Boarding House Handbook

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Director of Boarding’s Welcome

Welcome to the PLC boarding community, where every student is known, valued, and cared for.

We hope your time with us will be extremely happy and will give your daughter memories and friendships to last a lifetime.

At PLC, our family-orientated approach, friendly staff, and welcoming community creates an atmosphere that is warm and inclusive.

The staff employed at the PLC Boarding House are from a range of professional backgrounds and work as a team to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and happiness of our boarders.

Girls who reside at PLC come from many parts of Western Australia, Australia, and overseas.

The girls bring a wealth of cultural and family backgrounds to our community and we value and celebrate these individual differences.

The girls who gain the most from this experience are those who become fully engaged in the life of the Boarding House and the College. There is so much on offer and girls are encouraged to participate in a wide range of sporting, artistic, academic, and social activities.

This handbook outlines the day-to-day procedures and guidelines of the Boarding House. Such procedures are put in place to ensure that a large number of girls can live together cooperatively. You will find all information relevant to boarding at PLC within this handbook.

Please ensure that both you and your daughter have read this handbook. PLC welcomes the support of all of our parents within our extensive College community.

Contacting the Boarding House

Boarding House Reception is open from 6.00 am to 12.00 pm and 12.30 pm to 10.30 pm. Alternatively, voice messages can be left on the office phone.

Boarders cannot make or accept personal calls at Reception. Staff can, however, take messages which will then be passed to the students.

Boarding House Reception

+618 9424 6423

+618 9424 6495

Postal Address

Student Name

C/- PLC Boarding House

PO Box 126

Cottesloe WA 6911

Transport Requests

For transport requests regarding sport or activities during the week

For transport requests regarding start or end of term and Mid-Term Breaks

Director of Boarding

Susie Edwards 0438 977 763

Deputy of Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

Katherine Hazlewood 0430 949 687

Deputy of Operations

Kirsty Nugent 0430 949 687

Team Leader and Year 9 Co-ordinator

Alice Creasey

Year Co-ordinators

Year 7 - Caitlin Beltran

Year 8 - Kayla Marcellini

Year 9 - Alice Creasey

Year 10 - Natalie André

Year 11 - Denise Logue

Year 12 - Grace Hughes

Weekend Co-ordinator

Maya Kraj-Krajewski

Administrative Assistant

Sara Harrison

Our Boarding Objectives

Preparing every student to be personally successful in an evolving world .

In providing the boarding service at Presbyterian Ladies’ College our key objectives are to:

• Encourage students to accept boarding as an enriching and positive experience

• Assist with the physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional development of the girls

• Make a positive contribution to the whole College community by encouraging participation

• Ensure the wellbeing and safety of the girls in our care

• Maintain an environment that encourages and enables academic achievement

• Find ways of teaching independence, tolerance, respect for others and worthwhile life skills

• Ensure boarding staff and boarders respect each other’s right to privacy; and

• Provide equality of opportunity for all boarders regardless of culture, religion, ethnicity, ability, or background.

Achieving these objectives:

• The Director of Boarding and boarding staff live within the Boarding House community and work closely with members of the College community.

• Boarding staff meet regularly to discuss the wellbeing of the students, any new initiatives, and to plan activities.

• Staff communicate regularly with College staff to ensure there is wrap around care for each boarder, providing them with excellent pastoral and academic care.

• Staff view communication with Boarding House families as vital. Links are maintained via telephone, email, newsletters and through Friends of Boarding meetings.

• Student voice is at the forefront of our decision making.

• Extensive programmes implemented to support, educate, and empower boarders to be personally successful.

• The Director of Boarding maintains a strong relationship with other Heads of Boarding in WA.

• We have in place well-structured Boarding House Policy and Procedures to ensure student safety and to encourage consideration of others with regard to behaviour, care of belongings and respect of the environment.

Social and Emotional Development

Demonstrating Bravery, Capability, Compassion, and Strength


The College aims to provide boarders with the opportunity to gain greater social and emotional awareness and to practice interpersonal skills as they learn and grow. The Boarding House has developed a comprehensive suite of programmes and implemented a staff structure to enable the girls in their care to flourish.


We are trustworthy and honest. We are brave in asking for help. We are accountable.


We strive to be patient and kind. We look for others point of view. We honour service.


We are hardworking. We strive for improvement. We thrive.


We have strength of character. We have grit. We are resilient.

Lead Authentically

Student Leadership

We value all of our boarders’ thoughts and feelings and support them in developing their leadership skills throughout their boarding journey. Students have the opportunity to be year group leaders and recreation ambassadors in all year groups. The Year 12 Boarding Prefect Team facilitate the weekly Boarding House celebration and take pride in bringing each of their own visions to life during their leadership journey.

Boarding Prefects’ Vision:

To make boarders feel more at home and to promote inclusivity between boarders and day girls to achieve a sense of connectedness. To make the most positive impact possible, knowing that everyone feels as though they belong. To make boarders think of boarding life as a pathway to experiences rather than an obscure bump in their journey through PLC

We take pride in seeing the girls leave the Boarding House having learned how to be confident, strong, and independent individuals within our community, and it is immensely rewarding to know they will take these skills with them into the world beyond PLC.

Student Support

Each year group is linked with a Year Co-ordinator. They are responsible for managing their year group’s day-to-day emotional, social, health and academic needs. Primarily their role is to keep the boarders in their care safe, healthy, happy and to encourage them to be socially responsible. The Year Co-ordinator is the first point of contact for parents. Difficult or particularly sensitive issues are referred to the Director of Boarding or the Deputy of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing who will liaise with the key personnel at school if it is needed.

