The Watch

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Prayer Manual of the

Preca Community

Illustrations by Elizabeth Wang Cover

Our littlest prayers are welcomed, heard, and rewarded by God, who is like a father stroking his beloved child. Code: T-01396-OL-V1

pg 10

As we face God’s glory we are called to repent of our sins. Code: T-02670-O

pg 15

When we pray at Mass we are united with Christ in Glory and with the gathering of His saints and the souls of Purgatory. Code: T-00042A-OL

pg 19

We need a crucifix as a ‘template’ for our own lives not to make us love pain or suffering, but so we will imitate Christ in His patient acceptance of His Father’s Will. Code: T-05917-CW

pg 40

Through repentance and faith in Christ we allow Him to draw us into the heart of the Holy Trinity. Code: T-01039C-OL-V1

pg 54

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the ‘Holy House’ who bore the Son of God in her womb and is forever to be honoured. Code: T-01349-OL

Copyright © Radiant Light 2006, Designed and Printed Veritas Press, Malta, Europe 2014

†Verbum Dei caro factum est The Word of God Became Flesh

The Watch Prayer Manual of the

Preca Community



The Aim of the Watch Directions The Devotion of the Divine Wounds

Morning Prayer 8 am Meditation: Why am I here? 9 am Offering for the Dying and the Dead 10 am Meditation: The last things 11 am Apostles’ Creed 12 pm General Offering 1 pm Meditation: The Law of God 2 pm The promise of Meekness 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Sunday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Monday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Tuesday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Wednesday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Thursday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Friday 3 pm Meditation on the Crucifix Saturday 4 pm Offering for our Community 5 pm Directions for a Holy Life 6 pm Declaration 7 pm The Shorter Acts 8 pm Episodes from the Life of Christ


4 5 6 8 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 37 38

Selected Episodes for Sundays Selected Episodes for Mondays Selected Episodes for Tuesdays Selected Episodes for Wednesdays Selected Episodes for Thursdays Selected Episodes for Fridays Selected Episodes for Saturdays

41 42 44 45 47 48 50

Evening Prayer Prayers of God’s Servant after Communion The Angelus The Litany of Elects The Rosary Prayers before each mystery The Joyful Mysteries The Sorrowful Mysteries The Glorious Mysteries The Mysteries of Light The Hail Holy Queen Prayer for the Faithful Departed Prayer to Our Lady after the Rosary

52 53 55 56 58 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 64

This prayer book is for the private use of young people, associates and friends and of the Preca Community.


The Aim of the Watch Can it be possible that you forget the thought of God’s presence if you fulfil the prayers in The Watch with true spirit? What is the benefit of living in the presence of God? Perfection, joy and peace. Surely, if you fulfill The Watch, your faith will be strengthened by meditation and prayer. So, what is the good effect of prayer? Increased love of God and others and avoidance of sin. Surely, if you fulfill The Watch, you give glory to God. What does giving glory to God bring about? Holiness and an abundance of grace. Surely, if you fulfill The Watch, you become more Christ-like by meditating on the life of Christ. What is the effect of meditating on the life of Christ? Wisdom and life. May you, who have by God’s love chosen to follow Jesus Christ as your Divine Teacher, never feel discouraged in fulfilling the prayers of this Watch. Adapted from the original exhortation by Saint George Preca


Directions 1. You should strive to pray these prayers daily. 2. Prayer postures are not observed when in public. 3. Prayers in the Watch can be said at any time within the hour. It is encouraged to complete prayers that have been missed during the day. 4. The quotations in the 3.00 pm meditation on the crucifix are examples only. From time to time you should find your own quotation. Only one quotation should be used on any given day. 5. The 8.00 pm meditations on the life of Jesus are examples only. It is encouraged that through reading of the daily liturgy of the Word and personal scripture reading, you become well versed in the gospel. The parables and sayings of Jesus are especially recommended.


