International Textile Market March-April 2024 Issue

Page 21

March-April 2024


LuxuriousThreads:EgyptianCottonSteals theSpotlightatBharatTex2024

AchievingspinningExcellence: LMWSpinpact,yourpartnertosuccess



ITM2024GetsReadytoBringTextileTechnologyLeadersTogether withGlobalBuyers

OerlikonofferssustainablemachineandsystemtechnologiesfortheTurkish manmadefibersmarket


Groz-Beckertdevelopsinnovativesliderneedleforcircularknittingmachines togetherwithVanguardPailung


IntelligenceWorldIndustrialTechnologyGroupCo.,Ltd. BirlaCelluloseLaunchesBirlaViscoseIntellicoloratBharatTex:A
MarzoliTextileEngineeringSuccessfullyConcludesItsFirstRoadshowInIndia 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 20 23 26 29 30 31


India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Srilanka,Vietnam,Indonesia,Thailand, China,HongKong,USA,Germany,Spain,Italy,U.K.&France

BharatTex2024: CatalyzingInnovationin India'sTextileIndustry

Bharat Tex 2024, a landmark event in New Delhi, marked a new chapter in India's textile landscape, attractingover100,000visitorstoBharatMandapam &Yashobhoomi.This4-day extravaganza became a hub for the textile value chain, showcasing groundbreakinginitiatives.

The event, celebrated for its focus on sustainable textiles,sawparticipationfromover3,500exhibitors and 3,000 buyers across 111 countries. Highlighting itsglobalimpact,BharatTexfacilitatedthesigningof 63 MoUs, unveiled 100 new products, launched 9 books, and hosted 70 knowledge sessions with 112 internationalspeakers.

Championing Prime Minister Modi's 5F's vision, Bharat Tex 2024 emerged as a pivotal global textile event. It fostered international dialogue, with significant contributions from trend forecasters WGSNandVisionNXT,whoprovidedinsightsinto futurefashionandtextiletrends.

The expo also featured a vibrant blend of crafts and music,withliveloomdemonstrationsbyartisansand performancesbylocalmusicians,celebratingIndia's rich textile heritage. The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath, emphasized the textile industry's role as a major employment sector andhighlightedthestate'scontributionstotheevent.

Organized by a consortium of 11 Textile Export PromotionCouncilsandsupportedbytheMinistryof Textiles,BharatTex2024stoodonsustainabilityand trade, covering nearly 2 million sq ft. The expo not only showcased India's textile excellence but also highlighted its commitment to becoming a SustainableTextileHub,asunderscoredbytheUNEP Report and various book launches focused on sustainabilityandinnovationintextiles.

This event, aligning with the 5F Vision and emphasizing sustainability and innovation, successfully positioned India at the forefront of the global textile industry, fostering domestic and internationalcollaborations.


LuxuriousThreads:EgyptianCottonSteals theSpotlightatBharatTex2024

The presence of the Egyptian CottonAssociation atBharatTex2024garneredsignificantattention, particularly from spinners and home textiles manufacturers. Egyptian cotton, renowned for its superior quality and unique characteristics, attracted considerable interest and engagement fromindustryparticipants.Thisreportdelvesinto the key highlights and implications of this noteworthydevelopment.

Interest from Spinners and Home Textiles Manufacturers:

Spinners and home textiles manufacturers exhibitedaheightenedinterestinEgyptiancotton compared to other varieties available in the market. The allure of Egyptian cotton lies in its exceptional quality, long staple length, and inherent softness, making it highly desirable for premium textile products. At Bharat Tex 2024, stakeholdersrecognizedthepotentialofEgyptian cottontoelevatethequalityandvalueproposition of their offerings, leading to a surge in inquiries and engagement with the Egyptian Cotton Association.


Egyptiancottonhaslongbeenreveredasthe"king ofcotton"duetoitsunmatchedqualityattributes. With a reputation for producing fibers of exceptional strength, durability, and luster, Egyptian cotton commands premium prices in global markets. The association's presence at BharatTex2024servedtoreinforcethisreputation and educate stakeholders about the unique qualities of Egyptian cotton, thereby stimulating interest and demand among spinners and home textilesmanufacturers.


The heightened interest in Egyptian cotton

signifies its value proposition for stakeholders across the textile value chain. For spinners, Egyptian cotton presents an opportunity to enhance the quality and performance of their yarns, catering to discerning customers who prioritize luxury and durability. Similarly, home textiles manufacturers see Egyptian cotton as a means to differentiate their products in a competitive market landscape, offering consumerssuperiorcomfortandsophistication.

