PLC 2016 Annual Review

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PRINCIPAL’S INTRODUCTION The 2016 cohort delivered amazing success to PLC and it is important to acknowledge the effort and commitment of the girls, and the staff who work with them, which enabled their remarkable achievements. The combined talents of Team PLC created history when the School was crowned the Independent Girls’ School Sporting Association (IGSSA) overall champion after winning or being runner-up in eight of the 11 individual IGSSA sports. This was a true team effort across the Senior School and showed the depth of talent we have amongst our girls in a range of sports. The result capped off a stellar sporting year which also saw PLC named Overall IGSSA Rowing champions at the Head of the River. In response to feedback from families wanting more sporting opportunities for all students beyond IGSSA, we launched the Blackwatch Club in 2016. This has enabled every student, particularly those not selected for IGSSA sports, to participate in a physical activity. PLC’s 2016 successes continued in the classroom with outstanding Year 12 results. More than eight per cent of girls achieved an ATAR of 99 or higher (WACE) and two students achieved perfect scores of 45 in the International Baccalaureate Diploma (DP). Our girls managed a remarkable average combined WACE and DP ATAR of 93.45. Our General Pathway (VET) Year 12 girls led the way once again with a 100 per cent completion rate.

One of my early priorities was to meet and get to know as many families and students as possible and understand their views about PLC’s strategic direction. To facilitate this, I met with more than 480 members of our community in small group ‘G8’ meetings throughout the year. This enabled me to enjoy the company of small groups of parents and identify areas within the school deemed to be successful and those areas requiring improvement. As a direct result of these sessions and the feedback from our School community, a number of changes were announced effective from the beginning of 2017. To strengthen the development of targeted, age appropriate academic, wellbeing, leadership, sports, arts and service programmes, it was determined to integrate the Middle and Senior Schools. A paired year group curriculum for Years 7 & 9, Years 9 & 10 and Years 11 & 12 increased our commitment to personalised learning and academic achievement. At the same time, an examination was undertaken of the International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy. The programme’s focus on inquiry-based learning has many impressive aspects, particularly the holistic learning approach, world-view focus, community service emphasis and the Personal Project. As a School, we remain enthusiastically committed to the IB philosophy. The message from a large part of our community was around the complex nature of some of the requirements related to the Middle Years Programme and in particular

the assessment and reporting framework. This resulted in the decision to move to our own curriculum framework for girls in Years 7 to 10 which upheld the learning philosophy of the IB, but allowed greater flexibility regarding the assessment framework and reporting requirements. Significant consultation was undertaken to develop new PLC Strategic Pillars during 2016. These pillars, endorsed by Council, represent who we are as an organisation and where we are heading in the future. The Pillars - Personalisation, Leadership, Courage and Community – endorse and promote the key points of difference that ensure we stand out from the crowd and which lead to exceptional outcomes for our girls. Personalisation reflects our understanding that no two girls are alike; Leadership reflects PLC’s proud history of inspiring our girls to take the lead both now and in the future; Courage describes our goal to not only educate but also to develop confidence and resilience in our girls; and Community underlines the entire School community’s responsibility in helping raise healthy, happy and empowered young women who in turn give back to their Community. To effectively lead and direct the Senior School changes, the Senior Leadership Team was restructured, effective 2017. Andrew Cousins, who joined staff as the Director of Teaching and Learning in March from Queensland’s Somerset College on the Gold Coast, was appointed Deputy Principal. During his career, Andrew has held positions including

Dean of Middle Years Learning, Head of Science and Assistant Head of Science. Head of Senior School, Neesha Flint, was appointed Director of Teaching and Learning and Head of Middle School, Sharon Anderson, took on the Head of Senior School role. We also announced PLC as the first school to appoint a dedicated Director of Wellbeing with the engagement of Laura Allison. Laura, who was named 2015 WA School Psychologist of the Year, is tasked with leading the development of the new PLC Lighthouse and implementing strategies to develop positive mental health in students, staff and parents. The changes reinforced the significant depth of knowledge and experience within the School’s core group of leaders and has put the School in an enviable position as we plan for the future. The 2016 year has been one of growth and development along with celebrating the significant success of our inspiring young women – our PLC girls. Dr Kate Hadwen Principal  3

PLC COUNCIL Council reports to the Uniting Church in Western Australia and is responsible for the effective governance and strategic direction of the College. All members are volunteers who offer significant professional skills and experience in relevant areas including education, law, finance, marketing, planning and business. 2016 Achievements Dr Kate Hadwen commenced as Principal in late 2015 with her official commissioning in early 2016 witnessed by the Moderator of the Uniting Church, the Premier of Western Australia, Members of Council alongside a number of other distinguished guests and valued members of our PLC Community. Dr Hadwen spent a significant proportion of her first year as Principal seeking feedback from students, parents and staff, reviewing programmes, launching new initiatives and offering multiple, accessible communication channels with our Community. As a result of the feedback, Dr Hadwen has worked closely with her Senior Leadership Team and Council on a new Strategic Plan for PLC under four new Strategic Pillars: Personalisation, Leadership, Courage and Community. The Statement of Purpose, Strategic Objective and Values remain unchanged and relevant to our message At PLC, it’s personal. Specific objectives under each pillar will be launched to our Community during 2017.

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During 2016 Council endorsed the official recognition of a number of significant contributions to PLC. Immediate Past Principal Beth Blackwood’s contribution over 18 years was recognised through the naming and official opening ceremony of the Beth Blackwood Senior School. In addition, significant financial contributions were recognised with the naming of the Old Collegians’ Association Year 12 Common Room and the Beverley Wishaw Café. Both facilities have been well utilised and become favourite areas for our Senior School students. Many other donors were separately recognised by the PLC Foundation’s Donor Board in the Senior School. Council members remain committed to programmes that support and complement the wellbeing of every individual student at PLC and were pleased to approve the financial commitment to build a dedicated Wellbeing Centre adjacent to the School. This building will offer contemporary and flexible spaces supporting the multidisciplinary mind body approach that encourages every PLC student’s physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing. We are looking forward to launching further initiatives to support these important programmes including specialist guest speakers on topics relevant to our community. In line with Council’s master planning for the School campus, approval was granted for the demolition and rebuild of a new residence on 32 McNeil Street. It is anticipated this development will improve the value of this long-term asset and Council remains committed to retaining the land as a strategic buffer between the School and nearby residences.

We acknowledge the significant contributions of the members of our Master Plan & Infrastructure and the Business/Finance Committees who voluntarily offer expertise in financial and master planning, assessment and due diligence necessary to bring these capital projects to fruition whilst continuing to minimise fee increases. The guidance and leadership of the Marketing & Communications Committee of Council culminated in the completion of two major projects. The PLC Perth brand has been refreshed to offer a contemporary and fresh approach whilst retaining and highlighting our traditions including the much loved Blackwatch tartan. In addition, we were very pleased to see the launch of our vibrant and engaging new website, featuring video and photos highlighting the many activities students enjoy at PLC. The Blackwatch Club was launched for our Year 7 and Year 8 students celebrating our unique commitment to providing sport for every girl at PLC. The programme will be rolled out to all Senior School students over the coming years, offering opportunities for student who miss IGSSA selection or wish to develop their skills and understanding of their preferred sports for future years. The success of the programme has been evident in the rapid improvement of the girls’ confidence, knowledge and skills.

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Continuing our tradition of exceptional participation with an unwavering commitment to compete, Council was pleased to celebrate and congratulate major achievements of Team PLC during 2016: • our Year 12 cohort for achieving excellent academic results leading to PLC ranking the highest non-selective school in the State; • students, staff, coaches and support teams winning all major trophies at the 2016 Head of the River Regatta and the overall Rowing Season trophy; and

During the year, Council welcomed new members Ms Morgen Lewis, CEO of Australia Day (WA) and Mr Andrew Johnson, Director Business Advisory Division of RSM. We bid farewell to retiring members Mr Chris Simpson, who had served for two years on Council and as President of the Parents’ Committee and Mr Tony Taylor who had been a Council Member and chaired the Master Plan & Infrastructure Committee for almost nine years. We wish to acknowledge the valued contributions, skills and expertise of these dedicated volunteers.

