Preceptor Newsletter
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Back to School!
We are happy to start another new school year and a new year of Preceptor Newsletters! We will be sharing news from the O ce of Experiential Education, tips, tricks and pearls for precepting, upcoming events and more!
ServiceDay during Orientation Student Organization Fair
Linking accounts
WhiteCoat Ceremony
Now that Presbyterian College is fully using CORE ELMS, you may want to link your account with your log-ins from other institutions Good news - Mrs. Susi Carbonneau (our Resident CORE ELMS Guru) has created a powerpoint presentation on your ELMS homepage with easy, step-by-step instructions! If you run into issues, you can email her for additional assistance (
ID Stewardship Blog Post: Top Five Reasons Pharmacy Preceptors Fail
Read the blog post by Dr Timothy Gauthier on where he believes preceptors can have blind spots or potential weaknesses: Available on IDstewardship com
Important Upcoming Dates
August 23-September 29: IPPE Fall-1
October 3: Deadline for 2023-2024 APPE Availability (in CORE ELMS)
October 7: SCSHP Fall Meeting (Columbia, SC)
October 10-11: Fall Break (P1-P3)
October 11: Capstone Presentations (excused absence for P4 APPE students)
October 13-November 22: IPPE Fall-2
October 28, 10:30pm-12pm: Mock Residency Interviews (Interested in assisting? Contact Dr Julie Cash: jhcash@presby edu)
November 1: Master Preceptor application deadline (information here)
November 10: Fall Preceptor Workshop (Clinton, SC)
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break (P1-P3)
as suggested learning activities for pharmacy learners (APPE, PGY1, PGY2 residents) to complete during their ambulatory care rotation block Consider using as a pre-test/post-test or as a topic discussion with the preceptor
This activity was developed by the advisory group on Ambulatory Care Pharmacotherapy and includes a supplemental key This is a member-only bene t and the new documents can be accessed in the link below
Ambulatory Care Learning Experiences - ASHP
Library Password Policy
Starting August 15th, user passwords will need to meet the following requirements:
Minimum password length of 10 characters
Must not include the username
The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool
Library resources are available here: https://lib presby edu/preceptorlibraryresources
Continuing Education Events
September 27, 1pm-2pm: Development and US Regulation of Preventative Vaccines (Free from FDA)
October 5, 1pm-2pm: Criteria-Based Feedback For Residents (Free from ASHP)
On-Demand Offerings: Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP)