International Textile Market : Supplement

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Sustainableplantsolutionsforthemanmade fiberindustryinIndiaandBangladesh

The Swiss Oerlikon Group’s Polymer Processing Solutions division will be presenting itself at the ITME 2022 under the banner of ‘From Melt to Yarn, Fibers and Nonwovens’. The international trade fair is taking place in the India Exposition Mart Ltd, Noida, close to New Delhi, India. Between December 8 and 13 this year, more than 1800 exhibitors and over 150.000 visitors are expected. Oerlikon will be presenting a broad range of products and services focused on manufacturing and processing manmade fibers. Oerlikon’s team of experts is very much looking forwardtoseeingyouatboothC15inHall11.

In addition to various new component exhibits from the fields of continuous polycondensation including gearmeteringpumps,filament(POY,FDY,IDY,BCF) and staple fiber spinning, texturing as well as nonwovens production, the dialog with all customers will now more than ever after almost 6 years without an ITME in India be again at the center of the trade showactivities.

ForOerlikon,thiswillbethethirdmajorappearancein theregioninthefourthquarterofthisyear,afterhaving had in November two exciting and interesting customer events in Daman, India, and Dhaka, Bangladesh. This is also because the important markets of India and Bangladesh are currently still standing out in terms of their investment behaviour and currently offer good opportunities for further polymer processing projects. More than 250

participants discussed the technology and market analysispresentationsheldbyOerlikonexperts,atthe Oerlikon Technology Symposium in Daman, India. Afterwards, all guests celebrated the 100th anniversary of Oerlikon Barmag and the 75th independenceofIndiawithabiggalaevent.

India right now continues to have above-average economic growth with a 6.8% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2022. Experts speak of “a bright spotinaglobalgloom”.Somefactsandfigures:

▪ThetextileindustryinIndiaisoneofthelargestinthe world with a large raw material base and manufacturingstrengthacrossthevaluechain.

▪Indiaisthe2ndlargestproducerofMMFFiber India isthe6thlargestexporteroftextilesandapparelinthe world.

▪ India became the second-largest manufacturer of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits in the world.

▪Indiaisthe6thlargestproduceroftechnicaltextiles with a 6% Global Share (12% CAGR), the largest producerofcottonandjuteintheworld.

▪Theindustrycontributesto7%ofindustrialoutputin value terms, 2% of India’s GDP and 12% of the country’sexportearnings.

▪Theshareoftextile,apparelandhandicraftsinIndia’s totalexportswas10.62%in2021-22.

▪ The textile industry in India is one of the largest economic sectors that contributes the most to job creation in the country. It engages 16.73 lakhs of peopleconsistingof10.28%ofthetotalemployment share.

MelttoYarn,FibersandNonwovens–Oerlikonwillbepresentingitslatestmachine andplantsolutionsattheITME.


▪ The domestic apparel and textile industry in India contributes2.3%tothecountry’sGDP,7%ofindustry outputinvalueterms.

▪ The domestic textiles and apparel industry stood at USD152bnin2021.

“Major growth of textiles will come from Manmade Fiber industry”, said Shri Piyush Goyal, Union MinisterofTextiles,ConsumerAffairs,Food&Public Distribution and Commerce & Industry at the end of OctoberinIndia.Hesuggestedthattheindustryshould understand each other and work in synergy to amicablyresolve the issues among the producers and usersofpolyesterintheentirevaluechain.Industry

representatives responded that they are hopeful of achievingtheexportof100billionUSDinthenext5to 6years.


InIndia,however,thingscontinuetogoverywellfor Oerlikon in other respects. In the middle of the year, the joint venture Oerlikon Barmag Huitong (Yangzhou) Engineering Co. Ltd. also recorded a

majorsuccess.Oerlikonwasabletocommissiona300 tonsperdayfilm-gradecontinuouspolycondensation plantattheIndiancustomerSumilon. Sumilon Industries Limited started in 1970, with trading activity and first manufacturing in 1977. Currently the largest manufacturer and exporter of metallicyarnandoneoftheleadingmanufacturersof BOPET film, metalized film, and lacquered film. Sumilon has always been committed to the goal that quality is everything, creating new technologies and enablingsafermaterialsforall.

Infact,theCOVID-19pandemichasalsohadaserious impactontheproject,suchasprojectsiteinstallation, commissioning, start-up and so on. But the teams of Oerlikon and Sumilon worked closely together, constantly exploring new train of thought, entirely guiding on-site installation and commissioning, remotely controlling DCS system to run, and using modern means of hardware and software, the one-off start-up of 300T/D CP plant has been smoothly achieved,andthedeviceisnowstableinoperation.





