Kookaburra 2019

Page 1

s t n e t n Co



Year 9–10




Year 11–12


Head Prefects




Student Council


Arts 88



Sports 94

Leavers Awards


Lighthouse 98

Year 12 Ball


Service 100

Junior School Highlights 26

Wellbeing 102

Junior School


Beyond PLC 104



Outdoor Education 106



Gorna Liyarn 110



Boarders 114

Year 1


Baird 120

Year 2


Carmichael 122

Year 3


Ferguson 124

Year 4


McNeil 126

Year 5


Ross 128

Year 6


Stewart 130

Junior/Senior School


Summers 132

Senior School Highlights


Pockets 134

Senior School


Staff 136

Year 7–8


Autographs 141

Editors PLC is a school environment filled with creativity and fun, which is why we have chosen to base this year’s Kookaburra around the theme of ‘zines’. A zine is a non-commercial, small-scale publication of original texts and images, emulating the style of a scrapbook, but with greater similarity to a magazine. To achieve this aesthetic, and make the publication more of a community project, we have included little doodles and sketches from our Year 12 girls throughout the pages. This has provided the opportunity for our Leavers to contribute to their graduating yearbook that they can look back on for the rest of their lives. In selecting the style for this year’s publication, we have aimed to reflect the homeliness of the School; the integral sense of community, creativity and individuality amongst the girls.

Throughout the year, we have been working hard to make the Kookaburra a tangible amalgamation of all the wonderful and diverse memories from 2019 at PLC. We want this publication to be a tribute to the School; to the Year 12s, the teachers, and every single student in our community. We have chosen to rearrange the House Tutor Group photos by Year group rather than by House, so that girls in each Year can see themselves and their friends, from all seven Houses, pictured together. Having the privilege to work as this year’s Kookaburra editors has been such an enrichening experience for us. Our involvement in every step of the process, from photography to editing to graphic design, has taught us so much about the process of producing a publication. We would like to thank our Co-ordinator Miss Freel, Kylie Yacopetti and the Communications and Engagement team, for their invaluable support and guidance throughout this process. We are so lucky to have been able to work alongside such an amazing team. This year has most definitely lived up to the motto “Give it 20 out of 19!”, with each and every one of our girls giving 105%! (See what we did there?) The core purpose of the Kookaburra is to provide a snapshot of life at PLC in 2019 to the whole school community. We hope this book will be something for our Year 12s to look back on fondly to remember their time at PLC. Thank you to everyone for making our time here so memorable; we wish you all the very best for the future.


Principal You used to work in the Junior School here at PLC. What drew you back to the School? I really loved my time in the Junior School, it was a point in my career when I saw what is really possible in a school. When I started at PLC, I felt an instant sense of ‘belonging’. I felt as though I had finally landed in the school I had spent my career searching for. The School was full of teachers who didn’t just want to teach, they wanted to be the best teachers they could be. They were committed to preparing students for life beyond school, through innovative practice and by encouraging girls to think creatively. The School was also full of students who wanted to learn, and who also had a strong sense of justice. To belong to a learning community like this again, is what drew me back. What have you missed in your time away that you’re glad to return to? I missed the community the most. From the moment I arrived at PLC in 2008, I felt as though I belonged here, and whilst I new I had to leave to follow my career in 2010, it broke my heart. I missed the community mindedness of the parents, the passion of our teachers, and I missed the girls. PLC girls have something quite special about them in their commitment to ‘have a go’ and be the best they can be, and also in their genuine desire to make a valuable contribution to the world around them. I feel very glad and privileged to return to the PLC community. What are you looking forward to as you move on in your role as Principal? From a bigger picture, I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to the future direction of PLC. We have always been known as an innovative and forward thinking school, focussed on really preparing young women for a successful life after school. The chance to lead, and be involved in developing the strategy to help achieve this, is something that really excites me. On a smaller, but equally important level, I am really looking forward to reconnecting with the community and developing relationships with students, staff and parents. I am looking forward to ‘belonging’ to this community again. What’s your vision for the future of PLC? My vision for the future of PLC is very simple, it is for us all to be collectively ‘Brave’. I hope to lead a school in which, as teachers, we are brave as role models and as learners ourselves. My vision is for all of us in the PLC community to be brave enough to stand together for what we believe in and who we are as a school.

My vision is for each girl to be ‘brave’ in her own way. When I think of ‘brave’ girls in particular, I think of girls who are able to embrace uncertainty and who are willing to face their fears. I think of girls who believe that, through action, they can make a positive difference. Above all, I think of girls who have self-belief and show themselves, as well as others, compassion and kindness. How have you connected with the girls at PLC so far? I am trying to take every opportunity to connect with girls in both the Junior and Senior School. It has been great to spend some time in Year group meetings and House Tutor Group meetings, as well as meeting with some girls more formally about specific topics they would like to discuss. My door is always open to them and I am always happy to meet with any girl who would like to discuss an interest or concern. I find that before school, recess and lunch are great times to touch base and connect with girls around the school. This is always a good time to connect with different groups of girls and catch up on what they doing at the time. I know it will take some time to ‘know’ every girl, but I am working towards this as quickly as I can. What event/s in your life have most shaped you as a person? Like any person, there have been significant events in my life that have shaped me. For me, the opportunity to grow up on a remote pacific island definitely shaped the person I became in the sense that it gave me a great appreciation for the simple things in life. I grew up in an environment in which, by today’s standards, we didn’t have a lot. I learnt early on in my life that you do not need a lot to be very happy. The Boxing Day tsunami had a great impact on me and gave me a great understanding of how quickly life can change, and how something beyond your control can quickly take control of you. It forced me to reflect on my life and it was this reflection that encouraged my first trip to India, at the end of 2005. My time in India has really shaped the person I have become since then. I have made wonderful friends over the last fourteen years and experienced great joy in a community with relatively little. This experience has definitely shaped the way I look at life. It has made me incredibly grateful for all that I have and strengthened my commitment to ‘giving back’.

Ms Cate Begbie

Kookaburra 2019 / 5

Head Prefects What has been the most rewarding aspect of your role this year?

What is the funniest experience you have shared this year?

Having the opportunity to know the girls we represented made our final year the best one at PLC. Having the trust and confidence of our peers to represent them fairly is a scary experience. However, it was the acts of kindness and encouragement that students gave us that supported us in our role, and inspired us to progress through the busy year. We had girls congratulate us on our recent speeches, smile at us for encouragement and always saying hello in the hallways. With a supportive and caring Year group to lead the School with us, it was these personal touches and unconditional support from students and staff, that made a justifiably demanding and tiresome job into an uplifting and humbling experience for both of us.

Watching Year 12s challenge teachers in water-gun fights, two weeks before exams, was monumental. Waking up on Leadership Camp to find a kangaroo eating our Weetbix was surprising. Wearing a bunny onesie and being hunted down by Junior School students for chocolate eggs was… frightening. Maxi’s wellreferenced ‘Mid-Term melt’, when her burger turned into a feast for vicious crows, was too much to bear. Moonyean stacking it before walking on stage at HUB Assembly was hysterical! However, with the support of friends and staff, these last two memories of tears turned into stories of laughter that we reflect on with pure joy. Overall, there are just too many hilarious moments to count being a part of such a fiery and dynamic cohort.

How do you hope you have inspired the students? Firstly, we hope we have shown the girls to never take themselves too seriously. Whether that’s by rapping about Term 3 in the form of a Kanye West song, or dressing up as Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon for Student Assembly, go for it. Secondly, we hope to have encouraged the girls to take every opportunity that comes their way. After all, we only regret the opportunities we never took, so why not give it a go? Lastly, enjoy and cherish the people around you, the place you are in, and the experience you are having. We wanted to show every girl that when you are happy, kind and genuine, you create an infectious positivity that will benefit you and the people around you. What will you miss the most about PLC? We will miss the infectious, close knit PLC community spirit that lives in every single PLC girl. We have been incredibly fortunate to go to a school and feel a part of a sisterhood, one that we have seen survive up to 70 year reunions. This Founders’ Day, we came across a pair of Old Collegians, who told us they used to ride their bikes to school together and still come back to hear the hum of the Blackwatch bagpipes. The dynamics within the hallways, the banter in the Common Room and the connections made in classrooms are experiences we will cherish forever.

Maxi ford & moonyean le roux

C laosfs2019

Student Moonyean le Roux DEPUTY HEAD PREFECT

Gabrielle Woolgar SERVICE CAPTAIN

Saffron Fairweather McNEIL CAPTAIN


Charlotte Baddeley STEWART CAPTAIN




Council Halimah Zaini ACADEMIC CAPTAIN




Gabrielle McDonald ARTS CAPTAIN


Arabella Smeulders WELLBEING CAPTAIN

Deep etch #9854

Tiriei Kamide ROSS CAPTAIN

Kookaburra 2019 / 9

Leavers 2019 Lucy Alderson


Tegan Aber

ng, Barely survivi riving. th t no ly ite defin

“Que si, what?! I kno w nothing” – Manuel, Fawlty Tow ers.

rlie) Baddeley Charlotte (Cha

Alexandra Ayer s

Pour que no

los dos?

Born and bred

in Mooniemia, raised in the GT .

Amelia Bates


anfiel McKenzie B nore.

Labore et Ho

Neha Bolla Cool story bro.

“If you don’t stop eat ing I’ll slap you with a wet noodle” – Mr Snyman.

Poppy Bolt in the Still waiting line. microwave

Eliza Anderson It’s not procrastination if you’re having fun!

Danee Bairstow Does running late count as exercise?

Alyssa Bedford-Brown 48% is a pass, right?

Claire Bolton Having meltdowns in front of unsuspecting males is my favourite pastime.

Lois Andrew I have CDO, which is just OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order… as they should be.

addi) Ball Maddison (M e ball.

Always on th

Sophie Berry I’m moving out of Perth.

ray Charlotte B “I don’t live on

a farm.”

Leavers 2019 Felicity Cooke


d Paris Castle

rses in the “I got the ho


“Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union.”

n) Daramola Iyinoluwa (Iyi

Holly Culloton

“The best day of my PLC career was when I found ou t Mr. Varndell’s middle name is Sebastia n… Guy Sebastia n.”

ore like arathon – m IB is just a m okay it’s t bu – ll a hi zooming up . ish fin ly al e fin in the end, w

Matilda Dyke


Georgina D

Unlucky champ.

*she fell over*

Now now, don’t be short with me.

Samantha Deykin Yeah. Maybe I was slightly overcommitted in Year 12.

Georgia Eagleton Can someone come get my Uber Eats with me please?


, seven, eigh And five, six

Lucinda Easton

Lucy Cooke

ombe Sophie Edgec

bad” te, traffic was “Sorry I’m la rs - Boarde

Jessica (Jess) Eidne “Do IB they said, it will make you organised they said.”

Tess Cooke You know you’re late if you see me in the carpark.

g Holly Dowlin

are mean these What do you e? lif y m of s the best year

Bailey Eastman Yes, the uniform shop is open.


d Habiba Elna

quote t my leavers “I don’t wan re no Ho et to be Labore is is it.” th s es gu I so

Kookaburra 2019 / 11

Leavers 2019

leton Jasmin Emb

osed eryone’s supp “What, so ev w? gle night no sin y er ev to sleep e makes tim t gh ni at You realise th l time.” – Rick up half of al

Candace Ethelston Sorry I’m late, I had pipe band.

Arielle (Ari)

Georgina Fish


Never mind…I forgot.

Fleming arder.

I’m not a bo

Maxine (Maxi) Ford Make good choice


“If one is not fin ding new challen ges one might as we ll be a vegetab le” - Colin Leaky

Tabitha Galluccio Join Chorale, we have a baking roster!


*shaka emoj

Karega Gibbs

Ella Fogarty She was horsing around.

What’s for lunch ?

Ava Fonti

Saffron Fairweather


Chelsea Gra

t count. Fridays do no

Georgia Grey "Come get a coffee.”

Sascha Feinauer So apparently Fridays after lunch aren’t optional.

y Ruby Fogart Lunch is with


Isabella Gianotti Finishes IB. Dobby is a free elf!


Sophie Gub with Life’s better


Leavers 2019

Rebecca Gunzburg Isobel (Izzy)

Guille .

Albs Straight outta

“There has never been a sadn ess that can’t be cured by breakfas t food” - Ron Swanson

Sarah Hill

Georgia Harper

Does my fake tan

“It’s pat pat not pat pat pat!”

Lucy Jarrett


Tian Kaelin

Don’t be WACEist ple


...if you know, you know.

elf when believe mys I don’t even inutes. m 5 in y ad I say I’ll be re

Tiriei Kamide

“Your brain is so

large and sexy .”


Alice Hood


“funky fresh

look fake?

Louisa Jackso

Molly Haitjema

Sari Kane I like my cats


more than yo

Paris Kay Laboret et Honoret.

Christine Harcourt-Cooke This one’s for Africa.

zie) Jackson Elizabeth (Liz e in 5… If I’m not ther I’ve fainted.

Corinne Kakulas Name Jeff.

Jemima Keys

g pale.

Imagine bein

Kookaburra 2019 / 13

Leavers 2019

Portia Knight

NORe lAbOrE eT Ho

Georgina (Georgie) Kopke

Can I just put the Boa rding House address cos I live in whoop whoop?


Yuen Yee (Jenny ) Lao

People say nothi ng is impossible , but I do nothing every day.

Grace Laud Play that

e Impala. song by Tam

Zoe Lyttle

by) Li

Yingkun (Ab

there, yeah!! Finally out of

Gabrielle (Gabby ) McDonald I, too, used to da b ironically.

Powered by library chais and free food.

ken Siena McMee rn.

Turn and bu

Katherine (Katie) Lalime "Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information." — Michael Scott, The Office

Moonyean le Roux “Hi my name is Moonyean, but you can call me Moon.”

Eva Mallon No caffeine required.

Eloise McMurtrie Find Your Own Clever.

Olivia Langsford 14th and final Kookaburra appearance.

Jaimee Leach

PLC girl explain to a Once I had to t a country. no is p yu in that Karr

Kayla McCulloch Everybody keeps telling me I have small handwriting, but I just don’t see it.


Chloe Micha

people about what Don’t worry often. ry ve it n’t do think. They do

Leavers 2019

Sophia Mowbray ell Siena Mitch

gy Captain Yes, Technolo

Lucy Murdoch She Said.


Pressure got to me so… labore et honore.

atie) Nash Katherine (K

months, tarian for 8 “I was a vege chicken.” rie se tis lf a ro until I ate ha

Brenna Orrock

Clancy Offer


I’m a TikTok Ce lebrity… Get Me Out of Here!

That’ll do, Donkey. That’ll do.

Clover Negus I haven’t done exercise in three years.

Lucy Palmer I’m from tigerland!

That sucks.

