The Indian apparel industry, a crucial segment of the nation’s economy,continuestothriveamidstevolvingglobaldynamics.
AsofJune2024,theindustryshowcasesrobustgrowth,driven by technological advancements, e-commerce expansion, sustainable practices, and supportive government policies. However, it also grapples with significant challenges, including supply chain disruptions, rising costs, regulatory hurdles,andintenseglobalcompetition.
The adoption of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain is transforming the apparel sector. These innovations enhance supply chain transparency, optimize inventory management, and improve customer experiences. CompanieslikeZYODarepioneeringtech-enabledsolutions, streamlining manufacturing processes, and reducing lead times.
Thesurgeine-commercecontinuestobeamajorgrowthdriver. With more consumers turning to online shopping, apparel brands are heavily investing in their digital presence. The convenienceofonlineplatforms,combinedwithpersonalized marketing strategies, is boosting sales and expanding market reach.
Sustainability remains a central focus. Indian apparel manufacturers are adopting eco-friendly materials and watersaving technologies to reduce their environmental footprint. This shift not only meets the growing demand for sustainable fashion but also aligns with global environmental standards, enhancingtheindustry'sreputation.
Supportive government policies are further propelling the industry.InitiativesliketheProductionLinkedIncentive(PLI) scheme and investments in textile parks are enabling manufacturers to scale operations and enhance competitiveness.
Despite these positive trends, the industry faces several challenges. Geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, and logistical challenges continue to disrupt supply chains, impacting production schedules and delivery timelines. The increasing prices of raw materials, particularly cotton, and labor shortages are straining profit margins. Navigating complex regulatory environments requires significant investment in time and resources. Frequent changes in trade policies and tariffs add to the uncertainty and complexity. Additionally, the Indian apparel industry faces stiff competition from countries like China, Bangladesh, and Vietnam, which often have lower production costs and more efficientsupplychains.
Inconclusion,theIndianapparelindustryispoisedforgrowth but must address these challenges to sustain its momentum. Through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability, the industry can navigate these hurdles and continuetothrive.
The Southern India Mills’ Association (SIMA), Coimbatore organized Texfair 2024 - 14th of its kind. Largest expo of textile machinery, spares, accessories and other supporting services during June 21-24, 2024 at CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex,Coimbatore.
AttheinauguralfunctionofTexfair2024washeld on 21st June 2024, SIMA Chairman Dr S K Sundararaman welcomed the Chief Guest, Shri Ganapathi P Rajkumar, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Coimbatore Constituency, the President of the function, Dr K V Srinivasan, President, ITMF, Guest of Honour, Shri Rakesh Mehra, Chairman, CITI, Shri R Soundararajan, President,ITMAA,ShriBhaveshPatel,President, ITAMMAandShriMSankar,President,TMMAto theinauguralfunction.
SIMA Chairman underlined the importance of SIMA Texfair 2024 and stated that it was the reunion platform for the value chain. Shri Durai Palanisamy,DeputyChairmanbriefedaboutSIMA Texfair 2024. Presidents of ITMAA, ITAMMA and TMMA offered felicitations. Vice-Chairman ShriSKrishnakumardeliveredvoteofthanks.
Chairman, CITI and Guest of Honour of the inauguralfunctionShriRakeshMehra,appreciated theinitiativesofSIMAincludingTexfair2024.He briefedabouttheVision2030oftheGovernmentof India and indicated Tamil Nadu would be the forerunner in achieving the target. He called the entire textile value chain to join together in fulfillingeachsegment’srequirementsandachieve greatergrowth.
FormerChairmanofSIMA,PresidentofITMFand President of the function Dr K V Srinivasan, appreciated the efforts taken by SIMA in conducting the international event. He highlighted thecurrentscenarioofworldtextilesandbriefedthe growthofIndiantextilesandclothingindustry.He stated that the textile business had been cyclic in nature and it was easy to relocate segments like garmenting and made-ups as they mostly involve cut and sew operations. He added that the highly capitalandlabourintensivesegmentslikespinning and weaving should also find ways to relocate marketareas.DrSrinivasanhighlightedtheannual survey conducted by ITMF. He hoped that the prolonged recession would end in the near future
and the industry would step into its growth trajectory.
In his inaugural address, the Chief Guest, Shri GanapathiPRajkumarunderscoredtheimportance ofTamilNaduparticularlyCoimbatoreDistrictand theircontributiontothetextiles&clothingsectorof the country. He assured that he would take up the issues of the textile industry in Parliament and be thevoiceoftheindustryparticularlyoftheMSME units.Hewishedtheexpoagrandsuccess.
Texfair 2024 expo provided an opportunity for various clusters of the industry to know the latest improvements in technology and availability of domesticaswellasimportsubstitutionspares.The expo attracted 240 exhibitors from Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,DadarNagarHaveli,WestBengal,Daman & Diu, etc. and countries like Switzerland,
Belgium, Italy, Japan, China, etc. who showcased their products catering to the various segments of thetextileindustryandservicesin264stalls.
Out of 240 exhibitors, over 80 exhibitors have participatedinmorethanfiveTexfairExpos. The Expo drew over 60,000 visitors and generated approximately Rs.1,000 crores in business. Business visitors from countries like China, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka visitedtheExpoandderivedthebenefit,besidesthe visitorsfromalloverthecountry.
We thank all the exhibitors for showcasing their products and services, the CEOs of mills for visitinganddeputingtheirtechnicalpersonneland also visitors from various textile clusters across the country and making the Expos yet another successevent.
On June 19, Cotton Council International (CCI) led a media roundtable to promote strategic India-U.S. textile trade partnerships and highlight U.S. cotton as thepreferredchoiceforIndianspinners.Theeventtitled "COTTONUSA™:WeavingThreadsofUnitybetween theU.S.CottonandIndianTextileIndustry"tookplace in New Delhi, aiming to delve deeper into this crucial partnership.
The COTTON USA™ event on June 19 included severalkeyactivities:
• Meeting with U.S. Embassy Personnel: Strengtheningdiplomaticandtraderelations.
• PanelDiscussions:Featuringprominentfiguresfrom fivetopIndiantextilemanufacturers,theU.S.Cotton Trust Protocol®, Supima, and other global cotton textilesupplychainleaders.
• High-Level Panel on Women’s Influence: Discussing the impact of women in the fashion and textileindustry.
