PLC OCA Committee Working Handbook

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PLC Old Collegians’ Association Committee Members Working Handbook

Information for Committee Members

PLC Perth International Students Handbook


Table of Contents PLC OCA Overview......................................3 Constituion.................................................. 4 Old Collegians' Association Objectives..... 4 OCA Membership....................................... 4 Life Membership Fee...................................... 4 Honorary Life Membership and Patron.... 4 Administration of the OCA......................... 5 OCA Committee............................................... 5 The Role of the President............................... 5 The Role of the Vice-Presdient..................... 5 The Role of the Secretary.............................. 5 The Role of the Treasurer............................... 6 The Role of Committee Members.............. 6 OCA Sub Committees..................................... 6 OCA Committee Meetings............................ 7 OCA Annual Gneral Meeting........................7 OCA Income...................................................... 8 Financial Management................................. 8 OCA Records....................................................10 PLC Council Representatives.......................10 2 PLC Perth International Students Handbook

PLEIADES Representative.............................10 OCA IT Equipment..........................................10 Bursaries............................................................. 11 OCA Contribution to PLC...............................11 Supporting & Furthering PLC's Educational Objectives.............................. 11 Year 12 Mentoring Programme...................11 Inspiring Women's Programme...................11 OCA Family Pin.................................................12 Speech Night Prizes........................................12 Fostering a Spirit of Community Between Old Collegians, PLC and Our Community. 13 OCA Event Calendar...................................... 13 PLC Organised................................................. 13 Old Collegian Events...................................... 13 PLC Event Support.....................................15 Combined Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Events................................................15 Communicating with Old Collegians........ 17 PLC Contact Details................................... 19

PLC OCA Overview At the end of 1919, with PLC then nearly three-and a-half years old, a group of senior students and young Old girls decided they numbered enough to form an Old Collegians’ Association. With support from Miss Agnes Scorgie (Principal 1916-1921), a meeting was held at school in April 1920, during which the Old Collegians’ Association was officially formed. The Association, referred to as the OCA, is an Incorporated Association and is under the management of a Committee of Old Collegians elected annually at the AGM. The Committee is responsible for the running of the Association, the achievement of its objectives as stated in the Constitution and ensuring the Association complies with regulatory requirements.

PLC Perth International Students Handbook



The name of the Association is Presbyterian Ladies’ College Old Collegians’ Association (WA) Inc (OCA). The Constitution and Rules of the Association were revised and amended in November 2018 to meet the requirements of new legislation governing incorporated associations. Click here to view the current OCA Constitution.

Old Collegians' Association Objectives The objectives of the OCA are: Community • To foster a spirit of community between past and present collegians and PLC.

Leadership • To provide, through example, leadership to present collegians.

Education • To further the educational objectives of PLC through donations, grants, bursaries and fundraising activities.

Relationships • To consolidate the special relationship established between collegians during their college years.

OCA Membership

Any person who has attended Presbyterian Ladies' College as a student for not less than one year is eligible for admission to life membership. The Register of Members is currently managed by the PLC Communications and Engagement team on behalf of the OCA Committee.

Life Membership Fee

The current OCA Life Membership Fee of $200 is included in the Acceptance Fee paid by all students entering PLC enabling every student automatic Old Collegian Life Membership. This is outlined in the Acceptance Fee letter. These Membership fees are held in trust by PLC and transferred to the OCA for each student who completes Year 12 at PLC. Click here to view the current Acceptance Letter. The PLC Council approved the proposal to incorporate collection of the OCA Life Membership Fee into the Acceptance Fee of every student in 2012 with effect from 1st January 2013.

Honorary Life Membership and Patron

A general meeting of the OCA may elect any person to be an honorary member and may elect a member to be a Patron of the OCA. The Principal of PLC is a Patron in accordance with the Constitution. Each year it is recommended the Committee considers whether it wishes to appoint one or more Honorary Life Members and any appointment is then made in accordance with the Constitution. Honorary Life Members are personally invited to attend the AGM and are usually invited to all OCA events free of charge. Click here to view the list of Honorary Life Member is attached.