The Devotion of the Divine Wounds Honouring the divine wounds of Jesus is a long-standing and significant Catholic devotion. This is highlighted during the Easter liturgy when the celebrant inserts five pieces of incense into the Easter candle. These symbolise the five wounds inflicted during Jesus’ Crucifixion - his pierced hands, his feet and his side. The priest completes the consecration of the candle using the prayer “By his holy and glorious wounds may Christ our Lord guard us and keep us. Amen.” Saint George Preca became a fervent devotee of the Divine Wounds after he read the life and the private revelations of a Visitation Sister, the servant of God, Sister Mary Martha Chambon (1841-1907). She claimed that Jesus revealed himself to her several times and after emphasising the value of his wounds asked her to spread this devotion. Fr. Preca felt he was called to assist Sister Mary Martha Chambon in her mission. He assiduously worked to promote this devotion, especially in his talks and in his writings.


From 1929 onwards, Fr. Preca included the offering of the Wounds in virtually all his prayers and issued a new version of the prayer book “The Watch” that now prominently included this devotion. He also wrote a book with the title: “A Dialogue on the Wounds of Christ”. For Fr. Preca, the essence of the devotion of the Wounds is Jesus’ love for us. The wounds symbolise ultimate love …“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” John 15:13. They also symbolise that the Christian way to deal with sin is love. God takes away sin with love. This required Jesus (and requires us) to face challenges head-on with love, even to the sacrifice of our lives, when confronted by sin. The divine wounds should inspire us to be grateful towards God, to return love for love, and never stop trusting in God’s love. During challenging times we, like St George, might find refuge and consolation in an extract of the medieval prayer Anima Christi: “Within thy Wounds, hide me good Jesus”.


Morning Prayer

On rising, we invoke the names:

Jesus, Mary, Joseph Thanks be to God In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Invocations for the Days of the Week Sunday St John the Baptist St John the Baptist, you prepared people for the coming of the Lord. Help me prepare for my day. Monday St Peter St Peter, Jesus built his Church on you. May I make Christ the centre of my day. Tuesday St Paul St Paul, you converted many to the faith. May I live the Gospel so that others may believe. Wednesday St Joseph St Joseph, you taught Jesus his human values. May I be an example to others. Thursday St Vincent Ferrer St Vincent, you are the prophet of the Preca Community. May I be meek and humble. Friday St Stephen St Stephen, you had the courage to face martyrdom. May I have the strength to stand up for my faith. 8

Saturday Our Lady Mary, full of grace, virgin and mother. Help me to love Jesus as you do. Holy Father, I thank you for giving me life and taking care of me. I thank you for the gift of faith and for being able to share in the life of your Church, and I ask that you guide me in all that I do. Amen Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen God the Father, I bless you and worship you. God the Son made flesh, I bless you and worship you. God the Holy Spirit, I bless you and worship you. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.



Meditation Why am I here?

8 am


oly Father, Lord of heaven and earth, through the Divine wounds of Jesus, send your Holy Spirit upon me so that I may always praise you. Amen. I am created to know, love and serve God. By doing this I shall be saved. I promise not to exchange my salvation for anything.


9 am


Offering for the Dying and the Dead

od the Father, I offer you the Divine wounds of Jesus for those who are dying, that they may turn to you in their greatest hour of need and for all those who have died, may they be welcomed into your kingdom. Amen.


Meditation The Last Things

10 am


ord God, Creator of heaven and earth, send your Holy Spirit upon me in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen.

I will certainly die; I do not know the time; I will die only once. At the moment I die, all the actions of my life will be reviewed in your presence, and the outcome will be one of only two: • happiness with you forever, or • the loss of you forever. I promise to be ever watchful so as not to lose God’s grace.


11 am

Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

the communion of saints,

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended to the dead; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; 14

the holy catholic Church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.


12 pm


General Offering

oly Father, Lord of heaven and earth, I join my actions and all my trials to the Divine wounds of Jesus:

• to acknowledge you as my God, • to thank you for your great love towards us, • to correct all harm against the good that you have done for us, and • to grant to my neighbour and myself the gifts of eternal life. Amen.


