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MultiMode®:fromlabtoproductionofbiobasedtextileandtechnicalfilament yarns




ShiftsinGlobalTextileMachineryShipmentsReflectGrowingSpinning Industry





LotusTeknikTekstilinvestsinANDRITZMetrisAll-In-Onedigitalization platformforitsnewnonwovensline










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TechtextilIndia2023:TheGatewayto India'sTechnicalTextilesRevolution

Aswestandonthecuspofremarkableprogress,theintegrationof technologyintoeverysphereofhumanendeavourhasbecomethe norm rather than the exception. The Indian textiles sector, often perceived as traditional and unchanged, has not remained untouchedbythiswaveoftechnologicaladvancement.Thesector is witnessing a surge in the domain of technical textiles, an area thatusesthemarriageoftechnologyandtextilestocreateproducts withenhancedfunctionalityandutility.

Amidst this transformative phase, events like Techtextil India 2023 emerge as pivotal platforms that convene industry professionals,innovators,andgloballeadersunderoneroof.The event showcases the latest advancements, products, and technologies in the technical textiles sector, making it a cornerstonefortheevolutionoftheindustryinIndia.

Techtextil India 2023 is not merely an exhibition; it is a meeting ground for innovation, ideas, and inspiration. It offers stakeholdersauniqueopportunitytoconnectwithpioneersfrom acrosstheglobe,engageinmeaningfuldialogues,formstrategic partnerships, and gain exposure to revolutionary ideas. By bringing the most cutting-edge developments in the sector to India, Techtextil provides a significant impetus to the Indian technicaltextilesindustry.

The Indian technical textiles sector has been on an upward trajectory,andTechtextilIndia2023promisestofuelthisgrowth further.Withthegovernment'spushtopromotethissectorandthe increasingawarenessofitspotential,thefuturelookspromising. Techtextil is the ideal platform to showcase India's capabilities, attractforeigninvestment,andfosteracultureofinnovationinthe sector.

Moreover, the event also serves as a platform to bridge the gap between academia and industry. With research institutions and universities showcasing their work, industry participants can adoptinnovativesolutionsintotheiroperations,leadingtogreater efficiencyandproductivity.

Additionally, the event gives a major boost to the Make in India initiative by showcasing the potential of the Indian technical textilessectortotheworld.Withitsfocusonsustainableandecofriendly practices, the exhibition aligns with global trends and pushestheIndianindustrytoadheretointernationalstandards.

Insummary,TechtextilIndia2023ismorethanjustanevent-itis a catalyst that propels the Indian technical textiles industry forward. By fostering a collaborative environment, enabling knowledge exchange, and showcasing groundbreaking technology, it plays an indispensable role in the growth and evolutionofthesector.

AsweeagerlylookforwardtoTechtextilIndia2023,werecognize its importance as a harbinger of progress and innovation for the Indian technical textiles sector, an event that will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of this burgeoning industry in the years to come.

2023 02


SICAM srl are having extensive knowledge of nonwoven machinery and equipment and are providing all types of technologies for making nonwovenfabrics.Theyhaveexperienceover50years andarehavingfactorynearMilan,Italy.

SOHAM Enterprises, professional agency having experience in the field of nonwoven and spinning


Youcanreachbyemail or


SASAplacescustomerserviceorderwithOerlikonNeumag Up-to-datewithoriginalparts&SecureRemoteServices

SASAPolyesterSanayiA.Ş.andOerlikonNeumag reinforced their partnership at the ITMA 2023 tradefairinMilan.SASAplacedacustomerservice order with Oerlikon Neumag for its staple fiber systems. The order comprises both original parts andtwosecureremoteserviceagreements

Original parts are designed explicitly for the demandingdeploymentofthesystemsforwhichthey areintended.Duetotheirsuperlativequalitystandards, they are considerably more durable than other spare parts, hence preventing unplanned production stoppages and saving money in the longer term.

Mustafa Kemal Öz, Executive Board Member & General Manager of SASA confirms this: “Cutting costs when it comes to original parts makes no sense. Poorqualityinwearpartsusedforstaplefibersystems always has a negative impact – either directly on the quality of the yarn or on the system performance overall.”

Secure remote service is a ‘good-bye’ to system downtimes!

Remote service has long been absolutely essential in theglobally-networkedtextileindustry.Remoteaccess to systems permits pinpointed intervention, with a degree of accuracy that cannot be offered over the

phoneorbye-mail,henceallowingsystemoperatorsto increase their productivity. And for good reason: unplanned production system downtimes and the associated production stoppages swiftly drive the corresponding costs into the five-figure range. “Remoteservicescanhelpuspreventor–intheevent ofaproblem–significantlyreducethesedowntimes”, explains Mustafa Kemal Öz, giving his reason for optingfortheseserviceagreements.

And this is also beneficial to ITsecurity, as Oerlikon sets high standards, constantly keeping the corresponding hardware and software up-to-date. “When customers choose a Secure Remote Service Contract, the requisite hardware, software and all upgradesareincluded.Withthis,customersnolonger face additional purchasing costs and are no longer under pressure to continually update their technical security requirements. We assume these tasks for them”, comments Robert Jürgens, Regional Sales Director Customer Services for Oerlikon Neumag, highlightingthebenefits.

SASAPolyesterSanayiA.Ş.,headquarteredinAdana, is one of Turkey’s top 20 industrial enterprises and a globally-leading manufacturer of polyester polymers, fibersandfilamentyarns.

Reinforcinganalreadystrongpartnership:ÖmerSan,TaskinAytekin,RobertJürgens, MustafaKemalÖz,MathiasPilz,MartinRademacherandAbdullahKeleş(fromlefttoright)


The worldwide unique innovation congress, where the entireindustryisrepresentedtogeneratenewinnovations, offers125lecturesandwilltakeplacefromSeptember1315, 2023 at the Kulturhaus, Dornbirn, Austria. The international speakers will explain how innovations from research and development can be put into practice. Connectingthetextilevaluechain,fromfibertoenduser, succeeds with the participation of visitors from 34 countries,fromfiber,textileindustrytobrandsandretail.


“Circularity: The new business model”. The presentationbyStephanSielaff,CEOofLenzingAG,will provide insight into this cutting-edge issue in the fiber industryandwillhighlightthistopicfromtheperspective oftheleaderinthecellulosefiberindustry.

"TheEUSustainableTextilesStrategy-itsimpactonthe globaltextileecosystem".WiththistopicDirkVantyghem, CEOEURATEXwillgiveanoverviewintotheEUtextile strategy and the preparations of the planned legislation. The upcoming changes for European/Global textile companies will be enormous. EURATEX asks the Europeaninstitutionstocreateaconsistentandintelligent regulatory framework, to provide financial resources for investmentsininnovationandtostimulatethedemandfor sustainabletextiles.

The long-standing sponsor of the Dornbirn GFC, the company Gherzi Textil Organisation AG, will be representedbyCEOGiuseppeGherziwiththetitle"2030a new Textile World Order" and will focus on the new wayforwardfortheglobaltextileindustry.

Dornbirn GFC is proud to announce the large energy providerVerbundAGatthecongress.InnovationDirector Rudolf Zauner will give a presentation “Energy innovations–thekeytoclimateneutrality”enlightening the importance of the fibre and textile industry in this context.


The aim of the Dornbirn GFC is to present sustainable innovations in the fiber industry. Central topics include sustainability and circular economy. Cooperations are a necessity in this context and the Dornbirn GFC acts as a networkgenerator.RWTHAachenhasenteredintosucha cooperation with the industry partners and offers a whole blockoflecturesonFridaymorning.


Ÿ Automation and digitalization of textile sorting for reuseandrecycling

Ÿ Sustainable recycling: How length-preserving tearing contributestotheproductionofhigh-qualityyarn

Ÿ Frommixedwastetorecyclingfeedstock–automated sortingandpre-processingofpost-consumertextiles

Ÿ Condition monitoring with intelligent sensor fibers to enablesustainabletechnologies

Ÿ Potentials and opportunities for the use of shape memoryfibresin4Dtextiles


The innovators were organized in cooperation with FashionForGoodandPWC.Theseriesoflecturesofmore than20participantsrangedfromthetopicsoflight-curing processesforstretchtextiles,upcycledflexiblefoamfrom naturalfiberstoquantificationmethodsforrecycledfibers infabricsandyarns.

Asummaryofthelecturesandcontentscanbefoundonthe homepageoftheDornbirnGFCundertheprogrampoint3

InnovationsDays: Award ceremoniesatthe62ndDornbirnGFC2023:

The "Young Scientist Award" of Lenzing AG will be awardedagainthisyearattheDornbirnGFC.