Ada Perkins

Lucy Muller

tell Allegra Pes

! Sorry I’m late n. down… agai e ok br r ca The

Emma Rose Playford From little things, big things grow.

Aimee Mumme That’s what…

van Lucie O’Sulli

e Lil’jana.

Don’t call m

Ella Pearce Hol up fellas, everybody knows you gotta play the sax. To get the stacks.

Emily Pruiti

blic pianos Piano 101: pu ly, hopsticks’ on ‘C g in are for play ng else hi yt an s ay pl anyone who pects. has no pros

Kookaburra 2019 / 15

Leavers 2019

Grace Purves

n Caitlin Pulle


ve little legs

I ha Wait for me,

“I dress to stare at my reflection in mirrors and store windows.”


y) Rob Isadora (Iss

Kiara Ramsay

I danced with

Justice Crew.

y g I’ve used m The only thin is bad ideas. r fo ce en intellig

Abigael Russell


Shenielle Ros

s, your dream Don’t follow gram. sta In y m w follo

Isabella Sculla


“President of the National Sarcasm Society.”

Hearts up, minds sha rp, compassion on full blast – okay, let’s go.

Eliza Shaw

re get out of he I just want to d. and go to be

Georgina Purvis Been here for 14 years, so ready for long service leave.

Sienna Robson How good’s the year above.

Isabela Safar Sorry I’m late.

Genevieve Shillington If I’m not complaining about IB, I’m promoting it.

Tegan Quinlivan I . am . cold .

Alice Roden

Quad. y dog on the Yes that’s m nger. ra e th ll ca t Don’

Juliette Saunders If I had a dollar for each time I was called short, I would be a millionaire.


la) Simmon

Isabella (Bel


“Is that a tra

Leavers 2019

Emily Simpson n

Leisel Simpso


l and may “I like netbal 3 people.”

If you see a kombucha at the front desk… it’s mine.


Chloe Sneddo



raises the One raindrop



Jacqueline (Jacqui) Swick

Ellie Stroud


Is every ting go od? No, every ting well.

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what a Wellbeing Captain is, I probably could’ve funded the Lighthouse.

Victoria (Tori) Steinepreis It’s my way or the highway.

Sacha Tate Bruh moment.

ds you mforting wor The most co ven’t ha “I , 12 ar will hear in Ye ther.” ei t ye d rte sta

Dakota Tingwel l

Arabella Smeulders

ch Georgia Tovi Be a THOT ming er Heart-war nd Te a Treasure. d de in nm Ope

Jessica van Heerden Surviving not thriving.

Hunter Smith Can we not?

Lily Stewart

ed my quote “They censor as too funny.” because it w

Meg Thomson Pres at mine.

Emily Veitch Snagged it.

Kookaburra 2019 / 17

Leavers 2019

Jessica (Jess) Vinnic ombe

Isabel Veitch

cond wiki on my se I deleted the day at PLC.

I've been thinking abo ut this for a while.

therall Ashley Wea

Amelia Weath



Tidak bisa m

Stephanie Whelan


Sustainability is SEX


Labore et Hono



Daisy Webster

Sarah Whitaker Sup my dude.

ергия мозга” “большая эн – Minnie.

Aichen (Coco)

I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under.

Norton’s Birthday Bash - The Big Lez Show.

My hobbies inc lude eating foo d and thinking ab out the next tim e I’ll be eating.

addie) Maddison (M

Victoria Walford

amad Zaini

Halimah Moh Think outside

the triangle.

Yinghan (Amber) Zhao It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Alice Warner Little girl, big car.

Nia Wege Neeze Nuts.

Gabrielle (Gabby) Woolgar “Big Smiles, Gabby Woolgar.”

Least Likely to Be on Time Tess Cooke

Most Likely to Marry Their High School Sweetheart Alice Hood

Class Clown Corinne Kakulas

Biggest Drama Queen Emily Simpson

Most Likely to Quietly Take Over the World Lucy Jarrett

Most Likely to Become Famous Tabitha Galluccio

Leavers Awards

Most Likely to Become an International Spy Portia Knight

Best Free Dress Outfits Victoria Walford

Most Likely to Become Prime Minister Brenna Orrock

Worst Procrastinator Bella Simmons

Most Likely to Become a Comedian Sophie Gubbay

Life of the Party Katie Nash Kookaburra 2019 / 19

Year 12 Ball Tute Photos








Kookaburra 2019 / 21

Year 12Ball

Kookaburra 2019 / 23

Kookaburra 2019 / 25


Kookaburra 2019 / 27

Education is always changing, because our world is always changing.

Junior School Head of Junior School

What were some highlights for the Junior School in 2019? So many highlights! First, personally, getting to know the students, parents, staff and wider community. In terms of events, it would have to be the Festival of Science and all the other opportunities our students have at PLC the ICT BiG Day In Jnr, Arts Week, Science in the Senior School labs, Outdoor Education, the Wild Space, Nativity, carnivals, concerts and competitions. So many highlights at a school such as ours! What is the most rewarding part of your job? Always working with our amazing students. It is the best part of working in a school by a LONG way. Watching the joy our students get from coming to school and engaging with our programmes is an honour and privilege, and is heart-warming at every turn. What is something interesting or unexpected about your role as Head of Junior School? I have held this role at three schools, over 14 years, so there weren’t any great surprises. However, the passion and enthusiasm our staff have, for the students and their education has been awe-inspiring. Every staff member, throughout the School, wants the best possible experience and outcome for the students. They actively go out and do it too. Awesome!

How does the Junior School and its students drive you to continue to learn throughout your career? When you think you have all the answers in education, or have perfected it, it is time to get out. Education is always changing, because our world is always changing. We must be agile and have the ability to adjust our teaching in order for our students to become life-long learners, who are well-equipped to thrive in their changing world. What is your most memorable experience from your own primary schooling? Two things. An inspiring teacher, with whom I really connected and felt understood me; he is one of the reasons why I became a Primary school teacher in the first place. I also enjoyed just being a kid; riding my bike to school (on the sunny days) and playing sport with my friends.

Mr Richard Wright

Kookaburra 2019 / 29

Pre-Kindergarten PK

LEFT TO RIGHT Ava Barrett, Sylvia Gu, Maisie Dodds, Anne-Marie Le

Kookaburra 2019 / 31

Kindergarten KY

FRONT ROW Sophia Miethke, Harriet Lloyd, Evallia Palassis SECOND ROW Sophia Boudville, Lotte Beccard, Teyana Gladwin-Grove, Phoebe Jones, Margot O'Malley THIRD ROW Sophie Beveridge, Margot Pratten, Monty Jones, Isobel Gibson, Piper O'Brien FOURTH ROW Charlotte Buchanan, Lucia Wenn, Mieke Sullivan, Matilda Barton

Kookaburra 2019 / 33

Pre-Primary PP

FRONT ROW Stirling Cswaykus, Ishika Patel, Anushka Sovis SECOND ROW Philippa Gilmour, Arsyavira Zahra, Tikky Smith, Florence McGee, Elodie Seaburne-May THIRD ROW Hannah Beveridge, Isla Roesner, Sophie Rumpus, Alyssa Lam FOURTH ROW Sofia Raja-Snijder, Audrey Barrett, Sophia Khattak, Sofia Natta ABSENT Ziqi Zhao

Kookaburra 2019 / 35

Year 1 1W

FRONT ROW Lucia Bennett, Eva Lalic, Zara Bloch, Luechen Niu, Auretta Qaqish BACK ROW Mali Kittiampon, Marianne Gu, Cece Hatch, Misaki Ando

Kookaburra 2019 / 37

Year 2 2C

FRONT ROW Olivia Barker, Sophie Croce, Catherine Lee, Millie Meredith-Humphry, Polly Paton, Lucy Weatherill, Louisa Ng, Ida Beccard SECOND ROW Isabel Young, Sophia Caratti, Sophie Baker, Nellie Bostock, Yihan Zhang, Piper Arcy, Emilee Kennedy THIRD ROW Elaine Cui, Sophia McGee, Erica Van Niekerk, Tessa Ponosh, Florence Johnson, Skyla Wyllie, Charlotte Gilmour

Kookaburra 2019 / 39

Year 3 3PS

FRONT ROW Annika Patel, Olivia Rundus, Nina Shephard, Shayne Haley, Mia Paino, Isla Barker, Lilly Garran BACK ROW Zara Khattak, Qishona Sivanathan, Millie Skewes, Tyra Stofberg, Milly Dodds, Alexandra Kassner


FRONT ROW Alysha Gladwin-Grove, Askhania Zurie, Allison Kassner, Ivy Natta, Sophie Thissen, Vesper Atkins SECOND ROW Emma Robinson, Baibua Booranawat, Alina McKellar, Emma Wesseldine, Georgiana Cousins THIRD ROW Maisie Hatch, Olivia Bell, Madeleine Mahony, Olethea Harding

Kookaburra 2019 / 41

Year 4 4H

FRONT ROW Elizabeth Townsley, Sara Kestell, Stevie Dyson, Phoebe Salom, Bethany Wallis-Hughes, Skye Reichstein, Khadija Elnadi, Lucinda Davies SECOND ROW Faith Coumbaros, Sakina Iwami, Anastasia Paradiss, Chloe Graves, Adela Blackburne, Poppy Mahon, Améline Ng THIRD ROW Amberly Osborne, Arabella Handley, Gisele O'Byrne, Abby Boelen, Mimi Nordstrom, Madeline Pearcey ABSENT Grace Pye


FRONT ROW Airlie Suttar, Britney Savill, Saskia Lehmann, Josephine Weatherill, Amelia Row, Mia Liveris, Madeleine Slaughter SECOND ROW Jemima Vaughan, Zahra vanden Driesen, Valentina Franchina, Scarlett Dolling, Genevieve Cinanni, Neve Baldwin THIRD ROW Lily Rumpus, Chloe Ng, Indiana Wall, Charlotte Kingdon, Piper Bostock, Lola O'Gorman

Kookaburra 2019 / 43

Year 5


FRONT ROW Caitlyn Edwards-Gillett, Alicia Italiano, Reese van der Horst, Nilofer Munshi, Olivia Brown, Mira Yew SECOND ROW Aspen Murray, Olivia Ockenden, Ella Houston, Alexandra Forsyth, Sophia Wenn THIRD ROW Abigail Tait, Brigette Kapinkoff, Zoe Cowan, Niamh Lewis ABSENT Carys Hawkins


FRONT ROW Madeleine Oborn, Stella Early, Jaime Lively, Emma Philpott, Layla Cohen-Jones, Anika Hawkins SECOND ROW Aurelia Qaqish, Olivia Lambo, Ava Laurie, Isabella Smith, Ruby Marinko THIRD ROW Ava McGillivray, Carter Cswaykus, Kyasha Fenton, Asha Kitcher, Scarlett Davies


FRONT ROW Isobel Barker, Maya D'Silva, Finlai Baldwin, Rose Morley, Stella McVicker, Ivy Downes, Maya Yew SECOND ROW Portia Pryor, Caitlin Flugge, Stella Phillips, Poppy Walker-Jones, Matilda Cook THIRD ROW Raphaella Coulson, Charlotte van Dongen, Samara Sudwell, Michelle Hender, Charlotte Jackson

Kookaburra 2019 / 45

Year 6


FRONT ROW Paige Grant, Velvet Atkins, Amelia Sargant, Jessica Sewell, Felicity Psaltis, Sae Numano, Kaitlyn Sin SECOND ROW Hannah Reynolds, Ava Ford, Amelie Slaughter, Sophia McIntosh, Florence Carter, Isabel Chapman THIRD ROW Edie Goody, Ruby Bell, Molly Johnson, Isabella Roka, Maisy Brookes FOURTH ROW Jessica Fernando, Ainslie Hollis, Edith Hellings, Natasha Whittome


FRONT ROW Bronte Hawkins, Phoebe Cottrell, Annika Pereira, Amelie Healey, Alisha Silbert, Violet Liddelow, Isla Everingham, Aria Natta SECOND ROW Miharu Ando, Sihan Niu, Tessa van de Veire, Leila Bird, Emily Hair, Olivia Petersen THIRD ROW Matilda Burton, Elise Wright, Giavanna Franchina, Katie Stevens, Kiara Stofberg, Abbey Stonier ABSENT Sophie Luck

6R FRONT ROW Livya Siford, Emma Ryan, Saffron Barrie, Eva Davis, LouLou Fiore Hart, Amelia Wee, Charlotte Kestell SECOND ROW Amelia Burke, Anouk Flugge, Natalie Davis, Georgia Fleay, Ella Baldwin, Nalini D'Silva THIRD ROW Kari Boelen, Mijke van der Horst, Fabienne Easton, Ella Ausbruch, Rachel Wilson FOURTH ROW Shiloh Thomas, Alani Webber, Amelie-Grace Foster, Isla Mannolini

Kookaburra 2019 / 47

This experience taught me the value of building strong connections throughout the entire school community.

Junior/ Senior School Prefect Report

What is most rewarding about being involved with both the Junior and Senior Schools?

Do you have any advice for the Year 6s moving into the Senior School next year?

Getting to know different girls across the School community.

Try to take every opportunity that comes your way and try as many new things as you can. Stepping outside our comfort zones help us to grow and develop as people. This is advice I am sure you receive often, however what is not often mentioned is the importance of making new friends. When moving from Year 6 to Year 7, the best thing you can do is try to meet as many new people as possible and expand you friendship groups. While this might be a bit intimidating or confronting at first, it is well worth it in the long run.

How do you think the Big Sister programme has improved relationships between girls in different Year groups within the Senior School? I hope that Big Sister has been an opportunity for girls across different Year groups to connect and form friendships. Having friendships across the entire school community (not just within Year groups) helps to develop a sense of community that is such an important and distinctive part of PLC. What is your most memorable experience from when you were in Junior School?

Jessica van Heerden

My most memorable experience from Junior School is being at before- and after-school care, with Ms Bish (Bishop) in Summers house. I remember a couple of the older girls who came to help out after school, seemed so big to me back then. I got to know so many different girls in both younger and older Year groups, which made me feel connected and part of a community. This experience taught me the value of building strong connections throughout the entire school community, and inspired me to apply for the JS/SS Prefect role.

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As with any change, the sense of anticipation around the School was palpable.

Senior School

Acting Head of Senior School

How have you enjoyed this year within your new School role? It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to work with the girls and the staff across the School in this role. It was initially quite a whirlwind, learning about the different requirements of the position. I was very lucky to have some time with Mrs Anderson before she left us, in which she brought me up to speed on each of these different aspects. It was most enjoyable being a part of 'Shenny' (Sharon and Jenny) for that time. As the year has moved along, I have been able to enjoy all the varied demands of this position. What has been the most memorable part of 2019 for you? Probably the most memorable part of 2019 has been the arrival of Ms Begbie and the excitement around her Commissioning. As with any change, the sense of anticipation around the School was palpable. Many of the older girls had clear memories of Ms Begbie's time at PLC when they were in Junior School. It has been lovely to see these connections renewed and to see the girls settle in so quickly to her arrival. What are some challenges you’ve faced this year and what helped you to overcome them?

