Performing and Creative Arts
Creative Arts Creative Arts at PLC has continued to thrive and highlight its significant contribution to the diverse curriculum opportunities provided by the School. The position of 2021 Creative Arts Captain was awarded to Tallulah Pestall. Tallulah was a Creative Arts student who has led by example and her efforts in the Creative Arts were recognised with the Principal’s Citizenship Pocket for making a difference to the richness of the life of the School and the way in which aspects of the School operate. The strength of student talent supported by the Creative Arts staff have culminated in some outstanding achievements. Two Year 12 Visual Arts students had their artwork selected for the Pulse Perspectives Exhibition under the guidance of Ms Pia Bennett and Ms Katherine Young. Gaby Smith for her piece ‘Herbarium Heritage’ and Pippa Ford for her artwork ‘ZEITGEISTOFGLOBALCHAOSANDVERBIAGE’. In addition to these individual achievements, PLC Visual Arts Diploma student, Yasmin De La Rosa Sutedja (Year 12), was awarded the overall prize for her self-portrait painting ‘Carrier’ in the St Georges Cathedral Art Exhibition. It was also the image used as the cover for the 2022 PLC Senior School Diary. Towards the end of the year we said goodbye to 26
Katherine Young who took a position at Cranbrook Boys’ School in Sydney. We also celebrated with Pia Bennett and the birth of her third child. I would like to thank these amazing teachers for their contribution to the Creative Arts Department. The annual Creative Arts and Technology Exhibition celebrated much of the diversity and intelligence that PLC students can achieve through different mediums – Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Wood, Textiles, Film and Photography. Materials Design and Technology Textiles student Elizabeth Dyke topped the state and achieved the MDT Textiles Subject Exhibition. A significant achievement for the individual and for her teacher Elizabeth Lagrange. Elizabeth Dyke has gone on to study Medicine at a tertiary level. MDT Wood is a point of difference for PLC over similar schools. The 2021 class followed the General pathway and produced some amazing pieces to continually challenge themselves and their teachers Mr Hinchley and Mr Crane.
Top Left: Pippa Ford (WACE) ‘ZEITGEISTOFGLOBALCHAOSANDVERBIAGE’. Top right: Gaby Smith (WACE) ‘Herbarium Heritage’