and she still sought her God and . Savior and knew that He would go with her and protect her.

and making an impression on our young ladies today. How much of an impression do they make? It only takes one Google search to find all the dirt, recent mishaps, new relationships, immodest pictures, and scandalous news about some or even all of them. All it takes is one movie with a starlet in a revealing dress, or a song about going too far with a boy. Teen ladies are BOMBARDED with these ugly things. Middle school and high school are dangerous places. A lot of choices and decisions are made within those walls and that timeframe. Girls are most impressionathe eyes and basically said, “With ble at that time of life. God, I can and will do this!”

So is there hope? Are our girls doomed? These are her words - Esther 4:16 Do we need to send them to a convent? Fortunately no! Don’t take extreme measures yet! Amongst all that junk out there our girls need to hear the truth and know God’s love. The Bible gives the greatest example of a role model for our young ladies, and the hope that they can overcome worldliness.

That’s a modern day Esther. Facing the fear of losing her popularity and friends to do the right thing and claim God’s blessings. It’s not easy for your girls.

It’s a hard decision to stand for God and face the possibility of losing friends, her status, and maybe even that hot boyfriend, but it’s possible and she will be richly rewarded for choosing holiness. Maybe our young ladies are the cheerleading captain or the homecoming queen or maybe they aren’t any of those. No matter where they are they can be a light and a role model by showing and living God’s love.

So which young ladies are your girls looking up to and admiring?

Are they good influences? We have a serious desperate need for more young ladies to step up and be good advocates and role models for teens and tweens today and honestly I wish Hollywood would produce a few! It’s a battlefield out there for young ladies. They are on the frontlines of battling WOW! Did you hear that last sentence ladies?! I wish Esther was that girl in life’s ugliest temptations and decisions but take heart God is here and near and my high school… you know the one Her name is Esther. No one knows just that’s cheerleading captain, class presi- will see them through! Keep reminding them of that and pray that over how old Esther was when she became dent, homecoming queen and dating them every day! queen and faced King Xerxes, but my “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish."


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Praise and Coffee the Magazine on Facebook


th us online!

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Brewed From A

“It’s sort of a lonely place being a tea drin

Ah coffee! A lot of people have a love affair with the stuff. My mother would have been hooked up to an IV of it if she could. I grew up smelling all the wonderful smells of coffee. I remember being a little girl and being amazed that hot water poured over the coffee grounds would sort of dance together, swirling around to make the drink that had magic abilities to turn my mom’s frown upside down.

Behold, the power of coffee! Imagine my surprise that I can’t stand the taste of it.

(Hangs head in shame I was surprised I was asked to write for something that has a coffee theme attached to it. I feel like I’m a spy in enemy territory. Thankfully, that’s not what Praise and Coffee is about. I’m all for praising and I wish I could do the coffee thing. Believe me, it isn’t from a lack of trying. I’ve tried different brands and different ways of making it but it all tastes like bitter dirt to me. No amount of sugar or cream could fix it either. 46

A Different Cup

nker in a coffee world” ~ Joanna Moore

It is so much cooler to order a double caramel macchiato than Darjeeling tea. Nothing like feeling totally out of the loop. I’m waiting for there to be a Jesus brand coffee to be served at the local mega church. Guaranteed to brew the demons right out of your mornings.

I am kidding. Just slightly bitter that all my attempts to fit in have ground to a halt. Yes, bad puns come natural for me. Why do you ask? I read somewhere that some people have extra taste buds and are unable to handle coffee, dark chocolate or spicy foods as it tastes bitter because the flavor is too intense. Oh my gosh! Me, me, and very much me. Being armed with this information, however, did not stop me on my quest to acquire the taste for coffee….


coffee - so weak that the bag of coffee was embarrassed by it.

Then I loaded it up with enough sugar and cream that the calorie count would have made a burger meal jealous of the competition. I’m drinking this cup telling myself that it wasn’t too bad and maybe, just maybe, I fooled those extra taste buds. For a brief moment I felt that I had arrived.

“It was right at that moment that I knew God wanted to know why I was forcing myself to drink something I didn’t like.”