Marc Lewkowitz, President and CEO of Supima, expressed enthusiasm about the expanding opportunities within India’s textile manufacturing ecosystem. He stated, “The increasing demand for premiumqualityverifiableSUPIMA®cottonhighlights theneedforscalingproductiontomeetglobalneeds.”
Peush Narang, CCI’s program representative in India and Sri Lanka, reinforced the value of the partnership, noting that using U.S. cotton helps Indian textile manufacturers meet global quality standards and enhances their competitive edge. He highlighted the comprehensive benefits of the COTTON USA™ experience,includingfullsupplychaintraceabilityand the unique COTTON USA SOLUTIONS® technical servicingprogram.
The event organized by CCI showcased the deepening ties between the U.S. and Indian textile industries. By leveragingthestrengthsofbothnations,thispartnership aims to foster sustainable growth and drive the global textile market forward. The collaboration promises to deliverhigh-qualityproducts,robusttraderelations,and aprosperousfutureforbothindustries.
• The collaboration brings together DVF’s timeless designs and Lenzing’s signature specialty fibers to exemplifybothcompanies’commitmenttospotlighting responsiblefashionchoicesandbringingrealchangeto thefashionworld
• Collections crafted with TENCEL™ and LENZING™ECOVERO™fiberscanbefoundinDVF online store and global store locations, with new collectionsinthepipelinefromQ32024onward Lenzing Group, a leading global producer of woodbased specialty fibers, announced global collaboration withiconicfashionbrandDianevonFurstenberg(DVF) to bring to mainstream fashion TENCEL™ and LENZING™ECOVERO™brandedfibersmadefrom sustainably managed wood sources. Through the collaboration, these resource-efficiently made fibers significantlycontributetoDVF’sflagshipcollectionof everyday fashion items and selected accessories. The currentcollectionsfeaturingtherespectivefiberbrands are already available globally in DVF online store and global store locations. Upcoming collections made of both fiber brands will debut from Q3 2024. This partnership marks a significant milestone in both companies’ commitment to environmental responsibility while raising awareness of conscious fashionchoices.
Recognizedforitstimelessdesignsandcommitmentto empoweringwomen,DVFisnowexpandingitsimpact by incorporating Lenzing’s fibers into its collections, complementedbytheadoptionofthesefibers’resourceefficient production that enables endless design possibilities. Given Lenzing’s TENCEL™ and LENZING™ECOVERO™brandedfibersarecertified withtheEUEcolabelforenvironmentalexcellence,by leveraging the low environmental impact of the fibers, thecollaborationwillhelpelevateDVF’siconicdesign aestheticbycreatingclothingitemsthatblendstyleand comfortwithpreferablesustainabilityperformance.
Recognized for their versatility in design and usage, TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ branded fibers have been featured extensively in various garment items in DVF collections since January this year, especially with their support for rich colors in fabrics, breathability and softness. The 2024 Summer season collection of DVF, themed “The Festival of Color”, featured a celebration of color and culture, inspired by summer festivals around the world, from Mexico’s Cinco de Mayo to Sweden’s Midsummer Festival to La Vandange in France. The collection featuresanumberofstylishgarmentpieceswithvibrant colors and patterns made of LENZING™ ECOVERO™brandedfibers,silk,linenandcotton.
“We are thrilled to partner with Lenzing to bring sustainablefashiontotheforefrontoftheindustry,”said JessieChen,DVFGlobalStrategicpartnerandCEOof Greater China. “At DVF, we are firm believers that fashionshouldnotonlymakewomenfeelconfidentand beautifulbutalsocontributepositivelytotheworld.The “FestivalofColor”DVF2024Summercollectionisjust the beginning of a long-term commitment. By integratingLenzing’ssignaturespecialtyfibersintoour designs,wearetakingasignificantsteptowardsdriving meaningful change and inspiring a shift towards consciousfashionchoices.”
“We are delighted to collaborate with DVF to bring resource-efficient materials made from sustainably managed wood sources to mainstream fashion,” said Harold Weghorst, Senior Director of Marketing and Branding, Global Textiles Business, Lenzing AG. “TENCEL™ Lyocell fibers and LENZING™
ECOVERO™ fibers are made with at least 50% less carbonemissionsandwaterconsumption.Asaleading producerofresponsiblyproducedspecialtyfibersmade fromnaturalrawmaterialwood,Lenzingiscommitted to driving product innovation and promoting environmental sustainability throughout the textile industry. By partnering with DVF, we are showcasing the potential for fashion to be both stylish and environmentallycompatible.”
Lenzing’s commitment to revolutionizing the textile industry with pioneering fiber solutions and collaborationwithlike-mindedpartnersalignsperfectly with DVF’s vision for a more sustainable fashion industry.
New flagship collections made of TENCEL™ and LENZING™ ECOVERO™ fibers are set to launch startingfromQ32024.Moreinformationwillbemade availableclosertothereleasedate.
ItisuniversallyacknowledgedthatIndiaisamongstthe fastest growing economies in the world, and much of thisgrowthisattributedtotheburgeoningmiddleclass, which is fueling economic growth through retail consumption.
RetailinginIndiaisoneofthepillarsofitseconomyand accounts for about 10 percent of its GDP. The Indian retail market is estimated to be worth $1 trillion and is expectedtoreach$2trillionby2032.Indiaisoneofthe fastest growing retail markets in the world, with 1.4 billion peopleAnother facet of the contribution of the retailindustryinthegrowthoftheIndianeconomyisthe generation of employment in the retail industry and industries supporting the retail business. Around 50 million people are employed in this sector. The retail sector is the fastest growing sector in terms of employment generation and is second only to agriculturein terms of the number of peopleit directly employs, besides creating indirect employment opportunities.
Akeyaspectofthissectoristhattheadvantagesarenot just restricted to specific strata of the society; instead, retail has the ability to benefit different entities ‐institutional as well as social. The contributions from modern retail flow to the exchequer due to increased transparency.
With the recent reforms, the Government has made substantial efforts to revitalize the sector, We, at the RetailersAssociationofIndia,aregenuinelysupportive oftheGovernment’svisiontoachieveinclusivegrowth for India. The retail sector has the true potential to provideimpetustotheGovernment’svision.