Meditation The Law of God


1 pm

oly Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen

This is the law of God, that: “… you should love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind ... and you should love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Matthew 22: 37-39

I promise that as soon as I become aware that an action is against this law of love, I will not approve or do it, even if it seems small.


2 pm

The Promise of Meekness


y Lord, I firmly promise to be humble and meek just as you have shown me. I promise, Lord, to forgive with all my heart everyone who has offended me, or will offend me. I do this: • Firstly, because this is what you command me • Secondly, that you may forgive me when I offend you. God, Father, I offer you the Divine wounds of your beloved son Jesus, my brother, to thank you for all you have done for me and to forgive me my sins. Amen.



3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Sunday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


On the Mercy of God At the beginning of this meditation, we look at the crucifix and pause to reflect on the meditation. Quotations and examples: • “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (Luke 6:36) • “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy!” (Matthew 5:7) • “His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.” (Luke 1:50) • “But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.” (Ephesians 2:3-5)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that God shows mercy to us and saves us.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Monday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


On the Justice of God • If the human mind cannot approve evil, with greater reason must we accept that God cannot reward those who do evil. • “You are just, O Lord, and your judgement is right.” (Psalm 19:9) • “When the Son of Man comes in his glory ... he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:31-32) • “If God is not just, how can he judge the world?” (Romans 3:5-6)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that God would do anything to redress the evil done by humanity, even to the death of his Son.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Tuesday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


We are Invited into God’s Eternal Love • “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30) • “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” (Mark 12:31) • “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that no one loves us as much as God does. God is love; he sent his only Son to die for us.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Wednesday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


On the Humility of Christ • “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to them and those like them.” (Matthew 19:14) • “He who exalts himself shall be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12) • “When you have done that which you were told to do, say ‘we are merely servants, we have done what we had to do.’” (Luke 17:10) • “Don’t do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble towards one another, always considering others better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that God cherishes those who practice humility.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Thursday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


On the Meekness of Christ • “Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29) • “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:4) • “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37) • “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) • “Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you will become children of your Father in heaven.“ (Matthew 5:44)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that in order for us to be forgiven by our Father in heaven, we must forgive those who trespass against us.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Friday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


On the Love of Christ • “We love him, because he first loved us.” (John 21:17) • “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution?” (Romans 8:35-39) • “I am the Bread of Life, he who comes to me will never be hungry, he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that I am created to know, love and serve God, and by doing this I will enter the kingdom of heaven.


3 pm

Meditation on the Crucifix Saturday


od the Holy Spirit, enlighten the minds and set fire to the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Father, Lord of heaven and earth, give me the good Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Christ the crucified King. I adore you. (Bow)


Surrender to the Will of God • “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let what you have said be done to me.” (Luke 1:38) • “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him renounce oneself, take up his cross and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) • “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) • “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.” (John 4:34)

Reflection: I learn from the crucified Christ that in following him I will experience both joy and pain and I take into eternity only those things that will last for ever.


4 pm

Offering for Our Community


od the Father, I offer you the Divine wounds of Jesus our brother that you may bless our Community and increase the number of young people, associates and members. May you fill us with the spirit of evangelisation, so that through good instruction the whole world may follow your Gospel. Amen. Mary Mother of the Church Intercede for us. Saint George Preca Pray for us.


Directions for a Holy Life

5 pm


know that anyone who lives in serious sin and anyone who does not act with right intention, is separated from God’s love and does not give glory to God. I promise to spend time each day to reflect on my life and to look closely at the intention behind every action I do.


6 pm



sincerely approve and bless every good action that has been done and that will be done until the end of my life.

I sincerely disapprove and condemn every bad action that has been done and that will be done until the end of my life. I am going to imitate our Lord Jesus in his spirit towards God, towards his neighbour, and towards himself.


The Shorter Acts

7 pm


ord, I believe in you because you are all truth.

Lord, I hope in you because you are all merciful. Lord, I love you because you are all love. Lord, I am sorry for having offended you, because you are all goodness. Lord, I sanctify myself with your sacraments, because you are all holy.


