Presbyterian College Fall Magazine 2019

Page 38

Class Notes Forever Loyal Blue Hose Class of 1960

Class of 1974

Lawrence Wood ’60 married Helen E. Wood, Aug. 25, 1962. Their son

Dr. Stan Reid ’74 is currently serving his

graduated from the Air Force Academy, special forces, now editor

fourth congregation in interim ministry as

Tsarism News, international journalist. Their daughter is a teacher in

stated supply pastor at McCarter Presbyterian

Boise, Idaho, and their third son passed away in 1967. Lawrence has

Church in Greenville, S.C. He is serving his

published two novels, served as a pastor for 45 years, and retired in

second term on the Board of Trustees at PC

Atlanta in 2008. Upon retirement, he has traveled 75,000 miles in an

as well as serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the Board

RV. Lawrence was awarded an honorary doctorate of divinity degree

of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and treasurer of the

by PC in 1977.

Foothills Presbytery and the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. In his spare time, Stan and his wife, Tricia (Lake) ’76, do their best to

Class of 1963

keep up with their seven grandchildren and their loving parents. On May 4, John Henderson ’63 (2nd from right) led a group of seven on a nine-hour,

Class of 1979

15-mile hike from Montreat, N.C., to the

The Rev. Lawrence Peebles ’79 became the pastor of the Santee

Mount Mitchell summit. They are already

Presbyterian Church in Santee, S.C., on March 1, 2019.

planning the next trip! Hartsville High School named Barry Harley ’79

Class of 1966

as the new athletic director. Barry has served for

Michael W. Smith ’66 was highlighted in the 26th edition of

40 years in South Carolina public schools as a

“The Best Lawyers in America” as one of the best lawyers in the

teacher and a coach. He also previously served

country. Michael is a partner with the firm of Christian & Barton,

in the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

LLP in Richmond, Va., and is a past president of the American College of Trial Lawyers.

Class of 1971

Class of 1981 Andy Forrest ’81, a financial advisor with Raymond James & Associates, was selected to become a member of the Institute of Investment

Judge Tommy Edwards ’71 retired earlier this year from the bench.

Management Consulting (IIMC) at Raymond James. The Institute was

He had served since 1991 as a family court judge in the 10th Judicial

developed to help financial advisors drive success in their consulting

Circuit in Anderson and Oconee counties of South Carolina. Judge

practices through educational programs, ongoing communications

Edwards is one of the longest-serving family court judges in the state.

forums and networking with other financial advisors. The IIMC

Upon his retirement, a portrait was commissioned to hang in his

curriculum provides these advisors with advanced knowledge and

courtroom in his honor.

concepts commensurate with many high level institutional money management consultants. IIMC members are selected based on their demonstrated commitment to pursuing a consulting approach in managing and growing their practices.


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