Market Dynamics and Competitive Landscape:

Amidst growing consumer demand for premium qualitytextiles,thepreferenceforEgyptiancotton underscores evolving market dynamics and consumer preferences. While other cotton varieties may offer cost advantages, Egyptian cotton'suniquecharacteristicsjustifyitspremium pricingandcontinuedrelevanceinthemarket.As such, spinners and home textiles manufacturers are increasingly recognizing the strategic importance of incorporating Egyptian cotton into their product portfolios to meet evolving consumer expectations and stay ahead of competitors.


The Egyptian Cotton Association's presence at BharatTex2024hascatalyzedsignificantinterest and engagement from spinners and home textiles manufacturers. The allure of Egyptian cotton's superior quality, coupled with its reputation as a symbolofluxuryandexcellence,haspositionedit as a preferred choice for stakeholders seeking to elevate the quality and value proposition of their textile products. Moving forward, the sustained interest in Egyptian cotton underscores its enduring appeal and strategic relevance in the globaltextileindustry.


AchievingspinningExcellence: LMWSpinpact,yourpartnertosuccess

In the fast-paced world of textile manufacturing, innovationisthekeytomaintainingacompetitive edge. LMW's Spinpact is a revolutionary compactingsystemdesignedtoredefinestandards in productivity and yarn quality while ensuring user-friendliness and cost-efficiency. Let's delve into the intricacies of Spinpact, exploring its design, technological components, compacting action,anditsvalueaddition,alongsideitsimpact onsuperioryarnqualityandcostsavings.

Design: The Uni-Compact Suction Nozzle, with its extended compact slot length positioned strategically close to the front roller nip, ensures uninterruptedcompactingaction,settingSpinpact apartasabenchmarkforyarnqualityandstrength.

Suction: Key components of Spinpact include a suction slot & duct, fan, and motor, all meticulously designed to optimize airflow and pressure for efficient compacting. The system's stand-alone suction unit (SASU), equipped with an inverter control arrangement, offers flexibility inadjustingsuctionpressureaccordingtospecific process requirements, contributing to energy efficiencyandoptimumsuctionpressures.

Technological Components/Process: Spinpact leverages cutting-edge technology, including the Direct Loading System (DLS), which facilitates easy load adjustment of the delivery roller for consistent yarn quality. Its innovative design

ensures a flawless and prolonged compacting process without disrupting fibers, leading to elevatedyarnqualitiescharacterizedbyincreased strengthandreducedimperfectionsandhairiness.

Compacting Action: The compacting action of Spinpact, achieved through precise control of suction and nip, results in superior yarn strength and reduced hairiness. Fibers are intelligently guided through the compacting zone, ensuring comprehensive compaction and enhancing yarn tenacity.

Flexibility&User-friendliness:WithSingleand SIRO compact provision, Spinpact is extremely versatile. Its design emphasizes reliability and ease of handling, with reduced maintenance requirements and increased uptime. Its meticulously engineered components contribute to extended machine lifespan and reduced spare parts costs, reinforcing its reliability and longevity.

Cost Saving/Product Value: Spinpact offers significantcostsavingsthroughoptimizedenergy consumption, minimal maintenance needs, and optimizedsparepartsutilization.Itsuser-friendly design and compatibility with various machine types and materials ensure seamless integration and operational efficiency, enhancing overall productvalue.

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LMW Spinpact: Crafting Excellence in Every Fiber, Every Spindle

Retrofit: Spinpact seamlessly integrates into LMW'searliermodels,servingasaretrofitforpast models.Itsuniquesuctioncompactsystemboasts a distinctive spinning geometry optimized for twistinsertionandflow.

Quality Comparison: With its unmatched yarn strength and enhanced quality parameters, Spinpact surpasses industry standards, offering spinning mills a competitive edge in producing superior yarn products. With its advanced technology and precise compacting action, Spinpactachievesareductionofupto30%inthe Uster Hairiness Index, signifying a significant enhancement in yarn smoothness and aesthetics. Additionally, Spinpact achieves an impressive reduction of up to 85% in Zweigle S3 value, indicative of minimized imperfections and irregularitieswithintheyarnstructure.Moreover, Spinpact contributes to enhancing Single yarn strength by up to 15%, underscoring its ability to produce yarn with superior tensile properties and durability.

In conclusion, LMW's Spinpact emerges as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the compactspinninglandscape.Withitscommitment to quality, productivity, and cost-efficiency, Spinpactstandspoisedtorevolutionizethetextile industry, crafting excellence in every fiber and everyspindle.ChooseLMWSpinpactforafuture whereinnovationmeetsperformance,settingnew benchmarks in productivity, quality, and sustainability.


