PLC Junior School Handbook

Page 1


Monday – Friday

Timetables, including specialist lessons, will be provided by class teachers at the beginning of the year.

*see End of School Day table below– Collection for dismissal times for each year level

End of School Day

2025 Term Dates


My name is Mrs Geraldine Drabble, and I am honoured to serve as the Head of Junior School, leading the dedicated Junior School Pastoral and Academic Care team.

Supporting me in this role are the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators (PACCs), Mrs Jenny Rickwood and Ms Aleasha Franetovich, along with our team of highly committed class teachers.

Collaboration is essential to our approach, and the PACCs regularly meet with class teachers and specialist educators to discuss pastoral care matters, plan teaching approaches, and monitor academic progress. Our class teachers have a deep understanding of each student and maintain open communication with the specialist teachers regarding pastoral and academic aspects.

We are eager to work hand in hand with you to support your children in the best possible way. If you have any concerns related to pastoral or academic matters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s class teacher as your first point of contact. If it happens to be during class time, feel free to leave a message with the Junior School Reception.

We believe that the relationship between home and school is of utmost importance. If any matters arise at home that you believe may impact your child during the day, kindly inform your child’s class teacher. Similarly, our teachers will maintain open lines of communication with parents about any matters that arise at school.

We are excited about the journey ahead and look forward to fostering a strong partnership with you for the wellbeing and academic success of your children.

Best regards,

Contact Details

Office Hours

Monday to Friday (during school term)

8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Telephone (08) 9424 6428


Uniform Shop (08) 9460 6243

Junior School Canteen (08) 9424 6464

IT Help Desk (08) 9424 6469

Street Address 18 to 24 McNeil Street

Peppermint Grove WA 6011

Head of Junior School (Senior Leadership Team)

Mrs Geraldine Drabble


Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator (Pre-Kindergarten - Year 2)

Mrs Jennifer Rickwood

T: (08) 9424 6572 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator (Years 3 - 6)

Ms Aleasha Franetovich

T: (08) 9424 6572 | E:

Staff Members




Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4 4H 4S

Year 5 5C 5SD 5SD 5S

Year 6 6AP 6M 6P

Nicole Vander Vinne

Rachel Martin

Sophiya Wallace

Erin Jones

Kristen Gray

Helen Tutin

Tarryn Saul

Katie Harrup

Beverley Spencer

Kerri Cresswell

Chantelle Durrant

Andi Sofield

Hollie-Anne Sadler

Ayomi Perera

Caitlin Moore

Prue Peardon chantelle

Junior School Reception


Creative Arts

Art Technician

Gifted and Talented

Language B

Health and Physical Education



Learning Enrichment

Tammy Falanga

Kayla Bourke

Jordan Senior

Linda Arnold

Colleen Garland

Lesley Brady

Michelle Clayton

Linda Monaghan

Gerardine Butler

Valerie Saunders

Aoibhinn O’Connor

Jia Liao

Ben Matheson

Zac Mowat

Andy Grigg

Debra Van Dongen

Felicity Petersen

Jill Willetts

Carey Bouwer

Daily Life


If your child will be absent from school (or be a late arrival), please notify the Junior School Reception by 8.35 am. This can be done through the PLC App via the Absentees tile.

Should your child be marked absent, and the school has not been notified by 9.30 am, you will be notified by SMS. You will be asked to click on the link to provide a reason for your child’s absence. In some instances, the Junior School Receptionist may call you instead of sending an SMS. We do this in line with regulatory standards, but also in the interests of your child’s welfare. Your prompt contact with us will help to avoid any unnecessary confusion.

For late arrivals, we request that your child is accompanied to the Junior School Reception and signed in. This also applies during the school day when going to or from appointments.

• Please keep students at home if they are unwell and inform the School if they have a communicable illness.

• Students who leave school during the day must be signed out by an adult at Reception.

• Students returning to school or arriving late need to be signed in at Reception.

