ASB and Panther Pride Election Booklet 2015

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A MESSAGE FROM ASB Hello Panthers! Thank you for taking part in today’s election and for letting us lead you this school year. We had a lot of fun and appreciate all of your feedback and support for the events we designed for you. We hope we’ve made Presentation a better place during our term. Your vote and participation today is incredibly important – it decides who will lead you next year and represent your interests! Good luck to all the candidates and thank you all for your attention and participation in our democratic process! - Your 2014-2015 ASB Officers


Vote for 5 ASB candidates and 5 Panther Pride candidates. Voting rooms are only open at lunch from 12:30-1:15. You must have your ID to vote.


Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 4 Sophomores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 14 Juniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room 10


Probationary members have attended fewer than 5 workshops. Bronze members have attended 5-9 workshops. Silver members have attended all 10 workshops. Gold members have completed all workshops and a Capstone Project.


To be a member in good standing Panther Pride members must: • Attend all meetings • Attend 2 games/sports that aren’t spirit-point games • Join a sub-committee • Meet fundraising quota • Attend two A-Day Smackdowns per semester • Members may have 2 unexcused absences and 1 excused absence from all Panther Pride events including but not limited to games, meetings and A-Day Smackdowns before being contacted by a moderator. White members meet requirements Silver members exceed game requirements for two seasons Gold members exceed three requirements and participate in a Panther Pride community service activity.




Grade level next year: 12 Panther Pride member status: Gold

Presentation leadership positions Junior Homeroom Representative PAC small group leader 2014-2015 CI small group leader 2014-2015 Team captain freshman volleyball team 2012-2013 Presentation involvement Freshman volleyball 2012-2013 JV basketball 2012-2013 Varsity Basketball 2013-2014 Presentation Clubs PAC CI Panther Pride International Cultures Red Cross Big Sister SADD Community service This past year I have volunteered at Martha’s Kitchen to assist and serve people and families that are hungry. I engage in conversation with many individuals that come and share their stories with me. I also spend my time playing basketball with kids in helping them developing their skills. Additional comments Hall Decorating: I have avidly participated in Hall Decorating since freshman year. Despite my lack of artistic talent, I thoroughly enjoyed staying at Pres setting up the halls and bonding with my fellow juniors. Spirit Week: This is my favorite week of Pres not only because we get to wear free dress every day, but because I can also show my school spirit by wearing exotic outfits without being judged. Pan Pan: I have attended Panther Pandemonium since freshman year and loved being able to show my support for Pres while watching the dances and activities that go on throughout it.



Grade level next year: 12 Leadership Academy status: Bronze

Presentation leadership positions Junior Class Level Officer Sophomore Class Level Officer Freshman Homeroom Representative Eucharistic Minister Freshmen Soccer Captain Presentation involvement Peer Ministry 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Soccer 2012-2013, 2013-2014 Presentation Clubs Student Council PAC Leadership Academy Mu Alpha Theta NSHS CSF Community service Community service I have completed this year is loading and unloading trucks for Sacred Heart and playing sports with kids through an organization, who are underprivileged. Additional comments Magazine Drive: motivated my homeroom to sell and helped choreograph the dance. Hall Decorating: I was there everyday after school, helping to paint and build props, while giving orders to student volunteers. Spirit Week: Helped choreograph the dance at Panther Pandemonium. Mission Drive: Help come up with ideas for fundraisers and raffles, and sell bread during breaks and at lunch.




Grade level next year: 12 Leadership Academy status: Probationary Presentation leadership positions Junior Class Officer Sophomore Homeroom Representative Presentation involvement Basketball 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Track 2013-2014, 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs CI Community service I participated in the Wake up with service event. Additional comments As being a part of student council, I have enjoyed participating heavily in our events, fundraisers, drives, and rallies, particularly my favorite, Mag Drive with all the competitions. I participated in these by showing up to all, playing my assigned part in planning, creating, and raising awareness and excitement in our class for these events. It is so fun to get to work alongside such enthusiastic girls and teachers who inspire and motivate us.



Grade level next year: 12 Leadership Academy status: Bronze Presentation leadership positions Junior Homeroom Representative CI Small Group Leader 2014-2015 Freshman Mag Drive Representative Presentation involvement Work Scholarship 2013-Present Broadcast Journalism/Panther Report 2014-2015 Graphic Publications/Yearbook 2012-2014 Presentation Clubs Big/Little Sister Program CI Leadership Academy Student Council Community service Sacred Heart Community Service Additional comments I was an active participant throughout all the drives and lifted my peers’ spirits via pleasurable food and motivating words. I am excited to take on this role if elected, because I’m a responsible, loving being who manages her time well. I just can’t hide my panther pride!



