The Lantern - April 2015

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LANTERN Presentation High School's Counseling Department Presents

“Talking with our Kids about Sex: The Life Skills Approach” An evening with sex therapist and marriage counselor, Dr. Marty Klein When: Monday, April 20 Where: Valenzuela Theater Time: 7 p.m. Cost: This event is free. RSVP: Please RSVP to Counseling Department Chair Nancy Taylor: RSVPs are greatly appreciated, but walk-ins are welcome. Please join us! In today’s society, sex is an ever-present topic. On a daily basis, students are inundated with media and marketing that offer conflicting, and oftentimes confusing, messages about sex and sexuality. Health classes, such as those offered here at Presentation, do their best to temper those mixed messages with responsible sex education. But, the lessons learned in classrooms often only go so far. When it comes to making responsible choices about sex, it’s up to parents to continue the discussion at home. Of course, talking to your teenage daughter about her sexuality can be a daunting, and oftentimes uncomfortable, topic. That’s why Presentation has invited Dr. Marty Klein to campus for a talk entitled “Talking with our Kids about Sex: The Life Skills Approach.” During the course of the talk, Dr. Klein will offer balanced, realistic strategies that will help young people take care of themselves and develop responsible and healthy attitudes about sex. He will also offer tips on how to start the conversation, how to handle difficult questions, and how to deal with the influence of the internet and social media. Dr. Klein is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist based in Palo Alto. Over the course of his 34-year career, Dr. Klein has written seven books about sexuality, and several hundred articles for well-known print magazines. He has also given two congressional briefings on evidence-based sex education. To review Dr. Klein’s credentials, and for further information, please visit his website: We sincerely hope you join us for this informative evening!

Inside this issue LETTERS Principal letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Board of Trustees letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parent Board letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DEPARTMENT UPDATES Department Spotlight: Physical Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campus Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dance Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 4 4 5 5 6 7 9

OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Fashion Show: Vintage & Vogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Golf Tournament 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 APRIL CALENDAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12




From the Principal

From the Board of Trustees

Dear parents and friends of Pres,

The Building Committee is one of the busiest of all our Board of Trustees committees.

On March 13, an article in the New York Times snagged my attention, and I wanted to share the gist with you. (You can find the article in its entirety by googling: How to Survive College Admissions Madness, by Frank Bruni.) In March and April, we often feel sandwiched between senior parent anxiety about college and incoming parent anxiety about getting into Pres; Bruni’s words echo exactly the advice I would love to give to both. Here is a letter quoted in the article that sums up the major point: Dear _______, In the night before you receive your first college response, we wanted to let you know that we could not be any prouder of you than we are today. Whether or not you get accepted does not determine how proud we are of everything you have accomplished and the wonderful person you have become. That will not change based on what admissions officers decide about your future. We will celebrate with joy wherever you are accepted—and the happier you are with those responses, the happier we will be. But your worth as a person, a student and our daughter is not diminished or influenced in the least by what these colleges have decided. If it does not go your way, you’ll take a different route to get you where you want. There is not a single college in this country that would not be lucky to have you, and you are capable of succeeding at any of them. Mom and Dad

The committee is comprised of experts in construction design, planning, and management. Its members tackle projects which would be improbable to others, but due to their expertise, are finished on-time and on-budget. Imagine replacing the entire school roof and HVAC system during the summer with summer school going on at the same time. Or, imagine managing the complex construction design and logistics of the new Stephens Family Building 200 while school is in session. It’s amazing! In addition to the physical construction itself, the committee is also able to convince the City Planning Department to approve plans and issue permits in a time frame that allows Presentation to complete projects in a very compressed schedule. Currently the committee is working with the administration and faculty on the Presentation Master Plan. This plan will map out all new facilities needs into the foreseeable future. The Master Plan road map will be integrated into all the other Board committees to ensure we are all working together to ensure Presentation has what it needs to continue to provide the best in college prep education. Fred Crary, Board of Trustees