The Year Co-ordinators manage the year group specific Wellbeing Programme. This programme includes weekly meetings with the Year Co-ordinator, planned and impromptu activities, guest speakers, and workshops. Part of belonging to a community is also sharing a set of routines and rituals that progress as you get older. This includes; a rewards programme, birthday celebrations, the collaborative and student-led establishment of a code of conduct, year group values in alignment with the PLC values, weekly year-group meetings and individual check-ins with each student.

Learning Takes Many Paths

Academic Support

The Boarding House has in place a comprehensive academic support programme. Dr Lynette Field is the Boarding House Learning Co-ordinator and a teacher in the English Department. Dr Field is responsible for running the following programmes in the Boarding House:

Boarding House Tutoring Programme

The Boarding House Tutoring Programme involves a selection of PLC teachers of core subjects (English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science) who attend the Boarding House during the hours of Prep (6.30 pm – 8.30 pm), Monday – Thursday each week. Subject areas will vary dependent on teacher availability, however, in the past there has almost always been a tutor in each subject. This information is available in the first week of each term.

To sign up for help, boarders need to use the “Sign-Up” document that is sent out to the boarders on a weekly basis. Signups close at 6.00 pm Friday the week before, so boarders need to be proactive in signing up to avoid disappointment. Once they have put their name down for the day and subject with which they need assistance, the Boarding House Learning Co-ordinator will make a schedule for the week and email this out to the boarders on a Sunday evening. If students are unable to attend, or have a clash, they must email the Boarding House Learning Coordinator.

If they sign up for tutoring and do not attend their session (without a valid reason), they will be unable to attend tutoring for the next week. This is to ensure that boarders are making conscious decisions in their planning, showing consideration for their peers and ensuring that the tutor’s time is not


Activities are an important part of what we offer to our students at PLC. The Boarding House provides a holistic recreation programme that is designed to not only provide opportunities for the girls to relax and experience new things, but also to allow them the time to mix with others in the Boarding House and within the wider boarding community in Perth.

The programme is funded directly from boarding fees and covers most of the activities, events and workshops on offer. A few times a year, boarders will be given the opportunity to attend additional events at a cost, which is then charged to the School account (eg. Theatre Productions, Netball and AFL games).

As the programme is funded from a collective fund, we are conscious to ensure that all girls have an equal opportunity to participate in the activities on offer. For occasions such as Socials where a number of girls wish to attend an event with limited spaces, we rotate attendance. In addition to this, it will be an expectation that the girls sign up for activities and events in a timely manner and, in cases where they cannot attend an event, they will need to find a replacement or, in extreme cases and at late notice, the cost will need to be charged to their account. This ensures that we are able to continue to effectively run the programme and provide experiences and opportunities for all boarders in the community.

The activities schedule is designed with student input front of mind, and including student leadership of many in-house activities.

We continue to develop our Life Skills Series of activities to support our wellbeing programme and give students skills to help them in the future. This includes swimming teacher and barista courses for older boarders, as well as lessons in cooking and using public transport for all boarders. We love for our boarding parents to help us in designing and facilitating sessions for our life skills programme.

Some examples of activities which the girls attend include:

• Social events with other boarding schools such as picnics, quiz nights, and sports evenings

• Trips and sightseeing, such as the zoo, Kings Park, strawberry picking

• Arts and crafts in-house activities such as clay modelling, nail art, indigenous cooking, painting and knitting

• Shopping and beach visits

• Invite-a-day girl evenings, BH dance parties and family fun nights run by students

• Ice-skating, bowling, and mini-golf

• Year group “drives” to Fremantle and other destinations.; and

• Year 11/12 Scotch/PLC Dance.

PLC Boarding House Programmes


“Quay2Quay” is a whole of boarding endeavour. The girls, over the course of their time in boarding, will walk from PLC to Elizabeth Quay in Perth to Victoria Quay in Fremantle and back to PLC–with plenty of highlights in between. Each year group will walk a specific part of the total walk. The aim is that, by the time they reach Year 12, the girls will have

walked this massive circle around the suburbs of WA. The aim of the walk is threefold:

Challenge – the walk will provide a challenge to the students and they will need to work together and build their resilience to complete each leg successfully.

Explore – the girls will be walking around some of the most beautiful parts of Perth, Fremantle and all parts in between.

Community – the girls build connections with each other and participate in group tasks along the way.

Look Up

“Look Up” is all about encouraging and enabling spontaneous activities within the student body. A staff member will gather students and organise an activity in which they will participate. It may be conducted within or outside of the College. Sometimes it might result in a walk to the beach and other times it might be playing a game of basketball or cards. As a result, the girls get to “look up” and see what is around them, and enjoy the experience with other students and staff.

Buddy Programme

Our Buddy Programme brings all of our boarders together as a strong community. Students entering the Boarding House in Year 7 will be given a buddy in Year 10 who will meet with them regularly and be a person to support them and build a relationship with for the next three years.

Students in Year 8 will have a buddy in Year 11, and students in Year 9 will have Year 12 buddies. The Boarding House Prefects organise activities for buddies to complete once a fortnight in Term 1 and then every three to four weeks in the later terms. Activities might include a Milo catch up, a picnic, get to know you games, sports tournaments, and whole year group buddy excursions.

Community Sport, Clubs and Transport

We believe our boarders should be able to participate in community activities as much as possible and have built relationships with a number of teams, clubs and organisations to support our PLC Boarders.

Families are required to sign up and pay for classes with the following organisations and PLC will organise the transport.

