The Lantern - December 2014

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The Gift of Appreciation By Rosemarie Healy, Academic Dean Counselor Class of 2017

One of my very favorite Christmas songs is “Mary did you know?” It is a song that ponders whether Mary really knew from the beginning that her son, Jesus, was destined to be the Savior of the world. Maybe he was just one of those bright little boys who read early and had a magnetic personality? Could she foresee his path and ultimately his death and resurrection? Did she try to steer him away from his destiny out of fear for his life? Any mother would have. Do we really know what the future holds for our children? What career will they settle into? Will they be happy? How many of us project our own dreams and aspirations on to our children and then orchestrate their every decision to line up with OUR vision for their life? If I’ve hit a nerve with you, please do not feel alone. We all want the very best things for our children. But do we stop to validate the positive characteristics and traits that they are developing as they navigate adolescence? Do we nurture and foster the unique and fresh qualities they possess. Is your daughter patient? Patience is a virtue. Is she kind? There are many impatient and unkind people in the world. She should be praised. Is she unorganized, yet utterly creative and spontaneous- juxtaposed to your other very orderly and linear offspring? Do you value her for the gifts she brings to your family even if her room is abominable? Your bossy adolescent might become a charismatic leader. Your quiet introvert could be the next author of the great American novel. Some Christmas gifts are found under the tree but many others are disguised in our day to day communication with one another. Perhaps this Christmas we might acknowledge the wonderful gifts that each of our children bring to the family table. This year give your daughter the gift of appreciating who she truly is.

From the Board of Trustees

Our November Board meeting featured a demonstration of our new 1:1 iPad technology. Department chairs Dr. Andrea Duwel, Eric Buell, and student Sara Stith showed the Board some of the apps that are being used to enrich student learning and creativity. All the presenters commented how using the new technology has fostered more “organic” growth in additional applications that enhance learning and productivity. iPad apps are also helping teachers face the challenge of assessing whether students are truly understanding class material. For example, Eric Buell uses the Canvas app in his religion classes. Among other functions, Canvas administers unit exams electronically and automatically corrects the exam minutes after students take it. This saves Eric hours of correction time and he can also see if students understand the concepts immediately before he moves on. He can also see which students may need help. This near “real time” feedback is helping to ensure that the classroom pace more closely matches students’ understanding. As I write this, faculty is moving back into the first floor in the new building ahead of schedule and on budget. Exciting to think the project will be completed and in use very soon. On behalf of the Board – have a Merry Christmas and New Year! Fred Crary, President, Board of Trustees

Inside this issue DEPARTMENT UPDATES Campus Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department Spotlight: Religion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dance Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attendance Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Math and Science Colloquium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Student & Teach Shout-outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletics: Varsity home games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booster Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Parent Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balloon & Starbucks Order Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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DECEMBER CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8




Campus Ministry

College Counseling

“O LORD, you are our father; we are the clay and you the potter: we are all the work of your hands.” - Isaiah 63, Reading form the First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30 This month, Campus Ministry invites the Presentation community to celebrate the joy of the Advent and Christmas seasons. The season of Advent, which began on Sunday, Nov. 30, focuses on waiting for the birth of Christ. The readings we will hear in church look forward to the fullness of the Kingdom of God - a time of justice, peace, and joy. We wait with confidence, because we know that Christmas is coming, when God takes on our humanity in the person of Jesus. You are welcome to join us on Monday, Dec. 8 as we will celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in our gym at 11 a.m. We also invite you to our Christmas Prayer Service on Wednesday, Dec. 17 at noon. I hope that God has been present to your family during this semester at Presentation. I am sure there have been challenging times and also great blessings in your daughter’s experiences. I hope our liturgies, prayer services, and retreats have shown her that God is her companion, walking with her each day. Blessings, Claire Foley, Campus Ministry

en Your one-stop shop for Panthers on-the-go! Click on the Panther's Den on the Pres homepage to buy all things Pres, all in one place!

A large component of the college process for students has been managing deadlines; the Seniors have done an excellent job of meeting our school-specific deadlines. Regular Decision application deadlines for private colleges and universities, as well as out of state public universities, loom large for them, with dates in December and January.