From the Parent Board Dear Parents,

Simple wisdom, perspective and an undying faith that the future will unfold entirely as it should are not new virtues. As parents and educators, we need to remind ourselves that most of us grew as people when we encountered disappointment, or even failure. Most of us “rearranged the pages” of the script we imagined for our lives. There’s no right path; our role is to help young people believe that. On a completely different note, I want to take this time to wish you and your family a very blessed Easter. In our faith tradition, this is the religious celebration that makes it all make sense. While there may be redemptive value in suffering, suffering and death do not have the final word. We are a people of good news—people of hope—because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter egg hunts and chocolate bunnies pale in comparison to the promise of eternal life—don’t you agree? In that spirit— Happy, happy Easter!

There are only two months left in the school year, but there are many activities yet to come. Our seniors will be making their final college decisions by May 1. Many of our daughters will be focused on keeping their grades up while maintaining their various extra-curricular activities, all while trying to find the perfect prom dress. At our Parent Board meeting last month, Admissions Director Dina Cannizzaro shared statistics regarding our incoming freshman class applicants. We had a record number of applicants and they are a very impressive group of girls. Welcome to the Class of 2019! The Presentation Parent Board would love your help with the Incoming Frosh BBQ on Wednesday, April 29. Be sure to check the Friday Parent email for more information. Finally, don’t forget to continue supporting Presentation by purchasing a Starbucks Easter gift bag. Stop by the Office of Advancement to purchase one. Enjoy your Spring Break!

Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Lisa Allen, Parent Board President

April 2015


Department Spotlight: Physical Education As the semester winds down and finals approach, students are feeling the pressures of school. That’s why it’s nice for them to take a break in their day and just play. Whether it’s in the weight room, gym, pool or yoga room, the Physical Education Department at Presentation provides them with opportunities to decompress and move! Exercise can give their academic brains a much-needed respite from the classroom. As a department, we encourage lifelong fitness by telling our students:

“The scene is safe!” Congratulations to the entire sophomore class. Every girl successfully completed an American Heart Association, HeartSaver, CPR/AED (adult/ child/infant) course in their Wellness and Prevention course.

• Take a break in your day to MOVE! • Stop stressing about all the “things” you have to do and do something for your body through physical activity. • Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will help you better manage yourself when you are out in the world. • Make taking care of your body a priority. Our Panther Boot Camp classes are enjoying the expanded weight room, allowing for more dynamic workouts and expanded circuit training. Earlier in the school year, our Instructional Swimmers recorded more than 12,000 combined yards in their final exam. For the first time in the history of the school, the Physical Education department offered a Red Cross certified Lifeguarding course. We now have 18 new lifeguards who have mastered their skills and knowledge with multiple in-water tests and two written exams. Presentation is the only school in the Bay Area to offer a Lifeguarding course within its PE curriculum.

Dianne Lagana Physical Education Dept. Chair, EMT (Santa Clara County) Cindy Campbell Certified Yoga Instructor Marisa Cozort Aquatic and Fitness Specialist






College Counseling

Today’s families are besieged by print and online media stories hyping perceived difficulties in the college admissions process. News reports and rankings focus on the 20 or so most highly-touted, super-selective schools with name recognition and high price tags; most overlook 90% of the colleges we all attended. Annually, like clockwork, when spring college decisions arrive, the media has a heyday with news of outstanding students who did not achieve admission to elite institutions. Yet, most stories ignore the majority of students who were thrilled to gain admission to the college of their (lesser known) number one choice.

In the tempo of the college application process, the submission of applications is now complete and the next phase for our seniors is upon us-—decisions. Admissions decisions from colleges have been arriving throughout the month of March. By mid-April, all students should have received their notifications. Friday, May 1 is the National Response Deadline.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the media admissions hype, consider the following information from the 2013 State of College Admission Report from the National Association for College Admission Counseling:

The mean acceptance rate among all four-year U.S. colleges was 64%. The average college admitted nearly two-thirds of the students who applied. 80% of all four-year U.S. colleges admit more than 50% of the students who apply. Elite colleges are the exception when it comes to admittance numbers in the single digits. A 2013 survey from UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute reveals more than 75% of college freshman reported they were attending their first-choice college. Remember these points the next time you encounter the newest ‘hot-off-the-press’ article purporting to tell the truth about college admissions. College Counselors at Presentation exert maximum effort to keep a hype-free, low-stress environment for students, ensuring they have the tools and guidance to be successful in their admissions journey. Trust us to give students and families the straight story on college admissions.

