Annual Review 2017

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PRINCIPAL’S INTRODUCTION The PLC Perth Statement of Purpose describes the School’s commitment to service through outlining our intent to empower girls to lead principled lives and to make an active contribution to the community. We often speak with the girls about being of service to the world rather than simply doing service. As parents and extended members of this community, we invest our energy into supporting those girls currently at PLC to understand that contributing to the needs of others is a life-long endeavor. Rolemodeling of positive behaviours has a long and well-researched history of proving to be one of the most powerful ways in which we can teach the next generation. Throughout 2017, I was incredibly humbled by the generosity of our School community during the 2017 PLC Foundation Scholarship campaign which saw us welcome five additional Foundation General Excellence Scholarship recipients to PLC Perth. To me, this generosity was a very powerful representation of the deep understanding within our community of the value of giving to those who could not have accessed an education at our magnificent School without this assistance. In the space of a few short weeks, the Foundation raised a remarkable $511,000. This extraordinary benevolence is a

trait of our School community that I am very grateful to lead. My sincere thanks to the Foundation Board, led by Mr Ian Macliver, for the outstanding support they offer the School and its students. The Scholarship Campaign capped off another remarkable year for PLC in which we saw our Leavers once again achieve fantastic results. The School ranked eighth in the State in the annual ATAR league tables, putting PLC in the top 10 every year since the tables started bar one, when we were twelfth. The 2017 Leavers achieved a combined WACE and International Baccalaureate ATAR average score of 90.20. Subject Certificates of Excellence were awarded to four students and 15 girls received Certificates of Distinction. Our commitment to the International Baccalaureate programme remains strong, with a surge of interest for the Diploma Programme (DP) over the year. We are delighted to have doubled our intake into this programme in Year 11, with 20 percent of our cohort now DP students. Our students are global learners, with interstate and overseas university study destinations and scholarship opportunities becoming more popular than ever. Special congratulations go to 2017 Sport Captain, Emily Bradley, who secured a scholarship at the prestigious University of Cambridge to study a Bachelor of Engineering. Our girls, current and past continue the tradition of being Inspiring Women.

The students’ prowess in the sporting arena also shone bright with PLC runner-up in the IGSSA Champion School Trophy and our PLC rowers continue to dominate the field, taking out the Head of the River First Eight Trophy, Wendy Zuideveld Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirl Head of the River Regatta Champion School and The Perpetual Trophy for Schoolgirl Premiers. This is the third year in a row that PLC has taken out all three rowing trophies. Our Junior School girls demonstrated their academic prowess throughout the year with a number of awards and prizes including Molly Johnson (Year 4) and Ruby Bell (Year 4) placed second and third respectively in the Languages in or Landscape Primary Category; Year 5 students, Annabella Davies, Katherine Lovegrove and Anabella Fernandez-Riaz, placed first, second and third respectively in the Alliance Francaise poetry competition and in the World Scholars’ Cup, Year 6 student Madeleine Robins, came tenth in the individual writing section of the junior division.

document, which will guide the development of the PLC campus over the next two decades. It is with a great deal of optimism and excitement that we embark on this project, which will begin soon after the much-anticipated opening in 2018 of the PLC Lighthouse – a world-class wellbeing centre aimed at preventing mental illness, promoting mental health and supporting student learning. Dr Kate Hadwen Principal

While most boarding schools across Australia continue to struggle for numbers, PLC Perth has again seen a surge in boarding with numbers at capacity. Our boarding girls add such value to our community and provide a unique window into many different parts of Australia and the world. In 2017 the School Council appointed Parry and Rosenthal Architects as the new School architects and started the process of developing a School Master Plan Vision 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 01

ABOUT PLC At PLC we develop Inspiring Women. We do this by focusing on our four key pillars; these form the foundation of the unique programmes designed to suit the differing needs of girls as they journey through our School. We personalise the learning for each girl, as we understand each of us needs different conditions to reach our potential. We help our girls find their strengths and passions, be they academic, sporting or cultural and support them with our individualised pastoral care and wellbeing programmes. As an organisation we are leaders; we also teach our girls how to be leaders by developing themselves and their leadership potential. Being successful requires courage and we promote this through our ‘have a go attitude’, which is central to life at PLC. Our community provides our girls with a place of belonging, where each girl is valued for her unique contribution. Our PLC family supports each other but also teaches the importance of ‘being of service’ to humanity at a local, national and international level.

Our History PLC has a long, rich history stretching back to 1915 when it was founded on the philosophies of nine influential, educated Presbyterian men. These men, who placed a high value in a good education for women, were also the pillars of our community; moulding our values, moral standards and cultural history. From its first day, PLC delivered a quality education, just as it does today. Over time we have evolved to meet growing academic, sporting, musical, literary and myriad other needs of our students, and will continue - always striving for the best.

Our Vision Presbyterian Ladies’ College is a Uniting Church School committed to an excellent well-rounded educational experience that gives every girl confidence and empowers her to lead a principled life and make an active contribution to the community. Our vision is to provide opportunities for generations of girls to discover their uniqueness and have the courage to strive to live by their convictions and realise their potential. PLC is •

a school for a diverse and exceptional education that is innovative, vibrant, challenging and fosters personal excellence.

a community of friends, which is secure, inclusive and valuing of the individual.

an enduring legacy of values such as integrity, learning, community and effort.

a culture of learning for life and spiritual enquiry where character and leadership are nurtured to serve and shape the world.

Our Values PLC is a values-based community. Staff, students and parents subscribe to our values upon becoming members of the College. These values provide the compass by which members of the community come together to support one another and be of service to others. Taken together, our values create an enabling environment to meet the School’s Statement of Purpose: Presbyterian Ladies’ College is a Uniting Church School committed to an excellent well-rounded educational experience that gives every girl confidence and empowers her to lead a principled live and make an active contribution towards the community. Integrity (Honore) Strong ethical values make truth, compassion, respect and moral courage highly-valued attitudes which are modeled every day. Integrity and a strong sense of social justice are particularly demonstrated through a commitment to celebrating diversity including reconciliation for indigenous peoples of Australia and striving for equal opportunities for women.

Learning We gain knowledge and explore intellectual challenges and are inspired to value learning as inquirers, thinkers, risk-takers, communicators and through self-reflection. Students develop an understanding of themselves, their community and the world around them through a balance of academic, social, cultural and spiritual enquiry and physical pursuits. Community We value participation as an active means of making friends and building mutual understanding, showing care, support, respect and an open mind to recognise everyone’s value and contributions. The value of belonging to a community is in accepting rights and responsibilities and recognising that with privilege comes an individual and collective responsibility for the common good. Effort (Labore) We recognise that little is achieved without effort and we encourage students to strive and achieve their best. Confidence, resilience and boldness develop through a culture of participation, a get-up-andgo attitude, having the courage to try new things, managing unfamiliar situations, learning from mistakes in a supportive environment and having opportunities to discover personal strengths.


PLC COUNCIL Council reports to the Uniting Church in Western Australia and is responsible for the effective governance and strategic direction of the College. All members are volunteers who offer significant professional skills and experience in relevant areas including education, law, finance, strategy, marketing, planning and business.

2017 Achievements The PLC Strategic Plan 2017-2021 was launched under four Strategic Pillars: Personalisation, Leadership, Courage and Community. The pillars are underpinned by Strategic Objectives and a series of initiatives that aim to achieve excellence for students, old collegians, staff and all members of the PLC community. Focus areas include academic excellence; developing leadership skills; recruiting and developing outstanding teachers and staff; development of wellbeing for students and staff; enhancing students’ experiential learning opportunities; sustainable and appropriate fiscal management; encouraging a culture of philanthropy and stakeholder engagement; and celebrating and promoting engaging relationships with PLC Community members. High on Council’s agenda is the safety and protection of all children in our care.

In addition to the many regulations and compliance requirements of an independent School, Council and its Committees place high priority on regularly reviewing all policies and procedures to reduce the possibility of any risk to our students, staff and community members. We place a strong focus on Child Protection and Code of Conduct policies with all members of PLC staff and contractors receiving training in child protection at least annually. The Principal takes this matter seriously, delivering every session on Child Protection and Mandatory Reporting personally, including sessions for Council members. PLC has been delivering high quality educational programmes in health and wellbeing for many years and Council was pleased to announce the decision to build a dedicated centre designed to enhance the delivery of our curriculum-based programmes. While the building was rapidly taking shape during 2017 ready for its official opening as the PLC Lighthouse the following year, Council oversaw partnership arrangements and management plans to prepare for the provision of first class services in a safe and welcoming environment for our students and the PLC community. The PLC Lighthouse was the final of many projects designed by MCDF Architects (previously Marcus Collins Architects) for PLC. Dean Fehlburg, his business partner,

the late Marcus Collins, and their team have been the School Architects for over 20 years including preparing the previous Master Plan. Their impressive and award-winning designs for PLC have included our Junior School, Senior School library and cafeteria, Boarding House, Middle School, Junior School sports terrace, new Senior School and quad development, the Multi-purpose Hall and finally the spectacular PLC Lighthouse. It is with respect and gratitude that Council pays tribute to the late Marcus Collins and to Mr Dean Fehlburg for their outstanding designs, seamless integration of buildings on our campus and empathy for our neighbours and environment. The next 20-year Master Plan is due to be finalised and launched in 2018 after stakeholder input is gathered. Council is pleased to announce the engagement of Parry & Rosenthal as Architects for the development of the Master Plan and we look forward to presenting the final plan in 2018. The work of Council in guiding these major projects is enhanced and efficiency increased through the work of its committees. In addition to members of Council, these Committees have independent members who offer expert advice on a volunteer basis. On behalf of Council, I acknowledge and thank members of the Committees responsible for Finance, Master Planning & Infrastructure, Marketing & Communications, Audit, Parents’ Committee and the many volunteer support groups working behind

the scenes to support the work of PLC. During the year, Council welcomed new members Prof Donna Cross, Head, Health Promotion and Education Research Telethon Kids Institute and Director, Early Childhood Development and Learning Collaboration, Ms Claire Poll, General Counsel, Verona Pharma plc, Mr James Mactier, Professional Director and Mr Matthew Maxted, General Manager of Girl Guides Western Australia.

at countless School and community events. Mr Andrew Johnson served for one year on Council and as President of the Parents’ Committee after a number of years as a Committee member. We wish to acknowledge the valued contributions, skills and expertise of these dedicated volunteers.

