PVM Outlook Special COVID-19 Edition

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We are



Vol. 1-2020

PVM Strong!


Welcome to our special edition of Outlook titled PVM Strong. These are challenging times in so many ways for all those we hold dear as part of our PVM network. With 2020 being the 75th Anniversary for PVM, this is certainly not the experience we had hoped for. This is especially true for our front line staff and for those who have experienced personal loss as a result of the tragic circumstances in which we have found ourselves. A quote comes to mind from the late and revered Mr. Rogers: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Indeed we find our strength from the helpers. Last year’s annual report had the theme of Not All Heroes Wear Capes. Little did we know at the time how much that would be highlighted during this year of our anniversary. So here’s to the (LEFT) Residents across our PVM Villages are placing hearts in their windows to show their support for caregivers and staff; (BELOW) Family members at Lakeshore Senior Living say hello to grandma from outside.

helpers and the heroes. May we draw inspiration and courage from their strength. PVM residents and their families give us strength through their encouragement and appreciation. Picture the look of joy on a front line staff member who has just finished a very long day and in need of inspiration when they see many cards of appreciation and support from the residents and families whom we serve. Residents have also found ways to inspire their fellow residents/neighbors. This edition of Outlook shares a few of those highlights – but there have been so many that we could not possibly include them all! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for many more examples of loving wishes. Village of Westland residents using Facetime to communicate with family












– A heartfelt thank you to our staff, volunteers, and donors –

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND NEEDED DONATIONS Then there are the many acts of generosity and patriotism bestowed on us by members of the community. Several companies have provided lifesaving personal protection equipment. You may have heard this referred to in the media as PPEs. Individuals from far and wide have sewn custom cloth masks for us. County health departments have come to the rescue with surgical and higher-level protective masks needed for medical interactions. Restaurants, families and community organizations have also provided masks and meals for both staff and residents in independent living. We are eternally grateful for this support. We are able to keep going day to day thanks to you! Again, there have been so many acts of kindness that we cannot include them all here individually. However, we will acknowledge each and every one at a later date.

Staff and volunteers deliver groceries, donated food, and meals door-to-door

We have had an amazing turn out of donated PPE and cleaning supplies to help keep our Villages stocked

2 | Vol. 1-2020

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan

Outlook Presbyterian Villages of Michigan

N E W S L E T T E R 2020 Volume

Editor: Lynn Alexander Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

Thank you to our contributors: Debbie Smith Avni Thomas Tom Wyllie

Audra Frye Rachel Nagorsen Yalonda Jackson

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan 2020 Board of Directors OFFICERS



DEDICATED PVM STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS Our Human Resources department created a volunteer group of PVM employees titled PVM Strong. This group goes in to support colleagues who need it the most whether due to staffing needs or to support the front lines. These folks are doing this on a volunteer basis from their heart and have reported that it gives them great joy. They are seeing first-hand the total dedication of their fellow employees and experience the joy that all volunteers talk about in helping others. This group includes as its leader our president and CEO Roger Myers.

William L. Ball, Chair W. Paul Rau, Vice Chair for Finance Henry Johnson, Vice Chair for Governance Carolyn Hastings, Vice Chair for Human Resources Johnnie C. Jackson, Vice Chair for Marketing Gwendolyn Parker, M.D., Vice Chair for Quality First James S. Gompers, Vice Chair for Risk Management Gary Ley, Vice Chair for Strategic Planning Roshunda Price, Secretary Brian W. Carnaghi, Treasurer Roger L. Myers, President & CEO Constance Garrett, Assistant Secretary

(ABOVE) Everyone pitches in to help! Roger Myers, PVM President and CEO of PVM, is a great example of this leadership as he folds laundry at The Village of East Harbor.

DIRECTORS William L. Ball Carolyn J. Hastings Kenneth L. Hollowell David A. Imesch Johnnie Jackson Duane Lewis Gary Ley George B. Millush, Jr. Gwendolyn Parker, M.D.