Who is your biggest inspiration? There are many women and men across history who have inspired and continue to inspire people every day. I have been inspired by the life and achievements of the first female Supreme Court Justice of the United States, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She has been a tireless fighter for equality, for the LGBT community and for racial equality. She has been a spirited and intellectually impressive legal practitioner, and a devoted mother and wife. She managed to do it all, and to do it all to an unimaginable height. She continues to inspire me. What are your favourite pastimes when you’re not at work? When I have time to devote to my favourite pastimes at home, it is a close battle between settling down on a comfortable chair with a hot coffee and cookies, allowing myself to dive in to a good book, or going to the movies with a friend, to watch one of the latest Marvel/ DC superheroes movies. I love the simple pleasures.

Mrs Jenny Crisp

Perhaps the biggest challenge this year has been in managing the breadth of the roll of the HOSS with the demands of teaching a Year 12 IB Literature class. The only way that I have been able to perform both of these roles was because of the magnificent support that I have been offered by the staff that work for and around me. Kookaburra 2019 / 53

Giving students a voice and bringing a whole school community together was the goal.

Hub Report Years 7-8 Deputy Head of Senior School (Years 7 - 8)

What is your favourite aspect of your role?

What are your goals for next year?

My favourite aspect of my role is having the opportunity to positively influence a culture in our Develop ME Hub that fully supports our girls, while leading and developing new initiatives, with the help of the amazing Develop ME Team.

The Develop ME Hub Team are busy planning a new programme for our girls, which we are really excited about. Mr de Kock and I are also launching Weather@ PLC, with a fully functioning weather station! And, I’m going to finish my studies (hopefully).

What has made this year memorable for you?

What is your favourite hobby?

This is a dream job for me as I get to work closely with the girls in Year 7 and Year 8, as they begin their Senior School journey. I love the energy the girls bring to our Develop ME Hub, especially the creativity they bring to our Hub Assemblies. I must add that Radio PLC was a pretty exciting initiative to be a part of. Giving students a voice and bringing a whole school community together was the goal and I think it’s been pretty successful so far!

Ironing! Weird, I know, but I love it!

Ms Victoria Kelleher

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Year 7


FRONT ROW Georgia Stafford, Alisha Carnie, Tayla Carrington, Alexia Leake, Molly Crawley, Madeleine Mayo, Rose Sermon, Emily Carnie BACK ROW Katherine Lovegrove, Chelsea Bradford, Jessica Nixon, Jamie-Lee de Bruin, Araminta Kitcher, Jadira Sudwell, Poppy Maxted

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FRONT ROW Emma Burton, Emilia Male, Sylvie Warner, Skye Goldberg, Ava Gillies, Zoe Michea-Palmer, Olivia Stephenson, Lysbeth Williams BACK ROW Amber Sellars, Alexandra Enslin, Annecy Lyon, Inez Miller, Ebony Withers, Eadie Barrett, Phoebe Vines


FRONT ROW Juliette Moran, Charlotte Gishubl, Anabella Fernandez Riveras, Sophie Graham, Laura Kingdon, Charlie Corner, Emily Hector, Isobel Marinko BACK ROW Francesca Crisp, Isabel Kent, Penelope Barker, Isabelle Early, Delainey Mary, EloĂŻse McVicker, Zara Nakhoul, Beena Bonney


FRONT ROW Mieka Garbutt, Elodie Willoughby, Tessa Lammerts Van Bueren, Darcy Waters, Jaymie Savill, Ashley Buckle, Fiona Tan, Leila Bolt BACK ROW Imogen Haynes, Gianna Jury, Lauren Russell-Weisz, Lucy Rodda, Monique Mouda-Hughes, Amelia Wallis-Hughes, Latifah Shar


FRONT ROW Jade Rousseau, Annabel Abraham, Leni Churcher, Olivia Elliott, Ellen Ulfstedt, Sofia Anthony, Jasmine McDiarmid BACK ROW Adeline Smith, Molly Porter, Lehyia Quartermaine, Chloe Forsyth, Tahlia Wells, Sophie Miller-McKinley, Charlotte Stephen


FRONT ROW Mackenzie Harris, Natalie Row, Amber Downes, Ruby Crier, Adison Martin, Zara Ball, Natasha Playford, Bunmi Lilley BACK ROW Isabella Maliszewski, Grace Turnbull, Bryony Nelles, Emma Day, Ginger Waller, Emily McAuliffe, Gemma Mackintosh


FRONT ROW Jessica Jenkins, Tatum Ryan, Evie Salt, Lucia Italiano, Tiami Bachofen von Echt, Lia Jenkins SECOND ROW Mariah Simon, Josephine Crampton, Jordan Timmcke, Emma Baker, Jacinta Boquest THIRD ROW Milla Nordstrom-Macdougall, Jordyn Slocombe, Keira Graham, Charlotte Erwin, Abby Timmcke

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Year 8


FRONT ROW Brinya Wakefield, Orla O'Farrell, Millie Goodliffe, Chloe Argent, Isabel Oborn, Mikayla Bowen, Zu Rui McLeay SECOND ROW Elizabeth Hutton, Jacinta Cuthbertson, Grace Goody, Ziyan Cai, Zoe Kestell, Azalee Farmer THIRD ROW Ashlea Fairhead, Shantisha Schaufler, Imogen Famlonga, Bella Cohen-Jones, Ella Cumming, Sophie Hardcastle

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8C FRONT ROW Isabella Barnett, Rilyn Hawkins, Sofia Sommerhalder, Jemma Warren, Philippa Gillman, Sarah Michael, Angelique Parker, Anoushka Coelho SECOND ROW Lucy Finlay, Olympia Bird, Zoë Buttrose, Florence Wolf, Madeleine Flugge, Cheyenne Norwood, Tasmin Noble THIRD ROW Tess Landau, Rylie Ross-Connolly, Mimm Kerr, Rebekah Smith, Leila Read, Sophie Kestel FOURTH ROW Katherine Gower, Nikita Lyon, Hannah Potts, Lowenna Wallace, Emma Osling

8F FRONT ROW: Anoushka Brims, Tess Marinko, Cassandra Beresford, Lilly Donaldson, Isla Grant, Alice Reichstein, Georgia Kronja, Angélie Ng SECOND ROW Annika Hofman, Louisa Pascoe, Lulu Evans, Ava Wilkins, Allegra Andrew, Amilia McKenzie, Alice McLellan THIRD ROW Eliza Oxenburgh, Sarah Spencer, Olivia Oxenburgh, Amelia Roberts, Isabel Scott, Soraiya Munshi, Elizabeth Crawford


FRONT ROW Jessica Wolf, Coco Paganin, Jessica Fry, Ella Slocombe, Ella Campbell, Kalani Buckle, Scarlett Newman SECOND ROW Ava Deykin, Sophia Papandroulakis, Annabelle Lewkowski, Claire Dean, Olivia Knoblauch, Trelise Mayo THIRD ROW Zaija du Preez, Lucinda Egan, Eva Kapinkoff, Eloise Knoblauch, Katie Marris, Sarah Banks, Chloe Schortinghuis


FRONT ROW Shelby Heidrich, Taleisha Hurford, Madeleine Robins, Jaz Shervington, Presley McLarty, Chevii-Jay Clarke, Isabelle Hyndes SECOND ROW Florence Buck, Ruohan Yu, Chloe Walsh, Isabella Van Ingen-Kal, Sophia Gianotti, Hannah Scott THIRD ROW Olivia Clifton, Sophie Wims, Emma Wilkinson, Laynee Bateman, Nyera Cameron-Turland, Zoe Armstrong


FRONT ROW Kate Banner, Nelly Galluccio, Rebecca Dawson, Charlotte Wheeler, Mary Sounness, Shannen Chan, Ksenia Murray, Emily Stein SECOND ROW Allegra Foulner, Ava Miels, Emily Cooley, Hannah Jeitz, Indiana Silbert, Keira Sutherland, Georgia Clifton THIRD ROW Breanne Bin Kali, Mia Riseley, Lauren Fewster, Matilda Johnston, Hannah Wilson, Madeline Hansom, Bec Anderson, Alexandra Swain


FRONT ROW Ciara Brown, Ally Negus, Lomasey Mongoo, Chanel Napolitano, Amelie Brierly, Denby Shephard, Ava Murphy SECOND ROW India Row Mansbridge, Anya Sreenevasan, Lily Hawkins, Kate Garbellini, Catriona Logan, Yifan Cui THIRD ROW Estella Weir, Claire Lauder, Lucy Correia, Diana Crampton, Sophie Hall, Ella Cheir, Brooke Poole

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I love the variety and all of the different things I get to be a part of.

Hub Report Years 9-10 Deputy Head of Senior School (Years 9 - 10)

What is your favourite aspect of your role?

What are your goals for next year?

I love the variety and all of the different things I get to be a part of, particularly with the two different Year levels.

To continue to develop the pastoral programme in the Hub, and to work closely with the Lighthouse with the extra lessons that we have with them.

What has made this year memorable for you? Definitely the girls, especially the Year 9 girls, because I am also their Year Co-ordinator. The team of staff that I work with are also pretty special.

What is your favourite hobby? I love reading and I love exercising; unfortunately, I have spent too much time lately only reading about exercising.

Mrs Lynne Jones

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Year 9


FRONT ROW Aela Cam, Abby Hogan, Chloe Fleay, Jade Johnson, Indah Jenkins, Lulu Bux, Shan Yu Lim SECOND ROW Carla Schultz, Bebe El-Raghy, Jayde Hayden, Chloe Barnes, Lexie McMurtrie, Nina Sneddon THIRD ROW Ellen Sinclair, Jenna Evans, Abby Martin, Georgia Flavel, Arabella Malet ABSENT Cleone Kelly

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FRONT ROW Isobel Wake, Isabella Flugge, Asha Wandel, Holly Male, Alice Fielder, Kirsten Wong, Jemima Officer, Emily Stevens SECOND ROW Olivia Grundy, Nina Mannolini, Annabel Williams, Megan Kirchner, Ruby Luxton, Jasmine Walter, Sophia Gillman THIRD ROW Jasmine Kestel, Montanna Reidy, Isabelle Ricciardello, Mimi Drage, Antigone Miller, Olivia Muir, Ruby Meara


FRONT ROW Claudia Khan, Zarina Munshi, Grace Early, Simone Duddy, Zara Riggs, Mia Scherini, Imogen Collins, Chenyue Zou SECOND ROW Jacinta Beresford, Leah Ward, Lauren Ryding, Jacy Nicholls, Insiah Riaz, Islay McGregor, Zoe Jagger THIRD ROW Olive Erickson, Eliza Collins, Meg Davidson, Sophya Thomas, Stella Andrew, Jasmine Gray, Annie Pfeiffer, Ruby Holmes


FRONT ROW Ruby Patrick, Anoushka Paganin, Molly Alderson, Calley Anderson, Lucinda Blunt, Jessica Lapsley-Fowle, Lily Fairweather SECOND ROW Chloe Streader, Gabriella Hyde, Carina Collins, Sarah Few, Sienna Grubb, Monique Smith THIRD ROW Layla Tomljanovich, Olivia Ellis, Priya Mackenzie-Smith, Pippa Tucker, Caroline Chen


FRONT ROW Ella Brant, Mischa Gardner, Kaitlyn Chen, Noah Hall, Sucheta Sengupta, Bryzlyn Sin SECOND ROW Bonnie Aakermann, Lucy Hood, Charlotte Williams, Neave Brookes, Aliya Scott THIRD ROW Ella Wagner Venn, Indi Tinsley-Ellison, Tilly Waters, Lara Robinson, Anna Kathrina Ostergaard, Blaise McCabe

9ST FRONT ROW Poppy Bell, Charlotte Robins, Hana Yusoff, Olivia Morton, Edwina Mactier, Kate Pruiti, Amelia Taboni SECOND ROW Kate Williams, Morgan McKinnon, Ebonee Humphries, Scarlett Keys, Ellie Psaltis, Yijia Zhang THIRD ROW Pippa Stewart, Charlotte Gattorna, Lucinda Mitchell, Philippa Attwell, Emily Bumbak, Ava Steinepreis, Indiana Mackay-Coghill ABSENT Kasey Osborne


FRONT ROW Darcy Slocombe, Sofia Healey, Brooke O'Sullivan, Lily Wallwork, Sienna Hanikeri, Saskia Boquest, Qingyu Zhang SECOND ROW Emma Cullinan, Holly McIntosh, Tayla Sargant, Morven Johnston, Amelia George THIRD ROW Mimi Poll, Mojisolaoluwa Daramola, Juliette Jarrett, Saskia Fleming, Aarna Khanna ABSENT Zalailah Sampi

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Year 10

10B FRONT ROW Holly Batten, Joslyn Dowling, Jasmine Aitken, Lucinda Cox, Ginger Fogarty, Sophia Hardie, Meg Goody, Dimity Andrews SECOND ROW Helen Lovegrove, Shakana Garstone, Alyssa Sim, Isabelle Carnie, Samantha Cooke, Scarlett Murdoch THIRD ROW Katherine Mahony, Aisling O'Farrell, Emily Nixon, Charlotte Semmens, Mackensie Chapman, Monet Edwards, Emily Utting ABSENT Dorjesem Hoong

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FRONT ROW Mia Anderson, Megan Steinberg, Emma Barrett, Philippa Hann, Sophie Day, Sioni Zankharia, Ayesha Razvi, Nichola Nash SECOND ROW Elizabeth Marsh, Lilly Johnston, Emily Anderson, Lola Meara, Emily Doney, Clara Febbo, Noemi Sommerhalder THIRD ROW Cassidy Douglas, Stephanie Olson, Nicole Enslin, Dimity Metcalf, Monet van Straalen, Alicia Dixon ABSENT Grace Flanagan


FRONT ROW Abigail Hair, Charlotte Ferguson, Sasha Kronja, Rosie Cottrell, Jasmine Barrett, Lara Tovich, Anna van Heerden, Emma Scalise SECOND ROW Ashley Spencer, Jessica Bootsma, Gabrielle Smith, Alexandra Feinauer, Harriet Gilmour, Asha Russell, Hee Lam Chai THIRD ROW Sylvie Erickson, Elizabeth Dyke, Islay Reichstein, Eva Jackson, Carlinea Savage, Asha Correia