Through RAI Pre-Budget Memorandum 2024-25, certain areas are highlighted that require Governments attention, as they have the potential of providing a necessary push to unleash growth in the sector. RAI recommends that the Government should consider the followingkeypointstomaketheretailindustrystronger andcontributetotheGDPofthecountry.
Toensurethegrowthofthesector,theUnionBudgetfor FY 24–25 should focus on generating demand and spurring consumption by offering benefits or concessionsintheformoflowertaxes.Itwillboostthe overallconsumersentimentandbenefittheretailsector. ConsumptionequalstoDevelopment.Taxbenefitsand relieftoindividualtaxpayerswillincreasethemonthly disposableincomeandsupportconsumption.
Further the budget must prioritize growth-oriented measures to stimulate demand and consumption. The
budget should outline supportive policies, simplified regulations, skill development and simple goods and services tax (GST) norms to aid in the development of theretailindustry.
There is a need to provide lower interest rate to the retailers through the special announcement in the budget to assure easier financing for the Retail businesses. The government should allocate a special fundandformulateaspecialtraderfinanceschemewith SIDBI to help millions of independent retailers across the nation by declaring low-cost loans and relaxing someindustryguidelines.
III. Encourage Innovative and Convenient Digital PaymentMethods
Consumers may now make payments more easily thanks to the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and otherdigitalpaymentoptions.InIndia’ssemi-urbanand ruralshops,UPIalonesawa650%increase.Thesame hassupportedeliminatingtheburdeninthecash-based economy like India and making it simpler for corporations to enhance their operations in the online segment. It is required to assist these upgrades in the technology which makes it simpler to do digital payments. New and easy modes of digital payments must be supported by the government by announcing thefocusedextent. Further,thereisaneedtopromote Digital transactions by giving waiver of MDR / subsidizedMDRonuseofthedebitcard.
F&B retail sector needs to be considered as a priority and an essential service. Subsidies and benefits should be given on land rates and other necessities such as electricity.
V. Expedite National Retail Policy to enable ease of doingbusiness
There is a need to expedite the formulation and implementationofNationalpolicy.Webelievethatsuch a step would provide a substantial boost to the retail sectorandfacilitateeaseofdoingbusiness.
The Govt has included retail and wholesale trades as MSMEsandtheyareallowedtoberegisteredonUdyam Registration Portal. However, benefits to retail and wholesaletradeMSMEsarerestrictedtoPrioritySector Lendingonly.Werecommendthatretailandwholesale traders should be eligible for all benefits available to otherMSMEs.
There is a definite need to help retailers in India modernize.Thefirststeptomodernizationistheuseof PointofSaleMachines(alsocalledasPOSmachines)as these help retailers in making bills for customers and alsoallowtheownersofthestorestoallowanon-family member to man the cash tills without the worry of embezzlement.
Theusesoftheabovemachinesaremany.Thekeyuses are:
1. It allows owners of businesses to employ managers who can manage the business without losing control overbasicdataofsales.
3. Ithelpskeeparecordofcustomersandallowsfora more useful CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
4. The bills made from such machines create accountability to customers and ensures that retailers takeresponsibilityforwhattheyselltocustomers.
TheCentralGovernmentintroduced'TheModelShops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and ConditionofServices)Act2016(hereinafterreferredas TheModelBill)on 29th June2016whichhasbeenone ofthekeyasksoftheRetailersAssociationofIndiafor theoverallbenefitandgrowthoftheIndianretailsector.
TheModelBillisaprogressivemovebyShriNarendra ModiGovernmentsinceitenablesthestatestochooseto keepshopsandothersuchestablishmentsopen24×7all through the year. This gave a substantial boost to employment generation and will also benefit the consumers in terms of more convenience and accessibility.
The Government of Maharashtra and Gujarat has recently amended the Maharashtra Shops &
EstablishmentsAct1948inlinewiththeModelBill. The Government should encourage and incentivize otherstatestoadopttheModelAct.
Retail businesses also need EDC (Electronic Data Capturemachines)foracceptanceofvariousbankcards and other digital payment devices. This helps in the acceptance of digital money and also promotes an accountable trading environment. In our opinion, any promotionoftheuseofPointofSalemachinesisagood waytomovethecountryandits citizenstowardsafully accountedeconomy.
SmalltradershavetobeencouragedtouseatleastEDC machines so that they can accept digital payments withoutworry.Effortsshouldbemadetoensurethatall retailersinthecountryuseEDCmachinesandalsothat the cost of accepting Digital payments is never more thanthecostofacceptingcash.TheGovernmentmay want to create free/subsidized dispensation of such machinesinthecountry.Thiscanbedoneinstagesaround25lakhmachinestostartwithcanbeagood start. It will also help government as these retailers willregisterunderGST.
Effortsshouldalsobemadetoencourageretailerstoget POS machines with good software for sales bills and sales accounting. Reimbursement of money for such POStosmallretailerscanbeagoodwaytoencourage adoption. All these software’s should have an inbuilt securitysystemandrobustaccountingstandardssothat anaudittrailofbillsisfeasible.Somecareneedstobe takentocertifyacceptablePOSmachinesandsoftware.
We also recommend to reintroduce “EPCG for Retail Sector”,tocreatemoderninfrastructureinretailsector. Concessional duty benefits under EPCG scheme shall be extended for import or capital goods required by retailershavingminimumareaof1000sq.meter.
The 51st edition of the Retail Business Survey by the RetailersAssociationofIndia(RAI)indicatesthatsales inMay2024showedagrowthof3%ascomparedtothe saleslevelsinMay2023.
Speakingaboutthefindings,KumarRajagopalan,CEO, Retailers Association of India (RAI), said, "Retailers saw a 3% growth in May 2024 compared to the same period last year. While consumer spending on nonessential items remains cautious, categories such as food, grocery, and consumer durables have shown positive growth trajectory. Retailers are looking forwardtobusinesspost-electionseason.BudgetinJuly
will hopefully provide much-needed incentives to bolsterconsumerconfidenceandsupportfurthergrowth intheretailsector.”
Retailbusinessesacrossregionshaveindicatedgrowth in sales compared to May 2023, with South India showing the highest increase at 4%, followed by East andWestIndiaat3%each,andNorthIndiaat2%.
Amongcategories,food&groceryandCDITproducts (consumer durables/electronics) reported a growth of 6%each,followedbyQSR,whichshowedagrowthof 5%comparedtoMay2023saleslevels.
