Preceptor Newsletter
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Perspectives of Professionalism, Self-Awareness, Leadership, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Experiential Education Preceptors
A recent article in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education discussed the challenges faced by pharmacy educators in assessing the personal and professional skills of student pharmacists (sometimes called "soft skills" or "essential skills." The authors surveyed pharmacy preceptors on ranking the importance of these key elements and their comfort level in assessing students
The preceptors placed a greater importance on professionalism and self-awareness over leadership and innovation and entrepreneurship.
Preceptors reported that students demonstrated professionalism and self-awareness more frequently, and were more comfortable assessing these key elements
Open-ended comments suggest considerable variation in the types of activities and assessments used to promote acquisition of and assess key element skills, re ecting preceptors with high and low uency
The authors recommend support for preceptors, including preceptor development, standardized learning activities and assessments, and reconsidering evaluation criteria
Murry LT, Murry JS, Witry MJ, Pick A. Perspectives of Professionalism, Self-Awareness, Leadership, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Experiential Education Preceptors American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1016/j.ajpe.2023.100106
Important Upcoming Dates
May 1: Class of 2024 begins APPEs
May 5: Class of 2023 Graduation and Doctoral Hooding
June: Preceptor evaluations released (Dec-April)
August 14-18: Fall Week IPPE (P2)
August 22-September 28: Fall-1 IPPE
October 9-10: Fall Break
October 12-November 21: Fall-2 IPPE
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break (P1-P3)
Library Password Policy
Starting August 15th, user passwords will need to meet the following requirements:
Minimum password length of 10 characters
Must not include the username
The password must meet a minimum complexity score assessed by an industry-standard password strength checker tool
Library resources are available here: https://lib presby edu/preceptorlibraryresources