The Lantern - September 2014

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LANTERN Student resources and reminders for the new year Presentation Study Center By Kara Westbrook, Academic Support Director

Attendance Reminders Parents, if your daughter is not coming to school or is coming to school late, please call the Attendance Office no later than 9 a.m. at 408-266-1060. When she returns to school, send her to the Attendance Office with a note from you. Your daughter is considered absent if she arrives at school after 8 a.m. (unless she has a free period), and will need a note. All absences require a written note signed by the parent the day she returns to school. Faxes and emails are not accepted. Notes can be written on the school’s Absentee Note, which can be found on our website; or you may use binder paper, note paper or index card. The Attendance Office voicemail is available 24 hours a day and the office is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the rare instance when your daughter needs to leave school for an appointment, send her to the Attendance Office before school begins with a note from you stating the reason she needs to leave campus and the time of her dismissal. She will be given an Early Dismissal Notice from the Attendance Secretary, Ms. Furtado. She can leave class at the stated time on the Early Dismissal Slip. By law the school cannot dispense medication. Your daughter may carry Advil, Tylenol, Midol, cough drops, etc. in her backpack to use as needed. Please Note: The detailed Attendance Policy is located in your daughter’s Academic Planner on Pages 13-15. Please refer to this as needed throughout the school year or email the Attendance Office at

The 2014-2015 school year has just begun and the counseling department has had many girls stopping by to say “hi” or to find a quiet place to study. I am certified as a Language Development Specialist and to administer the California English Language Development Test (CELDT.) Before coming to Presentation, I had been working with at risk students through programs such as Reading Recovery and the United States Department of Education funded Supplemental Educational System. The wealth of knowledge I have gleaned working in these projects will now be focused on enriching the education of the girls at Presentation. I have worked with students from ages three to thirty in the areas of reading, math, spelling, comprehension, science and writing. I’m looking forward to giving the girls in the Study Center the hands-on support they need to achieve academic success. Additionally, I arrange for peer tutors in The Study Center. Any girl who has taken a course and achieved a grade of 3.7 or higher may be a tutor for that course. She must make a commitment to tutor an hour or more a week for the entire semester. If a student would like to be tutored, they can sign up in the Study Center, and I will match them with the appropriate peer tutor.

Inside this issue LETTERS Principal’s letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Parent Board letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Board of Trustees letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DEPARTMENT UPDATES Welcome new faculty and staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Department Spotlight: Visual and Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Athletics: Varsity home games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Campus Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Dance and Bella Voce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Student Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Auction 2014 - Hollywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Starbucks cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mother Daughter Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SEPTEMBER CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12




From the Principal

From the Parent Board

Dear Parents and Friends of Presentation,

Dear Parents,

It’s official! Summer as we knew it is over; it’s time to put down those trashy summer reads and get back to some serious material. I am pretty sure that’s what our students think has just been communicated to them, but you probably never guessed I would suggest that to you as parents. People who know me, know that summer vacation always generates my list of MUST READS for teachers and parents. Secretly, they probably wish I didn’t have time on my hands to recommend such homework. But here I go again. Some are new and some repeats:

Hopefully by now you have reestablished school routines and your daughters are getting used to getting up early again. With the beginning of construction on the new 200 Building, on top of the many events and activities at Presentation, the 2014-2015 school year should be exciting. We hope that you will contribute your time and energy to make this the best year yet.

• Mindset by Carol Dweck, Ph.D (2006) - This is all about achievement and success being less about native talents and more about hard work. It is a provocative message for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to motivate people to be their best. • Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers by Michael Riera, PhD (2004) - Great resource updated to include the challenges of social media, bullying, overscheduling, etc. • Mindful Parenting by Kristen Race, PhD (2013) - Simple, powerful solutions for raising creative, engaged happy kids in today’s hectic world. She gives you practical suggestion for how to slow down and stay connected as a family. • Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker (2006) - Beautifully explains the unique and important role fathers play in the formation of their daughters. A must read for Dads! • How Children Succeed by Paul Tough (2012) - He believes that it is as much grit, curiosity, and character that lead to success in life—non-cognitive skills that can be taught and learned. Let me state, I receive no financial kickbacks from any of these authors. But I do read many opinions about adolescence, student success and well-being and issues related to stress. I find the above to be credible and helpful recommendations on issues associated with raising children in today’s complex world. Anything that makes us think and moves conversation in a positive direction is well worth the time. Happy reading! I welcome your suggestions and thoughts. We are all in this together! Stay well and have a great month!