10M FRONT ROW Audrey Purves, Charlotte Mawson, Jasmine McCully, Jemima Davies, Jessica Langdon, Lola Hanna, Juliet Quinlivan, Tara Rogers SECOND ROW Georgina McLarty, Zara Moffat, Charlotte Fairweather, Jasmine Fraser, Leila Braddock, Zoë Burke, Ariana Papandroulakis THIRD ROW Grace Alcock, Olivia Snook, Alexandra Slocombe, Isobella Bates, Eloise Rosser, Annika Mau FOURTH ROW Matilda Malloch, Alexandra Samaha, Hallie Liggins, Phoebe Thompson, Eliza Zagar, Ellie Fry

10R FRONT ROW Anna Koth, Zhiyi Song, Felicity Ostergaard, Imogen Shillington, Alexia Gianotti, Alisa Feulner, Matilda Lamb SECOND ROW Caitlin Mair, Yasmin De La Rosa Sutedja, Emma Kinnaird, Asharnti Hicks, Christina Houdalakis, Skyla Ejai THIRD ROW Aliana Rummer, Victoria Couzens, Lucia Porter, Jessica HarcourtCooke, Jasmine Robertson, Charlotte Churcher, Celeste Dunn ABSENT Jade Sanderson

10ST FRONT ROW Elizabeth Playford, Jenna van Kappel, Harriet Wildberger, Shawana Ross, Monisha Nadason, Gabrielle Evans, Cheuk Wong SECOND ROW Lucy Johnston, Caitlin Weir, Tumi Burgoyne, Indigo James, Anneliese Mellick, Amy-Jo Tremlett THIRD ROW Talliah Galindo, Ella Harrison, Tallulah Pestell, Eliza Palandri, Emma Anderson, Grace Fisher, Briana Nicholson ABSENT Michaela Munday

10SU FRONT ROW Jemma Woolf, Toluwanimi Daramola, Tianna Bin Jacob, Sophia Italiano, Audrey Chegwidden, Keyi Zhang, Aisyawal Naura SECOND ROW Grace Hyde, Isabella MacGregor, Katelyn Wain, Eloise Middlemas, Mia Riekie, Edith Offer THIRD ROW Isobel Weir, Katherine Jackson, Lucy Negus, Georgina Roberts, April Webster, Cara Mooney, Pippa Ford ABSENT Yasmine Cheir

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Hub Report Years 1 1-12 Deputy Head of Senior School (Years 11 - 12)

What is your favourite aspect of your role?

What are your goals for next year?

By far the best thing about my role is spending time with students, and walking alongside them, as they journey through their final years of school.

I have many goals for next year; some small and some a bit more ambitious. I am keen to get started on my masters, I hope the French Tour gets up and running and I'd love to sit at the same desk two years in a row!

What has made this year memorable for you? There are many memorable moments when working with Years 11 and 12 students, but I would have to say that accompanying the Kimberly Tour was a real highlight! It was a true privilege to travel with the girls to learn more about Australia's rich Indigenous heritage.

What is your favourite hobby? Anything French bien sûr! French movies, music, food, YouTube...

Ms Rebecca Payne

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Year 1 1

11B 11

FRONT ROW Hana Fujii, Rebecca Donnelly, Ava Bux, Nisha Whittome, Evi Bell, Jaime Sabavala, Mae Kelly SECOND ROW Alexandria El-Raghy, Sahara Clarke, Bonnie Cox, Charlotte Grant, Isabelle Hamer, Jaspa Kathiravelu THIRD ROW Ingrid Ledger, Matilda Lutze, Katherine Hutton, Zanna Vos, Claire Moon, Georgiana Mirams

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FRONT ROW Amelia Berry, Isabella Stevens, Ava Drage, Deanna Bertram, Taylor Lindquist, Zsa Zsa Fiore Hart, Ava Yu SECOND ROW Georgia Kestel, Jessamy Hamersley, Madison Waters, Abbey Noble, Ginger McGregor, Matilda McManus THIRD ROW Madison Osborne, Ellie Thomas, Madison Marley, Karri Withers, Annie Price, Evangeline Bevan, Anushka Agarwal

11F FRONT ROW Bryanne Zabora, Annabella Liddelow, Millicent McCarthy, Stephanie Hair, Audrey Wilkins, Ruby McLellan, Ruobing Shen SECOND ROW Juliette Hansen-Knarhoi, Namrita Khanna, Daniela Iazzi, Isabel Guster, Madeleine Grist, Sophie Michael THIRD ROW Sarah Lye, Cassidy Emmott, Eliza Murray, Madeleine Farrell, Philippa Joyce, Verity Pattison ABSENT Shaojie Chen


FRONT ROW Lilli Everingham, Laura Quinlivan, Ashley Maddern, Kate Few, Clara Chen, Lili Streader, Lily Arbuckle SECOND ROW Amber Alcala, Paris Savill, Georgina Mouda-Hughes, Clare Shine, Emily Gibbs, Cinta Charlton-Meyrick THIRD ROW Jennifer Carter, Abby Weber, Catherine Banks, Kiara Wright, Miki Ryan, Holly Patrick

11R FRONT ROW Tiffany Sarich, Charlotte Berrisford-Thompson, Claudia Tedjasaputra, Charlotte Bell, Giorgia Chin, Zifu Sun, Juliana Salazar Franco, Chuanming Jiang SECOND ROW Erin Marstrand, Nyah Siegmund, Elizabeth Crawford, Megan Henschel, Isabella Martin, Aishna Singh THIRD ROW Laura Bailey, Georgia Keamy, Lilah Barker, Eloisa Malet, Salma Grono, Hannah Hunt


FRONT ROW Lara Odgers, Anya Henharen, Bridget Wilson, Jessica Hales, Charlotte Ball, Julia Comstock, Natasha Psaltis SECOND ROW Isabelle McGinniss, Imogen Clifton, Stephanie Ford, Georgia Stokes, Anneka Kenner, Georgia Rieck THIRD ROW Shenae Hewett, Zoe McKinnon, Ella Miels, Emma van Schouwen, Chloe Burgoyne ABSENT Isabella Ahern


FRONT ROW Scarlett O'Grady, Tahlia Hanikeri, Ziting Gao, Eva Coulson, Zara Wallwork, Lily Jenkins, Harper Shephard SECOND ROW Alexandra Kirkwood, Amy Screaigh, Sophia Short, Stella Vanderzanden, Xiuhui Geng, Abigail Cullinan THIRD ROW Amelia McIntosh, Isabelle Cooper, Lauren Taylor, Isabella Poll, Luciana Treasure, Georgia Hyde, Yutao Jian

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Year 12


FRONT ROW Ashley Weatherall, Caitlin Pullen, Alexandra Ayers, Olivia Langsford, Sari Kane, Ella Fogarty, Alice Warner SECOND ROW Hunter Smith, Holly Dowling, Alice Roden, Ruby Fogarty, Felicity Cooke, Neha Bolla THIRD ROW Stephanie Whelan, Ava Fonti, Eloise McMurtrie, Gwendoline Spiers, Lucy Murdoch, Chloe Sneddon, Tian Kaelin

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FRONT ROW Shenielle Rose, Siena McMeeken, Halimah Zaini, Eliza Anderson, Arielle Fleming, Sarah Whitaker, Georgina Purvis, Jaimee Leach SECOND ROW Yinghan Zhao, Ella Pearce, Chloe Michael, Sienna Robson, Lucie O'Sullivan, Lucy Palmer, Katherine Nash THIRD ROW Georgia Harper, Isabel Veitch, Jasmin Embleton, Georgina Dunsdon, Emily Veitch, Ada Perkins

12F FRONT ROW Jessica van Heerden, Claire Bolton, Amelia Weatherall, Chelsea Graham, Molly Haitjema, Sophie Berry, Yuen Yee Lao SECOND ROW Sophia Mowbray, Alyssa Bedford-Brown, Emily Simpson, Sascha Feinauer, Meg Thomson, Isabella Scullard THIRD ROW Georgia Tovich, Brenna Orrock, Matilda Dyke, Lois Andrew, Isadora Roberts ABSENT Corinne Kakulas


FRONT ROW Kayla McCulloch, Sophie Edgecombe, Danée Bairstow, Tegan Abernethy, Maxine Ford, Grace Purves, Gabrielle Woolgar, Lucy Alderson SECOND ROW Eva Mallon, Isabella Simmons, Moonyean le Roux, Portia Knight, Sarah Hill, Saffron Fairweather, Rebecca Gunzburg THIRD ROW Poppy Bolt, Holly Culloton, Gabrielle McDonald, Amelia Bates, Bailey Eastman, Samantha Deykin


FRONT ROW Habiba Elnadi, Leisel Simpson, Tiriei Kamide, Alice Hood, Katherine Lalime, Yingkun Li, Eliza Shaw SECOND ROW Kiara Ramsay, Paris Kay, Jessica Vinnicombe, Aichen Wu, Abigael Russell THIRD ROW Isabella Gianotti, Genevieve Shillington, Christine Harcourt-Cooke, Charlotte Bray, Isobel Guille


FRONT ROW Maddison Ball, Juliette Saunders, Candace Ethelston, Nia Wege, Emily Pruiti, Tabitha Galluccio, Emma Rose Playford SECOND ROW Sophie Gubbay, Ellie Stroud, Arabella Smeulders, Siena Mitchell, Lucinda Easton, Isabela Safar THIRD ROW Charlotte Baddeley, Jemima Keys, Georgina Fisher, Allegra Pestell, Lily Stewart, Victoria Steinepreis, Tess Cooke

12SU FRONT ROW Lucy Cooke, Jessica Eidne, Lucy Muller, Georgia Grey, Maddison Welsh, Elizabeth Jackson, Dakota Tingwell, Georgina Kopke, Victoria Walford SECOND ROW Iyinoluwa Daramola, Daisy Webster, Clancy Offer, Sacha Tate, Zoe Lyttle, Clover Negus, Aimee Mumme, Georgia Eagleton THIRD ROW McKenzie Banfield, Karega Gibbs, Tegan Quinlivan, Jacqueline Swick, Lucy Jarrett, Louisa Jackson, Grace Lauder ABSENT Paris Castledine

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I wanted to build a space in which girls are not afraid to seek help from the community around them, and a space where they can be motivated to do their best.

Learning Academic Captain Report

What have been your academic highlights of 2019?

What is your favourite subject at PLC?

Personally, my academic highlight was going to study French and Medicine in Paris for a month. I think that collectively, as a Year group, the highlight of our academic careers will be Graduation, as it will be an acknowledgement of all the hours of work, study, dedication and persistence that I know the girls have put in. However, I have to admit, the one time during my study period, when everyone in the Common Room was actually studying, is definitely up there.

If I say my study period, I think I'd get a lot of backlash, so I'll have to say French. I genuinely love learning languages and it's really the icing on the cake that the girls in my class are incredibly lovely and also share this passion.

What were your goals for PLC’s academics in 2019 and what have you done to achieve them? My goal was to create a mindset of improvement and endeavour towards academics within the school community. Throughout the year, I have been working on the Homework Help programme after school in the library. I wanted to build a space in which girls are not afraid to seek help from the community around them, and a space where they can be motivated to do their best and give it 20 out of 19. I think this has definitely been a success, especially as we have been able to create bonds between Year groups through this programme.

Who do you see as a role model and why? Most people know I genuinely think Kim Kardashian is a genius in the way she built her empire, but I think people would be surprised to hear that my number one role model is actually my mother. She moved to a whole new continent just so her children could have the chance of a better education. The road has never been easy for her and yet, she constantly makes sure that my siblings and I are given every opportunity to achieve our best. I'm not sure she would see herself in this way but, given the mountains she has had to climb, she is the most successful person I know.

Halimah Zaini

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Arts Captain Report

What have been your Arts highlights of 2019?

Who do you see as a role model and why?

My highlight of 2019 would definitely have to be Arts Day! This day takes a massive amount of commitment and co-operation from a number of people and although organisation for the day was challenging, I was very glad to see that the day was successful and there was plenty of participation. The passion and energy that was displayed made me very proud and I loved seeing the enthusiasm that everyone brought to the day. The display of talent at the Christmas Talent Show was another amazing highlight and the atmosphere of the day brought a lot of fun to the third last Friday of the School year.

I find role models in many people around me, as well as people I aspire to be like. My family encourages me every day and are huge role models, in terms of both their example by action and the support they give me. I also see people I don’t know as role models, such as various activists and professionals who commit themselves wholly to their goals and aspirations.

What were your goals for The Arts in 2019 and what have you done to achieve them? One thing that I wanted to achieve in The Arts this year was spirit and participation within the activities presented at school. I think that with activities such as The Arts, there is a tendency to fear participation if you don't think you have talent or aren’t confident in the activity. I wanted to break this down and encourage everyone to give it a go, no matter their Year, ability or experience. I did this by making activities such as the Christmas Talent Show accessible to all Year groups and encouraging girls to participate in whatever way they felt comfortable.

Who is your favourite musician? One musician that I love is Matt Corby. He produces music that melds multiple genres and a huge range of instruments into something that amazes me. I particularly like the full and atmospheric instrumentation of his music. However, I have never really had a single favourite artist. From a young age, I have loved musicians, from Elton John to Amy Winehouse. As I have grown up, I have discovered a more personal music taste, while finding artists such as Frank Ocean, Alt-J and James Vincent McMorrow. The strange mix of genres and styles I like means that I love them all strongly and equally.

Gabrielle McDonald

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Arts Day

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Seeing everyone giving it their all at inter-house carnivals and supporting each other was a massive highlight of 2019.

Sports Captain Report

What have been your Sports highlights of 2019?

Who do you see as a role model and why?

Overall, 2019 has a been a year where everyone has given it 20 out of 19. No matter whether it was in IGSSA or Blackwatch, everyone has pushed themselves to achieve their best! At Head of the River, the early mornings and hard work paid off again, with the rowers winning the overall season trophy for the 8th year in a row!! They also took out the First VIII race!!! Of course, seeing everyone give their all at Inter-House carnivals and supporting each other in any sport they were doing has also been a massive highlight of 2019.

As a tennis player myself, I’d have to say Ash Barty is a great role model. Not only did she make it into Wimbledon at the age of 15, and go on to win the French Open earlier this year, she was also a stellar cricket player. She always remains composed on court, unlike some other Australian tennis players from her generation, and she is only ever seen giving it her all. To reach such a high level in any sport takes hours of dedicated work, and her determination and hard work have paid off. She still seems so down-to-earth, despite her roaring success.

What were your goals for Sports in 2019 and what have you done to achieve them? My goal for Sport this year was to boost participation and effort in all sports. By supporting all sporting abilities and encouraging everyone to participate in the variety of sports offered each term, it has been great to see huge numbers across all sports this year. Seeing so many girls in younger years getting into not only Cross Country and Swimming, but also all IGSSA, Blackwatch and InterHouse sports has been amazing too, and I’m sure it will grow next year, with Millie McCarthy leading the way, as Sports Captain for 2020!