We bid farewell to two retiring members. Mrs Katrina Burton who had been a Council Member for nine years, the last five as Deputy Chair. Katrina had also served on the Education and Audit Committees of Council and had been President of the Old Collegians’ Association, member of the Argyle Club Committee and volunteered 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 05

COUNCIL MEMBERS DURING 2017 E/Prof Tracey Horton AO Chair of Council Strategic Planning/Management/ Governance/Education

Ms Fiona Crowe Master Plan & Infrastructure Committee Member Tertiary Education

Mrs Katrina Burton Deputy Chair of Council, Audit Committee member (to June 2017) Old Collegian/Current Parent/Law

Mr Andrew Johnson PLC Parents’ Committee (President to October 2017) Current Parent/Finance

Mr Stuart Love Deputy Chair of Council (from August 2017) Marketing & Communications Committee (Chair to July 2017) Strategic Planning Mr Morgan Ball Business/Finance Committee (Chair) Current Parent/Finance Mrs Kathy Bonus Master Planning & Infrastructure Committee Member (Chair) Old Collegian/Past Parent/Town Planning Prof Donna Cross Education Research/Early Childhood Development (from January 2017)

Ms Linda Kenyon Past student/Past Parent/Law Ms Morgen Lewis Marketing & Communications Committee Member (Chair since July 2017) Past Student/Marketing Mr James Mactier Council (from October 2017) Current Parent/Finance Mr Andrew McKenzie Current Parent/Finance Mr Matthew Maxted PLC Parents’ Committee (President since October 2017) Current Parent/Management Ms Claire Poll Council (from August 2017) Business/Finance Committee Current Parent/Finance

PLC thanks the following people who have provided their time, knowledge and experience as independent members of Council sub-committees during the year: Ms Eva Marie Bates Marketing & Communications Mr Charlie Bolt Finance/Business Mr Mark Bosnich Finance/Business to September 2017 Mr Sebastian Croce Marketing & Communications

Mr Philip Idle Master Plan & Infrastructure to March 2017 Mr Martin Kirkness Audit (Chair) Ms Dixie Marshall Marketing & Communications to June 2017 Ms Tess Marshall Marketing & Communications

Ms Adrienne Dukes Sommerhalder Mr Phil Mirams Audit Finance/Business Mr Carlo Franchina Ms Elizabeth Saunders Finance/Business Marketing & Communications Mr Ned Franetovich Mrs Gillian Swan Master Plan & Infrastructure Master Plan & Infrastructure to December 2017 to August 2017 Ms Fiona Hogg Master Plan & Infrastructure from February 2017

College Leadership Team 2017 Dr Kate Hadwen Principal

Sharon Anderson Head of Senior School

Chris Robinson Head of Staff

Dr Andrew Cousins Deputy Principal

Neesha Flint Director of Learning

Heather Pope Head of Junior School (T1)

Rev Gary van Heerden Chaplain

Sam Kronja Director of Finance and Corporate Services

Louise Peyton Head of Junior School (T2-T4)

Laura Allison Director of Wellbeing

Anna Hu Director of Information & Learning

Mark Doran Director of Strategic Communications (T1) Keryn McKinnon Director of Strategic Communications (T2-T4) Vivien Whitehead Director of People and Culture (T4) 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 05 07

PEOPLE & CULTURE Presbyterian Ladies’ College has a large team of extraordinary, dedicated individuals who work together to deliver outstanding educational opportunities for our students. From our Teaching staff to our Operations and Administration staff, we are consistently focussed on sourcing, recruiting, developing and retaining the best people.

Strategic Pillars Our people strategies and programmes endeavour to focus the activity and efforts of our people on PLC’s four strategic pillars – Personalisation, Leadership, Courage and Community. In 2017 our key staffrelated strategic objective was to recruit outstanding teachers and staff and enable them to be leaders of learning who exhibit the highest levels of professionalism, are deeply committed to our students and apply their knowledge and skills to achieve exceptional outcomes. This strategic objective was brought to life through a number of initiatives outlined below.

Growth & Development In 2017, we implemented a Growth & Development strategy for our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Teaching staff. SLT and Teaching staff completed a Growth and Development document at the end of 2017 which enabled staff to celebrate strengths and also acknowledged where there were areas for further development and document the planning around how to achieve this. Staff were asked to plan out their professional and career

goals for the following three-year period. In 2018, tailored programmes will be implemented for Heads of Department and Operations and Administration staff. Through the Growth & Development programme, we continue to invest in the development of our staff and plan for the future leadership of the School through providing a number of professional development opportunities. In 2017, to support growth and development needs as discussed and identified with their line leaders, staff participated in a range of professional learning experiences including workshops, conferences, online courses, subject specific opportunities, 1:1 coaching, and post-graduate study. Some key development opportunities provided include: • External/post-graduate study support. • Educator Impact programme – an evidence based professional development programme that uses 360 degree feedback and goal setting to help teachers improve classroom practice. This was implemented with all teaching staff in 2017 and will be continued in 2018. One of the initiatives to support middle leaders has been the Educator Impact for Leaders which has supported the leadership skills of this group of teaching staff. • National Excellence in School Leadership Initiative (NESLI) – Colloquium Coaching was provided to senior and middle leaders. Through the provision of global

best practice in leadership development, NESLI targets the immediate need to equip Australian and NZ teachers with the skills, knowledge and confidence to overcome the complex leadership challenges in today’s school environment. A third group of senior and middle leaders at PLC will undertake the programme in 2018. • Apple Teacher Badges – a professional learning programme designed to support and celebrate educators using Apple products for teaching and learning. Approximately 85% of PLC teaching staff have completed this programme. PLC is one of only 400 schools worldwide who have achieved Apple Distinguished School status, requiring a minimum of 75% of teaching staff to have completed Apple Teacher Badges. • Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership National Certification – Professional Level 1 (Proficient), 2 (Highly Accomplished) and 3 (Lead). In 2017 we introduced an internal process for staff wishing to attain PL2 status and had a consultant who supported staff in working through the Professional Standards for Highly Accomplished accreditation. Two staff members achieved this accreditation and one staff member achieved the Lead status at PL3.

Staff Wellbeing In parallel with the construction of the PLC Lighthouse and the focus on the integration of wellbeing into the curriculum for our students, PLC has also implemented a number of Staff Wellbeing initiatives in 2017. The aim of these initiatives is to better understand the factors impacting staff wellbeing at PLC, to raise awareness of wellbeing and mental health issues, and to improve wellbeing outcomes to create a greater sense of job satisfaction. Staff wellbeing data was collected utilising a number of measures, the results of which will help to focus current and future activity and initiatives. A number of awarenessraising initiatives were implemented during the year, including participation in the Biggest Mental Health Check in, Cheers for Peers Day, celebration days such as Harmony Day to recognise and celebrate diversity, and activities during Mental Health Week in October. In addition to awareness raising, staff are provided with opportunities to focus on their physical health and wellbeing. Staff are offered free health checks at the Health Centre during Staff Week in January. At the Staff Professional Development day in March 2017, staff participated in a range of fun wellbeing activities, including kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, walking, tai chi, cooking and dancing. We had an incredibly positive response from staff regarding the activities provided on the day and a similar programme is offered in 2018. Staff will also be able to utilise the PLC Lighthouse fitness facilities and participate in the programmes offered to the community when the Lighthouse opens in 2018. 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 09



Tess Abraham

Science Teacher

Lauren Kirwan

Digital Content Co-ordinator

Erwin Adi

1 Degree Coach

Mike Kostera

JS Teacher

Elle Ahearn

Pipe Band Tutor

Luise Lowndes

IB Diploma Co-ordinator

Julian Anderson

Pipe Band Tutor

Maryanne Macdonald

Maths Teacher

Linda Arnold

Junior School Music Teacher

Christine Madill

English Teacher

Tess Barritt

JS PE Teacher

Jenny Manners

Community Relations Co-ordinator

Jason Boron

Music Teacher

Ryan McBride

Charlotte Boyle

1 Degree Coach

Philosophy and Religious Studies Teacher

Jeremin Chan

1 Degree Coach

Hannah Newnes

1 Degree Coach

Linda Charteris

Music Tutor

Leo Nye

Old Collegians Co-ordinator

Rebecca Cole

1 Degree Coach

Narelle Pendlebury

Visual Art Teacher

Jane Cook

HR Manager

Heather Pope

Head of Junior School

Kate Cross

JS Education Assistant

Charles Porter

ILT Integrator

Melissa Cummins

IB Administration Assistant

Jill Raynor

LOTE Teacher

Rebecca Dalton

JS Teacher

Adele Ribnick

Psychologist – Senior School

Virginie Del Boca

Language Assistant

Sarah Robey

Mark Doran

Director of Strategic Communications

Boarding House Deputy – Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Andrea Drummy-Grant

JS Education Assistant

Macarena Rubio Pastor

LOTE Teacher

Neesha Flint

Director of Learning (Pre-K-12)

Brian Scutter

Humanities Teacher

Sarah Ghossein

Media Technician

Cathryn Sinclair

English Teacher

Clare Hall

LOTE Teacher

Mark Thomas

Director of Music

Jenny Hetherington

VET Co-ordinator

Ming Wen-Till

Science Teacher

Sue Hodge

LEC Teacher

Rennae van der Laan

Music Tutor

Steffi Hutchinson

Music Tutor

Hannah Vermeersch

Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator

Eliza Keet

JS Teacher

Amy Wichman

JS Teacher

Diann Kerr

Psychologist – Junior School

David Williams

1 Degree Coach

Stephanie King

1 Degree Coach

Katharine Williams

ILT Administrator

Madeleine King

1 Degree Coach

Kate Wilson

Music Teacher

Heather Pope Heather Pope left the Junior School at the end of Term 1 2017 after six years, to return to her home town in New Zealand. Remembered as an inspirational leader with vision and passion, Heather implemented many initiatives during her tenure, including the Wild Space programme, nature playscapes, daily French and Music lessons, and a genuine commitment to strengthsbased education through inquiry that leads students to feel engaged in their learning and valued for their contributions.


Mark Thomas Mark Thomas made an incredible contribution to music at PLC during his 15 years of dedicated service with us, beginning as a Music teacher in 2002, and moving on to be appointed as Director of Music from 2005. He leaves PLC to stretch his wings and share his talents with the Wesley community as Head of Arts – Performance. Mark was recognised by the PLC Council for his outstanding contribution to the Centenary Concert in September 2015, celebrating the centenary of PLC. A song was commissioned by Composer in Residence – Paul Jarman, who worked with students and staff to compose the Centenary Song “Labore et Honore”. On leaving the School, Mark presented PLC with a copy of the lyrics to the Centenary Song in a framed copy displayed in the Senior School Reception, McNeil Street.

Jenny Hetherington

Neesha Flint

Sarah Robey

Jenny retired from PLC at the end of 2017, after an amazing 39 years’ service. Hired by Principal Heather Barr, Jenny taught Drama and English. In 1987 she was appointed Head of Department Practical and Creative Arts. She was also Arts Festival Co-ordinator.