• every student, coach and member of staff who contributed to PLC winning the 2016 IGSSA Champion School in Sport trophy for the first time in history.  5


E/Prof Tracey Horton Chair of Council Strategic Planning/Management/ Governance/Education Mrs Katrina Burton Deputy Chair of Council, Audit Committee member Old Collegian/Current parent/Law Mr Morgan Ball Business/Finance Committee (Chair) Current Parent/Finance Mrs Kathy Bonus Master Planning & Infrastructure Committee Member (Chair from June 2016) Old Collegian/Town Planning Ms Fiona Crowe Master Plan & Infrastructure Committee Member Tertiary Education Mr Andrew Johnson PLC Parents’ Committee (President since October 2016) Current Parent/Finance

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Ms Linda Kenyon Past parent/law Ms Morgen Lewis Marketing & Communications Committee Member Past Student/Marketing Mr Stuart Love Marketing & Communications Committee (Chair) Strategic Planning Mr Andrew McKenzie Current parent/finance Mr Chris Simpson Parents’ Committee (President until October 2016) Current Parent/Business Mr Tony Taylor Master Plan and Infrastructure Committee (Chair until June 2016) Current Parent/Finance/Business

PLC thanks the following people who have provided their time, knowledge and experience as Independent members of Council Sub Committees during the year: Ms Eva Marie Bates (Marketing & Communications from November) Mr Charlie Bolt (Finance/Business) Mr Mark Bosnich (Finance/Business from August) Mr Sebastian Croce (Marketing & Communications from November) Ms Adrienne Dukes Sommerhalder (Audit from June) Mr Carlo Franchina (Finance/Business from March) Mr Ned Franetovich (Master Plan & Infrastructure) Mr Philip Idle (Master Plan & Infrastructure) Mr Martin Kirkness (Audit, Chair from March 2016)

Mr Jamie Lutz (Chair, Audit until March 2016) Ms Dixie Marshall (Marketing & Communications) Ms Tess Marshall (Marketing & Communications from November) Mr Phil Mirams (Finance/Business) Ms Claire Poll (Finance/Business from November) Ms Elizabeth Saunders (Marketing & Communications) Mrs Gillian Swan (Master Plan & Infrastructure) Ms Linda Wayman (Marketing & Communications until November)

College Leadership Team 2016 Dr Kate Hadwen Principal Dr Andrew Cousins Deputy Principal Heather Pope Head of Junior School Sharon Anderson Head of Middle School Neesha Flint Head of Senior School Laura Allison Director of Wellbeing Chris Robinson Head of Staff Sam Kronja Director of Finance and Corporate Services Anna Hu Director of Information and Learning Technologies Rev Gary van Heerden Chaplain Chavaune Francis Director of Community Relations (Term 1) Mark Doran Director of Strategic Communications (Term 2-4)  7

STAFF FAREWELLS Kerry and Peter Jones After 35 years of dedicated service, instructing hundreds of girls in the PLC Pipe Band, Kerry and Peter Jones retired at the end of Term 2. Kerry and Peter were there for the Pipe Band’s humble beginnings in 1981. Kerry began pipe drumming at PLC as an assistant to her sister Marie Hastings. During this time, Peter would also drop by to volunteer his services. In 1982, Kerry took over the drumming instruction after Marie left to have a baby and ever since, she has been the heart and soul of the band. Initially, Kerry taught one hour a week. In that allocated time, she taught five snare drummers in a half-hour lesson and five tenor drummers and one bass drummer in the other half. After discussions with the Principal, Heather Barr, it was decided an additional 30-minute lesson was required during Friday lunchtimes to get pipers and drummers together to learn to march and play. From small beginnings, big things grow and so did the PLC Pipe Band to the fabulous and celebrated band it is today. Due to its popularity, it became two bands with Kerry’s responsibilities expanding to include instrument tuition, highland dancing, dress and drill.

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As co-ordinator, Kerry established the band on the national and international stage with various tours to the UK, Singapore and the US, and across Australia. Peter’s involvement included teaching drummers, the drum major and being responsible for the intricate marching displays seen on Speech Night. His contribution was entirely voluntary and a true labour of love. In recognition of his service to music through the Pipe Band, he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2008. Upon their retirement, a tribute was held in recognition of their 35 years of dedicated service to PLC. Dressed in full regalia, the Pipe Band paraded through the School grounds followed with a procession into the Principal’s Assembly where Kerry was awarded an honourary School Pipe Band pocket to match the previously awarded pocket received by Peter.  9

2016 RESULTS SNAPSHOT 100% of 135 eligible Year 12 girls graduated with either WACE or IB Diploma examinations last year and achieved excellent results. The combined WACE and IB Diploma median ATAR was 93.45. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) data ranked PLC in second place on the list of WA’s top academic schools for 2016. In WACE Examinations The College’s median ATAR was 92.9 compared to the State median of 80.95. 85% of students achieved an ATAR above 80. Eloise Wiffen achieve an ATAR of 99.85. General Exhibitions • Eloise Wiffen • Chiara Folland Outstanding Achievement in an ATAR Course Subject Exhibitions • Harriet Mactier (Dance) • Brooke Gagiero (Food Science and Technology) • Chiara Folland (Geography)

Outstanding Achievement in an ATAR Course Certificates of Excellence Business Management and Enterprise • Kate Eagleton Chemistry • Eloise Wiffen Dance • Emily Ford • Harriet Mactier English • Emily Ford • Eliza Reilly Food Science and Technology • Brooke Gagiero Geography • Chiara Folland Human Biology • Eloise Wiffen Mathematics Applications • Matilda Skinner Mathematics Methods • Xiangmeng Tao

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Media Production and Analysis • Eliza Perkins • Lara Stewart Excellent School Achievement Certificates of Distinction • Maisie Bannister • Greta Bell • Isobel Cole • Tessa Evans • Chiara Folland • Emily Ford • Maddison Georgiades • Isabelle Grist • Anna Gunzburg • Sarah Hatch • Sarah Holmsen • Phoebe Johnson • Amy Johnston • Anna Kosterich • Josephine Lai • Harriet Mactier • Tabith Malet • Rachel Marley • Carla Martin • Hayley McAlpine • Phoebe Metcalf • Matilda Morfesse

• Isabella O’Loughlin • Isobel Palmer • Gigi Parket • Eliza Perkins • Eliza Reilly • Sophie Rodda • Myra Shah • Matilda Skinner • Lauren Sutherland • Xiangmeng Tao • Sophie White • Eloise Wiffen Excellent School Achievement Certificates of Merit • Eva Annand • Caitlin Attwell • Emily Bennett • Brodie Cunnold • Kate Eagleton • Brooke Cagiero • Lily Gherbaz • Sophie Hansen-Knarhoi • Olivia Italiano • Siobhan Le Roux • Olivia Lowson • Lia Marinko • Harriet Martin

• Eleanor McLarty • Lauren McTavish • Sofia Michael • Georgia Morrell • Madison Noble • Anna Ranford • Charlotte Smith • Lara Stewart • Anneka Swan • Zosia Tindale • Zara Wege • Sasha Welch • Names withheld by request (3). VET 100% of students enrolled in the VET programme at PLC achieved a Certificate II or higher.

IB Diploma PLC’s 2016 cohort of IB Diploma graduates was our most successful so far.

Two students achieve perfect scores


(top 0.3% of IB students worldwide)

Median score of


(94.6 ATAR equivalent)

80% achieved ATAR equivalent of or above


General Exhibitions were awarded to Eloise Wiffen (top left) and Chiara Folland (top right) in the WACE Examinations. Nicola Armstrong (bottom left) and Clea Sanders (bottom right) both received perfect scores for the IB Diploma giving them the ATAR equivalency scores of 99.95.  11

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Our outstanding academic achievements across state and national competitions for 2016 include: • Saffron Fairweather (Year 9) was the winner of the competition for the Federal Electorate of Curtin in The Honouring Vietnam Veterans Competition of 2016. • Alexia Leake (Year 4) was Highly Commended in the Ipswich Poetry Feast and won an award in the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards. Poppy Bell (Year 6) won the Chair’s Encouragement Award for her poem ‘Once’ in the Ipswich District Teacher Librarian Awards. • Ruby Bell (Year 3) was the runner-up in the Tim Winton Award for Young Writers. Ruby’s story was titled ‘Barney’. • Madeleine Mayo (Year 4) won a Storybook Award from The Children’s Book Council of Australia – Western Australia. Madeleine’s winning entry was titled “My Brother’s Brilliant Brain”. • The PLC Da Vinci Decathlon team (Years 5-6) came 3rd. Team members were Saskia Fleming, Sophya Thomas, Poppy Bell, Lauren Ryding, Emily Stevens, Noah Hall, Neave Brookes and Sophie Dore. • The World Scholar’s Cup team of Nicola Armstrong, Isobel Cole and Clea Sanders (Year 12) were 1st in the Regional Round Senior Division.