Sport and Activities

The Boarding House will transport students to fixtures, training sessions and activities organised by the following groups:

• Wolves Hockey Club (Terms 1-3)

• Storm Netball Club (Terms 1-3)

• Peppermint Grove Tennis Club (Terms 1 and 4)

• Silhouette Dance (all year) - Cottesloe studio

• Fun Track Learning Centre

• North Cottesloe Surf Life Saving Club (Terms 1 and 4)

• Sailing - Freshwater Bay Yacht Club

• KX Pilates Cottesloe - boarders-only class

Students who wish to participate in sports or activities run by other associations will need to make

alternative arrangements.

Transport may be provided for a sporting club/activity where interest/attendance exceeds 10 boarders. This remains at the discretion of the Director of Boarding and Deputy: Operations and is dependent on the availability of drivers and vehicles.

All classes must be confirmed in Week 1 of each term and any changes or additions will need to be approved by the Director of Boarding. Please email with daily transport requests.

End of Term and Long Weekends

Parents are required to book their daughter’s travel home by plane, train or bus, and then notify the Boarding House of the details.

The Boarding House will only book in the instance where subsidies are involved through Abstudy and Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

On the first and last day of term, the first and last day of the long weekend, and prior to and after exams, the Boarding House will transport students to and from the airport and East Perth Train Station.

Transport will only be provided from the following times:

• On the return from holidays from 9.00 am – 9.00 pm

• On the return from the long weekend from 2.00 pm – 9.00 pm

• Leaving for holidays and the long weekend from early morning –6.00pm

If transport is required outside these time limits, parents are able to book taxis and/ or a private taxi service. Students are not

permitted to use private ride-share, such as Uber, due to the companies’ Terms & Conditions.

Please email BHholidaytransport@plc. with daily transport requests.

Medical Appointments

On Tuesday and Wednesday between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm, the Boarding House employs a driver who will drive and, with the discretion of the Health Centre staff, parents and boarders, may accompany the girls to their medical appointments. All appointments must be located within a 10km radius of the College.

It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the Health Centre of all medical appointments. Refer to the Health Centre pages for more information on the process.

Balance Defines Us

Wellbeing Programme

We recognise that boarding is a unique opportunity to observe and understand the needs of young girls as they transition through school, and support them through this.

We have designed a wellbeing programme that specifically focuses on the needs of boarders as they embark on a journey of growing independence. This programme extends the existing pastoral care and wellbeing programmes being delivered in the day school to further develop the character traits of bravery, compatibility, compassion, and strength.

In this programme we have identified four major strands that underpin the

1. Community

How to belong to community and be a contributing member



Navigating friendships and relationships both new and old.

foundations of a thriving, happy, healthy, self-aware, empathetic individual with strong interpersonal skills and the ability to think critically. Each strand grows from year to year and there is a natural transition to more relevant skills as the girls mature. We have also ensured that the skills learnt not only apply to life beyond boarding, but are delivered in a way that acknowledges the real-life challenges specific to a boarder. Those strands include:

3. Health and wellbeing

Strategies to manage and support sound physical and mental health.

4. Identity

The discovery of who you are and the sharing of culture.

To complement this programme, we also have a commitment to the development of leadership skills, service and academic growth within all year groups. This is achieved through a focus on student leadership and voice in all year groups, a service programme supporting the PLC values, and our tutoring programme.

Living in a Community

Living in a Boarding House means that all boarders need to work together to build a supportive and cohesive community. At the start of each year, each year group discusses their values and expectations and comes up with a year group agreement. All PLC boarders also agree to the below rights and responsibilities, as well as the policies of the College.

Student Contribution and Comment Policy

All student feedback is welcomed by Boarding House staff. Boarders have a number of avenues to report concerns, such as:


I have the right to be happy and to be treated with understanding.

• Directly discussing any concerns or complaints with their Year-Coordinator, Deputy or Director of Boarding, either in person or via email.

• Giving suggestions to their year group representative, or a prefect, to bring to their representative meetings.

• For comments regarding food, attending termly Food-Focus Meetings, writing in the Dining Room comment book, or discussing matters with the Catering Manager.

• Parents are welcome to discuss any concerns with their allocated Year Co-ordinator, Deputy Wellbeing and Pastoral Care, or the Director of Boarding.

All feedback and concerns are taken seriously and kept confidential. We do this to ensure our Boarding House continues to be a safe and comfortable home for our boarders.


I have the responsibility to respect the rights of others and to treat them with understanding.

I have a right to feel safe and secure. I have a responsibility not to do anything that may threaten or cause danger to myself, or others, and to report any dangerous situation.

I have a right to be treated with respect and fairness.

I have a right to learn.

I have a right to expect my property to be safe.

I have a right to be protected against threats to my health.

I have a right to have a clean, pleasant and well-maintained bedroom, Boarding House and grounds.

I have a right to feel proud to be a student of Presbyterian Ladies’ College.

I have a responsibility to treat all staff and boarders with respect and honesty.

I have a responsibility to behave myself while in the Boarding House, and to keep up to date academically.

I have a responsibility not to steal, damage or destroy the property of others and to take proper care of the School’s property, and to return all found property. I have the responsibility to clearly label all my property.

I have a responsibility not to smoke, vap, drink alcohol or take drugs, or encourage any other student to do so.

I have a responsibility to care for myself and also the Boarding House environment, to keep it neat, clean and free of litter.

I have a responsibility to behave so the community will respect the students of Presbyterian Ladies’ College.