8 pm

Episodes from the Life of Christ


o God alone honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. The eternal Word of God became flesh through the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary and was called Jesus.

Note the following pages contain a selection of episodes for each day of the week.


The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-17) Scene 1: Joseph and Mary on their way to Bethlehem in obedience to Caesar’s command. Scene 2:

Joseph and Mary sheltering in a stable for the night.

Scene 3:

Mary wraps Christ in swaddling clothes and puts him in a manger.

Repeat for three times Blessed be Jesus Christ And blessed be the Virgin Mary. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.



Selected Episodes for Sundays The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-17) Scene 1: Joseph and Mary on their way to Bethlehem in obedience to Caesar’s command. Scene 2: Joseph and Mary sheltering in a stable for the night. Scene 3: Mary wraps Jesus in swaddling clothes and puts him in a manger. The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin (Luke 1:26-38) Scene 1: Joseph and Mary before the priest for marriage. Scene 2: God sends the angel Gabriel to announce God’s message to Mary. Scene 3: Gabriel and Mary in conversation about the birth of Jesus. The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56) Scene 1: Elizabeth welcomes Mary, blesses her and acknowledges her to be the mother of God. Scene 2: Mary praises God. Scene 3: Mary in Elizabeth’s house.


Saint Joseph is Afraid (Matthew 1:18-25) Scene 1: Joseph is afraid when he sees that Mary has become a mother. Scene 2: Alone, Joseph thinks deeply about separation from Mary. Scene 3: The angel reveals to Joseph in a dream, that Mary’s Son is the Messiah. The Shepherds at Bethlehem (Luke 2:8-20) Scene 1: The angel appears to the shepherds at night and talks to them. Scene 2: A great number of angels praising and glorifying God. Scene 3: The shepherds near the manger talking to Joseph and Mary.

Selected Episodes for Mondays

Christ Blesses the Children (Mark 10:13-16) Scene 1: The disciples pushing people and children away. Scene 2: Jesus calling the children to him. Scene 3: Jesus surrounded by children and placing his hands on their head.


The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28) Scene 1: A women crying out after Jesus and the disciples. Scene 2: People at a table, dogs eating the crumbs. Scene 3: A girl sitting down in peace and quiet. The centurion (Luke 7:1-10) Scene 1: A servant terminally ill in bed. Scene 2: A group of people talking to Jesus. Scene 3: The Centurion’s friend looking at the servant restored to health. Caesar’s Coin (Luke 20:20-26) Scene 1: Some men seemingly devout, talking to Jesus. Scene 2: Jesus looking sternly at a group of men. Scene 3: A person showing Caesar’s coin to Jesus. The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-43) Scene 1: Jesus and a women by the well, talking together. Scene 2: The Apostles, with bread in their hands, talking and looking in astonishment at Jesus who is speaking alone with a woman. Scene 3: The Samaritan woman preaches to a crowd of people.


Selected Episodes for Tuesdays The Conversion of Matthew (Luke 5:27-32) Scene 1: A man sitting behind a money table. Scene 2: Jesus at a table with many people in a dining hall. Scene 3: A doctor attending to a sick person in bed. The Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19) Scene 1: Ten lepers talking to Jesus from a distance. Scene 2: The ten lepers are cured on their way to see the priests. Scene 3: One leper, made clean, kneels down before Jesus. The Paralysed Man of Capernaum (Luke 5:17-26) Scene 1: Men lowering a paralysed man in his bed in front of Jesus. Scene 2: Jesus talking with the crowd. Scene 3: A man walking away, carrying his mat on his shoulders.


The Big Catch of Fish (Luke 5:1-11) Scene 1: Jesus in a boat, teaching a crowd of people. Scene 2: Two boats nearly sinking with a big catch of fish. Scene 3: Peter at Jesus’ feet, declaring his sinfulness. The Calming of the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) Scene 1: A boat at sea tossed about by the waves. Scene 2: The apostles waking Jesus who is asleep in the boat. Scene 3: Jesus rebuking the apostles after calming down the sea.