• Students attending Music classes must sign out and in at Reception when leaving and returning from Music lessons.

• Private tuition classes must be conducted outside of school hours. Students may not be absent to attend additional tuition during school hours.

Absences – Extended

• In Western Australia, attendance at school is compulsory from Pre-Primary.

• If parents choose to take their student out of school during term time, it is not PLC Policy to provide work for the student/s during this time.

• Please inform the Head of Junior School of extended absences in writing via email

Access to School – During School Hours

• All persons entering the School during school hours of attendance must enter at Junior School Reception.

• Parents and visitors to the School are required to sign in and out.

• Parents visiting the School are required to wear their PLC name badge.

• Visitors to the School are required to wear a PLC visitor’s name badge.


Assemblies involve Years 1 to 6 and are held each fortnight in the Swim and Recreation Centre (SRC), and parents are encouraged to attend. The assembly dates are available on the calendar and via Junior School Notices. Assemblies provide an opportunity for students to gather to:

• share the learning that has been happening and celebrate special days and performances

• learn about service and action opportunities

• hear from student leaders, the Head of Junior School, and other leaders

• listen to musical performances, and

• receive Recognition Awards.


The School has an online process for ordering stationery and text requirements for the year. Booklists for Years 1 to 6 are available on By clicking on the ‘Booklists’ tile, parents are directed to the links for each year group. The School will organise the purchase of booklists for children from Pre-Kindergarten to Pre-Primary. The cost of these items will be billed to your account.

Canteen (PLC Pantry)

• The Junior School Canteen, named the PLC Pantry, is situated in the undercover area opposite the Swim and Recreation Centre and is open each school day.

• The School has an online system for student lunch orders. Please go to for further information and to register for online ordering.

• Junior School students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 are required to lodge online lunch orders by 8.00 am.

• Pricelists are issued at the beginning of the term and are available online and from Reception.


• Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2: School Chapel Services will be held once every fortnight in the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel. Please refer to your child’s timetable at the commencement of the year.

• Years 3 to 6: School Chapel Services will be held weekly in the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel.

• Students and parents are requested to observe silence on entering the Chapel Service. This offers students an opportunity for quiet reflection.

• Parents are warmly invited to attend. We ask that food and drink are not brought in to the Chapel.

Daily Timetable

• Timetables, including specialist lessons, will be provided by class teachers at the beginning of the year.

*see End of School Day table – Collection for dismissal times for each year level.

Early Arrivals

• All children arriving before 8.15 am who are not attending a co-curricular class must go directly to the Junior School Library which is open from 7.30 am.

• Kindergarten children are to be signed in by a parent/carer and will be supervised in the Peppermint Tree Room (located in the Library).

• Students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 must sign in using the electronic kiosk.

• Students attending co-curricular activities prior to 8.15 am must enter school as directed by the co-curricular teacher.

Arrival and Departures

• School arrival time is between 8.15 am and 8.30 am.

• Classrooms are open from 8.15 am for students and teachers to prepare for the day. Classes begin at 8.35 am. It is expected that all students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6 are in class and ready to commence learning at this time.

• If students arrive late, parents are responsible for supervising them and accompanying them to the appropriate venue. Students arriving late must sign in at Junior School Reception.

• Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students must be walked to class by an accompanying adult.

• Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Pre-Primary parents are asked to display their priority parking name card when parking in the Junior School Visitor carpark.

End of School Day

• Parents of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children are required to collect them from the classroom.

• The eldest child is to go to the younger sibling’s allocated slipway.

• In the afternoons, staff are on duty at the slipways until 3.45 pm and all students should be collected by this time. Please follow any requests or directions given by these staff.

• For the safety of all our students, Junior School children are not permitted to wait for their parents in any other areas unless they are accompanied by a sibling from Senior School or special arrangements have been made with the class teacher.

Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures – Slipway

• The Junior School has two slipways:

• Eastern Slipway – closest to the river

• Western Slipway – closest to Stirling Highway

• Please move on if your child is not waiting or when requested by a staff member.