It was with a sense of excitement and sadness that we said farewell to Neesha Flint at the end of the 2017 school year, as she left PLC on being appointed as Principal of Geraldton Grammar School from 2018. Neesha had been at PLC for over 13 years and during her tenure had been Head of Mathematics, Head of LOTE, Head of Senior School and more recently Director of Learning.

Sarah joined PLC in 1998 as an English Teacher. After leaving the School for a short period from 2000 to 2002 to live and work in Sydney, Sarah returned in Semester 2, 2002 and rejoined the English Department. Over the next few years she taught English and was also Carmichael House Advisor.

Jenny was House Advisor for Baird House and Year 10 Co-ordinator. She also taught Home Economics, Early Childhood Studies and Health. In 2002, she was appointed Head of Careers. Jenny has performed the role of Director Career Development and in the last year, VET Co-ordinator. In her farewell speech, colleague Simone Fleay commented, “Jenny was a student’s champion, advocate and counsellor. She has a gift for seeing the best in all of us; for nurturing interests, passions and hopes; for making people feel affirmed and worthy and that there is a place and time for all in today’s world. Her intelligence, warmth, positive energy, compassion and engagement have been true assets for PLC.”

Neesha was a passionate Math teacher, intelligent, organised, with a huge capacity to get things done. She often talked about human capacity and endeavoured to inspire the girls to never underestimate what they were capable of achieving. She was also inspirational to the girls in that, while striving to achieve in her career, she always prioritised her family. We thank Neesha for her significant contribution to PLC and wish her well for the exciting next chapter of her life.

Sarah is best remembered for her outstanding contribution to the Boarding House. Sarah worked in the Boarding House for a period of ten years from 2007, initially as a Senior Leader and then as the Deputy of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing. When she first started in boarding she would work on the weekends, taking out the girls on surprise excursions accompanied by her husband, Jason. Tales of their adventures are legendary. After the birth of Eva, six years ago, the focus of Sarah’s work in the Boarding House changed. She became more involved with the pastoral care of the girls and for one year was Year Co-ordinator of the girls in Year 10. Sarah was known for her sense of calm and her wisdom. The staff and girls often sought her out to help resolve issues and for her ability to listen without judgement.


WELLBEING PLC’s dedicated approach to wellbeing supports our infrastructure to enable students and staff to function at their best and flourish. When we build wellbeing, we see a number of positive outcomes socially and emotionally, as well as in relation to performance and productivity. In 2018, PLC consolidated a comprehensive, developmentally-appropriate, evidencebased PK-12 wellbeing curriculum including programmes such as Kimochis, RULER, Positive Detective and SenseAbility. The overarching framework for this curriculum being to teach skills under the SEARCH framework (Waters, Sun, Rusk, Cotton, & Arch, 2017). These wellbeing pathways are: Strengths The ability to know your personal capacities and characteristics that are energising and authentic to use, enabling you to perform at your best. Emotional Management The ability to identify, understand, express and manage emotions and how they are influenced by physiology, thoughts and circumstances to promote positive functioning.

Coping The ability to balance the demands of life with the resources to manage those demands, and being able to bounce back when thrown off balance. Habits The ability to know how to break bad, and create good habits that can help you progress towards your goals, providing a sense of purpose, mastery and direction in life.

Visible Wellbeing All teaching staff completed training with Professor Lea Waters on the Visible Wellbeing approach in 2017, learning how to integrate wellbeing practices within teaching methods. A core group of teachers formed an implementation team and completed additional training to adopt these skills more deeply and lead this approach across the school in 2018.


PLC Lighthouse

The ability to focus awareness and consciously pay attention to a stimulus as it occurs, to support both concentration and wellbeing.

The majority of the building work for the PLC Lighthouse was completed during 2017. Extensive planning occurred throughout the year to design and create spaces to practise wellbeing related habits and behaviours.

Relationships The ability to develop social skills and understand, express and manage the social aspects of life to develop nourishing relationships with others.

The PLC Lighthouse is not simply a gymnasium. It is a building designed to provide teaching staff with a dedicated

centre that offers personalised and integrated wellbeing programmes across every Year group of the School. The specifically-designed spaces for mental health support the development of important skills for life such as the opportunity to re-energise, relax and engage. Spaces to promote physical health, from a nutrition centre to a contemporary gymnasium with ergo rowers, treadmills and cross trainers are available to all students, staff and parents. A new PLC Lighthouse website was developed to provide resources and articles relating to wellbeing, as well as a monthly newsletter that is emailed to the community. Throughout the year, various celebration and acknowledgement days occurred to reinforce wellbeing practices from Mental Health Week to World Gratitude Day and World Kindness Day. The Lighthouse Leaders programme launched with guest presenters including Dr Amy Finlay Jones, Professor Lea Waters and Commissioner Colin Petit. 2018 will see the solidification of the Lighthouse as it opens and becomes available to the School community.


2017 RESULTS SNAPSHOT It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the fantastic results of our 2017 Leavers in WACE ATAR and VET and the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The combined effort of the girls resulted in PLC achieving a combined WACE and IB Diploma median ATAR of 90.20, which is outstanding. Mathematics Applications Ellen Odgers

Lily Gubbay

Certificates of Distinction

Stella Honey

Helen Abbott

Danielle Hooper

Emily Bradley

Olivia Kerr

Ava Cadee

Emer Lewis

Sylvie Chadwick

Asha Manton

Natalie Cheveralls

Lily McMeeken

Alexandra Cowan

Eliza Millar

Emma Crisp

Olivia Mirams

Shannon Doherty

Isabella Mitchell

Isobel Dunn

Lauren Moore

Ali Edgar

Julia Newport


Ava Fogarty

Madeline Olson

The average of 89.60 ATAR from WACE, was well above the State median of 81.40.

Hannah Johns

Lilly Smeulders

Jane Lai

Alyssa van Heurck

Sophie Pfeiffer

Emma Warburton

Eliza Rimmer

Emma Williams

General Exhibition

Certificates of Merit

IB Diploma

Emily Bradley (pictured right)

Matilda Andrew

Subject Certificates of Excellence

Sophia Azzopardi

Food Science and Technology Stella Honey

Isabella Blanchard

Human Biology Sophie Pfeiffer

Dominique Eastwood

Literature Ava Cadee

Claire Fitzgerald

100% of students achieved ATAR or WACE 90.20 ATAR combined median WACE and IB Diploma 75% of girls achieved an ATAR of 80 or more guaranteeing them a place at UWA Ranked 8th in Western Australia’s Top Academic WACE School’s list

Tess Bevan Caitlyn Brennan

Haley Dare Jonica Fairweather Indiah Fogarty

in the top 20% of IB scores worldwide

Lily Hallam

78% of students achieved above the world average of 29.9/45 22% of students achieved a 95 ATAR equivalent or above 56% of students achieved a 90 ATAR equivalent or above 4 Students ranked

1 Student achieved a bilingual IB Diploma which was only achieved by 22% of Diploma students worldwide

Achieved a Level 7 English Language & Literature Patricia Frazis Spanish ab initio SL Emily Flynn Ailee Salter Global Politics HL Yamina Ahderom



11.97% above the average State mean

Year 3 students achieved 12.46% above the State mean

Year 5 students achieved 13.09% above the State mean

Year 7 students achieved 13.15% above the State mean

Year 9 students achieved 9.59% above the State mean

Business Management HL Jamie Krige Biology HL Emily Flynn Chemistry HL Yamina Ahderom Theatre SL Ailee Salter Achievement Grade A in TOK/EE TOK Ailee Salter EE Jamie Krige, Willow Hallager, Yamina Ahderom

100% of students achieved a Certificate III or higher

100% of ATAR WACE Achieved

90.20 ATAR combined median WACE & IB Diploma

75% OF GIRLS 80+ ATAR guaranteed entry UWA

#8 WA’s TOP ACADEMIC WACE Schools List


PLC NAPLAN AVERAGE 11.97% ABOVE STATE MEAN reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, numeracy 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 17

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Our outstanding academic achievements across state and national competitions for 2017 include: • Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7) was awarded the encouragement prize pack in the National 2017 BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards. • Madeleine Robins (Year 6) was awarded 10th Place in the Junior Writing challenge at the World Scholar’s Cup. • Sylvie Chadwick (Year 12) was awarded the Individual Oralist Award for the Preliminary Rounds for her performance at the 2017 Alliance Française Poetry Recital Competition. • Madeleine Mayo (Year 5) was a guest curator for the Perth Festival Writers Week Family Day. • 2017 World Scholar’s Cup team of Olivia Dry (Year 11), Eva Marsh (Year 11) and Caoilin Marstrand (Year 11) were third overall in the Senior Division and first in the Scholar’s Bowl. • Nina Mannolini (Year 7) scored the highest mark in the Junior Division for Writing and Tahlia Hankeri (Year 9) was selected for the Debating Showcase at the 2017 World Scholar’s Cup.

is Australia’s largest High School Debating Competition, with over 2,000 participants. • The 2017 State da Vinci Decathlon Year 7 team of Poppy Bell, Sophia Thomas, Layla Tomljanovich, Jasmine Walter, Pray MacKenzieSmith, Sarah Few, Olivia Morton and Bryzlyn Sin came 1st in the Year 7 division. • The 2017 State da Vinci Decathlon Year 9 team of Elizabeth Crawford, Stella Vanderzanden, Eva Coulson, Nisha Whittome, Clara Chen, Eloisa Malet, Stephanie Hair and Laura Bailey came 1st in the Year 9 division. • The 2017 National da Vinci Decathlon Year 7 team of Poppy Bell, Sophia Thomas, Layla Tomljanovich, Jasmine Walter, Pray MacKenzieSmith, Sarah Few, Olivia Morton and Bryzlyn Sin came 1st in the Art and Poetry and Creative Producers rounds. The team came 3rd in the Race Around Sydney.

• The 2017 National da Vinci Decathlon Year 9 team of • Ava Cadee (Year 12) and Elizabeth Crawford, Stella Georgia Weir (Year 12) were Vanderzanden, Eva Coulson, invited to compete in the State Nisha Whittome, Clara Chen, Finals of the Evatt Trophy Eloisa Malet, Stephanie Hair Competition in June 2017 at and Laura Bailey came 2nd the Parliament of Western in the Art and Poetry, General Australia. The Evatt Competition Knowledge and the Race

around Sydney rounds. • Molly Johnson (Year 4) was awarded 2nd place in the Languages in our Landscape Primary Category. • Ruby Bell (Year 4) was awarded 3rd place in the Languages in our Landscape Middle Category. • Jacinta Cuthbertson (Year 6) was awarded 2nd place in the Languages in our Landscape Middle Category. • Side by Side Winners: • Saskia Lehmann (Year 2) • Améline Ng (Year 2) • Elise Wright (Year 4) • Felicity Psaltis (Year 4) • Natasha Playford (Year 5) • Annabella Davies (Year 5) • Saskia Thomas (Year 11) was successful in securing a place in the 2017 Fogarty Futures Conference. • Celeste Dunn (Year 8), Gaby Evans (Year 8), Ginger Fogarty (Year 8) and Sasha Kronja (Year 8) made it to the semifinals of the WA Debating League Novice Division.