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• They came 2nd in the Global Round. • The World Scholar’s Cup team of Helen Lovegrove (Year 7), Emily Pruiti (Year 8) and Nisha Wittome (Year 8) competed at the Tournament of Champions at Yale University and were awarded 4th in the teams from the region of Australian and the Americas. • Tabitha Malet (8th) and Clea Sanders (14th) individually ranked within the top 20 students in the world at the World Scholar’s Cup Regional Round. Tabitha ranked 2nd at the Global Round from the region of Australian and the Americas. • At the World Scholar’s Cup final, ‘Tournament of Champions’ held at Yale University, Emily Pruiti (Year 8) was first overall in the Writing Section. • The Engineering Maths team of Elizabeth Crawford (Year 8), Stephanie Hair (Year 8), Georgia Keamy (Year 8), Emily Nixon (Year 7), Aishna Singh (Year 8), Georgia Tovich (Year 9) and Lara Tovich (Year 7) competed at the State Final of the Tournament of Minds after winning the regional round. • The team of Kate Curtis (Year 12), Isobel Cole (Year 12),

Emily Bradley (Year 11) and Nicola Armstrong (Year 12) came 2nd in the Senior level of the State Round of the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO) and were 6th in the National round. • Elizabeth Marsh (Year 7), Ping Yap (Year 10) and Eva Marsh (Year 10) won their age categories in the Writing for Life competition. • Eliza Perkins (Year 12) received the People’s Choice Award at the Bond University Film and Television Awards for her documentary ‘Cycle’. • Kristen Smith (Year 10) received a highly-coveted BHP Billiton Traineeship which will enable her to undergo two years of on-thejob training in numerous office roles within BHP Billiton as she works towards a Certificate II in Business. • In the ICAS national Mathematics competition PLC students Clara Chen (Year 8), Tian Kaelin (Year 9), Megan Steinberg (Year 7), Georgia Tovich (Year 9), Nisha Whittome (Year 8) and Ping Yap (Year 10) attained High Distinctions (top 1% of all participants) and 29 other PLC students were awarded Distinctions (next 10% of all participants).

• In the ICAS national English competition PLC students Eirwyn Siford (Year 4), Madeleine Mayo (Year 4) and Darcy Slocombe (Year 6) achieved High Distinctions (top 1% of all participants) and six other PLC students were awarded Distinctions (next 10% of all participants). • Megan Steinberg (Year 7) and Nisha Whittome (Year 8) were awarded a Distinction in the Junior Division of the Maths Challenge for Young Australians. Lucy Jarrett (Year 9), Tian Kaelin (Year 9), Georgia Tovich (Year 9) and Halimah Zaini (Year 9) were also awarded Distinction in the Intermediate division. • Megan Steinberg (Year 7) was awarded a High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition, putting her in the top 3% of all participants. • Toritse Mojuetan (Year 11) was named the Best Year 11 Speaker at the Perth Philosothon, her third individual win in three years. • Cara Roux (Year 12) won 2nd prize in the 16-17 year olds category for her poem ‘Trouble’, while Imogen Maher (Year 10) and Emma Crisp (Year 11) were finalists and highly commended for their poems ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Reaping’ in the Ipswich

NAPLAN OVERVIEW 2016 NAPLAN is an annual assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It tests the types of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. The tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. International Poetry Writing Competition. • Tahlia Hanikeri, Emily Priuiti, Nisha Whittome, Clara Chen, Eloisa Malet and Laura Bailey (Year 8) won Best Book for WA for their book ‘Goodbye For Now’ in the Middle School section of the Wrie a Book in a Day competition. • Lucie O’Sullivan (Year 9) was selected as one of the top 5 in WA for her age group in the Alliance Française French examination competition. • Isobel Cole (Year 12) was awarded a UWA Fogarty Foundation Scholarship from a shortlist of 20 of Western Australia’s highest achieving students. • Yamina Ahderom (Year 11) was selected for the Yale Young Global Scholars

programme which is designed to challenge top performing high school students with fast-paced, university-level material. • PLC Year 7 Eco Challenge teams received first, second and third places in Australia in the International Eco Challenge. The 1st place team comprised of Alexandra Feinauer, Matilda Mallock, Lily Macliver, the 2nd place team comprised of Lola Meara, Annie Mitchell and Grace Alcock and the 3rd place team comprised of Nicole Enslin and Briana Nicholson. • Daniela Mwipatayi (Year 12) was selected to attend the Aotearoa Leadership Tour, run by UN Youth Australia and also

attended New Zealand’s Model United Nations 2016. • Juliette Adler (Year 11) was selected to attend the Oxbridge Tradition Course at Oxford University in Oxford, UK. • Isabel Byrne (Year 11) won third place in the national “The Family Law” Screenwriting Competition. • Eloise Wiffen (Year 12) and Eliza Reilly (Year 12) were each awarded an Excellence Scholarship and Maddison Georgiades (Year 12) and Lara Stewart (Year 12) were each awarded a Collegiate Excellence Scholarship from Bond University.

PLC was identified as a school that demonstrated substantially above average gain in NAPLAN results in 2016 by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). PLC’s results were as follows: • 10.33% above the State mean • Year 3: 11.49% above the State mean (Reading +13.5%, Numeracy +12.2%) • Year 5: 10.33% above the State mean (Reading +12.8%, Grammar and Punctuation +13.3%) • Year 7: 10.05% above the State mean (Reading +12.2%, Numeracy +9.5%) • Year 9: 9.76% above the State mean (Numeracy +9.09%, Writing +11.5%)

• Clea Sanders (Year 12) was accepted into the University of Melbourne’s 2016 Aspiring Scholars programme.  13


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It was a busy start to the year with Legally Blonde The Musical, produced by the Theatre Arts and Music Departments. The show featured more than 50 PLC girls and ran over three nights in Term 1. Based on the hit movie, this musical was a fresh and bubbly experience of musical fun with all the charm of the original film, boosted by thrilling musical numbers and even more laughs. The annual Proms Concert Under the Stars at the Quarry Amphitheatre enabled a number of senior and developing ensembles to display their skill and talent in a magical outdoor setting. Year 12 Visual Arts students were inspired by life drawing sessions that enabled the development of their final artwork pieces, and Olivia Dry (Year 10), Bella Blanchard (Year 11) and Chelsea Menmuir (Year 12) were selected to exhibit at the St George’s Cathedral Art Awards in July 2017. The Senior Pipe Band travelled to the USA to participate in the Virginia International Tattoo as well as visiting New York and Washington. It was a fitting acknowledgement to Kerry and Peter Jones who retired after 35 years of leading the Pipe Band programme at PLC. Junior, Middle and Senior School music ensembles shone at the WA Schools Orchestra, Band and Jazz Festival with a number of accolades and awards of ‘Outstanding’. A highlight on the PLC Arts calendar is undoubtedly the Dance Showcase, and this year’s performance was titled Through Breath and Form. This show was an exploration of two very different facets of dance. Breath being the emotional response and Form focusing on the physicality of the lines and shapes that are created. The showcase was a product of the creative work of many talented individuals who collaborated to provide a spectacular evening of dance. Choreographers, designers, staff, parents and students have all given their time and talents to showcase the dancers of PLC.

Year 10 students worked on a community art project supporting A Maze of Story programme, which supports disadvantaged students at Perth primary schools with their literacy. Published creative writing pieces from these children were transformed into artworks by our PLC Year 10 students. Two girls, Sophia Gawan-Tayler and Sonya Frosseine, were asked to include their artworks in the charity auction, raising funds to support the programme. Our annual Senior School Art Exhibition, ONTOGENISIS, showcased a variety of styles and media a variety of styles and media from Year 7-12 students, over three floors of the new Beth Blackwood Senior School. The exhibition also included work from our Technology and Enterprise Department, enabling a whole host of our creative arts to be exhibited. In 2016, we decided to raise the standard of the Middle School Dance Collective by changing it to an audition entrance group. However, every girl can still enjoy dancing through participation in the Blackwatch dance group. The Theatre Arts department continued with the acclaimed Dance Company (Year 10 to 12) and had both local and international choreographers creating original dances for our girls. There were various performances during the year which showcased the work we are doing in the Dance and Drama courses. At the end of each semester, we had our very popular Jigsaw performances which form a platform for the work we create in the Performing Arts in Year 8 to Year 10. The Year 11 Drama (WACE) and

Theatre (IB Diploma) students performed an adaptation of Andy Mulligan’s BBC radio drama School Play called Daughters of Lear. The Year 12 Theatre (IB Diploma) students from PLC and Scotch College performed Boo to the Moon by Paul Slabolepszy. The PLC Chorale was a featured performing group at the WA Australian of the Year Awards at Government House in November, where they sang our National Anthem in Noongar. 2016 Year 12 Visual Arts students, Maja Healy, Chelsea Menmuir and Georgia Morrell’s artworks were selected for the Art Gallery of Western Australia’s Perspectives exhibition to be held in February 2017. Maja Healy’s work was also highlighted within the WA paper prior to the opening as well as featuring on as the poster for the gallery programme. We ended this jam-packed year with the Middle School play, Lord of the Flies. Middle School students brought fresh life to a classic all-boys play with a gritty display of girl power. Year 7 to Year 9 girls performed this adaptation of the 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding and their training included sessions on stage combat scenes. Their performance was supported by an extraordinary set, featuring the wreck of a real plane that set the show well above the usual standard of school plays.  15

