The Lantern - November 2014

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LANTERN Dear Parents and Friends of Presentation, Last month, while indulging in one of my secret pastimes— reading People magazine, I came across this quote from Michelle Obama. She was asked what advice she would give herself if she was still in high school. Her response made me think immediately of your daughters who often worry too much and let the opinion of others weigh too heavily. This could apply to those of us women who are older as well. If I could give my younger self just one piece of advice it would be this: Stop being so afraid! That’s really what strikes me when I look back – the sheer amount of time I spent tangled up in fears and doubts that were entirely of my own creation. I was afraid of not knowing the answer in class and looking stupid, or worried about what some boy thought of me, or wondering whether other girls liked my clothes or my hair, or angsting about some offhand comment someone made to me in the lunch- room. I would love to go back in time and tell my younger self: “Michelle, these middle and high school years are just a tiny blip in your life, and all the slights and embarrassments and heartaches, all those times you got that one question wrong on that test – none of that is important in the scheme of things. Instead, what matters most are the true friends you make, the activities you throw yourself into, the books you read, the skills and knowledge you acquire. Those experiences – the ones that make you stronger, smarter and braver – are what really matter.” So I would have told myself: “Walk away from ‘friendships’ that make you feel small and insecure and seek out people who inspire and support you. Focus more on learning than on succeeding – instead of pretending that you understand something when you don’t, just raise your hand and ask a question. You’re a smart girl and the chances are, if you’re confused, so are many others. And for heaven’s sake, let yourself really fail once in a while – not some tiny little mistakes here and there, but big, glaring, confidenceshaking, dark-night-of-the-soul inducing failures. Understand that no one – especially folks that are truly successful – simply coasts from achievement to achievement. The most accomplished people in the world fail and fail big. That’s how they learn so much and grow so quickly and become so interesting and wise. In short, stop trying to be someone who will impress everyone else and just focus on being and becoming fully, sincerely and passionately yourself.”

Good advice! This is exactly what an all-female school like Pres should promote in our students. So when your daughter feels that something relatively small is the end of the world, you may want to share this with her! Women are, in particular, very hard on themselves; we need to help each other. In this month of Thanksgiving, let us be grateful for all the experiences that made us who we are, for the friends and mentors who inspired and supported us, and for the gift of life and the blessing of health. May God continue to watch over you and your families and fill you with grace. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Inside this issue LETTERS Board of Trustees letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parent Board letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DEPARTMENT UPDATES College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campus Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department Spotlight: Social Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Math and Science Colloquium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dance Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counseling Department: Senior Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attendance Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletics: Varsity home games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7

OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Auction Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fashion Show: Fundraiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 NOVEMBER CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8




From the Board of Trustees

From the Parent Board

Years in planning and enabled by so many of the Presentation community, our new building – known as ‘Building 200’ – is soon becoming a reality! The Board was able to tour the progress in the building and we were thoroughly impressed, as all of you will be when you step inside. Its impact will be felt for many years into the future.

Dear parents and friends,

We continue to take major strides forward in our committee work, building the pieces of a future master plan that, over time, will help define the vision of PHS going forward. This roadmap will ensure we continue to deliver the best in everything we do, developing our young women to reach their full potential. On behalf of the Board, thanks again for everything you are doing to support PHS. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Let’s kick off November by celebrating the great success of the 34th Annual Auction Gala held last month at Villa Ragusa in Campbell. Congrats to the many parent volunteers for making ‘Hollywood’ such a memorable and successful event! A special thank you to Lindsay Swoboda for providing the Parent Board with information about Presentation students’ community involvement at our October meeting. It was so refreshing to hear about all of the great things the girls are doing in our communities, their advocacy projects, and the immersion trips, among other things. On that note, as we roll into the holiday season, Presentation has wonderful programs in place to help us all give back and appreciate how much we have. If you are interested in helping out with the food drive, penny or toy drive, check out the school website for more information.

Fred Crary, President, Board of Trustees

College Counseling The month of November continues to be busy one for seniors as they submit their college applications. The submission time frame for CSU applications continues until November 30, the UC application is to be submitted from November 1-30, and early action and early decision deadlines for private colleges and universities are November 1 and 15. In addition many institutions, private and public, have rolling admissions, which means that the applications are evaluated as they are submitted; in these cases, our advice is to apply early in the cycle. We are continuing to meet one-on-one with our juniors. During these appointments, we will create a plan for college admissions testing (SAT, SAT subject tests, ACT), review their Naviance account and give them some “to-do’s.” In general, we get to know them, their academic strengths and areas of interest and their activities. Last year, some of our students participated in a tour of East Coast colleges and universities during the Easter break, and it was a positive experience. The tour company, College Authority Tours, will present information on the plans for the trip next spring. The information session will be at Bellarmine on Nov. 3 in the Andrade Theatre at 7:00 p.m.

