Blackwatch Ed 2 2020

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Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

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Chaplain’s Address Message from the Chair of Council PLC Welcomes Mr Neil Walker Year 9 Innovation Project Ross rises from the shadows Arts Day Junior School Arts Week Junior STEM room 2021 Student Leaders Junior School Semester 2 Leaders PLC Student Hardship Campaign Principal message to graduates Principal’s Citizenship Pocket Indigenous Studies Founders’ Day Matilda’s life aquatic Book in a day challenge Waste Wise School Tours to the World Year 4 fashion exchange Social connect catch up Short story sister act Fathers’ Day Term Fee Draw Year 12 Design & Materials Foundation Report OCA celebrates 100 years Reunions OCA Report Tartan News From the Archives Obituaries Important dates

Cover Image The photo used on our cover for 2020 Edition Two is of Abby Hogan (Year 10) who has a plan to bring back the bees in Claremont. See page 6.


Message from the Principal

Resilience wins over fear of unknown It is difficult to write in this second and final edition of Blackwatch for 2020 without making reference to the truly unexpected, difficult and challenging year that we have had. Initially, my aim was not to reference COVID-19 and its impact. I was concerned that focussing on a pandemic over which we have no control could be perceived as defeatist or disempowering. However, upon reflection I noted that uncontrollable events occur every year. No student can expect to control or even foresee trauma or tragedy in her life; one that threatens to derail her studies and pursuit of her extracurricular goals. No staff member can see unprecedented economic shifts that could destablise their financial security. However, every time I have witnessed such circumstances – some so breathtakingly tragic I wonder how it could be possible to surmount – I see those impacted students and staff face that challenge head on.

This is because we know that we don’t get to choose a particular situation and its impact, but it is always our responsibility to carry on. To acknowledge change and to adapt. I have seen this in spades in 2020 and that is what will make this year memorable for me. It will not be the anxiety and uncertainty of a new normal. Instead, I will look back on the individuals and groups within our community who refused to let a pandemic stop them in their tracks. I will remember our students who adapted to remote learning almost overnight, including our Year 12’s whose final year was like nothing we could have predicted. Our members of the Student Council, who spent hours writing cards of good wishes and thoughts to their peers and to

staff to help them remain positive. Our teachers, who used remote learning as an opportunity to upskill, to learn and to challenge themselves. Our Senior Leadership Team, which banded together like never before to keep PLC Perth operating as smoothly as possible. And our parents, who overwhelmingly supported our efforts and made it so much easier to implement. Most importantly, we supported one another and that is, without a doubt in my mind, why PLC has not only survived, but thrived, this year. As 2020 draws to a close, I would like to thank each and every member of our PLC community and wish you all the very best for a safe and happy Christmas and new year. Cate Begbie Principal



Refreshing our Strategic Plan In November, the PLC Council and Senior Leadership Team held the first of two strategy days to review our strategic plan as we head into 2021.


The purpose of life One of our PLC values is integrity (honore). As I reflected on living with integrity daily, I remembered the following quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson on the purpose of life: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Often happiness is elusive, seemingly just out of reach and pursuing happiness as the purpose of life might set us up for failure. If we rather pursue living with integrity – to be honourable, and being compassionate, we might be surprised by the effect it has on people and the environment. Though we might not witness the impact personally, every random act of kindness towards others, and every act to be a good custodian of the earth and environment by living sustainably, will have a ripple effect. Let us daily aspire to be meaningful, to live and love well, and to make some difference in the lives of others and the environment.

Rev Manie Strydom Chaplain

Our staff were at the centre of our discussions around our strategic priorities. We want PLC to be the School of Choice for teachers and all staff. We want our staff to feel valued and respected, to be inspired to be masters of their profession and to teach to the highest standards. 2020, the year of COVID-19, has been testament to our amazing staff at PLC and their dedication, commitment and resilience. Although it may only have been for a short time for us in WA, whilst many of us had the opportunity to work from home and take time out to care for our families and ourselves, our staff were on the frontline working tirelessly to educate and nurture our young women. They demonstrated incredible creativity in adapting their teaching to online overnight, capability in mastering a variety of digital platforms and resilience in supporting not only our girls, but each other and their own families. On behalf of the PLC Council, I would like to thank our staff, and also our students and parents for your compassion and commitment to our school during this time of change and uncertainty for us all. Education is complex and evolving and, as we review our strategic plan for 2021, we are on a journey of constant improvement in our quest to deliver an outstanding education for current and future generations of young women. Claire Poll Chair of Council


Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

PLC Welcomes Mr Neil Walker

We are pleased to welcome Mr Neil Walker to PLC as the new Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning. Since graduating from Oxford University in the United Kingdom, Mr Walker has had extensive work experience at many education institutions around the world, including

Coming from an all-boys school, he is excited to jump into the world of girl’s education. “I’m excited to be teaching in an allgirls environment, it’s a totally different experience.” Mr Walker said he believed his experience in many different schools and settings would be a great asset

“You won’t find me being completely autocratic and standing at the front of the room dictating how things will happen. You’re more likely to find me amongst it and trying to find a solution.” Mr Walker has a clear vision for his role at PLC, but strongly believes in continuing the good work that is already in place.

Mr Walker’s experience in many different schools and settings will be a great asset to the team at PLC. the The Nelson Thomlinson School in Wigton, Cumbria and King Edward VII and Queen Mary School in Lytham St Annes, both in the UK. Mr Walker also has a post-graduate Certificate in Education (English and Drama). Before starting at PLC in Term 4 2020, Mr Walker was the head of English at Christ Church Grammar School, where he was also a member of the school’s Educational Leadership Team and Academic Committee.

to the team at PLC. “I’ve worked in a range of different schools, in different places and different systems, so hopefully I will bring a fresh pair of eyes,” he said.

“There are various goals I will work with Cate Begbie on, but initially it’s about finding out what I can do to support and develop what is already working,” he said.

Mr Walker plans to implement a collaborative approach with staff to foster a rich learning experience for all students.

One of his first tasks has been to review the School’s timetable and to assist with the transition to a new middle management structure to ensure communication channels between students and families, and the school, are streamlined.

“I am quite a collaborative leader and I believe communication is key,” he said.


Project awarded for its game changing aims PLC Perth has been named one of Australia’s most innovative schools for the second year in a row by The Educator Magazine’s annual list of change-makers in the nation’s schools. The accolade was awarded for the Year 9 Innovation Project, which has two primary goals - to get students involved in solving real-world problems and to explicitly teach creativity. The aim was to identify problems which mattered to our students, so they were motivated to make something special. The work of current Year 10 student, Abby Hogan (pictured), was singled out in the award submission for her amazing efforts to create awareness around the importance of bees to the environment. Another group of girls used their project to inspire literacy and reading for young students in Indonesia. PLC Principal Cate Begbie said the award recognised the unique and inventive Project, which inspired girls to think laterally and use their resourcefulness to address real-life issues. To achieve these goals, PLC worked with Curtin University to develop a programme encouraging students to undertake creative projects in which they identified solutions to one of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. As part of the Innovation Project, students were encouraged to use the


Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

Design Council’s Double Diamond model of design thinking to identify the problem and find the right solution, before developing an innovation plan and larger business plan. They were introduced to Japanese toy developer Shimpei Takahashi and the creative game of Shiritori to kickstart their flow of creative ideas and were given a checklist to work through five stages of their project. These include the project title/name, the introduction to the problem, the planned solution, analysis and conclusion, including references. Students had the option to work in groups or on their own to develop the project over six months. Within those six months, the students were encouraged to model, example, test or trial their idea and keep refining it until it achieved the desired solution. Their final report was in the form of an audio-visual presentation, which they used to ‘pitch’ to parents and staff at a final Innovation Project Exhibition. Students were encouraged to use the event as an opportunity to attract interest in their project and possible investors who may be able to sponsor or help take their solution to more people to have a wider impact.

Ms Begbie said the results of the Project were incredible, with girls working on ideas to improve world literacy, end world hunger and promote greater sustainable food chains. Blaise McCabe, Indah Jenkins, Ella Wagner Venn and Ella Brant worked together to use the UN Sustainable Goal of quality education to inspire literacy and reading for students on the earthquake-hit Indonesian island of Gilli Meno. Entitled Saura, meaning voice, the project aims to give children a voice through quality education. The students found that the Gilli Meno school did not have suitable reading resources and set about generating local business sponsorship to raise funds to purchase books and re-stock the school’s library. For her project, Abby used the UN sustainability goal of life on land to encourage people to save the bees with the aim to create awareness of the importance bees and to plant 100 native bee-attracting plants, so her project had a long-lasting impact. She used local media and community Facebook pages to sell Bee Scene tea towels, to raise funds for the seedlings and to raise community awareness.

Ross rises from the shadows Perpetual underdogs, PLC Perth’s Ross House has proven dedication, determination and sheer willpower trumps all, after stunning success at Arts Day 2020. While Stewart was crowned the day’s winning House, Ross stole the show claiming victory in the House Choir and House Dance with both performances raising the roof of the Hugh Baird Sport Centre. It is a fabulous story which has now come full circle. The 2020 Year 12 Ross students, led by House Captain Elizabeth Crawford, are the first group of girls to have worn the Ross badge proudly for all six of their Senior School years. The addition of a seventh House was made to coincide with PLC’s centenary in 2015. All current students were given the option to move from their existing House to the newly-formed Ross, so named after one of the School founders – Professor Alexander David Ross. It’s colour – black – symbolised strength, it’s emblem – the white chrysanthemum – symbolic of truth. For the majority of their senior schooling, the 2020 Ross House Leavers

have worn their House shirts with pride despite regular losses and being placed seventh on the leader board. “We just always tried to keep positive,” Elizabeth said. “We always tried to cheer the loudest even if we came seventh. The House which came third could not match our cheer.” Year 12 House Tutor, Justine Spencer, and House Advisor, Katherine Young, said you could not meet a Tutor Group of girls closer than those in Year 12 Ross. “They are the closest knit group I have ever come across,” Ms Young said. Ms Spencer said the girls had come to Ross in Year 7 as pioneers and embraced the opportunity. “It was hard going because the House was smaller and was destined to finish last for the first few years,” Ms Spencer said. “The culture had yet to be defined, but over the years I think this group have evolved to represent Ross House. They are strong individuals, all very different, but they work really well together. They consider themselves a family. “In Year 8 they were asked to create a HTG motto to be displayed in the middle school. It reads - Respect others; Overcome negativity; Support others; Stay positive. It sums them up to this day. They were destined

to be successful and determined to make their mark. Many amazing girls have joined the group and they have enriched it immensely.” Elizabeth said the Year 12 group tried very hard to rally all members of Ross and promote a culture of family. “Everyone was really motivated to join in Arts Day activities and get involved. They all seemed really excited across all year groups,” she said. With 2020 PLC Dance Captain Georgia Keamy and Senior Choreographer Megan Henschel both Ross ticketholders, Ross was always a favourite for 2020 House Dance champions. Throw in a Beyonce mix, swinging hips and serious attitude and it was a foregone conclusion. When they finished the day with a rocking version of Bay City Rollers’ classic Bye Bye Baby the girls had the entire school behind them for the House Choir win. For the record, just three points separated them from overall Arts Day Champions Stewart House. It matters not. As far as this group of girls is concerned Arts Day 2020 belonged fairly and squarely to Ross.