Levels of Behaviour

Low Level Actions

Examples of behaviour(s)

» Late to school, prep, transport or activity

» Disruptive behaviours

» Use of inappropriate language

» Not following staff instructions

» Littering or not putting items away

» Disrespectful communication

» Not adhering to technology routine

» Incorrect use of ILT

» Not adhering to Boarding House routine


Mid Level Actions

Examples of behaviour(s)

» Continuation of the low-level behaviours

» Up after lights out and being disruptive to others

» Deliberately leaving spaces untidy

» Misplacing or not returning borrowed items

» Unkind and mean behaviours towards others

» Non-consensual and inappropriate sharing

» of images

» Refusal to comply with staff instruction

» Refusal to comply with Boarding House and College routines, policies and procedures


High Level Actions

Examples of behaviour(s)

» Continuation of moderate behaviours

» Bullying/Harassment

» Assault (sexual/verbal/physical)

» Illegal sharing of content online

» Possession or supply of drugs and illicit substances

» Smoking/vaping

» Stealing

» Intentional damage of property, including graffiti and vandalism

» Behaviour that brings the Boarding House and College into disrepute

Possible Consequences

» Verbal/non-verbal warning

» Reminder of BH school values, rights and responsibilities

» Device time restricted

» Implement seating plan

» Completion of community job

» Reminder of Boarding House routine and setting of goals for improvement

» Email to student and/or parents

» Individual management by staff member

Possible Consequences

» Co-ordinator/Team Leader meeting with student

» Individual behaviour agreement

» Restorative practice meeting

» Contact with parents or parent meeting

» Completion of community job

» Longer restriction of device

» Local leave restrictions

» Return or replacement of misplaced items

» School processes regarding ILT use and digital citizenship

» Boarding house internal or external suspension

» Meeting with Deputy of Boarding/ Director of Boarding

Possible Consequences

» Individual behaviour plan

» Long-term device or local leave restrictions

» Restorative Practice Meeting

» Referral to Director of Boarding and Principal

» Parent/student interview

» Suspension from the Boarding House/School

» Expulsion

» Police notification

Our Past Moves Us Forward

What does is mean to be a PLC boarder?

For one thing, it means joining a tradition that spans over a hundred years - a little world within a world. PLC boarders are part of a community built over generations, and we take pride in our cohesive culture.

We welcome all families into our community and love to have siblings, family members and Old Collegians visit. Our community celebrates together at social events and their involvement in our Boarding House is paramount to our continual success.

Parent Communication

Communication with families is so important in boarding life. Year Co-ordinators will communicate with parents throughout the term via emails and phone calls , and the

Boarding House Newsletter is sent out each week. Parents will also receive one Boarding House Report per semester in Terms 1 and 3 for Years 7 and 12 and Terms 2 and 4 for Years 8 to 11.

Friends of Boarding

All parents are welcome to attend the Friends of Boarding meetings on the first day of each boarding term. The PLC Friends of Boarding Committee works towards supporting PLC Boarding students and their families by maintaining connections between the PLC boarding community, it’s staff, and the whole College community.

Its purpose is to:

• develop and support initiatives that benefit PLC boarding students;

• provide feedback and advice to the College regarding boarding related matters at meetings and as required;

• fundraise for the Boarding House to benefit the education and pastoral care needs of boarding students;

• create opportunities for parents and carers to foster friendships and develop a support network within the PLC boarding community; and

• promote the profile, purpose and activities of the Boarding House and the Friends of Boarding.

The Friends of Boarding are instrumental in supporting and building our PLC boarding community. Volunteer year representatives support the community by welcoming new families, coordinating a year group WhatsApp page, facilitating communication with the Director of Boarding and other staff, and helping to organise social events and fundraisers.

2024 Friends of Boarding Committee:


Lisa Thompson


Janine Noble


Nat Kelsall


Shalini Munro

Parent Year Representatives:

Year 12

Year 11

Year 10

Year 9

Year 8

Year 7

Lisa Bradford

Heather Talbot

Natalie Kelsall

Lisa Thompson

Shalini Munro

Jess Clifton

Jayne Whologan

Jane Wandel

Sasha Risinger

Melanie Sounness

Boarding House Facilities

The boarders are accommodated in seven wings within two buildings. The dormitory areas are:

• Upper and Lower Finlayson

Named after an early PLC Principal.

• Robertson

Mrs Robertson was a teacher at PLC and her daughter, Sheila, a PLC girl. Mrs Robertson bequeathed money to the College which helped pay for the Boarding House building.

• Murrin, Korrawilla and Allowah

The names of the original dormitories when they were across the road behind Scorgie House (now the Main Administration centre).

• Coolawanyah

Established in 1988 and now houses the Health Centre and Upper Kitchen.

• Finlayson House

The music school has been converted to a space for the Year 7 boarders.

The Boarders’ Sitting Room (BSR)

This room is for the use of all boarders and their families. It is a place where boarders can meet with visitors. A movie screen, large screen television, pool table, table tennis table, piano and fully equipped kitchen are available for everyone’s use.

The boarders meet here regularly for their weekly notices and it is also a room where activities like movie nights and karaoke can be enjoyed. We expect the girls to keep the BSR clean at all times and free of personal belongings.


Girls in Years 7–11 are accommodated in rooms with one, two, three or four beds. Girls in Year 12 are accommodated in single rooms.

Each girl’s area consists of a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed and a safe. Girls are encouraged to bring treasures from home and photos for their pin up board to personalise their own space.

Room Changes

The students change rooms each term to allow the girls the opportunity to get to know their whole year group. Room allocations are done by the Leadership Team, taking into account the girls’ preferences, consideration for new boarders, previous room allocations, early morning rowers, and other individual needs.

Room changes normally take place a week prior to the end of each term and require all boarders to be in attendance at the same time.

Lounge Areas

Each wing of the Boarding House has a lounge area called a Convo. This area has a kitchenette with storage cupboards, fridge, sink and kettle. The girls can watch television in their lounge area.

Each corridor also has a phone for internal emergency calls. This phone is answered by Boarding House staff throughout the day and night, and we ask that Boarders call 423 on this phone when they need help or support.

