The Lantern - August 2014

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LANTERN Welcome back to Pres! Dear parents, It is with great excitement that I welcome you back to another school year! The quiet halls will soon be filled with the happy chatter of plaid-clad Pres girls, the leisure of summer all but a distant memory. Even though we have been on summer vacation, Pres remained alive with activity. Most exciting is the new 200 Building. Construction began immediately after graduation and is scheduled for completion by the start of 2015. Six new classrooms and an expanded weight room will greatly enhance our curricular and co-curricular programs. It has been a rather surreal feeling to stand in the dance studio or locker room and look up to blue sky. The entire athletic department is temporarily housed in the back of the CLC and will remain there until it is safe to move back to the first floor.

We also gutted a workroom/storage space adjacent to the library. For 2014-15, it will be the home of ASB and its moderator. The following year, it will be converted to a work area for students where they can work on individual assignments or meet with other students on group projects. While all this was going on, we managed to have a robust Summer at Presentation program — our largest ever. We also thoroughly cleaned the entire campus and modified classroom technology in anticipation of the new 1:1 iPad program. So life here has been busy, requiring an intricate plan to achieve all of our goals. I would like to thank our building and grounds staff for the hard work and patience and the tech team for its coordination and efficiency. Together we have made Pres even better, and we are ready for all of your daughters to return. Finally, a warm welcome to the students and parents of the Class of 2018! The four years will fly, so make the most of them! Enjoy the last few weeks of summer; we look forward to seeing you soon!

Mary Miller ’72 Principal

Inside this issue Room 7 was completely gutted and is now a fully equipped science lab and classroom. With this addition and the completion of the 200 Building, we will be able to add more STEM classes and fill them with talented young women — future scientists, doctors and engineers. What was the admissions office (across from the attendance office) has become our new college counseling center. All three college counselors will have offices in proximity to the center, which will have both digital and hard-copy college materials. It will be a great space to drop in to do a little research or meet with college recruiters.

Attendance reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A note about anonymous feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mag Drive 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Away we go: Nicaragua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parent Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campus Ministry retreats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5

OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Auction donation form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Auction sponsorship form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 August calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8




Important reminders about attendance

College Counseling

School liturgies and assemblies are held during the collaboration period and they are mandatory for all students. It is strongly encouraged that students remain on campus during non-mandatory collaboration periods to receive extra help from their teachers, make-up tests and quizzes, work on group projects, study and complete homework. If a non-mandatory collaboration period falls at the beginning or end of the school day, a student may be off campus.

“What should she be doing?” is a question we often hear from parents regarding the summer months and preparing for the fall college application process. In May, we sent an email to the Class of 2015 and posted information on the Welcome page of Naviance on this topic, but with a couple of weeks to go before the start of school, the short answer to this question is: essays. The Common Application has opened, and although most of the Common App is organizing personal information and data entry, this is a good time to look at the writing section and begin to brainstorm ideas and start rough drafts. Even if the student’s college list is still fluid, starting essays now — whether they are on the Common App, the UC application or another college’s personal statement — will be helpful in managing the application process.

Freshman and sophomores who have a study period at the end of the day (4th or 7th period) must remain on campus until the end of that period. They may be in the library, center, courtyard and available computer labs. Juniors and seniors with a study period during 4th or 7th have the privilege of leaving campus during that time. If a student’s study period falls at the beginning of the day (1st or 5th period) she need not arrive on campus until the beginning of her first class. However, it is never permissible for students to leave campus if their study period falls during the school day at 2nd, 3rd or 6th period. These and all other school policies may be found in the Student-Parent Handbook in your daughter’s school planner.

A note about anonymous feedback Occasionally a school administrator, counselor or teacher will receive an anonymous message expressing a concern or an opinion about something or someone in our community. With technology and the explosion of social media it has become very easy to send anonymous messages, notes and letters that are accusatory in nature. However at Presentation our preferred method of communication with families and students is either in person or writing and signed. We cannot respond or react to anonymous messages – we must know to whom we are responding, and we cannot act upon secondhand information. There will be no response made to an anonymous message. It is our desire to have strong partnerships with our families, and open communication and dialogue are essential components in achieving that.

By Mary Connolly, College Counselor

A reminder: Seniors have mandatory collaboration meetings with College Counselors in their mentor groups when we return to school. At this kick-off to the fall application process, we review logistics of the college process, go over important dates and deadlines, and introduce specific Naviance tasks that will be required of seniors. Below are dates and mentor group assignments for the Class of 2015. These collaborations are mandatory – appointments should not be made during these times, and attendance will be taken.

Key college dates MONDAY TUESDAY Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1 p.m.-2:15 p.m.

9 19


11 21


11 25

Connolly mentor group – Library Schrader mentor group – Room 14

Thursday, Aug. 21, 1 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Meyers mentor group – Library Rodriguez (formerly Rahmig) mentor group – Room 14 Duwel mentor group – Room 101 Monday, Aug. 25, 1 p.m.-2:15 p.m. Komar mentor group – Library O’Keefe mentor group – Room 14

Mag Drive 2014 The competition for the Spirit Trophy kicks off with the annual Magazine Drive in September. Begin selling your magazine subscriptions early to give your class a leg up on the competition and start earning prizes like Starbucks and iTunes gift cards, cash and – if you’re the top seller – a trip to Hawaii! Go to and use our organization ID No. 2585081.

Don’t forget to print and save your online receipts to earn credit toward prizes!

August 2014

Away we go: Nicaragua By Crystal Catalan, Community Involvement Moderator

This summer nine Presentation High School juniors and two teachers participated an immersion trip to Nicaragua. As a community seeking to live out the motto of “Not Words, But Deeds,” this group journeyed together through faith, joy, and challenge. They spent time at the mission sites of the Presentation Sisters (run by Sr. Rachel Pinal, PBVM) in a small town called Somotillo, and they learned about various ministries that serve the town’s citizens. The mission sites in Somotillo are comprised of two schools as well as Casa Materna, a home for pregnant women who are experiencing at-risk pregnancies. All of these organizations are recipients of funds raised from Presentation’s annual Mission Drive.



“This experience made me feel like I was part of something that would live forever. It managed to pick at my narrow sense of perspective and mold it into something larger. I was able to see that the work that I was doing was for something. Something big and awesome. I realized that those trenches, where I stood shoulder-deep, were going to better the lives of others. We were building a way to get water to people. We were saving future generations from suffering from preventable sicknesses due to unsanitary water. Best of all, we were doing alongside the locals.” – Juritzi Torres “The first school we visited was an agricultural school in the mountains. Our task in the classrooms was to get to know the students and play some fun games. It was a challenge to break through the awkwardness, but giving it a try opened up my eyes. There are a lot of cultural differences that everyone has, but finding common ground ended up being so rewarding. It reminded me that I can make a connection with anyone if I try hard enough.” – Megan Logsdon

The group also spent a week in Chinandega with Amigos for Christ working alongside local citizens. This immersion trip challenged each student to be step out of her comfort zone, whether it was digging a trench up to her shoulders, struggling to communicate in Spanish or battling the humid weather. Despite the challenges, the group focused on solidarity and building relationships with the Nicaraguan people as well as with one another.

“What I saw in Nicaragua were beautiful people living a simple life, kids who had contagious smiles, and a close-knit community that is fighting poverty together. Nicaragua is a place that taught me how to live on purpose and be content with the things I have. Life is short, and they exemplified how to live each day like it was their last. This experience in itself was an inspiration and has taught me about gratitude, patience, and compassion; I thank God for giving me this opportunity.” – Julianna Gonzalez




2014-2015 Family Directory advertisements and messages

Support our Parent Board events and projects!

The Presentation High School Directory is a great place to advertise your business or organization! This free, userfriendly online publication published as a searchable PDF . Ad rates range from $115-$350 . All business ad forms are due by Friday, Aug . 15 .

Visit the Parents page of the school website at to learn more about the following:

Another option is to surprise your daughter and put a personal message to her in the directory . Cost is $30 for a limit of 30 words per ad . All messages are due by Friday, Aug . 29 . Visit the Parents page of the school website at to download the advertisement and message forms .

• The Mother-Daughter Mass and Breakfast on Sept . 21 is a sell-out event – a wonderful morning dedicated to moms and daughters. (RSVP by Sept. 16) • Back to School balloon bouquets are a fun and festive way to tell your daughter “Have a great school year!” (Purchase by Aug. 20) See form below. • Drink Starbucks and support Presentation – the perfect combination! (Year-round!) For questions contact Jane Jeziorski at jjeziorski@ presentationhs .org .

Back to School Balloon Bouquet BALLOON ORDERS DUE WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20 Please return this form and payment to: Presentation High School, Attention: Balloons 2281 Plummer Ave, San Jose, CA 95125 NAME OF STUDENT(S): ________________________________________ FROM (as you want the card to read): ________________________________________

Send “Good Luck” Wishes…

…to your daughter with a fun and festive Back to School Balloon Bouquet! On Monday, Aug. 25, the halls will be filled with color and excitement! You are invited to order a Back to School balloon bouquet which will be placed on your daughter’s locker. What a perfect way to say “Have a great school year!” (And why not surprise one of her friends, too?) The bouquet includes a good luck mylar balloon and two latex balloons in coordinating colors. The cost is $16. You can also add a Starbucks gift card for an extra $10.

NAME OF PERSON ORDERING: ________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON ORDERING: ________________________________________ I HAVE ENCLOSED: $________ for _____ bouquets ($16 each) $________ for _____ Starbucks cards ($10 each) GRAND TOTAL $_____________ Make checks payable to Presentation High School

August 2014



All are welcome at retreats

That's a wrap for PresRep

By Claire Foley, Director of Campus Ministry

By Jim Houle, Performing Arts Director

Hello from Campus Ministry! As we begin another school year, Campus Minister Annalora Calin and I would like to extend a special invitation to our non-Catholic students and their families. Over the past three years we have seen our retreat program and our club become “more Catholic,” and in speaking to our students we have discovered that a number of them believe a person must be Catholic to come on retreat or to join peer ministry. This is not true! All are welcome in our programs, and we appreciate the fact that we have a richer, more holistic program when all of our students are sharing their faith.

We are so proud of our PresRep summer theater program, which in July mounted two full-scale shows that were the culmination of five weeks of work – and fun! Our hardworking companies took audiences back to 19th century London for a rousing production of the Dickens classic Oliver! At the same time, these students also mounted an original family play, Dream Street, a story about a girl in a wheelchair in a land of car characters. Fun was had, moments were shared and many lifelong friendships were formed in our popular summer camp for girls and boys ages 11-17. So if you know of a student who would enjoy this program, do let them know about it for next year. PresRep is a great way for prospective students to get to know Pres while they are still in middle school, so do consider this program for any student you know who may be thinking about attending Presentation.

While we are proud to be Catholic, we also carry the deepest respect for those of other faiths. We know that adolescence can be a difficult time for all young women; the goal of our program is to support you daughter as her faith transitions from childhood to adulthood. Annalora and I hope that our programs will grow and that all students will feel welcome in peer ministry and in retreats. Please contact us with any questions.

Retreat Calendar Sophomores Tuesday, Nov. 11 or Tuesday, Feb. 24 Juniors Thursday, Oct. 23-Friday, Oct. 24 or Thursday, April 16-Friday, April 17 Seniors Thursday, Jan. 15-Tuesday, Jan. 16 or Thursday, March 26-Friday, March 27

Registration deadline: Monday, Sept. 15

For details and registration, visit

WHO WILL BE THE GUYS AND DOLLS? Did you know that the No. 1 human fear is appearing in front of an audience? Did you also know that many CEOs credit performing arts classes and experiences as integral to their confidence and creativity? So perhaps this is the year that your student participates in performing arts at Pres. We have two choirs, after-school dance classes, an improv comedy team and a first-rate drama club, the International Thespian Society, which is open to all students. Also, auditions for our fall musical, Guys and Dolls, are Aug. 26-27 at 3 p.m. in the Valenzuela Theater (callbacks Aug. 28) with an audition workshop offered on Aug. 21 at 3 p.m. This will be a fun-filled and entertaining evening of theater with sets and costumes galore, as well as no doubt outstanding performances from our talented students. So do encourage your student to give the stage a try at least once in their four years here. Guys and Dolls runs Nov. 1-16 (select dates). WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT TADA!?: A special thank you to our superb performing arts booster club, TADA! — currently under the leadership of presidents Maeve and Terry Hannon. Last year, TADA! produced two fundraising shows – The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and All Hands on Deck – and raised substantial funds to upgrade our facilities and technical capacities in the scene shop and theater. Each weekend, this group makes its presence felt, constructing sets and costumes and organizing parent volunteers to ensure that our high production values can – and will – continue. Anyone who has been to a show here knows that our smooth-running operation is due primarily to TADA! We are, of course, always appreciative of the tireless energy and enthusiasm that our volunteers give to our theater, choir and dance programs. If you wish to participate in TADA!, click the link on our Performing Arts webpage ( and find out how you can get involved. See you at the theater!




Save the Date Saturday, Oct. 25 路 Villa Ragusa

For m ore infor m a t i on vi s i t W W W . P R E S E N TAT I O N H S . O R G / A U C T I O N

Our silent auction is largely dependent on donations we receive from local businesses, parents, alumnae and friends of Presentation. We are most grateful for any donations of items of distinction and quality. All donations, including cash donations, are tax deductible as Presentation High School is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Your donation will be used at our discretion.

Custom gift

August 2014



Oscar Winner

Leading Role

Supporting Role


Movie Star






*Donation level qualifies for Presentation Platinum Club member

*Donation level qualifies for Presentation Circle member

VIP Seating at event Exclusive sponsor party invitation VIP Service

(Includes express registration with separate line and delivery of all won items to your table)

Complimentary glasses of wine at Premium Wine Bar

Four glasses

Two glasses

Four tickets

Two tickets

Two glasses

Two glasses

Upgraded wine selection at guest table Champagne served to table and specialty token Complimentary tickets to the auction event Complimentary one-night stay at The Pruneyard Inn, Campbell

AUCTION SPONSOR FORM The Presentation Auction is the largest fundraiser of the school year. Being a sponsor is a great opportunity for you to support Pres girls as 22% of our student body requires financial aid. Sponsors make it possible for Pres girls to take advantage of everything our campus has to offer - athletics, academics, technology, co-curricular programs and scholarships. Our sponsorship campaign is vital to the success of our auction event, and we are grateful for your support!

Sponsor Information Sponsor Name (to appear in catalog) __________________________________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ Address________________________________________________City/State___________________________________ZIP ________ I would like to sponsor the following level:

□ $10,000 • Oscar Winner □ $7,500 • Leading Role □ $5,000 • Supporting Role □ $2,500 • Nominee □ $1,500 • Movie Star Payment Information

□ Check #__________ enclosed for $______________ made payable to Presentation High School. □ Credit Card □ Visa □ Mastercard Name on Credit Card ________________________________________________________ Card#______________________________________________________CVV#_____ZIP_________ Expiration Date _______________ Amount to be charged $________________ Signature _________________________________________________________________ All sponsors to be listed in the auction catalog are due by Oct. 1. Complete form and send back with payment to: Presentation High School, Attn: Auction Sponsors, 2281 Plummer Ave., San Jose, CA 95125 or submit payment online at If you have any questions, please contact Special Events Coordinator, Johannah Baccaglio at or (408) 264-5110 ext. 2493 Presentation High School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.





August 2014 SUNDAY

For complete calendar visit


















Tech Training, library



12 Frosh Orientation 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.



Student ID photos Auction meeting 6 p.m., library



19 Student ID photos


13 Frosh Orientation 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.


First day of school


Welcome back!

Opening Liturgy 11 a.m.

Senior Class Photo 12:30 p.m.





Incoming Parent Meeting, 6 p.m.

27Club Day/Spirit

Festival, 11 a.m.



Back to School Night, 6:30 p.m.


Frosh Mixer 7:30 p.m.

August 2014 Campbell, CA Permit No. 332



Non-Profit Organization

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