Arts Day 2020

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Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two


Celebration of the Arts The Junior School celebrated Arts week in September. To kick off the week, grandparents and special friends were invited to experience the wonder and beauty of the PLC Junior School. Students exhibited their latest projects and what they had learnt this year. During the week, the girls performed dance, drama and very entertaining musical acts. They were also lucky enough to learn about traditional African drumming and so much more. The week culminated with the Arts Week Assembly, where parents and special guests were treated to an array of music performances by the Petite Chorale, Year 5 Stage Band, Suzuki Strings Ensemble and so much more. After the Assembly, guests viewed the beautiful art works that students had been working on throughout the year.

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Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

STEM room stimulates young minds

Research which shows the importance of introducing STEM subjects to children in the primary years was the catalyst behind the establishment of the new Junior School STEM Room. Made possible thanks to a generous donation by the PLC Old Collegians’ Association, the STEM Room aims to introduce all students, from PreKindergarten to Year 6, to a love of science and mathematics. Head of Junior School, Richard Wright, said a University of Queensland and Australian Gender Equality Council research paper found people who entered STEM-related careers had already formed their love of STEM before they entered secondary school. “The creation of a STEM Room will bring greater focus on this area to the entire community – students, parents, staff and Old Collegians,” Mr Wright said. “The STEM room will provide the students and staff a place to expand and investigate their STEM skills and build confidence in this area. This space will provide an environment for the students to conduct science experiments, investigate scientifically, design, build and appraise in a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary way.”

OCA president, Jessamy Mahony said the Association was thrilled to support such an important and worthwhile project. The room has been custom-designed with desks to accommodate girls of all ages and spaces to stimulate curious minds. The room was officially opened on 6 November as part of the Junior School’s Festival of Science. A special video message was played to the students from Old Collegian, Dr Megan Clark AC (1975), who is currently the head of the Australian Space Agency. Dr Clark said she was thrilled the girls were interested in science and maths. “Maths is a bit like music and poetry,” Dr Clark said. “It’s really hard at first, but when you work it out, it’s really amazing. And Science lets you dream large and lets you dream of living off our planet and of discovering signs of life on Mars.”

The OCA has made financial donations of varied sizes to PLC for many decades; from an annual Junior School Library fund in the 1950s and 60’s; to Scholarships and Bursaries funds since the 1950s; Science Room upgrades and other school equipment in the 1970’s and 80’s; to ongoing contributions to the school’s building projects and most recently the Year 12 Common Room, Quad Rowing Boat and Junior School STEM room. Thanks to the OCA’s ongoing fundraising activities which have been so well supported by all in the PLC community, the OCA have been able to give annual bursaries, as well as make other financial donations to PLC for generations.

She told the girls to dream big and stay curious.


Introducing the 2021 Student Prefecture Monet Edwards Head Prefect

and be phenomenal in whatever path they choose. I want to promote a sense of mentorship to develop girls’ own skills and progress in academics, while ensuring each and every girls’ success and development is celebrated.

I am fortunate to have been elected Head Prefect for 2021 by my peers, teachers and staff, and although I’m slightly daunted, I am equally as excited. The prospect of having the opportunity to guide, encourage and laugh with girls, both in my Year and below, is something that I truly look forward to.

Eliza Zagar

I distinctly remember my first day of Year 7 in the Hugh Baird Sports Centre; the row, the viewpoint and the position that I sat in has stuck with me for more than five years now. Head Prefect, Phoebe Johnston, was speaking, and I was in awe of her flawless and entertaining speech that captivated the entire audience. From that day, I knew that I wanted to speak like that, I wanted to be in the Leadership team and more than anything to be a Year 12. So, if you were to ask me what my vision for 2021 looks like, it’s very simple. I want to make a positive and lasting impact on every student, big or small. Teenage years are the ones in which we discover our morals, our ambitions and our dreams. Our teenage years can have an everlasting impact on our future and I strongly believe that the people we surround ourselves with influence our morals, ambitions and dreams. Thus, my goal whilst Head Prefect at PLC is not only to be an older girl to look up to, but one who can positively shape every students’ morals, ambitions and dreams.

Eloise Middlemas

Dimity Andrews

Deputy Head Prefect When I was elected Deputy Head Girl it was one of the most shocking and humbling experiences I have been in. I am so thankful for this opportunity and am thrilled to be working with such a fun group and school full of great girls. Being selected for this role gives me the opportunity to work with, and alongside others, to achieve our goals. I am thankful for having the support and encouragement from everyone around me for the journey ahead. My goal for next year is to be a person the younger Years can look up to and make sure they are achieving their best. By the end of 2021, I hope that PLC is what we imagine it to be, inclusive, full of spirit and to know that you have the ability to do anything.

Gaby Evans

Academic Captain Being selected into a leadership role at PLC is something I am incredibly proud and grateful to have achieved, it is also unbelievably humbling. The opportunity to be a part of the PLC legacy and to work along side a group of dedicated girls to serve our peers and school, is an experience I will cherish for many years to come. I want to be a leader for within, leading by example in everything I do. In my role as Academic Captain, my vision for PLC is to ensure all girls are inspired to lead a life they are proud of, to strive to be the best version of themselves


Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

Arts Captain

Being elected Arts Captain for 2021 is a huge honour and privilege! I am extremely excited to encourage all of the PLC girls to participate and excel in the Arts. PLC is an extremely supportive and encouraging community that support everybody who puts themselves out there artistically. All of the girls always create a fun and loud environment and I can’t wait to encourage this further next year as Arts Captain! Service Captain

I am very excited for the many responsibilities and opportunities I have as PLC’s Service Captain for 2021. I believe this role enables me to inspire, empower and encourage other students to commit to issues they feel passionate about. I aim to provide students with the chance to participate in activities that will not only help the PLC community but also the broader community in which we live. As one of the PLC leaders, my goal is to create a platform where students can create and share new ideas and initiatives in a supportive environment. These new initiatives are part of our service to the community. Service is a fundamental part of the PLC community and allows students to develop a wide variety of skills relevant not only today but long into our futures. I hope to motivate other students to volunteer in community activities so they can develop an awareness that we are all part of something much bigger.

Emma Barrett Senior Boarder

The PLC Boarding House has been my second home for the past five years and I am extremely honoured to be selected as Senior Boarder for 2021. The opportunity to be a leader and role model for all girls, especially those in the Boarding House, is one I take on proudly. Boarding students spend more time each year in the Boarding House than they do at home, so it is important that they feel that it is a place where they feel supported, can be themselves, have fun and build lasting friendships. I look forward to being an active and valued member of the Leadership Team here at PLC and taking on the role with the same enthusiasm, passion and inspiration as previous Senior Boarders have shown. I hope to support all boarders to ensure that every girl has the same wonderful experiences as myself as well as expand student knowledge about boarding and celebrate the attributes and diversity that boarders bring to PLC.

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Anna van Heerden

Junior School / Senior School Prefect It is such an honor to be elected as the Junior School / Senior School Prefect for 2021 because I am following in the steps of so many amazing girls before me. While I have big shoes to fill, I am so excited for the changes I can bring with my position specifically in regards to further building lasting connections between girls of all ages across PLC. We are all so fortunate to be part of such an amazing community and it means so much that I will be able to contribute and enhance the feeling of one PLC community working together and for each other over the coming year.

2021 House Captains Scarlett Murdoch Baird

Nicky Nash Carmichael

Elizabeth Dyke Ferguson

Gigi McLarty McNeil

Celeste Dunn Ross

Grace Fisher Stewart

Audrey Chegwidden Summers

What makes my position so meaningful, is the support and encouragement I know myself and all of the prefects will have, of course from each other, but more so our from our incredible Year group as a whole.

Lara Tovich

Sports Captain I feel beyond grateful to have the privilege of being Sports Captain and am super excited for 2021! Sport has become second nature in my life and I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. PLC has allowed me to excel in sport and help me to become a fair but competitive athlete. I hope to share my love of sport with all the girls so they too can find a passion for sport during their time at PLC and carry it with them even after leaving. PLC’s sporting opportunities are definitely the most fun thing PLC has to offer and I encourage everyone to give a sport a go each term. I’d love to create a thrilling atmosphere for the girls to be a part of, one that fosters friendly competition and one full of TEAM PLC’s support. I’ll lead by example, giving it my best, above and beyond 100 per cent in everything I do as Sports Captain. Hyping up the girls will be a joy for me and I can’t wait to see what they achieve!

Pippa Hann

Wellbeing Captain I am so humbled to be appointed Wellbeing Captain for 2021! This opportunity is a once in a lifetime experience, one I am so grateful to have been given. I can’t wait to work alongside all the other leaders and Student Council next year. Wellbeing is a very important element to a balanced life, which many are not aware of. Being able to maintain an optimal level of wellbeing means you have the ability to excel and succeed in other areas of life, such as sport. This understanding of wellness helps me to reach for goals and I would love to lead by example and help other people understand wellbeing as much as I do. PLC already has such awesome facilities and programmes in place that enforce a strong level of wellbeing and I would love to use these to my advantage.