Dining Room

The Dining Room seats approximately 140 and there is outdoor seating for 25. There are a few guidelines for the Dining Room, which will allow all to eat together happily.

• Footwear must be worn at all times.

• Clothing needs to be neat and tidy.

• Good manners are required at all times.

• Mobile phones are not permitted in the Dining Room.

Dinner is from 5.30 pm - 6.15 pm in one progressive sitting. Late dinners can be ordered if a girl is unable to attend at specified meal times due to commitments or sporting events. Saturday and Sunday lunches are a buffet and may be eaten between 11.30 am and 1.00 pm. Packed lunches can be arranged for excursions and lunch meetings.

Breakfast is from 6.45 am – 8.00 am on weekdays and 7.30 am – 9.30 am on weekends. Food is made available for girls who may have early morning sport or activities.

Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool is available for use by boarders at specific times on weekends. The pool will be supervised at all times by non-swimming qualified Boarding House staff.

Tutoring Rooms

Tutoring space and rooms are available to the girls. These rooms can be used for group work or for private tuition.

Sitting Room
Year 7 Convo
Dining Room
Bedroom Example


There are four laundries available in the Boarding House. Each is equipped with automatic washing machines, dryers and clothes airers. Irons and ironing boards are located in the convos.

It is helpful if girls have had some assistance learning the skills of washing and ironing before they come to the Boarding House. We ask that students label all clothing that they bring in to the Boarding House.

School Uniform

PLC provides a laundry service for school uniforms (skirt and blouses). Those making use of this service should place items in the tubs provided on a Sunday night. Washed and ironed uniforms will be returned on Monday night. To assist with the smooth running of our service, we ask parents to clearly label all items. There is no extra charge for this service.

Casual Clothes

The girls are required to wash their own casual clothes and sports uniforms.

Dry Cleaning

Girls requiring items to be dry cleaned can leave these at reception. The cost on each occasion will be charged to the family school account.


The Boarding House provides sheets, pillowcases, towels and mattress protectors. These are sent to a commercial laundry for cleaning each week.

Daily Routine

School Days

6.45 am - 8.00 am Breakfast

7.00 am - 8.20 am

3.25 pm

Tidying of rooms, room inspections and preparation for school. The Boarding House is closed to boarders until 3.20 pm.

School finishes and afternoon tea is served in the Dining Room.

3.30 pm - 5.30 pm After school activities

5.30 pm - 6.15 pm Dinner


Bedtime & Lights Out

Prep time (homework)

Year 12 10.30 pm - 11.00 pm

What must happen at bed time?

» 15 minutes of reading or music through headphones in bed.

» No phones or computers.

» All other chores are to be completed before bedtime.

» Laptops, phones and other devices with internet access handed in 15 minutes prior to bedtime (Years 7, 8, 9 , 10).

» Year 11 phones are handed in at 9.45 pm on Sunday - Thursday.

Bedtime may be extended by 30 minutes on both Friday and Saturday at the discretion of the Boarding House staff.

Quiet Time

10.00 pm is Quiet Time across the Boarding House. Students are required to be respectful of their peers and keep noise and distractions to a minimum.

Prep (Study Time)


Prep is completed Sunday to Thursday. Students in Year 7 to 11 complete Prep in the View Street Building at school, and the Year 12s have the option to complete their prep in the View Street Building or in their rooms. Prep on Sundays is completed in bedrooms.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

6.30 pm - 7.30 pm (Supper @ 7.30 pm)

6.30 pm - 8.00 pm (Supper @ 8.00 pm)

6.30 pm - 8.15 pm (Supper @ 8.15 pm)

Year 10 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm (Supper @ 8.30 pm)

Year 11

6.30 pm - 9.00 pm (Supper @ 9.00 pm, optional 7.45pm)

Year 12 6.30 pm - 9.00 pm (Supper @ 9.00 pm, optional 7.45pm)

Prep Guidelines

» All boarders are to commence prep at 6.30 pm.

» Mobile phones are collected.

» No showers are to be taken.

» Linen changing or washing is not permitted.

» Group work should still be completed quietly and at the discretion of the staff member.

» To facilitate good work practices, girls are encouraged not to listen to music. If girls choose to listen to music they must use headphones.

» Each Year Group will be allocated a space in which to complete their prep.

Leave Policy

Leave pertains to any situation when a boarder is away from the Boarding House, other than for school each day; a school-based activity, or if a boarder requires transport to be provided by someone other than a staff member.

The following guidelines apply for girls taking leave from the Boarding House:

• A parent, guardian or boarder must complete an electronic online Leave Form, via Reach rlm.plc. , and wait for approval, prior to taking leave from the Boarding House.

• For extended overnight weekend leave, all leave requests need to be submitted, no later than Thursday morning at 10.00 am. At other times, there must be sufficient time for staff to review the leave request arrangements (minimum of one hour).

• All Leave is at the discretion of the Director of Boarding or a Deputy (Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, or Operational).

• All leave requests are considered and parents, guardians and boarders will be informed if more information is required or if the Leave has been rejected.

• Boarders must be hosted by a responsible adult (not a student of the College).

• In some instances, the Director of Boarding or a Deputy may refuse Leave even though parental permission has been granted.

• As a general guideline, boarders may never leave the Boarding House alone. The adult hosting a student on Leave must come to Reception and sign their guest out, and back into the Boarding House. A staff member must

sight, and then sign out, all boarders as they leave the Boarding House.

• Boarders must return to the Boarding House by the time on their Leave form. If there is a genuine reason for a late return the Boarding House Reception must be contacted.

• Changes to an original Leave arrangement must be communicated to Boarding House Reception.

• If a boarder is going to miss a day at school for special family circumstances, Leave from the Boarding House will only be approved once the College has been notified and granted its approval.