Even bigger, even more international, even higher quality:theCarpets&RugsproductgroupatHeimtextil 2025promisestobemorerobustthanever.Thesegment is set to expand significantly, with twice as many exhibitors, an additional hall level, and numerous new highlights. Renowned brands, exciting new products, and innovative content formats will be showcased at Heimtextil2025inFrankfurt.
Heimtextil 2025 is witnessing a substantial increase in both the quality and quantity of its Carpets & Rugs segment. With six months to go, the number of registered exhibitors has already doubled compared to lastyear."Wearethrilledbythismarketresponse,which underscores the industry's need for a strong, international platform. Heimtextil offers a comprehensive market overview and a wide array of high-quality products," explains Bettina Bär, Director ofHeimtextil.
The segment will expand to an additional hall level, featuring high-quality hand-woven carpets and internationalpavilionsinHall5.0.Hall5.1willcontinue to host machine-woven carpets and the enlarged preproduction area, showcasing fibers, yarns, and
specialized technologies for the carpet industry. Handknottedcarpets,doormats,clean-offsystems,andtextile solutions for outdoor and contract business will round outthediverseofferings.
Numerous prominent companies have already confirmed their participation, including Bhadohi Carpets (India), Balta Home (Belgium), and Kaleen Lifestyle (India), marking their first appearance. ReturningbrandslikeLaleeOHG(Germany),Heritage Overseas(India),andOrientalWeaversGroup(Egypt) will also be present.The Belgian association Fedustria and the Tunisian association Office National de L'Artisanatwillexhibithigh-qualitycarpets.
The new hall level will feature an extensive content program, including specialist presentations, panel discussions,andguidedtoursoncurrentindustrytopics. ThepopularCarpetLoungeinthefoyerofHalls5.1/6.1 willshowcaseinnovativedesignsandtrends,providing aspaceforvisitorstonetworkandexplore.
ReHubsproudlyannouncestheelectionofitsBoardof Directors,anothermilestonethatstrengthensitsmission to industrially scale up fibre-to-fibre textile recycling across Europe. The election came during the ReHubs AnnualEvent,thisyearhostedbyColeoinBarcelona,in which they presented their new Recycling Sorting Facility, prompted through their partnership with ReHubs.
TheelectedBoardofDirectors,comprisingexperienced and diverse industry leaders from ReHubs partner organisations, will support Executive Director Chris Deloof in developing ReHubs' capacity-building and knowledge-sharing projects. The Board includes; Acerina Trejo Machin (Resortecs), Alain Poincheval (Reju),AnnaPehrsson(TEXAID),BouraouiKechiche (DECATHLON),CarlBaekelandt(ConcordiaTextiles/ PurFi), David Puyuelo Huguet (Coleo), Dirk Vantyghem(EURATEX),FélixPozaPeña(INDITEX), Mariska Boer (Boer Group), Outi Luukko (Rester), VéroniqueAllaireSpitzer(Refashion).
Thetwo-dayReHubsAnnualEventfeaturedadynamic program where ReHubs twenty-five partners to date came together to connect and strengthen relationships, fostering collaboration and the exchange of innovative ideas. Additionally, ReHubs partners received policy updates from EURATEX and their possible implications for the industry and engaged in a discussionwiththeEuropeanInvestmentBankontheir VentureDebtProgramandtheirAdvisoryServices.
“The past two days have once again demonstrated the importance of bringing together people with a shared vision and the powerful collaboration that results from it. Thanks to the diverse profiles of the participants, challengescanbediscussedfrommultipledisciplinary perspectives. Only through such collaboration we will achieveourcommongoalandclosetheloop.”
As hosts of this year’s Annual Event, Spain-based organisation Coleo provided an exclusive preview of their new state-of-the-art Recycling Sorting Facility to all ReHubs partners. The pre-opening of Coleo’s
innovativefacilityinMatarówasasignificanthighlight, showcasing their latest advancements in textile sorting andrecycling.
“Joining ReHubs is a necessary step to continue building the model we believe in. Without relentless collaborationbetweendifferentbrands,companies,and entities,wewillnotbeabletoachievethescaleneeded totakethenecessarystepsrequiredbytheindustry.”
AsReHubscontinuestogrow,itremainssteadfastinits commitment to industrially scale up the collecting, sorting, processing and recycling of textile waste in Europe. ReHubs invites all who are interested in learningmoreandcontributingtoourmissiontogetin touch.
ReHubs is a partnership-based collaboration hub workingtoindustriallyscaleupthecollecting,sorting, processing and recycling of textile waste in Europe. Unlocking the potential of connectivity and intelligence,ReHubsisdedicatedtoshiftingtheapparel and textile industry towards a circular business model. ReHubsorchestratescollaborationandtriggerscapacity and knowledge projects across the value chain, countriesandpublic/privatesectors.
For more information and an overview of ReHubs valued partners, please visit
AtColeowebelieveinamoresustainableindustry.Our goalistobreathenewlifetogarmentsandtextilesthat have reached the end of their life. We offer circular services and products, from waste management, to sorting, processing and recycling, creating new productswithapromisingfuture.
Press Contact ReHubs To know more about this press release,
Color Atlas by Archroma®, the industry’s largest readilyavailablecolorlibraryforfashionandhomewith 5,760colors,isnoweasiertouseandmoreportablethan ever with the first-of-its-kind Mini Flex and Mini Paletteeditions.
Archroma, a global leader in specialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, is introducing an innovativeportableversionofitsmarket-leadingColor AtlasbyArchroma®colorcataloguetohelpstreamline textile and fashion industry workflows with truly convenientcolorcomparison.
The Color Atlas by Archroma®, Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions are availableas convenientlibrariesof textile color swatches that set a new standard for efficientcolorselectionandcomparisonwhileonthego, in the office, factory or in a work-from-home setting. Colorcomparisonis a fundamentalpart of the work of designers and their textile mill and brand partners. However, achieving the perfect color match or color harmony without convenient access to color library reference books has long been a challenge. Physical color libraries can be bulky and heavy with even compact editions of physical libraries are too big to fit intoabackpackorshoulderbag.ThenewColorAtlasby Archroma®formatsgivedesignersavisualcompanion toolfordigitalcolorlibrariesmaynotbeaccuratedueto thelimitationsoftheuser’ssmartphoneortabletdisplay.