COMMUNITY & SERVICE LEARNING The School’s Service Leadership Awards model continues to see our students’ commitment to serve by encouraging all students to demonstrate independent service initiatives within their own close communities in addition to the ongoing opportunities available through PLC. The School supports UnitingCare West through its annual appeals each term, including donations of shoes (Walk in my Shoes, Term 1), blankets, warm clothes and food (Winter Warmer, Term 2), packs for women fleeing domestic violence (Comfort Packs, Term 3) and vital food and gift donations to the less fortunate in the festive season (Operation Santa, Term 4). House Tutor groups continued to run fundraising events to raise awareness for many community organisations at lunchtimes. Many student-run events continued, such as Make a Difference (MAD) Week, Relay for Life (WA Cancer Council), 40-Hour Famine (World Vision), Live Below the Line (Oaktree Foundation), Book in a Day (PMH Foundation), literacy bags (Refugee and Indigenous Families Literacy Support), Pancake Day (UnitingCare West), Plastic Free July, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, Climb for a Smile (Rotary medical work) and Orange the World (United Nations campaign to end violence against females) to send to developing countries. Family partnership projects also continue with families from different Year groups assisting the Fremantle Red Cross Soup Patrol, preparing meals at PMH’s Ronald McDonald House, sorting supplies for developing countries at Royal Perth Hospital and completing bread runs.

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Service Immersion Tours offer students opportunities to learn first-hand what it means to be an engaged citizen of the world. In 2016, PLC again offered service tours to the Kimberley, Cambodia and Tanzania. Service Learning and co-curricular projects run throughout the year. Work with community partners such as the Mosman Park School for Deaf, Mosman Park Primary, Embracing Friendship (an intergenerational project connecting with the aged), Tech Tips with the Shire of Peppermint Grove (teaching seniors IT skills), Rocky Bay (visiting residential adults with disability), Sportslink (teaching sports skills to young people with disability) Student to Student Reading Programme with the Smith Family and Earth Carers (environmental awareness and sustainable living) were among the many activities our girls gave their time to. Senior students also volunteer as mentors to younger students and help with before school programmes. Our boarding students regularly take part in the Salvation Army Door Knock Appeal, Cancer Council Relay for Life, and volunteer as Red Cross ambassadors, Conservation Volunteers Australia and Keep Australia Beautiful.

BEYOND McNEIL STREET PLC offers many opportunities for students to extend their interests, both within and outside the School. For those wanting to explore the world, various tours and exchanges are offered in Australia and overseas. In 2016, students were offered opportunities to undertake exchanges to Austria, China, France, Japan and the United Kingdom. These exchanges enabled students to experience different cultures. Language students were able to advance their speaking and comprehension skills. Students from Austria, France, United Kingdom and Japan spent time undertaking reciprocal study at PLC and interacting with our larger student body. A variety of group tours were also available offering students cultural, sporting and service immersion experiences: • The Year 9 students balanced politics and skiing in Canberra. Our Year 11 and Year 12 Hockey students travelled to New Zealand, competing against local high schools and club teams, with great success. • The Year 11s and 12s had opportunities to experience indigenous culture in the Kimberley region as well as service projects in Tanzania. Year 10s helped build houses in Cambodia. • The Senior Pipe Band were invited to perform at the Virginia International Tattoo in USA and our Rowers competed at the Australian Open and Schools Rowing Championships in Sydney. • The Year 10 French students travelled to Canada as part of their French Study Tour, a move from France in light of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Nice. • Some of our gifted and talented students from both the Junior, Middle and Senior school took part in the World Scholar’s Cup. Their success at the local level made them eligible to compete at International levels in Bangkok and USA, where they were highly successful.  17


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After three consecutive years of second place, finally PLC was the winner of the IGSSA Champion School of Sport trophy. This is an outstanding achievement against all the major independent girls Schools. PLC won five of the 11 individual IGSSA sports and was runner-up in three others. The victories included a 30-year droughtbreaking win in Cross Country. The Overall IGSSA Sporting title follows PLC claiming the Overall IGSSA Rowing crown (a sport that is not included in the Overall IGSSA Championship) and winners of the Wendy Zuideveld Trophy for Head of the River. PLC were also winners of the Schoolgirls’ Premier Trophy for the entire season. PLC won the Overall Champion School in Tennis, Cross Country, Hockey, Soccer and Softball, placed second in Volleyball, Basketball and Water Polo, and third in Netball. For their commitment and excellence in sport, the following students achieved their Sports Honours: Isabelle Grist, Year 12 (Basketball, Tennis, Softball) Millie Evans, Year 11 (Tennis, Softball, Basketball) Caitlin Attwell, Year 12 (Rowing, Netball, Cross Country) Meg Dempster, Year 12 (Netball, Soccer, Softball) Claire May, Year 12 (Rowing, Softball, Volleyball)  19

CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY PLC continues to focus on connecting and reconnecting all members of the PLC community, including past and present students, parents and staff. The purpose of the Parents@PLC is to foster friendships within the School community and support volunteers who promote the friend-raising philosophy. These include Year Representatives, New Parent Liaison, Pastoral Care and positions that organise other activities, which may be social gatherings, fundraisers or providing support within the School community. The major event on the Parents@PLC calendar is the annual Open Garden Day. This event is a fundraiser for the School which showcases some of Peppermint Grove’s beautiful gardens. It is a wonderful day where PLC and the wider community get to enjoy the café, market stalls and beautiful gardens. In addition, other social events include an Outdoor Movie Night, Junior School Charity Quiz Night, Tennis Morning and the City-Country Lunch. Funds raised by Parents@PLC to enhance students and the School, contributed to providing the visiting author, Dianne Wolfe during the Junior School Arts Week, Outdoor Education equipment – scissor lift table and solar panels to supply power during camps, refurbishment and revitalisation to the Health Centre, art display boxes for the Junior School Art Department and an all-weather PA system on the Quad. The Parents’ Committee’s Sundowner was held in early February, making a welcome return following PLC’s Centenary year. A changed format was embraced by more than 440 parents and staff. The co-ordination

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and organisational skills of parents from the committee, and the generosity of a number of families ensured the night was a wonderful, welcoming celebration. The Parents’ Committee also focused on providing annual scholarships for current students, supporting professional development opportunities for teaching staff, Speech Night awards and the Year 12 student farewell gifts. In addition, the newly formed Dads@PLC held a number of events to encourage father figures to be more supportive, engaged and understanding of their children. This year, the Fees Incentive Draw (FID) contributed to shade structures on the newly developed Quad, fans in the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel and chairs for students comfort in the Hugh Baird Sports Centre. The move to support teacher enrichment programmes within the school, started with native language assistance. The Old Collegians’ Association (OCA) was active in hosting events for past students of all age groups and in supporting School activities. The biggest event on the OCA calendar is the Annual Art Exhibition. The new Senior School foyer and the adjoining Year 12/OCA Common Room proved a wonderful venue to exhibit the works of over 60 artists from the PLC community. Funds raised support the OCA bursary programme, of which three are awarded annually to current students who contribute positively to the School community.

As well as hosting a Welcome Lunch for new students, the annual Scotch/PLC Networking breakfast and events for the Year 12s, the OCA added a PLC/Scotch Legal Breakfast and an Old Girls v Senior Students Hockey match to its calendar. A new mentoring programme was launched to put Year 12 students in contact with Old Collegians studying areas in which they have an interest and hopefully smooth their transition to tertiary studies. As well as many local reunions, Old Collegians living interstate were invited to come together with reunions held in Melbourne and Sydney. The School also offers opportunities for alumni to remain involved and assist students through initiatives such as Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day, the PYP Mentoring programme and academic guest speaker presentations.  21

Bryzlyn in Senior School Building with the Donor Board

22  Annual Review 2016

THE PLC FOUNDATION INCORPORATED The PLC Foundation was established in 1988 to provide philanthropic support for capital, buildings and scholarships. Community generosity has enabled the Foundation to assist with educational programmes, capital improvements and contribute funds to our Scholarships programme. The Foundation received a generous bequest from the Estate of the late John Philip Bernard Summers. It is the wish of Mr Summers that the bequest be used for the purpose of establishing or contributing to a scholarship for disadvantaged children. Mr Summers’ association with PLC dates back to 1918 when his mother, Margaret McGibbon joined PLC (North Perth); her sisters Molly and Rita were also PLC students. Mr Summers’ sister, Margaret, attended from 1943 to 1947 and was a Prefect in 1946 and 1947. Generosity runs in the Summers family as Margaret also made a bequest to PLC in 2005. Mr Summers’ Cousin, Jane McGibbon attended PLC from 1959 to 1971. Jane’s daughter, Emily Meneghello, attended PLC from 1998 to 2006. Mr Summers’ was a generous man with a big smile. He was a devoted member of the Anglican Church in Dunsborough and supported many organisations involving disadvantaged children.