What has been your funniest sporting moment? Making the PLC IGSSA Swim Team. Although I think swimming is great, throughout Senior School it has not been my strong point. My swimming highlights up until 2019 have been nearly drowning in the 100m freestyle, and holding onto the edge of the pool as the ‘goalie’ throughout Water Polo in Sport. So, me on the Swim Team was sort of a meme. I got to go to trainings and swim in the slow lane with Year 7 Scotch boys, swim modified sets because I was physically incapable of doing the trainings everyone else was doing, but I still ended up getting to swim at the IGSSA Swimming Carnival, and not come last in my heat!

Georgia Tovich

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Lighthouse Director of Wellbeing

What were your highlights for Service and Wellbeing this year?

How do you recommend we best look after ourselves and our community?

The Lighthouse Team coming together as a cohesive unit has been a real highlight for me this year. The way that the Service, Wellbeing and Psychology team are working so well together, to ensure we have a variety of quality programmes on offer, both within the curriculum and through co-curricular opportunities in the Lighthouse. The addition of employing boarders as Lighthouse Assistants has really helped the Lighthouse come alive. They have been amazing advocates for the work we are doing within the student community. Walking around the Lighthouse after school has finished for the day, and seeing all of the rooms being used by various members of our PLC Community, just really makes me smile.

Conversations and finding more ways to build connections within our PLC community. We've introduced Community Conversations into our Lighthouse programme this year, to provide more opportunities for members of our community to discuss the important issues facing young people. R U OK? Day is an important calendar event, but asking this question is an everyday opportunity to keep the lines of communication open within our community.

What is the most rewarding thing about Community Service for you?

Ms Chonny James

What is your favourite feel-good movie? A League of Their Own.

The most rewarding thing about Community Service for me, is the relationships and partnerships that are built through the shared experience of doing good for others. I love the tradition of Service we have created at PLC, and the passion so many of our staff and students have across so many areas of Service is infectious.

Kookaburra 2019 / 99

There are endless possibilities to engage in community service at PLC.

Service Captain Report

What have been your Service highlights for 2019?

How has Community Service influenced your life?

Having the privilege to run The World’s Greatest Shave, where PLC raised $35,000! Also being able to work with the Junior School Service Captains. They have so many great ideas for Junior and Senior School girls to collaborate with more service activities.

I'm a people person, so having the opportunity to work with as many people as I have was simply incredible. Last year, I had the opportunity to travel to places such as Tanzania, with people who are now life-long friends. We experienced many different things first hand that you would often only see on television, as well as hearing stories that humbled me greatly. Through engaging and having the opportunity to help people, both within our society and amongst our wider global community, I have experienced an overwhelming sense of fulfillment throughout my time at PLC.

What would you say to girls to encourage them to engage more with PLC’s Community Service opportunities? PLC offers many different types of Service. If you’re more interested in sport; pick a sport that you enjoy and see if the club needs help, then support them through Service. Or, if you like working with people like I do, then do something in the wider community. I go to my grandparent’s care home and work there when I go to visit them. There are endless possibilities to engage in Community Service at PLC.

Who are you inspired by and why? The person who inspires me is a young girl called Angel, whom I met last year when I went to Tanzania. I was humbled and inspired by her stories and her attitude to life. With an average journey to school taking just under two hours each way, Angel always looked for the positives in everything she did. Her gratitude was contagious, and I was inspired by the optimism she radiated through everything that she did, no matter what challenges she faced on a day-to-day basis.

Gabrielle Woolgar

Kookaburra 2019 / 101

Wellbeing Captain Report

Why do you think Wellbeing is important within the PLC context?

What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their wellbeing?

Wellbeing is about our thoughts and our actions, our self-talk and our speech, the foods we eat, the ways we care for our bodies, and the support we provide to ourselves and to others. It is something that is so important within PLC’s context, as the stress and pressure of school can greatly impact our mental and physical health. By looking after ourselves and our wellbeing as students, we can strive to be our best selves, helping us to receive an even better education.

Wellbeing can be improved super easily by doing a range of simple things. Taking time out to practice meditation and gratitude will help, along with spending time off social media and away from your phone. It's important to recognise and accept your emotions, however it's crucial to share these things with a family member, friend or a professional, if help is needed.

In what ways has the wellbeing of students been supported throughout 2019? This year has been a great year in the Wellbeing sector of the School. Mental Health Awareness Week occurred earlier in the year, and numerous activities were organised to celebrate events such as R U OK? Day, Harmony Day and Wear It Purple Day. The PLC Lighthouse has continued to facilitate the many different ways that students practice wellbeing, by providing multiple classes, courses and activities, which help the girls feel energised, connected and inspired.

What’s your favourite way to wind down and relax? When looking for a way to wind down and relax, it's important to take a break from study and give yourself time to see friends and family, and enjoy the things you love.

Arabella Smeulders

Kookaburra 2019 / 103

Beyond PLC

Kookaburra 2019 / 105

The best reward is witnessing the moments when learning takes place...

Outdoor Education Assistant Director of Outdoor Education

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your role this year? I think this is the same for almost all educators. The best reward is witnessing the moments when learning takes place; seeing students embrace opportunities and step up to the challenges made available to them. Watching them gain an appreciation of the beautiful environments we explore, and learning what makes each and every one of them different. The most rewarding aspect of my role is knowing the Outdoor Education team has helped students to build resilience, to understand what it takes to work with others, and to build their confidence so they can achieve whatever they set out to in the future. What are your goals for the future of Outdoor Education at PLC? Our programmes provide one of many avenues through which PLC assists students in developing their wellbeing and resilience. Next year, the goal is to tie Outdoor Education, Wellbeing classes and other school opportunities together, so that students can learn theory and strategies before a programme, practice them while they’re away, and further build on their learning when they return.

What is your favourite outdoor activity? Picking a favourite is hard. I love any activity that allows me to go places that I may never have had access to otherwise. Bushwalking has given me the chance to climb mountains, explore canyons and see beautiful pockets of the bush and coastline that you can’t get to from a road. I have kayaked along sea cliffs in Tasmania and through mangroves in Mexico. With our Year 10 students, I have abseiled and climbed through the canyons of Karijini, where the vertical walls of the gorges can be 100m high and less than that across. When I think about the activity I do the most, it would be paddling. Kayaking on the Swan River, down the white water of the Avon Valley, on the ocean all around WA, as well as canoeing expeditions on the Murray, Blackwood and Avon Rivers. Do you have any pets? Being away on Outdoor Education programmes regularly makes it hard to give a pet the love and attention that it needs, so I have chosen not to adopt any pets. Some students once gave me some pet rocks, and one generous student offered her younger sister as a pet, unpersuasively arguing that her sister was both house broken and capable of using a washing machine.

Miss Ellen Barker

Kookaburra 2019 / 107

Outdoor Education

Kookaburra 2019 / 109

The Gorna Liyarn girls participated in a series of workshops that helped to break down stereotypes and gain knowledge of positive milestones in Indigenous history.

Gorna Liyarn Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme

What has been your biggest accomplishment in the Gorna Liyarn Programme this year?

What aspect of the position have you found most rewarding?

This year, the Gorna Liyarn girls have been involved in a number of activities that have built on developing confidence, leadership, teamwork and selfdetermination. My aim was to ensure the girls felt safe to openly express their culture and talk about their different backgrounds. The Gorna Liyarn girls participated in a series of workshops that helped to break down stereotypes and gain knowledge of positive milestones in Indigenous history. This helped to empower them to share their knowledge, and feel a sense of pride in being a part of the world’s longest surviving culture.

The most rewarding part of the role is seeing students succeed at something they never thought they could do. It could be something like passing a Maths test or being the first person in their family to graduate from Year 12 and commence tertiary studies. The Gorna Liyarn girls are like family here at PLC, and it is great to see them celebrate their successes together and be there to lift each other up through the tough times.

What attracted you to the role of Gorna Liyarn Co-ordinator at PLC and how have you adjusted to it? I was an indigenous student at PLC, graduating in 2010, so the opportunity to return to my old school in a different capacity was what attracted me most to the role. It’s such a privilege to come back here to work with young Indigenous students, who are on a similar journey to the one that I personally went through. Treacy did a fabulous job at building the Gorna Liyarn programme into something special, and I'm excited to be a part of it going forward. I am passionate about Indigenous education, as it is the key to generational change within families and communities. The students welcomed me into this role with open arms, and they have all been such a pleasure to work with.

What is your favourite hobby? My favourite hobby is spending time back on country. Starting at PLC has given me the opportunity to head back to Broome and the Lombadina Community during school holidays. It is such a special feeling to connect back with country, and with my family, after living away in Perth. When I am home, I love to spend time hanging with my family, relaxing on the beach, mud crabbing and fishing.

Rokiyah Bin Swani

Kookaburra 2019 / 111

Gorna Liyarn

Kookaburra 2019 / 113

Boarders Director of Boarding

What events have the boarders taken part in this year?

When have you felt most proud of the boarders this year?

Every weekend there are events in which the boarders participate - we are always incredibly busy. Highlights were the Closed Weekend, Year 11 Leadership Workshop, Year 12 Retreat and Farewell and the Quay 2 Quay.

It is hard to name a single event or time, as I am proud of

What is your favourite thing about getting to know the PLC boarders from around the world? It is fascinating to connect and learn from all of the boarders, whether they are from WA or overseas. I admire the resilience of the boarders and the way in which they manage themselves far away from home. Some boarders only go home during the three-week break in the middle of the year and yet they stay positive, focussed and full of joy.

all of the boarders, at every point in time.

Have you ever lived outside Perth yourself? I spent the first years of my life in Harvey. My first teaching position was in Merredin and then I spent two years in Kalgoorlie.

Mrs Liz Langdon

Kookaburra 2019 / 115

You will have some of the best times of your life within the boarding house, so give it your all and enjoy every moment...

Boarders Senior Boarder Report

How have you supported the Boarding House and the boarders this year? This year I have helped to introduce 34 new boarders from across all Years into the Boarding House. With the assistance of my fantastic and supportive prefect team, we have organised numerous activities for the new girls to get involved in, including fun nights, dance parties and making pizza with the Year 12s. These activities helped to make the new girls feel welcomed and less overwhelmed, it also offered opportunities for the older girls to have fun and relieve some stress. Over the past year, I have always ensured the Boarding House comes first when making decisions.

What advice would you give to someone entering the Boarding House? To embrace every aspect of boarding with open arms. You will have some of the best times of your life within the Boarding House, so give it your all and enjoy every moment, because before you know it, it’ll be over.

How far is PLC from your hometown? My hometown, Leinster, is 968km from Perth, which is a 10-hour drive, or a one hour flight, to get home.

What has been your funniest experience in the Boarding House? There are too many to choose from. Over the past two years, I noticed that the cutlery seemed to disappear slowly each term, leaving people to eat their breakfast cereal with a fork. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it, but it is not easy, and even after being told countless times not to the throw the spoons in the bin, the number keeps decreasing each term. We are yet to find the culprits!

What will you miss most about boarding? I will miss the people the most. Over the past five years, I have become very close to all the girls and staff in the Boarding House, they have had a massive impact on the person I am today. The Boarding House staff are so

genuine, caring and have become like family, and I am going to miss having them as role models.

Georgina Kopke

Kookaburra 2019 / 117


Kookaburra 2019 / 119

Baird Captain Report

Describe Baird in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Enthusiastic, Cheerful, Family.

I would like to thank the Baird House Co-ordinators; Ruby, Alex, Tian, Gwendoline, Neha and Ava, for making my job easier and always helping me out. To every girl in Baird, thank you for making my year as Baird House Captain the most fulfilling and fun experience. You brighten my day when I get to see and talk to you, and I am so happy when you smile or say ‘hi’ when we walk past each other. I cannot thank you all enough.

What has been your favourite part of leading Baird this year? My favourite part of leading Baird this year has been getting to know all the girls in the House. I love walking past Baird girls between classes, smiling and saying hello. It makes me so happy to see all the girls running, jumping, swimming, dancing and singing at all the House events. At the end of each House event, I was always filled with pride and happiness that all the girls had done their best and tried their hardest for Baird.

When were you most proud of Baird in 2019? It's so difficult to think of a specific moment. House Marching would have to be one of my proudest moments, because everyone was very committed during the rehearsals. On the day, everyone knew exactly what to do, I was so proud marching, looking at all the Baird girls chanting B-A-I-R-D. Looking back at the video of the march, I am filled with just as much pride. To make the moment even better, we ended up winning the House Marching! I was also very proud watching every HTG perform their HTG dance on Arts Day.

What has been your most memorable experience at PLC? My most memorable moment at PLC was when I found out that I was going to be Baird House Captain. This moment is memorable to me because I love being in Baird so much, and I knew that leading the House was going to make me so happy.

Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly? I would rather be able to fly, because that would be so much fun!

Alice Warner

Kookaburra 2019 / 121

Carmichael Captain Report

Describe Carmichael in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Big Blue House.

I’d like to thank the amazing girls in Carmichael, for giving it their all and always putting in their best efforts! Especially my House Tutor Group, for being the most supportive, helpful and loving group of girls. I’m eternally grateful to have spent my time at PLC in Carmichael with you girls. Also, to our Carmichael teachers, particularly Ms Letherbarrow, thank you for being so awesome in getting the girls involved!

What has been the most rewarding moment for you as House Captain? Being able to see the girls encouraging one another to do their best and really taking on Carmichael’s motto, ‘play the game'! It’s so awesome to see how supportive the girls are of one another. But what trumps them all, is watching the girls not only support the amazing girls in blue, but also the girls from the other six Houses. I believe in Carmichael we’re all about having good sportsmanship and advocating for fair play, which has really been shown throughout this year, by each and every Carmichael girl.

What makes Carmichael great? What makes Carmichael so great is the number of girls willing to give anything a go. Whether that’s filling in for the 1500m at Athletics, signing up for Inter-House Debating, or taking part in a House Tute Dance on Arts Day. I’m so proud of the number of girls who have put up their hand to fill in for events or try new ones, and giving 100% this year!

What is your most embarrassing memory? There’s been so many, it’s hard to pinpoint one that tops them all.

If there was a movie about your life, who would play you? I think I’d probably play myself.

Katherine Nash

Kookaburra 2019 / 123

Ferguson Captain Report

Describe Ferguson in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Devoted, Passionate and Ambitious.

To Ms Pengelly, you’ve been the most encouraging House Advisor, your reassurance throughout the year has done so much for me, and I’m so excited to hear about all Fergo’s success under your leadership in the years to come! To Mr Kerrigan, on behalf of our whole House Tute, I thank you for all the advice, support and memories made over the years; I assure you that none of us will forget the time that we spent with you!