School Officials Deputy Senior Boarder Holly Batten Boarding House Prefect - Academic Gabby Smith Boarding House Prefect - Sport & Fitness Monisha Nadason Boarding House Prefect - Arts & Activities Pippa Ford Boarding House Prefect - Service & Environment Amy-Jo Tremlett Civics & Social Justice Captain Anna Koth-Ofoegbu Creative Arts Captain Tallulah Pestell Dance Captain Sophie Day Debating/Public Speaking Captain Briana Nicholson Drama Captain Lily Macliver Environmental Captain Matilda Lamb International Student Captain Jessica Langdon Kookaburra Editor Aisling O’Farrell Kookaburra Editor Katie Mahony Reconciliation Captain Katelyn Wain Reconciliation Captain Tianna Bin Jacob Technology Captain Grace Alcock Drum Major Abby Hair Pipe Major Helen Lovegrove Stage Band Captain Ayesha Razvi Chorale Captain Imogen Shillington Vocal Ensemble Captain Khansa Naura Orchestra Captain Lizzy Marsh Wind Ensemble Captain Georgia Goff


Introducing Junior School Semester 2 Leaders

Olivia Lambo Head Prefect

Samara Sudwell Head Prefect

Tilly Cook Service Leader

Scarlett Davies Service Leader

Caitlin Edwards-Gillett Chapel Leader

Poppy Walker-Jones Chapel Leader

Ivy Downes Arts Leader

Ruby Marinko Arts Leader

House Leaders

Bella Smith Baird House

Layla Cohen-Jones Baird House

Carys Hawkins Carmichael House

Alicia Italiano Carmichael House

Charlotte Jackson Ferguson House

Nilofer Munshi Ferguson House

Brigitette Kapinkoff McNeil House

McNeil House

Aspen Murray Stewart House

Portia Pryor Stewart House

Raphi Coulson Summers House

Ella Houston Summers House


Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

Zoe Cowan

PLC community strength evident in Appeal One of PLC Perth’s core values is ‘Community’ and in 2020 the enduring spirit of our community has never been more evident, according to Principal Cate Begbie. “It became clear early into the COVID-19 pandemic that we had current families whose businesses and livelihoods were significantly impacted by the coronavirus either through the loss of jobs or the forced closure, or reduction in, their businesses,” Ms Begbie said. “As a school where community comes first, we moved very quickly to try and help those families.”

remarkable donors who said they would double their already generous contributions if the Appeal raised $250,000. “This generosity has enabled the School to work with families to help their daughters continue their education through an extremely difficult time,” Ms Broughton said.

In concert with the School Council, the PLC Foundation launched the 2020 PLC Student Hardship Campaign with the aim to help as many girls as possible continue their PLC education.

Ms Begbie said the Appeal funds helped to give families in need a time to get themselves ‘back on their feet’ and avoid withdrawing their daughter from PLC and enrolling them in another school.

Foundation Chairwoman, Yasmin Broughton, said the outcome of the Appeal reinforced the strength and commitment of the wider PLC community after raising nearly $600,000. This included two

“An extremely rigorous and confidential application process was put in place to ensure only families facing genuine hardship would be in receipt of the funds. A financial capability assessment

was administered for all applicants by an external, independent organisation,” Ms Begbie said. “As a school, we place a very high value on our community. We tell the girls that in belonging to a community we accept the rights and responsibilities of being a member of that group. That includes recognising an individual and collective responsibility for the common good. “To see that value being upheld and in action during such a demanding and difficult year, made me very proud to be a member of this wonderful PLC community. I would like to thank all of our donors and the Members of our PLC Foundation, for their ongoing support.”


2020 Leavers urged to keep climbing the mountain of life It’s been a long climb to the summit, now it is time to relax and enjoy your way down the mountain, PLC Principal Cate Begbie told the graduating class of 2020 at their Valedictory Dinner. “But always keep in mind the struggle that was the climb. Keep this in mind because it will make the way down sweeter, but more importantly, it will guide the next climb.”

or wanted, or were even prepared for. However, I hope that the knowledge that you have done it, and done it so admirably, will stay with you for your next journey.”

Nearly 140 Year 12 students, their parents and staff marked the end of the girls’ PLC Perth and schooling journey at a Year 12 Valedictory Service, followed by a three-course Valedictory Dinner at the Hugh Baird Sport Centre on 22 October.

The evening was punctuated with a beautiful performance of I Live, by OneRepublic, by Year 12 Vocal Ensemble, captain Tahilia Hanikeri, Stephanie Hair, Emma van Schouwen, Eloisa Malet and Isabelle Hamer. Emma also performed a moving piano and vocal solo, Never Alone, by Jim Brickman.

Ms Begbie told the 2020 Leavers that the next mountain they climbed may not necessarily be easier. Nor the one after that, nor the one after the next. “So, while it may not make the next climb easier, it will most definitely make you better at climbing.” She said after the disruptions to 2020, the graduating class experienced a tougher climb than most. “You all began this year thinking completing Year 12 would be like climbing Mt Everest, but you probably didn’t think that you would have had to do it in a blizzard, without shoes, in the dark. This year might have been a far, far tougher climb than any of us expected 16

Blackwatch 2020 Edition Two

However, it was the finale that didn’t leave many dry eyes in the house, when the cohort gathered in a huddle, each with a lit tealight candle and sang the School’s Centenary Song, Labore et Honore by Paul Jarman, before symbolically blowing out the flame. Earlier the girls were treated to an entertaining speech by 2015 Head Prefect, Kate Wilson, at their Valedictory Service. Ms Wilson told the girls about the five lessons she had learned and used since leaving PLC.

The first was from school carnivals. She said life was not a race and you could not win or lose. The second, from the English Department; there was meaning in every story even if you made it up or you were struggling to find it on your first, second or eighth read. The third lesson was from what she learned from the sciences; the hardest lessons were best learned with friends. Fourth; the Arts – make art, make clothes, make believe, make food for your family and make a fool of yourself grinning on the dance floor. And finally, a lesson from PE; more than three deodorants in a partially ventilated room, was too many. “In all seriousness Year 12s; live, love, learn. Go and celebrate the wonder of life. Talk to the person at the checkout. Dance in the aisle when a good song comes on. Buy a noodle. Collect stories. Make costumes. Laugh at yourself. Let your friends be there for you. Thank everyone. Thank your parents. That your teachers. Be proud of yourselves.” Watch the video in Digital Blackwatch

Coveted award for student who lives by PLC values Described as student who has made outstanding contributions to PLC Perth and who has demonstrated independence and maturity across all elements of the School, the 2020 Principal’s Citizenship Pocket recipient was awarded to 2020 Leaver Claudia Tedjasaputra at the Year 12 Final Assembly. Presenting the award, Principal Ms Begbie said she had no doubt Claudia would make her mark and do incredible things in her life. “Perhaps what impresses me the most about her is that I have no doubt she will do this with the greatest of humility, integrity and compassion for others and the world around her,” Ms Begbie said. “She is an exceptional role model not just for students but for every member of this school community. Claudia does not just talk about our school values – community, learning, integrity and effort – she lives them.” Claudia, who was the 2020 Environment Captain, has been extremely active in the life of the School throughout her time at PLC and, in particular in her final year. She worked hard to have PLC Perth recognised as a WA Waste Wise School, acknowledging the School’s waste management and reduction efforts, she distributed packets of seeds to all staff to plant as part of World Environment Day, championed OpShop Ethical Fashion Day and promoted environmentally-friendly practices in her regular Environment Newsletter. Ms Begbie said there were multiple nominations by teachers for Claudia to receive the award with many staff commenting on her dedication to the School. Descriptions of Claudia’s efforts included: ‘She always thinks of others and approaches everything with a positive attitude’; ‘She has left a legacy’; ‘She has been exemplary throughout her time at PLC. But, in particular this year Claudia has been highly proactive in making a difference, even in the face of COVID-19 and on-line remote learning;’ and ‘She is highly optimistic and is always a friendly inclusive student who has represented PLC outside the PLC community proudly.’ The criteria for the awarding of the Principal’s Citizenship Pocket include that the student has made a difference to the richness of the life of the School and has consistently achieved academic results that reflect her personal best.


Gaining insight through Indigenous Studies Most of us would remember learning History in school, covering civilisations from far away countries or Australia’s colonisation through a rather narrow lens. For many of us, we can name more Native American Indian tribes than we can of our own First Nations Peoples – but PLC is changing this. From Term 4 2020, students can learn the essential narrative of Australia’s history through the new course of ‘Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies General’. The course provides both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students the opportunity to explore ‘shared histories’ and involve themselves in active reconciliation.

it is important to know and educate people (as well as myself) about different cultures and mobs.”

The classes affirm the cultural experience and identity of Aboriginal students, and all students have opportunities to learn from, and with, Aboriginal People.

The Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies General course is intended to equip students with the knowledge, skills and values to be active citizens at the local, national and global levels. These skills are also highly valued in today’s workplaces. The ability to work effectively in a culturally diverse environment is important in a wide range of vocational contexts.

There are currently eight students enrolled in this inaugural class, hailing from both PLC and Scotch College, and the hope is to attract more students to this insightful course from next year. Meeza Humphries is a Year 10 student from the Nyul Nyul mob currently enjoying her experiences in this class, and said, “Personally, I chose AIS to learn about myself, Australia, and other cultures and mobs. I believe 18

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Understanding and valuing cultural diversity are key skills both for citizenship in contemporary multicultural Australia and for participation in an increasingly global community.