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Administration of the OCA OCA Committee

The affairs of the OCA are managed exclusively by a Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting. The office-bearers consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other Committee members. Click here to view the current OCA Committee members. The following are Ex-officio Members (without voting rights): • The Principal of the College, • A representative of the College’s Office of Community and Engagement, • The three immediate past Head Girls of the College

The Role of the President •

Preside at all the AGM and all general meetings of the OCA, ensuring that they;

run in accordance with the agenda and Constitution (in the event of the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside),

Determines dates and times of committee meetings,

Prepare the President’s Report and other OCA items as required for publications including Blackwatch Magazine, Annual Review and OCA Connect,

Review and approve OCA publication content (OCA Connect),

Joint signatory for OCA Accounts.

The Role of the Vice-Presdient • Provide support to the President, Secretary and Treasurer, • Serve on at least two Sub Committees, • Regularly meet with the OCA Office Bearers and the OCE with the president. • In the event of the absence of the President, the VicePresident shall preside over the AGM and all general meetings.

The Role of the Secretary •

Notify members of meeting dates ideally 10 days prior to each meeting,

Assist the President in preparing the meeting agenda,

Prepares meeting agendas with input from the Office Bearers and Sub Committee Coordinators,

Distribute meeting agendas at least three days but preferably one week prior to the meeting,

Receives reports from Sub Committee Coordinators,

Attend or nominate a representative for OCA functions,

Receives and manages correspondence and notes apologies,

Take minutes of meetings and distributes them promptly, for confirmation at the next meeting of the Committee,

Be the custodian of and witness instances of the affixing of the Common Seal of the Association,

Call a Special General Meeting upon receiving the written requisition, at least 14 days’ notice must be given of a General Meeting,

Regularly meet with the OCA Office Bearers,

In accordance with the Constitution, calls for nominations for Office Bearer positions prior to the AGM.

Regularly meet with the OCA Office Bearers,

Meets and maintains communication with School Principal on strategic issues to ensure alignment of PLC OCA strategic objective and activities with those of the School,

Regularly meet and work closely with Office of Communications and Engagement (OCE) to further the objectives of the PLC OCA Committee,

Attends PLC events such as Easter Service & Founders Day,

Nominate attendees for the annual Pleiades meeting,

PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook 5

The Role of the Treasurer

• Provides President with relevant financial information for Reports. • Provide regular written financial reports to the Committee including a balance sheet, statement of receipts and disbursements and the bank account position, • Prepare an annual budget, • Organise an annual independent Auditor’s Report, • Prepare and present a Year End Financial Report at the AGM, • Receive funds to the OCA, including the Membership Fees, and ensure they are deposited into the Association’s account within 5 working days of receipt, • Manage investments and terms deposits in accordance with approved motions of the Committee, • Expend approved funds on behalf of the OCA Committee, • Joint signatory for OCA Accounts.

The Role of Committee Members •

Attend AGM and Committee meetings,

Assist to ensure a quorum is achieved at all meetings,

Serve on at least one Sub Committee,

Promote, organise and conduct functions for fundraising,

Support the activity of subcommittees by attending events, where possible, and encouraging engagement of Old Collegians.

OCA Sub Committees

The OCA Committee has sub-committees and working groups reflecting the areas in which it operates, including, but not exclusive to: Art Exhibition; Inspiring Woman’s Programme; Tartan Legal Breakfast; Tartan Networking Breakfast; Open Garden Day Stall; Mentoring Programme; OCA 100 Year Celebration Soiree, and Bursaries.

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OCA Committee Meetings

The OCA Committee and Ex-officio members generally hold approximately six full meetings per annum in addition to the AGM and sub-committee meetings. This full committee meeting is typically held on a Tuesday commencing at 6.15 pm is held in PLC’s Scorgie House Board Room. Following the election of the Committee at the AGM, a meeting is held in October or November to allocate activities to each Committee member, typically creating work groups of two – three. The activity portfolio requires that you take responsibility for the progress of tasks and report regularly to the committee. The OCA Office Bearers also meet with some of the School Executive to discuss matters of mutual interest at mutually agreed times.

Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held no more than six months after the end of the OCA's financial year, which falls on the 30th June. Notification of the AGM is communicated to members via email and post at least four weeks prior to the AGM. This meeting is usually held on a Sunday in August or September. A quorum of at least 12 members present in person is required at the AGM. All Committee Members are elected to office at the AGM for a term of one year. PLC Perth International Students Handbook


OCA Income

The primary sources of income for the OCA are membership fees, donations and fundraising activities such as the annual Art Exhibition and Open Garden Day stall. These fund-raising activities and OCA donations are predominantly used to fund bursaries and other donations to the school. This income is to be spent in accordance with the Constitution.