Selected Episodes for Wednesdays The Entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11) Scene 1: Two men untying a donkey and its colt. Scene 2: People waving branches. Scene 3: Jesus riding on a donkey amongst a rejoicing crowd.


The Deaf Mute Spirit is Driven Out (Mark 9:14-29) Scene 1: A boy foaming at the mouth near Jesus. Scene 2: A man with tears in his eyes, talking to Jesus. Scene 3: Jesus lifting by the hand, a boy apparently dead. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) Scene 1: Zacchaeus climbs up a tree to see Jesus. Scene 2: Zacchaeus joyfully receives Christ into his house. Scene 3: Zacchaeus standing, talking to Jesus. Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) Scene 1: Martha welcoming Christ into her home. Scene 2: Mary’s attention is focussed only on Jesus. Scene 3: Martha complaining to Jesus about Mary’s attitude. Christ in the Desert (Matthew 4:1-11) Scene 1: The devil talking to Jesus in the desert. Scene 2: Jesus driving the devil away. Scene 3: Angels around Jesus ministering to him.


Selected Episodes for Thursdays The Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:7-23) Scene 1: The twelve apostles sitting around Jesus at the table in the evening. Scene 2: Jesus holding bread, then wine, in his hands, looking towards heaven. Scene 3: Jesus speaking to the eleven apostles after the supper. The Profanation of the Temple (John 2:12-25) Scene 1: Christ, driving market sellers out of the temple area. Scene 2: Money on the ground and tables overturned in the temple area. Scene 3: The disciples impressed by Jesus’ zeal. Judas the Traitor (Luke 22:1-6) Scene 1: Judas discussing his plan before the priests. Scene 2: The priests satisfied, showing money to Judas. Scene 3: Judas seeks an opportunity to betray Jesus.


Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles (John 13:1-17) Scene 1: Jesus wearing a towel around his waist, pouring water into a basin. Scene 2: Jesus kneeling on the floor, holding Peter’s feet. Scene 3: Jesus, sitting talking with the twelve apostles. Peter Proclaimed Head of the Church (John 21:15-24) Scene 1: Peter declares his love for Jesus in the presence of the other apostles. Scene 2: Christ tells Peter to care for his lambs and sheep. Scene 3: Peter looking at Jesus and pointing to John.

Selected Episodes for Fridays The Crucifixion (John 19:17-24) Scene 1: Jesus crucified between two thieves. Scene 2: Jewish leaders looking angrily at the inscription on the cross of Jesus. Scene 3: Four soldiers dividing Jesus’ garments.


Jesus Before Pilate (Mark 15:1-20) Scene 1: Jesus beside Barabbas; Pilate speaking to a crowd. Scene 2: Soldiers ridiculing Jesus who is crowned with thorns, wearing a purple cloak and holding a reed. Scene 3: Pilate condemning Jesus to death on a cross. On the Way to Calvary (Luke 23:26-32) Scene 1: Two thieves carrying crosses, following Jesus. Scene 2: Simon behind Jesus, carrying his cross. Scene 3: Jesus stopping to talk to a group of crying women. Jesus’ Last Words from the Cross (Luke 23:34-36; John 19:26-30; Matthew 27:46-50) Scene 1: A crucified thief looking humbly at Christ crucified. Scene 2: The blessed Virgin and St John standing by the cross of Jesus. Scene 3: A soldier, using a reed, lifts a sponge soaked in vinegar to the mouth of Jesus.


Jesus’ Burial (Luke 23:50-56) Scene 1: Joseph of Arimathea talking to Pilate. Scene 2: Some men removing the dead body of Jesus from the cross. Scene 3: Some women looking at Christ’s body being wrapped in a sheet and placed in the tomb.

Selected Episodes for Saturdays Mary Magdalene and the Risen Lord (John 20:11-18) Scene 1: Mary in tears, standing beside Jesus’ tomb. Scene 2: A gardener near the tomb, talking to Mary. Scene 3: Mary reaching out to embrace Jesus. The Disciples of Emmaus (Luke 24:13-34) Scene 1: Two men walking and talking with Christ. Scene 2: Christ at the table giving these two men the bread he has broken. Scene 3: Two men alone, looking at each other in astonishment.