Jasmine Walter (Year 10) is a nonAboriginal student who chose Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies because she wanted to learn more about other cultures. “I thought it would be good to learn,

as I am thinking of becoming an early childhood teacher. I think it is good to know about different cultures when becoming a teacher as you will have kids from different places and cultures,” reflected Jasmine. Ms Geetha Nair, Head of Humanities and Ms Josephine Mfune, Assistant Head of Humanities and History Teacher, were the collective driving force behind the introduction of this course and believe it is a vital part of our shared history. “Education is the fastest way to change how people see themselves and others. If we are truly to move forward as a reconciled nation, we must learn to acknowledge what the clash of cultures created and learn how to move beyond the problems together. This subject equips the next generation to do that, together,” shared Ms Mfune. Photo left to right: Monique Smith (Year 10), Brooke Milner from Scotch College, Jasmine Walter (Year 10), and Montana Reidy (Year 10).

Founders’ Day This year we celebrated PLC’s 105 Founders’ Day on the 18 August. Over 60 Old Collegians who left school more than 50 years ago joined students, staff and other members of the PLC Community, to mark this milestone birthday at the annual Service. PLC Old Collegian Guest Speaker, Donna Shepherd AM (2008), Chair of World Vision International, Director of World Vision Australia and Managing Director of Creating Communities Australia, spoke about the recent challenges the world has faced and urged everyone to do their bit in serving their community. “We can’t control the world, but we can control how we respond – move beyond fear to faith fuelled action.” Donna inspired the audience with her dedication to using the power of community to drive positive social change and is a shining example of what one can achieve, on a local, national and global level. Old Scotch Collegian’s President, Michael Silbert wished PLC Old Collegians’ Association a happy 100th birthday and presented a framed poster of a joint PLC/ Scotch advertisement from the Western Mail of 1935, as a gift to acknowledge the OCA Centenary. A delicious luncheon for Old Collegians followed the service in the PLC Lighthouse which incorporated reunions for the 70 Year (Class of 1950) and 65 Year (Class of 1955). See pages 29-31 for photos of the Class reunions.


Matilda’s life aquatic Year 11 student, Matilda Lamb was one of only 50 students, Australia wide, to be accepted to study ‘A Primer of Marine and Antarctic Science’ through the University of Tasmania. This was a fully online unit that was developed by 35 Marine and Antarctic Science researchers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). Matilda has wanted to study marine biology since she was seven years-old and has a fascination for invertebrates. “I was the kind of kid to find a jellyfish on the beach and want to cut it up to find out how it worked.” “I have always loved creatures that make absolutely no sense, like jellyfish, sea stars, nudibranch and sea cucumbers, and I actually spent last year’s Christmas money on a pet axolotl named toothless,” said Matilda. During the online course, Matilda had 40 ten-minute lectures that she watched in her own time which allowed her to study at her own pace.


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“We had weekly online video chats where we got to talk about where we come from and our experiences with marine biology, which was fun” “These chats were with our unit coordinator, a marine biologist from UTAS, so we got to learn a lot about future careers in marine biology.” “I definitely enjoyed meeting so many people who are just as interested in the marine environment as me. I also learnt so much about where studying marine biology and marine science can take you in life,” said Matilda. Matilda successfully completed the unit in August and received a distinction for the overall course and, as a result has been given credit into a Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science Degree and the Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science – Catalyst Program for high achievers.

What now for Matilda? “Marine Biology has and always will be my passion, and I would like to do a double major in marine biology and either marine science or environmental science,” said Matilda. “For the past two holidays I have completed work experience and volunteering at the Dolphin Discovery Centre in Bunbury, where I have worked in the aquarium and the labs, did presentations and talks on the turtle rehabilitation programme, and got hands on experience with the dolphins. I will hopefully continue to volunteer here as well as many more marine conservation projects in the future.” “Over the past year, I have realised that if you are really passionate about something, you need make your own opportunities, don’t wait for them to show up, go looking for them,” said Matilda.

Waste Wise School 12 hours to write a book The annual “Book in a Day” project saw 17 teams made of five to eight students with only 12 hours to write, illustrate and produce a 5,000-word book suitable for young readers. Year 10 students, Charlotte Williams and Sophia Healy, created ‘Violet Space’, together. “It was so fun creating a great, whacky story,” Charlotte said. Sofia explained that the time limit made finishing the novel a serious challenge.

We are happy to announce that after a long campaign PLC has officially been recognised as a WA Waste Wise School. The Waste Wise Schools programme acknowledges schools across the State that practice effective waste management behaviours and policies. The programme offers support to schools to help establish and maintain waste avoidance measures, such as recycling. This is a huge accomplishment for PLC and reflects the community’s efforts to promote a minimal waste environment. The campaign was driven by the 2020 Environmental Captain, Claudia Tedjasaputra, with help from the Head of Service, Linda Malone, and the 2020 Student Council. “Becoming Waste Wise was my main focus of the year and we worked with the Student Council, which was perfect because I had so much support to make this happen,” Claudia said. To become an accredited school, Claudia, Ms Malone and the Student Council devised a school wide policy to maintain waste management. “We now have a policy in place, and we are aiming to reduce our waste as a school and the impact we have on the environment,” said Ms Malone. Claudia and the team were ecstatic that the school had officially been recognised for its efforts.

“It was very stressful to get everything right in a short amount of time,” she said.

“I’m really happy, it shows something tangible to what we’ve achieved,” Claudia said.

The event received great feedback, with students exclaiming how much fun they had over the day.

“This is changing the culture, it is having long term effects. When I leave this isn’t going to just disappear.”

“It was good to spend a whole day with your friends and just make something together,” Charlotte said. The teams also raised over $16,000 for cancer research for young patients. The books made by the students were donated to children’s hospitals around Australia.

She believed this would create change long after her time at PLC.

Ms Malone hopes to keep the momentum going with new projects and plans in place for 2021. “We are going to start moving on to the new steps, one of which is the permaculture garden,” she said. “The goal is to become aware as a school the impact we have on the environment.” Congratulations to Claudia, Ms Malone and the Student Council for the great accomplishment!


PLC takes tours to the world From Hong Kong to Mississippi, PLC Perth’s Registrar has not let a global pandemic stand in the way of future enrolments. When concerned prospective families living interstate or overseas had no way of touring PLC Perth to make a choice about schooling for their daughters, Allison Mackenzie decided to take PLC to them. Using a gimbal, an iPhone and the secure Cisco Webex app, Mrs Mackenzie was able to connect with families and take them on a real-time tour of the campus. “Nothing can replace a tour in-person where families can truly get a feel for the PLC environment,” Mrs Mackenzie said. “However, in challenging times we needed to adapt to help families living outside of Western Australia to see the unique culture of PLC Perth.” She said families were able to spend time in classrooms, see the School’s facilities and meet the Principal, just as they would have been able to do if they were on campus. They were also able to speak to current students who were very happy to chat with prospective families and students. In a couple of cases, she was able to reconnect girls who had been at previous interstate or international schools together. “Many schools are using virtual tours to showcase their campuses; however, I really feel our real-time tours are far more personal and welcoming.” Since starting the Webex tours, Mrs Mackenzie has introduced families from cities including Calgary, Bali, Sydney, Texas, London and New York to PLC Perth, with many signing up to enrol.


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Student agency paying it forward with fashion Year 4 students held a Fashion Exchange event as a part of their PYP Unit of Inquiry, ‘How We Organise Ourselves’. They explored the fashion industry, the clothing lifecycle and the importance of reusing, repurposing and recycling clothing. Students were asked to bring in items of clothing, accessories and toys that they no longer used. In exchange, they were given tokens to “buy” other items their classmates had brought in. The remaining items of clothing were donated to the Red Cross for their Bindaring Clothing Sale which raises money for those who need it the most.

Social connect catch-up PLC has a strong tradition of ‘doing good for others’ and thinking outside the box was required for the students to remain connected throughout COVID-19. A real risk for the community was social isolation, as our lives were constantly changing, and people were asked to remain indoors at home. Collaboration, between the PLC Lighthouse staff and the team at the Office of Communications and Engagement resulted in the development of the PLC Social Connection Programme (SCP), in March 2020. The programme’s aim was to offer both support to PLC Old Collegians who were being asked to self-isolate, whilst also offering service-learning opportunities to the current senior cohort who were also being affected by the withdrawal or cancellation of service-learning opportunities. The 19 Year 10-12 students involved, received training and guidelines to assist them with managing and logging their calls to the 23 Old Collegians who signed up to the programme. The SCP was a great success. The initiative gave the PLC students involved an opportunity to engage with the Old Collegians and form bonds. They gained experience in communication, active listening, the art of conversation and connecting with people from different generations within the PLC community. The programme enabled people to share experiences in a way that they may never have had the opportunity to connect with otherwise, thus reducing social isolation.

Short story sister act Sisters Isla and Isobel Barker showed talent runs in the family when they both received recognition for their short story entries in the Tim Winton Award for Young Writers competition. The competition, run by the City of Subiaco, had over 1,350 entries in its 28th year. Isla (Year 4) finished first place in the Middle Primary category for her story, ‘Do Friendships Fade?’. It centres around two best friends as they start to navigate the complexities of new friendships. “Last year I drew a picture of two people and I tried to erase one of them, but it didn’t work – it was just faded, and this became the inspiration for my story,” she said. As a finalist, Isla attended the awards ceremony on 12 October where she met renowned Western Australian author, Tim Winton. Isobel (Year 6) received commendation in the Upper Primary category for her story ‘Fields of Gold’. Isobel’s piece tells the story of a girl living in the Gold Rush era of Australia. “I liked writing this story,” she said. “It was great to have the freedom to write about whatever topic we wanted.”


Special dads

Term Fee Draw

More than 200 PLC daughters and their father figures came together on 3 September to celebrate Father’s Day.

Each term PLC Parents hold a raffle, proceeds of which are directed to equipment, programmes, projects or items not otherwise available through the School budget.

Students shared stories of what makes their dad so special over a delicious breakfast in the School Cafeteria.

The funds are aimed at adding to the educational, spiritual, physical or social development of students and PLC. During 2020 the funding has been allocated towards:

Table Saw The woodwork room was lucky to receive a new table saw. Woodwork is proving to be very popular and may become even more so with this new acquisition!