Dates to Remember


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Monday, Nov. 10 Deadline for seniors to submit their letters of recommendation requests for college application deadlines after January 1.

Soon you will be receiving an invitation to our fun-filled Texas Hold ’Em Poker Tournament, to be held on Friday, Nov. 21 at Presentation. It is a relaxed, fun-filled night with a fabulous homemade dinner, beverages and spirited card playing! There will be lots of friendly competition and camaraderie. The idea is to have a great time and enjoy the game, so you do not need to be an experienced poker player. An early reminder to SAVE THE DATE for our fabulous Crab and Pasta Feed to be held on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015. Don’t miss this event, as it’s one of most fun, festive nights of the year! Finally, don’t forget to order your Starbucks cards for the holidays. Just go to the Presentation website, and click on: “Parents: Forms & Information.” Best wishes for a grateful November and a blessed Thanksgiving. Lisa Allen Parent Board President

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November 2014

Community Involvement: Food Drive By Johanna Lazar ’15, Public Relations Intern The holiday season is upon us, and Presentation High School is celebrating by giving back to the community. Right now, the school is preparing for one of its biggest events of the year: Food Drive. During Food Drive, Presentation collects food and other items, including diapers and hygiene items like toothpaste and shampoo, for Sacred Heart Community Service. It’s a great opportunity for those in the Presentation community to get involved with service and help those in the community who need their help. Lindsay Swoboda, Community Involvement Director, explained, “It’s to get the community involved. The goal is to get every single Pres girl to do something.” Over the years, the drive has evolved from the Presentation community on campus to the extended community around Pres. Students go out into the surrounding neighborhoods and canvas for canned food, leave brown bags out for neighbors to put their donated items in, and return to pick up the bags of items neighbors leave outside their doors. “We have always reached out to our neighbors all around Presentation. Some have lived here for twenty-some years and have been doing this since they moved into their house. They expect that every second week of November that they’ll get a bag on their door, and they’re ready to fill it and give it to us,” Swoboda said. Of course, Food Drive is a chance for Pres girls to show their passion for service and display their school spirit. But, it’s also a competition among the class levels. Students they gain points for items brought in on “push days” – special days designated for specific items to be brought in, such as baby formula and frozen turkeys. The points go towards the yearlong competition for the sought-after Spirit Trophy. Presentation’s passion for service is evident all year long, and Food Drive season is no exception. From canvassing to bringing in frozen turkeys, the Presentation community continues to live up to its motto of “Not Words, but Deeds.”



Campus Ministry November is the final month of the Catholic Liturgical year. One special Catholic tradition in this final month is to pray for those who have died. People honor this tradition in unique ways. Here on campus, Mr. Jim Houle, our director of Performing Arts, sets up a beautiful altar of remembrance in the chapel each year. From Oct. 31 - Nov. 7, Campus Ministry invites you to bring photos, written memories, or symbols of loved ones. We also welcome you to come and pray before the altar. On Nov. 11 we’ll take a group of sophomores on retreat at the Presentation Center. This retreat focuses on friendship and forgiveness, and priests from local parishes will be present to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As with all our retreats, we welcome students of all faith traditions to attend. Although this fall retreat is full, there is still space for sophomores who wish to make the retreat in February. Please use our website to register: On Friday, Nov. 21 we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple, which honors the Presentation Sisters, their foundress Nano Nagle, and their charisma of ministry to those made poor. All are welcome to attend this special liturgy on at 11 a.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex. Many Sisters of the Presentation from the Bay Area will attend and will renew their vows at this beautiful mass. Take your candle, go light your world! Blessings, Claire Foley, Campus Ministry

Auction Success! The Presentation Hollywood Auction on Saturday, October 25 was a massive success! The red carpet was bursting with Pres celebrities of all kinds: current parents, board members, alumnae parents and alumnae. Guests thoroughly enjoyed swirling their glasses at the chance to win a 1/2 carat diamond, and clamored to place bids at abundant silent auction tables with great gifts and a very exciting live auction! A very special thanks to everyone on the auction committee who worked incredibly hard the past year on this event. Additional appreciation for all student and parent volunteers who worked the night of the auction. Each and every one of your made this event a tremendous success for Presentation! Watch for a whole new set of auction items available on the online auction coming up at the end of this month! More details will be emailed to you soon!