Bangladeshstillhashugepotential,especiallyforthe manmadefiberindustry Intheso-calleddownstream (weaving, knitting, finishing, etc.), the country is alreadyveryadvanced,butwhatismissingisitsown raw material production (MEG, PTA) and its processinginacontinuouspolycondensationplant,as suppliedbyOerlikon.WithModernSyntex,however, the first "From Melt to Yarn and Fibers” plant is currentlybeingbuiltinChittagong,Bangladesh,under ourleadership.Somefactsandfigures:

▪Withmorethan164millioninhabitants,Bangladesh is the eighth largest country in the world in terms of population. This makes it one of the most densely populatedcountriesintheworld.

▪ The economy of the up-and-coming country continues to grow rapidly, even during the Covid19 pandemic,andthepovertyratehasbeenhalvedsince 2000.By2026,Bangladeshwillhaveofficiallyleftthe

status of a Least Developed Country (LDC), and by 2041, the country aims to become a high-income industrializedcountry(HIC).

▪Bangladesh'seconomicsuccessisprimarilybasedon its textile industry, which accounts for 10% of the grossnationalproductand80%oftheexportearnings.

▪Bangladeshistheworld'ssecondlargestexporterof textiles.

With a colourful and informative event, held in the capitalDhaka,morethan200invitedguestscelebrated the 100th anniversary of Oerlikon Barmag and the 50th anniversary of independence and liberty of Bangladesh. The Mayor of Dhaka, MdAtiqul Islam, emphasised the importance of the textile industry for his country and held out the prospect of further investments, especially in the field of manmade fiber production.





CustomereventsinDaman,India,andDhaka,Bangladesh. OerlikonroundtablediscussioninDaman,India.



HallH12.0,boothNo.H12B23 December8–13,2022


India ITME 2022 is an important exhibition for the textile industry and thus offers a central forum for dialogue within the textile production sector with the relevant supply chain comprising textile machine building,fibreproduction,ancillariesandaccessories.

For DiloGroup this event is a good oppportunity to inform customers and interested parties about new developments aimed at improving production technologieswithafocusonneedlefelts.

It becomes more evident that the textile industry comes into the focus of regulatory authorities who push respecting sustainability principles and who initiateanewbodyoflaws.Henceallindustrialsectors are requested to achieve savings in material and energy Thetextilemachinebuilding,ofcourse,plays animportantrolebyseizingthisinitiativeandoffering solutions for fibre pulp recycling and reduction of energy,waterandancillaries.DiloGrouphasmadebig

effortstomeetthesechallengestogetherwithacircle ofpartnercompanies.Inthisregardfocalpointsofthe developmentworkare:


Needling per se is a mechanical production method

with a high energy efficiency. For this reason, the development efforts of DiloGroup aim at producing nonwovens by “intense needling” instead of water entangling, even for light nonwovens made of fine fibresforthemedicalandhygienesectorwithanarea weight of 30 – 100 g/m2. This would result in a reduction of the environmentally relevant production costs;perannumtoabout1/3to1/5ofcurrent.

Despitetheprospectiveadvantagesofthemechanical intense needling method over the hydrodynamical, water entanglement is at the moment the most importantproductionmethodforlowareaweightsand highestproductioncapacityandisalsoofferedbythe DiloGroup as general contractor in cooperation with partnercompanies.


Fibrous material in nonwovens and particularly used clothes can be successfully recycled, if staple length canbeconservedinthetearingprocess.Intheclassical tearing process, staple lengths are dramatically reducedandthereforethesefibrescanonlybeusedas base material for inferior uses in thermal or acoustic insulation or in protective textiles, transportation or protectivecoversetc.



When recycling textile waste in the context of the collection of used clothes, the so called “filamentsaving” tearing using special tearing machines and methods must be used to produce fibres with longer staple lengths which can be fed to a nonwoven installation. Hence product characteristics can be betterspecifiedandcontrolled.


Theadditiveproductionmethodofthe“3D-Lofter”is especiallysuitedforautomotivepartswithdifferently distributedmasses;buttheremayalsobepotentialfor increasing uses in the sector of apparel and shoe production.


In the field of card feeding, the “IsoFeed” method

offers great potential for a more homogeneous card feeding at the same time reducing the variation in cross-machine fibre mass distribution and thus the fibre consumption while conserving the end product quality

DiloGroupwouldliketodiscusstheabovementioned developments of needling technology as well as modules of Industry 4.0 applications for further digitalization during the Techtextil exhibition. We will, of course, also inform about the numerous universal and special applications of the complete nonwovenstechnology

The DiloGroup staff look forward to meeting again customers and interested parties within the textile industry

3D-Lofter Diloneedlingline

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