• Overnight Leave will only be granted to boarders if they are staying with hosts who are over the age of 21. Staying with siblings is an exception to the rule.

• Failure to comply with the guidelines outlined in this policy will result in a loss of Leave privileges.

Timings for Return from Leave

Boarders must be back in time for Prep from Sunday through to Thursday (6.20 pm). Girls may be granted permission to stay out for dinner with family members or friends on special occasions. Requests for Leave outside of these guidelines must be discussed with the Director of Boarding or a Deputy.

Boarders in Years 7 and 8 must return to the Boarding House by 9.00 pm on Friday and Saturday night.

Boarders in Years 9 must return by 9.30 pm and in Years 10, 11 and 12 by 10.00 pm. Requests for Leave outside of these guidelines must be discussed with the Director of Boarding or a Deputy.

Music Practice

• Current PLC students can practice their instruments in the Music Building between the hours of 6.00 am and 6.00 pm on weekdays.

• Pipes and Drums students can access Minora House from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm on weekdays.

• On weekend,s there are practice spaces available between 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm.

• Students must follow instructions set out to them in these spaces.

Banking and Money

It is recommended that parents give daughters their own personal bank debit card. Most of the major banks have ATMs in Cottesloe. Alternatively, we can safely store and then distribute money on a weekly basis.

Suggested spending money: $100 – $200 per term.


• Boarders are only permitted to travel with fully licensed drivers.

• Boarders can travel with friends or family on provisional (P) licenses only after parents/guardians have granted approval completing a Provisional License Request Form. Students in younger years can travel with family on provisional licences once the approval forms have been completed.

• Two boarders are allowed in a vehicle with a P-plate driver at any one time.

• The terms and conditions of Uber in WA state that children under the age of 18 are not allowed to be unaccompanied in an Uber. Therefore, we do not accept Uber as a method of transport for our boarders. If a boarder is 18 or with an adult, we will accept with parental consent.

• Boarders are not able to keep cars on campus or in the surrounding streets.

Casual Leave

• All boarders must sign and submit a consent form for all local leave at the start of the year.

• All boarders are able to sign themselves in and out of the Boarding House for activities that are on campus.

• With consent from parents, boarders may go on accompanied leave with day students, as long as their name

and phone number are recorded at Reception and the day student also returns from the leave with the boarder.

• 5.30 pm curfew for all casual day leave taken during the week and on weekends, unless otherwise approved by Boarding House staff.

YEAR 7/8



1 hour - weekdays

1.5 hours - weekend

Excercise Leave 1 hour

River 1 hour

» Must go with at least ONE other friend

» Must take mobile phone

» Must go with at least ONE other friend

» Must take mobile phone

» Sun smart / water

» Must go with at least TWO other friends

» Must take mobile phone

» Sun smart / water

Peppermint Grove



Grove 1 hour - weekdays

1.5 hours - weekend » Must go with at least ONE other friend » Must take mobile phone

Excercise Leave 1 hour regular

2 hours for beach walk

* NO swimming

» Must go with at least ONE other friend (TWO for beach leave)

» Must take mobile phone

» Sun smart / water

» Must have parental permission to go unaccompanied (30 minutes)

River 1 hour » Must go with at least TWO other friends

» Must take mobile phone

» Sun smart / water

Claremont/ Scotch 3 hours - weekends only

Must go with at least ONE other friend

Must take mobile phone




1 hour - weekdays 1.5 hours - weekend » Must go with at least ONE other friend » Must take mobile phone

Excercise Leave / Gym Leave 1 hour regular

2 hours for beach walk

* NO swimming » Must go with at least ONE other friend and TWO for beach leave » Must take mobile phone

» Must have parental permission to go unacompanied (45 minutes)

Beach Leave 3 hours - weekend » Consent form must be submitted

» Minimum of THREE in a group

» Obey safe swim rules

» Times at discretion of staff

Claremont / Fremantle / City / Subiaco

2 hours - Claremontweekdays (time permitting)

4 hours - weekend » Must go with at least ONE other friend » Must take mobile phone

Scotch 2 hours - weekdays

4 hours - weekend » Must go with at least ONE other friend » Must take mobile phone





1 hour - weekdays 1.5 hours - weekend

Excercise Leave / Gym Leave 1 hour regular 2 hours for beach walk

* NO swimming

Beach Leave / SUP Boards

4 hours - weekend

Claremont / Fremantle / City / Subiaco/Scotch

2 hours - Claremontweekdays (time permitting)

4 hours - weekend

Weekend Oval/ Quad Use 1 hour between 5.30 pm - 8.00 pm

• Must go with at least ONE other friend

• Must take mobile phone

• Must go with at least ONE other friend and TWO for beach leave

• Must take mobile phone

• Must have parental permission to go unaccompanied (1 hour)

• Consent form must be submitted

• Minimum of THREE in a group

• SUP: minimum one on shore

• Obey safe swim rules

• Times at discretion of staff

• Sun smart / water

• Must go with at least ONE other friend

• Must take mobile phone

• Must go with at least THREE others

• Must take phone

• Must have consent and follow BH rules



Grove 1 hour - weekdays 1.5 hours - weekend

Excercise Leave / Gym Leave 1 hour regular 2 hours for beach walk

* NO swimming

Beach Leave / SUP Boards 2 hours - weekdays 4 hours - weekend

» Must have parental permission to go unaccompanied

• Must go with at least ONE other friend, TWO for beach

• Must take mobile phone

• Sun smart / water

• Must have parental permission to go unaccompanied

• Consent form must be submitted

• Minimum of THREE in a group

• SUP - minimum one on shore

• Obey safe swim rules

• Must be at Cottesloe Beach when lifeguards are on duty

• Must be at school on time, and return on time

Claremont / Fremantle / City / Subiaco

Scotch 2 hours - Claremont/ Scotch - weekdays 4 hours - weekend

• Must go with at least ONE other friend

• Must take mobile phone

• Must have parental permission to go unaccompanied

EXTRA YEAR 12 ENTITLEMENTS - with parental consent

We will accept the following leave without an adult host for year 12 students, as long as they have a leave form submitted and approved by their parent/guardian.