As one of the leading innovators in sustainably produced fibers and fabrics, Lenzing AG has been in an excellent position for decades. Through contact with young scientists,researchanddevelopmentcanbeadvancedand innovative and technological progress is guaranteed. The Lenzing“YoungScientistAward”willbeawardedwith€ 5.000,-. Man-made fibers research innovations at universities and research institutes are supported with the annual awarding of the Paul Schlack Prize as well as cooperationwiththeindustrywiththeHonoraryPrize.In 2023, European Man-Made Fibres Association (CIRFS), Brussels/Belgium, will continue the tradition at the 62nd Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress (GFC) from September 13-15, 2023, in Dornbirn/Austria highlighting R&D excellence at the plenary session.The Main Paul Schlack Prizewillbeawardedwith€3.000foranauthorofatheme fromauniversityorresearchinstitute.TheHonoraryPrize will be presented for a project leader of a joint research project between a university/research institute and industry.


Ÿ Fiberinnovation&BioMaterials

Ÿ Sustainability&CircularEconomy

Ÿ Nonwovens&TechnicalTextiles

Ÿ Apparel&Sports Program,speakerslineupandticket:

We would like to thank our partners and sponsors who supportusdespitethedifficulteconomicsituation,believe inandholdontothecohesioninthefiberindustryandthe importantnetworkingfunctionoftheDornbirnGFC.

GlobalFibreCongress2023:DrivingInnovationand SustainabilityinDornbirn,Austria July-September2023


MajorInvestmentsMadeintheTechnicalTextileand GarmentIndustries

Aprouddelegationof35companiesandorganizations fromQuebecandCanada,bringingtogetherover100 executives from the technical textile and garment industries, attended ITMA 2023, the world's biggest tradeshowintheareaofmanufacturinginnovationand technology,fromJune8to14,2023,inMilan,Italy.

OrganizedbyTechniTextileQuébec,CTTGroup, the mmode Cluster, Vestechpro and the Comité sectoriel de main-d'œuvre de l'industrie textile du Québec (CSMO Textile), the mission proved a tremendous success. It enabled business leaders to discover the latest technological advances, which are essential to keepingtheirmanufacturingoperationsuptodate.

The delegation brought together companies specializing in the development and production of technical textiles intended for the furniture, construction, environment, civil engineering, apparel transportation, sports and leisure, and personal protection markets, as well as the industrial and medicalsectors.,Thegrowingdemandforinnovative technical materials, enthusiasm for buying locally, repatriation of some production operations previouslycarriedoutabroadandlabourshortageare all factors prompting organizations to make major investments in automation and integrating cuttingedgetechnologyintotheirmanufacturingactivities.


revealed that 90% of companies expect to invest millionsofdollarsduringthenextyeartoacquirenew equipment.In70%ofcases,thisequipmentwillmeet new production needs, while in 50%, it will replace equipment at the end of its useful life. The figures clearly indicate that the industry's growth is set to continue. These strategic investments are aimed at accelerating the transition to 4.0—a key initiative for improvingthetechnicaltextileindustry'sproductivity.

Valuable Support in the Selection and DecisionMakingProcess

Each day, technology managers were tasked with identifying the most interesting and relevant cuttingedge technologies, based on manufacturers' needs. Theypresentedtheirdiscoveriestoparticipantsduring technologyreviewsessions.

The mission was also able to count on the support of the expert team at CTT Group—a key technology transfer centre specializing in technical textiles and advancedmaterials—toguideexecutivesinanalyzing and selecting manufacturing equipment and textile materials. Vestechpro, an apparel research and innovation centre, was also on hand to offer valuable support.


Themissionalsofacilitatedalliances,partnershipsand networking among Quebec and Canadian



Readyfor2027! organizations.Collaborationis integralto the sector's innovationstrategy.

Many business leaders took advantage of the opportunity to meet with clients and future business partnersfromaroundtheworld.

All the manufacturers have already confirmed their intention of taking part in the experience again at the next ITMA show, which will take place in Hanover, Germany,in2027.

Fromlefttoright:MathieuSt-ArnaudLavoie,executivedirectorofmmode;DanyCharest,General ManagerofTechniTextileQuébec;RalphMaloumbyBaka,ResearchandInnovationAttachéof GouvernementduQuébecinItaly;andValerioIzquierdo,Vice-President,BusinessDevelopmentand Partnerships,ofCTTGroup
Fromlefttoright:DanyCharest,GeneralManagerofTechniTextileQuébec;SimoneGrassi,TradeCommissionerat EmbassyofCanadatoItaly;PauletteKaci,ExecutiveDirectorofVestechpro;MathieuSt-ArnaudLavoie,executive directorofmmode;RalphMaloumbyBaka,ResearchandInnovationAttachéofGouvernementduQuébecinItaly; andValerioIzquierdo,Vice-President,BusinessDevelopmentandPartnerships,ofCTTGroup


14 GlobalParticipation:ITMA2023inPhotos July-September2023


16 GlobalParticipation:ITMA2023inPhotos July-September2023


18 GlobalParticipation:ITMA2023inPhotos July-September2023


20 GlobalParticipation:ITMA2023inPhotos July-September2023




ANDRITZNonwovenandTextile atTechtextilIndia

International technology group ANDRITZ will be presenting its innovative nonwovens production and textilesolutionsatTechtextilIndiainMumbai,India, onSeptember12–14(boothK12,Pavilion2&3).The ANDRITZ product portfolio encompasses state-ofthe-art production technologies such as airthrough bonding,airlaid,airlay,needlepunch, spunlace, spunbond, wetlaid/WetlaceTM, converting, textile finishing,recycling,andnaturalfiberprocessing.The booth at Techtextil India will highlight technologies for wipes, textile recycling, needlepunch, and textile calendering.


ANDRITZ will focus on its comprehensive technologies for all types of wipes: AirlaceTM, Spunlace, WetlaceTM, and Wetlace CP. With the recent acquisition of Dan-Web, ANDRITZ is expanding its portfolio to include the well-known

airlaidandairlaceprocesses,offeringitscustomersan even wider range of options.As a leading supplier to the nonwovens industry, ANDRITZ plays an important role in the development of sustainable products – such as wipes that are biodegradable and producedfromnaturalorrecycledfibers–allwithone goal in mind: to reduce and eliminate plastic components and to reuse raw materials while maintaining the high quality of the desired product properties.

Moreover,customershavetheopportunitytoconduct trialsandexplorevariousoptionswiththeguidanceof ANDRITZ experts at the technical center in Montbonnot, France. This center is the world's first nonwovenstestfacilityforwipes,featuringintegrated pulpformation,theneXecodryenergysavingsystem, andanewspunlacepilotlinefornaturalandrecycled fibers.



ThespotlightwillbealsoplacedonANDRITZ'srange of complete textile recycling lines for postconsumer and industrial textile waste, aiming to produce fibers for re-spinning and nonwoven applications. With increased customer awareness and regulatory pressure, clothing brands are compelled to recycle their textile waste in their own products. The nonwovens industry can also userecycled fibers in various applications such as automotive upholstery, insulation, mattresses, filtration,and furniture felts. ANDRITZ offers airlay technology capable of effectively processing recycled fibers,as a complete line with thermobonding, needlelooms, or alternative bondingmethods.

Customers are welcome to conduct trials with our expertsandcomparethedifferentoptionsavailablein the technical center for textile recycling, airlay, and bast fiber processes at ANDRITZ Laroche inCours, France.


The ANDRITZ needlepunch portfolio represents another highlight for Techtextil India. It offers customers superior technologies and enables them to

produce exactly the fabric characteristics they need, like market entry solutions to premium production linesfromverylight(<70gsm)toheavy(upto4,000 gsm)fabricweights.

ANDRITZ will also highlight its latest solutions in PTFE processing for filtration from raw fiber to the end of line with dedicated expertise to enhance productioncapacityandproductuniformity.

Another focus will be ProWid TM technology for profileweightcorrectionintheneedlepunchindustry,

fitting both our eXcelle crosslappers and our aXcess range of batt forming solutions for a wider, cost sensitive approach. This device optimizes processes by ensuring a more regular product weight and providingafasterreturnoninvestmentviasignificant material savings. The ProWid system allows the cardedwebtobestretchedtoreduceitsfiberweightso that the stretched web areas can be laid by the crosslapperonbothedgesofthefibermatprovided.Its closed loop design is an advantage in constantly improving the CV%. Better products then make it possible to penetrate new markets or to implement moreattractivepricesformostapplications.

At the needlepunch technical center at ANDRITZ Asselin-ThibeauinElbeuf,France,customersare

welcometoconducttrialswithANDRITZexpertsand comparethedifferentoptions.


Given the anticipated rapid increase in demand for textile fibres in the years to come, it is crucial to implement transformative sustainable consumption and production models both in the garment and technical textile industries. In order to make out of biobased fibres a real competitor to established polymers like polyester or nylon, both securing feedstocks and a further development of spinning technologies will be essential. DIENES supports its customersintheirworkdevelopingcutting-edgefibre productsfromthefirstlaboratoryteststothemodular construction of their production lines. Innovative products like precursor yarns for carbon fibres made from renewable raw materials are produced and improvedwithDIENESspinningsystems.

