Student Leadership Handbook

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Student Leadership Handbook


3 Student Leadership at PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Student Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Stage 1 Position Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Head Prefect ..............................................................08 Deputy Head Prefect ....................................................09 Senior Boarder 10 Service Captain 13 Arts Captain ...............................................................14 Sports Captain ...........................................................16 Academic Prefect ........................................................18 Junior/Senior School Prefect 19 Wellbeing Captain 20 Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Stage 2 Position Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 House Captain............................................................23 Stage 3 Position Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Kookaburra Editor ........................................................24 Creative Arts Captain 26 Dance Captain 28 Drama Captain 30 Pipe Major .................................................................31 Drum Major ................................................................32 Drum Sergeant ...........................................................33 Stage Band Captain 34 Chorale Captain 35 Orchestra Captain .......................................................36 Wind Ensemble Captain ................................................ 37 Vocal Ensemble Captain ................................................38 Environmental Captain 39 Civics & Social Justice Captain 40 Debating & Public Speaking Captain .................................41 Deputy Senior Boarder ..................................................42 Boarding House Prefect (4) .............................................44 Technology Captain 46 International Students Captain 47 Stage 4 Position Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Choir Co-ordinator .......................................................48 Inter-House Debating Co-ordinator ................................... 49 Inter-House Sport Co-ordinators ....................................... 50 Inter-House Creative and Performing Arts Co-ordinator 51 Inter-House Multimedia Co-ordinator 52 Additional PLC Sport Leadership Positions .......................... 53 Student Leadership Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Student Leadership at PLC

At PLC, all students have the opportunity to demonstrate and develop their leadership skills as they journey through the Senior School. In particular, our Year 12 cohort are the student leaders of the College and act as positive role models for the younger years.

There are a number of formal leadership opportunities for our Year 12 students, however, it is important to remember that there are also many informal opportunities for leadership too. Whether in a formal (Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4) or informal leadership position, our Year 12 students have a special role in setting a positive and inspirational tone for the College and our community.

The process of formally electing our Year 12 leaders is designed to allow students to learn real life skills (for example writing a CV), as well as building essential emotional skills such as courage, resilience, and respect. While not all students will be elected to leadership positions, it is important to remember that there are lots of ways for our students to be involved in leadership opportunities – you do not need a formal position to be a leader.

I look forward to joining you on your leadership journeys and would encourage you to live the values of the School in all that you do.


Student Values

As a leader of the School, all students are expected to live the core values of PLC and for this to be reflected in all that they do.

Integrity (Honore)

Strong ethical values make truth, compassion, respect, and moral courage highly-valued attitudes which are modeled every day. Integrity and a strong sense of social justice are particularly demonstrated through a commitment to celebrating diversity including reconciliation for indigenous peoples of Australia and striving for equal opportunities for women.


We gain knowledge and explore intellectual challenges and are inspired to value learning as inquirers, thinkers, risk-takers, communicators, and through self-reflection. Students develop an understanding of themselves, their community, and the world around them through a balance of academic, social, cultural and spiritual enquiry, and physical pursuits.


We value participation as an active means of making friends and building mutual understanding, showing care, support, respect and an open mind to recognise everyone’s value and contributions. The value of belonging to a community is in accepting rights and responsibilities and recognising that with privilege comes an individual and collective responsibility for the common good.

Effort (Labore)

We recognise that little is achieved without effort and we encourage students to strive and achieve their best. Confidence, resilience, and boldness develop through a culture of participation, a get-up-and-go attitude, having the courage to try new things, managing unfamiliar situations, learning from mistakes in a supportive environment, and having opportunities to discover personal strengths.


Stage 1 Position Descriptions

Stage 1 positions reflect a significant leadership role in the School. If you are successful in a Stage 1 position, you will not be considered for other formal leadership positions (Stage 2, 3, 4).


• There may be an exception to this if there are no other candidates for a position and you are able to carry out the duties of both roles.

• If you nominate for Head Prefect/Deputy Head Prefect you will be considered for both roles. Please nominate for a different position (if required) for your second preference.

All students applying for a Stage 1 position will be involved in an interview process to determine their eligibility.

General Stage 1 Criteria

General Skills and Attributes

• Demonstrates exemplary standards of dress and behaviour

• Provides leadership and role modelling for students in both the Junior and Senior School

• Fosters good relations between teachers and students

• Creates a caring, positive atmosphere in the School

• Is actively involved in caring for all those new to the School and those younger members of the School community

• Demonstrates commitment to the values of the School – Community, Learning, Integrity and Effort

• Has the ability to work as a team member

• Is committed to striving for continuous improvement

• Demonstrates initiative

• Is reliable and punctual

• Cultivates trust, credibility, and honesty

• Demonstrates a respect for and acceptance of difference in others

• Demonstrates flexibility


Managing and Leading

• Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming and fair leader

• Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

• Provides leadership to all students

• Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC

• Assists with the management and organization of the school.

• Assists with the assemblies

• Has the ability to work as part of a team and lead a team

• Represents the student body and acts to create a positive, supportive School environment

• Supports and promotes School functions


• Meets on a regular basis with the Head of Senior School and their staff report

• Creates initiatives that support the values of the School and reflect the needs of the whole School population

• Encourages submission of agenda items from the whole School student body especially via House Captains

• Distributes minutes of meetings to the student body

• Assists with supervision at events for other year groups

Additional Information

• All student leadership positions that form part of the Student Council reflect a significant role within the School. Due to this, students who are on the Student Council will not be eligible for additional leadership roles


Head Prefect

Reports to: Principal & Head of Senior School


The Head Prefect provides significant leadership and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She is an exemplary role model to students across Years 7 to 12. She represents the School and assists in supporting events both at school and in the broader community. In addition to the General Criteria, the Head Prefect must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Demonstrates a commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Possesses exemplary organisational skills

1.4 Possesses excellent communication skills

2 .0

Specific Duties

2.1 Meets and liaises regularly with the Principal and Head of Senior School

2.2 Chairs the Student Council meetings

2.3 Represents the School on official occasions

2.4 Liaises with Head of Senior School to organise special events

2.5 Leads the organisation of student assemblies

3 .0 Administration

3.1 Is responsible for following through Student Council initiatives Assists with the assemblies

3.2 Encourages submission of agenda items from the whole School and student body, especially via House Captains

4 .0

Managing and Leading

4.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

4.2 Provides leadership to all students

4.3 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC

4.4 Assists in the organisation and management of the School


Deputy Head Prefect

Reports to: Principal & Head of Senior School


The Deputy Head Prefect provides significant leadership and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She deputises for the Head Prefect when required and assists in supporting the School with events and activities within the PLC and wider local community.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Deputy Head Prefect must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0 Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Has at least one Pocket as a demonstration of her commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Possesses exemplary organisational skills

1.4 Possesses excellent communication skills

2 .0 Specific Duties

2.1 Meets and liaises regularly with the Head of Senior School

2.2 Represents the School on official occasions

2.3 Deputises for the Head Prefect

2.4 Calls for and collates agenda items for Student Council meetings

2.5 Takes and publishes minutes of Student Council meetings

3 .0 Administration

3.1 Meets with Head of Senior School on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect the whole School population