What has been the most rewarding moment for you as House Captain? Being Ferguson House Captain for 2019 has been such an honour. I feel extremely lucky to have been able to lead such an amazing House, filled with the kindest, most passionate and amazing group of young women. It’s hard to pinpoint one exact moment but it’s pretty hard to go past our Inter-House Athletics Carnival win in Term 2. Having won this event last year, everyone wanted a second taste of victory. The determination and courage I witnessed from the girls in red that day will inspire me long after my years at PLC are behind me. What is the best thing about Ferguson? The best thing about Ferguson is everyone’s “have a crack” attitude. Success can only be achieved if everyone gives absolutely everything they have, and in Fergo, it’s no different. I am confident that you could ask any girl who wears a red shirt to run a 1500m, write a speech for Debating or choreograph a dance for Arts Day and they would do so without complaint. I love this House, and all the girls in it, and I thank you all for your effort over the last year. None of our success would have been possible without every single one of you!

What has been your funniest experience at PLC? Something about playing Scotch in the annual Student Council Netball Game, and seeing them all in PLC uniform, makes me laugh every time I think about it, seriously the best fun! Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses? My head says 100 duck-sized horses because that just seems easier, but I would just laugh at them all running at me, so I’m going to go with one horse-sized duck!

Lois Andrew

Kookaburra 2019 / 125

McNeil Captain Report

Describe McNeil in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?


1. Miss Young - what an absolute legend. I couldn’t have done it without your organisation, enthusiasm and undying support! 2. Mr Leach - oh my, have you had it tough keeping us absolute LUNATIC Year 12s in check, so on behalf of my 20 sisters and I, THANK YOU. 3. Lastly, our youngest McNeilians - you are the future. Your crazy amount of energy, and that fire in your bellies, is what will keep the McNeil spirit soaring for years to come.

What was the highlight of the year for McNeil? 100% the Inter-House Swimming Carnival; watching the swarm of yellow caps flood the pool and constantly hearing ‘victory or death hoo ha’ echo throughout HBF Stadium was an insanely good feeling. For the fifth year in a row, McNeil brought that hunk of a glass trophy home. Talk about starting the year off with a bang!

What has been your favourite part of leading your House? It has been an absolute pleasure being the Captain of this yellow submarine; I’ve simply loved watching all the girls support each other, through thick and thin. As a House, we are one. No matter the circumstances, we swim, run, march, dance and sing together, just giving it a red-hot crack. Participation is key here in MIGHTY McNeil House, which is what we can attribute our success to, and I guess it helps that we also have some unbelievable talent!

What message would you like to leave for your House? To all my magnificent McNeilians, shine as brightly as the colour of your shirts. You’ve got this girls, show ‘em what you’re made of!

What is your strangest habit? You know when you discover a new song and you just listen to it over and over again until you get completely sick of it? Yeah, well that.

Saffron Fairweather

Kookaburra 2019 / 127

Ross Captain Report

Describe Ross in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?

ALL positive adjectives!!! (all of them)

Ms Kidby, of course. I don’t even want to THINK about where I’d be without her reassuringly calm nature and organisation. No event was carried out without her support, and thanks to her, we’ve had an incredible year as a House! She is by far the biggest Ross supporter of all, and that feeling translates all throughout the House. Thank you so much Ms Kidby!

What has been your favourite part about leading Ross? Getting yelled "Hey, House Captain!" on the train ride home (you know exactly who you are) and chatting to Ross kids from all Years. I found it hilarious to hear everyone complain about rehearsals, or earnestly ask me “do I have to do the wheel barrow race? do I have to?” It was also pretty jarring to have so many people say my name correctly.

What made you most proud of your House this year? Arts Day! I know it’s not an uncommon topic around Ross... but since moving to Ross at the beginning of Year 8, we really rose to fame as forever 7th on the leaderboard. I like to think this never really impacted me, but that’d be a lie. So, on Arts Day, watching HTGs do their dances, and everyone pulling off their piece in House Choir and Dance was incredible! It felt like a full 360 and a wholesome close to my time in Ross.

Is there a message you’d like to leave your House? A message I’d like to leave you guys is to have fun. I can’t stop my 12-year-old self from rolling my eyes, but since becoming the ultimate 12-year-old (Year 12) over the course of this year, I’ve enjoyed myself the MOST out of any Year. It made me wonder why I didn’t enjoy any other Year as much, and I think it comes down to the balance between not letting the leaderboard get you down, but still caring about the events you participate in.

What is a weird food combination that you love? Hmmm... I don’t think it’s too strange, but I’ve received a few weird looks from liking red bean paste on toast.

Tiriei Kamide

Kookaburra 2019 / 129

Stewart Captain Report

Describe Stewart in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?


Firstly, I’d like to thank Ms Honeychurch. Not only does she go above and beyond in her role as House Advisor, but it is her passion and commitment to the House that makes Stewart so special. I’d also like to thank Mr Jones, our House Tutor, who has been such a great support for our House Tute. Finally, I’d like to thank all the Co-ordinators for their dedication to Stewart, they were integral in making this year such a success.

What has been the most rewarding moment for you as House Captain? It’s hard to think of a single moment that captures just how honoured I am to have led such an incredible House. Stewart has honestly become a big, green second family to me. I am so grateful to have shared all the wonderful memories and victories with the girls this past year. From the sporting field to the choir risers, every Stewartian has been involved, with passion and enthusiasm. It is this participation and team spirit that makes Stewart a House I am so proud to be a part of.

What do you think was the most significant accomplishment for Stewart House this year? Winning Arts Day was definitely a highlight. Excitement and enthusiasm were high and House spirit was through the roof. It was this passion and positive energy that gave us an edge in both House Choir and House Dance. All in all, it could not have been a better day, and it topped off such a great year for Stewart. I do also have to mention our exciting Cross Country win. A bit of a shock, but all the more exhilarating. Stewart is a team, and is big on participation, which really shone through on the day. We’re not all runners (me included), but we won because every Stewartian gave it a go.

What advice do you wish to give to next year’s Year 12s? Firstly, don’t run Cross Country in a morph suit unless you want to overheat. Trust me on that. Secondly, Year 12 is an absolute whirlwind that can definitely be overwhelming at times. But through all of it, remember that you always have your Stewart family, who will be there to support you every step of the way. Particularly the girls in your House Tutor Group, because I certainly couldn’t have done it without them.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be? I love whales, but I’m not sure if I’m graceful enough to be one.

Charlotte Baddeley

Kookaburra 2019 / 131

Summers Captain Report

Describe Summers in three words

Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Caring, passionate and AMAZING!

It really does take a village, and without the organisation and dedication of so many people, this year would not have been possible! All my House Co-ordinators, who have helped to make every event run so smoothly. All the gorgeous Summers girls, whose smiles at every House meeting inspired me so much over the year, and of course, my AMAZING House Advisor, Mrs Tamsin Moore, whose loving and dedicated approach has inspired us all!

What was the highlight of the year for Summers? I would say that Arts Day was a big highlight for Summers this year. In all our endeavours on the day, everyone gave 110%, the brilliant House Tutor Group dances, amazing cakes and photographs, our remarkable Summers flags showed the amazing commitment of Summers House! I was especially proud of how we came together and gave our all in both our House Dance and House Choir. All Summers girls should feel very proud of themselves!

Are there any previous Summers House Captains that you’ve been inspired by? I can whole heartedly say that I’ve been inspired by every single House Captain that has come before me. Each girl brought something special and unique to the House, whilst being such motivating and inspiring leaders to all the Summers girls. The previous Summers House Captains have left a remarkable impact on our House, that has guided and nurtured us to where we are today. I am so proud to be part of the legacy of Summers Captains!

What message would you like to leave for Summers? The message I’d like to leave with Summers is: never doubt yourself. In everything you do, give it your all. It has been an absolute pleasure to have led you this year. Each and every one of you brings something truly special to the House.

Going forward, don’t leave anything on the track, make yourself proud knowing that you’ve given everything you’ve got!

What is the worst thing you’ve eaten out of politeness? Honestly, anything my Mum cooks...shhhh...

Dakota Tingwell

Kookaburra 2019 / 133

s t e k c Po Year 11

WACE SUBJECT EXCELLENCE Accounting & Finance Cassidy Emmott Yutao Jian Natasha Psaltis Zifu Sun Bryanne Zabora Biology Annie Price Business Management & Enterprise Verity Pattison Careers & Enterprise (General) Abigail Cullinan Georgia Hyde Ellie Thomas Ava Yu Chemistry Clara Chen Yutao Jian Eloisa Malet Annie Price Stella Vanderzanden Nisha Whittome Children, Family & the Community Kiara Wright Economics Catherine Banks Eliza Murray Zifu Sun Food Science & Technology Eliza Murray

French: Second Language Clara Chen Giorgia Chin

Mathematics Applications Isabelle Cooper Zsa Zsa Fiore Hart

Year 12

Mathematics Essentials (General) Madison Waters Ellie Thomas

French: Second Language Nisha Whittome Human Biology Catherine Banks Georgiana Mirams Eliza Murray Annie Price Stella Vanderzanden

Physical Education Studies Katherine Hutton

Year 12 Human Biology Nisha Whittome

Physics Charlotte Ball Clara Chen Yutao Jian Eloisa Malet Annie Price Stella Vanderzanden

Literature Clara Chen Eloisa Malet

Psychology Ava Drage Cassidy Emmott

Marine & Maritime Studies Amelia McIntosh Abby Weber

IB DIPLOMA Academic Honours

Materials, Design & Technology - Textiles Ellie Thomas


Mathematics Methods Charlotte Ball Catherine Banks Clara Chen Xiuhui Geng Yutao Jian Eloisa Malet Eliza Murray Ruobing Shen Isabella Stevens Zifu Sun Stella Vanderzanden

Biology HL Daniela Iazzi Erin Marstrand Business Management HL Laura Bailey Georgia Kestel Chemistry HL Evi Bell Laura Bailey Elizabeth Crawford Scarlett O’Grady

Chemistry SL Madeleine Grist Chinese HL Shaojie Chen Chinese SL Laura Bailey Elizabeth Crawford Design Technology HL Evi Bell Georgia Kestel Ingrid Ledger Isabella Poll Juliana Salazar Franco Economics HL Shaojie Chen Elizabeth Crawford Tahlia Hanikeri Scarlett O’Grady Film HL Isabelle Hamer Film SL Scarlett O’Grady French HL Lily Jenkins French SL Evi Bell Evangeline Bevan Erin Marstrand Scarlett O’Grady Geography HL Chloe Burgoyne Evi Bell Erin Marstrand Madison Osborne Claudia Tedjasaputra Global Politics HL Isabelle Hamer

History HL Elizabeth Crawford Mae Kelly Erin Marstrand History SL Lily Jenkins Indonesia HL Claudia Tedjasaputra Literature A HL Laura Bailey Isabelle Hamer Tahlia Hanikeri Lily Jenkins Mae Kelly Erin Marstrand Ginger McGregor Scarlett O’Grady Isabella Poll Emma van Schouwen Literature A SL Evi Bell Elizabeth Crawford Georgia Kestel Mathematics HL Laura Bailey Shaojie Chen Mathematics SL Evi Bell Mae Kelly Scarlett O’Grady Isabella Poll Luciana Treasure Mathematics Specialists Yutao Jian Zifu Sun Physics SL Laura Bailey

SPORT Sport Honours

Spanish ab Initio Shaojie Chen Madeleine Grist Isabelle Hamer Mae Kelly Daniela Iazzi Isabella Poll Laura Quinlivan Luciana Treasure

Ferguson Madeleine Grist Stephanie Hair Millicent McCarthy Eliza Murray

Theatre HL Tahlia Hanikeri

Ross Eloisa Malet

Visual Arts HL Madeleine Grist


Stewart Isabella Ahern Charlotte Ball Emma van Schouwen


Summers Eva Coulson

Basketball Ava Drage Charlotte Grant Millicent McCarthy Isabelle McGinniss Georgiana Mirams Clare Shine Lili Streader Luciana Treasure Stella Vanderzanden


Cross Country Jessica Hales

Arts Participation Megan Henschel Dance Megan Henschel Georgia Keamy Drama Georgia Keamy Alexandra Kirkwood Matilda McManus

HOUSE DISTINCTION Baird Georgiana Mirams Nisha Whittome Carmichael Ava Drage Annie Price

McNeil Ashley Maddern Clare Shine

Music Participation Lily Arbuckle Laura Bailey Madeleine Grist Stephanie Hair Alex Kirkwood Eloisa Malet Georgiana Mirams Georgia Rieck Nisha Whittome Karri Withers

SERVICE Service Leadership Lily Arbuckle Charlotte Bell Shaojie Chen Madeleine Grist Daniela Iazzi Stella Vanderzanden

Sport Participation Isabella Ahern Ava Drage Eliza Murray Abby Weber

Hockey Charlotte Ball Anya Henharen Ingrid Ledger Eliza Murray Clare Shine Bridget Wilson Rowing Isabella Ahern Soccer Annie Price Tennis Charlotte Ball Eliza Murray Lili Streader Nisha Whittome

Kookaburra 2019 / 135

FRONT ROW: Jennifer Rickwood, Su-Ann Richards, Justine Keys, Bianca Venturi, Michelle Clayton, Caroline Jensen, Rebecca Payne, Padminee Raja-Snijder, Vernita Jaques, Danielle Magaraggia, Katherine Young, Liz Langdon, Sam Kronja, Keryn McKinnon, Richard Wright, Chris Robinson, Kate Hadwen, Andrew Cousins, Anna Hu, Vivien Whitehead, Sharon Anderson, Manie Strydom, Chonny James, Jenny Crisp, Fay Wiltshire, Prue Peardon, Siobhan Rooney, Andrea Sofield, Kate Taylor, Deb Barnaby, Sophiya Wallace, Elizabeth Snell SECOND ROW: Iliana Harvey, Katherine Hazlewood, Joanna Gray, Amelia Turner, Colleen Johnson, Linda Malone, Ellen Granger, Jane Phillips, Kelly Curran, Josie Lundy, Jenny Astle, Lucy Chapman, Jia Liao, Aileen Murray, Kumiko Sue, Tracey Walker, Maria Giglia, Jane Brandenburg, Erin Jones, Justine Mail, Sharlene Hayes, Geetha Nair, Catriona Cosentino, Luciana Cavallaro, Melinda Hayes THIRD ROW: Anne Coughlan, Val Myers, Susan Falkner, Seema Gookooluk, Guin Murray, Brooke Dunwoodie, Hayley Randall, Christine Koopman, Melissa Drake-Brockman, Elizabeth Lagrange, Gemma Kidby, Patrice Smith,