Keys for Life A new course was implemented for Years 10 to 12 students involving a Driving Simulated Workshop. Driving simulators allow students to participate in an experiential workshop and then reflect on their driving behaviours in a safe and controlled environment. They can learn about how their body responds to stimuli such as hazards, extreme weather events and distractions. This project also uses gamification which has been shown to enhance learning by helping students to learn with academic materials and the use of game elements, which cater to different styles of learning.

First LEGO League The First Lego League is a competition catering for upper primary and lower secondary school students. Teams of up to ten students build, program and compete with a robot, while also learning about a modern problem in science and engineering, and then develop solutions for it. Other successful projects included: • JS Festival of Science – Deep Blue • Early Readers Collection for the Junior School • Year 10 Cooking Mastercourse • A Riso MiScreen Digital Screen-Printing Machine for the Creative Arts Department • Year 10 Questathon - TeenChallenge session 24

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Geology rocks Year 4s Junior School students had a hands-on and engaging experience at the Year 4 Geology Day. They joined Christ Church Grammar School and Guildford Grammar School students at various locations around Guildford as they studied different rocks and soils in the area.

Taking home a masterpiece As the Year 12s come to the end of their schooling at PLC, students taking Materials Design & Technology: Wood have completed their final projects. Over the past year, the students went through rigorous researching, planning, designing and creating processes to turn their ideas into finished works. Sarah Lye (left) and Audrey Wilkins (right) made their pieces with their families in mind. Sarah’s bench, which she describes as her heart and soul, was made specially for her mother.

“I made an outdoor bench for the front of our house because my mum likes to watch the sunset,” said Sarah. Audrey recycled old timber from her farm, saved when it was deforested 20 years ago, to make a table her whole family can enjoy. “My project took four weeks at the start just to machine all the undressed wood, which set me back compared to everyone else.” Despite this, Audrey said she has great appreciation for the woodworking process and her project. “I found the process quite enjoyable. There’s a lot of satisfaction that comes

from making it and being able to see your project progress from start to finish.” “I’m just very proud of myself,” said Audrey. The projects took approximately 13-weeks (around 120 hours) to complete. Teacher and mentor, Michael Hinchley, said he was extremely happy with their efforts and the final work. “This is the first ATAR group that I’ve had through and I’m really proud of their work,” he said. “They’ve challenged me with their ideas and their ambitions. It’s been a fantastic two years with them.”




Farewell Ian Macliver PLC would like to thank Ian Macliver for his service as a member of the PLC Foundation Board since 2011 and excelling in the role of Chair since 2016. Before joining the PLC Foundation, Mr Macliver also served on PLC Council Audit Risk Management Committee for two years. Mr Macliver has had two daughters graduate from PLC Bianca in 2007 and Bella in 2012; his youngest daughter Lily is currently in Year 11. Very proud Mum, Ann; is an Old Collegian and a much-loved member of the PLC community. On behalf of the PLC community we extend our sincere thanks to Mr Macliver for his contributions.

Andrew McKenzie

Introducing the new Foundation Chair Without giving, life would be very singular, according to the new PLC Foundation Chair, Yasmin Broughton. Ms Broughton said giving provided people a sense of satisfaction, knowing they have contributed somehow, to someone’s life in a positive way. “I think it is always important to help wherever you can,” Ms Broughton said. “Whether it is a small or large contribution, financial or through service.

PLC would also like to thank Andrew McKenzie for his service as a member of the PLC Foundation Board since 2011. Mr McKenzie has been a valued member of the PLC community since 2003 when his son Angus commenced Pre-Kindy. Angus was followed by Martha who graduated in 2018 and Amilia who is currently studying in Year 9. Mr McKenzie’s wife, Cate, is an Old Collegian.

Ms Broughton is a barrister and solicitor with significant experience working as a non-executive director and a corporate lawyer in a diverse range of industries. She has worked with Resolute Mining Limited, Western Areas Limited, Synergy, the Insurance Commission of WA, Curtin University School of Management Advisory Board and Edge Employment Solutions. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Company Directors.

Mr McKenzie has served on PLC Council from 2014 to 2019, and has served on the Council Finance Committee member in that time.

She said one of her goals during her tenure in the role was to instil a sense of philanthropy in the students at PLC, whether it was through giving back to the School or to other organisations.

PLC also thanks Tony Grist for his service as a member of the PLC Foundation Board since 2016. Mr Grist is a generous supporter of the Foundation’s 2017 Scholarship Campaign and the 2020 Hardship Campaign.

Her work with Edge Employment over the past nine years had helped to grow her passion for helping others. “Edge finds long-term employment for people with disabilities and also assists students transitioning out of school into the workforce,” she said. “It make me very happy when we have a client find a long term job and to receive feedback from employers how they value the employee. It is also heartening to hear that by a client securing employment bolsters their self-esteem, independence and gives them a sense of purpose.” Ms Broughton has two daughters currently at PLC. Jadira is in Year 8 and Samara in Year 6.


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Tony Grist

We would like to acknowledge their amazing contribution and thank Ian, Andrew and Tony for their financial expertise, leadership, and support of fundraising campaigns and membership of the PLC Foundation Board and PLC Foundation Investment Committee.

Inaugural PLC Foundation Indigenous scholarship The PLC Foundation is pleased to introduce the first recipient of the PLC Foundation Indigenous Scholarship. Ava Farrer is 11-years-old and is a proud Kija/ Balanggarra girl from Wyndham. She currently lives and attends school in Kununurra. Ava enjoys sports and plays netball, football, tennis, basketball and tee-ball, and is a member of the local Scouts. While that would exhaust most of us, Ava also manages to fit in music. She is actively involved in the School/Community Choir and is learning the flute too. One of the extraordinary things about Ava is her acting career. She plays the character of ‘Ava’ in the ABC television series ‘Mystery Road’ which also stars Judy Davis and Deborah Mailman.

The PLC Foundation Indigenous Scholarship is thanks to the generosity of Mr Peter Rose who specifically requested that his donations be used for Indigenous Scholarships. Mr Rose’s daughters attended PLC; Margaret Rose (1971) and Jacky Ynema (1973). Upon hearing of the scholarship, Ava penned a kind letter of thanks to Mr Rose. An excerpt reads: “I was successful with my application for the scholarship that you have provided for young Aboriginal girls like me.” “I would really like to thank you for making it possible for me to further and improve my education through boarding and enroling at PLC.” “I will always try my hardest to do my best with my schooling and try to make new friends along the way. Thank you for this life-changing opportunity.”


COVID no barrier to centenary celebrations It is rare for a PLC to girl to cancel a party. Unfortunately, a global pandemic and WA Government restrictions forced the cancellation of the PLC Old Collegians’ Association centenary soiree in April this year. However, as OCA president Jessamy Mahony told guests at the rescheduled event in November, as soon as restrictions eased, planning for the celebrations resumed. “Interestingly, after trawling through decades of OCA records, I discovered that the last time we cancelled a major event for our Old Collegians was way back in 1968,” Mrs Mahony said. “And the reason for cancelling was the Asian Flu Pandemic. The event cancelled was the Annual School Birthday ball which the OCA organised each and every year. Sadly, from my investigation this event looks like it was not rescheduled like ours is today.” More than 300 Old Collegians, including centenarian and oldest alumni Coral Thomas, attended the Centenary High Tea. The Class of 1970 also celebrated their 50th reunion at the event, which was widely acknowledged as a great success.


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REUNIONS 65 Year Reunion (Class of 1955)

Twenty-one of us gathered in Jill’ Slatyer’s beautiful home, in order to celebrate that we had all been at the same school, more than 55 years ago. Excitement was tinged with nostalgia, for dear friends we’d lost along the way, and concern for those who were not ‘up to it’ this year. My husband tells me that my school was designed to produce good wives and mothers. I think we could attest to that; some of us more than once – or even more. But was there something else? Spurred on by a fresh prosecco, we shared stories hitherto untold of our experiences at the time; how we had been cut down by an insensitive teacher; how we discovered one another to have a whimsical sense of humour and wisdom; of being the youngest boarder who took out her rage on the teachers by ignoring what they taught; of how one of us overcame the seeming rivalry of a similar school nearby that profited from a more attractive uniform; how a boarder’s career was forged by learning how to make a bed; a quote from Anton Chekhov left us thinking; and the keeper of the class list updated it, reminding us of recent losses.

25 Year Reunion 25+ Years of Friendship (Class of 1996) Celebration A group of Old Collegians celebrated 25 plus years of friendship on their annual girls’ weekend away. Their exquisite day out included behind the scenes tours and barrel tastings, all put together by Sophie Gooch, who is based in Margaret River where she operates her business South West Concierge. To end the day, the girls

visited Passel Estate to indulge in a wine and chocolate tasting. This was a professional development day for Cassy Howard (née Thursby-Pelham) who has recently been appointed Cellar Door Manager at Marri Wood Park Biodynamic Vineyard. Pictured: Wendy Greer (Tate), Melissa Lawrence, Sophie’s mum Steph Turner, Maud Kay (Fordham); Helen Drummond (Tabert), Cassy Howard (Thursby-Pelham) and Imogen Driscoll (Rosendorff).

What had been our collective experience? Yes, to being good wives and mothers, but there was a whole lot more in Jill’s home that afternoon. There were strong and talented women, capable of taking on the world; there was service to the community and to its health, to science, law and the arts; there was compassion, and the joy in friendship. There was love. Truly, no school could have done more. Raise your glasses ladies, to the school that fostered us survivors – to PLC Perth! Felicity Bradshaw AM



40 Year Reunion (Class of 1980)


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30 Year Reunion (Class of 1990)

70 Year Reunion (Class of 1950)


Celebrating 100 years of the OCA



2020 is a significant year for the OCA as we celebrate our Centenary. We were thrilled to have hosted our Champagne High Tea in late November to celebrate this milestone, following the cancellation of our April event due to the COVID-19 situation. While we were disappointed our interstate and overseas Old Collegians weren’t able to attend, we were absolutely delighted that over 300 Old Collegians based in WA joined us to celebrate. The afternoon was a wonderful event, full of much joy and energy as excited old friends mingled and enjoyed catching up with each other. The highlight of the afternoon was brilliant performances by the fabulous Newton Sisters; Kelly Newton Worsdworth, Vicki Newton and Ticia Juniper and the PLC Pipe Band. Thank you so much to the Newton Sisters and the PLC Pipe Band, led by Marianne Kirby.