• Eloisa Malet (Year 9), Lizzy Marsh (Year 8) and Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7) were finalists in the Writing for Life competition run by Donate For Life. Eloisa and Lizzy were awarded second in their age categories. • Annabella Davies (Year 5), Katherine Lovegrove (Year 5) and Anabella Fernandez Riveras (Year 5), came first, second and third respectively in the Year 5 category of the Alliance Francaise Awards Ceremony. • Eirwyn Siford (Year 5) and Zara Ball (Year 5) achieved Distinctions in the ICAS Maths Assessments, placing them in the top 11 percent nationally. • Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7) was a national finalist in the 2017 “Write Here Write Now” writing competition. • Lucy Jarrett (Year 10) and Megan Steinberg (Year 8) achieved High Distinctions in the ICAS Maths Competition.

• Emma Ryan (Year 4), Livya Siford (Year 4), Annabella Davies (Year 5), Charlotte • Sylvie Warner (Year 5) achieved Gishubl (Year 5), Katherine a Commendation in The Lovegrove (Year 5), Eirwyn Grove Library Young Writers Siford (Year 5) and Katie Creative Writing Competition. Marris (Year 6) achieved • Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7) came Distinctions in the ICAS English second in the Junior State Final assessment, placing them of the 2017 UN Youth Voice in the top 11% nationally. Public Speaking Competition.

• Katherine Graham (Biomedical Science) Excellence Scholarship • Stella Honey (Health Science) - Collegiate Scholarship • Sophia Azzopardi (Law/ Psychological Science) Collegiate Scholarship • The PLC Debating Club had an excellent showing at the GOZONE Debating Grand Final, achieving the following: • Platinum Award Team – Isabella Maliszewski (Year 5), Isla Grant (Year 6), Charlotte Gishubl (Year 5)

• Olivia Garbowski (Year 12), Georgina Middlemas (Year 12) and Ailee Salter (Year 12) were selected to participate in the 2017/18 Initiate Scholarship programme which provides senior students from across the world the opportunity to engage with issues of injustice. As a part of the programme, selected students travel to a partner country where they experience development work first-hand, alongside local leaders in a variety of settings. The programme also includes training, effective service opportunities and ongoing mentoring both within Australia and overseas. • The Tournament of Minds (TOMs) PLC 3 team, comprised of Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7), Meg Davidson (Year 7), Georgia Keamy (Year 9), Elizabeth Crawford (Year 9), Tahlia Hanikeri (Year 9), Layla Tomljanovich (Year 8) jointly won the Creativity Award

with Sacred Heart College.

(Year 9) achieved Distinctions.

• PLC 2 team, comprised of Leticia Saleh (Year 7), Icey Shen (Year 9), Clara Chen (Year 9), Nina Mannolini (Year 7), Emily Nixon (Year 8) and Isabelle Hamer (Year 9) won the Spirit of TOMs award.

• Megan Steinberg (Year 8) achieved a High Distinction and Lara Tovich (Year 8) received a Distinction in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians.

• Matilda Malet (Year 11) and Helen Abbott (Year 12) were selected to participate in the oral exams for the Alliance Française exams. This means that their results in the written exams were in the Top 20 for Year 11 and Year 12 in WA. • Sonya Frossine (Year 11) won first prize and Ping Yap (Year 11) won third prize in the Tim Winton Young Writers Competition for Upper Secondary students (Years 10 - 12). • Megan Steinberg (Year 8) achieved a High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Sophya Thomas (Year 7), Natalie Everett (Year 11) and Stella Vanderzanden

• Emma Ryan (Year 4) came 2nd in the WA State Chinese Writing Competition. • Year 10 Have Sum Fun online Maths competition team, comprised of Danee Bairstow, Georgina Fisher, Emily Pruiti and Nisha Whittome were placed 3rd in their division. • Year 7 Have Sum Fun online Maths competition team, comprised of Caroline Chen, Noah Hall, Sienna Hanikeri and Sucheta Sengupta placed 3rd out of 92 teams in their division. • Four Year 12 students were awarded scholarships to Bond University for 2018: • Sylvie Chadwick (Law/ Commerce) - Judge John Newton Mooting Scholarship

• Gold Award Teams – Natasha Playford (Year 5), Anoushka Coelho (Year 6), Isla Grant (Year 6), Trelise Mayo (Year 6), Alexia Leake (Year 5), Lara Connolly (Year 6) • Silver Award Team – Trelise Mayo (Year 6), Alexia Leake (Year 5), Lara Connolly (Year 6) • Best Chairperson for a Room Award – Charlotte Gishubl (Year 5) • Chairperson Awards – Natasha Playford (Year 5), Charlotte Gishubl (Year 5), Isabella Maliszewski (Year 5) • Unsung Hero Award – Isla Grant (Year 6) • PLC - Third Place School for 2017 • OzCLO team, Sonya Frossine (Year 11), Amanda Goh (Year 11) and Georgia Tovich (Year 10) placed 3rd in the OzCLO State and National competition.


JUNIOR SCHOOL Exciting developments in Junior School Helping to nurture and develop girls to become inspiring women who achieve their personal best in life is the aim of Presbyterian Ladies’ College new Head of Junior School, Louise Peyton. In keeping with tradition to welcome new senior staff, Ms Peyton’s first day at PLC was heralded by Pipe Major, Year 12 student Amelia Crossing, who piped her into an assembly in front of Junior School parents, staff and students. Principal, Dr Kate Hadwen, said she was confident Ms Peyton’s infectious and joyful personality would be embraced by the School community. “Louise has more than 20 years’ senior leadership experience in both the Independent and Catholic education sectors and is extraordinarily well qualified to further extend the great work already in place at the Junior School,” Dr Hadwen said. “Her postgraduate study was in the field of student wellbeing and Louise is dedicated to working with students to develop resilience, persistence and challenging them to work at their personal best. “Louise is also qualified in teaching the International Baccalaureate with her previous role as Head of Primary at International Baccalaureate school Kormilda College in Darwin.”

Mrs Peyton was pleased with her first six months at PLC. “It was an absolute privilege to take over from Mrs Heather Pope as the Head of Junior School at PLC in 2017.” “Mrs Pope had brought about a number of key initiatives, and I had the opportunity to consolidate and build upon those,” she said. After the leadership change, students continued to be engaged in a vast array of programmes within the School, and to participate in various programmes beyond the walls of PLC. Students in Pre-kindergarten to Year 2 have daily classes in Music and French. It is no surprise then, that so many of our students participate competitively in the various language competitions on offer. The support from students and families for various Community Service and Wellbeing initiatives was heartwarming. Service opportunities included the Perth Children’s Hospital Big Splash mental health awareness raising campaign and CARAD - Shoes for refugees and asylum seekers. Academically, Junior School students achieved above the state mean in NAPLAN and performed very well in academic competitions such as the Da Vinci Decathlon and the World Scholar’s Cup.



Theatre Arts Theatre Arts continued in 2017 with our very popular co-curricular programme, including the PLC Dance Company, Dance Collective, Drama Club and Wings. Ballet classes were introduced for students in Kindergarten to Year 3. The little ones completed their first ballet exam and a performance in the Hazel Day Drama Centre to wrap up the year. The Dance Department staged a spectacular Dance Showcase in July, called “Reflections”, featuring more than 60 students from Years 7 to 12. The title was inspired by students’ suggestions; ‘reflecting’ their sub-textual feelings and their physical expression, both of which are mirrored in one other. PLC is very fortunate to have an exceptionally high standard of dance, a result of committed teaching staff, a variety of critically acclaimed local and international choreographers, tutors, and hard work and practice by the girls. The Year 11 Drama students performed “Sleepyhead”, an Australian Gothic piece by local playwright Nathaniel Moncrieff. The play explores themes of isolation and othering, and how they can lead to destructive and violent behaviour. The concept is used as an allegory for our society that increasingly isolates itself through social media escapism. The Senior School Drama students performed an entirely original production devised by Director of Theatre Arts, Bauke Snyman entitled, “Cabaret at the End of the World”. The cabaret was a satirical investigation and critique of environmental issues confronting society today. The performance used music, dance and magic to explore renewable solutions for our world and was visually enlivened by yet another masterpiece in stage design by Rob Kelly. The set, a

surreal deconstructed circus, was brought to life and enhanced by the steam punk style of costume design by Lizzie Davies. The Theatre Arts Department ended the year with a more traditional musical, “Into the Woods” for the Year 7 to 10 students to take to the stage. Adapted and directed by Drama Teacher, Oliver Craze, who was also responsible for music direction, the Stephen Sondheim’s musical is a cockeyed fairy tale featuring all of your favourite Brothers Grimm characters. Mr Craze brought great imagination and directing skills to this show, and worked with two separate casts in order to maximise the number of girls able to participate in the creative and enjoyable journey of a Theatre Arts production.

Music 2017 in the Music Department began with a flourish as Senior School ensembles prepared for the annual Proms Concert at the Quarry Amphitheatre. A highlight of the music calendar, this was a balmy night under the starts listening to beautiful music. In Term 2, the Chamber Concert was held at Christ Church Claremont with the repertoire choices suiting this special venue to perfection. The remainder of the term was filled polishing repertoire for the Orchestra, Band and Jazz Festivals. All ensemble performances were of a very high standard with the PLC/ Scotch Combined Symphony Orchestra and the Bartok String Orchestra both receiving an award of ‘outstanding’. It was exciting to see students showcasing their musical prowess at the Junior and Senior School Arts Days. Working towards the Showcase and Spring concerts took up the first part of Term 3. These concerts were held in the Drama Centre and were a culmination of all the performances throughout the year. Both concerts were well

received. Year 12 ATAR music students shone at their Recital Night. String works for violin and cello were performed with orchestral accompaniment and for the first time in WA, there was a Year 12 ATAR bagpipe student. The annual Junior School Suzuki String Concert was a highlight of Term 4. Held in the Chapel, this concert showcased the PLC Suzuki string students. Chamber groups and soloists performed in gardens near the school at Open Garden Day. It was lovely to stroll through stunning gardens listening to beautiful music. Musicians love to perform and throughout the year there were instrumental and vocal recitals, chamber music concerts and many other performances by solos or groups. The Pipe Band had its usual busy year filled with many varied performances for either solo pipers or the entire Pipe Band. All ensembles in Term 4 were working towards Speech Nights, and starting to prepare for the start of 2018.