3.2 Is responsible for following through Student Council initatives

3.3 Assists with the assemblies

4 .0 Managing and Leading

4.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

4.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

4.3 Provides leadership to all students

4.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC


Senior Boarder

Location: Boarding House

Reports to: Director of Boarding


The Senior Boarder provides significant leadership as a role model to the boarders in Years 7 to 12. The Senior Boarder will uphold and demonstrate PLC’s ethos and values. She represents the views and needs of the Boarding House in the Student Council. She helps to promote the Boarding House within the PLC Community and assists with the planning of events on the Boarding House calendar.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Senior Boarder must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Shows support for Boarding House staff at all times

1.2 Is the representative of the Boarding House at official functions as required

1.3 Monitors and provides feedback on the food in the Boarding House

1.4 Prepares the Boarding House contribution for Kookaburra

1.5 Meets and welcomes new boarders and staff to the Boarding House

1.6 Participates in the orientation programme for new boarders

1.7 Contributes to the organisation of the closed weekend

1.8 Focuses on inter–year group mixing

1.9 With the Prefect team from Scotch College and staff from PLC and Scotch College, assists in the organisation of the PLC – Scotch Year 11/12 Boarders’ Dance

2 .0

Managing and Leading

2.1 Demonstrates leadership in their everyday activities

2.2 Acts as a mentor to the other students and is prepared to listen and care for them

2.3 Assists with a variety of events relevant to the Boarding House including National Boarding Week, Boarders’ Market and so on etc.

2.4 Provides a representative voice for boarders on the Student Council

2.5 Strives for a sense of teamwork amongst the Prefects and the other Year 12 boarders

2.6 Is a role model to all boarders

2.7 Develops community spirit


2.8 Has a presence in the Boarding House on certain nominated weekends

2.9 Actively works towards keeping the general living areas in the Boarding House tidy and looks at ways in which to enhance the surroundings

2.10 Designs and co-ordinates themed dinners and special events

2.11 Participates fully in Boarding life

2.12 Co-ordinates, supports, and leads the Boarding House Prefect group.

3 .0 Administration

3.1 Abides by Boarding House policies and procedures

3.2 Contributes to the Boarding House signage, liaising with the Boarding House Deputy – Operational

3.3 Assists staff with evacuation procedures

3.4 Contributes to the farewells for Boarding House staff and students

3.5 Makes announcements and contributes to weekly notices

3.6 Acknowledges outstanding student performance with an award at notices

3.7 Designs a way in which to “pay it forward” at notices


Service Captain

Reports to: Head of Community Partnerships


The Service Captain has significant leadership and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and within the PLC community. They assist in supporting and promoting the School’s Service Learning Programmes.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Service Captain must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Demonstrates a commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Engages in and promotes the School’s Service Learning Programme



Specific Duties

2.1 Is a member of the Student Council

2 .2 Chairs the Service Committee comprised of the Environmental Captain, Civics and Social Justice Captain, and Wellbeing Captain on a regular basis

2.3 Promotes and co-ordinates engagement and fundraising activities in relation to the Service strategy for community partnerships supported by PLC, such as Uniting WA, and World Vision

2.4 Supports and advocates ongoing sustainable Service initiatives

2.5 Informs the community through assemblies, SEQTA, newsletters, and other media platforms. Assists in mentoring of student service involvement and handing out of service awards during assemblies Supports goal setting for the Service Committee initiatives in Service Committee Meetings

2.6 Works with House Captains to support HTG promotion of Service

2.7 Supports, encourages, and informs Year 6 Service leaders of events

2.8 Meets with relevant staff on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect the whole School population

2.9 Is responsible for following through of Service initiatives

3 .0

Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC


Arts Captain

Reports to: Arts Day Co-ordinator and The Head of Senior School


The Arts Captain provides significant leadership as a role model and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and within the PLC community. She assists in supporting the School with Arts events and activities within the PLC and wider local community.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Arts Captain must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Is a competent public speaker

1.2 Demonstrates a commitment to the Arts, and ideally, involvement in two or more areas of the Arts

1.3 Has participated in a significant Arts event such as music concerts, music recitals,, art exhibition, dramatic performance, dance showcases, as well as Arts Day activities

1.4 Currently studies Arts subject at PLC in Years 11 and 12

2 .0 Specific Duties

2.1 Art Captain liaises with the Head of Art, Music, Dance and Drama

2.2 Meets and liaises with the appropriate staff, as well as the Arts Coordinator

2.3 Is a member of the Student Council

2.4 Oversees Senior School Arts Day

2.5 Supports and promotes Arts performances at School assemblies

2.6 Liaises with House Arts Captains

2.7 Updates Arts noticeboard

2.8 Meets with Arts Day Co-ordinator on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect the whole School

2.9 Assists with the assemblies

2.10 Co-ordinates Christmas Talent Show with Arts Co-ordinator

3 .0 Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence in the Arts at PLC


Sports Captain

Reports to: Head of Sport, Head of Physical Education


The Sports Captain provides significant leadership as a role model and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and within the PLC community. She assists in supporting the School with Sports events and activities within the PLC and wider local community.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Sports Captain must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0 Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Is a competent public speaker

1.2 Demonstrates commitment to sport

2 .0 Specific Duties

2.1 Liaises and meets with the Head of Sport weekly

2.2 Is a member of the Student Council

2.3 Makes programme covers for the Inter-House Swimming and Athletics

2.4 Supervises Junior School events where appropriate

2.5 Contributes to the organisation of Inter-House events

2.6 Organises “students versus staff” events

2.7 Helps to co-ordinate and umpires for Inter-House events

2.8 Updates Sports noticeboard

2.9 Meets with Head of Sport and Head of Physical Education on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect the whole School population

2.10 Is responsible for following through on Student Council and Sports related initiatives

3 .0 Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC


Academic Prefect


to: Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Head of Senior School


The Academic Prefect provides significant leadership as a role model and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and within the PLC community. She assists in supporting and promoting academic effort and excellence, related events and activities within the PLC and wider local community.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Academic Prefect must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Demonstrates a commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Has excellent organisational skills

1.4 Has well developed study skills

2 .0

Specific Duties

2.1 Promotes the role of academia within the student body

2.2 Organises Inter-House Academic Competition with the House Captains

2.3 Organises and promotes study groups in Year 11 and 12 for various subjects

2.4 Creates opportunities for students in the younger year groups to develop better organisational and study skills

2.5 Is responsible for following through on Academic and Student Council initiatives

3 .0

Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC


Junior/Senior School Prefect

Reports to: Pastoral and Academic Year Co-ordinator and the Head of the Junior School


The Junior/Senior School Prefect provides significant leadership and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values as a role model to students across the Senior and Junior School and within the PLC community. She supports and promotes connections between girls in different year groups, and with girls in the Junior School.

In addition to the General Criteria, the Junior School/Senior School Prefect must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0 Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Demonstrates of commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Is innovative

1.4 Is able to make ideas a reality

2 .0 . Specific Duties

2.1 Has a presence in the Junior School and across the Senior School

2.2 Creates opportunities for the Junior School students to connect with the Senior School students to allow students to develop positive relationships with each other

2.3 Organises the Big Sister programme

2.4 Attends Junior and Senior School events where possible

2.5 Is involved in the Junior School and Senior School assemblies when required

2.6 Is part of the blessing of the leaders in the Junior School

3.0 Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC


Wellbeing Captain

Reports to: Head of Service and Community Partnerships


The Wellbeing Captain provides significant leadership as a role model and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values to students in Years 7-12 across the School and within the PLC community. She assists in supporting and promoting the concept of wellbeing and related events.