To acquaint you, the Parent Board is a group of dedicated parents actively involved in sustaining various educational and social activities at Presentation. Our mission is to encourage participation in activities and provide support for various fundraising events. We depend on the generosity and participation of parents and friends and encourage you to share your ideas, talents and resources. The Parent Board is responsible for the following activities: • Mother-Daughter Communion Breakfast • Crab Feed Dinner Dance • Principal’s State of the School Address • Frosh Family BBQ • Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament • Senior Dinner • Directory Ads • Family Ties Program • eScrip Program • Starbucks Cards • Everyday Balloon Bouquets None of this happens without your support, so please sign up to assist with these events at Look for the “Parent Volunteer Form” located under the PARENTS tab. The Parent Board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the school library. You are invited to attend as we discuss current topics, upcoming events, and invite guest speakers to update us on programs affecting our daughters at Presentation. Make the decision to get involved in the 2014-2015 year. It’s a great way to make new friends, have fun, create memories and stay connected to your daughter and the school that will play a huge role in her life. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me!

Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Lisa Allen Parent Board President

September 2014

From the Board of Trustees I’d like to welcome our new Board members Gail Cirone, John Hoffman and Dan Daly. In addition, Gary Giannini, John Yap, and Lou Basile return to the Board for another term. We are grateful for their service to Presentation. If you come to campus you’ll see iPads everywhere! The 1:1 educational technology plan is in action. It will be exciting to see the benefits to Faculty and Students develop over time. On campus, you can’t miss the construction of the Classroom 200 building in progress. Soon, much needed space for classes and clubs will be a reality. The Board retreat will take place Sept. 4. We will review our projects and plans for the year as well as our strategic initiatives for the future. I’ll be reporting on them throughout the year. Here’s to a great 2014-2015! Fred Crary Chairperson, Board of Trustees

Welcome to our new faculty and staff! Presentation High School is pleased to welcome the following people to our community. Say hello to our "frosh" faculty and staff members! Emily Cardenas grew up in the Monterey Bay area. She earned a bachelor's degree in History and Ancient Studies from Santa Clara University, where she also received her master's degree in Teaching. She has an additional master's degree in History from San Francisco State University. She will be teaching U.S. History and AP U.S. History. Cecilia Ferriere will be teaching French 2, French 2 Honors and French 3. Before moving to California two years ago, Cecilia was a teacher in Manosque, France. She earned a bachelor's degree in English/French translation from Paris X University and a French teaching certificate from AixMarseille University. Yvette Frojelin 86 was born and raised in San Jose, CA and is a graduate of Presentation High School, class of 1986. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and received her Bachelor's Degree from San Jose State in Psychology and her Master's Degree from Santa Clara in Counseling Psychology. She is very excited to be returning to Presentation as a staff member and will be working as a Counselor and Learning Specialist.