This year the Foundation celebrated the graduation of Tabitha Malet, the first Foundation Scholarship recipient to complete Years 7 to 12. Tabitha was an outstanding PLC student; her many awards include being appointed Debating and Public Speaking Captain, achieving Academic Excellence Certificates, nine pockets, Music honours and top ten ranking in the World Scholars Cup. Tabitha accepted an early offer from the Australian National University to Study Bachelor of Law and Arts (Political Science). We welcome Bryzlyn Sin (Year 7) to PLC in 2017 as the deserving recipient of a PLC Foundation Scholarship. As well as achieving high academic standards, Bryzlyn has been involved with charitable projects such as Cancer Society and ChildAid 2015, and was awarded the 2016 Overall Primary School Winner for 2016 STAWA Science Talent Search. On display in the foyer of the new Senior School building is the PLC Centenary Donor Board. The Board holds the names of the 137 individual and family donors whose generosity helped the dream of a new Senior School come to life. The Donor Board, refashioned from timbers of the building’s former life, is a gift from MCDF Architects and PSStructures who collaborated to see a small part of the structure’s heritage saved to become an attractive feature in our new Senior School.

The Foundation would like to sincerely thank Robyn Ahern who retired as Foundation Board Chair early in 2016. Robyn served as a Foundation Board member from 2005 and as Chair since 2007. Robyn served on PLC Council from 2005 – 2013, including membership of the Business and Finance Committee. Robyn is a co-founder and valued member of the Summers Society. This Society provides an opportunity to recognise those who contribute to the long-term future of the College and acknowledge the pivotal role their philanthropy has played in securing the future of PLC. Robyn, whose three daughters have all held leadership roles at PLC, has also found time to be an active participant in school events such as Open Garden Day. The School wishes to thank the following members of the PLC Foundation Board who demonstrate outstanding commitment to the Foundation, willingly volunteering their time and expertise. Thank you Ian Macliver (Chair), Cathy Donaldson (Secretary), Carlo Franchina (Treasurer), Tony Grist, Tracey Horton, James Mactier and Andrew McKenzie.  23

STAFF LIST Senior Leadership Principal Dr Kate Hadwen

PhD, MEd, Grad.Cert.Ed (School L’ship), B.Teach, GAICD

Director of Wellbeing Ms Laura Allison

BSc, BPsych, ProfCertEd (PosEd)

Deputy Principal Mr Keith Anderson

BSc(Hons), DipEd, GradDipScEd T1

Head of Middle School Mrs Sharon Anderson

BEd, DipTeach, GradDipEdLship

Director of Teaching & Learning Dr Andrew Cousins, PhD, BMus, BSc, PGradDipEd, AMusA (Piano), MACE, MACEL

Director of Strategic Communications Mr Mark Doran T2-

Head of Staff Mrs Chris Robinson TC, DipFashion&Design, GradDipEdLship

Acting Director of Community Relations Ms Wiggy Saunders T2-T3

Chaplain Reverend Gary van Heerden BA(Hons) BTh(Hons), MA(Hons), MTh(Hons)

Senior Staff Information and Learning Technology Manager Mr Ryan Beaton BSc Deputy Head of Junior School Mrs Meredith Beer BEd, DipTeach Finance Manager Mrs Wendy Castles BComm, CPA

Head of Senior School Mrs Neesha Flint

Human Resources Manager Ms Jane Cook PGradHRM, CAHRI

Director of Community Relations Ms Chavaune Francis

Head of Information and Learning Technologies Mr Jeremy Hetebry

BSc, DipEd, GradDipEdLship

BSc T1

Director of Information and Learning Technologies Ms Anna Hu BEd(Hons), DipTeach

Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mr Sam Kronja BComm, CA, AGIA, FAIM

Head of Junior School Mrs Heather Pope

BEd, Dip.IntSchool Leadership, PGCE (School Self Evaluation), PGCE (Gifted and Talented), Teachers Cert, Teachers Dip(NZ)

24  Annual Review 2016

BA, BEd, GradCertEd(ICT), MEd

Director of Boarding Ms Liz Langdon

BEd, MEd Man, GradCertCarDev

Registrar, Mrs Allison Mackenzie Executive Assistant to the Principal Ms Kate Montague Council Secretary Ms Karen Taylor GAICD

Key Learning Areas Curriculum Leaders

Curriculum Co-ordinator, Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Victoria Kelleher

Director of Theatre Arts Mr Bauke Snyman


BA Drama, BAHons Drama, PGrad. Bus., PGrad.Ed

BMusEd(Hons), GradCertMus, DipKodalyMusEd, MA(Hons)AKC, S2 T4

Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Narelle Lange BEd

Assistant Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mrs Shelley Stewart BSc, DipEd,

Director of Innovation Mr Doug De Kock BPrimEd

IB Diploma Co-ordinator Ms Luise Lowndes BEd

Head of Technology & Enterprise Yr 7-12 Ms Philippa D’Sylva

Curriculum Co-ordinator, Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Wieneke Maris MSc, MA T1-2

Assistant Head of Science Yr 7-12 Sabrina Earsman BSc, GradDipScEd

Head of Language Acquisition Yr K-12 Ms Cecilia Muller GradDipAppLa

Assistant Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Rebecca Garbenis

Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Geetha Nair

Co-Acting Head of Music (Curriculum) Yr K-12 Mr Jason Boron

BEd, DipEd, DipHEc, CertIV Wkplce Lng

BA, GradDipEd, MEd T2-

Director of Visual Arts Y7-12, Mrs Emma Haining BA, PostGradCertEd

Dance Co-ordinator Y7-12, Ms Skye Hegarty BA, GradDipEd, GradDipEdLship, AAICD T4

Head of Physical Education Yr K-12 Ms Chantelle James BPE DipEd Director of Curriculum Services Ms Toni Jefferies BA(Ed), GradDipEdLship

Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mr Greg Jones BA, GradDipEdLship

Head of Science Yr 7-12 Ms Lesley Kaye

BSc, DipTeach, DipSc, MScEd

BA, BSc(Hons), DipEd

PYP Co-ordinator Year 3–6 Mr Paul O’Brien BEd(Hons), MEd Head of Sport Yr K-12 Ms Annette Pearce BHlthPhyEd Co-Acting Head of Music (Curriculum) Yr K-12 Ms Hilary Price BMusEd(Hons), DipKodalyMusEd PGD T4

PYP Co-ordinator Pre-K – Yr 2 Mrs Jennifer Rickwood BA(Ed) Head of Music (Curriculum) Yr K-12 Ms Philippa Roy

BMus(Hons), BMusEd, MMusStudies T1-3

MYP Co-ordinator Yr 7-10 Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc T4


Director of Outdoor Education Mr Liam Sullivan BBus, MA(Outdoor Ed), GradDipEd, GradCertBus

Director of Music Mr Mark Thomas BMus, DipEd Wellbeing Services Learning Service Co-ordinator Ms Tracey Bahen DipTeach, AssocDipAppSc, CertIV WTA T4

Middle School Psychologist Ms Daleen Engelbrecht BA, BEd, MEdPsych

Co-Director Career Development Mrs Simone Fleay BA, DipEd, BEd(Hons)

Co-Director Career Development Mrs Jenny Hetherington BA(Hons), DipEd

Co-ordinator Learning Support Y 7-12 Mrs Michelle Higgins, BEd(Hons), GradDipLD

Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Hodge DipTeach(Primary)

Junior School Counsellor Mrs Colette McKenna

BA, Dip.Ed, PostGradDipEd, BPsy, MEd

Learning Enrichment Mrs Nerrilee Pansini

BA, Dip.Ed, MScSp.Path.(Dist.)

