Strategic Goals 2022 1.
Identify and implement recommendations from the 2021 Timetable Review – to ensure a contemporary timetable that meets the needs of staff and students.
Develop a model for recognising staff excellence.
Develop a 360 Appraisal model for Senior Leadership.
4. Develop an Aspiring Leaders Programme for teaching staff at PLC. 5.
Provide staff Professional Development that is specific to the needs of staff as identified in the 2021 staff MMG data.
Meet IB Diploma Standards and Practices during formal evaluation of programme.
Review of PYP assessments and approaches to learning in the Junior School.
Develop and implement restorative practices in pastoral care in the Senior School.
Review “Ripples & Waves” Leadership Pilot Programme and develop into “Service Leadership” Programme for Year 9 students.
10. Review pastoral support for new students joining the Senior School. 11. Review and refine pastoral care programme for Boarding House students. 12. Develop and strengthen student leadership opportunities in the Senior School. 13. Embed future focussed attributes for students to achieve personal success now and in the future. 14. Develop a framework and policies to support diversity and inclusivity. 15. Develop a Master Plan to touch on every student in their school lifetime, that is based on ‘connectedness’ and is achievable. 16. Develop a Digital Intelligence programme. 17. Define “innovation” at PLC. 18. Design a pant option for students within the PLC uniform. 19. Develop a new Marketing and Communications Plan. 20. Develop joint programmes with stakeholder groups – OCA, Argyle Club, Friends of Pipe Band, PLC Parents, Friends of Boarding, Foundation. 21. Develop further programmes for regional connections. 22. Audit the PLC carbon footprint. 23. Audit suppliers in relation to Human Slavery and Ethical Practices.