In addition to the general criteria, the Wellbeing Captain must meet the following criteria and undertake the duties outlined below:

1 .0 Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Demonstrates a commitment to the life of the School

1.2 Is a competent public speaker

1.3 Has demonstrated a commitment to wellbeing by engaging in wellbeing and initiatives organised by the Lighthouse

1.4 Has good organisational skills

1.5 Is creative and able to bring ideas to life

2 .0 . Specific Duties

2.1 Raises awareness and advocates for the importance of mental health and promotes the practices that increase wellbeing

2.2 Is an advocate for mental health support services available and encourages seeking help

2.3 Is creative in promoting organisations such as Headspace, Reach Out, Youth Focus, ARAFMI, Kids Help Line and Lifeline

2.4 Promotes and assists with initiatives within the College that foster a spirit of gratitude, hope and positivity and that build courage, character resilience, relationships and health habits

2.5 Assists with the organisation and running of events that promote mental health awareness and wellbeing such as World Kindness Day, Mental Health Week and R U OK? Day

3 .0 Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence


Reconciliation Captain

Location: Indigenous Support Office

Reports to: Indigenous Mentor and Deputy Head of Boarding – Wellbeing and Pastoral Care


The Reconciliation Captain is passionate about cultivating the spirit of reconciliation and raising awareness of indigenous affairs within the PLC community. There are two Reconciliation Captains, one Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and one nonindigenous. Together, they work closely with the Indigenous Scholarship Programme Co-ordinator and the Gorna Liyarn girls to organise events throughout the year to raise awareness and promote reconciliation, as well as ensuring that protocols such as acknowledgements of country are adhered to where appropriate.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Is prepared to dedicate out of school time to organise and promote events

2. Works with the Indigenous Mentor to organise activities and assembly presentations to acknowledge events such as Close the Gap Day, Sorry Day, NAIDOC Week, and Reconciliation Week

3. Shows leadership to the other Gorna Liyarn girls by getting them involved and helping them rehearse

4. Performs or organises others to perform Acknowledgements of Country at all Principal’s assemblies and other significant School events

5. Attends all Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) meetings

6. Attends all compulsory Gorna Liyarn and Future Footprints activities

7. Maintains the reconciliation noticeboard throughout the year, keeping it up to date with current news and events

8. Role models behaviour that reflects the spirit of reconciliation and is respectful of all kinds of diversity

9. Demonstrates inclusivity and encourages all students to participate in events throughout the year

10. Is passionate about developing reconciliation and an appreciation and awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture

11. Embraces diversity and social justice


Stage 2 Position Descriptions

Stage 2 positions reflect a significant leadership role in the School. If you are successful in a Stage 2 position, you will not be considered for other formal leadership positions (Stage 3, 4).


• There may be an exception to this if there are no other candidates for a position in Stage 3 or 4 and if you are able to carry out the duties of both roles.

All students applying for a Stage 2 position will be involved in an interview process to determine their eligibility.


House Captain

Reports to: House Advisors


The House Captain provides significant leadership as a role model and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School, the House, and within the PLC community. She provides leadership for her House, fostering team spirit and assisting in the organisation and running of House events. She leads by example by actively participating in a wide variety of House activities.

1 .0

Specific Role Criteria

1.1 Has a House Emblem

1.2 Is able to enthuse and engage members of their House

1.3 Possesses good communication skills

2 . Specific Duties

2.1 Reports back to Houses on Student Council activities and decisions

2.2 Represents the members of the House by forwarding agenda items to the Student Council

2.3 Is a member of the Student Council

2.4 Is involved in the organisation of House Meetings

2.5 Meets and liaises with the House Advisor

2.6 Supports House Co-ordinators

2.7 Is the primary person that House members approach about anything

2.8 Is the major promoter of House spirit

2.9 Is a member of Service Committee, supporting Service events through Houses in term appeals

2.10 Is responsible for communicating upcoming events and information

3 .0 Managing and Leading

3.1 Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader

3.2 Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times

3.3 Provides leadership to all students

3.4 Encourages participation and commitment to personal excellence at PLC

4 .0 Administration

4.1 Meets with House Advisor on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect the whole School population

4.2 Distributes minutes of meetings to the student body

4.3 Assists with supervision at events for other year groups


Stage 3 Position Descriptions

Rank your preferences of the positions that you would like to nominate for. You are able to nominate for any position you feel you have the necessary skills and attributes for.


• If successful in Stage 3, you will still be considered for leadership positions in Stage 4. You will have the opportunity to adjust your Stage 4 application after these positions have been announced.

• Please consider your preferences carefully, as students are only able to hold 1 (one) Stage 3 role. Please note there may be an exception to this if:

1. there are no other candidates for a position and 2. you are able to carry out the duties of both roles.

Kookaburra Editor

Location: Technology Department Reports to: Kookaburra Supervisor

Internal Liaisons: Kookaburra Supervisor, Community & Engagement Staff, Head of SS, PACCs and Principal

External Liaisons: Graphic designers, professional photographers


In addition to being a passionate photographer, the Kookaburra Editor provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School, demonstrating PLC’s ethos and values through her conduct in this role. In consultation with their supervisor and Community & Engagement staff, they will devise the concept for the Kookaburra, design the page layout, work with external graphic designers to decide on the presentation, and collect and arrange all photographic and written material for the publication. Each year, up to two students are chosen to be Kookaburra Editors. It is each Kookaburra Editor’s responsibility to work collaboratively with a Co-Editor to co-ordinate the design of the Kookaburra publication and to capture and obtain images and other materials throughout the year.



1. Demonstrates innovation and creativity in generating a concept for the publication

2. Collects and collates materials to inspire the development of the Kookaburra design and clearly communicates concept ideas and vision to relevant stakeholders

3. Determines page layout and keeps accurate, up-to-date records of content received and required for each page throughout the year

4. Works with relevant staff and graphic designers to decide on the presentation of each section and particular pages within the publication


1. Plans for and commits to events and activities to be photographed by one or both of the Kookaburra Editors

2. Communicates regularly with Community & Engagement staff to request their attendance at events that neither of the Kookaburra Editors is able to cover

3. Provides Community & Engagement staff with selected images from events photographed by Kookaburra Editors, ideally by the following day

4. Liaises with Community & Engagement staff to obtain additional photographs that may be used for the publication

5. Communicates with teaching staff and staff members overseeing activities and tours to ensure that photographs will be captured and shared with the Kookaburra publication team

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Attends weekly meetings with the Kookaburra Supervisor and/or Community & Engagement staff during a normal term weeks

2. Works with Kookaburra Supervisor and Community & Engagement staff to source and edit written and photographic content

3. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of the School

4. Communicates with relevant staff and students to seek contributions, inform contributors of material required, and to prompt and follow up with them to ensure deadlines are met


Creative Arts Captain

Location: Creative Arts and Technology Department Reports to: Head of Creative Arts

Internal Liaisons: Visual Arts, Textiles and Materials Teaching Staff, Creative Arts Technician


The Creative Arts Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of all Creative Arts areas within the PLC Community and supports Creative Arts Staff in the display, promotion, and running of events within the Creative Arts calendar.