Co-ordinator of Psychology & Counselling Services Ms Adéle Ribnick BA(HonsPsych), BA(HonsEnvGSc), GradDipEd, Cert.Family Therapy

Learning Enrichment Mrs Heather Saunders

House Advisors

Ms Michelle Clayton

Baird Mr Matthew Donaldson

Mrs Priscilla Cook BA, PGCE, T1

BPE, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd

Carmichael Ms Genevieve McCarthy BSc(Hons), GradDipEd

Ferguson Mr Murray Saunders

BA, GradCertEd T4

BA, DipTeach

LEC Co-ordinator Junior School Mrs Sue Seeber DipEd, BEd

McNeil Mrs Shelley Stewart

Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator Yr K-12 Mrs Erica Walker

Ross Ms Maryanne Macdonald,

BEd(SpecEd), BSocWk

Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Tracey Walker DipTeach Year Co-ordinators Year 7 Ms Jenny Crisp BEd, DipTeach Year 8 Mrs Soni Bailey

BA, GradDipEd, MEdMan

Year 9 Ms Gemma Freel BA, GradDipEd Year 10 Mr Michael Hinchley BEd

BSc, DipEd, GradDipEdLship

BSc(Maths), BEd, MEd

Stewart Ms Melinda Honeychurch BSc, DipEd T1, T4

Stewart Ms Joanna Clucas

PostGradEd, BSc, Dip.Bus T2 - 3

Summers Ms Josephine Mfune

BA(Ed), GradDipEd

Ms Rebecca Dalton BTchLn(Primary)

Ms Tracey Duncan BEd T1-2 Ms Natalie Evans

Ms Beverley Spencer

DipTeachPrimary, MEdLearnDiff

Mrs Helen Tutin BEd Mrs Alison Viney

BEd, DipTeach, GradDipScEd

Mrs Rosalea Wallace BEd Ms Amy Wichman BEd

Mr Graham Catley BA, GradDipEd

Ms Mandy Clarke BEd

Drama Mr Oliver Craze BMusEd (Hons)

Physical Education Mr Matthew Donaldson

Mrs Katy Howes BA, BEd Ms Erin Jones BEd(ECE) Mrs Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Ms Jia Liao

BA, MLingSpec, GradDipEd, MEd

Ms Kobie McGurk GradDipEd, BSc Mrs Aileen Murray

Outdoor Education Mr Brad Allen BOEd, GradDipEd Visual Arts Ms Hildegarde Apel BVisArts, GradDipEd T1-3

Language & Literature Ms Soni Bailey

Ms Tess Barritt BSc, PGCE

Ms Abi Boyle BComm, MTeach T2

BA(Hons), DipEd T1-2

Academic Middle & Senior School

Mrs Emily Green BA, GradDipEd

Ms Ayomi Perera BA, GradDipEd

Mrs Carey Bouwer PGCE, HDipEd

Humanities Ms Shauna Corless

Language & Literature Ms Jennifer Crisp BEd, DipTeach

Academic Junior School

Year 12 Ms Jane Brandenburg

BPHE & GradDipEd.

Ms Rebecca Worthington, BEd T3-4

Ms Prue Peardon

BMusEd(Hons), GradCertMus, DipKodalyMusEd, MA(Hons) AKC S2

Physical Education Mr Boyd Cooper

Mrs Colleen Garland DipArtEd

BA, GradDipEd, Cert IV WTA

Ms Alice Beale BECE(Hons)

PostGradEd, BSc, Dip.Bus.

Mrs Fay Wiltshire BEd

Outdoor Education Ms Ellen Barker

Mrs Kelly Barron BA(Hons), PGCE

Physical Education Ms Joanna Clucas

BMus, PostGradCertEd T1-2

BA, GradDipEd, MEdMan

Mr Jason Boron

BSc, GradDipEd

Mrs Kerri Cresswell

Mrs Andrea Sofield BA, BEd

BA(Hons), GradDipEd T2 - T4

Year 11 Mrs Susan Hodge DipTeach (Primary)

BEd, MEdMan, CertEd, MEd

BPE, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd

Physical Education Ms Nicole Dorrington BPE, DipEd Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Melissa Drake-Brockman BA, GradDipEd

Mathematics Mr Robin Dunn

BSc, GradDipEd, CertIV ORec

DipTeach, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), GradCertGeostatistics, MMathPlan

Ms Hilary Price

Physical Education Ms Hannah Barnsley BSc, DipEd

Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Falkner

Charles Porter BEd

Physical Education Mrs Judy Boyne BEd, DipTeach

BAppSc, GradDipEd

BMusEd(Hons), DipKodalyMusEd PGD

Mrs Su-Ann Richards DipTeach, DipTECE

Science Ms Jane Brandenburg

Ms Anita Roy BEd(Primary)

BSc, GradDipEd

Ms Stephanie Sinnamon

Teacher Librarian Ms Luciana Cavallaro BAEd, BEd

Ms Catherine Smyth

Mathematics Mrs Trudy Chick BSc, DipEd

BEd T1-4

BEd (Hons) T1-4

BA(Hons), GradDipEd

Science Mrs Gillian Fistonich BA, BEd T1-4 Humanities Mrs Simone Fleay BA, DipEd, BEd(Hons)

Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Jane Frame TC, DipHomeEc

Mrs Andria Snelson BA, PGradDipEd T2-4  25

Technology & Enterprise, Language & Literature Ms Gemma Freel BA, GradDipEd

Science Mr John Fry DipEd, BSc, MSc(Hons) Science Mrs Seema Gookooluk

IB Diploma Language & Literature Ms Luise Lowndes BEd Mathematics Ms Maryanne Macdonald,

Language Acquisition Mr Michael Hess

GradDipEd DipTrans CertIVPE

Mathematics Ms Patricia Higgins BE, DipEd, MEd

Technology & Enterprise Mr Michael Hinchley BEd

Mathematics Ms Melinda Honeychurch BSc, DipEd

Mathematics Ms Toni Jefferies BA(Ed) Language & Literature Mr Damien Kerrigan DipEd, BEd Humanities Ms Gemma Kidby BCom,

BCom, BSc, DipEd

Instrumental Music Teachers

Education Assistant Mrs Priscilla Cook BA, PGCE, S2

Humanities Mr Brian Scutter BBus, GradDipEd

Pipe Band Teacher Ms Elle Ahearn BSc T3 – T4

Education Assistant Ms Catriona Cosentino

Language Acquisition Mrs Beverley Sinclair

Head of Strings Ms Anne Coughlan

BComm, GradDipEd

Humanities Ms Josephine Mfune

Language & Literature Ms Cathryn Sinclair

BA, GradDipEd, Cert IV WTA

BEd, GradCertLitEd

Pipe Band Co-ordinator/ Bagpipes Tutor Ms Matija Franetovich

Technology & Enterprise Ms Carla Miragliotta

Philosophy Religious Studies Mrs Ann Smith BA, GradDipEd

Science Ms Genevieve McCarthy BSc(Hons), GradDipEd Mathematics Mrs Debbie McPhee BPE, DipEd

BAppSc, DipEd

Science Mrs Tamsin Moore BSc (Dual Hons) PGCE

Language Acquisition Mrs Rebecca Payne BA (Hons), Grad,Dip.Ed

Visual Arts Mrs Narelle Pendlebury DipEd Music Teacher Ms Hilary Price BMusEd(Hons), DipKodalyMusEd PGD

Humanities Padminee Raja-Snijder


BA, GradDipEd, MBA

Technology & Enterprise Ms Elizabeth Lagrange

Dance Miss Emily Rooke BA, DipEd,

AssAppSc, GradDipEd


Language & Literature Mr Roland Leach BA, DipEd, MPhil

Language Acquisition Ms Macarena Rubio

Humanities Fiona Lee BEnvSc, GradDipEd T3 Mathematics Megan Levitt BSc, PGradCertEd T2-3

Pastor BachSpan, GradDipEd

Science Ms Lana Salfinger BSc, GradDipEd

Humanities Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc

Mathematics Ms Shona Schwarz

BA, DipEd, GradCertEd, RSA.Dip.TESL, MA(Prelim), CELTA

Dance Ms Patrice Smith BA Dance, BA(Hons), GradDipEd

Science Mrs Justine Spencer BSc, DipEd Language Acquisition Ms Kumiko Sue BA, CSDM, GradDipEd

Language Acquisition Ms Katherine Taylor

BA(Ed), BEd, Suzuki Accred(Int)

Science Ms Ming Till

BSc, BCom, LLB, GradDipEd

Humanities Mr Guy Varndell BEd, GradDipEd Technology & Enterprise – Media Mrs Bianca Venturi BA, GradDipEd

Mathematics Mr Greg Williams BSc, BEd, DipEd, MEd

Mathematics Mrs Kerrie Williams

Publications and Communications Co-ordinator Ms Simone Cumming BA(Hons), MSc T1 -2

BSc, Cert IV T3-

IB Administrator Mrs Melissa Cummins BBus, MBA

Pipe Band Co-ordinator/ Drum Tutor Mrs Kerry Jones T1 - T2

Administration Assistant (Theatre Arts) Mrs Elizabeth Davies

Woodwind Co-ordinator/ Clarinet Tutor Mrs Melissa Mulcahy BMusEd

Administration Assistant (Reprographics) Mrs Lisa Davis

Piano/Accompanist Sarah Saunders

Language Acquisition Assistant Ms Virginie Del Boca

AdvDipMusEd, BPArts

Violin/Viola Mrs Michelle Sobczak

Receptionist Ms Esmé Derrington

Suzuki Accred(Primary)

