PLC Senior School Handbook

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School Timetable

2024 Term Dates

Term 1 Monday 29 January - Thursday 28 March

Mid-Term Break Friday 1 March - Monday 4 March

Term 2 Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June

Mid-Term Break Friday 31 May - Monday 3 June

Term 3 Tuesday 23 July – Friday 20 September

Mid-Term Break Friday 16 August - Monday 19 August

Term 4 Tuesday 8 October – Thursday 5 December

Mid-Term Break Friday 1 November - Monday 4 November Monday – Friday

Senior School Contact Details

Office Hours

Monday to Friday (during school term)

8.00 am to 4.00 pm

Street Address

14 McNeil Street

Peppermint Grove WA 6011

Scorgie House Main Reception

Telephone (08) 9424 6444


Senior School View Street

Telephone (08) 9424 6579

Senior School McNeil Street

Telephone (08) 9424 6494

Uniform Shop (08) 9460 6243

IT Help Desk (08) 9424 6469

Music (08) 9424 6512

Head of Senior School

Ms Rebecca Watts

T: 08 9460 6490 | E:

Pastoral Care

Rebecca Watts, Head of Senior School, leads our Pastoral Care team. She is supported by six Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators (PACC), one for each year group. They work with the House Tutors who have daily contact with our students.

Should you have any concerns, please contact your daughter’s PACC directly. Each member of the Pastoral Care team has voicemail, so feel free to leave a message if they are unavailable and they will return your call at their earliest convenience.

We feel that the home - school relationship is a very important one. If your daughter is new to the School her House Tutor will introduce themselves and report on the way in which your daughter is settling into PLC life.


To ensure your daughter is making appropriate progress in her learning, we have a team of staff dedicated to academic tracking and monitoring.

Subject teachers provide feedback for every assessment through our learning management system, commending areas of strength and explaining ways to improve and the important next steps for learning. This feedback, along with any recent assessment marks, is available for parents to view, enabling you to track your daughter’s progress. Formal reports are issued twice a year.

In liaison with subject teachers and Heads of Department, the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators monitor students’ progress across all subjects, following up with parents and students where concerns or commendations need to be relayed and helping to create a plan of action for future development where necessary. Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators will also liaise with the Learning Enrichment and Academic Extension Co-ordinators to ensure individual learning plans are created and circulated to subject teachers where necessary for students with individual learning needs.

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinators

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator

Year 7

Ms Jane Brandenburg

T: 08 9460 6144 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Year 8

Mrs Helen Jones

T: 08 9460 6368 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Year 9

Ms Soni Bailey

T: 08 9460 6133 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Year 10

Ms Christa Snyman

T: 08 9460 6527 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Year 11

Mrs Lynne Jones

T: 08 9460 6134 | E:

Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Year 12

Ms Deborah McPhee

T: 08 9460 6124 | E:

Daily Life

Senior School Structure

The needs of students differ considerably in each year group and in order to ensure the delivery of high quality pastoral care, academic tracking and targeted programmes for all students, each cohort is headed by a Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator (PAAC). The role of each PAAC is to be the primary contact for students and parents within each cohort.

The PAAC is responsible for responding proactively to pastoral and academic matters within the year group and to work closely with a range of staff to ensure students’ needs are met.

Students are also placed into House Tutor Groups within their cohort and their House Tutors are a key pastoral care point of contact for students and their families.

Your Daughter’s First Day

If your daughter is starting at PLC at the beginning of the year, details of her first day will be provided to her via email communication from her Pastoral and Academic Care Coordinator.

For girls who commence their PLC experience at other times throughout the year, they should arrive at 8.15 am and come to the relevant Student Reception: Years 10, 11, and 12 at the McNeil Street entrance and Years 7, 8, and 9 at the View Street entrance to the Senior School. Your daughter’s buddy and Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator will be there to meet and welcome her.

The School Diary

This is an important means of communication between home and School as well as being vital in assisting your daughter to develop sound organisational skills. All girls are expected to write their homework into their diaries and to check it off as it is completed.

House Tutors will check and sign diaries each week for Year 7 and 8 girls, and each fortnight for Year 9 girls. Girls in these Year groups will also be required to have their parents sign their diary to acknowledge your awareness of your daughter’s diary use.

Year 10, 11, and 12 girls are expected to manage their dairy use independently.


The Homework Policy and procedures document is an important guide for parents and students in managing homework and academic expectations. Please ensure that you are aware of the School’s Homework Policy in its entirety. This can be accessed at home. under ‘Seqta for Parents’.

As a general guide the following applies:

Year 7 – 70 minutes five nights per week

Year 8 – 80 minutes five nights per week

Year 9 – 90 minutes six nights per night

Year 10 – 10 hours per week

Year 11 – 15 hours per week

Year 12 – 18 hours per week

Learning Hub

After school our Library provides a Learning Hub to assist students with their studies. These hubs will be staffed by past PLC students who did very well academically, as well as staff and current students.

The Learning Hub will be open in the Library every Monday to Thursday inclusive from 3.30 pm to 7.00 pm. Girls from Years 7 to 12 can attend any night but targeted help will be given on the following nights:

Year 7/8

Year 9/10

Year 11/12

Tuesday and Thursday

Monday and Wednesday

Tuesday and Thursday

Attendance at School

All students are expected to be present at school for the entirety of each term. This includes Speech Night. No student has permission to take time out of school at the beginning, during or at the end of a term for recreational purposes and our policy is not to provide schoolwork or to re-negotiate assessments. Requests for leave in extenuating circumstances should be forwarded in writing to the Head of Senior School.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up of Students

The Senior School has two dual lane slipways on View Street and McNeil Street. Please note there is no parking in the slipways at any times.

Picking Your Daughter Up During the Day

If your daughter needs to leave the School during the day for any reason, she needs to tag out on the iPad at the relevant reception using her student card. A parent or guardian needs to collect her by coming into the reception area.

Late Arrival at School/Absences

If your daughter has an appointment and will arrive late for school, please notify the School in advance. This can be done via the PLC Perth App or by emailing the relevant absentee email address:

Year 7 -

Year 8 -

Year 9 -

Year 10 -

Year 11 -

Year 12 -

or phoning the absentee phone number 08 9424 6400 and following the prompts. On her arrival at school, your daughter will need to tag in using her student card. We also request that a parent or guardian accompany her to the reception desk. This also applies during the school day when going to or from appointments.

If your daughter is absent from school, we also request that you either phone the absentee line or send an email to the absentee email address. Attendance is taken in every lesson and, should your daughter be marked absent in either of the first two lessons of the day, and the School has not been notified, you will be notified by SMS. You will be asked to click on the link to provide a reason for your daughter’s absence. In some instances, the receptionists may call you instead of sending an SMS. We do this in line with regulatory standards but also in the interests of your daughter’s welfare. Your prompt contact with us will help to avoid any unnecessary confusion.

If your child is away due to illness for more than three (3) consecutive days, the College requires a Medical Certificate.

Late Pick-Ups

If your daughter needs to wait for you after school, we ask that she do so in the Library which is open until 7.00 pm Monday through to Thursday. While the Senior School

buildings are open until 5.00 pm, they are unsupervised after school hours. Year 12 girls may stay in their Common Room until 5.30 pm but, again, it is important that parents note that no supervision is provided.

Should you be unable to collect your daughter until after Library closing time, we request that girls wait in the Boarding House.

Travel to and from School

Students travelling to school by bus, train, bike, or walking should cross Stirling Highway at the corner of McNeil Street where a crosswalk attendant is on duty each morning and afternoon. Students crossing View Street should cross at the designated area outside the Boarding House. Care must be taken to remember this is NOT a crosswalk.

Students are discouraged from using the laneway from Stirling Highway to the school. No responsibility can be taken to ensure the safety of students if they do not cross Stirling Highway at the attended crossing.

Information about bus and train services can be obtained by accessing the Transperth website and going to the Journey Planner to ‘Plan Your Journey’ or phoning 136 313.