1. Undertakes a Visual Arts, MDT Textiles, or Wood course at either IB or WACE level for Year 12

2. Consistently works hard within the appropriate Creative Arts courses

3. Keeps up to date with academic work schedule

Administration - Creative Arts & Technology Exhibition and Arts Day

4. Supports the Creative Arts & Technology Department with the co-ordination of the Annual Creative Arts & Technology Exhibition

5. Promotes the Creative Arts Exhibition at assemblies prior to the event

6. Announces and presents the Creative Arts Awards from the Creative Arts & Technology Exhibition to students at assembly

7. Assists with the setup of the exhibition, supervision of show, and in removal of artwork

8. Conducts welcome speech at opening of the Creative Arts Exhibition

9. Co-ordinates the fashion parade


1. Works with Visual Arts staff to assist in the development of a theme and/or concept for Arts Day

2. Liaises with the Arts Captain and House Captains to support Arts Day

3. Promotes Arts Day categories for the Creative Arts areas

4. Ensures effective communication of Visual Arts tasks, Textiles, and Materials entries for student competitions for Arts Day

5. Receives artworks at lunchtime and before school prior to the setup of the Arts Day Exhibition and sets up work with House Captains in the display space

Additional Responsibilities

6. Facilitates the organisation and design of the Year 12 Leavers Hoodie

7. Maintains effective communication standards between Visual Arts, Textiles and Materials staff and students, ensuring all are kept up-to-date and informed of exhibition details for Arts Day and the Creative Arts & Technology Exhibition

8. Attends meetings as required with Creative Arts staff and actions items raised


Dance Captain

Location: Dance Department

Reports to: Head of Dance, Dance Teachers, Performing Arts Department


In addition to being a passionate dancer and choreographer, the Dance Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of Performing Arts within the PLC Community and supports Dance staff in the promotion and execution of events within the Performing Arts calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes the ATAR Dance course for Years 11 and 12

2. Consistently works hard within the Dance course both practically and theoretically Dance Company and Dance Showcase

1. Supports the Dance Department with the co-ordination of the annual Dance Sho-wcase Performance

2. Assists with the development of advertising and promoting the Dance Showcase

3. Leads all warm up/cool downs at Dance Company rehearsals

4. Learns and teaches choreography as required by guest peripatetic staff for Dance Company

5. Acts as student director for the following productions

• Dance Showcase

• Jigsaw Semester 1 and 2

• IGSSA Dance Festival

• Speech Night

• Year 12 OSC evening

6. Assists with backstage requirements and organisation of costuming for all productions

7. Organises rehearsals for Dance Company (email communications)

8. Creates choreographic work for Year 12 class at the Showcase performance

Arts Day

1. Works with Dance staff to assist in the development of a theme and concept for Arts Day

2. Liaises with the Arts Captain and House Captains to support Arts Day



1. Attends meetings as required with Dance staff and actions items raised

2. Monitors and encourages a positive attitude in all rehearsals, performances, and backstage behaviour

3. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of a team

4. Provides leadership to all students

5. Supports the growth and development of Dance within PLC


Drama Captain

Location: Drama Department

Reports to: Head of Drama, Drama Teachers, Performing Arts Department, Drama technicians


In addition to being a passionate actor, the Drama Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of Performing Arts within the PLC Community and supports Drama staff in the display, promotion, and running of events within the Performing Arts calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes the WACE or IB Drama course in Years 11 & 12

2. Consistently works hard within the Drama course both practically and theoretically

3. Promotes the subject of Drama/Theatre

4. Promotes and markets productions

5. Co-ordinates ushers for Drama productions

6. Helps backstage

7. Organises extra rehearsals if needed

8. Role models during warm-ups and, if the director is occupied, runs warm-ups

9. Decorates dressing rooms for performances (and assists with the cleaning of dressing rooms after productions)

10. Assists with the Performing Arts Showcase

11. Assists with the promotion, participation in and supervises Drama activities on Arts Day and productions

Key events

1. School Productions including Musicals and Plays

2. Year 11 Curriculum Play

3. The Performing Arts Showcase

4. Arts Day


1. Maintains effective communication standards between Drama staff and students, ensuring all are kept up- to-date and informed

2. Attends meetings as required with Drama staff and actions items raised

3. Promotes and contributes to Drama within and outside the PLC community

4. Monitors and encourages a positive attitude in all rehearsals, performances, and backstage behaviour

5. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of a team

6. Supports the growth and development of Drama within PLC


Pipe Major

Location: Minora House Reports to: Director of Music

Internal Liaisons: Head of Pipe Band, Piping Tutors, Pipe Band Leadership Team


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Pipe Major provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and more particularly within the Pipe Band Community. Within the Music Department, the Pipe Major demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. They assist specifically in the promotion of the Senior Pipe Band and Pipe Band 2 within PLC and the wider local community. The Pipe Major supports Pipe Band staff in the display, promotion, and running of events throughout the year.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes instrumental music lessons

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Attends meetings as required as part of the Pipe Band leadership team

4. Promotes and contributes to the Pipe Band within and outside the PLC community

5. Provides support to all Pipe Band members

6. Demonstrates and encourages positive and safe student use of the instruments

7. Attends and is actively involved in all Senior Pipe Band practices, performances, and camps

8. Supports Pipe Band 2 activities as required

9. Is a positive, consultative, affirming and fair leader of the ensemble

10. Maintains a high dress standard

11. Maintains a high level of discipline regarding practice, rehearsals and all performances

12. Supports the growth and development of music at PLC

13. Leads by example when learning new repertoire and is involved in repertoire selection

Additional Skills and Responsibilities

1. Maintains and updates assembly rosters for each term in consultation with the Head of Pipe Band

2. Regularly performs as a solo piper at formal PLC events (eg. Founders’ Day, Valedictory, Induction services, Junior Speech Night etc.)

3. Commits to playing ‘Labore Et Honore’ and ‘Auld Lang Syne’ as a solo piper at Speech Night

4. Works with Pipe Band staff to assist in the development of a theme and/or concept for Speech Night


Drum Major

Reports to: Director of Music

Internal Liaisons: Head of Pipe Band, Piping Tutors, Pipe Band Leadership Team


In addition to being a passionate performer, the Drum Major provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and particularly within the Pipe Band community. Within the Music Department, the Drum Major demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. They assist in the promotion of the Senior Pipe Band and Pipe Band 2 within PLC and the wider local community. The Drum Major supports Pipe Band staff in the display, promotion and assistance of events throughout the year.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes weekly Drum Major lessons

2. Consistently works hard within both Pipe Bands

3. Undertakes Drum Major lessons

4. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

5. Attends meetings as required as part of the Pipe Band leadership team

6. Promotes and contributes to the Pipe Band within and outside the PLC community

7. Provides support to all Pipe Band members

8. Demonstrates and encourages positive and safe student use of the instruments

9. Attends and is actively involved in all Senior Pipe Band practices, performances, and camps

10. Supports Pipe Band 2 activities as required

11. Is a positive, consultative, affirming and fair leader of the ensemble

12. Maintains a high dress standard

13. Maintains a high level of discipline regarding practice, rehearsals and all performances

14. Supports the growth and development of music at PLC

15. Leads by example when learning new repertoire and is involved in repertoire selection

Additional Skills and Responsibilities

1. Assist with the development of the Drum Corps, particularly when the Drum Sergeant is absent

2. Responsible for checking uniforms of all players prior to performances

3. Assists Head of Pipe Band in sending out notifications to band members

4. Works with Pipe Band staff to assist in the development of a theme and/or concept for Speech Night


Drum Sergeant

Reports to: Director of Music

Internal Liaisons: Head of Pipe Band, Piping Tutors, Pipe Band Leadership Team


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Drum Sergeant provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School and particularly within the Pipe Band community. Within the Music Department, the Drum Sergeant demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. They assist in the promotion of the Senior Pipe Band and Pipe Band 2 within PLC and the wider local community. The Drum Sergeant supports Pipe Band staff in the display, promotion and assistance of events throughout the year.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes instrumental music lessons