Education Assistant Ms Andrea Drumey-Grant

Operations and Administration Staff

Human Resources Advisor Mrs Brooke Dunwoodie BCom T2

Library Technician Mrs Jenny Astle, DipAppSc

Uniform Shop Assistant Mrs Marcelle Eastman

Tours Co-ordinator Ms Sandy Barbir BSc, DipEd

Foundation Administrator Mrs Caroline Elms

BA(Hons French), DipEd T4

BSc(Hons), GradDipComp

26  Annual Review 2016

CertIII TA, CertArtDes

Education Assistant Ms Lucy Chapman CertIII EdSup

Health and PE Ms Tegan Maffescioni GradDipEd

Health and PE Mrs Esther Hanbidge BEd

Music Ms Kate Wilson

Visual Arts Ms Sandy Wingfield BA, PGCE T4

Language & Literature Christine Madill BA (Hons), GradDipEd, PhD

BA, GradDipEd

BA, MA, GradDipEd , MACE

Education Assistant (Art and Play) Mrs Lesley Brady Education Assistant Ms Christine Brockman BA

Library Resource Centre Mrs Deanna Graber Humanities Mr Bilal Halim

Language & Literature Mr Murray Saunders BA, DipTeach

Humanities Mr Neil Williamson

BMus(Hons), BEd, AMusA

BSc(Maths), BEd, MEd

BA, PGradDipEd

BA, BEd T1

Language Acquisition Ms Anita Samy BA, TC

Junior School Receptionist Ms Deb Barnaby Maintenance Officer Mr Tony Baxendale LEC Education Assistant Mrs Diana Boswarva BA, GradDipEd

Grad.Cert.HRMgmt T1

Maintenance Officer Mr Ian Elshaw Technical Support Officer Mr Phillip Espie BA(MedSt) Information & Learning Technology Technical Officer Mr Serge Flora BLaws (Belgrade)

Technology Support Officer Mr Travis Garbin

Operations Administrator Ms Justine Mail BComm T2-

Media Technician Ms Sarah Ghossein

Communications and Engagement Co-ordinator Mrs Jenny Manners

Library Technician Ms Maria Giglia DipLibStudies Personal Assistant to Head of Middle School Ms Lisa Graham Media and Publications Co-ordinator Ms Christina Granger BA, BEc T4 Enrolment Administrator Mrs Jane Hard Visual Arts Technician Mrs Iliana Harvey BA, MA Grounds Co-ordinator Mr Glenn Hermans Facilities Manager Mr Chris Holloway DipBuildersReg Personal Assistant to Head of Junior School Ms Tara Holmes

Media & Publications Co-ordinator Ms Brooke Marshall

BA, GradDipJour, Hons, ELC T2-3

Education Assistant Ms Fiona McAlwey BEc, Cert III EA Reception Wellbeing Services Ms Amy McDonald Assistant to Director of Finance and Corporate Services Ms Victoria McDonald T1-2 Uniform Shop Manager Ms Paula McEwan T1-2 Maintenance Co-ordinator/ Caretaker Mr Damien McLeod Head Rowing Coach Mr David Milne

Laboratory Technician Miss Fran Howl BSc

Media and Publications Co-ordinator Ms Kirsty Moore GradDipPubRel T4

Digital Content Creator and Website Design Mrs Angelica Huston

Accounts Payable/Payroll Officer Ms Melissa Murray BEc

Library Assistant Ms Lee Katavatis Theatre Manager Robert Kelly Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Audrey Lee BComm Maintenance Officer Mr Wayne Lillis Administration Assistant Ms Flora Lolev Archivist Mrs Shannon Lovelady Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Danielle Magaraggia Cert TA

Assistant Technology and Enterprise Mrs Val Myers Information & Learning Technology Operations Manager Stewart Neilson, BSc(CompSc)

Assistant to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mrs Leonie Neervoort T2Alumni Relations Co-ordinator Ms Leo Nye BA T1-

Co-ordinator, PLC Foundation and International Enrolments Suzanne Pelczar T1-

ILT Administration Officer Mrs Katharine Williams

Year 11 Co-ordinator Ms Katherine Hazlewood

Outdoor Education Specialist Mr Dan Pike BA, GradDipEd

ILT Technical Support Officer Mr James Williamson

Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Hannah Vermeersch T2-

Academic Assistant and Personal Assistant to the Director of Teaching and Learning Ms Hayley Randall

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Rebecca Worthington

Cert.III EdSupp

Cert.II(TC), Cert.III(CC), CCNP

BA(MComm) Grad.Dip.Ed

Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Phoebe Carre T1-2

BSc, BEd T1-2

Assistant Miss Megan Kleynhans

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Julie Sampson

Administration Assistant Mrs Elizabeth Yeomans

Assistant Miss Nine Labuschagne BSc

Uniform Shop Manager Ms Emma Young T2-

Assistant Miss Georgia Leech BSc, MHydrGeo

Human Resources Officer Mrs Irene Santini T1

Digital Content Co-ordinator Shu Zhang MCom

Administration Assistant Mrs Sara Harrison

Administration Assistant Ms Jessica Sardi BPerfArts

Health Centre

Bus Driver Mr Geoff Goddard

Health Centre Co-ordinator Mrs Louisa Champion

Visiting Music Tutors

DipTeach (Early Childhood)

Musicology (Hons), AdvDipMusTeaching

Receptionist Ms Di Simmons PE Admin Officer Mrs Louise Smith ILT Curriculum Co-ordinator Mr John Stillitano BEd T1 Laboratory Technician Mr Radoslaw (Radek) Talma

RN, BSc(Nursing), DipChNurs

Ms Nicky Boddy AdvDipMusTeach

RN, BSc(Nursing)

Ms Jane Blanchard BA

Registered Nurse Mrs Phoebe Robinson

Ms Linda Charteris DipMus

BNurse RN


Personal Assistant to Head of Senior School Ms Lyn Taylor

Ms Grace Ah-quee

Registered Nurse Mrs Nanette Smith

Boarding House Staff Deputy Operational Miss Kirsty Nugent

Miss Allie Clarke BMA, BCom Ms Christine Counsel BMus Mrs Julie Durant BA, DipEd Ms Susie Endersby BMusEd

Information & Learning Technology Technical Officer Mr Paul Trimboli, Cert III ET T1

BA, DipAppSocSc, CertResCare

Ms Josephine Fountain BMusPerf

Deputy Pastoral Ms Sarah Robey BA, DipEd

Mr David Gioia BMus

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Amelia Turner EN, Cert III

Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Terri Karmelita


Library Technician Ms Debra Van Dongen

AssocDegSc(LibTech), Cert.III Ed.Assist.

Accounts Officer – Collections Mrs Sandra Otranto BComm

Assistant to the Head of Staff Ms Nikolah Vermeersch T2-

Maintenance Officer Mr Jeff Patterson

Groundsperson Ms Peta Wheildon

DipTch, DipCSTD

Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Joanna Tugwell

Mr Dan Hart Mr Steven Harmer BEd, BMus Ms Katie How BMusPerf Ms Kirrily Morison

BA(Hons), PGCE Maths

BMus, BMus(Hons), MMus

Year 9 Co-ordinator Ms Justine Keys DipAppSc(Nursing)

Ms Kendra Nailen-Smith

Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Sarah Robey BA, DipEd

Ms Tara Oorjitham BEd

LiceDip (Violin), BMus  27




28  Annual Review 2016

PARENT, STUDENTS AND TEACHER SATISFACTION 2016 Following the 2015 parent, student and staff satisfaction surveys, Sydney-based consultancy MMG was employed again in 2016 to gauge satisfaction into various aspects of School life among parents and students.

Among the results of Year 12 parents surveyed, 84% said that their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to the focus on student



97% 91%





98% 91%

Co-Curricular Programme – Drama/Dance


The College’s Values

Academic Standards

Principal’s Leadership


Balanced Education


91% 85%

Quality of Teaching

Student Survey Students in Year 5, 8 and 12 were asked to respond to the survey. Below are the overall results for key areas.

Co-Curricular Programme – Music


The College’s Reputation



Facilities & Resources

99% 95%

wellbeing and 90% in relation to a balanced education.


Focus on stu. wellbeing, providing a safe and caring env.


Parent Survey Parents of students in Years 5, 8 and 12 were invited to complete a survey of their satisfaction into various aspects of life at PLC. The overall results for key areas are detailed below.