There are also private bus services. Visit getting-to-plc/

• Cottesloe

• South Perth

• Coogee

• West Leederville

• Subiaco

• Northern Route


The wearing of approved helmets is compulsory. Students are expected to ride carefully at all times and to obey the rules of the road. Bicycle racks are located on the verandah on the southern side of the Science/Arts/Technology building. All bicycles are to be parked in the racks provided and are not to be used without permission of the owner.

General Information

Student Cards

Each girl is issued with a student card. The card can be used to print, photocopy, purchase food from PLC food outlets or travel by PLC bus service and public transport. The School issues credits for printing and copying. To enable your daughter to use her card on public transport please go to and follow the prompts to register the card and top up the account.

To enable your daughter to use her card on dedicated Horizons West bus services, please go to to PLC.

To enable your daughter to use her card at the Cafés or Cafeteria she will need to register the card with Flexischools. Please see below for more information. If your daughter requires a new student card, she will need to order a new one at the relevant reception. This will cost $5.00 and will be charged to your account.

How to Purchase Lunch

Girls are able to use their student card to purchase their food and drinks. They simply line up and move past the self-service counters to collect their food before moving through to the checkouts where their card is swiped.

Parents need to use the following instructions to load money onto their daughter’s card (if you have any queries, please contact either Reception):

1. Go to

2. Click REGISTER NOW and enter your email. You will receive an email with a link to an online form.

3. Click on the link and chose a username and password and complete the form. You can add more children by entering their student ID number from their student card.

4. Top up the account – Visa and Mastercard are preferred. The Cafeteria is open Monday to Friday at 7.00 am for breakfast, as well as recess and lunch time. Bev’s Café is open Monday to Friday before School as well as during the day for healthy snacks and drinks. Eftpos and/or student cards are both accepted at Bev’s Cafe and the Cafeteria.

Lost Property

To avoid loss, we ask that all items be labelled clearly with the student’s name. Should an item be lost, girls should first retrace their steps to try to track down their missing items and then check at both Receptions and other locations such as the PE offices, Drama Centre etc. All named and unnamed lost property will be stored outside the Pastoral and Academic Care Co-ordinator Office.

All girls are provided with a locker large enough to store all belongings together with a lock for security. The School cannot accept responsibility for loss of items where lockers are left unlocked. Please reinforce with your daughters the importance of keeping belongings secure.


All girls are issued with a laptop computer prior to commencing at PLC. Laptops must be carried in the case provided. During breaks across the day, laptops must be stored and locked in your daughter’s locker. If your daughter wishes to use her computer at these times, she can do so in the Library.

Any laptops found unattended during the day will be taken to the Tech Centre. In this case, your daughter will be issued with a form to be completed and signed by a parent before she can be re-united with her laptop.

Laptops must be charged overnight at home ready for use the next day.

All girls’ laptops are monitored during term time in school hours. Should the School be alerted to any concerns by the company providing this service, the Head of Senior School or PACC will speak with the student about this issue and, depending on the concern, may also contact home.

Assessment Policy

The assessment policies for Years 7-10 and Years 11 and 12 are available on SEQTA. Please note the following key points:

Years 7 to 10

Assessments are due at 4.00 pm on the due date. Students who fail to submit their assessment by the due date, without prior arrangement with the Head of Department, will be as follows:

• Years 7/8: Parents will be informed by the teacher via email with the Learning Coordinator and Year Co-ordinator copied into the email. Students will be provided with a maximum of three additional days to submit the assessment.

• Years 9/10: Parents will be informed by the teacher via email with the Learning Co-ordinator and Year Co-ordinator copied into the email. Submission of late assessments result in 10% off the first day, 20% off the second day to a maximum of 30% loss, after which the assignment will not be accepted. A weekend counts as two days.

If a student has a valid reason for absence, she will undertake the assessment in the study centre either:

• On the day of her return during the first available lesson in that subject; or

• If that subject is not timetabled for that day, within two days of the scheduled assessment date.

• Students are expected to communicate with their teachers via email for absences during assessments.

Years 11 and 12

Absence from a scheduled summative assessment task must be explained by a Medical Certificate dated the same day as the assessment. If it is not possible to obtain a medical certificate because of the nature of the absence, a Notice of Missed Assessment form should be completed and returned to View Street Reception. This will then be considered for approval by the Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning. Satisfactory explanation of the absence may enable the student to complete the assessment task, or a similar task and gain credit.