Parents, it’s your turn, as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) becomes available to be completed on Jan. 1, 2015. The student and one parent need a PIN to complete the FAFSA and the PINs can be requested now. Prior to January 1, parents can utilize the FAFSA4caster site to fill out a preliminary application and get a preview of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Please strongly consider filling out a FAFSA, even if you do not think you will qualify. The FAFSA4caster tool can be found on the Federal Student Aid website at It is also very important to check the Financial Aid section on the website for each college and university for any specific requirements they may have, including the CSS Profile or their own form(s). At our college counseling meetings with the Juniors, the students have been asked to access their Naviance accounts and begin to complete the resume section on the “About Me” tab. They should also start to think about their colleges by using the different college search functions on the Naviance site. Looking ahead to next semester, the Juniors will have a College Counseling information session during a mandatory, assigned collaboration period and will begin college planning activities in mentoring. We will host a number of college information nights on different topics, beginning in January. We will communicate with the parents of juniors through the Naviance email function as well as in the weekly school parent email, so be on the lookout for dates and details!

Dates to Remember


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Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m., Valenzuela Theater Financial Aid Information Evening for Senior parents: Cora Manuel from the Financial Aid office at St. Mary’s College will be the speaker.

December 2014

Community Involvement: Penny Drive & Toy Drive Christmas decorations are out on display, which means it's that time of year again when students are busy searching every nook and cranny of their houses to find loose change. That's right, it's Penny Drive time! During the first week of December, students are encouraged to bring in loose change to donate to Sacred Heart. This is a class level competition. Loose change is counted as ‘positive’ money for each class level’s total. But, students can bring in bills and checks to ‘dump’ on other class levels to bring down their overall total. Ultimately, Penny Drive raises $10,000 for Sacred Heart Community Service.

Directly following Penny Drive is Toy Drive. During this Toy Drive, everyone gets to feel a little like Santa Claus. Students are asked to bring in new toys for different age groups along with helmets and bike locks to donate to Sacred Heart. Parents who cannot afford to buy their children Christmas gifts are given the opportunity to sort through donations like ours during the week before Christmas. Please check our website at for more information. Thank you for all of your support during this holiday season. Thanks to our students, alums, parents, neighbors, and friends we are able to make this a joyous holiday season for everyone in our community.



Department Spotlight: Religion By Eric Buell, Department Chair Have you looked around your local Catholic Church lately? How many teenagers do you see? How many ‘emerging adults’ (18-25 year olds) do you see? If your parish is any indicator of national trends, you probably do not see the walls about to burst. A relatively new study examines trends in teenagers’ experience and practice of their faith and how that influences how they practice the Catholic faith as they become ‘emerging adults.’ The numbers, in short, do not look good when examining regular Mass attendance as an indicator of one’s Catholicism. But there was one sentence that struck me: “Even when American adolescents and emerging adults are not conscious of these influences, the evidence clearly demonstrates that the religious practices and beliefs of parents matter greatly for the religious lives of their children.” This may seem obvious, but the way you act, speak, believe, and practice your faith is critically important to the faith lives of your daughters. I imagine that parents can sometimes be concerned about forcing a belief system on a child or not wanting to repeat a bad experience they may have had with their faith as a teenager. I firmly believe that a faith system is as important for children as providing them a healthy diet and a good education. A faith life offers students a chance to communicate with their Creator about the stresses and anxieties of daily life, to place suffering in a proper context, and to establish a foundation whereupon they can build their life’s vocation. In Christ we can provide our students something that may be lacking at times: hope. During this season of Advent, my hope is you take the time to be a family of faith, not only with each other, but with your parish community as well. Do some spiritual reading, take time to pray, give your time, compassion, and mercy to others. Bring your daughters to Mass so they can meet Christ. The Church we seek and want in the future is based on our dedication, commitment, and practice today.

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Performing Arts

Upcoming Music Performances

A big hit! Congratulations to the cast and crew of our recent musical, Guys and Dolls, which wowed audiences and proved popular with our community. A special hats-off to seniors Robyn Naragon and Madison House-Tuck for their leadership of the cast, and junior Aradhna BulchandAshrani, stage manager and crew team leader, who took on a gigantic challenge and achieved a total success. It was an ambitious undertaking, with seven sets and over two hundred costumes, but our students (including our all-girl set crew) rose to the challenge and presented a spectacular production. Congrats to everyone involved for creating such an amazing show.