A reliable development of textile and technical filamentyarnsdemandsanefficient,systematicand,in part, self-optimising experimental working system, which must be intelligent in gathering data from the processandflexibleinenablingtherearrangementof the process. DIENES's approach to meet such

® ®demandsiscalledMultiMode.InaMultiMode plant, eachprocessstepisrepresentedbyamodulewhichcan be individually adapted to customer-specific

requirements and has its own decentralised control. Thus, DIENES production lines consist of several intelligent modular units which can be easily exchangedandrearrangedatanytimewithareduced programming effort. Moreover, all production parameters can be permanently visualised and recorded, enabling a complete traceability of the ® process.The MultiMode concept has been validated accordingtoGMPguidelinesandGAMPstandardsin the manufacturing of medical products. Thus, ®MultiMode isaqualifiedsolutionforcustomersfrom thepharmaceuticalandbiomedicalsector.

®MultiMode Explorer is the tool for control and ® visualisationofaMultiMode line.Acompletelynew graphicaluserinterfacewaspresentedbyDIENESat ® theITMAinMilano.MultiMode Explorerallowsfor instance a real-time evaluation of all sensors, recipe management, long-term-monitoring of operation parameters and remote access to the plant for service and operation. Relevant data can be monitored and controlledtoimprovetheproductionprocesswiththe highestdegreeofprecision.

® MultiMode:fromlabtoproductionofbiobasedtextile andtechnicalfilamentyarns


The KARL MAYER GROUP is intensifying its business activities in Turkey and is setting up a subsidiary in Bursa. The opening of the new site is plannedfornextOctober.

By establishing this subsidiary, the KARL MAYER GROUPisrespondingtotheincreasingdemandsofits customersandthegrowingimportanceoftheTurkish market.

Thecompany'ssuccessonthemarkettodatehasbeen made possible to a large extent by its close and longstanding cooperation with Erko, the KARL MAYER GROUP'sregionalrepresentative.Thetwocompanies havebeencooperatingformorethan50yearsandsee further positive market development inTurkey in the mediumtolongterm.

In order to exploit and shape the potential, they will sharpen the focus of their competences in the Warp Knitting and Warp Preparation Business Units: Erko A.S.willfocusonsales,takingadvantageofitslongstanding regional network. The KARL MAYER

GROUPwilltakeovertheafter-salesserviceandoffer customers a link to the Care Solutions world of the group.Customersbenefitfromnext-levelsupportwith manyinnovativesolutions,especiallydigitalones,for meetingthechallengesofourtime.

TheheadquartersinBursacoversjustunder1,000m² onthreelevels.Itoffersspaceforservice,anacademy with textile samples and a training machine, a workshop for minor repairs and a warehouse for the sparepartsbusiness.Locatedinthetop-sellingregion in Turkey, it is also designed as a contact point for customers."Wearethere.Ourcustomerscancometo us and take part in courses, get advice, talk to a technicianorbuyspareparts,"saysAxelWintermeyer, Vice President Care Solutions at the KARLMAYER GROUP. In the future, textile trials will also be possible,headds.

ThankstoitsstrongpositionontheTurkishmarket,the KARL MAYER GROUP intends to support the companies here, most of which are family-run, in the forthcominggenerationalchanges,andtoprovidethe next generation with specialist support and qualifications.

The KARL MAYER GROUP sets up a subsidiary in Bursa


The KARL MAYER GROUP receives a business delegation from Jinjiang, a city in Fujian province China is an important market for the KARLMAYER GROUP. The global player has maintained close businessrelationswiththishigh-consumptioncountry in East Asia for a long time. Only on July 24, a delegation from Jinjiang, the brand capital of China, visited the group's headquarters in Obertshausen. Representatives of the regional authorities and successful companies in the textile and apparel industrywerereceived.Thisindustry,richintradition, makesthelargestcontributiontothecity'sbudget.The companies represented in the tour group alone generate around 50% of Jinjiang's gross domestic product. Among the guests from the business world were warp knitting, knitting and weaving companies, butalsoleathergoodsandshoemanufacturersaswell as brands from the sports sector such as 361° orAnta andfromtheclothingsector,forexampleLILANZor Septwolvesformenswear.

There was a correspondingly high level of interest in theprogramofvisits:immediatelyafterthereception, therewasasmallbutexcellentinsightintotheworldof applications for the products of KARL MAYER GROUPmachines.Theinnovativesolutionsforsports shoes were a particular highlight. In addition, the

hosts,headedbyCEOArnoGärtner,exchangedideas withthevisitorsaboutcooperationopportunities.The KARLMAYERGROUPhasalwaysbeencommitted tobeingclosetoitscustomers.Ifthemarketdemands it, the company is looking forward to being able to build on Jinjiang's locational advantages, says Arno Gärtner. This is not an unrealistic scenario. In the Chinese textile industry, warp knitting is a comparatively young technology, having been established about 30 years ago, but it has great potential, explained Wenxin Ke, Chairman of Huayu Weaving Co., Ltd. Especially in terms of sustainability, warp knitting offers advantages over weavinginmanyapplications,asbecameclearduring thediscussion.Furthermore,technologicalpioneering solutionshavemadeChinagreat.Theirpromotionhas alwaysbeenontheagendaoftheChinesegovernment. AlookattheKARLMAYERGROUP'sdevelopment center showed the delegation what best-in-class technologycanlooklike.

Theinformativeandcordialget-togetherendedwitha returninvitationtoJinjiangandmanynewimpressions andimpulsesonbothsides.



The cooperation with Balkan Textile Machinery. INC.CO completes our product portfolio for recycling by cutting and pulling solutions, making us the first full-liner in spinning preparation for recycling! Thanks to our combined machinery expertise and technological know-how our customerscanproduceyarnsatthehighestpossible qualitylevel–andliterallyturnwasteintovalue.

WearehappytointroduceBalkanTextileMachinery. INC.CO, a partner that not only complements our product line but also shares our values. Both Balkan and Trützschler are family-owned companies for whom sustainability in the textile chain is a major concern. Balkan is well established inTurkey, one of themostimportantmarketsfortextilerecycling.Their robustandreliablemachineshelptocut,mixandtear textilewastetoindividualfibers,andtopresstheminto balesofsecondaryfibers.Thesebalescanbefedtothe preparationprocesswithTrützschlermachines.

“We are now able to provide a complete line-up of technologically leading machinery which has been specifically developed for rotor and ring yarns from recycled materials”, says Markus Wurster, Director

Sales and Marketing at Trützschler Group. “Customers benefit from less complexity when planning and executing a mill project. The combined processes from Trützschler and Balkan are perfectly fine-tuned, reliable and reproducible.And of course, customers have access to Trützschler’s premium service.” Osman Balkan, Owner of Balkan Textile Machinery. INC.CO, adds: “I am very happy that we canjoinforceswithsuchastronginternationalplayer like Trützschler. Together we can make a significant contributiontodealingwithtextilewasteglobally.

"Processing secondary fibers with appropriate cardclothing

Of course, appropriate card clothing is part of our complete recycling solution. Trützschler Card Clothingcontinuouslydevelopedtheircardclothingto meetthetechnologicalchallengesintheprocessingof

secondary fibers and to improve the resulting yarn quality.Specialattentionhasbeenpaidtotheflattopas the heart of the carding process. Trützschler Card ClothinghascombinedthestrengthofMT/PT40and

the cleaning power of MT/PT 45, resulting in the developmentoftheMT/PT45R–thenewflattopfor recycled materials. The right combination of flat top

MarkusWurster,DirectorSalesandMarketingatTrützschlerGroup(left), andOsmanBalkan,OwnerofBalkanTextileMachineryINC.CO(right).

andcylinderwireisthekeyforyarnquality Therefore, Trützschler Card Clothing offers various cylinder wires suitable for different recycling applications depending on production rates, type of textile waste and raw material – pure or blends. Thanks to this specification, customers can benefit from the best possiblecardingresult,longlifetimeofwiresandhigh productioninrecyclingapplications.

"We are excited to offer our customers globally a complete package for recycling from June 2023 onwards”, says Markus Wurster, “including tearing line,blowroom,card,drawframe,cardclothingandof courseourserviceandtechnologicalknow-how.

TRUECYCLED stands for state-of-the art recycling installations from Trützschler. These Trützschler preparationprocessesenablemanufacturerstoachieve a high-quality end-product from hard waste. With TRUECYCLED, manufacturers can rest

assured they usethebesttechnologyandareliableand reproducible manufacturing process – the prerequisite for high-qualityyarnmadefromhardtextile waste.

How does aTRUECYCLED process look like? It is based on Trützschler’s technological recommendations and a Trützschler machinery lineup to ensure ideal results from recycled materials. For example, Trützschler recently worked with a fashion company to make use of their own preconsumer waste. Thanks to a special combination of Trützschler blow room machinery, the usage of TC 19i for Recycling and Trützschler draw frames, it was possible to create a ring yarn containing 60 % of pre-consumer waste – a true TRUECYCLED product! Trützschler customers and partners may use the brand TRUECYCLED for both the process itself and the end-product,aslong asitcontainsasignificantamountoftextilewaste.