Visual Arts PLC Visual Arts students showcased their talents throughout the year at a number of local exhibitions and received awards and accolades from Perth’s community of artists, recognising the quality of the work being produced at the School. • Moray Year 12 Art camp (June) was a huge success last year which supported the quality of the artwork produced by the Year 12s. • Angel Chen’s (Year 11) artwork Nature/ Machine was one of the top ten artworks in the Upper Secondary Category for the Shaun Tan Exhibition hosted at Subiaco Library in July and August. • PLC took part in the annual Banners in the Terrace Competition which is a large community project in WA.

Katherine Young (one of our art teachers) designed an image based on PLC and Peppermint Grove to be used for the banner. The girls in our Art Club worked collaboratively on the banner which was selected as a finalist and displayed in St George’s Terrace-July school holidays. • Millie Evans (Year 12) was a finalist for the Swan Youth Portraiture Awards Exhibition (October). It was also shown with the other finalists in the Perth Cultural Centre walkway. Millie also took part in an interview by the Post newspaper to discuss her work. • “Uncovered” by Brie Ratten (Year 12) was selected for the Perspectives Exhibition to be held at the WA Gallery in March 2018. • Our annual Creative Arts & Technology Exhibition Embodiment showcased works from Years 7-12 across all of our Creative Arts & Technology areas. The quality of the work was highlighted as some of the strongest the School has showcased with all our creative students having the opportunity to exhibit their work. This was later confirmed when PLC was awarded in the top 15 schools for ATAR Visual Art in the state with a number of our girls being in the top 4%. 2017 PLC ANNUAL REVIEW 23

COMMUNITY & SERVICE LEARNING The School’s Service Leadership Awards model - to be ‘other centred’ - encourages students to demonstrate independent service initiatives within their own communities as well participate in the opportunities at PLC. PLC supports UnitingCare West each term with donations of shoes (Walk in my Shoes, Term 1), food donations (Winter Warmer, Term 2), donations of basic clothing for women experiencing homelessness (Comfort Packs, Term 3) and vital food and gift donations to the less fortunate in the festive season (Operation Santa, Term 4). PLC also hosted the Senior School UnitingCare West Student Leadership Social Justice Conference that promoted collaboration to develop action plans to stamp out stigma in relation to social isolation. Throughout the year, House Tutor groups organised fundraising events to raise awareness for many community organisations. These student-run events included Service Week to Make a Difference, Relay for Life (WA Cancer Council), 40Hour Famine (World Vision), Live Below the Line (Oaktree Foundation), Book in a Day (PMH Foundation), literacy bags (Refugee and Indigenous Families Literacy Support), Pancake Day (UnitingCare West), Plastic Free July, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, Climb for a Smile (Rotary medical work) and Orange the World (United Nations campaign to end violence against females). Family partnership projects across Year groups, assisted the Fremantle Red Cross

Soup Patrol, preparation of meals at PMH’s Ronald McDonald House, collating supplies for developing countries at Royal Perth Hospital, completing bread runs and environmental debris activities, culminating in the Tangaroa beach clean-up. The Service Immersion Tours to the Kimberley and Cambodia gave students the opportunity to learn hands-on what it means to be an engaged global citizen. During the year, service learning and co-curricular projects worked with community partners such as Mosman Park Primary, Embracing Friendship (an intergenerational project connecting with the aged), Tech Tips with the Shire of Peppermint Grove (teaching seniors IT skills), Sportslink (teaching sports skills to young people with disability) Student to Student Reading Programme with the Smith Family and Earth Carers (environmental awareness and sustainable living). Senior girls also volunteer to mentor younger students.

BEYOND PLC PLC offers many opportunities for students to extend their interests, both within and outside of the School. For those wanting to explore the world, various tours and exchanges are offered in Australia and overseas.

We introduced a new sports tour, the Singapore Netball Tour, wherein the girls competed against elite teams in tough environmental conditions of equatorial Southeast Asia.

In 2017, students had the chance to undertake exchanges to France, Austria, New Zealand, Japan and the United Kingdom. These exchanges enabled students to experience different cultures and language students were able to advance their speaking and comprehension skills. Students from these countries spent time undertaking reciprocal study at PLC and interacting with our students across both Junior and Senior School campuses.

Our rowing girls continued their success on the water at Australian Open and Schools Rowing Championships in Sydney, achieving podium finishes.

A variety of group tours were also available offering students subject, cultural, sporting and service immersion experiences. The Canberra Tour continues to be popular programme for our Year 9 students balancing education on politics with skiing and snowboarding. Our Year 11 and 12 Drama students attended N.I.D.A. and engaged in various theatre and drama workshops throughout the week whilst attending plays and performances in the evening.

The Year 11s and Year 12s had opportunities to experience indigenous culture in the Kimberley region. Our Year 10s continue to help build houses in Cambodia. Our gifted and talented students were successful in the local Da Vinci Decathlon competition, making them eligible to compete at a National level. As part of the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia, our students had an amazing opportunity to travel to Houston in a Junior and Senior Space School Programme.

As part our Year 10 Quest programme students experienced the extremely diverse cultures of old and modern China whilst having the opportunity to attend Mandarin lessons in Shanghai.



PLC again excelled in sport, finishing runner-up in the IGSSA Champion School of Sport Trophy. Winning three individual champion school sports out of 11 in tennis, hockey and soccer and runner-up in volleyball, cross-country and softball was a wonderful achievement. PLC created rowing history by being the first girls’ school to win the Perpetual Schoolgirls Premier Trophy for the entire season, Wendy Zuideveld Trophy for Head of the River and Schoolgirls Eight Championship for three consecutive years. For their commitment and excellence in sport, the following students achieved their Sports Honours: Emily Bradley, Year 12 Tennis, Athletics, Cross-Country Tess Bevan, Year 12 Netball, Volleyball, Softball Victoria Dodds Year 12 Volleyball, Soccer, Softball Alyssa Van Heurck, Year 12 Cross-Country, Softball, Soccer Tiffany Gossage, Year 12 Tennis, Soccer, Hockey Isadora Rakich, Year 11 Softball, Hockey, Soccer Lauren Hutton, Year 12 Hockey, Rowing, Athletics Kelsey Wright, Year 12 Hockey, Athletics, Tennis Lauren Smith, Year 12 Softball, Volleyball, Athletics Kiera Dunhill, Year 11 Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Softball Amy Dunhill, Year 11 Softball, Basketball, Tennis


CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY Parents@PLC The purpose of Parents@PLC is to foster friendships and support the PLC ethos of a warm, caring and nurturing environment for our girls, parents and wider School community. These include Year Group Representatives, New Parent Liaison, Boarding House Representative, Pastoral Care and positions that organise other activities such as friend-raising activities, fundraisers or providing support within the School community. The 20 Years Platinum Open Garden Day was the major event of the year. An incredible day of School community involvement and fundraising, around 1,000 people viewed the amazing gardens, and enjoyed the Café and Market stalls. Other annual events included an Outdoor Movie Night, Tennis Morning and the City/ Country Lunch. In addition, this year’s inaugural Farm2Fork was a high calibre event by the PLC Boarding community and we are looking forward to the next one. Funds raised by Parents@PLC contributed to providing a visiting author and learning support in the Junior School, Senior School equipment for the Art Department, a freestanding drinking fountain, a student leadership programme and new drums and kilts for the PLC Pipe Band.

Parents@PLC were also involved with the Valedictory Dinner and giving gifts to our Year 12 Leavers. Yearly provisions through the Parents@PLC include decorations for the Year 10 Social and Year 11 Dance, prizes for Scotch/PLC quiz nights for Years 6 and 7 and the games night in Year 8.

Old Collegians’ Association The Old Collegians’ Association (OCA) has had a wonderful year, with many Old Collegians of all ages involved in events in and around the School. The Art Exhibition is the OCA’s main event and fundraiser and has grown every year. In 2017, more than 80 artists from the PLC Community exhibited over 400 works. The proceeds from this event and other fundraising activities support the OCA Bursary programme. There are many other ways the OCA remain connected and engaged to the school including annual events such as the PLC/ Scotch Legal Breakfast and the Mentoring Programme which is in its second year. This OCA initiative puts the Year 12 students in contact with Old Collegians studying in areas where they have a mutual interest and hopefully smooth the transition to tertiary studies or into a job they are interested in. Other opportunities for the alumni to remain involved and to assist students is through, the Inspiring Women Programme, Junior

School PYP Programme, Grandparents’ Day, Special Friends’ Days and Academic and Guest Speaker presentations.

Parents’ Committee The Parents’ Committee Welcome Sundowner was held in February and was attended by 300 parents and staff. The night was a wonderful welcoming celebration, thanks to the tireless support from the committee and the generosity of a number of families. Through the Parents’ Committee, fundraising activities such as the School Fees Draw and annual Family Subscription money has contributed to as continuing the native language speakers in French, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish and new play equipment for the Junior School. The Parents’ Committee also focuses on providing annual scholarships for current students, supporting professional development opportunities for teaching staff, Speech Night awards and the Year 12 student farewell gifts.


THE PLC FOUNDATION INC. The Mission of The PLC Foundation is to serve as an independent manager and custodian for the provision of sustainable financial support to PLC over the long term. The highlight for the PLC Foundation in 2017 was the way the wonderful PLC community banded together to support the Scholarships Fundraising Campaign. This Campaign created additional scholarships to help even more girls realise their potential.

championships in her age group for the last three years, competed in a 1.5km open water race and is currently Stage 15 in Royal Lifesaving. Taleisha was also selected to compete in swimming in the Pacific School games in Adelaide in December 2017.

In the space of a few months the PLC community generously contributed more than $500,000, enabling the PLC Foundation to offer an additional five students the opportunity of a PLC education.

With the recipients of the Scholarships Fundraising Campaign, the PLC Foundation currently funds 13 scholarships for outstanding students whose families would otherwise find it out of reach to receive the lifelong benefits of a PLC education. These scholarships have been made possible through donations to the PLC Foundation Scholarship programme.

