The Lantern - February 2015

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Construction is Complete!

From the Board of Trustees

By Public Relations Intern Johanna Lazar, ’15

It’s amazing to see that Building 200 is operational! What once was a dream, then a concept, is now having a major impact on our campus. From the design to the technology enhancing the classroom and learning process, it’s a gem.

The Stephens Family Building 200 has opened just in time for the spring semester. Standing at a little more than 7,800 square feet, the building features 6 new classrooms, new heating and air conditioning, and new furniture, including brightly colored chairs with individual desks attached. The new classrooms allow teachers that previously did not have their own classrooms to have their own space. “It’s nice to get settled into my own place,” says math teacher Heidi O’Keefe. “It’s great to have some space to do what I want with it.” In addition, the new space allows Presentation to add more courses to the curriculum while lowering class sizes, a huge benefit for students. The classrooms’ swivel chairs with individual desks attached add their own unique benefits as well. “No two classrooms look alike; it’s how the desks are put together- some are in pairs, some are in circles, some are in rows. It makes all different kinds of learning opportunities possible because you can change the configuration of the rooms,” says principal Mary Miller. Overall, the new building adds many new advantages for the Presentation community and is sure to benefit Presentation students and faculty for years to come.

By the time you read this, the building dedication will have taken place, and we have so many people to thank! To our donors, your gifts enable Presentation to deliver leading-edge learning and expand our extracurricular programs that enable “real world” skill development. To our faculty, staff and administrative team, your creativity, planning, patience, and flexibility enabled on-time construction while still delivering top-flight education to our students. Many Board of Trustee members were actively involved. Shout-outs go to Lou Basile, our Building Committee Chair, for his insight and hands-on supervision and Bob Hencken who spearheaded the project through the city and neighborhood approval process - a monumental task! The Board will be working on our other initiatives in the coming months including long-term strategic planning in Technology, Finance, Advancement, and Mission Advancement. The building committee gets to relax somewhat as we look into future projects. Fred Crary, Chair, Board of Trustees

Inside this issue From the Parent Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DEPARTMENT UPDATES Special Student Shout-outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attendance Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spirit Week at Pres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department Spotlight: Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Campus Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Community Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletic Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dance Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6

OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Fashion Show 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fashion Show Fundraisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 FEBRUARY CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


February 2015


Special Student Shout-outs

From the Parent Board

The DECA club competed in the Silicon Valley District Career Development Conference. Elona Bebla took 2nd place overall at the competition for her work in Restaurant Management. Karina Dandia and Riya Shah were grand finalists for their Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan and Buying/Merchandising Team Decision Making. Manasa Venkatesan placed in the top 8 for the Marketing Management test. Minna Nguyen took 2nd on the Hospitality & Tourism test.

Dear parents and friends,

Presentation̕s Speech & Debate team qualified two competitors to the elimination rounds at the HarvardWestlake Tournament: Mariah Stewart and Amy Santos.

During the ASU Debate Tournament, the Speech & Debate public forum team of Sweta Sridhar and Nikita Jagadish earned their first bid towards qualifying for the Tournament of Champions.

Shruti Goli won the Comcast Foundation's Comcast Leaders & Achievers Scholarship due to her dedication to making our San Jose community stronger.

Stuti Vishwabhan qualified as a runner-up for the National Center for Women & Information Technology National Award for her aptitude and interest in technology. The Presentation theater department wrapped up its run of #HeadCase, an original musical that explored teen issues such as anxiety, cyber life, social media, and peer pressure.