Financial Management

To ensure prudent management and ongoing transparency of all OCA funds: •

Any expenditure by the OCA is to be approved by the OCA Committee,

Payment of any approved invoice or expense must be authorised by both the President and the Treasurer,

The Treasurer together with one other delegated committee member shall manage all financial transactions at fundraising events,

Every six months the Treasurer presents a report on the current financial position (including a Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, payments and receipts statements, and all relevant bank account statement and balances,

At every committee meeting a report on the current financial position is presented,

At the end of each financial year the Treasurer prepares a Financial Report (including a Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and all relevant bank account statements and balances) and presents at the AGM,

The OCA’s accounts and end of year Financial Report is independently audited before the AGM,

All Financial Reports and Bank Statements shall be held by the Treasurer (for the period she is Treasurer) with digital copies held by the PLC Communications and Engagement team.

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PLC Perth International Students Handbook


OCA Records

Electornic and Hard Copy In 2019, the OCA paid for a digitised record of all the OCA files and minute books. The digitised minutes are held with the PLC Communications and Engagement team and are on a thumb drive. Additional documents including a chronological summary of OCA documents is also located in the OCA drive in the Office of Communications and Engagement. Hard copy archive documents including Committee meeting minutes, finance and events are stored in the PLC Archives Room. Files and folders are held in boxes and are catalogued in chronological order from 1957 – 2011. More recent files are stored in the Office of Communications and Engagement.

PLC Council Representatives

In accordance with the OCA Constitution, the OCA shall put forward for nomination to Council of the College at least one financial member of at least two years standing when a vacancy occurs (the Council is to have at least one member who is an Old Collegian). The Committee shall determine which members shall be put forward for consideration by Council Appointments to Council are subject to the rules of the Constitution of Presbyterian Ladies’ College and the PLC Governance Charter and endorsement by the WA Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia. Members of Council are chosen based on a number of criteria including skills and experience required by Council as per its skills matrix and in accordance with

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its Constitution and other governance requirements. All Council members must act in accordance with the Constitution of Presbyterian Ladies’ College, the PLC Governance Charter and the PLC Code of Conduct.

PLEIADES Representative

The Pleiades Club, a club formed 88 years ago as an avenue for meetings of ex-students of the then, seven Perth’s independent girls’ schools: Loreto, MLC, PLC, Perth College, St. Hilda’s, St. Mary’s and Kobeelya (and later Penrhos). The name comes from the ‘Seven Sisters’ in Greek Mythology and now includes the following schools; PLC, St Hilda’s, St Mary’s, Perth College, Penrhos College, Santa Maria College, MLC and Iona. Meetings are held annually and hosted by each School’s Alumni Association, on a rotating basis. Each meeting focuses on a theme selected by the host school, and is a forum of networking, sharing ideas and challenges. In 2019, St Hilda’s was the host school. All Members of the OCA are invited to attend each meeting and usually two or three members attend.

OCA IT Equipment

The PLC OCA Laptop, which is predominantly used for the Art Exhibition, is used by the OCA Office Bearers, as well as, the Art Exhibition Co-ordinator and stored by the Communications and Engagement team when not being used by the approved OCA Committee Member. The Laptop is owned by the School, maintained by the PLC IT department and subject to the School’s Acceptable Use Policy .

Supporting and Furthering PLC's Educational Objectives Bursaries

For over 60 years the OCA has awarded Scholarships and Bursaries to current students. In 1986, the OCA introduced both the Dr Vera Summers Bursary and the Olive Cusack Bursary and the Heather Bar Memorial Bursary in 1990. Currently the recipient of each Bursary receives $5,000 towards tuition fees for the following year, an award certificate at Speech Night and are named on the OCA Bursary Honour Boards. These Bursaries are usually awarded in October in line with the attached Bursary Policy and Procedures.

August 2020 as part of the 100 Year celebration year. These Honour Boards are displayed in the Hazel Day Performing Centre Foyer.

OCA Contribution to PLC

From time to time the OCA makes one off contributions towards buildings, projects, and equipment across the College for the use and benefit of current students to further the educational objectives of PLC. In recent years the OCA is proud to have donated funds for the OCA Year 12 Common Room, the ‘Old Girl’ Quad rowing boat to the PLC Argyle Rowing Club and most recently, the STEM Room donation for the Junior School.

The Communications and Engagement team informs the PLC Accounts Department of the successful applicants and includes a copy of the signed letter. Letters must include what the Bursary is worth i.e. $5,000 towards tuition fees across the following year.