The Angel at the Tombstone (Matthew 28:1-10) Scene 1: Guards fallen to the ground like dead men near a tomb. Scene 2: An angel talking to some women, near an open tomb. Scene 3: Women with mixed feelings of fear and joy, rushing out of a tomb. The Ascension of Christ (Acts 1:1-14) Scene 1: Christ talking to the apostles as he is lifted up in their presence. Scene 2: Christ ascending to heaven, hidden in a cloud. Scene 3: Two men in white, talking to the apostles who are looking into the sky. Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11) Scene 1: People gathered in the upper room a tongue of fire on every head. Scene 2: The disciples leaving the upper room, full of enthusiasm. Scene 3: A crowd of people, confused and astonished, looking at the apostles.


Evening Prayer Every evening just before going to bed we pray with our hands outstretched.


od the father I offer you the Divine wounds of our brother Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, to sincerely thank you for all you have done for me and that you may forgive me my sins. Then we kiss a symbol of the “Verbum Dei caro factum est� as an expression of gratitude. This should be kept next to the bed. Just before going to sleep we invoke the names:

Jesus, Mary, Joseph. Thanks be to God.


Prayers of God’s Servant after Communion 1. Lord God, I need you: grant me the grace of submitting myself to your will in all things. You are my Father and I am your child. 2. Lord God, I need you: grant me the grace of refusing nothing to my neighbour in need. 3. Lord God, I need you: grant me the grace of thanking you in everything that happens to me, both in good and bad times, for everything comes from you. 4. Lord God, I need you: grant me the grace of never putting aside the thought of your presence, for you are always a witness to all I think, all I say, and all I do. 5. Lord God, I need you: grant me the grace of working for the salvation of souls, so precious because they are created in your own likeness. 6. Lord God, I confess that neither I, nor anybody else, can do anything without your grace: therefore do not refuse us the assistance we need, for you did create us for yourself.



The Angelus The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary full of grace... Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word. Hail Mary full of grace... The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Hail Mary full of grace‌ Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we to whom the incarnation of Christ, your Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Litany of Elects Lord have mercy Christ have mercy Lord have mercy Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us Holy Mother Mary Saint Michael Archangel Saint John the Baptist Saint Joseph, husband of Mary Saint Peter Saint Paul Saint Stephen Saint Laurence Saint Aloysius Saint Gemma Galgani Saint Cecilia Saint George Preca Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (Local Saint) ________________ All saints of God 56

Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us Pray for us

From all evil From all sin From the snares of the evil one From everlasting death Through your incarnation Through your birth Through your life Through your suffering Through your death Through your resurrection Through your ascension

Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus Deliver us, O Jesus

Holy is our God! Holy and Mighty! Holy and Immortal One! have mercy on us!


The Rosary The Rosary is a meditation on the life of Christ. We use the words of popular prayers to open the doors of our hearts to the mysteries of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, in union with the prayers and protection of his mother Mary, remembering that as the faithful one who answered the ‘yes’ of trust to God, she is the one who ‘all generations shall call blessed’. The rosary starts with the creed, followed by the prayers ‘Our Father’, ‘Hail Mary’ and ‘Glory Be’, for the intentions of the Pope. Each meditation is made up of a ‘decade’, that is, the short prayer before the meditation, one ‘Our Father’, ten ‘Hail Marys’ and one ‘Glory be’, followed by the prayer for the faithful departed. You should say at least one decade per day and are encouraged to say five. The full Rosary contains fifteen decades (the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries). The additional Mysteries of Light are taken from Saint George Preca in his book “The Rosary”. At the completion of the Rosary, the prayer ‘Hail Holy Queen’ is said. You are encouraged to conclude the Rosary with Saint George Preca’s “prayer after the Rosary”. 58

Prayers Before Each Mystery The Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may always feel gratitude to Christ, who though truly God became truly human for our salvation. Amen. 2. The Visitation O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may be devoted to you, and that we may love one another with unconditional love. Amen. 3. The Birth of Our Lord O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may understand how precious it is in the eyes of God to let go of selfishness and dedicate ourselves to become people of love and service. Amen. 4. The Presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may live good and holy lives by being open to the grace of God. Amen. 5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may learn the words of life and in turn teach them to others to the best of our ability. Amen.