I hope all of you are planning on attending the Crab and Pasta Feed on Saturday, Feb. 7. This all-you-can-eat crab and pasta dinner is such a fun event and a great excuse to get out, eat amazing crab, and dance to our fabulous DJ Curtis. This year’s theme is “The Sporting Life.” It is always a soldout event and the Crab Feed committee has spent hundreds of hours working on the Crab Feed; it’s certain to be a great night. If you haven’t reserved your tickets yet, you can do so at With Valentine’s Day around the corner, most of us are thinking about making dinner plans, but don’t forget our girls! The Valentine Balloon fundraiser benefits the Vintage & Vogue Fashion Show. Volunteers are still needed to help put together the balloon bouquets and distribute them around the halls the night before Valentine’s Day. The Presentation halls become a pink and red wonderland of balloons for the day. If you have time on Thursday, Feb. 12, you can sign up to volunteer by following the link at and click on Volunteers. Thank you to all of you who have registered your grocery store cards, as well as credit and club cards on eScrip. Currently, we have made almost $30,000. This is an easy fundraiser and signing up is simple–just go to and register your cards. That’s it! Every time you use your card, any benefit will go directly to Presentation. I would like to extend a special thank you to the officers of our Associated Student Body who attended our last Parent Board meeting. They gave us a very informative overview of ASB and their activities and contributions to our school. The girls did a great job! Our next Parent Board meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. in the library. Parents are always welcome. Enjoy your February break, whether you plan on skiing, traveling, or just catching up on your sleep! Lisa Allen Parent Board president

Like Pres on Facebook!

February 2015



Attendance Reminders

Spirit Week at Pres

With the new semester well underway, here are a few refreshers about attendance procedures:

It’s time for the most spirited week at Pres! Student Council is preparing for plenty of fun, games and competition for the student body. All of this is in pursuit of the Spirit Trophy, which is awarded to the class with the most spirit points at the end of the year.

If your daughter needs to stay home due to illness or injury, please contact the Attendance Office by 9 a.m. Use our direct line: 408-266-1060. Call in each day she is absent; when she returns, send her to school with a note from you stating the dates and reason for the absence(s). A student is considered absent if she misses more than 15 minutes of class. If your daughter is late to school within the first 15 minutes of class she will be marked tardy. After the first 15 minutes of class she will be marked absent and will require a note. In the rare instance when your daughter needs to leave school for an appointment, send her to school with a note from you stating the reason she needs to leave and the time she is to be released from class. She will be given an early dismissal slip to show her teacher. If she returns to school after her appointment, she must check in to the Attendance Office for an admit slip. With the cold and flu season upon us, please keep your daughter at home if she has had a fever within the past 24 hours. Also, encourage your daughter to wash her hands often and avoid sharing food, drink, phones, etc. If your daughter feels sick at school, she needs to see Ms. Furtado in the Attendance Office, and Ms. Furtado will call a parent to come and get her.

Panther Pandemonium: Wednesday, Feb. 11 This is the biggest event of Spirit Week! On Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex, class levels will be competing in relays and performing dances to win spirit points! Hall Decorating: Monday, Feb. 2 - Monday, Feb. 9 Deck the halls with Student Council! This year’s theme is “Happy Holidays” and each class level is transforming a section of the main hall into the following themes: • Freshmen: Chinese New Year • Sophomores: 4th of July • Juniors: New Year's Eve • Seniors: Christmas Students will stay after school during the week to construct and paint. How can you help? Donate recyclable items to your class for bonus points, or even come help hang the decorations after school on Monday, Feb. 9. Stay tuned for a note from your daughter’s class level about specific needs. Dress-up days and lunch activities: Monday, Feb. 8-13 Students earn spirit points for their class when they trade in their plaid skirts for each day’s dress-up theme.

SAVE THE DATE! If you are interested in joining this year’s golf planning committee, please contact Johannah Baccaglio at

Friday, May 15 Cinnabar Hills Golf Club


February 2015


Student Self Care

Department Spotlight: Science

By Peg Schrader, LMFT Dean of Students and Senior Class Counselor

By Diane Rosenthal, Science Department Chair

Being a San Francisco Giants fanatic, I am still basking in the incredible glow of three World Series victories in five years. When I became a season ticket holder in 2000, I never thought I would see one championship, let alone three, in my lifetime. However, as amazing as it all was back in October of 2014, the parade ended, the celebrations ceased, and it was back to reality for all of us. We do not have parades or celebrations every day… that is not where we live. We live at the bottom of the mountain, often in the valley, where life shows up and days can be difficult to navigate. Every one of us carries around his or her private pain, sadness, or challenge. It is in those ordinary days that we need to be adept at self-care. Part of self-care means to be selfish, to do something for yourself that is nurturing and lifegiving. Explore what that may be for you and begin to incorporate it into your daily routine. Some things that I have found helpful over the years are journaling, exercise, massage, yoga, hot baths, volunteering, art classes (drawing, painting, ceramics), knitting, psychotherapy, date night with your spouse once a week, cooking/baking, gardening, spiritual reading and prayer, to name only a few. Prayer may include reciting the Rosary, attending daily Mass, or meditation. Lately, I have been doing a lot of spiritual reading, listening to some incredible cello music and writing my own music on guitar. Set the example of self-care in your home and encourage your daughters to do the same. For those who have senior daughters, help them to navigate through this difficult time of waiting to hear from colleges, being accepted, wait-listed, and denied. Offer suggestions of self-care options and have them brainstorm ways they can stay balanced, focused, strong, and peaceful. Spring Training begins for the Giants on Feb. 14. Why don’t we all report to our self-care training camps beginning today?