The Color Atlas by Archroma® Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions overcome these challenges. Both formatsareuserfriendlyandtravel-ready,withnomask requiredtoisolatecolorsforselectionandcomparison.
•TheMiniFlexeditionfeaturestextilecolorchipsthat allow users to quickly find and compare colors with theirdesiredtargetcolor.
•IntheMiniPaletteedition,individualcolorchipsare insertedintoslotsinplasticpalettesheetsforeaseofuse and portability. Users can carry the pre-made palette sheetswatchesorcustomizeapalettesheetusingchips fromseveralswatches.
Both Color Atlas by Archroma® Mini Flex and Mini Paletteformatscontain5,760uniquecolors:4,320cotton colorsand1,440polyestercolors.Eachofthecolorsare also available from Archroma as Engineered Color Standards that include achievability information on alternate fiber types, precise dyeing recipes formulated with products that comply with leading international eco-standards,digitaldataforrecipepredictions,dyeeco compliance information and access to expert technical supportfromArchromaaroundtheworld.
“Our Color Atlas has inspired creativity, enhanced communicationandhelpedensurecoloraccuracysince it was launched in 2016. As new ways of working digitally and physically along with the demand for speed reshapes the fashion and textile industry, we continue to innovate to support brands, designers and millstoworkfasterandsmartertogether,whereverthey are,” Chris Hipps, Global Director, Archroma Color Management,said.“OurinnovativenewMiniFlexand Mini Palette Color Atlas products provide a true breakthrough for ease of use and portability compared withtraditionallibrariesinuse.”
The Color Atlas by Archroma® Mini Flex and Mini Palette editions are now available to pre order from
Archroma introduces innovative ultra compact Color Atlas. (Photographs: Archroma) ® Trademark of Archromaregisteredinmanycountries.
The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol has today announced that Carhartt, Inc. is the latest brand to join its sustainable cotton program. Carhartt, known for producingdurablegeardesignedtoserveandprotectall hardworkingpeopleformorethan135years,haschosen tojointheTrustProtocolaspartofitsstrategytosource moreresponsiblygrowncotton.
durable materials available,” said Gretchen R. Valade, Director of Sustainability at Carhartt. “Becoming a memberoftheTrustProtocolenablesustocontinueour exploration into more responsibly sourced materials, which is the next step in our mission to leave a better worldforthenextgenerationofhardworkingpeople.”
Carhartt’s Membership in the Trust Protocol will also provide transparency as the company works to gain greater insight into their supply chain by allowing full traceabilityoftheU.S.cottonintheirgear.
“Continuous improvement is a key part of our philosophy, which is why we’re eager to help our members work towards greater sustainability by providingmeasurableandverifiablefarm-leveldata,as wellastraceabilityoftheU.S.cottontheyaresourcing,” said Daren Abney, Executive Director of the Trust Protocol. “We’re thrilled that we can support Carhartt ontheirowncontinuousimprovementjourneytowards sourcingmoresustainablecotton.”
ITMF&IAFConvention2024inSamarkand,Uzbekistan September
As frequent visitors of the ITMF and IAF annual conferenceshavecometoexpect,industryexpertswill share the cutting edge of the developments that currently define the textile-apparel industrial complex. The unique collaboration of the textile industry federation ITMF and the apparel industry federation IAF allows the organizers to give a full supply chain picture.At a time when collaboration across the entire chainisindispensabletomeetthemanychallenges,this isagreatasset.
Collaboration is also a central theme of a session featuringInditex,EpicGroupandInternationalFinance Corporation(IFC,partoftheWorldBankGroup).The speakerswillfocusondecarbonizationandshowhowa collaborative approach across the supply chain can achievetherealprogressthatourindustryneeds.
Theapparelandtextileindustriesarerapidlybecoming more regulated, heightening the pressure to create real and significant environmental and social
improvements. In a unique, global regulation session, representatives of the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), the China National Textile & Apparel Council (CNTAC), the European Textile & Apparel Industry Federation (EURATEX), and the Japan Textile Federation (JTF), will explain the shape thatregulationwilltakeintheircountriesandregionsin thecomingyears.
These topics and several more about fibers, digitalization,AI, etc. will be discussed in the ancient cityofSamarkand,Uzbekistan,acountrywitharapidly growingtextileandapparelindustry,attractinginterests fromacrosstheworld.Thisconventionwillbeaunique industrial gathering of leaders from across the entire textile and apparel supply chain, from all parts of the world.
In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the call for sustainability echoes loudly across industries. Among those grappling with significant sustainability challenges,thetextilesectorstandsoutforitsimpacton theenvironmentandcommunities.
Birla Cellulose, in this situation emerges as a leader, pioneeringinnovativesolutionsforasustainablefuture. With a keen focus on repurposing textile waste, Birla Celluloseoffersanalternativeforthetextilevaluechain by developing cutting-edge products with immense potential to repurpose pre and post-consumer textile waste.
Understanding the importance of collaboration in addressing sustainability challenges, Birla Cellulose recently announced a strategic partnership with Punebased fashion label, Ka-sha, to craft a line of artisanal andsustainableproductsundertheirbrand"Roz".This collaboration seeks to promote conscious consumer choicesalignedwitheverydaysustainabilitypractices.
Derivedfromtheword'everyday,'"Roz"epitomizesthe amalgamation of design and sustainability. These elevated basics are designed with comfort in mind, makingthemaneasychoiceforeverydayattire.Theline hasbeenmindfullydesignedwithsmallyetsignificant detailingineveryproduct.
Central to this collaborative effort is the utilization of theReviva-Mgradecircularyarnblend.Thisinnovative blend comprises cotton pre-consumer waste, Birla
Cellulose's Birla Excel fibres, and indigenous kala cotton. By leveraging these materials, Ka-sha's skilled teamtransformsthemintohigh-qualityfabrics,paving thewayforthecreationofthe"Roz"collection.
The"Roz"linehasgarneredwidespreadacclaimforits sustainable origins and ethical production methods. Consumershaveembracedthesegarmentsnotonlyfor theireco-friendlycredentialsbutalsofortheirtimeless style and impeccable quality. It is a design-led label, where they intend to marry design with ease of care while also supporting the expansive textile industry in India.Productsthatfindaplaceineveryone’s’wardrobe nomatterwheretheyarefrom,productsthatareeasily washable and are highly-comfortable for every day, is whatBirlaCelluloseisbuildingwithRoz.