Failure to return a medical certificate and the Notice of Missed Assessment form will result in a zero mark for the assessment.

The mark will only be validated upon the return of the medical certificate or the Notice of Missed Assessment form with the approval of the Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning. For the reasons listed below:

• Where sickness, injury or significant personal circumstances for part or all of the period of an out-of-class assessment task prevents completion and submission.

• Where sickness, injury or significant personal circumstances prevents a student attending on the day that an in-class assessment task is scheduled.

If your child is away due to illness for more than three (3) consecutive days, the College requires a Medical Certificate.

Assessment schedules are sent out to all parents and students at the start of each term. It is expected that students attend in-class tests and that personal appointments are not made during this time.


If your daughter would like to change her electives, she must contact Ms Toni Jefferies by email at or by phone on 08 9424 6429, to negotiate any changes.

Subject Changes - Years 11 and 12


Any concerns about subjects should be directed to the Head of Careers and Pathways, Simone Fleay, who can be contacted at


Any concerns about subjects should be directed to the IB Diploma Co-ordinator, Rebecca Garbenis who can be contacted at


Senior School Receptions

Our Senior School Administration team are happy to take your calls should you have any queries of a general nature. Jane Feinauer or Lyn Taylor will refer you to the appropriate person if they are unable to assist you. If you have anything to be delivered to your daughter, please leave it at the following receptions:

Years 7 to 9 – View Street

Years 10 to 12 – McNeil Street

Both receptions are open from 8.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Student Phone Calls

We believe it is unnecessary for girls to have a mobile phone at School. Should they wish to call home during the day, they may use the student phone at either Reception. If parents choose to allow their daughters to have a mobile phone the following applies:


7 to 10

Mobile phones must be turned off and locked in their locker for the entirety of the school day. Any girl who carries or uses her phone during the school day will have it confiscated. Your daughter will be allowed to collect her phone at the conclusion of the school day and parents will be notified.


11 and 12

Students may carry their mobile phone with them during the school day but it should not be visible during recess and lunchtime or between classes. Students may only use their mobile phones for educational purposes with the express permission of the class teacher. If a student chooses to have her phone in class, it must be switched to silent and placed face down on the desk. Year 12 students may use their mobile phones strictly in the Common Room only.

Emailing Your Daughter

If you choose to contact your daughter via email, it is important that you be aware that girls are only able to access mail for personal reasons during break times. It is more reliable for you to contact Senior School Reception if your message is urgent. Please do not text your daughter.

SEQTA for Parents

This electronic system enables parents to access feedback on their daughter’s assessments and progress as well as lesson resources. Parents use the single sign-on username and password to access the system.

Visit and select “Password New/Reset”. The Tech Centre is available if you have any queries. Please email

Senior School Notices

The Senior School Notices are distributed via the PLC App to parents every Thursday of the school term and contains information about various school activities and opportunities.


The PLC App is the primary method of communication to all PLC parents. The PLC App can be downloaded from app stores. Login to the App using your PLC username and password.

To ensure you receive notifications, click the settings cog on the bottom right corner, click notifications, and “turn on”.

To ensure you receive relevant communications, click subscriptions and select relevant groups and deselect irrelevant groups for co-curricular, sport, and year level.

Photo Gallery (Pixevety)

We use the software Pixevety to share photographs via the PLC App. Pixeviey has advanced facial recognition software so parents can see all photographs that include their children automatically. We have already set up your account linking you with your child(ren). Use your SEQTA single sign-on to login.

Click MyVIP’s for all photos of your daughter.

Reporting and Assessment

We have a policy of ‘continuous reporting’, which means that feedback is provided frequently to keep parents informed of their daughter’s progress.

The following reporting processes take place:

Parent/ Teacher/ Student Interviews

These offer parents an opportunity to meet with their daughter’s teachers to discuss her progress. We strongly encourage girls to attend so that they are part of the discussion and can ‘own’ their own learning.