Fromwastetovalue:BalkanandTrützschlerprocessfortherecyclingofhardtextilewaste. MT/PT45Rflattopforrecycling




In2022,globalshipmentsofnewshort-staplespindles, open-end rotors, and long-staple spindles rose by +27%,+85%,and+195%,respectively(year-on-year). Deliveries of draw-texturing spindles decreased by13% and the number of shipped shuttle-less looms droppedby-23%.Shipmentsoflargecircularknitting machines declined by -27% and shipped flat knitting machines registered a 24%-reduction. The sum of all deliveriesin the finishing segment decreased by -28% onaverage.

These are the main results of the 45th annual International Textile Machinery Shipment Statistics (ITMSS) just released by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF). The report covers six segments of textile machinery, namely spinning, draw-texturing, weaving, large circular knitting, flat knitting, and finishing. Asummary of the findings for eachcategoryispresentedbelow.The2022surveyhas been compiled in cooperation with more than 200 textile machinery manufacturers representing a comprehensivemeasureofworldproduction.


The total number of shipped short-staple spindles increasedby2,1millionunitsin2022toalevelof9.76 million. Most of the new shipments went to Asia & Oceania (86%) where deliveries increased by +21% comparedto2021.Europe(incl.Türkiye)andAmerica, North,rank2ndand3rdwithrespecttonewdeliveries. While levels remained relatively small in Africa, the region ranked 4th and experienced the strongest surge in year-on-year shipments with a +290%-increase (primarilygoingtoEgypt).Thesixlargestinvestorsin the short-staple segment were China, India, Bangladesh,Pakistan,Türkiye,andUzbekistan


Global shipments of single heater draw-texturing spindles (mainly used for polyamide filaments) decreasedby-14%fromnearly75,1thousandunitsin 2021 to 64,4 thousand units in 2022. With a share of 95%, Asia & Oceania remained the strongest destinationforsingleheaterdraw-texturingspindlesin 2022. China, Türkiye, and Japan were the 3 main investorsinthissegmentwithashareof84%,3,5%,and 2,3%ofglobaldeliveries,respectively.Inthecategory ofdoubleheaterdraw-texturingspindles(mainlyused forpolyesterfilaments),globalshipmentsdecreasedby -13%toalevelof756thousandspindles.Asia'sshareof worldwide shipments remained at 95% and China continuedtobetheworld'slargestinvestor,accounting for86%ofglobalshipments.


In 2022, global shipments of shuttle-less looms decreasedby-23%to114thousandunits.Deliveriesin the categories “air-jet” and “water-jet” dropped by13% and -38,4% to 39,3 and 46,6 thousand looms, respectively. The number of “rapier and projectile” loomsroseby+5.3%to28,3thousandunits.Themain destination for shuttle-less looms in 2022 wasAsia & Oceaniawith93%ofworldwidedeliveries.95%,85%, and 97% of global air-jet, rapier/projectile, and waterjetloomswereshippedtothatregion,respectively.The maininvestorforair-jetandwater-jetloomswasChina. The main investor for rapier-and-projectile looms was India with 11.4 thousand units (a 70%-increase comparedto2021).




Asia&Oceaniawastheworld'sleadinginvestorinthis categorywith77%ofglobalshipments.Chinawasthe favoured destination with 45% of all deliveries (i.e., 9'930 units) despite a decrease of - 55% compared to 2021. India and Bangladesh ranked second and third destinationswith3'105and2'644units,respectively.In 2022, the number of shipped electronic flat knitting machines decreased by -24% to 72,6 thousand machines.Asia&Oceaniawasthemaindestinationfor suchmachineswithashareof83%ofworldshipments. Chinaremainedtheworld'slargestinvestorwitha63%share of total shipments despite a -41%-decrease in investment. Shipments to the country dropped from 67,7 thousand units in 2021 to 39.6 thousand units in 2022.


In the “fabrics continuous” segment, the number of shippedstentersdecreasedby-35%from2'750unitsin 2021 to 1'780 units in 2022. This number includes an estimate for the total number of stenters shipped by companies which have not participated to the ITMF survey to better grasp the global market size for finishingmachinery.Participatingcompaniesreported adecreaseinallothermachinecategoriescoveredinthe report (between -2,5% for “Relax Dryers / Tumblers” and -81% for “Bleaching – Line”), with exception of “SingeingLine”whichgrewfrom4to22units.Inthe “fabrics

discontinuous”segment,thenumberofshipped“jigger dyeing/beamdyeing”and“airjetdyeing”declinedby35%and-45%to707unitsand675units,respectively. In2022,deliveriesinthecategories“overflowdyeing” increasedby+4%to1'714units.



Mr Kinny: Thank you for joining us today.We have thepleasureofspeakingwithaprominentfigureinthe CanadianTextileIndustrytoshedlightontheexciting research and development initiatives shaping the sector.Canyoustartbytellingusaboutthenumberof membersactivelyinvolvedintheseinnovations?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Thankyouforhavingme.The Canadian Textile Industry boasts an impressive numberofmembersactivelyengagedinresearchand development, including various companies, research teams, and organizations. The industry is highly inclusive, welcoming anyone with innovative ideas andapassionforcreatingcutting-edgeproducts.

Mr Kinny: That's impressive indeed. Could you elaborate on the industry's focus on research and development and how it plays a vital role in driving innovations?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Researchanddevelopmentare at the core of our industry's growth and success. Our services are oriented towards fostering a culture of innovation and supporting companies in bringing novel products to the market. We are committed to

providing a main access point for research and development, facilitating collaborations between stakeholdersandpromotingknowledgeexchange.

MrKinny:Fascinating.Withsuchadiverserangeof research areas, could you highlight some of the key focusareaswithintheCanadianTextileIndustry?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Absolutely.Theareaofresearch in the Canadian Textile Industry covers a broad spectrum. Notable focus areas include smart textiles, textile chemistry, technical textiles, composite preforms, and geosynthetics. We aim to explore the potential of these fields and apply the knowledge gained to develop innovative products that cater to variousindustriesandmarketneeds.

MrKinny:Thecommitmenttoresearchandproduct development sounds promising. How does the industryensurethattheknowledgeandadvancements areaccessibletointerestedcompanies?

Mr Valerio Izquierdo: We take pride in our collaborative approach. Our research and development initiatives are open to any company or organization that wishes to participate and contribute toourcollectivegrowth.Ourmembershaveaccessto

FACE2FACEatITMA2023withMrValerioIzquierdo,Vice-President,Business DevelopmentandPartnerships,ofCTTGroup

valuable research insights, fostering a supportive environment where we can all learn and progress together.

Mr Kinny: It's great to hear about such inclusivity. Speaking of membership, how many companies are currentlyapartoftheCanadianTextileIndustry?

MrValerio Izquierdo: Presently, we have around 360 active members, comprising manufacturers and research teams. Among them, 320 are actively participating in evaluations, research projects, and productdevelopmentendeavors.

Mr Kinny : That's quite an extensive network. With such support, how do manufacturers enhance their production efficiency and adopt more sustainable practices?

Mr Valerio Izquierdo: Manufacturers, particularly those in Quebec, benefit from the region's mainly hydroelectricity-based energy sources, leading to lower power consumption and reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, we encourage interactions between members, which often lead to knowledgesharingandtheadoptionofeco-friendlypracticesthat promotesustainability.

Mr Kinny : That's commendable. How do Canadian textilecompaniesexploretheoverseasmarketfortheir products?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Exploringoverseasmarketsis acrucialaspectofourgrowthstrategy.Weencourage Canadian manufacturers to leverage their expertise and innovations on a global scale.While the industry faces some challenges, such as limited recognition in certain international markets, our focus remains on fostering collaborations and building strategic partnershipstoexpandourreach.

Mr Kinny: Collaboration and partnerships seem key to success. Can you tell us more about collaborative projectsandthegovernment'ssupportforresearchand developmentinCanada?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Collaborativeprojectsarethe backbone of our industry's progress. The Canadian governmentplaysapivotalroleinsupportingresearch and development initiatives, offering funding and resources for joint ventures.This support strengthens ourcapacitytoinnovateandenhancesthepotentialfor impactfuloutcomes.

Mr Kinny: It's heartening to see the government's involvement. However, you mentioned that the CanadianTextileIndustryisnotaswell-knownoutside of Canada. How do you plan to overcome this and attract more investments in research and development?

Mr Valerio Izquierdo: Attracting investments is undoubtedlyachallenge,butweareactivelyworking onraisingourprofileontheglobalstage.Emphasizing our commitment to higher performance and ecofriendly products will help showcase the potential returnsoninvestmentforthoseseekingtocollaborate withus.Buildingastronginternationalnetworkiskey tobreakingbarriersandgainingrecognition.

Mr Kinny: That sounds like a promising approach. With sustainability being a major concern, how does the industry promote recycling and circular economy practices?

MrValerioIzquierdo:Sustainabilityisattheheartof our mission. We promote recycling of textiles and advocate for the adoption of circular economy principles. Our efforts aim to minimize chemical effectsandreducetheenvironmentalimpactoftextile production. By reusing and recycling fibers, we contributetoagreenerfuturefortheindustry.