Ted Payne Roshunda Price W. Paul Rau E. Kern Tomlin Ex-Officio: James S. Gompers Roger L. Myers Director Emeritus, Natalie Brothers

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation 2020 Board of Directors OFFICERS James S. Gompers, Chair Robert R. Schroeder, Vice Chair Donald A. Lindow, Secretary Brian W. Carnaghi, Treasurer Paul J. Miller, CFRE, President, PVM Foundation DIRECTORS Linda Bomberski Brian W. Carnaghi John Denler Elmer Dixon James S. Gompers Paul Hubbard Henry Johnson Thomas E. Kimble Duane Lewis Donald A. Lindow

Lisa Machesky Robert V. Peterson Robert Schroeder John E. Utley Mark Wallace Michelle Williams

(ABOVE) Staff members are finding themselves performing tasks and learning new skills to help residents with everyday things – like getting a haircut. (LEFT) Mark Kronner, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Katie Scharf, Compliance & Training Specialist both from the Corporate Office

Ex-Officio: William L. Ball Roger L. Myers

Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Executive Team Lynn Alexander Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Brian Carnaghi Senior Vice President of Finance and Business Development (CFO) Shannon East Executive Director, Lakeshore Senior Living Chelsea Eisele Executive Director, Vista Grande Villa Constance Garrett Senior Executive Assistant, PVM Jessica Gross Administrator, The Village of Rosebush Manor Mary Catherine Hannah Executive Director, The Village of Hillside and Perry Farm Village David Miller Vice President/Executive Director, The Village of East Harbor Paul Miller, CFRE President, PVM Foundation Roger Myers President and CEO Katrina Summersett Director of Risk Management and Quality & Corporate Compliance Officer Erica Thrash-Sall Executive Director, McFarlan Villages Michele White Executive Director, The Village of Westland

Our official Shining Stars are earning their stars along with all of the PVM staff. Everyone is a Shining Star right now!

HELPING FRONT LINE WORKERS The PVM and Village boards have given us strength during these challenging times. In addition to being extremely responsive as needs have arisen, they have been in total support of providing appreciation pay for staff who have been working on a 24/7 basis. The PVM Foundation has created a fund to support front line staff who are making the greatest sacrifice of all. In addition to all that they are doing for their job, they may also have spouses and others in their family who are helping with childcare and keeping the home fires burning. Some significant others may be laid off at this time. It was felt by all that we should do all in our power to show appreciation for their dedication and courage. For more information on this fund go to www.pvmf.org/donate.

In fighting this virus, every day counts, and every donation counts. COVID-19 is forcing residents, family members and staff to endure hardships, including isolation, loneliness, anxiety and stress. You can help them by making an urgent donation now.

Your gift will provide emergency assistance for: • Direct financial support to residents and employees • COVID-19-related supplies, including PPE • Support for front line staff while on duty, • Implementation of new technologies

DONATE TODAY! Visit pvmf.org/donate or call 248-281-2040


Presbyterian Villages of Michigan



CREATIVE WAYS TO KEEP RESIDENTS ENGAGED These unprecedented times have been even more challenging for our residents who have had to limit socialization for their own safety. In an effort to keep our residents healthy and engaged, our tireless staff has developed a variety of creative wellness activities to maintain social engagement at safe distances with friends and neighbors – and most importantly, to keep body and mind active.


PVM Awards and Accolades Amidst all of these inspirational stories we want to highlight the important work of two individuals. Their ingenuity and experience have been guiding us through the many issues and decisions which take place daily to sustain the work of PVM.

NICOLE BANKS (ABOVE) The Village of Rosebush offered a rolling snack cart that visited residents door-to-door for their safety.

(ABOVE) The Village of Rosebush Manor kept spirits bright with an individual Easter Egg Hunt. (LEFT) Fitness specialist, Chris Gorde leading a socially distanced hallway chair exercise class to keep residents fit and active! (RIGHT) Staff members waving hello as they kick-off a parade at The Village of East Harbor.

FILLING THE NEED DURING A DESPERATE SITUATION The Department of Technology jumped in full force and produced shields until we could get large donations. They stand ready to jump back in if necessary. They also are co-chairing our PPE Task Force to provide a centralized hub for the ordering, collection, reporting and disseminating of equipment system-wide for PVM. This is a Herculean task which has gone extremely well and provided order for what could be an extremely chaotic task.

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Interim Vice President of Human Resources Nicole had served in this position for a very short time when the coronavirus hit our shores. Thankfully she had served for years in the HR Department and was fully versed in our programs and processes. In fact, she has been instrumental in launching some programs which have been miraculous for weathering the storm. As an example, HR along with the Department of Technology, had created systems which allow for instant messaging to staff members, electronic access to their pay and vacation statistics, and remote sign in when necessary. In addition, these processes have allowed us to approve new hires immediately which is so essential right now.