JILLIAN MACLEOD Grade level next year: 12

Presentation leadership positions Junior Homeroom Representative Sophomore Class Officer Freshman Homeroom Representative Freshman Soccer Team Captain Presentation involvement Soccer 2013-2014 Soccer 2012-2013 Presentation Clubs CI SADD Community service The majority of the community service that I have done this year has been at St. Christopher parish and at Sacred Heart Community Center. At St. Christopher I volunteered at the annual festival and various other events and at Sacred Heart I spent time sorting clothing, and later, sorting food. Additional comments My main priority in regards to on-campus involvement has been my Student Council participation over the past three years, and because of this, I have a large range of experience with ASB events and school events. For the past three years I have continually participated in the Mag Drive dance and Mag Drive itself, Hall Decorating, Pan Pan dances and activities, and both Fall and Spring Leadership Conferences. I have also been an active participant in Food Drive, Penny Drive, Toy Drive, and Mission Drive every year. Over the past years my experiences with each event have varied, giving me a wide range of knowledge about the inter-workings of each. I have genuinely enjoyed every second spent with my fellow leaders on Student Council who work incredibly hard everyday to improve the experiences of their fellow students. Committing my time to Student Council has no doubt been one of the most fruitful experiences of my life, granting me the opportunity to be a leader while creating lasting friendships with my classmates.



Grade level next year: 11

Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Sophomore Class Level Officer Presentation involvement Peer Ministry 2014-2015 Presentation Clubs PAC CI CSF Community service I have been a tutor at Reading Partners this past year. I volunteer for 2 hours a week working one on one with a third grade student, teaching them how to read. I went on a service trip this past summer to Mississippi, where I did construction and helped the elderly in the community. Additional comments I have a big passion for service and giving back to the community. By working with others, I am able to become a more worldly person and experience leadership in multiple ways. I have worked hard during spirit week to help our Sophomore Class get closer to winning the spirit trophy. I attended hall decorating every moment I could and stayed until the end so that my class would have my support. I participated in Magazine Drive by being the top seller in my homeroom and encouraging them to sell magazines.




Grade level next year: 11

Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Sophomore Magazine Drive Representative Sophomore Mission Drive Representative Presentation Clubs PAC CI Community service I volunteer at least 3 times a week at Belmont Village which is an assisted living facility. While I’m there, I work with the residents in the dementia care unit. One of the residents who is closest to my heart is my dad. My dad is one of the many who I have the opportunity to empathize and care for in my daily life. Additional comments I am a competitive gymnast and I train 4-5 days a week. This sport has been a major part of my life since I was little and it has been a great opportunity for me to develop my confidence and ability to persevere.



Grade level next year: 12 Leadership Academy status: Probationary Panther Pride member status: White Presentation leadership positions Junior Class Officer Sophomore Homeroom Representative JV Field Hockey Captain 2013-2014 Freshman Field Hockey Captain 2012-2013 Presentation involvement Peer Ministry 2013-2015 Field Hockey 2012-2015 Cantabile 2012-2013 Presentation Clubs CI Panther Pride CSF Community service This year I have volunteered with Catholic Charities and have helped them with their Career Day for youth refugees. I helped get representatives from several careers to speak at the Career Day and I am starting to get involved in their youth council. Additional comments During hall decorating and the week preceding hall decorating I worked hard with the hall decorating team to organize, plan and execute our hall. Making to-do lists, agendas and assigning roles was all part of the job and we ended up getting 2nd place! During Mag Drive I committed my time to practice our dance to make sure it was the best it could be!



CHANDLER SUTHERLAND Grade level next year: 12 Leadership Academy status: Gold

Presentation leadership positions Junior Class Officer Sophomore Class Officer Freshmen Class Officer Presentation involvement Yearbook Staff 2013-2014 Presentation Clubs Leadership Academy Independent Math and Science Research Club Student Council CSF Community service This summer I spent two weeks at InnVision Shelter Network in downtown San Jose volunteering as a summer camp counselor for homeless children so their parents could continue working and not worry about their safety. I also am an active member of NCL and have received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award in 2013 and 2014. Additional comments This year, I was in charge of penny drive. I rallied our class to bring in as many pennies as possible by sending out reminders, encouraging homeroom incentives, and helping devise dumping strategies. As a student council member, I also helped lead magazine drive, hall decorating, spirit week, food drive, and toy drive by enthusiastically encouraging pres girls to pitch in and help out.