· Highest yarn Strength with Unmatchable LowestHairinessIndex

· Economical and Proven Compact Yarn Production

· ExcellentandUniformQuality

· VersatiletorunSingleandSIROCompact

· EnergyEfficientCompacting



Towels are consumer goods that have to fulfil manyexpectations:thoseofprivateconsumersas well as those of industrial users such as hospitals and hotels. Absorbent, easy to wash, lint-free, colour-fast, durable, sustainable without a lot of chemicals–tonamejustafewoftherequirements. For towel manufacturers, the demands on yarn quality and yarn structure are high: pilling-free, sufficient strength and stretch and few imperfections. With Belairo yarns spun on the Autoairo air spinning machine, it is possible to

fulfil all these wishes and also offer towel manufacturers new economic prospects. A towel madefromBelairoyarnlastsupto10timeslonger and retains its shape better, thus contributing to sustainableuse.

Everyday life without terry cloth towels is unimaginable. Everyone uses them every day in the bathroom, swimming pool, hotel or at the beach.Fortheuser,itisimportantthattheybesoft, absorbent, easy to wash (at least 60 degrees), colour-fast and made of natural materials -


preferably cotton. Towels should match the furnishings,beaffordableforeverybudgetandbe producedassustainablyaspossiblewithoutusing alotofchemicals.

Ahigh-quality terry towel for private use weighs between 400 and 500 grams per square metre. Velour towels are somewhat lighter, as the loops arecutopenandshortenedtoachievethatvelvety veloureffect.


In order to meet consumer demands and be successful on the market, towel manu-facturers are looking at how they can optimise the productionprocess.Oneim-portantleverforcost optimisation is the yarn used. Up to 80% of the weightofthetowelismadeupofthepileyarn,the yarnthatcomesintocontactwiththeskin. The classics for pile yarns are combed ring-spun

yarns: durable, high quality, complex to produce andcorrespondinglyexpensive.Theringyarnsare combedtoreducethehairinessoftheyarnsandthe associatedformationofunwantedfibrefluffonthe towel.

The combing process ensures that the towels do not become thinner through frequent washing, duringwhichshort,less-bondedfibresarewashed out.Theshortfibresresponsibleforthisintheyarn areeliminatedfromtheoutsetbycombing,which accounts for approx. 10-15% of the fibre mass. Towels made from cheaper, uncombed, exclusivelycardedringyarnslosefibresovertime duetotheyarnstructure.

Butthereisanotherway–withBelairoyarnwhich issimilartoring-spunyarn.Theyarnproducedon the Autoairo air spinning machine is a costeffective alternative to classic ring yarns.Thanks

16 March-April2024

to the yarn structure with parallel core fibres and thedefinedtwistingofthewrappingfibres,allof the fibres are optimally integrated, even the shorter ones. During the air spinning process, fibres that are too short are removed pneumatically. However, this proportion is significantly lower than in a classic combing process. Belairo yarns therefore offer the best

conditionsforlint-freetowels.Thankstothehigh rub resistance of the towels, hardly any fibres come loose from the fabric composite during washing. Fibre migration is zero with Belairo yarns.


RieterWinsMajorOrderandEntersStrategicPartnership withShanghaiDigitalIntelligence


In a significant development dated March 6, 2024, Rieter announced clinching a substantial order worth approximatelyCHF62millionfromShanghaiDigital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd.(DIW).Inconjunctionwiththisorder,Rieterhas enteredintoastrategiccollaborationwithDIWaimed at revolutionizing yarn manufacturing with cuttingedge digital and automated technologies. This partnership is set to reduce production costs and enhancevalueforclientelesignificantly.

TheagreementinvolvesaninitialpurchasebyDIWof combers and draw frames from Rieter, setting a foundation for upgrading DIW's spinning mills into advancedtextilemanufacturinghubs.DIW,knownfor itsrapidgrowthandexpertiseinsmartmanufacturing and industrial services, opted for Rieter's machinery after a competitive review showcased their superior stabilityandproductivity.

This strategic alliance between DIW and Rieter promises to boost the operational efficiency of DIW's mills through the deployment of efficient machines, alongside advanced automation and digital solutions.

Thecollaborationnotonlyaimsatreducingconversion costs but also at fostering sustainable growth for both entitiesandcontributingpositivelytotheadvancement ofChina'stextilesector.

Yiming Liu, Chairman of Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd., expressed his confidence in Rieter's technology and experience. He highlighted that the strategic cooperation would leverage the strengths of both companiestoenhanceefficiencyandreducecosts.Liu anticipates that this partnership will pave the way for broader cooperation and innovation in transforming thetraditionaltextileindustry,therebyacceleratingthe developmentofamodernindustrialsystem.

Michael Hubensteiner, Rieter's Country Managing Director for China, shared his pride in Rieter's technological edge, which proved superior in the competitive scenario. He expressed gratitude for DIW's trust in Rieter and optimism about the partnership setting a new benchmark in the industry, further solidifying Rieter's foothold in the lucrative Chinesemarket.