Mr Kinny: Truly commendable efforts. Before we conclude,couldyoushareyourvisionfortheCanadian TextileIndustry'sfuture?

Mr Valerio Izquierdo: Our vision is to establish Canada as a global leader in textile innovation and sustainability. By nurturing a collaborative and inclusive ecosystem, we aim to revolutionize the sector, creating products that address the needs of various industries while preserving our planet's resources.Together,wecanshapeabrighterandmore sustainablefuturefortheCanadianTextileIndustry.

MrKinny: Thank you for sharing your insights with us.It'sclearthattheCanadianTextileIndustryisona path of innovation and sustainability, and we look forward to witnessing its continued growth and success.

MrValerioIzquierdo:Thankyou.Itwasmypleasure tobehereanddiscusstheexcitingdevelopmentsinour industry.Wearededicatedtomakingapositiveimpact anddrivingprogressforabettertomorrow.





Wherequalityiscriticalandcontaminationjustnot acceptable, the Uster contamination sorter is the key to success. In fabric inspection, Uster Technologies offers the only safe and secure solutionfornonwovensproducers.Customerstrust inUsterequipment–buttheyalsounderstandthat expert knowledge and the `Think Quality´ approachiswhatmakestherealdifference.

Practical cases and established success stories are always valuable in the nonwovens business: everybodywantstoknowthesecretsofsuccess.How do some companies achieve outstanding product quality standards and maintain a highly profitable business?Ofcourse,thisinfoisprivateandjealously guarded by the companies, as well as by the Uster expertswhosharetheirconfidences.

TECHNOLOGY July-September2023 34


What Uster will do, however, is provide the key for companies to unlock these secrets for themselves. Basically, it's the perfect combination of top technology and world-class application knowledge. Powerful imaging spectroscopes in the Uster contaminationsorterwilldetectandejectanyparticle thatdiffersevenslightlyincolorfromthemainfiber. Nothingcanhide:contaminationincottonorsynthetic fiberscanbereliablyidentifieddowntoasizeofone squaremillimeter.Andhereweopenanothersecretof success: the Uster Jossi Vision Shield N is ideally locateddirectlyafterthefineopener,exactlythepoint where contamination can't hide from the spectroscopes.

Many nonwovens producers are now seeing the growing business potential in recycled fibers. Profit margins look fine, but getting the quality right is not easy. “It is a proven fact that recycled fibers are still today prone to infinite and inconsistent quality variations Operating a high-performance contaminationsorterintheproductionlineisthebest waytoensureanacceptableend-product,”saysMario Siegenthaler, Product Manager Fiber Cleaning at UsterTechnologies.

UsterJossiVisionShieldNcandetectdefectsfromany light pastel, grayish or brownish base material. “We use our know-how and expertise to further develop technologiesinthe'invisible'rangeofIRandUVlight forourimagingspectroscopes,”saysSiegenthaler.


Uster solutions have a two-way approach to superior quality control. Uster EVS Fabriq Vision N comes at the end of the production sequence, for automated detection of all the main defects arising from the process – and any remaining contamination. Even at full line speeds, Uster guarantees reliably high levels of fault detection for nonwovens manufacturers.

Fabrics are automatically inspected and graded. It's totalcontrol,preventinganydefectsinmanufacturing fromreachingtheend-product.

The most common defects include unopened fibers, neps,blackspots,holesandotherissues,allofwhich are reliably detected by the Uster systems. They preventrawmateriallosses,secondqualityproduction, or–worstofall–customerclaims.“UsterEVSFabriq Vision N ensures reliable fault detection by using automatedinspectionduringtheproductionprocess–andsignificantlyreducestheriskofcustomerclaims. The system's ability to capture any visible faults also allowswebyieldtobeoptimized,”saysMichelleSalg, Product Manager Fabric Inspection at Uster Technologies.


Uster's automated quality monitoring solutions are alsoattractinginterestfromthenonwovensmachinery manufacturers. “We are proud to say that completed projectsshowthattheUsterJossiVisionShieldNhasa relevant impact on major business goals and influences key performance indicators positively,” saysSiegenthaler.“Withourreputationforattentionto detail, nonwovens companies are eager to raise their issuesfordiscussion.”

Nonwovens companies regularly call at Uster exhibitionboothstoleavesamplesfortesting–orsend theminlater.“Weconsiderthisasasignoftrust.And ofcourse,weliketohelpanduseourexpertisetogive advises,”saysSiegenthaler.

The producers also appreciate the detailed advice of Uster experts on obtaining greatest business value from their investment, by ideally integrating its systems into their production and processing environment. It is this perfect balance between open collaboration within the mill and total confidentiality outside that makes Uster a reliable partner for the nonwovensindustry.


BBEngineeringpresentsnoveltiesandrecords neworderintakes

Forthefirsttime,BBEngineering(Germany)wasan officialsubexhibitorofitsparentcompanyOerlikonat ITMAMilan – and with success. In addition to man®madefibrespinning(VarioFil compactspinningline) ® and fibre-to-fibre recycling (VacuFil recycling tech nology),thecompanyfocusedonintroducingitsnew ®JeTex air texturizing system and left the fair with a pleasingvolumeoforders.


® With the JeTex air-texturizing system, BBE is expanding its product portfolio in order to be able to offerexistingspinningcustomersinparticular,butalso new customers, a finishing technology as well. It is a production line for high-quality air-texturized yarn (ATY). It combines an innovative texturing system developedbyBBEngineeringaskeycomponentwith state-of-the-art components by Oerlikon Barmag to ensure fast production speed, the desired effects, and ® the quality of your product. At ITMA, JeTex air texturizinghaditsmarketlaunch.Itwasimpressively demonstrated in the ‘Experience Center’ of the Oerlikon stand, which the visitors gladly took advantageof.

® RegardingtheprovenandpopularVarioFil compact spinninglineforsyntheticfibres,BBEngineeringalso brought some innovations to ITMA. Higher

production capacities per spinning position and improved spin pack lifetime form a new machine generationwithincreasedproductivity.Thecustomers' interestinthiswasalready ighintherun-uptothefair andcouldfinallybeconvertedintohighorderintakes here.

® TheVacuFil PETrecycling system was launched at ITMA2019inBarcelona.Overthelastfouryears,BB Engineeringhasbeenworkingonfurtherdevelopment and this time presented its solution for waste-free productionoffilamentyarns.Thepatentedliquid-state

polycondensation (LSP) unit Visco+ for viscosity adjustmentandcontrolaskeycomponentwasthemain focusandattractedgreatinterest.


Ingeneral,BBEngineeringassessestheITMAasvery positive and full of opportunities. According to company,thenumberofvisitorsandtheinterestinthe topics of synthetic fibre spinning, fibre-tofibre recycling and air-texturizing were continuously high. In addition to many discussions with existing customers and interested parties the medium-sized company recorded a level of incoming orders like neverbefore.

36 July-September2023
® Pic.1:ExemplaryrenderingofaJeTex line

AgrotechSummit2023:EnhancingAgricultural&Horticultural Productivity

The esteemed Indian Technical Textile Association (ITTA), in collaboration with the National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM) under the Ministry of Textiles,Govt.ofIndia,andTheSynthetic&ArtSilk Mills' ResearchAssociation (SASMIRA), is proud to present the "Agrotech Summit 2023: Enhancing Agricultural&HorticulturalProductivity."Thisevent will take place on Friday, 06th October, 2023 at the IndiaHabitatCentre,NewDelhi.

Following the success of our previous conclaves focusedonProtectiveTextilesinNovember2022and SportsTextiles in June 2023, the upcomingAgrotech Summit is the third installment in our series, all of whichhavereceivedvaluablesupportfromNTTM.

This comprehensive one-day event features both a Conference and an Exhibition. Attendees can anticipate enriching sessions covering the scope of Agrotech Products, analysis of the Current Market dynamics, emerging trends in Agrotextiles' exports and imports, the promise of Textile Innovations for future-proofAgriculture,advancesinrawmaterialand

functional additives, and the latest in Agrotech Technology and Digital adaptation. Moreover, key topics such as Indian Standards, Quality Control Order, Sustainability, and Global Benchmarks in a Circular Economy will be deliberated upon. Panel discussions,inclusiveofesteemedexpertsfromthese domainsandseniorofficialsfromvariousgovernment ministries, promise insightful dialogues and updates ongovernmentinitiativespromotingTechnicalTextile The accompanying exhibition offers a platform for leading Agrotech manufacturers, Centres of Excellence (COEs), EPCs, andTradeAssociations to displaytheircutting-edgeproductsandservices.This is a golden opportunity for delegates to gain insights intotheAgrotechindustryandtonetworkwithtop-tier professionals and government officials.Looking ahead, ITTA has plans to host a series of similar conclaves spotlighting various Technical Textile sectors such as Automotive Textiles, Industrial Textiles,MedicalTextiles,andmore. For further details and to register, please reach out to the ITTASecretariat at Tel: +91 22 49635711; Mob: +919769464616;


International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Lotus Teknik Tekstil A.Ş., Türkiye, to install a Metris All-In-One digitalization TM platform for its new Wetlace CP nonwovens production line fromANDRITZ.Theintegration will befinalizedinSeptember2023.