2020 has been an extraordinary year, one in which each and every one of us has had to face challenges of all sizes and dimensions. While there have been many sad stories across the world, there have also been many heartwarming stories of communities rallying together to celebrate, support and thank each another. With this very much in mind and as we move towards the festive season, the focus of my first address as the new OCA President is of thanks and celebration.

Congratulations to our OCA Bursary winners The OCA has proudly been providing scholarship and bursaries to PLC girls for over 60 years. We currently award


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three bursaries annually and are delighted to share with you the 2021 bursary recipients. The Olive Cusack Bursary Hannah Jeitz, Year 9 (pictured left) The Dr Vera Summers Busary Pippa Attwell, Year 10 (pictured centre) The Heather Barr Memorial Bursary Nicky Nash, Year 11 (pictured right) Congratulations to these three worthy recipients; all amazing young women. This year, the calibre of the 40 plus students who applied for our bursaries was outstanding. I would like to extend my congratulations to each and every one of the talented, dedicated and accomplished young women who applied; you are all absolute credits to yourselves, your families and to PLC. Well done!

I would like to extend a special thanks to Old Collegians, Jane Thompson and Siobhan Way for supporting our event with their generous donations, and to OCA Vice-President, Winks Shephard for taking the lead and organising this enormous event.

Celebrating the Junior School STEM room The OCA was thrilled to make a donation of $40,000 to PLC earlier this year to enable the establishment of a dedicated Junior School STEM Room. This wonderful project was identified and championed by Head of Junior School, Richard Wright. After being delayed due to COVID-19, the new Junior School Stem room was officially opened in early November. You can read more about the Junior School STEM room in the previous pages.

Congratulations and welcome to the Class of 2020 In October, I had the honour of representing the OCA at the Valedictorian Service and Dinner to welcome the PLC Valedictorian Class of 2020 into the PLC OCA and also present these beautiful Valedictorians with a special gift of a solid sterling silver bracelet from the OCA. The evening was a beautiful celebration and a huge credit to the PLC team who worked tirelessly to stage the event. The most important message we always want to impart to our newest Old Collegians is that we want them to feel connected and welcomed to the wonderful extended PLC family, now and for the rest of their lives.

Celebrating Inspiring Women This year we are thrilled to bestow our 2020 Inspiring Womens’ honour on renowned artist Tessa MacKay who graduated from PLC in 2008. Congratulations Tessa. You are an inspiration to our community.

Annie Atkins, Jane Metcalf, Alma Jovanovic, Helen Martin, Sally Martin, Carolyn Reid, Leonie Debnam and Lisa Riley. These committee members have all spent countless hours and days contributing to the ongoing success of each event and activity undertaken by the OCA.

Thank you and looking forward to 2021 We have much to look forward to in 2021 with our annual OCA Art Exhibition returning in May and also a number of other initiatives and events to be rolled out and we look forward seeing many of you in 2021. The enduring success of the OCA is very much a team effort and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the members of the OCA Committee; to Cate Begbie, Kate Montague, Keryn McKinnon, Sascha Hill, Shannon Lovelady, Kylie Yacopetti and the entire PLC team for your ongoing support; and the PLC community for supporting our events.

Thank you to retiring OCA Committee members

I would like to wish all our OCA Members, the PLC community and all your collective families a wonderful festive season full of joy and happiness and all the best in 2021.

Thank you also to the following valued OCA Committee members who are retiring from the Committee this year:

Jessamy Mahony (Carroll 1988) PLC Old Collegians’ Association President old-collegians/oca-inspiring-women/

Thank you, Jennie! On behalf of the OCA, I would like to thank and acknowledge Jennie Deykin who served as our President for the past three years and prior to this as Vice President, for her leadership and service to the OCA and the wider PLC community. Under Jennie’s leadership the OCA has achieved much including growing the OCA’ Art Exhibition to its most profitable level, giving back to PLC for the benefits of current students through the ongoing Mentoring programme, purchase of the Quad rowing boat and donation to fund the new Junior School STEM room. Jennie has led the introduction of the OCA Bursary Boards to honour the many recipients of our generous bursary programme. Then, there are the many unseen hours Jennie has happily and quietly invested in many activities to support both the OCA and PLC. Once again, thank you Jennie, for your Leadership and huge investment in the OCA.


Our tee-riffic Old Collegians take third place The 55th Combined Independent Girls’ Schools Golf Day was held on Monday September 21 at Lake Karrinyup Country Club.

This year, St Hilda’s hosted 146 Old Collegians from Iona, Loreto, MLC, Penrhos/Kobeelya, Perth College, PLC, St. Hildas and St. Mary’s in perfect weather. PLC fielded a team of 12 pairs on the day and came third, behind Perth College in second place and the winners Penrhos/Kobeelya. Angela Anderson and Anne Stroud came in with the best PLC score of the day - 33 points, and Robin Ferrero and Jill Holmes came in with second best score of the day - 32 points. The top two scores for each team determine the results. The event will be hosted by St Mary’s next year at Cottesloe Golf Club on Monday September 20, so any Old Collegians interested in being included on the mailing list for this and future golf events should contact Jane McNamara at

PLC top pairs from L-R: Jill Homes, Angela Anderson, Anne Stroud and Robin Ferrero.

PLC pipers and drummers past and present Tell us your stories! In 2021, PLC will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Pipe Band. The School is planning a series of events to celebrate this significant milestone, including the publication of a history booklet. While the School has a well-kept set of Pipe Band archival files, we are seeking your assistance for even more details to make the 40th anniversary exceptional!

Please complete the PLC Pipe Band Memory Survey by Monday 11 January 2021 VISIT

Sally Casey (1958)



Sally recently visited PLC to share with us an awardwinning book written by her daughter, Liz Lofthouse, who sadly passed away from melanoma in 2018. Ziba Came on a Boat is a moving story of a little refugee girl’s brave journey across the sea to make a new life, far from home. Illustrated by renowned Australian artist Robert Ingpen, it has won the WA Children’s Picture Book of the year in 2007 and was nominated for the Australian Book Awards. Aimed at children in both primary school and high school, Liz wrote Ziba Came on a Boat when she was teaching children at St Domenic’s Catholic Primary School in Innaloo. She had been tutoring a refugee from Afghanistan and was familiar with the student’s family’s persecution and subsequent escape as refugees and resettlement in Australia. She particularly wanted to promote a discussion in her class to help the children understand the refugee children in her care. Sometime later, Liz became involved with raising funds for the Metta Geha Orphanage in the Chin Hills, Myanmar. She visited the orphanage several times and adored the children there and the people caring for them. Tragically, Liz died in May 2018 after a year of treatment. After she died many people gave donations for the Metta Geha Orphanage and the money raised in her honour was used to build the library and study centre which has now been named, “The Liz Lofthouse Library”. All profits from the book sales go to local charity, The Mandalay Projects. Anyone who may wish to purchase one of the books should email Sally directly at




Carolyn Dix (1960) Caroline spent eight years in Melbourne after school followed by eight years in London, where she received a diploma in furniture design and antique restoration at the London College of Furniture. She came home, married, had two sons and now enjoys spending time with her four grandchildren.

Nadine Georgiades (Griffin 1983) Nadine and her partner, John, launched a new small gin distillery in Gidgegannup (OMG Distillery, making Old Macdonald Gin) earlier this year. They got their distillery up and running just as COVID-19 hit and everyone ran out of hand sanitiser, so they made a few batches of hand sanitiser in April, first. However, with stocks back to normal everywhere, they are now focussed on their gins Australian Rare Dry, Citrus Twist and Berry Bliss with their first seasonal gin, Wildflower honey, lime and lemongrass filling up all the local bottle shops. Gin being the popular drink of the moment and buying local, it’s been a busy 2020 for them!

Isabella Hynes (2010)

Samantha Tidy (1990)

Isabella Hynes (2010)

Samantha lives on historic Lanyon Homestead in the ACT and is a children’s book writer. She is passionate about literacy and the value of home reading and earlier this year Samantha published ‘Our Bush Capital’, an illustrated children’s picture book about the joy of exploring Canberra. The book brings a sharper focus to Canberra’s tourism appeal and highlights the joy of a Canberran childhood.

In 2016, Isabella moved to Sydney where she started as Marketing Executive for fashion magazines, Marie Claire and InStyle. She spent just over two years there before she took the leap and started her own digital marketing business, Arch Rivals Marketing.

It was her childhood growing up in Perth that inspired Sam to write the book for own children, as they were born and raised in Canberra, far from Sam’s own cherished hometown. This change in ‘home’ prompted her to think about what home means when you are a child. Our Bush Capital has been very well received, and Samantha had high expectations for the positive social impact it would have on Canberra.

Pru Wright (1984) In normal circumstances, Pru would be busy making her wonderful handmade keepsake bears, however, when COVID-19 hit England, her business was not as busy as normal. While in the first lockdown in her home in the south of England, Pru and her son Harry transformed her living room into a production line for making reusable non-medical cloth face masks to donate to anyone/organisation in need. Together they made over 3,000 masks, donated and sent all over the U.K. The good news is, since the end of May, with everyone working independently from home, Pru’s bear making business has steadily picked up and will continue to make the adorable bears just like the one pictured below.


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Isabella specialises in social media management, content creation as well as other digital marketing functions, working with a range of clients in commercial property, professional services, retail, hospitality and travel. After four years in Sydney, she recently made the move to Melbourne (in the middle of Stage 4 lockdown) to expand her business and be with her partner - she was originally born/lived in Melbourne, so it’s all come full circle!

Trini Reynolds pictured with proud PLC Science teacher and Old Collegian, Jane Brandeburg

Donna Shepherd on a World Vision project in a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon in 2018

Catriona (Trini) Reynolds (2015)

Donna Shepherd AM (1980)

Trini recently returned to PLC as a guest speaker at the Principal’s Assembly to kick off PLC 2020 Science Week. This year’s theme being, Deep Blue: Innovations for the Future of our Oceans.