I had to stop and think about that for a few minutes. Everyone I know drinks coffee. I finally came up with I always felt that it was something I was supposed to do.

After my ah-ha moment, I laughed at myself as I poured the stuff down the drain. 48


I had finally found a way to make the weakest cup of

Later that same week I stumbled across several things that all had the same theme.

“Free to be who God made me to be -

the unique individual that God put together that makes up me.”

While that’s sort of a duh, for whatever reason, it hit home this time around. I’ve spent my whole life trying to be like other people because somewhere along the line I bought into the lie that I wasn’t okay.

If only I could be like “her” in this area then I would feel like I have arrived. Granted, no one really knows for sure where it is we’re supposed to arrive to but we all have that feeling that pushes us forward to try one more hairbrained idea. Yeah, don’t look at me all innocent like. I know I’m not the only one out there that thought this facial cream or that diet or this new fad would make life oh so much better than where I am at right now.



So I made a cup of tea and sat down and did some journaling. It helped me put some things into perspective. I thought I was to be like my mom, right down to drinking her brand of coffee.

brewed me a very bitter cup. After some more journaling and a lot of prayer, I can say I’m not drinking from that cup as much. Work in progress! There are still weaknesses to work on, insecurities to get over, but I don’t have to do it like everyone else. I found that revelation to be as refreshing as a glass of sweet tea on a hot day. This isn’t a new revelation for anyone but how often is this a reality? I know I’ve spent way too much energy trying to fake my extra taste buds so I wouldn’t feel left out. I have a feeling I’ve been doing this in more than one area. I find I still need the reminder from time to time.

Grab whoever God has placed in your life, get

whatever drink that floats your boat, and remind each other that you’re okay and you’re a “whosoever” so that makes the promises of God for you no matter what brew is in your cup. Joanna Moore is a married, thirty-something freelance writer, and stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to 3 growing boys. In her free time, Joanna likes to blog, play way too many Facebook games, and spend time with her friends and family. Joanna has attended Praise and Coffee Nights in Plainwell, MI. Visit her blog at: Email: 51


Failure to live up to that has made me feel like I was off, that there must be something wrong with me. I can see how this lie has, if you will,

A Women’s Heart After God

Written by: Jaime Rogers Visit her blog: Email:


ere I am again. Making the same mistakes. Having enough time to check my emails and FB and yet putting my quiet time with God on the back burner. Spending less time with God and more time doing my own thing. The girls are with Papa this morning and the house is quiet. I decided to look back on a past bible study that I had missed a few weeks ago. Before I read the verse covered in the study I pray – Lord forgive me for all the time I spend doing busy work, watching T.V when I could be reading your word. Lord I love you help me to start fresh today. Then I read

Psalms 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, he set my feet on a rock And gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look To the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.



ears flow and not just for Him hearing me this time but every time. Thinking of the slimy pits I have been lifted from and the new song he has put in my mouth. God continues to show me he is real, listening and most of all loves his children.

Luke 11:11-13 ―You fathers—if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead? 12 Or if they ask for an egg, do you give them a scorpion? Of course not! 13 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.‖

When I read ‗slimy pit‘ my mind went back years to the slimiest pit I have been in and ever want to be in.

The slimy pit of a marriage going nowhere fast with two selfish people loving themselves way too much. Putting more of an emphasis on material things than relationships. Two lost people bringing in so much baggage from the past. That pit was hell on earth and I never want to experience anything like it again! I did have to wait patiently because I was lifted out before Shawn and I was even being hurt by what he was still doing in the pit. He heard my cry to change both Shawn and I.

I cried Lord help me to love him like you do, Lord please help him become a man of God and the spiritual leader of our house. We serve a God of the big and little in life and little by little He healed and turned our eyes to Him instead of ourselves.


now have a husband that loves the Lord with all his heart. A man held accountable and willing to be real with others about his struggles, a man willing to sacrifice his desires for our family. God continues to work in both our lives and has put a new song in our mouth, a song of healing and restored marriage, a song of His love being displayed in our lives, a song where I continue to fall short and cry out and my father again sets me on a rock! If He lifted me out of that slimy pit, in His time He will lift me out the current one. The pit of distraction and doing more of my own thing. It‘s a choice, but maybe I have been banking to much on what I can do and not crying out to the one who saves.