• All traffic signs must be obeyed. A right hand turn out of the slipway is not permitted .

• Parking in the slipway is not permitted.

• Parents please stay in your vehicle . Staff will be on duty to promote independence, ensure student safety and assist when required.

• In the interest of a congestion-free area, we request that parents time their

daughter/s collection such that there is no need to wait or park in the slipways. The entrance to the slipways should remain free to enable vehicular access at all times.

• Please display your name on the dash/visor . Clear display of this card enables a more efficient and smoother system. If you have lost your name label, please contact Reception who will issue you with a replacement.

• When entering the slipway, please drive as far forward as you safely can when dropping off or collecting your child.


• For drop-off and pick-up only, parents with priority parking name cards (PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and Pre-Primary), indicated by colour, are permitted to park in parent bays located in the Junior School Visitor car park.

• The Junior School Visitor car park is available to parents visiting the School between 9.00 am to 2.30 pm, or after 3.45 pm.

• At no time is parking permitted on either of the slipways outside the Junior School.

• Please do not park in undercover staff parking bays.

• There is limited parking on the School side of McNeil Street and parents should observe the Clearway notices.

• Please do not park on the verges or driveways of local residents and be aware of parking restrictions in the area.

Road Safety

• Students in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 4 are not permitted to cross View Street, unless accompanied by an adult.

• Students in Years 5 and 6 must cross with one or more friends and have a teacher’s permission to do so.

• Students are not permitted to wait outside the School grounds unaccompanied.

• No students are permitted to cross McNeil Street, unless accompanied by an adult.

• Parents are required to obey the traffic signs in and around the School, and we ask that courtesy and caution are exercised at all times in order to ensure the safety of our students.

Snacks and Lunch

All students are encouraged to have a water bottle with them in the classroom. This is particularly advisable during the warmer weather. They may also bring healthy food,

such as vegetable sticks or pieces of fruit to eat if they get hungry during class time, at the discretion of the classroom teacher.

• All students, unless purchasing from the PLC Pantry, will need to bring a healthy snack and lunch to school. A named water bottle needs to be brought to school daily.

• Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students require Crunch and Sip (fresh fruit or vegetables in a seperate container), morning tea, and lunch.

• Please ensure all students can open packaging and boxes independently.

• We encourage the use of reusable bags and lunchboxes in order to minimise waste.

• Please provide all required eating utensils.


Students travelling to school by bus, train, bike, or walking should cross Stirling Highway at the corner of McNeil Street where a crosswalk attendant is on duty each morning and afternoon. Students crossing View Street must cross at the designated area outside of the Boarding House. Care must be taken to remember that this is not a crosswalk.

Information about bus and train services can be obtained by accessing the Transperth website and going to the Journey Planner to ‘Plan Your Journey’ or phoning 136 313.

Please refer to the PLC website for up-to-date information on our dedicated Horizons West bus routes.

Smartrider cards for students to use for public transport and Horizons West buses are

the Junior School Reception.

General Information


• We like to celebrate children’s birthdays at school. If you wish to send a small treat for your child to share with their class, please check with the teacher first.

• Please ensure that the treat is nut-free and something that is manageable such as small cupcakes or biscuits.

• You will be advised if there are students in your child’s class with specific allergies.

• Birthday invitations are to be distributed privately, outside of school.

Parent Details

• Please advise in writing to the Registrar if you require separate copies of reports and other School communication.

• If you change your address, telephone number, email address or family circumstances, please inform the Registrar in writing immediately via email to

Emergency Contact

• Please ensure emergency contact details are up to date.

• Junior School Reception should be notified of any changes.

• Emergency contact details will only be used when we are unable to contact the student’s parents or guardians.

Lost Property

• All lost property is available from the Junior School Reception.

• At the end of each term, only named items are returned to the owner.