The Sorrowful Mysteries 1. The Agony in the Garden O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that in difficult times we may understand that God is our Lord and our Father, and surrender ourselves to him in loving trust. Amen. 2. The Scourging at the Pillar O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may practice joyful selfcontrol so that we become living temples of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 3. The Crowning of Thorns O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may live our lives centred on God and reject the empty vanities in popular culture. Amen. 4. The Carrying of the Cross O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may carry life’s troubles with dignity, as we await God’s welcome into everlasting blessing. Amen. 5. The Crucifixion O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may understand both the blessings to come and the risk of its loss, so that we may joyfully give our all to God. Amen.


The Glorious Mysteries 1. The Resurrection O Blessed Virgin, pray for us so that we who have been raised up with Christ may always prefer what leads to eternal life and do nothing that takes us away from God. Amen. 2. The Ascension O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may live holy lives for a holy death, so that we may face the final judgement without fear. Amen. 3. Pentecost O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may be filled with the spirit of love, prudence and courage so as to proclaim the Gospel to all. Amen. 4. Assumption of our Lady into Heaven O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may centre ourselves on your son, so that our only desire will be full union with Christ. Amen. 5. Crowning of our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may be faithful to God’s law in all things and be crowned with him in eternal glory. Amen.


The Mysteries of Light 1. The Baptism of our Lord in the Jordan River O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may be faithful to the promises made at our Baptism and that we may live our lives faithful to the Gospel. Amen. 2. The Wedding at Cana - Christ’s Divinity Revealed O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that our faith may deepen through reflecting on the miracles of Christ. We ask you to act on our behalf before your son when we gather together in prayer. Amen 3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may live in the spirit of the beatitudes that Jesus your son taught us. Amen. 4. The transfiguration of our Lord O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may eagerly listen to the message of Jesus and share it joyfully through word and example. Amen. 5. The Last Supper. Christ institutes the sacrament of the Eucharist O Blessed Virgin, pray for us that we may approach your sacrament of love with faith, humility and a sincere heart. Amen. 62

The Hail Holy Queen Hail Holy Queen, mother of mercy. Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Prayer for the Faithful Departed May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Prayer to Our Lady after the Rosary O Virgin Mother Mary, who has begotten us as your children amidst the sorrows of your gentle soul as you stood by the cross, the altar on which Christ Jesus, God’s only begotten Son and the only fruit of your virginal womb, suffered as victim to God the Father for the forgiveness of the sins of all. Do not permit that after our death, as we stand before the just tribunal of this same Jesus your son, that we should be sent away in everlasting curse, but rather that we should be received by God with everlasting blessing into God’s joyful dwelling. Amen.


`Saint George Preca and The Watch Saint George Preca (1880 – 1962), a diocesan priest, was born and lived in the Mediterranean island of Malta. Aware of the urgent need for spreading the Word of God and making it accessible to all, he was compelled to form an apostolic lay community to meet the need for a deeper formation in faith. Empowered to learn and teach the Word of God, the community flourished under his direction. Saint George Preca’s spirituality demonstrated a close union with God. He was a man of prayer and in order to help others to live in the presence of God he compiled a prayer manual of common prayer which he called ‘The Watch’. The title was inspired by a childhood recollection where a young man, supposedly the angel Saint Michael, gave him a golden watch. He wished that The Watch would be a means to holiness and greater intimacy with God.

Preca Community Australia Further Information: 2014


The Watch is a compilation of hourly prayers compiled by Saint George Preca (1880-1962). The prayers capture the spirituality and the charism of the Preca Community founded by the same saint in 1907.

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