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Attends meetings as required as part of the Pipe Band leadership team

4. Promotes and contributes to the Pipe Band within and outside the PLC community

5. Provides support to all Pipe Band members

6. Demonstrates and encourages positive and safe student use of the instruments

7. Attends and is actively involved in all Senior Pipe Band practices, performances, and camps

8. Supports Pipe Band 2 activities as required

9. Is a positive, consultative, affirming and fair leader of the ensemble

10. Maintains a high dress standard

11. Maintains a high level of discipline regarding practice, rehearsals and all performances

12. Supports the growth and development of music at PLC

13. Leads by example when learning new repertoire and is involved in repertoire selection

Additional Skills and Responsibilities

1. Learns both lead and unison parts

2. Creates unisons as required

3. Capable of leading both snares and mid-section drums

4. Ensures transportation of drums is arranged for events in consultation with Head of Pipe Band


Stage Band Captain

Location: Music

Internal Liaisons: Ensemble Director, Music Teaching Staff, Music Administrator Reports to: Head of Music


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Stage Band Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to all music students across the School and more particularly within the Stage Band. Within the Music Department the Stage Band Captain demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She assists specifically in the promotion of the Stage Band within PLC and the wider local community and supports music staff in presenting, promoting, and by assisting at events within the music calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes instrumental music lessons

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Maintains her personal instrument to ensure it is always in good working order

4. Attends meetings as required and actions items raised

5. Promotes and contributes to the Stage Band within and outside the PLC community

6. Provides advice and support to all students within the department when asked

7. Attends and is actively involved in all senior practices, performances and camps

8. Is actively involved with the selection of repertoire

9. Offers initiatives/changes which would improve the profile of the music department

10. s a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of the ensemble

11. Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times, including school and performance uniform

12. Maintains a high level of personal discipline in rehearsals, performances, and particularly regarding personal practice

13. Supports the growth and development of ensembles within PLC


Chorale Captain

Location: Music Department

Reports to: Head of Music

Internal Liaisons: Ensemble Director, Music Staff, Music Administrator


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Chorale Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to all Music students across the School, and more particularly within the Chorale. Within the Performing Arts Department, the Chorale Captain demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She assists specifically in the promotion of the choirs within PLC and the wider local community and supports music Staff in presenting, promoting, and by assisting at events within the music calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes music instruction through individual lessons and/or ensemble participation

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Maintains effective communication standards between ensemble staff and students

4. Attends meetings as required and actions items raised

5. Promotes and contributes to the Chorale within and outside the PLC community

6. Attends and is actively involved in all senior practices, performances and camps

7. Is actively involved with the selection of repertoire

8. Offers initiatives/changes which would improve the profile of the music department

9. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of the ensemble

10. Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times, including School and performance uniform

11. Maintains a high level of personal discipline in rehearsals, performances, and particularly regarding personal practice

12. Supports the growth and development of ensembles within PLC


Orchestra Captain

Location: Music Department

Reports to: Head of Music

Internal Liaisons: Ensemble Director, Performing Arts Teaching Staff, Music Administrator


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Orchestra Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to all music students across the School and more particularly within the Orchestras. Within the Music Department, the Orchestra Captain demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She assists specifically in the promotion of the Orchestra within PLC and the wider local community and supports music staff in presenting, promoting, and by assisting at events within the music calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes a music instrumental music lessons

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Maintains her personal instrument to ensure it is always in good working order

4. Maintains effective communication standards between ensemble staff and students

5. Attends meetings as required and action items raised

6. Promotes and contributes to the Bartok Orchestra within and outside the PLC community

7. Attends and is actively involved in all senior practices, performances, and camps

8. Is actively involved with the selection of repertoire

9. Offers initiatives/changes which would improve the profile of the music department

10. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of the ensemble

11. Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times, including School and performance uniform

12. Maintains a high level of personal discipline in rehearsals, performances and particularly regarding personal practice

13. Supports the growth and development of ensembles within PLC


Wind Ensemble Captain

Location: Music Department

Reports to: Head of Music

Internal Liaisons: Ensemble Director, Music Staff, Music Administrator


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Wind Ensemble Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to all music students across the School and more particularly within the Wind Ensemble. Within the Music Department, the Wind Ensemble Captain demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She assists specifically in the promotion of the Wind Ensemble within PLC and the wider local community and supports music staff in presenting, promoting, and by assisting at events within the music calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes instrumental music lessons

2. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

3. Maintains her personal instrument to ensure it is always in good working order

4. Maintains effective communication standards between Ensemble staff and students

5. Attends meetings as required and actions items raised

6. Promotes and contributes to the Wind Ensemble within and outside the PLC community

7. Attends and is actively involved in all senior practices, performances and camps

8. Is actively involved with the selection of repertoire

9. Offers initiatives/changes which would improve the profile of the music department

10. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming, and fair leader of the ensemble

11. Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times, including School and performance uniform

12. Maintains a high level of personal discipline particularly regarding personal practice

13. Supports the growth and development of ensembles within PLC


Vocal Ensemble Captain

Location: Music Department

Reports to: Head of Music

Internal Liaisons: Ensemble Director, Music Staff, Music Administrator


In addition to being an excellent and confident performer, the Vocal Ensemble Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to all Music students across the School, and more particularly within the Vocal Ensemble. Within the Music Department, the Vocal Ensemble Captain demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She assists specifically in the promotion of the choirs within PLC and the wider local community and supports music Staff in presenting, promoting, and by assisting at events within the music calendar.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Undertakes music instruction through individual lessons and/or ensemble participation

2. Attends and is actively involved in all Senior practices, performances and camps

3. Maintains a high level of performance throughout the year

4. Maintains effective communication standards between Ensemble staff and students

5. Attends meetings as required with Music staff and action items raised

6. Promotes and contributes to the Vocal Ensemble within and outside the PLC community

7. Is actively involved with the selection of repertoire

8. Offers initiatives/changes which would improve the profile of the music department

9. Is a positive, professional, consultative, affirming and fair leader of the ensemble

10. Maintains a high level of dress standard at all times, including School and performance uniform

11. Maintains a high level of personal discipline in rehearsals, performances, and particularly regarding personal practice

12. Supports the growth and development of ensembles within PLC


Environmental Captain

Reports to: Head of Service and Community Partnerships

Internal Liaisons: Head of Service and Community Partnerships, Head of Senior School


In addition to being passionate about environmental issues, the Environmental Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of environmental awareness and sustainability within the PLC Community.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Is prepared to dedicate out of school time to organize, promote, and attend events

