PCSP Preceptor Newsletter 9.10.21

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Preceptor Newsletter September 10, 2021

A new way to communicate with our preceptors We are excited to start a new school year with our new Preceptor Newsletter!Moving beyond a quarterly email with a file, we are happy to modernize with a more frequent, emailembedded newsletter with timely, relevant, and interesting content.

For rotations that have virtual activities, project days, or off-site work, schedule "Check In/Check Out" with your student every day to keep accountability, be available for questions, and monitor progress. Enhance rotation reflection with "Story Slam" at the end of the rotation. Have the student answer these 3 questions: What was an awkward or uncomfortable professional experience during this rotation? What was an experience that validated pharmacy as your chosen profession? What was an experience that you wish could have been changed during this rotation?

Link to Resource about "Story Slam"

Class of 2025 White Coat Ceremony The class of 2025 received their new white coats following orientation on August 23, 2021. Dr. Missy O’Dell, the assistant director of pharmacy and clinical pharmacist at Patrick B. Harris Psychiatric Hospital in Anderson and a member of the pharmacy school’s first graduating class presented the incoming class with words of wisdom, enthusiastic encouragement, and a few challenges. The inaugural recipient of the PCSP Alumni of the Year award told students to get their white coats dirty. “As you each receive your beautiful white coat, they will be crisp, clean, pristine and bright,” she said. “Think of this white coat as a clean slate. The next four years of your life will show up on this white coat. It will get dirty and wrinkled with the hard work you put into your lab classes and the rotations you go on. It may even need a little mending. “Listen, some of y’all may even need a replacement. And Hallelujah. I pray all these things happen because this will be evidence of your learning, growth and experiences. It will show your fearlessness and dedication to join this great profession.” Full story here....

AACP Award of Excellence in Experiential Education The PCSP Office of Experiential Education was awarded the 2020-21 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Award of Excellence in Experiential Education in July! This award honored members of EE Departments for their tremendous efforts at keeping the programs operating despite unimaginable pandemic related challenges.

APPE Updates Availability for the 2022-2023 academic year will be sent out in September 2021 Preceptors will enter availability through e*Value SCSHP Fall Meeting & Residency Showcase is scheduled for October 7-8. If your IPPE or APPE student plans to participate, our office considers these excused absences (as well as other state and national conferences); however, excusing the student from any amount of time from your rotation for these activities is at your discretion as a preceptor. You know your schedule best and it may not be possible for the student to be absent. Or you may want the student to make up missed time later in the month.

Upcoming Important Dates October 12 - Capstone Presentations ALL P4 students are required to return to campus for their capstone presentations. This is a scheduled absence; therefore, the student is not

IPPE Updates P2 IPPE is now on Tuesdays, 8 hours a day, for 6 weeks This change will help students be more immersed at their site each week and decrease the on-boarding burden for students and administrators Some P2 students have all IPPEs this year at institutional sites, so please work with your students to complete community/outpatient activities, if they are available at your institution P3 students must complete the following activities at each site: IPE Activity 2 Oral Presentations 1 Case Presentation P1 students begin IPPEs in January. Assignments will be available in the coming weeks.

required to make up the actual hours missed. However, he/she is responsible for completion of all activities and objectives of the rotation.

Reading Rewards Congratulations to Emily Russell, PharmD (Family Pharmacy, Aiken, SC) for answering the question correctly from the last newsletter! You will receive a Scotty the Scotsman doll in your mailbox soon! Answer this next question correctly (email to mdsmith@presby.edu) for a chance to win a PCSP water bottle: Who delivered the address to the Class of 2025 during the White Coat Ceremony?

Office of Experiential Education

(left to right) Mrs. Lynn Thompson (Coordinator), Dr. Mary Douglass Smith (Director of Experiential Education), Mrs. Susi Carbonneau (Assistant Director of Experiential Education), Dr. Talisha Ratliff (Executive Director of Experiential Education)

Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy | pharmacy.presby.edu

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