For each student and her family, many components will factor into the decision, including cost. Along with the acceptance notifications, or shortly thereafter, colleges will send information pertaining to financial aid and scholarships. Because colleges and universities can distribute their financial aid awards in any format they choose, it is extremely important to make sure each award is considered carefully. It is crucial to note and understand the difference between gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self-help aid (student and parent loans, work study). The reality is not all colleges and universities are in a financial position to meet all admitted students’ full need; a gap may remain between the amount of financial aid and the total price to attend the particular institution. Colleges and universities do have the ability to employ what is called “professional judgment.” This can occur if a family has extenuating circumstances that are not accounted for in the FAFSA or if family finances have changed since the submission of the FAFSA. If a student or her family has questions, the Financial Aid office at the specific college or university is the first place to turn for assistance. Here are three websites that are valuable for understanding the financial aid process and for comparing financial aid awards: U.S. Dept. of Ed, Federal Student Aid: California Student Aid Commission: College Board, Pay for College: pay-for-college/financial-aid-awards

College Counseling Important Dates



9 23

Wednesday, April 15: Financial Aid Night for Junior Parents 7 p.m., Valenzuela Theater Thursday, April 23: College Admissions Case Studies program for Juniors. Archbishop Mitty High School, 6:30 p.m. (Advance registration necessary)

April 2015



Community Involvement

Campus Ministry

Most students view February break as a chance to relax, catch up on work, and have a little fun. But six students chose to spend their break differently. Jillian MacLeod, Sangeet Brar, Aditi Mittal, Maeve Kavanagh, Brianna Borrayo, and Sarah Kaul (accompanied by Community Involvement Director Lindsay Swoboda and Librarian Katy Lemon) traveled to San Diego and Los Angeles to learn more about immigration. They visited the U.S.- Mexico border, left water in the desert for those on their immigration journey, made and delivered sandwiches to day laborers, taught English to Spanish students, and helped immigrants study for their upcoming citizenship classes. During meetings with community activists and local government leaders, students discussed political viewpoints about immigration; they also learned more about what communities are doing about the current surge of immigrants. The students also spent time with our Presentation Sisters who work in Los Angeles serving a low-income community of immigrants. The Sisters spoke with the students about the ways they can make a difference and advocate on behalf of the poor and marginalized.

Lent is the perfect time to look inward and ask, “What am I invited to fast from so that I can better experience God’s graces in my life?” We asked our students this question in Peer Ministry and their answers were thought-provoking; they decided to fast from negativity, anxiety, and doubt. What wise women these students are! Let’s all take a lesson and prayerfully consider what we need to let go of this Lent so we can make more room for God’s grace in our lives. Looking ahead, our final retreat of the year will take place April 16-17 at the beautiful Presentation Center in Los Gatos. This overnight retreat for juniors is led by a team of faculty and senior Peer Ministers and is focused on “The Sacred Journey.” The senior leaders share talks on prayer, faith, integrity, and commitment; the juniors reflect on all of the gifts and blessings in their lives. And coming up on Friday, May 1, we will celebrate May Day and honor Mary with a prayer service focused on celebrating her “Yes!” to God.

Presentation High School offers a full slate of summer courses for boys and girls of all ages. Presentation is the place to be this summer!

play swim The trip proved to be educational and inspiring. One trip participant reflects on her experience, "Because many immigrants are Catholic, I felt as if we had a lot in common. I saw so much grace in the day laborers that we met and I felt as if they were the embodiment of Christ because they carry the world on their backs and are incredibly selfless. Through learning about the suffering of people much like myself, I had a kind of religious revelation. The devotion I felt I had been losing in the past was restored in my passion to help those who are ill-treated." Students who are interested in attending an immersion trip during their time at Presentation are welcome to stop by the Community Involvement office anytime or can find more information on our website at www.presentationhs. org under Faith and Service.

learn & explore act

Details and registration at

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Dance Team: National Champions!