Ultimately, the success of the "Roz" collaboration underscoresthetransformativepowerofpartnershipsin driving positive change. By joining forces, Birla Cellulose and Ka-sha have demonstrated that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand. Their innovative approach to textile production serves as a blueprint for the industry, inspiring others to embrace sustainability as a core value and driving towardsamoresustainablefutureforfashion.
Australia is the world's largest producer of premium quality wool, which is highly sought after in international markets for its superior qualities. The Indian market, with its burgeoning textile and apparel industry, presents a significant opportunity for Australian wool. This report explores the presence, demand,andfutureprospectsofAustralianwoolinthe Indianmarket.
Australia produces over 70% of the world's apparel wool, predominantly from Merino sheep. The wool is known for its fine micron, softness, and durability, making it ideal for high-quality garments and textiles. The Woolmark Company, a key player in promoting Australianwool,worksextensivelytoensurethewool's qualityandtopromoteitglobally,includinginIndia.
India, being one of the largest textile and apparel manufacturers globally, has a growing demand for qualityrawmaterials,includingwool.TheIndianwool industry is diversified across various segments, includingapparel,hometextiles,andcarpets.
The Indian market comprises various companies licensed by The Woolmark Company, reflecting their commitmenttoqualityandsustainablepractices.Some ofthekeyplayersinclude:
• Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Ltd: Known for apparel products like sweaters, cardigans, and waistcoats.
• Arvind Fashions Ltd: Another major player in the apparelsegment.
• Raymond Ltd: A significant manufacturer in the semi-processedandapparelwoolsegment.
• Monte Carlo Fashions Ltd: Specializes in a wide rangeofwoolenapparel.
• OSWAL Woollen Mills Ltd: Engaged in vertical operations including semi-processed products and apparel.
Australian wool is certified by The Woolmark Company, which ensures that the wool meets highquality standards. These certifications are crucial for Indian manufacturers to ensure the authenticity and quality of the wool they procure. The certification specialtiesinclude:
The Indian market for Australian wool is poised for growthduetoseveralfactors:
1. Rising Demand for Sustainable and Natural Fibers: Consumers are increasingly looking for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Australian wool, being naturalandrenewable,fitswellwithinthistrend.
2. Growth of Luxury and High-End Apparel Market: TheincreasingaffluenceoftheIndianmiddleclassis driving demand for high-end, luxury woolen garments.
3. Government Initiatives: Indian government policies promotingthetextileindustryalsoboostthedemand forhigh-qualitywool.
• Price Sensitivity: Indian consumers are pricesensitive, which can be a barrier for the relatively expensiveAustralianwool.
• Competition from Synthetic Fibers: The dominance ofcheapersyntheticalternativescanaffectthemarket shareofwool.
• SupplyChainIssues:Ensuringaconsistentsupplyof high-quality Australian wool to the Indian market requires efficient logistics and supply chain management.
AustralianwoolholdsapromisingpositionintheIndian market, supported by its superior quality and the growingdemandforsustainabletextiles.Withstrategic efforts in marketing, partnerships, and addressing supply chain challenges, Australian wool can significantly enhance its presence and market share in India.
For more information on Australian wool and its presenceinIndia,youcancontact:
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the potential and current status of Australian wool in the Indian market, highlighting key players, opportunities, andchallengesinthissector.
Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative,announcedtherecipientsofits2024Member Awards at a grand ceremony during a dinner cruise alongtheBosphorus,heldaspartofthetwo-dayBetter CottonConferenceinIstanbul,Turkiye.Theconference gathered over 200 industry representatives to discuss 'acceleratingimpact'atthefieldlevel.
In the 2021/2022 season, Better Cotton Retailer and Brand Members sourced an impressive 2.6 million tonnesofBetterCotton,accountingformorethan10% oftheglobalcottonproduction.Thissignificantuptake underscores the growing commitment to sustainable cotton production and the collaborative efforts across thecottonsupplychain.
• Walmart: Recognized for its significant uptake of Better Cotton in the large to very large member category.
• John Lewis Partnership: Honored for its notable uptake of Better Cotton in the very small to mediumsizedmembercategory.
• Cargill Commodities: Acknowledged for sourcing thehighestvolumesofBetterCottoninthecottontrader category.
• Vicunha Têxtil: Commended for processing the
highest volumes of Better Cotton in the intermediarycategory.
• CottonEgyptAssociation:Awardedfor generatingsignificantinterestwiththeirstoryon Better Cotton’s growing program in Egypt, highlightingeffortstoexpandsustainablecotton production in the Nile Delta. This award underscores the association’s effective communicationoftheon-groundimpactsandthe humanstoriesbehindBetterCotton’sinitiatives. The featured story shed light on the lives of the farmersandcommunitiesinvolved,showcasing their dedication to sustainable practices and the transformative changes occurring in the Nile Delta region. This recognition not only celebratesthestorytellingprowessoftheCotton EgyptAssociation but also emphasizes the importance of sharing field-level insights to inspire and inform a globalaudience.
• CABI: Celebrated for their comprehensive work in Pakistan, including the creation of a national organic agriculture policy. This policy, currently under assessmentbyPakistan’sMinistryofFoodSecurityand Research, aims to enhance sustainability efforts and stakeholdercollaboration.
• İyi Pamuk Uygulamaları Derneği (IPUD): Recognized for their longstanding implementation of BetterCotton’sactivitiesinTürkiyesince2013.
Alan McClay, CEO of Better Cotton, expressed his gratitude and pride in the achievements of the award recipients. He emphasized the importance of collaboration at all levels within the cotton sector, stating, “It’s a great privilege to once again host our Member Awards and celebrate the dedication and unrelenting efforts of our partners. Transformative change within the cotton sector is predicated on collaboration at all levels, and as Better Cotton’s network continues to grow it’s important that we take stock of the progress we continue to make as an industry.”
EvaBenavidezClayton,SeniorDirectorofMembership andSupplyChain,co-presentedtheawards,reinforcing the critical role of member organizations in driving the sustainabilityagendaforward.