Semester 1 Reports

Year 7 - End of Term 2

Year 8 - End of Term 2

Year 9 - End of Term 2

Year 10 - Mid Term 2

Year 11 - Mid Term 2

Year 12 - Mid Term 2

Semester 2 Reports

Years 7 to 9 - End of Term 4

Year 10 - End of Term 3

Year 11 - Mid Term 4

Year 12 - Mid Term 3 and Statement of Results Term 4

Reports will be available to parents online. Parents are also able to monitor their daughter’s progress during a learning period.

Teachers post the results of girls’ assessments in their marks books and these are made visible to parents through SEQTA for Parents. Parents will be notified of a new entry via an automated email message. The instructions for accessing marks and feedback relating to your daughter’s assessments can be accessed via

Events & Activities

Outdoor Education Programmes

PLC offers an Outdoor Education Programme (OEP) from Years 7 to 10 in the Senior School, primarily designed to provide students with a vehicle for personal development. The residential programmes encourage students to develop their social and leadership skills, build teamwork and develop self-reliance and resilience.

Co-curricular Programmes

There is a huge range of activities offered in our co-curricular programme including debating, dance, art, music, drama, service and sport. These are included as part of our commitment to developing the whole person.

The PLC Lighthouse offers an extensive variety of co-curricular fitness programmes, service opportunities, courses and classes, as well as the opportunity to access the gym and circuit room individually some of these have a fee attached.

There are also a range of co-curricular activities also offered through our Outdoor Education Department from sailing to surfing which differ each term.  Girls need to sign up for these in advance.  There is a fee attached to these activities.

Sport Queries

PLC participates in the IGSSA (Independent Girls’ Schools’ Sports Association) competition structure. Age groups for teams are combined ie Years 7 and 8 play together, as do Years 9 and 10 and Years 11 and 12.

Throughout the year, students will receive emails from "Sports Information" advising them of upcoming IGSSA and non-IGSSA co-curricular sports with trial dates and training schedules. These emails will also have a "Sign up Link" - click on this link and you will be taken to the sign-up page for the relevant sport. Students (not parents) are to complete the online signup questionnaire. Commitment is important and to be eligible to represent PLC in IGSSA Sport, it is an expectation that students attend all trials and trainings. Should girls miss trainings or games without ample notification, they may be withdrawn..

Information regarding Sport Co-curricular may also be accessed via the Senior School Co-curricular webpage.

2024 IGSSA Sports

Term 1: Volleyball, Tennis, AFL, Swimming, Cricket (Years 7/8 only), Rowing (Years 9-12)

Term 2: Hockey, Netball, Cross Country, Rowing (Years 9-12 and Coxswain Year 8)

Term 3: Basketball, Soccer, Athletics

Term 4: Softball, Water Polo

If you have any questions, please contact Head of Sport, Sam Maxwell Tel: 08 9460 6305

Music Queries

Please contact the Music Department at or on 08 9424 6512.


Our School uniform is something on which we pride ourselves and is an important part of the heritage and culture of PLC. Girls are expected to wear the uniform with pride and we ask for your support, by ensuring girls arrive at school appropriately attired.

Summer Uniform

• PLC panama

• White or striped ribbon, white scrunchie, white headband

• White blouse

• PLC jumper

• PLC blazer

• PLC skirt or shorts

• White School ankle length socks

• Plain black leather school shoes

Winter Uniform

• PLC beret (optional)

• Navy blue, Black Watch tartan or striped ribbon, navy blue scrunchie or navy blue or black headband

• White blouse

• PLC green jumper (Years 7-11), or navy leavers’ jumper (Year 12)

• PLC blazer

• PLC skirt or pants

• Black tights

• Plain black leather school shoes

• Scarf (if worn) - Black Watch tartan

• PLC tie*:

- Navy blue Senior School tie

Year 12 girls may wear their ‘casual leavers’ hoodie when advised by their PACC and this usually occurs in Term 2.

Throughout the year, if warmth is required at a formal occasion or function at school such as Principal’s Assemblies, blazers must be worn as the outer garment. This applies to all girls from Years 7 to 12 including when Year 12s choose to wear their causal leavers’ jumper. Scarves and berets are optional uniform items.

* The PLC tie is an optional item of uniform but must be worn for all formal school occasions including Principal’s Assemblies.

On all public occasions, including walking in the streets and shops and on public transport (including ‘special buses’), students are to wear panamas in summer. The blazer must be worn as the outer garment in cool weather in public. During warmer months, the blouse may be worn as the outer garment.

Sports Uniform

• PLC sport shirt

• Official House t-shirt

• PLC navy shorts or navy skort

• White socks

• White soled sport shoes

• PLC tracksuit

• PLC hooded fleece

• Navy nylon sports bag

• PLC bathers and cap

• PLC white sports hat (compulsory in Term 1 and 4)

• Striped Inter-School shirt

Dance Uniform

• PLC black leotard

• ¾ black leggings

Sports uniform may be worn to school for early morning training or if girls have PE in Period 1. In general, girls are required to change back into their school uniform after PE or Dance lessons. The exception to this is where girls have PE in Period 6. In this case, girls may depart school in their PE uniform if they have School related training or games after school. In readiness for IGSSA fixtures scheduled for ‘away’ games after school, girls may change into their sports uniform at lunchtime.

School Uniform Shop

Tuesday and Thursday 12.30 pm – 4.30 pm | Wednesday 8.00 am – 1.30 pm

Ground Floor PLC Lighthouse, 2 McNeil Street Peppermint Grove

The Online Uniform Shop is always open. Please visit

Senior School girls may walk to the Uniform Shop during recess or lunchtime to purchase any items they require.

Socks, tights, ties and ribbons are available for purchase at both View Street and McNeil Street Receptions. Girls complete a form and items are charged to her account.

Name Badges

All students and staff at PLC wear name badges. If your daughter loses her badge, she will need to order a new one at either Reception. The cost will be charged to your account.


Girls are allowed to wear the following jewellery:

• Wrist watches

• Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces

• One small sleeper/hoop or small plain (not stones), round gold, silver or pearl stud in the bottom of the lobe of each ear.

• Sleepers/hoops – should be no larger than 12mm in diameter.

• Studs – 5mm diameter.

Should your daughter choose to wear jewellery other than that specified, it may be confiscated. In this case, it will be stored in safekeeping and returned at the end of the term.

Hair and Make-up

Girls are not permitted to wear make up, fake nails, or coloured nail polish at School. Hair should be neatly brushed and tied back if it is longer than shoulder length. A ribbon or scrunchie must be worn and be the appropriate colour for the term (see ‘Uniform’).

Health and Wellbeing


Nic Dorrington, Acting Director of Wellbeing, works with a team who specialise in designing and implementing programmes to support student wellbeing.

Acting Director of Wellbeing

Ms Nic Dorrington

T: 08 9460 6145 | E:

Head of Service & Community Partnerships

Ms Susie Gill

T: 08 9424 6497 | E:

Wellbeing & Service Project Officer

Ms Amy McDonald

T: 08 9460 6530 | E:

Health Centre

The Health Centre is located near the PLC Boarding House. If students are unwell during the day they must go to the Health Centre, where qualified staff are in attendance. Girls need to use their student card to tag in and out at the Health Centre. Should the staff in attendance at the Health Centre deem it necessary for your daughter to go home, they will call parents.

Medical Information

Medical information regarding students’ health is kept within the PLC Health Centre and the School nurses are responsible for managing individual health programmes, emergency responses, and disseminating the information to relevant staff. It is essential that parents keep the Health Centre staff informed of all health issues pertinent to their child and take care to ensure that this is updated on a regular basis.


Although students are made aware that they are not to share food from the lunch boxes at school, we would ask that parents exercise caution in packing food products as there are students in Junior School affected by anaphylaxis. All students with an anaphylaxis diagnosis are required to supply PLC with an Anaphylaxis Action Plan and an in-date Epipen.


All students with an asthma diagnosis are required to supply PLC with an Asthma Action Plan and an in-date Inhaler.

Head Lice

Head lice is a common problem in any school and we request that parents are vigilant in monitoring their child’s hair and removing the lice if necessary.

Music Dept.

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