With December comes a bouquet of musical performances and opportunities for Presentation students to shine. First, you can catch our Piano Keyboarding I and Voice Class I students performing their end of semester solo recital on Tuesday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater. These students have been learning for only 3 short months and are ready to show some of their newly acquired skills! Our Winter Concert this year will be happening on two different dates. Come on over to the Valenzuela Theater on Dec. 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. for a multicultural musical treat from Bella Voce, Cantabile, and our Middle School Workshop students. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available through the PHS box office. Speaking of the Middle School Workshop, the students are well underway learning challenging pieces of music in a fast-paced, fun, and exciting way. They are engaging with members of Bella Voce in order to learn the new music and new languages for the Winter Concert, including familiar holiday pieces sung in their original languages. We look forward to seeing you in the audience and sharing the hard work of the students with you this holiday season! Kriti Sharma, Bella Voce Publicist

Winter Dance Cabaret

Comedy in December: On Thursday, Dec. 11, our comedy improv team, Spontaneous Combustion, will join our I.T.S. students as they present a night of holiday-themed comedy. Join us in the Valenzuela Theater at 7 p.m. Opening next month in the Valenzuela Theater: #HeadCase, a new musical created By Mr. Houle and former Pres parent Dave Coldren, will have five performances Jan. 14-18. Current and past students will combine their talents to produce this new play about teen stress and life online in 2015. Tickets are available to order on the Presentation High School homepage. Our spring play: Auditions for our spring play, Kaufman and Ferber’s Stage Door are Tuesday, Jan.13 from 3-6 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater. Performances are March 14-22. All Pres students are welcome to audition, as are any highschool-aged boys from our local community. See you at the theater! Jim Houle Performing Arts Director

December is a busy time for the dance team! We are working hard at perfecting our competition routines for our most important performance this semester, Winter Cabaret. Cabaret is a culmination of all our tireless efforts during the first semester. This performance will feature dance team’s award-winning competition routines as well as routines designed especially for this show. You will also see the magnificent choir, 3rd and 4th period dance and our performance dance class in this performance. Cabaret is on Friday, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex. Tickets for this sell-out show are already on sale and all are welcome to attend. Proceeds from this event go directly to the dance department, so please come out and support your favorite dancers! We thank you in advance for your support, and hope that you come to see us at Cabaret on Dec. 5!

Winter Concert & Dance Cabaret Visit to buy your tickets!

December 2014

Reminders from the Attendance Office


Special Student & Teacher Shout-outs Congratulations to Christina Lee ’09 who was named to the cover of Runner's World Magazine. Lee is running solo across the country to raise money for the Navy SEALS Foundation.

We are well into our school year with classes, homework, and co-curricular activities. It is important for your daughter to be at school and on time. Please remind your daughter to wash her hands, cough into her elbow, and not to share drinks or food with her friends. This is always a good policy for keeping germs at bay and staying healthy. If your daughter feels sick at school, she needs to see Ms. Furtado in the Attendance Office. Ms. Furtado will call a parent to come and get her. As a reminder, your daughter can carry Advil, Tylenol, Midol, cough drops, Benadryl, Tums, etc. in her backpack. By law, the Health/Attendance Office is not allowed to dispense medication to a student. It is our hope that your daughter stays healthy and gets through finals to enjoy the holidays! When your daughter is sick or coming to school late, remember to call the Attendance Office before 9 a.m. at (408) 266-1060. When your daughter returns to school, have her bring a note from you stating the date of the absence and the reason she was not there. Also, if you are taking your daughter our early, please send her before school to the Attendance Office with a note stating the time she will be leaving school and the reason for the absence. As always, thank you for your help and cooperation with our attendance policies and procedures!