Department Spotlight: Social Studies Andrea Duwel, Department Chair The Social Studies Department is always looking for ways to make connections between our classes and the world beyond school. During the Ancient Islam unit, guest speakers from the Islamic Speaker’s Bureau spoke to the students in the World History classes about what it means to be an American Muslim, allowing them to apply what they were learning about history to a contemporary context. The Civics students have been busy getting involved in the political process as part of their Political Involvement Project. With an election right around the corner, students are engaged in activities such as working for Congressional campaigns and volunteering with the League of Women Voters to help support the pro-con ballot and candidate forums. In addition to their political engagement outside of school, on Election Day students and teachers alike will descend upon the library to participate in our Presentation Mock Election. We will be voting for San Jose mayor, State Assembly, U.S. Congress, Governor and Lt. Governor, propositions 2, 46 and 47, and local measure Q. The Social Studies department has also organized an international trip next summer during which students will visit sites such as the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the UNESCO offices in Paris, and the United Nations in Geneva. The trip will culminate with a three-day leadership conference in Davos, Switzerland. And, if making connections to the world beyond school is not enough to keep our students engaged, the Social Studies teachers have been using the iPads to take education to the next level. The United States History students are using the Educreations app to place the causes of the Civil War in a broader historical context, recording themselves narrating events, and the AP Psychology students created brain controlling superheros and made short iMovie trailers to demonstrate their understanding of the brain. There is never a dull moment in the Social Studies Department!

Math & Science Colloquium Presentation High School’s Math and Science Department is proud to host our November colloquium. On November 20, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater, Dr. Eric Palkova, of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UC Santa Cruz, will lead our discussion about the effects of fishing on the evolution of fish and the future of aquatic ecosytems. All are welcome!

Music Department The Middle School Workshop, now well underway, began on Oct. 22 with 21 participants representing 15 different schools from across our area, both public and private. The Winter Concert is not to be missed! It’s taking place Friday, Dec. 12 and Saturday, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in Valenzuela Theater! Tickets will be on sale via the P.H.S. Box Office.


As you have likely read, Bella Voce is raising money to help fund their trip to Segerstrom Performing Arts Center in LA this upcoming April. If you would like to support the choir in this endeavor, please consider attending our Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast on Nov. 8 at the Saratoga Applebee’s location. For a $10 ticket, you receive all-you-can-eat pancakes, orange juice, coffee, and bacon. Tickets can be purchased through any Bella Voce member or by contacting director Emilie Bertram at Your support is greatly appreciated! Emilie Bertram, Vocal Music Director

Dance Team Updates The month of November is a busy one for the Dance Team as we prepare for the Dance Cabaret. This performance will be on Friday, Dec. 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex; tickets will be available online at presentationhs. org beginning Friday, Nov. 17. This performance is the only time to see the dance program and choir together in one night. This evening will also be the first opportunity for the team to showcase their upcoming competition routines, as well as 3rd period, 4th period and the performance class to showcase what they have accomplished this semester. This is a show not to miss. Interested in helping the dance team raise money for Nationals? Please join Toss Designs and Presentation Dance Team for a night of shopping in Los Gatos from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 6. Drinks and little bites will be served. 20% of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the dance team. Toss Designs is located in Los Gatos at 130 North Santa Cruz Ave.