BirlaCelluloseLaunchesBirlaViscoseIntellicoloratBharatTex: AGroundbreakingSolutionSettoTransformtheTextileIndustry TECHNOLOGY

In a revolutionary move, Birla Cellulose has unveiled its latest innovation, Birla ViscoseIntellicolor, at the prestigious Bharat Tex event. BirlaCelluloseispoisedtoredefinethelandscape of the textile industry with its patented product, addressing a long-standing challenge with conventionalreactivedyeing.

Intellicolor represents a groundbreaking advancementinthedyeingprocess,usingCationic or Basic dyes. It boasts a remarkable dye exhaustion rate exceeding 95%, surpassing conventional methods. It eliminates the need for salt and soda ash in the dyeing process, streamlining operations and reducing environmental impact. By achieving brighter shadeswithhighertinctorialvalueandcolordepth comparedtoreactivedyes,itofferssuperiorcolor

vibrancy while using lower dye concentrations. This results in reduced chemical consumption, lower utility usage, shorter processing times, and decreased dye quantities required, thereby promotingsustainabilityindyeingpractices.

In conventional or traditional reactive dyeing processes, the use of reactive dyes often necessitatestheadditionoflargequantitiesofsalt tothedyebath.Thisisprimarilyduetolowerdye bath exhaustion, which results in inadequate dye fixation onto the fabric. As a consequence, high salt concentrations are required to facilitate the dyeing process, leading to significant levels of both salt and unreacted dye being discharged as the effluent. The presence of excessive salt and unreacted dye in the effluent not only poses environmentalconcernsbutalsoaddstothecosts


associated with effluent treatment. Intellicolor, aims to usher in a new era by introducing an innovative solution that not only overcomes this challengebutalsoenhancestheoverallqualityof dyedfabrics.

Moreover, Intellicolor facilitates a more sustainable approach to dyeing by necessitating fewer washes post-dyeing and eliminating fixing steps. This not only conserves water but also reduces energy consumption and ETP operating cost thus leading to huge savings on the utility consumption.It marks a significantadvancement by enabling dyeing with Basic dyes, promising enhanced dye uptake and superior wash fastness comparedtotraditionalReactivedyes.

Speaking on this ground-breaking achievement, theChiefMarketingOfficer(CMO)ofGrasim Industries, Pulp & Fibre Division, Mr. ManMohan Singh expressed pride in the company's commitment to innovation. "This is a proudmomentforBirlaCelluloseasBirlaViscose Intellicolor marks the first of its kind in our

ongoingpursuitofexcellence.Ourcommitmentto pushing the boundaries of what is possible in textile manufacturing has led to this remarkable innovation,"theCMOstated.

Further, the MD of Grasim Industries, MrH.K Agarwal, stated, “Today, we mark not just a milestone in innovation, but a commitment to sustainability. BirlaViscose Intellicolor heralds a new era of vibrancy and responsibility in the textile industry, where innovation meets environmental consciousness.At Birla Cellulose, we weave sustainability into every thread of our operations, ensuring a brighter, more sustainable futurefortextiles."

ThelaunchofIntellicoloratBharatTexsignifiesa monumental moment in the textile industry and promises reduction in water & energy. This fibre notonlymeetstheimmediateneedsoftheindustry but also aligns with the sustainability goals of leadingbrands,markingasignificantsteptowards a more environmentally conscious and vibrant futureforthetextilesector.

ITM2024GetsReadytoBringTextileTechnology LeadersTogetherwithGlobalBuyers

ITM 2024 Exhibition, where world brand companies in textile machinery and technologies will introduce the latest products they have developed, will host a unique experience with the diversity of exhibitors, visitor profile and the business volume it creates. Visitors to ITM 2024 Exhibition will have the opportunity to discover the technologiesthatwillshapethefutureoftextile.

When the dates show June 4-8, 2024, İstanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center will open its doors to host “ITM 2024 International Textile Machinery Exhibition”. ITM 2024 Exhibiton, which will be organized this year with the motto “Discover the Future”, will offer an unmissable opportunity for those who want to discover the

latest innovations in the sector, establish new businesscontactsandshapethetextileworldofthe future together. The newest products to be exhibited at ITM 2024 Exhibition, which will bring together more than 1200 domestic and foreign companies; will meet with thousands of qualifiedbuyers.Thecompaniesthatwillattendin the ITM 2024 Exhibiton, where a billion euro business volume will be realized; will have the opportunity to cooperate with the pioneers of the worldtextileindustry.

Visitors to the ITM 2024 Exhibition, where innovations from every field of textile from weavingtoknitting,fromyarntodigitalprinting, fromfinishingtodenimwilldiscoverinnovative, nature-protecting and pioneering technologies in

March-April2024 TECHNOLOGY

digitalization for a sustainable future. Company owners who will be able to get information from experts about the technologies they will use in their factories; will develop their products and directtheirinvestments.