Math & Science Colloquium This year we have 20 students participating in our Math and Science Academy Independent Research class. These students have been working on independent research project proposals, which they will be submitting for competition in the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Faire Association’s annual Synopsys Science and Engineering Competition, held in March 2015. Our Academy project proposals include projects in a wide range of topic areas including engineering, bioinformatics, molecular biology and psychology. We have already had a number of students who have done early submissions for their projects and have been granted pre-approval! Other students will be submitting their proposals by early January. In our Independent research class we have a number of students who have been working in labs with researchers at University of Santa Clara, as well as a number working with researchers at Stanford University. Dr. Tracy Hughes, Math and Science Academy Club Moderator


For the first time, the American Institute of Economic Research has given internship positions to two high school students; both of them are from Presentation - Sweta Sridhar and Shruti Goli. Sweta and Shruti will analyze monthly retail sales and labor reports and analyze economic trends. Our Speech & Debate team competed in the annual MinneApple tournament in Minneapolis, MN. Swathi Ramprasad and Samika Kikkeri took home blue ribbons for Double Octo Finals in Public Forum Debate. Speech & Debate director, Mr. Meyers, was honored with an award for Outstanding Achievement In & Dedication To Debate. Junior student, Stuti Vishwabhan, has received the prestigious Presidential Service Award for her dedicated commitment to the non-profit organization she founded, Teach Seniors Technology - which assists seniors with their technology needs. Longtime Pres educator, Pauline Newton, was honored with the CBEA award during the California Business Educators Association Conference. Pauline retired last year after a 33-year career at Pres. Over the years at Presentation, Pauline served as business department chair, class level moderator, director of admissions, moderator of the Presentation Ambassador Club, choir director, homeroom teacher, and DECA club moderator. Perhaps, most memorably, Pauline served as Presentation's typing teacher - instructing generations of Pres students to type without looking down at the keyboard.



From the Athletic Department Basketball and soccer fans, be prepared for an exciting winter season. Varsity Basketball has a great starting lineup and is working hard to be a strong competitor in the WCAL this season. Varsity senior, Akilah Jennings, just signed with the University of Northern Colorado and is sure to bring lots of energy to the games this season. JV Basketball, under the supervision of former Varsity Assistant Basketball Coach, Andy Anaya, is working hard with the JV team as they prepare for the JV holiday Classic Tournament later this month. Frosh basketball has some rising stars that are sure to bring a lot of new talent to the basketball program.

Our one-woman wrestling team, freshman Sophia Mercado, has been training hard to compete in her weight class division. Presentation Athletics is thrilled to have a wrestler and we hope you will show your support by attending an event this season. Looking back at the fall season, both Volleyball and Water Polo had 1st round byes as they competed in the CCS playoffs. Dalyn Burns was awarded First team All-League and Nicole Ciari was awarded Second Team All-League in the WCAL for Volleyball. Cross Country’s freshman Paige Comiso and Brooke Doblar both qualified as individuals for CCS. In Golf, Sami Oliva was awarded WCAL All-League and Annette Chu and Sami Oliva both made CCS, Sami just missed making NorCals in a sudden death playoff. In Tennis Aneesha Gala received 2nd team All-League and two doubles teams Hayden Geiger and Hailey Webb and Annie Fisher and Angelee Handa received Honorable Mention All-League Awards. A big congratulations to all our fall athletes who worked so hard to make this a memorable season! Go Panthers!

The Booster Board has been busy this fall shooting photos of all 38 fall senior athletes. Each senior received a banner with their sports action shot photo on Senior Day. The banners will be prominently displayed in the halls at Presentation as a show of appreciation for the athletes’ time and dedication to their sport. A special thank you goes out to Patty Evans, who tirelessly put together the senior banners and thank you to all the families who gave their support to make this possible. If you would like to learn more about what the Booster Club is doing or become a member of the Booster Board please contact Kevin Saldivar in the Athletic Department.

Game OF hrows



The soccer program, under the director of Varsity Head Coach Todd Daniels, is training hard for their season. Todd Daniels, along with former NASL soccer pro and former Presentation teacher, Mani Hernandez, will coach the varsity soccer team this year. Be sure to catch a game and watch out for senior and four-year starter Gabriella Sanfilippo who signed with Loyola Marymount University. JV soccer will be coached by father-daughter duo Jose and Evelyn Cervates and Frosh soccer will be coached by Presentation’s Sean Donoho. 2015 promises to be an exhilarating year for soccer - so don’t miss out on watching the teams in action.

Booster Club News



Corn Hole Athletic Fundraiser

Save The Date March 28, 2015

Varsity home games | December Soccer Thursday, Dec. 11 vs. Pioneer High School, 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13 vs. Notre Dame Belmont, 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 20 vs. Santa Teresa High School, 12 p.m.