I continue to ask God to give me strength to turn away from the

Jaime Rogers is part of the Praise and Coffee Team in Plainwell, MI. Jaime has been married 9 years to her

husband Shawn and they have been blessed with two beautiful girls. She loves her quiet time, writing and studying God's word. She also loves hanging out with girlfriends!!

distractions and the things that are hindering me from seeing all of His love. His word is truth and that is where I want to be yet I need His strength to turn of the things of this world.


The lessons I learn from

Lauren Written by: Sue Cramer Visit her personal blog at:

Often people say, “where would she be if you had not adopted her?” But I wonder… where would I be?

These are from our trip to China to bring Lauren home. She had spent the first 2 years of her life in an orphanage. We were crazy about her from the first time we saw her. She’s six years old today and still making us smile. 54

BUT, if she were ever hurt or hit by a car or something, I would NOT let Lauren near her. WHY? Because in her state of pain and fear, she could respond in a violent manner. It is only natural.


get a lot of questions about our journey to adopting our daughter Lauren from China.

There have been times when the Lord has reminded me to see people this way. Bloody, wounded and seething with pain.

“Your kids were older, why would you want to start over?!” The truth is, I was just as surprised as anyone else when God put adoption on our heart. I was loving the freedom and fun of having older kids. But then we saw her darling little face with those big brown eyes in a picture (left page).

“But, then, there's a cry that's the saddest of all. In fact, it's unlike any other. It comes from a deep, empty place in your heart That can only be filled by a mother."

We fell in love. Not only did I never expect to adopt, I really never thought we would adopt a child with special needs. God truly changed my heart. I’ll never forget the moment I held her for the very first time.

I'm not excusing bad behavior... The first several times I read this story to my daughter I couldn't even say those words because I was either crying or had such a large lump in my throat that the words just couldn't crawl over it. As I was reading it to my daughter one night, I thought of all the people in this world that do not know the love that only the Father can give.

So often people say to me, “where would she be if you had not adopted her?”… but I wonder...Her? Where would I be?

There is a longing, an emptiness...a God-shaped hole in the heart of every person that hasn't received (and possibly has even rejected) God’s love and forgiveness.

Lauren has taught me so much about myself, and the Father’s love.

Huge confession here… sometimes I can get very frustrated with people!!!

Just when we think we have life all figured out, God draws your heart in a new direction and you find Him places you never thought to look. Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman have a book about a little Chinese girl that's going to be adopted. It’s called “Shaoey and Dot” and it is just adorable!

Obviously, they are not physically injured, but the pain for some is deeper than physical wounds. Many times, the responses and reactions that we get from people are not a direct result of their feelings towards us, but a response to their feelings toward themselves or others who have hurt them.

But possibly, if we opened our heart. We might see that love could heal some relationships that have been destroyed by one person's pain, and another's resistance to forgive. In the same manner, if we understand how empty and sad a heart can be without the Lord, maybe we can see beyond the outside walls built around their heart and give them a reason to let Him in. The Father’s love is the only hope for a lost and hurting world.

It’s not easy, it takes a person strong in their walk with the Lord to open But it’s only because I forget to look past the outside and see the pain that their own heart to the possibility of being hurt by the wounded- but it's is driving them. worth every battle scar. We have a dog name Macy, she’s a sweet, loving 7 year old Lab mix. She doesn’t have a cruel bone in her body and has never hurt anyone. Lauren crawls on her and pulls her ears and she lays there and takes it like a trooper.

The book reads….


Lauren’s taught me to give grace to those who might be hurting. Whose pain causes them to act out in hurtful ways. It’s that empty place inside them that can only be filled by their Father.

Want to start a Praise and Coffee Night

in your community? Go to: Follow the links to “Start a Praise and Coffee Night” Start with 2 or 3 girlfriends and see what happens!

Praise and Coffee P.O. Box 112 Martin, MI 49070 56

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