The current process for reviewing funding requests is as follows:

The OCA Bursaries are outlined below.

a. The applications must be detailed written proposal with reasons why they would like the funding from the OCA.

Olive Cusack Bursary

The Olive Cusack Bursary recognises a boarding daughter, granddaughter or great granddaughter of an Old Collegian currently in Year 9 for Year 10. The selected student should demonstrate an understanding of the needs of others, participate in a wide range of activities organised by the School community, and show a commitment to personal excellence, particularly in the Boarding House.

Dr Vera Summers Bursary

The Dr Vera Summers Bursary is awarded to a daughter, granddaughter or great granddaughter of an Old Collegian currently in Year 10 for Year 11. The selected student should demonstrate an exemplary character, attitude, conduct and academic achievement.

Heather Barr Memorial Bursary

The Heather Barr Memorial Bursary recognises participation and contribution to PLC and is awarded to all current Year 11 students for Year 12 who most clearly displays the qualities which reflect the principles espoused by Miss Barr. The selected student should be dedicated to the ideals and educational objectives of the school and she will have distinguished herself by showing selflessness, tolerance and compassion towards her peers and her juniors, demonstrating the maturity and judgment she has acquired during her years at PLC.

Bursary Honor Boards

To celebrate and honour all the past and future recipients of the OCA bursaries, the OCA Committee introduced PLC OCA Bursary Honour Boards in

1. The application for funds must be submitted by the end of October to the OCA President.

2. Applications are presented at the next OCA meeting to be discussed by the Committee and in consultation with the PLC Principal. 3. The Committee will decide whether or not they need to hear more information from the applicant. 4. The Committee will vote on the application at an OCA meeting in the first half of the calendar year.

Year 12 Mentoring Programme

To provide any Year 12 student with a contact with a recently graduated PLC student (mentor) doing a tertiary course of study that the Year 12 student is interested in. The role of the mentor is to answer any questions the year 12 student may have about studying that course, especially the practicalities. Contact:

Inspiring Women’s Programme

In 2015, as part of the Centenary year for PLC, the OCA undertook an initiative to launch an Inspiring Women’s Programme to recognise and honour those Old Collegians who had achieved great success or recognition in their chosen field or interests. Following PLC’s Centenary year, the OCA decided to make celebrating our Inspiring Women an ongoing programme. There are no particular criteria parameters other than to select past students who the Committee feel has made a significant contribution in their chosen field and or careers. PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook


With the assistance of the Archives Department, one or two recipients are determined each year. The recipients’ profiles are housed in the OCA section of the PLC Website. 2020 OCA Inspiring Woman Co-ordinator: Jessamy Mahony

OCA Family Pin

The multi-generational connection between so many Old Collegians families and PLC remains very strong as currently PLC has a student base with over 25 percent being daughters, granddaughter or great granddaughters of Old Collegians. This is among the highest percentage of any girl’s school in Australia and we are incredibly proud of this. As part of the OCA’s 100 Year Celebrations the OCA would like to acknowledge and thank the Old Collegians families who continue to send their daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters to PLC with an inaugural OCA Family Pin. Contact: Jessamy Mahony

OCA Senior School Speech Night Prizes

The OCA currently provides the following $100 book prizes for Speech Night; • The OCA Prize Mathematics Methods, presented to the top Year 12 student in the subject, and • The OCA Prize for Mathematics Specialist, presented to the top Year 12 student in this subject. • The Lukin Family Prize, presented to a Year 9 boarder. Any amendments to this prize value require approval by the OCA Committee. In 2020, Principal Cate Begbie, proposed a Prize in the name of the late Old Collegian June Jones, to be awarded annually at Speech night, to honour an Old Collegian. Funds for this annual prize are provided by June Jones’ legacy donation to the school. Ms Begbie also proposed a Prize in the name of the late Patricia Kailas who was a past PLC Chair of Council and an OCA Honorary Life Member. Funds for this annual prize are provided by PLC. PLC administers the selection of these prize winners and the PLC OCA President is included in the final selection process.

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Fostering a Spirit of Community Between Old Collegians, PLC and Our Community PLC and the OCA organise and host a number of events and initiatives each year.