November 2014

Performing Arts



Senior Year Ups and Downs MaryLynne Rodriguez, College Counselor

Opening this month in the Valenzuela Theater: Guys and Dolls, our fall musical, debuts on Saturday, Nov. 1 and runs through Sunday, Nov. 16. Seniors Madison House-Tuck and Robyn Naragon lead the cast of 46 performers and 20 student technicians. As usual, our TADA presidents, Terry and Maeve Hannon, have coordinated our army of set and costuming volunteers, who have all worked tirelessly to make our original sets (seven locations!) and costumes (over 200…yikes!). Why not show your Pres pride and support this cultural event right on our campus? Don’t forget to invite everyone you know! For best ticket selection, order your seats right now. Tickets are available to order on the Presentation homepage; click on the Panther’s Den, our online store, where you can select and pay for your favorite seat online. I.T.S. supports families in need: Congratulations to this year’s I.T.S. officers Madison House-Tuck, Alexandra Randazzo, Heather Lewis, Ankita Bahnot and Courtney Baz who raised funds to donate to the San Jose Family Shelter by producing The Concert for Community. It was a thrilling evening of performance and, once again, the depth of Pres students’ talent was on display, as well as the generosity of our community. Special thanks to the parents who performed with their students. Another musical? Our stage will not be dark in January, as we will be presenting another fully-produced musical January 14-18. The musical is titled #HeadCase. It is an original musical about teen life today. Set in a high school not unlike our own and performed by our talented Pres students, along with a few male actors from local schools, this musical will deal with the theme of student stress in the new millennium. Written by myself and Pres parent Dave Coldren, #HeadCase will be like nothing we have ever presented before. Mark your calendars to see the premiere of this brand new show! See you at the theater,

It seems like the world today, with its constant media access in all its forms, has bombarded the everyday person. Daily, I see people distracted by technology - staring at glowing screens, necks down, texting and scrolling through the latest status update. We have become so consumed by smartphones and other devices, we forget to engage in real and meaningful conversation. As a graduate with a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, I firmly believe in talking as a form of curation, to relieve stress, to share one’s feelings is to relieve the soul of its burden. This is my 8th year at Presentation, and I have witnessed firsthand the number of applications rise, and the stress associated with the standardized exams at an all-time high. More than ever, students seem most concerned with the name and rank of the college they would be attending, rather than what the college could provide to them in terms of academic opportunities and fit. Senior year will be a rollercoaster ride for those lucky enough to be in the throes of it this year. A wonderful, glorious, messy year, with rejections and acceptances to abound. SAT and ACT scores will never end in a satisfied test taker, as there is always a better score to attain, promise of a more prestigious college acceptance, if only 100 additional points were earned. For the senior parents, the first semester will be fraught with nervous energy. Applications all be completed online, test scores will be sent via a glossy computer screen, and many students will receive their decisions not through a fat envelope in the mail, but via an impersonal email. While much of the college process is being conducted on a cold hard screen, the conversation, emotions, and consoling will all be done face to face, one to one, human being to human being. This year, do not lose sight of what this process is really leading to. The spring semester will be one of emotion, decision making, and often, tough conversation. And then, as soon as it all began, you are getting ready to say goodbye to your daughter. Talk. Laugh. Rejoice. Mourn. Celebrate. Sit with and accept the raw glory of this life.

Jim Houle Performing Arts Director

Want a snapshot of life on campus? Pres is now on Instagram! Follow 'MyLifeIsPlaid' to see what our Pres girls are up to!




Attendance Reminders Please inform the Attendance Office when you are going out of town and leaving your daughter in the care of someone else. It would be best if this person was on your daughter’s emergency contact card. Inform us of the duration of your trip, the name of the person in charge, a phone number for an emergency contact, and how to get in touch with you. This is critical information in case of any emergency. Also, remember to call in absences by 9 a.m. even if your daughter is coming to school late. She always needs a note from a parent regarding her absence. If you are taking her out of class early, please send her before school to the attendance office with a note stating the time she will be leaving and the reason for the absence. It is helpful to know if she plans on returning to class that same day. As a reminder, by law, the school cannot dispense medication. Your daughter may carry Advil, Tylenol, Midol, cough drops, etc. in her backpack to use as needed. Thank you, as always, for your cooperation. Catherine Furtado Attendance Secretary

en Your one-stop shop for Panthers on-the-go! Click on the Panther's Den on the Pres homepage to buy all things Pres, all in one place, including: PresWear PantherWear Mixer/Dance Tickets Box Office Tickets Special Events Tickets

Presentation Fashion Show 2015

Stock Your Cellar to Support Financial Aid Join the Fashion Show committee for wine tasting and appetizers at Joseph George Wines. Our generous friend, Bert George, is once again opening his wine shop to Presentation family and friends for a private evening of tasting and shopping on Thursday, Nov. 20 from 5 - 7 p.m. The evening is a fundraiser for the Vintage & Vogue Fashion Show. Joseph George Wines will donate all profits from the evening’s sales to the Endowment for Financial Aid. Come stock your cellar and do your part! Everyone is invited – No ticket or RSVP needed Wine tasting and appetizers Stock up on holiday wine Shop for holiday gift baskets and unique gifts Support this great community business Thursday, November 20, 2014 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Joseph George Wines 1559 Meridian Avenue, San Jose Joseph George specializes in small production and rare wines from California and specifically Napa Valley. There are many reasonably priced wines available, including Kathryn Kennedy and the family’s own Joseph George label. Please contact Anne Naragon at for more information.