Grade level next year: 11 Panther Pride member status: Silver



Grade level next year: 11 Panther Pride member status: Silver

Presentation involvement Soccer 2013-2014

Presentation leadership positions Sophomore Team Captain JV

Presentation Clubs Panther Pride

Presentation involvement JV Basketball 2014-2015, 2013-2014 Volleyball 2013-2014

Community service This year I was given the opportunity to serve the less fortunate around the Our Lady of Refuge Parish with a Thanksgiving meal. On thanksgiving day a few of my peers and I helped welcome them into our church’s community center where we sat these less fortunate families down at a table to enjoy a proper thanksgiving dinner. During Christmas time, again at Our Lady of Refuge, a few peers and I put up a small Christmas gift boutique where the less fortunate families our the neighborhood came to get presents free of cost for their loved ones. Prior to the event we spent about a month collecting donated gifts from Our Lady of Refuge parishioners. During the month of November I volunteered at a tutoring program helping out children within grades kindergarten to 3rd grade who came from only Spanish speaking families better their English so that going to school would be easier.

Presentation Clubs Panther Pride PAC Red Cross Community service I volunteered at Sacred Heart. I am a teaching assistant at St. Andrew Armenian Church where we teach Bible Studies to children. I am also Vice Chair for the Youth Group at my church and we work in the Parish avidly. Additional comments I participated in hall decorating and did leafleting. Last year, my friend and I organized and collected hygiene items from the neighborhood and money to donate to Sacred Heart for them to distribute to the underprivileged teenage community.




Grade level next year: 12 Panther Pride member status: Gold

Presentation leadership positions Panther Pride Officer Field Hockey Team Captain 2014 Field Hockey Team Captain 2012 Presentation involvement Field Hockey 2012-2014 Swim Team 2012-2015 Peer Ministry 2013-2015 Panther Pride 2012-2015 PAC 2012-2014 Presentation Clubs Panther Pride Peer Ministry Community service I also participate in NCL, a charity organization through which I have worked with many different agencies such as Sacred Heart, Second Harvest Food Bank, EHC, Our Lady of Fatima and Special Olympics. I am also a member of the youth group at St. Mary’s Parish in Los Gatos. Additional comments I have also participated in many student council events such as Mission Drive as a representative for my home room, helped decorate the halls for spirit week and many more.



Grade level next year: 12 Panther Pride member status: Gold

Presentation leadership positions Panther Pride Officer Presentation involvement Swim Team 2014-2015 JV Field Hockey 2013-2014 JV Field Hockey 2012-2013 Presentation Clubs Panther Pride Community service During first semester, I volunteered at Herman’s Health Care Center with a few of my fellow Panther Pride Officers. This was a really great experience as I got to help the elderly and disabled. We decorated their main lobby with Christmas decorations and helped them write cards for their loved ones and for Santa. Additional comments I have participated in Mag Drive where I did a dance with my fellow Panther Pride Officers, and I also did a dance at Pan Pan with the officers as well. This was a great experience because you get to see everyone in the crowd laughing and cheering you on while you dance! I have also been a participant in Hall Decorating the past 3 years, and that has been a really fun experience.




Grade level next year: 12 Panther Pride member status: Silver Presentation Leadership Positions JV Volleyball Co-Captain 2012-2013 Presentation involvement JV Volleyball 2012-2013 Varsity Volleyball 2014-2015, 2013-2014 Presentation Clubs Panther Pride PAC NAHS Community service As a dedicated player of Vision Volleyball Club, I worked as a coach to help younger girls improve their volleyball skills at the Futures Camp over the summer. Additional comments During Spirit Week, I put in a lot of my time and effort in order to help my class decorate and set up our hall. I also love attending Pan Pan every year to cheer on my classmates, participate in the fun games, and show as much spirit as I can for Pres.



Grade level next year: 11 Panther Pride member status: Silver

Presentation leadership positions Freshman Homeroom Representative Sophomore Class Officer Presentation involvement Swim Team 2015 JV Field Hockey 2013, 2014 JV Basketball 2013-2014 Presentation Clubs Panther Pride International Cultures Club CSF Community service Over Christmas break I delivered presents and groceries to poor families in Mountain View and Alviso. It was great to see how simple gifts can mean so much to families in need. Additional comments Throughout the drives I have provided my homeroom with incentives such as Starbucks gift cards, baked goods, and raffles. During Magazine Drive I helped to create a promotional video for the sophomores. Every day during Hall Decorating I delegated tasks and made sure that the daily agenda was completed. I actively promote spirit throughout school events and I dedicate my time to get the task done in the most fun and efficient way. I have also held another leadership position at my church as the youth representative on the St. Simon Liturgy and Spirituality Council. This role helped me improve my teamwork and leadership skills. I have also attended the Fall and Spring leadership conferences freshman and sophomore year. They gave me a new approach to leadership and helped me to appreciate everyone’s opinion as part of the leadership process.


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