In 2018 we welcome the following deserving recipients of this Scholarship: Jemma Warren (Year 7), Shelby Heidrich (Year 7, from Mount House Station), Sioni Zankharia (Year 9), Cassidy Emmott (Year 10, from Manjimup) and Jordi Edwards (Year 11, from Margaret River). The PLC Foundation welcomes Taleisha Hurford (Year 7) to PLC as the worthy recipient of the 2018 PLC Foundation Scholarship. Taleisha is very much the ‘all-rounder’, whilst achieving academically, she also plays the violin, tap dances and competes in gymnastics. Taleisha finds time to contribute to the community by participating in charity fun runs and sausage sizzles. Taleisha’s dream is to compete in swimming at the Olympic Games and she is working hard, training up to five times a week. Taleisha has qualified for junior state swimming

The PLC Foundation 2017 Annual Giving Programme raised $290,743. The Building Fund received $45,580 and Scholarship Fund, $245,163. We would like to acknowledge and thank a special donor, who would like to remain anonymous, whose contribution to the 2014 Annual Giving Programme, has donated $450,000 to The PLC Scholarship Fund. At the end of 2017 the PLC Foundation received notification of a Bequest from Dr Margaret Henderson OBE. Dr Henderson, who lived in Melbourne and led an extraordinary life, was 102 years old when she passed away in August 2017. Dr Henderson was PLC Head Prefect in 1932 and studied medicine at the University of Melbourne. During the war years

Dr Henderson kept busy with research, working in general practice at Royal Melbourne Hospital and gave service with the Australian Military Forces. While in London Dr Henderson was appointed Honorary Physician, the first woman appointed to the hospital’s honorary staff. Dr Henderson was awarded an Order of the British Empire for services to medicine, a rare distinction for that era. Reflecting on the extraordinary changes in medicine during an extended career, Dr Henderson advised: “What is unchanging is the need we all have for the understanding, the explaining, the assurance and the support we ask from our physicians”. The PLC Foundation accepted Emeritus Professor Tracey Horton’s resignation from the Foundation Board in 2017. E/Prof Horton has contributed tremendously to the work of the Foundation since she joined the Board in 2003. We sincerely thank E/ Prof Horton for her ongoing support. The School wishes to thank the following members of the PLC Foundation Board who demonstrate outstanding commitment to the Foundation, willingly volunteering their time and expertise. Thank you Ian Macliver (Chair), Cathy Donaldson (Secretary), Carlo Franchina (Treasurer), Tony Grist, James Mactier and Andrew McKenzie.

Photo: Sonya Forssine, Clare Wray and Enya Zankharia (Year 12) Foundation Scholarship Recipients


STAFF LIST Senior Leadership Principal Dr Kate Hadwen PhD, MEd, GradCertEd(School L’ship), BTeach, GAICD

Deputy Principal Dr Andrew Cousins PhD, PGradDipEd, DipMusEd, BMus, BSc, AMusA (Piano), MACE, MACEL

Chaplain Reverend Gary van Heerden MA(Psych), MTh(His), BA(Hons) BTh(Hons)

Head of Junior School Ms Louise Peyton MEdL, MEd, GradDipEdStudies, BEd, T2 -

Head of Junior School Mrs Heather Pope BEd, DipIntSchool Leadership, PGCE (School Self Evaluation), PGCE(Gifted and Talented),TC, DipTeach(NZ) T1

Head of Senior School Mrs Sharon Anderson GradDipEdLship, DipTeach, BEd

Head of Staff Mrs Chris Robinson GradDipEdLship, DipFashion&Design, TC

Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mr Sam Kronja BComm, CA, AGIA, FAIM

Director of Information and Learning Technologies Ms Anna Hu BEd(Hons), DipTeach

Director of Learning (Pre K - 12) Mrs Neesha Flint GradDipEdLship, DipEd, BSc T1 - T4

Director of People & Culture Ms Vivien Whitehead BPsych, MPsych(Org) T3 -

Director of Strategic Communications Mrs Keryn McKinnon BA T1 -

Director of Strategic Communications Mr Mark Doran T1

Director of Wellbeing Ms Laura Allison MPsych, ProfCertEd(PosEd), BPsych, BSc

Senior Staff Council Secretary Ms Karen Taylor GIA(Cert), GAICD

Deputy Head of Junior School Mrs Meredith Beer DipTeach, BEd

Head of Curriculum Yr 7-10 Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc

Director of Innovation Mr Doug De Kock BPrimEd

Director of Curriculum Services Ms Toni Jefferies

Key Learning Areas Curriculum Leaders Head of Career & Pathways Mrs Simone Fleay DipEd, BEd(Hons), BA

Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Geetha Nair BA, BSc(Hons), DipEd

Head of IB Diploma Ms Kavita Mathai MA, MPhil, GradCertTOE, GradCertEd, DipEd, BA T2 -

IB Diploma Co-ordinator Ms Luise Lowndes BEd T1 Head of Languages Yr K-12 Ms Cecilia Muller GradDipAppLa Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Narelle Lange BEd Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mr Greg Jones BA, GradDipEdLship Head of Physical Education Yr K-12 Ms Chantelle James

GradDipEdLship, BA(Ed)

DipEd, BPE

Director of Boarding Ms Liz Langdon

Head of Science Yr 7-12 Ms Lesley Kaye

MEdMan, GradCertCarDev BEd

MScEd, DipSc, DipTeach, BSc

Executive Assistant to the Principal Ms Kate Montague

Head of Sport Yr K-12 Ms Annette Pearce BHlthPhyEd

Information and Learning Technology Manager Mr Ryan Beaton BSc

Finance Manager Mrs Wendy Castles BComm, CPA

Head of Technology & Enterprise Yr 7-12 Ms Philippa D’Sylva DipHEc, DipEd, BEd, CertIV Wkplce Lng

Director of Music Mr Mark Thomas DipEd, BMus T1 - T4

Human Resources Manager Ms Jane Cook

Director of Outdoor Education Mr Liam Sullivan MA(Outdoor Ed),


GradDipEd, GradCertEd (PosEd), BBus

Registrar Mrs Allison Mackenzie

Director of Theatre Arts Mr Bauke Snyman PGrad.Bus, PGrad.Ed, BAHonsDrama, BADrama

Director of Visual Arts Y7-12, Mrs Emma Haining

VET Co-ordinator Mrs Jenny Hetherington

NDipArtDegn, PostGradCertEd, BA(Hons)

DipEd, BA(Hons) T1 - T4

Head of Music (Curriculum) Ms Philippa Roy

Wellbeing Services

BMuEd, BMuHons, MMuStudies

Co-Acting Head of Music (Curriculum) Yr K-12 Mr Jason Boron

Co-ordinator of Psychology Services Ms Adéle Ribnick GradDipEd, CertFT, CECAT,

MA(Hons)AKC, DipKodalyMusEd, Grad-

BA(HonsPsych), BA(HonsEnvGSc), T1 – T3

CertMus, BMusEd(Hons), T1 - T3

School Psychologist Ms Daleen Engelbrecht

Co-Acting Head of Music (Curriculum) Yr K-12 Ms Hilary Price DipKodalyMusEd PGD, BMusEd(Hons) T1 - T3

Assistant Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Rebecca Garbenis MEd, GradDipEd, BA

Assistant Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mrs Shelley Stewart GradDipEdLship, DipEd, BSc

Assistant Head of Science Yr 7-12 Sabrina Earsman GradDipScEd, BSc

Assistant Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Victoria Kelleher MA PGDE, BA Co-ordinator Learning Support Y 7-12 Mrs Michelle Higgins GradDipLD, BEd(Hons)

Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator Yr K-12 Mrs Erica Walker BEd(SpecEd), BSocWk

LEC Co-ordinator Junior School Mrs Sue Seeber DipEd BEd

MEdPsych, BEd, BA

School Psychologist Ms Diann Kerr GradDipEd, BAPsych T1 - T4

School Psychologist Ms Amanda Bahen T4 Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Tracey Walker DipTeach Wellbeing & Service Project Officer Ms Amy McDonald

Year Co-ordinators Year 7 Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA Year 8 Mrs Soni Bailey MEdMan, GradDipEd, BA

Year 9 Ms Joanna Massey DipBus, PostGradEd, BSc

Year 10 Mrs Jenny Crisp DipTeach, BEd Year 11 Mr Michael Hinchley BEd Year 12 Mrs Rebecca Payne GradDipEd,

PYP Co-ordinator Pre-K – Yr 2 Mrs Jennifer Rickwood BA(Ed)


PYP Co-ordinator Year 3 – 6 Mr Paul O’Brien MEd, BEd(Hons)

Junior School Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd BA

Learning Co-Ordinators

Year 7 Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc

McNeil Mrs Shelley Stewart

Year 8 Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE

GradDipEdLship, DipEd, BSc

Year 9 Mr Jeremy Hetebry MEd, GradCertEd(ICT), BEd, BA

Year 10 Ms Cathryn Sinclair GradCertLitEd, BEd, CertIVTGED T1 - T4

Year 11 Ms Patricia Higgins MEd, DipEd, BEng

Year 12 Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc

Ross Ms Maryanne Macdonald MEd Bed, BSc(Maths) T1 – T2

Ross Ms Gemma Kidby

Mrs Leanne Ikin DipTeach

Academic Senior School

Ms Erin Jones BEd(ECE)

Careers Mr Phil Crane

Mrs Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Mr Michael Kostera MEd, GradDipEd, GradCertIntEd, BA, PYPCert T3 - T4

Ms Jia Liao

MEL, ProfCertEd (PosEd)

Dance Ms Emily Riddell

GradDipEd, BSc

DipEd, DipStDan, BA

Languages Ms Jill Raynor DipEd, BA T1

DipEd, BSc

Mrs Aileen Murray

Summers Ms Josephine

GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Drama Mr Oliver Craze BAMusEd(Hons)

Languages Ms Macarena Rubio Pastor

Mfune GradDipEd, BA, CertIVWTA

Ms Prue Peardon GradDipEd, BAppSc T1

Ms Hilary Price

Junior School Mrs Katy Howes BEd, BA

Ms Tess Barritt PGCE, BSc T1

Mr Charles Porter BEd

Mrs Kelly Barron PGCE, BA(Hons)

Ms Caroline Raths

DipTeach, BEd T1 - T3

Mr Jason Boron MA(Hons) DipKodalyMusEd, GradCertMus, BMusEd(Hons), AKC S2 T1 - T4

PGD, DipKodalyMusEd, BMusEd(Hons)

MA, GradCertEd, BA, IBDip T1 -

Mrs Su-Ann Richards DipTECE, DipTeach

Humanities Mr Zachary de Graaf T2 Humanities Mr Bilal Halim GradDipEd, BA Humanities Ms Gemma Kidby GradDipEd, BComm

Humanities Ms Josephine Mfune GradDipEd, BA, Cert IV WTA

Humanities Mrs Padminee Raja-Snijder

Mrs Carey Bouwer PGCE, HDipEd

Ms Anita Roy BEd(Primary)

MEL, ProfCertEd(PosEd), GradDipEdL,

Mr Austin Castiglione

Ms Catherine Smyth BEd(Hons)