Your one-stop shop for Panthers on-the-go!

The Science Department has had lots of exciting things happening this year. We remodeled the Room 7 lab over the summer. We now have movable desks that can raise and lower. This allows teachers to teach in not only a classroom setting, but also allows them to transform the room into a lab setting in minutes. Thanks to donor Lisa Bedard, we were able to buy new goggle sanitizers, incubators, and flammable safety containers for this room.

The Science Department also welcomed three new teachers this year. Wendy Kennedy is our physics and Earth Science teacher, Megan Twiddy is our AP Environmental Science and Honors Biology teacher, and Alyssa Russo is our new chemistry teacher. They are a great addition to our department and the school. The teachers are also trying to incorporate technology more in the classroom since we have gone to the 1:1 program. Jordan Wang has been recording his lessons and setting up podcasts for the students to be able to listen to the lectures again when struggling or absent. Wendy Kennedy’s Earth Science classes will be looking at clouds and updated their findings to NASA’s database. They also recorded their observations of the Napa/Sonoma earthquake in October on the USGS shake database. Students in physics are using Ubersense, a very neat app that allows them to record labs that need time as part of the data. They can then slow down the video in order to find precise data points. Almost all the teachers in the department have either Canvas or Google sites, where many of the assignments can be turned in paperless and students have access to all calendars, worksheets, and powerpoints used in class. Five of our AP Physics students will be participating in the National Science Olympiad on Jan. 21. Let’s wish them luck!

February 2015



College Counseling

Campus Ministry

Planning for summer? The College Counseling office receives a multitude of mailings and brochures from simple pamphlets to polished magazine layouts presenting a variety of opportunities for your daughter to spend her summer. Many take place on college campuses across the country and at universities abroad. There are summer programs for every academic subject, career interest or personal interest that a high school student could envision, and we want our students and families to be informed about them. We maintain an extensive listing on Naviance, in the link titled “Enrichment Programs.” Sophomores and juniors can log onto their Naviance accounts and then click on the “Colleges” tab. Freshmen, who will receive their personal login information later in the spring, are able log on as guests. A link to the sign-on page for Naviance can be found on the main page of the Student Portal on the Pres website. Use “panther” as the guest password and then look under the “Colleges” section. Students can search alphabetically or by keyword for a specific interest, e.g. leadership, engineering, on campus, etc.

We are excited to take sophomores on retreat at the Presentation Center in Los Gatos. The Peer Ministers who lead this retreat will help the sophomores focus on personal relationships, trust, and forgiveness. Space is still available for this retreat; interested parties should register on the Campus Ministry webpage or stop by our office in the CLC.

It is important to point out that these programs do not carry more weight in college admissions than having a part-time job or volunteering for a cause for which a student has a real interest or passion. And, attendance at a summer program at a college holds no influence with that particular college in their own admission process. Colleges and universities fully realize that not every family can afford the cost of these programs, and not being able to participate will not be a negative on your daughter’s application. What can be positive, whether it is a summer program, or a job as a camp counselor, is the experience that she will gain and the skills she will learn and apply in the future high school and college.