• Unclaimed lunch boxes, flasks, and water bottles will be thrown away if not claimed within 24 hours. This is an Occupational Health and Safety issue.

Pastoral Care

Junior School Classroom Teachers

Any concerns regarding your child should first be brought to the attention of the class teacher. Where possible, it is desirable to work together to resolve issues that may arise. The class teacher may direct you to the Junior School Psychologist or the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators.

Junior School Psychologist

The Junior School has a part-time psychologist, Ms Vivienne Willan. Her role is to support our students by working with the child, their teachers and their parents. The Junior School Psychologist can be contacted on

Mobile Phones

Our Policy

We acknowledge parents may wish their child to carry a mobile phone for personal safety reasons, however, the right of a student to have access to a mobile phone at College must be balanced with the responsibility to use it appropriately.

It is our policy that:

• Mobile phones must not be used by students on campus.

• Mobile phones must be turned off and locked in the student’s locker during the school day.


• We believe that open and honest communication between the home and the School is essential in order to provide the best possible education for your daughter.

• Parents may make appointments with staff members, Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators, or the Head of Junior School as the need arises. Please contact the School if there are any issues you would like to discuss. Appointments can be made by emailing the relevant staff member direct or by contacting Junior School Reception.

• To make an appointment with the Head of Junior School, please call (08) 9424 6428 or email

Student Diary

Students are provided with a Student Diary. Older students are encouraged to use this to assist with organisation. They should record homework requirements, music lesson times, social events, and reminders. Class teachers check the Student Diary regularly to support students with organisation and can be used as a method of communication between the teacher and parents.

Junior School Notices

The Junior School Notices are distributed via the PLC App to parents every Thursday of the school term and contains information about various school activities and opportunities.


The PLC App is the primary method of communication to all PLC parents. Download the app from app stores. Login to the App using your PLC username and password. If you are unsure of your login details, please contact the Tech Centre.

To ensure you receive relevant communications, click More, then Subscriptions and select relevant groups and deselect irrelevant groups for co-curricular, sport, and year levels.

To ensure you receive push notifications, click More then settings cog and turn notifications on.

Photo Gallery (Pixevety)

We use the software Pixevety to share photographs via the PLC App. Pixeviey has advanced facial recognition software so parents can see all photographs that include their children automatically. Once your daughter has her school photo taken, these are uploaded to Pixevity which activates facial recognition. Use your SEQTA single sign-on to login.

Click MyVIP’s for all photos of your daughter/s or navigate through the folders.

Events and Activities

Outdoor Education Programmes

PLC offers an Outdoor Education Programme (OEP) from Years 3 to 6, primarily designed to provide students with a vehicle for personal development. The residential programmes encourage students to develop their social and leadership skills, build teamwork and develop self-reliance and resilience.

Year 3 OEP overnight Term 3

Year 4 OEP 2 days Term 1

Year 5 OEP 3 days Term 3

Year 6 OEP 4 days Term 1

Co-Curricular Programme

The details of co-curricular activities offered each term are found on the PLC App. Parents and students are encouraged to make considered choices so as to ensure commitments are balanced and manageable.

Sports Carnival and Events

Annual sporting carnivals and events in the Junior School include:

Inter-House Swimming Carnival Term 1

Inter-School Cross Country Term 3

Inter-House Athletics Term 4

JIGSSA Throughout the year - Years 3 to 6

* JIGSSA: Junior Independent Girls’ Schools’ Sports Association.

PLC prides itself in encouraging student participation and involvement in a wide range of sporting activities, focussing on developing in all of our students an understanding of fair play and the benefits associated with being involved in team sports.

PLC Events

Parents as Learners (PALs)

Parents are invited to attend information sessions that are conducted throughout the year, relating to educational issues. These are usually presented by a member of Junior School staff and include a discussion opportunity with parents.

