Child Labour Law towards Terrorism (From Pravesh K. YADAV)

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September 01, 2005 Child Labour Law towards Terrorism? (From Pravesh K. YADAV) Hi I'm Pravesh Yadav here again.... At first I would like give some lights why I written this Article, as the terrorism is spreading rapidly in the world and it's urgently need of hours to go to the roots of Terrorism. The World still in shocked to hear the string of Explosion that took lots of lives at 7/7 London followed by another attack in Egypt & now 400 bomb blast series in Bangladesh as well as continuance terrorist attacks in Jammu & Kashmir (India), all these recent attacks has refreshed the memory of 9/11 collapsed World Tower Building in USA. We pray for the peace of Souls who lost their lives & we condemn utterly such Barbaric attack by Terrorist. In this hour of Grief & sorrow we all stand with you to confront & defeat such actions. In today's scenario nature's going so crazy that no one can definite prediction about it's next move. Tokyo (Japan) Earthquake, Flood in Gujarat, Mumbai (India), Tsunami (India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia etc.) are the example of a series of disaster by nature. We are also facing a series of accidents like Venezuela Plane Crash in which 160 Killed, when nobody sure about tomorrow, so why should we indulge in War like activities? Let's make this world truly peaceful. Prohibited Child Labour (Difference between Developing & Developed Countries) To find a job in any industry here in India totally impossible at the age of 13, I'd wondered around the firms to get entry in field of Handicrafts, due to compulsion of Govt.'s Labour Law (which strictly prohibited child labour below 18). We are following too much westernization, but we have to see their prosperity too. There is no unemployment, every child has constitutional rights of proper Education, Insurance, Medical allowance and numerous adequate facilities provided by their Respected Governments. Their Govt. take care every citizen of the country, Senior Citizen get pensions there and have number of orphans to take care them. If anyone unemployed there, he/she gets the allowance of unemployment. Overall if Developed Countries has a law to prohibit the child labour, we have enough reasons to understand them. What should a child do ? But there are no such previledge facilities in developing or poor countries. What should a child do when his/her father no more? What should a child do if his father handicapped and unable to earn money for live hood of his family? What should a child do if his/her father a Drinker / Gambler and spend all his earning on these bad habits? if Govt.'s law prohibited to Child Labour, Can anyone tell me who will provide money for his/her family & necessary facilities for live hood ? Officials have no problem to see them engaged in Domestic Slavery & Other Humiliated Works Page 1 of 8

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