Claremont / Fremantle / City 9.00 am - 5.30 pm Saturdays 11.00 am - 5.30 pm Sundays

Library LeaveReid Library, UWA Library, Grove Library

Dinner LeaveCottesloe, Grove and Claremont

9.30 am - 5.30 pm weekends, and weekdays during exam period

Friday and Saturday night 5.30pm-8:30pm

• Our usual leave is for 4-hours without a leave form. If a Year 12 Boarder would like to go for longer, they do not need a host, but need to submit a leave form during the above times

• Our usual leave is for 4-hours without a leave form. If a Year 12 Boarder would like to go for longer, they do not need a host, but need to submit a leave form.

• Please note that we do not allow boarders to go to these libraries without a host after 5.30 pm.

• Year 12 Boarders who would like to go out to dinner in the above suburbs, with at least one friend, may do this without an adult host as long as a leave form is submitted.

• Boarders will need to be picked-up/driven by their accompanying friend to go to Cottesloe or Claremont.

• Boarders may walk together to the Grove if they contact the Boarding House on their return.

Laptop and Phone Policy

Internet Access

The students in the Boarding House have wireless access to the Internet. All students are bound by the School Acceptable Use Policy: Information and Learning Technologies Services agreed upon when they sign their laptop contract.

Internet access in the Boarding House is turned off at the following times:

» Years 7/8 9.00 pm

» Year 9 9.30 pm

» Year 10 10.00 pm

» Years 11/12 12.00 am

The College conducts random laptop audits and breaches of the contract are taken very seriously.

Mobile Phones

Boarders may have one personal mobile phone. The Boarding House must have a record of the contact number for this phone. PLC takes no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged phones.

Mobile phones must not be used during the school day, in the Dining Room, during Prep, or after lights out. The PLC Mobile Phone Policy, is another useful reference point.

As with the use of all telephones, we encourage appropriate etiquette and students will be required to be polite and be considerate to others in answering and using mobile phones.

Use of Devices

Students in Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 are required to hand in their mobile phone overnight and during Prep. They are also required to hand in their laptops overnight to be locked up and charged in their year-specific charging stations. Misuse of these devices will result in their confiscation for a period of time commensurate with the offence.

Phone collection takes place 15 minutes prior to bedtime, in line with each year groups routine.

Students in Year 11 are required to hand in their mobile phones during Prep and overnight (9.45 pm) on Prep nights. Students in Years 11 and 12 keep their laptops overnight. Year 12 students can keep their mobile phone overnight, however, hand them in during Prep.

Mobile phones and electronic devices of girls in Years 11 and 12 can be collected at night at the discretion of Boarding House staff, or at the request of a parent.

Parents will be notified of any continued inappropriate misuse of mobile phones.

Students in Years 7, 8, and 9 cannot access their laptops until 1.00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The only exception is when a student wants to use their laptop for schoolwork; this must be completed in the Upper BSR.

The use of mobile phones is also restricted on the weekends. If girls are out and about, they can take their phone with them; however, when they are in the Boarding House they do not have access to their phone.

Years 7 and 8 students can collect their phones at 1.00 pm, Year 9 at 9.00 am and Year 10 upon waking. Year 7s can access their phones in the morning from 8.00 am - 8.30 am and Year 8s from 8.30 am-9.00 am to check in with family or make plans for the weekend and then hand them back in.

Health Care

The College Nurses and Boarding House staff, work together to ensure the health and wellbeing of your daughter during term time. The Health Centre is open to see boarders between 7.45 am – 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. When the Health Centre is not open, the health of your daughter is monitored and managed by Boarding House staff. There are handovers (every morning and afternoon) of information between the two areas.

Parents are encouraged to contact the nurses regarding referrals to local medical and allied health professionals, and the nurses may suggest referrals to services such as GPs, physiotherapy, dental and orthodontic specialists within the area.

Parents will be notified prior to such medical visits. After visiting the health professional, it may be determined that your daughter is too ill to remain in the Boarding House. If this is the case, you will need to make alternative living arrangements for the period of the illness.

Medical Appointments

When making an appointment please note this sequence of events:

1. Your first point of contact is the PLC Health Centre.

Phone: 9424 6432


2. If a student is unable to be taken to an appointment by a parent or local-carer, the Health Centre can organise transport for the student on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and liaises with the Boarding House to inform them of the transport arrangements (also refer to the Boarding House Transport Policy).

3. On the day of the appointment the Health Centre writes a permission note and the Boarding House gives it to the student (to excuse the student from school). The student hands in the note to the Receptionist prior to their appointment and comes back to the Boarding House so they can be transported to their appointment.

Follow Up to a Medical Appointment

The staff member who takes the boarder to an appointment will ensure that feedback is provided by the specialist directly to the parent, or relayed back to the Health Centre nurses to be discussed with parents. This depends on the age of the students and circumstances of the appointment.


Students are not permitted to keep medication in their possession in the Boarding House, including Panadol, Nurofen, and cold and flu tablets. If they require medication they can visit the Health Centre during the school day, or approach the Boarding House staff on duty at other times.