The Presentation Dance Team had an amazing competition season—one for the record books! The team went undefeated at their four regional competitions, including remarkable performances by our soloist Lindsey Sandri, as well as Stacey Hester, Milan Brahney, Bella Anderson Enni and Shannon Hurlston. The team was named Regional Champions at the West Coast Elite Competition for being the highest scoring school. This was the first year that the team took first place in all divisions including soloist at each and every competition before heading to Nationals. During the weekend at Nationals, their outstanding performances made Presentation history! The team won two national titles during the Contest of Champions at Disney World. Here is a list of all the awards the team won: 1st Place Overall: Highest Scoring Team - Medium Division 1st Place Overall: Highest Scoring Team - Extra Small Division 1st Place: Extra Small Division - Contemporary, Lyrical & Jazz 1st Place: Small Division - Contemporary 1st Place: Medium Division - Character, Lyrical 2nd Place: Medium Division - Hip Hop Best Choreography: Extra Small Division - Contemporary & Jazz Highest-Scoring: Lyrical, Contemporary and Character

Dance Concert Don’t miss seeing our amazing dancers at the Spring Dance Concert May 6, 7, 8 at 7 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater. To purchase tickets, please visit Panther’s Den on the Presentation homepage:

April 2015



Performing Arts

Dance Team Audition Prep Workshop Wednesday, April 22, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Presentation Dance Studio Grades 7-12

It’s Still

l l o R d n Rock a to Me

Learn tips and techniques before the Dance Team Audition on Friday, May 15. Cost: $25 Register by emailing Sara Fugate:

Presentation Dance Team Auditions

THE BLUE PLAID PLAYERS CELEBRATE ROCK ‘N ROLL: A hard-working group of talented volunteers created an original show called, It’s Still Rock and Roll To Me. Our theater booster club, TADA!, will present this show in the Valenzuela Theater April 17-26. Written by Board of Trustees member, Dan D’Ali, this show is an entertaining look at the music of the 1950s-—the sock-hop decade that gave us so many memorable tunes. Watch alumnae, parents and our talented theater boosters strut their stuff for six performances only—all to raise money for our thriving performing arts program. Consider joining us for our gala celebration on Saturday, April 25 with a catered dinner in the Center followed by the show! Make your reservations through the Panther’s Den on the Presentation home page. See you at the theater!

Presentation Repertory

Monday, May 11: Parent Meeting 6 p.m., Library Review of the audition process May 12-14: Audition Clinic 4:30-6:30 p.m., Dance Studio Students learn required techniques for auditions Friday, May 15: Auditions 4:30 p.m.-onward More Info:

SUMMER FUN: Do you know a student between the ages of 12-17, boy or girl, who would benefit from some self-esteem, self-presentation or teamwork skills? PresRep is just the place. Our summer theater camp, in its 13th successful year, is now open for registration. This five-week camp runs 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday from June 15-July 19. This year’s main-stage production is a big win for Pres; we will be the first local stage to produce the hit teen musical Bring It On, based on the movie about competitive cheerleading. In addition to a role in this musical, and a role in a second nonmusical play, there will also be classes offered in comedy improv, acting technique, dance and tech theater to name only some of our subjects. Our campus is a creative and safe place for your student to spend his or her summer days. A lot of friendships are made and maintained as a result of the bonds made at PresRep. Why not consider our summer theater camp for your student? Visit for all the details and register your student today.