OCA Event Calendar

The calendar of events for the year is considered in October and submitted to PLC for confirmation of dates. This lead time is necessary to balance activity throughout the year, secure the involvement of the Principal and/or request use of School facilities. Below is an outline of OCA events and important dates on the OCA Calendar:

OCA Welcome Day Lunch

As part of PLC Welcome Day held at the start of each year, the OCA hosts a Welcome Lunch for Old Collegians whose daughters and granddaughters are new to PLC and also Old Collegians who daughters and granddaughters are starting Year 7 having graduated from the PLC Junior School.

OCA Career Networking Morning

New to the OCA calendar in 2020, this speed networking breakfast is another mentoring opportunity in which Old Collegians return to school to share their personal career pathways and experiences with the Year 12 students. In 2020, 22 Old Collegians registered to be a part of this new initiative, however due to the COVID-19 pandemic this event was postponed until further notice. Contact:

OCA Art Exhibition

This is the OCA’s major fundraising event of the year, significant commitment is required of all OCA Committee members, and subcommittee coordinators are enlisted to meet regularly in the build-up to the event. The detailed Art Exhibition database, plan and operations file is held by the Communications and Engagement team on behalf of the OCA Committee. A budget of $5,000 from PLC’s Office of Communications and Engagement is allocated to the OCA Committee to assist with printing, advertising and marketing costs. 2022 Art Exhibition Co-ordinator: Winks Shephard

OCA Tartan Lawyers Breakfast

The PLC OCA and Old Scotch Collegians co-host a legal breakfast for their members in Term 2, including a presentation and panel discussion. A Lawyer is the best

place Committee Member to co-ordinate this event. In 2019, over 40 members of the PLC/Scotch community who are aspiring, current or retired members of the legal profession attended this event at Clayton Utz offices overlooking the Perth CBD. With the theme ‘Work Life Balance’, Aaron McDonald (OSC 2001) Director at Pragma Lawyers, fielded questions to Liz Humphry (OCA 1998), Partner at Clayton Utz and Nicholas van Hattem (OSC 2002), Barrister at Burt Chambers and Senior Vice President of The Law Society of Western Australia. Contact: Jessamy Mahony

OCA Tartan Networking Breakfast

The Tartan Alumni Connect Breakfast, a joint event held by Old Scotch Collegians and PLC OCA. This networking breakfast is held each year to connect the alumni of the two organisations who are in range of professions and industries. The 2019 the event was postponed due to difficulties with confirming the proposed guest speaker availability, it was due to take place in August, with a theme of “Why giving back makes good business sense”.

PLC Organised Old Collegian Events

Below are two major annual PLC events which include the middle and senior students, teaching staff and Old Collegians who left PLC 50 years ago or more. These events are organised by the Office of Communications and Engagement and the OCA Committee are invited to these events.

PLC Easter Service & Morning Tea

This event is usually held on the Thursday before Good Friday and incorporates a Service held in the Hugh Baird Sports Centre followed by a Morning Tea held in the Senior School Cafeteria.

PLC Founders Day Service & Lunch

PLC Founders Day event is held in August and includes a Service held in the Hugh Baird Sports Centre followed by a Luncheon held in the Boarders Dining Room. In 2019, over 80 Old Collegians attended Founders Day.

PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook 13

Black Diamonds

‘Black Diamonds are tougher than any other form of natural diamond. They don’t shine in the traditional sense because they absorb, rather than reflect light. Largely unrecognised, they are the less obvious choice.’ In recognition of PLC’s Black Diamonds and their extraordinary contribution to the school, PLC’s Archivist, Shannon Lovelady, is publishing their stories in all future editions of the Blackwatch Magazine. Contact: PLC Archivist, Shannon Lovelady.

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Combined Independent Girls’ Schools Sporting Events Golf Day

The Golf Day origins originate from the Pleiades Club. In 2019, 54 Combined Independent Girls’ Schools Golf Day was held on Monday September 23 at Cottesloe Golf Club. Hosted by PLC: 136 Old Collegians from PLC, Iona, Loreto, MLC, Penrhos/Kobeelya, Perth College, St. Hilda’s and St. Mary’s in perfect weather. PLC fielded a team of 11 pairs on the day and was the resounding winner by 7 points from second placed Perth College.

Tennis Day

In April 2022, PLC Alumni Tennis Team were victorious again, defeating 6 other PSA schools for the Championship in the Annual Old Girls Tennis competition. The competition has been running for 24 years and PLC has gained the victory at least 17 times. Contact: Linda Arnold at

PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook


PLC Event Support

All events held on PLC campus are required to be coordinated and approved through the Event Management procedure to ensure all Child Protection and other regulatory requirements for Schools are adhered to.