College Counseling Important Dates MONDAY Thursday, Feb. 12: THURSDAY

9 12


11 25

7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Bellarmine College Prep: Joint College Information Night for Sophomore Parents

Wednesday, Feb. 25: 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., College Athletics/NCAA Eligibility Information Night for all parents. Marian Stuckey Center

Our annual Junior Ring Mass will take place on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. All parents and family members are welcome to attend this special liturgy. Our juniors will have their rings blessed, receive their rings, and learn about Presentation̕s special traditions for our upperclasswomen. We are currently recruiting for next year’s Peer Ministry team. Students of all faith traditions are welcome to join this group, which is designed to deepen the spiritual experience of its members, as well as that of the school. Under the guidance of the Campus Ministers, the program includes the participation of next year’s sophomore, junior, and senior students. These students are invited and empowered to develop and share their unique gifts and faith interests through prayer, small group sharing, retreats, and participation in various forms of ministry. The Peer Ministry program also includes numerous prayer activities, as well as training and engaging the students in various forms of ministry: retreat leadership, prayer, lectoring, altar serving, Eucharistic and music ministries. Our Peer Ministers are the backbone of activities that form the faith life of the school. Campus Ministers will be during freshman, sophomore, and junior religious studies classes. Please encourage your daughter to apply! Feel free to contact with any questions.

Community Involvement As we prepare ourselves for the coming of Lent we are reminded of our call to love and serve our neighbor. Mission Drive, which takes place Feb. 24 - April 1, is an opportunity to answer that call! Throughout the six weeks, class levels, homerooms, groups of students, and individual students are encouraged to bake, craft, design, dance, eat, and sell in order to raise money for the Presentation Sisters' missions in Nicaragua and Guatemala. Last year we were able to raise $19,428 to donate towards the health clinic in Guatemala and rural schools in Nicaragua.

Want a snapshot of life on campus?

Keep an eye out for fun events including our annual teachers versus students “Dunk 4 Nuns" basketball game on Wednesday, March 4 or our Teacher Sumo Wrestling Challenge on Tuesday, March 24.

Pres is now on Instagram! Follow 'MyLifeIsPlaid' to see what our Pres girls are up to!

Don't forget Mission Drive kicks off with our Mission Drive Prayer Service on Tuesday, Feb. 24.


February 2015


From the Athletic Department Greetings, Panther supporters! Our winter teams are off to a great start this season! Our varsity soccer team is 5-1-2 and had shut-out wins against Santa Teresa, Notre Dame Belmont and Wilcox. Our basketball team is 7-5 and clinched a post-season berth with their win over Santa Rosa at the West Coast Jamboree. Come support our winter teams and watch our Panthers compete in the tough WCAL. Tryouts for spring sports start on Monday, Feb. 2. If your daughter is planning on doing a spring sport, she has to complete and turn in the Athletic Participation packet. Contact Presentation’s Athletic Trainer, Julia Murphy, for more information: 408-264-1664, ext. 2962.

February Varsity Home Games Basketball Tues. 2/3

vs. Valley Christian, 7:30 p.m.

Tues. 2/10

vs. Archbishop Mitty, 7:30 p.m.

Fri. 2/20

vs. Notre Dame Belmont, 7:30 p.m.


The Athletic Department fundraiser, Game of Throws, is on Saturday, March 28. Game of Throws is a baggo (also known as cornhole) tournament and will be held in the Presentation Gym. The Athletic fundraiser costs $75, which includes playing baggo, BBQ dinner and beer/wine. All of the proceeds from Game of Throws go directly to the Athletic Department and provide our student-athletes with the resources (top-notch coaches, equipment, uniforms, etc.) they need to be successful student-athletes at Presentation. Registration is now open online, so get signed up now for a great night!

Weds. 2/4

vs. Archbishop Mitty, 3:15 p.m.

Sat. 2/14

vs. Sacred Heart Cathedral, 11 a.m.

Weds. 2/18

vs. Valley Christian, 3:15 p.m.

Go Panthers! Stacey Mallison, Athletic Director

Thurs. 2/26

Softball vs. Pioneer High School, 3:30 p.m.

Follow Presentation Athletics on Twitter and Instagram: @PresPanthers

Dance Team Update During the past month, the Presentation Dance Team has been hard at work preparing for upcoming competitions. The team practices three times a week, plus weekend rehearsals in the gym. During each practice, the dancers focus on synchronizing their dances, and work on “esprit décor” or “spirit of the team,” in order to look unified on the floor. Next month, the team will take on four different competitions. These regional competitions will be a chance for us to show off what our passion and diligence has led us to accomplish. Look below for a schedule of competitions. We would love to hear your hoots and hollers of support from the bleachers! Following our final regional competition, we are off to compete at the Dance Team Nationals, held in Orlando, Florida. The extravagant stadium, large crowd, and surrounding of talented teams from across the nation make Nationals the highlight of competition season. Here’s to a successful season!