Basketball Tuesday, Dec. 16 vs. Piedmont Hills High School, 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20 vs. Foothill High School (Varsity Shootout), 5 p.m.

December 2014

From the Parent Board



Balloon Order Form Fundraiser Name of student: ______________________________________________________________

Dear Parents,

Delivery date: ________________________________________________________________

My favorite time of the year is quickly approaching. I’ll admit it, I love Christmas. I’m not sure if it’s all the excitement, the lights, the gatherings, or the college kids coming home from school, but I love it all. I hope you and your families take time during the break to enjoy the season and all the fun and joy that it brings.

Locker number: ___________ Your name: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone number: ________________________________________________________________ Sender’s name (as you want it on the card): __________________________________________ Packages available (check one): Package A: $12 - Includes 3 solid color 11-inch latex balloons and 1 mylar balloon

I would like to extend a special thank you to representatives from our Robotics team for attending the November Parent Board meeting and giving us an informative update on the successes of our Robotics Program. This team should be very proud of all of their accomplishments.

Package B: $15 - Includes 6 solid color 11-inch latex balloons and 1 mylar balloon Package C: $20 - Includes 8 solid color 11-inch latex balloons and 1 mylar balloon $10 - Add a Starbucks card to your balloon bouquet

Mark your calendars for Thursday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. Mary Miller will deliver her annual State of the School Address in the theatre. It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear how our school is fairing academically, financially, and what the plans are for future growth. Mary is a fabulous speaker and it’s always an interesting and thought provoking presentation. Mary will also be available for questions. This is a great opportunity to invite prospective parents of future students to get a firsthand experience of what a special environment exists at Presentation.

$12 - Starbucks card only ($10 value on card) Occasion (check one): Birthday

Cheer up


Good luck

or on the following dates: Delivery is not available during Nov. 21, Apr. 24, May 15, May 19, May 29.

Orders must be placed and paid for in full at least 24 hours in advance. of Advancement. This order form must be returned to the Make checks payable to Presentation High School. Balloons will be delivered to locker by 11 a.m.

The next Parent Board meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Library. Please feel free to join us to hear about the exciting events coming up in 2015. Speaking of exciting events, be sure to save Saturday, Feb. 7 for our annual Crab & Pasta Feed where you will dine in style and dance the night away! It’s a fun event that you won’t want to miss. Anyone who would like to help with this event, please contact Chris Kelly at On behalf of all the members of the Parent Board, I would like to wish you and your family a truly enjoyable Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Lisa Allen Parent Board President

Want a snapshot of life on campus? Pres is now on Instagram! Follow 'MyLifeIsPlaid' to see what our Pres girls are up to!

Starbucks Gift Cards Wouldn’t it be nice if Pres made money ơ ǫ

Starbucks cards make great gifts for: ƥ Ƭ Ǩ

Buy a $10 Starbucks card and support Pres!

Cards can be purchased in the ƥ (house with white picket fence across the street from Pres) OR Ǧ Ǩ ƥ Ǥ

Starbucks Gift Card Order Form Ǥ ̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴ ͕͔͂ ί ̴͂​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴ ̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴ ̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴ ̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴​̴ Checks should be made out to Presentation High School.




December 2014 H TION IGH S TA CH N SE




For complete calendar visit



Penny Drive Begins

TUESDAY TADA! 6:30 p.m., 2 Reception Room Piano/Voice Semester I Recital



9 LIS H E D I N 1








Admissions Application Workshop

Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents

3:30 p.m., Room 14

7 p.m., theater

Dance Cabaret 7 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

8Feast of Immaculate 9





Final Exam Period 1


Booster Board Meeting 7 p.m., library

Toy Drive Begins

Improv Show 7 p.m., theater



Final Exam Periods 2 and 3






Winter Choir Concert 7 p.m., theater

19 Final Exam Period 4 and 5

Christmas Prayer Service 12:05 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex



7 p.m., theater





Christmas Holiday Begins

Winter Choir Concert 7 p.m., theater

20 Final Exam Period 6 and 7


JV Basketball Tournament 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

Varsity Basketball Tournament 12 p.m. - 8 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex


JV Basketball Tournament 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex

Merry Christmas!


29 Fall Sports Awards Night, 7 p.m., Miller Complex



1 Jan. 7

Classes Resume

December 2014 Campbell, CA Permit No. 332


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