Celebrating The Arts with Grandparents and Special Friends

At the conclusion of Term 3, we invite all grandparents and special friends to join us in a celebration of The Arts. The morning comprises of a Music and Arts Assembly, an Art Exhibition, morning tea, classroom visits, and individual music performances. After morning tea, the students will perform for each other in their House groups. This is a student-led initiative, however, parents and guests are warmly invited to attend. The afternoon is filled with art workshops and the students will remain in their House groups when participating in these interactive, fun art activities.

Open Garden Day

Residents in the local vicinity open their gardens to visitors in Term 4 each year.



For many years, it has been a tradition at PLC for the Pre-Primary class to create a Nativity play that is performed in the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel.

Junior School End-of-Year Assembly

Towards the conclusion of the School year, all students in Years 1 to 6 come together to celebrate their learning.

Parent Help and Involvement

Parents are encouraged to participate actively in the Junior School and we always welcome you to assist in a number of ways. These may include:

• Accompanying excursions or assisting at incursions: requests for assistance will be made by the teacher who is organising the excursion or incursion.

• In-class support: please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

• Mentoring: please contact Junior School Reception.

• Swimming Carnival/ Athletics Carnival/ Cross Country Carnival

Parent Help and Involvement Guidelines

• Parents in the class are to assist the whole class as requested by the class teacher.

• Parents are required to observe confidentiality regarding information of any student progress or behaviour when assisting in school.


At PLC, we encourage our students to take pride in their uniform and it is the expectation of the School that it be worn neatly and correctly at all times.

Please ensure that all items are labelled clearly, including shoes, socks, hat, PE uniform and beret.

The uniform requirements for your child are as follows:

Pre-Kindergarten to Pre-Primary

Formal Uniform

• Junior polo top

• Pinafore (worn with junior polo top in summer and white long sleeved top in winter)

• Navy polar fleece jacket

• Cardigan

• White socks with stripes for summer

• Black knee high socks or black tights in winter (optional)

Sport Uniform

• Sports hat

• Kindergarten polo top

• Navy Shorts

• Rugby top

• Fleecy track pants

• Please note that the sport uniform can be worn in place of the formal uniform for PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and Pre-Primary.


• Navy sandals for summer

• Single strap, T-Bar or lacing black shoes for winter

• Sports shoes (white soles only)

Year 1 - 2

Formal Uniform

• Junior polo top,

• Pinafore (worn with junior polo top in summer and white long sleeved top in winter)

• Navy polar fleece jacket

• Cardigan

• White socks with stripes for summer

• Black knee high socks or black tights in winter

Sport Uniform

• Sports hat

• Navy shorts

• Sports top

• House top

• Swimwear

• Rash vest and swim shorts or bathers one piece

• Bathing cap

• Track top

• Track pants

• House sports uniform on Fridays, unless otherwise informed.


• Navy sandals for summer

• Single strap, T-Bar or lacing black shoes for winter

• Sports shoes (white soles only)

Year 3 – 6

Formal Uniform

• Skirt

• Blouse

• Jumper

• Blazer

• Tie

• Panama in summer

• Beret in winter

• White socks with stripes for summer

• Black knee high socks or black tights in winter

Winter Uniform

• PLC Black Watch skirt

• PLC white blouse

• PLC green jumper

• PLC blazer

• Beret

• Tie – for formal occasions

• Black knee-high socks or black tights

• T-bar or laced black shoes

• Navy blue scrunchie

• Navy blue ribbon

• Tricolour ribbon

The girls can wear the green jumper and the blazer to school, then take the blazer off and hang it up, leaving them with the green jumper to wear in class. Students can wear the blazer without the jumper to school but must remember to bring their jumper in their bag so they can wear it at school if they get cold.

Sport Uniform

• Sports hat (Years 3-5), sports cap (Year 6)

• Navy shorts

• Sport skorts

• White sports top

• Bathers one piece

• Bathing cap

• Track top

• PE tracksuit pants

• PE tracksuit jacket

• White socks

• House sports uniform on Fridays (unless otherwise informed)

• Optional: PLC hoodie


• Single strap, T-Bar or lacing black shoes

• Sports shoes (white soles only)

Please note that students have the option to wear either the PLC shorts, PLC skort or PLC tracksuit pants for Physical Education (PE) lessons.