Wendy Kennedy Wendy Kennedy will be teaching Physics and Earth Science. She is originally from Connecticut and earned her Bachelor's degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and her Master's degree from Arizona State University. She is looking forward to sharing her love of science with her students. Natallia LoCicero ’07 will be the new Robotics Club Moderator. She graduated from San Jose State University with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. As a former member of Presentation Invasion, she is excited to give back to the team by helping students pursue their interest in STEM. Todd Newkirk will be working as a full-time substitute and Speech & Debate coach. He is coming to Presentation from Lynbrook High School, where he directed the Speech & Debate program for the last two years. He is from San Diego, where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies from CSU San Marcos. Campbell native Gene Tognetti was most recently Vice Principal of St. Leo the Great School, where he implemented a 1:1 computer program. Gene will provide ed tech coaching for teachers and staff as an Educational Technologist. Gene has a Bachelor's degree in Business, a teaching credential from UC San Diego, and is working on his Master of Educational Technology degree through Boise State University. In his spare time, Gene likes to race cars and watch all types of sports. He's also a lifelong SF Giants fan. Hailing from Michigan and more recently Maryland Megan Twiddy, is a veteran science teacher currently teaching Honors Biology and AP Environmental Science (APES). She also moderates the SEAS club. She enjoys hiking and biking and is thrilled to be working with the students and faculty at Pres. Caitlyn Foley ’00 VanderMaas is a graduate of Presentation. She holds Bachelor degrees in graphic design and art education. She is currently working on her Masters at Columbia University, Teachers College where she is studying the intersections of art and technology. She is returning to teaching at Pres as an Art Educator after a year home with her 15 month old daughter. She will be teaching courses in Graphic Design, Graphic Publications, Digital Video Production and Broadcast Journalism. Kara Westbrook will be working in the Study Center as the Academic Support Director. She graduated from Santa Clara University with a degree in Psychology and a teaching credential. She will be giving one-on-one instruction to girls in the Study Center and pairing students with peer tutors.




Department Spotlight: Visual and Performing Arts By Barb Purdy, Visual and Performing Arts Dept. Chair One of the many changes on campus this year is also occurring in the Visual and Performing Arts Department. Beginning with this freshman class (2018), students will take two years of art. Students will still be expected to fulfill the UC's one full year of an art requirement. The new requirement will enable students to experience a variety of art classes their second year or continue on in a discipline of their choosing, like Dance or Advance Art. The Visual and Performing Arts Department is very excited about it. Our department is also excited to welcome back alumna Caitlyn Foley ’00 VanderMaas as our digital arts teacher. She is teaching Graphic Publications (Yearbook), Graphic Design, Digital & Video Productions and Broadcast Journalism. Mrs. VanderMaas comes to us with a strong background in art. She started her career in Graphic Design and worked in advertising agencies in New York. She also had an internship working in the exhibition design department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During this time she was exposed to the different ways children can access the arts. Through this experience she noticed a discrepancy in the way art was valued at different levels and in different environments. She became interested in the role the arts play in the development of the whole child and how the school environment can facilitate such learning experiences. She went back to college and earned a second undergraduate degree in art education. She taught K-8 art for four years in New York. She is currently working on her Master’s degree at Columbia University, Teacher College where she is interested in authentic intersections of art and technology within the art classroom. She sees disciplinary boundaries blurring as artists seek out and use a variety of media to communicate their messages and wants students to also create having access to variety of media. When asked what she was looking forward to as a teacher at Presentation? Mrs. VanderMaas said, “Getting to know the students and becoming part of this amazing community of thoughtful and caring individuals!”

Like Pres on Facebook!

College Counseling By Mary Connolly, Director of College Counseling “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” As we welcome the Class of 2014 to their senior year, the College Counselors echo Ralph Waldo Emerson in our wish for the college admissions process to be one of enthusiasm and discovery, not one to be dreaded or completed as soon as possible to get it out of the way. No matter what each senior’s individual goals are, a successful journey to find the next step in their lives after Presentation can be enjoyable and one that enables them to begin the transition from high school to their next destination–be it college, employment, service, or travel. September is a busy month in College Counseling, chiefly with individual meetings with the seniors and hosting many college representatives on campus. We look forward to seeing the parents of the Class of 2015 at our information evening on Sept. 11, at which we will review our application process and other college-related logistics. We are pleased to have Jamila Everett, Ed.D., Director of Admission at Pitzer College, as a guest speaker for that evening as well. We hope that you will join us for one of our most important evenings.