Victoria Kelleher, Sarah Taylor, Radek Talma, James Williamson, Bilal Halim, Fran Howl, Phil Espie, Taylor Rickards, Valerie Saunders, Sue Tredget, Caroline Fuhr, Hilary Price, Debra Van Dongen, Rosalea Wallace, Lisa Davis, Simone Fleay, Nanette Smith, Phoebe Robinson, Audrey Lee, Lanny Sugiri, Jessica Sardi FOURTH ROW: Bauke Snyman, Trudy Chick, Michelle Higgins, Lauren Sutherland, Rebecca Garbenis, Narelle Lange, Lucy Loxton, Karen Taylor, Melinda Honeychurch, Nic Dorrington, Gemma Freel, Sue Seeber, Beverley Spencer, Fiona McAlwey, Sandy Barbir, Lil Watt, Hayley McDonald-Burns, Christine Brockman, Natalie Lucioli, Helen Tutin, Rebecca Humphry, Philippa D'Sylva, Kristy Timms, Deborah McPhee, Meinan Jin, Sam Ternent, Kobie McGurk, Lauren Smith, Melissa Mulcahy, Angelica Huston, Kathleen Plastow, Greg Williams, Kylie Yacopetti FIFTH ROW: Phil Crane, Melanie Rowe, Augusta Weedon, Nikolah Vermeersch, Allison Mackenzie, Suzanne Pelczar, Kirsty Nugent, Olivia Maxwell, Alison Viney, Genevieve Letherbarrow, Justine Spencer, Judy Boyne, Katy Howes, Lynette Field, Lizzie Davies, Sarah Kelley, Kate Montague,

Austin Castiglione, Donna Kolka, Damien Kerrigan, Terri Karmelita, Justyna Jankowski, Sara Harrison, Emilia Firkins, Emily Lockhart, Nicole Agar, Shelley Stewart, Helen Jones, Doug De Kock, Colleen Garland SIXTH ROW: Esther Hanbidge, Ellen Barker, Hilde Apel, Wendy Castles, Sabrina Earsman, Tiarne Buurman, Zayja Monteleone, Emily Harris, Robin Dunn, Phil Orbell-Durrant, Aiden Orr, Oliver Craze, Brad Allen, Josephine Mfune, Ian Huisman, Greg Jones, Bev Sinclair, Sascha Hill, Katie Hodson, Lana Salfinger, Daleen Engelbrecht, Tamsin Moore, Toni Jefferies, Amy McDonald, Jane Frame, Christa Snyman, Kelly Barron, Anna Turnseck-James SEVENTH ROW: Amanda Ristovsky, Carol Jones, Jess Pengelly, Jessica Lethbridge, Murray Saunders, Roland Leach, Hellenna Tomshin, Lindsey Allen, Matt Donaldson, Guy Varndell, Zachary de Graaf, Christopher Scholten, Jack Graziotti, Graham Catley, Neil Williamson, Stewart Neilson, Serge Flora, Boyd Cooper, Michael Hinchley, Chris Hill, Soni Bailey, Duncan MacLaurin, Lynne Jones, Chris Bondini, Caroline Raths, Thomas Hickmott

ABSENT: Tony Baxendale, Carey Bouwer, Jessica Bray, Alana Brentnall, Courtney Bryant, Jessica Clark, Alana Coffey, Kerri Cresswell, Anna Curry, Esme Derrington, Jing Duan, Ian Elshaw, Kate Evans, Sophie Fennell, Matija Franetovich, Travis Garbin, Bronwyn Gibson, Geoff Goddard, Lisa Graham, Jane Hard, Skye Hegarty, Glenn Hermans, Patricia Higgins, Tara Holmes, Elena Hundley, Alex Kannegiesser-Bailey, Lee Katavatis, Lesley Kaye, Rob Kelly, Eleanor Lang, Kate Lee, Wayne Lillis, Zhonghan Lin, Margaret Litton, Shannon Lovelady, Tegan Maffescioni, Joanna Massey, Oliver Mayer, Damien McLeod, John Mirosevich, Melissa Murray, Leonie Neervoort, Jake Norris, Genevieve Ogilvie, Sandra Otranto, Nerrilee Pansini, Jeff Patterson, Annette Pearce, Dan Pike, Robyn Poole, Emily Riddell, Liz Roe, Anita Roy, Clea Sanders, Danay Savva, Shona Schwarz, Maureen Seubert, Di Simmons, Louise Smith, Peter Smith, Carissa Soares, Carolyn Steinberg, Liam Sullivan, Maylin Tai, Lyn Taylor, Tomoko Townsend, Kira Vermeersch, Alan Wallace, Kurt Wesley, Peta Wheildon, Kerrie Williams, Campbell Williamson, Liz Yeomans

Senior Leadership

Principal Ms Cate Begbie Med (SpEd), BEd(Hons), MAICD T3 Principal Dr Kate Hadwen PhD, MEd, GradCertEd(School L’ship), BTeach, GAICD T1 – T2 Deputy Principal Dr Andrew Cousins, PhD, PGradDipEd, BMus, BSc, AMusA (Piano), MACE, MACEL, GAICD Deputy Principal Mrs Chris Robinson MEdLeadership, Grad.DipEdLship, Exec Coach GCI, DipFashion&Design, DipTeach Chaplain Reverend Manie Strydom BTheo, BA

f f a t S

Director of Curriculum Services Ms Toni Jefferies GradDipEdLship, BA(Ed)

Assistant Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Mrs Lauren Sutherland BEd, BA

Executive Assistant to the Principal Ms Kate Montague

Assistant Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mrs Shelley Stewart GradDipEdLship, DipEd, BSc

ILT Manager Stewart Neilson, BSc(CompSc) Finance Manager Mrs Wendy Castles BComm, CPA Property Operations Manager Mr Ian Burrows, DipBuildConstruction Registrar Mrs Allison Mackenzie

Key Learning Areas Curriculum Leaders

Assistant Head of Science Yr 7-12 Sabrina Earsman GradDipScEd, BSc Assistant Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Josephine Mfune GradDipEd, BA, CertIVWTA Assistant Head of PE and Sport Yr K-12 Ms Kobie McGurk GradDipEd, BSc Co-ordinator Learning Support Y 7-12 Mrs Michelle Higgins, GradDipLD, BEd(Hons)

Head of Junior School Mr Richard Wright MEd, GradDipEd, BA

Head of Careers and Pathways Mrs Simone Fleay DipEd, BEd(Hons), BA

Head of Senior School Mrs Sharon Anderson GradDipEdLship, DipTeach, BEd T1

Head of Creative Arts Mr Michael Hinchley BEd

Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator Yr K-12 Mr John Mirosevich Med(SpecNeeds), BEd, DipTeach

Head of Humanities Yr 7-12 Ms Geetha Nair BA, BSc(Hons), DipEd

LEC Co-ordinator Junior School Mrs Sue Seeber DipEd BEd

Head of IB Diploma Ms Rebecca Garbenis GradDipEd, BA

Absences and Relief Co-ordinator Mr Robin Dunn MMathPlan, GradCertGeostatistics, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), DipTeach

Acting Head of Senior School Mrs Jennifer Crisp DipTeach, BEd T1 – T4 Director of Boarding Ms Liz Langdon MEdMan, GradCertCarDev BEd Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mr Sam Kronja BComm, CA, AGIA, FAIM Director of Information and Learning Technologies Ms Anna Hu BEd(Hons), DipTeach Director of People and Culture Ms Vivien Whitehead MPsych(Org), BPsych Director of Strategic Communications Mrs Keryn McKinnon BA Director of Wellbeing Ms Chantelle James DipEd, BPE

Senior Staff

Director of Governance and Strategic Projects Ms Karen Taylor GAICD, GIA(Cert) Deputy Head of Junior School Pastoral Care Vernita Jaques HDipEd (Psych) Deputy Head of Junior School Teaching and Learning Mrs Jennifer Rickwood BA(Ed) Acting Deputy Head of Junior School Teaching and Learning Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd BA T3 – T4 Head of Curriculum Yr 7-10 Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc Director of Library, Innovation and Learning Technology Mr Doug De Kock MEd, BPrimEd

IB Diploma CAS Co-ordinator Mr Matthew Donaldson GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons) Head of Languages Yr K-12 Ms Meinan Jin BEd T3 – T4 Head of Languages Yr K-12 Mrs Kelly Barron PGCE, BA(Hons) T1 – T2 Head of Language & Literature Yr 7-12 Ms Narelle Lange BEd Head of Lighthouse Curriculum Ms Emily Lockhart, MSc, GradDipEd, BPHE Head of Mathematics Yr 7-12 Mr Greg Jones BA, GradDipEdLship Head of Physical Education Ms Anna Turnseck-James GradDipEd, BPE T3 – Head of Science Yr 7-12 Ms Lesley Kaye MScEd, DipSc, DipTeach, BSc Head of Sport Yr K-12 Ms Annette Pearce BHlthPhyEd Head of Technologies Ms Christine Koopman DipTeach, BEd Director of Food Science and Technology Yr 7-12 Ms Philippa D’Sylva DipHEc, DipEd, BEd, CertIV Wkplce Lng Director of Outdoor Education Ms Ellen Barker GradDipEd, BSc, CertIVORec T2 Director of Performing Arts Ms Kathleen Plastow MEd, DipTeach, GradCertEthonmusicology, BEd CertIII SystemicTheology T1-T2

Head of Choral Ms Hilary Price PGD, DipKodalyMusEd, BMusEd(Hons) Head of Instrumental Ms Melissa Mulcahy BMEd Head of Strings Anne Coughlan BEd, BA, Suzuki Accred(Int) Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Dance/Drama Curriculum Ms Patrice Smith GradDipEd, BA(Dance)Hons Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Dance/Drama Performance Mr Bauke Snyman PGrad.Bus, PGrad.Ed, BAHonsDrama, BADrama Deputy Director of Performing Arts – Music Peformance Ms Jessica Sardi AdvDipMusTeaching, BPerfArtsMusicology(Hons)

Wellbeing Services

Lead Psychologist Ms Daleen Engelbrecht MEdPsych, BEd, BA School Psychologist Ms Nicole Agar GradCertBus, DipEd, BPsych School Psychologist Ms Jessica Lethbridge MPsych, BPsych School Psychologist Ms Danay Savva MPsych, BSSHons, BSc Head of Service and Community Partnerships Linda Malone, GradDipBus, DipProMan Kookaburra 2019 / 137

Wellbeing & Service Project Officer Ms Amy McDonald Operations Assistant – Lighthouse Ms Jane Feinauer T2 Operations Assistant – Lighthouse Ms Melanie Rowe T1

Deputy Heads of Senior School

Years 7 – 8 Ms Victoria Kelleher MA, PGradDipEd, BA

Mr Graham Catley GradDipEd, BA T1 Miss Michelle Clayton MEdMan, MEd(Gifted & Talented), CertEd, COGE, BEd

English Mrs Jennifer Crisp DipTeach, BEd

Ms Kelsey de Woronin BMusEd(Hons) T3-T4

English Mr Thomas Hickmott GradDipEd, BA

Ms Emilia Firkins BEd

English Mr Damien Kerrigan DipEd, BEd

Ms Fiona Fraser BEd (ECS)

English Ms Veronica Lake GradDip Ed, PGCTeachShake, TCert

Mrs Colleen Garland DipArtEd Mr Jack Graziotti BEd(Primary)

Years 11 – 12 Mrs Rebecca Payne GradDipEd, BA(Hons) (Acting)

Ms Emily Harris BEd

Year 7 Ms Luciana Cavallaro BEd, BAEd Year 8 Mrs Padminee Raja-Snijder MBA, GradDipEd, BA Year 9 Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA Year 10 Mr Liam Sullivan MA(Outdoor Ed), GradDipEd, GradCertEd (PosEd), BBus

Ms Sharlene Hayes BEd Ms Chris Hill BEd, BA Ms Krysti Hodges BEd(Primary) T2 Mrs Katy Howes BA, BEd Ms Caroline Jensen GradDipEd(Secondary) Ms Erin Jones BEd(ECE) Ms Colleen Johnson DipTeach T1-T2 Ms Erin Jones BEd Mrs Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Ms Nathalie Korfanty DipTeach

Year 12 Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA

Ms Jia Liao BA, MEd, MLingSpec, GradDipEd

Learning Co-ordinators

Ms Zayja McCartan GradDipEd, BSc

Year 11 Mr Oliver Craze BAMusEd(Hons)

Year 7 Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Year 8 Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc Year 9 Mr Guy Varndell LLB, GradDipEd Year 10 Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE Year 11 Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc Year 12 Ms Lana Salfinger GradDipEd, BSc Boarding House Mr Thomas Hickmott GradDipEd, BA

House Advisors

Baird Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA Carmichael Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow GradDipEd, BSc(Hons) Ferguson Ms Jessica Pengelly GradDipEd, BSc T2 – T4 Ferguson Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA T1

English Dr Lynette Field PhD, GradDipEng, GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Mrs Kerri Cresswell GradDipEd, BA(Ed)

Years 9 – 10 Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA (Acting)

Year Co-ordinators

English Ms Soni Bailey MEdMan, GradDipEd, GradCertEd(LitEd), BA(Psych)

Ms Kobie McGurk GradDipEd, BSc Mrs Aileen Murray GradDipEd, BA(Hons) Ms Prue Peardon GradDipEd, BAppSc Ms Ayomi Perera GradDipEd, BA Ms Jane Phillips GradDipEd, BA Mrs Caroline Raths MA, GradCertEd, BA, IBDip Mrs Su-Ann Richards DipTECE, DipTeach Ms Siobhan Rooney BPrimEd Ms Anita Roy BEd(Primary) Ms Valerie Saunders MA, DipFrenchTeach, DipBus Mrs Andrea Sofield BA, BEd Ms Beverley Spencer MEdLearnDiff, DipTeachPrimary Mrs Helen Tutin BEd Mrs Alison Viney DipTeach, GradDipScEd, BEd

English Mr Roland Leach MPhil, DipEd, BA English Ms Lucy Loxton GradDipEd English Mrs Rebecca McMullan BEd English Mr Murray Saunders DipTeach, BA T1 Humanities Mr Zachary de Graaf BEd Humanities Mr Bilal Halim GradDipEd, BA Humanities Ms Lynne Jones MEd, GradDipEd, BA Humanities Ms Victoria Kelleher MA, PGradDipEd, BA Humanities Ms Gemma Kidby GradDipEd, BComm Humanities Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc Humanities Ms Josephine Mfune GradDipEd, BA, Cert IV WTA Humanities Mrs Padminee Raja-Snijder MBA, GradDipEd, BA Humanities Mr Chris Scholten BAEd, BASocSc Humanities Mr Guy Varndell LLB, GradDipEd, BA Humanities Mr Neil Williamson MA, GradDipEd, BA, MACE ILT Integration Specialist Ms Kelly Curran MEd, GradDipEd, BMus(Hons), BA Languages Ms Caroline Jensen MA, GradDipEd(Secondary), BA Languages Ms Meinan Jin BEd Languages Ms Nathalie Korfanty DipTeach Languages Ms Jia Liao BA, MEd, MLingSpec, GradDipEd Languages Mrs Aileen Murray GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Ms Katherine Young DipEd, BA T1 – T3