The PLC hoodie can be worn as a part of PLC PE uniform and should not be worn with the winter school uniform (eg skirt and blouse).

On days when students have a PE class, they wear their PE uniform for the entire day and can wear the PLC hoodie to and from School.

The Year 6 Commemorative Hoodie (only for Year 6 students) can only be worn within the Junior School. It cannot be worn to or from school. It can be worn with both the PLC winter uniform and the PLC PE uniform.

When the students are attending formal events (JIGSSA, netball on the weekend at Matthews Netball Centre, minkey at College Park, excursions) they must wear the PLC PE tracksuit jacket as the outer garment. If it is cold, they can wear the PLC hoodie under the PLC PE tracksuit jacket.

Throughout the year, if warmth is required at a formal occasion or function, blazers must be worn as the outer garment in public. Ties are also required for formal occasions and excursions, unless informed otherwise.

It is a requirement that the summer panama hat and the Winter beret and blazer are worn to and from school.

Hair, Jewellery and Nails

Hair longer than the collar must be tied back. Hair must not be allowed to hang over the face. Coloured hair (dyed, colour sprays or rinses) is not permitted at school. Students and parents are asked to give full co-operation to this requirement.

Summer Hair Ties

White or striped ribbon, white scrunchies must be worn.

Winter Hair Ties

Navy or striped ribbon, navy scrunchies must be worn.

It is NOT acceptable to wear:

• Flat hair fasteners in colours other than white in summer, navy blue and black in winter.

• Makeup, nail polish or false nails; coloured hair (dyed, colour sprays or rinses) are not permitted.

• Any jewellery worn is liable to be confiscated. No responsibility for confiscated property will be taken by the School. If ears are pierced, matching small sleepers or very small simple studs in plain silver, plain gold or pearl may be worn, one only in the lobe of each ear.


Students require a waterproof Art smock, which is to be worn to Art lessons. Due to the hands-on approach in Art lessons, there is the possibility that art materials may come into contact with the students’ uniform (we recommend using Sard OxyPlus Stain Remover). The smock is available on the booklist and will be kept in the classroom.

Health and Wellbeing

Health Centre

The Health Centre is located near the PLC Boarding House. Students feeling unwell are asked to seek a teacher’s permission and take their Student Diary with them to the Health Centre. The School nurse will contact the parent/carer if a child is unwell and needs to be taken home. The Health Centre can be contacted on (08) 9424 6432.

Medical Information

Medical information regarding students’ health is kept within the PLC Health Centre and the School nurses are responsible for managing individual health programmes, emergency responses, and disseminating the information to relevant staff. It is essential that parents keep the Health Centre staff informed of all health issues pertinent to their child and take care to ensure that this is updated on a regular basis.


Although students are made aware that they are not to share food from the lunch boxes at school, we would ask that parents exercise caution in packing food products as there are students in Junior School affected by anaphylaxis. All students with an anaphylaxis diagnosis are required to supply PLC with an Anaphylaxis Action Plan and an in-date Epipen.


All students with an asthma diagnosis are required to supply PLC with an Asthma Action Plan and an in-date Inhaler.

Head Lice

Head lice is a common problem in any school and we request that parents are vigilant in monitoring their child’s hair and advising the class teacher or Junior School Reception if lice are found. When head lice is detected, all members of the cohort will be advised.

Sun Smart

• Students must wear a hat during Recess, Lunchtime, and PE lessons.

• Students without a hat will be asked to sit in the shade during these times.

• Students are not permitted to lend hats to others.

All students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 5 are required to wear their navy blue PLC bucket hat at Recess and Lunchtime. Year 6 students have the option of wearing either the PLC bucket hat or the white PLC cap.


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