November 2014

From the Athletic Department


Varsity home games | November Water Polo

Athletics had an exciting fall season! Many freshman athletes showed amazing talent, and our outstanding senior athletes continued to perform; many seniors will be playing their sport in universities across the nation next fall.

Saturday, Nov. 1 vs. Santa Catalina High School 2:30 p.m.

Most notable this season were the Varsity and Junior Varsity Volleyball teams who won Gold at the annual Panther Volleyball Challenge. Frosh volleyball held their own as they placed 2nd at the Stockton Challenge. Varsity Field Hockey played a record number of games this season and finished strong while overcoming injuries and a very tough schedule. Both Varsity and JV Water Polo performed well this season with their new coaching team. The Varsity team faced the challenge of early morning workouts, and both teams' potential for late season growth was present. Cross country had a great season as many of the student athletes broke their personal best records. Tennis went high-tech by implementing software used in physics class to help them improve their techniques; the golf teams spent long hours on the course perfecting their swing and medaling at several competitions during the season.

Tuesday, Nov. 4 WCAL Playoffs, Qtr. Finals TBA (time/location)

Winter tryouts are in full swing and we are anticipating a great season for both basketball and soccer. Todd Daniels and Mani Hernandez are heading up varsity soccer this year and former assistant varsity basketball coach, Andy Anaya, will head coach for Junior Varsity Basketball. For the first time ever, Presentation has a wrestling team, or rather, athlete, Sophia Mercado. Sophia will be representing Presentation this year in boys’ high school wrestling. The Athletic Booster Club hit an all-time high this fall with over 130 members. Teams with 100% membership were treated to a gourmet barbeque luncheon hosted by the Booster Board. The Boosters are hopeful that winter will prove to be a great success as well. We hope you will take the time to come and show our student-athletes your support by attending a game and showing your Panther Pride! Go Panthers!!! Karen Daniels, Interim Athletic Director

Pres Athletics is now on Instagram! Follow 'PresPanthers' to check out our Pres athletes!

Monday, Nov. 3 WCAL Playoffs, 1st Round TBA (time/location)

Tuesday, Nov. 11 CCS Playoffs, 1st Round TBA (time/location)

Field Hockey Tuesday, Nov. 4 vs. Prospect High School, 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13 CCS Playoffs, 1st Round TBA (time/location)

Volleyball Tuesday, Nov. 4 WCLA Playoffs, 1st Round TBA (time/location) Wednesday, Nov. 5 WCAL Playoffs, Semi-Finals, 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6 WCAL Playoffs, Finals, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 12 CCS Playoffs, 1st Round , 7 p.m.

Soccer Monday, Nov. 24 vs. Carlmont High School (scrimmage) 3:30 p.m.

Basketball Wednesday, Nov. 26 Alumnae Game , 7 p.m.





November 2014









9 LIS H E D I N 1

Guys and Dolls Opening Night 7 p.m., theater


Open House 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.



10Food Drive Begins








Parent Board Meeting Booster Board Meeting 7 p.m., library 7 p.m., library


Fashion Show General Meeting, 7 p.m., Library

Guys and Dolls 2 p.m., theater



Winter Sports Begin

Guys and Dolls 3 p.m., theater

Fall Athletics Signing Day


23 Penny Drive Begins

Fall Sports Awards Night, 7 p.m., Miller Complex

26 Frozen Turkey Push Day

Guys and Dolls Gala 7 p.m., theater

Guys and Dolls 7 p.m., theater

Guys and Dolls 7 p.m., theater

15 Public Forum Guys and Dolls 7 p.m., theater

Invitational 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Guys and Dolls 7 p.m., theater





20 Winter Sports Parent Meeting - 7 p.m., Miller Complex








For complete calendar visit

School Holiday


Alum Mom & Daughter Breakfast, 8 a.m., Stuckey Center


Poker Tournament, 5 p.m., Stuckey Center

Holiday: 27 School 28 Thanksgiving School Holiday


November 2014 Campbell, CA Permit No. 332


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