Preceptor Newsletter - 01.26.2023

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Preceptor Newsletter

Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy

Preceptor Week - Quick & Free CE presentations available!

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Jerry H Hodge School of Pharmacy Division of Continuing Education would like to invite you to attend Preceptor Week. This event is free and open to all pharmacy preceptors Please feel free to share and invite ALL of your preceptors at your individual institutions to attend

Preceptor Week will be held January 30 – February 2, 2023 The week will include CE presentations by Dr Craig Cox, Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Jerry H Hodge School of Pharmacy from 1pm1:15pm (12:00PM – 12:15PM CST) Monday - Thursday The last day session, Friday, February 3, will include an introduction to our inaugural Preceptor Podcast series and is not CE accredited

To register for the event, please click https://ttuhsc zoom us/meeting/register/tJ0tc-2vqzsvGNdDslfs6Ob4bgI6L615z8T3

To join the event, please click https://ttuhsc zoom us/j/99044750523 OR to join via phone, dial +1(346) 248-7799; Meeting ID: 990 4475 0523

***Note: Each day (Monday – Thursday) is accredited individually and will provide a total of 1 hour of preceptor CE if you attend each day

Important Upcoming Dates

January: APPE Preceptor evaluations released (May-Nov)

January 10-February 14: IPPE Spring-1

January-February: Class of 2024 APPE individual student meetings

February 28-April 21: IPPE Spring-2

February - March: IPPE availability requested for 2023-24

March: Class of 2024 APPE schedule released

March 16: Preceptor Workshop (Clinton, SC)

March 13-17: Spring Break (P1-P3)

April: IPPE schedules and assignments created

April 7-10: Easter Break (P1-P3)

April 30: All outstanding APPE grades due

May 1: Class of 2024 begins APPEs

May 5: Class of 2023 Graduation and Doctoral Hooding

June: Preceptor evaluations released (Dec-April)

Library Password Policy

Starting August 15th, user passwords will need to meet the following requirements:

Minimum password length of 10 characters

Must not include the username

The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool

Library resources are available here: https://lib presby edu/preceptorlibraryresources

Continuing Education and Preceptor Development Events

American Pharmacists Association Preceptor Guide: Available for download from APhA

On-Demand Offerings:

Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP)

Precepting Generation Z (Free for ASHP Members)

Exploring the Pass-Fail Grading Model in Pharmacy Education (Free for ASHP Members)

NEW! FDA Proposed Rule revising the NDC format (Free from FDA)

NEW! Precept Responsibly Podcast
up to help mentor PCSP students! We have speaker and mentor opportunities available that we would love for our preceptors to participate in! Sign up here: Mentoring Opportunities Facebook @PC Pharmacy Have a student interested in pharmacy? Please send any and all prospective student referrals to our Director of Admissions (pharmacy@presby edu) We can't wait to meet them! 307 North Broad Street, Clinton pharmacy presby edu
Apply here:

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