Men’s Wear and Women’s Wear will be showcased at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon and Kid’s wear at the Jio World Convention Centre in BKC, Mumbai
The Indian apparel industry is gearing up for the spectacular show of trends, innovation and business opportunities at the most awaited 79th National GarmentFair(NGF2024)byCMAIscheduledtotake place from 23-26 July 2024 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre and the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. With a massive 1 million square feet of exhibitionspace,thisNGFissettohighlightthelatest collectioninmen’s,women’s&children’sclothing.
This bi-annual trade show being organized by the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) attracts 1100 apparel manufacturers and more than 30000 pan India Retailers. NGF stands as a symbol of exclusiveness and holds significant prestige in the industry as India's foremost comprehensive sourcing fairthatmaximizesbothtimeandcostefficiencyforall stakeholders.
Rajesh Masand, President, CMAI,said "Despite the consumption slow down prevalent since 2023, we are optimisticaboutarisingdemandinthedomesticmarket duringtheupcomingfestiveseason.Indianconsumers distinct fashion choices, demand for unique prints, specialdesignsandpremiummerchandisedoesprovide a solid foundation for growth. We anticipate that the
later half of the year will see a notable improvement across all categories, marking 2024asastabilizingperiodthatsetsthestage forourbrighterfuture."
Speaking about NGF, Rohit Munjal, Vice President and Chairman of the Fair Committee, Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) said, “National Garment Fair attracts national level manufacturers,distributors,retailers,industry professionals, promoting B2B sourcing relationshipsandoffersaccesstonewbusiness opportunitiesthathelpdrivegrowth.Thefourday extravagant trade show is anticipated to attractover30,000tradebuyersfromalloverIndia.To facilitate this large quantum of trade visitors and ensuring a productive experience for all stakeholders involved, we have bifurcated the total exhibition space of 1 million square feet across two largest venues of Mumbai- Men’s Wear & Women’s Wear at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon and Kid’s wear at Jio World Convention Centre in BKC thus showcasing latest collections of over 1300 apparel brands for trade bookings.”
Rahul Mehta, Chief Mentor of CMAI, said: "As we gather to showcase cutting-edge apparel trends and foster business collaborations at the NGF, we are also embracingthefuturewithafocusonsustainabilityand novelty. NGF symbolizes our collective vision for an industry that is not only fashionable and dynamic but also responsible and forward-thinking. It's a platform wheretraditionmeetsmodernity,andwheretheseedsof asustainablefuturearesown."
The NGF consolidates itself as the largest conglomeration of retailers and manufacturers, providing a single sourcing destination. This consolidation enhances efficiency and nurtures seamless networking and collaboration opportunities within the garments & apparels ecosystem. As a biannual celebration of garments & apparels, the NGF notonlyshowcasesthelatesttrendsbutalsocontributes to building a sustainable and thriving future for the Indianapparelindustry.The79theditionisexpectedto beamonumentalchapterinthejourneyofthesame.
ISKO is in the big apple to show the company’s big advancements in style, technology and sustainable recyclingprocesses.
ISKO, the global leader in denim innovation, is taking part in the Kingpins Show in New York City. At the event taking place on 17 and 18 July at Pier 36, Basketball City, ISKO presents a carefully curated selectionfromitsdiversecollections.
Attendeeshavetheopportunitytoexploreanexclusive selectionfromISKO’smaincollection,alongsidesome of the company’s most innovative technologies and products. Each piece exemplifies ISKO’s commitment to blending sophisticated designs with sustainable practices.
ThereisalottoseeinISKO’sshowcasewhichincludes the Main Collection, organized into five main macro groups:
- Inflexible: a range of rigid fabrics for contemporary needs,truetodenim’soriginalheritage.
Other highlights are: - Casual Line: the ultimate premiumexperienceshowcasingaunique,versatileand
innovative woven fabric collection made with FSC® certified viscose and certified post consumer recycled polyester.
ISKO™ Luxury by PG: curated by Paolo Gnutti, this collection merges classic tastes with contemporary visions.
Finally, as ISKO’s FW 25-26 collection features RE&UP fibers, visitors can learn more about the circulartech company that recycles cotton, polyester andpolycottontextilewasteandtransformsitintohighqualityNext-Genfibers,becomingthego-toalternative tovirginoptions.
MarcoLucietti,DirectorofStrategicProjectsatISKO, commented,“Wearethrilledtobringourcollectionsto Kingpins NYC. This event allows us to showcase our innovativeandsustainablefabricstoawideraudience. Webelieveinpushingtheboundariesoffashionandare committedtocreatingdesignsthatarebothstylishand responsible.”
Automation is advancing apace in the textile-care sector. RFID systems, robotics and artificial intelligence are introducing greater transparency into the flow of goods, carrying out high-risk, heavy or monotonous work and improving quality control processes. In this way, these clever mechanisms are alleviating one of the most acute problems in the industry:staffshortage.
Thedegreeofautomationinthetextile-caresectorhas already reached a high level and, in many cases, everything operates smoothly, just like a production line. Nevertheless, more tasks that are currently still carried out manually could be taken over by machines and robots in the future. The latest innovations in the field of automation will be on show at Texcare International in Frankfurt am Main from 6 to 9 November2024.
Althoughtherearealternatives,RFIDtechnologyisan importanttoolfortextile-carecompanieswhenitcomes to laundry management. Tags, i.e., transponders or chips embedded in textiles, contain all relevant informationabouteachindividualitem.Thesetagsare identified by readers, i.e., detection devices, and 'translated'intothenextprocessingstageviainterfaces, thuseliminatingtheneedtomanuallyreadinabarcode. Bulk goods can in turn be localised using UHF technology, which leads to more operational transparency. Wireless systems are therefore set to becomeincreasinglyimportantformachine-supported, efficient laundry processing, as shown by a variety of automationdevelopments.
In future, sorting dirty laundry could be one of the
processes that can be carried out by machines. In the systems developed by Denmark's Inwatec company, intelligent technology separates, recognises and classifies the goods delivered: robots pick up the individual items of laundry from conveyor belts, while RFIDchipreadersorcamerasandartificialintelligence identifyandregistereachitem,beitworkwear,towelsor even bed linen. Immediately afterwards, an X-ray scannerautomaticallydetectsunwanted,hiddenitemsin the bags and removes these articles. Only approved laundryitemsareforwardedandsortedbythesystemin accordance with the designated washing or cleaning process. The system, which can operate around the clock, is reliable and fast. In hospital laundries, it also minimises contact with harmful germs and the risk of injuryfromsharporpointedobjects.Nevertheless,such a system still cannot work fully automatically because, ontheonehand,theincominglaundryhastobeloaded manually from the trolleys into the sorting system and, on the other hand, the employees must handle the rejected garments, identify valuable items and return themtothewearersifthelabellingmakesthispossible.