The Metris All-in-One platform developed by ANDRITZ provides full support for industrial plants throughout their entire life cycle. It combines a complete range of functionalities for professional productionmanagement,simulationandoptimization using the latest artificial intelligence methods, plus cyber security, and condition monitoring with smart sensorsinanintegratedapproach.

It will support Lotus Teknik Tekstil in further optimizing the operating efficiency of its ANDRITZ WetlaceCPlineby

Ÿ ensuring a stable production process via data


Ÿ reducing operational costs through optimized roductiontraceabilityandenergymonitoring,

Ÿ improving final product quality thanks to a stable process, andreducing production waste by optimizingrawmaterialmanagement.

CeyhunZincirkiran,co-ownerandmanagingdirector of LotusTeknikTekstilA.Ş., says: “We have already gained positive experience with a Metris installation on our spunlace line from ANDRITZ, and so we are confident that the comprehensive Metris All-In-One solution will take the production performance of our new ANDRITZ Wetlace CP line to an even higher level.”

LotusTeknikTekstilA.Ş.isaleadingnonwovenrollgood producerandamemberoftheSaprogroup,oneofthetop threeproducersofwetwipesglobally. LotusTeknikTekstilinvestsinANDRITZMetris



InQ22023,theChineseeconomysawanexpansionof 6.3%,outpacingthe4.5%growthofQ1.Althoughthis figure fell short of market expectations of 7.3%, it marks a continued recovery from last year. The first halfof2023hasrecordedanoveralleconomicgrowth of5.5%,aligningcloselywithChina'ssetGDPgrowth target of around 5% for the year. While local government debt levels have surged, Beijing has refrained from introducing large-scale stimulus measures. Mixed signals emerged in June, with retail salesslowingbutindustrialoutputpickingup.

Textile Industry Spotlight: Keqiao, the Textile Capital


Keqiao, a district in the historic city of Shaoxing, serves as a linchpin in China's textile industry. RecognizedasChina'sTextileCity,itisameltingpot ofancientcultureandmoderntextilecommerce.With itsactionplan,"SilkRoadKeqiao-FullofTheWorld," thedistrictisextendingitstextileinfluenceglobally


Founded in 1980, China's Textile City in Keqiao has transformedfromasimple"riversideclothstreet"into a global textile hub. Hosting over 30,000 market operators and facilitating one-third of the world's textile fabric trade, it has seen its turnover reach a staggeringUSD32.3billionin2021.


Keqiao is not just a textile marketplace; it's a fashion city as well. Annual events like the Keqiao Fashion Week and daily fashion shows reveal the district's focus on fashion design, manufacturing, and consumption.


Keqiao's action plan "Silk Road Keqiao - Full ofThe World" aims to develop international partnerships, particularly with countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. This plan aspires to turn Keqiao into a centralhubforglobaltextileindustrychains.


Shaoxing, the parent city of Keqiao, is rich in history and innovation. It hosts 2,605 national high-tech enterprisesandisaleaderinvarioussectors,including textiles.Shaoxingisalsoendowedwithnaturalbeauty, featuringtwonationalwetlandparksandfivenational forestparks.

The ITMA ASIA + CITME, Asia's premier textile machinery exhibition, is set to occur from November 19 to 23, 2023, in Shanghai. As China's economic performance gains momentum, the exhibition has already attracted over 1,400 exhibitors from 24 countries. The growing optimism within the textile machinery sector is palpable, and China, particularly locales like Keqiao, are at the center of this positive outlook.


Despitechallengeslikehighyouthunemploymentand less-than-expectedGDPgrowth,Chinacontinuestobe an economic powerhouse. Cities like Keqiao in Shaoxingserveasexemplarymodelsofhowtradition and modernity can coexist and fuel economic prosperity. As China moves forward, Keqiao will likelyremainacornerstoneinboththecountry'stextile industryanditsbroadereconomiclandscape.

China'sEconomicGrowthandtheFlourishingTextileIndustryin Keqiao July-September2023 38


Giorgio Calculli has been appointed new managing directorofACIMIT,theAssociationofItalianTextile Machinery Manufacturers. A law graduate with a Master's degree in training and employment policies, hehasbeenonstaffatACIMITsince2006asheadof the Association's training, internal relations and technical department. Calculli takes over asACIMIT managingdirectorfromFedericoPellegata,whoafter 25yearsmanagingtheAssociationhasbeenappointed CEO of ACIMIT Servizi srl, the company set up by ACIMIT to provide services in support of associated member companies for the promotion of the Italian textilemachineryindustryinItalyandabroad.

“It has been a truly enriching experience,” asserts Federico Pellegata, “for which I am grateful to our associated members, ACIMIT's Board, and the Association's presidents who have served during my yearsinACIMIT.

However, my commitment to continue to promote the Italiantextilemachinerysectorbynomeansendshere. As CEO of ACIMIT Servizi, I will continue to work relentlessly to ensure that ITMA, the world's primary textile machinery trade fair, remains a representative showcase for the success of Italian manufacturers in the sector, as has been the case for the editions of the exhibitionheldinItalyin2015and2023.”

ACIMIT managing director Giorgio Calculli comments: “I wish to thank the Board of ACIMIT for the appointment and for the opportunity to lend continuity to the work carried out by Federico Pellegata, for whom the success enjoyed at the latest edition of ITMA is only the most evident expression. I will work to further develop the membership base and ensure member companies receive maximum support fromtheAssociationintheirbusinessactivities.”




World premiere at the international ITMA trade fairinMilan:forthefirsttime,Oerlikonpresented itsinnovativenewdevelopment,theEvoSteam,for manufacturing PET staple fibers. Visitors to the Oerlikontradefairstandwereextremelyinterested in the new, innovative technology, with business discussions very clearly showing that the new development fulfills the needs of potential clients. The EvoSteam process convinces both in terms of itsenergy,waterandrawmaterialsavingsandalso with regards to lowering operating expenses and the carbon footprint – simultaneously with excellentfiberqualities.

Visitorstothetradefairspokeaboutapioneerformore sustainable staple fiber production. “This shows that our customers have understood that the EvoSteam process has tremendous potential and represents a huge step forward”, comments Martin Rademacher, Head of Sales Oerlikon Neumag, thrilled by the across-the-boardpositivetradefairfeedbackinMilan.


When developing the EvoSteam process, our engineers focused both on fiber quality and in particularalsoonsustainability,energyefficiencyand reducing the consumption of resources. Compared to conventional staple fiber systems, an increase in efficiency of up to 12%, a reduction in production

wasteofupto50%alongwithenergysavingsofupto 8%speakaveryclearlanguage.Withwatersavingsof upto10millionlitersperannumandaloweringofthe carbon footprint by up to 20%, this Oerlikon system helps fiber manufacturers achieve their sustainability targets.


10 million liters less water: the function of the immersionbathisassumedbyacarefully-coordinated setup comprising godets and pulsed spray nozzles. Consequently, moisture is precision-metered and added to the process as required. Completely dispensing with liquid baths generates significant savingsintermsofwater,energyandspinfinish,while simultaneously also increasing occupational safety and cleanliness at the production line. “In conventional drawing processes, large volumes of waterareusedtocontrolthetemperatureandprovide therequisitemoistureinthefibertow.Attheendofthe process, this water must be removed from the tow again,whichisaveryresource-andenergy-intensive process”, states Martin Rademacher. “The sparing utilization of water enables a significant reduction in the requisite drying energy, which translates into a tremendouscostbenefitforourcustomers.”

July-September2023 40
WorldpremiereattheITMA2023:therevolutionary newOerlikonNeumagEvoSteamstaplefiberprocess.

Optimizeddrawpointreleaseandimproveddrive concept

Up to 12% superior efficiency: the new, optimized draw point release permits higher production speeds and hence increased production volumes. The fiber draw point is released by a precisely-focused vapor curtain, is now carried out more evenly and dramatically minimizes the friction between the filaments in the tow. In addition, an innovative drive conceptreducesyarnslippageonthegodets,improves the process stability and hence increases system availability. Both technological innovations improve

the yarn quality demanded by the downstream processes and which play a decisive role for manufacturers’margins.


The development focused not only on resourceefficient fiber production and improving the fiber qualities, it has also been designed to dramatically reducethewastegeneratedwhenmanufacturingwith thissystemconcept.MartinRademachercommentson this: “With all the optimizations, we promise a 50% reductioninproductionwaste.”

Spraynozzlesinsteadofimmersionbaths:theEvoSteamprocess dispensescompletelywithliquidbaths.