All prescription and non-prescription medications (eg iron, antihistamines) must be brought to the Health Centre, in original packaging that states the prescribing doctor and administration instructions. The Health Centre nurses can assist with refilling scripts and arranging Webster Packs for regular medications. Administration will be managed and monitored by the Health Centre and Boarding House staff.

Students can keep complementary medicines (vitamins etc) in their rooms. It is the responsibility of the parents to monitor their daughters and ensure they are aware of what and how much is being taken.


In an emergency Boarding House staff will:

• Call an Ambulance (000) or take your daughter to:

• Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (over 16 years of age)

• Perth Children’s Hospital (15 years and younger); or

• Hollywood Private Hospital Emergency or Murdoch Hospital Emergency (with parental permission - cost = approximately $200)

These hospitals have an emergency department and are less than 10 minutes from the Boarding House. All boarders are accompanied by a staff member.

The parent/guardian or local carer will be notified, as soon as is practical and arrangements will be made to ensure the doctor in charge contacts the parent/ local carer to speak directly where possible. A parent/guardian or local carer must make their way to the hospital, as soon as is practical, to take over the care of the student.

When the boarder is discharged, or their parent/carer arrives, the staff member may return to the Boarding House. Alternatively, the staff member may return to the College once the boarder has been admitted and is under the care of hospital staff.

Boarders requiring less urgent medical attention after hours may be taken to the Goldsworthy GP (6174 6000), Cockburn Urgent Care, GP After Hours Subiaco (9382 9600), or Goldsworthy GP (until 9pm – 9384 0551). Additionally, Healthdirect Australia can be contacted on 1800 022 222.

Perth-Based Local Carer

All boarders are required to have a local carer recorded who is able to collect the Boarder if required. The name and phone number of this person is collected at the start of each year. We request all families discuss this with their local carer.

Mental Health Issues

On occasion a boarder may present with a mental health issue. If this is the case the parent will be contacted, as soon as possible, by either the Director of Boarding or Deputy (Wellbeing and Pastoral Care) to discuss the sequence of events. The Boarding House may also seek assistance from the College Psychologist to assist with decisionmaking and management. If the Boarding House does not have the resources to manage the issue, the boarder involved may be asked to seek alternative accommodation, until such time they are assessed as ready to return.

The Boarding House and College will work with the student and family to help ensure a smooth transition back to the Boarding House. To help enable this transition, there must be a Health Management Plan in place. This may necessitate that the student continues to seek assistance from health professionals.

Parent Contact with the Health Centre

The College Nurses have a lot of contact with the boarders and they welcome meeting parents. They appreciate the unique circumstances of boarding and consider your daughter’s welfare to be very important. If you have concerns regarding your daughter’s health and wellbeing, please feel comfortable to contact them during school hours.

Dealing with Contagious Illness

PLC Perth continues to undertake all reasonably practical measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, respiratory and viral illnesses in the Boarding House. This is dependent on Government health advice at any given time, and takes into account PLC’s facilities.

All boarding families acknowledge on entry to the Boarding House:

1. Living in a community may increase the risk of being exposed to infectious illnesses and, as such, every member of the boarding community needs to do their very best to safeguard not only their own health but that of the boarding community.

2. In relation to COVID-19 and respiratory illnesses, PLC is undertaking a risk mitigation strategy but that it is not possible to eliminate every risk.

3. Boarders will adhere to the guidelines and safety requirements set out by the College and WA Health Department Directives.

4. If requested by the College to collect a student from the Boarding House, a family member (or the nominated local carer) will collect them as soon as possible. The timeline is subject to the hour of presentation, but in most cases will be within four-hours of the guardian being contacted. Conditions that may require students being collected include (but are not limited to): (a) the College being required to follow directives from the Health Authorities, (b) a need to reduce the number of students residing in the Boarding House, (c) a student presenting as unwell, (d) a student is confirmed to have contracted COVID-19.

5. All families will provide the College with details of a local carer who is able to pick up their daughter within four hours if required.

For further information on managing colds, flus and COVID-19 symptoms, please visit: assets/2024/04/2024-BHManagement-of-Infectious-Illnesses.pdf

What to Bring to the Boarding House

Please keep belongings to a minimum. Every item brought to the Boarding House must be clearly and permanently labelled. Please keep an inventory of personal belongings and insure items of value. A locked safe is provided to all girls.


» Doona

» Doona Cover

» Rug (forwarmthincoolermonths)

» Pillow

» Pillowslips (arealsoprovided–but girlsmightliketomatchtheirdoona cover)

» Beach Towel (bedlinen,protectivesheetsand personaltowelsareprovided)


» Casual clothes including jeans, shorts, t-shirts, tracksuits and jumpers

» Underwear including bras and underpants

» Sleepwear and dressing gown

» Socks

» Bathers for use in the warmer months

» Rashie for sun protection

» Two good outfits for social occasions


» Slippers or Ugg Boots

» Rubber thongs

» Sport shoes

» Dress shoes

Other Items

» Washing basket and a large laundry bag

» Pegs

» Laundry powder or liquid

» Coat hangers (includingskirt hangers)

» Shoe cleaning kit

» Hat

» Small alarm clock or clock radio (as maynothaveuseofalarmonphone)

» Mug

» Photos

» Items to personalise one’s room

» Tupperware container to store food

» Laundry marker

» Drawing pins for pin up board

» Waterbottle

» Phone charger x 2


» Soap

» Toothpaste and toothbrush

» Deodorant

» Sunscreen

» Shampoo and conditioner

» Sanitary requirements

» Hairbrush

School requirements

» Pencil case

» Pens/pencils/textas

» Eraser

» Ruler

» Glue

» Scissors

» Stapler

» Hole punch

» Sticky tape

It is preferable that girls only have one phone and one laptop (eg no iPad) .

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