The handling of dry laundry is also characterised by fewer personnel and more automated technology. Thanks to developments by several companies, the continuous scanning of textiles for holes, stains, deformations or colours has long been used for ironing laundryofidenticaldimensions.Atthispoint,imperfect items are removed from the process, after which the flawlessitemsareautomaticallyfoldedandstacked.
Otherautomatedprocessesnowincludethefoldingand stacking of terrycloth products. Companies such as HebetecWäschereitechnik,KannegiesserandSewtsare settopresentcorrespondingsolutionsatTexcare2024. Andreas Langer, Kannegiesser's marketing manager, explainsthereasonsbehindthedevelopmentofthefully automated dry laundry line: "Due to fatigue, the operator's input performance naturally fluctuates and decreases over the course of a shift. Automation preventsinputfrombecomingabottleneckandslowing down the laundry process. This arduous task is performedbystate-of-the-artequipment.Workingwith advanced technology, such as robots and intelligent control systems, has another advantage: it makes it easier for a modern laundry to attract tech-savvy employees and specialists who find working with innovative and future-oriented technologies exciting
The principle of a fully automatic terrycloth folding system is usually based on modern image recognition systems and sensors. These enable one or more robot arms to recognise, grip, align, identify or measure an iteminalaundrytrolley,feedittothefoldingmachine, folditwiththeappropriatefoldingprogrammeandthen stack it. Depending on the manufacturer, these processes are carried out in accordance with specific procedures,whichalsoinfluencetheperformanceofthe machine.According to Kannegiesser, this results in an hourly folding rate between 600 and 700 items, depending on the variety of items to be processed. For example, a person is still faster than a machine when foldingsmalleritemsoflaundry,suchasflannels.
To date, processing automation has usually concluded withthelaundryitemsgroupedtogetherinstacks,which are then manually sorted, picked, assigned to tours or stored. This gap between the folding machine and the packagingareacannowalsobeclosed,too,thankstoa storage and replenishing system for stacked flat linen developed by the Jensen Group. The stacks of clean laundry are placed on a storage belt and automatically fed to the staff who fulfil the orders. An additional storage system that can also be integrated into the system provides further space for the laundry stacks. Theyaretemporarilystoredthere,retrievedasrequired andtransportedtothepackingstationusingcranesand conveyor belts, where laundry staff complete the deliveriesforthecustomers.
"As a transport system for stacked flat laundry, our system fulfils all requirements for maintaining the quality, cleanliness and hygiene of the finished goods rightthroughtothedispatcharea.Theindividualstacks aretransportedseparately,whichpreventsunintentional displacement of the linen and manual repositioning.
Thus,automatedprocessingfromthestorageconveyor ensures a consistent level of quality, which enables user-friendlypackagingandleadstocustomer-oriented delivery of laundry stacks. Simultaneously, this cuts downonthenumberofemployeesrequiredinthefinal stage of a textile hire company, which can ease the pressure on the usually tight staffing levels in the companies," explains Jensen Group Marketing ManagerNicolasGostony.
Group Humanskillsremainindemand
Thanks to the rapid development of sensors, artificial intelligence and robotics, textile care 4.0 is taking on ever more tangible forms. These clever systems give companies the chance to automate similar tasks and therebyimprovetheirperformance,laundryqualityand hygiene. Shortages of skilled and unskilled labour can be better covered, while employees benefit from a higher quality of work and new opportunities for development. Nevertheless, despite the rapid advances in automation, the textile service industry is inconceivable without human beings. Their cognitive skills are required, in particular, for coding, individualisation (applying name badges or patches), length adjustment and repair, as well as for cleaning private laundry. In many cases, a trained eye is often faster than cameras and artificial intelligence when it comes to quality control and assessment. However, as suchactivitiesquicklyleadtofatigue,itislikelythatthe next wave of automation will be in this area of textile care.
Texcare International in Frankfurt am Main offers a comprehensive overview of innovations from all product parts of the textile-care sector. More than 300 exhibitors from all over Europe, Asia and North America will be showcasing their innovations from recent years. In addition to the major manufacturers of machines,chemicalsandtextiles,newcompaniesfrom the fields of robotics and IT will also be making presentations.Furthertopicalinformationcanbefound
Youth Icon and Celebrated Actor to Elevate Men's Fashion with Mistair’s Premium Suiting and Shirting Fabrics
Mistair, the epitome of timeless elegance and fashion innovation,proudlyannouncesAdityaRoyKapurasits new brand ambassador, signaling a new era of sophisticationinmen'sfashion.Mistairhasgarnereda renownedreputationforitsexquisiteandedgyrangeof premium suiting and shirting fabrics that celebrate timeless elegance with a touch of modern flair. With specialty weaves, finishes, and textures, Mistair's collections are designed to turn heads, whether for a formal business suit, a pertinent corporate meeting, or anopulentdinnerparty.
Mr.RameshPoddar,ChairmanandManagingDirector of Siyaram's, expresses his excitement about the partnership: "We are delighted to have signed Aditya Roy Kapur as the brand ambassador for Mistair. Over the years, Mistair has established its popularity across demographics,justlikeAdityahimself.Heembodiesa senseofstyleandyouthfulenergythatperfectlyaligns withtheMistairbrandidentity.Withourcommitmentto highfashion,qualityandaccessibility,we'reexcitedfor Mistair’s fashionable journey ahead with Aditya Roy Kapur."
says,"Iam delighted to be collaborating with Mistair. Their collection resonates deeply with my personal style, offering designs that exude sophistication with a touch ofmodernflair.WhatimpressesmemostishowMistair combinesclassicelegancewithmoderntrends,making it perfect for the contemporary man who values both traditionandinnovation."
Withthispowerfulpartnership,MistairandAdityaRoy Kapur aim to inspire men across the nation to embrace sophisticated style and elevate their fashion game. As the new face of Mistair, Aditya's charismatic persona and impeccable fashion sense are set to captivate audiences, further solidifying Mistair's position as a trailblazer in the industry and personifying the brand promiseofdeliveringthe“finestinfashion”.