Spring Drama: Stage Door

Dunk for the Nuns

Teacher vs. Student Mission Drive Basketball Game

April 2015



Athletic Department March has been a busy month around campus! The winter sports wrapped up their spectacular seasons while the spring sports began their tough WCAL competition. The varsity soccer team earned a bid to CCS as the No. 8 seed in the tournament—beating Leland in the first CCS game, then falling to St. Francis 2-1 in a tightly matched quarter-final game. The 2014-15 season also marks Mani Hernandez’s final year as coach. After 31 years on the Presentation sidelines, he will be greatly missed. We are so thankful to have had him here as long as we did! The swimming & diving team is off to a great start with wins over Notre Dame Belmont and Notre Dame San Jose. Junior Chloe Isleta earned an automatic All-American time standard in the 100m backstroke and also earned a new pool record in the 100m backstroke. Punching their tickets to CCS are: Stephanie Blankley (200/500m freestyle), Chloe Isleta (200m individual medley/100m backstroke) and Emma Malysz (200m freestyle). Way to go!

The varsity basketball team earned the No. 1 seed in the CCS tournament—beating Leland and Los Gatos to advance to the CCS Championship. The team lost to St. Francis in the final game, but earned a berth to the CIF NorCal Tournament as the No. 7 seed. The tournament started with a win over Windsor, as well as an incredible win over No. 2 seed Carondelet. The Panthers advanced to the NorCal semi-final match and fell to Mitty. By advancing as far as it did, the team earned the right to say it’s one of the top four teams in Northern California and one of the top eight teams in the state. Congratulations!

April Home Games Softball Tuesday, April 14 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep, 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 21 vs. Valley Christian, 4:00 p.m.

The track and field team is hard at work competing in local invitationals, and our pole vaulters are off to a great start, with junior Sydney Jaques taking home gold with her 12' jump. Sydney is now ranked No. 1 in the WCAL and CCS and No. 4 in the state! Keep it up! The softball team is battling through a very challenging pre-season schedule, with solid performances and a few great wins. In April, the softball team will be going to the highly touted Livermore Stampede Tournament. Go Panthers! Stacey Mallison, Athletic Director

Diving Saturday, April 18 - Brian Tanner Memorial Diving Invitational - 12:00 p.m.

Track & Field

Wednesday, April 22 vs. Notre Dame Belmont, 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 15 vs. Saint Francis High School, 3:00 p.m., @ Bellarmine

Swim & Dive

Wednesday, April 22 vs. Valley Christian, 3:00 p.m., @ Bellarmine

Wednesday, April 15 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep, 3:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 29 vs. St. Ignatius College Prep, 3:00 p.m., @ Bellarmine

Thursday, April 30 vs. Sacred Heart Cathedral, 3:00 p.m.




Benefit Drawing Packages Four exciting prize packages are being offered in this year's benefit drawing for the endowment for financial aid. You can purchase tickets with your online reservations, through a Presentation student, or during the reception hour at the lunch and dinner shows on Friday, April 24. Winners will be drawn and announced at the dinner show. You need not be present to win! Tickets are $40 each, 3 for $100 or 8 for $200

Friday, April 24, 2015 Santa Clara Convention Center

It’s Showtime!

Presentation's annual fashion show returns Friday, April 24. Two productions will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center: one afternoon show and one evening show. This year's theme, "Vintage & Vogue," will come to life as Fashion Show Producer Sandi Maida Callahan '74 creates a lively showcase of senior students, alumnae, faculty and friends of Presentation working the runway! Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this special event benefiting the endowment for financial aid at Presentation. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are still available. Be sure to secure your reservation today:

Student Benefit Drawing ticket sales happening now! Try your luck at winning one of four amazing prize packages! Benefit Drawing tickets can be purchased in advance through the online reservation page or you can buy tickets from any Pres student as part of a pre-show student contest that runs through Friday, April 17. The more tickets you buy, the bigger the prize for the seller! Prizes range from gift certificates and free dress passes to a pair of graduation seats (three pairs available) or a personal Presentation parking space on campus (five spaces available)!

Volunteers needed! We are also looking for volunteers to work behind the scenes as model dressers and show helpers during both shows. Visit the fashion show page on the Presentation website for more information about volunteering, reserving your seats, sponsorships and more!