Thetextilemachinerysectorwillmakeabigleap withthelatesttechnologiestobeexhibitedatITM 2024 and new investment decisions to be taken.

Delegations and global textile investors from many countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, India and Egypt, where textiles are

active,willpreferITM2024Exhibition.Thanksto the machine sales and business partnerships of manufacturersfromallovertheworld;thetextile machinery sector will gain a great momentum in theworldandinTurkey.

Number of Halls Increased at ITM 2024 ExhibitionwhichAttractedGreatInterest Exhibitor companies, which achieved visitor numbers and sales figures above their expectationsintheexhibitionstheyattendedinthe past years, requested to enlarge their stands for ITM 2024. There has also been a significant


increaseinthenumberofcompaniesthatattending theITM2024Exhibitionforthefirsttime.Inline with its goals of expanding the exhibitions, the ITMTeamincreasedthenumberofhallsfrom12 to 13 in order to meet the increasing demands of companies and new exhibitors. Thanks to the expanded exhibition area, companies that have enlarged their stands and have the opportunity to take part in the exhibition for the first time will have the chance to exhibit a wider range of productsandservices.


The'DenimTechnologiesSpecialSection',which was opened for the first time at ITM 2022InternationalTextileMachineryExhibition,which broke records with both exhibitors and visitors from all over the world, attracted great interest from the exhibitors. Denim technology manufacturers, which reached a visitor and sales figure above their expectations at the exhibiton, wantedtoexpandtheirpresenceatITM2024.The 'DenimTechnologiesSpecialSection'wasmoved toHallNo.11A,takingintoaccountthedemands ofmachineryandchemicalmanufacturerssuchas washing, bleaching, dyeing, cutting, patterning, finishing, drying, drying, ozone used in denim productiontobeclosetothe'Dye-Finishing'halls. The'DenimTechnologiesSpecialSection',which will enable companies in the denim sector to

introduce their sustainable innovations and latest technologiestothewholeworld,willguidebuyers and brands looking for reliable information on sustainableproducts.

Get Your ITM 2024 Online Invitation at AdvantageousPrices,EntertheExhibitionOut of Turn!

Theonlineinvitationsystemthatallowsvisitorsto easily enter the ITM 2024 Exhibition has been opened.Thosewhodonotwanttomissthisgreat meetingwillbeabletoregisteronlinebyclicking on the e-invitation link at After filling out the visitor information form, the e-invitation will be sent to the applicant by e-mail. With this einvitation, our visitors will be able to get their badge at the entrance of the fairground and enter theITM2024Exhibitionoutofturn.


Thousands of visitors from Europe, CentralAsia andArab countries, especially Turkic Republics, will visit ITM 2024 Exhibition to be informed about the latest trends in textile machinery.After theITM2022Exhibitionwith102countries,1280 companies and 64,500 professional visitors, ITM 2024 will break new records with the number of exhibitorsandvisitors.

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Oerlikonofferssustainablemachineandsystem technologiesfortheTurkishmanmadefibersmarket

® TherevolutionarynewOerlikonNeumagEvoSteamstaplefiberprocessisnowbluesign certified.

At ITM, Turkey's most important textile machinery exhibition, more than 1,000 international exhibitors will present themselvesfrom4to8June2024attheTuyap Fair and Congress Center in Istanbul. Oerlikon's Polymer Processing Solutions division and its joint venture partner BB Engineeringwillonceagainbetakingpart.The expertsfrombothcompanieswillbeproviding information about their sustainable machines and system technologies at the Tekstil Servis standinHall7,Stand706.

The machine and system manufacturer will be presenting trade fair visitors with complete solutionsfrommelttoyarn,fibersandnonwovens.

"Our customers are showing great interest in factory projects, which include everything from in-house polycondensation systems to texturized yarn and corresponding digital solutions. From melt to yarn and beyond, indeed," explains Sales DirectorOliverLemke.Theunbeatableadvantage of such concepts: the supply of all process steps from a single source promises harmonised

technology, the design of which ensures the high qualityoftheyarnproduced.

Focus on sustainability - always Another focus ofinformationisthetopicofsustainability.There isalotgoingoninmanmadefiberyarnproduction in particular: mechanical and chemical technologies for recycling bottles, but also textiles, biopolymers, circular economy - all of thisisnolongerathingofthefuture.Withpartners and subsidiaries such as Oerlikon Barmag Huitong Engineering (OBHE) and Barmag Brückner Engineering (BBE), Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions is presenting concrete conceptshere.