Congratulations to Old Collegian, Donna Shepherd (1980) on receiving an Order of Australia medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honour List for her significant service to children through international humanitarian and aid organisations.

Trini graduated from PLC in 2015, commencing a Marine Science and Environmental Science double Major at Murdoch University in 2016. Whilst studying, Trini also worked at Rockingham Wild Encounters and Coral Bay Ecotours. After completing her degree in 2019, she completed an internship in Papua New Guinea but had to return home due to the global pandemic. Trini spoke of her passion for all things marine and her experiences and challenges have taught her that the choices we make can affect our planet directly and indirectly. She encourages us to learn to take risks, don’t be afraid to lead and to make an impact as an individual to help our planet.

Donna is Chair of World Vision International, a director of World Vision Australia and Managing Director of Creating Communities Australia. She is a humanitarian, entrepreneur and consultant. Donna commenced PLC in Year 11 and describes herself as being “at best an average student who was less than average in the track and pool”. She was, however awarded PLC’s Art’s award for directing an interpretation of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milkwood as a house play. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at Curtin University and later completed a Masters in Intercultural Management at the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. Donna has had a portfolio career cutting her teeth in the workforce washing bottles and assisting in her father’s pharmacy from ages 5 to 20. She spent a decade in the film industry, producing and directing several films including Daisy and Alma which won the Screen Association of WA Award.

Her passion for social justice saw her move into international development, working with El Taller in Tunisia and subsequently lecturing international development in masters’ programmes in USA, Ecuador and Australia. For the past 20 years Donna has been Managing Director of Creating Communities, a consultancy dedicated to using the power of community to drive positive social change. Donna joined the board of World Vision Australia in 2008 and was invited onto the World Vision International Board in 2009. She was elected Chair of the World Vision International Board in 2016 and re-elected Chair in 2019. As Chair of World Vision International, Donna has stewarded World Vision to strengthen its global footprint in the world’s most vulnerable communities and fragile contexts. She also launched the “It Takes a World to End Violence Against Children” campaign in Addis Ababa in 2017. Donna chaired the International Civil Society’s Vision-Works board leadership sessions in 2018 and has chaired Peer Reviews of World Vision’s operations in Haiti, Japan, Kenya and Tanzania. Donna and her husband live in Perth and attend St Phillips Anglican Church in Cottesloe. Donna is step-mum to three beautiful children and “nana” to nine grandchildren.




On 4 August I led the Year 6 girls on a ‘Mini Art Tour’ of some Senior School artworks, fitting into the central theme that creating and responding to art develops understandings of ourselves and the world around us. The girls had two lines of inquiry: The contexts in which art is created; and how arts can be a reflection of societal values and issues. We began in the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel with the simple question: What is art? And we determined it is not just a painting, a sculpture, a beautiful flower arrangement, a stained glass window, or even something you like which you’ve framed or put on display. Simply, art is whatever you want it to be. With the magnificent backdrop of our stained glass windows, designed by internationally acclaimed artist and printmaker Leon Pericles and built by glass artist Colin Montfort, we also explored the theory that art is around us every day; that art gives joy, provokes emotion and often, rather than just being a pretty picture, tells a story. We closely examined the stories represented in the segments of our stained glass window, and they learnt that when Leon designed this window, he really wanted it to be an educational piece, to be both colourful and thought-provoking, and that he deliberately included symbols for the moral codes by which we should all live; things he believes were once more commonly learnt at church, but are now falling by the 38

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wayside and contributing to the moral decay of subsequent generations. They learnt the rainbow was symbolic of things in life to look forward to, and in crossing the four panels, represents the joining of feminist ideals, old and new. We then moved on towards Scorgie House and Ayad Algaragholli’s sculpture, ‘Peridot’ which was chosen and gifted by the Parents’ Auxiliary and Parents’ Committee (now PLC Parents) and presented to PLC for our Centenary in 2015. The girls learnt this sculpture was chosen from a selection of small sample designs, called Marquettes, submitted by Ayad and several other prominent West Australian artists. They later saw all of these Marquettes in Archives and around the School. In Scorgie House we saw Mary Yates’ cleverly entertaining and informative artworks which are a great example of art telling stories - lots of them - which they read with interest. Popping our heads into Kate Montague’s office, the girls saw an example of ‘Unbuilt PLC’ in the 1947 plans hanging on the wall, only one section of which (Carmichael Hall) was ever built - but not until 1955, due to the shortage of post-war building materials. The girls recognised that section! Back in the hallway we looked at two more of Leon Pericles’ artworks, in those he created for our 90th and 100th Birthdays; Marjorie Tarling’s (Mrs Hetherington, Art Teacher 19411978) The Spanish Courtyard – which

some will remember was in old Baird House (demolished for extensions to the Boarding House in 1978); the portraits of Dr Vera Summers (Principal 1934-1961) and Miss Heather Barr (1949, Principal 1968-1989), painted by renowned West Australian artist Aurelie Yeo (Shearer 1951); and the wonderfully executed portrait of Mrs Hazel Day (Principal 19891998, on staff from 1963) the detail of which tells several stories about both Mrs Day and how the Heather Barr Memorial Chapel within Carmichael Hall eventuated, by well-established West Australian photo-realist artist Marcus Beilby, who had very kindly called in the week before to undertake some minor cleaning of this stillvibrant but now 20-year-old work; and the portrait of Ms Beth Blackwood (Principal 1989-2015) who chose to have her more casual portrait painted by Jeff Flint, husband of Neesha Flint (Head of Senior School 2004-2017). On the way to Archives, the girls walked through the Senior School admiring the works of former students which hang on the walls, and saw all the Marquettes submitted for consideration for the Centenary sculpture. In Archives, they saw the original plans of ‘Unbuilt PLC’, the original 1904 Talbot Hobbs plans of Scorgie House, and more. Full of enthusiasm and a new appreciation for the art which surrounds them every day, each girl went back to class with a copy of Mary Yates’ map which they had so enjoyed reading in Scorgie House, and is reproduced in our Heritage Trail.



Upper III Form, 1927 Standing, L-R: Joy Holland, Eileen Forrest, Roma Craze, Elsie Parsons, Ingrid Ackland, Joan Wittenoom, Joan Bennett, Ruth Marshall, Zoe Weir, Jean Livingston, Kathleen Kennedy, Mollie Wright, Millicent Hopkins, Greta Cockram, Lillian Oats Kneeling: Kathleen Baird, Sylvia Cox, Lorraine Mair, Valerie Chapple, Doff Bold, Vans Anderson, Mary Holt Sitting: Joan Wallace, Mary Miller, Molly Church, Joan Hicks, Gwen Fawcett

Davina Whittall (Faulkner 1959) The West Australian newspaper article from 14 December 1982, on Mrs Anne Symington (past deputy principal 1953-1965). Fiona Kibblewhite, past and current parent Two copies of PLC News, December 1985, and the program for the drama production Camelot, performed 12-15 August 1981. John McNaught, son of Doff McNaught (Bold 1932) Photo of most of the staff and students taken in November 1927 and a beautiful photo (with all names) of Doff and her classmates taken around the same time. Wendy Addis (1954) Photo of Phyllis Wilkie (Day 1927), inscribed “Phyl, Dec 1926”. The late 19th century microscope presented by Miss Lottie Hendry, in her memory, possibly on her retirement in 1940, saved by Meredith Beer (Boys 1975) from being thrown out in the early 2000s.

Thanks to Archives Volunteers Coralie Gadsdon (Humanities Teacher 1987-2008) and Jane Meneghello (McGibbon) who volunteer weekly! Coralie has been sorting and documenting 60 odd years of sporting pennants – no easy task – and Jane has been bringing order to the Drama Collection. Thank you, both!

Meredith Beer (Boys 1975) Mahogany case containing a late 19th century brass monocular compound microscope (No: 6552) from W Watson & Sons, of London, presented to PLC in memory of Miss Lottie Hendry (Teacher of Forms I, II and II, Deputy Principal 1925-1940), possibly on her retirement in 1940. This was saved from disposal in a skip bin in the early 2000s by Meredith, and kept safe until presenting it back to us. Eve Dethlefsen (Lang 1960) Order of Service for Annual Speech Day 1960 and 1960 Kookaburra.

The beautiful box containing Lottie Hendry’s microscope.

Left page images: Top left - Group 2 of Year 6’s on the Art Tour. Top middle - Group 1 of Year 6’s enjoying their Art Tour. Top right - West Australian photo-realist artist Marcus Beilby inspecting and cleaning the portrait of Mrs Hazel Day (Principal 1989-1998, on staff from 1963).


OBITUARIES Jean Maude ‘Judy’ Cecil (Johnston 1940) 5 September 1923 – 15 May 2020 In 1923, when Judy was born in Peppermint Grove, there were only five houses on the south side of Forrest Street between View Street and the Esplanade. Next door, on the corner of the Esplanade, lived her childhood best friend June Barker, now Lyrid Bye (1941). Both girls came to PLC in September 1929, but with the Great Depression making its impact felt here in 1932, Judy’s parents moved to Kalamunda and enrolled Judy in the local school up there. She missed PLC, and the friends she made here, terribly. After a couple of years in the hills they came back down to Perth and while she hoped to return to PLC, her parents sent her to Nedlands State School, from where she received a scholarship to MLC in 1937. At school, Judy enjoyed and excelled at maths and chemistry and she went on to Perth Technical School and the University of Western Australia to further her studies in both. She graduated in 1944 and began working as a chemist. In December 1947, at Christ Church, Claremont, Judy married metallurgist Ron Cecil. They lived in Nedlands and, after a quick stint working in Kalgoorlie,


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moved to Scarborough, where they raised their two sons John and Geoffrey and, finally, to City Beach. UWA’s first year Chemistry Laboratory classes were typically staffed by demonstrators doing Honours, a fourth year of their three year Bachelor of Science degree. In the early 1990s however, there were not enough Honours students to staff the labs for upwards of 900 first years, so the School of Chemistry placed an ad in the local paper asking for former Chemistry graduates to apply. Judy, nearing 70 but looking nowhere near her age, spied the ad and, instead of quietly settling into retirement, applied. In recognition of her graduation nearly half a century prior, she said she’d be happy to attend some lectures to refresh her chemical knowledge, which clinched her for the job, and she gleefully began working in the first year labs. She was said to be an excellent demonstrator with a very caring and helpful approach towards students. Incredibly, Judy continued demonstrating in UWA’s Chemistry Labs until around 2005 when she thought, at the age of 82, she ought to retire - but only from teaching! She then began as a volunteer in UWA’s Visitors’ Centre, loyally attending every week to help visitors and new students until it closed at the end of 2017.