Vines: Travel by limousine to Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Los Gatos for a decadent dinner for eight. Experience a night of magic and illusion with four tickets to Broadway San Jose’s The Illusionists. Use your new iPad Mini 3 to plan this magical night on the town! Vanity Fair: Look and feel your best with this health and beauty package, which includes a fitness boot camp, yoga classes, a spa experience and a professional teeth-whitening system. Plus, we will fill your new Furla designer handbag with shopping certificates and a new GoPro camera. Treat yourself to a day that is all about you! Venture: Explore the Pacific Northwest with a two-night stay at the Sunriver Resort in Oregon including golf for two and a $300 resort gift card to spend on your choice of dinner, spa, an additional night stay, or more golf. Then venture south for a six-night stay at a private Palm Desert home with gift cards to spend on local activities! Victory: Experience sports like a pro, with sports memorabilia and pairs of tickets to all your favorite Bay Area teams: Sharks, Earthquakes, A’s, Giants and 49ers. Get into the swing of things with a golf foursome at a local private club and capture all the action on your new GoPro camera!

April 2015


Friday, May 15 Cinnabar Hills Golf Club



Becoming a sponsor is a great way to support the tournament - and our students as well as promote your business in the event program and on the course!

Golf entry: $225 per player (includes green fees, golf cart, tee prize, lunch and dinner)

Ace - $10,000

‡ Tournament naming rights ‡ Premiere recognition in all media releases, program and tournament banner ‡ Full page ad in program ‡ Green fees and dinner for two foursomes




Contest Hole - $750

$25 of the ticket price constitutes a charitable contribution.

5HJLVWHU RQOLQH DW or complete this form and send with check payable to: 3UHVHQWDWLRQ +LJK 6FKRRO $WWQ *ROI 7RXUQDPHQW 3OXPPHU $YHQXH 6DQ -RVH &$ Name _________________________________________ +DQGLFDSBBBBBB $WWHQGLQJ GLQQHU" < 1 $GGUHVV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &LW\ 6WDWH =,3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Phone _________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ Please list the others in your foursome: 1. ____________________________________________ +DQGLFDSBBBBBB $WWHQGLQJ GLQQHU" < 1 2. ____________________________________________ +DQGLFDSBBBBBB $WWHQGLQJ GLQQHU" < 1 3. ____________________________________________ +DQGLFDSBBBBBB $WWHQGLQJ GLQQHU" < 1 Player fee $225 x ______ = $_____________________


Sponsorship level $ _____________________________ 1DPH WR DSSHDU RQ VLJQ EDQQHU ______________________________________________

Par - $500

Dinner guest only $60 x ______ = $ _______________



Hole - $250 ‡ 2QH VLJQ DW RQH WHH


8QIRUWXQDWHO\ , FDQQRW DWWHQG 3OHDVH DFFHSW my donation of $ ________________________________ Grand total enclosed $___________________________ $Q\ TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH FRQWDFW WKH 2IILFH RI $GYDQFHPHQW DW

Presentation High School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law. The fair market value of the benefits received from your sponsorship is not tax-deductible as a charitable donation.





April 2015

For complete calendar visit









9 LIS H E D I N 1





Parent Board Meeting 7 p.m., Library





Easter break









17 Rock and Roll


Easter break Happy Easter!



14 TADA! 6:30 p.m., Reception Room

19 TADA! Show 2 p.m. Valenzuela Theater

26 TADA! Show 2 p.m. Valenzuela Theater


Counseling Parent Night 7 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

27 Spring Sports Signing Day 12:40 p.m., Gym Foyer


Speech & Debate Awards Banquet 6 p.m., Valenzuela Theater



Golf Tournament Meeting , 4 p.m., Library Financial Aid Night for Juniors 7 p.m., Valenzuela Theater


Booster Board Meeting 7 p.m., Library


It’s Still

to Me


TADA! Show 7:30 p.m. Valenzuela Theater

24 Fashion Show


30 Math & Science Colloquium 7 p.m., Marian Stuckey Center

Brian Tanner 18Memorial Diving

TADA! Show 7:30 p.m., Theater

TADA! Show 7:30 p.m. Valenzuela Theater

25 TADA! Show 7:30 p.m. Valenzuela Theater

April 2015

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