And this in the 20th anniversary year of its sustainabilitylabele-save!Itwasintroducedback in 2004. The current division was therefore already a pioneer in sustainability back then. "Profitable and sustainable growth for everyone involvedisthegoalofourcompanyandtherefore also our contribution to securing a sustainable



Thetechnologycreatesahighsurfaceareaand,togetherwiththepreciselydefinedresidencetime, providesmoreoptionsforinfluencingthemelt.

future. Performance, quality, sustainability and commitment are the factors that enable our division to face the challenges of the future with confidenceeveryday.Withtheconstantexpansion of our e-save philosophy, we are continuously creating and increasing value with high-quality and innovative solutions for the entire textile industry," explains André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing, Corporate Communications and PublicAffairs.At ITM, Oerlikon will once again be focussing on the topics of energy, economics, environmentandergonomics.


OBHE's homogenisation technology stands for the mechanical recycling of processed polyester (PET) waste such as post-industrial waste (popcorn), bottle flakes and film. The Oerlikon Barmag homogenizer ensures a uniform, homogeneous melt, influences the viscosity increase and thus makes it possible to produce definedrPETpre-productsforfurtherprocessing, such as melt, flakes or fiber material for direct spinning. The first plants have already been successfullycommissionedworldwide.

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AnotherrPETsolutionistheVacuFilsystemfrom BB Engineering. VacuFil is a unique and innovative PET recycling system that combines gentlelarge-scalefiltrationandtargetedregulation of the intrinsic viscosity (IV) for consistently excellentrPETmeltquality.

EvoSteam - sustainable production of staple fibers The EvoSteam process from Oerlikon Neumag is considered a pioneer for more sustainablestaplefiberproductioninthefuture.It impresses with savings in energy, water and raw material consumption, as well as a reduction in operating costs (OPEX) and the CO2 footprintwhile at the same time achieving the excellent fiber qualities required by downstream processes andhighproductionvolumes.

New bicomponent BCF yarn for the carpet market With its latest development in bicomponent yarns for carpet production, Oerlikon Neumag is meeting the carpet market's demandfornewinnovativeBCFyarnsintermsof quality, efficiency and performance. "The new

BICO BCF yarn is characterised by a richer and highervolumewhileatthesametimesignificantly reducing the consumption of raw materials in carpet production," explains Sales DirectorArnd Luppold.Atthetradefairstand,interestedparties can see sample yarns and carpets, find out about the product range and have in-depth discussions withtheexpertsfromOerlikonNeumagaboutthe advantages of BICO BCF yarn in various applications.

Intothefuturewithatmos.ioOerlikonhasbeen successful in the field of digitalisation with its Plant Operation Center (POC) for decades. Over 350installationsinlargemanmadefiberspinning mills around the world enable the control of complex systems with hundreds, even thousands of mostly WINGS POY or FDY winders. The successfulsystemisnowdueforanupdate. With,itwillbepossibletoprocessevenmore data in the future. This will give customers even more benefits and put them in control of the data flowintheirbusiness.



F.l.t.r: Rafael Zaga Saba (CEO Zagis and President of the Mexican Textile Association, CANAINTEX), Frank Dederichs (Managing Director of Trützschler Mexico), Mayer Zaga Cheja (Chief Financial Officer at Zagis), Ralf Grasmehr (Trützschler Area Manager, Customer Service), Mayer Zaga Dichi (Chief Operations Officer at Zagis)

ZagisS.A.deC.V.isafamily-ownedspinningand knittingcompanyinTepejidelRío,Mexico,witha long history and big ambitions for a more sustainablefuture.Innovationisattheheartofits 60-year success story. By partnering with Trützschler, it is embracing cutting-edge technologies that boost efficiency, optimize qualityandsaveresources–includingtheTCO21 comber!

Today, Zagis S.A. de C.V. is a fourth-generation business with a leading position in the Latin American textile industry. Its spinning and knittingfacilitiesareabletoprocessahugevariety

of fibers, with cotton as its main raw material alongside polyester / cotton blends. Its portfolio covers yarns including ring, open end and airjet spinning. And Zagis is now targeting further successworldwide.

Thecompanyoperates13millsinMexicothatcan produceupto200tonsofyarnand20tonsoffabric perdayinlinewithinternationalstandards.Close cooperation with Trützschler has empowered Zagistoachievethoseimpressivenumbers.Asthe latest step, it has added TCO 21 combers at its facilities to accelerate progress toward its ambitious growth plans and to produce combed yarnsonhighqualitylevel.



“My grandfather founded this business with a sharp focus on the quality of its products and services,” says Rafael Zaga Saba, CEO of Zagis and President of the MexicanTextileAssociation (CANAINTEX).“Thatismadepossiblebystateof-the-art technologies. Trützschler has been a powerful partner for many years. Our factories have operated a great variety of card models and now also combersTCO 21.That shows our deep trust in Trützschler's machines and technical support.”