KATRINA SUMMERSETT (ABOVE) Executive Director Michele White from The Village of Westland shared that her team started a Pen Pal program by placing a request on their community Facebook page requesting letters, pictures, drawings, etc. for their residents. The response has been heartfelt and well received!

(LEFT) Jonathan, a member of the Foley Freeze Robotics Club, has been making 3D printed masks towards the efforts. He can make two masks every three hours! (RIGHT) 750 face shields were manufactured and donated by the Baldwin Public Library Idea Lab as part of COVID-19 relief efforts.

Risk Manager & Corporate Compliance Officer Katrina has served in this capacity for five years and has also updated our processes in quality, risk management and corporate compliance. She also serves on several boards for PVM which involve her areas of expertise, such as PACE Southeast Michigan, PACE Central Michigan and Care-Sync Solutions. Always adept at multi-tasking Katrina has been moving at lightning speed to assure adherence to regulations and quality processes. Along with Nicole, they have become a 24/7 hotline to assist staff whenever and wherever needed.



33875 Kiely Drive Chesterfield, MI 48047-3604

5221 Lakeshore Road Ft. Gratiot Twp., MI 48059-3122

32001 Cherry Hill Road Westland, MI 48186-7902




To learn more about each of these wonderful communities visit PVM.org or call 248.281.2020



26200 Lahser Rd., Suite 300 Southfield, MI 48033-7157

248.281.2020 www.pvm.org

PVM Serves Seniors in Villages and Communities throughout Michigan Alpena Alpena Pines 989.278.4250 Battle Creek The Village of Mill Creek 269.962.0605 Bay City The Village of Hampton Meadows 989.892.1912 Chesterfield The Village of East Harbor 586.725.6030 Clinton Township The Village of Peace Manor 586.790.4500

Embrace the Possibilities

Detroit Delta Manor 313.259.5140 Hartford Village 313.270.9700 The Thome Rivertown Neighborhood 313.259.9000 The Village of Bethany Manor 313.894.0430 The Village of Brush Park Manor Paradise Valley 313.832.9922 The Village of Harmony Manor 313.934.4000 The Village of Oakman Manor 313.957.0210 The Village of St. Martha’s 313.582.8088 The Village of University Meadows 313.831.6440 The Village of Woodbridge Manor 313.494.9000 Flint McFarlan Villages 810.235.3077

Villages* PACE Southeast Michigan** PACE Central Michigan***

Harbor Springs Onaway Alpena

* Some villages and programs are in collaboration with other organizations ** In collaboration with Henry Ford Health System *** In collaboration with Michigan Masonic Home

Fort Gratiot Township The Village of Lake Huron Woods 810.385.9516 Gibraltar The Village of Gibraltar Manor 734.676.4802 Harbor Springs The Village of Hillside 231.526.7108 Perry Farm Village 231.526.1500 Holly The Village of Holly Woodlands 248.634.0592 Jackson The Village of Spring Meadows 517.788.6679 Vista Grande Villa 517.787.0222 Kalamazoo The Village of Sage Grove 269.567.3300 Onaway Lynn Street Manor 989.733.2661 Pontiac The Village of Oakland Woods 248.334.4379 Redford The Village of Redford 313.541.6000 Rosebush The Village of Rosebush Manor 989.433.0150 St. Clair Shores Lakeshore Senior Living 586.218.6228 Warren The Village of Warren Glenn 586.751.5090 Westland The Village of Our Saviour’s Manor 734.595.4663 The Village of Westland 734.728.5222 COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES


Bay City

Fort Gratiot Township

Flint Holly

For more information about a Village near you visit www.pvm.org or call 248.281.2020


Battle Creek Jackson

Chesterfield Clinton Township Township Pontiac Warren Redford Westland


Dearborn Gibraltar

St. Clair Shores

PACE Southeast Michigan: Serving all of Macomb county, and most of Wayne and Oakland counties 855.445.4554 PACE Central Michigan: 833.532.6981 CareSync Solutions 248.773.4550 Metro In-Home Solutions 313.297.1342 Bay Connect 231.526.7108

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