Recyclingtechnologycelebratessuccess atIndonesianyarnmanufacturer

It is already operating at PT. Kahatex – one of Indonesia's largest manufacturers of woven and circular-knitted fabrics: Oerlikon Barmag Huitong Engineering's homogenization technology for mechanicallyrecyclingpreparedpolyester(PET)waste such as post-industrial waste (popcorn), bottle flakes and films. This key component ensures an evenlyhomogeneous melt, influences the increase in viscosity and hence enables the production of defined rPET preliminary products for further processing such as melt,chipsandfibermaterialsfordirectspinning.

Reusing waste is increasingly becoming a trend within the textile industry as well: in May 2022, PT. Kahatex commissionedasystemwithadailycapacityof25tonsfor recyclingpopcornandbottleflakesintotextile-qualitychips for manufacturing POYand DTY.Traditionally, Southeast Asia's largest family-run business is committed to ecological responsibility and is focused on manufacturing high-end textiles for theAsian, US and European markets. Here, the Indonesian fiber manufacturer is utilizing the homogenizationtechnologyprovidedbyOerlikonBarmag Huitong Engineering (OBHE), a joint venture between Oerlikon Barmag and Yangzhou Huitong Chemical EngineeringTechniqueCo.,Ltd.

Using the corresponding thermomechanical recycling process,thewastematerialisextrudedandthelarger,more solid components filtered out before the homogenizer swings into action. It is in this reactor that the actual mechanicalrecyclingandpolycondensationtakeplace.The technology generates a high surface area and – in conjunction with the precisely-defined dwell time –providesmoreoptionsforinfluencingthemelt.Thiscreates an even, homogeneous melt, while the technology also

simplifiestheremovalofvolatilecomponents.Inturn,this enables targeted adjustment of the viscosity, which is necessary as the waste material to be processed does not alwayshavethesameviscosity.Inthisway,spinningsystem yarnwaste–intheformofknottedballsortangledthreads, for instance – is processed into popcorn-shaped agglomeratesforextrusion.Thispopcorncanhaveviscosity valuesof0.6,butalsolowervaluesof0.4.Noproblem:the homogenizer'sincreaseinviscosityadjuststhis.


Afterexitingthereactor,themeltisonceagainfilteredand finer, gel-containing components are removed. Subsequently,itcanbefurtherprocessedasrequired:inthe form of chips or – using a direct-spinning process – in the manufacture of filament yarns, staple fibers and nonwovens. Applicable to all applications: the recycling resultcanonlybeasgoodastheprocessedstartingmaterial, asmechanicalrecyclingprocessesareunabletoimprovethe starting materials. And chemical recycling is still in its infancy.

For this reason, the homogenization technology remains attractiveandisalreadybeingutilizedbybothKahatexand Chinese fiber manufacturers recycling bottle flakes and yarnwasteintostaplefibersandfilamentyarnsbymeansof direct-spinning processes. And the more the industry focuses on recycling systems, the greater the interest: "We are currently registering enquiries from Bangladesh, but alsofromChina",statesMichaelMächtig,ProductManager at Oerlikon Barmag. For the purpose of more intensive globalmarketing,theOBHEtechnologyhasthereforebeen integrated into the Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions productportfolio.

July-September2023 42



ITMFAnnualConference2023November4-6,2023,inKeqiao/ Chinaincluding6thWorldTextileMerchandisingConference2023

TheITMFAnnualConference2023isco-hostedby the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) and the Shaoxing Municipal People’s Government and will feature international industryexpertsfromaroundtheworldfromalongthe entiretextilevaluechain–fromfibrestoretail.

500+high-levelrepresentativesfromtheentiretextile value chain from China and around the world are expectedtoattend.

Under the general theme “Digitalization & Circularity – Megatrends Shaping the Textile Industry"expertsfromtheindustryandacademiawill shedlightonhowthetextilevaluechainiscopingwith

these trends and will help better understand the underlying dynamics and identifying the risks and opportunities. In the various sessions, experts will discussamongothertopics

•how the fibre markets will adapt to the increasing demandforrecycledfibres,

•how the textile industry can reduce the carbon footprint,

•hownewtechnologieswillacceleratetheindustry’s transitiontowardsmorecircularityor

•how upcoming regulation will impact production aroundtheworld.

In addition, ITMF will once again recognise the winnersofthe




In conjunction and coordination with the ITMF AnnualConference2023,therewillbetwomore


• 10th Belt & Road Textile Conference 2023 (November2-3)

•6th World Textile Merchandising Conference (WTMC)2023(November5-6)

More info about the conference can be found at:



KelheimFibresandMagnoLabjoinforcesforTextileInnovationand Sustainability

The viscose specialty fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has entered into a collaboration with MagnoLab,aninternationalnetworkofcompaniesin the textile industry based in the Biella region. This partnershiphighlightstheimportanceofcollaboration between different companies to drive innovation and sustainabilityinthetextileindustry.KelheimFibres,a pioneer in the development of sustainable viscose fibres,seesitselfnotonlyasafibresupplierbutalsoas aninnovationpartnerfortheentireindustry.Through itsOpenInnovationapproach,KelheimFibresfosters the exchange of ideas and knowledge to jointly developsustainablesolutionsforthefuture.

Kelheim Fibres operates several pilot and technical facilities itself. The close collaboration with MagnoLab,whichboastsanimpressivearrayofstateof-the-art textile machinery, allows for even more efficientresearchanddevelopment.

Kelheim Fibres, emphasizes the advantages of the collaboration: " Through close networking with the companies organized under MagnoLab, we can produce small quantities of samples and prototypes usingvarioustechnologies.Thisenablesustodevelop solutions based on our specialty fibres that can be directly transferred to our partners' production facilitieswithinthetextilevaluechain.”

Giovanni Marchi, President of MagnoLab, also expresseshisenthusiasm:"KelheimFibresisthefirst fibre manufacturer we are collaborating with. Together, we now cover the complete textile chain, makingourworkevenmorevaluable.”

The cooperation allows for practical testing, acceleratingtheimplementationofinnovations.Italso ofinnovationsinEuropeisfacilitated

contributes to a closer networking of the European (and thus regional) value chain. Thanks to shorter transport routes within Europe, not only is the environmentalimpactreduced,butalsotherealization

July-September2023 44


The ITMAtextile machinery exhibition which took place in Milan this June was conclusive proof that the appetiteforinternational,face-to-faceeventsisnowbackandbiggerthaneverbefore.

Thisisgreatnewsforbothtextilefinishingtechnology specialist Monforts and one of its major customers, GtA.

Despite significant ongoing obstacles to global travel, ITMA 2023 somehow managed to overshadow the previous ITMA held in Barcelona exactly four years before it in 2019, attracting over 111,000 visitors to MilaninItalyoveritsseven-dayrun.


ThefouryearsseparatingthetwoITMAeventshave,of course, being somewhat turbulent, largely due to the Covid-19pandemic,sothesuccessofITMA2023was very much to the satisfaction of Monforts, which reportedhundredsofvisitorstoitsstandoverthecourse oftheseven-dayshow.

“We couldn't believe how busy ITMAin Milan was,” said Monforts marketing manager Nicole Croonenbroek.“Theenthusiasmtookuscompletelyby surprise and we're now following up on so many potentialprojectsthatwerediscussedthere.”

ForGtA,whichspecialisesintechnicaltextilesforthe digital printing market, events such as ITMA 2023 openingupagainareevenmoreofaboost.

“Around70%ofourbusinessisrelatedtotradefairsor major public events such as sports, music and theatre performances, so we are extremely pleased to see the

world of large-scale international shows opening up again,” explained GtA Managing Director Andreas Niess.“Duringthepandemicwehadtogoonshort-time workforsixmonths,butoverallwesurvivedwelland havecontinuedtodevelopnewproductsandalsomeet newrequirementsforourhighlyspecialisedtextiles.” Fault-freesubstrates

Before the pandemic, a new standard in pure white, 100%cleanandfault-freetextilesubstrateswasalready being demanded to meet the rapid growth in digitallyprintedbannersandhoardings–oftenreferredtoas'soft signage' – that are extensively used for advertising at exhibitionsandpublicevents.

In response to this demand, GtA (Gesellschaft für textileAusrüstung) was formed in 2016 and erected a purpose-built plant on a greenfield site in Neresheim, Germany with the aim to invest into a sustainable and environmentalprotectiveproductionsite.

Theplantwasfirstequippedwithafully-automated72 metreslonginstallationcomprisingawashingmachine integrated with a 3.6 metre wide, seven-chamber Monforts Montex stenter, purpose-built at Montex GmbHinAustria

Building on the success of this installation, the companyhassubsequentlyinstalledtwomoreMontex lines – both with an expanded working width of 5.6 metres – along with a six-chamber unit for further washingprocessesandafive-chamberlineforcoating.



The substrates of choice for digital printing are 100% polyester warp knits which have extremely smooth surfaces. This has become increasingly critical due to thegeneralmoveawayfromPVCcoatingswhichwere standardinthepast.

In addition, the GtAsubstrates are resilient and allow excellenttake-upofinksandvibrantcoloursandclear andpreciseimagestobeachievedwithdigitalprinting techniques. The knitted construction also has the advantage of elasticity, which is a plus in terms of flexibilityforinstallers.