PARENT, STUDENTS & TEACHER SATISFACTION 2016 Among Year 12 students surveyed, 94% said their expectations were met or exceeded in relation to a balanced education, 95% in relation to quality of teaching and for student wellbeing. Parents PLC provides a number of opportunities, both formal and informal, for parents to be engaged with the School’s programmes and with the progress of their daughters. Parents are encouraged to approach the School through the relevant Year Co-ordinator (Middle/Senior Schools) or class teacher (Junior School) at any time for specific discussions and regular exchanges of information are provided through the diary system, semester reporting and in Student-Parent-Teacher interviews. Support Your Daughter Evenings are held in first term for each year group and are ideal opportunities for communicating with teachers and other parents for seeking feedback. At PLC we foster the vital partnership between home and school and we are especially grateful for the ongoing support we receive from our active School community. From loyal alumni to committed and passionate volunteer parent groups, the School relies on the continued dedication of a large number of support groups who foster friendships and communication as well as support for PLC with important events and activities. Parents@PLC, the Parents’ Committee and each of the support groups offer many fundraising and social events as well as providing forums

30  Annual Review 2016

for seeking feedback on academic, pastoral care and co-curricular activities. Our support group representatives facilitate two-way communication between parents, the PLC Council and the Principal. Our commitment to rural Western Australia saw representatives from the School visit Wagin, Broome, Karratha, Mingenew, Dowerin, Newdegate, Esperance and Albany. PLC is proud of the contribution past students make to their communities and continues to foster relationships with alumni by hosting a number of events that draw upon their expertise. The Old Collegians’ Association, which represents alumni, is actively involved in the School and facilitates direct communication and feedback. The PLC Links, a weekly e-newsletter and the bi-annual Blackwatch magazine keep parents informed of activities, achievements, opportunities and involvement of their daughters at the School. Students Positive psychology is the foundation for our pastoral care programmes, which encourage students to develop and sustain positive mental health and wellbeing. Personal goal setting encourages all students from Years 7 to 9 to take greater control of their own individual learning. The girls meet with their tutors for one-on-one coaching throughout the year to keep track of their personal goal. The results are positive in building affirmative relationships between the girls and their tutors and with girls feeling a greater sense of selfreliance and resilience.

A co-ordinated, cohesive, positive psychology programme called Sparks has been designed to be implemented through Health and PE curriculum, Tutor time and ultimately Philosophy and Religious Studies. Sparks is our coordinated programme designed to support the development of the girls’ wellbeing in all facets of their lives including physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual. This programme commenced fully in 2015. Classes and House Tutor Group meetings provide a supportive and safe environment in which girls can express their concerns, accept challenges, take risks, and develop confidence and leadership skills, which encourage them to act positively for the good of the community. Student views are regularly gauged through the Student Council and Middle School Forum where girls are encouraged to raise issues that affect them, to respect the views of others and to implement initiatives. Staff PLC staff are involved in annual professional growth and development reviews, which enable expectations to be clarified, constructive feedback to be exchanged and professional development needs to be identified. The School has a range of communication channels for staff. These include Departmental and Board of Studies meetings for academic matters and Co-ordinator/Tutor meetings, Heads of Schools and Senior Leadership meetings for pastoral care.

Furthermore, the Principal has an ‘open door’ policy for all issues, the Head of Staff and Heads of Schools are readily available and staff meetings are held regularly. In addition, there are Consultative Committees for both Teaching and Non-Teaching staff. Staff who participate in tours and exchanges report back to the School on the outcomes of these activities via written reports or presentations at assemblies. Parents@PLC provides a forum for showcasing new inititatives from staff.  31

32  Annual Review 2016

TEACHER STANDARDS AND QUALIFICATIONS All PLC teaching staff are members of the Teachers Registration Board. Teaching Excellence PLC’s teachers are committed professionals who model the concept of lifelong learning. In recent years, professional development and pedagogy has focussed on concept-based teaching; providing effective feedback that informs students (and parents) about where they are, where they need to be and what they need to do to reach the next level of achievement. The School offers a diverse range of opportunities for staff to build both leadership and teaching capacity. Such opportunities

include IB workshops and training courses, a Parents’ Committee Grant Scheme for professional development as well as regular in-house professional learning sessions. PLC Staff Qualifications Staff qualifications are published annually in the Kookaburra magazine. Workforce Composition Workforce Composition – The total number of staff at PLC is 258, including 229 Full Time Equivalent staff. The total staff number



Student Attendance The average attendance rate for Year 1 to Year 12 was approximately 94.6%. Student absences are actively managed on a daily basis and include direct communication with parents if the School has not been notified by 9.00 am each day.



comprises 84.5% female and 15.5% male on a FTE basis.


FTE Both


Head Count Secondary



FTE Both






TEACHING STAFF Principal Teaching Staff











Total Teaching Staff











Specialist Support











Admin & Clerical






















Total Non-Teaching Staff














‘Blackwatch Sports Club’ introduced, offering opportunities for students to more fully participate in co-curricular sport.

2 Play activities and areas in the Middle School developed. 3 Health and Wellbeing programmes developed and expanded. 4 Wellbeing programmes across Pre-K to Year 12 mapped. 5 Mentoring programme for 2015 graduates established. 6 ABC@PLC (transition to boarding programme) offered to all new boarding students. 7 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) opportunities across Pre-K to Year 12 developed.

34  Annual Review 2016

8 Reporting in the Middle School reviewed. 9 Improved staff development and appraisal process introduced. 10 Health and wellbeing programme for staff developed. 11 Further investment in staff professional development opportunities. 12 Staff induction and support process redeveloped. 13 Maths department trained in the STEM ‘Choose Maths’ programme. 14 Senior Leadership Team completed nationally recognised leadership development programme. 15 New Senior School officially opened. 16 Development of Wellbeing Centre and expansion of sporting facilities commenced.

17 Catering facilities and services throughout the campus upgraded. 18 Landscaping Style Guide implementation continued. 19 Communications systems with parents reviewed and refined. 20 PLC mobile phone App developed and implemented. 21 Greater opportunities offered for parents to connect with each other and the School. 22 Structured programme of events for the PLC Fathering Project implemented. 23 Small group meetings with the Principal held with parents, students and staff. 24 Lyceum events for parents featuring nationally and internationally renowned guest speakers introduced. 25 Admissions process enhanced.



Develop dashboards that display live student data to inform student progress.

2 Redesign and improve semester reports. 3 Develop and implement a framework for the Year 10 subject selection process. 4 Conduct comprehensive review of the whole school timetable. 5 Implement study skills programme across Years 7–12. 6 Introduce Learning Hubs across the whole school. 7 Develop a Growth and Development policy to offer a flexible model for delivery of professional learning for teaching staff. 8 Develop a three-year Strategic Plan for LEC and Gifted and Talented. 9 Conduct audit of current projectbased learning opportunities across all departments. 10 Prepare plan and timeline to improve authentic leadership opportunities across the School. 11 Develop Visible Wellbeing (VWB) implementation team plan for whole school implementation in 2018. 12 Create student and staff resources to support the implementation of the Health and Wellbeing curriculum. 13 Prepare 2018 Wellbeing curriculum.

14 Implement project plan for Lighthouse to be operational in 2018.

25 Introduce Blackwatch Club into Years 9 and 10 and increase participation rates.

15 Showcase the Lighthouse through a communication strategy including conference presentations.

26 Develop Improvement Plans for Rowing, Music, Visual Arts and Theatre Arts/Dance.

16 Embed ‘Strength – Strength Programme’ for all year levels in Boarding House to enhance wellbeing for students. 17 Review existing transitioning programmes across the School and prepare improvement plan that includes mid-year and start of School entry. 18 Develop a plan and business case for the PLC Indigenous transition programme. 19 Begin developing a whole school Philosophy of Religious Studies (PRS) curriculum. 20 Review Curriculum PK-10 to identify opportunities to increase creativity and innovation. 21 Conduct review and plan for the improvement of learning spaces in the Senior School View Street building. 22 Increase both in-term and focussed holiday offerings of STEM activities across the School. 23 Build on Apple partnership to explore opportunities to facilitate connections with global partner schools.

27 Work with Apple in Early Learning as an Apple Distinguished School. 28 Review Professional Learning programme in Years 7–10 post implementation of new Curriculum framework. 29 Develop a model for delivering professional learning that is flexible and personalised. 30 Provide training for all staff in Wellbeing Pathways. 31 Appoint Architect and develop Master Plan 2018-2038. 32 Promote scholarship contributions that are targeted, personal and allow for part contributions to fund students. 33 Increase service learning opportunities in Junior School. 34 Review and improve design of Links Newsletter. 35 Review parental engagement and identify strategies to promote attendance and improve the quality and number of events. 36 Upgrade movable play equipment for the Junior School playground.

24 Complete comprehensive review of tours and exchanges available at PLC.  35



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