Ordering Equipment

Glasses, crockery, tables, tablecloths, urns, water/milk jugs are available to borrow for an OCA function. Please arrange, in advance through

Serving of Food

Events where there will be food served on PLC campus are to be approved through the Event Management procedure to ensure adherence to the Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Policy and safe food handling procedures.

Serving of Alcohol

Laws encourage responsible use of alcohol and OCA supports this. Function and event organisers are required to abide by these Laws and should familiarise themselves with the requirements, including who can serve alcohol and when a Liquor Licence is required. More information is available from the Office of Communications and Engagement. Holder of RSA Manager Certificate (2020): Winks Shephard PLC Policy contact: Julia Dobson: Director of Strategic Communications

Try Booking

The OCA has a Try Booking account for OCA events and subcommittee members will be able to regularly monitor the RSVPs which assists in planning. Once the event booking window is closed, the OCA Treasurer will be able to transfer the funds directly to the OCA bank account. You will need to factor in approximately 3% to cover the credit card fees that Try Booking charges and an additional 10% for the GST which is charged by Try Booking on ticket sales.

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Communicating with Old Collegians

The OCA Committee communicates with its members through a wide range of channels. Some of these are exclusively for Old Collegians via the Communications and Engagement team, while others incorporate OCA news into publications sent to the whole PLC community.

OCA Connect

A quarterly, newsletter sent electronically to OCA members. Content is collected and prepared by the Committee and includes a message from the President, profiles of OCA members, general OCA member news (e.g. engagements, marriages, births etc), and details of past and future OCA events. The Communications and Engagement team assists with final proofing and arranges printing and distribution. The President is sent a copy to approve.

Black Watch Tartan Magazine

PLC publishes two Black Watch Tartan Magazine editions each year. A number of pages are devoted to Old Collegians including news of Old Collegians, the OCA Report written by the President, as well as promotion of OCA events. In 2019 the Black Diamonds initiative, developed by Shannon Lovelady - PLC Archivist, was launched in the magazine as part of the 100 Year Celebrations of the OCA. It is planned to profile one Black Diamond in each edition going forward.

Social Media

The OCA Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn pages are managed by the Office of Communications and Engagement. PLC OCA regularly uses these social media accounts to keep the OCA community informed about events and achievements of alumni members. Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. @plcoca

PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook


PLC OCA Web Pages

The OCA pages on the PLC Website are managed by the Office of Communications and Engagement. Content is reviewed and updated by the OCA Committee annually.

Reunion Year Reps

At the end of each year the Communications and Engagement team send correspondence to all Head Prefects of each reunion cohort (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40 …) as a point of contact for the representatives' classmates and the OCA, to promote OCA events, reunions, to update details and to source general news of the year group. The Reunions taking place in 2022 are: • Class of 1952 - 70 Year Reunion • Class of 1957 - 65 Year Reunion • Class of 1962 - 60 Year Reunion • Class of 1972 - 50 Year Reunion • Class of 1982 - 40 Year Reunion • Class of 1992 - 30 Year Reunion • Class of 2002 - 20 Year Reunion • Class of 2012 - 10 Year Reunion

Condolence Cards

PLC Archivist, Shannon Lovelady writes the death notices of Old Collegians following notice to the School. A Condolence Card is sent to the family of OCA members on behalf of the OCA, signed by both the PLC Principal and the OCA President.

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Executive: President: Jessamy Mahoney Vice-President: Carolyn Shepard Secretary: Natusha Wenn Treasurer: Justine Cerini

Committee Jennie Dykin Jane Ann McLarty Devon Cuneo Leanne Ikin Maureen White Elizabeth Langsford Sue Mercer Louise Cullen Liz Humphry Ella Miels Matilda McManus

PLC Contact Details Main Reception Junior School Reception Senior School Reception (McNeil St)

Di Simmons Esmé Derrington Kerry Martin 9424 6428

Lyn Taylor 9424 6494 9424 6579

Senior School Reception (View St)

Jane Feinaver

Director Of Communications and Engagement

Julia Dobson

Communications and Engagement Assistant / OCA Contact Admissions Enrolment Administrator Archivest Catering at PLC 9424 6444

Olivia Triglavcanin Jane Hard Shannon Lovelady Kate Montague Executive Assistant to the Principal 9424 6439 9424 6520 9424 6555 9424 6476 9424 6411

PLC OCA Committee Members Working Handbook



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