Judy’s childhood sadness about not returning to PLC was lifelong and she was delighted to be contacted by our Archivist in 2008, during which call she said she “really was a PLC girl at heart”. It marked a meaningful re-engagement with her old School, and Judy subsequently received each Blackwatch magazine with enthusiasm, and often called to offer additional information. Then, in 2010 aged 87, Judy attended one of our Open Days and walked around the entire campus with some energetic Year 9s, before asking to be taken to Archives. She arrived puffed, flushed and hot, with her fine silver hair having been blown in all directions but, though tired, her eyes were filled with a wonderful energy and she had an avid curiosity to absorb everything in the few hours she was there. She was so happy, and it was the first of several visits that saw her attend quite a few Old Collegian events over the following years. Judy chose to part ways with Ron in later life, but she remained close to her sons, four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. It was to be near her older son, John, in recent years that she moved down to Albany, where this inspiring Old Collegian died, aged 96; no doubt looking nowhere near her age.

Dorothy Joan Deaman (Baty 1938) 8 December 1921 – 10 October 2020 Joan was one of premature twin girls born to Charles and Idarene ‘Renie’ Baty at Nurse Loveland’s Hospital in Perth Street, Cottesloe. Weighing just two pounds at birth, both were so tiny Renie carried them around on pillows for the first months of their life. Sadly Joan’s twin, Yvonne, died at three months in March 1922. Joan however, had a strong fighting spirit and thrived.

Page 40: Junior School 1930 Back, L-R: Pauline Jackson, Nancy Deykin, Peggy Prevost, Judith Pestalozzi, Joan Smart, Joan Dickson, Joyce Cruthers, Ardyn Craze, unknown, Ruth Mawley Third row: Joan Edgecombe, Peggy Smith, Peggy Maguire, Mary Freecorn, Kathleen Lissiman, Ailsa Pestalozzi, Marjorie Lissiman, Pat Martin, Shirley Church, Ilma Sherwood, Verna Ross Second row: Barbara Roe, unknown, Judy Johnston, unknown, Florence Lissiman, unknown, Suzette Pestalozzi, Joan Baty, Beatrice La Nauze, unknown, Shirley Glaskin, Olive Mann Front: Val Bailey, Rosamund Whitaker, Joan Freecorn, Norma Baty, John Dermer, unknown, Marie Prevost, Beryl Craze, Marjorie Boas Page 41: Top Left: WAAAF Special Police Corporal Joan Baty during WWII. Top Right: L-R Norma Dermer (Baty 1941) and Joan Deaman (Baty 1938) with their mother Renie, c1926. Above: Joan Deaman (Baty 1938) earlier this year.

In 1928, when Miss Janet Phemister was in her first year as Principal, Joan started kindergarten at PLC, followed in time by younger sisters Norma Dermer (Baty 1941) and Barbara Evans (Baty 1951). Their brother William, born in 1928, attended Scotch College. In 1934, with Dr Vera Summers in her first year as Principal, Joan was in third form and had a firm place in the Inter-School swimming team and was noted as a swimmer of outstanding talent. Over the next few years she won the Open Inter-School event at just 14, and excelled in every stroke – but particularly breaststroke. During her years here Joan won many races either in the pool or on land, and was also on the Hockey team. In 1937 she completed her Junior Certificate and served as Ferguson Vice Captain.

In 1938 she trained at Underwood’s Business College in Perth and worked for her father, an importer and manufacturer of radios, and then went on to the Department of Lands and Titles. The next year she was also the State Champion in breaststroke and part of the WA team which was to compete in the Australian Championships, but this was cancelled due to the war. During this time Joan enrolled in nursing at the Children’s Hospital, but contracted both measles and mumps, which had a devastating affect on her hearing. As she couldn’t hear the bells in the hospital she couldn’t continue with her studies, and this was a great disappointment to her. In 1941 the Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force (WAAAF) was formed, and Joan enlisted in 1942. Eight weeks of training at a police school in Melbourne equipped her with vital knowledge of the law, evidence, police procedure, unarmed defence, first aid, and hygiene. In June 1943 Corporal Joan Baty was one of the first three WAAAF Special Police appointed in Western Australia. Their role was to aid and support the WAAAFs by patrolling the streets, hostels and entertainment venues to keep an eye not only on the behaviour of the girls, but on the behaviour of others towards them. Interestingly, The Daily News of 28 June 1943 reported continued page 42



Mrs Margaret Mary Woolcock (Biology and Hygiene Teacher, 1963-1968) 19 February 1918 – 8 August 2020 Many students of Miss Eileen Dunston’s era (Principal 19621967) will remember Mrs Woolcock who had a passion for science, and for sharing that passion with her students.

Top left and left: Joan Baty at Jigalong in the 1940s.

Top right: Margaret Woolcock in the 1960s, as many students will remember her. Photo courtesy of her dear friend and neighbour, Peggy O’Neill.

continued from page 41

their opinion that the general standard of conduct among WAAAFs was higher than among civilian girls. For the next three years until the war ended, Joan was posted to every Australian State and Territory except Queensland. In her own words, along the way she became a Christian and, after the war ended, she studied at the Apostolic Bible College in Melbourne. Joan then became a Missionary and went up to the Apostolic Church’s Aboriginal Rescue Mission, as it was then called, at Jigalong in the Pilbara. In 1953 she married Len Deaman, a machinist, and they made their home in Shenton Park where their twin daughters were born; both breech. “That was enough of that,” Joan told our Archivist in 2009, “I wasn’t having any more children!”


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Widowed in 2005 Joan remained fit, healthy and, with her mind as sharp as a tack, continued to live independently. With the advent of lockdown and her daughters in NSW, her sister Barbara and nephew Richard Evans (Kindergarten 1973, OSC) spent a great deal of time with Joan, helping her out and taking her up to the family property in Kalamunda, which she loved. Sadly in September, as the result of a massive stroke, Joan fell at home, and was not found for 24 hours. Despite many injuries, broken bones and horrific bruising, her spirit was nevertheless still strong. She enjoyed many hospital visits from Barbara and Richard, both of whom she loved, very much. While doctors were hopeful of her recovery and rehabilitation, this was not to be, and Joan passed away, aged 98.

Mrs Woolcock was born Margaret Holbrook in London’s East End, and married Cornish salesman Frank Woolcock in Hackney in 1948. In 1953 they emigrated to New South Wales where Margaret taught at Sydney Church of England Grammar School for Girls, in Moss Vale. In 1962 they came across to Western Australia where they bought a home at 1 Violet Street, Mosman Park. Their real estate agent was on PLC Council and, through that connection, Margaret began teaching Biology and Hygiene at PLC in 1963. Mrs Woolcock retired in 1968, aged 60, but she maintained a devotion and interest in science and education throughout her life. When out and about or shopping, for decades afterwards, old PLC girls who recognised her often approached to thank her for her positive influence during their time at School. Mrs Woolcock was widowed when Frank died in 1994 but she remained living in her Violet Street home until after she turned one hundred. She then moved into Wearne Hostel, Cottesloe, where she passed away on 8 August 2020, at the incredible age of 102.

We are greatly saddened to hear of the passing of the following Old Collegians and former staff: Constance Mary Buckingham (1942) 5 April 1925 – 4 March 2020 Brian Dudley Burnell (1963; Kindergarten 1951) 7 June 1946 – 24 January 2019

Important dates

Jean Maude ‘Judy’ Cecil (Johnston 1940) 5 September 1923 – 15 May 2020


Graeme Dack (Fletcher 1948) 3 December 1930 – 24 October 2020


Dorothy Joan Deaman (Baty 1938) 8 December 1921 – 10 October 2020





Edith Kellow (Frearson 1942) 2 November 1925 – 24 September 2020



Timothy Nicholas Knowles (Kindergarten 1942-1943) 4 December 1939 – 10 August 2016


Joan Mary Lenz (1944) 21 March 1927 – 24 April 2020 Margaret Joan Lowe (Kirkwood 1950) 24 November 1932 – 21 November 2020 Susanna Margaret McAuliffe (Copping 1956) 4 August 1939 – 29 June 2019







Chelsea McCarthy (Fisher 1993) 9 October 1976 – 7 November 2020





Enid Ruth Meredith (Lushey 1943) 17 August 1926 – 24 May 2018



Hilary Rose Millar (Bow 1946) 1 December 1928 – 11 May 2020





Maxine Patricia Parsons (Davison 1959) 30 April 1942 – 14 August 2020


Suzanne Robin Reeve (McGlinn 1964) 3 January 1947 – 10 July 2020









Beth Sheppard (1947) 30 May 1930 – 21 August 2016 Maxine Cuffley White (Parker 1941) 28 June 1924 – 8 June 2020

We are also sad to advise the former staff members who passed away:









Dr Marais, Karen Lois English Teacher 2014-2018 25 November 1956 – 7 August 2020





Mrs Woolcock, Margaret Mary Biology and Hygiene Teacher, 1963-1968 19 February 1918 – 8 August 2020 (aged 102)


Mrs Bennetts, Betty Lorna Staff 1994-2002 23 January 1928 – 4 August 2020






21 - 23 May

Community Tour dates for the year


Artist registrations open early next year - keep your eyes out for an email from us

Editorial Details Blackwatch is published for the community of Presbyterian Ladies’ College A College of the Uniting Church of Australia 14 McNeil Street, Peppermint Grove Western Australia 6011 T: +61 8 9424 6444 W: Please address all correspondence regarding Blackwatch to Publications and Communications Co-ordinator T: +61 8 9424 6475 at PLC or E:

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