Mrs Rosalea Wallace, BEd

McNeil Ms Shona Schwarz DipEd, BComm, BSc T4 -

Ms Jill Willetts T1 – T3

Languages Mrs Rebecca Payne GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Academic Senior School

Languages Ms Jane Phillips GradDipEd, BA

Ross Ms Gemma Kidby GradDipEd, BComm Stewart Ms Melinda Honeychurch DipEd, BSc Summers Ms Tamsin Moore PGCE, BSc(Dual Hons)

Academic Junior School

Mrs Lindsey Allen PGCE, BA(Hons) Mrs Carey Bouwer PGCE, HDipEd Mr Austin Castiglione GradDipEd, BA

Ms Agia-Sophiya Wallace BEd

Careers, Materials – Wood Mr Phil Crane, MEd, GradDipEdStd, BEd Dance Ms Caroline Fuhr AdDipPA, GradDipEd, BA Dance Ms Patrice Smith GradDipEd, BA(Dance)Hons Drama Mr Austin Castiglione GradDipEd, BA Drama Mr Oliver Craze BAMusEd(Hons)

Languages Ms Valerie Saunders MA, DipFrenchTeach, DipBus Languages Ms Beverley Sinclair MA(Prelim), DipEd, GradCertEd, BA, RSADipTESL CELTA Languages Ms Kumiko Sue GradDipEd BA, CSDM Languages Mrs Kate Taylor DipEd, BA(Hons French)

Languages Ms Susan Tredget PGCE, BA(Hons)

Physical Education Mr Jacob Johnston BEd(Secondary), BSc

Learning Enrichment Mrs Susan Falkner GradDipEd, BA(Hons)

Physical Education Ms Tegan Maffescioni GradDipEd

Learning Enrichment Mrs Nerrilee Pansini MScSpPath(Dist.), Dip.Ed, BA

Physical Education Ms Sarah Mortimer GradDipEd, BSc T3

Learning Enrichment Ms Jessica Pengelly GradDipEd, BSc

Science Ms Jane Brandenburg GradDipEd, BSc

Learning Enrichment Ms Maylin Tai BA(Hons), BEd, CertMus

Science Mrs Seema Gookooluk PGradDipEd, BA

Mathematics Mrs Trudy Chick DipEd, BSc

Science Ms Helen Jones DipEd, BHM/Sc

Receptionist Ms Di Simmons

Mathematics Mr Robin Dunn MMathPlan, GradCertGeostatistics, GradDipAppSc(Mathematics), DipTeach

Science Ms Sarah Kelley GradDipEd, BSc

Administration Assistant – Performing Arts Ms Valerie Black T2 -

Mathematics Ms Patricia Higgins MEd, DipEd, BE

Science Mrs Tamsin Moore PGCE, BSc(Dual Hons)

Mathematics Ms Melinda Honeychurch DipEd, BSc

Science Mrs Guin Murray Marts(Hons), PGCE

Mathematics Ms Justyna Jankowski BEd

Science Ms Lana Salfinger GradDipEd, BSc

Mathematics Ms Toni Jefferies BA(Ed)

Science Ms Genevieve Letherbarrow GradDipEd, BSc(Hons)

Mathematics Mrs Debbie McPhee DipEd, BPE

Science Ms Lauren Smith BSc, BEd

Mathematics Mr Phil Orbell-Durant PGCE, BSc T2 -

Science Mr Liam Sullivan MA(Outdoor Ed), GradDipEd, GradCertEd (PosEd), BBus

Mathematics Ms Amanda Ristovsky GradDipSciMaths, BEd T1 – T2 Mathematics Ms Kristy Timms GradDipEd, BA Mathematics Mr Greg Williams BSc, BEd, DipEd, MEd Mathematics Mrs Kerrie Williams GradDipComp, BSc(Hons) Music Ms Anne Coughlan BEd, BA Music Ms Katie Hodson GradDipEd(Secondary), BA(Jazz) Music Ms Hayley McDonald-Burns GradDipEd(Secondary), BMus Music Ms Melissa Mulcahy BMEd Music Ms Hilary Price DipKodalyMusEd PGD, BMusEd(Hons) T1 – T2 Outdoor Education Mr Brad Allen GradDipEd, BOEd Outdoor Education Mr Chris Bondini DipEd, BODEd Outdoor Education Mr Dan Pike GradDipEd, BA T1 – T2 Philosophy Religious Studies Mr Duncan MacLaurin BEd, BA Philosophy Religious Studies Mrs Christa Snyman BEd(Hons), BA T2 Physical Education Mrs Judy Boyne DipTeach, BEd Physical Education Ms Tiarne Buurman GradDipEd, BSc T1 – T2 Physical Education Mr Boyd Cooper GradDipEd, BPHE Physical Education Mr Matthew Donaldson GradDipEd, BPE, BSc(Hons)

Science Mrs Justine Spencer DipEd, BSc

Teacher Librarian Ms Luciana Cavallaro BEd, BAEd Technologies Ms Gemma Freel GradDipEd, BA Technologies Mrs Bianca Venturi GradDipEd, BA Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Melissa Drake‑Brockman GradDipEd, BA Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Jane Frame DipHomeEc, TC T1-T2 Technology & Enterprise – Home Economics Mrs Ann Smith BA, GradDipEd T3

Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Rokiyah Bin Swani BComm, T2 Co-ordinator Indigenous Scholarship Programme Ms Tracey Walker DipTeach T1 IB Administrator Ms Carol Jones BSc Junior School Receptionist Mrs Deb Barnaby Receptionist Ms Esmé Derrington

Music Administrator Ms Jessica Sardi AdvDipMusTeaching, BPerfArtsMusicology(Hons) T1 – T2 Receptionist – View Street Mrs Elizabeth Warburton T1 Personal Assistant to the Head of Senior School Ms Lisa Graham T1 Personal Assistant to the Head of Senior School Ms Lyn Taylor Personal Assistant to Head of Junior School Ms Tara Holmes Administrator - Curriculum Ms Hayley Randall Assistant to the Deputy Principal Ms Nikolah Vermeersch Archivist, Curator, Historian Mrs Shannon Lovelady Enrolment Administrator Mrs Jane Hard Community Relations Co-ordinator Ms Melinda Hayes BASocSci, GradDipManage Digital Content Co-ordinator Ms Robyn Poole BA PLC Foundation Co-ordinator Suzanne Pelczar Alumni & Parent Group Co-ordinator Ms Sascha Hill DipEd, BPE

Technology & Enterprise - Ms Elizabeth Lagrange GradDipEd, AssAppSc

Communications Co-ordinator Ms Annabel Stewart BComm, BA(Comm)

Visual Arts Ms Hildegarde Apel GradDipEd, BVisArts

Publications, Marketing and Media Co-ordinator Ms Kylie Yacopetti GradCertMktg, BA(Psych)

Visual Arts Ms Marg Litton - BEd Visual Arts Ms Katherine Young DipEd, BA

Instrumental Music Staff

Head of Pipe Band Mr Alan Wallace ACert APBC, DipTeach ABPC Pipe Band Tutor Ms Matija Franetovich BSc, Cert IV Piano Accompanist/Teacher Ms Lanny Sugiri GradDipEd, BA

Operations and Administration Staff

Academic Administration Assistant Mrs Elizabeth Yeomans

Physical Education Ms Nicole Dorrington ProfCertEd(PosEd), DipEd, BPE

Academic Administration Assistant Ms Anna Curry MA, BAHons, BA T1-

Physical Education Mrs Esther Hanbidge BEd

Administration Assistant (Reprographics) Mrs Lisa Davis

Education Assistant (Art and Play) Mrs Lesley Brady CertIII TA, CertArtDes Education Assistant Ms Christine Brockman BA Education Assistant Ms Lucy Chapman CertIII EdSup Education Assistant Ms Catriona Cosentino GradDipEd, BComn Education Assistant Ms Ellen Granger BEd Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Natalie Lucioli Cert III TA Education Assistant Junior School Mrs Danielle Magaraggia Cert TA Education Assistant Ms Fiona McAlwey BEc, Cert III EA Education Assistant Ms Ashleigh Traill HDipEd Kookaburra 2019 / 139

Education Assistant Junior School Ms Amelia Turner EN, Cert IIIEdSupport

Library Technician Ms Debra Van Dongen AssocDegSc(LibTech), CertIIIEdAssist.

Laboratory Technician Miss Fran Howl BSc

Digital Content Creator and Website Design Mrs Angelica Franco

Laboratory Technician Ms Janine Nicholson BSc(Hons)

Property Co-ordinator/Caretaker Mr Damien McLeod

Laboratory Technician Mr Radoslaw (Radek) Talma BScChemEng T1 – T2

Grounds Co-ordinator Mr Glenn Hermans

Languages Assistant Ms Odile Bell

Property Assistant Mr Tony Baxendale

Languages Assistant Ms Yedi Huang

Property Assistant Mr Ian Elshaw

Languages Assistant Ms Tomoko Townsend

Property Assistant Mr Wayne Lillis

Languages Assistant Mr Carlos Volk

Property Assistant Ms Peta Wheildon

Languages Assistant Ms Zhanfeng Wu Languages Assistant Ms Jo Zhou Media Technician Ms Natalie Cheveralls Visual Arts Technician Ms Olivia Robinson T2 Visual Arts Technician Ms Josie Lundy BEd T1 Assistant Technology and Enterprise Mrs Val Myers Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Audrey Lee DipFinServices, BComm Accounts Payable/Payroll Officer Ms Melissa Murray BEc Accounts Officer – Collections Mrs Sandra Otranto BComm Risk and Compliacnce Officer Ms Hellenna Tomshin GradDipLegPrac, LLB, BComm Operations Administrator Ms Justine Mail BComn Assistant to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services Mrs Leonie Neervoort People and Culture Advisor Mrs Brooke Dunwoodie, BComm People and Culture Consultant Ms Lil Watt MEd , BPE Technology Support Officer Mr Jason Chiriac T2 Technical Support Officer Mr Phillip Espie, BA(MedSt) T1 Information & Learning Technology Technical Officer Mr Serge Flora BLaws (Belgrade) Senior Technology Support Officer Mr Travis Garbin Technology Support Officer Mr Aidan Orr Information Learning Technology – Co-ordinator Ms Taylor Rickards Asistant Head of Network/Systems Engineer Mr James Williamson, CertII(TC), CertIII(CC), CCNP Team Leader ILT Support and Training Mr Ian Huisman BSc(PsychHR) Library Technician Mrs Jenny Astle, DipAppSc Library Technician Ms Maria Giglia DipLibStudies

Property Assistant Mr Jeff Patterson Head Rowing Coach Mr David Milne PE Admin Officer Mrs Louise Smith

Year 12 Co-ordinator Ms Liz Roe Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Kate Lee GradDipOHS, BSpSci T3 – Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Emily Spink T2 Weekend Co-ordinator Ms Elizabeth Snell T1 Assistant Ms Alaine Bailey T3 – Assistant Ms Jessica Clark T1 – T2 Assistant Ms K Evans T2 to T4 Assistant Miss Elena Hundley Assistant Ms Ashani Jeyadevan T3 Assistant Ms Kate Lee GradDipOHS, BSpSc Assistant Miss Michaela Miller (BScPsych) T1

Production Assistant/Stage Manager Ms Holly Pedlar T3 -

Assistant Ms Kira Vermeersch T1 – T4

Administration Assistant (Theatre Arts) Mrs Elizabeth Warburton T1

Administration Assistant Mrs Sara Harrison

Theatre Manager Mr Robert Kelly Tours Co-ordinator Ms Sandy Barbir DipEd, BSc

Assistant Ms Hannah Vermeersch T3 -

Bus Driver Mr Geoff Goddard

Visiting Music Tutors

Uniform Shop Assistant Mrs Marcelle Eastman

Mr Charles Barblett

Uniform Shop Manager Ms Emma Young BAEd

Ms Hui-Xian Chen

Health Centre

Ms Josephine Fountain BMusPerf

Health Centre Co-ordinator Ms Alana Coffey PGradDipOHS, BAppSc, DipAppSc Registered Nurse Mrs Phoebe Robinson, BNurse RN Registered Nurse Mrs Nanette Smith RN, BSc(Nursing)

Boarding House Staff

Deputy Operational Miss Kirsty Nugent DipAppSocSc, BA, CertResCare Deputy Pastoral Ms Donna Kolka PGCE, BSc(Hons) Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Augusta Weedon T3 Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Terri Karmelita DipCSTD, DipTch T1 – T3 Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Amy Holdsworth T3 – T4 Year 8 Co-ordinator Ms Olivia Maxwell T1 – T2 Year 9 Co-ordinator Ms Justine Keys DipAppSc(Nursing) Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Sarah Mortimer GradDipEd, BSc T4 – Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Augusta Weedon T2 Year 10 Co-ordinator Ms Jessica Bray T1 –T2 Year 11 Co-ordinator Sarah Taylor MTeach, BSc T1 Year 11 Co-ordinator Ms Katherine Hazlewood GradDipEd, BA(MCom) T1

Ms Jane Blanchard BA Ms Susie Endersby BMusEd Ms Bronwyn Gibson MMus, BMus T1 Mr Steven Harmer BAEd, BAPA(Mus) Ms Katie How BMusPerf Ms Kirrily Morison MMus, BMus(Hons), BMus Ms Genevieve Ogilvie BMusPerf Ms Marlene Ong TMusA, LTCL, FTCL, GradCertTESOL, BMusEd (Hons) Ms Anne-Marie Partington GradDipMus, BSc(Hons) Mr Michael Patrick GradDipMusStud, BMusPerf, BA, AdDipMus Ms Kate Pitcher BMus(Hons) T1-T2 Mr Shane Pooley BA(JazzPerf) Ms Christine Reitzenstein Mrs Hiroko Smith Suzuki Accred (Primary) Ms Carissa Soares Mr Brad Swope BMus Ms Louise Tayler-Lloyd AssDipBr, AMusA, BMusEd Ms Julia Toussaint-Jackson GradDipEd, AMusA, BMusPerf Ms Zoe van Drunen BMus, GradDipProfMusPrac, GradDipPerf T1 Mr Richard Webster BMus, AdvDip(Contemporary)

s h p a r g o t u A

Kookaburra 2019 / 141

s n o i t a l s n Tra As if light could be translated or tempests caught on film were the thing itself as if the sounds of preludes & rhapsodies could be talked about the desert winds captured so what you will become is as elusive & wondrous ROLAND LEACH

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