Preceptor Newsletter
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Interprofessional Activity for APPE Students
Interprofessional Education Activity for APPE Rotations: Students are required to complete four SBAR activities from May to October of their APPE year on certain rotations. Rotations that qualify are generally any acute care, ambulatory care, and some hospital/health system experiences All four SBARs can be created at a single site or spread throughout this six-month period at qualifying rotations. Of course, preceptors can always require more than four activities. Of the four documented SBARs, at least one must be with a prescriber
Students are required to submit each activity as it is completed and before the end of the rotation
When your student submits the form, you will receive an email, letting you know that the form is ready for your action The email contains all the information that the student entered on the SBAR activity To access the evaluation, select "Log Into My Account" at the very bottom of the email, NOT from the link in the email that will allow you direct access to the form
For complete instructions, Susi Carbonneau ( will email a guide to preceptors at all qualifying sites This guide is also posted on your ELMS home page
Updated APPE Evaluation
New APPE Evaluation: The APPE evaluation has been updated to include a section entitled "Curricular Outcomes and Entrustable Professional Activities (COEPA)." The purpose of COEPA is to determine the level of supervision a student needs to complete certain workplace tasks, or outcomes There are ve levels of supervision; however, pharmacy students are only expected to achieve the rst three levels prior to graduation. Those levels are:
Observe: Student can be trusted to observe the task only
Direct Supervision: Student can be trusted to perform the task with direct, proactive supervision
Reactive Supervision: Student can be trusted to perform the task with reactive supervision
We do not expect every student to attain the "reactive supervision" level in their early rotations, although some with years of experience as technicians or interns may advance quickly Instead, we hope to see a gradual change as the amount of supervision required decreases over the course of the P4 year. This will also allow OEE to intervene, when necessary, prior to graduation.
Although the section is mandatory, the ratings are not calculated into the nal grade The COEPA section is only completed on the nal evaluation. The updated evaluation goes into effect with the May 2023 APPE
Important Upcoming Dates
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
May 1: Class of 2024 begins APPEs May 5: Class of 2023 Graduation and Doctoral Hooding
June: Preceptor evaluations released (Dec-April)
August 14-18: Fall Week IPPE (P2)
August 22-September 28: Fall-1 IPPE
October 9-10: Fall Break
October 12-November 21: Fall-2 IPPE
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break (P1-P3)
Library Password Policy
Starting August 15th, user passwords will need to meet the following requirements:
Minimum password length of 10 characters
Must not include the username
The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool
Library resources are available here: https://lib presby edu/preceptorlibraryresources
Continuing Education and Preceptor Development Events
American Pharmacists Association Preceptor Guide: Available for download from APhA
On-Demand Offerings:
Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP)
Precepting Generation Z (Free for ASHP Members)
Exploring the Pass-Fail Grading Model in Pharmacy Education (Free for ASHP Members)
NEW! FDA Proposed Rule revising the NDC format (Free from FDA)
NEW! Precept Responsibly Podcast
Live Offerings:
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Summit Seminar Showcase
June 29 12pm: Is Imposter Syndrome Really That Bad? Reframing Imposter Syndrome into 'Competent Humility'
July 12 12pm: Tried and Tested: Strategies to Implement Virtual Synchronous Interprofessional Education Sessions Using Standardized Patients
Offerings available here
Facebook @PC Pharmacy Have a student interested in pharmacy? Please send any and all prospective student referrals to our Director of Admissions (pharmacy@presby edu) We can't wait to meet them! 307 North Broad Street, Clinton pharmacy presby edu