Zagis also has a sharp focus on reducing its environmental footprint. Since 2020, all of its energy consumption has been covered by renewable power. This enables Zagis to avoid 11,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The companyisalsoamemberoftheCottonLEADS program,whichconnectsbusinessesworldwideto lead progress for sustainable cotton sourcing and production.


Modern equipment supports Zagis' ambition to produce highest quality. Trützschler carding machines, for example, achieve high production

output with excellent sliver quality. At the same time, they boost energy efficiency and reduce waste.TheTCO21combersatZagisinTepejidel Río are capable of manufacturing 550 nips per hourwithoutstandingyarnqualitywithminimum noillevel.


“Zagis and Trützschler are both family-owned businesses,” says Rafael Zaga Saba. “On top of that shared history, we have a common set of valuesaboutwhatourworkstandsfor.Qualityand efficiency are incredibly important. We have a deep commitment to technological innovation. Andweshareavisionofamoresustainablefuture for the textile industry too. That's why I am so happyaboutourpartnershipwithTrützschler.”


Looking ahead, Zagis has a clear strategy to expand its position around the globe. In cooperation with Trützschler, it aims to continue itslongtrackrecordofmeetingcustomers'needs. And it is striving to maximize its success while also minimizing its environmental impact for futuregenerations.

The TCO 21 at Zagis

f.l.t.r.: Ralf Grasmehr (Trützschler Area Manager, Customer Service), Mayer Zaga Dichi (Chief Operations Officer at Zagis), Rafael Zaga Saba (CEO Zagis and President of the Mexican Textile Association, CANAINTEX), Frank Dederichs (Managing Director of Trützschler Mexico).



Groz-Beckertdevelopsinnovativesliderneedlefor circularknittingmachinestogetherwithVanguardPailung

In collaboration with Vanguard Pailung, a manufacturer of ultra-high-speed knitting machines for body-size products, Groz-Beckert has developed an innovative slider needle for a new generation of machines. The new needle technology was presented for the first time at the ITMAinJune2023.

Groz-Beckert offers interested machine builders various cooperation opportunities to jointly develop new products or improve existing ones.

Groz-Beckert's Technology and Development Center(TEZ)providestheappropriateframework for so-called co-development projects. One successfulexampleofasuccessfulcooperationis thedevelopmentofanewsliderneedleforcircular knittingmachineswithVanguardPailung.

New slide needle technology for higher productivity

InJune2022,VanguardPailungapproachedGrozBeckertwithacooperationrequest.Togetherwith Groz-Beckert, the company wanted to develop a new needle solution for an innovative ultra-highspeedmachine.Togetherwithaninnovativeslide needle,thenewmachinewastoexceedthespeed and productivity of known knitting systems of largecircularknittingmachines. Machine and needle development ran in parallel andwerecloselycoordinated.Thefirstfieldtests

took place in the Vanguard Pailung laboratory in Monroe/NC, USA in February 2023. The successful development was presented to a wide audienceforthefirsttimeatITMA2023inJune.

Unlikelatchneedles,slideneedlesdonotformthe stitch via a needle latch, but via a slide that is controlled by its own channel. The advantage of thisisthattheneedlecanwithstandhighspeeds,as there is no latch impact, which in turn increases productivity.

Theuseofthenewslideneeldeinultra-high-speed machines ensures a particularly high level of process reliability. With the new needle variant, the closer is guided safely and precisely in the grooveintheneedleshank.Atthesametime,the baseoftheneedleshankisclosed,whichensures maximum stability. The slider needle reliably preventstheso-calledlatchimpactandthusmakes a decisive contribution to process reliability. Its useensuresauniformandspeed-independentloop structure,evenatmaximumspeeds.

Transparentandopencommunication,including theshareduseofdataanddesignspecifications, helpedtoensurethattheprojectwasasuccess rightfromthestart.


AuroTextilesEnhancesWeaving CapabilitieswithPicanol'sUltimaxMachines WEAVING

Auro Textiles, a subsidiary of Vardhman Group—India's leading comprehensive textile conglomerate—has recently advanced its manufacturingprowessbyintegrating28Ultimax rapier weaving machines from Picanol. This significant upgrade coincided with the machines being among the inaugural series produced post the Ultimax's debut at ITMA 2023. The collaboration was celebrated at a special ceremonyatAuroTextiles'facilityinBaddi,India, underlining the enduring partnership between PicanolandAuroTextilesthatspansover27years.

The adoption of the Ultimax rapier machines underscoresthemutualdedicationofPicanoland Auro Textiles to pioneering innovation, superior quality,andsustainabilitywithinthetextilesector.

Mr. Kasiviswanathan Palanisamy, Director of Picanol India, expressed his pride in supporting Auro Textiles' growth journey. He extended

gratitude for their unwavering trust and looked forwardtoacontinuedprosperouspartnership.

Ms. Sagrika Jain, Executive Director of Auro Textiles,sharedinsightsintotheirinitialencounter with the Ultimax machine at Picanol's headquarters in Belgium, highlighting the machine's innovative features that promise to elevate production efficiency, profitability, and adaptability to meet customer demands comprehensively.

TheUltimaxrepresentsaleapforwardinweaving technology, characterized by exceptional performance, sustainability-forward design, and unparalleled ease of operation enabled by extensivedigitizationandintegratedsensors.This strategic enhancement of Auro Textiles' manufacturingcapabilitiespositionsthecompany to better serve the evolving needs of the global textilemarket.



TheItaliancompanyorganisedthreeeventstobringtogetherthetopIndian leadersandprofessionalsinthetextileindustry,topromoteanactivedebate ontechnologicalinnovationsandfuturemarketstrendsofthesector.

Marzoli Textile Engineering, a leading Italian companyintextiletechnology,hassuccessfully concludeditsfirstroadshowinIndia,spanning three dynamic events across different cities. The roadshow, which took place from 9 to 15 March, brought together industry leaders, experts, and stakeholdersfromacrossthetextilevaluechainto discuss and exchange ideas on leveraging technology to address challenges and opportunitiesinthetextileindustry.

Marzoli'sroadshowvisitedthreeIndianstrategical citiesfortextileindustry:

· Coimbatore,

· Ahmedabad,

· Ludhiana

Throughouttheevents,theparticipantsengagedin robustdialogue,addressingkeythemespivotalto the future of the textile industry. Conversations encompassedanoverviewofthecurrentstateof the global textile machinery industry and delved into the Indian textile market, acknowledging its prominence as one of the leading producers of fibres globally. The participants gained insights into the market's growth potential, with a focus on the substantial exportgrowthprojectedoverthenextfiveyears.

Moreover, the roadshow provided a platform for addressingthemultifacetedchallengesfacingthe industry, including supply chain transformations and shifting consumer preferences towards


sustainability. While external challenges remain important, internal obstacles such as production costsandlabourconditionswerealsoscrutinised.

Reviewing the roadshow Mr. Cristian Locatelli, General Manager of Marzoli, said: “We are delighted with the positive response and engagement achieved throughout our events. The discussions and collaborations underscored the importance of technology in driving innovation andsustainabilitywithinthetextileindustry.

“We are grateful to all participants and partners who contributed to the success of our roadshow events.”

Marzoli highlighted numerous opportunities for industry players, including global demand growth, technological advancements, and the burgeoning trend towards sustainable practices. Attendees explored the potential of upcoming technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and innovative materials in revolutionisingtextilemanufacturingprocesses.

At the heart of the discussions was Marzoli Textile Engineering's commitment to driving innovation and sustainability within the industry.Thecompany'scomprehensiveproduct portfolio, showcased during the roadshow, underscored its role as a leading provider of spinning solutions, digital textile solutions, nonwoven solutions, and circular technology. As a Textile Engineering Company, Marzoli also demonstrated how it can be a strategic partner in developingmanycustomisedsolutionsrelatingto sustainabilityandcirculartechnology.

Furthermore, the roadshow aimed to strengthen thelocalcommunityoftextileindustryleadersand contribute to building a positive approach to the future of this traditional but strategically important sector. Through its innovative

technologies and solutions Marzoli sought to reinforce its position as a trusted partner for addressing operational challenges and advancing technologicalfrontiersinthetextileindustry.

Established in 1851 and part of the Textile Division of Camozzi Group since 1999, Marzoli is one of the major worldwide brands in the textile sector and a unique European manufacturer of complete machine lines for the opening, preparationandspinningofshort-staplefibre. From bale openers to ring spinning frames, Marzoli offers advanced technology for completely automated spinning mills. Through its globalsalesandservicenetwork,itsexpertisewith each type of fibre and its application, as well as its experience of the entire manufacturing process, Marzolirepresentsaskilledandreliablepartner. Synergies with the digital capabilities of the Camozzi Group have allowed the development of software solutions that enable informed and optimisedmanagementofthespinningprocess. Established in 1964, the Camozzi Group is a multinational Italian company and market leader in the production of components and innovative systems for industrial automation. It is also a significant player in the integrated Industrial InternetofThings(IIoT4.0)systemssector.Akey driver for the Group is a commitment to complete sustainability.

The Group has expanded its activities into various other sectors: from specialised large machine toolstoadvancedengineeringfortextilemachines and raw materials processing. It has a particular focus on innovative materials involved in additive manufacturing (including composites, titanium and aluminium). The Group has 38 subsidiaries in 78 countries, 2,956 employees, five operating divisionsand25productionsites.

32 March-April2024

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