Preceptor Guest Speakers
Thank you to several preceptors who visited recently for guest speaking opportunities in classes! The students always enjoy hearing from pharmacists in our state for career advice, pharmacy advocacy, regulation and law and more!
Important Upcoming Dates
January/February: Class of 2025 APPE meetings with OEE
February: 2024-2025 APPE drafts to preceptors
January 16-February 23: Spring-1 IPPE
February 26-March 1: IPPE make-up week, if needed
March: 2024-2025 IPPE availability requested
March 7-April 25: Spring-2 IPPE (Thursday)
March 8-April 26: Spring-2 IPPE (Wednesday and Friday)
March 19-April 23: Spring-2 IPPE (Tuesday)
March 11-15: Spring Break (P1-P3)
March 29-April 1: Easter Break (P1-P3)
April: 2024-2025 IPPE drafts to preceptors
April 29-30: P3 nal exams
April 30: All outstanding APPE grades due
May 1: Class of 2025 begins APPEs!
May 6-10: P1 and P2 nal exams
May 10: Class of 2024 graduation and hooding ceremony
Excused Absence: To request permission to be away from an experiential site, the student should contact the OEE rst and preferably before the start of the rotation. If the reason for the absence is sound, the OEE will allow the student to discuss the proposed absence with the preceptor Typically, hours missed due to an excused absence must be made up at a day/time determined by and convenient to the preceptor. In the event of illness, injury, or emergency, the student should contact the preceptor rst with an information email to the OEE The student will then coordinate the missed hours with the preceptor as soon as possible. If a student must miss more than 2 days due to illness or injury, he/she must notify the OEE who will consult with the preceptor regarding the student’s ability to make up the missed hours and to successfully complete the rotation. Hours should be made up before the end of the semester and before the start of the next rotation, whichever comes rst. Examples of excused absences include but are not limited to:
(1) Illness, injury, or emergency
(2) P4 capstone presentation (hours not required to be made up, including travel if necessary)
(3) Participation in a PC-sponsored pharmacy career fair
(4) Conference attendance not associated with site activities (SCSHP Residency Showcase, Pharmacy Day at the State House)
(5) Residency interviews and travel time
(6) An unavoidable requirement to attend orientation training at a future site (this should be coordinated with the OEE)
(7) Attendance at commencement or other college events as a selected participant (e.g., commencement marshals)
(8) Bereavement leave
(9) Inclement weather at the school (for IPPEs) or the site (for both IPPEs and APPEs)
The 2024-2025 APPE schedule is now ready for review in ELMS.
After logging into ELMS, select Scheduling along the left side and then Rotation Schedule, then lter for the APPE 2024-2025 rotation group Although there are options directly under the lter button to print and/or download the schedule, I recommend you click Printer Friendly in the upper right corner. That method creates a schedule that is a little easier to read.
Your Unused Availability: You can view the availability that you submitted to us in the fall by selecting Scheduling\Submit Availability. This feature will remain open throughout the year if you need to add availability. If you need to remove or edit availability, please let me know. As the year progresses and if/when we need to make changes to schedules, we will contact you (or your designated site coordinator) to be certain a rotation date is still available before assigning a student
Login Assistance: If you need assistance logging into ELMS, you can always contact me; however, you can also reset your password yourself by navigating to https://www corehighered com/loginelms, clicking Forgot Password/Username, and following those instructions. If you need help, let me know
Library Resources: As an active preceptor, you have access to our library resources If you have not yet created an account through OpenAthens, let me know and I'll help you get started.
Linking Accounts: If you use ELMS for another school, you can link your accounts For guidance, please see the attached document.
It is always exciting to start a new APPE year, and we appreciate your willingness and time spent in educating our students If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know And if you need to make changes to this schedule, please let us know as soon as possible.
�� Recognize an outstanding student ��
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy would like to recognize students for excellent performance in IPPE and APPE rotations. Please complete the information at the link below and the student will be recognized and rewarded with a certi cate of excellence
There is no limit on the number of submissions for students or preceptors We hope that the students will enjoy receiving these as motivation to continue their hard work!
Excellence in Experiential Education
Inclement Weather Policy ❄
Student safety is always paramount, and in some cases the school and the site might not be affected by inclement weather but the student may be. In such cases, the student should remain where it is safe until weather conditions improve Otherwise, the following guidelines apply to inclement weather situations.
IPPEs: If inclement weather occurs when a student is to report to an IPPE and either the site or the school is closed, the student is excused from the rotation The student should call the site to determine the site’s status and, in the case of a school closing, to inform his/her preceptor of the School’s status. An absence due to inclement weather is considered excused and the hours should be made up at the discretion of the preceptor If the start of school is delayed due to the weather, this delay would also apply to the IPPE within reason, depending on travel time Delays to the start of IPPE may be made up at an alternate time which is mutually agreed upon by the student and preceptor.
APPEs: If inclement weather occurs when a student is to report to a practice site for an APPE, the student should call the site/preceptor to determine their status. Students are excused from an APPE only if the site is closed or are advised not to report by the preceptor, regardless of the school’s status An absence due to inclement weather is considered excused and the hours should be made up at the discretion of the preceptor. In the event that a student is already at the site when severe weather arrives, the student should discuss the situation with the preceptor to determine if an early departure is necessary or if the student will have to remain in place until the conditions have improved
Library Password Policy
User passwords will need to meet the following requirements:
Minimum password length of 10 characters
Must not include the username
The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool
Library resources are available here: https://lib presby edu/preceptorlibraryresources
Continuing Education and Preceptor Development Events
American Pharmacists Association Preceptor Guide: Available for download from APhA
On-Demand Offerings: NEW! CEimpact Podcast, Club "J" - Making Journal Clubs Fun and Effective (Free at CEImpact)
ARISE and Shine: Preceptor's Role in Mitigating Bias and Responding to Exclusionary Behaviors (Free at ASHP)
NEW! Mental Health Primer for Preceptors: Tips for Supporting Learners With Mental Health Challenges (Free at APhA)
Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP)
Precepting Generation Z (Free for ASHP Members)
Exploring the Pass-Fail Grading Model in Pharmacy Education (Free for ASHP Members) FDA Proposed Rule revising the NDC format (Free from FDA)
Precept Responsibly Podcast
Have a student interested in pharmacy?
Please send any and all prospective student referrals to our Director of Admissions (pharmacy@presby edu) We can't wait to meet them!
Website: pharmacy presby edu
Location: 307 North Broad Street, Clinton, SC, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PCSchoolofPharmacy/ Twitter: @PC Pharmacy
Mary Douglass Smith
Mary is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters