July 2016 Lantern

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LANTERN Important Dates in August

It's hard to believe, but the first day of school is just weeks away. This newsletter will help you and your daughter get ready for the year. Please read everything in this packet closely. You will have everything you need to be informed, prepared and ready to go in August. Return to Regular Hours Monday, Aug. 8 Presentation will resume regular hours of 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please note that the school cannot be responsible for the safety or welfare of your daughters outside of these hours unless she is involved in an organized event such as athletics, dance or music. Please arrange carpools to accommodate these hours. Frosh Orientation During this mandatory two-day orientation, freshmen leave their books at home and wear free dress. Thursday, Aug. 11, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. (Check-in begins at 8 a.m.) Students will visit their classrooms, find their lockers and—most importantly—meet their classmates! They will also be introduced to counseling services and student activities. Lunch is included. As soon as students are dropped off in the morning, parents are invited to an informal, fun meet-and-greet in the library at 8:30 a.m. hosted by the Presentation Lantern League. Enjoy coffee and pastries as you get to know other incoming parents. Friday, Aug. 12, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Check-in begins at 8 a.m.) Students will learn about Campus Ministry, Community Involvement and homeroom, as well as how to use their iPads in preparation for classes. Students should bring a snack or plan to purchase one at school during the morning break. First Day of School Monday, Aug. 15 Students should bring their schedules, iPads and books and report to their mentoring classrooms by 7:40 a.m. Opening Liturgy Monday, Aug. 15 The opening liturgy will take place at 11:05 a.m. on the first day of school. Students must wear their formal uniforms. If you have not yet purchased the uniform, you may do so via the Merry Mart online store.

Presentation High School Parent Newsletter | July 2016

Student ID Photos Wednesday, Aug. 17 Thursday, Aug. 18 ID photos will be taken during English classes. Students must wear their white Presentation High School polo shirts. Incoming Parent Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 17, 6 p.m. All parents of new students must attend an orientation meeting in the Marian Stuckey Student Center. The meeting will conclude around 8:30 p.m. Appetizers and beverages will be provided. Back to School Night Wednesday, Aug. 24, 6:30 p.m. Meet your daughter’s teachers and learn about her classes. Representatives from campus programs and departments will also be on hand to tell you about Campus Ministry, Athletics, the Math and Science Academy, Counseling and much more! Don’t miss this fun and informative evening.

Updated and New School Policies

School policies are updated and revised each year. All school policies and procedures are contained in the Student/Parent Handbook that will be distributed to students the first several days of school. Below are some policy highlights that parents and students need to be aware of. CLARIFICATION OF CONCUSSION PROTOCOL Concussions that are Presentation High School sport-related must be reported immediately to our athletic trainer. Concussions that are not sport-related or happen outside of Presentation High School should be reported immediately to our campus learning specialist. The learning specialist will provide the student and her family with a concussion packet. The family will be asked to review the concussion packet and share it with their treating physician. At the earliest convenience, the concussed student will be encouraged to see a licensed health care provider trained in the management of concussion. A written diagnosis must be turned into the learning specialist in order to provide reasonable academic accommodations. UNIFORM POLICY Summer is an excellent time to repair a well-worn skirt or purchase a replacement skirt at the Merry Mart. As a reminder, uniform skirts must be worn appropriately, including length and size. Skirts must be large enough to be fully zipped and fastened at the waist. They may be no shorter than four inches above the middle of the kneecap or knee joint fold line and should be properly hemmed. Students may wear any blue (except turquoise or baby blue), gray or white shirt or top with their skirts. Pres Wear is also permissible. Please refer to the Student Handbook available online for the complete uniform policy. SCHOOL HOURS The main office is open from 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily. The computer lab in room 101 is open until 5 p.m. The library is open until 6 p.m. each day unless it is closed for an afternoon meeting. After 5 p.m., students should go to the library unless they are involved in a supervised after-school activity. All students should be picked up from campus no later than 6 p.m. if they are not directly involved in a school-sponsored activity. MORNING DROP-OFF AND AFTERNOON PICK-UP Please be sensitive to our neighbors and other drivers. You should allow an additional 10 minutes for dropping off a student in the morning. Please pay attention to Presentation staff members who direct the flow of traffic in the mornings and afternoons. To help ease traffic congestion, Presentation High School strongly encourages students to be dropped off and picked up from school behind the gym to alleviate traffic congestion on Plummer Avenue. Drop-off or pick-up of students in red zones, driveways or in the middle of the street is not permitted. During morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, Presentation driveways will only be one-way. The north driveway is only for entering campus; the south driveway is only for exiting campus. To ease congestion on Plummer Avenue, families are encouraged to drop off and pick up their students behind the gym. Please note, drivers can only make a right hand turn when exiting campus from the south driveway. 2

The Lantern | July 2016

STUDENT PARKING All students are required to check the parking lot for open spaces before parking in the neighborhood. If a student must park on the street in the surrounding neighborhood, it is expected they are courteous to our neighbors by parking legally. Students may not park in white zones or in front of the Advancement House or Jenvey House on Plummer Avenue from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Students who violate drop-off and pick-up procedures will serve a minimum of a one-hour detention. PARKING DO'S: • Students must register all vehicles they drive to school in the main office. • Drive into the lot first to see if parking is available. • If you are parking on the street, get out of your car and check to see if you are parking safely, correctly, and legally. • Pay attention to red zones and hydrants. • Be courteous to our neighbors at all times. • Move your car if requested to do so. • Report any collisions or damaged vehicles to the main office. If you cannot locate the owner of the other vehicle, leave a note with your name, phone and insurance information. • Practice safe, slow, and courteous driving at all times PARKING DON'TS: • Don’t block driveways. • Don’t move garbage cans or park/drive over grass clippings. • Don’t pull into numbered faculty parking spaces, even for a few minutes. • Don’t stop in Presentation driveways to drop off or pick up students • Don’t talk on your cell phone or text while driving. It is illegal. • Don’t litter. • Don’t engage in arguments with our neighbors for any reason.

FOOD SERVICE INFORMATION Welcome to the Pasta Market hot lunch program for the 2016-17 school year. At the beginning of the school year, parents will be asked to pre-pay a certain dollar amount to allow the student to purchase her daily meals. Each student will be issued her own personalized account. The amount you pre-pay will depend entirely on how many days you believe your child will participate throughout the period. Suggested initial amounts are between $150-$200. The menu is a la carte which allows students to choose the menu items of their choice. Deposits/funds must be paid using our new online service which allows you to log on and make your payments electronically. www.thepastamarket.net School code: PRES67 We will still accept cash at the hot lunch line (counter service). However, we have found that establishing an account speeds the checkout process during lunch. You will receive a statement from us on a monthly basis (via email) informing you of your child's account balance. This will give you the opportunity to recharge the account for an additional period. If your child spends more than her balance she will be allowed to purchase lunch only for that day. If the account continues to have a balance due, your child will not be allowed to purchase any further meals and will be turned away from the hot lunch line. In order to maintain the integrity of the program and to continue to offer the lowest costs possible, please actively monitor your monthly statement and account balance. Any money owed from the 2015-16 school year must be paid before participation in this year’s program will be allowed. We have established a 24-hour message hotline for any questions and comments: (650) 949-3239. We also have a hot lunch coordinator who is happy to address any questions you may have: hotlunch@pastamarket.com.

Attendance Reminders

With the new school year fast approaching, here are some important reminders about our attendance policies:

and will be able to leave class at that designated time. Your daughter may carry in her backpack the following items: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Midol, Tums, and throat lozenges. If she requires prescription medication, the Attendance Office needs to be informed if she carries the medicine in her backpack. If your daughter has severe allergies and requires an Epi-Pen, Benadryl, etc., please inform Ms. Furtado at (408) 266-1060 or cfurtado@presentationhs.org so we can keep an extra for her at school. If you are leaving your daughter in the care of someone else due to travel, etc., please inform the Attendance Office of who will be caring for your daughter in your absence. This is especially important if this person is not listed on your daughter’s emergency card. If your daughter is sick at school, she must go to the Attendance Office. Ms. Furtado will call her parents when necessary. We thank you for complying with our policies. We value your daughter’s well being and safety. It’s going to be a great school year! if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Furtado at cfurtado@presentationhs.org.

Parent and Volunteer Policy Parents must be fingerprinted to serve in most on-campus volunteer roles. The Verify Group will be on campus during the following dates to fingerprint parents: Monday, Aug. 15 (before the Work Scholarship Meeting) from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Reception Room Wednesday, Aug. 17 (before Incoming Parent Night) from 4:30-6 p.m. in the Reception Room Wednesday, Aug. 24 (before Back to School Night) from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Reception Room The cost is $67 and can be paid by cash, check or credit. Unfortunately, fingerprinting is non-transferable between schools, so all parents must be fingerprinted at Presentation (even if they have already been fingerprinted by their elementary or middle schools). Parents only need to be fingerprinted once during their four years at Presentation.

If your daughter is not coming to school or will arrive late, please call the Attendance Office at (408) 266-1060 no later than 9 a.m. For safety reasons, it is very important for us to hear from you no later than 9 a.m. All absences require a written note signed by a parent the day your daughter returns to school. Faxes and emails are not accepted. Your daughter is considered absent if she arrives after 8 a.m. and will need a parent note (unless she has a free period). In the rare instance when your daughter needs to leave school early for an appointment, send her to the Attendance Office before school with a note from you stating the reason she needs to leave school and the time of the dismissal. She will be given an early dismissal notice www.presentationhs.org 3

Office of Advancement Dear parents, We hope you have found time to relax and enjoy a restful summer break. Here at Pres, we have been anticipating the new school year and the wonderful possibilities ahead!

Campus Ministry Mark your family calendars for your daughter’s class level retreat! All students are welcome to attend these fantastic, faith-filled free and fun experiences sponsored by Campus Ministry. During retreat, students participate in group discussions and enjoy communitybuilding activities, with plenty of free time to reflect and relax. All retreats are open to—and enriched by—students of all faith traditions. This year, all of our retreats will be held off-campus; transportation will be provided. Although forms for sophomore, junior and senior retreats were due May 26, there are still a few spots open. Forms for freshmen are due Friday, Sept. 2. To register for a retreat, please visit the Campus Ministry page on the Presentation website. There, you will find a link to a form that you can download and print. Please mail the form to Presentation High School, attention: Campus Ministry. Retreat reservations will be accepted in the order they are received. Our retreats are popular and space is limited. Please register early to ensure a spot.

The Office of Advancement strives to make sure your daughters have the best of everything, including the best coaches, clubs, teams and co-curricular activities. But, tuition only goes so far to cover these costs. This year we ask that every family make a pledge to the Annual Fund on their tuition contract. We do need 100% participation to fulfill all the wishes we have for your daughters. It is our hope, and expectation, that all Presentation families contribute in some way to the Annual Fund this year. No donation is too small.

Last year, we proved all things are possible with participation from the entire community. This year, we will be sending out reminders and pledge letters to those who have not yet participated. We look forward to meeting each of you, along with your daughters, as we build this strong community. Please welcome our new Special Events Coordinator, Mattie Pasion, to the Advancement staff. Mattie will be heading this year's auction, "Speakeasy No. 2281" on Saturday, Oct. 22. Save the date, and plan to volunteer or attend as you will not want to miss this roaring 20s event!

Retreat Calendar

The Presentation campus has a great deal to offer, especially for parents. Please join our community and make your own memories. Volunteering is a great way to meet other parents while joining in a common goal—helping your daughter’s school. Because of you, we are a success. Please join us as we make this school year the best yet.

FRESHMEN: Monday, Nov. 14 or Friday, Feb. 10 *Note: Freshmen are required to attend one of the two available retreat dates.

Sincerely, Alice Dewhirst ’78 Ursano, Director of Advancement aursano@presentationhs.org

SOPHOMORES: Monday, Nov. 28 is now closed. Thursday, March 2 is almost full.

Mattie Pasion, Special Events Coordinator mpasion@presentationhs.org

Please contact Annalora Calin with questions: acalin@presentationhs.org.

JUNIORS: Thursday, Oct. 20-Friday, Oct. 21. This retreat is almost full. Wednesday, April 5-Thursday, April 6. Please note the date change from April 6-7 to April 5-6. This allows juniors to be able to attend the Fashion Show on Friday, April 7. SENIORS: Monday, Jan. 23-Tuesday, Jan. 24 is the only open retreat. There are a few spots remaining. 4

The Lantern | July 2016

Jane Jeziorski, Parent Board Moderator jjeziorski@presentationhs.org

Advancement Calendar 2016-17 MOTHER/DAUGHTER MASS & BREAKFAST* Sunday, Sept. 18 A special time for mothers and daughters, this beautiful mass is followed by a delicious breakfast prepared and served by our Presentation dads.

PRESENTATION AUCTION Saturday, Oct. 22, Villa Ragusa Our largest fundraising event of the school year features great food and fine wine accompanied by silent and live auctions filled with fantastic gifts. Join us for an evening you won’t want to miss! TEXAS HOLD 'EM TOURNAMENT* Friday, Nov. 18 A relaxed, fun-filled night with a fabulous homemade dinner, beverages and spirited card playing! This is an event with lots of friendly competition and camaraderie. PRINCIPAL'S STATE OF THE SCHOOL ADDRESS* Tuesday, Jan. 31 During this informative evening, Principal Mary Miller discusses academics, co-curricular activities, finances and future growth plans. A question-and-answer period follows the address. VINTAGE ’62 Thursday, Feb. 2 This men’s night out is a wonderful evening of fellowship featuring excellent wine and food. CRAB FEED* Saturday, Feb. 11 This casual all-you-can-eat crab and pasta feast is accompanied by great music, dancing and fabulous decorations. CIRCLE & PLATINUM DINNER Thursday, March 2 This annual appreciation and recognition dinner honors donors who give $1,500 or more over a 12-month period, with special recognition given to Platinum Club members who give $5,000 or more over a 12-month period. FASHION SHOW Friday, April 7, Santa Clara Convention Center This spectacular show featuring senior students and parent models is an event the entire family can enjoy together. Join us for the luncheon or dinner show. INCOMING FRESHMAN BBQ* Wednesday, April 26 During this special welcome BBQ for incoming freshman families, students schedule their classes and have the opportunity to meet with coaches, teachers, performing arts directors and co-curricular program chairs. GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, May 12, Cinnabar Hills Golf Course This day of fun on the links is a scramble or best-ball format and includes a women’s flight. A round of golf, carts, lunch, a delicious dinner and prizes, prizes, prizes are all included! SENIOR DINNER* Wednesday, May 17 A special night for graduating seniors and their parents, the Senior Dinner includes a delicious meal followed by a video of the seniors’ four years at Presentation. *Sponsored by the Parent Board

www.presentationhs.org 5

Athletics By Stacey Mallison | Athletic Director

Thank you to all of our Panther supporters for a great 2015-16 school year! The past year has been a successful one: • Varsity cross country won the Crystal Springs Invitational and qualified for the CCS meet.

We want our students to stay healthy and active this summer. All students are welcome to participate in our Strength and Conditioning program this summer. Coach Shaun Eagen will run workouts all summer long. Check the Athletics page of the Presentation website for more information.

• Field hockey earned the CCS Scholastic Team Award for its impressive 3.6 team GPA.

Our annual fundraiser, Game of Throws 3.0, will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2017 in the Presentation gym. Mark your calendars, this will be sure to be a fun night!

• Golf also earned the CCS Scholastic Team Award for its outstanding 3.8 team GPA.

Enjoy your summer and go Panthers!

• Varsity volleyball made it to the CCS championship match and advanced to the state tournament where they were NorCal finalists.

Fall Sport Tryout Schedule

• Varsity basketball had a 14-0 start to its season, won the West Coast Jamboree and made it to the CCS finals. • Varsity soccer started its season 12-0-2, finished undefeated at home and advanced to the CCS semifinal match. Fresno-bound senior Emma Chivers earned the WCAL Forward of the Year Award. • JV softball was crowned the WCAL champion. Varsity softball played in the WCAL tournament championship game, qualified for CCS and advanced to the CCS quarter-finals. • JV Swimming & Diving was undefeated and earned the league championship title. • Varsity swimmer Chloe Isleta '16 won WCAL and CCS titles in the 100 backstroke and 200 IM; she also is the state champion in 200 IM and third in California in the 100 backstroke. Chloe, who will swim at Arizona State next year, was also named the 2016 San Jose Mercury News Swimmer of the Year. • Varsity Diver Celine Chuapoco '17 was named the 2016 WCAL varsity diving champion. • In track & field, our pole vaulters swept the league championship meet. JV pole vaulter Isabella Grant '19 is the 2016 WCAL JV pole vault champion. At the varsity level, our top three vaulters placed first, second and third with Sydney Jaques '16 earning the 2016 WCAL Varsity Pole Vault championship. Sydney also advanced to CCS finals and also qualified for the state meet. • Congratulations to our 2016 Presentation Scholar-Athletes. Dalyn Burns '16, a four-year varsity volleyball player, will continue her volleyball career the University of Nevada, Reno. Sydney Jaques '16, a four-sport athlete and a four-year varsity pole vaulter, WCAL Champion and multiple-time state qualifier, will continue to pole vault at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.


Congratulations as well to our 2016 U.S. Army Scholar-Athletes, varsity basketball stars Megan Jaeb '16 and Mary Claire Simone '16.

The Lantern | July 2016

Fall sports tryouts begin much earlier than usual this year; most fall sports are holding tryouts on Wednesday, Aug. 10. Please check the Athletics page for information. All student-athletes who want to try out for an athletic team must complete and turn in the athletic participation packet before they can try out. For more information, visit the Sports Medicine page in the Athletics section of the Presentation website. All students trying out for a school sport are required to turn in an athletic participation packet prior to the start of each school year. Students will not be permitted to participate in any conditioning program, tryout, practice, scrimmage or game until the athletic participation packet is complete and on file with the Athletic Department by Monday, Aug., 1, 2016. Direct all questions regarding the Participation packet to our Athletic Trainer, Heather Terbeek, (408) 264-1664 ext. 2962 or hterbeek@presentationhs.org. There will be a mandatory fall sports parent meeting for all parents who have a student-athlete that made a team on Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 7-9 p.m. in the Miller Athletic Complex. All transfer students must meet with Athletic Director, Stacey Mallison, in order to be elligible to participate. Ms. Mallison may be reached at smallison@presentationhs.org or at (408) 264-1664 ext. 2492.

CROSS COUNTRY Varsity Coach Craig Lee (925) 864-5336 or extracrspi@yahoo.com Proper running attire required Monday, Aug. 8, 8 a.m. Quicksilver Park, McAbee entrance Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors only Stay connected: Follow Pres on social media!

CROSS COUNTRY (contin.) Tuesday, Aug. 9, 8 a.m. Campbell Park, Gilman and Campbell Ave. Sophomores Juniors and Seniors only Wednesday, Aug. 10, 8 a.m. Quicksilver Park, McAbee entrance All grade levels Thursday, Aug. 11, 3:30 p.m. Campbell Park, Gilman and Campbell Ave. All grade levels Friday, Aug. 12, 3:30 p.m. Los Gatos Creek Trail, Meet at LGHS Track All grade levels Saturday, Aug. 13, 7 a.m. Los Gatos Creek Trail, Meet at LGHS Track All grade levels

FIELD HOCKEY Varsity Coach Shiv Jagday, coachshiv@aol.com Bring stick, goggles, shin guards, mouth guard, water bottle, etc. Monday, Aug. 15- Friday, Aug. 19, 3-5 p.m. Mani Hernandez Field

GOLF Varsity Coach Angie Papangellin, (650) 799-1273 Proper golf attire required. Your clubs may be stored in the gym foyer concession stand. Tuesday, Aug. 16-Thursday, Aug. 18, 3:30-4:15 p.m., Tee times, 9 holes Los Lagos Golf Course, 2995 Tuers Rd., San Jose, CA 95121 One-way bus leaves school at 3 p.m. Parents must pick up after tryout.

TENNIS For all inquiries please contact the Athletic Office at (408) 264-1664. Proper tennis attire required, including tennis shoes and racket. bring water and a snack. Monday, Aug. 15, 3-4 p.m. Meeting at Presentation High School, classroom TBA Tuesday, Aug. 16-Friday, Aug. 19, 3-5 p.m. Wallenberg Park tennis courts, Curtner and Cottle Ave.

VOLLEYBALL Varsity Coach Dustin Moore, dpmoore.moore@gmail.com or (650) 225-5379 Wear volleyball attire, including court shoes and knee pads. Bring water bottle and snack.

VOLLEYBALL (contin.) Wednesday, Aug. 10, 9-11 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. 9-11 a.m., Mani Hernandez Field 4-6 p.m., Miller Athletic Complex Thursday, Aug. 11, 3:30-6 p.m. Miller Athletic Complex Friday, Aug. 12, 2:30-4:30 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Miller Athletic Complex Saturday, Aug. 13, 1:30-3:30 p.m. and 3:30-5:30 p.m. 1:30-3:30 p.m., JV/Varsity team only, Miller Athletic Complex 3:30-5:30 p.m., Frosh team only, Miller Athletic Complex

WATER POLO Varsity Coach, Jon Muir, jonny6141@gmail.com or (408) 391-9714 Bring water polo suit, goggles and swim cap. Wednesday, Aug. 10-Friday, Aug. 12, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Presentation pool www.presentationhs.org 7

The Lantern | January 2016

Presentation High School The Lantern 2281 Plummer Avenue San Jose, CA 95125


JULY 2016

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