2. Responsible for proposing and co-ordinating projects that have the purpose of:

3. Increasing the Environmental awareness of the School community

4. Decreasing our ecological footprint as a school

5. Is responsible for organising and co-ordinating Environmental Committee meetings, at least twice a term

6. Is available an average of 2 hours per week to support this position

7. Has leadership skills and the ability to work with girls of different ages

8. Leads the way towards becoming a “waste wise” certified school

9. Demonstrates and promotes Service excellence and supports the School in its objectives at all times

10. Writes articles for the School newsletter

11. Reports outcomes of activities to the School eg: the results of the waste audit

12. Proposes ways to improve the School’s environmental actions

13. Co-ordinates the function and care of food composting machines


Civics & Social Justice Captain

Reports to: Head of Service and Community Partnerships, Head of Senior School


In addition to being passionate about civic and social justice issues, the Civics & Social Justice Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of civic and social justice issues within the PLC Community.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Is prepared to dedicate out of school time to organise and promote events

2. Is responsible for proposing and co-ordinating projects that have the purpose of:

• Increasing the civic and social justice awareness of the School community

• Improving our understanding of global issues

3. Is responsible for organising and co-ordinating Civics & Social Justice meetings, at least twice a term

4. Co-ordinates one theme/appeal/activity for each term

5. Describes the projects/awareness they will try to achieve during their time as Civics & Social Justice Captain

6. Dedicates an average of 1-2 hours per week to this position

7. Has leadership skills and the ability to work with girls of different ages

8. Leads the way towards becoming a “waste wise” certified school

9. Demonstrates and promotes Service excellence and supports the School in its objectives at all times

10. Demonstrates a passion for civic and social justice issues locally, nationally and globally, ie active participation in forums, participation in highlighting and promoting awareness of issues people are facing, participation in ‘Live Below the Line’, 40 Hour Famine etc


Debating & Public Speaking Captain

Reports to: Inter-House Debating and Public Speaking Co-ordinator and Deputy Principal

Internal Liaisons: Head of Senior School


In addition to being passionate about debating and public speaking, the Debating & Public Speaking Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 across the School. She assists in the promotion of debating & public speaking within the PLC Community.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Is a longstanding and dedicated member of the Inter-School Debating Community

2. Promotes Inter-House Debating at student Year Meetings

3. Volunteers as an Inter-House Debating Adjudicator

4. Gives time to mentor and coach younger students within leading the Inter-School Debating Community

5. Has leadership skills and the ability to work with girls of different ages

6. Demonstrates and promotes service excellence and supports the School in its objectives at all times

7. Demonstrates leadership of girls from a variety of age groups

8. Is passionate about contemporary issues which affect today’s society and the world we live in

9. Is highly responsible and organised

10. Has the time and willingness to commit to this position


Deputy Senior Boarder

Location: Boarding House

Reports to: Director of Boarding

Internal Liaisons: Boarding House Deputy - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, Boarding House Deputy Operational, Boarding House Year Co-ordinators


The Deputy Senior Boarder provides significant leadership as a role model to the boarders in Years 7 to 12. Within the scope of the position, the Deputy Senior Boarder will uphold and demonstrates PLC’s ethos and values. She helps to promote the Boarding House within the PLC Community and assists with the planning of events on the Boarding House calendar.

As Deputy Senior Boarder

1. Supports and deputies for the Senior Boarder

2. Connects in a positive manner with the girls of the Boarding House, focusing on the wellbeing of all girls

• Know the names, interests and school involvement of all boarders

• Oversees the “Best Buddy” programme

• Is present and available for the younger girls

• Discusses ways of building leadership skills in all boarders

3. Liaises with the Director of Wellbeing in regard to Boarding House use of the Lighthouse

4. Liaises with each Year Co-ordinator and Deputy Wellbeing to design activities which support the wellbeing of the Boarding House students

5. Acts as secretary in the Boarding House Prefect meetings, creates agendas and distributes minutes to the Prefects, Director of Boarding, the Year 12 Co-ordinator, and Deputy - Operational

6. Is responsible for maintaining the positive affirmation board in the Boarding House


As a member of the Boarding House Prefect leadership team

1. Attends weekly Prefect meetings with the Director of Boarding and Year 12 Coordinator

2. Attends dinner time supervision duties

3. Represents the Boarding House at official occasions as required

4. Participates in the orientation programme for new boarders

5. Contributes to the organisation of the closed weekend

6. Focuses on inter-year group mixing. Opportunities include

• The “Best Buddy” programme

• Homework help

• Running “fun nights” for younger year groups

7. With the Prefect team from Scotch College and staff from PLC and Scotch College, assists in the organization of the PLC – Scotch Year 11/12 Boarders’ Dance

National Boarding Week, Boarders’ Market, and Farm2Fork

1. Works with the Boarding House staff to assist in the development of ideas and activities for National Boarding Week,and Boarder’s Market

2. Works with the Boarding House Prefect team to promote and co-ordinate these activities

3. Assists the parent body and staff to promote these events to the PLC community


Boarding House Prefect (4)

Location: Boarding House Reports to: Director of Boarding

Internal Liaisons: Boarding House Deputy – Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, Boarding House Deputy Operational, Boarding House Year Co-ordinators


The Boarding House Prefect provides leadership as a role model to the boarders in Years 7 to 12. Within the scope of the position, the Boarding House Prefect will uphold and demonstrate PLC’s ethos and values. They help to promote the Boarding House within the PLC Community and assist with the planning of events on the Boarding House calendar.

As Boarding House Prefect

1. Liaises with the other Boarding House Year Co-ordinators to discuss opportunities suitable for each year group within the Boarding House

2. Makes announcements and contributes to weekly notices

3. Acknowledges outstanding student performances with an award at notices

4. Attends weekly Prefect meetings, with the Director of Boarding

5. Participates in the orientation programme for new boarders

6. Facilitates and participates in student groups such as the environmental committee and food committee

7. Focuses on inter-year group mixing. Opportunities include:

• The “Best Buddy” programme

• Homework help

• Running “fun nights” for younger year groups

• Attending year group meetings and being a mentor for younger students.

8. With the Prefect team from Scotch College and staff from PLC and Scotch College, assists in the organisation of the PLC – Scotch Year 11/12 Boarders’ Dance and other activities

9. Designs and co-ordinates themed dinners and special events for all year groups

10. Organises Year 12 specific items and events, such as Year 12 Boarding House Jackets, leavers magazine and retreat.

11. Works with the Boarding House staff and parents to assist in the organisation and running of activities for National Boarding Week, Boarder’s Market, and Farm2Fork and to promote these to the PLC community


Technology Captain

Location: Library and Innovation Centre

Reports to: Head of Library & ILT, ILT Integration Specialist, Head of Technologies

Internal Liaisons: Tech Angels, Theatre Manager, Community and Engagement, Tech Centre staff


The Technology Captain provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years PK-12 across the School, demonstrating PLC’s ethos and values through her conduct in this role. In consultation with the Head of Library and ILT, and the ILT Integration Specialist she will be actively involved in a variety of technology-related service roles around the School and local community, as well as the promotion of safe and responsible behaviour in the digital world. The Technology Captain will be responsible for co-ordinating and leading the Tech Angels. The Tech Angels is a service group which commenced in 2018.