MBA, GradDipEd, BA

GradDipEd, BA, AAICD

GradDipEd, BA T2 -

Mrs Andrea Sofield BA, BEd

Year 11 and 12 Ms Nicole Dorrington

Mr Graham Catley

Ms Beverley Spencer

Humanities Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc

GradDipEd, BA T1 - T2

MEdLearnDiff, DipTeachPrimary

Miss Michelle Clayton

Ms Mandy Tomizzi BEd

House Advisors Baird Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA T1 - T2

Baird Mr Oliver Craze

MEdMan, MEd(Gifted & Talented), CertEd, COGE, BEd

Mrs Kerri Cresswell GradDipEd, BA(Ed)

Ms Rebecca Dalton

Mrs Helen Tutin BEd DipTeach, GradDipScEd, BEd

LLB, GradDipEd, BA

Mrs Rosalea Wallace BEd

Humanities Mr Neil Williamson

Ms Agia-Sophiya Wallace

Ms Emilia Firkins BEd

BEd T3 -

Carmichael Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow

Mrs Colleen Garland DipArtEd

Ferguson Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA

GradDipEd, BA T1 - T2

Ms Emily Harris BEd T2 Mrs Katy Howes BA, BEd

GradDipEd, BBus, T1

Mrs Alison Viney

GradCert(ECE), BTchLn(Primary) T1 - T3

Mrs Emily Green

Humanities Mr Brian Scutter Humanities Mr Guy Varndell

BAMusEd(Hons) T2 -

GradDipEd, BSc(Hons)

Languages Ms Jane Phillips

Ms Kobie McGurk

Ms Linda Arnold

ProfCertEd(PosEd), DipEd, BPE

GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

BA, MEd, MLingSpec, GradDipEd

Academic Junior School

Year 9 and 10 Ms Skye Hegarty

AAICD, BA, GradDipEd, GradDipEdL,

Languages Mrs Rebecca Payne

Stewart Ms Melinda Honeychurch

Wellbeing and Service Co-ordinators

GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons)

Dance Ms Skye Hegarty

GradDipEd, BComm T2 -

Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd, BA

Year 7 and 8 Mr Matthew Donaldson

MEd, GradDipEdStd, BEd

IB Diploma Language & Literature Ms Luise Lowndes BEd T1

MA, GradDipEd, BA, MACE

Ms Amy Wichman BEd T1-T3

ILT Mr Jeremy Hetebry

Mrs Fay Wiltshire BEd

MEd, GradCertEd(ICT), BEd, BA

Ms Rebecca Worthington BEd

Head of IB Diploma Ms Kavita Mathai

GradDipEd, BA T2 -

T1 - T4

Languages Mrs Beverley Sinclair MA(Prelim), DipEd, GradCertEd, BA, RSADipTESL CELTA

Languages Ms Kumiko Sue GradDipEd BA, CSDM

Languages Mrs Kate Taylor DipEd, BA(Hons French)

Language & Literature Ms Soni Bailey MEdMan, GradDipEd, BA

Language & Literature Mrs Jennifer Crisp DipTeach, BEd Language & Literature Mr Thomas Hickmott GradDipEd, BA T1 -

Language & Literature Mr Damien Kerrigan DipEd, BEd Language & Literature Mr Roland Leach MPhil, DipEd, BA Language & Literature Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA

Language & Literature Ms Cathryn Sinclair GradCertLitEd, BEd, CertIVTGED T1 - T4

MA, MPhil, GradCertTOE, GradCertEd, DipEd, BA T2 -


Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Falkner

Music Ms Hilary Price

Science Ms Alana Brentnall

Visual Arts Ms Hildegarde Apel

GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

DipKodalyMusEd PGD, BMusEd(Hons)

GradDipEd, BSc

GradDipEd, BVisArts

Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Hodge

Music Ms Kate Wilson

Science Mr Gerald Coleman DipEd, BSc

Visual Arts Mrs Narelle Pendlebury

DipTeach(Primary) T1 - T2

BMus(Hons), BEd, AMusA T1 - T3

Outdoor Education Mr Brad Allen GradDipEd, BOEd

Science Mrs Seema Gookooluk

DipEd T1

Learning Enrichment Mrs Nerrilee Pansini MScSpPath(Dist.), Dip.Ed, BA

Outdoor Education Ms Ellen Barker

Science Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc

GradDipEd, BSc, CertIVORec

Science Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow

Learning Enrichment Mrs Maylin Tai CertMus, BEd, BA(Hons) T1 - T2

Mathematics Mrs Trudy Chick DipEd, BSc Mathematics Mr Robin Dunn MMathPlan, GradCertGeostatistics, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), DipTeach

Mathematics Ms Patricia Higgins MEd, DipEd, BE

Mathematics Ms Melinda Honeychurch DipEd, BSc

Mathematics Mr Matthew Ivulich MEd, GradDipEd, BSc T2 -

Mathematics Ms Toni Jefferies BA(Ed) Mathematics Ms Maryanne Macdonald Med, BSc(Maths), BEd T1 – T2

Mathematics Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE Mathematics Ms Shona Schwarz DipEd, BComm, BSc

Mathematics Ms Kristy Timms GradDipEd, BA T1 -

Mathematics Mr Greg Williams BSc, BEd, DipEd, MEd

Mathematics Mrs Kerrie Williams GradDipComp, BSc(Hons)

Music Ms Anne Coughlan BEd, BA

Outdoor Education Mr Dan Pike GradDipEd, BA

PGradDipEd, BA

GradDipEd, BSc(Hons)

Philosophy Religious Studies Mr Ryan McBride

Science Mrs Tamsin Moore

MCoun, GradDipEd, BThelo T3

PGCE, BSc(Dual Hons)

Philosophy Religious Studies Mrs Ann Smith

Science Ms Lana Salfinger

BA, GradDipEd T1 - T2, T4

GradDipEd, BSc

Physical Education Ms Hannah Barnsley DipEd, BSc

Science Ms Lauren Smith BSc, BEd T1 -

Physical Education Mrs Judy Boyne DipTeach, BEd

Science Mrs Justine Spencer DipEd, BSc

Physical Education Ms Tiarne Buurman

Science Ms Ming Till

GradDipEd, BSc T1 - T2

GradDipEd, BSc LLB, BComm T1 - T2

Physical Education Ms Joanna Massey

Teacher Librarian Ms Luciana Cavallaro

DipBus, PostGradEd, BSc


Physical Education Mr Boyd Cooper

Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Melissa Drake-Brockman

GradDipEd, BPHE

Physical Education Mr Matthew Donaldson GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons)

Physical Education Ms Nicole Dorrington ProfCertEd(PosEd), DipEd, BPE

Physical Education Mrs Esther Hanbidge BEd Physical Education Ms Tegan Maffescioni GradDipEd

Science Ms Tess Abraham DipEd, BSc T2 - T3

Science Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc

GradDipEd, BA

Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Jane Frame DipHomeEc, TC Technology & Enterprise, Language & Literature Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA Technology & Enterprise Mr Michael Hinchley BEd Technology & Enterprise Ms Elizabeth Lagrange GradDipEd, AssAppSc

Technology and Enterprise Ms Jamie Magee GradDipEd, BA T3 –

Technology & Enterprise – Media Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA T1 - T2

Visual Arts Ms Katherine Young DipEd, BA T2 -

Instrumental Music Teachers Pipe Band Teacher Mr Julian Anderson T1 Head of Strings Ms Anne Coughlan BA(Ed), BEd, Suzuki Accred(Int)

Pipe Band Co-ordinator/ Bagpipes Tutor Ms Matija Franetovich BSc, Cert IV

Personal Assistant to Head of Junior School Ms Tara Holmes Personal Assistant to the Deputy Principal Ms Hayley Randall Personal Assistant to the Director of Learning (PreK - 12) Ms Lyn Taylor Assistant to the Head of Staff Ms Nikolah Vermeersch T2 Archivist, Curator, Historian Mrs Shannon Lovelady Enrolment Administrator Mrs Jane Hard Digital Content Co-ordinator Ms Robyn Poole BA T2 Digital Content Co-ordinator Ms Lauren Kirwan BComn T1 - T2

Piano/Accompanist Sarah Saunders AdvDipMusEd, BPArts T1-T4

Communications Officer Ms Jordan Slight BA, BComn T2 -

Operations and Administration Staff

Communications and Engagement Co-ordinator Mrs Jenny Manners T1

Academic Administration Assistant Mrs Elizabeth Yeomans

PLC Foundation Co-ordinator Suzanne Pelczar

Administration Assistant Ms Anna Curry MA, BAHons, BA T1-

Alumni & Parent Group Co-ordinator Ms Sascha Hill DipEd, BPE T1 -

Administration Assistant (Reprographics) Mrs Lisa Davis

Alumni Relations Co-ordinator Ms Leo Nye BA T1

IB Administrator Mrs Melissa Cummins

Publications, Marketing and Media Co-ordinator Ms Kylie Yacopetti


Junior School Receptionist Mrs Deb Barnaby Receptionist Ms Esmé Derrington Receptionist Ms Di Simmons Music Administrator Ms Jessica Sardi AdvDipMusTeaching, BPerfArtsMusicology(Hons)

Personal Assistant to Head of Senior School Ms Lisa Graham

GradCertMktg, BA(Psych) T1 –

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Rosemary Allitt T4 Education Assistant (Art and Play) Mrs Lesley Brady CertIII TA, CertArtDes

Education Assistant Ms Christine Brockman BA Education Assistant Ms Lucy Chapman CertIII EdSup Education Assistant Ms Catriona Cosentino GradDipEd, BComn

Education Assistant Ms Andrea Drumey-Grant T1

Human Resources Advisor Mrs Brooke Dunwoodie

Maintenance Officer Mr Wayne Lillis

Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Joanna Gray

Ms Kate Pitcher

Education Assistant Mrs Eliza Keet


Maintenance Officer Mr Jeff Patterson

PGCE Maths, BA(Hons)

Mr Shane Pooley

Year 9 Co-ordinator Ms Justine Keys DipAppSc(Nursing)


MTeach(Primary), BPsych T1 -

Technical Support Officer Mr Phillip Espie BA(MedSt)

Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Natalie Lucioli Cert III TA

Information & Learning Technology Technical Officer Mr Serge Flora BLaws (Belgrade)

Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Danielle Magaraggia

Technology Support Officer Mr Travis Garbin

Cert TA

Education Assistant Ms Fiona McAlwey BEc, Cert III EA

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Julie Sampson DipTeach (Early Childhood)

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Amelia Turner EN, Cert IIIEdSupport Laboratory Technician Miss Fran Howl BSc Laboratory Technician Mr Radoslaw (Radek) Talma BScChemEng

Languages Assistant Ms Virginie Del Boca Media Technician Ms Sarah Ghossein Visual Arts Technician Mrs Iliana Harvey MA, BA Assistant Technology and Enterprise Mrs Val Myers Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Audrey Lee BComm Accounts Payable/Payroll Officer Ms Melissa Murray BEc Accounts Officer – Collections Mrs Sandra Otranto BComm Operations Administrator Ms Justine Mail BComn Assistant to the Director of Finance & Corporate Services Mrs Leonie Neervoort

Information & Learning Technology Operations Manager Stewart Neilson BSc(CompSc)

ILT Office Administrator Ms Taylor Rickards T4 ILT Administration Officer Mrs Katharine Williams CertIIIEdSupp T1 – T4

ILT Technical Support Officer Mr James Williamson CertII(TC), CertIII(CC), CCNP

Maintenance Officer Ms Peta Wheildon Head Rowing Coach Mr David Milne PE Admin Officer Mrs Louise Smith Administration Assistant (Theatre Arts) Mrs Elizabeth Davies Theatre Manager Mr Robert Kelly Tours Co-ordinator Ms Sandy Barbir DipEd, BSc Uniform Shop Assistant Mrs Marcelle Eastman Uniform Shop Manager Ms Emma Young

Lead 1 Degree Coach Mr Ian Huisman BSc(PsychHR)

Health Centre

Library Assistant Ms Lee Katavatis T1 - T2

Health Centre Co-ordinator Mrs Lyndsay Brookes

Library Technician Mrs Jenny Astle DipAppSc

Library Technician Ms Maria Giglia DipLibStudies Library Technician Ms Debra Van Dongen AssocDegSc(LibTech), CertIIIEdAssist.