GtA now finishes rolls in sizes of between 1,500 and 2,000metresdirectlyontheMonfortsstenters,andafter finalinspectionconvertsthemintorollswithlengthsof 75, 100, 150 and or 200 metres, all fully labelled and packed.


“Happily,wearenowbacktorunning24hoursadayto meet unprecedented demand from the digital printing market, and we are planning further investments in Monforts technology,” said Niess. “Our top priority is always quality, followed by achieving energy savings, and we will continue to be at the forefront when it comes to new technologies, equipment variants and procedures. In addition, the requirements for our wide widthmaterialsareincreasing.”

As the width of a fabric increases, he explains, its movement through the stenters, both in width and especiallyinlength,becomesmoredifficultasthereis inevitablymorelongitudinaltensionputonthetextile.

Itisabigchallengetoachievethedesireddiagonaland archdistortionaswellasthestretch/elasticity,andany crooked stitch on the textile can be seen later after printing, so has to be avoided at all costs,” Niess

explained. “We are currently investigating the preliminary stages of warp knitting in order to further influencefabricconstructionandpotentialadditionsto theMonfortsfinishinglinesbasedonourexperienceto date. I have to say that the Monforts after-service has beenabsolutelyperfectandtherehasbeennoshortage of quality, expertise and service on which we have drawn.”

As far as energy savings are concerned, the company employsvariousheatrecoverysystemsforitshotwaste water, with process exhaust and burner exhaust air integrated in an overall heat exchanger and accumulationsystem.

Goingfurther,GtAisaimingtobecomeGermany'sfirst climate neutral textile plant by 2025, via a planned combination of wind turbines, PV systems and hydrogen heating – the latter an area that Monforts is currently investigating with partners in the three-year WasserSTOFF project, launched in November 2022 withsponsorshipfromGermany'sgovernment.

“Everybody knows that textile finishing is a high energy consuming process,” says Monforts Managing Director Gunnar Meyer. ”To make this process more efficient,Monfortsalreadyoffersseveralsolutions,but as a technology leader we are also rising to the challengeofexploringalternativeheatingoptionstobe readyforthefuture.Theexperienceandknow-howof our valued customers such as GtA will greatly acceleratethenewjourneyweareon.”

Meanwhile, Monforts is looking forward to meeting customers again at two further major exhibitions in 2023 – atTechtextilIndia in Mumbai from September 12-14andatITMAAsia+CITMEfromNovember1923.

GtAnowfinishesrollsinsizesofbetween1,500 and2,000metresdirectlyontheMonfortsstenters.
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Barmagtechnologiesmakeaninvaluablecontribution.In addition to high productivity and low energy consumption, they particularly excel in terms of their stable production processes. Furthermore, they comply witheveryhighqualitystandardforairbags,which–asin the case of virtually all other textile products used in vehicle construction – must provide the highest level of safetyforvehicleoccupants.Andallthiswithoutanyloss of function in any climate and anywhere in the world for thelifetimeofthevehicle.


Seat belts play a decisive role in protecting vehicle occupants.Theyhavetowithstandtensileforcesinexcess of three tons and simultaneously stretch in a controlled manner in emergencies in order to reduce the load in the eventofimpact.Aseatbeltcomprisesapproximately300 filament yarns, whose individual, high-tenacity yarn threads are spun from around 100 individual filaments. “With our unique, patented Single Filament Layer Technology, we offer a sophisticated and simultaneously gentle hightenacity (HT) yarn process for manufacturing these lifesavers and other applications made from industrial yarn”, explains André Wissenberg, Head of Marketing.

Invisible, but essential – road reinforcement using geotextiles

In accidents, the number one lifesaver is not the vehicle's body work or the airbag, but the seat belt. It holds the vehicle occupants firmly in position and thus enables otherprotectivetechnologiestounfoldtheirfullfunction.

At this year’s Techtextil India, the Polymer Processing Solutions Division of the Swiss Oerlikon group will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on theproductionofindustrialtextiles.BetweenSeptember 9and12,thediscussionsatJioWorldConventionCentre (JWCC),Mumbai,Pavilion3,H32willbeconcentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovensandtheirdiverseapplications.


Airbags have become an integral part of our everyday automotive lives. The yarns used in them are made predominantlyfrompolyamide.Asaresultofincreasingly diverse airbag applications and also the increasing size of thesystemsused,polyesteristodayusedaswell,depending on the application requirements and cost-benefit considerations. Against this background, the Oerlikon

But it not just inside vehicles, but also under them, that industrial yarns reveal their strengths. Low stretch, ultrahigh tenacity, high rigidity – industrial yarns offer outstandingpropertiesforthedemandingtaskscarriedout bygeotextiles;forinstance,asgeogridsinthebasecourse system under asphalt. Normally, geotextiles have extremelyhighyarntitersofupto24,000denier.Oerlikon Barmag system concepts simultaneously manufacture threefilamentyarnsof6,000deniereach.Duetothehigh spinning titers, fewer yarns can be plied together to the requiredgeo-yarntiterinamorecost-andenergy-efficient manner


In the case of its hycuTEC hydro-charging solution, Oerlikon Neumag offers a new technology for charging nonwovens that increases filter efficiency to more than 99.99%. For meltblown producers, this means material savings of 30% with significantly superior filter performance. For end users, the consequence is noticeably improved comfort resulting from significantly reduced breathingresistance.Withitsconsiderablylowerwaterand energyconsumption,thisnewdevelopmentisalsoafutureproof,sustainabletechnology.

TheorganizerMesseFrankfurtIndiaishonouredtoreceive once again the much valued support from the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India for the 9th edition of the show. This support from the Ministry of textiles further demonstrates the huge emphasis laid for this key sector in boosting the economy of the country given the enormous scope to grow rapidly apart from the remarkable opportunitiespresenttodobusinessinIndia.



DiscoverCustomizedNonwovenSolutionsby AUTEFAatTechtextilIndia

AUTEFASolutions'comprehensiverangeofnonwoven needlepunch production lines are tailored to meet specific customer requirements. These lines offer exceptionalperformance,reliabilityand quality. Needle punching is renowned for its ease of operation, low energy consumption, consistent product quality and reduced operating costs. Committed to deliver high qualityproducts,AUTEFASolutionscontinuestomake technologicalinnovationstomeettheevolvingneedsof the industry. The 3-level closed-loop control system provides customers with real-time web quality monitoringandimprovementcapabilities.

Attheheartofthesystemisastate-of-the-artscannerthat meticulously evaluates the weight distribution of the finishedproduct.Thiscriticaldataisusedasthebasisfor real-timeadjustmentsinthecrosslapperandcardinfeed section, ensuring remarkably consistent distribution of thecardedweb

.WebMax profiling for precision: AUTEFA Solutions' WebMax web profile control system is seamlessly integrated into the 3-level closed loop control system. This integration ensures uniform web profiling in both machinedirectionandcrossdirection,adistinctiveedge treatment that would reduce edge-related problems and extendfeltlife.

As the fashion industry increasingly prioritizes sustainability, the demand for circularity solutions in textileisalsosoaring.Bothconsumersandcompaniesare actively seeking ways to recycle “fast fashion” and reduce the environmental impact of their choices. In response to this pivotal trend, AUTEFA Solutions is proud to introduce a range of groundbreaking solutions designed to process and reuse various types of fibers, includingreclaimed,natural,andman-madematerials.


Airlay V 12/R Aerodynamic Web Forming Machine: This cutting-edge machine, when combined with the Stylus Needle Loom or HiPerTherm Oven, fulfills all customer requirements for maximum productivity and consistent high quality. It represents a significant step forwardinsustainabletextileproduction.

Wetlaid-Spunlace Technology for Sustainable Nonwovens: A collaboration between AUTEFA Solutions and PAMA Paper Machinery brings together the best of two worlds—fiber-based web forming, consolidation, and drying technology from the nonwovensindustrywithWetlaidtechnologycommonly usedinthepaperindustry.Wetlaid-Spunlacetechnology is the ideal choice for producing sustainable and costeffectivenonwovensfrom100%cellulosicrawmaterials likecellulosepulp,viscose,orLyocellfibers.Inaworld challenged by rising raw material and energy costs, this innovativetechnologyoffersenergy-savingsolutionsfor sustainableproductmanufacturing.

AUTEFA Solutions offers a comprehensive range of nonwovens machinery including needlepunch lines,aerodynamic web forming, spunlace, and thermobonding equipment. These versatile solutions catertoadiversearrayofindustrialapplicationssuchas hygiene,filtration,geotextiles,automotive,carpets, technicalfelts,wadding,andinsulation.Inthepremium nonwoven equipment segment, AUTEFA Solutions which incorporates well-known brands such as Fehrer, FOR, and Strahm, is highly appreciated for the quality, durability,andperformanceofitstechnology.

For more information about AUTEFA Solutions


AUTEFASolutionsAerodynamicWebFormingAirlay AUTEFASolutionsNeedleLoomStylusVARILIPTIC
July-September2023 48

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