Digital Citizenship

1. Works with staff, students and community to promote safe, respectful and responsible online behaviour

2. Always models exemplary online behaviour

3. Plans and co-ordinates activities for Digital Citizenship Week, Women in STEM Evening, Festival of Science, in collaboration with supervisors and Tech Angels

4. Provides student perspectives related to Digital Citizenship to help inform ongoing policies and procedures at PLC

Other Support

1. Liaises with the designated staff member to co-ordinate Tech Help for Seniors at the Grove Library

2. Liaises with Digital Content Creator to support the creation of infographics and flyers for digital signage around the School

3. Supports and mentors Junior School Tech Angels

4. Develops, plans, and facilitates a range of other technology-related initiatives in collaboration with supervisors and Tech Angels


1. Organises and attends regular meetings with Tech Angels

2. Develops, co-ordinates and maintains Tech Angels roster to ensure that all required duties are undertaken in a timely and efficient manner

3. Records all duties undertaken by individual Tech Angels and assists Senior School ILT Integration Specialist with the collection and forwarding of this information for Service hours


International Students Captain

Location: Languages Department

Reports to: Head of Languages and International Student Co-ordinator


To perform a leadership role in supporting international students across Junior/Senior School. To act as an advocate for the international students’ community at PLC. To strengthen the bonds between international students and the broader School community. To promote cultural diversity by actively promoting languages and culture learning at PLC.

Skills and Responsibilities

1. Preferably demonstrates competence in a second language

2. Is prepared to dedicate out of school time to organise and promote cultural events when required

3. Sets an example for the other international students to be willing to share their own cultures with the wider community, and also to adopt local culture

4. Assists in community tours when required to act as an interpreter for visiting parents

5. Role models behaviour that reflects the ‘have a go’ attitude of a PLC student

6. Demonstrates inclusivity and encourages all students from international backgrounds to participate in events throughout the year

7. Supports, where possible, new students in Senior School with language and cultural challenges

8. Provides, where possible, opportunities for new students in Junior School with language and cultural challenges to gain support from International students in Senior School


Stage 4 Position Descriptions

Choir Co-ordinator

Reports to: House Captain & House Advisor

Internal Liaisons: House Arts Co-ordinator (PA to the Principal)


In addition to being a choir and House enthusiast, the Choir Co-ordinator provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 within the House. She assists in the promotion of the Inter-House Choir Competition.

Administration & Requirements

1. Preparation needs to begin two terms prior to Arts Day with the selection of the song for the choir

2. Selection of song is essential, choose the song carefully. Some songs can be difficult to sing as a choir, consider what would work well for the House

3. Listening to the advice of others is important. Other students may have substantial musical knowledge or have had lengthy associations with House Choir; capitalise on the knowledge of others

4. Promotes House Choir at House meetings and visits individual House Tutor Groups to encourage participation

5. Involves the whole House by rehearsing, when possible, during House meetings

6. Communication on attendance: makes sure all students know they have to attend a minimum number of rehearsals if they are to take part in the choir competition on Arts Day

7. Absence at a rehearsal can be covered by other House Tutor Group members if sufficient notice is given

8. Registration of students: asks the House Advisor for the House roll and asks other Year 12s to take the roll at each rehearsal

9. Collaborative involvement: involves Year 12 students in activities where applicable. Their support is invaluable, both practically and morally

10. Is organised and sets clear goals for what they want to achieve in each rehearsal. Remembers that students give up their lunch time to attend and will not be pleased if the rehearsal is not productive

11. Is resilient doesn’t take it personally if there are only small numbers of students at some rehearsals. Remember that there are lots of other things happening and students may not be able to make it to some of the rehearsals

12. Modes of communication: uses email to provide information about rehearsals

13. Record keeping: keeps a list of all those students who participated in the choir to be given to the House Advisor as soon as possible after Arts Day


Inter-House & Public Speaking Debating Co-ordinator

Reports to: House Captain & House Advisor


In addition to being a debating/public speaking ambassador and House enthusiast, Inter- House Debating/Public Speaking Co-ordinator provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 within the House. She assists in the promotion of the Inter-House Debating/Public Speaking Competition.

Administration & Requirements

1. Liaises with Inter-House Debating Co-ordinator to organise debates

2. Publicises Inter-House debating at House meetings and via emails. - (ie topics, the date of the first round, time students need to speak for, protocol for spectators during speeches)

3. Allows plenty of notice so that students participating have time to organise their speeches

4. Visits individual tutor groups and collect names of participants. Email this to the House Advisors. It may be a good idea to appoint a captain in each year who will manage the team and liaise with you

5. Specifies the importance of working as a team and preparing their debates together

6. Holds speak-offs if necessary to select team members

7. Supports and offers assistance, especially to Years 7, 8 and 9. Organises lunchtime or tutor time sessions to brainstorm ideas and give pointers

8. Organises time keepers and chairpersons

9. Public speaking: at the debates maintains eye contact with the audience, speaks with enthusiasm and confidence and projects voice

10. Communicates via email and at House Meetings, announces results at the end of each round and congratulates speakers on their efforts at House Meetings

11. Provides information to students who go through to the following rounds – time, day and topic. Note that it does not need to be the same speakers each round. Supports them with their speeches if necessary

12. Provides the House Advisor with a list of debating participants and the number of rounds they participated in. This must be done as soon as possible as each Year group finishes the competition


Inter-House Sport Co-ordinators

Reports to: House Captain & House Advisor Internal Liaisons: Head of PE


In addition to being passionate sports people and House enthusiasts, Inter-House Sport Co-ordinators provide significant leadership as role models to students in Years 7 to 12 within the House. They assist in the promotion of the Inter-House Sporting Competitions.

Administration & Requirements

1. Actively encourages students to participate in Inter-House Sport activities (7-12)

2. Informs students via email and at House Meeting of future Inter-House dates and events. In particular, the Swimming Carnival, Cross-Country, Athletics Carnival and any Inter-House Sport events

3. Ensures there is enough student participation to fill a required team

4. Keeps lists of students for every sporting event. These lists must be handed into the House Advisor at the end of every event to enable recording of House points

5. Attendance: at least one Inter House Sport Co-ordinator must be present at each event for the duration of the event

6. Ensures all participants have equal playing time and are participating with true House spirit

7. Sporting knowledge wherever possible, coach/explain the rules/game to students

8. Provides encouragement and support with members of the House

9. Promotes fair play and positive sportsmanship

10. Is well organised and prepared for each House event


Inter-House Creative and Performing Arts Co-ordinator

Reports to: House Captain & House Advisor

Internal Liaisons: House Arts Co-ordinator (PA to the Principal)


In addition to being a passionate Creative & Performing Arts ambassador and House enthusiast, the Inter-House Creative & Performing Arts Co-ordinator provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 within the House. She assists in the promotion of the Inter-House Creative & Performing Arts Competitions.

Administration & Requirements

1. Liaises with the Staff Arts Co-ordinator concerning dates, times, rules and regulations

2. Organises House dances

3. Liaises with Creative Arts Captain to encourage participation in the Creative Arts and Technologies

4. Leads by example and has an enthusiastic, positive approach to the job

5. Public speaking: presents appropriately when speaking in front of the House at House Meetings and House Tutor Group meetings

6. Preparation: ensures preparedness when asked to speak to the House

7. Is aware of House Tutor Group times, Year Meetings, Assemblies and Chapel

8. Communication: ensures details are discussed with the House Advisor before committing them to email and other public forums

9. Visibility: visits the House Tutor Groups regularly. Things need to be explained carefully, particularly to the Year 7 and 8 students

10. Makes sure all students understand the rules and regulations of Arts Day. This will involve numerous visits to each House Tutor Group

11. Information: ensures the students know the information for Arts Day is available on House Tutor Group noticeboards and emails

12. Encouragement of participation: makes sure the House has representatives in as many events as possible


Inter-House Multimedia Co-ordinator

Reports to: House Captain & House Advisor Internal Liaisons: Head of Senior School


In addition to being a Media and House enthusiast, Inter-House Media Co-ordinator provides significant leadership as a role model to students in Years 7 to 12 within the House. She assists in the promotion of the girls’ involvement in House activities, encouraging participation where necessary.

