Preceptor Newsletter
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
8 Helpful Tips for Layered Learning
Many preceptors are familiar with the layered learning model - one "attending" pharmacy preceptor overseeing several different levels of pharmacy learners: resident, APPE and IPPE There is a tremendous amount of literature that shows the bene t of this model and some helpful applications for all settings. This recent article in American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) gives 8 strategies for preceptors to utilize this layered learning model effectively
GuidryCM, JacksonBT , HawkinsWA. Layeredlearning:Eightpreceptingstrategiesforthenew attendingpharmacist[publishedonlineaheadofprint, 2022Dec26] AmJHealthSystPharm
Important Upcoming Dates
January: APPE Preceptor evaluations released (May-Nov)
January 10-February 14: IPPE Spring-1
January-February: Class of 2024 APPE individual student meetings
February 28-April 21: IPPE Spring-2
February - March: IPPE availability requested for 2023-24
March: Class of 2024 APPE schedule released
March 16: Preceptor Workshop (Clinton, SC)
March 13-17: Spring Break (P1-P3)
April: IPPE schedules and assignments created
April 7-10: Easter Break (P1-P3)
April 30: All outstanding APPE grades due
May 1: Class of 2024 begins APPEs
May 5: Class of 2023 Graduation and Doctoral Hooding
June: Preceptor evaluations released (Dec-April)
Starting August 15th, user passwords will need to meet the following requirements:
Minimum password length of 10 characters
Must not include the username
The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool
Library resources are available here:
Continuing Education and Preceptor Development Events
American Pharmacists Association Preceptor Guide: Available for download from APhA
On-Demand Offerings:
Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP)
Precepting Generation Z (Free for ASHP Members)
Exploring the Pass-Fail Grading Model in Pharmacy Education (Free for ASHP Members)
NEW! FDA Proposed Rule revising the NDC format (Free from FDA)
NEW! Precept Responsibly Podcast
Sign up to help mentor PCSP students!
We have speaker and mentor opportunities available that we would love for our preceptors to participate in! Sign up here: Mentoring Opportunities