Season Schedule: Homestead Competition: Saturday, Jan. 31 Bella Vista Competition: Saturday, Feb. 7 Monta Vista Competition: Saturday, Feb. 14 West Coast Elite at Valley Christian: Saturday, Feb. 21 Nationals: Feb. 27- March 1, times TBA

Middle School Dance Opportunity If you want to experience what it’s like to be on the dance team, the team will be hosting a six-week dance program for students in grades 6 through 8. Rehearsals will be from 4-6 p.m. in the dance studio on the following dates: March 12, 19, and 26, as well as April 16, 23, and 30. Participating students will have the opportunity to perform in our Spring Dance Concert on Wednesday, May 6. Dress Rehearsals will be Monday, May 4 at 6-7 p.m. in the theater. Please contact Sara Fugate to register:

February 2015



Fashion Show Fundraisers Surprise Your Plaid Valentine!

Friday, April 24 Santa Clara Convention Center

Send a balloon bouquet to your favorite Pres girl’s locker on Friday, Feb. 13. Each $18 bouquet includes colorful and festive balloons along with a special note from you. Order at www. fashionshow or pick up an order form in the main office. The deadline is Monday, Feb. 9 at 4 p.m.

Fashion Show 2015 ∙ Vintage & Vogue Tickets will be on sale next month but there are still plenty of ways to get involved with Vintage & Vogue in the meantime. Visit the Fashion Show website at fashionshow to see how you can support the show. There is still time to sponsor, place an ad, or work behind the scenes to help make the show a huge success for the endowment for financial aid program.

Are You Ready for Junior Ring Ceremony?

Be a Sponsor of the Show Support this fundraising event by being a sponsor. Each sponsor level features various perks for the show.

Donate to the Benefit Drawing Wish List The fashion show committee is hoping for donations such as: • Weekend or weeklong stays at condos, cabins, beach houses, desert hideaways, or any exciting destination • Sports memorabilia, golf foursomes, athletic gear • Tech gadgets, including: iPhones, iPods, iPads, and computer gear

Advertise your Business Purchase a program ad to promote your business to the Pres community!

Support Your Daughter’s Team, Club or Feeder School with a Tribute Ad Every student loves to have her picture in the annual Fashion Show program. Make sure your daughter’s photo is included in our program by donating towards either a sports team, club or feeder school photo.

Volunteer Exciting volunteer jobs are available before, during and after the show. Reservations available in early March.

Junior parents, the only-at-Pres Junior Ring ceremony is coming Thursday, Feb. 26 at 1 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend as your daughter and her classmates come together to share scripture, stories, and hugs, and receive their class rings. On this very special day, present your daughter, granddaughter, or friend with a beautiful bouquet for only $15. Bouquets must be pre-purchased and picked up outside the gym before the ceremony. Order at www. or pick up an order form in the main office. The deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 9 p.m.

All proceeds benefit the endowment for financial aid. To get more details, get involved, or make a donation just visit The countdown is on!


February 2015


February 2015 SUNDAY



For complete calendar visit




3 TADA! 6:30 p.m., reception room

Hall Decorating begins

Scholarship Luncheon 12:30, center

Spirit Week begins





Math & Science Colloquium 7 p.m., center

Musical Snip-ITS 7 p.m., theater

The Sporting Life Crab and Pasta Feed 6:30 p.m., gym


14 Talent Show 11:05, gym

Spring Sports Parents Meeting 7 p.m., gym








Booster Board Meeting 7 p.m., library

Parent Board Meeting 7 p.m., library


Musical Snip-ITS 7 p.m., theater




Spring sport tryouts begin



Happy Valentine's Day!





Winter holiday 22



25 Sophomore Retreat

Mission Drive Prayer Service 11:05 a.m., gym

NCAA/College Athletics Information Night, 6 p.m., center

26 Junior Ring Liturgy 1 p.m., gym

February 2015 Campbell, CA Permit No. 332


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