Administration & Requirements

1. Takes photos of students in the House during House activities and events

2. Organisation: keeps photos in a file and sorts them by year group

3. Ensures a spread of photos across all year levels are taken giving equal exposure

4. Liaises with her House Captains and House Advisor on appropriate times to show the photographs. Runs slide shows of the photos- this will depend on the House meeting venues and how easy this might be

5. Attends as many House events as possible, takes photographs and films sport, Arts Days and carnivals

6. Updates the photos on the House Boards outside the Cafeteria each Term.

7. Encourages other members of the House to record images of events. Collects and collates these images to add to collection

8. At the end of the year, makes a slideshow and/or a photo diary of all House events for the year. This copy should be given to the House Advisor


Additional PLC Sport Leadership Positions

Leadership opportunities are offered for all IGSSA Sports and IGSSA Carnival Sports at PLC .

These leadership positions are considered separately to the Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 leadership positions.

Students may be considered for multiple roles and this will be discussed on a case by case basis with the Head of Sport, Head of Senior School and the Principal.

IGSSA Sports

• Term 1: Volleyball, AFL

• Term 2: Hockey, Netball

• Term 3: Soccer, Basketball

• Term 4: Tennis, Water Polo, Softball, Cricket

IGSSA Carnival Sports

• Swimming

• Rowing

• Cross Country

• Athletics


Nomination Criteria for all Sport Leadership Positions

1. Any student may nominate for an individual Sport Leadership Position, regardless of what leadership position the student already holds

2. For all IGSSA Sports, the students must have competed in the Sport for a minimum of 3 seasons and had that Sport recognised on their student attendance/record. An IGSSA sport is recognised after attending 90% of scheduled fixtures and trainings

3. Students who have not been at PLC long enough to have gained the required amount of IGSSA seasons for Leadership nomination may be exempted

4. Students who have not competed in the Sport for the required 3 seasons due to reasons such as injury, extended illness, or if they represented PLC in a different sport during that term, may also be exempted

5. For any students who are unsure as to their IGSSA Sport attendance, please check with the Head of Sport, who has a record of all attendance at all scheduled fixtures and trainings

6. All exemptions need to be discussed and approved by the Head of Sport, Head of Senior School and Principal

7. Nominations for all Sport Leadership Positions for 2024 will take place in early Term 4 2023

8. Voting for all Sport Leadership Positions will be conducted by the 2024 Year 12 and 2024 Year 11 cohorts, as well as PLC staff and coaches associated with the specific sports

9. All Sport Leadership Positions will be announced early Term 4, giving leaders a full twelve months to lead, inspire and grow their sports across PLC


Athletics Captain & Vice Captain Nomination Criteria

1. Past selection in the IGSSA Athletics Squad and have been part of the IGSSA Athletics Team for a minimum of two years

2. Have the ability to inspire and promote PLC Athletics

3. Must attend all compulsory trainings

4. Must show initiative and leadership throughout the entire season

Athletics Captain & Vice Captain Skills and Responsibilities

1. Give a Captain’s speech at the Athletics Breakfast

2. Lead the PLC team out at the IGSSA Carnival

3. Carry the flag at the IGSSA results ceremony

4. Other leadership responsibilities as required by the Head of Sport and PLC Sport Staff

Cross Country Captain & Vice Captain Nomination Criteria

1. Past selection in the IGSSA Cross Country Squad and have been part of the IGSSA Cross Country Team for a minimum of two years

2. Have the ability to inspire and promote PLC Cross Country

3. Must attend all compulsory trainings

4. Must show initiative and leadership throughout the entire season

Cross Country Captain & Vice Captain Skills and Responsibilities

1. Give a Captain’s speech at the Cross Country Breakfast

2. Lead the PLC team out at the IGSSA Carnival

3. Carry the flag at the IGSSA results ceremony

4. Other leadership responsibilities as required by the Head of Sport and PLC Sport Staff


Swimming Captain & Vice Captain Nomination Criteria

1. Selected in the IGSSA Swim Squad and have been part of the IGSSA Swim Team for a minimum of two years

2. Have the ability to inspire and promote PLC Swimming

3. Must attend all compulsory trainings

4. Must show initiative and leadership throughout the entire season

Swimming Captain & Vice Captain Skills and Responsibilities

1. Give a Captain’s speech at Pasta Night

2. Lead the PLC team out at the IGSSA Carnival

3. Carry the flag at the IGSSA results ceremony

4. Other leadership responsibilities as required by the Head of Sport and PLC Sport Staff

Rowing Captain & Vice Captain Nomination Criteria

1. Competed in a minimum of 3 seasons of IGSSA Rowing including IGSSA Rowing in Year 11

2. Have the ability to inspire and promote PLC Rowingl

3. Must show initiative and leadership throughout the entire season

Rowing Captain & Vice Captain Skills and Responsibilities

1. Captains speech at Pasta Nights, Rowing Dinner and Assemblies as required

2. Carry the flag at the IGSSA results ceremony

3. Other leadership responsibilities as required by the Head of Rowing, Head of Sport and PLC Sport Staff


Student Leadership Timeline

Term 2

Tuesday 4 June

Monday 10 June to Friday 28 June

Week 1 and 2

Thursday 25 July and Friday 26 July

Tuesday 30 July

Wednesday 31 July

Friday 2 August

Monday 29 July - Wednesday 7 August

Monday 12 August

Tuesday 13 August

Thursday 15 August

Monday 19 August

Thursday 29 August

Wednesday 4 September

Thursday 5 September

Friday 6 September

Monday 14 October

Year 11s will be provided with an information session that will outline the application process

Applications for students nominating for a Stage 1 or 2 leadership position are due to be submitted electronically

Stage 1 interviews to occur

Student leadership voting process will be explained to students in Years 10 and 12

Speakers Corner opportunities to be provided for candidates for Head and Deputy Head

Stage 1 voting to occur in House Tutor Group

Catch-up voting permitted until 3.45 pm at the Tech Centre

Announcement of Stage 1 positions (Special Afternoon Assembly)

Stage 2 position interviews House Captain Candidate Speeches

Stage 2 voting to occur in House Tutor Group

Catch-up voting permitted until 3.45 pm at the Tech Centre

Announcement of Stage 2 positions (Arts Day)

Applications for students nominating for a Stage 3 or 4 leadership position are due to be submitted electronically

House Co-ordinator Candidate Speeches

Stage 4 voting to occur in House Tutor Group

Catch-up voting permitted until 3.45 pm at the Tech Centre

Announcement of Stage 3 positions (Principal’s Assembly)*

Induction Service (Assembly)

Friday 25 October - Saturday 26 October Prefect Retreat

Term 2
Term 3
58 Presbyterian Ladies’ College A College of The Uniting Church in Australia 14 McNeil Street, Peppermint Grove Western Australia, 6011 +61 8 9424 6444 plc wa edu au

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