Preceptor Newsletter - 10.13.2023

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Preceptor Newsletter Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy

Professional Identity Formation One of the key developments for student pharmacists is creating their own professional identity. What is Professional Identity Formation? A process of internalizing a profession's core values and beliefs such that one comes to "think, feel and act" like a member of the community.

Through the research by experiential education scholars* (asking the question - How do pharmacy

preceptors perceive their role and contribution to supporting the professional identity formation of student pharmacists?), 4 main themes emerged: 1. Socialization of the student into the profession and practice setting 2. Preparing the learner to assume the role of a pharmacist 3. Helping students navigate emotions on the professional identity pathway 4. Finding the right fit within the profession This newsletter will examine each of these in the following series. *Kennie-Kaulbach N, Anksorus H, Cooley J, O'Sullivan T, Riley B, Williams C. How can Preceptors put the P in PIF? AACP Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. July 26, 2023.

Precepting Strategy #3: Helping students navigate emotions on the professional identity pathway Throughout the rotation, it is likely that the student will feel negative emotions. These could be a result of: Difficult interactions with patients or caregivers Not meeting the expectations of preceptor or care team Feeling overwhelmed Problematic situations with healthcare team Performance anxiety Emotional or traumatic patient care situations (death of a patient, delivering bad news, etc)

The student may also be ill-equipped to manage these negative emotions and there could also be a lack of time and physical space for the student to control their intrusive thoughts. Preceptors can assist students in these situations by: Creating or allowing a private space and time for reflection and contemplation Leading the student's reflection Showing a caring and empathic attitude

Normalizing the negative emotions as part of being a healthcare profession (and a human) Allowing for repetition of failed tasks and assignments These strategies can increase student confidence and lead to better competence.

Important Upcoming Dates August 22-September 28: Fall-1 IPPE (Final grades are due!) October 12-November 21: Fall-2 IPPE November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break (P1-P3) December 1: All outstanding APPE grades due December 18-January 1: Christmas break

National Conferences: In addition, several national conferences such as NCPA (Oct 14-17), ACCP (Nov 11-14). and ASHP Midyear (Dec 3-7) will be held in the next few months. Some of our students may be presenting posters, involved in leadership roles for these organizations, or participating in residency showcases. As with any planned absence, students are required to contact the Office of Experiential Education prior to making plans to attend these events so that we can work with them to minimize time away from their rotation. Conference participation is also considered an excused absence. Thus, any time missed may need to be made up at your discretion, and of course, we expect students to successfully complete all activities and objectives of their rotations. Job Interviews: September through November can be a busy time for our P4s as they interview for positions. All time off for job interviews must be approved in advance by the student’s preceptor. Every effort must be made to minimize the time missed from the experience. This includes such options as traveling in the evening hours or scheduling such events at the beginning or end of the week, so travel can occur on weekends. Additionally, students are strongly encouraged to utilize their off months for interviews.

🏆 Recognize an outstanding student 🏆 Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy would like to recognize students for excellent performance in IPPE and APPE rotations. Please complete the information at the link below and the student will be recognized and rewarded with a certificate of excellence. There is no limit on the number of submissions for students or preceptors. We hope that the students will enjoy receiving these as motivation to continue their hard work! Excellence in Experiential Education

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Continuing Education and Preceptor Development Events American Pharmacists Association Preceptor Guide: Available for download from APhA On-Demand Offerings: NEW! ASHP Educator Essentials interview with our own Mary Douglass Smith: ARISE and Shine: Preceptor's Role in Mitigating Bias and Responding to Exclusionary Behaviors (Free at ASHP) NEW! Mental Health Primer for Preceptors: Tips for Supporting Learners With Mental Health Challenges (Free at APhA) Medication Safety and Quality Improvement in Community Pharmacy (Free from NABP) Precepting Generation Z (Free for ASHP Members) Exploring the Pass-Fail Grading Model in Pharmacy Education (Free for ASHP Members) FDA Proposed Rule revising the NDC format (Free from FDA) Precept Responsibly Podcast

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