College Counseling important dates MONDAY TUESDAY Tuesday, Sept. 9:



11 11

College Essay Workshop for Seniors, 1 p.m.-1:45 p.m., Valenzuela Theater Thursday, Sept. 11: Senior Parent College Information Night, 7 p.m. in Valenzuela Theater

Summer study abroad in Spain! The Modern Language Department is thrilled to offer a two-week study abroad program in Salamanca, Spain during Summer 2015. During this program, students will be fully immersed in the language, culture and daily life of Spain. Daily Spanish classes will challenge the students academically with 40+ hours of expert instruction at the prestigious Mester language school. Students will experience the sights, smells, tastes, and feel of Spain through interactive cultural activities, lectures, excursions, city tours, and other exciting adventures! This amazing study abroad opportunity will give students the chance to put their classroom learning into context while providing everyone with a fun and authentic place to practice their language skills! For more information contact Ms. Murray at or visit

September 2014

From the Athletic Department Hello Panther supporters! I hope everyone is having a great start to the school year! I am so excited to have the students back on campus and have their energy and excitement around us once again. The Athletic department had a very busy and exciting summer. The construction project in the Miller Athletic Complex began the week after graduation and the Athletic Department was moved into our temporary location in the Christian Life Center (CLC) building. We were able to run our summer camp program (we had 500 campers), run our Summer Strength and Conditioning program and get the temporary Training Room set up so it’s ready for the Fall season. The Strength & Conditioning program is being run on the Mani Hernandez field until construction is complete. Shaun Eagen ran a great program over the summer and was able to work with many dedicated student-athletes in volleyball, field hockey and basketball. If you would like to see the Fall Strength & Conditioning schedule, see the Athletics homepage and follow the link to the Fall Strength & Conditioning schedule. Some great news is that once construction is complete, the Weight Room will be gaining 500 square feet of space! The location of the Weight Room will be the same as it was before construction, but it is being expanded that more students will be able to participate in Shaun’s workouts! The Athletic Training Room also had to be moved due to construction. The temporary location of the Training Room is the room connected to the Gym that is near the Concession Stand and BBQ area. The best access points are either through the Celebration Area or by going into the Gym. Our Certified Athletic Trainer, Julia Murphy, has made the best use of this space and will be able to provide student-athletes with their taping needs, injury care and limited rehabilitation. Once construction is complete, the Training Room will be located where it was before construction (near the Weight Room) and will be fully functional. It’s a great day to be a Panther! I hope to see you soon! Go Panthers! Stacey Mallison, Athletic Director

Follow Presentation Athletics on Twitter!



Home games | September Golf Tues. 9/9

vs. Valley Christian Silver Creek Valley, 3 p.m.

Thurs. 9/11

vs. Notre Dame Belmont Silver Creek Valley, 3 p.m.

Tues. 9/16

vs. Sacred Heart Cathedral Silver Creek Valley, 3 p.m.

Tues. 9/23

vs. Archbishop Mitty Silver Creek Valley, 3 p.m.

Tues. 9/30

vs. St. Ignatius College Prep Silver Creek Valley, 3 p.m.

Field Hockey Thurs. 9/11 vs. Cupertino High School, 3:30 p.m. Tues. 9/16

vs. Lynbrook High School, 3:30 p.m.

Thurs. 9/18

vs. Willow Glen High School, 3:30 p.m.

Tues. 9/23

vs. Archbishop Mitty, 3:30 p.m.

Tues. 9/30

vs. Live Oak High School, 3:30p.m.

Tennis Tues. 9/9 Tues. 9/16

Volleyball Thurs. 9/4

vs. San Benito High School, Wallenberg Park, 3:30 p.m. vs. St. Francis High School, Wallenberg Park, 3:30 p.m.

vs. Homestead High School, 6:45pm

Tues. 9/16

vs. Los Gatos High School, 6:30pm

Tues. 9/23

vs. Harker School, 6:30 p.m.

Thurs. 9/25

vs. Salinas High School, 6:30 p.m.

Sat. 9/27

Varsity Panther Challenge, 8 a.m.

Water Polo Weds. 9/24

vs. Archbishop Mitty, 6 p.m.




Campus Ministry

Community Involvement

Each year Presentation picks a theme to focus our prayer and liturgy. Possible themes are brainstormed by students in Peer Ministry and then voted on by the larger student community in their religious studies classes. This year’s theme is “Created in God’s Image.” In their own words, the students chose this theme to focus on equality and dignity. They were drawn to the idea that God’s spirit dwells in all of us. Therefore when one of us is insulted or gossiped about, we are all insulted or gossiped about. They wanted a reminder that each of us is here for a reason and that each of us is “exactly what God had in mind when God made us.” They also wrote about wishing that all women everywhere were more comfortable with their bodies and hoped this theme could boost self-confidence on campus. Finally, they mentioned not judging each other and wanting to reaffirm that everyone has her or his own story. In short, they've chosen a challenging theme for this community to pray with and work on this year; and we hope this will allow us to create a better bond as students, faculty, and staff of Presentation.

We are gearing up for a busy and meaningful year here in Community Involvement. Speaking of meaningful, there are two exciting trips coming up this Fall: the San Jose Urban Plunge and the Ignatian Family Teach-In. The San Jose Urban Plunge will take place in downtown San Jose on Sept 26-27; this is an opportunity for students to learn about poverty, homelessness, and hunger in their local community. During these two days, your daughter will serve at various nonprofit agencies and learn ways to truly be in solidarity with those who live in poverty, just a couple of miles away.

Coming up on Sept. 21, all Presentation students have the opportunity to gather for mass and breakfast with their mothers and any other special women in their lives at the Mother-Daughter Communion Breakfast. Registration is available through the Office of Advancement or can be found on page 11. We hope to see your family there!

Presentation Retreats To help your daughter walk with God more faithfully, consider taking time this week to register your daughter for her class level retreat. Students of ALL faith traditions and backgrounds are welcome. Best of all, our retreats are FREE! Space is limited and the retreats are popular, so please register soon at

Retr Re treat at Ca Calenda lendar Sophomores Tuesday, Nov. 11 or Tuesday, Feb. 24 Juniors Thursday, Oct. 23-Friday, Oct. 24 or Thursday, April 16-Friday, April 17 Seniors Thursday, Jan. 15-Tuesday, Jan. 16 or Thursday, March 26-Friday, March 27

Deadline: Monday, Sept. 15

The Ignatian Family Teach-In will take place in Washington D.C. on Nov. 15-17 with over 1,000 high school and college students to strategize ways on confronting issues of injustice, poverty, and oppression both nationally and internationally. This is a three-day learning experience where students will have the opportunity to meet with their local representatives on Capitol Hill and advocate on behalf of the poor and vulnerable communities. Through reflection, prayer, networking, and advocacy, this Teach-In will provide an inspiring experience for all who attend. Lastly, for questions regarding any of the above mentioned trips or any of the Spring immersion trips (California Immigration, San Francisco, Appalachia, Nicaragua) offered through Community Involvement, there will be an Information Night on Wed., September 16th at 6-6:30pm in the Library. We look forward to seeing you there! Also quickly approaching is our annual Black & White Charity Ball which is taking place on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Presentation gym. Students will be transported to a time when Cary Grant, Gene Kelly, and Aubrey Hepburn walked among us. They will be met with a much deserved red carpet and paparazzi ready to catch their every move. Everyone is a star at Black & White! Tickets will be sold at lunch and online starting Monday, Sept. 8 and parents look out for more information on how to donate or volunteer at the dance in your weekly Parent Email Bulletin. We need your help not only to make this a memorable night for students, but also a successful fundraiser for Sacred Heart Community Service.

Black & White Charity Ball Boutonnieres This year’s Black & White Charity Ball is Saturday, Oct. 4. Make sure your daughter’s date looks great with a boutonniere–only $15 each! Plus, easy pick-up for your daughter on Friday, Oct. 3 in the courtyard. Online ordering will be available Sept. 8. Boutonniere sales are a fundraiser for Fashion Show 2015, which supports the endowment for financial aid.

September 2014


Dancers getting ready for a big year!

Exciting events for Bella Voce

Summer time is filled with many exciting events for the Presentation Dance Team! This year has already proven to be an extremely successful one as seen in just the first few months of practice. The dance team attended Lincoln Dance Intensive and United Spirit Associations Elite Dance Camp where many of our dancers were awarded “Super Sensational” ribbons for their hard work during the weekend. The team was also given the “Hardest Working” award. Our seniors have been a force to be reckoned with this summer! Lindsey Sandri (’15) was given special recognition at this camp and won “Super Sensational Dancer” as well as Stacey Hester and Milan Brahney rounding out the top 10 dancers for all of camp. For the rest of the summer, the team was hard at work learning competition routines that they will be showcasing at the various dance concerts, competitions, and nationals throughout the season. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the team perform in December at our Winter Dance Cabaret on Dec. 5.

By Emilie Bertram, Vocal Music Director

If you are interested in After School Dance, registration will be held on Thursday Aug. 28 at 2:40 in the dance studio. No registrations will be collected before this time. Registration forms can be picked up in the Athletic Office after Aug. 18 or will be available at Club Day sign ups. These are yearlong classes. If you are interested in only taking the second semester, please register in August to hold your spot.

2014-2015 Dance class schedule Monday 3 p.m.-4:15 p.m. - Lyrical 4:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m. - Jazz II/III 5:30 p.m.-6:15 p.m. - Tap Wednesday 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. - Jazz Performance Class Friday 3 p.m.-4 p.m. - Jazz I 4 p.m.-5 p.m. - Hip Hop


The 2014-2015 season for Presentation music students is quickly getting under way! The Voice Class is filled with girls excited to learn about singing as a solo art. The Piano Keyboarding I students are trying their hand at learning to play piano, and the Cantabile choir is discovering how to make many voices sound as one. Bella Voce again has exciting events on the horizon for this upcoming year, planning to take part in invitation only festivals at San Jose State University and West Valley College, and traveling to the LA area in the spring to participate in their second Festival of Gold and exchange with LA area colleges. Options to help them fund their trip will be available soon to those who may be interested. Bella Voce’s first performance is fast approaching, as they were invited to provide music for the Catholic Charities Caritas Celebration Mass on Oct. 14, 2014. We are looking forward to the opportunities that this year will bring and sincerely thank those who support us!

Performing Arts By Jim Houle, Performing Arts Director GUYS AND DOLLS TICKETS ON SALE SEPT 15! Auditions for our fall musical, Guys and Dolls, were very successful, and we certainly have an all-star cast of performers for our main stage musical in November. With sets and costumes galore, as well as a tuneful score and an entertaining story about some 1940s gambler guys and their showgirl and mission dolls, this will be a must-see cultural event. To reserve, go to our home page and click the box office icon, where you can pick your own seats and pay for them online. Tickets go fast for our musical, so reserve your seats soon. IT’S I.T.S.: Our drama club, the International Thespian Society, can’t wait to get started; so they are busy rehearsing Snip-ITS, an evening of short scenes and monologues which will perform Sept. 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater. ITS will again be presenting a variety of shows throughout the year–including a concert in October and a musical Snip-ITS in February. FINALLY: As I begin my eleventh year at Pres, I would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of our program–you know who you are! I am continually amazed by all the support, creativity and inspiration that pours in from the Pres community for each of our endeavors. We seem to have more than our fair share of creative energy in our little corner of the world, and it is gratifying for me to receive and channel this energy in positive directions. I truly believe an experience in the performing arts has a life-changing effect on the self-esteem of young adults, and I thank you parents who encourage your students to participate in the performing arts. I am also grateful for the many volunteer hours you have so generously donated. The students are not always aware when you go the extra mile; but I am, and I thank you. See you at the theater!




Saturday, Oct. 25 · Villa Ragusa

We are rolling out the red carpet awaiting your arrival! The Presentation “Hollywood” auction is now accepting reservations at Look for your invitation in the mail and reserve your place today because spots will go quickly! Auction highlights: • Silent auction tables with exciting themes such as: California Living, Home for the Holidays, Spa & Luxury, Pres Girls & many more! • An exciting live auction with local trips, family vacations, private parties and other premium items • Personal round of drinks delivered right to your table by Mary Miller and her entourage • Exhilarating raffles with your chance to win a beautiful 1.5 carat diamond and a “Popcorn raffle” where everyone is a winner! • Plus…one lucky guest will receive a prize just for attending the event (winner will be selected at random just for being in the golden seat on the evening of auction!) This will be a sell-out event! Grab your friends, encourage your fellow Pres gang to attend and get ready to bid high and often at the Presentation Auction! RSVP by October 10. Visit to reserve your ticket today!

Be treated like the Pres celebrity you are! Be an auction sponsor and receive many great perks at the auction event. All auction sponsors will be invited to an exclusive auction sponsor party two weeks before the auction event. You won’t want to miss this pre-party! Many other perks are included, see next page for more information and to get your star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Auction Wish List Our “Auction Wish List” returns! This list of items will help us spruce up both our silent auction theme tables and live auctions! Requested items range in prices from $50 and up! You are welcome to donate an item or send us a monetary donation to purchase an item on your behalf. All donations are tax deductible. To see our wish list of items and to make a donation, please go to auction and click “Wish List” button at the top of the page.

Breaking News from Hollywood! Featured at this year’s auction event is mobile bidding software provided by Bidding for Good. We are excited to be able to offer this kind of luxury for our attendees. Here are some tips in order to prepare for the upcoming auction: Before the event: Register your credit card ahead of time so registration and checkout are a breeze! Once your reservation is received, a link to register will be sent your inbox.

Pres Auction is going mobile! Register N ow

For the event: Bring a fullycharged mobile device that has a visible screen and can connect to the internet. For further information on mobile bidding and frequently asked questions, please visit

September 2014



Oscar Winner

Leading Role

Supporting Role


Movie Star






*Donation level qualifies for Presentation Platinum Club member

*Donation level qualifies for Presentation Circle member

VIP Seating at event Exclusive sponsor party invitation VIP Service

(Includes express registration with separate line and delivery of all won items to your table)

Complimentary glasses of wine at Premium Wine Bar

Four glasses

Two glasses

Four tickets

Two tickets

Two glasses

Two glasses

Upgraded wine selection at guest table Champagne served to table and specialty token Complimentary tickets to the auction event Complimentary one-night stay at The Pruneyard Inn, Campbell

AUCTION SPONSOR FORM The Presentation Auction is the largest fundraiser of the school year. Being a sponsor is a great opportunity for you to support Pres girls as 22% of our student body requires financial aid. Sponsors make it possible for Pres girls to take advantage of everything our campus has to offer - athletics, academics, technology, co-curricular programs and scholarships. Our sponsorship campaign is vital to the success of our auction event, and we are grateful for your support!

Sponsor Information Sponsor Name (to appear in catalog) __________________________________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ Address________________________________________________City/State___________________________________ZIP ________ I would like to sponsor the following level:

ɷ $10,000 Oscar Winner ɷ $7,500 /HDGLQJ 5ROH ɷ $5,000 6XSSRUWLQJ 5ROH ɷ $2,500 1RPLQHH ɷ $1,500 0RYLH 6WDU Payment Information

ɷ Check #__________ enclosed for $______________ made payable to Presentation High School. ɷ Credit Card ɷ Visa ɷ 0DVWHUFDUG 1DPH RQ &UHGLW &DUG BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Card#______________________________________________________CVV#_____ZIP_________ Expiration Date _______________ Amount to be charged $________________ Signature _________________________________________________________________ All sponsors to be listed in the auction catalog are due by Oct. 1. Complete form and send back with payment to: Presentation High School, Attn: Auction Sponsors, 2281 Plummer Ave., San Jose, CA 95125 or submit payment online at If you have any questions, please contact Special Events Coordinator, Johannah Baccaglio at or (408) 264-5110 ext. 2493 Presentation High School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.





Student Activities Mag Drive Mag Drive 2014 officially begins Friday, Sept. 5! As a reminder, all students are required to turn in either $120 in magazine subscriptions or donations. But, our school goal is at least $240 per student! Go to and use our organization ID#2585081 to purchase your magazines online, or register to inform your friends and family. Don’t forget to print and save your online receipts to earn sales credit and prizes! All orders must be completed by Friday, September 19th to receive credit. More information is available at

Mag drive ends Sept Sept.. 19 19.. Sell those mags!

Mother-Daughter Breakfast Seats are going extremely fast–get your reservation in now! Once we meet the gym seating capacity, we will not be able to accept any more reservations. This is truly a wonderful and meaningful event for moms and daughters! For details and a registration form, visit or see next page to fill out the form and return to Presentation.

Starbucks Gift Cards Don’t forget to order your Starbucks cards for this month. You can just come to the Advancement Office (house with white picket fence across from school) and purchase them there. For an order form visit or fill out the form below.

Leadership Academy Calling all team captains, club officers, and all those aspiring to leadership positions this year or next! The Presentation Leadership Academy is currently accepting membership applications for the 2014-2015 school year. Membership provides the opportunity to attend skillbuilding workshops, and receive individual leadership mentoring and monitoring of student leadership growth. All students have the opportunity to attend leadership workshops for training on how to turn one’s passion into action. The first workshops of the year are on Sept. 25 and are open to both new and returning members. Membership applications and sign-ups for these workshops are available online now at

Save the date Back to School Mixer

“Save the Rage Forest ” Saturday, Sept. 13 This all-grades mixer is open to all Presentation students and high school boys from any school. Tickets are $10 and available online at

Starbucks Gift Cards Wouldn’t it be nice if each time you had a cup of ơ ǡ ǫ

Starbucks cards make great gifts for: ƥ Ƭ Ǩ

Buy a $10 Starbucks card and support Pres!

Cards can be purchased in the ƥ (house with white picket fence across the street from Pres) OR Ǧ Ǩ ƥ Ǥ

Starbucks Gift Card Order Form

No. of cards______________ at $10 each = $_____________ Parent Name_______________________________________ Phone Number_____________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Checks should be made out to Presentation High School.

September 2014


Mother-Daughter M g Mass and Breakfast Sunday, September 21 | Cost: $15 per person

Join us in this traditional Presentation celebration of mothers and daughters. Mass begins at 9 a.m. in the gym followed by a delicious breakfast served by our dads! This is a sell-out event! Get your reservations in early, as we cannot make exceptions due to space limitation.

Professional photographer Al Bacosa will be available.

Mother-Daughter Mass and Breakfast

RESERVATIONS DUE TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 Please return this form to: Presentation High School, Mother-Daughter 2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

Mother or guest’s name_____________________________________________________________________ Daughter’s name_________________________________________________________ Class of __________ Number attending ______ at $15 per person = $______________ enclosed





September 2014 Calendar of Events H TION IGH S TA CH N SE




1 Labor Day holiday



9 LIS H E D I N 1




First Mag Drive turn-in day


Fall Sports Parent Meeting, 7 p.m., gym

Math and Science Colloquium, 7 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

Parent Board 7 p.m., library


College Essay Workshop 1 p.m.-1:45 p.m., Valenzuela Theater

Second Mag Drive turn-in day

Immersion Info Night for Parents 6 p.m., Library

Booster Board Meeting, 7 p.m. Library

Fifth Mag Drive turn-in day

Snip-ITS 7 p.m., theater



Mother-Daughter Mass and Breakfast 9 a.m., gym

Auction Meeting, 6 p.m., Library





Mag Drive Assembly 12:30 p.m., courtyard


13 Third Mag Drive turn-in day


Heritage Society Welcome Dinner 6 p.m., La Rinconada Country Club


Final Mag Drive turn-in day

Back to School Mixer 8 p.m., center and courtyard


Mag Drive Final Assembly, 12:30 p.m., courtyard Snip-ITS 7 p.m., theater

26 Fall Leadership Conference




Senior Parent College Night, 7 p.m., theater



Fourth Mag Drive turn-in day




Speech and Debate Parent Info Night 7 p.m., library



THURSDAY DECA Parent Meeting 7 p.m., Library

Fashion Show general meeting and social 7 p.m., center


CI Service Faire, 11:05 a.m. Musical Parent Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Valenzuela Theater




TADA, 6:30 p.m. Reception Room




For complete calendar visit

27 Fall Leadership Conference

September 2014 Campbell, CA Permit No. 332


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