Digital Content Creator & Website Design Mrs Angelica Huston Facilities Manager Mr Chris Holloway

Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Olivia Maxwell T1 Year 11 Co-ordinator Ms Katherine Hazlewood GradDipEd, BA(MComn)

Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Hannah Vermeersch T1 - T4 Assistant Miss Elena Hundley T1 Assistant Ms Kate Lee

Ms Sarah Satie T1 Mrs Hiroko Smith S uzuki Primary

Mr Brad Swope BMus T1 -

Mr Paul Tanner BMus

Ms Louise Tayler-Lloyd AssDipBr, AMusA, BMusEd

Ms Julia Toussaint-Jackson GradDipEd, AMusA, BMusPerf

Assistant Miss Georgia Leech

Ms Zoe van Drunen BMus, GradDipProfMusPrac,

MHydrGeo, BSc, T1 - T3

GradDipPerf T1 -

Assistant Miss Michaela Miller

Mr Richard Webster BMus, AdvDip(Contemporary)

(BScPsych) T3 -

Assistant Miss Augusta Weedon T1 Administration Assistant Mrs Sara Harrison

Health Centre Co-ordinator Mrs Louisa Champion

Bus Driver Mr Geoff Goddard

DipChNurs, RN, BSc(Nursing) T1 - T2

Registered Nurse Mrs Phoebe Robinson BNurse RN

Registered Nurse Mrs Nanette Smith

Visiting Music Tutors Ms Elle Ahearn T2 Ms Jane Blanchard BA Ms Linda Charteris DipMus

RN, BSc(Nursing)

Ms Josephine Fountain

Registered Nurse Ms Mandy Perrignon BSc T1


Ms Leilah Fox BMus MMus, AdDipPA,


Boarding House Staff

Maintenance Co-ordinator/ Caretaker Mr Damien McLeod

Deputy Operational Miss Kirsty Nugent

Grounds Co-ordinator Mr Glenn Hermans

Deputy Pastoral Ms Sarah Robey DipEd, BA T1 – T4

Maintenance Officer Mr Tony Baxendale

Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Terri Karmelita

Ms Kirrily Morison

DipCSTD, DipTch

Ms Marlene Ong

Maintenance Officer Mr Ian Elshaw

Ms Christine Reitzenstein

GradDipOHS, BSpSc T1 -

RNDipHE(Adult)T3 - T4


BMus(Hons), T4 -

DipAppSocSc, BA, CertResCare

GradCertMus T3 -

Mr Steven Harmer BEd, BMus Ms Steffi Hutchinson BA, BCA T1 Ms Katie How BMusPerf Ms Marianne Kirby T3 MMus, BMus(Hons), BMus

TDip, FDip, GradCertTESOL, BMusEd(Hons), T1 –



2017 REVENUE 



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PARENT, STUDENTS AND TEACHER SATISFACTION 2017 PLC Perth regularly gauges the satisfaction levels of parents and students into the wide variety of offerings at the School to ensure we are meeting both demand and expectation.

It was very pleasing to find that 83 percent of parents and students who responded had very high satisfaction levels with the School.

Co-curricular drama/dance

Co-curricular music

Class sizes

College reputation

Facilities and resources

Focus on student wellbeing

Providing a safe and caring environment


Academic standards

Principal’s leadership


Balanced education

Quality of teaching

Sydney-based education consultancy firm MMG was engaged again in 2017 to conduct a satisfaction survey of PLC parents and students across Years 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12.


TEACHER STANDARDS AND QUALIFICATIONS All PLC teaching staff are members of the Teachers Registration Board. Teaching Excellence

opportunities include IB workshops and training courses, a Parents’ Committee Grant Scheme for professional learning sessions.

PLC’s teachers are committed professionals who model the concept of lifelong learning. In recent years, professional development and pedagogy has focussed on conceptbased teaching; providing effective feedback that informs students (and parents) about where they are, where they need to be and what they need to do to reach the next level of achievement.

PLC Staff Qualifications Staff qualifications are published annually in the Kookaburra magazine.

The average attendance rate for Year 1 to Year 12 was approximately 94.8%. Student absences are actively managed on a daily basis and include direct communication with parents if the School has not been notified by 9.00 am each day.

Workforce Composition The total number of staff at PLC is 248, including 200 Full-Time Equivalent staff. The total staff number comprises 74.95% female and 25.05% male on a FTE basis.

The School offers a diverse range of opportunities for staff to build both leadership and teaching capacity. Such




Student Attendance


Head Count






















TEACHING STAFF Principal Teaching Staff











Total Teaching Staff











NON-TEACHING STAFF Specialst Support











Admin & Clerical






















Total Non-Teaching Staff













Redesign and improve semester reports.

12. Prepare 2018 Wellbeing curriculum.


Develop and implement an improved framework for the Year 10 subject selection process.

13. Implement project plan for Lighthouse to be operational in 2018. 14. Showcase the Lighthouse through a communication strategy including conference presentations.


Conduct a comprehensive review of the whole‑school timetable.


Implement study skills programme across Years 7‑12.


Introduce Learning Hubs across the whole school.

15. Embed ‘Strength to Strength Programme’ for all Year levels in Boarding House to enhance wellbeing for students.


Develop a Growth and Development policy to offer a personalised model for delivery of professional learning for teaching staff.

16. Review existing transitioning programmes across the School and prepare improvement plan that includes mid-year and start of School entry.


Develop a three-year Strategic Plan for LEC and Gifted and Talented.



Conduct an audit of current projectbased learning opportunities across all departments.


Prepare plan and timeline to improve authentic leadership opportunities across the School.

10. Develop Visible Wellbeing (VWB) implementation team plan for whole‑school implementation in 2018. 11.

Create student and staff resources to support the implementation of the Health and Wellbeing curriculum.

Begin developing a whole-school Philosophy of Religious Studies (PRS) curriculum.

18. Review Curriculum PK-10 to identify opportunities to increase creativity and innovation. 19. Conduct review and plan for the improvement of learning spaces in the Senior School, View Street building.

22. Introduce Blackwatch Club into Years 9 and 10 and increase participation rates. 23. Work with Apple in Early Learning as an Apple Distinguished School. 24. Review Professional Learning programme in Years 7‑10 post implementation of new Curriculum framework. 25. Develop a model for delivering professional learning that is flexible and personalised. 26. Provide training for all staff in Wellbeing Pathways. 27. Appoint Architect and develop Master Plan 2018-2038. 28. Promote scholarship contributions that are targeted, personal and allow for part contributions to fund students. 29. Increase service learning opportunities in Junior School. 30. Review and improve design of Links Newsletter.

20. Increase both in-term and focussed holiday offerings of STEM activities across the School.

31. Review parental engagement and identify strategies to promote attendance and improve the quality and number of events.

21. Complete comprehensive review of tours and exchanges available at PLC.

32. Upgrade movable play equipment for the Junior School playground.


Finalise and officially open the PLC Lighthouse Wellbeing Centre.


Finalise the building of the School residence at 32 McNeil Street.


Finalise and launch the PLC Master Plan 2018-2038.


Review and update the 20172021 Strategic Plan.


Review the Senior School Management Structure to enhance pastoral care of students and communication for parents.


Review the Communications Plan to enhance communications with our School community.


Enhance the online experience for parents and students making bookings and accessing information.


Review and enhance leadership and professional development opportunities for teachers and staff.


Develop STEM & Innovation programes based on international research and stakeholder feedback.

10. Develop plans for the introduction of new electives for students in Years 7-10 to support the development of the new innovation centre. 11.

Review and make recommendations for improvement of the structure and efficiencies of Council and its Committees.

12. Respond and appropriately support recommendations on Child Protection arising from the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse.

23. Develop and deliver an online quiz to support the face to face delivery of the Child Protection training for staff and contractors to the School.

13. Review co-curricular options across the School and develop a comprehensive, easy-to-naviage booking process.

24. Move the School from a five period teaching day to a six period teaching day.

14. Launch the first phase of the new Master Plan.

25. Review the subjects offered for students studying the WACE, ATAR course including the introduction of Marine and Maritime Studies for students moving into Year 11 in Term 4.

15. Redevelop Finlayson House for boarding students. 16. Introduce online feedback for students in the Junior School. 17.

Review and improve communications in the Junior School including the introduction of additional technological solutions.

26. Develop and deliver a Staff Culture survey. 27. Introduce improved academic support for boarding students including the introduction of a Boarding House Learning Co-ordinator.

18. Further develop the Year 9 Outdoor Education programme ready for launch in 2019.

28. Review the enrolment process and introduce an online enrolment form.

19. Introduce Outdoor Education Programmes for students in Years 4 and 5.

29. Review the leadership model for Year 6 students in the Junior School and introduce a framework that allows more students to participate in leadership.

20. Offer the first Service Learning international trip for girls in Year 9. 21. Develop a Visual Art and Textiles international study tour to be launched in 2019. 22. Re-apply for the Apple Distinguished Schools status, including having a minimum of 80% of teaching staff who have achieved their Apple Teacher Badges.

30. Review the leadership selection process for students applying for leadership positions in Year 12 and implement any changes necessary. 31. Introduce a General Excellence Scholarship for students entering the School in Year 7, 2019.


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